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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  August 20, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> education is america today is changing. digital technology is transforming. it meets every student's specific needs. fixing our schools. i am juan williams. in this special we look at solutions and success. once the envy of the world the american public schools student is falling tragically behind. united states is ranked 0th in
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math, 27th in science 27th in literacy. 30 percent drop out and never graduate. that statistic was dramatically illustrated on the national mall. one empty desk for each of the 857 students who drop out of school of every school day. there is no doubt public education is in crisis and the time to find a solution is now. coming up how innovative technology is revolutionizing learning. kids and parents tell us why it is working for them now. start off a public charter school in uma, arizona. ricks oxen the school's founder looked around his office one day and saw a lap top, a smart phone, tablet, digital technology that made him more productive but it wasn't being used in classrooms. so he transformed his traditional school into one for students for the 21 sz sen tour -- 21st century.
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carpe diem is unlike any school you have ever seen. >> security ud. >> office cubicles. bosses checking up on you. >> an on-site jim. but wait, these are kids. this is our one room schoolhouse. >> it is very much i call an office model. >> students at carpe diem collegiate high school and middle school. >> they come in see their schedule they go to meetings come back to their cubicle and work they go back to a break another meeting. they are adult modelled and it seems to work for kids with special needs and everyone. >> i love this place. >> make sure you understand everything. >> yes, i really like it. >> i keep telling him i am going
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to come back and work here. i am not going to leave you. >> why are these young students so excited about schools and learning? >> it is one of the best things across the country right now. >> michael horn is coauthor of the book "disrupting class." he defines learning of integration learning of computer based instruction with traditional teaching. >> tz on-line learning in a cool structure. doesn't look anything like school. >> one of the main concepts we are doing is empowering students to take charge of their education. they are working independently and collaboratively with teachers and staff. >> he is founder and ceo of this innovative public charter school in uma, arizona. it serves students grade 6 to 12. the town sits near the borders of california and mexico and has a distinct honor of being the sunniest place on earth according to the guinness book
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of world records. that's not what has him smiling. >> over the last 12 years we have had 94 percent proficiency rate across the board in concept areas. 36 percent of the students are not only proficient in reading writing and math but they are exceeding allstate standards. >> equally impressive there is no gap achieving children of different races and no different between poor and rich children. >> some at the lower end of the econonomic they are performing or above those who don't have those kind of disadvantages. additionally for two consecutive years we led the state in student growth. >> it jumped off the page. one of the schools in arizona with limited dollars. >> what makes it radical is teachers do not provide primary instruction to students. instead that comes from an on-line learning system called education 2020. >> teachers don't have to teach the core subjects.
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>> moving through the work depends on you. >> she was a top winner at the recent tucson regional science fair. she is ahead in all of her classes. >> either how fast or how slow you move. if you de i'd to finish a whole grade early and move on to the next you can. >> you are not stuck by the speed of the slowest in the class. every student as personalized education. they can work as fast as you want. they have a minimum pace they can go. >> he keeps a close watch keeping a close eye on the learning center. he is there monday through thursday. school on friday is for kids who need extra help and catching up. >> it is a place where a major part of the learning takes place on curriculum at any date in time 200 students in one room. they have to have us out numbered if you haven't figured that out yet. >> there are only five full-time
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certified teachers or coaches. they are back with professionals or assistant coaches. each with real time data and performance on e 2020. >> they carry data on nooks to where they can talk to kids and bring up their data instantaneously and find out what they are doing. >> reinforcing that data are the teacher's long time relationships with students. coaches teach every grade so they learn student's strengths and weaknesses over time. the senior rebecca has been 6th grade. >> you can talk to them about anything basically. >> the coach's job is to apply the computer lesson in the real world workshop. >> one of our sixth graders is learning how to divide fractions. on the computer it looks one way but how practical is that? when that student goes into
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mr. irwin's math class it will have a project they will show that is relevant. >> that is the job of our classroom teachers is to make that learning of the computer relevant. >> person becomes engaged to really understand what they are learning beyond the basics. >> there is another advantage of carpe diem blended model. >> nobody knows what lesson they are on. when they get something they don't understand they don't have to be embarrassed to let the teacher know. i can see that and i can work with them. >> in a classroom if everyone gets it i would say yes because i didn't want to feel like i didn't get it and i wasn't as smart as anybody else. i just would act like i knew it.
