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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  August 18, 2012 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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>> rick: hello, everybody. well dom a brand-new hour inside america's election headquarters. >> patty ann: i'm patty ann brown. topping the news, a troubling new report on the spike in the key ingredient used in the road side bombs that have been claiming american lives in afghanistan. >> rick: here at home, the mosquito borne west nile virus has broken infection records this summer. we'll tell you where and what is being done to fight the disease. >> patty ann: and just in time for the dog days of summer, august, the very best lemonade you can buy at your local
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supermarket or make from scratch at home. a taste test, courtesy of "consumer reports". >> rick: we begin with politics and the hottest issue on the campaign trail right now, medicare. president obama and congressman paul ryan laying out their plans during campaign stops in two separate battle ground states. the president in new hampshire. congressman ryan in the florida retirement community, the villages. team coverage on this debate where each candidate stands. steve centanni is live in d.c first carl cameron is live in orlando. hi. >> hi, rick. the villages is a very famous place on the republican presidential campaign trail. population of well over 100,000 households, seniors all. it's the biggest retirement development in the world, they say. so today paul ryan brought his quest for medicare reform and the vice presidency to florida a crucial battle ground state and he brought his 78-year-old mom in tow in order to signal that
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he wouldn't do anything to take away her medicare and therefore, seniors around the country shouldn't fear it. it was a warm welcome, a big crowd at the villages. and for mr. ryan, this was the culmination of a week long vice presidential candidacy that many hoped would change the debate from personal attacks to real substance. and he did a little bit of both. listen to paul ryan on the stump today. >> we will end the raid of medicare. we will restore the promise of this program and we will make sure that this board of bureaucrats will not mess with my mom's health care or your mom's health care. [ cheers and applause ] >> that got something of a rise from the crowd because some of the folks were like our mom's health care, what about us? all the folks are 55 years and older. and mr. ryan said that they can be assured their medicare would not be changed for current and soon to retire medicare recipient, no threat to their medicare. what the romney-ryan ticket hopes to do is offer an alternative, essentially a fee for service or voucher program.
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now, the democrats argue that that's in itself a complete misrepresentation of what the romney-ryan plan is, but it's unfair to accuse the president of raiding medicare. they make the argument that the $716 billion that the obama campaign took from medicare to put into the affordable carack, obamacare, is not all that different from the $716 billion that paul ryan said he would trim from medicare by ending waste, fraud and abuse and cutting some services. >> rick: you spoke with him today. he has not done a lot of, speaking with reporters. you asked about foreign policy because he's been criticized a little bit that he doesn't have a lot of experience in that area. what did he say to you? >> he makes no bones about his inexperience comparatively. he said i spent 14 years in congress, i know what i'm talking about. mitt romney wouldn't have picked me if he didn't think i was ready. listen to a little bit of our interview. >> what would you say to russia and china in their refusal to trial impose serious sanctions
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on assad now? n this is a testament to the fact that the reset with russia was a fail your. our relationship with them is weaker. look at the frustrations we're getting from russia to begin with. so i think this is a testament to the fact that the obama strategy of this russia reset hasn't worked and i share the philosophy with mitt romney that we need have strong relationships with our allies. our adversaries need to know we have strong resolve and we adopt a philosophy of peace through strength, strong national defense. >> paul ryan channeling ronald reagan and adopting what he says is the romney view, particularly towards syria. mr. ryan today said he thought president obama hadn't spoken about american principles and values loudly enough, early enough, to stop some of the slaughter of civilians in syria. as you heard there, criticism of russia and he was also tough on china. for years mr. ryan has been reluctant to impose tough trade sanctions on china, argues he's a free trader.
