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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  December 2, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PST

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he reportedly has all of the nurses charm he's well cared for. get well soon mr. president. america loves you. [ applause ] before we go thank you to governoruc had huck for trusting me to fill in for him this week . thank you, audience for being here, good night. [ applause ] ♪ never once did i say i didn't know the facts, didn't know the law or didn't know my case, and i never hid behind my boss. hello and welcome to justice. this week susan rice rears her
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head after 11 weeks in hiding on her benghazi misstatement. what she didn't explain, her total lack of candor to the american people. instead she raised anyone more questions about her fitness to be secretary of state. >> i don't trust her. the reason i don't trust her is because i think she knew bet, and if she didn't she shouldn't be the voice of america. should has to start paying the price. >> this week we learn she was the head of the africa state department in 1998 when the embassy bombings occurred, and the diplomats there too had begged for additional security. sound familiar? even more shock is rice was not prepared to answer any questions about her role then, saying she didn't remember. you don't remember? that diplomats begged for more security? that more than 220 people were
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killed and more than 4,000 wounded? but enough of that. the president says you've done an exemplary job at the u.n. >> let me say specifically about susan rice. she has done exemplary work. she has represented the united states and our interests in the united nations with skill and professionalism and toughness and grace. >> really? 40,000 civilians killed in syria. children shot in front of their parents. parents tortured in front of their children, and no sanctions passed by the u.n. iran also gets on the u.n. women's rights commission. sharia law anyone? and you're not even in the audience when israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu addresses the u.n. general assembly. but now, answer the outrage. >> so, there is a clear, in my
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opinion, a clear sexism and racism that goes with these comments being made by, unfortunately, senator mccain and others. >> so for anyone to question her credentials they have to be a racist and a sexist. really? because john mccain wants straight answers and hasn't gotten them, he's a racist? if he is a racist, why did john mccain vote for clarence thomas for supreme court, collin paul for second of state, and condi rice, an african-american female for secretary of state. your outrage is now based on what? i hope there's no suggestion she be held to a lower standard because of who she is. and how about that she outright lied and dug her heels in. she made a decision to tell the american people that the killing of four americans was a
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spontaneous protest about a youtube video when everybody from the state department, the white house, the pentagon, knew it wasn't. ambassador rice, you dug your heels in. right after the president of libya said there was no doubt that the attack was preplaned, and even the talking points said al qaeda was involved. we just want to know now, who took out the words al qaeda, and i would did you agree to go on television when you admitted lid knew nothing about benghazi. might it have been to mislead the american people in the runup to the election? and even worse, when the administration admit it was preplaned terrorist attack, you never came out and admitted, i was wrong. you wait until after the election. >> and by the way, if you knew nothing about ben gas circumstance why didn't hilary do the show? she was in town. then again, maybe i protest too much. she did take full responsibility.
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>> well, i'm responsible for the state department, for the more than 60,000 people around the world. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. >> it's great to take full responsibility, and not hide behind one's race or gender. it's not so hard to do. people will actually respect you for your competence and your honesty. and it's even easy to do in high heels. >> now here's fox news chief intelligence correspondent katherine harris. >> judge, leading republican in the senate tells fox news that ambassador rice had the president's daily briefs and a document included compelling evidence about the involvement. >> she had access to the daily brief on intelligence so she was
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well-informed and knew that our intelligence community felt that there were ties to al qaeda affiliates that were involved in the attack. >> earlier this week, democrats defended rice, questioning whyed tike so long for the intelligent community to assess there was no demonstration, setting two critical pieces of data. >> the people on the ground and video evidence. that took time, in some cases days, in some cases more than a week. and that accounted for a lot of the inaccurate information initially. and one of the questions i've asked is, why did it take as long as it did. >> aside from the benghazi controversy, a new report focuses on rice's holdings. they hold hold stock in royal dutch shell, and a company that did business with iran. a spokeswoman for ambassador rice said she has fully complied
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with financial disclosure rules and with respect to iran she worked to impose the toughest sanctions against iran. >> a government watchdog group who has reviewed rises financials say the leaves been out there but only this week got a second look. >> every single cabinet secretary or appointee, people will go through their past and history and ask questions. >> on monday can the head of u.s. africa command is scheduled to speak at george washington university. and he will most certainly get questions whether the military could have done more during the benghazi attacks on 9/11. judge, back to you. >> the questions about susan rice don't end there. in 1998, rice was assistant secretary of state for african affairs when the u.s. embassy, as i said, in both nairobi and kenya were bombed by al qaeda,
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killing 12 americans and just like benghazi, additional security can requests had been made before the attacks and were denied. with me now edith barkley, white house relatives were in the attack. >> thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> our con dole lenses to you for the lost of your brother and your father. i understand your father was counsel general at the embassy and your brother was in conditioning and was an intern serving at the embassy. >> correct. >> in the 14 years since this has happened, edith, you have fought for the families of diplomats and hoped that the department of state would be able to provide more protection for these diplomats. has anything happened as a result of your fight? >> our fight has been slow, and an uphill battle.
