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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  July 28, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> why waste the air time? ♪ ♪ >> andy: i'm andy levy sitting in in for greg gutfeld. congress is going to finally get serious. >> we got great topics tonight. lots of great topics. >> the u.s. economy, syria. the crisis, none of those actually made the cut for this evening. instead we'll examine the chick-fil-a controversy and it's a touchy subject but female
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muslim olympians to compete or even exercise or vote. and how much meat is too much meat for senator charles grassley. we investigate and you decide. >> andy: could you be cooler when you do it next time? all right. get off my tv screen. let's welcome our guests. fox news correspondent anna korman. bonnie mcfarland. and you can catch him on broadway. steven, die-hard the musical. victor roberts. heaven help us, new york times correspondent. don't believe in heaven and this weekend sunday review.
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investigates the question. can they let us off the hook by our behavior. my favorite is a giraffe. you shall confusing the word with anomaly with the word animal. my favorite animal is lion. i thought you just said giraffe. i'm an intern. >> andrew. >> can we get both of you out of here? >> we have to work over that over the weekend. >> these definitive words about eating their birds, he has weighed on the chick-fil-a saying he doesn't care about the company's stance on gay marriages. it's one of the most viral videos, it was produced during a local tv interview. we can't show you the original. here is it re-creating on a red
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carpet. he got that famous. >> obviously we have a linkin park, she snatching you people up. hide your kids, hide your wife e they are ripping off everybody here. >> and openly gay, said about the chick-fil-a hullaboo. >> i think i'm thinking -- oh, my that is so crazy, why? they start explaining to me about the gay marriage thing and how, people a person from chick-fil-a doesn't approve of it. i don't care about one person's opinion or how they feel that. is the way they feel that. is fine. just give me a good meal and i eat there quite frequently. nobody is going to stop me.
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if i want to have a sandwich, i'm going to have a chick-fil-a sandwich. it doesn't matter what people think. it comes down to it. if i want a chick-fil-a sandwich. i'm going to have one. so it's crazy, whatever. >> what about the fries? >> man, you know the waffle fries. >> he is a treasure. >> victor, welcome to the show. before we get started, congratulations you are due and you are going to be knighted next week. no one is going to be paying attention to the olympics. it's going to be a big deal. >> it will be a big deal. >> let me ask you about this story if that is okay? >> please do. >> have we settled this debate. >> this guy is the conscience of america. if he decides to throw his hat
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or hair into the ring for vice president. i'm going to endorse him. what he is saying is kind of what everybody thinks. yeah i'm for gay marriage but i have a lot of relatives that aren't and they are older and religious religious. so who cares. if you don't like what the guy said, don't eat there. but i'm going to keep eating there. he said the most intelligent thing that has been said about this controversy in the last 20 years. >> andy: especially when he said it doesn't matter what people think. more than a hundred million people viewed the video. his opinion obviously is very important. >> you know he is saying hi, kids and extra fries. i'm wondering what on earth somebody gets a great idea to interview this guy. how about little kids from, is
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that your wife. are we going to go on and on and on? >> do you eat at chick-fil-a? >> i love chick-fil-a. there was one by my house in charlotte and that was my treat. i would get the peppermint milk shake or peach milk shake during the summer. >> we're not getting it as an appetizer. i love the waffle fries. they do not love me. >> agricultural critic. what do you think of the whole thing? >> waffle fries, any day of the week. as result i would stick to the ceo when i say antoine is america.
