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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  December 29, 2012 3:00am-7:00am PST

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>> and i have the right to petition the courts if the don't agree with a law. we are not going to all agree with every law that is passed. i don't agree with the laws that restrict contraception use now being put forth in different states around the country. i feel like those infringe on my rights as well. >> nothing infringes on your rights. >> you don't have to work at hobby lobby. economicception is an check issue for many women. >> this is about forcing the employer to give it to you for free. >> happy new. >> sean: and we continue to monitor here on the fox news channel america on the brink. the latest on the fiscal cliff. let not your heart be troubled. that is all the time we have left but greta is standing by
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>> juliet: wake up, everybody, it's saturday, december 29th. i'm juliet huddy. down to the wire for a fiscal cliff deal. and is it mitch mcconnell to the rescue. live in washington on the 11th hour negotiations. >> and did you know about to fall off the dairy cliff? >> juliet: have you seen the prices? >> dave: as high as 8 bucks a gallon for milk. >> clayton: oak ridge boys bush. special number tribute for number 41. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> am i wrong about that don't the have a deep voice? ♪ >> oak ridge boys have been on this show many times on "fox & friends." >> good morning, everyone.
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>> dave: good morning. juliet huddy celebrating an early new year's eve. is it new year's eve? >> juliet: sparkly shoes and everything. i feel like we are waking up at 4:00 in the morning on saturday i better be festive. >> clayton: that's what woke me up this morning. >> juliet: this is a beautiful set it has inspired me. >> dave: it's spectacular. >> juliet: it is. >> dave: it's fiscal cliff time. couple of days away. rare i wake up and say i'm moderately optimistic but that's what the president said. you are either optimistic or you are not. the president said he is modestly optimistic about a fiscal cliff deal getting done before new year's eve. >> clayton: they all said the same thing. presidential meeting with the leaders yesterday. harry reid. >> juliet: vice president showed up. >> clayton: they must have been all on the same table hey whether we lee this table we
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will say modestly optimistic. listen to senator mitch mcconnell who may be the linchpin of this whole thing. he said i will take the ball and run with it in the senate. get a deal done. listen to the senator. >> we had a good meeting at the white house. we are engaged in discussions the majority leader and myself and the white house in the hopes that we can come forward sunday and have a recommendation that i can make to my conference and the majority leader can make to his conference. we will be working hard to see if we can get there in the next 24 hours. so i'm hopeful and optimistic. >> charles krauthammer calling him a master negotiator. saying if it were left up to him he could solve the syrian civil war in a weekend. >> dave: he can get it done but there is still john boehner and the house republicans. i'm not modestly optimistic.
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anything through the house at this point. >> juliet: like lindsey gram said two days ago when you call a meeting publicly in washington it usually turns out to be the dog and pony show or theater basically. honestly calling at this late hour. they met for an hour. what could really go down in that type of meeting? things can go down but really, it's just at the edge. they waited so long. they all went on their vacations. >> clayton: here are some things on the table to answer those questions perhaps. generalities. we don't know what's been tabled. democrats still strong about this. they say they were, yeah, here is -- take a look at this. keeping tax cuts for those making $250,000 a year or less. we know that's there. that may shift because we are hearing from republicans they may be willing to go as high as $500,000 a year. of the extended. >> dave: that's my guess. >> extending unemployment tax benefits for 2 million folks still unemployed.
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delay sequestration cuts for defense until later in the year. >> dave: john boehner on friday says he does not want to limit sequestration unless you also have equal spending cuts. there is no chance of finding an extra 500 billion in spending cuts. not as far as democrats stand. here is harry reid on where the senate democrats stand at the 11th hour. >> if we come up with something, it's not that easy, we are dealing with big numbers some of the stuff we do is very complicated. i think it was a very positive meeting. there was not a lot of hilarity in the meeting. everyone knows how important it is. it took an extended period of time as you know waiting for us. everybody, whatever we come up with, is going to be imperfect. some people aren't going to like it. some people like it less, but that's where we are. and i feel confident that we
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have an obligation to do the best we can and that was made very clear in the white house. we're going to do the best we can for the caucuses that we have and country that's waiting for us to make a decision. >> juliet: i imagine there would be a lot of hilarity after he called boehner a dictator and boehner is sniping back. i'm sure that wasn't a fun time. >> not like in a room having a cocktail. >> dave: how about republican bob corker who talked to greta about the spending cuts that they would like to see from the democrats thus far not on the table. it's a shame in this nation where every developed country in the world knows our fiscal cliff is our fiscal solvency you have to have these leverage points. sit down and solve the problem because we know it's our greatest threat. that's not the case here. we have a president who has not laid out a plan.
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is he on yulingsly a spendaholic. >> dave: here is the problem for republicans though. if there is no deal out of the senate he will say okay i need an up or down vote on the $250,000 up or down mark. if republicans want to go on record to say no on that. that's going to be very politically dangerous for john boehner in the house. that's the bottom line. >> juliet: i know you are getting a lot of tweets. mine is like i blame, this i blame that guy. it's interesting to hear what you guys have to say about that first, let's go to peter doocy. what happens this weekend as far as negotiations are concerned? mr. doocy standing by in washington. hello, pete. >> dave: hello peter. >> hello juliet, dave and clayton. we have been told about meetings about ways to avoid the fiscal cliff. not sure how they are going to hammer out details in the house. the principle negotiators. the leadership from both
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parties could be brought in later in the day. president obama has said, he said yesterday that if those leaders and those congressional negotiators cannot figure out how to compromise, then is he going to tell the senate just to vote anyways because he thinks with an up or down vote, senators with a support the plan that is already out there. the main hold up with the deal so far has been a fight over who should be classified as rich. democrats want to start letting tax cuts expire for anyone making more than $250,000. many republicans though want that number to go up to at least $400,000 a year. they think that's a better threshold. but, still, the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell thinks things are heading in the right direction. top administration officials say senator mcconnell has pledged to work closely with harry reid, the majority leader in the senate. we will see how that works out very soon since their deadline is monday at midnight. back to you. >> dave: are you optimistic,
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peter? >> cautiously. it seems for the first time in weeks the body language and the tone of the leaders leaving the meeting. the members we heard from was more positive. that does not mean that they are -- that a deal is certain by any -- even if they come up with agreement against the principle negotiators. they still have to sell the deal to their party. >> each senators for the first time to peter's point weren't talking about tabling anything or trying to move procedurally to stop anything from happening. we may actually get some votes here. >> juliet: they might be relaxed because they came back from vacation. >> yeah, they had some eggnog. >> juliet: one, two punch heading to the northeast. people still digging out from the last week snow storm. now bracing for wild weather moving in right now. >> clayton: crews are out preparing for the worse. already presalting the roads getting ready with stockpiling up with all that salt that
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they need. >> dave: what should we expect? ask maria molina in the weather center this morning for rick reichmuth. quite a doozie of a storm in new york. >> i wouldn't go that far. not that huge of a deal across the northeast. many people used to dealing with the snowfall. the big deal with the storm is that we just got hit with one about a day ago and now having to deal with more snowfall here. some places picked up 20 inches of snow on thursday and with that snow storm that produced even some tornadoes across parts of the south and yet again dealing with more snow here in many of those areas. parts of illinois picked up a foot with that last system now looking at more snowfall from the storm. the worse of it winding down in indiana. basically on the warm side of the system we have showers and thunderstorms. areas of heavy rain across northern florldz and eastern carolinas that should be moving out very shortly. you will be drying out. head northbound temperatures are cold enough. ohio have you been dealing with that snowfall throughout the entire overnight hours.
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pennsylvania and upstate, new york already seeing that snowfall moving on in. as far as how much snowfall goes for the northeast we have been seeing models spitting out a lot of snow or no snow and going back and forth. most snowfall accumulations 3 feet of snow. nothing too significant. 3 to 5 inches of snow first alert forecast across ohio, parts of indiana. that should be winding down throughout the day today. as the we head into the northeast. new york city you are looking at very light accumulations. maybe 1 to 3 inches of snow. as we head a little bit further off to the west in the suburbs you could be looking at 4 to 6 inches of snow and also across pennsylvania and 3 to 6 inches of snowfall. a number of winter advisories. the big snowfall is first alert forecast across rhode island, eastern massachusetts and also portions of eastern connecticut snow possible new england region we could be looking up to a foot of snow
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out there. by sunday gone. it will be windy behind it and much colder. >> dave: that's the exactly what i need for my 4 a.m. commute tomorrow morning. thank you very much molina, bearer of bad news. >> juliet: hotel room time. let's get to some headlines. cops releasing video of the woman pushing a man in front of a subway train. she was talking to herself. cops have released this footage running away from the subway station. three cops were shot. prison worker eddie jones iii being processed on domestic violence and stalking charges. that's when he tackled officer, took her gun and began hiring. the officer who raced to her being hailed as heros. >> there are actions of protecting the community
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quickly escalated from responding to a call for service to performances of heroic actions by members of this police department. >> officers ruth burns and kevin stein both out of the hospital. officer james garber is also expected to be okay. the gunman was shot dead. preparations underway right now in new york city, just down the street for the 2013 ball drop today organizers will test out the confetti. throughout the year visitors to times square right new year's wishes on pieces of paper. i have not known that. they turn that into confetti. expected to watch the event for the first time in four decades it will not be hosted by dick clarming who passed away this year. a series of contributes are planned those are the headlines. have you ever in times square for the ball drop. >> never have and never will. >> juliet: if you are covering it and have access and raised up on platforms. i can't imagine. the people there you can't
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even leave. >> clean and comfortable bathroom. >> dave: i need access every 20 minutes or so. my precursor. >> dave: the president's topic for secretary of defense. purple heart recipient and former senator republican senator chuck hagel mind you. next guest says he would be a bad choice for america. retired lt. colonel bob maginnis joins us to explain why. >> clayton: then new year new prices on everything from groceries to cars. how much will you pay when the ball drops on 2012? ♪
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welcome back. president obama is facing criticism potential topic for next secretary of defense. senator chuck hagel here is the response from the white house to that criticism. >> can i simply say that senator hagel has been a remarkable servant to this country. recipient of two purple hearts. he fought they're this country and has served this country admirablably. >> dave: retired lt. colonel bob maginnis. good to see you sir.
