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tv   Fox News Reporting  FOX News  November 23, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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♪ >> bill: that is this edition of the factor thanks very much for watching us. i am bill o'reilly remember the spin stops right here, we are definitely looking out for you . 10, 9, 8. >> the ew>bñ of a cycle. >> magnetic poles will reverse. >> asteroids are a wild card sometimes they can sneak up on you. >> we are either in for a big blow-up or a big bliss-out. >> you jut saw our own count team, june 21st, a significant day leading up to what some say the myan calendar marks as
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doomsday. hello i'm bill hemmer. welcome to our special presentation. it is a fact that the myan calendar will end december 21st of 2012. don't believe the hype. we are certain the world is not going to end that day. doomsday has been predicted by religions and cultures countless times. when natural disasters strike many feel the end must be close. on this program, we investigate our fascination with doomsday. why today has been pinned on the maya, a mystery adam housley explores at the battlefield of armageddon lauren greene investigates battle between good and evil and the belief that the second coming of christ is imminent. first the mysterious maya, we travel to the rain forest of southern mexico and the jewel of the maya classic period.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> most of the maya books, there were thousands at the time of contact between the spanish and maya were burned by spanish mostly because they were sacrilegious. there are five fragments that i know of that exist to this day. they cover medicine, history, genealogy, an strom me, math. >> for the last several decades intense focus has been put on the culture that flourished between a second through 9th century some say they were profits of doom. archeologist explain the importance of this broken
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tablet. known as monument 6. >> this is one of the few things that was salvaged. >> there was work bay the mexican government done by archeologists. when they left, some of the locals starting digging around and found this monument. a very small site mostly destroyed by a settlement factory. almost all of the -- by a cement factory ground up into gravel or cement. the main body of the text broke off. >> only the last few years we understand what it says. >> yes this is what all the controversy is about. fairly heavily damaged at the end. the end phrase that mentions the end will terminate in 2012.
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>> something significant is going to happen according to the tablet. this is signifying a changeover? >> flavor of that event is what is mess missing. >> this missing fragment has led to over 3,000 books that many claim to explain the true apocalyptic ending of the maya calendar. >> over 200 million hits on google, maya 2012. when i started this, 10 years ago, i get 10, 12,000, which was a lot for that day. that's a magic word. >> anthony is professor of astonomy and anthropology at colgate university and author of the book "end of time." >> in the 20s it was the egyptians that was the excavation of king tut's tomorrow. the maya today are center stage. >> the maya filled with fantastic legends some were hoaxes like tales of powerful crystal skulls. >> they believe they lived in
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an animated universe consisting of frogs and people and plants and rocks and stars with whom they engaged in a dialogue. >> they even practiced strange bloodletting sacrifices to thank their god's. >> they would peers themselves, the kings through their penises then they would collect those bloody pieces of paper and rope, place them in a ceramic dish and burn them. >> they were expert mathematicians today the solstice would have been a a sacred day there would have been all sorts of rituals, even human sacrifices. odd rituals, buried complex calendars strange hieroglyphic numbers. were they a message they left to decode a future apocalypse? >> speaking of that mystery,
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obviously when you have any kind of mystery, uncertainty, it can bring people out of the woodwork. we've seen that with the myans, right? >> very much so. sort of a natural thing you can trace that behavior through history. the change of the last 1000 ad in europe a lot of people thought it was the end. >> end of the world predictions in 2012, include a collision with planet x, earth passing through the milky way galaxy, tsunamis, asteroids, even the reversal of the north and south poles. all of them could have a devastating impact on our planet. >> today if we could see the sun, really interesting affects would occur at the temple of inscripts one of the kings was probably presented in a ray of light that came through a small window we call it naked eye astonomy or
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horizon-based, you can do amazing amount of astonomy, you need a tphaoeufrbgs flat surface with a good view of east and west war the plants, sun, moon all rise and set when the sunrises here it is going to be there again. >> impressive for people that didn't have strums. >> the maya didn't use any tools to kept record of the stars only the direct observation of the movement. >> a mexican archeologist has worked on many sites of the myan ruins. >> all the people related with the power were the people who kept the records. >> they were able to envision past and future skies what they looked ahead to and found that was particularly significant in what we call the 21st of december, 2012. >> graham is author of the book "fingerprints of the
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god's." >> with the myan calendar it is possible to tell exactly what the phase of the moon will be on a particular day 2,000 years from now or 2,000 years before now. >> ancient maya had calendars that ran on the cycle of the sun, moon and visible planets. why was the solstice important to the myans? >> it is very important because they kept the record of the change of the season so they can now know that the rainy season is going to begin and for the construction of the building, they only use the great amount of lay better of a slave, they don't have any tools, just the hammer and chisel. >> it was a private space. all indications it was a