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and while he's joined the romney ticket, there has been an evolution of his position. now he, like mitt romney says, because of china's trade currency manipulation, trade protectionism and theft of american intellectual property, he would stand with mitt romney and support romney's plan for strict sanctions to try to bring china back into line. >> rick: carl cameron, thank you. >> patty ann: now let's focus on president obama's plan for medicare. the president's views on how to fix the troubled entitlement program differ dramatically from mitt romney. steve centanni is live from washington. how is the president responding to charges he would cut medicare? >> he says that is not true, that he'll make medicarecient, t savings that the gop is calling cuts. the president was on the stump in new hampshire today as his campaign put out a memo saying romney and ryan are avoiding the details of their medicare plan because it would be, quote, political suicide for them to release that kind of detailed
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information. he said there are starkly different views of medicare. here is what he had to say about his plan. >> my plan saves money in medicare by cracking down on fraud and west and insurance company subsidies. [ cheers and applause ] and their plan makes seniors pay more so they can give another tax cut to millionaires and billionaires. >> the president said romney and ryan would force seniors to pay thousands more per year out of their pockets for medicare because the government would no longer pay for everything they need. >> patty ann: all right, steve, meanwhile, paul ryan appeared next to his mother down in florida. what's the strategy there? >> he's been accused by democrats of trying to end medicare as we know it. so today he made the point, a personal way that his family has benefited from it, too, and that everyone should be able to enjoy that same promise in the future. so he's putting a very human face on a debate that's been
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highly politicized. >> medicare was there for our family, for my grandma when we needed it then, and medicare is there for my mom while she needs it now and we have to keep that guarantee. >> so far from wanting to end medicare, ryan's showing he wants it to go on of the he says he's really hoping to rescue the program. patti ann? >> patty ann: thank you. >> you bet. >> rick: governor romney continuing his fundraising push in massachusetts where he was once governor. he's making stops in boston. martha's vineyard, nantucket. he's expected to bring in $7 million. yesterday he helped an event on long island. romney's team said they're working overtime to raise money after president obama broke all fundraising marks four years ago. >> patty ann: the number of ied attacks in afghanistan could top last year's numbers.
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this despite u.s. troops seizing a record amount of explosive material. troops have captured enough fertilizer to keep the taliban from making up to 50,000 bombs. the fertilizer is made across the border in pakistan. it raises concerns as u.s. troops pull out and afghan troops prepare to take over. >> rick: the u.n. announce brand-new envoy to syria. he's been a diplomat for the u.n. before serving as an envoy to afghanistan and iraq. he takes over for the former u.n. secretary general kofi annan. violence continuing to surge in syria. the u.n. says 18,000 people have been killed since that uprising began last year. annan and members of the u.n. security council expressed concern that he could get nowhere if council members cannot dom a consensus. >> patty ann: 30 dead and nearly 700 infected by west nile virus this year. right now spraying is going on
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in texas and oklahoma. the virus is spreading faster than at any time on record. climate experts say the weather has been a perfect storm, a mild winter, rainy spring, and drought. one victim describes the effect that it had on his family. >> it was meningitis. >> pneumonia. everything. >> we went through a whole gamut before they finally decided what it really was. >> it changed our life. we had a good life. i went to bed that night and the next morning, i woke up, i was blind. you know, people just need to be aware that this is serious. >> patty ann: maria molina has more from the extreme weather center. hi. >> hi.