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>> thank thank you, dave. >> dave: everyone criticizing this pick has the utmost respect for what he he did for this country and earning a purple heart. does that make him the right pick? does that make him a defense expert? >> no. he is not a defense expert dave. foreign policy expert. what we need in a very complex world today ratcheted by wars in afghanistan. cyber war. threats from iran, north korea, china, et cetera. and a defense department has more than 3 million people scattered across this world. it's someone that really understands defense. someone that's spent their entire life working the bureaucracy that knows the industrial base that knows soldiers. you know, i have nothing against senator hagel. he is a fine man. i have met him before. i think he is well-intended. but what we need are people like michelle floornoid. ash hammer.
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we need people who know the systems inside-out. the president needs the best advice in a time of war and time of crisis. we are forcing says questions station. tenuous time for armed forces given all these threats. >> dave: after what john boehner said on friday it looks like sequestration could actually happen. the question is why does the president want chuck hagel. when you look at his background. maybe not a defense expert. the "the washington post" came out and said there are those who come -- democrats that would be to the right of chuck hagel in terms of his policies regarding wars and defense. so why is he the president's choice at this point? >> certainly the idea of bipartisanship and trying to sell some of the shrinking defense budget items. >> otherwise, i don't see a good rationale for him given some of the choices the
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president has. understand the hill. leon panetta was very well qualified. budget chairman in the house. omb director. cia. he had all that preparation before running into the pentagon and he has done a is he person job. very tough job. even he said that we face some dire devastating times ahead if sequestration goes ahead. chuck hagel seems to think that we can cut, quote, more the bloat out of the pentagon. there probably is some over there. but you need to understand the system right, given of the republican opposition i don't know that the president gets a lot of credit for bipartisanship. more likely the cuts that they agree on. lt. colonel bob maginnis thanks so much we appreciate
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it. >> thanks, dave. >> small businesses set to take big hits in 2013. that could take an effect on your wallet. we'll explain next. my pet chicken just saved my life. how this hero bird came to the rescue of an entire family. and that's not even the coolest part of this story. i'm sticking around. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families
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>> clayton: welcome back. whether or not we go over the fiscal cliff there are major hurdles that could staal stand in the way of small businesses growing in 2013. >> juliet: here with top five business protection predictions business 2013. let's get to it five business predictions for 2013, things businesses need to do. start with number one. managing obama care. >> well, obviously the patient protection affordable healthcare act kicks in 2013. a lot of business customers are coming to tus and they need solutions. i think you are going to see
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businesses start to manage their employee head count going from full-time employees to part-time employees. actually some businesses thinking of taking head count and creating two companies to get under 50 employee limit. >> clayton: splitting up the companies so not to hit those. more credit is going to be available? >> pretty tight. credit is still tight. regulatory environment is still difficult. banks have got poor loan quality on overall basis of the businesses are looking at. business development corpse. there is microlending opportunities and crowd funding opportunities which is new basically angel investors with the fec has reduced some of their limitations for businesses to get funding. >> juliet: this seems like no brainer ecommerce is the way it is. cyber monday shows that. >> it's growing but still frankly at low levels. probably online sales are only
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about 7% of total sales. they estimate mobile commerce could be about a trillion in revenues in 2016, 2017. so ecommerce is growing significantly. there is is a loft businesses that are still not online and don't have an online presence. >> that makes no sense to me. a lot of businesses that don't know that they can go and create a simple web site to get online so you can jump on your mobile guess. if you are out looking for a pizza shop you are most likely looking for it on your mobile device. if you are not online that's a customer you just lost. >> advertising as well as being able to take payments as little as 72 bucks per year you can have a site online designed and host it. >> juliet: cyber security is going to be a big thing as well. >> yes. we are seeing more hacking into sites. even the pentagon gets hacked into. businesses are going to need to have a product. we are rolling out a product to surveil web sites. very affordable where you actually can protect the business owner's web site and all their important data. by actually hacking into the
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site and showing the business what the vulnerabilities are. and doing it on a constant basis. it's an interesting product. cyber security is big. >> dave: you and i were talking in the commercial break about the cloud. think about freezing rain structure. disasters. we saw sandy and the hurricane and getting up in the cloud somewhere. >> it's essential. at the end of the day the days of having all your data stored in a tower under your desk or lawyers or accountants or districts having all their hippa information in a closet on site those days are gone. businesses are going to interest to keep it secure in military style off site and access it from a tablet. >> juliet: quite the world we live in. >> it's changing. >> juliet: are you ready for this? next on the run down a pizza delivery guy fights off a gang of robbers. >> five people against one is
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not a good situation to be in. i thought that i was about to die. >> juliet: his reward? he just got demoted. we're going to tell you about this. >> clayton: oak ridge boys phoning in performance for george h.w. bush ♪ how sweet the sound ♪ that saved a reach like me ♪ i once was lost ♪ but now i am found ♪ was blind ♪ but now i see ♪ [ malennouncer ] it's tt time of year again.
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♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound ♪ that saved. >> clayton: the oak ridge boys phoning in to it lift the spirits of president george h.w. bush the nation's 41st president getting special performance of amazing grace by phone. bush also has been singing with doctors and nurses and is improving while being treated in the icu apparently in the hospital room when the oak bridge boys called.
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in they asked mr. president can you hear us? and the president said loud and clear. >> dave: why were they singing to the former president? barbara bush actually asked the oak ridge boys and call 41 and sing to him over the phones to lift his spirit. bush representative said put away your harps. the president is going to be just fine. here is what a family spokesman said for the bush family said about this little performance. >> words cannot proper live express how much the oak's special performance meant to the president and bush family today. this is a friendship as your audience will well appreciate goes back many years. and what happened today gave the president a real shot in the arm. thankfully he continues to improve. the bushes continue to feel so blessed to have so many friends there in tennessee like the oaks and wish to thank one and all for their prayers. and good wishes. they have been friends since the late 40s in some capacity.
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>> juliet: you know you are hooked up when they call you oaks. this is what the oaks have to say in response. after we finished we asked if he could hear us and he said oh quite clearly. typical humor brought laughter all around. sang amazing grace for him barbara bush came on the phone. the hospital room was filled with family. right now they were all leaving the oak ridge boys and we all smiled and went back home. we just sang a few songs for our president. >> dave: who would cheer you up if you were sick,. >> clayton: justin bieber. jimmie fallon playing the biebs. i would have to say i like a little sting might be nice. >> dave: i like a little garth brooks. >> juliet: glen hanserd. >> dave: we are sick. >> juliet: he starred in a great movie once. >> clayton: i will google that. >> juliet: more wet weather to tell you about. moving into the northeast right now.
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people are still digging out from the snow from this past weekend's storm. crews are already out in full force stocking up. salt, getting the plows ready to hit the roads. maria molina is falling this weather action. live in our weather center with more on what we can expect over the next day or so. >> good morning. good to see you guys. we are expecting yet again another storm system to bring more snow across areas that just had to deal with our christmas day and the day after snow storm that brought snow through places in the midwest and also into the northeast. over 20 inches were recorded from that last system. in parts of upstate new york and across new england. and now we are talking about more additional snow. the good news with this storm is that it is not first alert forecast to be as powerful as the last one. not really expecting to see any severe weather across portions of the south. maybe some isolated stuff going on. we do have areas of rain coming down across eastern parts of the carolinas. down in northern portions of florida. most of that should be moving offshore as we move later on today. on the cold side of the snow system. that snow has been coming down in overnight hours in
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illinois, indiana. most of that winding down in those states. ohio you are still in the thick of it and continue to see that snowfall throughout the later morning hours and that snow moving into portions of the northeast and also through. this is going to be a quick moving snow storm system. one of the reasons nod expecting it to dump as much as last go around. 3 to 5 inches in places of ohio and southern portions of indiana' and that's where we have winter storm warnings in effect. factor in the wind and moves the snow around. makes it colder as you head out the door. even northern portions of kentuckying will at that winter storm effect. drive carefully. heading out for the weekend and doing any driving in your area. in the northeast a more more snow in places. massachusetts, boston you are included in a winter storm warning. eastern connecticut and also the state of rhode island. that's where you are looking at accumulations ranging between 4 and 8 inches of snow. as that storm does intensify close enough to the coast.