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living space for the king. the temple of the inscripts great king who ruled for 69 years buried deep beneath it. >> this is the final resting place of the beloved myan king for nearly 70 years myan art, architecture and astonomy flourished. >> they independent ter act is turning out to be a rich field of study. >> there seems to be an ancient idea to bring down the perfections of the heavens to earth and unite heavens and earth. >> around the world there are other monuments an lying to the sun besides the one here in mexico. including stonehenge in england. the great mids -- the great pyramids in egypt. >> what you find in all of these sites endeavour to align
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structures to the rising of the sun at one or or several of those moments. storytelling in ancient times often involved reverence to the heavens and celestial bodies. >> there are more discoveries hidden in the culture, language, science, and temples we have yet to see. when we return, adam uncovers mysteries about the maya and why the obsession with december 21st. [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right for you, no matter which list you're on. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease a 2013 c250 for $349 a month
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at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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. all of this beautiful architect you are looking at seven or eight percent what is
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out there. if those trees weren't there you would see 1,000 structures stretching almost a mile buried in the jungle. >> are there more mysteries still waiting to be discovered in the jungle? >> we have architectural excellence the longest hieroglyphics complex they look to go way back into the myth logical past. talk about the actions of the god's. >> we are looking at a different culture from ours doing things in different ways its prime october activities, a connection between earth and heaven -- which is done through the medium of -- of architecture and very precise as logical observation. the mayan calendar is a stunning technological device. it has a more accurate estimate of the length of the solar year than we use today in modern western civilization. >> amazing, i have light,
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magicians with light, with seasons, astonomy, number rolling, geometry, -- numerology, geometry. mysterious. >> mysterious because unlike a lot of the cultures in the mideast, asia, europe, we had less time to study the mayan. discovered later. we've only since the mid 70s or so been able to start reading their hieroglyphics. the end of the maya calendar will end on the winter solstice in 2012. >> there are a number of reasons why the maya have come to center stage the granddaddy of all maya calcifications, all maya cycles the 5125 year cycle will overturn. >> the last creation cycle
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began 3114 bc and will end on 12/21/12 or what the maya refer to as the 13th bactoon linked to the odometer of a car. >> there's a difference between your automobile and its odometer and the maya odometer. when the automobile goes over, your car is one step closer to the junkyard. interesting that if you look at a wide sampling of these messages on the internet, you will find that we're either in on december 21st, 2012, either in for a big blow-up or a big bliss-out. the blow-up is the end of the world. as far as the bliss-out is concerned, i think these theories are weirder they are based on the second coming of christ. i think american religion
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plays a prominent role in this anticipation of the an lives. >> even columbus believed his discovery of the new world was necessary to fulfill an ancient prophesy. >> when columbus came to the new world he tells us in his diary one of the major purposes was to make this place ready for the second coming of jesus. >> people are by nature storytellers. we understand a beginning, middle and end to a story. >> dr. ablow, is a psychiatrist and fox news contributor. >> doomsday scenario is at odds with religion, because it relieves people of needing to take the journey towards self. >> the 2012 doomsday embraces end of time beliefs suggesting a cataclysmic or transformative event will
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occur december 21st, 2012. how did this phenomenon get started? >> idea of a maya doomsday has been around at least 25, 30, 40 years now it builds as the date approaches many blame it on the internet. the internet is the and know log of old tent meetings -- is the anolog of the old 10 used to be held. >> the end attracts our attention. we want to try to forecast what is going to happen, forecasting is a big part of the human condition. >> the maya were a thoughtful civilization that flourished during europe's dark ages. why did they abandon their great cities and appear to vanish from the face of the earth? >> for some mysterious reason, possibly connected with something as simple as 100 year drought, maya civilization collapsed a little more than 1,000 years
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ago. >> cannot give the item that the people need to live so the people abandon big cities. they go to the countryside. >> one of the reasons why the sites were abandoned, once it was too much work to keep these cities going, once they got too big and destroying too much of the forest to maintain it was easy for the maya to pack up and leave. they were self-sufficient any way. >> we look far away for the answers. maybe the aliens will help us. maybe the ancient maya have words that will help us. >> here, deep within the hot and steamy mexican jungle we find mystery to the maya from here to my colleague lauren greene in israel. >> solstice celebration few and far teen if you are a christian looking for doomsday, go no further this is the sight of armageddon the end of time's battle teen good and
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. >> from the ruins of the maya culture to the other side of the world in rome. marking time is universal no matter where you are. in st. peters square an 83 foot sun dial that sits outside the basilica brought from egypt in 37 ad shadows indicate midday on these markers. nearly every religion, they all have a fascination with the apocalypse. christians prove size about the end of time and the -- profit size about the end of time and the holy scripture.
