tv Hannity FOX News August 8, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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letter on the air, give me a good headline. people who read it funnel it over to me. i am bill o'reilly. please, always remember the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. >> sean: tonight, there is breaking news from the campaign trail as there is new evidence linking the obama campaign with will controversial pro-obama super pac, known as priorities usa. this appears to indicate that campaign officials closely coordinated with phak organizers on the ad released yesterday that blames mitt romney for the cancer death of a steel worker's wife. now, such coordination would be a blatant and very spears violation of federal election law. attorney ann coulter will react.
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but first, let's take a look at how we got to this point. we take a brief look at the ad that features a man who claims that governor romny and bain capital are responsible for his wife's death. >> one day she -- she became ill. i took her up to the jackson county hospital. and -- and admitted her for pneumonia and then they found the cancer. by then, it was stage 4. there was nothing they could do for her. she passed away in 22 days. i do not think mitt romney realizes what he has done to anyone. and i -- furthermore, i dont think that mitt romney is concerned. >> sean: now, today, the president, white house aides and campaign officials have refused to condemn that ad. in fact the press secretary, campaign advisers and deputy campaign manager are among many obama could have hades who said they cannot comment on this because they are not familiar with this man's story. they intend to distance the white house and the campaign
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from the super pac, reminding reporters that they are legally not permitted to coordinate with such organizations. but number 1, the very same steel worker that star in the official obama campaign ad that was released in may -- see if you recognize this man... >> i was devastated... he makes me angry. those guys are all rich. they all have more money than they will ever spend, but they didn't have the money to take care of the very people who made the money for them. >> sean: after being featured in that video, the campaign wants to you believe it doesn't know anything about this man? here's what stephanie cutter said this morning. >> we don't have anything to do with priorities usa. by law, we're not allowed to coordinate with them. by law, we don't have anything to do with their ads. i don't know the facts of when his wife got sick or die the. but as i said before, i do know the facts of what mitt romney did with g.s. steel and i do
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know that he lost his job and the health care and the company went bankrupt? >> the facts. sorry, but we have uncovered audio that punches a few holes in your story. you hosted a conference call during which joe explained the details about his wife's death. listen to this. >> a little while later, she was diagnosed with lung cancer. i had to put her in a county hospital because she didn't have health care. when the cancer took her away, all i got was an enormous bill. when you look at what mitt romney did in places like the company, he is worried about one group of people, that's the people like him, people at the top. you can't expect much more from someone who says he likes to fire people with no concern about what their family really means. now, i turn the call back over to stephanie. >> great, thank you, joe. we really appreciate you sharing your experiences. >> sean: i guess stephanie does know his story. beyond not having the morgue
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courage to come out and condemn the ad that accuses mitt romney of murder, the conference call audio you heard and the ad you just saw are two critical pieces of evidence that suggest that the obama campaign is in close coordination with a super pac. and the federal election laws are being broken, we the people -- we deserve to know. here with the analysis to this developing story is the author of the best-selling book, demonic, which is now available in paperback, the one and only ann coulter. welcome. >> thank you, good to be here. >> sean: all right. let's go through this in detail. stephanie cutter is caught lying. >> uh-huh. >> sean: as a lawyer, constitutional lawyer, do you think there are issues here in terms of coordination with the campaign in the super pac, in spite what have they are saying? >> there could well be. i think the bigger issue is how repulsive this ad is. this man -- his wife didn't even have health insurance through his job. she had health insurance through her job.
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she lost her job years after the plant was closed down, come -- which bain had kept going for another 4 years. they kept this plant alive -- it then closed down. it was long after romney had left bain capital. and it was another 5 years before she got cancer and died. this is -- is exactly what we talked about last week. obama is a liar. this is a repulsive, despicable ad. it shows the true colors of the man that we thought was hope and change. no, he was too young to show his true colors. >> sean: president civility. look, there has to be, at some point, this has to backfire because he presented a very different image. but they would have you believe -- do you believe that mitt romney could cause to you get cancer? do you believe his father would be embarrassed he is running for the highest office of the land? do you believe he is a felon in do you believe he didn't at a -- pay taxes 10 years?