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we could be looking at a foot of snow out here. some of the computer models have hinted to that. right now they are trending toward the lighter side. otherwise aren't the new york city area and subpushes 2 to 4 inches. manhattan 2 to 3 inches. continue our track westbound widespread amount in the peal and upstate new york that will depend on your elevation. if you are higher up likely going to get a little bit more snow. timing on the storm system 9:00 a.m. saturday widespread snow across p.e. and upstate, new york. sunday morning the only place dealing with additional snowfall will be the state of maine. that's where you are going to be looking at higher snowfall amounts. windy conditions behind the system expecting gusts over 30 miles per hour for your sunday. temperatures will be cold. get ready for blustery second half of your weekend. if you have to go back to work on monday like some of us do. but for new year's eve monday across the northeast it looks like a dry day but it is going to be very chilly out there. keep that in mind if you are headed out doors for any
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celebrations. you guys back to you in the studio. >> alisyn: thank you, maria. >> dave: inside for me. in to bed early. >> clayton: wearing your snugy with hot cup of cocoa. >> juliet: we can wear them in the morning. >> clayton: would you mind? >> dave: from my couch. >> juliet: we can't go out. >> clayton: put another log on the fire. >> juliet: some of your other headlines today. help is one step closer for victims of super storm sandy. senate passing a bill that would pro-pride $60.4 billion in aid for the states' affected by the disaster. new york senator chuck schumer appraised both sides of the senate for coming together. >> i want to thank my republican colleagues across the aisle. we had a lot of differences. no cheap shots, no bills blocked, it was great. >> juliet: coming together in the bill now heads to the house. the first lawsuit in
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connection with the sandy hook school shootings has been filed. it's 100-million-dollar lawsuit against the state of connecticut on behalf of the 6-year-old survivor. the suit claims the child suffered emotional and psychological damage from hearing the screaming and shooting over the school's loud speakers. it also says the board of education failed to provide a safe school setting or emergency response plan. in all, 26 people, including 20 children were shot and killed by gunman adam lanza that day. russia playing politics. putting their kids at risk. their orphans at risk. president vladimir putin has banned americans from adopting russian children. the move reportedly is in response to human rights violations handed down by president obama earlier this year -- earlier this month rather. putin's new law destroying the dreams of many american families currently in the process of adopting, including this. >> they were already our family. we already had their names. we were already decorating
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their room. it's really. [crying] >> are you crying? it? >> is so disturbing, this story. 1,000 russian children were adopted by americans last year. children are disabled. not wanted by anybody else in russia. living in orphanages. not available for adoption. a the love these families have gotten really close to the adoption. set everything up and can't go pick up the kids. horrible. anyway, a maryland pizza delivery man fights off a group of attackers. his reward? a demotion. >> he sucker punched me. my glasses flew off. i dropped the pizzas and just dropped it into my hand. and i covered my face and i was swinging like this as hard as i could. five people against one is not a good situation to be in. i thought i was about to die. >> so 24-year-old sam says the attackers ran off without his money or pizza but despite his brave actions pizza hut cut his hours and pay for
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violating their no weapons policy. so far there is is no comment. are you kidding me right now? really? >> clayton: doesn't look like a weapon. it looks like a magic wand. >> juliet: to fight off five guys it was. >> clayton: let me get out my harry potter wand for you. >> juliet: that's terrible. >> clayton: coming up next on the show new year, new prices on everything from groceries to cars. find out how much more you have to pay in 2013. not my greek yogurt. no. >> clayton: my pet chicken, dave, just saved my life. how this hero bird came to the rescue of an entire family. that's not even the best part of the story. >> juliet: your pet chicken? >> clayton: crying foul. >> juliet: i had a pet chicken, freddie. ♪
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>> juliet: 43 past. some quick head lines. china passed a law requiring adult children to visit children often or end up in court. huge. this law aims to chicken farmer returns the favor. club club the chicken began clubbing so loudly one morning he woke up the whole family. that's when he realized their house was on fire. they you will escaped without a scratch. by brother wrought him home for easter. >> clayton: more on that story at 11:00. you asked. >> ringing in the new year may mean digging even deeper in your wallet. sad but true. consumers expect items to cost
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more this year. kelly grand joins us now to break it all down for us. nice to see you this morning. >> thank you for having me. >> clayton: let's dive into. this this is not going to be pleasant. but hard realities we are facing. start off with cars. >> cars are a big one. costs go up every year. particularly experts tell us we will see an upswing starting next year because it's some of these new laws requiring cars to be more fuel efficient. they need to be able to make upgrades to the car itself in terms of the engine. there need to be technology upgrades keep prices down not there yet. grocery and grain. a lot of folks going to be the grocery store are going to notice these things. what particular products. >> talked about the milk cliff that's something that's certainly a risk this year just because of the fiscal cliff and could see milk prices more than double. but just because of the drought this year. we're seeing prices for a lot of things go up. obviously grains being a big one but then you think about all of the animals that eat
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grains and then that makes meat prices go up. dairy. and then that trickles down into all sorts of processed food. this is something we see almost every year. some of the experts we talked to said they are seeing potentially smaller increases that's settling out. still about 6% next year. >> clayton: in the tech field we are going to see some things going up as well. high end televisions. home theater systems and computers set to go up as well? >> always something new coming out. starting to see the roll out of ultra hi def tv's something that cost in the neighborhood of $20,000 right now. >> clayton: 4 k televisions. still out of the market for most consumers. seeing high end options popping up in tv's. tv systems. even computers. >> clayton: when we thought those prices were going down. next up smart phone and iphone 5 accessories. >> smart phones a lot of the carriers are getting rid of subsidies. verizon and the iphone
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earlier this year. gave option pay full price ant keep unlimited data plan. t mobile getting rid of subsidies. it will be less for the plan. i think that really remains to be seen for consumers. you really want to do the math. >> dave: you said accessories as well. if you got a new iphone 5 and new lightning connector on the bottom. the price for those accessories as well. >> have to buy new ones. if you got the new iphone every year you know you could hang on to old cords, maybe have some extras as you start to upgrade you have to buy all these new accessories. >> clayton: $29 for one of those little plugs. dale dale daily deals like group on. this is going to crush co-host dave briggs. boxes showing up. probably another daddy group on deal here. hit by this? >> definitely. i was a fan when they first
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started out. deals are not as good. a lot of strings attached to them not as valuable. starting to see them focus on physical goods, spa treatments good restaurant deals out. on the shipping side we are seeing that shipping costs are set to rise next year about. 5% price hike from u.p.s. and fedex in the works. post offices of course raising prices again in 2013. off set more shipping deals for ceerms have to look for the fine print. more for the product than the free shipping. college tuition. >> this is one that we have seen fiscal cliff effects here too. really we have seen that federal aid and grant money has not been able to outpace all of the increases in tuition. and then a lot of the tax breaks that savers my see are starting to disappear and shift. >> cla
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we have been hearing homes aren't completed with. >> investment for it. starting to see the sec has approved the first atf that's going to trade in copper. another one potentially in the works for that as well. crack copper prices and not drive them. could see increase particularly in, you know, in anything that you uses copper. lot of consumer products that do beer brewing. candy making. lots of things along those lines. we could see cost increases there. >> clayton: etf is a great investment. could do what you are talking about. interesting. kelly, we appreciate you talking to us this morning. i know you crushed dave. >> don't met with group on. >> and the greek yogurt. >> dave: group on and greek yogurt.
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i'm excited for the new year. >> clayton: he is tearful. down to the wire on the fiscal cliff deal. is it mitch mcconnell to the rescue? we are live in washington at the top of the hour. then a drunk driver sues his victim because he suffered. true story. that's just the tip of the iceberg. we're talking the craziest lawsuits of 2012. that is next.
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>> juliet: best of 2012. >> clayton: add your own music at home. >> dave: time to it take a look at the most ridiculous lawsuits of 2012. compiled by the u.s. institute legal reform to highlight legal abuse there is a lot of it. >> clayton: lis wiehl is is here with the top five head shakers of the year. happy new year. >> clayton: this intoxicated florida driver pleads guilty to man slaughters. >> three counts of manslaughter. three people died. here is what happened in 2007. christmas day 2007. this drunk driver plowed into people that were stopped at a red light killing three of them. he pled guilty. he is serving 12 years in prison. what is he doing?
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suing. he is saying the victim swerved off and it was really the victim's fault. now he should be paid for pain and suffering. this is the most ridiculous lawsuit. >> juliet: is this the phi? >> this is the guy. he still in court. it hasn't been thrown out yet. is he serving 12 years in prison for dui and manslaughter, actually. >> dave: high stakes in the justice system. throw that out. >> throw this out. >> dave: michigan woman files a lawsuit after her car was repossessed, why? >> she says the compani' that repossessed the car kept about $29 of gas in the car and didn't pay her back. she is filing a class ax lawsuit. this one was dismissed. file a class action lawsuit had their cars repossessed taken back because they hadn't made the payments this $29. add everybody equal $5 million. the court threw that out. >> some guys get into a bar
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fight. an shizzer bush sued because the bolt was used as a weapon. >> i got into bar fight. crazy bar known to be a crazy bar. and i got hit in the face with this long neck anheuser-busch beer thing. and anheuser-busch, you should have put a warning. you shouldn't have long necks out there. stubbled, or short ones. >> dave: if it was a red stripe you would have been okay. in other words it's anheuser's bush's fault because you get into a fight. >> dave: that makes total sense to me. that's not ridiculous. >> clayton: nfl fan suing the dallas cowboys over a hot bench? >> she said she was at this game in august of 2010. the bench was black. black bench she said her back side got burned and the national football league should have put up signs saying warning, back side might be get burned if you sit down on this. i mean.
