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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  September 19, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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to fight for hardworking taxpayers? that's the question. and if he does, he will be successful. >> good advice. that's all the time we have left this evening. the news continues. we throw it to greta, who is standing by to go on the record. greta, take it away. >> this is a fox news alert. a coordinated attack against america on the anniversary of 9/11. tonight fox has new information that the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi the attack that killed our ambassador to libya and three others was directly tied to al-qaeda. a former detainee released from kwan taken mow was suspected to lead the attack. in 2007 he was transferred to libyan custody under the condition that he would be kept in prison forever. but guess what, he was not. and is now it is suspected he led the assault against the u.s. consulate in benghazi.
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and the white house blind sighted. in fact for an entire week the obama administration has stuck to its story line that this year's 9/11 anniversary attack was a reaction to an anti-muslim youtube video. it was not until today they finally admitted the libya consulate tack was an attack of terrorism. we are joined now by -- >> good evening sir. >> good evening. >> why are we learning this just now? >> i don't think you are learning it just now. we have an administration that was trying to deceive the american people or showed ineptness and incompetence. we know al-qaeda and others were involved in this attack. they operate in and around the area of benghazi. the gentleman you are referring to was released from guantanamo and he was the one who started it and sharia. he was involved in it. >> i'm looking at a document
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from guantanamo guantanamo bay, and it's all about the released detainee says he's an associate of bin laden in and the government himself considers him a dangerous man with no calms will committing crist attacks. and he's medium to high risk as he's likely to pose a threat to u.s. interest and its allies. we released him and why did we send him to libya thinking they would keep him forever? >> we shouldn't have. it's the same thing we saw in iraq for the gentleman who was responsible for the kidnapping and killing of five soldiers. the iraqis and released him, as well. you see failed policies coming from this administration about foreign policy detain epolicy and on national security. >> he was released in 2007. not during this administration. but i'm curious wouldn't you
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have expected that we would have monitored him? >> you are absolutely supposed to be tracking him. having spent two and a half years in afghanistan we had many individuals who came out of guantanamo and out to the battlefield. the rate of residism is quite high. once again greta, on 9/11 you are supposed to have a tight end sense of security and preparedness all across the globose that's a time when the radical islamists are going to look for a weakness and exploit it. all the indicator showed there was something leading up to the event that was happening. including five or six attacks in benghazi. >> there was some question whether the u.s. had a warning or not. i actually am sort of dismiss i have of that. i don't think you need to have some special warning to be on high alert in an area that we are not popular where where there's been violence before
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where you know there is likely to be trouble and you represent the united states. i'm not sure why due need a warning for that one? >> it is not rocket science. it's been looking at trends and anything out that there will help you decide t 9/11 is one day you are supposed to increase security. you have to ask yourself why the benghazi consul late which is in the middle of the al-qaeda operating around there and he will sharia are and they had no forces, no security forces forever. they are depending militia forces to protect them. >> in view row, the united states government, the government said the protests there were the result of this youtube video and in the u.s.
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embassy evicinity sweated out offer aboll justs shortly after the protest began. now it is, according to her recording. they haven't released the sheik in our custody for the 1997 world trade center becoming. >> we have to be concerned there. either the administration is showing incredible in competition or they are destroying the truth to the american people, either one is horrible why would they? what's in it for them to dissport it. >> i think the last thing the president wants to have is his failure in for quinn policy. he doesn't want to be seen as someone who lacked the vision and didn't know what the arab spraining was about. he didn't have any kind of a plan, when you are there you create a vacuum. the fact that the muslim brotherhood was not going to run for president, they did and he
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won. you can go back and look at the some of the statements president morrisey has made. he's not a friend to the united states of america. >> and when presumerfy was president elect in egypt, he said it is my duty and i will make all efforts to have them free. he was working preference to the blind shake. he made a promise to the people that he would get them. and if he's promising the egyptian people, that's not happening, and the states department spokesperson said this is not happening, he is not being released. >> that's why i think you need it coming from president instead of going to fund'sers and jay see and others. >> we have tour people did. and the sudan won't less us
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protect our embassy. >> this is not as usual. when you need someone in the factory come coming entering generals and fill hear and economic solutions to make sure we send the right message to the perpetrator. >> thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> and did the obama administration think it was all because of a low budget youtube video? your thoughts, sir at least until today it's not al-qaeda. they didn't say it was or wasn't but there's video. they save sad from the beginning we don't know all the facts so we aren't ruling it out. but that's not what we did. sea said it was spontaneous. not be staining the video. they will tear theirselves on
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the ground. the reason they took this position is it was recent to your plus political aagain da and the or on which arer is every. weather it can be a drift rim in bobby yeah that killed our ambassador. there can of cannot be there is hay electricity for the united states. the fluid world tool. ed paid political agenda all explain what their position is. >> but else vier guard has been down. >> he's guys didn't get the coverage. you are embassy in ice the doesn't have intelligence on cad ram impact and apparently we didn't from ejip tore jiffy.
