tv The Five FOX News October 16, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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reaction. special fox business news survey. tell us who you think is winning, what you find objectional and what you like and don't like. no comment on my ties, please. you tweet us. whether you're big bird or not, you can do whatever you want there. the way for to us be in touch with you, throughout. only on fbn. >> dana: hello. i'm dana perino with andrea tantaros, bob beckel, eric bolling, brian kilmeade. and greg gutfeld is in hempsted, new york, at hofstra university to give us a preview of tonight's debate. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." about four hours from now, 9:00 p.m. eastern time, president obama and governor romney will take the stage for the second presidential debate. a town hall format. meaning the audience gets to ask direct questions to each candidate. cnn candy crowley is moderating. we're only three weeks away
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from the election. three weeks from today. after commanding performance by romney in the first debate, both candidates feeling the pressure to perform tonight. stay with fox news from now through primetime when you have megyn kelly and bret baier leading the coverage. let's kick it off with greg who is at half stra. he look -- hofstra and he lookso interested. i'm sure you've talked to a ton of people today. what are they saying? >> greg: i found out that president obama had chicken today. but he was unhappy because they were out of dog. the big issue here is the altitude. they don't want a recurrence of what happened a few weeks ago. the elevation here is 60 feet. it's 60 feet. they have had security and aides here to prep obama and prevent implosion and adjust for the change. they lowered the podium four
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feet. in industry terms called a perino. >> dana: if it's town hall format, there is no podium. >> greg: well, i'm wrong on that. the big key here is aggressiv aggressiveness. they want president obama to be more aggressive. sources told me he spent the entire week practicing a new frown. i have been told by somebody that looked like john kerry it's quietly devastating. >> bob: greg, why are you there? >> greg: why are you there, bob? i want to give you an interesting fact. did you know that at hofstra, they have one of the world's largest arboretum, which is a bird sanctuary. there are thousands of birds here. people wonder in the debate will they be tweeting? >> dana: very good. >> bob: my question is why are you there? that is very interesting. >> dana: let me ask you one other thing. on the expectations, i've seen it's romney, the expectations too high, obama expectations
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are too high. where do you see it? >> greg: the big worry here is will president obama overcompensate? you can't spell "overcompensate" without using a lot of letters. if you're using a lot of letters, you are overcompensating. he has to be himself. not really. we don't know who he is. the format is interesting. there will be no slapping no, kicking. there will be 13 questions. 11 of them will only be on gay marriage. that's important. there are 82 participants. i talked to colonel allen west earlier and only 74 of them are communists. >> brian: i have learned nothing but i'm quietly entertained. >> greg: the big point uncommitted voters. i like to call them human porks, because they're neither a spoon or a fork. i don't believe they are uncommitted. they will be more plants here than michelle's organic garden. >> greg: andrea, what do you
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have -- >> dana: an degreia, what do you have for greg? >> andrea: what are you bringing us back? surprises? tchotchkes, mugs, et cetera? >> greg: i got an incredibly well-designed hofstra university debate shirt, made from brazillion kittens. it's comfortable. >> andrea: i know you will cut it to a baby "t." you should be aware that i saw brian with a whoopie cushion and he may leave it on your seat. don't say i never warned you about anything. >> greg: i'd like to think i don't need a whoopie cushion. >> eric: my question is what are you doing tonight? on a college campus, what are you doing for the debate and post-debate? >> greg: excellent point. can i tell you something? the huffington post has a truth booth to gauge sentiment
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among students. a left wing organization has a bubble of truth immune from logic and reason. filled with dumbnything worse students. >> dana: maybe you can pop it. >> greg: i might. >> brian: i was born and bred on long island. do you have questions where the bennigan's once was or the sears is, to have rotate have ys rotated? >> greg: i was looking for chichi but they went bankruptcy in 1998. heart-breaking. interest alumni from hofstra. did you know belorni aloni graduated from hofstra university and the first african-american socialist to run for president beating obama by two decades. >> dana: let's get to bob.
