tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News August 12, 2012 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. no nonsense. just people sense. fox news alert, a special homecoming rally for the newly minted 2012 republican ticket today. governor romney and congressman paul ryan are gathering up the crowd at a rally moments ago. >> president obama took off 71,000 jobs lost in north carolina. 435,000 people out of work in north carolina. you know what, north carolina. we can do better than this. help is on the way. >> and good morning, every. i'm jaime colby. >> and i'm eric shawna.
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welcome to another hour of "america news headquarters" for a sunday morning. they are heading to congressman ryan's home state this afternoon. it is the first time since being chosen as the vice presidential candidate, and our steve brown is live in brookfield, wisconsin with the latest. steve, the ryan pick took a lot of people by surprise. they were able to keep it under wraps until the last moment. they did that with a little dancing with the media. how did they do it? >> as we understand it, ryan's house was being staked out by a lot of members of the media because many organizations, fox included, were planted on various candidates that seemed to be in line to be the potential vp. ryan lost all of them by slipping out of the back of his house to catch up with a driver who took him to an airport who flew him to a meeting with mitt romney in which romney asked ryan to be his vp. and ryan said this.
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>> it was pretty helpful. i love this country dearly. i feel like we have an opportunity -- [inaudible]. >> so at least we know this much about the romney-ryan m cay pain. campaign. they can keep a secret pretty good. we have to double down on our stakeouts. that's what we will have to do. >> it will make a job even tougher. going up to hua casa, wisconsin for a rally. what do we expect at that? and what are their plans after the rally. >> it will be sizable, and the energy level should be very good. the western suburbs of milwaukee are about as red a territory as you will find in the state of wisconsin. turnout is expected to be very heavy. paul ryan is one of those folks who really fires up folks on the right and really fires up folks on the left as well. you will see a lot of energy
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and a lot of positive energy. then ryan takes off to campaign on his own. ryan and romney can't campaign together and cover as much territory. ryan is off to iowa, and as we understand it, the state fair that might be a problem is a self-professed health nut. he really watches what he eats. he turns down birthday cake supplied to him by fox news sunday when he came in to do the show. the iowa state fair is known for the array of deep fried things available to eat there. i think the congressman and the new vp choice will find it difficult to find something to eat at the iowa state fair. >> if you haven't had the iowa twinkies at the iowa state fair you haven't lived. president obama will be in iowa tomorrow too. steve brown, always good to see you. >> i have seen steve at that fair. a little background on paul ryan. he was born and raised in wisconsin. he graduated from joseph craig
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high school in 1988. the town's population was at latest at 63,000 with the median household income from 2006 to 2010 about $48,000. the most recent unemployment rate topped 9% up from 8.4% the previous month and above the national average. governor romney and congressman ryan are visiting three key swing states this weekend. first it was virginia, the site of the announcement. today it is north carolina as we showed you in our prior hour. you can see some pictures there. they are wrapping up a rally north of charlottement tonight the pair heads to ryan's home turf of wisconsin. those states are among the 12 that are poised to play a major role in who wins the white house in november november. in november. let's bring in shear raw and it is always great to have you here. >> thanks for having me. >> let me start with florida.
