tv Hannity FOX News November 4, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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it is likely to be a long night. the whole fox news political team will be here to guide you through it. thank you so much for being with us, folks. >> good night. >> the most important election of your life is two-days away. this race will be decided by one of two things either revenge or the love of your compauntry. >> don't boo, vote. voting is the best revenge. >> instead i ask the american people to vote for love of country. >> tonight it is increasingly more obvious that people plan to side with governor mitt romney because they are frightened with the president ace failed
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policies. i will talk about the president's controversial revenge strategy. also later on newt gingrich will join me. first let's look at the evidence indicating the momentum seems to be on side of team romney. we start in colorado according to the latest ras muse ensurvey romney is beating obama. the unlikely swing state of minnesota he leads 46-45. then there's michigan where the obama campaign has relentlessly spread lies about governor romney's position on the gm bailout. the propaganda has not worked he is tied with president obama. the great state of ohio where the latest polls show they are in a dead heat. on the eve of it romney's visit to pennsylvania shows both candidates were locked at 47 percent. this explosive development to
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hit the panic button and the state they believe holds the keys to the white house as president. that means calling on the one and only former president bill clinton. he is headed to the key scone state. he has four events holding up tomorrow. the architect of george w. bush's two successful presidential campaigns fox news contributor. >> comfortable couch i understand. >> i am looking at the polls like everyone else in america. for those who say it is wishful thinking. i do feel there is momentum for
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romney. >> let's divorce the national polls from the other polls. romney leads in 7 obama leads in five. 11 are tied tied. romney leads 50 percent or more in one of them obama leads with 50 percent or more in one of them. the average 48.2 for romney 48.0 for obama. see what the gallup says tomorrow. it has been out of commission since sandy hit the east coast. they will finish the polling tonight release it tomorrow. see what the mriekly voter number says among gallup. the last we saw was four points 51-47. we will see where that is. >> you think sandy had an impact. we will find out in the gallup poll. romney was 15 percent for 15, 16 days in a row before they
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stopped. interestingly there was this moment where the president got momentum because he looked presidential. if you look at long island, new jersey and new york if you want to get gasoline it is four-hours wait. people without electricity people freezing. really know governmental presence. >> the american people are seeing this. a took a couple days to wabake the positive. whatever minor advantage he received during it will be washed away. the biggest advantage he had was intangible. it took attention away from the campaign and discussion from debt and deficits and spending and joblessness and anemic growth. >> talking about revenge verses how governor romney asking to do
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what's best for the country. we have seen several moments during the campaign where he said something spontaneous. he is not a happy warrior. used to be the party of hubert humphrey and jfk. the instinct would have been to take the booing of the crowd and turn it into positive. the president's responses angry and pushing his fishing in the air and pushing sideways. >> the one thing in the closing speeches governor romney is targeting states that people didn't think would be in place. seems the president is trying to rally his base. >> i think it's right. each has a different model for the election. the democrat model is let's
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appeal to the new coalition of blacks, browns, young people actions alwangry liberals and t down romney. romney is saying i need to have a plan for the future and rally the country together. many democrats and independents as i can. >> two things revealing to me is dependency. independence going in big numbers of reversal. to me that should be the deciding advantage in a close race. north carolina, florida, virginia, are you comfortable? >> all three of those states plus indiana are out of the obama column as they were in 08 and out of the romney igan, min pennsylvania they really in play? >> wisconsin obviously is.