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>> there's nothing that i'm read that will would have i had any gatherer if time. i mean annal eye of bin broaden and a suppose south. there was some diagnose he was getting money from the one who innocence the 169 because the names are on the financier's laptop. it says he's a high risk. even the libyans think he's a high risk. if we are going to transfer him to libya and he they are are going to release him, i would think we would at least keep an eye on him. >> this man was released in 2007 under the bush administration. on september 10th drone attacks killed the number two al-qaeda leader in yemen, also released in the bush administration in 2007. why? because secretary of defense gates bought the argument that gitmo was a recruiting tool for al-qaeda and needed to be shut
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down. and otherwise responsible republicans in the house and the senate said it the democrats all said it. it was part of the democratic campaign, we were going to close gitmo. so the bush administration collapsing in its last two years let these people out. obama came into office pledging that he would close gitmo within the first year of his administration. if we are defensive about defending ourselves, we are toast. and these examples, the al-qaeda leader in yemen who went back to terrorism, and this fellow in libya, if it turns out right target showing what happens when you let your tarred down against terrorism. >> i don't know what happened to the gitmo but the case of the wegers and two went to bermuda and some people got dragged into this that seemed to me was not irresponsible release, but when you see this, you see a guy who is still the assessment is that he is dangerous and he's committed to get us and you release him, that certainly doesn't suggest to me that he's
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a safe guy to let go. >> he should never have been released. and it was only because of the political pressure i think in the last years of the bush administration that allowed this to happen. but there was no pressure on president obama. this is his declared policy. >> why do they say this youtube video? why were they hung up on this youtube video? in fact rice was here on sunday and she said it was other tube. >> it's critical to their view of the world that there is no terrorist threat that's correct this is purely spontaneous. >> so look the other way? we have four people dead. >> i'm past the point of rational argument on this. i'm down to begging our fellow citizens lift up your eyes from the immediate economic circumstances, lift up your eyes about the campaign, we are picking a commander in chief for the next four years. this is a heavy responsibility. >> i don't think people realize how dangerous some of these people are. when we go to pakistan as
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journalist, we are told in a very nice hotel stay away from the windows because someone may shoot you in the windows. some of these countries are really dangerous. i'm not sure why they weren't heavily guarded. >> they should have been and i think more facts may come out. the administration needs to do their own review. the state department says they will do it. this idea we aren't going to talk about these attacks because there's an fbi investigation is shirking responsibility, it's another political coverup. people need to know what exactly happened because there was a massive failure here. you can't have four dead americans and not attribute it to failure. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> and the president is blasted over his redistribution. will it work? and plus, the inspector general released his report on operation fast and furious. what did he say about attorney general eric holder?
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announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this. it'd be weird. take care. you too. [ sighs ] so how did it go? he's upset. [ male announcer ] spend less time at gas stations. with best in class fuel economy. it's our most innovative altima ever. ♪ ♪ >> both gov. romney and ryan coming up swing over president obama over his redistribution remarks. both men hammering away at his
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big government beliefs, and they are not the only ones. >> there are some people who believe that if you simply take from some and give to others, we will all be better off. it's known as redistribution. >> president obama said that he believes in redistribution. mitt romney and i are not running to redistribute the wealth. mitt romney and i are running to help americans create wealth. >> it's not that i want to punish your success. >> if you've got a business, you didn't bui that. somebody else made that happen. >> i just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you that they have got a chance for success too. >> i think when you spread the wealth around, spread the wealth around, spread the wealth around it's good for everybody. >> let us never forget this fundamental truth, the state has no source of money other than the money people earn themselves. >> we have to have a government that works sufficiently and
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effectually, that helps provide opportunity to middle class americans and those seek to go enter the middle class. >> the feeling is you've got it i need it, i want it, i'm taking it and i am entitled to it because i need it. >> the tape came out a couple of days ago with the president saying yes, he believes in redistribution. i don't. >> as we try to resuscitate the notion that we are all in this thing together, leave nobody behind we do have to be innovative in thinking what are the delivery systems that are actually effective and meet people where they live? and my suggestion, i guess would be that the trick, and this is one of the few areas i think there are technical issues that have to be dealt with as opposed to just political issues, i think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence, facilitate some redistribution because i
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actually believe in redistribution. at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot. >> because we have not authenticated this 14-year-old tape from loyola college when barack obama was a state senator. we have not dependly at nbc news, we are not airing it. >> nbc news not airing the redistribution video because they have not authenticate it had. i never, ever have seen media this way. there's no journalism, is there no media, is it pure full-fledged advocacy? it's breathtaking to the beholder. >> our job is not to fight over a shrinking tie in redistributing license. >> this idea of redistribution follows from the idea that if you have a business, you didn't build it, someone else did that.