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good to see you. unfortunately, we're actually seeing the worst type of drought, the extreme to exceptional worsening across the lower 48 right now. that's what we're look at across, especially parts of the center of the country across the central plains. it's an area that's been hit so hard. very dry conditions. we are finally seeing some showers and storms rolling on through over the weekend. that could produce some very beneficial rain. not going to pull us out of the drought burks we'll take whatever amount we can get. i want to start out across parts of the west because out here we've had very hot temperatures over the last several days, well into the triple digits. this is an area of the country that really lately has not had to deal with very hot temperatures. a little unusual for cities like seattle and also portland to get into the 90s. finally seeing the summerlike weather. we've had very hot temperatures, also relatively dry conditions. now we have thunderstorms that are forming that could produce dangerous lightning and fire-ups and additional wildfires in addition to the ones we have going on. we have a number of red flag warnings in effect across
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various states because of those conditions. also a number of fire weather watches in effect across this region. keep that in mind if you're headed outdoors. eastbound, we have a lingering frontal boundary across parts of the plains. that's firing up storms. but some of those storms could produce some severe weather across parts of texas, oklahoma also southern parts of arkansas, louisiana, into mississippi. this entire area could be seeing thunderstorms that could produce large hail, damaging wind gusts and even some isolated tornadoes and we have a second area that we're watching as well across eastern parts of the carolinas for the very same possibility. right now across the carolinas, relatively quiet. you're seeing the sunshine and warm temperatures and humidity in place. as we head westbound, look at all of this rainfall across mississippi and louisiana. it is just a drench out there. hopefully everyone is indoors, web, we have one severe thunderstorm watch in effect to the west of the city of dallas because we do have that threat for severe weather and storms
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rolling through parts of southern oklahoma. otherwise as we head westbound, isolated storms across parts of the pacific northwest, through california and the four corners region. we could use the rain out here. it's very typical of this time of year to see that moisture across this part of the country. like i mentioned, we're seeing hot temperatures and as we head into tomorrow, it's not going to be as bad as the last couple of days like seattle, you're fine lea back down into the 70s. take a look at interior parts of the west, 90 for great falls and montana. 96 in boise. triple digits for las vegas and phoenix. otherwise, bismarck, more pleasant, 79 degrees for your high temperature. of course, it is that time of year where tropics get active. category 2 hurricane gordon that is not going to be a threat to the lower 48 for us. we do have also helene that's been downgraded to just a tropical depression. that weakened. no impact either to the u.s. we are watching an area of low pressure further off toward the
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east. open atlantic. that system is expected to eventually become the storm named isaac. we'll keep a close watch on that over the next several days. patti ann? >> patty ann: thanks. >> rick: nationally the unemployment rate is still over 8% and the economy is growing, but at a very slow pace. so now more and more americans are taking matters into their own hands. they're starting businesses themselves. for many of these so-called kitchen tables entrepreneur, it's the slow economy that's finally helping them make their dreams come true. elizabeth prann is live in atlanta with more. hi, elizabeth. >> hi, rick. there is about 27 million small businesses across the nation. like you said, opening a business after the recession is no easy feat. what we're seeing is an emerging trend of folks who are opening up small businesses while they're keeping their day jobs, keeping very low risk and low overhead. dave and mary morris are the perfect example of this. they spent the better half of their adult lives in the corporate world. but about three years ago, they
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launched, the very simple idea, a web site that offers photo shares, building tips, designs of front and back porches. it went from about 30 viewers had they launched, to about 9,000 viewers a day, attracting advertising dollars. >> which has now allowed the couple to work from home. >> we really put our heart and soul into it for 18 months until we saw there's a possibility that we could leave the corporate world and work from home 'cause we started seeing a lot of traffic coming in and started earning enough money to where we felt like we could leave the corporate job. >> now, we met two other entrepreneurs who weren't in the corporate world for very long before they knew it just wasn't for them. two girls opened, which has morphed into a clothing boutique in east nashville. they're open seven days a week. they've been featured in national magazines and the girls tell us it was an emotional transition leaving the security of a desk job.