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florida is a state where there is a concern i'm sure about medicare that is something that debbie wasserman-schulz talked about on fox news sunday. how important was florida and how are they poised to take florida. florida is a huge state and a big prize and a lot of electric for rail votes. and it is an expensive state to run a campaign. the one thing about the ryan pick, it was a political savy decision for governor romney, but the one thing about the ryan pick is the budget. it proposed mead changes to medicare. this would affect florida obviously very old population. we can tell you what the polling shows. it shows this is unpopular of -- with seniors. florida may be a new problem for that time right now. >> would marco rubio made a big difference? if you get wisconsin because he is a hometown guy, and some of the other states where they
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are obviously going to spend time and attention, will that make up a difference? >> that's what is so interesting about the ryan pick when you look at the map. governor romney has essentially shifted the battleground from the south, from florida to these midwestern states, many which were hard hit by the economy. governor romney by picking mr. ryan would like to put states like wisconsin in play. currently the real clear politics average shows president obama is leading wisconsin by a couple points. it is not outside of the realm of possibility, but it is a little more difficult than the other states in the midwest like iowa or even ohio. >> who would be the right people for this campaign and this ticket now to pull together to go out on the campaign trail which you think of other battleground states like pennsylvania, michigan, iowa clearly, colorado, ohio? >> it is interesting because some of the people that governor romney did not pick for the ticket to be his vice president would make effective
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surrogates in the state. rob portman, a freshman senator, but a well-known name in washington would be an slept surrogate. he is very popular, especially in southern ohio where he was a coming man for many years. for many years. and pennsylvania that is my home state. governor ridge is a popular name. and he would be an effective surrogate there as well. pat tomb me was not on the vp short list, but he is another effective surrogate for mr. romney. >> great perspective and analysis. great to see you. president obama's senior campaign advisor continues to slams paul ryan this morning. appears on "meet the press" david axel rod smashed him as an idealog with the wrong policy. >> there were debates in the republican primary where neither governor romney or either of the candidates
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mentioned middle class. now they are incorporating it into their rhetoric. i think there is a national consensus that we need to pursue economic policies that will lift the middle class. we have a very clear choice as to whose will and whose won't. that will create pressure for policies that will move our country forward in the right direction when the president is re-elected in november. >> the romney-ryan team is sitting back with their own new web video that criticizes the record on the economy and the unemployment rate. and with mr. ryan on board, some say governor mitt romney could now be looking to refocus his campaign on one of the major issues facing our nation, that the fiscal mess, unemployment and how to better grow the economy. former president george w. bush advisor karl rove spoke to brett bier yesterday afternoon. take a listen. >> he embraced the idea of reform of these big social institutions, reform of the a ss
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effort to reduce the deficit. he talked earlier about tax reform of the by his choice today he signaled this will be the focus of his fall campaign, a conservatism aimed at getting the fiscal house in order. paul ryan will be an excellent partner for governor romney in this effort. >> and for more about mr. ryan, our romney surrogate who will be speaking at the republican national convention and is the attorney general in georgia. welcome this morning. >> good morning. about mr. ryan, we just heard david axel rod criticize him severely and you know he will have a big x on his back calling him extreme, radical, a lightning rod. how does the campaign respond? >> you know, for two years the president had total control of congress. they did nothing on tax reform and nothing on major economic policies. it is time we move this country forward and after 42 months of over 48%
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unemployment we will have leadership that will grow the middle class and provide a healthy economy. >> they will cite size him as the extreme gop budget plans and a radical and that sort of thing. what about these things going back and forth? we have had it for months in the negative campaigning. it is time for the american people to get higher ideals and real substance. >> keep in mind it was the president that gutted medicare over $700 billion. i think what the pick of congressman really does is show that this will be a campaign on substantive issues. this campaign is about jobs and the economy, and the american public will clearly have a clear choice. do you believe jobs come from government or jobs come from the private sector? we now have a dream team with governor romney having massive executive experience in both the private sector and the government or the congressman knows the budget best of all. from my perspective it is a great combination. let's have a campaign based on issues and not rhetoric, and
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let's lead this country in a positive direction. >> the obama campaign says these policies will bring us back to what lead to the crash. >> the obama campaign just told us the private sector is working fine, and we just need to grow more government jobs. they clearly do not understand american exceptionalism. they clearly do not understand how our economy works. this president has governorred through executive agency regulation as an attorney general that has much litigation with the federal government, we need to significantly reduce over regulation. we need to free up the trillions of dollars that the private sector is not putting back in our economy and to in fact provide the opportunity for businesses to grow the middle class once again. >> ryan is seen as some as being an intellectual force in the republican party. take a look at theashington post editorial. they call him a bold and stark choice saying ryan has been something of a one-man idea factory. it puts useful pressure on
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mr. romney and president obama to be more specific about their own approaches to entitlement spending, tax reform and other budget terry issues about which they would prefer to speak in vague general tees. do you welcome -- and it is a breath of fresh air, that we may have an intellectual debate of ideas in this debate? >> wouldn't that be a god sent instead of negative commercials such as the cancer victim. we should have a meeting on how we will deal with the fiscal cliff, how we will deal with fax reform, how -- with tax reform and setting our country in the right direction. i view the choice of congressman ryan as fantastic. we have two folks leading our ticket that are very bright, very directed to bring back that american vision, that american energy, and let's bring forward to the american public over the next 90 or so days a thorough dialogue on the recovery of our economy. >> he is the attorney general of georgia and speaking at the convention. thanks for joining us.
