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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 14, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> greg: when they been a those containers how do you go hot tubbing. >> bob: that was funny. >> that is it for "the five." thank you for watching. see you t welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld, or as i am known in germany, amanda bines. now to andy levy with a pre game report. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> the mideast is in turmoil. we better get to this story tonight. everything will probably be nice and calm there tomorrow. and they rubber stamp the large sugary drink ban. the shocking story that isn't shocking at all. that's why i use the term rubber stamps, people. and what is behind the just completed white house underground construction project? here is a hint, future landings on mars. greg? >> thanks, andy. >> you bet. >> i had a great birthday party which you should have
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been there. >> who was there? >> marco, sven, cole and captain cart wheel. >> are you talking about your stuffed animals again, aren't you? >> unlike you they are always there. >> maybe they have a higher tolerance for cold play. >> i never listen to them. >> i am not talking about the band. >> you are disgusting. go away. let's welcome our guests. she is so hot her family tree includes the equator. i am here with fox newschannel anchor julie anne huddy. >> you are horrible. >> and he is so sharp on weekends he mentors porcupines. and in guam he is considered a passion fruit. it is my sidekick, bill schulz. and if he was a jetski i would ride him at the lake with my rich uncle, sherrod small. >> a block, the lead, that's the first story. >> they are calling it arab
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rage which in the middle east is translated as thursday. on that day anti-american protest spread through the mideast linked to the youtube video. in yemen hundreds attacked the embassy setting fire to a building and burning an american flag. they were reportedly turned away after trying to plunder furniture and computers. meanwhile in cairo, crowds attempted to take over the embassy compound. in tehran, iranians stormed the swiss embassy that believe thats u.s. interests chanting, quote, bill schulz sucks. they chanted, actually, death to america. it is the go to default classic. jaime, i want to go to you first. you have been covering the middle east since you were 12. can we just admit, this is the way it is always going to be, and we should -- the only thing we should -- worry about is protecting our people and getting out of there? >> i don't know if it will always be this way, but this ideal we have of democracy in the middle east is a long way
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off. you need the institutions and a culture that sustains democracy. here is a stunning statistic. in the arab world they translate as many books and in the last thousand years spain has translated in the last year. this is a society that needs to come up, and right now we are not seeing that. >> we expect that we can pull them from that age into our age. but they have to want to go to that age. they like the age they are at. except they do like some of the -- they like our guns. but they don't like -- >> they like our celebrities. >> they don't like all of our movies. >> no, they don't like our movies. they like the guys with the camcorders taping our movie and they buy for free on a blanket on the ground. >> that's true. >> they are not like behind the times. even with these protests i can see everybody with their iphones. it is not like they are in another century than us. >> that's a good point.
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they embrace the technology that allows them to propogate their hate. but according to their radical beliefs, they want to live with mohamed. >> it is like holding an iphone in your hand. let's stop pre end iting this is like your -- pretending this is like that movie. >> that movie made "magic mike" look like" good fellows." when you see a video you don't like, you leave angry comments on youtube. >> i do not leave angry comments. >> what is it -- what does it say about a culture -- i think it is an insecurity that they are so insensitive. or do you think it is a cover for terrorism? >> first of all, like a lot of the experts have come on fox newschannel and said, the people that are out there are not representative. i really truly don't believe in the majority of people, the 85 million person country
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these people are -- they are the radicals you are seeing out there and unfortunately in a country like that they are allowed to go out and protest and go crazy, and their military does nothing. >> the question is, sure, mott everyone is like who -- not everyone is like that, and that's certainly the case. you are looking at the statistics and in 2002 there was a report by arab scholars that came out. it is stunning how undeveloped the arab middle east is. and you have to start questioning -- there was a question of what has the west done to them and why have they not been able to break out of this myer of poverty. >> have you these regimes like uh ma din ma joked. these young people going to college and these universities and make something of themselves is a different mind set from that kook. >> they are over there to help them develop and get what we got. >> how much money do we send over there? >> nobody knows where that money goes. like the money we are sending