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i think there is something real, i am involved with american crossroads. we are spending over $2 million in pennsylvania on television. we could have taken that money and plunged it into existing battle ground states. a move without the benefit of campaign election. mr. crugman wrote a piece and suggested the reason i was involved in american crossroads because i was a shrewd businessman lining our pocket. i am not against people making money out of politics but he didn't bother to pick up the phone and say is mr. rove receiving renumb ration? i am a volunteer. i don't take a dime. i don't take my travel and out of out of pocket expenses. >> not one penny? >> directly or indirectly. he is obviously not against
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people making money. he was a paid consultant to enron. it he's a sloppy journalism. liberal economists used to be interesting now he writes a column he doesn't bother to pick up the phone and say is karl rove derive ago salary? i am proud to be a volunteer. >> with ohio even it seems like romney is up in colorado. >> you talk about intensity. think about it as of last night in the early and absentee b ballots 108,000 already voted than voted 4 years ago. 155 thoi democrats voted last night. >> that makes up the 08 difference right there. >> that's 263,000. obama won by 262,000. democrats traditionally win the early voting and lose on election day. >> you sound confident about all
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of this? >> it is a coin toss. i mean i do think this. i think there is something going on out there we saw in the des moines register poll today. there is something else there. the whoman who runs the des moines poll said wait a minute obama is ahead but 5 percent of the sample said we have a choice we are not telling you who it is. i doubt those people are for obama. >> we have claremont, warren, butler, new hampshire tied, pennsylvania tied, wisconsin tied, michigan tied and minnesota one point race. >> it will be a fun night on tuesday. >> little more complicated picture there, but yeah, the republicans are in the hunt there. >> prediction? >> i stand by what i said thursday in the wall street journal. i think it will be very close which is 51-48 which could be a two-point to to and a half point
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race. romney gets 282. >> i am sticking with you. i think it's a two-point race. >> coming up is history repeating itself, the images of long lines by the way five hours on long island. rationing of gas in new jersey. he is looking a lot like jimmy carter. remember how the carter year ended? obama is about to follow suit. he said the voters should vote out of revenge we will check in with governor palin much more straight ahead. ve lately.
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the comparison has been made in the past there are new examples of the erie similarities that exist between these two men. we talk in great length about their inability to do their jobs but what about endless lines of cars at gas stations all over the northeast. rationing rules were instituted in new jersey that were virtually identical to the ones americans endured under carter. that is one of the many likenesses between obama and carter seen here at home.
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when it comes to foreign policy we are operating from a position of weakness mirrored only by the one we witnessed under the cater administration. despite countless warnings about pending violence in benghazi an american diplomat and three others were killed in a pre-meditated act of terrorism in september. that was the first time an ambassador had been killed since 1979 when adolph hubs was assassinated and it was under the moniker of the worst president. it could have been all said and done on tuesday. with reaction former presidential candidate former house speaker newt gingrich. >> i know maybe psome people would think it was presidential. all weekend long i watched what was happening. 3, 4, 5 hours on average people
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trying to wait to get gas. >> people are without power people were without heat going down to 20 degrees in the east. you saw little help after the president came in hugged chris christie and left for his photo op. will this have a lagging effect? >> i think the president would have been better off to have stayed and served as commander-in-chief and expedited moving resources and capabilities resources in new york. having a photo op may turnout by the time we get to tuesday biting pretty hard because there are a lot of people realizing these things aren't getting saul solved very fast. >> the anger is palpable. it is real. there is violence. there are people scared to death. people are fearing they are going to die is what they are
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saying when they are out there in the streets according to chuck schumer. >> this disaster remind us the department of homeland security on a bipartisan basis is incompetent. the congress ought to thoroughly and deeply over all capacity to deal with real crises. the purpose of department of homeland security recently was to deal with nuclear events the ideal model was to be strong enough and robust enough to respond to three nuclear events in the same day. it is clear from hurricane katrina and hurricane sandy this is a passing slow incompetent bureaucracy utterly overwhelmed it in new orleans.
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what it does to president obama we as a nation need to demand a very, very dramatically over hauled department. as to obama's situation i think he probably peaked about three hours after chris christie you go hugged him. he looked bipartisan looked like the commander-in-chief. he was doing the president's job not the candidate's job. it is accelerated by this absurd comment about the revenge. i am sure the president will take it back as he could. it is so jarringly destructive and i think it sent such a bad signal to most americans about how small minded and mean spirited president obama was capable at times. >> i was stunned at the revenge comment. mitt romney hit the right cone said no i am running for the american people.
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let me run this again. i want to run them side by side. it is so glaring the difference. you can see in their closing arguments here the president is on the attack trying to energize his base. mitt romney is appealing to independents. independents have seen the polls voting for mitt romney. look at the difference between the two. >> don't boo, vote. vote. voting is the best revenge. instead i asked the american people to vote for the love of country. >> what a difference. >> only uttering a bitter divisive class warfare and ethnically driven campaign. that is his only hoper of survival.
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the tragedy is every time he is mean and nasty like that he drives away women and independents who are the core to his winning. by contrast i think he is grown in this stuff he is a bigger man today than he was 6 months ago. i think he talks more like a national leader not a party leader. i think his response today was perfect. ellis the elephant want everybody to vote. she didn't say every republican. every american. even if you and i were to lose in which everybody proudly voted as citizens than to have some kind of deeply bitterly divisive thing. obama is setting up if he does manage to scrape through he is setting up a hard second term because of the meanness and nastiness of his campaign.