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>> hardests transition within myself and having the confidence and the belief in my business that i could do what i did for other people, corporate job for myself, with my own store. >> the girls tell us that one day they hope to have multiple locations in nashville and eventually franchise. rick back to you. >> rick: i'm sure they will. thank you very much, great to see you. >> thanks. >> patty ann: coming up, remembering a victim of a deadly shooting near texas a & m university. the emotional sendoff for a 41-year-old police officer. >> rick: plus, congressman paul ryan talks medicare with retirees in florida. but will that be enough to win over the state's 29 electoral vote in we've got a fair and balanced debate coming up next. >> patty ann: to the skies for the nation's biggest air shows, watch as some of the top jumpers perform death defies acrobatics in midair okay, team! after age 40, we can start losing muscle --
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>> rick: glad you're with us this saturday. the police officer killed in monday's shootout near texas a & m university being laid to rest
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today. thousands gathering at the school to pay their respects to 41-year-old brian bachman. a peaceful rally after the death of 34 miners. the government promising an investigation into the killings. alamo nell la outbreak linked to cantaloupes is blamed for two deaths and making more than 140 people sick. health officials are investigating farms in kentucky and indiana as they look for the source. >> patti ann: as the medicare debate takes center stage on the campaign trail, new questions over what effect the issue will have on seniors in florida. it is a critical swing state with 29 electoral votes. according to the latest rasmussen poll, 48% of florida voters over age 65 say they fear president obama's healthcare law. 41% of florida seniors say they're more concerned about congressman ryan's medicare plan. joining us for a fair and balanced debate, josh block, former spokesman for the
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clinton-gore, and gore lieberman presidential campaigns. and justin, a spokesperson for former florida governor jeb bush. thank you for joining us. >> sure. >> patti ann: josh block, let's start with you. president obama says the ryan plan, quote, end medicare as we know it. in reality, while it does introduce a voucher option, you would still have the choice to keep the government plan. the idea is just to introduce competition and lower prices. what's wrong with that? >> i think it takes away the guarantee that the government provided that when you retire, you're going to have a medicare program to rely on. how it turns out, how the funding works, there are a loft mysteries there. when you privatize a program like that, you're playing games with something that people relied on. i think it's also true that democrats need to come up with a plan that deals with the financial solvency of the program. scare tactics may be enough in florida. but i think democrat also have to do better than that if they want to katy compete in the area
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about how to save the entitlement programs. >> patti ann: this is dangerous for politicses, especially in florida. we saw the poll and 48% more afraid of president obama's healthcare law. had 41% more frightened by paul ryan. is this a winning issue for republicans? >> i'm excited about the debate. i'm sitting here in south florida. we saw in 2010 when senior voters went to the polls, they voted overwhelmingly in favor of the gop and one of the reasons for that was they became aware and they are aware today that obamacare pulled $700 billion out of the medicare program. so for the gop it's a winning issue because we want to protect the plan for anyone 55 and older. we also have a plan to make sure that medicare is there for people who are 55 and under. on the other hand, the president and democrats have no plan for
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medicare when it goes bankrupt in 12 years. yet, we also have the president pulling $700 billion out of current beneficiaries right now. the program right now. so it's a winning issue for republicans and i think this election of paul ryan will be seen as a game changing event in this presidential election. >> patti ann: josh, let's respond to some of those points that justin just made. the ryan plan not affecting anyone over age 55 right now examine also republicans hammering that point of president obama taking $700 billion out of medicare to pay for his healthcare plan. he says that is savings, it's eliminating waste, it's not cuts. what say you? >> i think this charge from the republicans that the president is getting medicare and medicaid is nonsense. but i agree that the republicans are out there with a plan and they're very forward and aggressive in saying we're going to fulfill the promises that we made to the generation retiring now and we're going to try to reform the program so it's around for people like me and a. i think the democrat party needs to find a way to articulate a
