tv Happening Now FOX News December 4, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PST
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he's eating unlunc unlunch in the cafeteria. probe plea a little shocked. and this guy was shocked when his dad was waiting in the lunch line. what a nice reunion. bill: a great holiday too to have that. that is the best present you can get. a little kid waiting for mom and dad checking off the days. merry christmas early. see you tomorrow, everyone. martha: bye everybody. see you tomorrow. jon: former president george w. bush set to take the podium any moment in dallas expected to deliver a speech about the months tiff impact of immigratio positive impact on immigration. we'll bring it live as it happens. dozens of atlanta students and teachers treated for carbon monoxide poisoning back in school today. what caused the potentially
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deadly gas leak. and it's all "happening now." jenna: with the united states heading towards that fiscal cliff house republicans are now offering up a plan of their own to avert that combination of spending cuts and tax hikes. it's set to welcome us all on january 1st if they don't have an agreement. i'm jenna lee. jon: some kind of welcome that would be. i'm jon scott. within hours of seeing the proposal the white house slammed the g.o.p. offer saying quote their plan provides nothing new and provides no details on what deductions they'll limb nature, loopholes they will close or which medicare savings they would achieve. house speaker john boehner inc insists his offer is the best one on the table calling it a credible plan that deserves
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serious consideration by the white house. jenna: mike emanuel is with us. certainly a challenge to find this ideal plan. what is holding it up. >> reporter: the chairman of the senate budget committee wants a large come proceed hence i have deal in the range of $5 trillion and says a grand bargain can get done if everybody kaoels cool and doesn't overreact to every valley over the net. he this is a camp david-style summit might help things move around. a senate republican told greta van susteren it's time to be honest about retirement benefits. >> you and i need to pay a little more into the system because we can afford it. that is the kind of entitlement reform we need. >> reporter: that gets older americans and their groups all worked up thinking you could be messing with their benefits. jenna: a hot toeupb hot topic,
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and taxes. it seems they need to have some sort of increase in taxes. how does that play out. >> reporter: the statement from the white house said until the republicans are willing to get serious about asking the wealthyist to pay slightly higher tax rates there won't be a significance balanced approach to reducing the deficit. here is a house republican on higher rates. >> republicans are willing to make sure we don't go over this fiscal cliff but at the same time don't harm this economy. what has to happen here if the president shows a little leadership we are willing to stay in the room and stay here and we are willing to get this done. that's why you saw a proposal that is raoeubl reasonable that meets his criteria. >> reporter: steny hoyer said in the next few days we will see substantive movement in private to get this done. jenna: we'll continue to watch the play-by-play, mike, thank you. jon: right now we are continuing to await a speech by former
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president george w. bush, the speakers are taking to the podium there to get ready to introduce the former president. he is set to address a conference there in dallas, where he will spotlight the positive impact of immigration on u.s. economic growth. this as the g.o.p. looks to attract more hiss to the party. meantime mr. bush's father, former president george h.w. bush is spending another day in the hospital being treated for bronchitis and a lingering cough. we told you about that last week when we first found out that he was there. the 88-year-old former president is in stable condition. no record on when he is to be released. ab stoddard is a former editor for the hill. bush 43 has been fairly quiet throughout the first term of the obama administration. now the president has been reelected, george w. bush sort
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of comes out a little bit to make this big address, why? what is the timing about, do you think? >> i think the timing was shrewd. he really made a point of staying quiet during the first couple of years of president obama's administration, saying that he wanted the about the to be able to do his job, he didn't think he needed a former president to go out there and do somed tore ra some editorializing. he gave some peaches, enjoyed his life. he was not the subject of any praeurbgsz in fact not the subject at all at the republican convention in tampa in august. as mitt romney was trying to win the presidentee again, george w. bush was really a recluse. i think now that the election is over the republicans lost. he wants to have a role in one of his causes. immigration is a passion he shares with his brother jeb, former governor of florida who
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is thinking of his own political future and possibly a white house run and wants to help in the reset of the republican party which will include taking a serious look at actually finally engaging on immigration reform. jon: fair to say hispanics did not exactly flock to mitt romney this time around. george w. bush did pretty well with them both four years ago and eight years ago. >> reporter: very well, he got about 41% in his last election, that is a number republicans are going to have to meet in order to win the demographics of a presidential run and get a coalition that gets you the map to win the white house. 71-27, which it was this time is not going to get you the white house. you have to be upwards of 40%, possibly in future years higher than that. and george bush, with his compassionate conservatism, his texas heritage, the fact that he spent so much time there, speaking spanish, living in a place where the demographics were changing so quickly, unlike
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in many parts ever the rest of the country he knew this had to be a part of the republican tent and it's something republicans will need to listen to to change that math. jon: it's my understanding that former president bush has just taken to the podium there in dallas, where he is to make this big speech. so a.b. we'll say goodbye and listen for just a minute to what the former president has to say. >> i would like to thank the dallas federal reserve for hosting this. harvey, thank you very much, please thank your staff for accommodating us, and thank you -- and please beg our forgiveness for the inconveniences. i'm sorry richard is not here, he's a dear friend and is doing a fine job as the president and ceo of the fed. i want to thank our panel hr*eutss i've just spent panel lists. i've spent a procee productive hour speaking with them. they are knowledgeable and
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capable and have important knowledge about immigration. i want to thank mark langdale who is the president of the george w. bush foundation, as well as jim glassman, and amity. one of the thing amity. one of the things of the bush administration is to attract bright minds. there is no brighter mind than amity. she is the energizer bunny. [laughter] >> i want to thank people who had faith in our abilities to build a last be place of action. the bush center is housed at smu, and our building will be peoening next april. i can't wait for you to see it. it's spectacular piece of architecture and a wonderful landscape. we are thankful to smu for its gracious hospitality.