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>> seems very close. thoughts? >> i am with karl but more bullish. i think it ends up 53-47, 300 electoral votes and we win the senate. i have always been an optimist. i said that with ronald reagan. >> i agree with your observation that especially the closing arguments in the debates. you may be responsible for him becoming such a good debater i think governor romney has grown dramatically. it is different than the comments in revenge verses the country is amazing. >> good to see you mr. speaker. >> next governor sarah palin and the president is asking voters who do they trust? the new poll has the answer. i am sure it's not the won the president was hoping to hear. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus presents the cold truth. i have a cold... i took dayquil, but i still have a runny nose.
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people to vote for love of country. >> it was the lathes rnc ad highlighting the president's negative comment. governor sarah palin welcome back. revenge against who do you think? >> revenge is a poor tool to build a united hope filled nation and for a president to encourage any one to exact revenge is pretty much the antithesis of what mitt romney is representing and standing for in this election. great question revenge. >> this argue uchlt beyond the president being negative and obviously piling to the base governor romney appeal to go independents. i am watching the president it is such a dramatic difference from the guy in 2008, now he is
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running big bird and bayonets and calling romney a bser and romnesia and ulf this negativity. it is such a different tone. one of the crowds are in some cases 10, 15, 20 times smaller. with that said the polls are close. whatever poll you are looking at whatever swing state we are looking at here it looks very, very close. how do you interpret them. >> i think the polls are showing it's corrupt mainstream media had so protected and so intim e intimately in this election cycle these months allowing the american public to actually hear what barack obama is planning to do with your country. the prolong has been what he
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just did to us. the masses, what it is the stats are what they are with unemployment numbers and downgraded credit ratings and inflation on the horizon all of those things that are so bad for our country we will get more of the same in the next four years and the corrupt media didn't allow the american voters to really see what the contrast was in romney's campaign until the unfiltered forums finally came about and that was the debate. >> it is pretty interesting. you seem very confident. you seem more optimistic than karl and me. you are with newt. you think this is going to be a very good night early? >> i am very optimistic. i am not going to predict this one, shawn.
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as you say everything is so close. the voters the viewers the readers the listeners are more interested instead of all of the baseball things and the bun dits like to talk about the polls they want to hear more about the stories that have been ignored by the corrupt media that have greater repercussions than the polls who is up and who is down with it. those stories have to do with benghazi and the cover up. they have to do with the enthusiastically acceptance of barack obama through the foreign sources of campaign contributions because campaign is accepting. there are a lot of things going on in this campaign season that are being ignored and that's a shame because people need to -- they have to do that you aeir o homework and figure out themselves what is going on with aspects of the campaign. >> the final states that have come into play if you watch axle rod this is desperation meanwhile they are sending bill
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clinton into pennsylvania tomorrow. i don't know if it's real but there is a tightening in the midwest. michigan you have governor romney up by one or tied and even minnesota very tight in ohio. pennsylvania and the fact that they have moved so heavily senate bill clinton in there for stops tomorrow the ad the rnc has put out it's okay to vote for change and make a change. seems very effective. >> rack that up and roll it. >> president obama came to the white house with big plans. half the deficit, strengthen economy, lower unemployment. what did we get? national debt over 15 trillion and climbing. unemployment about 8 percent for 40 straight months. ongoing economic crisis with no
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end? sight. he tried, you tried. it is okay to make a change. >> the republican national committee is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> this to me is it, 25 million unemployed, one in six in poverty and six trillion in debt. it's not any more complicated than that for me. why is he even close after all of the promises cut the deficit in half et cetera. as i said there is going to be more of the same if he were re-elected. the status quo has to go. america cannot afford four more years of this. in some states they were written off by conservatives it speaks to this idea of a campaign never giving up on any state. hanging in there and respecting the vote of every single
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american in every state maybe not just 8 important swing states but every american exercising their right their duty their responsibility to vote for who they want as their leader. for the campaigns to not give up anywhere. >> we will be seeing you. thank you for being with us. >> coming up the president is asking americans who do they trust. judging by the lathes polls he will not like the answers. ryan prooef have yous is on the way. he will talk about why americans lost faith in president obama. coming up. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if you could combine the capability of a pathfinder with the comfort of a sedan and create a next-gen s.u.v. with best-in-class fuel economy of 26 miles per gallon, highway, and best-in-class passenger roominess? yeah, that would be cool. introducing the all-new nissan pathfinder.
