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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  December 17, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PST

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snote >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. i am gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time with us on this very important
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nuse day. the president the nation in mourning with one clear nation. >> we can't tolerate this anymore. these tragedies must end. and to end them we must change. >> gretchen: so we will be live for you in newtown, connecticut with more from the president. >> peter: there is new information on the shooter his mother and what their relationship tells us about a possible motive. >> brian: i little girl played dead to save her own life. her store tore straight ahead. fox and friends starts right now. >> peter: welcome, folks, it is monday morning and fox and
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friends. the president was at the innerfaith service in connecticut. the governor said that friday was the hardest, toughest day of his presidency. today it continues with two of the little boys laid to rest. >> brian: if you saw the speech, you could see he was having a tough time. even though he's done it four times it is not easier it is getting harder. he sees his kids in those kids as all of us do. >> gretchen: even if you are not a parent you feel the horribleness. this is a trying day with many more to come. ahead in new ton, the first funerals will be held for the youngest victim. noah posner turned 6 last
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month. his twin sister escaped. jack pinto may be buried in his jint -- giant jersey. joining us more from the president is peter doocy. >> good morning gretchen. president obama's trip came after the innocent students and teachers were killed and one day before the tight-knit community must bury 20 child sized coffins. >> i am mindful that mere words can't match the depths of your sorrow, nor can they heal your wounded hearts. i can only hope that it helps you to know that you are not
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alone in your grief and that our world, too, has been torn apart. >> president obama met private low in classrooms with families of the 26 innocent people who lost their lives on friday. the principal's daughter tweeted a photo. my mom would be so proud to see president obama to hold her grand daughter. but not as proud as i am of her. emily parker's family showed somber moments of the demander in chief and other miles. we have confirmed that adam lanza visited one gun range and fired hundreds of shots . president obama will use power to make sure this never
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happens again. >> we say we are truly doing enough to give all of the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives with happiness and purpose. i've been reflecting on this the last few days and if we are honest with ourselves, the answer is no. >> president obama made a call to action that was received well by the towns people. they were emotional in the prayers and speeches. one man said he hopes president obama will follow through to make sure something that happened here on friday never happens again. >> peter: it is time to take the mass out of mass murder . >> gretchen: so many issues to
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discuss. vilen video games and mental illness and gun control and i mean. >> peter: the television and culture itself. it is hardened. >> gretchen: we don't know what the answer is if it is a conglomeration of them. there is an amazing story of many that is coming out of the one particular first grade class where every 15 child except for one little girl . how does a six year old little girl have the understanding to play dead and pretepped she was shot and dead so that the shooter will leave her alone. that's what one six year old did and their family is feeling survivor guilt but she is alive. >> brian: she walked out from the building with blood on her . she said i am alive but my
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friends are dead. >> peter: the story was revealed when the mother attended a grief-counseling session . we are learning more about adam lanza and his mother nancy. there is a story apparently she was a doting mother. there he is from the tech club year book picture. he was 20 years old and she was trying to help him build a life for himself . they were considering a move for a newtown for college . you heard he was a near genius. the theory was he was looking at engineering schools and perhaps they had visited some in the carolinas and and she was ready to move with him and help aim adapt and adopt a newtown. >> brian: she had told a friend in a sports bar. she wasendlessly upbeat.
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he was burning himself with a lighter . he could not feel physical pain and was burning himself with a lighter with arms and ankles and she feel she always talked about the other one but not him. a few days before the killing she said he took a photocopy call and she quickly changed the subject. >> he would get nervous and his face would turn bright red and he would get fidgety. it was difficult for him to say what he wanted to say. he must have really felt uncomfortable in any social situation because he never put himself out there and i just don't remember him ever stepping forward or really saying anything. he wanted to be left alone and
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we left him alone. >> brian: nancy was dedicated and did a lot of volunteer work and was upbeat. obviously the wisdom of teaching a kid who can't feel pain and shoot a gun and have them in her possession and knowing she didn't know how to get to this kid, i question that? >> gretchen: apparently she was training because she felt like the economy was going to collapse or the world was coming to an end. >> brian: daily mail said that. >> peter: she got the gups after the divorce because she was living in the great big house she got in the settlement. young adam lanza in middle school was flagged by the security officers to keep an eye on him and watch out for him, quote, the worry was not that he was dangerous or he
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could a victim or hurt himself or be hurt by others . he was assigned a permanent psychicologist who monitored him throughout the time he was there. in fact, it was the cool that suggested he join the tech club that filmed the evepts. he good at gismo. >> brian: he was home schooled and the mom was unhappy and pulled him out. >> peter: not only sandy hook high school where the memorial was last night, he did go for sandy hook elementary school as well >> brian: western connecticut at 16. >> peter: exactly. probably many of you went to curch had over the weekend. maybe i will share with you what we did in our church one of the most moving services i
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have been in, in my life. a manhunt underway for the gunman who shot and killed two to pecka officers. 22 year old david tuskreno opened fire on the officers outside of a grocery store as they respoppeded to a call. a 50 year old was killed. his son is a police officer 29 year old jess atherly who just joined the force last year. most detailed report on the benghazi terror attack could be released today. they will deliver the assessment to the state department. the state department will make recommendations on improving security. secretary of state hillary clinton is not testifying as plant after fainting and suffering a concution .
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john kerry is apparent lein for the post. president obama will nominate septemberor john kerry as next secretary of state. susan rice, the un ambassador being considered but dropped out of the running after being critized after blaming the benghazi attack on a spontanous attack. a soldier touches down to see his new born baby girl enter into the world. sergeant karick had been away in stan stan. >> it was special and i can't explain it the timing was amazing and just being able to come home. >> i was thought daddy here's
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macy. they ran on to him and done bother. >> gretchen: the red cross arranged the flight. his daughter nine pound three ounces and joining twos and a brother. it is a great way to end the first flock when you see the family coming back together. >> peter: she saw the sandy hook shooter and somehow survived. >> you know, it is a horrible feel just like a nightmare and i couldn't believe and i think it is a bad dream. >> peter: how she made it out alive. >> brian: the search for answers continue . how did an honor roll stune turn into a madman and mass killer .
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begin. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala!
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2% on groceries. 3% on gas. automatically. no hoops to jump through. that's 1% back on... [ toy robot sounds ] 2% on pumpn pie. and apple. 3% back on 4 trips to the airport. it's as easy as.. -[ man ] 1... -[ woman ] 2... [ woman ] 3. [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards card. apply online or at a bank of america near you. >> 15 minutes after the top of the hour. we are expecting to learn more about the investigation in friday's school shooting at a new's conference later this morning. they are live for us in
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newtown, connecticut with the details, good morning, robert. >> we are stand nothing -- standing in treadwell park . we expect another new's conference at nine o'clock eastern time as you said . police are weeks away from learning what made the gunman go on a rampage. the gunman is 20 year old adam lanza. he shot her in the home and then went to sandy hook and did trethendous amount of damage . he had three differents. but he did the bulk of his shooting with a bushmaster assault rifle . many militaries because they inflict massive damage. he turned one of the two hand gups on himself .
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>> all weapons have multiple magazines and additional ammunition . >> it was parked outside of the school . >> as awful as the tragedy was, it could have been worse. police say there were hundreds of bullets near lanza's body and magazines. >> thank you so much, robert. we'll go over to the guys now. >> tell us about the crime and how he was carried out. nrod, what can you tell us about the motive? >> i it tell you that the -- can tell you that is the question of the day. they are doing a historical analysis regarding adam lanza
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ask trying to figure out when he became the ticking time bomb. i believe quite a few people in the community was familiar with adam lanza. the question is why did he go to the school? i think he killed his mother because he felt like i think he felt his mother betrayed him. the mother said she felt she was losing him. this is consistent with someone who has mental issues. he was a major threat to others. >> peter: this is reported today. apparently the mother and son were considering to leave town and going to a newtown for him to go to a engineering school. what if she was pushing him to git out on his own.
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show was pushing him and maybe hoe didn't want to move. >> thatagitated him. a person that is menal low unstable doesn't want to be told what to do or where to go. and even if the mother was trying to get this guy through the cowers to be psychological evaluated. they would have taken several officers because he was a danger . he was going down that path quickly. i don't believe they thought at any point he would take it to this level. and the other question that police are trying to figure out where did he get the ammunition and how did he acquire it? >> not sold to him. who sold it to his mom . >> if it was sold to his mom . why would his mother have so much ammunition? i woppeder if they sold it to
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him? the grim reality he had no criminal history and believe it or not, based on the situation right now . he could have went out and bought his own handguns without being stopped. so that is what is really scary. >> peter: more details and the connecticut police are judicious on what hay release. thank you. >> thank you. >> brian: next up on the show. envelope envelope -- nfl show turns ugly. >> peter: why will the white house not take a deal? stu varney on deck with that. n p and it's so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... ...lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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>> brian: an after math of an over night bomb in kabul, stan stan. a u.s. militarior - military contractor. carolina panth thers - panthers celebrates and all of the sudden the guard rail collapses . no word yet on if anybody was hurt. gretch. >> gretchen:, brian. house speaker john boehner removing a stumbling block. raising tax rate for those making a million or more? could this seal a deal with the white house. hold your horses. this is far from a done deal. >> this is a very important shift. speaker boehner is retreating
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on an issue principle and said you can raise tax rates on wealthy people . previously he said we'll get more money out of limiting deductions. it is an important move and a step to a deal by speaker boehner. you can have higher tax rates on mechanics - incomes of a million and matched the principle of president obama. two sides are still far apart but they united on the principle of higher tax rate. >> gretchen: there were republicans saying you will not get away without raising tax rates on people making over a million dollars . >> yes. >> gretchen: i am wondering in the private meetings the speaker met with the president. the president must have acquedsed. >> we simply done know that.
