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tv   Housecall  FOX News  July 29, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT

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>> eric: time now for supped hou-- "sunday house call," dr. marc siegel from langone medical
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center and author of "the inner pulse", unlocking the secret code of sickness and help. >> and chief of robotics at the mt. sinai medical center, good morning, dr. david samadi. the first topic, fallout over guidelines urging pediatricians to test all children for their cholesterol, regardless of weight or family history and medical experts are raising questions about that. should you test your child or not? dr. siegel? >> well, let me wade into it this way, 10% of kids hoof high cholesterol and 1/3 are overweight or obese and studies over the past few years have shown they are building up fatty streaks in their arteries, feeding the heart beginning at very, very young ages and there was another study that showed that overweight kids with high cholesterol build up plaque in their carotid arteries and this is a huge problem and i think knowledge is power but, you know, guidelines make me
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nervous. the war back and forth about when it should be done and to whom is really the question. i think any overweight child, any child with a family history of high cholesterol, any child that we think could have a risk factor for high cholesterol, should be checked at a very early age. they are saying 9 years old and i'm fine with 9 years old but, not for every child in the united states. you know why? kids get very nervous going to the pediatrician and you start doing blood tests on them and they will not want to go. let's target kids that are at risk but it is a lifelong problem. >> jamie: that is too many kids, dr. samadi, right? overweight and not in shape and potential for cholesterol. are there any manufacturers, for a child. >> there are hyperlipidemia and cholesterol, those children need to be screened but i want to take a little different side, because i'm a big advocate for screening whether it was the mammogram for breast cancer or prostate cancer and i think knowing what the cholesterol is,
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as young as the kids at the age of 9, is important. but, i want you to also know that medicine should not be a knee-jerk reaction meaning that high cholesterol should not mean statins and have those muscle pains and that is not the way to think about it. what happened was the preventive task force in '07 came back and said, look, we are not finding sufficient data to recommend universal cholesterol check for everybody. the new study came out in pediatrics that says we want universal screening and this is a big debate, that is more academic and we will not resolve it on this channel, but the point is that universal screening versus selective screening and that offers a great communication between the parents and the pediatricians to have that. >> jamie: which do you believe in? >> it is good to know that information because medicine is changing and the epidemic of obesity and cholesterol starts with the kids and as dr. seiege
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it started at the age of 9, and, once you get it early you can fix it and, the argument against it is that the psychological aspect, the cost of it, and not a long term... >> eric: well, if you have it in your family what do you do. >> get checked, i agree. one thing our viewers should take home from this is that this is a problem, we need to raise awareness for this and your kids could have the problem and we have to figure out if they do. it is a lifelong problem and the number one killer in the u.s., heart disease and doesn't start at the age of 40 or 50. >> jamie: and you say not necessarily statins and... >> i agree with david totally on that. one reason the controversy occurs is because people are overprescribing statins. >> and you can tell your son or daughter, put the hamburger done our engage in sport activities, that information i think is vital but not to put them on
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medication. >> jamie: but you have a better argument with a child, the doctor showed us this and we can correct it and you never have to worry, let's eat better. >> eric: have the goat cheese an cheat burger at the same time... peeking of issues, 79 million americans live with pre-diabetes and i know it found scary. what is that, dr. samadi? how do you prevent getting diabetes and if you have pre-diabetes what does it mean and does it is mean you will get diabetes? >> it follows the same thing we talked about, 79 million americans are suffering and pre-diabetes basically means your sugar is high. but, it's not high enough to be a real diabetes. and, the best test i want people to know is, hemoglobinin a-1-c, the blood best, look at the list of the labs from the doctor and it is there and if it is lis than 5.7% you are fine and between 5.7 to 6.4%, are pre-diabetic and, over 6.4%, you
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are a real diabetic positiatien look at the fasting glucose, if it is less than 100 you are okay, and 100 to 125 you are pre-diabetic and over 125, are diabetic. and eric, the annaswer is, ther are no symptoms of pre-diabetes, with diabetes you have frequent urination and tingling and it is a silent killer and you need to be tested by the time you are 45, to know if you are at high risk. >> eric: what is the test. >> alisyn: hemoglobinin a-1-c and the best way to get rid of this is to lose weight, it makes the insulin to become more sensitive and it works and you prevent it from getting... >> eric: you go to the doctor and they do the blood tests and think they cover it. do you have to ask for it. >> you shouldn't and i agree with david on one point.