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>> fox news senior analyst brit hume joins us. britt, what's the state of the political season? >> well, this redistribution argument that the republicans are now -- two republican candidates are making, i think it constitutes a nimble pivot away from talking defensively about mitt romney's 47% remark. i'm not sure how much mileage is in it. after all you so joseph plumber in this video. he said the same thing to him four years ago. we've known for some time he believes in redistributing the wealth and he said as much. mitt romney himself he said he doesn't favor redistribution but he favors a progressive income tax code, which is redistributionist. there's no getting around that. so they are doing the best they can with this. the two of them are on, romney in particular, are on the defensive this week and they
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managed to make a pivot here, something else they would rather talk about. i'm just not sure how much mileage is in it. >> the redistribution, as with joseph plumber we are profoundly deeper with how much money we owe as a nation. i think people become more sensitive to the issue about what to do with our money. >> prance so. but the idea is still the same. i don't think the president has changed his view on the matter. maybe he should have. maybe you should make the argument we can't afford to redistribute the wealth you can certainly make the argument it's better to focus on creating wealth than trying to parcel it out. i think that's a value lid argument for the republicans to make. >> and the governor's statement about 47? >> look if -- the problem with the 37% statement was not that he said 47% of people don't pay income taxes that's basically true. the problem is he said 47% of
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americans are dependent upon government and consider themselves victim. i think that's probably not true. when you consider among the 47% who paid little or nothing of income taxes includes a lot of the military. i don't think they consider themselves victims and i don't think they feel like that they are dependennent on the government. so i mean it wasn't just the 47% comment that got him in trouble, it was part of the rest of it. >> is it fatal? >> no, i don't think it's fatal but it doesn't help. here's the problem with these kind of celebrated misstatements or gaffes or episodes that occur on the campaign. they basically shut you down for a few days while everybody talks about that. and you defend that. you probably had something you wanted to talk about that day and you would have liked to make news on t you don't get it when a mistake like that comes to light. that's the problem. you are in kind of radio silence for the duration of the flap over it. now, i don't know how much of a
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flap there has been outside of the romney campaign and the rest of the media because i can't you know keep track of it all over this redistribution comment. but to some extent that may have drowned out president obama for the last day or so. >> i'm curious how much -- we are actually consumed with it in the media absolutely consumed. and i'm sort of curious about the family that's back home in ohio or wisconsin putting food on the table, getting ready for work or school, how much they are paying attention to it. >> one would imagine that people like that are more general consumers. they aren't simply following the day-to-day goings on the political campaign. they are looking at the broader world and what happened to libya and what happened in the rest of the muslim world and whether this president's policies have allowed that to happen or caused it to happen or contribute today it. they are wondering whether the reset he announced with such fanfare at the dawn of his add manages has been a failure and that's left us about where we were before, despite his claims.
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i'm sure that's part what have is on their mind as well. >> and what do you make of the fact that the white house has been hanging on the youtube video as the reason behind the protests and now it appears al-qaeda was a 9/11 event in libya. that's what we are understanding tonight. >> yeah, there's some 9/11 connection. what i think, the president said back in one interview back in november of 2007 that the day he was inaugurated not only was the united states and we as a people look at ourselves in a different way but so would the world. and he launched into a discussion about the outreach he would make to the muslim world and how people would see us differently. he didn't say our problems in the muslim world would be over, he didn't say that. but he suggested things would change for the better and change in a major way. these events and this attack in libya in particular suggests they haven't changed and that is damaging to him. i think what came out of the white house was kind of a
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reflective political spin brought to a diplomatic and foreign policy matter that sometimes happens. and i think they have been caught in it now. >> britt, thank you. >> you bet. >> up next, the republic party is taking on the president about redistribution. you will find out what the republican party is doing. he is here to tell you. and the next. there's cash flow options from pnc. solutions to help businesses like yours accelerate receivables, manage payments and help ensure access to credit. because we know how important cash flow is to reaching your goals. pnc bank. for the achiever in you.