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that was a good one. if you are in the obama hotel suite, what is one thing you'd tell him to do? >> bob: take as many chemicals as he possibly could. no. i think what happened, he was prepared the last time. he didn't show up. something happened when he stepped out on the stage and he wasn't focused. this time he is focused. i talked to people around him and said he is focused and understands that this is the big deal for him. i suspect he will be aggressive with romney. but i think he is going to use self-deprecating humor. at the beginning of the debate about what happened in the first debate. he will push romney hard to explain himself. >> dana: same question to you in the romney area. >> eric: i'd do what i did the last time. romney came out and hest aggressive. he stuck to the facts and script. but i think romney, you have
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to be surprised. you played sports, you have all played sports. when the team you play is giving up and on their heels, you have to stay focused to continue to win the game. mitt romney stayed focused for the full 90 minutes. he needs to stay focused tonight. remember, debates don't matte matter, so romney is winning. >> bob: i may very well see this as one of those years where it does. >> dana: one of the group of voters where it has mattered the first debate between romney and obama and the second debate with women, why do women seemingly break for romney at this point in the campaign? >> andrea: one, they miscalculated. "they" being the obama campaign, the priorities of women. they talk about birth control and abortion and other things when the economy is the number one issue.
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they try to scare women away from romney. that night romney showed up and women said wait, he's not an evil guy. wow! he is smart. respectful and nice. that follows with joe biden arrogant off the jerk marhchisom attitude and now we are seeing what they call the waitress moms. this election depends on the waitress moms. who are waitress moms. i grew up in the diner with the same women. they are concerned about the economy and swing voters. >> dana: what else they care about is welfare reform and whether or not there are changes in the welfare reform requirements. we have a treat that we have you on "the five" and tomorrow morning you will be on "fox & friends." in the debate, how long in the debate before you know, have a sense of what tomorrow morning will look like? >> brian: i'm cheating because i'm watching twitter. i'm cheating and i will admit.
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that we'll know in an hour in if the president came to play. it's tough for the final half hour. does the president have something in the first half hour that scores big? if he is smart he would look to santorum's last debate with romney. he did well and he found vulnerabilities in romney that caught him on his heels when he had nothing to lose. after that, the go-to guy. that was the issue. >> bob: eric's analogy on the obama side of the last debate. you played a team you were supposed to roll over easily and you couldn't get yourself up for that game? you showed up and you were arrogant and you thought you'd roll over them. then you didn't produce. that's probably what happened. there is genuinely a dislike of obama toward romney. >> dana: that shows and it's terrible. >> eric: talk about what really telling "usa today" poll that came out yesterday,
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gallup/"usa today" poll that shows women across the board skewing to obama. swing states, women and obama are dead even. if i'm romney tonight, that's who i talk to. swing state specifically. >> brian: the pro-life. you know obama wants the women back so he will try to get romney in an attack on pro-life. >> dana: big mistake. >> brian: are you going to put two supreme court justices to overturn roe v. wade? >> andrea: i think if he keeps them on the road with the social issues they'll lose. people say president obama will be more aggressive. women don't want more aggressive. he has to do what bill clinton did, feel your pain. bill clinton was a classic expert retail politician. obama and romney are not classic politicians so how can president obama be the man to feel the pain when he is the one to blame?
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very hard to go negative. >> brian: i will be nice to you, you asked the question. i'm mean to you because you're the opponent. >> bob: one thing we forget from the poll, romney is not getting as many men as republicans do. he needs more men. >> eric: doesn't matter. doesn't matter. you know it doesn't now in states decided now. what matters is the swing state. if you look at swing state polling women are 48-49, obama/romney. men are heavily skewed. >> dana: can i get greg back in here before we go? >> bob: must we? >> dana: yes, and i have one more question for him to answer. obama has a tough job in the campaign and debate. he has to do what the liberals want to say the four years are good and talk about the record. at the same time, he talked to skeptical public who does not think it's been good.
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squandered opportunities. >> greg: he has to hope for a push. if he gets a push, the media will say he won. he did so poorly, as long as he doesn't throw up on romney, they will say he won. which is why mitt has to beat him like a three-egg omelette. >> andrea: waitress moms will love those three egg omelettes. >> greg: waitress moms is redundant. >> andrea: not all moms. >> dana: greg! we will have you back so don't leave. >> greg: are you sure? >> bob: we'll take a vote. >> dana: ahead we talk about the 9/11 attack in libya. that wasn't the first time it was attacked. it happened twice before and senator lindsey graham is demanding answers. >> did anyone inform the president of the united states about the terrorist attacks on the consulate? what did he know and when he did know about it?
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>> dana: we'll try to get to bottom of that when we come back. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] start with nothing, build a ground-breaking car. good. now build a time machine. go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. bring future guy back. watch him build a tft display like nothing you've ever seen. get him to explain exactly what that is. the thin film transistor display... [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. just show it. customize the dash, give it park assist. the fuel efficiency flower thing. send future guy home, his work here is done. destroy time machine. win some awards, send in brady. that's how you do it. easy.
