tv Red Eye FOX News September 13, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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you picked it up on the street. like finding $20 outside. we'll investigate and report back tomorrow. that's it for "the five." thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. bye-bye. ♪ welcome to "red eye." or as i am known in bermuda. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> coming up on the big show, who is to blame for the death of americans in libia? everyone except the people who killed them apparently. plus, the shocking picket line footage that will make you sympathize with striking chicago teachers. jk, totally wrong. and finally a north carolina woman finds a man living in her attic. i hope john gibson hasn't heard about this. >> thanks, andy. >> you becha. >> got your present. >> is it the right time? >> i haven't picked it up yet. i forgot and went into my pocket and found this little note. it said look under your
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pillow. >> that didn't work. go away. let's welcome our guest. she is often mistaken for florida. i am here tonight with fox business network anchor lori roth man. it is jonathon hunt, studio b in the fox report on fox newschannel. and he is considered considered a screwdriver. it is bill schulz. and if fierce commentary was a broken vending machine i would bang him until he gave me some cab -- some candy. >> a block. the lead. that's the first story. >> we are not used to that. were they more than a mob? u.s. officials now suspect the attack in libia that killed our ambassador and three other
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diplomats wasn't the result of a protest against an anti-easy law film, but a raid to mark the anniversary of 9/11, surprise. former chair of the house intelligence committee tells fox, quote, this was just more than a mere coincidence. meanwhile, mitt romney is standing by as criticism. obama administration for the early response of the attack on the u.s. embassy in cairo. oh, back to me. the u.s. embassy there at first issued a statement addressing the anti-mohamed video that sparked the protest saying it condemns, quote, the continuing efforts by the individuals who hurt the feelings of muslims as we condemn efforts to offend all believe -- believers of all religions. romney's campaign issued a statement overnight calling the response disgraceful and prompting criticism from team obama. on wednesday, mitt was asked about it. >> i don't think we ever
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hesitate. when we feel the president and his administration have done something inconsistant with the principals of america. >> i go to you first. what do you think of what mitt did there. a lot said he jumped the gun. >> everything he said was accurate. it was right on the money. it is plausible to criticize him for jumping the gun. he did make those comments before we knew there was a dead ambassador. it was disgraceful. he probably should have held back. my question is, you know, it -- this never would have happened ironically under mubarak or qaddafi. saddam hussein we would have been better off with. this whole stupid freedom and this is what we get in response. in other words, helping people who hate us with money we don't have starting back with iraq and that war, iran
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benefited from that. the whole thing is disgusting. mitt romney did the right thing. at least he came out today, and he took questions like a man. he may have jumped the gun, but he addressed it and he stuck by his guns. >> you sound like a neocog. i was joking. this is not about a movie, is it? >> there is a growing consensus in the intelligence community tonight. this was planned coordinated military style. in fact, those are the words used by the chairman and republican congressman mike rogers tonight. you look to the two events initially, cairo. broad daylight. mob of about a thousand made no real effort to get into the embassy itself. darkness, a small group about 20 people. heavily armed and clearly planned, and it is
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increasingly likely according to all of the people we talked to that this was planned a longtime ago. it was planned specifically to happen on the 11th anniversary of 9/11. >> and here we have a media that is obsessed with this crack pot preacher and this bizarre movie that people have watched. if you look on youtube there is just a handful. now there will be tons. this is what bothers me. does it matter if a film was made or not? i make fun of you all the time. >> all the time. >> and you don't kill me. >> i love it when you make fun of me. >> normal people react to, i don't know, insults. we know how to react. what's wrong here? >> to bernie's point, i thought one of the best things about his comments was he wept -- he went and zeroed in on freedom of speech. this is why these people hate us, all of these freedoms and the way the foundation was built on.