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the institute, even though the building is not open the institute is up and running. we are a nonpartisan-action oriented institute that focuses on human freedom. for example, we are working to free people from ignorance. we are staunch defenders of accountability in the public schools to make sure every child can read and write and add and subtract. as well we are leading a reform movement on how best to recruit and train school principals. we are working to free people from disease, so we're leading a significant effort to save women from dying from cervical cancer on the continent of afica. thanks to the generosity of our
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country, many women receive anti-retroviral drugs and turn out living, it turns out the hiv virus is a precursor of cervical cancer. we are going to do something about it at the bush center. all life is precious and we are acting upon that moral truth. we are promoting free societies. we believe that the freedom movements taking place for example in the middle east will ultimately lead to peace. we apalo believe that women will lead the the freedom movement in the middle east. to this end wse,ve started an initiative to help egyptian women find their rightful place in a new egypt. we are helping the defenders of feedom, and that is we're helping our vets. finally as amity mentioned we are tpowe are fostering human
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freedom by free enterprise and free markets. the 4% solution is a product. we just don't sit around and think, we actually produce results, and here is one of the resultults it's a book written y a renowned economists. jon: has george w. bush, obviously speaking in dallas in font of the federal reserve group there. apparently the big topic is to be immigration today, but hse,s also talking about a number of other things. we will have them streaming for you live on if re wd you like to continue to listen to the former president's remarks. in the meantime let's get back to a.b. stoddard from the hill for one kick qystion or maybe two. a.b., the party is trying to set itself up to be more are.ealing to hispanics. there should be a lot of things in the republican platform, i guess, that hispanics and
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immigrants like, but so far they have not been able to sell those items. how do they do that? how do they succeed in the future? >> well the political pressure on conservatives is tremendous to not provide a path for illegapal that can be perceived as amnesty. it's much like the grover norquist pledge on taxes, anything that sounds like they will be rewarded for breaking the law and they will get an easy past is considered amnesty. jon: ronald reagan did it, didn't he? >> yes. republicans are a natural homss, they believe, for latinos. they are the party of opportunity, and hard work, of entrepreneurs and they are pro family. they have to start to speak about these issues where it doesn't sound like they are breaking up families. the republicans are trying to
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promote for science, technology and engineering and math, whether it's a high skilled visa or a low skilled advice a whether it's farm workers, domestic workers who clean hotepal this is all immigrant labor, and this apalo has an economic component in addition to the fact that many of their churches are telling them we can no longer side with this anti-immigration position. so it is changing out from under them and i think they are going to look for a way that they can change policy without a political backlash. joons we will be talking more about the upcoming elections a little bit later in the hour. a.b. stoddard, thank you. >> thank you. jenna: serious new concerns about a deteriorating situation in syria. why turkey says the bashar al-assad regime may be coming for it next and what our nato ally says it needs to protect its own people. we have a live report just ahead. [ man ] ring ring... progresso
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this reduced sodium soup says it mahelp lower cholesterol, how does it work? you just he to eat it as part of your heart healthy diet. step 1. eat the soup. all those veggies and beans, that's what may help lower your cholesterol and -- well that's easy [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> reporter: they are trying to push forward and march towards the presidential palace. it's a risky move that could cause conflict of supporters of mohammed morsi. the riot police seem to have the protestors bottled up in the square. the goal to march on the presidential palace failed today for the opposition. jenna: the question is whether we are headed toward potentially more violence in the streets. we'll keep an eye on what is happening in the streets today. jon: high levels of a deadly gas forced the evacuation of an elementary school forcing dozen of students to the hospital. an update on that story moments away
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of carbon monoxide at an atlantiat atlanta elementary school. >> reporter: there is no law in the state of georgia that requires schools or buildings to install carbon monoxide detectors. this is an invisible gas that can be very, very dangerous when it's found in high levels, and so this happened at a school outside of atlanta, they were fixing a faulty boiler, the boiler went bad causing the carbon monoxide fumes to seep into the school. over 40 kids and seven adults were all sickened because of this. taken to a hospital. four kids actually passed out as a result of this. as you said another school nearby is going to house these kids until the faulty boiler is fixed. the problem is solved. but in the meantime there might be a new push to require schools in the state of georgia to have carbon monoxide detectors.
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it really is something that should be installed in all places where people gather, especially in people's homes. it could be a lifesaver. as we learn more information about the situation in atlanta we'll pass it along. jon: scary stuff. rick folbaum thank you. jenna: the u.s. making it very clear today that no american drones are missing in the middle east. this comes after iran state television showed this image amid claims tha it captured this vehicle after it entered iranian air space. our navy is responding saying the u.s. navy has accounted for all unmanned vehicles operating in the middle east region. they are confined to internationally recognized water and air spoers. space. molly henneberg joins us. what is the background to this mystery. >> reporter: navy owe eugs figureseofficials say we do have allies in the region that
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use these type of drones, the united arab emirates and kuwait. iran did not say when or where it captured the scan eagle just that it entered iranian air space. we don't have a lot of information besides that. we do know that the navy did lose one of these scan eagle drones back in october, but naval officials say that it went down in the persian gulf, that it broke apart as these drones are designed to do, and that they believe it sank into the persian gulf. jenna. jenna: so, if the iranians do indeed have this unmanned aerial vehicle, what type of information can they get from it? >> reporter: it's a low-cost, low tech drone. basically it's a camera that can transmit pictures via radio waves. it is possible the iranians can get information about what the drone was trying to look at based on its location. that's about it. it's not as nearly sophisticated as the cia drone that went down in iran hr-s year. yo last year.
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you may remember that video, it had stealth technology and it was kau captured almost intact. the u.s. asked for that drone back and they released pictures of iranian sty inch 'tises studying it. this scan eagle is much less sophisticated. and u.s. officials say all of its unmanned aerial drones in that region are quote, fully accounted for. jenna: thank you. jon: suddenly immigration is a hot topic in the republican party. some proimmigratio proeupl proimmigration reform conservatives are launching a campaign to get them to take up their case. it's been nearly three months since the four americans died in that deadly attack on our consulate in libya. the investigation goes on. we'll have the latest.
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jon: you justeard former president george w. bush at the top of the hour giving a speech about immigration reform in texas. a hot button issue that is sure to be a topic tonight at an event featuring two ricing stars of the republican party. florida senator marco rubio and wisconsin congressman paul ryan will layout their vision -gs for the futurvisions for the future of the g.o.p. as another group of proimmigration conservatives are taking to capitol hill today to make their case for reforms that they believe would help grow the republican voter base.
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will any of this reach key republicans? joining us for a fair & balanced debate, simon rosenberg, a former clinton campaign adviser and president and founder of ndn, just for clarity, a democrat. and the former chairman of the republican party of virginia. kate, does the republican party mead to change its position on immigration? >> well, does it darn dash no it needs to actually star, it needs to talk bim congratulations. strstrategic decisions were made to stay away from the issues that affected these democrat i cans that the republicans did terrible with. the democrats define you on these positions, then as anti-immigration or as the president defined the republicans as the enemy of latino, he actually used that word. rips have to start being savvy and realize that their message is won't that truly does appeal to immigrants, the one of hope and opportunity. why do immigrants come to the
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united states? for freedom and prosperity. republicans have to start conveying they are the party of freedom and prosperity and start talking about legal immigration. look at these people around the world who have spent their life savings wanting to come to the land of the free legally. there are plenty of things, the stem immigration program that encourages those who have science and mathematical training and technology to stay here. let's get smart about how we talk about immigration and some of the leaders we put forward toess spouse conservative positions on immigration. we are running away from the issue when we need to embrace the free market principles around free and legal immigration. jon: i'm old enough to remember when ronald reagan reformed immigration. it was supposed to be the be all, end all fix all, but he did and a number of people who were in the country illegally won amnesty, but i guess there isn't the memory of that among those who want a similar deal today.