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to libya. didn't qaddafi get that? it is like -- is that what israel wants? does israel want countries developed on the same level as them? >> they would love it. they would feel less under threat by a developed country they would want to trade with them. >> how do we make that happen some. >> a good met for is if you are living on the street you want good neighbors. >> but you only want neighbors who have what you want, who have what you got only if they think like you and they don't want to kill you in the first place. they don't care if the dude that wants to kill you has a good car like you have a good car. >> i want to bring bill into this. >> why? >> and i wore a shirt to match your dress. never again. >> based on the reaction to the film, will there be a sequel? >> there might. but it is going to have a whole different tone. it might have sorry in the title. it might have just kidding in
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the title. they are not going with the same trajectory. this is how stupid these people r. not all of them. the ones protesting us. here is how stupid they are. the embassy did not make this movie. america did not make this movie. the actors in the movie did not know they were making this movie. it was one or two guys that dubbed over an already horrific piece of crap with some offending things about their precious mohamed. and guess what. that guy was egyptian american. you can't -- you cannot speak to this type of mindlessness. you can't reason with it. let's get out. >> he is right. you know what? when the whole rodney king thing went down, i was a freshman in college. we were outraged. but we were more willing to bum rush the seven-eleven. so we bum rushed it, all of the freshmen. the guy was like, why are you doing this? we were like rodney king with dorritos. we didn't really care.
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these dudes are yelling about the movie, but it is not about the movie. they have another beef. >> they were stealing office supplies supplies and what else? ipads. >> that is real l.a. riots to me. >> you saw the interview with the guy who wrote the book about killing bin laden. and at the end of the day what was bin laden doing? he had the gun sitting there. he didn't murder himself like he told everybody else to do. he sat there like a complete coward. that's the mind set of these people. >> there is not a lot to be said. >> they definitely have to get over every time somebody says something about mohamed you lose it. you are not a rational person if you behave like that, period. >> i don't know if i am using the right term, but the bell curve is a lot of religions are here, and they are still there. until they get over that -- >> but that's their power to use violence. that's their power. >> we are talking of course about the radical elements, and not all of them are like that. >> not everybody. >> here is this idea i had
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that is a little crazy. we never see -- we always talk about middle east outrage, and it is always -- the only rage we see in america is usually about american injustice. when something like this happens, you don't see tape of americans running in the street and doing stuff. i thought of an idea. maybe if they saw tape of americans doing what they are doing they would say, [bleep]. and so i'm thinking why don't we build a town, a town that is about the size of any town that is like a hollywood set. when one of these things happens, we allow people in america to go burn it. they will film the whole thing and they are blowing crap up and we film it and then it is on fox news and cnn, and the people in egypt go [bleep] those guys are nuts. >> it is like a field of dreams, but a town of dreams. >> it is town of nightmares. >> all you are saying is oakland needs to be in the news. get cameras in oakland. >> considering how often they
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burn flags there, can you imagine how many sets would have to be built? >> this is a imr idea though. it is a great idea. or just take tape of people after an nba championship of people up on stuff. >> how about the nhl? why nba because it is black people? >> of course. >> nhl they whine even more. >> are you saying black people can't play hockey? >> in canada they can. >> is it outlawed in the united states some. >> they play on every team. i am making jokes. >> the great remaining question of this whole thing is this movie apparently cost $5 million . the question is is that american dollars or zimbabwe dollars? >> you look at this movie and you say there is no way. it definitely was a cover for a terrorist act, and now you have all of these people up in arms. who cares? i don't want to see it. >> and they are blaming
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hollywood for this. you know it is not a hollywood movie. there are too many brown people in it. >> ladies and gentlemen. >> trust me. all of the brown people are laughing right now. >> denzel washington is mad. >> and so is pamela jackson. and the guy who makes the family-oriented -- >> tyler perry. >> yes, tyler perry. >> i always felt he was more into alternate families of the i am talking about people that cash dash. >> i don't know what he is talking about. from riots to diets. there are no more 7-ups in big cups. the new york city board of health approved mayor bloomburg's ban on large sugary drinks by a vote of 8-0. >> i cannot believe this. >> with one abstention. he didn't think it went far enough, apparently. no more beverages rnlg laker than 16 ounces at restaurants and movie theaters or not places like 7-11's or my basement spa. the ruling comes as no surprise given all of the members were appointed by bloomy and comes despite a