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>> e 2020 ceo is a fan of good teachers. she sees technology enhancing the teachers world. >> we see the computer bringing up the teacher to work on the more high value kind of activities in the classrooms coaching students, mentoring students providing the encouragement they need. >> x equals 2. >> he makes sure that you come to him whenever you need him. >> 10th grader alia transferred to carpe diem a year ago. she is shy and had trouble communicating with teachers at her old public school. she plays hooky for 20 straight days before she got caught. now with computers providing help her relationship with teachers have improved. alea has gone from failing to succeeding. >> made sure to come to me and say are you okay? are you getting this.
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>> mom is pleased. >> she is great. she disliked school but now she loves it. >> the mission statement of carpe diem is to education acknowledge power with character and equipped for learning. test scores are up at this school and so is student responsibility for their own success. straight ahead how young people and teachers at carpe diem cease the day every day. >> they begin to take responsibility. how to be responsible for time management and course management and their learning styles.d
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>> digital technology forced students at carpe diem to be responsible for their own progress. remember the school year rhyme that goes no more pencils no more books. that could be their anthem. >> the school thing about the software in the carpe diem uses is students aren't allowed to move on to the next lesson until they have mastered the lesson. there is a little progress bar above each child's learning if shows when you are on pace, behind pace or making progress. >> when you are red you are behind, blue on target blue is a ahead. >> 6th grader kaley have been at carpe diem for half of the year
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but their grades already improved. >> mainly i distribute my highs through out the subject. i am on target every day. >> occasionally 12th grader daniel takes mental breaks. he plays video games. it's permitted with the understanding there are consequences. >> they will see how much work they are doing. they cannot block your internet easily. if you have a favor are the class like i do they will block that favorite class and make you do the other ones. >> they begin to take responsibility how to be responsible for time management and course management and learning styles. it is thorough and can be customized for each school. >> there are state and district standards. the school district wans to focus on a different set of standards and emphasize a different part of the curriculum. >> incorporated into the lesson activities are pretests,
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vocabulary lessons and even games. >> somebody called direct instructions where there's a teacher explaining to you on the computer. >> then at the end of each course a comprehensive cumulative test is taken. >> the assessments are ongoing. the school district always knows where every student in the school is. >> we have teacher made assessments. we have acuity it is a national assessment that allows us to do a third party evaluation. >> at carpe diem that information is constantly shared with parents. >> here it is real time any time any day a parent can log on and see their student's progress. >> at any given time you can check on and see where the other child is at. >> dan and diane appreciate the steady flow of feedback. >> go on-line check in and see where they are at with their
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work. >> if you prefer the old fashioned way. >> any time we want to know about their grades all we have to do is call fwh and talk to mr. crane. >> black boards have been replaced with high-tech boards. >> the star board allows me the teacher to basically bring outside activities in via the internet. >> information is literally in the palm of your hands. >> i have a droid smart phone and every day multiple times a day i am receiving data on the students. i absolutely believe it's the future of education in america. technology is every where. it has invaded every area of life. >> we don't want every school to look like carpe diem. we would like every school to make use of technology and cease it. >> carpe diem. >> cease the day. >> carpe diem is working. when may open soon in indiana.
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now here's a fact you can bank on. as they switch from print to digital schools are saving money and it is also paying off in student's success. that story next.
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>> we have to move from printed digital as fast as we can and lead the world which we should or be a lagger. >> we have seen innovation do wonders in one school in arizona. now it's bringing ex siements to -- excitement to a small school district in north carolina. they are using technology to get on the fast track to success. remember when all you needed
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for school was a notebook. don't forget lugging all of the expensive heavy textbooks around. >> you don't have textbooks. >> the biggest thing in your book bag is your computer. >> welcome to what could be the future of education located here in moorsville north carolina. stop here. moorsville is probably best known as the home of nascar raci racing not tore state of the art school. now the school district is gaining national attention over its conversion to 21st century technology. it's visionary superintendent is dr. mark edwin. >> all of the students 3rd through 12th have laptops and we are using digital content that allows us to personalize approach to learning and bring a level of data and information back to students that otherwise would be impossible. now how do you give everyone a lap top? laptops cost money.