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it is infuriating. billions and billions of dollars to guide them to this transition, and for what? >> you have this cultural difference. people who grew up have no idea of freedom of speech. there is a huge cultural divide there as well. >> for some reason, bill, we are scared of them. they have no fear of us whatsoever. i seriously doubt a birth control activist would approach a muslim affiliated hospital and demand free birth control. >> i am going to agree with you. how can i not? kudos to romney. there is nothing more presidential than jumping to conclusions before receiving the facts. and then issuing a hastily worded statement, and then refusing to go baying on it. he stuck to these guns. i believe in obama. i believe his past record suggests that when he says
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justice is going to be done, justice is going to be done. and he even used the qualify yes, sir -- qualifier, make no mistake. >> i know a lot of commentators, but an apology? >> what did he apologize? >> i am talking more about the tone of that statement and this is obviously coming on the heels of the dnc platform dispute of jerusalem refusing netanyahu. the whole middle east platform is disorganized, and a lack of leadership. it is concerning and troubling. >> it is not like they are wearing voices saying, stick with mubarak. he is our friend. he kept the peace with israel for a longtime. we didn't do it. we didn't heed the warnings. now this is what we get. we get in gratitude and hate. for us it is endeavor of actually -- of trying to perpetuate this freedom agenda with these stone age mentality
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savages. it is so stupid that we should be over there. just take it in the oil to pay for grandma's hip. that's what we should be doing. put this country first. forget these people. >> but you know, i always look at it -- at the media as well as how duped they are, how willingly they like to be duped with the arab spring and how that was on the cover of everything. the arab spring was something so wonderful, but you knew that it wasn't even close. the other thing that bugs me is, yes, okay, you candice agree with romney about what he did -- you can disagree with romney about what he did, but extremists killed americans and they are more concerned about six identical questions to mitt romney about, did you jump the gun? as though he in this playing out the story he is the villain, and not some a-holes that killed americans. i think the priorities are a little off, and i don't know why, but i have to say they are off.
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>> and we shouldn't ever forget forget -- and to be fair as both secretary of state clinton said and president obama, there is bottom line there is absolutely no justification for what these people did. >> she sounded ticked off. >> but the priorities are off on both sides. what did romney do? first opportunity instead of addressing the situation, addressing obama addressing the situation. and he was wrong. >> now you are addressing romney addressing obama addressing romney. >> correct. all right, from the mideast to the midwest. are they having a blast not teaching class? choosing festivities over test-tivities. i invented that word. the teacher's strike in chicago is entering its fourth day. there are a couple issues to be resolved, while the teachers union said there 43. that sounds like more than a couple, but i am not archaeologist.
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some teachers don't seem to mind the deadlock. >> are you guys teachers? >> yes. >> how much fun are you having right now? >> this is the best i have felt in my entire career teaching. >> are you teachers ? >> yes. >> how much fun are you having right now? >> oh my god, this is a great time. we are having a blast. >> are you teachers ? >> yes. >> how much fun are you having right now? >> yay! kids are at home not learning! i would say that is instruct tiff, but i don't know what that means. maybe this teacher can explain things to me. >> whoe is on your shirt -- who is on your shirt? >> shay. >> can you tell me about shay? >> i know he is a revolutionary who fought for labor rights, and that's why i have him on right now. he is a good role model for us in terms of standing for the em pooh. for standing for the people. >> a murdering hour mow foe -- homophobic thug is a good role
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model for those people on strike. is there anything more pathetic than a grown up wearing the chet shirt? >> that looked like an occupy wall street rebel. it is scary that these are the people responsible for teaching our kids, and that is one of the crux of the issues is accountability and holding them accountable. making sure there are good teachers. the standard now is if you don't fondle the kid and not high on crack while teaching class, you are good to go for life. >> i still can't be a teacher. >> what if you are coming down from crack, not necessarily high anymore. >> then you go to the rubber room. >> yes, they keep you there and you still get paid. >> the thing is, this is supposed to be a struggle, but they are having fun. they are having fun. the whole idea of a protest is so exaggerated by hollywood. it is a walking picnic.