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vision where we're going to provide the financial solvency for the program. i'd like to see democrats talk about bowles simpson and try to find structural debt reform that deals with both the defense spending, responsible defense cuts, and also entitlement reforms so we can get small business going and lift the burden. i also think the idea that republicans are against the obamacare program which tells free loaders stop going to the hospital and making other people pay for your health care, well, unleashing the potential of small businesses strangled by rising health care costs seems backward to me. they say it's going to be an pontie debate and florida is a microcosm of it. >> patti ann: president obama said that the ryan plan makes seniors pay more so that they can give tax cuts to millionaires and billionaires. how do you respond to that? >> well, i think that one thing president obama left out was that it protects seniors who are 55 and older. i wish that he would put that into his speech and i wish a
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member of the press would ask him why he uses that rhetoric when he knows it's not true for people who are 55 and older. and you got to hand it to president obama, he is just running a divide and conquer campaign, pitting one group of americans against another group of americans. people who he calls millionaires and billionaires against other americans. this is not the barak obama who ran in 2008 and i'm sad to see the president is resort to go divide and conquer tactics. we should be in this together. >> patti ann: what about the class warfare charge? >> i don't think that's a fair argument to make. paul ryan's overall budget plan didn't apply the savings it found from the programs to strengthen them for the middle class. it gave them the tax breaks to rich people. that's what the charge that the obama administration is rightly making. i don't think there is a question of class warfare. i think it's needing to come out and articulate what the choice is. the choice is between a couple of folks who are very wealthy
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against -- and the democratic party which says look, let's invest in jobs and the middle class and try to build prosperity for everyone. that's really the choice that faces people in the election that's coming up. >> patti ann: all right. a lot more to say on that. josh and justin, thank you both so much for joining us. >> pleasure. >> rick: payoff for dozens of kids who weren't allowed to use a pool because of the color of their skin. back in 2009, we reported on a suburban swim club that canceled a contract with a nearby camp when club members complained about too many minority campers in the pool. the public was outraged. the club went bankrupt and now a judge says the proceeds from the sale of that club will go to the kids who were discriminated against. anna kooiman has the latest. >> the media frenzy is finally ending with an over $1 million settlement for minority children who suffered racial discrimination. a philadelphia-based camp had a
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contract to use the huntington valley pool in june of 2009. it paid $1,950 to swim there. the camp director said her campers heard racial slurs coming from club members and a few days later, the club canceled the camp's contract and refunded its money. club officials said it was because there weren't enough lifeguards for the 65 campers, many of whom could not swim. >> most of the parents that i've spoken to, their issue was more of a safety issue than anything else. strictly overcrowding situation and a safety situation because i believe there were two lifeguards on and it's just not enough. >> i heard this lady, she was like, what are all these black kids doing here? she's like, i'm scared they might do something to my child. >> she said she don't want any black kids, there is too many of them. >> what did you think when you heard that? >> that was ignorant. >> the club filed for bankruptcy after the allegations and sold for $1.46 million.
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if a recent agreement is approved by a pennsylvania bankruptcy court after court costs are paid, the minority campers will get a portion of the money. when it's all said and done, 73 people will be sharing up to $1.1 million. rick, that money is expected to go into trust for the kids who are minors and they'll be able to access that cash when they turn 18. back to you. >> rick: anna kooiman, thanks. >> patti ann: big show in the skies over chicago. the army's golden nights lead parachute team jumping from planes 12,000 feet in the air and pulling off complicated maneuvers on the way down. it's all part of chicago's air and water show. it's the largest and oldest running air show in the united states. >> rick: very cool. when we come back, new evidence that could solve the disappearance finally of amelia earhart. her airplane vanishing 75 years ago over the pacific. now researchers may have a major break in the search for the lost
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aviator. >> patti ann: raging wildfires out west. hundreds of homes in danger from the fast moving flames.