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i think that is something we can all agree on. >> andy: in i wanted a sandwich i'm going to have a chick-fil-a sandwich. you can't argue with the logic? >> you can't tell people what to do. like my view wish husband, will only eat at swasticaka cafe. pba cafe. >> andy: he has to be happy you told people that. where is that? >> they are all over. >> they are very good. >> they don't like my hair cut. >> what do you think this whole chick-fil-a thing has been going on for a couple weeks. position of the company has been well known, anti-gay marriage, but all of a sudden a couple weeks ago he gave an interview and became a big thing. do people not know this
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beforehand? >> politics is really boring. whenever you get into a social issue, it's exciting and fun. people can make serious pronouncements and stances that most people don't think about because it makes you feel good. look at his stance, no different than president obama up until three months ago. rahm emanuel went after him, were they bigots? they changed their mind. everybody has a potential to change their mind before gay marriage or not. the fact is a lot of people loot a religion and think think it's bigotry but that is the way it is in america right now. i hate america. >> andy: should people, i almost feel like to a certain extent chick-fil-a is being punished because the president is open how he feels. you know there are other
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companies that are run by people that oppose gay marrpolge. ao we need a list of these people? >> anybody really surprised that is his view. he is very, very far right strong christian. they are closed on sunday. that is the mantra that people know chick-fil-a by. they eat there because of that. >> do you know what ea ie is ng cosed on sunday, gay bars. >> andy: i don't think that is true? >> i know. >> andy: i'm going to move on. from fast food to fast hands. she'll do martial ae ams, the jo competitor will compete in the olympics. denounced women saying exercising it goes against their natural role. another lady athlete news, she
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was bounced by a tweet because she is bitter and upset. she calls it discipline anna. it's a highly excessive. kicked up trouble ahser tweeting so many africans in greece and west nile mosquitoes will at least eat the food. michael has a front row seat. i want to remind you at home there is bit of delay. mi he are you there? >> hold , greg, i'm. >> andy: it's andy actually. what can you tell us about the opening ceremonies? >> hold , greg, the opening ceremonies it's really electric out here. >> andy: and i understand that
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paul mccartney and james bond were there? >> yes, greg, there is a lot of crazy things happening at these opening ceremonies. you just got to be here. >> andy: still andy mike, do you have any pictures from the ceremony? >> that's it from london, be yk to you, greg. >> andy: paying for his trip probably wasn't worth it. not good at all. victor, first of all congratulations on england getting start with a bang. >> enot and's treasure, it isivpired me to get into show business. we shared a lot. >> you've been here too lon the >> we shared a flat for some time and a lot of what he did rubbed off on me. >> andy: a spkdi officpoll muslm
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athletes would have to wear outfits according to the law. >> but good for her. whatever you show that picture of the greek woman i don't think any woman couldn't be more attractive falling. she fell. >> andy: i don't know. >> she is about her secret. >> definitely a white mouth. >> in the u.s. >> hey, bonnie isn't the important question, no one is asking what are these women doing out of kitchen? >> i agree with you on that one. iirst, what is the lady's name, what is her story?
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>> andy: which one. >> the saudi? >> her last name -- i don't have it in front of me. i can't productive her name. >> to wear american clothing and have american names becpkse the broadcasters have to say it. >> and in sashe'i arabia they aenounce women who exercis. you are a fit expert. do you kind of have to see they have a point. who wants to look at women that are in really good shape. >> you just showed the greece l% >>y. >> that was gross. >> she is gorgeous. >> how do you feel. >> gira i wear skie ams when thy play baseball, right? >> i have never seen it. i never have. let me ask you this, as a
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cultural critical this greek triple jumper he is bitter and up sit. shouldn't she bitter and upset she has trained to jump very far three times in a role. >> what has this greek girl done to you? >> wait a second. >> i think both of these women ao have something in commod i can combine the two stories. one will be competing, one won't regardless of whatever happesiv thold will go home and get stoned. that is my theory. that is my pre didction and my sole criticism. >> do you think after this whole thing, does she still have a chance at a career in the high stakes world of triple jumping? >> that is a tough thing. it's such a narrow bro% >> field.
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>> you are thinking of broad jump? >> i think this is blessing for you. it gets her out into the real world so she can get a real job. >> andy: she has the most famous triple jumper? >> you forgot ingrid. >> in 1952. >> the olympics is trasivforming or adapting of women stae amingo adapt to. look at women boxing is in the spick making a dousut in london. the youngest is 17 years old. >> they get a box and you put a plant in the bmen . >> it's li he bopicng day. >> great for the holidays. >> and you have olympic fever? >> sure? >> i h% >> yellow fever.