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we're proud to say that we have great bipartisan support, but 14 years is far too long. it's been extremely frustrating to see that, after the august 7th, 199le, embassy bombings, our public saw clearly the recommendations and findings that came out of the accountability review board that was tasked with looking into the circumstances surrounding the al qaeda attack of our embassy in east africa, and it was clearly documented in both the watered down report as well as the classified version year edith don't mean to interrupt you. you saw the watered down report. what do you mean? >> there are two versions of the accountability report, the public version and the classified version, that is clearly noted in the public version, and it's clearly note our embassy in east africa, there was very much known by our intelligence community, live, active cells, al qaeda cells
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in nairobi as early as 1996 prior to the bomb, it was also noted in the fine examination recommendations -- findings and recommendations in that report that they state department and our employees were not well-trained to look into and predict or pay attention to the possibility of transnational terrorism attacks -- >> let me ask you -- >> still there today. >> when you heard about benghazi, did you have a feeling that, oh, my god, they haven't learned anything? >> you know, you are stunned but not surprised. what was very troubling was the fact that this occurred on the anniversary date. if we have learned nothing else, we should know that on anniversary dates of major american attacks on american soil, we need to have heightened security, and it's troubling to know that our accountability report, not non 1999 but prior to that, specifically stated
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that our congress and those embassy bombings were a collective failure of several congresses and administrations to appropriate the necessary funding to address embassy security nationwide -- worldwide and what we have failed to do even now is to have an accountability report to have discussions and that we go on as business as usual, as opposed to really sitting down and really strategizing long-term, what can we do to address embassy security and the personnel and families impacted afterwards. >> here we are, same situation, 14 years later. edith bartlett, thank you for being if us. >> thank you. >> coming up, former attorney general, michael mukasey, questions susan rice's moral fitness to be our secretary of state. later, look at who the state department blames for the benghazi attack. the cia, the nsa, the military,
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>> it is clear that the information that you gave the american people was incorrect when she said it was a spontaneous demonstration triggeredded by a hateful video. it was not. and there was compelling evidence at the time that was certainly not the case. >> joining me now is former attorney general of the united states, michael mukasey. judge, it's so good to have you on. >> good to be here. >> i've been a fan of yours for many years, you have been confirmed twice as a federal judge and the united states attorney general, and you know what senate confirmation involves and you're not someone to get involved in political scraps. you're known as someone who is thoughtful and has a sense of
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judgment, doesn't engage in hyperbole, and i don't pay this many compliments to that many people but you certainly have a reputation that is well-deserved. you write an article, about susan rice, questioning her moral fitness. why? >> several reasons, starting with he benghazi episode, which is only the latest. she came out with this ridiculous clap trap that it was due to a video, which should should have questioned not only while she was there and the reliability of that information, given what else was out there, including from dianne feinstein and others, let alone the -- >> senator feinstein had already admitted al qaeda was probably involved. >> correct. add to that the fact she is out of the hole when benjamin netanyahu gets up to explain why this country has to stop iran from weaponnizing its stockpile
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of our -- uranium. she is nowhere to be seen when there's an emergency council meeting and she casts a veto against the israelis for building settlements. she cast a veto but says she agrees with he resolution and goes so far saying they shouldn't build on any territory captured in the '67 war. it's a long record. >> what is interesting about the record is we haven't heard about her. i believe the president talked about her accomplishments and has done an emex-player job at the u.n. what has she done? >> beats me. >> all right. why do you think she was called upon and not hillary clinton, to go on those television shows to talk about this make-believe video that -- and its spontaneous protests. why was she picked? >> two reasons, i would think.