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don't you sit on something in black in middle august in the middle of dallas. >> there is moron factor. they have to win their way through the court. >> juliet: this one is amazing. this colorado guy he inhales microwave fumes and he sues and he has popcorn lung? >> popcorn lung. >> it's a condition. >> he found some medical expert to say he got $7.2 million because he said the popcorn companies did not warn him that he could get popcorn lung for eating. he had two bags. i like microwave popcorn i do i have to admit i like it. two big bags of it a day, guys. >> a day? apples. you are going to have a lung -- he got $7.2 million. >> eating popcorn out of the air popper. >> he said he has not had any popcorn since 2007. >> did the other side appeal.
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this was paid out. lord. >> $7 million for popcorn lung. >> ridiculous lawsuits. the serious note in all of this is there are very serious cases out there. cases like this that clog up our system and really make it harder for the righteous cases to go forward because the judges are stuck with this stuff. even if they dismiss it takes a while to dismiss it. >> we love you but there are too many lawyers. >> dave: my wife is a lawyer. i'm just saying. >> clayton: what a litigious world. >> juliet: we will will see you later later. >> clayton: speak of legal issues the supreme court just struck down a request for a christian business but ruled in favor of a muslim inmate. is there a double standard here? we will report and you decide. >> juliet: robbery just child's play. these guns caught on camera riding around on tricycles they just stole. okay, here's the plan.
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you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my motr was so wrong about you. next, we get priory boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. there is no plan. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage card with speci perks on united. get it and you're in. share brotherly love. share one up's.
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in just a moment. >> dave: super mitch. a college kid thrown in the slammer for wearing this. a fake ammo belt. overreaction or a appropriate in the wake of the connecticut school shooting? we report, you decide. then a real life iron man he was told he would never walk again but now he is first look at a new medical break through. >> juliet: love this story. >> clayton: this technology is going to shock you. "fox & friends" hour two begins right now. >> clayton: good saturday morning. welcome in to "fox & friends." juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. nice to see you. >> juliet: good morning. nice to see you. did you have a great christmas? >> dave: did i with family. how about you? >> juliet: istles in miami. >> clayton: juliet huddy is wearing new year's eve outfit.
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>> as do you heading in the new year's eve holiday. day clay. >> dave: optimistic. what the president said yesterday evening after meeting with mitch mcconnell, harry reid and leaders in congress. he feels that a deal on averting this fiscal cliff might get done. here's the president. >> i'm modestly optimistic that an agreement can be achieved. money is going to get 100% of what they want. let's make sure that middle class families and the american economy and, in fact, the world economy aren't adversely impacted because people can't do their jobs. i think you could qualify it. he said optimistic and came back later in that speech and said mod testily optimistic. >> juliet: doesn't that suggest that he is backtracking? >> clayton: don't know what's going to happen at the end of the day. in this meeting as dave was
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talking about back and forth the ball is in the senate's court right now mitch mcconnell said we will take it we don't want to go back to the house where that was a mess over in the house. we will take it. we will will try. this the president said you try this if you can't get anything done i want a straight up or down vote on those making over $250,000 a year and some of the unemployment benefits for 2 million individuals will still be in place. straight up or down vote on that if you can't get anything done. >> that makes hard on john boehner and the house republicans. here is mitch mcconnell on his outlook toward averting the cliff. >> we had a good meeting down at the white house. we are we are engages in discussions the majority leader and myself and the house and hopes that we can come forward as early as sunday and have a reasonable medical certainty that i can make to my conference and the majority leader can make to his conference and so we will
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be working hard to try to see if we can get there in the next 24 hours. i'm hopeful and optimistic. >> dave: look for a deal to come out of senate. threshold half a million dollars and under continue their tax consults. how does that get through the house? you remember the last time the house convened boehner could not get the votes for the million-dollar threshold and under peel away a few republicans. not going to excite the markets and any of you. but it's going to be something. right? or is there nothing, juliet? you are asking the wrong person let's hear what senator harry reid have to say on that. he and boehner went back and forth. let's listen. >> if we come up with something that's not that easy we're dealing with big numbers and some of the stuff that we do is somewhat complicated but
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i think it was a positive meeting there was not a lot of hilarity in the meeting. everyone knows how important it is. it is a very serious meeting and it would have took an extended period of time as you all know waiting for us. but everybody, this is -- whatever we come up with is going to be imperfect. some people aren't going to like it. some people will like it less. but that's where we're. and i feel confident that we have an obligation to do the best we can and that was made very clear in the white house. we're going to do the best we can for the caucuses that we have and the country waiting for us to make a decision. >> juliet: charles krauthammer made a great point the other day. ultimately the way the president is going to be judged isn't going to be what happens in the next couple of days. it's not going to be on popularity over the next few weeks if we go over the fiscal cliff and he ends up making cuts and so forth. what is going to happen is ultimately if this is is a success or a failure, it's his legacy that's going to tell
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the story that doesn't come down for republican's back against the walls this mess that krauthammer pointed out. what the republicans are doing mess in the house putting up this plan b and may get less than plan b they couldn't get a vote on plan b. senator corker thinks this whole thing he mentioned last night on greta is really too much spending keeping the spending and getting the tax increases, listen. >> it's a shame in this nation where every developed country in the world knows that our greatest threat is our fiscal solvency that you would have to have leverage points. you would think people would sit down and solve the problem because we know it is our greatest threat. that's not the case here. we have a president who has not laid out a plan. he is obviously a spendaholic. time quickly running out for a
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deal washington will be working all weekend in hopes of reaching an agreement. peter doing in washington. >> dave: are they working today? >> staff level >> clayton: he said he gave them a day and a half. if you don't get something done in a day and a half. we will put it up for straight up or down vote. >> at the white house he didn't offer new plan. tweaked the plan that he laid out last friday which is a stop gap measure to prevent us from going off the fiscal cliff some are calling it plan c since plan a and boehner's plan b went nowhere. extend middle class tax rates. senate might want to threshold who counts for middle class. as they do that. the white house might be willing to let it run up to households making 400 or $500,000 a year less than the
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million dollars he wanted originally. plan c extend unemployment benefits for the 2 million people who would lose them in two days if we go off the fiscal cliff and plan c would also delay some spending cuts but it would not touch president obama does think this plan would pass both the house and senate if it got an up or down vote. he told the senate they had a day or two to make a deal on their own. if they're not making any progress he wants both chambers to bring this plan forward for up or down vote. speaker boehner apparently was noncommittal to that idea. it's important to point out that the debt ceiling is not a part of this plan c. that is still going to have to be dealt with separately later on. >> juliet: thank you, peter. >> dave: moderately optimistic. >> juliet: we are moderately
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optimistic about the weather. one-two punch comes as people are still digging out from past week's snow storm. >> clayton: preparation press still underway. stacking up on salt and sand. they have been presalting some of the roadways. >> dave: i hope so. maria my lien in for for rick this morning. good morning, maria. >> good morning. good to see you guys. good morning, everybody. we have another storm system first alert forecast to bring more snow to the northeast today. that's just after on thursday. we got hit with as much as 20 inches of snow portions of upstate, new york. good news with this storm system is it's weaker and going to be a much slower mover an last storm system. we are not expecting to see 20 inches of snow from the storm system. some of you could still be looking at up to a foot of snow in your area. we'll keep you posted on that. first, we're dealing with areas of rain across eastern portions of the carolinas, northern portions of florida. most of this rain should be offshore as we head into later on this morning and into the afternoon. you will be drying out across
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the southeast. you will notice the drier air moving on in and a lot of sunshine is actually going to turn out to be a pretty nice saturday for you guys. on the northern side of the storm where we have that snowfall. ohio, pennsylvania we are seeing that snow come down right now already each early this morning and that will continue to move into portions of new england as we head into late morning hours and early afternoon. now, i tried to break it down here for you guys as far as the cities that are are going to be seeing snow washington, d.c., maybe a trace of snow if that. you will have a couple of flurries flying around. 1 to 2 inches in the city of philadelphia. you are expecting rain to mix into that. really why you are not expecting any significant snowfall accumulations. in new york city anywhere from 2 to 3 inches. you live right outside the city though you could be looking at a little more than four inches. keep that in mind. travel could be an issue for you. otherwise in rhode island and massachusetts. eastern portions of massachusetts. that's where you are expecting to see more significant snowfall 4 to 8 inches.
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otherwise the amounts vary where you are. interior sections of the northeast. you don't have winter storm warnings in effect. couple of winter advisors generally less than 6 inches. temperatures across the mefd very cold in the teens. rapid city, minneapolis. that's an improvement for you though. morning hours have you been seeing temperatures below zero. 13 must feel like warm up. 14 over in the city of denver. otherwise across the state of florida, 60 degrees in the city of tampa. not feeling like winter. back to you. >> juliet: get to other headlines, shall we? we now know more about what happened inside a new jersey being processed on domestic violence stalking charges. he tackled an officer. took her gun and began firing. the officers who raced to help
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now being hailed as heros. >> their actions of protecting the community quickly escalated from responding to a call for service to performances of heroic actions by members of this police department. out of the hops now. james garber on the right also expected to be okay. the gunman was shot dead. cops in new york city releasing this sketch of the woman they say pushed of a man to his death in front of oncoming to subway train she may be mentally ill cops have released this footage of her running away from the subway station. can you see her there this is the second deadly subway shove in new york city. people who ride the subways are edgy. a very special phone call for 41. ♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound. >> juliet: it's the oak ridge
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boys you can do that as i read. this lifting the spirits of former president george h.w. bush they called him in the hospital. they sang amazing grace. we're told the president has also been singing with doctors and nurses and he is improving in the intensive care unit. he was moved to the icu because of a fever following a bronchitis related cough. the search is on for a grouch burglars who stole from a houston day care on christmas morning of all of days you wouldn't believe what else surveillance footage. taking ride out to ride one of the day care's tricycle. cops hope this video will help land the moron behind bars. >> or get him a new gig in the circus. that's not easy? that's like me out on the plaza. >> >> juliet: those are the headlines. coming up on the show the supreme court just struck down
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a request from a christian business ruled in favor of a muslim inmate. is there a double standard here? we report, you decide. >> dave: then fiscal cliff street a -- straight ahead. even the signs on the road point towards falling over. [ laughter ] smoke? nah, i'm good. ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology that acts fast and helps control cravings all day long. ♪ quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq.