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>> we have repurpose pussed or funding. we have 19 districts in funding we are considered a modestly funded school district. >> how much do you spend per purple? >> 7,400 per pupil per year. >> what's a cost of the a family? we charge a $50 what we call a user fee. we have had families who fwraut in a big jar of coins who are in tough times they said we are in. here's our $50. >> while his budget was cut he had to layoff 10 percent of his calf including 37 teachers his reforms improve graduation rates from 77 to 91 percent in five years. how did he find the money for a lap top? >> we have moved away from textbooks. we used to have classrooms of dictionaries and they say sawyer russes. now they have access but we are not buying those materials we are going to on-line content. >> edward's success is also due
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to not having to fight a teacher's union in this right to work state. >> you have the ability to let bad teachers go? >> that's correct. >> that's different than most school districts who have a strong teacher union. >> i haven't worked in a state with unions but i have colleagues who talk about the processes. i do believe when any organization teachers unions or any one else you defend teachers that no one would want to have for their children it's wrong. >> we are sharing success and inviting others outside of the community. >> the mayor is miles adkins. >> he is putting moorsville in the forefront. they are allowing children to have access to the technology and closer to the environment that the school district offers. >> you have had companies designed to come here because of
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the school? >> absolutely. >> a lot of it is (inaudible). >> my daughter recently did a project on pakistan. she had image, she had music, she had her own voice over. >> the temperature here can get really hot. 1200 degrees fahrenheit. >> it's a 2 minute movie. she wrote the script but it's not open a textbook and write a two-page summary about pakistan. >> as our cameras tour inrmediate and high school the only books we found were novels. >> we are in the proceedings with textbooks. >> retired executive director for elementary education in moorsville. we look with virginia. >> change can be difficult but change was necessary for us to
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meet the challenges and needs of the young people we serve. >> we have had teachers who said i can't image going back to the old world that we were teaching and wishing and hoping and guessing. >> when you cut the teaching staff you saw then a jump in terms of your size of classrooms. it went from about 17 students per class to about 30 students per class. you are telling us that this in fact has led to better results, higher levels of achievement for your students. why? >> i refer to our teachers as roaming conductors. they might move over here and work with wood winds or trumpet and pump it up a little bit. but they are providing much more individual instruction than we have ever seen. >> sometimes they don't even realize they are learning. >> amy smith teaches reading to 4th, 5th and 6th graders. >> when it comes to ability to read does it help? >> they are much more enbaying
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gaed than a -- engaged than a class instruction of waiting to respond. they are reading paper novels. they are responding on the computer. every student was corresponding back and forth on their laptops. they didn't have to wait their turn. the quiet reserved students couldn't sit back and not participate. >> we are closer to our teachers because there's something else for us to connect with. in our previous school district there wasn't as much for us to connect with. >> they put us in groups instead of rows. so you can converse with people in your group. >> when you are looking for information science and social studies instead you can have an encyclopedia which is sometimes limited. you have the internet. >> teachers and school officials from over 40 states have come to observe the winning formula
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dr. edwards created five years ago. >> i think there's other schools around the country would be wise to adopt a model like this. >> leon is a parent whose daughter graduated two years ago. his son leon junior just graduated. he was offered a full four-year academic scholarship to study pharmaceutical science. >> probably the 3rd for 4th. had an opportunity to sit down with dr. edwards and talk about what we could do it try to help educate our young people and prepare them for their future. coming up next how real time assessments makes all of the difference for student achievement and i get schooled in a popular math game. >> education is very complex. it is a phenomenal vision and leader. you are the person to say it's not technology by itself. professional development better training is engaging the community.