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one is essentially as an audition, to be the next secretary of state, and the second was that she was imminently qualified by virtue of knowing absolutely nothing about the subject, as she herself said. >> and what about the fact that the statement that she brought out, and after going and meeting with senators graham, mccain, they came out even more disturbed about her. do you think we'll ever get to the truth? and how can we get to the truth. >> the only way to get to the truth is if congress appoint as joint special committee to take a look at benghazi. not just at her statements. her statements are really the tip of the proverbial iceberg. what is the problem is what happened before, during, and after, when that doesn't all stem from the administration's desire and the president's desire while he was running for re-election, to tell everybody there was no terrorist problem,
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al qaeda is on the run, we killed bin laden, it's over, it's time to pivot to something else, and if they're action and inaction were informed by that point of view, then we should have a very serious questions. >> what about, finally in terms of her senate -- possible senate confirmation hearings. she will then have to state under oath what it was that -- what information was given to her and whether or not there were al qaeda talking points in there. >> well, seems to me that the first question -- one of the first questions ought to be who briefed it, and at that point they can start pulling on a spies of spaghetti and see what's at the other end. >> well, thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> coming up, past performance by susan rice as u.s. ambassador provides any hint of what she would be like as secretary of state, fasten your seatbelts and
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take out the truth serum. later, the state department is throwing anyone and everyone under the bus for the benghazi attack, including your grandmother. could hillary clinton be at the wheel?
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>> ambassador susan rice and her qualifications to be the next secretary of state have dominated the headlines. with me now is man uniquely able to speak about the debate. richard grinell. >> i good evening. >> i understand i'm to call you
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rick. >> my friend call me rick. >> why do you think susan rice is not qualified to be the secretary of state? >> well, i think her past performance shows she is just not able to be america's diplomat, top diplomat. she hasn't performed very well since she has been at the u.n. and i am uniquely qualified to critique her performance at the u.n. and i have been watching closely, and it's time and time again when there's a tough fight, she really avoids confrontation. she is in washington a lot of the time. doesn't spend a lot of time in new york. as you know the office is in new york. the security council is supposed to be in session regularly, and she is more times than not, not there. and so i think the record performance at the u.n. speaks for itself, and anyone who thinks she is deserving of a promotion should realize she doesn't deserve a promotion, she
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should be fired. she has been a terrible representative nor united states. >> when i was talking with judge mccasey, one of the things he mentioned in his article is the fact that iran was allowed to get on the human rights commission as it relates to women's issues without any real objection by the united states. i fine that unbelievable. do you? >> it's totally unbelievable. and when they were elected she didn't speak out afterwards. even if she wants to say i didn't realize the election was coming up, or it came out of the blue, once they were eye selected there was no condemnation from rice, i've been at the u.n. and if you go there and want to be liked, you're not going to be very effective. i wrote this piece that shared 30 points why susan rice should not get a promotion, and all has to deal with things that happened before benghazi. so, there's a plethora of evidence out there that every single time a controversial issue came up, that she was
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nowhere to be found0. en iran, she waited 17 months before she tried to offer any resolution. the draft resolution put forward by the united states was actually taken out of her hands. the state department secretary clinton let somebody else negotiate it. we have not seen another resolution in 30 months. so she has passed one resolution, and with that one resolution she lost more support than all of the previous five resolutions combined. >> you know what's interesting, i have those 30 reasons in the article you wrote about why she shouldn't be secretary of state, and i think number five is interesting. she failed to speak out when colonel gadhafi's libya was elected to the u.n. human right commission. why even make friends? what's the point? >> when you go there, there's all sort office groupings, the africa group, the arab group, all these ambassadors are looking to give you dinner party invites, and if you want to be
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the popular ambassador, then you can't speak out against countries. that's just the way the ump n. goes. you don't talk bad beside anything. that's why when john bolton went there and would absolutely call the situation it's was unfolding and say, don't think libya should be on the human rights council when they're abusing their own people. it just seems normal for most people. but at the u.n. it seems like a crazy radical idea. >> well, all right. rick, thanks so much for joining us thing evening. i guess there's a lot more we're going to hear about susan rice in the coming weeks. >> all right, coming up, the state department is doing everything it can to put the blame for benghazi on anyone but themselves. >> and alert, congressman pet peter king, on the benghazi investigation. will we ever get to the truth?