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>> i just wish the follow-up question had been, how much fun do you think the parents are having trying to get child care for their children. how much fun are the kids having walking the streets of chicago which we know are some of the most furred russ streets in this country. the one nice thing about this is that ram emmanuel is suddenly finding elected politics is a heck of a lot harder than banging heads together in the west wing. >> that's so true. lori, how is the strike going to end? are they just going to give in anyway because they always do, and then another city will go bankrupt. >> it is close to being bankrupt right now. these teachers are getting a 14% raise. i think the bigger picture here is the union story. i think they are experiencing diminishing cloud, and they are ticked off at the president. i think the point here is the unions can say, we are not teaching your kids. we are relevant and still power wl. powerful. i don't know how it is going to end. it is pathetic. >> bill, you went on strike
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for three years, and nobody noticed. the office smelled better. >> i forgot what i was protesting. protesting is always fun in america. there is the odd occasion like at kent state, but look back to the 60s. what they were protesting was something that was important, but they were high the whole time. free love, nudity, these are not unfun things. protesting has always been fun. i will disagree with one thing, the kids are having a good time. there is this thing called x box and they are having the time of their lives. it is like snow day on steroids. we would just have one and these kids are striking. >> that's wonderful. kids not going to school. here is the thing that bothers me the most. it is all said and done and you thought there were socialists groups -- they were socialist groups. after they get their money and after they get everything,
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they go back and they teachers and their kids. what are they going to tell their kids? do you think it will be an objective view of what this experience was like? of course not. this is now indoctrine nation. >> this is why inner city parents want to send their kids to these so-called charter schools. they want their kids -- inner city parents want their kids to wear uniforms. they don't want them with these woodstock looking hippie-type, drug snorting whatever the hell they are. >> i wouldn't go that far. i willed dit that out. >> they want discipline. they don't want the feel good, liberal, occupy wall street mentality. they want the kids in the yard. >> do we want to demonize teaching? in the end it is an honorable profession. my mom was a teache. we want better people in the schools and not demonize everybody, so be nice. >> we are just going to draw up the last three words they
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used in that string of epitaphs. it is true. my mom taught. what happened to old-fashioned teachers? they were little old ladies like my second and third grade teachers. sister maya my first grade teacher and fourth grade sprinkles and fifth grade -- >> sprinkle? you asked what happened to these people? i can go across the board. dead, dead, dead. >> no, no. >> are you in your mid40s. these people are dead. >> no, they are not dead. >> they are not super human. life has a beginning and an end. >> they are delightful. maybe they were older. i can vouch for -- no, some were in their 20s when they were teaching me. i remember my fifth grade teacher being 20 something. >> i'm sure you do remember that teacher. >> but they don't stay that way. >> no. >> they age. >> they do age. >> we all age.
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why can't they stay the same? >> in your memory they will. and in the ground right now they are staying the same. >> bill, why do you have to bring it down? >> these are the facts of life, guys. it is a circle. >> kids do learn a lesson though. if you want to play hook key, join a union. stupid collar. coming up, is raccoon blood a better substitute for nondairy creamer? lori roth man discusses her new diet book. it is true. that's what you use. but first, should ogling -- i don't know how to say that. it is ogling? it is ogle, ogling, should it be illegal? the story president obama doesn't want you to hear. they are never that attractive.
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is a pb and j okay? serving the sandwiches, that's not a sandwich. you good is tricked me.e cafetee racially and culturally insensitive. >> i thought you were throwing it out to the panel? >> no, i was reading. she has done this so many times. frankly i am tired of it. >> she was being interviewed about the portland school district's program designed to narrow the achievement gap that involves, and i am not making this up, educating teachers anders on their own -- teachers on their own white privilege. she picks up on the subtle language of racism and use the pb and j to make her point, quote, what about somali or hispanic students who might not eat sandwiches ? on the way to say americans eat peanut butter and jelly. do you have anything like that?