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[ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar car insurance companies say they'll save yoby switching, you'd have like, a ton of dollars. but how are they saving you those dollars? a lot of companies might answer "um" or, "no comment." then there's esurance. born online, raised by technology, and majors in efficiency. so whatever they save, you save. hassle, time, paperwork, hair-tearing-out, and yes, especially dollars. esurance. insurance for the modern world. click or call.
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now back to harris falkner. >> parties have been talking about education reform for quite a while. time to come together to get it done so we can truthfully say in america no child will be left
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behind not one single child. >> it has been ten years since the no child left behind book was brought bipartisan support. for the first time it linked federal education funding to student performance. the aim was to hold teachers and administrators accountable for the success or failure of their students. the goal was to achieve 100 percent proficiency in math and reading by the 2012 school year. obviously that goal will not be met. testing and accountability have changed the profession of teaching. in the american classroom today it is no longer one size fits all. >> now let's rejien our story in moorsville north carolina. as a lifelong he had kalt tore dr. edwards believes accountability is absolutely necessary, even urgent. >> you don't have any problem
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with the high accountability standard in a no child left behind or raise to the top despite large public opposition to the program. i was a principal for several years we had no accountability. last year we cut testing and i was very up saturday aboset ab- upset about it. we were competing with japan and other countries. if you ask any parent do you want to have proof that you will have excellent teacher and when you say how to you prove it? you have to look at achievement data. we have been doing that five-years. we use achievement data for teacher evaluation before there was any state or national we have done that as a matter of practice because it just makes sense. >> it also provide real time assessments of student's progress. >> my job has completely changed from a teacher being at the front of the room to me gearing
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the lesson toward each individual student and walking around and monitoring their progress. >> matt teacher said she has seen grades improve from c to a with the help of computer assessment. >> i can get immediate feedback it is checking the problem for me so it saves me tons and tons of time as a teacher. >> remember how he referred to him as roaming conductors. >> i can look at his same mull tip ma-- multiplication patterni can analyze to see if she is making the same mistakes over and over so i know how to remediate her at that time. >> with technology they can follow students ups and downs. soak parents. help arrives quickly. as a reporter i wanted to experience the excitement of
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learning with laptoplaptops. >> boys and girls mr. williams is here from new york from fox news and he wanted to come in and see great students. are we in the right place? >> yeah. >> show him how you are playing this game. show him how you are doing it. >> i drag them down. they rigged the game against me. it is like an old guy comes in. >> you drag the arrow down. >> positioning the arrow the other way. didn't go in. >> you think this will help you with math? a >> yeah. >> boy ns and girls let's give mr. williams a nice round of
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applause. >> at moorsville high school we see them enhancing education via skype. >> i am taking french now it's an independent study. i have gotten to choose a lot of what i wanted to do. i wanted to encourage my speaking skills. >> she is a french teacher. she gave us a live demonstration using skype. >> tell the students you are going to have an opportunity to speak with a real live french person who they would otherwise not have the opportunity. immediately give the reason for why we are studying what we are in class. >> at the time we dwhot a textbook in our hand it was already five years out of date. >> the other aantages to laptops. >> we had a snow day we were able to do on-line reviews with the students at home. i am not wore out at the end of the day because i haven't had to stand there and try to
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constantly give them material. >> i would be so horrible with organization that i would lose papers and inspect my grades in class. my grades have gone up from having d's and f's and c's to a's and b's. >> not only do they teach us the basic curriculum but they give us life lessons such as organization which is a major part. good people skills communication, writing skills. that comes into play when we are looking for jobs. >> technology is so much better now. it's just a big help. >> the solution used for student's success and the small school district in north carolina are years away from most american schools. one large state, florida has developed a formula for success that relies lesson technology and more on the accountability of its teachers. in other high performing nations is doctors, lawyers
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engineers and teacher. for us doctors lawyers teachers
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a oo the change we have are flowing in the early to middle school high school. florida is one of the models in the country. >> we went to florida to see how a special formula is helping teachers make a difference. technology will never replace great teachers. they will always be needed to inspur students and turn around failing schools. that is true right now across america. >> high school graduations. >> congratulations. >> florida has become a hot spot for educational reform in america. >> graduation rates have gone up from the bottom now we are at the national average. >> graduation rates climb from
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56 percent to almost 71 percent in florida in the last 10 years. while graduation rates nationally have struggled. former governor jeb bush says there's a formula to florida's gain. bush fought the educational establishment to implement gold reforms that are now being adopted in other states. >> the florida formula is focused on accountability and the way we do that is we rate schools a, b, c, d and f. >> there are politicians they don't know anything about education. >> most of this is not about dictating what teachers do it's about setting expectations of the results. >> one of bush's most important reforms is literacy. he began on focusing how to better teach beginning in 88. >> over 80 percent of the children the year prior are below basic readers. 98 percent are passed on to 4th grade. we said no more.