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>> reporter: well, it is important to recognize, jon as you say that republicans have long been leaders in trying to make a better immigration system, whether it's ronald reagan or george bush or john mccain, this has historically not been a terrible lee partisan issue. it has been in recent years, for a generation there was broad bipartisan support for reforming the immigration system in a way that reagan and others tried to do. i'm an optimist that something meaningful can get done next year i. think the republicans are recognizing they need to get smart about this. it's not just about politics but solving problems. if the republicans can stay focused on making sure the immigration system is better, that it meets the needs of our economy, does so in a way consistent with our values i think the two parties can come together next year and continue to make changes that will make the current immigration system better than it is today. jon: okay, but kate let's just say that happens, does president obama and maybe the democrats then get all the credit? >> well it's not going to really happen that way, because
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president obama, his goal is to vilify the republican party, i talk about it in my book, divider and chief constantly portraying them as hostage takers the eve enemy. even if we abandon all of our principles and go along with the mainstream media and what they want it will not be enough and obama will continue to vilify them. the republicans need to focus on grass root strategy, identifying hispanics and members of other demographic groups that could be swing voters. identify them and thet their targeted message out there too them so we can have a genuine debate on the issues, instead of villa my those who disagree with the president. let's have a discussion as simon said the economic benefits, how we can do this in a way that will benefit all americans, instead of just saying, oh, heck, we lost the election we'll just abandon all of our principles. jon: simon i like what you had to say and i think the whole country is looking for bay
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bipartisan solutions to some of these thorny questions that are out there. from a republican standpoint, and knowing you're a democrat, from a republican standpoint what is the motivation to help the president do something that he's likely to take or at least get the credit for? >> i think if the republicans are earnest and work with the president they'll get a lot of question too i don't think this is about credit taking. i grew up under bill clinton who always said the best politics is good governing and i think we need to see more focus on solving problems and getting things done in washington than playing politics. i think to recognize there's been real progress made, right the border is safer today, the immigration system is better, the two parties worked together to do that over the last few years. there are still some meaningful things that need to get done. the d.r.e.a.m. act, we have to fix the low-end and high-end visa system. the mexicans are going to do a whole boar border system.
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i think there will be a lot of room to work together next year to get something meaningful done. if the republicans are earnest and play it straight i think they'll get a lot of credit for working with the democrats to fix the broken immigration system and making it better. jon: getting something meaningful done, it seems like a longtime since that's happened in washington. we'll look forward to it. simon rosenberg. kate obenshane thank you much. jenna: the nato alliance warning the assad regime in syria against using chemical weapons against his own people. this is an attempt to for once and for all crush the 21-month rebellion there. nato is considering a turkish request for patriot missiles to defend its borders from syria. james rosen is live at the state department with more on all of
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this. >> reporter: good morning. the horror of the syrian civil war seems to grow exponentially. today's rationing of death out of damascus comes from a state run media. a mortar round has killed one teacher and 29 students. video provided but impossible for us to verify shows syrian government warplanes conducting a bombing run in damascus. the fighting in the capitol over the past six days has reached a level of intensity not seen the summer as rebels try to topple the assad government. nato is expected to approve turkey's request for the missiles so as to guard against possible syrian missile attacks using chemical nerve agents. nato warned the assad government against such a move, indicating that u.s. intelligence has
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detected suspicious movements where the regime stores and maintains its chemicals. they were vague in their discussion of potential consequences. >> the world is watching. the use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable, and if you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences, and you will be held accountable. >> i'm not going to telegraph in any specifics what we would do in the event of credible evidence that the assad regime has resorted to using chemical weapons against their own people, but suffice it to say we are certainly planning to take action if that eventuality were to occur. >> reporter: it was only in july
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that syria for the first time acknowledged having biological and chemical weapons. the assad regime in its fruitless efforts to quash this two-year uprising is believed to have killed some 40,000 people. jenna. jenna: we also have just learned from "the washington post" that potentially syria is being used as a training ground for al-qaida in the area. we'll be talking to an fbi special agent about that next hour. thank you so much for the update. we'll continue to watch it. >> reporter: thank you. jon: there are new questions being asked about the investigation into the u.s. consulate attack in libya. nearly three months after that deadly assault that left four americans, including our ambassador dead, the only suspect in custody has not even been interviewed. the tw man is refusing to speak to the fbi and the investigation seems to be at a standstill. catherine herridge live in washington with more so what is holding up the fbi and the interrogation process, catherine. >> reporter: thank you and good morning. as you mentioned the loane lone suspect in custody is a tunis
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ian man. he has not been interviewed by the fbi and will not talk to the bureau until he has legal representation with him. there are no known public photos of the man. fox news is told that he was first identified as a suspect through comments he made on social networks connecting him to the attack. he is seen as a suspected participant and an instigator of the terrorist assault. with the fbi investigation at a standstill the senior commander for africa told reporters yesterday that one of the two groups implicated in the attack is gaining strength. >> in the islamic m magrabb we believe is an al-qaida affiliate, from kidnappings for ransom, involvement in the drug trade, illicit trafficking, in things such as fuel, tobacco and what have you. they have a lot of money. now they have a lot of weapons. >> reporter: the fbi has not
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been commenting on the case citing their ongoing investigation, jon. jon: what are we learning about the decision to close down the cia annex in benghazi? >> reporter: it's worth contrasting the status of the consulate with that. while the consulate site has never been secured, fox news is told that the cia annex in benghazi was shuttered by september 12th less than 24 hours after the attack. all classified information was removed or pwurpbld. burned. the decision to close down the annex same at 5:15 local time when the annex took fire from two mortars. the process began the night before after the consulate was attacked in the evening hours. the initial stages of the agency's proscribed evacuation kicked in as a cautionary step. once it was clear they could not sustain their position that was wrapped up and they were able to get everything out, classified information, either moved or destroyed by about 7:00am local time. so the contrast is that within hours the cia was able to close
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down their operation, and that consulate has never been secured by any u.s. personnel, jon. jon: and it's almost three months later and still all of these questions. >> reporter: that's correct, uh-huh. jon: thank you, catherine herridge. jenna: they are saying no thanks to a key provision of president obama's healthcare reform. we'll look at what this means as washington begins to put the law into effect. time is running out for a girl whose mother took her out of this arizona hospital. the latest on the search for this 11-year-old girl, this 11-year-old leukemia patient who is urgently in need of medical care. two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. d bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else.
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east-west spans. it's gone now. traffic on i70 had to be diverted for an hour while the explosion took place. they are demolishing the bridge to get ready for something newer and better. jenna: they said spectators were a little too close at the beginning. you had personal experience with that didn't you, jon. jon: early in my today rear i watched in local news as an earthen dam was blown up and they thought we were plenty far away. it was like something out of a cartoon, we heard whistling stuff through the air, and dirt claudes and stuff was landing all around us. jenna: you were surprised. jon: we were surprised. jenna: glad to share that with you from missouri. in arizona a search is underway for an 11-year-old cancer patient whose mother took her from a children's hospital last weekend. doctors really say this this
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little girl could be running out of time. rick folbaum is live in our new york city newsroom with more. >> police say the girl could die in a matter of days unless she is found and taken back to a hospital for treatment. her name is emily bracamonte, she is 11 years old, she has been getting chemo to treat her leukemia for the past month. there have been complications, she developed an infection. doctors had to amputate part of one of her arms and insert a catheter into her heart. she apparently had that catheter in when for some reason her mother norm a removed the iv. dressed her in street clothes and walked her out of the front door of the hospital last wednesday night. the catheter is the biggest certain for doctors. leaving it in too long could lead to another infection, one that could kill her they say. the girl and her mother are american citizens, the girl's mother, louis bracamonte is mexican. he has a green card.