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it is going to be fascinating. >> with the economy bound to play a huge role, conservative voters could be drawn to the strong stance on fiscal responsibility. the campaign will run on governor romney's economic plan. steve is live with more on that. what are folks saying about it? >> romney's choice of a running mate puts a finer focus on the economy, especially on fiscal matters because of ryan's high-profile budget plan which cuts government spending while making fundamental changes to entitlement programs. mitt romney is running on his own 59-point economic plan and not on ryan's budget. he now -- he has embraced ryan's plan in the past. so now he has the option of supporting or rejecting specific parts of the budget or accepting the entire framework. because ryan supports changes in social security and medicare and republicans expect a huge outcry from democrats.
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>> you are going to hear from the democrats to push grandma over the cliff and all of that. they have not had a plan yet to save social security and medicare and they had four years to do it. paul ryan has taken the courageous steps to bring this issue to the forefront, and we will have to address it and under a romney-ryan administration you will see it addressed. >> the president's economic plan is to continue his current c -- current policies giving them more time to work while pushing congress to pass his jobs bills and to invest in infrastructure, education and research. the president's campaign and democrats in general believe the ryan plan would hurt the poor, the elderly and unemployed while helping higher income americas. >> paul ryan has embraced an extremist proposal and goes not only too far, but really according to every independent economist asked cuts so much that it would risk stalling or
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or -- slowing or stalling our recovery. >> so the new battle lines are drawn. the campaigns have three months to make their case with the convention coming up in weeks followed by a series of presidential debates scheduled for october. >> thank you so much, steve. and steve just mentioned it, everything we have been talking about today and this weekend leads up to what happens in two weeks from now. fox news believe cha of course is the -- fox newschannel is the place to be for the republican and democratic conventions. megan kelly and brett bier will be at the republican national convention coverage that takes place starting on august 27th through the 30th. and of course the following week they will be with the democrats when they hold their convention on september 3rd through the 6th. and breaking developments in the fox news voter fraud unit. you know who is on that one? what impact will tomorrow's decision on pennsylvania's controversial voter id law have on voters in that state? >> and we will be looking forward and ahead to governor
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let's check the latest headlines. the u.s. navy is working to determine what caused one of its destroyers to collide outside the straight of hermuz. right now the uss porter has a hole in her starboard side. illinois firefighters are calling a pilot a hero. they say they were able to get 10 passengers out of an airplane when it crashed in a residential area. the pilot did not survive. the f.a.a. is investigating. and there is an excessive heat warning and fire-ravaged states in the west. a little relief is expected until tuesday.
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it certainly is a hassle that most don't look forward to, and it is probably familiar to you too. as many as 40 million americans relocate this year, and that hassle is moving. many turn to professional movers to make the relocating easier, but how do you know who you can trust? in the take charge consumer protection segment, i want you to spot bogus movers before they get their hands on your stuff and your money. rodney davis, the senior vice president of enterprise programs for the council of better business bureaus, and he has dealt with this far too often. thank you for being with us, rodney. >> thank you, game me. jaime. >> what are the most common scams when it comes to movers? >> are you dealing with businesses that just pop up. they are not long-term businesses. they are there just to take the money and run. they don't care about their customers or on going
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relationships. >> because usually it is a one-time thing. you don't move all that often even though 40 million americans do it each year. august is a big month for that before school begins. they are licensed though, aren't they? what questions should you ask? >> you should ask if they are licensed. you can check that on protect your move .gov which is a website. you can go to where you can pull up the reports that we have on over 17,000 businesses. there you will be able to see the past experiences consumers have had with moving companies, and see if they are ones who are problematic or if you are more likely to have a good experience. >> and the one thing i imagine happens far too often is you give them your stuff and they give you an estimate of what it will cost. when your belongings arrive at the location you are moving to they tell uh completely different and higher price. do you have any recourse in that situation? >> yes, you do.