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>> christians mash the end of time in the final chapter of the new testament, the book of revelation. chapter 11 verse 18 reads: now is the time to destroy those who destroy the earth. >> the book is not about destruction, not a wrath from god. it is about consequences. >> greek orthodox priest father mark translated the book from its original text he collapse -- he coll labbed with a writer that helped readers visualize the final chapter. >> we are trying to get people to see the book of revelation in a new way not just read it, but see it. all we are trying to do is present it in its full message of hope in god and hope for the future. >> how likely is it that john would have been concerned about the end times? >> apostle john was the last of the 12 disciples of jesus alive when he wrote it.
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here's a church expecting its lord to come back but he hasn't yet. there's this yearning in the community and suffering. from the island of patmos received a revelation from god that he wrote down and that was disstem mated. >> john's revelation was received through angels while he was held captive by the romance for preaching the gospel. jews also at odds. >> the majority believed it was so unliveable now here on this earth, with conquerers and economics, everything was going wrong. >> the professor is a biblical scholar who studies ancient apocalyptic writings. >> they can find meaning here the meaning has to be there because the human cannot exist without some kind of hope. >> just over 60 years ago the
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dead sea scrolls from discovered. the earliest copies were found. >> they were copied here our earliest copies from here. >> 10 commandments were among the documents. >> people living here, believed they were living in the end time. >> the professor showed us where they wrote predictions along the dead sea. >> world here, ended in doom in june of '68. because you had an invincible army, roman army. >> romance destroyed the temple, more than a million jews were killed. >> john is trying to reveal and give meaning to their suffering. and to their difficulties. i this think the book of revelation can do that for every generation. >> we visited the site of armageddon. >> most people don't realize it is a real place.
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>> archeologist klein has been excavating since 1994. >> we've had 34 bams here in the last 4,000 years. >> why would john place the doomsday battle, to end all battles, here at armageddon. ? >> by the time john was living there had been 6, 13 battles fought here he would have known about those. king solomon, his son jonathan, greeks here. >> many mistakenly think armageddon is the sight of the final battle. >> armageddon is not the final battle. the final battle is supposed to be fought at jerusalem 1,000 years later. some say armageddon already happened and we are now in that period of 1,000 years between armageddon on the final battle. >> i believe god gave us the book of revelation, as a warning.