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>> no t. reminds me how glad we are running mitt romney against this despicable campaign record. they can't go into his divorce records. he makes and you me look like paris hilton. he's clean as could be. but i must say, when you say, is there a turning point? i would say, most americans would say this is despicable, blaming this woman's death on mitt romney. then we have romney campaign spokesman and her response, not that it was despicable or that romney had left bain five years earlier or the woman lost her job later and didn't get her insurance from her husband. her response was, if she lived in massachusetts with mitt romney's health care plan, she would have had health insurance. anyone who donates to mitt romney should say if she is not fired tomorrow, they are not giving another dime. it is not worth fighting for this man, if this is the
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spokesman to respond to an ad like this, by citing health care in massachusetts?! >> sean: listen, we are watching and witnessing here -- >> no, i'm serious about this! >> sean: i know you are serious. i agree with you. >> you are doing your show -- there is no point in us going to a convention and pushing for this man if he is employing morons like this. this is the turning point. she has nearly snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. >> sean: the president now is the architect of the ugliest campaign in modern political history. >> yes! >> sean: now, the question is, with all of these accusations, did they reach too far? do people roll their eyes and say, oh, next time it will be paul ryan, stabbing a woman and granny in her heart, slicing her throat and then they throw her overboard? >> no, it is truly shocking and of course, it reminds us once again what obama doesn't want to talk about. and that his record and how he is wrecking american health care and put millions of people out of work and quadrupled the
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deficit. he can't talk about his record. an interesting thing in the new york times yesterday. i have been shocked at the pol, showing the candidates, as close as they are. but one interesting poll was that -- i think it was in all of the swing states or many of the swing states, a majority of respondents of likely voters say they think that they will do worse under the economy under obama. -- here's an important question here -- >> everyone knows that-- i agree. >> that romney will turn this economy around? here's an important question now. what did obama know about this ad? and when did he know it -- >> right. >> sean: in spite of stephanie cutter, which we have laid out, which the mainstream media does not do their job. she spoke with the man. she said -- she was on a conference call with him. the obama capt pain ran an ad with the same guy. i mean, then the super pac run its. so now we have a question, what does obama know, with everybody in his campaign -- hang on. they won't condemn harry reid
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and they won't condemn this ad. >> no, this is coming directly from obam a. he hasn't been in politics that long. that's why he's the perfect democrat to run. he didn't have a record. he has a record now. why does it keep coming? it is not always his aides doing it, his democratic minority leader in the senate doing tsometimes it's the media doing it for him. but somehow, always around obam avicious, slanderous, slashing attacks on his opponents-- like last time. you wrote about this in a recent column. this is not the first time -- this is his m.o.? >> unsealing divorce records. this is his m.o., personal attacks. now that he can't mention anything he has done for four years, this will be the ugliest campaign-- it already is. >> we cannot have a romney spokesman coming up with idiotic responses? >> what would the response be from ann coulter? >> i just gave t. obama is a liar. this is not hope and change.