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i have no idea whether he did or not. the ball is in the president's court. speaker boehner stepped up. raise tax ratos the very rich. >> i think he will come back and say it is not good enough. >> of course he could come back like that and stay hard on ho his position . it will make it the president's fault if why go over the cliff because he did not respond to the retreat. a million versus $250,000. it is not much time but they are a little closer together because they are united on principle. f whether it is higher rates on $250,000 or million. it is not going to stop our deficit problem. unless we address entitlement
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reform, we'll not make sig can progress on our mounting debt. >> brian: i know, it is a good way to sum it up. you will hear more from stuart varney. have a good one. >> peter: >> gretchen: she saw the killer and survived. >> you know, it was a horrible feeling, and just like a nightmare, that i couldn't believe that, you think it is a bad dream. >> gretchen: hear how sandy hook's school nurse made it out of the school alive. >> these dogs making a special journey to newtown in their own special way. had ♪ [ penélope ] i found the best cafe in the world. nespresso. where i never have to compromise on anything.
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retrievers to help shooting survivors. the therapy dogshave done it before. andine though it is affected by the tornados in joplin missouri. 10 are in newton. >> we talk about how do dogs go to nursing home and eldarely people who can't and talk about peace and something good out of the story. >> if you were in the school that day, sandy hook, you heard the whole thing you were in the classrooms. the pa systems stayed on and said look at the horror coming your way the nurse knew something was going o. she hid
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under a desk and talked to 60 machines about what she saw and feels now. >> you know, it was a helpless, horrible feeling and like a nightmare that i couldn't believe that you know, you think it is a bad dream. after some time, it was len:15. we had been in the closest for an hour and a half, i opened the door and i peeked out and my office looks in the court yard and i just saw what looked like swat people. i didn't know who they were or shooters and 1:15 jiggled the door and i was brave enough to open the door to the office anditate police officerers were there and they
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were surprised to see me. >> she was in the closest with a secretary barb. when the coing - commotion . and she looked through there and she could actually see about from the legs down of the gunman and he came by her desk and walked away. and barb dialed 911 and they go into a closest with two heavy doors. when they saw the swat guys, they didn't if they were good or bad. another story of a teacher who was in a closest with kids. she didn't believe it she made them put a badge under the doorwould you believe that
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when you have 20 kids in the closest. stories of panic and trying to keep yourself and children safe. >> peter: and that particular story. if you are really the police you will have the key and the guy went through the entire loop of keys and opened the door. >> brian: one thing about the schools, they say it was not ready. this school probably never thought it would happen but they were ready as it seems for me as they could be. listen to the nurse talk about what they did. >> we have different kinds of drills in addition to fire drills and high wind and lock down and evacuation drills. and so we've done it. and been doing it each month it is different. >> you have done them recently? >> yeah. >> gretchen: the principal who was killed in the horrible
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event she had enacted a lot of the drills for whatever reason this year. she had increased security at this school. i don't know about you guys, brian and steve, my kid's schools have been sending a lot of e-mails. we also live in connecticut about what is the new plan of action now. how do we move forward? we'll have armed security guards outside of the school for two weeks. how long does that last. do we have the funding or does it make sense culturally to do that moving forward. there is it a lot of calls from former education bill bennett. teachers should be armed in the schools. what is the answer here. what have we come to? i am not sure any of us will >> peter: the president of the united states said thippings
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have got to change. we are not doing enough to protect our children. if anything good comes out of what happened in sandy hook, it will not just be a dialogue about gun control. there is a lot of gun laws on the books and they are uneven. >> brian: and not enforced. mr. #1: and not just the guns, but a larger discussion of how to stop glorifying violence in video games and television shows and movies as well. i got a feeling we are at a tipping point. >> brian: they had every opportunity to say guns are the problem. and he's not. and the way in which he's approaching this is phenomenal. we go and keep politics out of it and come up with the best solutions possible. you harden the target. >> gretchen: steve brings up
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the tipping point. how do you reverse that with our kids now? they are so entrenched in the culture of video games and smacking down this and that. as parents, you instead the values of loaf for your kids to be good people. and you are exposed to that 24-7. how do you roll it back. >> brian: everybody wanted to be a cowboy. >> peter: now video games are so graphic and realistic. one of the most popular shows on television is ncis. and you go an hour without someone getting shot in the face or blown up or dismembered and disboweled within an hour. >> gretchen: my kids are 7-9 and i decided to say something to them about it and it is interesting to see children
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and reaction . they were sad, but i don't know if they get it at that age, you don't want to give them too many details. >> brian: they are in a stage of magical feeling. you are at a loss of how much you say . it is very, very it is tough to know what to say to your kids . >> peter: when my kids were. i never told them there was no such as monsters. i am not so sure anymore . >> gretchen: within day after a shooting 47 guns inside of vaughn myers home right next door to an elementary school . myer threatened to set his wife on fire and said he would go to the school and kill as many people as possible. >> brian: two stations in
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benghazi, libya were targeted an explosive device was thrown at a parked car and a blast at another police station . no one was hurt in either attack. >> peter: the latest moon missions is coming to a crash upon ending. ebeb and flow will be programmed to crash in the moon. they have been orbiting for a year and creating a detail would map of the gravity field. >> gretchen: kate middleton is back in the spot light after a tough two weeks . she went to the awards show anded two awards earlier this month hospitalized for severe morning sickness. she was not feeling well for the four hour event. is that video of her pregnant now . >> peter: i don't think that
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is. that is a sports event. >> brian: touching tribute to the victims of the tragedy. the flares sent to the sky. they are pledging 25,000 to help the families. 49ers staging a massive come back. in the end. collin, young guy six minutes left patriots tried an on side kick. no luck. it is anyone guess. rg3. running 329 and watched him to beat the browns. they are the best. nalcedallas in over time against the steelers. ben rothlesburger runs it down
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to the one. and dan bailey made it. and giants play no one taped the game and we have no high lights. atlanta won running back adrian peterson. shy of five. and he beat the rams along with the minnesota vikes, 36-that's the quick look at world of sports. that's one of few i smiled. >> brian: i think he had a great game and healed from the knee injury. >> gretchen: how can we stop rogue afghan soldiers from turning their guns on our troops. they said americans should be nicer and respect their religion. will that work? >> peter: police say there is reason to believe that new ton
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>> >> peter: great head lines. founder of domino pizza suing the federal government over the laws mandatory contradeception manhe said that law violates his rights. and the winner of the times person poll of the year. jong? and that is because the internet forum for chen. they manipulated the poll. the magazine will unveil the official person for choice of the year on friday. >> brian: he's also sexiest man of the year.
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afghan fighters x. many are shooting the soldiers in the green and blue. they aring our gews to be nicer. ceo of concerned vet rans for america. it is it all about the manual and how we operate. is it hurting you guys in the field? >> first of all, there are no easy answers. we expand happened the staff gan army rapidly and vetting is difficult . we talked about it offensively. we have an optic that we are not going to be and there is a cultural casym between the stan tan and the united states. this manual has a blame us first menitality that makes it more difficult to be successful guys are walkog egg
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shells. they have to relationship build and if you are partnering with machine you have to get to known them in you human ways . never talk about women or islam or. all of the ridiculous thing in the manual. if you give specific am items not it talk about it make its acward. >> brian: general allen is not pleased. islam. or spirituality and make derogatory comments about women's rights as you mentioned. these are supposed to make it better. if they talked to the captains like you. that better than working on in tampa? >> supposedly it is it based on 600 interviews with afghans and 200 merches. hopefully it is junior
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officers. it is great to see the general come out strongly and say this is not helpful. you and i have not seen that. usually the commander is defending it and saying it is helpful in preventing our guys from being attacked. the general allen recognizes it is not useful in creating relationships. >> peat, i understand there will be a complete evaluation of where we are in stan stan and supposed to make thingings look pretty bleak. would you support pulling out sooner or later? >> i wouldn't, i would give and defer that to the commander on the ground. i have been away from stan stan in a year . things change rappedly. it doesn't surprise me the report showing a deteriorating dead line. that is what happens when you with draw. we'll have more segments
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because it is more and more difficult and contentous and the tread lines are not going in the right direction. i hope policy makers don't say let it implode and we are sending my son there 15 years from now. >> brian: i want to get your perspective. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> brian: one thipping we know. that the newtown killer was a fan of violent video games that play a role . and then there is the gun debate. would it make a difference? we are live in washington at the top of the hour . [ male announcer ] coughequence™ #8. waking the baby. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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>> peter: he lived in a house
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filled with guns and violent video games that could have led adam lanza to play . are today's training our children to kill? we have a professor from west point and author of the book killology . good morning to you. >> brian: good morning to you. the book is on killing. on killing the web site is get bullet proof and i predicted this guy. the kids who gave us jonesborrow and columbine and virginia tech. this generation give us a movie massacre in aurora and massacre in first grade classroom in sandy hook. when are why going to connect the world? the children play the sickest games and movies and commit the sickest acts in history . we have to get tired of this
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living in this world . >> peter: colorado why are looking at one of the realistic video games. people will say, hey, it is just a video game. but unly it desense tieses to and you are just pulling a are triggle and it is just a game. a lot of the gamers went on to do vilen stuff . >> everyone of our school killers. there is it never a juvenile mass murderer and now we have them. germany two massacres in beat boin bine and finland had three one in canada and belgium and sick man who took a buechler knife and hacked babies in the cribs china. these crimes never happened in human history. we feet the sickness video
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games. and i train law enforcement and i spend more time on the road training military and law enforcement than anybody else in america. we know how to use simulators to create continues to enable people to kill in combat. the class and social learning models and desensitizing and programming that we put in programs for cops and military are done with the kids. we got to get mad and passionate about the schools that refuse to protect our kids. >> peter: you made a great point. you say, it is obvious. how do we fix it? >> number one parents have to be informed. we have laws against pornography and alcohol and sex and fire arms. and there are laws to help the parentsment the partnerships have to be reform would.