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neither parent is charged with a crime at this point. police are anxious to find this little girl to get her treatment. there is speculation that the mom took her out of the hospital over concern about paying medical bills. if we learn anything more about this we'll pass it along. jenna: sounds good. jon: president obama's healthcare reform law will not be fully implemented for more than a year. the administration is running into a road block involving a key provision, the state-run insurance exchanges. jim angle who knows everything joins us live to explain how these things are supposed to work. i guess a bunch of states have said no to establishing these health exchanges, right? >> reporter: you've got some in that category and some in the category of we don't know yet. states, two-thirds of them, jon have declined to make plans for the creation of any kind of insurance exchange under the healthcare law. at least 17 of them, though, have flatly reject the idea of the state-run exchange saying they'll leave it to the federal government. listen. >> the healthcare law is note
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popular in large parts of the country, number one, so it's not a politically difficult thing necessarily for a lot of these governors some say, you know what, this is an untested program, it's perfectly legitimate option for me to let the federal government run it. >> it is a federal law so we're going to let the federal government do their thing, do what they are going to do in oklahoma. >> reporter: now, jon analysts say this scenario was not clearly anticipated in that legislation of 2,000-plus pages. so there might also be some legal problems. jon. jon: what kind of legal problems? >> reporter: well, it depends on who you talk to. some critics argue the healthcare legislation did not provide the money or the authority for the federal government to run exchanges itself. as it now stands washington as we said will have to run at least 17 of them, maybe more. listen. >> if the state doesn't have a state exchange and those employees actually go to the federal exchange there may not be any subsidy because the law
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is unclear as it is written. >> if the federal government is going to go in and run exchanges in lots and lots of states it's going to need a new appropriation, it's going to need money and that is going to have to come from the house of representatives and they are going to meet real resistance there. >> reporter: real resistance indeed. the treasury department which would handle the finances told fox news, though, that it is confident that interpreting this provision to provide tax credits to individuals in every state is in fact supported by the statute, and our authority as they put it to interpret it. but, jon, critics argue it is anything but clear and will have to be resolved by the courts probably some say by the supreme court. here we go again, jon. jon: yeah, and the great thing in washington is if they need more money they can just print it, right? >> reporter: yeah, well we already need mor more money, that is the problem. jon: jim angle. good to talk to you on this tuesday. jenna: a heart-warming story
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this holiday season, one branch of our military affectin affect helping children affected by hurricane sandy. what they are doing, next. that really meets your needs? and your budget? as you probably know, medicare only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick some of what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs every year. call today to request a free decision guide. with this type of plan, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. if you're thinking about your options, call today. when you call, request
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jenna: i want to take you back to cairo, egypt where we are watching some developments across the news wires. what we heard earlier from steve harrigan there is a situation developing outside the presidential palace. what the news wires are telling us is that some of the protestors that are protesting president mor morsi have broken through the police lines near the presidential palace and they are being met by teargas and opposition from the police. why the situation is one that we are continuing to watch so closely is whether or not the people in the streets, the demonstrations reach a level of violence, because the big question for the egyptian government is what is next here?
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if the people continue to protest the constitution put in place by the president, that may or may not be ratified in a few weeks, what is next for this country? so we'll continue to watch the developments out of cairo, egypt today, bring you updates as we get them. jon: the blue angels navy stunt flying seem seems to be channeling santa claus you might say using one of its cargo planes to fly donated toys out to the many families still reeling from the devastation of super storm sandy. jonathan serrie rhode along with the team, he is live from new jersey. how did the blue angels get involved in this? >> reporter: it was a fun ride, jon. we got to fly along in that big c130 nicknamed fat albert as the blue angels picked up toy donations at lockheed martin, and other donations before delivering them here in new jersey. the mission of the blue angels is to showcase the capabilities of the navy and marines. the marines have been involved in toys or to thes for 65 years
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and all branches of the military are performing humanitarian missions around the world. before joining the blue angels aj harold flew multiple missions in southeast asia. >> you get to go around the world and do a lot of missions to help people out. it's very, very special to come to our backyard and neighborhoods and do the same thing for that stuff. bringing toys to kids it can't get much better than that. >> reporter: this year of course the blue angels delivering toys for to thes to residents hard hit by super storm sandy here in coastal areas of new jersey and also new york. last year we got to fly along with them as they made a similar toy run to alabama, helping several communities that were devastated by a rash of tornadoes that year, jon. jon: jonathan serrie in new jersey with the blue angels and fat albert. thank you. jenna: well do you like your internet just open and free. jon: i do, that's how i prefer
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it. jenna: a u.n. agency wants to -- well, maybe oversee the internet a little bit, create some new laws maybe for the internet. jon: they are so good at running things they are. jenna: there is an idea out there that the u.n. may put in some sort of new regulation for the internet. are they the right people to do it? what about sensor ships. big questions for our country and the web. we'll tell you about it next hour.
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use promo code: holidays. order now and get a special holiday gift: a document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands... a $29 value, free! call the number on your screen or go online and let lifelock protect your identity for 60 days risk-free. because during the holidays, keeping your identity protected means keeping your family protected. >> rick folbaum in the control room. brand new stories we're working on for you in the next 60 minutes. a story about al qaeda in iraq making a comeback including some details about the connection of these men who are accused of plotting major attacks including one on a u.s. embassy. we'll have the latest on the terror network and its role in the region. do you know this woman right here? if not you will soon will. she is washington state congresswoman cathy morris rogers. new to the republican leadership. she will join us live to
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talk about the fiscal cliff negotiations. a nightmare story straight from the subway tracks. a man pushed in front of a train. we'll have details from new york city. the second hour of "happening now" starts right now. jenna: former president george w. bush stepping into the spotlight to talk about two big topics in our country today, the economy of course and immigration. we welcome you to a second hour of "happening now." we're glad you're with us. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. a conference in dallas on economic immigration and growth. it highlights a story of immigrants making impact on the economy. president bush opening the event advocating for immigration reform to get the economy growing at a healthy rate. >> immigrants come with new skills and new ideas. they fill a critical gap in our labor market. they work hard for a chance for a better life.