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we don't let frequent heartburn come between us and what we love. so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day afr day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] e pill eachmorning. 24 hours. zero heartbur
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occasion owned craft store locked in battle over healthcare. hobby will by says the healthcare mandate forces his company to provide morning after pill to his employees a move he clasms violates his religious beliefs. he may be importanced to pay a fee of $1.3 million per day. joining us now for the american senator of law and justice jordan. good morning to you. >> good morning, dave. >> dave: they will be fined if the government chooses $1.3 million a day for not going along with obama care. why? >> that's how the law is written. and this mandate is written so that if they don't provide abort fascia's that's what they're opposed to the in hha mandate.
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some opposed to abortions. hobby lobby don't want to pay for abortion pills cord under the hh mandate. they will be penalized again for what costs roughly a couple of dollars per person maybe a month in their nrch plan. $100 for each of the 13,000 employees they have. just not it not giving their employees access to for free at no cost and no co-pay abort faces. that's what's at issue here. this is a religious freedom issue. and a question of like the supreme court handled the citizens united do corporations also have if they have got free speech rights in the first amendment. why wouldn't they have the free exercise of religion rights that are also in fact, they start the first amendment as the religious -- i think it's a very important point to make that though hobby lobby has had a tough time taking this to get the preliminary injunction, nothing has been decided on the merits.
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we actually just won yesterday in 7th court of appeals. our client. corporation. not a religious organization. a regular company. they got the injunction, we have done that for two other of our clients we're 3 for 3. the judges matter in this situation who you get before you this is important precedent. how many companies might have an objection to providing the morning after pill. what justice society to my your said they are not religious organizations. how do you get around that burden? >> i think you get around the burden by saying forever legal purposes this is not a fun term for people and it's true. this is how the law works. when you look at the law really holding here it's the first amendment. really the religious freedom restoration act. signed by president clinton. it says that persons if they have any religious rights
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violate and they are can challenge that the government has a high burden to overcome any kind of burden to your free exercise. they use the word persons there but didn't define it if you go to the regular definition of persons in the congressional code. corporations, companies, associations they are all includeded on or abouts a closely held business their religious rights are violated. individuals have no constitutional right to work at these places. you know what you are getting into. if you apply for the job. you are working there now. haven't heard of any individuals complaining. that's a separate situation that could come down the line possibly. though i don't expect it. this is just b. just basic religious freedom not asking for much here thanks for being here. as i said a very important precedent. let me know. does this violate hobby
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lobby's religious freedom let me know what you think at twitter dave briggs tv. college kid tossed in the slammer for wearing fake ammo belt. is this appropriate reaction or good decision in the wake of the school shooting: a man told he would never walk again and now he is a look at this new break through technology. and you realldon't want to pay more than you have to. only citi price rewind automatically searches for the lowest price. and if it findone, you get refunded the difference. just use your citi card and register your purchase online. have a super sparkly day! ok. [ male announcer ] now all youeed is a magic carriage. citi price rewind. start saving at citi price rewind. is bigger than we think ... sometimelike the flu.fer from
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>> time for news by the numbers that music means. grim milestone in chicago. logged 500th murder for 2012. 2008 was the last time chicago hit that number. next 1538 that's how many pieces of legislation the current 112th congress has passed making it the least productive congress on records. the previous record holder the 104th congress passing just 1834 measures. and $200,000. that's the cost of possibly the best wedding gift ever. tickets to space. out of this world gift thank mother for saving her from a fire. winslet married branson's nephew ned rock and roll.
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>> juliet: that can't be real. >> new last name will be kate rock and roll. >> 20-year-old college student arrested for wearing fake ammunition belt to class. he spent a week in jail before his $50,000 bail was reduced to $500 here is the question we are asking. is this justified because of what happened in new town? let's ask psychothera and school counselor who joins us this morning this kid sounds on the surface wore ammunition belt to school. seems like poor taste right now maybe one thing. but he had a little bit of a history with the police also, too, right? >> it's not halloween it's not a-year-old playing gio in the backyard. three days after the connecticut massacre. other part of this story is he was actually expelled for the college he goes to for being in possession of a knife and marijuana'.
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>> shows back up on campus. >> he knows he is supposed to before electrickinging his belongs he needs to contact the police. they check him and found what think thought were real bullets after investigation they found they were fake bullets. >> juliet: this kid is a bit of a troublemaker. he knew what he bass doing of course his friends and family. fashion statement. he always wore this belt. >> got it from a punk web site. >> maybe you can get away with that 20 or 30 years ago. particularly the sensitive nature of everything going on in our nation. three days after the connecticut shooting. you have to have better sense to show up on campus with a fake belt with fake bullets.
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>> clayton: a psychologist who can weigh in on this. people have said look, we are talking about spokes in school who are armed. cost to put 100,000 schools individuals lo ho are armed. yet we are cutting back on guidance counselors. cutting back on the very people noticed a problem with this guy wearing ammunition or problems led up to him being arrested in the first place. what do you think about i agree with that guidance counselor and other support staff. schools are forced to cut their budgets because of different political things going on in their local legislation. we are, teachers as well the front line of defense. we can see the warning signs i was on here talking about the shooter. can i tell from you working in high schools. there are others that would have identified this person not that he was going to kill somebody. who is the first person in your mind that would do
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something like this. >> juliet: what's the message you send to students and presents. >> as a parental thing. as a society we have kind of somehow kept 18 to 24-year-old men and women in time warp of adolescents. time for us as parents to holding our kids accountable as young age into adolescents and adulthood so they make more responsible decisions in their life and don't show up at college campuses wearing belts. tell how you get them out of this time warp as you say. >> hold them accountable. if you see your kid exhibiting a behavior that you do not think is correct. hold our kids accountable for that? >> clayton: his mom is defending him. >> parents are too. it's a fashion statement. i'm not buying it. >> clayton: great perspective on this. >> juliet: next on the run down. fiscal cliff straight ahead. even the signs on the road point toward falling over.
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then oh, please, please. it's all you. >> clayton: then does your new year's resolution include getting in shape? >> juliet: she is going to make me do this. >> clayton: juliet is going to be there. even if you haven't been to the gym before. nikki fitness is here to show us how to do all of this. ♪ i want some hot stuff baby this evening ♪ got to have some hot stuff ♪ got to have some love tonight. share everything.
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touche, very well done. all read that across the country in the next couple of days. >> juliet: other headlines we begin with tragedy in san francisco. a man and boy fishing out near the golden gate bridge killed after being swept into the ocean by massive wave. a third person also knocked into the sea managed to swim ashore and signal for help. first legal action in connection with with the sandy hook shootings now in motion. $100 million claim has been filed against the state of connecticut on behalf of the 6-year-old survivor. the child suffered emotional
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and psychological damage. the board of ed failed to provide a safe school setting. the board must be approved by the state claim's office before an official lawsuit can be filed. neighbor of new york man has been arrested. 24-year-old bought guns for swim spangler and told the store owner they were for her. spangler wasn't allowed to buy his own guns because is he a convicted felon. he killed two firefighters and wounded two others before turning the gun on himself. terrifying moments on an ohio mom after she wakes up to find a mom standing over her. 2 it-year-old fought back grabbing her little girl's toys off the floor and using them as weapons to fight back. >> and i seen my daughter's bike. and it was the closest thing for me to grab while i was laying on the floor. while he was down i jumped up and hitting him with the bike. >> he eventually ran off. cops are still searching for
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him. those bikes a little pink bikes don't mess with those things. good for her. >> a little sports time this morning. a long road and new orleans saints fans watching their team struggle. hey juliet. >> i have to wave. i have to go change. >> don't go. >> dave: meanwhile. rk the saints as you know, tainted by bounty gate. but there is something to get excited about. other than juliet's exit. the saints and suspended head coach shawn peyton have agreed on extension. no word how much peyton will make over that time. the saints are 7 and 8 this year and will miss the playoffs for the first time since 2008. clippers trailed the jazz by as much as 19 points in utah.
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the clips would rally. sparked by all star chris paul. fouled here before the shot with 3 seconds left. he would hit both free throws giving the clippers 2 point lead. last second shot by the jazz no good. l.a. wins 16th straight game. that's the longest streak in the nba since the celtics won 19 in a row in 2008. they did win the title that year. the clips and nba 24-6, clayton. we now know he is mvp on the field off the field too. jj watt tweeting this picture of himself lining up against some children from new towp, connecticut in the caption, watts says these are his new friends from new town. 2 and a half sacks away from tieing michael strahan single season record of 22 and a half. >> one game?