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teachers began to teach differently. they began to develop new strategies. we cut in half the functional adversity rate in the state. >> we went to rosemont elementary school in orlando to see how the school turned itself around and became a model of school reform. it took new principal patty harrison and devoted teachers. >> 70 percent were not liviread on grade level. i said give me the names of the coaches and music teacher. i am the new principal you also teach reading now. >> without reading they are going to struggle in science and math. >> she teaches reading to 5th grade. >> targeted instruction helped 59 grader make big gains. >> nice. >> she walked into the classroom she was at a third grade reading level struggling reader. she is made a year and a half
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growth. she also scored one of the highest in my class on the bench mark test. >> when first started the year i was going to be dropping now i am getting a, b. >> reading scores are increased 10 percent. writing scores are up 86 percent. the florida formula paid schools that earn a grades. joe ann says that money should be spent. >> all of the schools are adequately funded. they are modernized. >> that's like paying for grades. you are getting financial incentives to schools that are doing better. >> i guess the other system is to pay for failure. i would rather be paying for improvement and providing incentives. >> rosemont receives an a grade and with it 56,000 dollars. most of the money wint to
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staff -- went to staff. >> all of our schools say it is bad not just certain schools. >> how would you go about using mental math? >> dedicated work force that's what makes it a winning formula. not necessarily the formula itself. >> once you reach a certain level number you have this coding. >> can he as a member of the legislature greatly impact the laws created. >> we went to edge water high school also in orlando to see how they are working with the florida formula to produce top results. >> isn't that crazy. reading is so much fun and enlight enlightening. >> up to two years ago the school was failing the building was literally falling apart. >> part of the turn around included construction of a new school. it increased community academic improvements also required teachers to build young minds
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through innovation. >> how did the framers of our government want the government to act? >> i have figured them out who to look at this. use computers and other people use silly classes and a beard. >> he is an advanced placement history teacher. he succeeded in increasing the number of students willing to take difficult advanced placement courses. >> ratification must happen by the senate. >> i was a little taken back. i never saw a teacher who is so i guess intense. >> florida seniors like mary michaels tailor are now taking ap classes. as a result high schoolers passing the ap exam have grown by 249 percent since the start of the florida formula. the number of minority students passing the test has tripled. >> kids want to be challenged and want to do well for people they care about. >> you have seen 3 times on 3 different tests. kids have good teachers that they respect.
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they change they ablossom. >> my tests were usually in the c, d range but they were like you can do better than that. no i don't think so. this is normal for me. he was like just try. the next test i got a b? why did he care so much? i don't get it. now after taking his class i appreciate it. >> you have to find what they are interested in or coerce them into thinking what you are teaching is interesting. >> kevin at ap video game design teacher helped senior jonathan schroeder develop a passion for science. >> drawing things in the lunch room, bullying, getting in fights. always a big trouble maker until i started getting into the more sciencey courses and engineering stuff. >> he didn't necessarily always make the best decisions when it came to should he do his homework. >> it has been a lot easier for the students to connect with a teacher that is passionate about the subject. >> when you can involve the learning process with play that
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really increases the amount of retenti retention. >> finding that really helped me. i didn't even realize it until, you know, junior year when i said i haven't really gotten in trouble this year. what's going on? >> jonathan was part of a team that won a space station design competition. he is going to sri he knows yaw college in illinois. >> suggested we were at the bottom of the pack. now we see the kind of improvement that other people can model and see improvement in their states as well. 24 other states have adopted parts of the florida formula. up next we have shown you how technology and great teachers make an impact on students. but wait until you see how digital learning is helping teachers make a difference in large urban schools where dropout rates are a lot higher. >> endless of american society has gone through a technological
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revolution. education is stuck in the 19th century model.
