tv Huckabee FOX News November 25, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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>> sorry, folks. >> i'm out, have a good week. >> a great week. >> that's how fox reports on this sunday, one month till christmas. happy everything to you, and blessings on this thanksgiving day holiday weekend. i'm harris falkner, thanks a lot for watching, in about four seconds, you'll see governor huckabee pop up. have a good week. >> tonight on huckabee, she was paralyzed as a teenager. >> i can't do a life in the wheelchairs without the use of my hands and legs. >> and then another one. >> as if being quadriplegic wasn't enough, you were diagnosed with breast cancer. >> with her husband's help, she stays positive outlook on life. >> every day is precious. >> and it happens in every one of our lives. >> coincidences, chance encounters or part of a bigger plan. >> god is moving us along toward our destiny. >> plus, syndicated talk show host larry elder how a man to man talk ended a family feud
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between father and son. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> (applause). >> thank you. thank you very much. and thank you very much audience. and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. well, i hope that you and your family are enjoying some precious and special time together during this thanksgiving holiday. you know, we all have a lot to be grateful for. but sometimes we just have to stop and realize it. i'm grateful that i've got work, knowing that many of my fellow americans don't. and i'm grateful to speak my mind and even criticize the government and places like iran and north korea probably get you killed. i'm grateful to have food to eat, a home to sleep in and i realize even during this special weekend there are thousands still left stranded and homeless by hurricane sandy and tragically some of our nation's veterans are
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sleeping on the streets because we've not provided the resources that they were promised. i'm grateful for my church, it doesn't just breach the gospel, it practices is and delivered hundreds of food baskets to good families who just lead need a little help to ensure that their thanksgiving table has many. i'm grateful for the men and women of the military who leaves families for months at a time in order to face bullets and bombs to provide me with the he freedoms that i so enjoy, but i hope never to take for granted. i'm grateful for my health knowing that this very day, they're struggling for their very next breath. i'm grateful for my dogs because they make me laugh. they keep me company and they show me a level of loyalty and unconditional love that is pure and powerful. and i'm grateful for my family, a devoted wife of 38 years, three children who are responsible and hard working adults now, and for two spectacular grandchildren. (laughter)
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that have given me renewed hope for the world and also a joy that takes me to a new level and thankful i'm going to have the opportunity to meet many of you during the next couple of weeks when i visit about 45 communities to sign copies of my latest book and that's one that's for every parent and grandparent. "dear chandler, dear scarlet" it's a collection of letters for my grandchildren, but i want it to be letters to your children and grandchildren so that you can teach them that more important than material wealth is character and integrity. i hope you'll leave them with more than an antique car or a knife collection and one day they'll say what they're grateful for that you gaves tha your faith and your belief in all that is good and godly. [applause] now, if you want to find out where i'm going to be, on the huck-a-bus, click
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on the link to dear chandler, dear scarlet. if i'm not able to get to your town. it's available at or your local book retailer i think you'll be thankful you read it and friends and family will be greatful that you gave it as a gift. for most of holidays are time to enjoy families, but those of us who are estranged from family members, holidays can be tough. ar larry elder was bitter and angry forward his father who he hadn't spoken to for ten years, but all that changed over an eight hour conversation when they finally got together. he writes about it in his new book, dear father, dear son, two lives, eight hours, larry elder joins us now. [applaus [applause]. >> and for ten years, what was
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it that was so big that caused you not to talk to him for that time. >> thank you for having me. my dad was a monford court marine. he grew up in the jim crow south and didn't know the name of his father was, the man named elder was in his life the longest and none of of which i knew until my dad and i sat down and spoke to each other ten years, i was 15 and had a fight over something relatively inconsequential in retrospect. i'm 25 years old, difficulty sleeping, can't eat i want to tell him, tell him how i felt. i would like to say i thought i could repair the relationship, that wasn't my goal the at all. my goal was to sit down and call me s-o-b and have a five minute conversation and get it move my chest. and he went from being a mean s-o-b, to inspiration during that period of time, over eight hours. i knew things about him i never knew and when i unloaded
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on him he said quietly after i was done, i was a better father to you than mine was to me. my dad never said a word about his father and i found out about his upbringing in that conversation. >> mike: you want today make contact to get some stuff off your chest. when you sat down with him for what turned out to be this eight our conversation, who broke the ice you or him and started bringing a little actual conversation into this rather than just a confrontation that you were expecting? >> well, i think i did. i'm the one who decided to talk to him. i lived in ohio at the time. my dad's in los angeles and i didn't tell him i was coming so i walked into the restaurant, and he operated a little restaurant, my dad was a janitor or worked two full-time jobs as an ontore and cooked for a family on the weekend and went to night school and no human being worked that hard, one of the reasons he was irritable. try going for four hours of sleep for a couple of decks kadz adecks-- decades and see what mood you're in.
