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tv   Cashin In  FOX News  July 28, 2012 8:30am-9:00am PDT

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stuff. this is insurance protection. >> erack you like temperature >> producing less gold than expected. >> that is it for forbes on fox. thank you for watching the number one business block. continues with cashin in. >> white house unveiling a new form for stunes. what about the debt that washington is racking up? hi, i am tracey burns in for cashin' n. we have wayne and john. and elizabeth. and christian dorsey. welcome everybody. melissa, irony on the white house know before you owe. >> how ridiculous is i hope they have a giant machine and they need to hand it out to
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everyone in congress. calculate what they owe for everyone they do. stounts should have to calculate whether or not they could pay it back. they should see if they can afford it pay off the debt, right? >> wayne, it is not going to solve the debt problem filling out a form with a flop. >> did you see the form? >> yeah, right here. >> you have to be a moron. it is it like a yes, no exam. these are for people going to college. you have to be blind not to fill it out. the congress is blind. and it is full of dumb questions. can i do this? and can you pay this? it is crazy . if you can't pay back the college you shouldn't do it in the first place. there is a lot of scholarship
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that go begging. if you qualify for it you can get in a good school believe me . >> we have a national debt up from 2010 to the end of march and they are handing out a form for college expenses? >> how can you criticize the most important tool given to students and family and they can understand the true cause of a higher education. this is the only thing that is done to assist families in making this important decision thoughtfully by the way everybody. congress knows the implications of everything it does legislatively they know the impact despite the fact they perform the wrong way. >> giggling in the back. johnathon points out. student loan debt up 2.8 percent. and so it is it a big deal, too.
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>> yes, student loans that the government created. i mean, tracey this is it hilarous. christian, the fact that you think one form. it took three arms of government to come up with one-sided form. the white house, and the department of education and cfpv which has a 500 million budget. any kid with a lemonade stand can do that. >> it is it a trillion dollar problem. we have to start somewhere. >> hold on, let's get john in here. and student loan debt up from the beginning of 2003 to now. kids do need help but it is it ironic that the government is it issuing a form. >> christian is right. this is a major problem in our economy. the student loan debt. i have to take an issue with congress. congress is not know full
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well. monogamy is good. but i have tiger wood paris hilton endorsing it and melissa you are right on the competent roxing machine. they are about to go on a five week raication. >> and put it in the back pack and tell them they can't come back unless they finish their home work. >> in a free market consumers get value for value. but in education as we talked about for months it is anything but a free market. and the president's goal is not to make it competitive but put on more government control. >> christian, you made a point, the government is supposed to help people understand things. you can argue they are doing the right thing. >> absolutely. in a free market people need to be informed. that's what the form does.
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>> no, johnathon it allows students to compare the awards across colleges so they are informed. that's all it does. >> there is no way to say how much they will make in the end of the day. students have unrealistic expectation of what their salary will be when they get out. >> i want to go back it wayne, congress never puts out a one-page sheet for itself, does it. >> christian, when you say congress knows what they are doing. the dodd-frank bill was 2000 pages lon and they didn't read it obama care they didn't read out. and one-page for the kids to put out. they don't read it iq of minus 16 and that is 535 people combined. >> wayne, what i said. congress knows the
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implications and every decision they make is scored. >> yeah, to get monep from the next guy around the corner paying them to do something. >> there is no way you can defend this in congress. you are a good man. and the problems with student loans right now. kids need to learn how much they owe. students cannot default on these loans. you have the diabetic and it is a problem. >> but why? that is it the fundmental. >> melissa, you ariciding with christian in this might be the one good thing seen out of congress in a long time. >> at least break down what you are anything to owe. the biggest problem kids don't understand the bill and what it is it per month. they have to decide if they want to pay and be saddled with the debt. no one else will pay it for them. it will come back to the
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taxpayer. they need to realistically understand what they will make based on what they are studying. >> and this is it supposed to help them. this form doesn't help them pay back the debt. >> the problem is, with all of when you do a family budget you do we do it, why isn't the government doing it when they put out a new plan? >> their purpose is to evade reality and have government control over health care education. i disagree that people are stupid when they buy education . they are not so stupid when they by a car or iphone that they need the government. the reason we have the problem government is evading reality. and the president wants to keep them short and abnorm althoughly low in price and pushes up the cost that is a
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trillion in stount loan - student loan debt. >> free market and you hun for the right price and best place to bay temperature people do this coined of stuff. maybe we should do had that with college and maybe we don't need a silly form. >> there wouldn't be a need for commercial colleges. you can see ads on television going to various schoolings. if there was competition, you wouldn't need half of this stuff. this is a joke. i agree that everyone should try to get a college education. if you qualify for it, fine. you don't need a federal form made out by a moron to do it >> now we are set up for a good show because wayne call would someone a moron . >> a lousy economy causing rival row in the work place.
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>> the economy still stalling . gdp up one percent. and the economy is creating more rivalry in the work place. johnathon you say it is good for businesses how so? >> absolutely. there is no rivalry in the post office. in a free society and productive works competition. that is good and motivation is about achieving something and producing a value. that is what is important. desire in rivalry in the work place shouldn't be wanting to beat others but be the best you can be . you shouldn't worry about being better than other people.