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♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back. south carolina senator lindsey graham sent a letter to president obama demanding answers on libya. he wants to know what action, if any, was taken after our consulate was attacked two separate times in april and june before the attacks that left four americans dead. remember, there were two attacks before the attack. on september 11. >> in april, consulate was attacked and e.e.d. was thrown over the wall. june 6, the consulate was attacked again. there was a hole in the wall that was large enough for 40 people to get through the wall. northern gate was penetrated. four days later, the british ambassador in benghazi, libya, was attacked. they closed their embassy. the red cross, closed their office in benghazi.
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my question is: did anyone ever inform the president of the united states about these terrorist attacks on our consulate? what did he know? when did he know it? what did he do about it? >> andrea: here is the letter that lindsey graham sent. it says one of the attack blew a hole through the embassy big enough for 40 men to go through. i'm not buying when an attack happens like this, not once but twice that the president is not told about it. so either he knew and didn't do anything, or his advisors, i guess, didn't tell him about it. then you ask why doesn't he come out and demand someone get fired. either way, dereliction of duty. >> eric: andy card was on earlier and said absolutely the president should have been notified. if he wasn't, really showed that he needed to be in that loop. john sununu made a great point an hour ago and said especially in an election cycle and election year with only a couple of weeks left, president obama had to have
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been notified. somebody was going have to question. reporters would say hey, did you know, what do you know, did you hear it waser the snitch if he was caught flat-footed he looks uninformed president. so i would say the president had to know. i think senator graham is on it saying if he knew then, why didn't you know now? >> andrea: i can't speculate what your conversations were with president bush, but as a press secretary you never want him to not have the proper information. then they're caught looking stupid. they don't know the answer. why didn't he ask was anyone injured? do we know who did it? can we get them out? should we send military force in? what were the warnings? >> dana: this will probably not to come as surprise to bob i have a tendency to overinform somebody. we did. that is the right way to go, even if they're busy. you know you have a boss and you're nervous and you're like i'm so sorry to bother you. it's not like that for me.
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i'm not saying it is for the current white house. but overinform is better because not knowing is as damning as knowing and not doing anything about it. decision, from a political strategic decision for president obama to go to vegas the next day instead of staying back and convening a national security council meeting where they could have got on the same page and may have prevented them the five weeks of misinformation, wrong information and trying to cover their tracks. >> andrea: bob, you cannot say, you worked in the white house. you worked in the state department. when something like that happens, you know that they inform the president right away. so for joe biden to look at the american people with the big white teeth and that smile, somehow say we didn't know, next question. not acceptable. >> bob: we use our own show. andrew wood who was the head of security until august and libya. he went up and he was duty
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bound to tell congress the story of what happened. his entire testimony, i read it today. he never once mentioned the u.k. attack on ambassador or the other two attacks. why? they were insignificant attacks. he was the head of security and never informed anybody about it. end of story. >> andrea: there is a security issue that said he didn't know, the vice president didn't knows. two conflicting pieces of information coming out. state department saying it's terror. why would president obama not pull in and say show me your evidence. i want to see, rather than saying i know you're conflicted but i'm going with you and throw caution to the wind. >> brian: or go to vegas. what he could have done, this is how bad and crazy our world has been. four years ago they'd say is president bush planning something to get additional heat? terror attack, this president
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goes somewhere else and hopes no one will ask a million questions on him. that is a huge mistake. it would have been a great example of leadership. >> andrea: hillary clinton in here and speaking of leadership, she has fallen on the sword for the president. >> i'm responsible for state department and 600,000 people around the world. but we're going to review everything to make sure that we're doing what needs to be done in an increasingly risky environment. >> it's very laudable that she should throw herself under the bus. first, responsibility for american security doesn't lie with the secretary of state. it's with the president of the united states. >> andrea: extraordinary she is taking responsibility. >> eric: extraordinary and disturbing. she takes responsible for lack of security. who takes responsibility for coverup that ensued after the attack? that is what we want to know. security lapses, fine.