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he was a little boy in athens georgia and he thought the woman who raised him was his mother. some kid in the neighborhood informed him it was his grandmother and he cries and informs him yes, i'm not your mother i'm your grandmother and his mother came in on ut of his life and elder was in the mom's life and my dad came home 13 years old. and had a fight with the then boyfriend, and the mom decided with the boyfriend and threw him out. and jim crow south and employment was 50 cents for black men. >> mike: larry, what was the relationship with your dad like after you reconciled? >> we went from cannot speaking to each other for ten years to becoming best of friends. if anything i became even closer to my dad than i was with my mom. my mom and i were very, very close and my dad became so sensitive and emotional and began telling me things all about my life he never told any of us before and i understood why he was so irritable, why he was so cold.
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my dad believes hard work wins you get out of life what you get into it. before you complain look in the mirror and decide whether there was something you could have done, no matter how hard you work, sooner or later something bad will happen and will tell whether or not we raised a man and i said, not too much pressure. >> mike: and larry, how much of your dad do you find in yourself. >> a whole lot governor, much more than i thought. i told myself when i was a kid i was never going to be like my father. the older i got more and more friends said you're just like your father, hard working and focused and similar to my dad. >> mike: it always works out like that. the people that we focus on, the ones we think we don't know, we end up becoming like because we focus on them. >> absolutely. >> now, larry, your dad passed away last year and i want you to talk about those last months of his life and the relationship you had and what, what you feel like you will always have no matter whether your dad is here or not.
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of him. >> well, my dad did shortly after i finished the book and read passages to him. and he began having dementia, and i don't want to make light of it, i had a joke he loved and i could tell it over and over again, and he would still laugh at it. (laughter) >> i wish i had a joke. >> my dad and i started doing things together. normal things, hair cut, taking him to the doctor. and took him to see a movie called sling blade and my dad wanted to be next to a restroom and i put him next to a restroom, so restless during the movie and i thought it was because it was the restroom. he said larry let's leave, the man in sling blade reminded him of the man who abused him when he was a little boy and one of the first times i saw my father cry. >> mike: during the holidays,
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people have deep hurts. and give advice for families estranged from a mother, father, husband or wife or son or daughter. what do they do to start the relationship over. >> i'm hoping dear father, dear son will give two lessons, fishes is 70% of black kids today are born out of wed locks, 50% of hispanic kids and 20% of white kids. and what do you do when you have no male role model in the house. if anybody could have gone awry, it was my dad. my dad says if you're raised by lower prime mats you better know from right and wrong and it's your moral duty to play cards to the best of your ability. and you never know what's inside someone, what's the down side in telling somebody how you really feel if it's a relative, a parent, a child, a father. what's the down side. worst that can happen clarify your positions. the best that happens you could realize you misunderstood each other other had a fight over something
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inconsequential. >> mike: it usually is that way. >> it usually is. >> mike: it's a powerful story, larry and one that will really touch a lot of lives and this may be in great holiday season to bring people together. appreciate you being here. >> thank you very much, governor. >> mike: the book is "dear father, dear son". she became a quadriplegic at age 17 and later in life diagnosed with breast cancer. with the help of her devoted husband, she's got a great outlook on life. joining us next. i'd like to hear from you go to my website, and tell me what you think from the feedback section or sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. find a link to that and more at thing... or you can get out there and actually share something. ♪ the lexus december to remember sales event is on. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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i heard you guys can ship ground for less than the ups store. that's right. i've learned the only way to get a holiday deal is to camp out. you know we've been open all night. is this a trick to get my spot? [ male announcer ] break from the holiday stress. save on ground shipping at fedex office. >> harris: there is a lot to be said for helping >> helping others to help yourself. and she became a quadriplegic in an instant and drove head first into shallow water. after dealing with depression and suicidal thoughts she later ministered to the disabled all over the world and now written a book lynn about another battle she's had to face, and they stopped by for a visit recently. >> and before the show i told you that when i was, you know, just a young guy, barely in my 20's, i read your book, and