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>> patti ann: bottom of the hour. time for the top of the news. president obama hitting the campaign trail in new hampshire. the president slamming republican plans for reforming medicare. >> rick: in florida, republican vice presidential candidate paul ryan promising seniors that the gop will preserve medicare. he appeared at one of the biggest retirement communities in the country. >> patti ann: in washington state and california, hundreds of residents are being allowed to return to their homes. they had been threatened by massive wildfires. some people in two idaho towns are being told to evacuate add another wildfire grows. >> rick: pretty big news in the housing market this week. fannie mae and freddie mac striking a deal with the u.s. treasury. it means taxpayers will get
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their bailout money back four years earlier than anticipated. a new report also has encouraging news on home sale prices. let's take a closer look at the state of the housing market. the managing partner of chapwood investment. housing market was crucial, almost central when it came to the recession, ed. so when we take a look at some of the reports that are coming out, mentioned the fannie mae and freddie mac deal that was reworked and that was yesterday. we mentioned home prices and heard recently about housing permits, which is sort an indicator of future house construction also showing promising signs. how is the market looking? >> let's take this piece by piece. first of all, the announcement about fannie mae and freddie mac and getting paid back four years sooner, that's somewhat illusionary because there is $150 billion owed to us, the taxpayers. they still estimate that it will be a be an additional $2 billion that will be paid in. that announcement that's been made really just says what
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they're going to try to do is get more of the mortgages off the books of fannie mae and freddie mac than had before. up until now it was 10% a year. now they're upping that to 15% and giving people the idea that this is getting better. the housing market is getting better, we'll talk about that in a second. but the idea that we're going to be paid back, just not going to happen. >> rick: why not though? i was looking at the earnings for fannie and freddie. fannie mae, $5.1 billion second quarter profit. they paid out dividends in $2.9 billion in dividends to taxpayers and freddy, $3 billion in profits. these companies are making money again. >> they're really not, 'cause there is a lot of fuzzy math here, but they're still pulling down billions and billions of dollars over and above that off of the treasury and off of the books of you and i and every taxpayer. it's a problem. it's a bipartisan problem. it's an issue. this isn't one political statement. both parties, we got ourselves into this, but there is other
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ways to get out. but they're continuing to draw money out. when that press release came out, it gives the impression to anybody that things are getting paid back and it just isn't true. >> rick: all right. tell us your take on the housing market as a whole. >> sure. overall, the economy has come up. we've gone up to levels we never thought literally, that we'd be at at this point. things are getting a little bit better and in certain markets, they've jumped up quite bit, in fee fix and detroit, we've seen a good year. >> rick: miami is rebound not guilty -- in florida. >> that's right. so things are getting better. one of the catalyst, people need to understand, is the troubling europe has actually helped our housing market because when money flows into the united states, they have to convert to our dollar and then buy our bonds. that pushes interest rates lower. so those really low rates that we saw in june and july really help a lot for our housing market. we can thank europe, unfortunately, the trouble in
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europe helped us quite a bit in our housing. it was really the perfect storm 'cause people, lot of times are moving in june and july and with rates low, it was a perfect scenario where housing market -- houses basically jumped quite a bit. >> rick: real quick, i got a couple of seconds. what sign would be the most telling for you that things are finally starting to turn around with the economy? >> with the overall economy, i mean, it's all of the employment number. there is no question about it. the employment number is the spring board for our economy. that's the number one number. i like seeing what we have. we all want things to get better and we like seeing those numbers go up. let's hope this continues for quite a while. the most important number is that unemployment rate. >> rick: thank you, ed. the managing partner of chapwood investments, always good to talk to you. thanks very much. >> patti ann: as the nation's gas prices soar, there is word president obama is considering tapping into some of the
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country's strategic oil reserves. it's a move that could come at the height of the election season. peter doocy has the story in washington. >> the white house is keeping an eye on gas prices which have risen almost 40 cents in august due to high oil prices and because of problems with refineries in parts of the country and if there is a big enough spike in prices at the pump, there is a chance they'll tap into the strategic petroleum reserve. >> the administration does carefully monitor the global oil market and the global price of oil. so it's something that we watch closely because of the economic consequences for changes in that market and changes in the price. it's also one of the reasons that the president has advocated so aggressively for taking steps that will make the united states of america independent of foreign oil. >> motor club triple a says reserve oil should not be released right now because they say there is no emergency supply issue just yet, despite sanctions on oil exporter iran.