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when you take responsibility, there aren't consequences? what consequences is she going to accept? step down, madam secretary, quit or say i'm done? >> bob: for what? >> eric: she is take responsibility. >> andrea: why not sooner? >> bob: let me go back to the expert on this, the head of secur said again that there were a bunch of terrorist gangs hanging around benghazi. well armed. they were not al-qaeda. >> andrea: stay with hillary clinton. why didn't she take responsibility sooner? >> bob: i don't want to say -- look, people lost their lives. every day there are instances around the world that are far more consequential. >> andrea: we haven't had an ambassador murdered since 1979. the president is using her as a human shield. that is my gut instinct. >> dana: democrats will forgive her for anything. she is taking the fall. >> brian: political street
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credit. >> dana: why did they use a fake story about a video for a week? >> bob: i change my position. i believe the video was the thing that -- >> dana: we got to go. >> eric: point something out. nbc is reporting that the video of the attack, why video streaming back to the white house. back to intel of the attack. there were no protests, bob. >> andrea: we got to go. maybe they want her to take the blame. so we'll take the right on the right and go negative on her. and be a victim again. win women back. coming up, all eyes are turning to the crucial swing states to decide who wins the election. which one should you keep your eye on? we'll tell you next. hooo....hah!
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there were three status changes. all of them benefiting romney. montana went from lean romney to strong romney. new hampshire and nevada moved from lean obama to tossup. critical battleground state of ohio, along with wisconsin go from lean obama to tossup. connecticut goes from obama to lean obama. significantly, north carolina goes from tossup to lean romney. so at the end of this, we're left with romney with 159 solid electoral votes to 194 for obama. each one was between 47 lean votes and romney's case 43. obama. 237 to 206 with 95 electoral votes up for grabs. >> bob: well, that is good math. who says debates don't matter? i said debates don't matter. i'm beginning to re-calibrate. i said they mattered in 1960 and 1980. this first debate may well have structurally changed the race. so i tend to agree with that. there are three states we
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ought to pay attention to today. try to go through the lean states, the tossup states. one of them is florida. the other is virginia. the third one is ohio. romney needs to win all three of those states. but he can get away with winning two of three states. we don't a map, do we? >> brian: we do! >> bob: thank you. in florida, romney has seen a surge. it happened in a couple of places. in tampa area, that is important. middle part of the state. which reflects the united states. interestingly enough, seniors among the south. virginia it turns out, turn-out question. in the suburbs of washington. turn out big. it can overcome for obama. surge in the rural areas. in ohio, the most important thing is cuyahoga county. if it turns out big and the
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counties around cincinnati, if obama can do as well as he did, the republican, but if he can keep the margin down, good chance to win ohio. >> eric: you may want to weigh in on this. bob mentioned something in the break. pennsylvania. starting to move toward romney. a big state. you move pennsylvania needle, you might move other states. >> andrea: this is a sign. pennsylvania four points for romney. now they are sending resources there. we talked about this. this will force obama to spend money he needs other states to get out vote. that tells me the pennsylvania, ohio voter moving in the camp. >> dana: talking about debates don't matter. in the g.o.p. primary, some people that said we need the best candidate who can debate obama well and win in the debatism didn't necessarily believe. maybe they were right.
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>> brian: santorum said they got the wrong guy. michigan is the same as pennsylvania. it's interesting that north carolina is firmly in the romney camp. >> bob: if obama loses pennsylvania, romney will win in a landslide. if pennsylvania is that much of a democratic state, if that happens other states in the north will go that way. >> eric: gallup came out today and that is important because it's a seven-day rolling average. all seven days are post prior debate. came out that romney was 50%, obama 40%. >> eric: i assumed that is why obama paid attention. >> dana: the media saying that obama has a chance. >> bob: a friend of mine did in pennsylvania. he added three points. coming up, your tax dollars are hard at work. promoting caviar consumption and animal beauty products and funding robotic squirrel named surprisingly, robo squirrel.
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or is that greg's squirrel? we are breaking down the 2012 congressional waste book next. that is where you spend all of your money in bad ways. for cow flatulation and stuff. ♪ ♪ in america tay we're running out of a vital resource we need to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the know-how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ at mike rowe here at a ford tell me fiona, who's having a big tire event? your ford dealer. who has 11 major brands to choose from?