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m rate video game is same as x-. no child under 17 should play it time out and you are raising a killer. not every kid will be but you may be the victim and it is on your hands. >> we don't know the connection with this kid and video games. >> absolute absolute colonel. author of the book on killing, sir. thank you very employ. >> go to take a look at it >> peter: strite ahead. he was the principal of columbine frain years ago and what he said needs to be done to stop school violence . ♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right
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share "not even close." share "you owe me..." share "just right." the share everything plan. shareable data across 10 devices with unlimited talk and text. hurry in for a droid razr m by motorola for $49.99.
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. today is monday, december 17, 2012. i'm gretchen carlson the thanks for sharing your time with us on this very difficult day. the community of newtown, connecticut, prepares for the first children's funerals on the
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heels of a very clear message from president obama last night. >> we can't tolerate this anymore. these tragedies must end. to end them, we must change. >> gretchen: now the gun legislation being crafted. we're live in newtown with more from the president. >> brian: there is also brand-new information on the shooter and his mother. what their relationship could tell bus a possible motive. >> steve: and it's a story we broke right here on "fox & friends." former marine being held in mexico on trumped up gun charges. his mom will be here with new details. "fox & friends" for this monday starts right now. >> steve: welcome aboard. live from studio e, if you were watching the services last night
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live from newtown, connecticut, you noticed that a number of the people inside the hall were wearing little green and white buttons. a little ribbon. and a lot of people today are going to wear green and white to remember the children who were murdered last friday. >> gretchen: so green is the color of the day. let's move forward now with this emotionally trying day ahead in newtown, con continental the first funerals are being held. one for the youngest victim. this is noah posner. turned six last month his sister managed to escape unharmed. the other funeral for six-year-old jack pinto. >> steve: he is a huge giants fans that his parents may bury him in his favorite jersey. yesterday president obama addressed the nation saying our country cannot tolerate this anymore. joining us with more from newtown is peter doocy. >> good morning. at this time just three days ago, six educators and 20 first
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graders were getting ready for school like always. by last night, the president of the united states was here at a very painful memorial service reading their names one at a time. >> i am very mindful that mere words cannot match the depths of your sorrow, nor can they heal your wounded hearts. i can only hope it helps for you to know that you're not alone in your grief. our world, too, has been torn apart. >> before his national address, president obama met privately with families of the innocent children and adults who lost their lives on friday. principal dawn hochsprung's daughter tweet add photo with a caption that said, my mom would be so proud to see president obama holding her granddaughter but not as proud as i am of her.
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the heart broken family of emily parker posted photos. others showing smiles. after the private meeting, president obama took the stage to promise action. >> in the coming weeks, i'll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens from law enforcement, to mental health professionals to parents and educators in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. >> as for the status of the investigation, we now know that adam lanza fired hundreds of shots, hundreds inside sandy hook element tear school school on friday and he visited at least one gun range with his mother action although at this time they can not say whether or not he actually fired any weapons while he was at that range. back to you in new york. >> steve: thank you. >> brian: we know this guy is
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the utter definition of a loner. we know he was emotionally disabled. >> steve: although a near genius. >> brian: he had a medical condition and could not feel pain. they say that he loved video games. one game in particular, i don't know any of them, but called dynasty warriors. his mom took him shooting more than once. but other reports were she took him often. the neighbors say he was home schooled and that she, in fact, devoted her life to him, but that one conversation at a sports bar that she had with somebody a few days ago saying i feel like i'm losing him and i feel like he's slipping away. that was an indication that they were at a tipping point. >> gretchen: apparently when she would have baby-sitters take care of him, she would say to them, you can not even leave him alone even to go to the restroom. so she was devoted to this child. there are going to be a lot of questions, though, about so many things with this incident. but also just about the way in
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which he was allowed to play these video games and learn how to shoot guns and the access to the guns. one of his classmates spokes to "60 minutes last night. >> he just would get very nervous and his face would turn bright red and he would get very fidgety. you could just tell that he wasn't that he didn't know the answer. it was very difficult for him to say what he wanted to say. he must have really felt uncomfortable in any kind of social situation because he unfortunate really put himself out there and i just don't really remember him ever stepping forward or really saying anything. it was just he wanted to be left alone and we left him alone. >> steve: apparently as early as middle school, he was identified by security officers at his school as somebody to watch and then when he went to high school, he had a permanent
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psychologist assigned to him to keep an eye on him. they were worried that not that he would be violent u about be a victim. also apparently in the weeks leading up to the rampage, he and his mother had been talking a lot about the next stage in his life. he was 20 years old. she was trying to help him establish a life and maybe move to a new town, maybe go to a college to study engineering because he was bright. and she was ready to go with him to move with him, so they visited some colleges and looked into various living situation. the big question is, what if he didn't want to go. what if it was simply the mother pushing him to move on with his life and he didn't want to go? >> gretchen: what about mental illness in our society, which is a whole nother issue about it's very, very, very difficult to get people help based on mental illness and i'm sure many of you out there have experienced this, maybe in your own family or not. that's also going to become a
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central. >> brian: it could have been worse. he had more ammo and if the nurse responders didn't get there, evidently the reports are that as soon as he saw the cops enter, that's when he blew his head off. if he didn't, there was more people would have been killed. >> steve: absolutely. and there are stories this morning that apparently his mother, nancy, took him to the fire ranges to bond with him. he was socially awkward and she felt that's a way to do it. she never mentioned to friends that's violent and she was never afraid of him and yet, on friday morning, he woke up, went into her bedroom while she was still in the bed, and shot her in the head four times. >> gretchen: now lawmakers crafting new gun legislation. doug is live with more on that. good morning. >> yeah. this old debate has been given new life here in washington where we're likely to see some
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pieces of legislation advance dealing with gun control, perhaps in the next congress. as the president spoke at that memorial address last night in connecticut, he didn't specifically mention gun control, but he did say that the nation should do more to protect the nation's children and in the wake of the attack, he is going to face plenty much pressure from his supporters to crack down on guns. >> it's time for the president, i think, to stand up and lead and tell this country what we should do. not go to congress and say what you guys want to do. >> i'm going to introduce in the senate and the same bill will be introduced in the house, a bill to ban assault weapons. >> the response from defenders of the second amendment has been somewhat muted in the immediate aftermath, but some point out that guns are just one part of the equation here. one other frequent component of tragedies like this is mental illness and how the nation deals with the mentally ill will no
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doubt be part of the conversation. >> we also have to deal with the new social ramifications of the bombardment and the immediacy of social interaction between violence, the realism that you find in games and movies. making this transitionpeople as from teen years into adulthood aren't able to mentally make that transexcision there does need to be help and we also need to look to families and communities and churches. it's not just the government solution. >> the other aspect how do you identify these individuals that may be not just a danger to themselves, because danger to other people as well? that's a tough question. the shooter in this case apparently did not have a criminal record. back to you guys. >> steve: doug live in dc, thank you. >> gretchen: we heard jason chaffetz talk about church and the responsibility there. yesterday i have to say at my church in connecticut, first presbyterian church, packed, packed. people probably coming there for
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hope. i want to show think picture because it was probably one of the most important church services that i've ever had the opportunity to attend. you can see all the poinsettias for christmas. but then you see the lights up there at the front of the church. those are 27 candles that were all lit as each name of each victim, including the shooter, was named by one of our ministers. earlier before the children left the sanctuary, there was a children's sermon in which they talked about how important the light of a candle can be in the life of a child if you have the opportunity to believe in christianity. then the children left the service. i was wondering would the minister talk a lot about the shooting. he had an amazing sermon where he said that as a man of god after all of these years, that he was intellectually empty and vacant as to how he could respond to what happened in
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newtown, connecticut. but i think there should be a discussion about god in our lives. for me, this is one of the most moving days of my life yesterday, to see this and to honor all of these victims in that way. so hopefully when you all went to church, if you had that opportunity yesterday, you had the opportunity to find some hope in your life as well. now to the rest of today's head lynns. a manhunt underway for the gunman who shot and killed two topeka police officers. cops are look for this man. 22-year-old david tuscareno. he opened fires on the officers outside of a grocery store as they were responding to a call. the officers killed were a 50-year-old corporal david gogian who recently retired from the military. his son is a topeka police officer and 29-year-old jeff attarly. he had just joined the force last year. the most detailed report on the benghazi terrorist attack reloosed today. the independent advisory review board will deliver its
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assessment to the state department. congress will see it. the state department will make recommendations on improving security. secretary of state hillary clinton ordered this review. she's not testifying about benghazi this thursday after fainting and suffering a concussion. brand-new video showing the aftermath of an overnight bomb blast in kabul, afghanistan. two afghan workers died in this attack outside a compound housing u.s. military contractor. dozens left injured, including the american director of the virginia-based company contracts. spokesperson for the taliban claimed responsibility for this attack. a group of soldiers weren't scheduled to come home until january from afghanistan. but we need a good news story. let's look at this christmas miracle. ( [ cheering ] nine army soldiers from the 4505 civil affairs battalion coming thome salt lake city, utah --
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home to salt lake city. >> they're the ones that have to deal with some really hard times. >> he's over and back. everything is good. no matter what happened, everything is good. >> gretchen: the soldiers had been in afghanistan for nearly a year helping with reconstruction of the country and communication with the civilians there. those are your headlines. >> steve: nice story. straight ahead, he knows the pain in newtown all too well. the principal who led students and staff through the columbine tragedy joins us live next from denver. >> gretchen: remember when the government put aside billions of dollars to help victims of hurricane sandy? wait until you hear where some of that money is really going now ♪ the weather outside is frightful ♪
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>> brian: sadly the school massacre at sandy hook elementary was not our nation's first. it happened several years before, several times before. >> steve: indeed. ask my parents who lost their child at columbine high school nearly 14 years ago. that pain from that day has never gone away. the man who led his students and staff through the columbine tragedy, principal frank deangulus, still leads that school today and joins us live if colorado. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> steve: when you heard the news friday what, did you think? >> not again. got sick to my stomach and as details came in, i think everybody in the columbine
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community was retraumatized because what happened, even though it's been 14 years ago. >> steve: yeah. >> brian: does it show us that we didn't learn anything from what you guys went through or does it show that some of the security measures in place show there is more of a general awareness now because of your tragedy of you guys? >> i think there were lessons learned. it was my hope after april 20, 1999, that the students who lost their life and the teacher who lost his life at columbine high school would not die in vain. i know there have been security measures that were imcompleted as a result of columbine high school. but as a result of some of the new procedures in place, i think there have been several instances since columbine that were stopped as a result of a heightened awareness of school violence. >> steve: it sounds like they had done so many of the right things, installed the buzzer at the door, the door was locked. but the guy blew the window out
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but somehow got in and that led to where we are now. frank, you know, you've been through this, there are going to be calls on capitol hill, although today not appropriate, for more gun control. but when you look at dylan klebold and erik harris, it wasn't just about guns. >> i get asked that frequently when tragedies occur, whether it be at virginia tech or ohio. i truly believe what needs to be done is money needs to be spent to figure out what is causing so much hate in the heart of these murders, what caused so much hate in the hearts of the two at columbine or the killer up at virginia tech? that's where money needs to be spent. these kids are crying out. they do not come out of their mother's womb hating people. so i think schools and programs need to be developed to figure out what is causing hate to provide help that these murderers are crying out for.
