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tv   Hannity  FOX News  August 22, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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you want that way. thanks for watching us tonight. i'm laura ingraham. please, remember, the spin stops right here buzz we are always looking out for you. >> sean: tonight, democrats are desperately attempting to tie the presidential and vice-presidential contenders to the recently controversial comments made byked to aiken, desis spite the fact that mitt romney and paul ryan denounced the comments and called for him to get out of the race. but the liberals are pathetically argues that they agree with aiken. and the democratic national committee is looking to raise money over what almost all
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conservatives agree are inexcusable comments. this is the graph at the top of the, reading, quote: the g.o.p. is dangerously wrong for women. and i quote, romney, ryan and aiken and the g.o.p. want to take women back to the dark ages. of course, if you click on that image, a letter from the dnc appears, begging for money, begging for donations. clearly, this is a desperate party that wants to talk about anything but the failed record of president obama. we will hold the president accountable and here to help us, the author of the best seller, demonic, ann coulter. i wanted him to drop out. you wanted him to drop out. rush limbaugh suggested for the good of the party, he drop out. romney, ryan -- let's see, danworth... you know, everybody -- ashcroft -- >> everyone! [laughter] >> sean: it goes on. now they are trying to do this.
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another lie, more dishonesty. >> right. >> sean: where's the president in all of this -- silent. as usual. >> no. you are absolutely right. but if i could put aside the liberal hypocrisy for a mome. this is a problem. this is why i think the republicans need to stage a write-in campaign of a well-known popular republican, like kit vaughn because this selfish swine,ed to aiken is going to hurt the republican party. we are not only going to lose a grchted republican pickup seat, unless we stage a write-in campaign. lisamerkowski won on a write-in campaign in alaska. so it's possible that that would work. but tell bleed over into other races. not everyone can be expected to be watching sean hannity or looking up the sec reports to see that the rnc pulled out millions of dollars and a side note before we move on.
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i am really getting annoyed with thissed to aiken being blamed on the christians and him pulling, you know, god into this. the butler county republicans, a very socially conservative group in missouri unanimously voted to disinvited to aiken from their linkon day event. the other two republicans in the primary, one was john bruener who had the endorsement of the missouri right to life, national right to life and the other one, sarah steelman was endorsed by sarah palin. all good republicans. ed to aiken was chosen by the democrats. they spent millions of dollars -- he's the candidate they wanted. >> sean: i don't want to talk about it anymore. here's why -- >> why? >> sean: no. this is important. the only thing that bothers me, president obama speaks out three times -- we will get into this in more detail later -- publicly about the lack of civility. in this case, sandra fluke, speaking at the democratic national convention and -- after
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gabby giveords. he's utterly silent on bill maher, silent on romney being called a murderer, causing this woman's cancer. he is silent on the felony talk. he is saying that republicans want dirty air and water. he doesn't get called out for it. this is a campaign of smear and slander and frankly -- romney's right. this is hateful to lie about people. >> yes! i hate for this to be seen as in any way a defense offed to -- of todd achen aiken, but he is beig attacked for saying stupid about race. the democrats' keynote speaker is someone who was credibly accused of rape. if they are going to have sandra fluke at their convention, we should have sandra at ours. we can't have a war on women because the democrats have won that war between teddy kennedy,
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bill clinton, anthony weiner, i know there is a large gulf in what is expected of democrat politicians and republican politicians. but i say the most important thing is taking back the senate to repeal obamacare and if get good supreme court justices. >> sean: what congressman aiken, i think, wants. that doesn't stop him. one of the things that i think -- i know that there is a little bit of a split here. we should talk about this. there are some conservatives that want to say, they are tired of the double standard. here's the problem. you know, we can whine and complain all we want, it is not going to change the double standard. if exists. >> right! >> sean: will this impact the campaign? could it negatively impact our ability to beat clair mccaskill and beat barack obama in missouri? -- >> not only that-- one person does not take precedence over the conservative moment.