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this happy couple used capital one venture miles for their "destination wedding." double miles you can "actually" use. but with those single mile travel cards... [ bridesmaid ] blacked out... but i'm a bridesmaid. oh! "x" marks the spot she'll never sit. but i bought a dress! a toast... the capital one venture card. fly any airline any flight, anytime. double miles you can actually use. what a coincidence? what's in your wallet? [ all screaming ] watch the elbows ladies. >> you are hearing it from gov. romney and congressman ryan. the gop hitling president obama hard over redistribution. and now the republican national
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committee is taking a swing. releasing a new web video. >> we are really talking about income equality which suggests redistribution. >> i actually believe in redistribution. >> if you have been successful, you didn't get that on your own. >> i actually believe in redistribution. >> which suggests redistribution. >> if you've got a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> this is the socialist obama coming out of the closet. >> is there any wonder that someone who attacks success -- in america we celebrate success we don't apologize for success. >> the rnc chair reince priebus joins us. how are you?
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>> thank you. how are you. >> and there is this one from the university in 1998. you are fighting back? >> absolutely. you are going to see us, i would say, have the brass knuckles on from here until the beginning of november. here's the problem. barack obama, at his core, and the reason this all came out and the reason we are jumping on it, it proves that at his core he is somebody who believes in redistributing the money of others, the earnings of others and giving it to different folks around the country in the name of in some cases obamacare stimulus green energy programs to solyndra, and calling it -- that would be corporate welfare, weakening welfare requirements around the country. he's got his ag secretary saying that food stamps and those sorts of things are the equivalent of a stimulus plan for this
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country. you know, it is a philosophy that i think mitt romney highlighted in the video that the democrats are jumping all over and it's a philosophy of the future of this country that isn't america. it is not liberty and freedom it is not the bill of rights and it is not what this country is about. >> two things one is, as brit hume just mentioned, gov. romney embraces a progressive tax we have in our tax code, and secondly that the whole remark about victim, that in his tape it's something he has to deal with. >> first of all, i think mitt romney came out immediately and said i didn't say this in the best way i should have, but the fact of the matter is that it is true. we do is have a choice of two futures. we do have a president who himself, let's not forget, he is the guy, president obama is on his website he's highlighting the life of julia. what is the life of julia?
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it's the core philosophy of barack obama that he's set up that we ought to take care of people from crazy toll grave and that's the whole philosophy. >> but people are sort of worried about their future and it may be a more receptive argument that i'm the government, i'll take care of you. people will be so panic system they will think they need the government help. >> people want an opportunity to make it in this country. they need the government out of the way. we need the ability in this country to start with either a dream or an idea and get government out of the way to make things easier for people to start small businesses and to leave that american dream. under this president, you know, he is the president that has seen the explosion of food stamps, the explosion of poor people around the country -- >> that message if that is such
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a powerful message how come the policy show your candidate one or two points down? >> obviously it's not easy to beat an incumbent, that's for sure. but there is some truth to the fact that when you have a president who spends all of his time giving speeches, all of his time campaigning raises money for the last three and a half years, it takes time to overcome that message. but i think at the end of the day people are going to see that this president promised to carpet the world. obviously he's basically delivered a plate of dog food for the country to feed off of. and the fact of the matter is we deserve better. jobs aren't there, the debt is exploding. the deficit is is exploding foreclosures are up, healthcare is up, everything has gotten worse. and you spend half the program which i think is great, look what is happening in africa and the middle east. he has to answer questions not only at home but now he has to answer questions across the
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atlantic ocean. >> thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> and in the justice department two senior officials are out. the inspector general issues a scathing now report on operation fast and furious. the expect general referring more than a dozen people for possible action. how are you? >> good evening. >> what do you think of the report? >> i thought he did a very comprehensive job and it validates ryan terry's family for pushing this for pushing us and to be frank, i think it validates the work of chairman issa and chairman smith. greta, i have been on your show several times saying this is not about politics, this is about the criminal justice system. we have a 500 page report that says we were right. whether it's the wiretap applications or a file lure to connect the dots whether it's a failure of the attorney general's leadership style. it validates the fact that this