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>> brian: some of them cannot be in the main stream. we pulled away from that, but we got to think about other people of the principal, you walked into a hail of gun fire that day. you experienced ptsd. do you suspect some people at sandy hook will have the same thing? >> most definitely. the thing i found out about ptsd, no one can predict when it will happen. at columbine, there were several that experienced it immediately i. experienced it immediately. what i noticed over the years, we had some teachers that were doing very well and all of a sudden, at the ten-year anniversary of the columbine tragedy, they started experiencing ptsd. so it's unpredictable when it's going to occur. but any time a tragedy does occur such as what happened on friday, it does traumatize people, triggers are set off. but it's something to deal with. fortunately for me, i was told bay close friend of the family the day after, if i was going to help others, i had to help
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myself. i got into counseling immediately and not that ptsd will go away, but at least i know how to cope with the symptoms. >> steve: i'm sure that lot of folks in newtown will follow your advice and your leadership. all right. frank, principal of columbine, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> brian: story was broken right here on "fox & friends." you have a former marine being held for months in mexico on trumped up charges. his mom just spoke with him. she will join us live right after the break. >> steve: then he worked years to build his small business and it was destroyed in minutes by angry union protesters. you got to hear what happened to him next add up to 100 calories? your world. ♪ [ whispers ] real bacon... creamy cheese... 100 calories... [ chef ] ma'am [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. can i still ship a gift in time r christmas? yeah, sure you can. great. where's your gift?
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>> gretchen: he fought for his country in iraq and afghanistan. now he's fighting for his own
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freedom. former marine jon hammmar locked up in a mexican prison where he's been held for four months for possession of a registered antique weapon. he's reportedly being held there by members of a mexican cartel who are threaten to go kill him unless they get paid. lawmakers are starting to step in. will the family see their son in time for christmas? john's mother, olivia, joins me live from miami. good morning to you. >> good morning, thank you for having me. >> gretchen: of course. we talked to you maybe a few weeks ago when you first decided to go public with this story. what's the latest? what have you heard from your son? >> i think he is -- it's becoming more tenuous every day. i think the situation is more dire as becomes more and more public. i know that the story has gone in some of the top papers in mexico city and it's certainly all over the border towns and the papers and he's getting feedback, why are you in the
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news? what's this all about? why doesn't your family just pay? so that's sort of the feedback he's getting and it's nerve racking. >> gretchen: it's my understanding that these cartels run some of the prisons in mexico and they had been in touch with you and they are demanding some sort of a ransom? >> they did in the very beginning. the consul got involved and able to isolate him and those calls stopped. so we haven't had to deal with that anymore. but 90% of that prison is in this general population that is controlled, every aspect of the general population is controlled by the cartel. most of the guards won't even enter into that section of the prison. >> gretchen: how is he being treated? we had heard reports that i think he told you directly he was being chain to do a bed. >> exactly. i think in the last couple of days they have removed those chains just because of the
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publicity. i think they tend to put them on when visiting hours are over, because there are visiting hours and because of where he's located in the prison, people are constantly walking by there and can see him. so he has a high visibility. >> gretchen: interesting that this publicity may have helped. i know it was a big risk. i want you to listen to a congresswoman in florida who is working diligently on your behalf. i interviewed her last week. >> this is unbelievable that the mexican government is not stepping in to help us while they take our money and take all the help we give them. it's incredible that our own u.s. government is not doing all that we can to bring him home for christmas. the family deserves this. he's done nothing wrong. it is so unfair and so unjust, so we're going to keep on fighting and make this happen. >> gretchen: i want to mention that senator nelson and cube i don't also working on your -- rubio also working on your behalf in florida.
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olivia, do you think you're going to see your son in time for christmas? >> you know, we're trying not to get our hopes up or john's hopes up because it's just so deflating when nothing happens. at this point we're begging the mexican government, first of all, to look at this case. if they will just examine this case. their own military has sent a letter saying this gun is not on the restricted list. i'm asking that the mexican government would use prosecutial power to look at it and let him go because he's totally innocent of the crime he's been charged with. >> gretchen: olivia hammar, a mom in pain and hoping her son can be home before christmas. thanks. we'll continue o follow this story. >> thank you so much. >> gretchen: brand-new
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information just coming in about adam lazy -- lanza and his mother. the mother's confidante and his first tv interview next. the government put aside billions to help sandy victims. you'll hear where some of the money is actually going. how about alaska casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. advil pm® or tylenol pm. the advil pm® guy is spending less time lying awake with annoying aches and pains and more time asleep. advil pm®. the difference is a better night's sleep.
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what happened before he went on a killing spree? people doocy just people with a confidentant, a friend of nancy lanza and joins us. >> i met rich collins last night at a restaurant called my place in newtown, which was one of nancy lanza's favorite places to go fortuner and drinks. rich told me that since he has a son with autism and nancy had a son, a asburgers, they would bond sometimes about the difficulties sometimes in dealing with that. listen to what he told me. >> nancy would get upset because her son refused to let her touch him. she couldn't hug him. my son is just the opposite. she'd see my son hanging all over me. but autistic kids, each and every one of them is different. >> you said that there were different things that she tried to do because she had a hard time bonding with him?
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>> yeah. she was trying to bond, find ways to bond with him. she told me the guns, she would take them shooting because that was a way that a single mom could relate to her son. >> rich collins also told me that he thinks nancy lanza did the best she could, but that she did not have being a single mother, the support system necessary for dealing with someone louisororer -- like adam. they're saying he fired several hundred shots inside sandy hook elementary school. around here, there is very little focus, specific focus on adam lanza. there is much more focus instead on the names of his victims that president obama read one at a time last night. back to you in new york. >> steve: thank you very much. >> brian: she did not have maybe the resources family wise, but she had it financially.