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>> evangelical broadcaster sees signs jesus predicted in matthew that are unfolding today. >> it is unprecedented the amount of famine, poverty and wars and rumors of wars and earthquakes that the earth has had collect. we are living in the end times. revelations 20 about the balance of gog and mahgog g referring to russia that the great bear will attack israel but will have other allies, iran will be one of those. the bible describes there is going to be so much bloodshed that the blood will rice as high as the horse's bridle. many people believe that there is a rapture that jesus will appear in the clouds and that the christians from all over the world will be taken up into the heavens and then there will be a seven year period, at the end of that seven year the battle of
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armageddon, jesus will come back and he will stand upon the mount of olive, after that the thousand year reign of christ over the earth. we have a live 24 hour camera feed any time day or night people can go on our website, when the end comes, day star will be there. >> some say it is going to happen on this date and this is how. the text is not that detailed. >> most welcome prediction about who will win the balance of good and evil. >> i believe that good is going to win that is not because i'm hopeful, but because history has shown us. no one knows if or how the end will come. while doomsday believers have made a cottage industry out of scaring people, some claim karzai is behind their
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calculations. you will be surprised to hear what is real -- really behind all the doom and gloom, next. no mom, in the history of moms, has ever turned down a handmade ornament. that's why we sat up santa's wonderland at bass pro shops. kids can get their free picture with santa, and this week make a... all for free. sven gets great rewards for his small business! how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% cash back on every purche, everday! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great sinesses deserve great rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back
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or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice. so, which supeast 4g lte service would yochoose, based on this chart ? don't rush into it, i'm not looking for the fastest answer. obviously verizon. okay, i have a different chart. going that way, does that make a difference ? look at verizon. it's so much more than the other ones. so what if we just changed the format altogether ? isn't that the exact same thing ? it's pretty clear. still sticking with verizon.
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verizon. more 4g lte coverage than all other networks combined. massive gas explosion rocking downtown springfield, massachusetts blast injuring more than a dozen, destroying two buildings. fires and the gas company workers who were investigating reports of a gas leak among those injured explosion
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shattering glass in a three mile radius, eyewitnesses say bricks and glass were flying everywhere. >> retailers saying the decision to open last night was a big hit. stores reporting more people than ever lined up. things got heated in a georgia wal-mart with shoppers pushing and shoving to get prepaid cell phones. apparent argument over a parking space leading to a shooting outside a tallahassee wal-mart, two people there are hurt. now back to fox news, countdown to doomsday. o countdoo doomsday. december 21st, 2012, is the winter solstice or what some call doomsday. six months before that day was the summer solstice, thousands of yoga lovers were celebrating at the crossroads of the world in new york city's times square.
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these people's state of mind was a far stretch from fear filled doomsdayers. why predictions of destruction are simply myth. >> there's nothing in the mayan calendar to suggest that gigantic floods and quakes are going to destroy our world. >> there are no prophesies that say, the world is going to end. >> i think what we are dealing with is the denial of our own deaths. >> this obscure relic, monument 6, is the focus of the maya countdown to doomsday. warn, damaged, incomplete, translate the end date of the calendar and a suggestion that something will happen. there is no evidence the maya were counting down to doomsday. >> the cataclysmic view is not borne out by what we know
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about the maya. cycles went beyond the 2012 date. >> some amazing inscripts in guatemala show numbers longer than the long count cycle. a number that projects into the future 1,000 years from today. >> such recent discovers have not halted expect about the end of the mayan tkaerl. >>sters like this get started because we see the ancient scripts are ambiguous and there's wiggle room it means somebody has an idea and says i can make money filling in the dots. >> why not look at the evidence about what the maya say? all 500 monuments are about die tick history. cycles overturn, -- endless and an old cycle begets a new cycle and we all try harder. >> i have one word for people concerned about doomsday.
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relax. >> physicist says the disaster scenarios are based on scientific fact. >> when people first hear about pole reversal, they think oh my god, the poles are going to flip just like this. >> not all the facts. >> no, we are not talking about a geologic poll shift, at worst perhaps a wandering of the magnetic north pole. it takes thousands of years to millions of years for that wandering to take place. >> some say the government is hiding the truth. >> i love the secrets. hidden planet which of course the tells us about. >> december 21st is special. on that day the end of the maya calendar, there will be a rare celestial event one that could have been predicted by mayan astonomers. >> if you look at the map, jupiter is here, saturn is here and the earth is here there is a line-up.