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>> i don't know where the olympics are. i haven't been paying attention at all. >> alaska, i believe. >> i'll give you a hint. psorpolsis. >> in england? >> from bs boinning to end, shod state help them split. boston agency is advising teenagers how to brepti up. they begin the third annual break-up summit to teach teesiv that don't spark ns boative behavior li he listening to a dull song over and over. its grant from some stupid ioundation, lectures our citizens how to communicate with significant others about bonndaries. see if they are casold ,lly loog up or in a relationship. said one sophomore, now i got
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all the information you have to give your partner safe. you don't need to be hoeging up on them all day. and captain admiral and nancy side cat. that is fancy hat cat. >> that that the eternal question. >> if we could only be half as happy as that cat? >> that is t. le. >> government sponsored seminars >> it seems like that would be the job more than the gbreer6 et instead of government has that kind of cash to throw aronnd. i thooeht that was receive te of passage. boys talking about punching
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holes in the wall. it teaches you a lesson. probaer. handle my anger. >> never go out with anybody again. >> and you start curling our hair we burn our fingers and we learn how to hold. >> i never burn my fingers. >> i don't know how you break up with teens, i do it on fe yousok and change my status. >> seems like quick and easy. >> change your phone number and mbree. >> part of this program, going to schools, they make the kids watch skits. >> nobone ny should have to wath ebits. >> no wonder they are angry. >> victor you are the o. y epritish actor that wasn't actold ,lly in love but i'm guessing you could probably give good relationshssi anglic a re >> i wish i h% >> something like
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this when i was dumped by hugh grant in boarding school. it drove crazy. >> the importance of relationship
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got to go to break. coming up. is that the key to survive these tough economic times. but first, what is peter blabbering about this time? i think it's some kind of delicious animal flesh.
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>> andy: they are making bets with his last breath. peta the animal rights group is taking wagers on when charles grassley will die after he expressed a passion for pork. it started earlier this week. they were talking to the republican lawmaker that he would eat more meat on monday.
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agriculture that the memo was made without proper clearance. but peta has pounced on grassley. we're taking bets on how long it will take the senator to succumb to heart disease or cancer or some other meat related disease. you know who doesn't have enough of this, shopping cart kitty. wow! that was fantastic. >> for your title role, you went on an extensive all meat diet. is peda being classless? >> when i was on the all meat diet it didn't have anything to do with food. i don't know where to start with this. peta, is a temporary cause for young people before they get
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pregnant. once a woman gets pregnant. she stops thinking about little animals and starts to think about eating them. >> i'm a vegetarian. >> i cheat a little, i eat veal. [ laughter ] >> that is fantastic. that is fantastic. [ laughter ] >> you cheat a little, you eat a baby calf. >> it's so tender. >> you can't argue with that. >> oh, my goodness, you are such a bad person. >> anna, the newsletter suggested meatless monday, to be environmentally friendly. does that make sense? two plus three equals four, that doesn't add up to me. we could see peta could be so
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ridiculous and outlandish. remember they got upset at president obama because he killed a fly. >> it's almost like they want publicity. it's weird. [ laughter ] >> andy: and health problems that come with eating large amounts of meat, i say you eating, i think it was three racks of ribs in the green room? >> is that what it was. i thought was yams. >> andy: are you really a vegetarian? >> for philosophical reasons? >> because the real reason i don't know where the meat is coming from. >> you watched the movie. >> two documentaries i can watch is about nazis or food you eat. >> do you pick the vegetables yourself? >> yes, i have an outdoor. >> but vegetable says living
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thing. so you eat stuff that has fallen to the ground. have you make sure that vegetables. >> i torture animals. i don't care about it. >> you don't want to get sick from it. >> it's the animal. >> you people are disgusting. >> i love animals. some say too much. >> and last quote to you. >> i'm currently working on documentary, what nazis ate and it's important to remember that hitler was a vegetarian. and grassley shouldn't be eating meat when he has grass in his name. all those pointed to me being a cultural critic. >> we discussed some culture and
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i was critical of it. >> you can write an essay about it? >> i will. >> hey, check out my blog. >> you are quite accomplished. >> you got a comment on the show e-mail us and voicemail or greg's direct line. still to come halftime report from t-shirt guy. >> tonight's half time is sponsored by boot camp. thanks boot camp. [ male announcer ] when mariel zagunis first took up fencing,
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the u.s. hadn't won gold in over 100 years. but thanks to them... and her... and especially this guy, all those years were just a prologue to this. ♪ it's amazing how far you can go with a little help along the way. td ameritrade. proud sponsor of the 2012 u.s. olympic team.