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♪ i'm bret baier at hofstra university in hampsted, new york, site of the second presidential debate. tonight on "special report," candidates are getting ready for what could be a pivotal, 90 minutes. mitt romney essentially pulled even with the president on the strength of his performance in the first debate. president obama promised to do better in tonight's town hall format. we will talk with top advisors s from both camps. foreign policy is on the menu. libya scandal, secretary of state hillary clinton says she accepts responsibility for
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security at the u.s. mission in benghazi where four americans were killed. diplomats there reportedly were turned down when they asked for more security ahead of the assault ^wa. about blaming that anti-islam video? plus, robotic squirrels, menu for martian meals and musical about climate change. you paid for them all. we'll show you how. "special report" if long island starts at 6:00 eastern. now back to manhattan. 25 miles away and "the five." ♪ ♪ >> brian: why they did one album and broke up, i'll never know. boston, nothing to do with the segment. two albums. thank you, eric. by the way, 22 minutes before the top of the hour. remember when candidate then senator obama said this in 2008? >> i will also go through the
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federal budget line-by-line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less? >> brian: the president has yet to do that for the republican budget hawk has. oklahoma senator tom coburn, put out the 2012 congressional waste book and it's filled. billions of ridiculous government spending. you have want some examples of the tax dollars at work, you have $516,000 for video game that simulates prom night. not bob's, others. study golfers and their imagination, $350,000. $1 million to nasa for doing something with pizza on mars. tens of millions of dollars for tax loophole in the nhhl on strike. and pga. $325,000 to develop a robotic squirrel to capture snakes. >> bob: it does look like greg. >> brian: thank you. tom coburn said better priority and oversight could save taxpayers $19 billion. does it bother you? it's not $1 trillion.
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>> eric: so it's 202 pages of this book, i downloaded it. >> andrea: print it? >> eric: part of it. on page 10, $4.5 billion in waste, fraud and abuse in food stamp program. that is a ton. $4.5 billion. then you look at the federal spending. i went and juxtapose it to federal spending. we are up in the last ten years over 130% in food stamp spending. we're spending more an wasting a ton more. >> brian: angela? >> andrea: yes, ryan. >> brian: andrea. sorry. we have put $6 trillion in the deficit. what is the big deal about $19 billion? >> andrea: ryan kilmeade let me tell you why. it matter what is we spend the money on. spent this money and measly 2% growth, 14% underemployment. i understand why they do it. politicians the game is to create the appearance you're doing something.
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blue ribbon panel, studies on this and that. they're spreading it around for political purposes. when you look at this, you can say there are two different visions. try to bring it tonight. one, obama thinks the government can manage money better. we know it can't row. biotic squirrel is evidence of that. romney say nothing. when is it your money you are more careful it with. >> brian: i just got ahold of this waste book and do you think he'll say this has to stop! >> bob: the ro squirrel is important. what happens is it's democrats and the republicans who do this. so we keep this in focus here. >> brian: true. >> bob: what happens is the day the appropriations bill is brought up on the house floor, the chairman of the appropriation committee is approached by people to ask for the nuggets. never hearings on them. never documentation on them. they put in the bill and voted on. >> dana: this doesn't chain them from stopping to do it. you have didn't mention $25,000 to go to promote the
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alabama water swing tour. watermelon swing. watermelon. there is also a war on fish. america is spending $300,000 to promote caviar production. >> brian: i asked coburn do you think republicans or democrats regardless of who wins will get together and stop the insanity and tax reform? he said absolutely. people in congress only do something when it's catastrophic. he ended on a positive. >> bob: he's right. >> andrea: are they going to cut this off? we are approaching fiscal cliff. $25,000 study for course entitled should we want to be happy? c'mon. they could have asked me, i would have said yes. >> bob: fiscal cliff will not happen. it will get done. whether romney wins or obama wins, get it done in december. >> brian: with 18 minutes before the top of the hour, greg gutfeld is special correspondent on the ground. on long island in half stra, new york ands -- hofstra,
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back. in three hours we'll see the second presidential debate. greg gutfeld is at hofstra university in hempstead, long island, town hall style. nif thoughts on the debate? >> greg: kenya. can you believe it's just hours away? i want to point out, i don't know if you can see behind me. there are fellas holding an obama poster. which is the first evidence of obama creating two jobs. they're planning to hold it behind msnbc and they realize they want viewers. >> eric: is that a forward sign?