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let them tell you. maybe they eat torta or pita. meanwhile the district's tech courses for gifted kittens has received nothing but kudos. watch your back zuckerburg. don't know what that means, really. lori, if you want to talk i can go to you first. jierks oh please. >> this whole program is to help make students of different ethnicities feel welcome at the school. but does it really? >> no. do you know what they serve at schools besides that, besides pb and j? chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, pizza, chicken wings. it is all crap. why are they singling out pb and j? >> pizza is italian, by the way. >> that's another good point. >> french fries, english muffins. >> the list goes on and on. >> german potato salad. >> what is acceptable. >> canadian bacon.
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columbian --. >> it is not kosher. >> you are offering them after class. >> a guy has to eat. >> bernie, they call this program courageous conversation. >> it is so absurd. i grew up in the inner city. i know a lot of the black kids my schoolmates, they love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. so there is a lot of black racists around. i am sick of the self-hating white people. this principal is probably whiter than prince harry's butt. get over it. >> it is not white, by the way. >> i think the name was giew -- giew tear res. >> if i would have read the story i would have known. that's my fault for cruising through this show. usually i am on a narcotic.
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jonathon, you are a filthy foreigner. does this pb and j bashing appeal to your job stealing sensibility? >> yes. peanut butter and overtly racist. we didn't have it growing up in britain in the 1800's. so therefore it is overtly anti-british and i don't like it. but it all goes back to oregon. they are so organic. these portland restaurants that want to sort everything locally. what is more racist than that? they won't buy their chickens from columbia or mexico. that's racist. >> shopping local is racist. >> exactly. >> did you have nutella. >> we had marmite. >> and fish paste and he grew up in an orphanage. >> we were inclusive. we had a black spread on white bred. white bread. >> and a part-time chimney sweeper. >> a full time chimney sweeper. >> it was a you euphemism.
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>> bill, you make your own peanut butter out of things you find on the street. >> if i mind one, sure, i will throw it in there. i believe these kids should eat peanut butter. >> none of this bread. it makes those with acne feel bad. just chunky peanut butter. we have to be sensitive to these kids. >> you don't see peanut products in schools now because of the allergy problems. i was shocked to see the principal talk about this issue. >> the whole concept of white privilege. has anyone been to april lay shaw with all of these white people and white privilege? everybody has to work hard here. it is no matter who you are, white privilege. people i grew up with in the bronks, they are driving cabs. >> he is talking about poor whites. >> there is a peanut butter
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called white privilege and it would sell very well jie. with with -- >> with april lay shaw jam. >> we have a business. >> i think we solved a lot of problems here. >> i think we created a lot. >> i think we have created a lot. >> we are the problem. >> we are the problem. again, these are teacher -- these are people teaching your kids. it is the same problem. these are the people teaching your kids and indoctrinating you into some weird tolerance world. if only there was a book called "the world of hate" by greg gutfeld. so do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. do you have a video of your animal doing something not boring? go to fox eye and click on submit a video. we might use it. still to come the half time report from andy levy. he is not getting a book. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by submarines, the boats built to operate and travel for long periods of time underwater.
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>> you didn't. >> yes, i did. >> there are no secrets at this table. >> in fairness they are all prison tatoo. >> it does take a lot of make up to cover those teardrops. >> and you have seen me walking in in the morning. >> she killed eight people. >> i do not get in an elevator with you. libia, greg, you mentioned the u.s. officials now suspect the attack on libia that killed our ambassador and others was not the result of a protest against the movie. jonathon, you agreed saying there is a growing belief that the whole thing was planned. i think you are both right. reporting that quote, it was the scene of a pitched battle, one in which they besieged american diplomats with small arms fires for four hours repelling several attempts to gain control of it. this was not a mob just storming a building. this was a pitched firefight.