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and there are a couple of things you can do. there are two types of agreements. there is a inned binding agreement -- there is a binding agreement and a nonbinding agreement. if you get a binding agreement they have to live up to the dollar amount set. if it is a nonbinding agreement you can go ahead and you should be prepared to pay an additional 10% over that agreement. and then you have 30 days to work it out. what we would suggest you do is contact people like the better business bureau so we can help you and the mover work that out. >> finally, what kind of insurance can you buy? do you buy insurance from the mover? will your homeowner's cover the damage to your loss or goods? >> when you are doing this, look at the coverages that are available. through your mover you can get full coverage. we recommend it especially if you are moving hair looms -- heirlooms. you don't want to be left with what the limited coverage is which is 60 cents on the pound. that will not replace your
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lctv. >> -- lcd-tv. >> i lost and will never get back my grandmother's table linens and that's the one box they couldn't find. thank you very much. i hope nobody else has an issue with their movers. >> we hope they won't as well. >> thank you. for more on how you can take charge on a number of consumer issues go to fox click on the america's news headquarters page at the bottom of our main page. when you get there, there is a link to many of this program's take charge consumer protection segments. this is the only show where you will see it. eric? >> jaime, a judge tomorrow expected to hand down a ruling on that state's controversial voter id law. we will pray view tomorrow's big decision -- we will preview tomorrow's big decision and the affect on the big decision. >> and governor romney's vp pick giving people a better idea of where idea of how it can the party's base. >> washington is a place where
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a party can get by with throwing stones at one another. but he tried to reach across the aisle with friends in our party and people on the other side of the aisle. he is one that realizes that honest people can have honest differences. so he worked with democrats and republicans to work on major pieces of legislation that help people.
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ever and a lot of new taxes. if president obama's economic policies of borrowing, taxing and spending worked, we would be entering a golden age along with greece. it doesn't work because it has never worked. the engine of opportunity, the nucleus of our society is a small business, the family, the entrepreneur and not the government. >> and the rally begins in wisconsin later today. continuing coverage right here. it is the one place to be, fox newschannel. we will bring it to you live when it starts. and to the fox news voter fraud unit now on some developments this past week. four staff members of former michigan republican thadeus mccoder -- that failed to put him back on the ballot.
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he was not implicated in the scandal. and it echoes what has happened in ibd january gnaw. that's where four officials and election workers were charged with faking their presidential petitions that put president obama and then candidate hillary clinton on the 2008 democratic primary ballot there. in fact, so many signatures were allegedly faked on the obama petition there's are questions about whether the president legally qualified for the primary ballot. those defendants are back in court in a few weeks. and in pennsylvania, a judge's decision is expected as early as tomorrow on that stage's new voter id law. the new book details the issue of voter fraud. the book is "who is counting" and how bureaucrats put your vote at risk. john joins us from pennsylvania and he is in philadelphia. good morning and congratulations on the book. >> thank you, eric. >> first in terms of voter id law there, any clue in what the judge will decide?
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will the voter id law in pennsylvania stand? >> well, it was a very contentious set of court hearings. but a couple of facts emerges. there was a con 10 shun that -- contention that 10% of voters lack an id. so that is a real bone of argument. but i think the numbers are way too high because they count due duplicates and they don't count people with pass poured -- passports and other things. the other thing we noticed is the pennsylvania law is different from some other states. if you don't have an id you can still vote. you vote a provisional ballot. you have six days to e-mail, fax or visit in person and deliver your form of identification. and if you can't do that and you claim you don't even have the money to get a birth certificate to get a free photo id from the state, your vote will still be counted. so there literally is no chance that somebody will be denied the right to vote because they don't have an id in pennsylvania. >> john, that's not what the
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aclu says. they say you need the voter id and you never hear that in south carolina, for example, you can vote by absentee ballot without an id. >> absolutely. and of course absentee balloting is available in pennsylvania. i think what the aclu is doing is basically misreading the law. >> you know what you hear about voter fraud. we cover it all the time at fox newschannel with our investigations. and what do you say but it is a concoction of republicans trying to defeat the democrats and there is no voter fraud? >> there are several brave democrats who have stepped forward to counter that. they passed a photo id law last year and despite enormous pressure from the national party, former democratic congressman has blown the whistle saying the real voter suppression is when political machines steel votes from people trying to overthrow those machines and basically
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keep that that -- keep bad governments in place. if you look around the country , in troy, new york, you have reported on this, the clerk in charge of elections was indicted. in madison county, the clerk charged was indicted for voter fraud. in mississippi, an naacp official was convicted for voting for dead people. to deny it is going on is to deny reality. >> it is unbelieve believe a. convicted multimillion-dollar drug dealers are funding elections in eastern kentucky to steel elections, absentee ballots being faked. you raise one of your intrigue egg issues. briefly describe what concerns you about that. >> obama care was a major piece of legislation that changed one-6 of our economy. it passed because there were votes in the filibuster. the 60th vote was
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presented by senator al franken. and we all know obama care wouldn't have passed if he hadn't been there to provide the vote. it united states turns out his victory march was very, very small out of four million. we now know through a group called minnesota majority that 1100 felons voted illegally in that election. 1100. and 190 of those have been convicted of voting illegally in that election. another 66 in the pipeline. we may get to the point where more people will have been convicted of voting illegally than the margin of victory. >> do you think felons illegally elected franken? >> we don't know for sure how people voted. i know fox news went out and interviewed 10 of those people. 9 of them said they voted for franken. >> it is all in the book. looking forward to seeing you. >> thank you, eric. >> and of course there -- as always, if you expect voter fraud or problems at the poll where you live tell us. there is the address, voter fraud at fox >> and it has been jammed from
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what i hear. governer romney announcing his vp pick weeks ahead of the republican national convention. we will look at the timing of the decision in a fair and balanced debate straight ahead. >> when you look at the life this man has lead and a life of raising a wonderful family, a life of of successful businesses and turning around troubled businesses and knowing with real experience that if you had a small business you did build that.