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it is not tree true that romney-- you and john sununu and talk radio and "hannity" and rush and levin are the only ones saying it. >> we can do it. but we can do it better without the drag of romney's campaign spokesman who came from the mccain campaign -- great idea. >> sean: we are going to take a break. we have sandra fluke and a company with close ties to iran and syria paid a large sum of money to a top white house adviser. he was overpaid. so is the cash for access. more on that and ann coulter stays with us and will react to the other big story of the day. the woman at the center of the contraceptive controversy joins the president on the campaign trail. what a time for sandra fluke to show up. is it enough? >> when i was publicly attacked for speaking out before members of the congress, i became more aware than ever that this
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candidate -- president obama -- who understands the importance of women getting access to the care they need when they need it. [cheers and applause] >> and we must remember that we have another candidate, mr. romney, who wants to take all of that away. >> sean: all of it away. wants to take it all. georgetown university law student, sandra fluke, introducing the president at a campaign event. she made headlines when she appeared before congress and spoke about the astronomical cost of contraception, incurred by co-eds in college at a catholic university. will the return of sandra fluke score points with female voters for the president? we kn continue with ann coulter. i find this amazing. remember rush limbaugh got on the phone, called sandra, publicly -- tone, civility and then takes $1 million from bill maher, your buddy, which was by
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the way, given to this super pac. at this time with harry reid and this new ad, what hypocrisy! >> no, that's true. you can always nail the democrats on that. i think it's probably a good sign that obama is so desperate just to get the base, democratic voter, stupid single women, to vote for him. this is good news that he needs to lock up that part of his demographic. >> sean: $3,000 -- we found birth control pills available for $9 a month. condoms are very inexpensive. >> daily caller did one at target-- walmart. >> no. but i mean, he is trying to get the stupid, single women voters, which is the democratic party base. and i would just say to at this time stupid, single women voters, your husband will not be able to pay you child support -- i mean, if obamacare goes through and obama is re-elected, you are talking about the destruction of wealth in america. it is the end of america as we
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know it. there will be no innovation and no growth. great. you will get free contraception. you won't have a $10 co-pay. but it will be the end of america. think about that. >> sean: we will get to this later, 860,000 fewer women are voting in this country -- sorry, working in this country. >> right. >> sean: since obama became president. >> it is not working, not working-- fewer women working. but let me show you something. >> their base is not women. it is divorced, separated, single women. it is women who are looking at the government to be their husbands. that is the base of the democratic party. please, pay for my child care, contraception, housing, food. they don't have a man to provide for them, so they turn to the government. congratulations. >> sean: doesn't it come down to the basic question that ronald reagan raised -- are you better off than you were four years ago and $5 trillion in debt ago?
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this is obama saying the very same thing inuent 08. >> you know what we have been doing for the last 8 years has not worked. that's the essence of this election. are we going to keep doing the same things we have been doing, the same policies and the same politics, or are we going to decide that we are going to do something different? when you are talking to your friends and your neighbors and they are saying, i don't know, it's still early. i am waiting for the olympics and then i'll pay attention to politics... [chuckles] >> i want to you ask them a simple question: do they think that they are better off today than they were 4 or 8 years ago? do they think that the economy is working right now? >> sean: are we better off than we were 4 years ago and $5 trillion in debt ago and fewer americans working? >> that's what we wants us not to concentrate on. he looks so cool. that's a man who is digging up
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people's divorce files. that man is a liar. that man accused mitt romney of murdering this woman -- he had nothing to do with. and it's clear and clear and even liberals are backing away from. the one thing about sandra fluke, she is extremely unappealing. american womanhood dragged her out of obscurity to be our spokesman. she is the andrea solof the obama campaign. >> sean: you are really angry with andrea sol. >> it is not working for romney if he has people like that. >> sean: i agree. but i think that this is the trap of distraction. this is a nonstop campaign i. this is a good point. i agree. i am not sure how to respond to this because... >> sean: have you to respond. >> exactly! coo. >> sean: you have to pivot and remind people what you will do differently. but it has to be a three-step process. >> one big thing is he will
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repeal obamacare. i know people-- and drill? and. >> drill. we are looking at the end of america if obamacare goes through fwe don't elect romney. i was looking up an article from a few years ago about medicaid fraud. that's a small program for poor people. according to the medicaid administration, from the new york times a few years ago, according to them, oh, there is 7% fraud. they brought in outside auditors -- 32% is fraud. and that's what they are admitting. that's in one small health care program for the poor. can you imagine the fraud with obamacare? it's going to be a country of criminals-- social security's bankrupt. medicare's bankrupt. the country has $5 trillion in new debt -- i gotta run. >> goodbye. >> sean: great to see you. >> good to see you. >> sean: are you getting married soon? >> no, i am not. but thank you for asking. >> sean: you didn't call me a