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these efforts are often led by the american red cross and other members of the national voluntary organizations active in disasters. these groups are on the ground from the very beginning of a crisis until long after the tv cameras are gone providing food, shelter and other services to those in need. they do incredible work. they can't do it alone. they need your support. we can't always predict when the next natural disaster will happen. but if we do our part each of us then together we can make a difference. >> to see how you can make a difference please visit today. your help is urgently needed. >> after four years as president you know me. part of this election is not just about policy. it is also about who do you trust? >> who do you trust when somebody says republicans their plan is for dirty air and dirty
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water or a party that says they want to throw grandma over the cliff or a president who says kids with autism and down syndrome and the elderly the repub caps want them to fend for themselves. who do they trust? not you. when asked who they trust to do a better job on the economy an overwhelming majority said mitt romney. 53-42 percent. when it comes to wouho they tru to handle the deficit? romney. when asked who has the right experience to when it comes to run the country, romney also won. with numbers like that the president better pray if it is anything about the economy should not be the economy. brian, how are you? >> i am doing great. i am in new hampshire. doing well up here, too. the president talks about trust
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but it is coming down to is americans want a people who can do something special. we are tired of the president who wants to be somebody special. i get a sense that people aren't willing to trade in the vision of our founding fathers for a european nightmare. our volunteers are charged up. we are fighting for something big. let's take a look at ohio seems there are many ways. wisconsin is in play. we have democrat early votes from again an advantage with early votes in ohio. democratic early votes are down 154,911. gop added 108,000 votes. and you have got 263,000 swing in the gop favor which is a
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little over 1,000 above what the margin of obama victory was in 08. historically republicans tend to vote in ohio on election day in larger number than democrats. every poll shows the state dead even for the most part. reaction? >> first of all you hit the nail on the head. i heard the earlier segment with karl he had the numbers right as well. he wrote a book on this. we are trying to put together an unprecedented ground game. we are far, far ahead of where we were in 08. they were far behind from where they were. on top of that when it comes to voter contact individual volunteers calling their friend people going door to door we will make more of those contracts on the ground in ohio in places like wisconsin, iowa,
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new shaf new hampshire. all of that in all of 08 and all of 04 combined. tomorrow shawn i will be in iowa. guess what? i am going to be in minnesota. paul ryan was in minnesota tonight. what does it tell you? we have a tie in new hampshire? we have a tie in michigan, we have a tie in minnesota. we are going back to minnesota tomorrow. we have a tie in pennsylvania. >> and wisconsin. >> i will be honest. >> the advantage is usually the incumbent. everybody prefers it is not a tie. in michigan, minnesota erg you know can happen and what the
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trajectory. remember four years ago barack obama in indiana is driving us crazy. they are going to win on tuesday and it is going to be a great night for everyone that is interested in getting liberty and freedom back in order. >> i would like to see axle rod without his mustache. >> we are going to win, shawn. we are going to have a good night. >> thank you for being with us. coming up we asked obama supporter brichl arvedson if he thinks america is now better off than it was four years ago. bill maher plays the race card. also it is all over twitter racial comments. we are going to play you this his disgusting comments and more. coming up straight ahead. ♪
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>> this is a fox news lart. governor mitt romney is in new jersey. to listen to the speech fully go to former governor is with us. welcome back. >> thank you. nice to be with you. >> maybe you can explain to me president obama. he ran on hope and change, new tone civility. this is a guy saying republicans their plan is dirty air, dirty water throwing granny over the cliff and kids with autism and downed syndrome elderly defend for themselves. what did he mean best revenge? revenge against who? >> who is he talking to? >> well, sean i am not going to trash republicans. i am not going to trash -- >> i am not asking you to. i want to know what the revenge comment meant. >> no. what he was simply saying is the time has come to make a decision
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who can stand for middle class security. >> let's play the cut. let's clarify all of this. what he is saying is go out and revenge. here's what he said. >> apparently we don't have it loaded. >> i did hear it. i did hear it. what he said basically is the best option is to vote. >> here is what he said. here it is. >> don't boo, vote. voted. voting is the best revenge. >> instead i ask the american people to vote for love of country. >> oo voting is the best revenge or vote for the love of country. what happened to the president who lectures us on tone and civility and words that the people in tucson that we make