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coming up live from washington mitt romney has made his vp pick. what does the 2008 vice presidential nominee think? we will ask sarah palin when she joins us live. and the tom democrat chris van halen will talk about why he thinks the plan is all wrong for america. and a water park owner taking heat forgiving a discount to
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church groups. it is our freedom fight this sunday and all of the latest news. we hope you will join us at the top of the hour. well, some people are saying that governor mitt romney is looking to hit the reset button on his campaign after picking congressman paul ryan as his running mate. the goal is to give voters a better sense of what the gop ticket stands for as it heads into the republican convention in tampa. here is governor romney speaking at a rally in mooreville, north carolina. >> honest people can have honest differences. we worked with them and created change in washington at a critical time. so i have selected this man to be my running mate because i want to change washington and get america back on track. >> and the white house immediately firing back as is debbie wasser man schulz taking aim at congressman ryan's budget proposal.
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here she is on fox news sunday. >> i can tell you what would happen in either proposal in ryan 2 or ryan 1 is that insurance companies would cherry pick the healthy people, cherry pick the best people to ensure, and as a result the folks who remained in medicare would really see their costs go up. >> and let's bring in our political panel fair and balanced sally cohen and our former communications director for speaker dennis haster. great to see you. >> good morning. >> they talked today a lot about specifics. probably the most specifics we have heard on where the budget will go and how many jobs will be created and what will happen with medicare and entitlement. is this a gotcha moment for democrats? >> everyone who is saying this will be a god sent to the campaign and get everyone to be specific and put ideas on the table is correct.
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this will be an election about two clear choices for the future of our country. now, the unfortunate thing here is that mitt romney has chosen in his pick to embrace the right wing extremist house republican wing of his party to try and play indicate the dash dwash placate the base that has been friendly toward him, and he will alienate mainstream voters who will be concerned that romney-ryan wants to end medicare as we know it and privatize social security and gut medicaid and cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires to raise the deficit and raise taxes on 95% of americans. mainstream voters are not going to like that no matter how happy the base may be. >> some of the things they are talking about don't seem extreme. like reforming the tax code, like getting small businesses to hire again. are these some of the vote -- some of the things voters want to see and hear happen?
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>> first of all i want to say that paul ryan is a great choice mitt romney made, and it is about two futures for our country, and it is about that decision. i am glad that mitt romney had the courage to start this conversation or else we would be in the gotcha games that the obama campaign has been playing the past few months or so. what we are talking about is whether or not we want to go on the romney-ryan route which is toward economic prosperity and growth and cutting our deficits and saving medicare for generations to come, or stay status quo and keep president obama and have high unemployment, high spending, record deficits, have our credit that was down graded. we want to keep on that direction, well let's re-elect obama. i think americans are smarter than that. the fact that paul ryan is on the ticket will help romney go into the convention with a solid message. jay well, i want to -- >> i want to ask you, sally, i am of the opinion that women will drive the vote.
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ryan seems relatable. he has a em fa. he has risen up through the ranks. he has been re-elected in his hometown by a high margin. are those the kind of things women will look at when they determine as they make their budgets meet every month with their expenses because they are responsible for that to a great extent too? is that something that will maybe steer them toward the ticket? >> look, we have great familyh e ticket, very appearable and likable people. i do think ryan helps romney in the overall like ability which has been a challenge for romney. the larger issue here is women like all voters are going to do the simple calculation of looking at which path forward will actually work for america. and it is clear. romney, you don't have to listen to me. you can listen to what romney said. under the ryan plan, romney would have paid zero taxes over the last few years. look, president obama cut taxes for 95% of americans.
