tv Housecall FOX News September 30, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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and one is hormone blocker. we have started on the way for this. they have discovered that cancer isn't only about the organ where it originates. it's not one particular group here that is not like other breast cancers. it operates more like ovarian cancers so you can develop treatments. it's breast cancer but cancer is a body problem. it's a problem genetically where genes go haywire. what can we do to fix that? specifically one group of breast cancer was found to operate like ovarian cancer and get different kinds of treatment. >> jamie: learning this, how much does treatment have to change and patients have treatment that was in existence, they have to go go back for new and different treatment? >> not necessarily but the gist of the study we're going to look at cancer completely differently.
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over the last decade we have been trying to diagnosis it and but we don't understand the cancer am now we have said it before. the secret to all of this is the math and road map. whoever created this body has put in all the secrets. we have to find it. so we're trying to see if there is overlap in lung cancer or breast cancer or prostate cancer, they all have common grounds. so understanding the different types, knowing who should be treated and not should be treated is the future and knowing... one of the things about breast cancer, the genes cause tumor suppression gene. it's a mechanism, a defense mechanism that the body has. what happens when a change in these. maybe obesity causes it whatever it is. once you take that protection
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away you are going to get cells grow and breast cancer. we're going to target exactly what we need to do in a some v specific treatment. >> when you target therapy you get less side effects. >> jamie: my question for you, we report these things and we try to get you to know about the questions to ask the doctors but will doctors be aware of this information so they can look for these proteins and genes? >> this is well public analyzed journal of nature. what we are looking at genes and dna in much more extensive way than before. >> talk to your doctor. still it has a way to get to clinical work. mark's point is well taken. some of these specific triple negative breast cancers that work like ovarian cancers we can use medications.
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it's not ready for prime time yet but it's a great step forward. >> jamie: that is what we want to do is give people the edge. >> eric: peanut allergies, one study has reported that it has tripled in the last decade. we hear a lot about it now. how do you prevent it and what do you do about it? >> the really question is it being overdiagnosed or is it true. if you look at statistics, we're seeing that there is increase about 18% over the last decade of food allergies, whether milk and peanuts and other things. we don't have a good test to find out how accurate they are. there is a lot of theories behind this. is it really the hygiene theory, are we killing the bacteria by handwashing and peirdz is it
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immune system or lack of vitamin d. a joint study between the british kids and israelis, about 8,600 kids and what they found the british kids are more sensitive to these peanut allergies. the reason they were not exposed at an early age. so our body has to boost the immune system. it's like having a peanut vaccine. if you are exposed to to it you will build up and not have the symptoms. if you have a child with peanut allergies you need to be in a hospital and desensitize. there are patches with peanut oil recognizing it is very important. >> eric: how do you recognize it before it can be an alarming crisis? >> i want to say the hygiene
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hypothesis is excellent, if you give peanuts to kids early they nay not develop this. the reason it is happening, is something called cross contamination, i go to restaurants and you may get peanut in your food and not realize it. you may think you are eating and salad and may be using something that have peanuts in it. so how do you know if you have a peanut allergy? some of it common, rash, itching shortness of breath, your kid says i don't feel like myself. the other thing, 8% of the kids have nut allergies. if they are not digesting right or diarrhea that can be a peanut allergy. get them looked at if your kid is looked at.
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>> eric: talk to your doctor and school nurse. >> jamie: if you are allergic to peanuts, can kids eat other nuts? >> yes, they can but they have to be careful. they may find that walnuts is okay. >> you can get tested for each one. >> jamie: doctors are going to give us more information on what is really a mysterious condition and how treat it. >> and flu shots are out but doctors recommend vaccinations for all kinds of conditions. whether you can get them all at once or waited between the shots. doctors will give us their advice. plus, answer your questions and guess what? directly after sunday house calls you can chat with them live. tell your family and friends, get online at house calls and they can go back and forth with your medical
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questions. >> jamie: we'll be right back. a, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship. together for your future. ♪ together for your future. and every day since, two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected, and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely.
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his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brgs more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve
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for relief from tough headaches. ♪ >> jamie: i wouldn't have guessed this, people joke about restless leg syndrome. refers to unpleasant sensations the in your leg that uncontrollable urge to move. especially at night. what causes restless leg syndrome. >> its combination of things. one in six people have it. it can be due to medications you are taking. diabetes and having neuropathy in geographer legs or something that comes on and you don't know why. it's a feeling just like it sounds. you can't stop moving your legs. they feel burning and reap pi.
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if you move it goes away. >> jamie: really. >> temporarily but it wakes you up from sleep. what is causing it to brain, we don't think it's not enough dopamine due to not enough iron in the body. so one of treatments is iron. one of the treatments for mild restless leg is cutting down on alcohol and exercising more. massages work for mild cases. more severe cases you have to use drugs like meripex are alevequip that provide chemicals to the brain but they can make you tired and make you nauseous. you can pick it up on sleep study. people should be checked for this. or this at the they have an urge to move your leg. >> jamie: why does moving your leg make you feel better?