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it's life changing to me, because you'd had a horrible accident as a young person, 17. and rendered quadriplegic and now the rest of your life in a wheelchair and you thought about ending your life. what turned you around and you said, no, i'm going to-- is worth living even in a wheelchair. >> i remember one prayer that i prayed in the hospital. it was short, but sincere, it was lord, if i can't die, then you're going to have to show me how to live because i can't do quad pledge of allegiancmrqu i thought it was other people's prayers that led me on and rose the doubt and fear from my heart and i didn't realize it, but my high school
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friends were praying with me with my church youth leader and for a full year they did that and i think i'm still resonating from the prayers, i really do. >> did you ever just say, god, why me? an athletic, you know, person who had as all this physical energy and now, i can't move anymore? >> i did. and why me? and i got so tired of sitting in the corner feeling sorry for myself and feeling self-pity. one day they wheeled into the occupati occupational therapy, the guy was more than i was, he was on a ventilator and they put a pencil in his mouth and said, here, try writing. i thought he would spit it out because surely i had, i told the therapist, i'm not doing that and when i saw him i thought wow, what courage, i
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need to have his attitude and so then i started to realize there were a lot of other people's disabilities like me that needed the same courage that i was beginning to find and my friends at occupational therapy had found and it was all mainly from digging deep into the bible to see what god had to say next, what was he going to do next. >> mike: you learned not just to write, but to paint, but by putting the brush in your teeth and i remember watching your television on billy graham television specials many years ago and being absolutely amazed that you were able to do this and that it was beautiful art. >> thank you, but sometimes i can tend to drool over my painting. (laughter) >> and when i write books and people want me to autograph the first page i caution them. but thank you, that's encouraging to hear. >> mike: you and johnnie have been married 30 years, and tell me how did you fall in
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love with johnnie and tell me about the experiences of realizing this was going to be a challenging kind of marriage? >> well, first of all, governor. one of the things i recognized about her, she's got a beautiful heart and the bible says in first samuel 16-7 says god doesn't look at the things that men looks at, but god looks at the heart and she was a beautiful heart. we've had difficulties and we have ehad the same type of difficulties as any other married couple would have except that we happen to have a disability involved, but i can tell you she's my best friend. >> i can't fold his laundry, i can't whip him up an omelette and there are so many things i can't, quote, can't do, but i can cheer him on, applaud him, pray for mimm. encourage him and so many more things that are much more
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important than folding your husband's underwear. >> mike: and just as respect for joni, i will no longer fold my husband's underwear. they want solidarity with you, joni. >> now what i mean. >> mike: but there are real challenges, but it means that for you to travel, for example, it's not just oh, let's jump in the car and go somewhere. it involves an extraordinary amount of thought and planning and logistics for the two of you just to go out, doesn't it? >> oh, yeah, i think that one of the things, governor, that we can do this on our own, we would readily admit that, we need help. and we have great friends that travel along with us to help with situations and you know. >> and again, we tell them that they're helping us is a way of, i don't know, cultivating compassion and oh, i don't know, just, just
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honoring what the bible has to say about serving others and so, i think there's an internal perspective on the people who help us, which is why, ken and i have been so blessed we want to pass on the blessings to other disabled people and families through our ministry and that's what we love doing. travelling, yes, but encouraging people with disabilities along the way. >> the encouraging thing i hear from you guys and i have to stop and realize, you face one of the greatest challenges that couples could face. and yet, you're not sitting here saying this is a terrible life. i find such joy in both of you and it's remarkable. and it's so encouraging and i'm thinking, you know what? i don't have any complaints today. >> with the ability to improve roi through seo all by cob. and from national. because only national lets you choose any car in the aisle...