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you should be the best you can. >> work places have gone from lean to down right mean. there is only so much room in the life boat. i didn't know we were drowning. there is not a lot of rival in the i.r.s.. >> there is no i in team. that is how it should be . >> but every kid doesn't get a trophy . that is a problem with society. and johnathon is right. it doesn't have to be that. competition spurse a better company. look at what happened with the internet bust in the late 1990s, companies with cash became great companies and in a bad economy . cutches that are good are good ump cans and companies that are not are weeded out. >> wayne, you run a bunch of businesses and the recession
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forced you to be lean and mean, too, right? >> you have to make a distinction, you are saying competition inside. and that is not good. it becomes personal and something that people are worried about and whether this guy is going to get my job. companies compete with each other. and compete in the product area and saying our product is a better product. that is good and that is the kind of competition you want. >> you have an 8.2 percent unemployment rate. they are holding on to their seats tightly and that makes you nervous and uptight and narcistic. that is not good for business. that is horrible unless you are running a tv show like survivor. what you want is your employees to think about how i can be better tomorrow than
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today and better next quarter and next year so that my company can glow. that's what upment. you don't want the silly riflalry looks good if my co-worker looks bad. >> you mentioned trying to currie favor with the boss, christian. what about the government. in a controlled economy. you get rewarded if you open a solar plant and drive a certain type of car. that is manipulation that is not real. and even employers are trying to do their own best to move up the later and that is healthy process. >> not, true. because it becomes personal when it becomes personal it is not good for the over all company. i have seen it 110 times and i know what i am talking about. if you are trying to make this guy look back so you are good. not good for the company. >> that is crossing the line.
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>> wayne is successful in business. he's been there and done it and sports analogy that is easy fo to understand. >> for whom? >> for my dad at home. a tarting quarterback that is trying to push. you make the entire team better when you are pushing to get better. i don't want my company holding hands smoking pyote together. we are talking about making your company better not sabtage. >> the problem is it comes from the top. leadership you the kumbaya like neal cavuto does. >> it is a matter of if you are pitted against each other intentially. when you are pitted each other to get ahead, it is not
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healthy environment. people are sabtaging each other and not happy. >> the best is example is the navy seals. they work together and they know what they do and they are very successful. >> and i have tremendous amount of respect for you as a former navy man. the desire to achieve for yourself and not beat others but do the best you k. that's what it breeds. >> christian, it is it human nature. i have two holly pops and kids there is blood. >> it is going to work best with the back up quarterback but it doesn't have to be at someone else's expense. it is beinging more valuable to the team and understand that everyone needs to perform well for that team to be
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successful. it is inspiring your co-workers to be better and not worse. >> we are going to leave the athletic apalges there. >> new home sales plunging again . a sign we are plunging in a recession? @ñ
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>> hello, everybody. mitt romney is heading to israel.
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it is a chance for mitt romney to make a good impression. the uk visit turned into a head ache when the british press ridiculed him. there is a new massacre may be coming in syria. it could be a decisive mome if president assaud loses to the rebels his presidency may not survive . hear finger pointing going on in washington today. president obama blaming republicans for a stalemate that could raise taxings. we'll talk with senator jim sessions . stay with us. . all right. hopes that new home sales will lead nation in a recovery . sales actually tanked 8.6
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percent last month. john lay field said it could point to a recession coming, you think, john? >> yes, this country is not build for systemuc high unemployment. housing has slumped and still too much inventory and there is no place for the jobs to be creative and without a national energy policy there is high unemployment for the future. numbers are upine and you cane manage the recovery and all of the programs out there trying to stop the decline. if the bottle up foreclosures they come roar back. >> kristin, you are thinking no recession? >>ut housing market is showing
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more encouraging than negative ones. we can't have a recovery in housing until we have a recovery in the broader economy. we have anemic growth that you talked about. tracey, until we get indifferent of improving the unemployment picture there is no doubt that housing will not be the robest. >> wayne, you don't believe any but christians. >> you quote economist and policy make yerse they are not specific. but christian is right. these are numbers that you know, month to month numbers don't mean a heck of a lot. and the things that are wrong in the housing market is not that people are not saying they don't have management. but the banks are not lending and they have bad from their
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appraisers and they put it in the file and the feds will say you can't make that loan. >> that's the problem. >> and part of the reasons that banks are not lening, why would you loan anybody for 3 percent and make money on their own . >> maybe we should come up with a new government program for ttracey? >> being with the promises from more government. shovel reed and unemployment under 8 percent and housing fixs and green jobs and lifting people out of poverty and none of it ever work . we need more intervention and stimulus in the market place. one thick they never talk about is economic freedom. are we in a recession or not? according to the nlrb it ended three years ago. we don't have the environment for economic >> maybe we need
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a one-page form. tharching you, christian dorsey for joining us this week, sir. >> bye-bye . >> everybody is running from greece and one of our guys is running to it and making big bucks. with dedicated support teams at over 500 branches nationwide. so when you call or visit, you can ask for a name you know. because personal service starts with a real person. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our support teams are nearby, ready to help. it's no wonder so many investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade.
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>> time for what do i need to know for next week? britain's on the role. for the lymph lymph and junior olympicsings. bp is a great stock to buy and wade through a meandering august. >> wayne, what do you have got? >> i like to turn around mode as far as the stock goes. >> biopharmaceutical had good earnings. melissa. >> they made big promiseless this week about saving the euro they have to follow through in policy. if they don't the market can't stay jubilant. >> johnathon what have you


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