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jeanine." responsible for the security failure that led to the four americans losing their lives in benghazi? if you believe the state department, it's anyone but them. with me is national security analyst casey mcfarland, and fox news military analyst, u.s. army colonel david hunt. welcome to two of my favorites. other colonel hunt, who is driving the blame game? i know who i believe but it's going like this right now in washington. >> i don't think there's anything -- it's clear to me that white house driven. it's not state department or secretary or defense or cia. this is a white house-driven cierre know. >> your our man or woman who was
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in washington. did susan rice not know the truth? >> look, everybody knew the truth. everybody night was al qaeda from the very beginning. >> the question is who didn't know? >> a good question. where did she get her marching orders, and why her? i think it's because hillary rodham hillary clinton looked at that and she said issue don't want to go out there like colin powell did at the united states nations saying there was weapons weapons weapon and there went his career. so ambassador rice says what she is told to say. good soldierses salute and say whatever they're told to say. >> if someone made a mistake to the american public, five times, would you expect them to come out and say -- >> immediately. >> look, i made a mistake. maybe i ought to take that one back a little?
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>> she also came out without a lot of qualifications, came out saying -- she should have said, what we know now, at this point. she didn't, she said definitively it wasn't terrorists. that was a red flag. >> clearly the president of libya, colonel, came out right and said it was preplanned terrorist act and we know it was al qaeda. everybody knew it. where did she get this spontaneous protests in the youtube video? who gave her those talking points? forget about who took out al qaeda. who made up the fairy tale? >> that's the white house. she is reading from a script. we had four separate ways of communicating and gathering information within hours. everyone in that chain of command from the president on down knew what happened. not five days, not two weeks later. within hours we knew what happened. >> you know, what's interesting about that is if you get your talking points from the intelligence community -- >> it wasn't, though. >> but she had access to president's daily briefing.
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the cia doesn't issue unclassified reports on something like this. >> the cia would have sent their stuff to the white house. the nfc would have prepped her. here are your talk points. this is the theme. it would not have cop directly from the intelligence agency the u.s. ambassador. >> oh. >> it was coordinated. >> what about the fact that she said that there was no question about this in her mind, and she ended saying, it was what the military, the intelligent gave us. she didn't go near the state department or the white house. she was very specific. this is what the intelligence community gave us. >> but at this point i think your whole point is right where you say everybody is blaming everybody else. three months later and the only thing we know for sure is david petraeus had a mistress. we don't know who did what
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before, during, and after. that's why i think the administration, frankly, has gotten away with it, a cover upup and a lie, and unless there's confirmation hearings, nobody is going to go under oath and say the truth. >> we have the cia and the dod and everybody blaming each other. but hillary says i'm taking responsibility, and the president says, blame me. there's no accountability. >> for not having top security aides -- not responding, the department of defense or the white house. nobody in between. we move force. never got the order to go in and help in benghazi, period. >> that's the white house. >> yeah. the other thing find really offensive is in 1998 we have never gone back after the people who did the acts. >> true. >> in 1998, when they bombed the u.s. embassy and the uss coal, osama bin laden said they didn't
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respond and we did 9/11. so at this point nobody is fighting them. we're fighting each other. >> not only that. the fbi gets in there three weeks later to check it out, and without leaving with evidence. colonel david hunt, and casey mcfarland, it's a pleasure. and coming up, congressman peter king still fuming over benghazi. and later, it's the holidays, but you can't top this random act of kindness.