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jon: our casey stiegel is keeping an eye on all of this live from dallas. >> reporter: jon, you're a pilot so i know you remember the jet age. we're talking about a point in american history in the '50s and '60s when our economy was growing at roughly 4% the bush institute here in dallas believes we can experience that once again. experts say immigrants play a big role getting us there. we'll take you inside the federal reserve bank back here behind me where these panels are underway now. a live look. that's what this conference is all about. economists in there say the reason immigrants are so important is because they now make up 16% of the nation's total workforce. they own more small businesses than u.s. natives. they write more patents. we can learn lessons in history. >> america's a nation of immigrants.
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immigrants have help build the country we have become and immigrants can help build a dynamic tomorrow. not only do immigrants help build our economy, they invigorate our soul. >> reporter: now analysts point out that the success of a business obviously has nothing to do with where its ceo or its owner hails from. take the company pinnacle, for example. it is an i.t. provider to fortune 500 companies generating some $200 million a year in revenue employing 4,000 people. pinnacle was found by a woman named nina vaca who came to this country from the ecuador. >> i grew up with such a fundamental appreciation for this country and every day i thank, i thank, i'm thankful and grateful that i live in a country that embraces entrepreneurship and allows people to really achieve the
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american dream. >> reporter: now nina is just one of the panelists talking here. a pretty interesting concept, jon, when everyone is looking at ways of strengthening the u.s. economy. jon: would be good to get back to 4%, wouldn't it? casey stiegel in dallas. >> reporter: sure would. jenna: staying with the economy for a moment there are new concerns about the economic impact of this crippling union strike at the nation's busiest seaports. more than 10,000 employees at the ports of los angeles and long beach are refusing to return to work. a similar situation back in 2002 cost the city an estimated one billion dollars a day and took supply chain more than six months to recover, affecting nearly everybody. there is concern this strike may have even greater impact considering the fragile state of the economy in our country. adam housley is live at the port in long beach. adam, what is the latest there? >> reporter: jenna both sides are actually meeting at the table right now as we
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speak, the mayor of los angeles, other political forces are here as well trying to push both sides forward to find a settlement if at all possible. 800 workers, clerical workers walked off the job here. because of that 10,000 longshoremen won't cross. we talked to both sides. clerical workers say they're upset for a number of reasons. their main contention once they retire their shock jobs are shipped overseas. they don't want the jobs outsourced. they walked out on the lines here. >> we are making progress but i will tell you we are committed to staying at the table to get this resolved. we understand each day it is a huge impact to the community. so we are working night and day to work with the companies to come up with a solution to the issue. >> reporter: meantime the, there is a statement from the los angeles long beach harbor employees association. they say in part, quote, the week-long strike by the clerks is now expected to extend into a second week
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leaving hundreds of thousands of people who support port operations without work and severely impacting the local and national economies. the strike's impact is widening and already costing the national economy billions of dollars by many estimates. so once again, jenna, at this hour both sides are meeting. there are a lot of political folks here trying to get them to come to terms but as we speak there are still 800 walking the line and 10,000 longshoremen who are not crossing. jenna: adam housley in los angeles, the long beach port. adam, thank you. jon: right now new violence in syria's civil war. state media there saying 29 students and a teacher were killed when a mortar slammed into a school outside damascus. and we have this. new amateur video said to be showing a government warplane on a bombing run over a damascus suburb. it is home to many rebels and their supporters. we can not confirm the authenticity of that video but we have no reasondoubt it e. conor powell live from jerusalem. >> reporter: jon, it appears
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the war in syria is entering a new phase. in recent days and weeks the syrian government faced a real military setback as rebels begin to advance towards damascus. that is one of the reason we've seen intense fighting around damascus and more and more of the syrian jets making bombing runs trying to attack the syrian opposition groups. the fear if the syrian government, the assad regime feels their grip is beginning to loosen and slip away that they will turn to chemical weapons. there is evidence according to u.s. around national intelligence officials say that the assad regime is beginning to prepare their chemical and biological weapons. yesterday secretary of state hillary clinton said that the use of chemical weapons is a red line while president obama said that the use of chemical weapons would bring about severe consequences. now what exactly that means is not clear but this is really the most muscular type of phrase and language that both clinton and obama have used to describe the war in syria.
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it does appear the united states is taking a sort of more proactive approach. it doesn't appear the u.s. is getting involved militarily but this language is different than the sort of diplomatic language we've seen in the past. this comes as syrian rebels are pushing in on damascus. we're also hearing that the u.s. and nato have decided to send patriot missiles to the turkish border along syria to help turkey prevent any type of attack from syrian jets. this is all as part of a plan to sort of put more and more pressure militarily pressure on the assad regime. whether or not it will change the outcome of this war or change the, sort of result of what the assad regime is doing is still very much unclear, jon. jon: the death toll continues to rise through all of this. conor powell, thanks. jenna: here is what we know about syria's chemical weapons. the country is home to one of the most advanced arsenals of chemical weapons in the entire world.
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it is also one of the countries, one of six countries not to ratify the chemical weapons convention. the assad regime acknowledged it does possess chemical weapons. it did so, did acknowledge this for the first time just over the summer and syria can deliver its chemical weapons by bomb, by missile or by rocket. syria also is suspected of having produced chemical weapons since the 1980s. so a lot to watch here out of syria. in moments we'll talk a little bit more about the syrian regime's crackdown against its own people but also a broader topic about al qaeda using syria as a place to train their operatives to spread terror around the region. that will be one of the topics we'll be talking about in less than 10 minutes. jon: right now breaking news in the fort hood shooting rampage trial. a military court is removing the judge from the case saying he was not impartial. rick folbaum has those new
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developments for us. >> reporter: we're tracking this from the newsroom. nidal hasan will get a new judge, says that judge he had, colonel gregory gross has not been impartial towards the mass murder suspect. the court saying colonel gross's order that hassan have his beard forcibly shaved off before his trial starts is proof of a lack of impartiality. colonel gross he made the order because the beard is disruption in the courtroom and violates army grooming rules. hassan says his muslim faith requires him to have the beard. the appeals court says it is not the judge's responsibility to make that call although colonel gross found hasan in contempt for six sings times to continue to have the beard. he is charged with the 2009 fort hood rampage that killed 13 and left dozens more injured. he faces the death penalty if convicted. his case will start again
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until a new judge is appointed to case. jon: a lot of people said he grew the beard to delays case. whatever, they will get on with it. rick, thank you. >> reporter: sure. jenna: 11 suspects are in custody. authorities say they were getting help from al qaeda in iraq. we'll look at the growing danger as al qaeda gains a bigger foothold not only in iraq but in the middle east. we'll have more on that ahead. plus a push for the united states united nations to take control of the internet?
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jon: just in. new information out of egypt. reuters is reporting that egyptian president mohammed morsi has left the presidential palace after protesters fight with riot police outside the palace. of course he has been under intense pressure from his own people ever since he assumed autocratic powers
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and he has been engaged in a fight with the court system there. people have been very angry about what he has done. at any rate according to reuters he has left the presidential palace because of this, well, call them, demonstration, call them a mob. i'm not sure how you want to describe it but those are pictures outside the presidential palace in cairo. night has fallen there. we'll keep an eye on the situation. we have our steve harrigan there. we'll let you know as soon as we learn more. jenna: disturbing new signs al qaeda is on the rebound in parts of the middle east and after frica. the latest a large-scale al qaeda plot in jordan. they plan to hit deadly terror attacks in the capital and hit the u.s. embassy during the chaos. behind this plot specifically al qaeda's network in iraq. we have a former fbi agent and vogted al qaeda.