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>> this galactic alignment does not mean doom. >> sun and moon are primary forces that try to pull the earth apart watch is the next highest tide raising force? turns out to be venus. do you know how much of a tide venus produces? 1/500 of an inch. >> the people who are taking the mayan calendar's expiration, seriously as the end of the world, are people who are vulnerable to being co-opted by a story bigger than them. >> in 1997, 38 members of the heaven's gate cult thought a ufo would rescue them, their ticket to the spaceship? suicide. extreme, but ablow says thoughts of doomsday may be come for, but not in a healthy way. >> it is easier to live by a fear of the end of the world that will wipe everybody off the planet than to say what
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are the roots of my fears? how do i conquer those? there's no asteroid coming, but what are our calamities? what are our ends of time? cancer, cardiac disease, diabetes, car accidents. we hang by threads. the denial of death fuels a lot of myth. >> i take a controversial view and mainstream historians would not agree with me. >> while not predicting doom he sides with those who do predict a change for our sievization. >> i see in the mayan calendar, -- somehow mysteriously, i don't know how they did it, but they seem to have connected and plugged into cycles in the human story. >> the mayan calendar is not saying the end of the world. it is saying the end of a chapter of the human story. we can see the birth of a new con -- consciousness taking place all around the world today.
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>> maya never had a countdown to doomsday, graham and others still believe there's a countdown to the end of the world, as we know it. coming up, inside look at a unique group who are worried about surviving catastrophic events. we catch different celebrations of the summer solstice like here at stonehenge. thousands gathered to celebrate and we were there. the mystery behind this prehistoric site is next.
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our team has covered the countdown to doomsday in mexico, israel and here in new york. one of the oldest structures aligned to the sun is found outside of london, england from southern mexico to the rising sun in the english countryside, solstice celebration at stonehenge was perhaps the most revealing.
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amy kellogg uncovers that mystery. >> the times change, but the sky remains the same. the last of the stone age era lived on earth approximately thousands of years before the maya even came on the scene. both the maya and these early farmers held sacred rituals to honor the sun on the same day, the summer solstice, longest day of the year. fast forward a few thousand years to present day stonehenge in england, summer solstice, 2012. >> to thetrr longest day we will play. ♪ ♪ >> do these modern day druids, pagans and all around revelers
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look like they are preparing for the end of the world? >> we believe the mayans ought to start a new calendar we don't believe it is the end of the world as far as we are concerned. >> no doomsday love. >> stone hedge seems to be a ceremonial spot, because of the mystery surrounding its its alignment with the sun on the days of the summer and winter solstice it is an enduring gathering point. >> stonehenge is many things to many people. >> peter a car son explains why this -- peter carson plains why this place is so special. >> some say it is astronomical calendar for others it signifies the change in seasons to others a ceremonial place where ancestors were buried or cremated. >> nobody knows how or why it was built. it is a mystery. >> problem with cultures,
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certainly the neolit thick cultures of europe they didn't leave written records. -- >> it is a prehistoric culture you have to interpret. >> we know stonehenge is aligned with several celestial bodies, rising sun attracts biggest crowds today, magic endures. peter what happens at sunrise? >> what people try and do and -- is to observe the sunrising over-the-hill stone all the way down into the fences of the stone circle. >> the picture we get from excavations have been made studying tools, a little something about the farming methods, is that these people were rather sophisticated.
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>> archeologists believe stonehenge was built in stages from 3000 to 2000 bc. >> stones on top are not just placed on topper rat particularly. there's a socket, -- it is remarkable. >> picture of the neolithic people that we used to have, shamling individuals like cave people is wrong. the brain was the same size as it is today. >> stonehenge is not unique part of a pattern of what we call megalithic structures all over the world. >> those who build magnificent works of art, the pyramids of egypt, or the maya temples or stonehenge, we want to make a statement it is usually the
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ruler who makes that statement. >> is it coincidence that all aligned with the sun and other celestial bodies? >> i think people look for truth in the sky because it is the most pristine as -- as pebble of nature. more accurate than weather. farmers now it is time to think about harvesting itch >> the calendar is the common theme throughout all ancient societies all discovered the calendar. that's what stonehenge is. >> while the celestial alignments like stonehenge like others around the world mark planting and harvesting season the builders probably had other reasons. >> what we do need stone circles for is to revere our connection with the universe. ancient cultures saw the sun as a god. >> this is certainly a re just
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sanctuary no question about it, stonehenge. if i were the head chief i would have seen to it that align was precise so i could stand at the center and point and say do you see our god rising? our god who gave rise to me. >> that's similar to the maya king being illuminated by the sun on the summer solstice. >> god communicating with us mortals through the sun. >> stonehenge is one of the more mysterious places you will find anywhere in the world. coming up, meet fascinating people learning survival skills, stockpiling food and building bunkers. find out if they know something we don't. prepping for doomsday is next. ♪ [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz winter event is back,
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no matter which list you're on. [ santa ] ho, ho, ho, ho! [ male announcer ] lease a 2013 ml350 for $599 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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remember the cuban missile crisis, y2k, 9/11, katrina? in these uncertain times there are people worried about other kinds of doomsdays and they plan on surviving. >> it looks like another series of attacks, cyber attacks on major united states banks. >> recent cyber attacks on large financial institutions could have doomsday-style consequences. that has our government concerned. >> attackers could also seek to disable or degrade, critical military systems and communication networks. >> collective result of these kinds of attacks could be a cyber pearl harbor. >> we have an insane regime in iran run by people who are psychotic, who may get the nuclear weaponry to act on their insane thoughts.