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times poll showing 60% of new yorkers hate the ban. it won't take affect for six months and a group financed by the soft drink industry says it is exploring legal options with a spokesperson noting, quote, mayor bloomburg won't be mayor forever. i am not so sure. he is keeping his head in a cryogen nick salad crisper. but he will not be silenced. >> ♪ >> that made that horrible song 20 times better. actually it is not a bad song. >> it is a great song. >> who is it again? who cares. >> cold play? >> sherrod, is that believable or unbelievable? >> what are we talking about? >> the soda ban. >> that's right. bloomburg, it is time for him to go, but he's right. that's why there is nobody who said no to it. you don't want to be known in the papers as the fat [bleep]
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who said he wanted a bigger soda. >> good point. >> it is like, no, you can't drink a big. >> but are you not thinking about the trucker. >> it is costing the city so much money with the health care. >> you are going to have to buy two cups now, and it will litter the neighborhoods because now you have two cups. and what about the truckers who have to drive and have to have the thing in their lap which is usually the big gulp which is then used later for you know what. how do you have two between your legs? >> you can buy a personal cup any size you want. >> no need to call me dummy. >> i don't know what. what do they use it for later? >> i don't know. >> recycling? i hope so. >> i was thinking anything other than what i was going say which was feces. >> what? >> yes. bloomburg says he is not taking away choices, but because you can still buy two 16 ounce things, you were angry when i was reading this. what bothers you the most
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about this? >> i think it is stupid, that's what bothers me most. it blows my mind and i know you yell at me. the exphoaking ban -- the smoking ban i am okay with. i can and i just did. it is drinking a soda. it seems pointless. if you want to go and you are that thirsty you can buy two and sit there and it will be more annoying. >> and you will look stupid with two of the it looks like you will be waiting for somebody who never comes. >> everybody will be walking around holding two. there are so many other problems. why is he focusing so much attention. >> happy birthday. it is a cookie from the green room. >> thank you. >> look at that. it is filled with arsonic! don't touch it! >> i wouldn't eat it. >> i know. by the way, the filling isn't what you think it is. anyway.
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jaime, where does this end? >> if he can regulate this, can he regulate portion sizes at restaurants? >> thank you. thank you. >> part of being an american is you get to choose and sometimes you make bad decisions and maybe often you made bad decisions. maybe you want your diet to be the bacon sunday at burger king. it is a terrible decision, but it is your decision and you live with the consequences. the idea of regulating the size of drink you can have seems outrageous and unamerican. >> portion control, i agree with you. you cannot have a 48 ounce steak, god forbid. >> you know what is incredible? the portion control thing is almost correct in a sense that if you go to restaurants in new york, they give you a crap load of food. that's the mistake -- that's your choice to do it. you can't have a government telling you that there has to be limits. bill, you were outraged about this until you realize it had to do with large cups of coca-cola. >> yes. it turns out the other kind was always illegal.
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>> the smaller containers are great for you as being a mule. >> i have the schwag stuff. >> let's get back to the soda. i really believe that a judge is going to stop this. you can't -- it has gotten to the point you can't tell people what they can and cannot sell. if you payoff all of the people people -- not payoff, but if you got jobs for all of the people in the health air -- health area, a judge will come and change this. in the meantime, i am ordering all of the orange crush soda i could. >> it is delicious. >> why do you think i look so orange? i pound it. >> there are some sodas that are just sticky. that's a sticky soda. if you are going to do orange
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you do fanta. fanta is the best. the worst is 5 alive. 5 alive is like melted -- remember when your mom used to buy frozen orange juice and it came in a can? >> concentrate. >> that's what -- i shouldn't do that, but -- >> you are making me feel sad. i am going to miss these 32-ounce drinks. >> it is part of our lives that is going away. >> it is like saying goodbye to andy rooney. >> i was wondering when we would get to the andy rooney equation in this. >> he is alive. >> no. one of his eyebrows are still moving. >> i forgot. i apologize. i am busy these days and over looking some unrnt poo events. unimportant events. why would anyone slap random small children on the street? julia huddy releases her book, i don't have kids and how i relief stress.