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gossipy old woman -- >> i thought we were going. >> sean: i met your boyfriend. i think you should marry him. >> i would have attacked andrea solagain if i thought we had time. >> sean: $100,000 was reportedly paid to a top obama staffer with ties to iran and syria. the white house's response, coming up, straight ahead. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. check out the bass pro shops fall hunting classic for amazing doorbuster deals -
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>> sean: all right. so remember how president obama pledged to change the culture of washington. apparently, that was just one more of his broken promises. the white house is refusing to condemn the senior adviser to the president, david plouffe, who reportedly accepted money from a company that has close ties to iran and syria. >> they promised to change washington. but they just fit right in. david plouffe, one of president obama's most trusted advisers, accepted $100,000 from a company that does business with iran and syria. he is not talking. the company's activities are under intensified scrutiny. one country, two speeches, $100 thousand. barack obama hasn't changed washington at all. >> sean: joining me to break down the latest scandal to rock
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the white house, the author -- four weeks in a row on the new york times best seller list, what the bleep just happend? monica crowley. and juan williams, who will tell us what bleep means. >> i am going to try. >> sean: someone said the following in the campaign. iran, cuba, venezuela -- those countries are tiny. they're not a threat. remember who said that? >> no. >> sean: that was barack obama. so, do you have a problem with david plouffe taking this money with a company with close ties to syria and iran? >> well, i think, you know, i am not comfortable with it. i don't think a white house official should be doing it. but as i understand it, mr. plouffe did this before he was at the white house. nonetheless, i guess your point, sean, is it's like, because of his association to the president, that therefore the president must share in some
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guilt-- the president's campaign manager -- he's running the president's campaign -- >> he ran the president's campaign. >> he gave two speeches for $100,000, $50k a speech that. must be one heluffa speech. he ran the president's 2008 campaign and he gave the speeches in nigeria to this firm with dealings with iran and syria. iran has international sanctions against it because of its nuclear program. he gave the speech, not before he joined the administration, but after he made the announcement that he joined the administration-- first of all, look at the money. they're going to get -- you know, this pip sfeek squeak, david plouffe -- why are they giving him $100,000? >> i don't know. but i have to up my speaking fees? >> wait a minute. isn't that about access? isn't this the bottom line here? they want to get close to the president. >> yeah. that's why the timing is
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critically important. it was before he joined the white house, but after he made the announcement that he was going to be one of the president's top senior advisers in the white house. so it is about access. but more importantly, this is about the problem that obama has with his brand. remember, 2008, he ran as the transcendent guy, the guy who was going to be above the petty politicking -- >> heal. >> he was going to change the way washington works. that's part of the rnc ad. this is not the obama who sold himself as transcendent guy. >> sean: juan, you know this guy -- governor romney -- he's a murderer. he hates dogs. >> come on. >> sean: he's a fell felon. whatever happened to president civility? the guy who lectured the country? ia is he, taking money from bill maher? where is he speaking out against harry reid and the super pac? where is president civility? >> he's -- you know, i happen to
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think that the president should, in fact, enforce a line of civility. i don't think what harry reid is doing comports with the stature of the office. i think politics is politics. whennalan west says the democrats are all communists-- romney -- [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: which i feel sorry for the guy. 7 years -- the white house knew about it as we point the out in our investigation. >> i think that's along the lines again of something over the line. but that's where the american politics -- [overlapping dialogue] >> give me a second. you are saying it's only the-- give me an example. >> oh, my gosh! how many do you want? >> sean: just one. >>alan west calling people communists. but let's talk about the idea that, oh, you know what? he wasn't born in this country, he's a muslim-- that's not the romney
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team -- [overlapping dialogue] >> sean: we have to roll. >> look, i sat on this program last week. i am going to continue to say it. we don't have time to mince words. the president and his team are lying. they are lying about mitt romney and his record. they have put up this super pact have any prints on it. that's a lie. the president could be condemning this. when have you harry reid, nancy pelosi calling the guilt o.p., the e. coli party because we don't want -- >> monica, very quickly -- because we are out of time -- monica, we are out of time. but if he releases his tax forms, there would be no issue-- wait a minute. he won't be called a murderer -- >> no -- lap -- [overlapping dialogue] >> that was republicans, sean,
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not a democrat who called him a vulture capitalist. >> sean: good to see you both. coming up, president civility trying to win over female voters today, calling on sandra fluke. now, we have the figures to prove that he has not been the champion of women that he claims to be. when we come back, michelle malkin is here. and later, the president loves to accept donations from left-wing loll hol celebrities and you won't be -- hollywood celebrities. so we have ongoing webinars and interactive learning, plus, in-branch seminars at over 500 locations, where our dedicated support teams help you know more so your money can do more. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our teams have the information you want when you need it. it's anothereason more investors are saying...
