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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  November 19, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PST

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sunday. thanks for being here. huckabee starts now. >> announcer: israel takes out a top hamas leader. the militant palestinian group escalating rocket barrage into israel saying they've opened the gates to hell is our mideast ally on the brink of war? >> former cia director david petraeus testifies on benghazi. >> his testimony was that from the start he told us this was a terrorist attack. >> announcer: the mess sant -- the mess message that went out to the american people was different. who changed the message and why? congressman reacts. >> plus, getting to work on
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the fiscal cliff. is the edge avoid able? congressman of the house budget committee on the economic cliff-hang gather. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [ applause ] >> mike: thank you very much. we've got a great audience. we say welcome to all of you. welcome from the fox news studios in new york city. from the time i first visited israel in 1973, i believe israel is a nation of miracles. it a miracle israel was able to reestablish itself on the ground god gave it 4,000 years before, from which dispersed 2,000 years ago. home without odds not without pain and bloodshed reestablished as the home for the jewish people that barely survived the holocaust has been pursued and threatened
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ever since it stands because of the sacrifice of its people what only can be described as divine providence. when it has been tacked it has not only secured stunning military victories but has ended up with more land more closely resembles the biblical deed of trust. end highs -- enemies demand the land be given back. when israel attempt today to give land for peace it gave land but failed to obtain peace. when it gave up any claim to gaza and forcibly removed its own people from there, it was supposed to be for peace. it instead gave terrorist groups like hamas a beachhead to spread violence within a few hundred yards of where israeli children play, shopkeepers sell their merchandise and people sleep in their homes. i've in front of thousands of rockets that were intended to kill or maim israeli citizens.
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hundreds of missiles, rockets fired from gaza into israel just in the past week. like a patient and long suffering adult who puts up with only so much of a rebellious child before finally saying that's enough, israel this week decided it would no longer be savagely attacked. israel didn't draw first blood but it has vowed it will fight until the last blood. israel not only has the right to defend is self, it has the right to eliminate the cancer threatening its very existence. hamas may rule the day it has crossed the bridge too far fit is business as usual by the american media, you might see sad pictures from gaza of wounded civilians. what you won't see is that long before the palestinians who celebrated hamas had suffered wounds, they inflicted them on israel. pray for the peace of jerusalem. also pray for the steady resolve prime minister
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netanyahu and the israeli people that's my view. and i always welcome yours. [ applause ] >> we are watching closely what is developing in israel now. hamas has fired hundreds of rockets from gaza on totsy denies of israel, after an israeli airstrike thursday took out a top hamas military commander. hamas warned israel's airstrikes had opened the gates of hell. joining me from israeli's border with gaza former chief of staff to benjamin netanyahu, navtal erxleben net, thank you for joining me. let's talk about how this started. i'm afraid the international media may try to describe this as israeli aggression this is a response to what has been a rerentless assault by the hamas, toward israel.
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>> yeah, i think your typical american doesn't know what is happening on ground. seven years ago israel vacated the gaza strip and handed the land over to the palestinians. the palestinians formed an independent government, they have a state, a palestinian state in gaza, a free state, they run it. 2005, they began shooting missiles on civilians in israel. ever since they just went on and on shooting missiles. now i'm standing in the southern part of israel, onen ca are now in shelters, enduring shot at us, without provocation. a few days ago, enough was enough. prime minister netanyahu authorized the killing of the commander of the hamas forces, hamas terrorist arm in the region we took him out since then we've been in this
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conflict where they shoot missiles on our civilians and we retaliate against their military. we do not shoot on civilians the ones shooting at our civilians. we only hunt down the terrorists themselves. >> mike: nav tally there has been widespread reports that in gaza sometimes the rocket launchers are placed in schools or mosques, in order to essentially make them very difficult for israel to hit. can you confirm that is one of the strategies that hamas has employed so they essentially are using children as human shields? >> that's correct. by the way, this is the islamic tactic. i've seen with it my own eyes, major in commando unit in many houses the hamas areas, you have a living room, kitchen, and a missile room, with removeable ceiling. you have a missile launcher
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standing, move the ceiling, shoot the missile on israelis and could have up. in essence, they are using -- and cover-up. in essence they are using children as human shields. we are being as cautious as we can. when they shoot at my own children we will retaliate, persevere, even if they use human shields. him and