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>> they armed themselves. they have slammed this for quite some time. there was nothing impromptu. nothing it coincidental this happened at the same time muslims in cairo were protesting the movie. but it looks to be more coincidence than anything else. >> also, u.s. officials say no u.s. marines were guarding the consulate at the time of the attack. and apparently that's not unusual. >> this was a consulate building and not an embassy. our embassies in these places and there is a marine detail who have a responsibility of the obscurity up to the perimeter wall. this was a small building. they wouldn't necessarily be there. there were u.s. security guards, private contractors that we are waiting for more detail on. >> this is an interesting point that why are the consulates different. and remember people used to paint the private security as a bad thing? wasn't that the black water guys? here is the thing, there has been some issues about using the private security guys.
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what happens is the government bids things out and the lowest bidder gets the job. there have been a lot of problems. they had problems in afghanistan and baghdad with doing this kind of thing because the firms end up not being able to supply the security they claim they are at the price they get paid. so this has happened before. >> you would question why even if there wasn't marine security at the consulate what on earth the ambassador was doing traveling without more security than he apparently had. one of those questions people will look at. >> they are sending a special marine unit over there now, i guess. lori, i do want to reiterate something you said, president obama has not apologized for anything. >> i knew you would zero in on that and call me out. i stand corrected. he did not verbally apologize. but i felt it was like, here we go again. i have to deal with this and confront this issue in the middle east again.
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that was my personal impression. >> all right. i don't do impressions. >> you are doing an impersonation of somebody who is really boring. >> but not a good one. >> no, that's true. you are very bad at pretending to be a boring person. >> greg, you brought up this movie that was supposedly behind the attacks in egypt and libia and may or may not be. if it weren't for the fact that people died, this movie story is amazing. >> the fact is, if you look at it, it makes "porkys" look like" citizen cane." >> it makes "the room" look like" 2001". >> and none of the actors or actresses knew they would be in this movie. they did not know. >> i don't think it was a muslim movie. i think somebody got uh hold of a crappy movie somebody made and had fun by dubbing in all sorts of mohamed stuff and released it on the internet and is now scared crapless.
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>> that may be true. there is evidence that is not true and that the dubbing was done by the director of the film maker imposed. it did play once in a theater in l.a. to a pretty much empty house. >> still unfortunate you get somebody like this christian leader in florida promoting it, the same guy who threatened to burn the koran. whatever you think of the reaction, that is just stupid. >> he is an ass. we know he is an ass. >> have i to go baying and say, yes, he is an ass, but there are millions of asses who do stuff like that in different areas. inciting violence. we have had our share in our own country. >> what they are doing for calling this movie to be banned, that's insulting to my culture. why are they allowed to insult my culture? >> their reaction speaks volumes to the neanderthal
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mentality. we had larry david pee on jesus. i am a catholic. the hell with them. kick their ass was the old mantra and let's go back to that. >> or just get out. >> yes. >> i i am not necessarily advocating that, but it is a solution. ron paul 2016. >> how old will he be? >> something years yawning. years yawning. young. >> smart dude. >> chicago teacher strike bernie you talked about how low the standard is for teachers in terms of it is almost impossible to fire them. if you think chet was a hero you don't get to teachers and kids. >> i like that. that should be a set up beforehand. >> they need to ask that question. and every year. >> they could come out in support of jerry sandusky, once they are teachers you
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can't get rid of them. >> jonathon, you said emmanuel found out elected politics is harder than banging heads. the problem is now he can't walk to the showers and be rate naked people like he used to. >> he can walk to the showers and be rate his naked wife. is he married? that's something he can be rate or come to my shower and be rate me anytime. >> really? wow. >> the idea of be rating naked is an interesting idea. i feel that will cause riots. >> in my apartment it might cause riots. >> greg, you went to private school. stop asking what happened to teachers. you don't know. >> did i go to private school? yes. i did. i went to saint gregory, but berkeley was public. >> we are talking about k-12. >> and therefore you are an expert on naked child be rating if you went to a
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private school. >> i didn't even know what k-12 meant. >> by the way, you cany ogling or ogling. either is acceptable. oregon principal says pb and j is racist. greg, you said an oregon school principal suggested that serving the sandwiches may be racially and culturally insense tee. no, she hasn't. >> i just read what you wrote. >> i didn't write it. this story has nothing to do with -- you basically talked about it a as if it had to do with serving food. it didn't have anything to do with serving food. she is a crack pot. she said teachers should not use pb and j as an example in the classroom while teaching their kids. for example saying if you have three pb and j's and then eat two of them how many do you have left? that is cultural insensitive because students may not understand what a pb and j sandwich is. >> i get it now. what did i say? >> you were saying she said it shouldn't be served in the