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will claiming to be a racist homophobe get you out of jury duty? i would like to think i wouldn't have to claim. people just know.
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did he fake his hate? and should bigotry lead to the penitentiary? a british bloke who said he is too homophobic to serve jury duty faces prosecution over his excuse. the unnamed nitwit wrote to the judge, quote, i hold extreme prejudices to homosexuals and black so i would not be a fair person in the court. they would not want me as a jury. he was dismissed from the case, but now could face prison time for contempt of court. meanwhile, the same judge is
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reviewing the case of a perspective juror whiskas mcsit a lot who says he is way too lazy to serve. you know, you can still sit there and watch the case, mcwhiskas. >> too lazy to take notes. >> i know, i get it. what if this guy is telling the truth? he is basically facing the jail time for being honest and a jerk. >> i knew this was outside of america because being homophobic or racist never stopped anybody from being a juror here. >> by the way, i bet it is hard for you to get a cab at night, right? >> it really is. it is not funny. >> anyhoo, they need to lock this dude up. he should have just went in there and said something racist or homophobic, and they would have said, you have to
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go. when you write it in nobody will believe that. >> you are a racist and a homophobe, but how can i tell if you are or aren't? >> he is an extreme racist and a homophobe. obviously i don't approve of racists and homophobes. >> are you sure. >> but i give him credit for being honest if that's what he is. he is not trying to sneak on the jury to screw somebody over. he says, look, i wl not be fair. might as well dismiss me so i don't contaminate the jury pool. >> if he had done jury duty before i say let him go. if he has never done it, then he is just trying to get out of it. >> i don't like this idea of extreme racism though. he is burning crosses and drinking mountain dew at the same time. listening to slash metal and has a helmet over his hood. >> when you heard about this guy being a racist and homophobe you said, finally, mr. dream date.
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>> no, no, no. >> my night in white sheets. >> i had one of those. that's why i am single. may i say something? i think you are all being fooled. i think this guy -- look at the way he wrote. he is way too intelligent to be a racist and a homophob. racists and homophobes are stupid people that cannot articulate -- >> jaime, she just called you stupid. >> sorry, jaime. >> if you are racist, send the letters to her. >> he is articulate and knew exactly what he was doing and now he is getting screwed. >> i don't think racists are always stupid. there are plenty of smart racists. >> and some have great penmanship. >> racists and homophobes. >> bill, you have never, ever been on jury duty. how do you get out of it? >> the jig is up. from now on it is mentally incompetent all the livelong
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day. i will sit there and stair at the judge and i will mess myself. >> he is doing it right now. >> take a look, america. >> we are not asking you to get out of jury duty now. >> i don't like the next topic. >> you know, -- >> that is what is happening. >> last time jury duty and the minute i found out i worked where i worked that was enough. >> see, i should have done that. the last time i went i put the duty in jury duty. >> last time i went i was dismissed in two seconds. in and out. >> why? >> the whole case was in and out. didn't miss lunch or nothing. >> i had to go two days and when i got there they told me to go home. >> don't have a home. they can't find you. you learn two things there, america. >> if you are not a registered voter too you can't do jury duty. don't register to vote. >> are you telling people not to register to vote.
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>> that's right. stay at home this year. stay at home. don't vote. why waste your time on that? vote on "american idol." your vote will go further. >> that part is very much true. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at fox the video of your animal doing something that is not boring? go to fox eye and click on submit a video. we might use it. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. he doesn't vote or do anything for that matter. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by the small dogs belonging to a breed with long bodies, short legs and drooping ears.