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disappointed when he didn't win. i'm going to take issue with the perception that people who are poor want to be. and people getting government benefits want to stay there. in my experience as a person who didn't start out on the high end of the economic spectrum on the other end as a pastor for 12 years then as a governor who worked 10 1/2 years and saw more than half the people get off of welfare rolls on to a payroll, people in this country, deep down want to work. they want dignity, responsibility. the idea that people are just delighted to be on a government handout, indicates you must not know too many of the people that i have known. sometimes people give up and they don't think there's any
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way out of hole. they may resign themselves the only way to survive is through government subsidies and handouts, not because they want to be there. republicans need to be able to talk to the fact of people's real dreams and hopes, which is not to be on government dependent programs but rather to be independent on their own feet living in the homes they choose, pick the food they want. earlier this week, . >> announced she is not gonna step down from her post as house minority leader. i say, oh good, because we would really miss her wisdom when she makes statements like this: >> sorry? >> [ inaudible ] >> i'm sorry? >> [ inaudible ] >> oh, i see what mean, i'm sorry, i would hope not. i would hope -- i'm with the 11th amendment is it the 11th amendment that -- 14th it is,
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whatever it is, i'm with the >> mike: you gotta be kidding. the 11th, 14, give me the 10th, it doesn't matter i'm with the constitution. with all due respect, miss pelosi, if you were with the constitution, you would never have pushed obamacare down our throats that was as far from the constitution as anything the federal government ever placed upon the american people. [ applause ] >> mike: the election didn't turn out the way most evangelicals wanted. should social conservatives back off their traditional values or push for them even more?zh1
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. [ applause ] >> mike: after the results of last week's election some say republicans ought to lighten up on views like issues such as abortion and sgsst marriage. should social -- and same-sex marriage. should social conservatives compromise on values. joining me the author of a new book, grace. pastor max lucado. thank you. >> thank you. >> mike: always a delight to see you. is it important for christians to maintain christian values or should we dial it back a
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notch? >> you never do wrongdoing what is right. we teach our kids even if you are a minority voice. even if no one else an glass with you, you do what is right and that will win out. there are times we feel like a voice in the wilderness, that's okay. i think sometimes we could present our message in a more winsome fashion. we could reach out to people, sometimes they get a little concerned we become shrill, angry, we become -- we take on a tone that, you know that's hypocritical. i think our convictions to the value of life and sanctity of marriage these are values weather rich, i don't think we should step away from those. >> mike: you said with two very different parties, there's a lot in common that people have. >> we do. >> mike: what do we have in common? not you and me we have a lot in common, i want to believe
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so when we talk about the great divisions in this country you have said with optimism, there's a lot in common. >> it is a great country. we have a lot in common. we have the same creator. we have the same love of god overseeing us. not everybody accepts it equally. but we have the sovereign protection of god, i think who watches over us. i believe that all of us, even with different opinions of social issues, at our core we want what's best for our children and our grandchildren. i think what unites us is far greater than anything that divides us. elections take their toll on our country don't they? >> yes, they do. >> i think that's the reason this message on grace is so important to me. i think greatest news in all of human history is god's
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grace. i mean his love for his people and his commitment to redeem a people. this is big news. i think that message is the message that can unite us and heal hearts and change lives. >> max, i've never picked up one of your books that wasn't a master piece this is no exception. i'm delighted to have you here and i wish you the best. >> thank you for having me on. >> thank you. max lucado. [ applause ] >> there's a joke that says could you tell me how to get to carnegie hall? the answer, yeah man practice, practice man just practice. i've been practicing and you are going to see a preview of my debut at the legendary concert hall. you don't want to miss that, do you?
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. [ applause ] >> mike: even the beatles some of the world's greatest musicians of all time have performed at new york's carney gal -- carnegie hall. week i will join that list. i'm not kidding. monday night i'm going to join a pianist on stage at the famed concert hall. join us with a preview is jeff bennett. great to have you. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> mike: you are going to be part of a christmas musical at carnegie hall. what on earth were you thinking to invite me to participate? >> it going to be a great evening call the light of christmas a mass choir 300 voices hand chosen from choirs all over the country. i thought why not? it will be a lot of fun to
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have you come play . >> mike: it will be for me. you arranged a lot of music that is going to be prepared. you have arranged somes for decades now. first time at carnegie hall? >> first time. >> mike: you pumped? >> i'm pupped. >> mike: this arrangement is what? >> great classic car -- carol of the bells. >> mike: maybe by monday night i'll be ready! let's do it, carol of the bells. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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[ applause ] micah roll of the bells. don't you wish you could play at carnegie hall? i hope i'm happy about it. thanks for joining us. we've had a great time to all of you i hope you have a magnificent thanksgiving. god bless you. until next time, from new york t this is mike huckabee, good night and god bless. [ applause ]
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