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>> steve: she did. >> brian: she would be able to -- she had health insurance or could afford to buy her own. so there was some aspects to it. i'm not questioning her dedication to it. but i just wonder about the sanity of giving a kid that could not show affection or feel pain the ability to shoot a gun. >> gretchen: i agree with you on. i will say that mental illness in our society is really, really, really difficult to get people into institutions or hospitals or to take medication. the aclu has fought hard about doing just that and that's one of the reasons why we have so many of the homeless people on our streets who are mentally ill. this is a huge national discussion now, even tough for a mom to get their own kid help in many, many, many cases. >> brian: a court can mandate that you take medication, we found out over the weekend, even unadult take medication if
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you're a danger to society. >> steve: why did he go to sandy hook elementary school? there were stories floating around that we think his mom was an aid or volunteer. school says they have no connection. there he is, that's a picture of him from the tech club yearbook. interestingly enough, adam lanza did actually go not only to the high school where they had the memorial last night, but he also went to the elementary school. what made him snap? >> brian: why did he go there? >> steve: why did he go there? rod wheeler, former detective in dc joined us earlier to give us his opinion of what may have happened inside the man. >> i believe quite a few people in that community were very familiar with adam lanza. the question is why did he go to this particular school? i think someone at the school was familiar with him, too. i think he killed his mother because i think he physical like his mother betrayed him. a person that's mentally unstable does not want to be
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told what to do or where to go. now, even if the mother was trying to get this guy probated through the courts, if the police would have went to get him, trust me, they would have taken several officers because he was clearly a danger. he was going down that path. he was going down that path very quickly, but i don't believe that they thought at any point that he was going to take it to this level. >> steve: yeah. and in fact, before friday, he had absolutely no disciplinary problems on his record, although the school and middle school did identify him as someone to keep an eye on. then in high school, he had a permanent psychologist assigned to him throughout his high school career, even though he dropped out for home schooling. they were worried not of violence, but that he might actually be the victim of somebody else bullying him because he was so socially awkward. >> gretchen: interesting. now to the rest of your headline. one day after the newtown shooting, a man under arrest for threatening a different kind of
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a school massacre. this one in indiana. police found 47 guns inside vaughn myers' home, next door to an elementary school where his wife works. during a fight, he allegedly threatened to set his wife on fire, then said he would go to the school and kill as many people as possible. >> brian: overnight, two police stations in benghazi, libya, remember those cities and remember that country? -- were targeted in simultaneous attacks. an explosive device was thrown out of a parked car at one station at the same time a small blast went off at another police station, damaging a wall. no one wales hurt in either attack. >> steve: meanwhile, after a tough couple of weeks, kate middleton is back in the spotlight. here is the pregnant duchess back stage at the bbc sports personality of the year award in london where she presented two awards. earlier this month, she was hospitalized for severe morning sickness. sources say she wasn't feeling well enough to stay for the entire four hour event and went
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home after 45 minutes. she was there and everybody appreciated it. >> gretchen: an update to a story we've been following on "fox & friends." last week we told but clinton tarver, he worked for five years to build a small business in lansing, michigan. but in a few minutes, union workers destroyed his cart n. response, supporters created an on-line fund-raiser and donated more than $33,000. he says he plans to use the money to buy a brand-new cart. all right. thank you for that support. >> brian: they got to she will up -- shell up for a few tents. i don't know if you saw the sunday night football game, if did you not, you missed this tribute. they paid a tribute to all 26 victims in the newtown tragedy. 26 white flairs were sent into the sky during a moment of silence and they pledged $25,000 to help the families of the victims as fort game itself, the 49ers got off to a huge fight
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and withstood a 28-point comeback by the patriots. then a touchdown pass. they staved off the patriots. san francisco won 41-34. who is going to win the nfc east? we have a three-way tie. kirk cousins good, two touchdown s. washington wins against the browns. what about the cowboys? no way they're going to beat the steelers. wrong. roethlisberger finds the wrong team. the cowboys win again. and the giants fans, giants were throttled by the falcons. the giants lost 34-0. they had emblems on each of their helmets in tribute to those who lost their lives and
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victor cruz in particular wore the name of the one six-year-old child that looked up to him and is going to be buried in his jersey. >> steve: they also had emblems for sandy hook elementary school. let's go from sandy hook to hurricane sandy. there is the president wants $60 billion to help the people throughout the northeast who were impacted extraordinarily enough in that $60 billion bill, it's a pork project. how could alaska wind up with $150 million out of the sandy scam for fair fisheries? >> gitmo, maybe they need another soccer field. 5.2 million for the justice department. 4 million to kennedy space center in florida. 3.5 million for homeland security. 2 million for smithsonian institution in d.c can't you just look at one tragedy, as if we haven't had enough. can't we just look at one tragedy and say, hey, those
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people are suffering. they actually need the $60 billion. why does it always have to come down to politics where now people are raising their hands and saying, we'll need 2, 2, 2? >> brian: it's up to guys like senator humaner and gillibrand to say i'm outraged by my colleagues that would do that for their state when they were not affected by a super storm. >> steve: get all the money and make sure it goes to the people impacted. straight ahead, in the wake of newtown, many are wondering what is happening to the culture of the united states? governor mike huckabee says we need to start getting back to prayer. he's going to join us live. >> gretchen: susan rice is out. john kerry is in. what could that mean for the balance of power in congress? secretary of state, it could be tricky this holiday, share everything. share "not even close."
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>> brian: welcome back. with susan rice out of the running for secretary of state, all eyes are focused on john kerry. word is the 69-year-old
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massachusetts senator and former democratic presidential candidate is set to be nominated. so what would that mean for the state department? what would the state department look under kerry and what happens to his senate seat? kelly card -- first off, senator kerry is secretary of state. what does he bring to the table? who what will the state department look like under him? >> brian, he does know a lot of people. he's been in the senate for a long time and always interested in foreign policy. that's the plus side. on the down side, he's all been rather indecisive as a politician. we all remember the line from the 2004 campaign, i voted for the 87 billion before against it. during the first gulf war, he sent one constituent two separate letters. the first letter he said he was for the war and the second one said he wasn't. if he could take orders, he should be okay.
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but another negative is that he's a rather questionable judge of character. he pinted john edwards to be his running mate in 2004 and he gushed over bashir al assad. he's been silent ever since about what's going on in syria. >> brian: the president has been hands off with the state department b. who knows. let's talk about the senate seat he would leave behind. they have 160 days to fill it. scott brown lost by eight. but scott brown favorables in massachusetts were very high. >> right. what happened is that he was elected to replace ted kennedy in a unique january election. there were only 2.2 million voters turned u. this past november was a presidential year. extra million voters turned out. those are the people rush calls low information voters. he brown got 350,000 more votes, but got swamped by elizabeth
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warren. niece pretty good shape, unless the governor appoints somebody and there is no primary. what scott needs is a divisive democratic primary like he got in 2009 after ted kennedy's death. >> brian: you said you spoke to him last night. what does he see as a scenario that could happen, 'cause people are talk being vicky kennedy, ted kennedy's widow, maybe patrick picking himself to run. >> i don't think that duval will pick himself. he's been clear about that. people speculated that she would be the interim senator until the primary could be held to pick somebody to run against scott in may or june. but i think what scott and republicans are concerned about is duval may tell vicky kennedy that she or someone else, but probably vicky kennedy, that she could run in the primary to fill the remaining two years of
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kerry's term and if the democrats don't have a blood bath, it's going to be much more difficult for scott brown to win in a general election, a special election. >> brian: wow. he seems to have done such a good job. thanks so much. appreciate the inside ball on massachusetts. always go to see you. >> thank you, brian. always a pleasure. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, in the wake of the newtown shooting, we're talking about school security. we're talking about gun control. we also need to talk about the culture in this country. are we heading in the wrong direction? do we need to go back to prayer? governor huckabee thinks so. we'll talk more about that next [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. five days later, i had a massive heart attack.
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>> gretchen: welcome back. so we're going to bring you more harrowing stories now, good news that has come out of the horrible news in newtown,
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connecticut. the school nurse who was able to survive. why? because she had the wherewithal going underneath her desk and eventually into a closet with another one of the employees from the school. she was interviewed last night just about how long she was in this closet and whether or not she believed that it was actually the real police who were there to finally save her. >> you know, it was this horrible feeling, you know. just like a nightmare that -- couldn't believe that, you know -- it's ad about dream. after some time, i think it was about 11:15. so we had been in that closet for about an hour and a half. i opened the door and i peeked out 'cause my office has a lot of windows. and looked into the courtyard and i just saw what looked like maybe swat people, but i didn't know who they were. i didn't know if there were
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other shooters. it wasn't until about 1:15 when somebody was jiggling the door and, but nobody called out. so i decided to be brave enough and open that door into the office and a lot of state police officers were there at that point. they were very surprised to see me. >> steve: she was in there for four hours. she says that friday started just like every other day there at sandy hook. 9:15, pledge of allegiance. 9:20, doors locked. 9:30, we know what happened. they had been preparing for emergencies like that every month. here once again, sally cox, a school nurse. >> we have different kinds of drills. in addition to fire drills and high wind drills and lockdown drills and evacuation drills. so we've done it. we've been doing it each month it's something different. >> so you had done those kind of things fairly recently?
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>> yep. >> brian: one story that is absolutely stunning to me is victoria soto, the 27-year-old single teach who are put her kids in the closet, told the gunman they're all down at the auditorium and six kids panicked and ran out. she dove in front of them. they got killed. the rest in the closet, the trauma they must be severancing now is beyond belief. if a navy seal did this, i'd be in awe. but for a teach better no experience to have those instincts is absolutely incredible. one of the things that perhaps saved a number of lives is during the commotion, somebody in the office keyed the public address system and people could hear throughout the building, then could hear a scream and could hear gun shots. it was only on for a couple of seconds, but that was enough and the teachers started locking the doors from the inside. how many children's lives were saved because somebody had the quick thinking to do just that? >> gretchen: this will probably change the way in which so many schools view security and what's
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next? where have we come to in a culture where we have to rethink all of this about our kids being safe at school? >> brian: coming up straight ahead, supposed to be the most detailed report yet about what happened in benghazi. it's due out within hours. will it provide any answers? that's the key. >> steve: and he searched for his lost dog for five years. and the moment he's reunited is caught on camera. we're going to show it to you anh and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... ...lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. thank you for sharing your time with us today on monday, it's december 17, 2012. i'm gretchen carlson. brand-new information just coming in now about adam lanza and his mother. what happened in the days before he snapped? the mother's confidante in his first tv interview. >> steve: at this point, we may not have a motive in the school shooting, but there is one thing we do know, newtown killer, a fan of video games were violent. are we training kids to kill by
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having them inside games like this one? >> brian: every week we give you a list of companies ready to hire and here is why. one viewer just landed her dream job with our help. cheryl casone here live. "fox & friends" starts right now >> steve: welcome to the program. gretchen and i are wearing a little green. a note went out across the country on friday, hey, wear blue to support the school. as it turns out, somebody looked up sandy hook school and found out that the colors were blue and yellow. that turns out to have been the school colors of the high school. the grade school colors are green and white. so as you prepare for the day, wear a little blue or green, clearly your thoughts will be with the people of sandy hook. >> brian: all right.