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that means we could have a nuclear holocaust. >> the -- we have disaster scenarios from tsunami, earthquake, nuclear blast. >> alan madison co-executive producer of doomsday preppers, a reality program on national geographic tuesday nights. >> there are three touchstones for many preppers in terms of events that happened in our history the first is 9/11 the second is destruct of american city, which is katrina and the third i hear them talking about is the financial collapse. >> while most households have enough supplies for a few days real preppers are moving to remote locations. learning survival skills, stockpiling food and medicine. anticipating a catastrophic event.
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>> the opposite of the mayan calendar people who have no particular investment in reality many >> every preparation that the preppers on our show think about are also being thought of as a governmental or worldwide level. the sea bank is one of them. >> believing that radioactive fallout from gentleman ban will contaminate the american food chain, preston is creating a seed bank, a store of fruit and vegetable seeds that can be used to grow food. >> a nonprepper might look at my supplies and say are you kidding me? if something happens, i win this game. people that aren't prepared they lose this game i am >> on a larger scale built to withstand an earthquake at ar sd vault in norway, 800 miles from the north pole stores 750,000 dining room crop
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varieties. >> i think the logic is valid, sound why not have an insurance policy, just in case? however the bad side is, it could takeoff. people could think oh my god, why are they doing this? because they know something that we don't know. that perhaps there is a doomsday coming. >> the doomsday prepper concept is not new. in the late 50s, our government had a secret cold war fallout shelter, built in west virginia for the entire u.s. congress. >> we have preppers who are extraordinary wealthy. who are preparing for the end of the world. >> musician from nashville, prepping for a nuclear war with russia for the last 35 years. he's concerned his burper may not be deep enough underground to shield him from deadly gamma radiation after a nuclear blast. to ensure his safety he has
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purchased a salvage fuel tank to serve as a gamma rachelle ter. >> y2k was for many of the preppers who i speak to, a -- turning point where they started to prep. >> before the millennium celebration in 200 throw was concern about our technology crashing. >> the y2k had a silver lining because of the fact that so many were concerned about the switching of the calendar and the fact that there could be computer glitches meant that top programmers were assigned to ferret out all possible glimpses. >> david is a disabled truck driver. >> i'm preparing for an electro magnetic pulse that will disable the transportation system of the united states. >> of all of the doomsday scenarios there is one incident which we have to be careful gigantic solar storm when the sun has a temper
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tantrum. it would be like somebody instantly flipped a switch on the world. this is where one of those events would come from, this is live now. the last few days it is putting out a lot of flares. right now we are getting a lot of electrical interference. if one pops out at earth that's when things go bad many >> in 1859 an emp in the form of a solar flare hit the united states and europe, nick named the carrington effect it caused almost worldwide failure of the telegraph system. one of a few electronic technologies of the day. >> if it were to happen today it would throw us 100 years into the past before the coming of the space age and electricity and the internet. but it is not doomsday. even another carrington event will not destroy life on earth but it could send us back 100 years into the past. >> while some may continue to prepare for survival, there with will not be a doomsday
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december 21st. so we hope you have a first day of the rest of your lives on december 22nd, 12/22/12. thank you for watching our special presentation. i'm bill hemmer. a hybrid? most are just no fun to drive. now, here's one that will make you feel alive. meet the five-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max says ha. c-max says wheeee. which is what you get, don't you see?
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