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republican congressman jeff denyham doesn't think the oil reserve should ever be released unless the united states is under attack. >> i fought for my country. i served in desert storm and i believe the strategic oil reserve is there in case we have some catastrophic incident where we get attacked or the oil supply gets shut down. not just because the president doesn't want to make choices on gas prices. >> those gas prices are still high at the moment, 3.72 on average for a gallon of regular, according to triple a. patty ann? >> patti ann: peter tuesdayy in washington. thank you. >> rick: new evidence on the possible crash site of legendary aviator amelia earhart. believed to have gone down over the pacific during an attempt to fly around the world. researchers say they have found a debris field thousands of miles south of hawaii. they say that debris may be her
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plane. we'll keep you posted. >> patti ann: many americans are just get to go know congressman paul ryan as governor mitt romney's running mate. on election day, how much impact does the vp actually is? we'll talk with the campaign manager behind this memorable vice presidential debate moment. >> i served with jack kennedy. i knew jack kennedy. jack kennedy was a friend of mine. senator, you're no jack kennedy. this is the plan for back to school. introducing share everything, only from verizon. a shareable pool of data to power up to 10 different devices. add multiple smartphones to your plan, so everyone in your family can enjoy unlimited talk and text. the first plan of its kind. share everything. get your student a samsung galaxy nexus for $99.99.
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>> rick: vice presidential candidates getting a lot of attention this week. congressman paul ryan stepping on to the national stage exactly a week ago, introducing himself to potential voters who may not have known about him before. but his ryan budget plan holding a lot of clout within conservative circles. when capped date barak obama tapped joe biden in 2008, he chose an elder statesman who lent foreign policy weight as
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chair of the senate foreign relations committee. how much does the choice of a running mate really matter? susan is a professor of law and political science at usc. she's a fox news contributor. always good to see you. i don't know how indicative the folks down at the villages is in florida are, but there were a lot of very excited senior citizens today getting the chance to hear from paul ryan. >> well, that's very good for mr. ryan, but i have to say, i think whether you like it or not, the democrats are gleeful at the idea that they're going to be able to paint paul ryan as somebody who wants to undermine social security, privatize it, make it optional, take on medicare, and i think there is a real contest going on here as to who is going to get to define paul ryan, whether it will be paul ryan or whether it will be my democratic friends. >> rick: we showed a clip a moment ago from a campaign you were involved in. this was michael do cass kiss, his campaign.
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you were the manager of that campaign, weren't you? and lloyd bentsen was chosen as the running mate and seen as a safe choice, very respected, long-time law maker. and dan quayle was then vice president george h.w. bush's selection who was sort of seen bay lot of folks as a lightweight at the time. didn't matter. we all know the results of that race. >> it sure didn't. i'll never forget, i was enjoying the clip. after that debate, it was clear senator bentsen, quote, won the debate. went across the street in lincoln, nebraska with then governor bill clinton to sit and wait in some bar. we weren't drinking, of course. but the poll results. i called up the pollster two hours later and he said you want the good news or bad news? i'll take the good news. he said the good news is, bent send ten to one over quayle. tennessean ten to one over bush. bentsen ten o one overdo cass
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kiss. he said, the bad news is the ticket moved one point. the conventional wisdom has been when somebody is running one of those ads that says a heartbeat away from the presidency, it means they're in deep trouble. i think the selection of sarah palin four years ago and the attention that got and the, you know, incredible power, both positive and negative of that choice really has changed the dynamic. and i think that may reflect in this race as well with mitt romney's choice of paul ryan. >> rick: what about the fact that having ryan on the ticket for governor romney really has in some ways elevated the discussion when it comes to talking about some very important topics, subjects we face as a cuntry? we're talking about the budget. we're talking about medicare in a way we might not have before. >> well, it remains to be seen if it will be an elevated discussion. i know you and i like to have real sub tantive discussions in which we put away the slang and