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straight up, brand-new information coming in about adam lanza and his mom. what happened before he went on that killing spree? peter doocy just spoke with a friend of nancy lanza and joins us now from newtown, connecticut to try to get inside and find out for sure what the motive might have been. peter what, do you know? >> brian, i know that i spoke to a regular at one of the restaurants that nancy lanza liked to go to, called my place, in newtown, connecticut. and this man, rich collins, told me that since he has a son, a teenage son with autism and nancy's son, adam, had asburgers, the two of them would bond over the difficulties of raising their children and what he just told me is very revealing. >> nancy would get upset because her son refused to let her touch him. she couldn't hug him. where my son is just the opposite. she'd see my son hanging all
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over me, but autistic kids, each and every one of them is different. >> you said that there were different things that she tried to do because she had a hard time bonding with him. >> yes. she was trying to bond, find ways to bond with him. she told me the guns, she would take them shooting because that was a way that a single mom could relate to her son and so she would take him out shooting. >> rich also told me he doesn't think nancy, as a single mom h the kind of support system that she needed to deal with her son, adam. now, last night it is worth pointing out, president obama did specifically mention mental health professionals while he was promising to stop senseless shooting sprees in the future. >> in the coming weeks, i'll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens
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from law enforcement, mental health professionals, to parents and educators in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. >> even though the weather here for the last 24 hours or so has been cold and wet, there have been lots of people out paying their respects to the fallen at makeshift memorials and at vigils. we do expect to get more information sometime today from the police about the latest in their investigation. back to you. >> steve: all right. thank you. >> gretchen: and an emotionally trying day ahead in newtown, connecticut. the first of the funerals are being held. one for the youngest victims, noah posner turned six last month. the other for six-year-old jack pinto. because he's such a huge giants fan, his parents may bury him in his favorite jersey. that brings us to the story of one little girl out of the entire class who happened to survive. 15 kids in the class, they were
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all shot dead. but she decided to play dead. you have to ask yourself, how does a six-year-old know how to do that? she had the mental capacity -- i don't know. hopefully there was some inner strength in her that i'd like to believe that i don't know what it was, but she survived. >> brian: i wonder if that matches up with the story we heard initially of a child walking out with blood on them, but was okay. that must have been because she walked out with blood on her of that of her friends saying i'm okay. all my friends are dead (quite a story. meanwhile, joining us now is the host of "huckabee," a fellow named governor mike huckabee. he joinses from his home down in florida. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve, brian, gretchen. >> steve: great to have you. on friday morning at sandy hook elementary school, school prayer returned to that publibecause oe
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hearing this morning, as we heard over the weekend, was so many of the teachers huddled their children in corners and closets and they prayed together. >> i think it's a common human reaction when all of our human answers have failed, that's when we maybe finally recognize that we really need god. and i'm not suggesting by any stretch that if we had prayer in schools regularly as we once did that this wouldn't have happened, 'cause you can't have that kind of direct cause and effect. but we've created an atmosphere in this country where the only time we want to invoke god's name is after the tragedy and i'm grateful, the president quoted scripture. he talked versus from the new testament and that's good. we need that comfort. but we need to create an atmosphere in this country where morality is not something we discuss only when we have no other place to run, which i'm afraid sometimes is the way it goes.
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we criticize anybody who invokes god's name, except after a tragedy like this and then it seems to be okay. >> gretchen: exactly. when i put my children to bed at night, i say god is always with you, when you wake up and you're lonely, know he's with you. yesterday at our church, governor, it was just so moving. they lit a candle for every one of the victims and they honored them and it was so wonderful to know that if you were a person of faith, that you have a lot of questions why, but you have something to hold on to. >> i heard it once said, gretchen, and i think it's an applicable statement that even if you're a believer, you still hit bottom, but at least you find out it is solid at the bottom. and so it's not that we're spared from grief or pain or suffering, 'cause we're not. but we know that there is a world that goes beyond the evil and the horrors of this one and gives us some perspective to
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live for. if we didn't have that hope, if there was not -- again, i refer to what the president said last night. he spoke of heaven. those are words of hope. if we don't believe that there is such a place, that there is something beyond this physical life we live, then there is no hope. and i think it's important that we quit apologizing for having a spiritual conversation, that we somehow quit being ashamed that we believe in god and we recognize, it's the only thing that keeps us together when there is an inexplicable tragedy like the one we've seen with so muchor and pain. >> brian: governor, as i mentioned when you were on the couch on saturday, is that the town got it together. they seem like a very spiritual place, the ideal town. you sketched this out in a children's book and say this is where you want to grow up. their reaction in the times in which the shooting was taken place, heroic. their actions afterwards, tremendous empathy and sympathy from around the world.
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the god that needed god was the shooter. and the assailant is the problem. not the people in the town. >> when we create an atmosphere, when we tell people god really isn't a part of our creation, that we're just biological accidents and then we raise a whole generation to believe that he's irrelevant, that it's for people who don't have the intellectual capacity to think bigger than that, that it's for simpletons to believe in god, what should we expect? this is the net result. we reap what we sow when we only invoke god after the crisis, but we don't create the atmosphere in which we say, we are accountable, that we are special because we're created with a purpose. give a person a purpose, a sense of reason for existence that he or she is the creation of an almighty, all knowing god and you give that person a basis for living that a person does not have if you honestly think that
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you're nothing more than a blob of proceed proto platform with nothing beyond this life. >> steve: our gun laws and things like that, there will be a broader discussion looking at how we have glorified violence in our culture, whether it's the movies or the video games or just the coarsening of the culture itself. >> steve, that's an important discussion for us to have. when we separate violence from some purpose, people will say, but the bible has violence. it does. but that violence was always couched in the terms of moral goodness or moral evil. it was never neutral. and that's where we end up with when violence becomes a part of some neutral expression and that's the trouble with some of the games. not that every kid who plays a video game is a potential mass murderer 'cause that's nonsense. but a child who already has a
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propensity towards psychological disconnects and then you lock that kid in his room with a computer screen and a smart phone, with video games and he doesn't have human connection, his only connection to the world is electronic and a lot of that is molded by these incredibly violent images, and i think we end up seeing that you can not operate a civil society in a moral vacuum. there has to be some sense in which morality exists and then the question comes, where does morality come from? it doesn't just establish itself. if there is not an objective standard in our case, i think we'd say there is a god who gives us the standard, then everybody gets to make up his own rules and that's when a culture and a civilization completely falls apart. >> steve: great conversation. governor huckabee, thank you very much, especially coming on this day when the first of the two victims are going to be buried in connecticut. thank you.
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>> you bet. >> gretchen: important words from governor huckabee. fox news alert now. we've just learned the man suspected of shooting and killing two topeka, kansas police officers have been caught and now hospitalized. according to our affiliates in kansas, cops used tear gas to get 22-year-old david tuscarino out of his home. he opened fired on the officers as they were responding to a call. his condition is not clear at this time. the officers that he killed allegedly, 50-year-old corporal david gogian, recently retired from the military. his son is also a topeka police officer. also 29-year-old jeff attarly killed. he just joined the force last year. american injured overnight in a bomb blast in kabul, afghanistan. this is brand-new video of the aftermath of that car bombing. outside a compound, housing a u.s. military contractor. two afghan workers died in the attack. the taliban has claimed
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responsibility. most detailed report on the benghazi, libya terrorist attack released today. the independent advisory review board will deliver its assessment. congress will see it. the state department will then make recommendations on improving security. secretary of state hillary clinton ordered this review, but she will not testify now about benghazi, at least not this thursday after fainting and suffering a concussion. the latest moon mission coming to a crashing end. nasa's twin space probe named e ebb and flow will crash into the moon's surface. they've been orget bitting the moon for a year action creating a detailed map. the mission is complete. those are your headlines. >> steve: kaboom. all right. on this monday, every week we bring you companies that are hiring and here is why. one viewer landed her dream job with the help of cheryl casone and fox and friends and she's here with her story.
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>> brian: one thing we do know about the newtown killer, he was a fan of violent video games and are we training our kids to kill? the video games have anything to do with reality? peter johnson, jr. explores. begin. tomato, obviously. haha. there's more than that though, there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala! smooth, but crisp. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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>> steve: many questions following friday's devastating tragedy, namely why did it happen? hollywood and video game industry make billions of dollars glorifying death and mass murder.