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his book is black banners, the inside story of al qaeda and. the gist of this is, al qaeda the movement is stronger and gaining strength in the middle east. your thoughts? >> i think what we're seeing today in the middle east the conflict is come becoming more and more sectarian conflicts and as long as you have sustained wars and sustained conflicts you will have a lot of jihadis flocking into iraq, into syria, into the entire region. jenna: who are they? >> they are, some of them are from iraq. some of them are from jordan. some of them are from syria. in the beginning when we were in iraq for example, we had people from libya, we had people from algeria, from tunisia, yemen and saudi arabia and so forth. in al qaeda in iraq always reported in two different dimensions. in one dimension they wanted to create a sunni-shia conflict in iraq. jenna: a civil war. >> a civil war between
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sunnis and shia. but also at the same time throughout the years jordanians disrupt ad few plots from people who were trained in iraq who wanted to go to jordan and conduct terrorist attacks. in 2005 actually they were successful in doing so, bombing three hotels killing about 57 people. it was abu musab al-zarqawi who was behind the plot. al qaeda in iraq was established by a jordanian who is abu musab al-zarqawi. jenna: hard to keep all the networks organized into your head who follows which leader. whether or not that leader is still powerful and what type of threats these groups place the united states. let's tie this into another story which is syria. sure. jenna: we're concerned about chemical weapons. a report said al qaeda is setting up a training area inside syria and syria is launching pad for terrorist attacks outside of that country. what do we do about that?
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>> again that is something we've seen al qaeda do again and again and again. for example, the situation in syria, it is war. it is conflict. so al qaeda will attempt to take advantage of the legitimate causes of the syrian rebels. and have a niche for themself inside syria. now we have members of al qaeda training. members of al qaeda conducting, you know, attacks in syria. having exposure for their brand in syria. it is not as much about ideology as it is about exposure. jenna: if we wipe out chaos though, if chaos does not exist in syria or iraq, to, then is that one of the ways to combat al qaeda? >> well it is easier said than done. now with the situation which we have in syria, syria became an ethnic and religious war, sectarian war. we have the same conflict now happening in iraq a little bit with maliki and the maliki government which
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is mostly shia government with the kurds up in the north and sunnies in the area we used to call the sunni triangle. as long as we'll have these conflicts we'll have al qaeda and have jihadis. i think it is important not to pay attention to the brand, not pay attention to the name. for example, al qaeda operates in the islamic ma greg and they're different names but it is not about the brand. it is about those remnants who probably left the jails now, for example in the situation in iraq. they are trained killers. they know how to kill and they are looking for exposures. that's what we're seeing happening. jenna: in many ways they're more local, better organized, more trained and educated in the ways to provoke terror. how much of a threat do they pose us? a lot of what we're talking about seems to be in the middle east. a threat against the embassy in jordan, the chaos in syria. what about those attacks coming to us here? >> history is a perfect
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lesson, right? if we don't learn from history shame on us. in the beginning when we were targeting usama bin laden and indicted him here in new york, in 1998, june of 1998 before the east african embassy bombings, everybody was saying who the heck are al qaeda bin laden. they're in the middle east and fighting in afghanistan and so forth. the moment they were able to set a training facility, command-and-control, then they're going to start focusing on us. jenna: what do we do? >> i think we have to pay attention to these kind of things. we have to pay attention to what is happening in syria. what is happening in iraq. jenna: does that mean get involved and get involved more now? >> we can get involved not necessarily militarily. we can get involved from intelligence. we can analyze the situation on the ground. there is a lot of leverage we have on the different groups. even on the iraqi government and different rebel groups in syria. there are a lot of different things we can do but we should not let them just be
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and create new training environment and creating new training camps, attract more recruits. we've seen this in yemen we've seen this in libya. we've seen it in mali. and we've seen it many coing back in iraq and syria. jenna: pay attention but also let them know we're paying at attention. great to have your expertise as always on set. jon? jon: there is horrifying crime under investigation in new york city. some new video what looks to be an argument between two men before the guy on the right pushes the other man onto the subway tracks into the path of an oncoming train. the manhunt on for the killer now in this investigation. unbelievable story. plus the midterm elections only 700 days away. what the lessons of the last election tell us we can expect in 2014 and 2016. larry sabato joins us. his crystal ball is in front of him and he will be gazing into it next.
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jenna: right now big news out the biggest city in our country. a manhunt in new york city for a suspect who pushed a man off a subway platform right into the path of the oncoming train. rick has more on all of this. >> unbelievable story. this is a man, jenna, trying to help his fellow subway riders, shielding them from a man who was men's hasing others at a times square subway station. there was apparently a fight. that is when the man pushed him onto the tracks. as you said right into the path of the oncoming train. a han, a 58-year-old father from the new york city borough of queens. tried to get himself up. as horrified on lookers tried to warn the conductor of the train. it was too late.