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i have gone through checking hemoglobin a-1-c and, research shows, this is the way to tell, if your are going to have diabetes, the sugar on your red blood cell, if it is coated with sugar, the more chances are you have a sugar problem, we need to lose weight and cut down on portion size and change your carbohydrates to what you are eating to longer acting ash hydrates like fruit, like -- want to get fiber from your vegetables, it is not just carbs, it is what kind of carbs. >> eric: how do you know, if you have the test? what does it say on the sheet. >> a-1-c j you have to -- hemoglobin a-1-c. >> the point here is, that we are born with a certain number of receptors for insulin. our pancreas is like a motor, churning out insulin and the fatter we get the less of those
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receptors we have and the less we have, the more likely we get by dietz and we get resistance on the receptors, another great point, a problem with the metabolism and you have to lose weight, as you lose weight your chances go down and you can actually reverse it. you have diabetes one day and in the the next. >> jamie: next show, all four of us on treadmills! i can't wait for you guys to see that! ten people suffering from vertigo, you shouldn't be on a treadmill, can you find relief on youtube? yep, we have the results of a surprising new research study. >> eric: and summer is here and for some people you know what it could mean? lyme disease. can it affect the brain? new details and sunday house call is on twitter, the doctors will tweet live with you, follow it @sundayhousecall. and the doctors will be tweeting back. right here, we'll be right back. and environmental recovery.
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>> jamie: brand new research revealing a potential prescription for vertigo. can you believe it was on youtube? you heard right. dr. siegel could it be a source, where people will go now, youtube? they should tune in higher, i think. >> that is where i want to start. i say and david says we want people to see their doctor. it isn't about going to youtube and finding a cure. we are talking about benign paroxysman vertigo, it could be neurologic but if it comes and goes and it is positional, when you move to one side or another, that could be the benign positional type. don't diagnose it yourself or go to youtube yourself. but, here's what happens if it is benign, jamie, it is something called ear rocks, calcium carbonate forms in your inner ear and gets lodged in
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there and stuck and there is a maneuver called the maneuver where you literally move your head to one side and move it on the other side and you move again, and, if that actually works, about 70, 80% of the time, to dislodge these ear rocks, a treatment that, an ear, nose and throat doctor might do in their office but i don't think it is something you should do on youtube and the interesting thing about the study, they found the youtube videos were accurate in telling you how to do it but i will not tell you to do it that way. >> i agree with marc, don't self-diagnose yourself, but we live in an era where there is know such information out there and i remember actually 7, 8 years ago when i put the video of my own surgery on youtube, most patients were looking at it and they were coming up with excellent questions and in this particular one, university of michigan looked at the youtubes, 3,000 videos and 3 million hits and 64% of them are accurate. and you have to know which one is right and which one is not.