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>> the congressional investigations into the benghazi master continue but will the american public and the families of the four killed in that attack ever get justice? joining me now is congressman peter king,; good evening, congressman. >> thanks for having me on. >> it's been 11 weeks since the infamous presentation by susan rice on the five morning shows that sunday where she said this was not preplaned and it was spontaneous reaction to a youtube video. now, 11 weeks later she comes out this week, this past tuesday, she meets with senators mccain, graham, and io, and they say they have even more problems they had when she first came on. what is going on with her? >> i wish i knew. this is just -- never added up
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from the start, and each day, each week, gets more confusing. the president admits she had nothing to do with libya. didn't know anything about it. yet she was sent out as the administration's spokeswoman and says she relied on four sentences of unclassified talking points. if that were true, that would be the height of irresponsibility. she has access to all the classified top secret information, and to think you go on five national shows relying on four sentences makes no sense. she had to have been told what really happened. >> not only because of that, because she had access the presidential daily briefings, but also the fact that the white house, state department, pentagon, everybody is watching in real-time from the drone, from the audio, the visual. we all know it was a flatout lie. what i want to know, peter -- you were the first person to come out from the intel hearing and say there was a problem, who took out the words, al qaeda,
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and terrorrity. what i want to know is, who came up with the idea of the youtube video? that's not in anything. and who came up with this responsible -- spontaneous demonstration? >> that was based ton the fact that demonstrations in cairo were supposedly based upon the youtube video, and took that story and applied it to benghazi, even though that's no real evidence to back it up. getting back to the walking points and she said she relied on them. i never believed that from the start. secondly, as we said, the talking points were changed, and originally the people in the intelligence community said they have no idea who changed them. after that you have the director of national intelligence a week ago says it was his unit that changed it. any other day, with susan rice in senator mccain and graham, and the acting director of the
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cia said the fbi changed it. and later the cia called back and said it was the cia that changed it. how can you have this? this is a gang that can't shoot straight unfortunately four americans were killed in the process. >> i think the american people certainly are entitled to answers, and yet all of these hearings seem to be closed-door hearings, and the families still haven't gotten the answer they wanted, and it's amazing now, susan rice is being considered as the secretary of state, as hillary clinton leaves. so, is there anything that would cause you to change your mind regarding whether or not she is or should become the secretary of state? >> no. again, that's for the senate to vote on. i had called for her resignation in september. i was the first one to do it. and i have the same doubts for her as secretary of state. she has to explain why she allowed herself to be used.
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she is extremely intelligent, very able person, but to allow herself to be used and to mislead the american people and the world on such a vital issue, where four americans were killed, and to keep that story for months, and now she has had to change the story, tried to explain herself out of and it she has not been able to do it. susan collins, friend of mine, and she introduced susan race four years ago when she was made u.n. ambassador and she had more criticism. >> is think it comes down to the fact that people don't want to be lied to. you can make a mistake. you cannot know all the information. but to change the information and somehow say that because something happened in egypt that obviously jumpedded of to benghazi within a few hours is absurd and people don't want to tolerate that.
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do you think anyone will be able to say, you know to susan rice, you knew, you had access to presidential daily briefings. you were smarter than everyone else. you should have understood that you can't go in and make stuff up. do you think anyone will be able to put her feet to the fire? >> we have to to. we had a course in recall with hypothetical fact. this is real. four americans were killed. they were not able to provide security. there's some sort of coverup going on. >> the amazing part is that when certain people stand up and say, oh, i take responsibility, but you can't really ask him any questions get any straight answers, then you have to wonder what actually is going on there, and will -- >> how can four people take responsibility for the same thing, after they all originally denied anyone was responsible. then one-by-one they're taking responsibility. and nothing is happening.
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they're still sitting there. >> all right. always good having you on. congressman peter king. thanks for being with us. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> be sure to watch fox tomorrow with john boehner and timothy geithner. >> if we go over the fiscal cliff, will your tack goes up? you betcha. how much? >> later, sometimes police officers get a bad rap. now a video may change the way you look at those guys in blue.