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>> no! thoosht. not only harminginous other house seats in missouri, losing what should have been a republican pickup before -- before todd aiken's statements on sunday that came out on monday. republicans have a 75% chance of to 37%.up this seat. we have gone from an easy win to a loss. and you say, what todd aiken cares about is stop overruling row v. wade. i don't think he does. i don't think he does. what he cares about is his own ego. she was showing off, fancy footwork and what he knows about the medical impact of rape on a woman's body. he has harmed the republican party. and this is not a time to be fooling around. i don't care if he's a nice man. this isn't -- this isn't -- you know touch football. this is the nfl. and republicans have got to pull out a nuclear bomb at this point. we tried to wait until 5:00 p.m.
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yesterday. that didn't work. i really think -- i mean, there are other possibilities that he could switch seats or races with anne wagoner-- i don't care if this happens. if you want to put in kit bond's name, but i don't want to lose focus. everybody has to understand this. we have 1 in 6 americans in poverty. 25 million underemployed, 45 million needing food stamps from barack obama. 15 million more than when he took office. and hundreds of thousands fewer americans working. so while this is happening, we can't lose focus every time barack obama and the democrats, you know, find some other issue that they want us to feel outraged about, which i don't believe this is real. this is selective moral outrage once again. if they were really outraged, joe biden wouldn't be on the ticket after saying they want to put you all back in chains-- the way he said it last week. >> joe biden?! what about the keynote speaker being bill clinton.
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let's look at the women in mitt romney and paul ryan's life and the women in teddy kennedy's life-- the ones that are still alive and weren't killed by him. and bill clinton and anthony weener and the rest of them. don't talk to me about a war on women. but i do think there needs to be a clear differentiation here. we can't give up the seat and we can't give up scott brown's seat. >> sean: the democrats did elect ted kennedy. >> yyes. the conscience of the senate, they called him. >> sean: i think they d. ann coulter, great to see you. >> good to see you? >> thanks. better watch out, vice-president biden is reportedly heading to tampa to crash the republican national convention. >> when we comprehend back, we have pat caddell and monica crowley, who are going to explain why this is unprecedented and frankly issue a dangerous move. also, we look at the stimulus shocker. your tax money being used to fund the obama media? we have a report, as we continue
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to vet the president right here on "hannity." what's with you?
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>> sean: it is a new low for team obottom a. in an unprecedent and brazen move, vice-president joe biden is holding rallies in tampa, florida, during the republican national convention. he is spitting in the face of a long-standing tradition and
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jeopardizing everyone's security that will be in the area. here's y. the tampa police are working overtime to try to protect everyone who will be attending the convention. and biden's presence would only make this work harder. for example, yesterday, tampa police, they confiscated brick, pipes and discovered anarchist graffiti on a rooftop one mile from the convention site. this is the dirtiest, the sleaziest, the slimiest campaign ever run. the obama campaign knows that the and the his v.p. cannot run on their record. so they have to pull ridiculous stunts like this. joining me with reaction, pat caddell and monica crowley. it is sleazy. it is slimy. i mean, this is -- you know, to take police resource, vice-president comes to town, it's a big deal. imagine i i, monica, rush, lavine, anybody said this about the president or vice-president, what biden said today... >> over the objections, they
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sound like squealing pigs. over the objections of romney and all his allies, we pass the some of the toughest wall street regulations in history, turning wall street back into the allocator of capital it always has been and no longer a casinnio. they -- casino. they want to repeal it. >> sean: squealing pigs. what if i said that about the president or vice-president? >> you would be hammered. never mentioning fannie and freddie, greatest scandal of all time. what's really bad, the president is running the real risk, every time you lower the standard, breaking tradition -- this is chicago politics. we don't care, we are going to disrupt your convention. for all the times we have had conventions, we have honored the idea in politics, you have yours, we have ours and then we engage a campaign. they are taking down all of this. like the president's campaign, he has been the most negative personal campaigner in the oval
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office -- ever. >> sean: beneath the dignity of the office. >> you know what? winning matters more. that's what he is risking. >> joe biden probably believes he is going to the democrat national convention in tampa -- he is such a bafoon. to you about make a serious point. what he is doing is out of the pages of the chicago playbook and out of occupy wall street. what they are doing is showing that the president's re-election campaign is no better than occupy wall street, just as devoted to chaos and anarchy and sort of the low-brow tactics and in fact, criminal tactics of occupy wall street. and the other thing, too, to get to your point about the obam brand, built in 2008 on hope and change and sitting above all of this kind of stuff. being transformative and transcendent. that smashed the omnipotent clinton machine and the republican machine in 2008.