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them proud of. what happened to him? >> this is a president that is going to bring this country together. what you are seeing shawn is his response -- he was presidential. he took charge. this enormously devastate storm he brought the country together and agencies together. he was there when people needed him. >> governor you are not living here. i am living here. united to wayou have to wait fi hours in line tore for gas. they are scared to death. there is no help here. i am telling you. i live in the northeast. he came in got his photo op. there is no gasoline here. everybody is waiting 5 hours in line for gasoline. i will roll some tape of it. >> we are going to die. we are going to freeze. we have 90-year-old people. >> i will have the food this
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afternoon. >> we have no car. don't you see. we need -- president obama please listen to us down here. we are going to die. you don't understand. you have to get your trucks here with the oil. now. this is three-days. >> five hours to wait for gas governor. it is 29 degrees tonight in new york. people are freezing. they have no heat. they have no lights, they have no power and it's a week later. photo op and we haven't seen nor heard from him again. >> sean, we have to feel for these people. but the emergency response of fema, they are trying to get the gas there. ask governor crist tee. ask mayor bloomberg. ask the surrounding local officials, the president led and he did it with class, he did it in a nonpolitical way. >> that was a week ago. he got his photo op and left
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town. he went gabbing to vegas. >> this is a very hotly contested race. what will decide this race now is the ground game. i have as many attis ticks as an american of the public party on voter lowing sleighs. i just gust in florida and i saw the campaign offices of barack obama a new pole significance. four years ago it was young people out trying to change the country. i am going to predict we will narrowly win florida. i think it will bes hispanic states near me, colorado, nevada. >> i will take the florida. >> let me ask you one last question do you think reagan said with fewer americans working when they took office
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1-6 in poverty 17 million more of americans on today stamps. 6 trillion in debt. are you going to say we were better off than a year ago. the president has created 5.7 nobs after a month mt. 800,000 emotion of god. >> i thing you would use the receipt tick of resing voting. sploetling. i appreciate you being hasn'ter, i hough you are ka dual support.
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>> not many democrats appear they are in trouble. they have no card left to play but the race card for some. the president's supporters are trying to hide behind their so-called jokes. he is making controversial comments. he said he was joking and kidding. lathes example comes to us courtesy of the million dollar donor to barack obama bill maher. i would just like to say for any one thinking about voting
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for mitt romney, if you are thinking about it i would like to make this one place. black people know who you are. they will come after you. kidding. >> i am kidding. >> here is reaction fox news political analyst juan williams the author of backlash. there was switchy michelle malcolm catches all of the tweets. if my candidate doesn't win i am going to riot. i don't like the stereo typical comments. don't you find that offense i have? >> it is outrageous what is going on. the left is getting desperate. where is the black liberal establishment with this chatter we are hearing on twitter about inciting race violence if romney wins and obama loses. did you see all of those? >> they are horrible. >> there are people who will say anything on twitter, on the
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internet. i could show you my mail bag. it is pretty horrible. i am telling you guys. if you think it's a sign of desperation on the left, i think the right is getting desperate. colin powell just endorses obama baez he's another black guy? >> the bottom line is the left can do what they say whenever they want with the horrible comments. with the james lowrie he's a bitter old man who made racist and hateful comments. >> i got to know him. he marched with martin luther king. he was there with may yard ja--d jackson. we have always had a good give and take. he has never spoken like that before.
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i have never heard him speak like that. >> i don't know if he is older. >> he didn't say it. let me say he has issues. >> he is quoted as saying it. >> it is not a quote. >> this is -- even the mayor was shocked and they were caught off guard. the pastor of the church. they tried to vote for it. >> i have known him for years. never. >> honestly i was shocked. >> mill bar the million dollar man the guy who said all of the controversial things i still sent president obama out there to vote for the female vote to take a million dollars from a guy who uses the c word against governor palin and worse for
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others. he should have said i don't want that money. >> sure. i think he is definitely mu culpable on some of the statements he made. people say he is mass soiog nis. let me say what do you do with people who say things like oh tar baby or obama is really not an american. >> you called him out on it. >> who is going to win? >> it is very close. i heard you earlier intensity will push romney ahead. tanks very -- >> blue collar workers especially the battle ground state we have coal miners losing their jobs 9,000 mining jobs went in october alone. >>
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