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>> gov ichltd. >> mike: we'll talk about yet another challenge you face. as if having the diving accident wasn't enough. you were diagnosed with breast cancer. explain what happened when you got that diagnosis, joni, you had breast cancer. >> i was overwhelmed, other women had breast cancer, i had so many things, i didn't have time for a mammogram. of course i don't feel that way now. but i was freightened what it would mean tore him, how he would take it, my body image is already shot and how much more to get a mastectomy and then chemotherapy, but my husband, governor, was my strongest advocate through this cheering me on showing up at every blood scan, pet scan, x-ray, everything, and what do you think, ken it drew us
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close her. >> it drew us closer together and you know, i had to pause for a moment. i could have lost my best friend and you know, there was a moment there where we didn't know. we didn't know how serious this was going to be you know, every time one thing that we learned through this journey is that it's hurry up and wait. you get a diagnosis and you've got to wait for the lab test, you get the lab taste and-- >> wait until obamacare kicks in. sorry about that. go ahead. and so the at what point, i wasn't sure if joni was going to make it through the year and i think that probably the sweetest time that we had was just sitting in the back yard and realizing that we were just in the moment. >> every day is precious. >> every day is precious, absolutely. >> mike: there were so many unique challenges because of your condition as a qu quadriplegic that breast cancer a daunting enough, but then you face extraordinary
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different challenges because of the quadriplegic. >> that's why i was not able to have radiation, because of the quadriplegic, my lungs were limited and to have radiation would have damaged them further so we opted not to have radiation and we trust that in what, five, six years i may be declared cancer-free, let's hope so. >> (applause) >> it's really remarkable and you've been through all of these things and god has left you here much longer than many people would have been able to live with, through the condition that you experience as a 17-year-old. what's your life message? what is it that you want to say to the world, every day when you wake up, say, okay, god, this is what i hope people understand? >> that's the way i wake up, i do wake up that way, governor, because it is so difficult in the morning to just have somebody come into the bedroom, give me a bed bath. do my toileting routine and cinch up my corset, brush my
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teeth, blow my nose, brush my hair, i can't take this another day, god give me strength and so, i wake up every morning needing god desperately and i think that's the christian way to wake up. i think that's the best way to wake up. that's the only way to wake up. and then, i wrote this mission statement out for my life some years ago, i said, i want to be god's best audio visual aid of how his power shows up best in my weakness. >> and that's my bogoal and that's what we do at joni and friends, and because there's so much despair and devastation and people disabilities are struggling with so much heartache and i want them to see that god's power can be sufficient in their lives as well. >> mike: what a powerful story and i want to say from the time that i first read your book which has been 37 years ago. >> wait a minute. >> 37 years ago, to this day,
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you have been an encouragement and such a symbol and voice of hope. ken, thank you for sharing your wonderful perspective. your life and your wife with us today. ken and joni god bless you and thank you for being here. [applause]. >> thank you. >> she says you think might be chance encounters might have been planned by a higher power. . >> and actress and comedian joins us next. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks.