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what he has now is this very jarring disconnect between the chicago gangland politics and the brand that he built for himself four years ago. >> sean: first of all, if you are going to send somebody, you don't send vice-president gaffe. he has had his moment, including clast week. but he has said these things -- watch. >> you don't know my state. my state was a slave state. my state is a border state. my state is the eighth largest black population in the country. it is anything from a northeast liberal state. >> you have the first sort of mainstream african-american who is articulate and bright -- and clean and a nice-looking guy. i mean, that's a story. >> in delaware, the largest growth in population is indian americans, when they come in here, you cannot go to a 7-eleven or a dunkin donuts unless you have a slight indian
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accent. >> sean: 7-11 -- by the way, barack obama -- first -- first mainstream -- i mean, african-american who is articulate, bright, he's clean. he took a shower. [laughter] >> let me tell you something. this is the difference in politics. no republican, no one other than someone in washington, catering to the press for a long time could survive gaffes like that. this is because the same system -- what i am offended by and what you started to say monica, which is important, this is the danger for the president. he was going to be this transforming figure, take the campaign down so low. but you are wrong, sean, about sending him. he's the right guy, because the strategy is distract and disrupt-- you might be right. >> the more he does that and competes with the attention-- the dumber he is, the better it is. >> but when is somebody going to turn to the president and say, excuse me, you know, you are being had here.
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mr. president, you run your campaign or not? did you tell biden not to say that was a terrible thing to say about the chains? did you tell stephanie cutter not to choose someone being a felon? did you call anybody on the carpet? no. mr. president, are you trying to think you can fool everybody? he is in deeping deep trouble. >> he is not being asked the tough questions. he is not being held to account for any of this behavior, including his vice-president-- the media -- monica, is in his pocket! they are an extension of the president. >> of course, they are. when it comes to joe biden, the double standard that has rippled throughout american politics for decades now, which is that republicans, whether it's ronald reagan or george w. bush, sarah palin, dan quayle, they are turned into big dummies when they have a mistake. joe biden is just joe. we have to draw the line here. it is not just joe, it's the party getting away with bloody
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murder and lying to the american people. >> sean: we have a lot coming up tonight. you want to know where team obama is spending your hard-earned mony? it's going straight into the hands of the mainstream liberal media. in other words, their friends in the media. michelle malkin is here as we continue to vet the president. the shocking story of stimulus wasted and tune in this friday night, a special edition of "hannity," a documentary, if you voted for barack obama in 2008, this is a film you must see. here's a sneak peek. >> tonight >> the most exciting and important election night. >>. >> i voted for obama. >> i needed some kind of hope. >> barack obama will be the 44th president. >> the torch will be passed -- >> people were desperate. >> today does mark the beginning of the end. >> starting with the bailout.
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>> millions of americans don't have a job. >> he is in -- >> spending is out of control. >> i don't quit. it's the same thing over and over. >> he has failed. hope just kind of fades. >> this is still about change. >> it's falling on deaf ear this is time. >> the party's over. >> we are done. >> can we go through another four years of this? y morning? it's the only way to get fresh coffee. not in my house! this new flavor lock pack from maxwell house helps seal in freshness. wow! that is fresh! am i still yelling? [ male announcer ] maxwell house flavor lock. always good to the last drop.