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let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. >> hi, greg. sorry about your jacket. it should mostly come out. mideast turmoil. greg, you said they were chapting bill -- bill schulz sucks. for a few seconds i was on their side. >> i was sitting here minding my own. jaime, you said before you have democracy you have to have institutions that can sustain democracy. are you some kind of a ron paul freak? >> that is not ron paul's
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position. >> aren't there some days when isolationism doesn't sound that bad? >> it is like a siren coping. >> -- song. >> it can't be isolation in a phone booth. >> that's a great t-shirt. >> it means the world is now a phone booth. we are interconnected. >> i don't believe the world is a phone booth. >> the world is a phone booth. >> there are no phone booths. >> and that is a lyric from a dave matthews song. you can be isolationist 56 years ago, and now you can't because they can reach us. >> i subscribe to the smashing pump incs philosophy that the world is a vampire. >> that's what i was thinking. >> greg, you asked what it says about a culture they are so sensitive to every slight. i think that is a not uncommon thing about hard core political idealogs. the only difference is they get violent about it.
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where christians here don't like -- >> a key difference. >> they don't get violent. absolutely. that is the key difference. >> everything would be okay if they didn't get violent. why can't they understand that as we have no problems with the fact that you get angry. don't get violent. >> on the other hand when that "entourage" movie comes out, i am burning [bleep] down. >> enjoy. >> you don't what to see turtle on the big screen? >> no. >> he was terrible on the little screen. >> it is not like western countries are helping them develop, but as other people jumped in we give egypt $1.5 billion a year. are you right though in the past that money would go to mubarak and the military which doesn't win us any friends among the people. but we are continuing to give that money to the new government even though that government has yet to apologize to our embassy. >> you have to give money to the people.
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>> read the book facing the middle east. we built schools in the middle east. the american university in beirut and the american university in cairo. we have done quite a bit in the east -- in the middle east to try to good heartedly workout. >> i agree, but it is not wrong to say many of the poor people in those countries, they don't see it that way. >> sure. there is no question about that. >> and that is who is protesting. >> that is also very wrong. there is a message out there that poor people are the ones who commit terrorism. all studies show that is not the case. if you look at those who commit terrorism, they are generally better educated and better off than the society at large. >> yes, sherrod. >> i am not talking the terrorists. i am talking the protesters. those are two different groups. the protesters are people who don't have jobs. they are tired of the police beating on them.
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>> that's occupy wall street. >> you are echoing what the great mark e smith from the fall said. terrorists don't blowup university because those are their mates. >> that was real wordy. >> it is true. the sarbones, one is a deli and the other one is -- it produced a lot of revolutionaries or so they say. >> man, am i going to do this joke? >> if you think it is bad taste then don't. >> it is not bad taste. >> it is probably about me. >> it is a joke three to five people will get and three to four will think it sucks. >> let's do it. >> i will skip it. >> now you have to do it. you can't give me the candy and then take it away. >> it is not worth it for the one person out there. >> that means it has something to do with dr. who, doesn't it? >> it is way more obscure than that. new york city board of health
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approves bloomburg's saying. the band in the cat video, collective soul. >> i bet they are nice people. >> they are very good live. >> i don't know, the name collective in there? that sounds pinky to -- pinko to me. >> excellent point. you noted the board approved the band a vote of 8-0 with one abstention. of the guy who abstained he didn't think it went far enough. the new york times say his name is 6delcarro. he had concerns about the band's potential financial impact on small businesses. >> well that is good i think. >> i think so too. juliette, thank you for admitting you are a hipocrite of the smoking ban, but angry about this. >> thank you for pointing that out. jay it is all about a drink ban. people are pre end iting bodegas will not still sell these things. i could get cigarettes at five years old. >> nobody is saying that.
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bodegas are not covered by this. they are fine and 7-eleven's are fine. greg, your mythical truckers can get theirs. >> let's remember the rest of america doesn't have bodegas. >> they will. >> that's why i threw in 7-eleven as well. >> can we stop pretending there is not america besides new york. it is all right here, baby. >> can we talk about this whole you can just buy two smaller drinks thing? discriminatory, people with one arm, elderly people with arthritis in one arm. >> he may be on to something. >> and what if we are like andy and you like to walk your cat. how will you walk your cat? >> and it is hard enough to carry your stuff into a movie theater with your popcorn. i can't be carrying two drinks. do i have to leave halfway through the movie and miss part of the film?