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the first time, you don't want to go to youtube, but if you have the diagnosis of vertigo and, a lot of things can give you similar symptoms, like vertigo, for example, epilepsy, and brain tumor and you know, any seizure, so, you have to go and make sure, once you have the diagnosis it is good information for you. >> jamie: don't be your own doctor. >> eric: talking about issues, summertime and you know what it could mean, lyme disease, e-mail from james in caramel, new york, he writes, i'm 61 and have had lyme disease 22 years and, the ability to handle stress and mood and temperament is horrific. what does it to do the brain, i became ocd and it basically destroyed my career. >> there is no simple answer, you have to dig in and find out
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and ask more questions, whether there are psychological issues in the past or not and get to know the person and based on the e-mail we have, i can tell you lyme disease is always being misdiagnosed because it is a gamut of things, the first thing is, to -- the rash you find is a very specific bull's-eye rash with a red circle and a -- you know, white halo in the middle and you need to recognize that. a few days after you may have flu symptoms, everybody has flu symptoms, one reason why it is difficult to find out what you have. and then it goes to your joints, cardiac issues and the thing about lyme disease, eric and jamie, it can go through the blood and goes to the brain and causes inflammation and it can be treated awith antibiotics bu 22 years of this problem, it is chronic and there are studies, that it affects your brain, it affects your brain, ocd and,
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ruins marriage and my advice, continue to fight and, there are studies, antibodies of a very aggressive antibiotic we give for a month or more to really dig into the deep tissues of the brain and i hope it helps but, obviously you have to be careful, of the e-mails, you have to get to know your patient. >> eric: a big question, lyme disease, how do you prevent it and spot it and, a tiny little thing that you... >> i see a lot of lyme disease in my office and a lot of people think they have lyme disease and the rash david is talking about, only 60, 70% of the time it is there, it is a lot and if you don't have the rash you can still have it and the number one symptom is fatigue and you might have depression and problems thinking and might get joint aches and if i treat it early enough it is gone and where the e-mail comes from, 22 years later is having symptoms and unfortunately, a lot of people think they have chronic lyme disease and don't have it but it is hard to tell because the
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blood test i do for lyme disease doesn't prove it, one way or the other, if you have problems, severe neurological problems you can have paranoia from this and, personality changes from this. it is possible that he does have it. now we don't know yet and this is where the research is going, is it from the bacteria? or inflammation or your body's immune system? attacking back? we don't know. i like david's suggestion a lot, for a patient we think has chronic lyme disease, try the antibiotic. >> eric: doctors, in the woods, look at yourself. >> and cover yourself. >> jamie: thanks. important issue and our country lost her too long, astronaut sally ride dying of pancreatic cancer at the age of 61. why this form of cancer is so deadly, most of the time. and what doctors say you may be able to do, to help keep your risk of pancreatic cancer low. we'll be right back. if you have copd like i do,
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♪ >> jamie: we'll never forget american pioneer astronaut sally ride dying of pancreatic cancer at the young age of 61. this particular cancer comes with a very low survival rate, 75% of patients die less than a
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year after they are diagnosed. 94% die within five years. dr. siegel why is this particular cancer so difficult to treat? >> a deadly and terrible cancer, 40,000 case is a year, over 37,000 die and the reason is simple, jamie, because only 8% of them are still localized when you diagnose them, 92% of the time they've escaped the pancreas and metastatic and don't respond well to chemotherapy and there is very very, little you can do and it is very tragic. we are looking at genetics. people in families, run in families and we look at ways to use genetics to help, stem cells, certain target proteins. whipple procedures are down to life-saving, 15% of the time and david is an expert at surgery for cancer and i want to flip it over to him. >> this is the reason why it is so lethal because it has vague symptoms, abdominal pain and really, no chemotherapy for this. there is only three chemo therapy out there by fda and it is chemotherapy resistant cancer and, by the time they find it as
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marc says it is already advanced. nothing works except surgery, and only 10 to 15% of the time these are candidates for surgery and the whipple, a big operation, about 6 hours and should only be done in the hands of experienced surgeons, it involves part of removing of the bowel and gallbladder, et cetera. sometimes the cancer can be at the tail of the pancreas an pancreas is an organ that sits behind the stomach and its function is to secrete insulin. >> jamie: a complicate procedure and i know you have been in and performed them and it is a deadly disease, be on the lookout for those symptoms. >> eric: remembering a true american pioneer. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this is rudy. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills.
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>> jamie: sunday house call. the doctors are giving you great advice all the time about eating right and exercising. today they have something elsa they say will keep you healthy -- it is sex. really. >> i think it's the best prescription for your health. i don't think it's zithromax, or all the yogurt or the three-days workout in the gym. have you to have sex. that's going to save you. that's my prescription.
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what does sex do? it increases your immune system and endorphins, which is like morphine, takes away the headache and everything else. it helps prevent prostate cancer, 20% of the time. so sex, sex, sex. that's my prescription. >> jamie: three times? >> studies back him up. it improves self-esteem t. makes you sleep better t. decreases sex. it is card joy! don't just go on the treadmill, do sex, a couple of times a week. in england, they -- having more sex, they say two times of week, it's a form of cardio. orgasm decreases pain and cramping. the more you do, the better it is. it decreases prostate cancer i. twice a week is not enough. next week, we will talk about how many times we have to do it. >> jamie: and a shoutout to you both. you talked about whooping cough last week. a friend of mine w


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