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>> i don't think does it either. i don't think adrian peterson gets eric dickerson's record. let's hope one of them goes down. >> one record broken. jerry rice. >> one time mega tron. let's -- where are we heading? let's head to weather right now. maria molina in the weather center going on here. outside of pittsburgh there. know had all too well. right now though they are getting up on rock salt and all that sand because preparations for another storm are on their way. maria molina standing by with the latest on this next storm. >> we are dealing with more snow across the northeast after just on thursday many people had to deal with over a foot of snow and as much as 20 inches across portions of upstate, new york. here would go again. the good news with the storm though it is not first alert forecast to be as strong as
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our last storm and also going to be a very quick mover. in and out on saturday. by sunday you are going to be enjoying much dryer weather with sunshine. it is going to get chilly behind it and also on the windy side. otherwise across portions of indiana and ohio, we still do have some winter storm warnings in effect from the very same storm system that it's going to be dumping anywhere from 3 to 5 inches of snow. most of the snow should be over with by late morning hours or even into the afternoon. as we head into the northeast, the snow should already be starting across upstate new york if it hasn't shortly. you will see it throughout the afternoon hours. snowfall accumulations. highest accumulations really limited to eastern portions of massachusetts rhode island, eastern connecticut. where you can be seeing over 6 inches of snow. suburbs of new york city to the west we are talking about anywhere from 2 to 4 inches. drive carefully in new york city. 2 to 3 inches so that's including manhattan and also some of the other burrows. and as far as the future radar again we are expecting the storm to be out of the area as we head into sunday with very
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chilly conditions and also gusty winds. all right, guys? back to you. thank you maria molina. you need to come out and do exercise with us. i'm sure the guys would like that. we have tips on how you can succeed even if you have never worked out before. here to get us moving and motivated is personal trainer fitness expert and creator of hard core a.b.s dvd nikki fitness. >> thank you for having me. >> juliet: we have tips first of all. >> if you are starting out a new routine first think about what your barriers are to exercise. what your excuses are. make a plan realistic and specific goal i want to lose 10 miles then run a mile by march first. specific have a plan. you know the kids or work gets in the way. stash clothes at the office. make up an ahalf an hour earlier in the morning.
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i want to do pay laths i get home after doing these shows i can't keep myself up. >> wring a coffee with you on the way home. >> juliet: make dates. >> make dates with your friends and don't involve eating and drinking. everyone says we are going to go out and eat and drink. maybe pilatey class together. >> juliet: that's true. they start yelling at you if you miss some of these days. weigh yourself every day. >> if you weigh yourself every day reminder maybe i shouldn't have going to help motivate you on the guys when you are not so motivated. >> juliet: guys, you should be doing this with us. you say this is stuff if we haven't set foot in a gym we
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can do that. >> advanced moves. >> juliet: we don't want advanced moves. >> if you have been away for five years or starting out. just hold away and do a klee aspot. this is for your inner thighs. outer thighs. >> juliet: i feel the burn people. are you supposed to go all the way down as far as you can. >> knees wider than your shoulders when you are starting out you do one move at the time. once you get three weeks into your routine you can make this -- you are still working one part of the body the legs but then you add arms and owe bleex when you get more advanced. >> what is this called. >> wood chopper. wielding an ax and just swing. >> now i'm using 8-pound weights what are you using? [ laughter ] >> looks easier for you. >> starting out would be hand behind the head bring your feet in just a little closer this is for your owe obliques. >> this is easy. this is like heaven, actually. >> you want to be not too sore
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just starting oout. >> say the obliques, explain what that is. >> on the side. then it make it more challenging. would you suggest people start off with 5-pound weights or three pound weights? >> just listen to your body. as long as you are there and doing it moving. then you have succeeded and you can build build on to that more a.b.s. get down on the floor. >> juliet: this is where i kick back. pilate at this so much. >> you sit like this. maybe grab on if you need to. then as you get more advanced you can take your legs up. and then three or four weeks into it maybe you add a by accept can you recall. then working two parts. >> i feel this definitely in my core explain what the core. >> the core is the be as and little bit of a back. everywhere through here. that's what's holding you up.
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otherwise you would collapse back. >> when i started doing pilate at s i noticed my stomach was getting the -- wow. >> six pack. >> exactly. >> these are fantastic. any other tips for us? >> really just having mantras. anything you can put around the house or the office, one of my mantras is sweat is fat crying. >> i like that. >> get your sweat going. >> my fat cries a lot i guess when i work out. >> twitter i have 8 dvds. >> nikki fitness. we always love having you. >> thank you very much. >> juliet: thank you. gentlemen i see you are very calm and comfortable over there. >> sweat is fat crying i like that. there is no tears at my house. maybe i need to get more of that. >> makes me happy to sweat. >> coming up, real life iron man. he was told he would never walk again. now he is. >> a first look at the new break through technology when we come back. she knows you like no one else.
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click or call. >> like a real life iron man take a look at your screen. xo skelton. dr. mark squeal ton went to mount sinai to check it out. >> did you ever think you would be able to walk again. >> no. but in my mind i always told myself i would even with the doubts of doctors sometimes. i still told myself that i will and my son kept reminding me. i knew i would get back on my feet. >> joining us now from the fox news medical a team is that dr., dr. marc siegel. great to see you this morning. >> good morning, clayton. >> you got it see this in person. is it as remarkable as it looks on camera. >> it's amazing. inel vented by the military to at the present soldiers carry 200 pounds long distances in
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the middle east. then the rehabilitation medicine people got ahold of it. 48 pounds. some of them are actually less heavy than that this one is 48 pounds. you will love. this it's got computer chips in a backpack you wear on your back. it's got motors that are on the knees and the hips. clamp him into it he says manny says it feels like is he walking again. has that sensation. he is walking. sequence just like walking. he uses his arms to push forward and then the legs start walking. there is a computer console that's directed either by a nurse or by whom. i think that when he goes home, in the future, the rehabilitation will train you to be able to use it at home. we spoke to dr. ed arson as well. there is going to come a time when you will be able to initiate this just by
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thoughts. let's hear what he has to say technology, break through allow them to be back on their feet, walk about. and perhaps a lot sooner than we will see -- >> earlier this year i was down to south by southwest conference i tested this he will met you put over your head just with your thoughts was able to control a moving skateboard. people said that's not real. i'm telling you it was. this is $140,000 this thing. this is very expensive. >> will insurance cover that? when i saw this price tag i thought that's a steep hill to climb. >> here is the answer to that it depends on the need. i think this is useful for just about every paralyzed patient who has to use a wheelchair. also maybe useful in strokes. if it actually helps you to get up and walk again.
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it will decrease of blood clots in legs and strengthen your muscles. won't be able to use on your own. much better medically better for bones and circulation. if you are up and around you will have much less medical complications insurance can justify it. lot less in expenses. >> that's what stood out to me. maybe the insurance companies will see it as somehow preventative. much less likely to get blood clots. psychologically euphoria. flat out in a wheelchair. she said it changed mood dramatically. >> you needed a nurse to control the system. can he control with his own hands or right now are they still working on that? >> it's a great question. they are actually studying it in mount sinai with a nurse doing it actually there is another protocol where the patient is doing it. it is easy for the patient to control not that hard. current technology will allow the patient to do it
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themselves. >> great stuff. dr. mark siegel we appreciate you. >> going on technological world. >> my kind of world. thanks, man. from the demise of the twinkie to outrage over chick-fil-a dent in culture in 2012. vladimir putin playing politics with kid's lives. trying to settle a score with the united states. we will explain the convoluted approach coming up. [ male announcer ] the more you lose, the more you lose, because for every two pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪
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>> juliet: welcome back, as 2012 comes to a close. we are taking a look at some the year's most important culture wars. >> dave: todd starns here with the recap. >> juliet: good morning, todd. >> clayton: most clicked on stories for for the year. correct? >> that's correct. in the culture war area. what happened with us was what happened chick-fil-a came under fire when the protest was launched they came under attack by anti-christian, anti-chicken hetero phobic bigots is the phrase we used. chick-fil-a, the owner of chick-fil-a which is a privately held christian company made a statement in an interview saying that they held to the biblical definition of marriage. and that launched a nationwide
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protest from gay rights activists and also from a number of democrats. and at one point you had leaders. so major put the company out of business. not allowing them to open up new stores simply because they held to a biblical tenet they did not agree with. >> juliet: i covered this story. i was very interested in the demise of the twinkie and hostess, of course. now what really went on there. whose fault was this? >> this was a case of the unions cutting off their twinkies despite their dingdongs. [ laughter ] >> whoa. >> yikes. you had a situation where this 82-year-old company had been in bankruptcy, really struggling. a dozen unions understood this and they were working with the company. agreeing to concessions and cut backs and things of that nature. but the baker's union said no way, we're north going to do it and they held to the fire and hostess said hey, look, if
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you guys don't back off we are going to lose the company. they didn't back off and guess what we don't have any twinies many anymore. >> i predict they will come back in 2013 under some different companies. the site of a religious freedom battle in 2012. >> that's right. in spite of having a pretty good football stephan this year. vanderbilt was the focus. good teams. but they were at the center, the focal point of a very significant culture war battle. vanderbilt university told christian organizations they could no longer select their leaders based upon their faith. in other words, a christian organization had to consider a muslim or non-christian as the leader of their group. to not do so would be a form of discrimination. so a lot of these christian clubs they stood up and said no, we are not going to do this. they fought back and unfortunately they lost. so now many of these clubs, about 13 of these clubs had to move off campus to hold their services and to hold their
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meetings. >> juliet: did this apply across board to all clubs there? if there is a muslim club did, they have to do the same thing? >> well, they said yes. but, in actuality, that's not what happened. the gay rights groups on campus and like you said the muslim organizations they seemed to have been held at least this is the argument from the christian groups, they were held to a different standard. from. >> clayton: any big brictions for 2013? >> dave: culture story. >> i think the war on religious liberty is going to be huge. i have got a book out dispatchers from bitter america came out this year 240 pages of these kind of stories. i predict we are going to see a lot more of this kind of stuff in the coming year. >> with hobby lobby yet to be decided. they could make the cut. coming up here on the show, todd. thanks, todd. amy lou harris being investigated by police. why she could be in big
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trouble at the top of the who hour. >> inned this new year means new fares. about to pay more to fly the friendly skies coming up. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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>> juliet: good morning. i'm juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. down to the wire and we are headed for the fiscal cliff. still no deal. mitch mcconnell is stepping in. can he save the day? super mcconnell. a life report from washington in just moments russia's president vladimir putin trying to settle a score with the united states. we're explain. >> then the oak ridge boys phoning in a very special performance for president george h.w. bush in the hospital. ♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound. >> clayton: "fox & friends" hour three starts right now.