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i think we ought to recognize this entire fiscal cliff as an artificial invention of washington, created by people
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in the congress and the presidency, and it can be broken down by them into a series of steps that can be taken without having to be rushed into one gigantic last-minute, little-understood, no hearings, one vote, up or down. i think it's a terrible way to govern the united states. >> only one month ago before we dive off the fiscal cliff. but as former speaker gingrich rights, is there an easy solution? let's ask new jersey g.o.p. assembly leader john bramnick, and pat goodell. >> what is the fiscal cliff and what does it mean to the viewers? >> first, the business community and regular people want to know whether they're taxes are going to go up across the board. this is about state taxes and personal income taxes. >> i'm a regular guy. i got a family, couple of kids, i live in middle america anywhere. this fiscal cliff, if we go over
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it, what's going to happen to me? >> first of all, the way you sell your house has to do with capital gains. the value of your house might fall. income taxes go up, the entire economy, markets are going to worry whether the government can lead. >> i don't have any stocks. i don't care about the market. what does it mean to me, john doe. >> your tax goes up. moyer payroll taxes. >> pay rowe taxes are go up anyway obamacare kicks in and we're going to have a reduction on social security taxes. that's going to happen anyway. that's not the real issue at stake here. what we have going on with the country -- the politicians tearing each other apart or fighting as usuals is really over mastery, and this last few days is critical. what happened is the republicans want to step into the trap set for them by the democrats, which is, as the spider said to the
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fly, step into my parlor. and the republicans have a big hammer. when barack obama went out and overreached. this idea he should set the debt limit. if i were a republican, i would say stop everything. we're going to fight. >> i think the rep -- republicans have a communication problem. when the president gets up, he talks about middle class family and the ohio. i get it. then the republicans say, economy, and the debt ceiling, and the debt. it's not personal with what obama is saying. even in that game he wins. >> i'm not sure the republicans have done a great job in terms of how they communicate and we saw that in the last election. but this president is not leading. we saw this in new jersey, where governor christie, and an $11 billion deficit. he had a fiscal cliff. he brought everybody in. he knew where the middle road
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was and -- >> he didn't fall off it. >> exactly. >> i'm joe smith. and i think that the dems want to raise taxes and the republicans want spending cuts, and as far as i'm concerned, i'd rather have the rich people pay taxes than me lose my entitlements. pat goodell can that work? >> people want at the rich to pay more because, okay, they should pay more. at the same time they don't want the economy to go in the hole. the other thing is they don't want the country to go broke, and what the republicans fail to do they fail to community indicate. they couldn't communicate themselves out of 0 wet babier bag. they don't hold barack obama accountable. you're the president and should lead on spending. this move of his give himself powers no president has had you take that to the country and say, you want him deciding he can spend whatever he wants. >> like removing the debt ceiling. >> exactly. i'm saying that's the issue.
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>> you're saying now that the president should outline the cuts because nobody is going the table to say this has to come off. >> the president has to come up with a reasonable solution that sells. >> why should he if he can blame the republicans? >> at the end of the day, its the era of this president. no one remembers who the speaker was during the depression. >> right. sounds like august 2011, the republicans took a beating over what happened. guess who really paid the price? the president of the ute had his lowest ratings, his worst political trouble, lost the district the new york, in vegas. why? because the president is supposed to lead the country. and that is -- >> the people want to -- they expect the president to fix it. >> thanks for being with us this evening. finally, it was a cold night in new york that served as a backdrop to one of the most
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profoundly generous acts of kindness by one human being toward another. it wasn't what you would imagine. police officers, frequently bashed for brutality and innocence different. helping the homeless and the less fortunate among us. the first thought i had when i saw the picture of the police officer on his knees and heard he had bought socks and shoes for a homeless man, on a cold night, was how proud his parents must be. i spoke to angela, officer deprimo's mother, today. she wasn't surprised her son engaged in this generous act of kindness or he dug deep into this pockets with no motivation other than to help a fellow human being. as a mother, my compliments to the parents of larry deprimo. as an american, my compliments to officer deprimo for re-affirming our faith in humanity. during this holiday season, we should all pay it forward. to help those less fortunate
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than we are. >> that's it for us tonight. thanks for joining us, and follow me on twitter and facebook. let's be friends. and don't forget to pick up a copy of my new book, sly fox. it makes a great stocking stuffer for all of you who have been naughty and nice. see you next week. depends on the size of
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