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the highest rated films for 2012 were rated r for violence. adam lanza was a big fan for many years of violent video games. fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. joins us now. we don't know if there was action, but we know he was a fan of them. >> we know that and we do know the culture of mayhem and mass death is being peddled by hollywood and there is a certain amount of hypocrisy that goes into it because unfortunately, very often these are the same people that say, well, the reason for violence in this country is the ability to meet the needs of the constitution and allow people to own guns. >> steve: right. >> there is an issue on gun control that needs to be enforced. we need laws that protect people against unnecessary violence. we need to allow people to use hand guns or to use rifles for sport and self-defense. not for other uses. but at the same time, we know that when we spent $17 billion a year on video games, we know
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that there is an ohio state study that shows that aggression and video game watching go together. if you watch them for a long time, you'll be more aggressive. we know that it's a problem in this country and we heard the lieutenant colonel talk about this morning all these nc-17 games where time after time, person after person, building after building are blown up, shot, exploded and the only value is how many people you can kill. so talk about desensitization. we need to be sensitive to our children. we need to be sensitive to reforming laws in this country. yes, in terms of making sure that there are checks at gun shows, but at the same time, we need to understand that the medium is the message and the media's message is death and violence and i was in newtown and your great journalist son was in newtown and you covered it all weekend and devastation
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and the pain and the tragedy is unbelievable. >> steve: it is indeed. >> inconsolable. so if we don't look at what senator lieberman talked about in terms of this culture of mass violence and death through media, then we will reap the whirlwind. this will happen again and again and again as it's happened in this country and around the world. >> steve: and there has been the connection withed video games. i heard a story this morning that apparently when the police went to the lanza house, the mother's house, the computers had pretty much been destroyed. adam lanza, before he murdered her, destroyed the computers. so i'm sure -- although they say they can get data from the hard drive. you touched on desensitizeation. look at this. you play a violent game for three consecutive days and alters your behavior. each day after players showed increase of hostility and
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aggression. people who played nonviolent games experienced no change. as a five-year-old, if you start playing sonic to hedge hog. but then when you're 15 and -- >> it's a frightening study. we know it. it's a matter of common sense. it's also a matter of common sense and we know that the hollywood industry is clinging, clinging to guns economically. they are glamorizing guns in this country! they are the scourge in terms of these guns. guns can kill if people have evil intentions. but don't tell our children that it's acceptable to mow down people in malls, in churches, in schools, on the street. they don't know better. they know what we're taught and we're teaching them wrong. >> steve: there is parental responsibility. if you let your kid play -- your ten-year-old play a game intended for adults, they're going to wind up being inside that adult's video game world. >> we have all kinds of
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controls. and hollywood should start to police itself 'cause death should not be the by-product of our entertainment. >> steve: amen. >> thank you. >> steve: 20 minutes after the top of the hour. she made it out alive, but just barely. >> you know, there was a horrible feeling, you know, just like a nightmare that i couldn't believe that, you know -- that it's a bad dream. >> steve: what happened on friday in that school? the school nurse tells her story in her own words. and a new wave of violence hitting benghazi. overnight, breaking details straight ahead
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>> brian: quick headlines now. overnight, two police stations in benghazi, libya, targeted in
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simultaneous attacks. sources say a bomb was thrown into a parked car at one station. at the same time a blast went off at another police station. no one hurt in either attack. and carolina panthers linebacker happy. he's getting high fives from the fans after a big win. when the guardrail gave way, sending some fans spilling onto the field. front row fans were a foot or two above field level. no word if anyone was hurt. panthers had just beaten the san diego chargers 31-7. gretch? >> gretchen: thank you, brian. as we all know, being unemployed, especially tough during the holiday season. but even in a bad economy, there are companies looking for new employees and each week we give you hope because we give you a list of them. today we need a happy story, don't we? we're going to have a success story for you right now. slays lockhart is a "fox & friends" viewer and hired as care giver by right at home, a job she heard about on our
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weekly on the job hunt segment. she's joined by the company's president and coo. good to have you. >> thank you. >> gretchen: you had heard on "fox & friends" that once a week we did these segments where we talked about the five top companies hiring. and you saw one and thought, i can do that. >> right. i actually -- my job search started when i was looking for a job and i tried to apply for three different position in the care giving field. nothing panned out. i happened to be watching "fox & friends" on tuesday and they had a segment on for a job hunt. i seen you advertise the service and i called my local franchise and they were hiring and i applied on-line and before i knew it, they were calling me for an interview and orientation and i have been working for them for two months now. >> gretchen: brian, you must be so pleased to be part of a good news story today. >> absolutely. >> gretchen: here you are in charge of a company that helps people come into homes and
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provide care. tell us more about your company. >> yeah. right at home has been a in-home care provider for 17 years, we started in 1995. our founder started in omaha, nebraska with a single home care company and had a great business model and a great vision and wanted to expand services across the country and bring that concept all over the country. so we started franchising in 2000 and today we have 278 locations in 42 states and five additional countries outside of the u.s. >> gretchen: wow. so lisa, i understand that it was your vibrant personality that made it an automatic yes when your job application came in. what do you do? i know works out really well with your schedule with your children. >> right. as far as -- >> gretchen: you go in and take care of people, but you get o drop your kids off at school? >> right. i have my schedule work with my kids 'cause i can drop them off and then i'm working and when i get him, when i get done at work, then i go home and take care of my children.
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>> gretchen: what does it mean to you after two weeks looking for a job to have employment? >> it means a lot. i enjoy -- my passion is with the senior citizens. you have to have a heart to take care of the elderly, at their fragile state, you know, that they're in at the end. >> gretchen: hats off to both of you. i'm so happy you found a job. and brian, for you for letting people know that jobs are out there at your company. it's called right at home. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> gretchen: tomorrow we'll have cheryl casone who started these segments for us. she's from the "fox business" network. tomorrow at 7:50 a.m. eastern time, she's going to have five more companies who are hiring right now. so break out your pens and paper. get ready for that. coming up, she made it out alive, just barely. >> you know, there was a horrible feeling, you know, and just like a nightmare that couldn't believe that, you know,
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think it's a bad dream. >> gretchen: that is the school nurse and she tells her story in her own words. then the government put aside billions to help hurricane sandy victims. so why is some of that money now going all the way to alaska? we'll try to sort that out for you. when you don't use new pam, this is what you get. residue. [ female announcer ] bargain brand cooking spray leaves annoying residue. that's why there's new pam. you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my motr was so wrong about you. next, we get priory boarding on our flight i booked with miles.
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>> gretchen: talk about the comfort of companions, a trustful golden retriever arriving in newtown, connecticut it help the shooting survivors. these dogs sent by the lutheran church near chicago, illinois, the therapy dogs have traveled to see super storm sandy victims recently and even those affected by the tornado in joplin, mo m. about ten dogs are in newtown right now. fantastic idea. >> brian: we're waiting a news conference from police in newtown on the details and motive behind the shooting and as well as the investigation.
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lieutenant vance expected to speak in less than 30 minutes. this is the grieving community preparing for the first funerals, there is more than one. last night president obama spoke at the memorial for the victims, kelly wright live at the white house with more. hey, kelly. >> good morning to you. hope you're doing well. the nation continues to weep with those families who have been painfully saddened by the tragic incident of the school shooting tragedy in newtown, connecticut. president obama visited with families whose lives have been shattered by this senseless act of violence. he reached out to each family to console them in their time of grief, taking pictures with the family members as well and then in an emotional address to the community, he sought to deliver hope and comfort through scripture and prayer. >> god has called them all home. for those of us who remain, let us find the strength to carry on and make our country worthy of their memory. >> and part of doing it, the
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president praised the people on how they inspired in praying together. >> in the face of indescribable violence, in the face of unconclusionable evil, you've looked out for each other. you've cared for one another. you've loved one another. >> the mass shooting, which took the lives of 26 children and adults at sandy hook elementary school on friday shocked the world. the president said acts like this should not be accepted as routine. >> in the coming weeks, i'll use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens from law enforcement to mental health professionals to parents and educators in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this. >> the president told connecticut governor malloy
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yesterday that this was the most difficult day of his presidency. obviously in the days and weeks to come, it will be a difficult task for the president, as well as members of congress on both sides of the aisle to determine what should be done to prevent tragedies like this from ever happening again. back to you. >> gretchen: i want to say you were on "fox & friends" yesterday and you did a really, really great job in trying to talk about a terrible situation. hats off to you. >> i appreciate that. thank you. >> steve: all right. we're learning more about nancy lanza who was murdered in her bed by her son, adam. peter doocy just had an exclusive, first tv interview with a confidante of that woman right there, nancy lanza. she would get upset that her son wouldn't let her hug him. he had autism-related asburgers. also she was trying to help him build a life for himself, 20 years old. they were thinking about him moving to a new town for college. maybe engineering school. they had already visited schools in the carolinas and in seattle
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and what's interesting is she had apparently told her confidante that i will move with him. but it sounds like she was the one pushing him to move on with his life. he was already 20 years old. the big question is, what if he didn't actually want to go? could that possibly have impacted him. >> brian: the daily mail in britain said she had told family members had told them that -- she thought the end of the world was coming and stockpiling gun force that time and a lot of food for that time. and she had somebody that loved hunting to the point, going to the daily -- according to the daily news, she hunted with a falcon what thank would scare the birds into the open where she could shoot them. so she loved shooting and she actually introduced shooting to her son. >> gretchen: so many issues here that will no doubt be discussed for weeks and months and maybe years to come. mental illness, to gun, to
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autism, et cetera. let's look at one of the people who knew or tried to get to know adam lanza, here is one of his classmates. >> he just would get very nervous and his face would turn bright red and he would get very fidgety. you could just tell that it wasn't that he didn't know the answer. it's just that it was very difficult for him to say what he wanted to say. he must have really felt uncomfortable in any kind of social situation because he never really put himself out there and i just don't really remember him ever stepping forward or really saying anything. he wanted to be left alone and we left him alone. >> brian: i saw one of these articles that quoted the noted child psychiatrist, and he says having asburgers, which he is rumored to have it, by itself does not make you like three kill. but having it, being socially