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c'mon0manp just do it,quick.ú no one's watchingp
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you0have to if you want to hang with0us ♪musicú the other one tooú good job
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welcome back. find out if we got anything wrong, we'll go to mike baker. >> i think, let's look at the first half. oddly victor and andy are tied for the lead with the most correct statements. gap is widening but traditionally the second quarter is a little slow. second quarter, it wasn't good. second quarter sprockets, third quarter of the economy, i don't know where it's headed. parry dime, i'm not sure about. and you can find me on twitter.
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>> good lord. >> and this is my drawing of my scooter. >> you are unbelievable. >> is it the drawing. >> that is good point. >> its terrible drawing. >> it was an awful drawing. >> not talented. >> story number one, andy, yes, in fact there are other kinds of alabamans other than openly gay alabamans. >> i checked with the contingent of them. they are not all openly gay. >> some are in the closet. victor, hold on. what is wrong with saying gay people in alabama. i just want to move on. with a part of england are you from? >> i lived in lester square for
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a while and i was one of the statues that didn't move. lieceshire. >> you were so close. >> there is no "h". >> that was your question? >> that was my question. >> i'm going to prove to you that i looked. >> do you think an endorsement from a british actor is going to make a difference? >> a lot of people are interested in my thoughts. >> anna, what is your favorite meal at chick-fil-a? >> a grilled chicken sandwich. >> what kind of beverage? >> a coke. i got something for you. this want to be cool like you.
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>> hey, bill, any chance you are going tor show us waffle thighs like waffle frys. absolutely not. >> we keep doing that. >> bonnie, congratulations, six minutes and 23 seconds before we had our first nazi joke. well done. >> the only reason i married a jew. [ laughter ] >> have you ever eaten at a chick-fil-a? >> i just have the bun. >> have you ever been in a gay marriage? >> my husband is gay. [ laughter ] >> what part of england are you from? >> you already asked me that question. >> you are just trying to kill time. >> i'm moving on to story number two. >> don't be so critical.
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>> the story on women athletes, actually is not the only controversy for the judo. that was issue of international boxing association. they tried to get the female boxers in the olympic boxers to wear skirts. they protested. one of boxers, said, what, women got breasts and we have butts. can't you tell who is who. so i thought i would raise that point before we move on. [ laughter ] >> that was the point that was raised. >> bonnie the olympics are in london? >> never heard of it. >> it hasn't gotten much publicity lately. >> high jumper, by the way, it's
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pronounced papa qis tou. the greeks care. >> birthplace of democracy. >> and actually you asked me is there a more famous jumper and the answer is yes. jonathan edwards. where do you think he is from. >> jonathan edwards a long time ago and he has been dead for years. >> he is the current record holder. >> you are mistaken. >> he is from england. >> never been able to win at any sport. >> current record holder, he jumped 18.29 would that be feet or meters? >> good question. >> it's kel zblin they measured in pints of lager.
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>> i still maintain that she is currently the most famous triple jumper in the world. >> it was probably not in england but probably the world. >> don't forget little wi banks. >> how could i forget that. >> he played for the cubs, didn't he? >> no you are thinking about ernie banks. >> there is a theory like that, originally it was the single job, but nobody could do it. so they decided to put it in three parts. >> can you define what the broad jump? >> the broad jump requires you running at a fast speed and then you lift yourself off the ground for a few feet and you land on an unsuspecting woman. >> wouldn't that be the standing broad jump. i looked it up on the internet. >> that was part of physical you did in third and fourth grade, the standing broad jump.
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>> i didn't get to the peta story, i had a whole series of outrageous stunts i actually researched during the course of first half which is why i wasn't listening to what was going on. i got them right here. >> it would have been great if you brought them up. one time they put a big naked pregnant woman in a cage in wintertime in london to protest naked pigs. they were protesting naked pigs. >> i have to hand it back to you >> coming up, who looks better naked? but first, what is sure fire way to do it at the gym.
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i'll tell you when we return.