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>> greg: yeah. so maybe the amount of polling points he is dropped -- my eyes are watering. it's so windy out here. >> how about abramoff board? >> greg: cute. speaking of obama he worked out this morning. he did a series of dips to match the polling numbers. >> bob: greg, what are you sitting on? >> greg: on a chair. you should try it. >> bob: i can't. got anything underneath you there? how come you're so high? >> eric: we want to roll a quick sound bite. two years ago, president obama had a town hall. they stood up and said this. >> i'm a wife, american veteran and a middle class americans. and i'm exhausted. i'm exhausted of defending you. defending your administration
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and the man for change i voted for. deeply disappointed with where we are right now. my husband and i joked for years we thought we were beyond the hot dogs and beans era of our lives but frankly it's starting to knock on our door and ring true that might be where we are headed again. quite frankly, mr. president, i need you to answer this honestly. is this my new reality? >> eric: weigh in on that one? >> andrea: he is much more apt to get a question like that than romney, i think because of the economy. but he has to be careful not to go too aggressive on romne romney. he has to be negative by going positive. that's hard to do. he has to have a decisive win this evening. it cannot be another tie. a lot of voters have already made up their minds. >> bob: what we didn't do as usual is to show obama's response, which was excellent to that question. i think he will do very well in that format. that requires romney, this
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format to engage voter one-on-one. he can't do it. >> eric: i trean question, i'll remember that question. you know what we'll do? poll the response. i don't remember it being excellent. >> dana: i think if she is tired imagine how bob feels. >> bob: tell me about it. bob i don't believe that romney can't engage with people. remember at the republican convention they had the personalest to moanials of people who had been touched by romney? both of them have the ability to do that. romney might have the better advantage on that, because he has been out on the campaign trail talking to people a lot more than president obama has been able to. >> brian: greg, ask you a question. with all of your sources on the ground in hempstead, how you keep them straight i don't know. i have a hunch. president brings up wall street against main street and romney's taxes again, all the same thing. the best of as in front of everyone because he knows
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counting you, 72 million people will be watching. this will be his best opportunity to prove contrast. what do your sources say? don't check with them now. imagine what they'll say to that. >> greg: it's b abin versus pain. romney has to talk about the pain the country is under and obama rattles on about bain. this is as rigged as the apollo moon landing. there is no undecided people here. it's a spontaneous as church service. >> bob: greg, have you been drinking today? >> greg: you should not ask that question, bob. >> brian: it's yes. i have seen "red eye." what about the new news? are they going to get hillary clinton falling on the sword news in there? the questions were submitted prior to her taking blame for what went on in libya. will they somehow work that in? >> greg: if it happens, president obama will say he is taking full responsibility, so he looks presidential.
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but she manned up before he did. >> bob: romney will bring it up. if he doesn't, he is crazy. >> andrea: by the way, greg, we know that the president will be eating steak and baked potatoes for dinner. what will you be having for dinner tonight? >> greg: i don't know yet. i'll probably just wonder around the city. i like to forage. i'm in organic produce. >> eric: what are you foraging for? >> dana: i was so irritated by the steak and potatoes thing. when i saw the news that the obama campaign put out that he worked out and he and mrs. obama is having steak and potatoes. enough pandering to the blue collar worker. >> bob: before somebody goes to death row. it may be. >> andrea: maybe he is going there tonight. >> bob: i can relate to that woman. some days i feel like the only fire plug at the westminster dog show.
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>> brian: question for greg. have you been embraced by the other members of the media. be honest. >> they are huge fans. more fans of me than the show. they can't stand "the five." they seem to love me. >> eric: we're weighing you down, gutfeld. >> greg: they really hate, they hate dana. they just can't stand her. >> eric: we got to go. you know what you will hate? you'll hate the fact we're here now and dennis miller is standing off-camera over there. >> dana: it is him! >> eric: next time. one more thing coming up next. >> bob: there is not a right winger. at all. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> romney said that. >> barack obama. >> so you're supporting barack obama. >> dana: this race has tightened up. with that endorsement to put president obama over the top. >> for those two to take a little time-out with as much as they have on their paper plate that they do to come in and do this. it's touching. >> bob: listen, they left the rc cola an moon pie behind when they got there. >> my nickname for you when i watch the show at home is honey boo boo. [ laughter ] >> do you watch the show? >> every day. >> that's why he came in to say hi. >> eric: you said you are -- you're a romney supporter. >> bob: that's a surprise. >> you are doing something coming up, right? >> listen, i have been socially liberal but i think he is a good man. when operosky got up and talked and he had a blue shirt
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on and talked about his famil family. people throw great around but there are good men in world. a good man. he works hand in glove with the 87% of the state legislature inm., we need somebody who can reach out. this country is polarized right now, hatfield and mccoys. it's not all us. >> andrea: you are the king of znger. romney had others and said i have no idea what you are talking about. what should he say? >> perfect. everybody has sinkers and thought on aggression levels. guess we did pick the perfect guy. whatever blend that was, little bit of this and that, it was perfect. >> brian: prediction tonight? >> too important. >> let me ask you this. i suggested
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