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so will getting into college. i've got what it takes. so do you. >> sean: all right, the obama administration better get ready to do some damage control, this after a report published by the washington times reveals that the labor department dished out nearly half a million dollars in stimulus funds to run commercials for the president's quote, green-training jobs on nbc. let's get this straight. all of this money came from your wallet. it shouldn't come as a shock, "the washington times" reviewed the records and reportedly found that this effort created zero jobs. joining me with more on the story, the author of "culture of corruption," michelle malkin. let me get this straight -- no
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jobs. taxpayer money, 49 million americans in poverty, 1 in 6 on food stamps, 1 in 6 in poverty. 25 million un- and under-employed and they ran it on this network. watch. >> this you are damn right dick chine's -- chacky's heart's a political football. we outto rip it out and stuff it back in him. i am glad he didn't tip over. he is the new poster child for health care in this country. he is an enemy of the country, dick cheney is. lord, take him to the promised land, will you? i don't wish he goes to hell. i want him to get the hell out of here. you know what they're talking about? like this right-wing slut laura ingraham -- yeah, she's a tax slut. >> sean: tax dollars, promoting that network. beam me up, there is no intelligent life down here. >> talk about a toxic taxpayer outrage. this is -- part of the pork that
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was supposed to fund clean energy and environmental programs. but it funded a lot of air pollution, as you just showed. and this is jump change when you think about it. there really has been no specific study done on exactly how much has been squandered by the obama administration and forked over into these lap-dog slush funds. what happened was, this went through a public relations firm, mc l0neeley pig on the and fox public relations firm -- no relation to this fox, obviously. then maskeraided as a -- masqueraded as a green jobs promotion. i would like to know how many other filthy media personnels and outlets and airwaves this money has gone to. >> sean: let's go through this slowly.
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we have big bundles of obottom a. they get access in the weeks leading up to them getting money, stimulus money, they get access to the president because they raised all of this money for him. solyndra, sunpower. we give money to brazil for exploration to be their best customer and more stimulus money to finland so they can start an electric car company. and swee -- we have $5 trillion in debt and fewer americans working than when he went into office. how is this possible that this is a race at this point? with this level of incompetence and abuse? >> progressive math has dominated this country for so long of every time we get zero, zero, zero jobs creation programs, they have been able to get a pass. it really is up to the taxpayers to inform themselves about these things. there are other kind of flack-slush funds that need to be questioned. i am sure you highlighted this a could you of months ago, where you had $20 million that went to
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a friend and surrogate of obama -- for a p.r. firm, porter naveli to flack what? the failed obamacare spending. i think there ought to be a call from congress in capitol hill for a new gao study to really highlight and dig up more of what "the washington times" polted here. >> sean: it wouldn't be appropriate to spend on this network othis program. it just wouldn't be appropriate. maybe with the exception of our armed services, you know, looking for brave men and women that are willing to sacrifice -- i can understand in that case. but not in this case, with $5 trillion, borrowing 40 septs of every dollar at a time when we really need money. when are we going to -- you know, say enough's enough? do you think people even -- do you think that the people out of work would care? i would think so. >> i would think so too.
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it's fiscally irresponsible. it's ethically irresponsible. i think there are two main problems and scandals that have to be spotlighted and hammered here. one is the massive green jobs racket that has produced nothing, nothing but waste. and then, of course, the simm biotic relationship between the obama administration and the lap dogs in the media that are profiting off of it, as well. we know there is a huge revolving door between many of these so-called neutral journalists who go through and become slacks for the obama administration and go back out into the media world and pretend that they're objective and neutral. that has to end. >> sean: michelle malkin, always good to see you. >> you bet. take care. >> sean: the fiscal cliff is looming large. bad news as the congressional budget office issues a dire warning to congress about the need to extend the bush-era tax cuts and what the consequences will be if in fact, we do not.
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will democrats listen? will they act? reports say we may be on the verge of a war in the middle-east as israel is closer than ever to a military strike on iran. what impact would it have on the races for the white house? liz cheney has the answers as this edition of "hannity" continues tonight. [ male announcer ] more power. more style. more technology. less doors. the 2012 c-coupe. join mercedes-benz usa on facebook for the best summer sweepstakes. who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone.