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♪ >> lich liver from live from america's news headquarters, part of that explosion, a utility worker respond to go report of a gas leak punctured a pipe and boom. and 20 people hurt many of them first responders, buildings so damaged they'll probably need to be demolished. and a look at egypt now, tahrir square bustling as protesters prepare for a fresh day tomorrow. the anger growing over the power grab by the new islamic president morsi, attacks on offices of the offices of muslim brotherhood, one person dead and dozens injured in at that and the u.s. embassy in cairo warning americans to
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avoid the turmoil, staying away from large crowds in that country. now, back to huckabee. >> . >> mike: he's a former tv executive at good morning america and schoolhouse rock series. since leaving television, a new york times best selling author, when god winks book. and he and his wife louise, a comedian and impersonator, well, they stopped by for a visit earlier. it's so good to have you guys here. >> thank you, governor. >> mike: you know, to go from a television network career to writing inspirational books, that's a big leap, man, how did that happen? >> well, i went from ♪ conjunction junction what's your function ♪ to pray. >> mike: that's a leap. >> all the time i was at good morning america i was fascinated by the story where
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the reporter would start out by saying, and ironically today-- and i would perk up my ears because i thought, this might be one of those things that we call a coincidence, and i always felt there was more to coincidence than just coincidence, when i started researching that and started talking about it and started writing the first book, i needed to come up with a new word, and i really prayed about that a lot. i talked to the lord an awful lot about what word would be appropriate and a little word called god wink came into my mind. little g like godspeed, godwink and i for coincidence, it worked, and became a new word in the language. >> mike: it reminds us, if we believe the bible, god knows how many hairs are on my our
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heads and which is fewer for me. and sparo that falls, and we look around, wow, it's not a wow moment it's a godwink moment. the thing i like best about having this as my job now, godwinks are now aen could crete connection between you and you and you and me and somebody up there. it's a concrete connection, because when a godwink happens you know it's special to you and out of 6 billion people on the planet, it's a direct person to person message. hey, kid, i'm thinking of you right now. >> well, one of the best godwinks that happened to you was meeting your lovely wife louise who i think maybe unof the most talented women in america and we're going to absolutely insist that she introduce us to some of the people that you have to live with. and louise it's great having
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you here. >> thank you, governor, i brought you along with one of those who made us laugh for hundred years, george burns. >> when i was a dead boy, the dead sea was only six. >> and you have made a wonderful career of making people laugh. and now what? we need more, we need more laughter, we need more fun in the world and some people take everything too seriously. would you introduce our audience to some of your favorite people and our favorite people. >> ooh, i would love to. >> louise, everybody, please welcome her. [applause] >> i love to do impressions, but i dream in impressions and i actually got to go to the academy awards, and i was so excited 'cause all of my favorite stars were there from film and television and got into a back stage elevator and all of a sudden the doors got stuck. >> oh, oh, archie, the
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elevator doors, oh, no. oh, we're all stuck in here, and i can't get out. archie, look at that rosie o'donnell, she's sucking the air out of the elevator. >> and onrivers here, i got to get out of this elevator i've got plastic surgery in an hour. oh, my body is sagging so fast used to be 34 c and now i'm a 34 long. oh, oh, oh. and everyone just calm down this is john fonda and we're going to do some claustrophobic aerobics and i want you to stretch and burn and. the pain and get back to our original weight. 7 pounds, 6 ounces. >> all of this exercise is making me hungry, anybody got food in the elevator. >> i see food it's right over there, it's in bart simpson as pockets. hey, nobody lay a finger on my butter finger. >> marge simpsons get here and
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teach your child manners. bart, that's not nice, don't you think you should share with everyone in the elevator. >> don't i think i thud-- >> hillary rodham clinton and how did we get ourselves stuck in this pickle. i ask you. >> it's a vast right wing conspiracy, joan. >> somebody got to yell for help, carol burnett. >> me, little ole me? >> and in trap-- ahhh! help! >> and it's me, the greatest singer in the entirely world, barbra streisand. and this is babs, who is this. >> this is dr. ruth wise hewest heimer. >> you've got to get us out of the the elevators.