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mitt romney and paul ryan would raise taxes for 95% of americans and shift that money to pay for more tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires which incidentally would raise the deficit they seem so concerned about. once the facts come out and we get past this gloss of the new guy on the ticket, i think voters of all stripes are going to read the writing on the wall. >> 30 seconds ron and sally make the point we have two dramatically different propositions for the future of our country. do you think president obama will be driven to change his discussion of what he will do rather than saying we need more time and we need a different approach? >> he will be forced into a policy discussion that he doesn't want to have because the policy proposals he has put forth the past few years have been unsuccessful. we all said president obama is a nice guy, but he is not getting the job done. we still have high unemployment and low incomes. and that's what we had talked
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about women voting. that's one thing to care about. that's in terms of level of income and the price of gasoline and those types of pocket book issues that obama has not been able to solve. >> all of what both sides are dealing with. we are out of time. we will talk again. >> thank you so much. >> have a great day. and we will have new reaction from newt gingrich on governor romney's vp pick. we will hear his thoughts on his choice as number two coming up.
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former presidential candidate newt ggrich is talking about governor romney's vice presidential pick. during the primary campaign gingrich was critical of ryan's budget plan. now he is praising him as governor romney's chosen running mate. >> the effort ryan has put in makes him an extraordinary chitting choice. he is capable of talking about some very complicated topics. and that is an unusual moment in american history. >> and the former speaker of the house saying he no longer has issues with the medicare provision in ryan's budget
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proposal. >> in the last 48 hours six u.s. troops serving in afghanistan have been killed by their afghan partners in two separate attacks. but are these continuing attacks getting enough attention or are the media and the candidates largely ignoring it? fox news contributor liz joins us with our commentary now. >> six u.s. marines have died at the hands of presumably friendly half begans who ambushed them in a one, 24-hour period. the attacks happened before dawn on friday when an afghan police commander invited three marines to breakfast in the helmand province. they were overseeing the training of the afghan troops and never finished their meal. their host shot them to death. hours later from the south another afghan, this one described as a base worker shot and killed three more
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marines. this was the fourth reported green on blue slaughter of the week in which afghan allies have turned on their american partners. one of the men nato coalition spokesmen says it does not reflect the security situation in the country. however, since january there have been 26 such attacks by afghan men in uniform. the death toll, 34. don't strain your eyes looking for media coverage. the war in afghanistan is a shadow, a murky bad memory that sliped out of our consciousness, and another worldly event that has little to do with us. tv networks once avid in fighting the dead and wounded no longer do. they have given up their anti-war virus and the president has set a date for coming home. but what about the candidates for the presidency? shouldn't they be laying out what they have in mind for a future in afghanistan? killing osama bin laden seems
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to have been enough. so as the troops pack up to go home, he has little to tell us what to expect after 2014 the date for final withdrawal. how many billions of dollars will the war continue to cost as we struggle to climb out of our persistent financial crisis? more shts poo how many will remain in afghanistan? 69% according to a cbs poll. the answer would be just enough to turn out the light at the end of the pass. road side m bos continue to maim our troops and it heads for a country whose political leaders seem to have forgotten them. the cooperation continues their pace, and believe it or not the afghan finance minister is under investigation. mr. romney offers little on the subject. he is timid about details. if he prevails the first half
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of his first term will be dominated about what to do about the war that never ends. there are 85,000 troops in combat, but they are treated as a ghost army by their commander-in-chief and the man who would succeed him. he is a seasoned war correspondent, writing in the new york magazine. it has a grim finale after 2,000 americans killed and 16,000 americans wounded and $400 billion spent on the war in afghanistan and it has come to this. the united states is leaving, mission not accomplished. there probably won't be helicopters to rescue the frantic mobs in the times to come. it is more likely we will slither out of afghanistan. as the poet says, not with a bang, but a whimperment. >> governor mitt romney now has his number two, but will the paul ryan pick be enough
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we are now just two weeks away from the first of the 2012 conventions and fox newschannel is clearly the place to be with complete coverage of both the republican and democratic convention. >> megan kelly and i'm brett bier. when that takes place in tampa, that is august 27th to the 30th as well as the following week when the democrats hold their con veption on september 3rd througth
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