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>> you have seen ow digital learn something helping students and teach at a small school in the desert and a school district? north carolina. but can technology be used to fix large urban schools? in new york city the classrooms have been reimaged. >> what the school wants is trying to customize the educational experience. >> put my grades up dramatically. >> we are focusing on the specific needs and that's what's driving the whole school. >> my favorite part is when we
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have to transition because they put music on. >> to wake them up loud music glass through the hallways while the students are changing classes. it is one hint of the technique used. even their lesson plan is on the computer in the form of a play list. >> but the beginning of the year they have a diagnostic test. based on that test they get a play list. >> tina is a teacher and technical director at the school. the play list is a student's learning plan for the year. it is created from data on the economic progress and runs through anal go rhythm. >> theal go rhythm meets that play list and goes through all of the skills on the play list. >> education is a business. >> dominic is the principal at is 228 where school of one is out. >> if you want to understand what your customer needs, you need good data.
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if it is not good it can be very dangerous. >> the cheese problem is what we call it. when they move on even though they have big holes in their understanding. >> at the end of each day what a student has learned is measured with a five room assessment. >> you go back and correct the mistake you have made. >> if you have one or two or three you have to repeat it or they skip it to the next. >> based on the answer they determine the best way to teach the child. the design of the school is constructed to allow students to work that the aer own pace. in one area a teacher can work with a small group. in another area there's live on-line tutoring. >> we are talking about linear equations. they try to pull the top best matches for each student. do they looshg working with groups and certain teachers. >> christopher rush is with new classrooms a nonprofit that
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designs software for school of one. >> to identify these types of lessons and gives them a ranking and score for them. >> you can have the computer and teacher so you are trying to see which one you learn better from. >> do you know more what it would look like if it was an occasion not just a draft? >> for these very very routine-type assessments they can see where a kid's strengths and weaknesses are. klein helped develop school of one when he was new york city school champion. >> use technology not by giving a kid a computer but by really improving instruction by helping teachers do their work in a much more effective way. with 5,000 weapons in the school of one's computers teachers have more time to work with students. >> the questions i am usually asked is if i will ever go back to traditional teaching?
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emphatically the answer is no. >> they love school of one. >> teaches become irrelevant in learning. it couldn't be further from the truth. let the computers do what the computers do really well let humans do what they do really well. >> you have to prepare a lesson plan why do we make the job an easier job? >> amplified software units wireless generation helps develop the technology. >> they figure out the reason a kid can't do decimals is because she never mastered fractions. if she teaches doing decimals without going back and teaching fractions it's not going to work. >> you said the revolution would come with technology. they want the public dollars that's why they are interested in education. >> lots of money goes into the private sector. you have the textbooks and other products the schools use.
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that doesn't undermine what's right for children. but the opportunity to have people use new and different things be more effective. >> this arms teachers and administrators with the information to talk to parents to figure out an action plan that their son or daughter could be successful. now the evidence is there playing in front of you. >> are those modelsable to be adapted in big city urban districts like new york like dc? >> i think they can. it doesn't happen overnight. student scores are rising. in the fall the program will be expanding to four more schools. >> the critics would say there's no proven track record here. shouldn't he be trying it out before he brings it to the premiere school district in the united states, new york city. >> that's what innovation is all about. if we are afraid to dry different things we will get the same results. if we get the same results that
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will undermine our country. >> this is a game changer. very powerful. totally unbelievable. you have to come see it in person. our fox news team is amazed the fast pace of improvement possible at schools nationwide through the use of the latest technology shaping education to every individual student's needs and giving them the grates chance for success is no far fetched dream. we realize parents teachers school boards, politicians all have their own opinions. they all have their own agendas. but hopefully for our children's sake everyone can put that in the background and make student achievement our number one priority. from new york i am juan
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