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>> i cannot. >> why not? >> because you idiot i'm standing next to you. >> i didn't see you down there, you little munch kin. >> and the mayor of munchkins today, was she a good witch or a bad witch. we represent the lollipop gild, and i'll take two paws, one paws, i'll take it with my paws, tied behind my back 'cause ♪ i am king of the forest >> ha, ha, ha, ha. who killed my sister? >> what is she talking about? i'll get you my pretty, you're that mangy dog, too. >> and that ain't no dog, that's my daughter gloria! olive oil, don't you know anybody who can help us? oh, look everybody, it's popeye our hero, he'll help us out won't you popeye. >> sure, olive oil i'll blow the doors down because i am
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popeye the sailor man, whoo, whoo! (applause) >> oh, that's fantastic. >> all right. louise, and coming up, do you believe in chance encounters? and squire thinks they're more to them than coincidence and we'll continue our conversation about that stay with us. well, if it isn't mr. margin. mr. margin? don't be modest, bob. you found a better way to pack a bowling ball. that was ups. and who called ups? you did, bob.
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i just asked a question. it takes a long time to pack a bowling ball. the last guy pitched more ball packers. but you... you consulted ups. you fod a better way. that's logistics. that's margin. find out whai'll do that. you're on a roll. that's funny. i wasn't being funny, bob. i know. you know it can be hard to lbreathe, and how that feels.e, copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both. spiriva handihaler tiotropium bromide inhalation powder does not replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms. tell your doctor if you have kidney problems, glaucoma, trouble urinating, or an enlarged prostate. these may worsen with spiriva. discuss all medicines you take, even eye drops.
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her name, but i thought she had charisma and i was running children's television at abc at the time so the brothers and i were doing show, how about the girl who played witch pooh for comedian role and followed her career and 15 years ago i was bringing my, i was coming to pick up my brain injured son in new york to take him to canada and he was all excited about that and at the last minute the meeting to canada was canceled. i said i tell you what we'll go to a broadway show, we went to a show called "green stock" starring louise dueheart and we met back stage and when we saw each other, governor, we both knew we were going to get married. we just did. we went out for coffee afterwards and had coffee every day since. >> every day since. >> blessed. >> here is the extraordinary godwink and divine alignment. the meeting that was canceled
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in canada was divinely aligned perfectly with the closing of her show, that was the last performance. >> mike: oh. so not only was it that she was available that night to meet you, but with the closing of the show she was available to continue to meet you after the shoi. >> that's exactly right. >> mike: i do think that people tend to believe at that so many incidences in life are happy stance and chance ens counters and in the book that you've done, divine alignment, you're saying that god is lining this stuff up in ways to prepare us for the people we meet, the things that we do. give me some examples that you've seen where divine alignment takes place. >> well, i think that all of us have divine alignment. we're connected by incredible threads on this incredible gps, god's positioning system and we move through life and pump into people and say, wow, what a coincidence, i say that's a godwink and i haven't met that person wouldn't have gotten this job and have this happen to me, that's divine
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alignment and that's how god is moving us along toward our destiny and i believe that if we get on our path headed for what believe to be our destiny divine alignment is going to unfold. i can tell you a story, colonel leo who later received a congressional medal of honor was shot down over hanoi and thrown into a pow camp. it was a terrible, terrible experience, they tried to break him, punished him and they bent parts of his body that didn't bend. he prayed every day that he would find survival and release, now, 9,000 miles away in texas, there was a young girl, a 16-year-old cheerleader, she bought a $2.50 wrist bracelet that had a p.o.w. name on it. and hers said colonel leo thorsness and took him into her all right and wore that wherever she went every game
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she cheered at and she made him-- she prayed for him like he was a member of the family. when she saw six years later him getting off a plane into america and she was released she took off the bracelet and put it into a keepsake box. now, fast forward, 40 years. >> mike: 40 years. >> 40 years she's invited it a houston astros game, she doesn't want to go, but her husband prevails and she gets there, a 40,000 seat stadium and imagine her delight when she sees the person, the celebrity chosen to throw out the first pitch, colonel leo thorsness, she said he's my p.o.w.! i've got to go meet him. now, step number five in my book of divine alignment is this, step out in faith and believe that you will arrive. she stepped out in faith and went looking for him in 40,000 seats. and she had all kinds of obstacles. but she finally got to a spot where she passed a note over
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and pretty soon bounding out of the seat was colonel thorsness. he said you had my p.o.w. bracelet? she said yes. i prayed for you every night. >> amazing. >> he said it was terrible there. he said most nights i couldn't sleep, but some nights i would sleep like a baby. and now i know why. you were praying for me. and she said you were my hero. he said, no, you were my hero. that is how divine alignment connected two individuals 40 years apart in a 40,000 seat stadium, divine alignment is incredible. it happens in every one of our lives, if we start realizing there are steps we can take we will be able to reach our destinationses. >> mike: what an incredible story. the book is divine alignment and i think it was divine
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alignment you and louise were here today, what a joy and privilege and encouragement to everybody and my goodness we all need encouragement these days i hope you will get yours, the book is kwauld "divine alignment". and coming up former american idol contestant scott mcintyre performs one of his original songs. stay with us. humans -- even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems.