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alec jr? it was a gift. >> sean: with the return of sandra fluke, the president's pushing his tall tale of being strong on women's issues, but he has a record of rising unemployment among women in this country. the rnc points out, the unemployment rate of women was 7% when he took office. now it is 8.1%, that's a net
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860,000 jobs lost for women. and it all happened because of this president's radical policies. joining me with reaction, the number-1 new york times best seller author, culture of corruption, michelle malkin. 860,000 fewer women working, that's a war on women. that's 860,000 fewer women working. for all of this talk of a war on women, how impactful is that to women in america? >> of course, that's devastating. the war on jobs, the war on the economy has had a disproportionate effect on women. they are trying to paper it over at the white house, by elevating poster chicks for the nanny state, like sandra fluke. but it cannot erase this devastating record and add to the statistics that you cited, of course, another one from the rnc that the poverty rate of women is the highest that it's been in 17 years.
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imagine if it was a republican president who presided over this. we would be hearing about the misoginous record of this administration from now until the end of time. and you also have to couple the self-sufficiency is the end of the progressism that this administration has presided over. >> sean: think of the environment of sandra fluke, at a time when his campaign refuses to contema super pac ad that accused mitt romney of being a murderer on the heels of harry reid's comments that romney's father would be embarrassed by him that, romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years -- prove it. stephanie cutter and others, accusing him of being a felon. didn't he call sandra fluke because he is demanding a new civility in the country. >> sean. >> good point. and the super pac, priorities usa is funded by one of our culture's most misoginous
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figures out there -- pig maher -- bill maher, never been condemned by the civility police. let's talk about the war on conservative women waged by the white house, operatives and all of their acolytes and allies. look at how they talk about the palin women and how they have talked about ann romney. let's not forget what hillary rosen, very close to this white house said in trashing women who made the choice to stay home. you want to talk about the party of choice? it's the conservative, the republican party that supports choice. >> sean: let me get big-picture stuff from you here because i predict that this shows desperation. i mean, real desperation. it started. there waa method to my madness by highlighting nightly, dirty air and water and granny over the cliff. i did it on purpose. diexpect and anticipate that
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they would go further. i didn't think they would go this far. but now that romney's a murderer, romney's a tax cheat. romney's a felon. it is now almost, it is a -- caricature. but does this work? >> i hope to backfires, but it takes a republican candidate willing to put the fists out there and fight back hard. the response to this lying, smearing super pac ad, accusing romney of a murder is not to talk about obamacare, it's to talk about the obama jobs death toll and the beltway massacre and the thousands of real workers who have had their pensions and health care stripped, like the delphi and the rust belt that this administration and the lap dogs don't want to talk about. please, romney, get ahead of yourself and get people who can fight on this, instead of retreating and pointing to other
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government programs to support these people. >> sean: you are a prominent, strong, conservative voice in the country. you hear the names -- well, you are -- you are hear the names bandbanterred about for v.p., any that you like more than others? any that bother you? any that would really upset you? >> look, any of them is going to be a.b.b., anybody but biden. it's fine with me. just as in 2008, when sarah palin was able to inject a lot of energy into the campaign and give people confidence, it is not enough, unless have you a guy at the top of the ticket who has the sustaining power to get in the faces of people who are fighting by any means necessary. >> sean: all right. no choice. no favorite? >> well, look, i like bobby jindal because i think he has the whole package. but any number of the people on the short list would be fine because they have the integrity. they have the policy experience
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and they have the commitment to libertiy and limited government that certainly, the current administration does not have and has complete contempt for. >> sean: michelle, thanks. coming up, anyone who doesn't believe socialism is alive and on the rise, they better pay attention and find out which country wants to reportedly slap the citizens with a 75% tax. and later, president obama readily stuffs his wallet from hollywood celebrities. but the left-wing rhetoric is getting out of control. we have the examples of that, all coming up.