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cafeteria. >> i didn't say that. >> we never said that. she said she thinks it is cultural insense tee. insensitive. >> it has nothing to do with serving the sandwich. >> we never said that. >> greg, your exact quote was an oregon school principal suggested serving the sandwiches in the cafeteria may be racially and culturally insensitive. >> find out whose initials are on that and their stuff will be in a box tomorrow. >> i take it it is somebody that is sitting at the table with you. >> i didn't write that. >> bernard, you said this principal is probably really white. greg, you said her name is gutierrez. it is the principal. >> in the article it says the last name is scott. >> we literally taken a decent story and turned it into trash. >> and she is the principal and her parents imigrated from mexico. >> the concept is stupid that using peanut butter and
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jelly -- that's stupid. i did say sammich. >> i love sammich. having said that, there is an interesting story anyway. the actual real story is very interesting. it is a shame you didn't talk about it. >> it is amazing. despite the confidence there was something in the story worth reporting. >> in portland, all they serve is that it is cale. that's all they are allowed to eat. >> have you ever had that? >> i know what cale is. >> quinoa. >> i don't know what that is. >> it is delicious. >> i went to a private school. >> go away. why do i have to go away? >> because you got everything wrong. >> no, i did not.
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was he showing he still cares by hiding upstairs? a south carolina woman, is there any other kind recently discovered her ex-boyfriend living in her attic. and i mean that literally. it was her former beau who was released from jail and sleeping in the house's heating ductwork. there was cups containing feces and urine found all over. that's weird. and apparently he was spying
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on her through an airvent. oh i think we should discuss this in the -- >> lightning roooouuunnnddd. lightning round. >> i believe this is how you met your wife. >> it is exactly how i met her 15 years ago. it is exactly why she divorced me 14 and a half years ago and she has no idea i am still in her attic. >> you know why though? you are quiet. you are a prowler. you can move. don't ask me how i know this. it is just these videos he tapes and puts on-line. he rigged a ceiling fan so he could watch. he like a pervert mcgiver. >> clearly. in this economy we have to pull together. five kids and the guy needed a space to live. and there he was. >> your heart is giant. >> does she still have a husband? >> no, she was alone. >> maybe we can have a family
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with two parents at home and it could all work out nicely. >> it does show a measure of patience and true love. >> it is so sweet. >> this is very glass of feces half full. >> really after 12 years being apart, the first person he thinks of, maybe he was desperate, and he goes -- >> we are all moving into your attic tonight. >> the more the merry yes, sir. >> there is some blame to go around here. they said that while they broke up 12 years ago, she continued writing to him. she said, oh well, i was very clear in the letters that we were broken up. no, she wasn't. >> if she was writing to him, what was the mailing address she was sending them to. wouldn't that have tipped her off? >> exactly. she was just throwing throwing it outside and it seemed to get to him. >> you heard of peeping toms, he is a peeping, peeping tom. he likes to watch people
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watch. >> i take my work literally. >> all right. sweden which i believe -- i had a point to make, but i guess i won't. sweden is reportedly close to becoming a completely cashless country. the amount of people using mobile banking is said to be the highest in the world. and most public transportation is paid by credit card. of course their public transportation is a llama. is it is estimated 3% of financial transactions are made with cash presumably involving lovely meatballs. lori, go to you first. >> i thought we were doing the exhibitionist story. >> that is the next one, you crazy person. >> it is right about now that the five-hour energy drink leaves you. >> i didn't think one because they are supposed to be terrible for you. i pull out my wallet and use cash to pay for things in this country and i feel old. all of the kids around me have their iphones to pay for their
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starbucks or atm cards and debit. i see this as a reality. >> i have a problem with this. >> so do i. what my problem is, it is racist. if you need an id to vote and now all of a sudden we go to a cashless society, you are screwing a lot of poor people. according to the democrat philosophy you are screwing a lot of people in a cashless society. me, i am an old school guy. i like the cash transactions. >> my point exactly. >> i feel this is not just sweden. isn't the entire continent of europe becoming cashless? they have no money. >> that's a joke. >> thank thank you, thank you very much. >> nicely done. bill, you never had more than $2 in your pocket, so this is .less. >> i have been cashless since i left the home my parents raised me in.