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(cheers). (cheers). >> . >> mike: well, he was the first legal blind finalist on american idol and paula abdul called him inspiration, he was a solo career and a cd called heart string and the author of the book by faith not by sight. would you please welcome scott mcintyre, scott, so glad to have you here. doing great. [applause] >> thank you. what made you decide you wanted to even try for american idol? >> you know, it was a crazy thing, it took me a while to actually decide to do that, but more than entertain week after week, more than do what i love which is music i wanted to show people someone less than perfect in the world ears eyes like myself with a disability could actually reach for their dream and make it happen. >> mike: you certainly did and
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did inspire people. but there's a part of the story that people watching american idol never knew. in august of 2007, you had to have a kidney transplant. >> i did. you know, this is something i never talked about on american idol. i wanted to compete and enjoy making music, but in-- when i was 19 years old i was graduating from college, i graduated a little bit early. >> mike: a little bit early, you graduated at 19. >> just a little bit. >> mike: graduated at 19. >> and i really felt like, you know, it was a testament to overcoming my disability to do that and so excited about my future and on graduation day i got this news that my kidneys were failing and i did not know what that meant i was 19 years old at the time. and scared me to death. and i eventually got so sick i remember i couldn't even play the piano or sing in my own living room and it was like my dreams were dying when i couldn't do the very thing that i believed god had put me
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here to do, it was devastating and i didn't know if i had missed his calling for my life and what was going on and in august of 2007, the wife of my former piano teacher from college donated her kidney to me and saved my life. >> oh, my goodness. >> your life is a testimony, scott of god's grace and your determination to follow his dream for you. tell us what song you're going to do. >> i'm going to do a song off the heart strings album called "i am hope." . >> i am hope. ♪ ♪ when day is swadded up in night and barely see the light ♪ ♪ look for me
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♪ when all your strength is gone, you are barely holding on ♪ ♪ reach for me ♪ and every time when you're in need ♪ ♪ i am home ♪ you can find me ♪ on the way to every story's happy ending ♪ ♪ you don't know ♪ how to make it through the pain ♪ ♪ but you won't give up while you still know my name ♪ ♪ i am home ♪ don't ever settle for defeat
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♪ ♪ throw your head up and believe, as long as you are breathing ♪ ♪ there is hope ♪ i am home till you can find me ♪ ♪ on the way to every story's happy ending ♪ ♪ even though fear itself stood in the way ♪ ♪ you made it through because you knew my name ♪ ♪ yeah, you made it through because you knew my name ♪
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♪ i am home (applause) >> our thanks to scott mcfire for being with us and our thanks to you, i hope you have a great rest of the weekend and a wonderful time as you close out your thanksgiving weekend holiday. until next time, this is mike huckabee from new york, good huckabee from new york, good night and god bless. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. that's one smart board. what else does it do, reverse gravity? [ laughs ] [ laughs ] [ whooshing ]
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