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>> worse than that, you will have to buy one when you are finished with the scene and you will have to get another drink. >> i will not know what happened in the middle of battleship. i won't get the ending. >> maybe he was right. maybe they can hookup a catheter to your penis so you never have to get up? >> i think that's the other way, sherrod, when you hookup a catheter. >> just trying to help. >> that's true. >> you put it into your bladder. >> are you trying to help our advertisers. >> good point. >> it is all well lubricated, i might add. >> you ask where will this end. >> where do we draw the line? >> what is the difference, sir. >> where will they draw the line? >> i was talking about
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bloomburg's rein. >> it is a good thing though. >> jaime, i love that he has extreme prejudices. >> extreme prejudices against homosexuals and black/foreign people. what is with putting black and foreign people together? >> that seems intolerant to me. don't let us sit with foreigners foreigners and then they are like, don't let us sit with foreigners. and they are like, what do i have to do with it? >> and lastly, sherrod, the whole -- >> flashing ain't never hurt nobody. sorry. >> you have to register to vote to be called for jury duty is a myth.
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that's not the only time. >> flash has my back. >> he is lumped in with you. he has no choice. >> andy, you don't look too well. kind of angry today. yes, you look angry. >> not angry at all. thinking you may get a little [bleep]. >> that's such a tacky and disgusting thing to say. why would anybody say that? >> i am happily single with two cats, greg. >> you have to stop putting that on your, andy. coming up, do corgis know they are short? not a story, just something shep texted me. what is up with the white house's top secret construction project? i don't know, but it sounds top secret.
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is a girl not meant to hurl? the professor of psychology and it is a wide range of skills and finds a small gap. throwing velocity and throw distance. females throw less well. every boy by age 15 throws better than the best girl including bill schulz. let's discuss this, shall we,. >> lightning rooo ow uuuuunnnnnndd. lightning round. there we go. >> i like it when they use that other one on you. >> that was horrendous. >> when you say you throw like a girl, is that not an insult anymore? if you say it to a guy? >> this study is showing that ib ma some -- that maybe some guys throw better than some girls -- >> no, it says by far.
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>> it doesn't mean i can go off with a softball player and are you going to throw better than the girl on the softball team? >> that is true. you had to go and pick a professional female. >> and a regular dude. >> you are tip toeing on a politically correct sense. >> if it is a girl and a guy and two baseball players the guy will throw farther. but if it is a girl on a team and regular guy. stop trying to put girls in a box. they are delicious. >> yes, we are. >> are you anti-science? >> duh, i'm a girl. just kidding. what? is that the real question? >> i was going to say is it sad to be a part of an inferior gender when it comes to throwing? >> first of all, i like the fact that i am delicate. >> great message. >> i think it is fine and nice to have girly qualities and not always have to be like
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dudes and everything. we have our little positives and you have yours. >> dudes are never talking to each other like, you have to meet this girl i met. she throws 98 miles an hour. nobody is saying that. >> hold on. tell me more. >> she has that hot heat. she can throw that heat. no one says that. >> so jaime, do you buy this explanation? and are there people that will be so upset by this? when ever you talk about gender differences, people get angry -- not people, but feminists and pc police. >> the person doing this study was upset. she was like, this is the only thing she can find that there are gender differences in. sherrod, you are actually wrong. the harvard professor or the coach that they talked to in this, she was talking how they would have this allstar player come to harvard. she could hit and she could run. when it comes to throwing over hand it was terrible. so they are saying that even
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college players and pros are not throwing well. i'm sure there are exceptions. >> maybe this girl didn't have as much practice throwing the ball. >> or maybe her nails were too long. >> the problem was the two softballs. it weighs you down. >> bill, i saw that coming from six feet away. >> that's because it is biology. joy some people are athletes. some people ain't. whether you are a man or woman, it don't matter. >> you are trying so hard. >> i would like to get leila ali to come in here and beat you. >> do you think i would deny that? i would pay $80 to $90 an hour for that. >> oh my god. see. look at you. >> he would have said the same thing if i said derrick jeter to come in here. >> i see no gender when it comes to the state of masochism. saying you throw like a girl would be a compliment.