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♪one smile that cheers you ♪one face that lights when it nears you.♪ ♪and you will be happy too. >> sean: shocking news out of the nonpartisan congressional budget office. its annual summertime report predicting without congressalg action to extend the bush-era tax cut, america could spiral into another recession, with unemployment surging to over 9%. a situation that is far more dire than they reported in january. it is doubtful that the president and his congressional allies, the democrats, will heed this warning, as both are determined to raise taxes on america's job creators. joining me to examine the bleak economic outlook, sandra smith
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and ceo john lafield. you think things are bad now. this is what they are saying, quote, they are warn that this economy will enter a recession if they don't deal with the issue of the bush tax cuts. they are also saying that the economy's going to contract, that automatic spending cuts, if they are implemented and they said it will be far worse than what they ever thought unemployment will go to 9.1% and we will be in another recession. >> they said, basically, if we allow this fiscal cliff to happen fwe allow the taxes to go up and the spending cuts to happen, we're looking at over 9% unemployment. we are looking at a disastrous situation. but what i thought was interesting beyond the number and it is report, sean, the fact that they report to the underlying economy is so much worse than what they had based their previous estimates on.
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so based on where we have been brought today, they had to revisit the numbers and say it's going to be really ugly next year. >> sean: if there is one thing even worse. they say that even if in fact, they deal with this, they said, even if congress were to extend the tax cuts and cancel the spending cut, most which have would go to defense, they go on to project that the economy will grow 1.7% -- that's the best-case scheinar scbroa unemployment will be 8.7% -- even if they don't do this, we near really bad economic shape. >> there is no job creation on the horizon. look, with manufacturing left and those jobs went to housing, that was a bub they'll burst, there has been nowhere for those jobs to go. and there is nowhere to go next we're. we have 8% plus unemployment everyone even if this is extended, we have only $1.1
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trillion in personal income taxes, even if you double that, raise it 100%, we don't cover that deficit. so we need to todo something with the federal government. that's the problem we face in january. >> sean: let me show you something that paul ryan said on the campaign trail, claiming 2010 was supposed to be the recovery summer. and the private sector, of course is doing just fine. he responded to that. >> he said last summer was going to be the summer of recovery. and a summer later and it's still worse. they said that the private sector's doing just fine. we need more government. this is president obama's imaginary recovery. it is not here. >> sean: stef new cutter, by the way was claiming, they have had more jobs created than reagan and bush's recovery. >> it is going to be a tough fight because there paul ryan was in -- standing in a southern state where they are battling higher unemployment rates than
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we are doge dealing with on the national average. north carolina is 9.6%. it's really hard to listen to barack obama and joe biden talk about a recovery, say that -- president obama said thalt private sector's doing just fine. i beg to differ and a lot of folks will have a problem with that. sean, one other thing, the cbo estimates are based on where we are today -- if all of a sudden we find ourselves in that state of unemployment, over 9% the first half of next year, what happens to housing and the record gas prices? the situation that is being forecasted as dismal as it is by the cbo, could be much worse if this happens. >> sean: you know, no wonder john, they don't want to talk about this. no wonder they are happy when joe biden makes a gaffe and they want to focus on an obscure congressman running for senate. no wonder they want to accuse mitt romney of causing cancer. i wouldn't want to focus on
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those numbers either, if i was them. >> no. have you an election coming up in a few months. the question is -- are you better off now than you were four years ago? that's the barometer every incumbent president faces. we are looking at a trillion dollars of stimulus, we are 63.7 labor participation rate, the loyest since around 1980. and you look at what the cbo says, if those people were included in that labor force, we are looking at 10% plus en-- unemployment. america is hurting. there is a reason they elected this congressman. they don't want to talk about the economy. >> no matter how hard they try, they can't distract the mesh people. 76 days -- not able to do it. appreciate it. thank you. time to check in with greta van susteren for a sneak peek what
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have is coming up in 20 short minutes "on the record." >> greta: we have a great show tonight. big week next week for the republican party. reince priebus is here. mayor giuliani's here, joe trippi is here. darrell issa with another outrage is here and a very special political panel. that and much more, back to you. >> sean: we will be watching greta. are we on the brink of war in the middle-east isn't october surprise that could drastically change the race for the white house. reports suggest that an israeli attack on iranian nuclear facilities could be imminent and in the works. and for all the -- alm of team obama's talk that paul ryan wants to throw granny over the cliff, a new poll shows it's not working. most seniors dont fear paul ryan. they fear barack obama when it comes to the issue of health care. we will deal with the latest numbers, coming up straight ahead.