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it was able to slow down a bit but it crushed han as he tried to climb off the tracks. he was pronounced dead at a local hospital. the kill ser described as black, 30 to 40 years old. about 5'9". short dreadlocks. he is wearing a hot. just a terrible story as police all over the city scouring streets looking for this man. we look at surveillance video of the fight that preceded him pushing han onto the tracks. if we learn anything more we'll pass it along to you. jenna: rick, thank you. jon: hindsight may be 20, 20, but during the 2012 campaign we were fortunate to have larry sabato's crystal ball to gaze into the future. let's gaze into the past. what have we learned from the last election cycle? what does it mean going forward? larry sabato, professor of politics at the university of virginia. looking ahead, we're two years away from elections basically especially for the u.s. senate. you say there are lessons to be learned for republicans
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who thought they were going to get all kinds of seats in the u.s. senate and probably take control this last time around. >> yes. thank god for hindsight there, jon. it is 20, 20. the hindsight is that republicans obviously had some bad candidates they wish in retrospect they hadn't nominated. they have to be more careful in the selection of their party nominees for 2014 because once again they have a chance to take over the senate or at least to narrow the margin considerably. right now it is 55-45. 55 democrats, 45 republicans. jon: you have the line, you say that the gop had to try hard to blow the senate in 2012 and their efforts were amply rewarded. how did they do that? >> well, again as i say, they did nominate some bad candidates. you think of indiana, north dakota, missouri as three examples. and of course they had done
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this in 2010. they lost three seats at least three seats, by nominating bad candidates. now again, it is easier to see this in retrospect. we're all brilliant analysts on the day after the election. but i think it is also true that the leadership of a party, the people who have been through election cycle after election cycle have a pretty good sense who has the skills on the campaign trail and who doesn't. jon: we just had the map up of how the senate stackses up now. democrats have 53 seats, republicans 45. there are two independents that caucus with the democrats. democrats in effect have a 10 seat lead. in this next election cycle, 2014, 33 senate seats up for grab. the democrats are defending 23. republicans only defending 10 of them. one would think that republicans have the natural advantage. do they? >> well, i think it is actually, i think it is 20
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democratic seats and 13 republican seats. i could be wrong. jon: i'm sorry. you're right. as usual. >> the long and short of it is though, jon you're right but look at it this way. the advantage of losing a presidential election, particularly the second one for an incumbent means that you get a sixth year itch election. the second midterm election of a two-term presidency. historically, in most cases it has been an unpleasant circumstance for the incumbent white house party. now here's the interesting fact. since world war ii, in the sixth itch election, the out of power party in the white house has picked up exactly six seats in the senate. what would it take for public publics to take over the senate in 2014? six seats. but they actually have to meet the historical average. that is going to be the challenge for republicans, to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, appeal to a broader electorate and focus
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on getting good candidates for 2014. jon: as you point out, they didn't exactly get the job done last time around. you are correct, 20 seats to be defended by republicans in 2014. 13 -- i'm sorry. could you take over. 20 by democrats, 13 by republicans. >> we've got two years to get it right, jon. don't worry about it. jon: thank goodness for your crystal ball. jenna: there will be a quiz on all of that later. jon: it is only tuesday. can you imagine? jenna: i think we got the point though. we got the big point, right, jon? jon: will potentially be tougher for democrats in the senate next time around. we'll see. jenna: straight ahead more politics now. one of the most powerful women on capitol hill will join us to talk about what is going on with the fiscal cliff. the leader of the house republican conference, congresswoman cathy mcmorris rogers is up ahead. look at this photograph of george zimmerman.
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you've seen this one right? we'll show you one you've never seen before. talk a little bit why his lawyers are finally getting a copy from police and what they want to do with it. a fair and balanced legal debate up ahead. m of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. i've got a nice long life ahead. big plans. so when i found out medicare doesn't pay all my medical expenses, i looked at my options. then i got a medicare supplement insurance plan. [ male announcer ] if you're eligible for medicare, you may know it only covers about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. call now and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans,
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reduction of $800 billion in spending from federal programs. a lot of ins and outs there. we just tried to boil it down for you because in all the republican plan will cut the deficit by $1.6 trillion. so far democrats are uninspired by this. here is what democratic congressman chris van hollen of maryland had to say last night on "special report". >> the big difference, bret, between the way the president proposed to deal with medicare and the republicans, the republican plan, their definition of reform is simply to pass rising health care costs onto the backs of seniors. our view, you can modernize the medicare system to change incentives to move a system not strictly fee-for-service. jenna: congresswoman cathy mcmorris rodgers from washington state, congresswoman, is that what you're trying to do? >> we're about saving these entitlements. the republicans believe this is our moment to actually address some of the pressing
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problems that face america. part of it is, the entitlement programs, making sure we're saving them. part of it is spending reform. part is getting our economy growing. but in order to avoid having this debate again in just another few months like we had just a year ago and the one we're having over the fiscal cliff, is that we have to be willing right now to come to the table, have these negotiations and, speaker boehner, the day after the election, signaled to the white house, he went to the podium and said we're willing to put tax revenue on the tail but we must have the spending, spending reductions and also the entitlement reforms. jenna: so the white house says they will not compromise unless we do see tax rates going up. at least for the wealthiest. what do you see the end result being? if that is the red line they're drawing, what do you see as part of the compromise there, they say they must see those rates go higher?. >> it is a question whether or not they're going to insist on those, that those
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top 2% rates going up. it is really a straw man in the whole debate. even if we raised the top 2%, we tax them at 100% it would only fund the federal government for 91 days. this does not solve the problem and we need, we need a real fix, not just a quick fix. it comes through tax reform. it comes through also, addressing the structural spending problems, the out of control spending the president put on the table. he put on more taxes. he doubled the new taxes and, tax increases. and then he put more spending on the table and new stimulus. that is heading us in the wrong direction. jenna: i'm getting a lightning bolt wires comes into our newsroom when news crosses. apparently the president speaking to bloomberg television moments ago, getting parts of this interview says speaker boehner's proposal on the fiscal cliff is still out of balance. that is a quote the president has given about the letter and the proposal that you sent to capitol
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hill. realistically, when do you need to get a deal done to avoid the country from going off the fiscal cliff? know there is limited days. >> yes. jenna: when does an actual deal have to be done so it gets through those logistical processes we know need to be done in both the house and the senate? >> the sooner we can get a deal the better. speaker boehner, as i said, he, the day after the election, said, okay, we'll put tax revenue on the table. let's start the negotiations. you know this can be done. president reagan and tip o'neill back in the early '80s, they negotiated a deal to save social security and address tax reform and the other entitlement programs, the spending --. jenna: if i could. reagan famously said trust but verify. >> yes. jenna: why should we trust you? why should we trust lawmakers in office now they can do this? >> because i would say we're either going to succeed together or we're going to fail together but it is so
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important because congress has a history where we've seen taxes go up but the spending side not addressed. in a balanced approach means that we're going to get the structural spending reforms in place that we need to address the debt, the debt, almost doubled under this administration, under president obama. and that has to be a part of this. that is where the republicans are insisting that we have a spending cuts and entitlement reforms that will got america on the right track moving forward. jenna: congresswoman, such a big topic. we only brushed the surface of it. we look forward to having you back to talk more about it. thank you so much. >> thank you. jon: right now a potentially explosive new development in the trayvon martin shooting case. lawyers for george zimmerman, releasing this photo. it shows the accused shooter with a bloody nose taken on the night of the deadly shooting. zimmerman as you might recall faces second-degree murder charges in the death of this man, 17-year-old trayvon martin.
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zimmerman claims he shot the teen in self-defense during a violent struggle and martin inflicted the bloody nose. does this change the arc of this case? let's talk about it with lose we will, fox news analyst and crystal panich a criminal defense attorney. the shooting happened and that photo was taken february 26th, 2012. >> right. jon: apparently the prosecution didn't release the color version of the photo until october 29th. doesn't that eight-month delay hurt the prosecution, the people who are trying to put george zimmerman in jail here? >> well it does hurt the prosecution but it is not fatal to the prosecution. the prosecutors should have turned over the color version from the very beginning. as a prosecutor you turn over everything. i have a open file system. everything goes over to the defense because i don't want these kind of allegations coming out later that i didn't turn things over. that being said it is the same photo, jon. it is not a different photo. just color versus black and white.