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awkward, feeling trapped, feeling educationally overwhelmed, feeling despair without any tools to get you out of that box can lead a human being to do desperate things. >> steve: after events like this, people are always going, how did he slip through the cracks? apparently he didn't. the school system identified him when he was in middle school that this was somebody they should watch. when he was in high school, he had a permanent psychologist, school psychologist assigned to him. it wasn't that they were worried he was going to be violent. but given his awkward social graces, they were worried that he would be a victim to somebody else or perhaps even hurt himself. meanwhile, 25 minutes before the top of the hour. other headlines on this monday, one day after the newtown shooting, a man under arrest for shooting a school massacre in end in. police found 47 guns in his home, right next o an elementary school where his wife works. during a fight, myer allegedly threatened to set fire to his
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wife, then said he would go to the school and kill as many people as possible. >> gretchen: president obama's $60 billion request for aid for sandy victims has turned into a christmas stock of goodies for federal agencies and even now the state of alaska. if you're scratching your head to figure that out, here it is. new york post learning it included $150 million tore fisheries in alaska. also $41 million for military base, including gitmo. kennedy space center where wore $40 million for repairs and the smithsonian would get 2 million. republicans say a vote on the bill won't happen until after christmas because of a lack of details about the measure. brian? >> brian: after a tough few weeks, kate middleton is back in the spotlight. here is the pregnant duchess back stage at the sports personalities of the year i awards. this is in london where she went to do awards. earlier this month she was hospitalized for severe morning
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sickness. she wasn't feeling well enough to stay for the entire four hour ehave not and went home after 45 minutes. >> gretchen: a man whose dog was stolen has been reunited reunith the beach. guess how many years. five years later. >> that's so cool. >> he's been everywhere. >> gretchen: another story to cry about. emotional reunion, a long time coming, the man says bandit had run out of his home and a man picked him up and drove off. but he was found last month and was set to be euthanized at a shelter, so he was sent to another and that's where they found out that he had a microchip. and they connected him back with his happy owner. >> steve: another good reason to chip your dogs and your cats. meanwhile, 21 minutes before the top of the hour, let's look at where it is raining. there is a whole bunch of rain, as you can see, across the eastern half of the united
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states. portions of the central plains states. right now moving through the ozarks. heavy stuff from louisiana, up through portions of alabama where we've got some thunderstorms in the last couple of hours, now moving into portion of georgia and south carolina. storm system moves up through the northeast and we have some snow currently in portions of new england. as you can see, behind the front it's much chillier. right now we've only got 21 degrees in minneapolis. about the same for denver, albuquerque. warmer than 25. in caribou, maine, 14. chilly. 41 now here in the big town of new york city. 55 in raleigh. let's look at the day ahead. temperature wise, things are going to warm up into the 60s across the mid atlanta hispanic across much of dixie land. northern plains, still portions below freezing. should be 63 later today in los angeles. and if you're out in provo,
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utah, good morning. your daytime high will be 44. and that's a look at your weather on this monday. >> gretchen: coming up, new tax threatening thousands of jobs, even democrats want it gone. so is the president still pushing for it? we'll explain what it is next. >> brian: then he worked years to build a small business and it was destroyed in minutes by angry union protesters. the story has an awesomeg ♪ [ male announcer ] campbell's green bean casserole. it's amazing what soup can do
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>> brian: new tax that may cut over 20,000 new jobs that goes into effect january 1. it's not new. you should have known. the medical device tax, part of obamacare. credit psychics say it not only threaten jobs, but will severely diminish medical technology as well as innovation. a group lawmakers, including democrats, are demanding it be delayed. joining us is congressman eric paul, co-chair of the medical caucus where. have they been on this? >> i tell you texas rangers great to have the support of
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some democrat senators of recent, but the house passed this bill six months ago and it's a ticking time bomb. we've got 16 days to stop this devastating tax on some of our best job creators. >> brian: how would a tax on medical devices affect jobs? >> i tell you, only in washington would you impose a tax on this industry and think you're going to save health care costs. here is what's going to happen, this is a tax on revenue. it's not a tax on profit. so you're going to have fewer start-ups. this is one of our best american success stories. and now big companies are going to start laying people off, which they're doing. they're moving jobs overseas, they're curtailing their investments in research and development. it's not a good message to be send not guilty a tough economy. >> brian: give us an idea. these are pace makers, right? obviously artificial hearts. everything that made america the place to go when you needed a complicated surgical procedure. >> that's absolutely right. in fact, this is truly an american success story. less invasive surgeries. an industry credited for
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enhancing and promoting saving lives from heart disease, diabetes, many other diseases. future treatments as well. so this not only sends a bad signal for some of our best job creators, it's also going to make it a lot more difficult for american patients to access these new technologies, cutting and lding edge technologies. >> brian: is it possible people in washington don't understand how that could affect jobs, how it won't necessarily result in increased revenue? >> absolutely. there is actually going to be a decline overall. the president claimed this is going to be a windfall for these device companies with so many people coming in to the insurance market. that is just a convenient myth. if you looked at studies done, for instance, even in massachusetts that has a similar provision to obamacare with the individual mandate, there has been no increase in utilization whatsoever. >> brian: president obama on this medical device tax says this: the health care bill is going to provide those health care companies 30 million new customers. it's going to be great for
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business. they're doing really well right now and they're going to get 30 million more customers as a consequence. so this tax comes back to them as new customers. sound logical to you? >> it does not sound logical. it's fiction. it's false. boy, tell that message to the folks and the employees laid off from these companies or that are losing jobs, moving overseas. that's not the message they want to hear. we need to be doing the opposite and stop this tax before it starts on january 1. >> brian: amazing. if you ask for a delay, that means you don't want it and you realize the consequences, you want to save your own political career. congressman, thanks so much. >> thank you very much, brian. >> brian: finally, a movie the whole family can see. it's not "here comes the boom." the actor everyone is talking about is here and she is just 13 years old and this movie was phenomenal. then he worked for years to build his business. union protesters destroyed it in just minutes. but it's a story that will make you smile. first, let's check in with bill hem who are did such an incredible job in connecticut over the weekend.
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he's still there now and will tell us what's coming up at the top of the hour. hey, bill. >> brian, good morning to you. tough days for all of us all across the country, frankly. we are minutes away from seeing the first police briefing of the day. we'll see lieutenant paul vance from the connecticut police department. we will carry that live for you when it gets underway and a terrific line - up of guests to help us get to the why and all of this. martha and i will continue our coverage right after you at the top of the hour. also, two funerals for two six-year-old boys today. we are live in sandy hook on this school tragedy at the top of the hour. finished a bowl ofr new light chicken pot pie soup and it's so rich and creamy... is it really 100 calories? let me put you on webcan... ...lean roasted chicken... and a creamy broth mmm i can still see you. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ]
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>> steve: quick headlines. union workers destroyed his famous hot dog cart during the
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right to work protest in michigan a couple weeks ago. but supporters set up a fund for that man, clinton tarver and they raised $33,000 for him to buy a new cart. that's great. and president bush's pick up is being auctioned off for charity next month. he started driving the ford back in 2009 around his ranch down in texas. the autographed -- he autographed the air bag, if that's possible. meanwhile, old school meets new school in the new movie "parental guidance." look at this. >> the jokes that you won't get. so just laugh. just laugh. i promise you, we will get through this week. >> hello boys, still single? [ laughter ] >> gretchen: wed into something to laugh about. the a list stars have met their match in 13-year-old bailey madison and rejoins us -- she's been on before.
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you're in this great movie that opens on christmas day. >> yes, i am. it's nice to be back. >> steve: you're wearing green today as a lot of people to commemorate the lives of the children lost at sandy hook. >> absolutely. i am beyond heart broken for what is going on and my thoughts and my prayers go out to all those affected and involved. while i'm traveling spreading this joy of this movie that is perfect for all holiday season, much needed right now, hopefully i can give a bit of a smile. >> steve: you were telling us earlier that the stories of heroism regarding some of these teachers who did their best to save the livers -- lives of their children reminded you of some of your school teachers. >> i grew up in a school like this one. and i could imagine some miff teachers doing what they could to save us. i'm truly taken back and just we're just all blessed. very unfortunate. >> brian: tell bus this movie. we saw the proceed knows.
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-- promos. >> it's about new school meets old school. grandparents come to visit us and our parents have their own way of parenting, like you don't use the word no, for instance. they kind invest to come in and whip us back in shape. and it's just a film for the entire family to make you laugh during the holidays, bring you close to one another and just putting out a good and positive message. >> gretchen: let's take a look at one of the funny clips. >> thank you. >> that's not bad. >> not bad? she looks like a 12-year-old widow. >> i do? >> what about this? perfect for someone a cute little hiney. >> i love it. >> mom, it's for a concert. not to meet the fleet. >> hey, it's an audition. all auditions are alike. get their attention! that's how i got all those weather girl jobs. >> are you like a trained urologist? >> trained? i had a tight dress and a pointer. i used to sing my forecasts. as a matter of fact, sometimes
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your mom used to sing them with me on tv. >> gretchen: so many parents are going to be able to relate to this because for my parents out there, love you, but they're less strict with my kids than they were with me. >> yeah. it's so funny because i am like the super uptight teen-ager, like everything has to go as planned. i have to do my best to make everything go smoothie. it's made trying to let loose and be the fun side of looking at my grandma saying, i want to be like her. >> steve: new generation of parents, they're kind of like, with tee ball, everybody gets a ribbon. everybody is a winner. >> and it's so funny because parents parent like that. >> steve: they do. >> it's so relatable and it's perfect for everyone, which is great to be able to go to a movie remember that. >> brian: the lights are dim, the cameras are off, you're hanging out with bette midler and billy crystal. that's like? >> they're incredible. >> brian: who do you like better? >> steve: you got to pick. >> i like bette as a girl and
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billy as a boy. they're both wonderful. that is a class act and billy is just such a talent. >> steve: you start with the b, too, bailey madison. check out the movie, opens christmas day. >> please do. take your family. >> thank you. >> steve: merry christmas. >> gretchen: more "fox & friends" two minutes away. [ engine revs ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the mercedes-benz winter event is back, with the perfect vehicle that's just right for you, . . [ male announcer ] lease a 2013 ml350 for $599 a month at your local mercedes-benz dealer.
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>> brian: you're looking live at newtown, connecticut where lieutenant vance is about to give an update on their investigation into the school shooting. we'll bring it to you live when it happens. >> steve: and this as a first of the young victims are laid to rest later on today. we want to look at those who were taken too early. >> gretchen: so we keep them in our thoughts and our prayers, along with their friends and families. and as the president said, you are not alone in your grief.


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