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>> it makes them worse. they are extremely tired, they are not aware of this. as mark said, they have unresist tibl type of movement without their control. it gets worse as they walk. which is exactly opposite of vascular disease. when they are resting, it gets worse and worse at night. so whether it's dopamine or iron deficiency and should get your even checked, that is really important. a lot of people think stress may have something to do with it. proliferate rally neuropathy, kidney disease and all of those can affect it. one of the things that is interesting a gluten intolerance how gluten intolerance can affect the immune system and give you this restless type of syndrome. what woe don't know is the
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diagnosis is like parkinson's or they monitored you and watch what happens. >> jamie: had a is the begs way to find it and check your even. >> because you are not aware of what is going on. you wake up in the morning. unless your spouse says, what was the karate move in the middle of the night? we are seeing more and more patients to sleep studies. if your sleep is interrupted you should check. >> check magnesium and potassium and iron. >> jamie: and flu shots, they say you should get them. it's a good idea to get it if you are current dealing with it. but what if you have another illness should you get a flu shot? if you have any questions, it is your lucky day, if you go to
7:45 am calls, you will get a visit from our doctors in your own home. we'll tell you more when we come back. jrk look, if you have copd like me, you know it can be hard to breathe, and how that feels. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops. stop taking spiriva and seek immediate medical help if your breathing suddenly worsens, your throat or tongue swells, you get hives,
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vision changes or eye pain, or problems passing urine. other side effects include dry mouth and constipation. nothing can reverse copd spiriva helps me breathe better. (blowing sou) ask your doctor about spiriva. oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice, clean race. no need to get nasty. here's your "honk if you had an affair with taylor" yard sign. looks good. [ male announcer ] fedex office. now save 50% on banners.
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[ male announcer ] fedex office. sleep train's inveis ending soon. sale save 10%, 20%, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get 2 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. but hurry, the inventory clearance sale is ending soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ >> eric: back with sunday house
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calls. e-mail, popular concern among a lot of people. i plan to getting a shingles vaccination next month. is it okay to get a flu shot at the same time. do you mix vaccinations? >> the straight answer is yes. she can get both vaccinations at the same time. shingles is fda approved and approved for people over the age of 60. whether you had chicken pox or not you should get it. the reason is if you had chicken pox that virus stays dormant and doesn't do anything until, nobody whether it's stress or whatever it is, it comes on the surface as shingles or herpes. usually appears on some sort of muscle surface, causes rash, causes blisters and extremely painful. by taking the vaccination it
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reduces the numbers of days you have pain and much faster recovery, but more importantly the nerve damage is much reduced with this kind of vaccination. it's safe and doesn't have side effects. >> eric: after zbrrb this is one of the most important. i don't want to be dramatic. i agree with david. they can be taken the same day. chicken pox or chicken pox vaccine which is live virus, one-third of people have that go to develop shingles. neuralgia is very debilitating. it can go on for years and hard to treat. shingles vaccine works in over 50% of patients. compliance is under 10%. it's been out since 2006. reason nobody is taking it is because it's expensive. it's about $150 to $250,
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insurance doesn't always cover it. patients are afraid to pay out of pocket. but whether to take it the same day. get it. the only group i would caution it is another live virus vaccine. if you have a chronic illness or have hiv or immune system is compromised. you may not be able to take it for the general pop it is super. >> jamie: if you have shingles it will not work? >> it may. >> you should still get it. that is what the recommendation is. it's called herpes vaccine will not protect you against herpes. >> jamie: i'm glad you qualified that. >> when you hear the word fat, coming up, doctors will tell you about a good fats and what we should be eating. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this is sheldo whose long day setting up the news
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starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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and twinkies. >> fat, there are some good ones. i'll start. we've talked about salmon or fatty fish. twice a week, salmon or tuna. next one olive oil. before food or appetizer our or mix it with salad. it's great. it's great for your heart. obviously avocado is another fait of mine. be careful there are a lot of calories, you don't want to have too much of them. >> jamie: you say olive oil before at the beginning of the meal. they bring out the basket of bread and pour the olive oil, that is not what you are talking about? >> accept it is port of a mediterranean diet which is what he is talking about, fish and unsaturated fats, almonds are great for you, walnuts, used olive oil. >> look at the greeks.
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>> and the italians. but you realize that we're supposed to get about 25% of our calories by fat. great way to get calories but if you eat it in a cheeseburger or french fry, you will end up clogging your arteries. eat unsaturated fats. use canola oil or peanut oil or flax seed oil. stay away from the saturated fats. >> eric was kig on the oreos. you know better. and great advice. thank you so much. i'm pretty excited about today because today starts a whole new chapter. brand-new web page on you don't have to just read about it. you can get involved with it. we are kicking the doctors out so they can chatted live with
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you. click sign in and join a conversation and you can ask all your questions and you can always e-mail us at like the viewer today we would love to answer your questions right here on the air. >> this has been great. a lot of times because of time we are not able to tell everything. last week we started and it was extremely successful. i love the fact that people come and send their questions and we can get in and talk to them. peanuts and fish and we're ready to go. >> we have a cup of coffee and we're waiting for you. >> jamie: good luck guys. we'll see you next week.
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