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do the over the hills pop the most pills? the aging of the baby boomer generation is responsible for the drug addicted generation. they were popping pills to deal with aging. five million adults will need treatment by 2020. so let's discuss in the lightning round. >> bonnie, if you old, haven't you earned trite be addicted to whatever the hell you want? >> because what do you have left. all you have left is your drugs and you your driving. >> anna you are young and fit. doesn't it makes sense they are
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popping pain pills. things started to hurt, man? >> i think the issue they are addicted to it. that is what they are using when it's necessary. to me i'm wondering if they don't realize it they are vulnerable because the target population but in recent years there has been an increase in sexually transmitted diseases and nursing homes because these people are educated about same sex either. >> and they are taking viagra and cialis and all that stuff. >> right here. >> victor the only drug in england is paradedmal. i found it's acetaminophen. >> people are really diktsd ae diktd to, not dying. if you take any topic these days it's always going to be attached to the idea of aging because we
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are old. if you talk about pills, the aging are addicted. now the aged are body building. they are hand gliding because everybody is aging. i say you know what when you get older and sitting home watching tv, tv land, pain pills make it better. so be it. >> it's kind of try. why do we go to rehab? >> so we won't die soon. >> old people might as well be high. >> what does it say about our society? >> i've been working on my documentary thinking a lot about society. they wouldn't understand. what was the question? >> andy: i don't know. moving on. university of michigan, sexting
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may be a normal healthy part of dating. sexting isn't associated with risky behave. people that receiving sex they reciprocated and sexed back. >> do you believe that sexting is okay for adults? >> no, i don't know. it's out there on the internet. on the internet. it's out there for you possibly to show somebody. how many people have fallen from graces because of things like that. >> that is something had a should be sex education right now. >> that is good point. >> your husband, comedian is on the road a lot, usually bombing i would imagine. do you sect? >> no, we he would be getting
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mad at someone and tweet them some reply or something and like [ bleep ]. so i think, sexting with people you have to be careful but i don't think you should do it anymore. if you are going perverted, do it face to face. i'll show you mine if you show me yours kind of things. >> victor you played a therapist in the harrowing drama, you are dead lol. what insight did it give you. [ laughter ] >> maggie smith is a scamp. i had to lock myself in my
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trailer, she was after me. >> cat in heat. >> researchers are saying normal and healthy. this is why you ignore researchers. they know nothing about normal because they are tenured [ bleep ]. the researchers were trolling for women. >> i don't believe that is true. >> and have you done any sexting where you write a sexy essay? >> it's comedy for a play. call various and bee by the way i just sent you something, take a look. >> coincidentally time to take a break. >> and musical guest tonight, three dog night. [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar
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zbleent. >> andy: my favorite blog has the best termination gym membership letter ever. when there was a number of miss
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behaviors, lightweight baby while performing an olympic style lift. threatening an elderly man for using the squat rack for another purpose and finally disrobing in the fitness area and posing in the mirror in an inappropriate under garment while shouting about. victor, have you found another gym yet? >> look, this is discrimination against passion. i will spot them. i will top them the weight. >> you'll go home with them. >> and i'll do donkey calf raises in their basement. you are the weight when they go up and down. this man knew what he was doing. >> bonnie what types of people at gym bother you?
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>> i'm the gym working out all my inner thoughts, hello weirdo. [ laughter ] >> it's so true. >> did you forget my name? >> it starts with an "s", have you ever heard anything like this at the gym? >> there are all kinds of crazy people at the gym. there are spray cans or throwing weights down and screaming. yeah, mine, i don't know. it doesn't seem, stripping down. >> i love that word. >> how cute would it be if she marry last name grant? >> my number is.... >> i get it. [ laughter ]
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>> and i assume you far too busy to critiquing essays? >> i hope the guy when he was yelling out, was trying to talk about athletics. >> this is really stupid. >> exactly. >> he'll never come to any of my. >> this guy is getting losing his gym membership when he stripped down, i think he was completely naked at the airport and he was exonerated. >> i wasn't completely naked out there. it was symbolic. i'm a cultural guy. >> you are talking cross warfare. >> usually at the gym i usually wish i was magneto i could rip the heavyweights and throw them at people. >> all right. we'll have a post game wrap-up by mike baker.
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♪ ♪ >> don't forget. watch us saturday 2:00 a.m. and brand-new "redeye" returns on monday with greg gutfeld. >> what you got mike for the post-game? >> it would be good to have greg back on the show. bonnie tell us about your project? >> my wife hates me. i came up with the name. it's just me saying how much i hate him. >> that is cool. >> anna, explain why you may have been roaming the streets with homeless people? >> i will be covering all day. we start about 7:30 but call a g.i. go


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