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was never about politics. >> it says that the attorney general eric holder new nothing about this. is that a fair reading of it? >> it is and that's what i've said the last 20 months. i have no evidence that he knew about fast and furious. >> does this mean you will know longer pursue the contempt against him? >> heavens no. >> that's still on the table? >> heavens no. there are two standards. there's new or should have known. i have always maintained the attorney general should have known. when you have this level of deficiency in your law firm he's not a sole practicer. he has the, one of the largest law firms in the country. when you have this going on and you don't know about it. >> he's admonished lenny brewer who is a very experienced lawyer, and because lenny brewer didn't tell him. >> he needs to can lenny brewer. >> can him? >> can him. he should have canned him months ago. lenny brewer knew it was false. >> was that perjury if that was
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submitted to congress or not? >> perjury is difficult to prove, as you know. you have to prove an intent to steven. >> but is that under oath the submitted letter? >> i don't think so. >> so it wouldn't be percentagely. >> but he forwarded to his home e-mail address. he said it looks good -- i'm talking about -- >> i'm talking about lenny brewer. he was in mexico in mexico the same day the letter was mailed, advocating for fast and furious part two. he should have been gone a long time ago. if the attorney general is looking for an excuse to find a new criminal chief he's got one. >> thank you. we will find out what happens with the continuing contempt process. thank, sir. >> yes, ma'am. >> and coming up, the attack on a russ embassy was directly tied to al-qaeda. so why has the white house been sticking to its story blaming a youtube video for the attack? and a new pan ad features
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israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu but whose campaign will it help and whose will it hurt? that's just minutes away. [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people are choosing advil® for their headaches. my name is sunshine and i have three beautiful girls. i like taking advil® for a headache. it nips it in the bud. and i can be that mommy that i want to be. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] take action. take advil®.
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>> the latest political ad to feature the airwaves stars benjamin netanyahu. it's set to air in several florida cities with large jewish communities. >> the fact is that every day that passes, iran gets closer and closer to nuclear bomb. the world tells israel, wait. there's still time. and i say wait for what? wait until when? >> the world needs america's strength, not apologies. >> the ad comes after growing tensions over iran's nuclear threat.
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>> the s and t is breaking a two-day losing streak. home sales jumped to their highest level in more than two years in august. that's according to the national association of realtors. sales rose 7.8% last month to a seasonally adjusted units. sales of occupied homes remain below the level of what economists consider healthy. and 11,000 employees may be at
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risk of losing their jobs. this comes as the airline goes through bankruptcy restructures. american airlines says they only let just over 4,000 go. the fox business network in your area log on to fox the box business network, giving you the power to prosper. >> this is a fox news alert a deadly attack on an american consulate on september 11th. tonight intelligence sources tell fox news they are convinced it was directly tied to al-qaeda. until now the white house wouldn't admit the murders of the ambassadors and others was terrorism. steve haze is with us and ed o'keefe. steve, the political implications of this? >> it's a big deal. it's just not fox that reported
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this, other out let's followed the reporting and it was not only a terrorist attack, but others acknowledged it. but there seemed to be al-qaeda connections. olson, in his congressional testimony today, the head of the national counterterrorism center said there were indications it could be related to al-qaeda. it now looks like a terrorist attack with al-qaeda connects and possibly coordinated by someone who is a former gitmo detainee. i think this changes because because susan rice on sunday was so emphatic this was not preplanned, not coordinated and one attack that grew out of the spontaneous protests from the mob because of this film. >> it ratchets up the whole story line, no question about that. there will be a lot more pressure on the administration to get to the bottom of it. it's a bad story regardless who is behind it but this makes it
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worse because it i am play indicates the american for yen policy over there. anyone can credit a random act criminal act, but a planned attack is different. this part of the story took a while longer to emerged maws of the political dust over romney's response. but the more we learn about it, the more it becomes a question of president obama's foreign policy, about the security arrangements in benghazi and these are a lot more difficult questions for the obama administration. >> and the polling that was put out by the wall street journal and nbc shows his advantage on foreign policy has slipped a bit. this pom was taken in the days after this attack in libya. so clearly there could be some valuener ability there. he still leads romney by a wide margin but it has closed in a bit. >> and our four americans were killed and we didn't provide adequate security that's part one. and part two running this narrative about the youtube video and sticking to it. everyone was suspicious on 9/11