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it will not change the arc of the cases a you said. jon: esther, i don't know, it shows he took a pretty good beating and he said he was fearful for his life that night. >> this sub statement eights. looez was a great prosecutor who had the open file policy and i would enurge courage all prosecutors the color version would have been in her file. why is it that it took so long to get it to the defense? it is, all they had to do was copy their file. why did it take so long? it shows that the prosecution is lacking in a little bit of credibility because if they weren't afraid of the evidence coming out, why not just turn it over at the beginning? but i think more importantly in this conversation is what is coming out about another conversation that was overheard. possibly between trayvon martin's father. jon: we have a snippet of that. i'm sorry, lis, you wanted to get in on that.
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>> one quick back to esther, they did turn over the photo. it is not fair to say the prosecution didn't turn over photo. they turned over black and white, not color. that is typically what you have in your file as prosecutor. jon: okay. >> well they would have, how would they get the color photo? just mysteriously appeared? probably sent their investigator out to get the color version of the photo. but why would it take so long as a photo? there are thousands of documents. shouldn't have taken so long. jon: hear is the other thing that esther alluded to earlier. there is a motion just been filed by george zimmerman's attorneys. they want the court to allow them to interview, to take a deposition from an investigator by the name ofer win. they said investigatorer win stated he was in the investigator's office during the time lead investigator, christopher serino told mr. tracy martin. that is trayvon's father, that, in that office.
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>> right, right. jon: the 9/11 tape which contained in the background screams for help for mr. martin to hear, investigator serino then asked mr. martin whether or not those screams were the voice of his son, trayvon martin and mr. martin said, no. investigator erwin heard this acknowledgement by mr. martin and therefore is a significant witness. ithere. >> goes on from there. you got it exactly right. this is hearsay on hearsay. yes, will they have the deposition? absolutely they should have that. defense is entitled to that. will that be ever admitted into court of law because you're piling hearsay on hearsay hire. it is important, if that really was said, that martin's father said that was not my son on the tape. that could have some influence. but again the prosecution will come back and say, were you there? not. jon: all right. fascinating debate the way these courts work. we'll have to leave it there. esther and lis. >> you got it.
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>> thank you. jenna: the push to push the internet under the control of the u.n. is that a good idea? how things you take for granted on the web may change forever. we'll take a closer look. the moment i could access the retirement plan, i just became firm about it -- you know, it's like it just hits you fast. you know, you start thinking about what's really important here. ♪ five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. hi, i'm ensure clear... clear, huh?
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jenna: right now an international summit underway in dubai could radically change how you use the internet. at issue is a push by the united nations to put the web under their control. we have the codirector of on the u.n., admittedly critical at times of the u.n. and morgan wright a cyberterrorism expert. welcome to you both. >> hi, jenna. jenna: morgan, where does this come from? do we need, more oversight of the internet? >> not by the u.n. this is like putting tony soprano in charge of gambling in jersey. they're laying the foundation if you can tax it and regulate it you can control it. if you control it you can suppress it. the last thing we need from
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anybody from the u.n. they don't understand the paradigm of internet. they're still concerned with regulating international phone calls. that is why it is itu, international telecommunications union on this. they need to keep their hands off internet. this was built by engineers and business people. the first successful transaction was done 20 years ago was done by tim lee built by computers for steve jobs. steve jobs would be rolling over in his grave if he saw people trying to control the internet. jenna: in your work with the u.n., how does this fit with the pattern you observed in how the u.n. tries to oversee, or gain more power as an organization? >> i mean it fits in perfectly with what the u.n. is always trying to do and what they're about. this is essentially a power grab by them. they want to insinuate themselves into one of the most successful products and creations we have ever had and hand it over to one of the most unsuccessful
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organizations we have ever had. and, they're trying to use it as a power grab. they're going to try to tax successful u.s. companies and kind of use that as a redistribution of wealth to start giving that money to third world countries. jenna: morgan, it does seem so at times the internet is a little bit of a wild west. the united states government has come against this many companies have come out against this as well. in your expertise, morgan, is there opportunity or is there a place where the internet should have more oversight or regulation because of some of the threats out there today? >> take a look at the combined market cap for companies like cisco, facebook, google, microsoft. they got there because there weren't regulations on internet. they built these things out. there needs to be more focus on the area of cybercrime, cyberterrorism, how do you prevent these types of things, especially use of organized crime, human trafficking, other issues. focus should be how to create policies and
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legislation and cooperation should not be about regulating internet. needs to stay free and open and keep their mitts out of it and let people in internet engineering task force and people built it where it is let them continue to do their work. jenna: quick thought, if we see cybercrimes, human trafficking coming up on the web, crossing different countries borders who would be best to oversee it if it is not the united nations? >> the idea of the internet itself is openness. it what made the indid internet so successful. reality cybercrimes are illegal across the world, through different countries and treaties and so forth. and the u.n. as well. last thing you want the u.n. to use that as an excuse to start regulating the internet. really, you know, the overriding principle when it comes to this stuff, the u.n. sucks. and you know --. jenna: tell us how you really feel. >> i don't pull any punches. so we don't want them involved in, again, by the way, why are these
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negotiations and proposals all secret? what we know was leaked out. what we do know is frightening what they're trying to accomplish here. jenna: such an interesting topic. we're talking about the internet. we're talking with many of our stories about problems that cross borders. countries where the borders do not seem quite as strong as before. it is a really interesting topic. we look forward to have you both talk about it. morgan, ami, thank you so much. we'll be right back.
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jd. >> thank you for having me. he is a pro at blocking tough shots and now he is squaring off with the toughest opponent of his life. multiple sclerosis or ms, incurable disease that attacks the body's own immune system. josh harding is the goalie for the nhl's minnesota wild. he refuses to put his career on ice. so far the team supports him. last season was one of the best seasons of his 10-year career. he started noticing problems with vision and balance. he felt numb bess in one leg. josh took time out to get checked out. then came the bombshell. he was diagnosed with ms. neurologist abouts put him on aggressive medical treatment and for now it is working. >> obviously like to be in a little better shape. i had to take quite a few weeks off there figuring out everything and doing tests and going different places. you know i've been back out here for a couple weeks now and it is getting better and better each day. >> we contacted the team management about willingness to let a player with ms lace up. due to its ongoing nhl
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lockout the team and players can not discuss personal matters but issued this statement. josh's competitive fire has led him to a successful career in the nhl and we know he will approach this new battle in the same manner. >> with ms i can't really give what i'm going to be like in three years but right now we're treating it aggressively and we're looking to be to be out there ready for training camp. >> according to the multiple sclerosis society 400,000 americans have ms. though it is not cureable, irtherapies are improving enabling people to live more of a quality of life. i have am one of them. i like josh have ms. it is part of me and doesn't define me. i thank him for his courage helping others by putting a face on this illness. jon: you're not taking a puck coming at you 90 or whatever 100 miles an hour. >> amazing story about this we wish him the best. we need the nhl season to start. that is what he needs.
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jon: thanks for sharing the story with us. >> happy to do it. jon: janice dean. jenna? jenna: as we've been reporting new riots are breaking out in egypt. police are firing tear gas into crowds of protesters in cairo who a parently have broken through police lines. now a report that the president has left the palace. what is next in cairo? a live report ahead [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health
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