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and from the new york times, panic is setting in, tax lawyers are being bombarded from calls from clients asking if they should leave the country. joining me with reaction from the fox business new york, charles payne and sandra smith. wow! 75%. and every rich person wants to get out of france. >> look -- we are very close to that happening here. you know, britain's not too far. their neighbors, belgium. the socialist system shows us what happens. if you look back at history, any time you try to take money from the top earners, they are going to leave. they are not going to come back. this system doesn't work. it's a redistribution of wealth. >> sean: if you live in new york, by the time you pay state, local, federal, county, sales, property... and fica, you are at 60% -- >> you can't work in new york. are you kidding me?
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here's the thing. we're generous. we love our fellow americans. but when you start talking anything north of 50% total, it is outrageous. >> sean: now -- look -- look at the mass exodus in the last census from new york and new jersey -- >> and look at california. look at the top three tax states. the brain power that leave there is. you know who replaces them? babies and illegal immigrants with low work skills. that's who who replaces the talent that leave. >> sean: if you notice, prime minister cameron has gone out there -- come to great britain. >> i read 40% of the young entrepreneurs are moving to london -- by the way, we're talking about france, unemployment above 7% for 30 years straight. there are only two or three rich people left in france here. but the old money's moving to belgium and the entrepreneurs are moving to london.
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>> neighboring countries are saying, the door's open. come here. they will. but this isn't just the people affected by this that are calling up their tax attorneys and saying, should i leave the country? this is looking into the future. the young earners who are not in that range to be taxed 75%, they are saying, why would i want to work hard? if i make more money, they are going to take more money. very similar things in the united states. it is discouraging. >> sean: you get on that 1.24 american dollars, younow, you get to that point, there is no incent testify go further. just stop. >> i think that's the goal. i think in america, i think the goal right now of the administration is for people not to even have that incentive because the rhetoric that i hear is that people who are successful have no values, people who are successful somehow-- ill-gotten gains. but the obama campaign keeps going back to this. can it be effective -- because
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there has to be a reason they are using it, they are poll testing it, focus grouping it, 49% of americans don't pay federal income tax. are they counting on the fact that people want redistribution? or a larger percentage of voters want it? >> 40% of americans are already feeling like we are moving toward a socialist society. they are seeing it -- whether or not they want that, if they do want that, they don't know that they shouldn't want that. rich people will leave. small businesses will not start. corporations-- where is a tax-friendly country? where? >> a lot will go to asia, england. who knows. >> sean: where do you think they go? >> i would say they gallon to a neighbor. they will go to canada. i don't know. >> canada, they are lowering their taxes. but this whole thing is deliberate. in other words, all of these economic ramifications that we
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are talking about here, that's incons quential to the ideology of it all. >> sean: i am trying to wrap my arms around this. in spite of all the evidence that we have garnered, for example, japan's lost decade. they tried one stimulus after another. europe's economic demise, unfielding before our eyes. record deficits. no jobs created under obama, record debt. this is not rocket science i. the problem is, this wouldn't make a debt in france's debt problem. the french president isn't even giving an estimate of how much this would bring in to tax those top earners -- >> they don't care. it is not, it is about 80% of the people in france like this. but again, they have always hated the rich. i think the president is thinking that america will turn. there has been a big public relations campaign for four years to make people feel good about getting food stamps and welfare, to make people feel good about free cell phones.