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was it al-qaeda. what are the odds it would hit on 9/11 on our property on our consulate? >> on the embassy security, that's something today i think we saw lawmakers grasp on to the fact embassies are not protected properly. of course congress hands out the money for that so if they weren't aware of it, they need to review when they approved in the past. but congress is leaving town on friday. it's unclear between friday and election day how they would investigate it. >> won you think that the white house and the state department would suspect al-qaeda? >> there were reports, there were reports beforehand but possible follow-up attacks on 9/11. there were security concerns beforehand. in communication with the department of homeland security, we needed to beef up our security. the state department was on alert. you had evacuations, the bulk of the embassy staff in cairo
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>> but it's common sense. forget the reports, common sense. >> there are two big problems with this story for the administration. the first are the pictures. you are seeing the middle east sort of in flames. you are seeing all the protests and you have a president who basically said that if he took this more conciliatory nonbush approach to foreign policy we wouldn't see this and we are seeing it. that's part of the problem. people are seeing the images on their tv screens and it matters. the second is it seems to be defying common sense. we had jay carney from the podium struggling tmake the case that this is somehow separate and apart from 9/11. and they had the exchange yesterday with ed said you had these warnings about attacks or security issues on 9/11, and jay said well, you know, you are -- on the one hand there was the video and the response to it, on the other hand there was 9/11. people forget there was probably some relationship to 9/11. >> we will take a quick break. stand by. you can bet rush limbaugh is
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fired up. you are about to here his blistering response to president obama's redistribution comments. hold on for rush. ally bank. why they have a raise your rate cd. tonight our guest, thomas sargent. nobel laureate in economics and one of the most cited economists in the world. professor sargent, can you tell me what cd rates will be in two years? no. if he can't, no one can. that's why ally has a raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally. [ male announcer ] when this hotel
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>> a political storm raging over president obama's redistribution comments. republicansen cyst the 1998 comments represent what the president always believed and still beliefs. >> i think the trick is figuring out how do we structure government systems that pool resources and hence, facilitate some row distribution because i actually believe in redistribution. at least at a certain level to make sure that everybody's got a shot. >> and now rush limbaugh's sizzling response to president obama's controversial remarks. >> we didn't need an audiotape from 998 to tell us that probable cause balm is a social i felt. did that come as news to you when you heard it? anybody remember joe the plumber? he's a liberal. what the hell -- we don't need a tape! >> we are back with our political panel and rush has
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better music than we do. rick, the redistribution, is this a one-day story? is it trumped by what's going on in libya? >> i think rush is right, middle most people who heard this, you have an idea already about president obama. it's not like he hasn't been president for four years already. he's had policies in place, done things, said things, and i think it would come as more of a shock if he had never been in office before and it wasn't a 14-year-old tape. we are talk again about the independent voters, the voters in the mental. most of them voted for president obama four years ago. they are on the fence now. it isn't likely to flip a switch one way or the other, an old comment from 14 years ago when he's been in office for four years. mitt romney and the 47% combined with the foreign news out there, that will eclipse any kind of bump that you can get out of something-like this. >> rick is right. this is a song and dance that the american people heard four
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years ago. most of them didn't buy it. it didn't work for john mccain and sarah palin. it doesn't appear that it's going to necessarily regular nature this time. there may be a group of people out there that are reminded of this that are more frustrated or in worse shape than they were four years ago and they will say that's it he is a socialist, i don't want him to be my president. but what is shocking and new is different is the clip that came out this week of gov. romney. this confirms to liberals and those who don't like him their worst suspicions and will probably in the minds of some voters who don't pay as close attention to him as we do, my gosh, i don't want hem to be my president. but the grainy video, what he said the way he said it, i suspect it will resonate more than the clip. >> and i think the importance of the redistribution stuff is the way the romney campaign has handled the last 24 hours. they clearly turned into the skid like they say in wisconsin,
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and they have done it it and done it well. they have build an argument, had strong statements from others saying in effect we have got to take this on we have make the broader argument. even if gov. romney made hash of some of his comments yesterday by combining a political argument of the 47% who support president obama about the substantive argument about the income taxes, i think they have cleaned it up nicely and the question will be do they continue to make argument and make it effective going forward. >> panel, thank you. >> thanks. >> and come up, president obama has been to plenty of star-studded fund raisers so what made them upset about a meeting with jay-z and others? that's next.
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>> time tore last call. what made president obama nervous at his latest star-studded fundraiser? here's jimmy fallon. >> president obama attended a fundraiser in new york hosted by jay-z and beyonce.
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michelle was hoping beyoncé will sing all the single ladies why obama was worried biden would get up and sing. >> that's the
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