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i feel so good after my workout three minutes sitting down. >> clayton: sugary coffee. >> juliet: that's right. >> clayton: you are good for 2012 welcome in to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. good to see you. >> are you modestly optimistic. the president is. countdown to the fiscal cliff. there are some signs of hope this morning. and it oob thanks to republican senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. peter doocy live in washington with the very latest. peter, i guess they reconvene 1:00 tomorrow which leads them oh tons of time to avert that fiscal cliff you are hearing from administration officials down here that republican the senatech mcconnell the is trying really hard to figure out a way to avoid the
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fiscal cliff public. >> we had a good meeting at the white house. we are engaged in discussions, the majority leader and myself and the white house in the hopes that we can come forward as early as sunday and have a recommendation that i can make to my conference and the expwrort leader can make to his conference. >> at yesterday's white house meeting, president obama did not offer negotiators anything new. he just tried to sell them on the same plan he outlined last friday, being called plan c. since the president's plan a and speaker boehner's plan b both failed to gain traction. plan c would extend middle class tax rates and we're told the senate wants to tweak exactly who counts as being in the middle class. maybe even raising the income threshold and the white house is apparently willing to go as high as 4 or $500,000 a year. plan c would expand unemployment benefits for the 2 million people set to lose
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them at the end of this year. it would include a small amount of spending cuts but would not touch entitlements like medicare and not deal with the debt limit right now. >> i am modestly optimistic that an agreement can be achieved. nobody is going to get 100% of what they want. but let's make sure that middle class families and the american economy and in fact the world economy are aren't adversely affected because people can't do their jobs. >> and today lawmakers are in staff level meetings trying to figure out how to steer us away from the cliff. we are hearing that even though senator mcconnell is trying really hard to help a deal along behind the scenes, it is still going to be very hard to get anything done this late in the game. back to you in new york. >> dave: i am very optimistic that they are going to kick the can down the road. they are going to get nothing done, peter. they are going it get this little deal that solve solves nothing. very good.
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kick the can downtown road again. people are tweeting me. who do you think is going to be blamed for this? >> dave: short-term republicans. long-term it's on the president's lap. >> clayton: their backs are against the wall right now. we will see. a day and a half to get something done before the president forces harry reid's te name john boehner or -- >> juliet: if the economy tanks that's his legacy. if it's a success, that's his legacy. we shall see down the road, people. >> clayton: meanwhile a swlrt severe weather alert. people digging out of from last week's snow storm. they are bracing for more. the wild wherever moving in on us as we speak. >> dave: crews across the area in full force preparing for the worse.
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breaking out the plows. stocking up on salt. >> juliet: let's find out more about what's going to be happening to us weatherwise. maria molina live at the weather center. >> good morning, everyone. we are tracking yet another storm system. on thursday. people across the northeast actually had to deal with as much as 20 inches of snow and then you got a break on friday now again more snow. places of pennsylvania. upstate new york and each parts of new england. good news is that this system will not be as strong as our last storm that dumped that much snow. lighter snowfall accumulations. areas across the south you are pretty much done with that rainfall. eastern parts of the carolinas. through the most of the overnight hours. this afternoon should be dry for almost everyone in the southeast. the exception will be, of course, some places in florida continue to clear on through. as we head northward, here where temperatures are holding us to see some snowfall in ohio and pennsylvania and upstate, new york. we are seeing that snow come down right now and it will be impacting even some of the
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bigger cities like in new york. we could be seeing anywhere from 2 to 3 inches of snow in the suburbs farther off in the west. could be seeing four or even five inches of snow. in providence and rhode island. storm is going to be strengthen thing producing evidencier snowfall rates. again rhode island and massachusetts not only could you sees a much as 8 inches of snow some spots locally could see a foot of snow. we see some of the heavier snow bands setting up. with us with us in ohio and indiana. when you factor in to the snowfall you will be seeing possible white out conditions at times. poor visibility on the roadways. dangerous. slippery roadways out there. keep that in mind as you head out the door this morning doing any driving out there. winter weather advisories in upstate new york, pennsylvania. not dealing with winter storm warnings because the storm is just not as bad. you could still be seeing six inches in spots in interior
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portions of the northeast. it will be chilly behind the storm and also on the windy side. keep that in mind. back to you in the studio on new year's eve. dry but also chilly. >> that's going to be interesting to see what happens to all those people in times square because it gets cold. and if there is still snow on the ground. >> like 30 degrees. >> no one clears snow faster than the times square crew. >> that's true. >> i have friends in town from jacksonville, florida that were praying that they would get some snow. chris and my myra you get your snow. cops are releasing the sketch of a woman who say pushed a man to his death in front of an oncoming subway train. they believe she is mentally ill. witnesses say thee was talking to herself. cops have released footage of her running away from the subway station. she is still at large. deadly subway pushing in less than a month in new york city. there is no deal yet for the fiscal cliff. but for now we have at least
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avoided the container cliff. 15,000 dock workers at 15 major u.s. ports and port owners agreeing to extend an expired contract for 30 days. the main issue is container royalties. the heavier the container the more dock workers get paid. owners want to cap payments. a strike would have meant higher prices on many goods like clothing, auto goods and electronic products because they would have been in short supply. emma lou harris could be in trouble with the law. tmz reports that harris is accused of hitting another car on a highway then driving off. the l.a. county d.a. is deciding whether harris will face any charges. in one was hurt. a rep for the singer says it was so minor harris didn't even know she hit the other car. and those are your headlines. >> thank you, juliet. let's talk about this story because this is outrageous. >> dave: unbelievable. >> juliet: sick. >> clayton: here is what vladimir putin did in response to the united states trying to put pressure on russia for human rights violations.
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vladimir putin the president decides we are going to fire back a strike to the united states because so many russian kids are adopted by american families. now, these aren't russian kids in a good way. kids who live in orphanages. kids who do not have a home. abandoned by their families. come here. some of them mentally ill. disabilities and american families adopting these children. vladimir putin, we're going to put a stop to american adoption of our kids. >> dave: russian president not standing up for human rights violations but human right violators. he in effect is backing them up. he we want to punish him and he disease don't punish those standing up for human rights. around a thousand russians adonted by american families over the course of the year is cut off as of january 1st. no more adoptions of russian children to the united states. we adopt more russian children here than any country in the world. >> it's a horrifying situation. you are going to meet this woman kim summers on the
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o'reilly factor. laura ingraham was actually hosting the factor. she adopted two children from russia. she knows all about it kim summers and hers have you been dealing with adopting this little boy. they have been so close. they were about to bring this little boy home. listen to what she has to say about this. we have done everything that the russian government has requested of us we have done parenting classes and traveled back and forth. these children are not available to international adoption until after they have been on a domestic registry for at least 8 months. now, in our son's case, 22 families russian families came to see him and rejected him because of his blood line. >> there is another mother who we are going to hear from now who has already adopted two russian kids and she was trying to adopt two other kids. no more. take a listen.
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>> they were already our family. we already had their names. we were already tech core rating their room. it's really. [crying] >> are you crying? >> what a sick man to do this. you know. >> clayton: if you think about the hypocrisy here. we talk about the human rights violations you are punishing children now as a response. >> juliet: your own country's children. >> dave: there are more than 100,000 children in russia up for adoption that need new homes. not your president doesn't care about you but joan that goldberg is also serious about this. quote you have to respect the cartoon issue villain any of putin's by keeping more kids in russian orphanages. quite a lesson the russian president is teaching us. this is an example between what happened between united
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states and russian president. the that russian reset hardly affected. let's hear what you think about this story you probably have strong feelings about it. if f weekend as well on twitter. >> juliet: no deal on the fiscal cliff it seems the president can't find a place to cut. but our next guest says he has found plenty of places. both sides are really dropping the ball on this one. let's be honest here. in year means new fares why you about to pay more to fly the friendly skies. that's coming up after the break. stay with us.