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you shouldn't feel bad. it's not your fault. the rich guy on wall street stole your opportunity. i'll give it back to you. >> sean: appreciate it. according to hollywood, the tea party is racist and electing mitt romney would trigger, quote, the end of civilization. find out which left-wing celebrities are behind these statements. with the spark cash card from capital one, olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? or double miles on every purchase, every day! this is new york state. we built the first railway,
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>> sean: all right. the president and his hollywood friends remain tight. all the liberals continue to hold fund-raiser after fund-raiser and actor, posing as activists, launching below-the-belt attacks from the right. one from a repeat offenders, harry belafonte, who was asked if he would vote for mitt romney and said, quote... >> sean: joining me with reaction to the less than civil rhetoric, steve murphy, who owes me $10 and nancy fo10 aur is
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here. you are a smart strategist, okay? giving smucredit. >> thank you, sir. >> sean: do you think it's smart to send out these hacks, accusing romney of being a felon, a murderer, embarrassed by his father who passed away? the president himself saying that republicans want dirty air and water, grandma over the cliff. do you think this is going to win the election? >>ig there is overheated rhetoric on both sides-- give me an example of something similar. when has anyone accused obama of murder? if you took liberal logic, you could say, gun runner program, dead agent, give the guns free -- you sell them to kidnappers, drug dealers and murderers, they kill a border agent, liberal logic would say eye am not saying it. >> romney went to israel, overseas and said that obamma was not standing up to iran-- he's not -- >> you are crazy! >> sean: want me to quote president obama --
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>> iran, cuba, venezuela -- these countries are tiny. they are not a threat. >> the united states, under obama -- cooperating with the israeli military more than any other president -- >> i don't know, i think our jacket it's. >> sean: go ahead, nancy. >> i do think it's a real disservice to the country to do this. forgive me but it's because he can't talk about his record. if you look at job, for example. and i am an economist, my pet peeve is that they gave -- they create onion and lose 3, they spike the 1. obama has the worst job record, even if you go back to truman. we have 300,000 fewer americans working now than when he came in-- that's what they want to avoid. >> it's distraction. >> sean: the point is -- >> he made that happen -- george bush and wall street had nothing to do with it -- >> he wouldn't have the worst record across all presidents back to truman. he has done a lot of damage with
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the spenning and the tax increases and the regulatory. >> sean: the american people have to believe that mitt romney's father is embarrassed by him, who passed away. he's running for the highest office in the land. he is embarrassed by him. have you to believe that, if you elect mitt romney, he wants people to get cancer and die. if you elect mitt romney, they will put granny -- >> he -- [overlapping dialogue] >> he doesn't care if he has health insurance. >> what about romneycare. >> you are accepting the premise that the affordable care act or the health care plan that was obama's signature accomplishment, actually helps people. i don't think it does. i think it is irresponsible and i think the bill's too high for us to pay and you have 50% of the population -- [overlapping dialogue] >> i have a rebate check in my pocket because of the 80/20
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rule. >> it is not a good deal. >> sean: what about obama know about the attacks? we have revealed here tonight that stephanie cutter lied this morning. she knew about this guy's story. now, they ran an ad back in may. she lied when she was on tv this morning. the question is, what about odamn 'bama know? and why does mr. civility silent when all of these vicious lies are being told? >> i don't know. i mean, what i have seen this gentleman do -- i am really surprised. i think it is going to hurt him because i think the independent who is voted for him wanted a different tone. this is not the hope and change, this isn't post partisan -- >> the polls show the opposite -- he has a 10-point favorable among independents than romney. romney's unfavorable is rising, obama's favorable is rising. >> ultimately, the only poll that counts is election day, but saying -- [overlapping dialogue]
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