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>> sean: with only 76 days to go until the presidential election is held in this country, tensions in the middle-east are escalating as israeli news reports that israel is closer than ever to a military strike on tehran's nuclear facilities. this report comes days after the iranian president ahmadinejad and the supreme court leader both called for the destruction of israel. so without question, this would be an october surprise that would dramatically change the race for the white house and without question impact u.s. security. here with the latest on the very concerning story is liz cheney. liz, welcome back. >> hi, sean. good to be back, thank you. >> sean: i want to ask questions through the prism of this comment of then candidate obama, iran -- cuba -- venezuela -- these countries are tiny. they are not like the soviet union. they are not a threat. remember this? >> i mean, think about it -- iran, cuba, venezuela -- these
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countries are tiny compared to the soviet union. they don't pose a serious threat to us the way the soviet union posed a threat to us. and yet, we were willing to talk to the soviet union at the time when they were saying we are going to wipe you off the planet. iran, they spend 1/1 hundredth of what we spend on the military. i mean, if iran tried to pose a serious threat to us, they would not stand a chance. >> sean: here's our fearless, inexperienced leader. i mean -- it's -- now we find ourselves -- look at what he has done to israel. how dangerous is this? we are on the brink of war with israel. they don't have a choice at this point. >> i think what you just played, that has to be one of the more inane sets of comments by a presidential candidate in an awful long time. there is some competition there. but the notion that iran is tiny and doesn't pose a serious threat to us just simply is flat
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wrong. i think swlaw going on now is news reports that the israeli government is moving closer to a final decision, that they have begun preparing the nation for war. i think there is a sense on the part of the israelis that they can't count on the united states. jay carney, the white house spokesman said from the podium at the white house, don't worry, we will know when the iranians get to the point where military action might be necessary. frankly, i think the israelis look at that and say, well, you know, you missed it when the iraqis were much closer than you thought to a -- you missed the chinese and the soviets. it's a very concerning situation. there is no trust between the israelis and the u.s. >> sean: the first person to say this publicly was donald trump. he said that -- he felt if barack obama's back were against the wall that he would -- he would in fact engage in military action to maintain his position. now, we also -- we have seen a
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lot happen in the last number of weeks with the sleazy, slimy campaign. he's allowed the campaign to go out there and basically suggest that mitt romney caused canckener a woman. they called him a felon. they have basically said he's -- he doesn't like women and dogs and that the republicans want dirty air, water and don't care about kids with autism and down's syndrome. do you think it's possible that barack obama and his campaign, willing to say anything, lie about anybody, would they go as far, is it inconceivable to think they would do something millitarily if they thought it would benefit them? >> i wouldn't want to go that far, sean. i would like to think that the president of the united states would take military action to prevent the iranians from having nuclear capability. i do not believe this president will do that. i think what is more likely is a scenario in which, if in fact the israelis do have to take action, you will see a reminder for the american people about how dangerous this world is that
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we are living in and a reminder for the american people that iran issue encapsulates nearly everything that is wrong with the obama foreign policy. the extent to which neither the iranians nor the israelis believe we will take military action. the difference in action, the israelis don't want the iranians to have nuclear capability. the president says we don't want them to have a nuclear weapon. there is a difference. the president is putting a red line that the israelis think is too far. they think they can't live with that. it is unlikely he will take action solely for political purposes, i wouldn't want to go that far. >> sean: could the israelis in light of the way they have been treated with president obama and the return to the borders and snubbing the prime minister at the white house -- this is a two-part question. one, could they count on the united states, if in fact, they need to take some type of action? against the iran iranians?