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look, this is your future. >> i think we should go in the opposite direction. with the advent of credit cards we have seen a direct correlation to the rise in credit debt. let me grab the drinks. i will get you dinner. here, young fellow, i will take 45 minutes back there. when you have a credit card you don't think about anything. what i am thinking, go back. if you watch westerns they have big bags of coins. you can't spend a lot with a big bag of coins. here, that's $5. no, i am going to give you four and they throw the four. >> does anybody around the table remember the last time greg said, wait, i will get the drinks tonight? >> how dare you. >> that's a private debt, and it is part of what is holding back economic growth. >> you wouldn't be able to purchase your illegal drugs and pay your hookers and the korean massage parlor, you are
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last topic, some nudists are seeking a law against ogling. they want the city to ban noisy and nosey boats, and their gawking occupants or gawkupants from coming within a thousand feet of shore. that's where nude beaches are basically all beaches. do you think nudists are here? >> yes. who is ogl nie g those overweight germans. why is it the overweight germans who are the first to take their clothes off? >> i wouldn't just focus on germans, but unattractive people. >> they are asking us to look, and now they claim they don't like it. >> there is the occasional gem every now and then. >> that makes all of the oglig worth it. >> i digress. there is a joint. you can walk from the public
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beach on long island to the lighthouse, and there is a nudist beach there. people walk back and they are ogling all the time. and there is always a gem or two. trust me. vancouver, a nude beach in vancouver, isn't it cold up there? there will be major shrink kenneling. >> and they have great strip clubs. lori, you were a nudist for a portion of your life of life. >> i love being ogled. >> exhibitionist? is that what you are? >> absolutely. >> you are supposed to like that. >> everybody has seen the tattoo. >> bill, you are not allowed at nude beaches. you don't even know what water looks like. >> i don't. w45 is that? what is that? get that away from me. >> i eventually -- i have come to a different conclusion on this. i believe there is an item
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there that wants to be ogled. >> there is hilariousness there. whether it is ungroomed or overweight. it is all kind of hilarious. i believe people go there to be entertained. >> what about the nudists among themselves? >> i wonder about that. i had a few experiences at these beaches, one by accident i was forced to clean up the whole beach. a bunch of us in high school got a case of beer and went to a beach in santa cruz and drinking beer and throwing our cans and didn't realize it was a nude beach until the people came over and forced us to clean the entire beach because they were nude bikers. very scary men. >> when you said accident. >> that was not a great story. and i left out the volleyball game. we will close things out with a post game wrap up with andy levy. go to fox eye.
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back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> i hear you have a fabulous on-line show people need to be watching. >> i do indeed. monday to friday at fox with the staggering clever name of "on the hunt." >> how can you resist? >> watch it. >> it is like naked news? >> it can be. >> he said noon, not nude. what do you have coming up? >> the ush. 1:00 on the fox business network. but look for another round of stimulus by ben better fan key. ben better fan key -- bernanke. >> is "the ush" the name of the show. >> the ushe with lori rothman. >> as usual is imus in the morning network. it is all over the country every morning 6:00 to 10:00. >> excellent.
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