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why do you struggle with this motor task? >> when i throw out the first pitch at u.s. cellular, the catcher had to jump. i think we are tip toeing through the bigger issue here. if women can't throw a ball properly, then they should not vote. >> he has a point. >> it is not that it is not proper, but it is not the velocity. >> you should not be involved in this election. >> that would solve a lot of problems. >> it would solve everything. world peats. world peace. >> if you remove sports and dogs, throwing is not important. we don't need to throw -- >> why are you bringing it up. >> it is much more important to catch. i am a really good catcher. >> no matter what this study says, women are better at
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throwing tantrums. >> ladies and gentlemen -- >> the reason i got this job is obviously that i was a pitcher. >> we have to take a break. more junk when we return.
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a top secret white house construction project that began two years ago and included a huge multi story excavation on the west wing lawn that finally completed the job and it was described as n update to the white house utility including water lines, sewers and electrical wiring. but the project was fenced off from public view. and many witnessed truckload after truckload of heavy duty concrete and steel beams entering the site. translation, obama may have just secretly built the world's largest ball pit under the white house. i am with him when i go to mcdonalds i play in the ball pit. if i was the president i would do my business in the ball pit all day. i would never leave the ball pit. i see two possibility -- >> i see two possibilities.
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>> or two just in time for the final election push. a prison to keep joe biden so he can't go on the campaign trail. keep him locked in there. >> because he is white? >> wait, who is white? >> unbelievable. >> sherrod, they wouldn't have kept it so secret if it wasn't something awesome. >> they can keep all the secrets they want. it is america. we know what they are building in there. a mall. they are building a white house mall so the kids can go shopping without being bugged. >> yes, it can be their own private universe. that's not a bad idea. i will write that one down. >> it is like your town that goes crazy and people protest. forget about your town already? >> why are the media not talking about this story. they are ignoring something. >> they are not ignoring it. every time you see a live shot from ed henry or anybody at
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cnn the guys are walking by with their beams and then you acknowledge it at the end of the live shot. busy over there right, mike? >> yes. >> i thought it was a village people tribute festival. >> i didn't hear that. >> i thought it was at a village people tribute festival. that's why i repeated it. hopefully people will say, that's pretty good off the cuff. >> they noah lot about me. they know a lot about me. i was passed like an hoir-derve tray. >> bill, you sleep in a hole and you were dug out by the under path. >> i hate to be debbie downer here, but the most obvious one is the right one. concrete and some pipes, and it is obviously a bunker for a
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nuclear attack. back in the bay day they fly them over. you know what is stupid, flying when there is a nuclear explosion. it is under the white house and that's where obama is going to go in case there is a terrorist attack. >> you know what i think it is, he is recreating his kenyan birthplace. >> we are going to close things out with a post game wrap up with andy levy. to see clips of recent shows fox eye.
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i will see you back here at 5:00 p.m. eastern. guests tomorrow, anthony, lauren sivan and sean kanin. fun. >> who is that?
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time to go back to andy levy. >> where can people see you next? >> i will be on owe reilly, did you see that? and on fox did you see that? did you see that? >> can i just point out, i have a segment, me and bernie -- >> bernie and i. >> bernie mccarrick. >> we are doing a segment on "owe reilly." >> you are everywhere. >> jaime, what are we less than a month away from. >> the released of my book "the lizard king" the greatest book since the bible. go to amazon and order it. it is going to be good. >> excellent. sherrod, what is up with the shows ? >> airing on friday on fuse. check it out. 10:30 p.m. funny, hilarious. >> what is it about? >> videos and stuff and no -- and you know, making fun of stuff. >> who is with you? >> a lot of funny p


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