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stop calling names. but i don't know that that's what's going to happen in this campaign. i think there is going to be mud slinging on both sides. i think there is going to be scare tactics won't sides. and i have to say, in a lot of years in politics, scaring senior citizens about social security and medicare is a, not that hard to do. and b, extremely effective. i ran get out the vote in florida eons ago and i used to joke that try to get a college kid to go vote, they won't go across the street. senior citizen, they'll climb in an ambulance with the i.v. if that's what it takes to cast their ballot. so i do think from romney's point of view, this is a very risky choice. >> rick: real quickly, before we run out of time, the opportunity for the congressman to campaign with his mother. here he is in front of seniors standing next to the most important senior citizen in his life, it's awfully tough to slam a guy for wanting to hurt
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seniors when his 78-year-old mom is next to him. >> oh, not that tough, you know. everybody's mother likes their kid. the reason his mother is there is because they see a vulnerability and they're now trying to figure out how to deal with it. >> rick: susan, professor of law and political science at the university of southern california, you can read susan's syndicated column in newspapers all across the country every wednesday and friday. always a fun read. susan, thanks so much. patty ann? >> patti ann: rick, nothing says summer like an ice cold glass of lemonade. is home made better than a mix or even a carton? "consumer reports" shopsmart magazine puckered through a taste test. we'll have the results. stay with us ♪ [ male announcer ] to hold a patent that has changed the modern world... would define you as an innovator. to hold more than one patent of this caliber...
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>> rick: when life hands you a lemon, you make lemonade. whether you're working up a sweat or lounging by the pool, nothing is better than a nice tall glass of lemonade. should you squeeze them yourself or go to the grocery store? >> "consumer reports" decided to find out and they put popular store brands and mixes to the test, alongside home made
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lemonade. deputy editor sue perry is here with the results. >> hi. >> rick: good to see you. >> good to see you. >> rick: let's start with this one. this was your winner here. >> this is the one -- country time. first of all, let me explain. we put 14 lemonades to the test. it was a blind test. so our panels did not know whether they were tasting the home made version or they were tasting newman's own or minute maid or anything. the home made obviously won out. but the closest to home made was country time. >> rick: the color is a little weird. >> it's a little off from pure lemon and water over here, right. >> rick: very good. >> minute maid and newman's own came in next as the runners up. >> rick: this is not spiked at all? >> no. >> rick: that's good. >> patti ann: if you tonight want to do the powder, you can go with those. for a stand, you don't want to do the home made.
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>> nine lemons we want into making this. >> rick: how many? nine? >> nine. >> into this jug. >> rick: this is the home made? >> this is the home made. >> rick: we have a recipe that you brought for us of what's the best way to make some home made lemonade? >> you really have to cook up a simple sugar. sugar and water and you cook it up and that comes into -- makes a syrup and then you chill it and then you squeeze your lemons and then you put the two together and then you add more water and you have lemonade. pretty simple. >> patti ann: you have recommendations, because when you say squeeze the lemon, you can either do it by happened, which you have a tip for making that part easy. >> if you don't have an electric juicer, if you're doing it by hand, that can be arduous. so put the lemons in the mike wave for 20 seconds. give them a 20 second nuke and the juice also start flowing. >> rick: really? >> yep. >> rick: great ideas. i would never have thought of
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the microwave. >> patti ann: i still get seeds. >> i know. that's extra fiber. >> rick: you guys like lemonade? very nice folks have come out to visit. from philadelphia, gentlemen, you want to take some lemon made? ma'am? here you go. the lighter one is the home made and the darker one -- hold on, hole on. takes me back to my table waiting days. here you go. we got one more. enjoy. what do y'all think? >> it's great. >> patti ann: you've got the natural. you've got the store bought. which one is better? >> rick: nice to be with you. >> patti ann: great to be with you. >> rick: thanks very much and thank you for joining us. >> patti ann: the fox report with heather childers starts now
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