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that's part one. >> no, i don't think so. if we had a president who understood the importance of a strong america who, understood the importance of a strong military and of our relationship with israel and our other allies in the region, we could say that the israelis, we really do have your back. we will make sure this doesn't happen. we could be in a position where we would say to the other leaders in the region, the arab leers, we understand, we can't-- let me ask thu-- prime minister's a very smart man. the defense minister, ehud barack, very smart man. they certainly understand that barack obama has not been their biggest ally and supporter. if anything, he has undermined things, the president of egypt is meeting with the iran leaders -- that's know a good situation. do you think that they understand that it would be better not to engage in something that could impact the election, hoping that the next president -- that mitt romney would win and be far more
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sympathetic to the cause of their security and their safety? >> you know, for the israelis, this is life and death, this is an existential threat. you said that ahmadinejad has threaten in the last few days, once again, to wipe israel off the map. i suspect that they are hoping for a president who understands better the relationship between the two nations and how important it is, i don't believe that the american election will enter into their calalation because it's a matter of the survival of the state of israel. i believe strongly that they will act. they will not let the iranians crop into what for them is a very dangerous zone where they would have the capability very quickly to put together a nuclear weapon. >> sean: liz cheney, thank you. are american seniors being used as political pawns in this election effort? are they being scared to death by a campaign that is not telling them the truth? we are going on examine what the seniors think of pall and all whether or not they believe he
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wants to send granny over the cliff. we have shocking poll numbers that show it is not the v.p. hopeful that they fear when it comes to medicare. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ]
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>> sean: for all the talk that paul ryan wants to throw granny over the live and end medicare
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as we know it -- america's seniors are not buying t. according to a brand-new poll, 50% of those 65 and older actually hold a favorable view of mitt romney's runningmate, only 35% have an unfavorable view. stow appears that team obam atrying to scare senior, they may want to change their strategy. we have peter johnson jr. and syndicated talk show host, rose tenet. i was with paul ryan -- >> it's like pittsburgh? >> the people were energized. it was a lot of fun. >> you couldn't have put another person there. it was packed? >> there is a certain energy and feel you get when you are out there. >> there is. >> sean: you can feel an energy when things are not going well? did you hear, peter, they were explaining, we don't want the big crowd this is time. >> keep them low. low-profile. >> sean: we don't want the big crowds i. not getting them. >> sean: you know, i find -- find this, of all the things
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that bothers me the most, have you vulnerable seniors, they are counting on medicare. they are counting on social security. every election cycle, they go out and scare the living daylights out of them. to use old people this way is unconscionable, because it works. >> it is unconscionable. polito facts said that was the lie of the year, the lie about the ryan medicare plan. the president has cut $716 billion. i look to this study this week, it said when there are medicare cuts, there will be -- and there can be a 7% increase in heart attack deaths, in seniors, in hospital, as a result because staff is cut. hospitals are peared down. hospitals will close as a result of this cut, i believe. people are going on die. so the scare tactic now is when you say paul ryan is the fresh
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piece of the taliban creed, to say that he is consistent in his philosophy, his philosophy is consistent with the people who killed americans for so long, how despicable, how low can we go? >> but they are not so scared now. here's the guy who looks like them. joe biden. he has among senior, 52% unfavorable opinion. he has -- they don't appreciate him. he looks like them. i think that the seniors are not stupid. you don't hit a certain age and become stupid. >> sean: but it's manipulative, look at the medi-scare act. the paul ryan look alike. we are talk over it and poor granny -- i have been saying by the time this campaign is over, we will see granny get her throat slashed, three pops to the back of the head and stabbed 19 times in the heart is how low they are going here. >> but, sean, you look at the number and it is scare tactic is not working because the seniors understand that this is about
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much more than medicare. i don't know if they look at him and they think, that nice-looking young man who looks like he walked out of central casting -- he wouldn't do that. or they understand that there is more at stake in this election than any other election. as a parent, you never stop caring about your children or children's children? >> the rasmussen people. people have had a lot of time to examine obamacare. the question is -- what scares you more careor paul ryan's reforms? obamacare loses. >> people are beginning to understand that paul ryan's reforms are designed to save medicare, not to gut and cut medicare. and so the only person who is gut and cut medicare is president obama and vice-president biden. and i think they have seen the vice-president biden, the convert excesses of american politic, the worst of all time politics. don't we want to get away wathis? in ryan, you see a fresh face, a


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