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>> clayton: welcome become. it's a shame that in this nation every country in the world knows that our threat is our solvency that you have to have these leverage points. you would think people would sit down, solve the problem because we know it is our greatest threat. we have a president who has not laid out a plan. is he obviously a spendaholic. >> so our next guest says washington needs to stop spending or spending hikes
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will stop washingn. >> let's be honest, both parties don't like cutting. the size of government hasn't been shrunk since the 1950s. neither party has done this. will washington ever stop spending. >> my fears that they will never stop spending. this will go on and on and on and this country will facen ever more devastating fiscal situation. even the talks talk about now decrease the rate of increase. >> clayton: hey we have got savings because we simply cut the rate of increase but we didn't actually cut. >> we need to talk about actual reductions. for example a plan leaving congress. has as i remember idea. this year extend 100 cents on the dollar. next year spend 99 cents on the dollar. after that 98 cents on the dollar. each year decrease spending by one penny per dollar. people running government agencies, cabinet officials ought to be able to figure out we can save something here.
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reduce that get out of this line of business and slowly but surely bring the government level of spending 20% of g.d.p. to you do agree with him on pun point which is what no country hats luxury of spending more than it has. even the dictator of cuba understands this and a lot of people in washington want to spend more money than we have. they will continue to could this if they don't reduce spending. >> clayton: mac penny plan sounds sensible. of course they won't do it if it's sensible. >> we need to take government agencies been involved in things that might have made sense in the past and just say lack the government is not going to do this anymore. for example, in 1935 franklin roosevelt started the rural electric triification. appalachian. they are still there and now putting in internet broad band. so this is something that time
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warner and other companies ought to be able to do. private companies should be able to do this. and the people who work for that agency should be given severance pay, thanked for their hard service. shut down that agency and move on. >> clayton: do you have to create another level of bureaucracy to start auditing these type of departments to find out that the rural electric triification act. arguing put up power poles in rural montana. >> don't need an institute to do that national taxpayers union, all these organizations have list of agencies, programs, that ought to be terminated. for example, i think the entire department of housing and urban development. washington, d.c. really did a great job of almost wrecking the housing sector in 2008. try to bring prices down affordable and keep home prices up so people have valuable nest eggs. which is it take the department of hud thank everyone there and send them home. >> clayton: one example by shrinking the size of the federal government and
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decreasing some of these departments what other departments would be on your chopping block? we saw the post office dealing with some major budget problems this year. >> $16 billion. it ought to be privatized. why not give it to the workers of the post office and let them own it and run it and try to run for a profit. that's an example. department of agriculture. i'm all for food safety. there is probably a private. why too we have people sitting in offices determining what the price of sugar ought to be. $1.8 billion a year to pay farmers not to farm. this makes no sense particularly over $16.4 trillion in the hole. >> special interest come to mind. i think most of the reasons why washington doesn't cut spending is because they are accountable for some of this. someone has paid for their campaigns. money has been pouring into the campaigns. so they are accountable back home to these organizations that come into their offices. so, do any of these three plans you mentioned get away with special interest? are special interest off to the side because that's where i think we could actually see
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some real change if special interests aren't involved. >> special interest always will be there. what's necessary is leadership to stand up a look, mr. lobbist or consultant. we are $16.4 trillion in the red. this is just getting worse and worse. we are going to hit the debt limit very soon. at some point say enough is enough. for example private sector make $64,000 in this. federal workers 124,000. exactly double. it ought to take not too much leadership to say bring federal worker pay down closer to where the level is the of the average taxpayer. takes leadership that's what we need to keep this country from going totally broke. >> clayton: interesting discussion let's see if congress is paying attention. probably still home for the holidays. >> happy new year. >> clayton: oak ridge boys phoning in a special performance for president george h.w. bush. and one couple thought they lost their wedding album to super storm sandy but a stranger stepped in and now
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precious moments are back and better than ever. that couple and miracle man who saved their memories joins us next.
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>> juliet: welcome back, 8:22 east coast. one step closer for super
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storm sandy. voted to provide $64 billion in states impacted by the disaster. bill now has to pass through the house of representatives. and so much for the friendly skies. you can expect to pay more to fly in 2013. shocker. airline experts say fares could rise by as much as 6% on domestic flights. they say factors like competition and supply and demand are driving the fare increases. luckous. dave, take it away here is a good story. precious memories thought to be totally destroyed in hurricane sandy. staten island couple decided to throw out mary's parents wedding album due to severe damage. thanks to help of good samaritans, mary has those photos back with her. ascii tell you they are in better shape than ever. we're joined by husband and wife mary and lenny demateo. the man who helped restore the photos mike dilemte. this is a fantastic story.
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everyone always fears whether it's a storm like sandy or house fire losing the things that you can't rebuild like photos, like memories. how devastating was it to think we may have lost these incredible pictures? >> it was very devastating. i said what is there? but thank god, you know, we were all together. we survived. s that was my main concern at that point. then later on everything started to settle in. and i started realizing what i had lost. that's it. y go anywhere beyond that. >> did you think there was any hope. >> no i did the no. besides the water there was a lot of storage. they were all destroyed. we will make new memories. but thanks to mike, we got some of our memories back.
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sean sweeney to hold him the story. she showed you that these photos had been essentially to most of us would think he they're testifies stated why this d. this spark to you action and do it free of charge out of goods in of your heart. god mass blessed me unbelievablably. i have a great family. i have incredible memories of my own. i couldn't imagine having to throw those memories out. started scanning everything and put it on a hard drive so this doesn't happen to me. i also got a little angry. i was like, you know, how could these guys throw these memories away? at the time i didn't know mary and lenny. and i thought the photo album was theirs. i thought it was their wedding album so i just -- you know, it's mary's parents. i was how how -- i couldn't imagine throwing my wedding album away. >> mary put them outside hoping they would dry out actually knot throwing them in
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the trash just to clear up any misconception there i saw the album, mary if we can show everybody. these are the damaged photos here. if our cameras can pick up what was done with these photos. it is amazing. can i tell you they look better in the retouched versions than they do the originals. how did you do, this mike? >> well. initially i took all pictures, i had to disassemble the original book piece by piece, did i it the first night because i didn't want any more damage to the pictures. >> i had to clean the pictures in fresh water. a lot of people don't know that you can do that with developed pictures. you can actually clean them off with water. printed pictures from today you can't do that with. and then i just scanned each picture and went over each one through photo shop and a couple other programs with my computer. >> it's an amazing gift. you are very talented at this. it is a reminder for folks to go ahead and try to scan in these precious photos that aren't saved on your hard
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drive and whatnot. mary, what does it mean to you to have this album and to have these memories preserved forever? >> it's overwhelming. you know, it's like i have my mom and dad back with me again. you know. and when i get blew, i look at them. but it really is, it's a beautiful gift. god bless him. >> what does it mean to have someone like mike, lenny, come through not with profit in mind, just out of the goodness of his heart? >> a good samaritan. i want to be his friend, you know. help me and i will help him whatever we can do for each other. >> absolutely. mike is also a new york city tran sit bus driver. i would imagine there are going to be loot more people that could use your services. mike wants to offer those services to folks that have lost precious memories in super storm sandy. the web site is mvsr if you missed that we will
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link it to our web site mike have a lente -- vilente. thank you all for being here. >> thank you. >> dave: pizza delivery guy fights off a gang of robbers. >> five people against one is not a good situation to be in. i thought i was about to die. >> >> dave: yikes, his reward? he just got demoted. we will tell you why. then it's one of the most hilarious videos you will see all day, i would imagine. the donkey hitting the road. why sayy was on the run.
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♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound ♪ that saved a reach. >> dave: usually phoning it in means you are slacking. george h.w. bush the nation's 41st a very special performance of amazing grace on the phone.
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bush has been sing with doctors and nurses and improving being treelgted in the icu. i know his family spokesperson said put away your harps. is he going to be just fine. >> clayton: barbara bush saying she had asked the oak ridge boys to sing over the phone to lift his spirits and they sang amazing grace. a couple of other songs, too. john mcgraph. a president bush spokesperson said that words cannot express how much the oaks special president meant. appreciate goes back many years. and what happened today gave the president a real shot in the arms he thankfully continues to improve. bushes continue to feel so blessed to have so many friends there in tennessee like the oaks wish to thank one and all for prayers and good wishes i was trying to find he will virus are a big hit. >> '81 ♪ because i know that my he will elvira is mine.
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>> juliet: elvira. come on, everybody. >> dave: one song get deep base going. >> juliet: that's all there, right? >> clayton: i want him to record my voice mail message i want him to say you have reached. >> dave: on the show many of times. the oaks said after we finished oh quite clearly. typical humor brought laughter all around. barbara bush came on the phone and thanked us. hospital room full of family. they were all loving the oak ridge boys we all smiled and went back home. sang a few songs for our president. ♪ >> i would want garth brooks and you said who. >> glen hansert. >> dave: did you figure who that is yet? >> juliet: he is irish singer.
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tours come and saw the movie once. >> clayton: bobby sue. ♪ mary sue mary sue. >> dave: who needs phoning it in when you have got itunes. >> clayton: thank you, itunes. >> dave: in nor rick reichmuth this morning. has a chick of our extreme weather. snow moving. in. >> clayton: look at digging out' in summit getting the salt plows out. what do you expect now with another punch coming through? >> i have good news. not expecting to see too much snow from the storm system in places across pennsylvania, upstate, new york. areas hit hard by last storm system you had a break on friday and here we go again. another storm system is going to be moving on through. i do quickly want to point out your current temperatures. this is what determines rain
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fall. temperatures at freezing or below freezing. that means snowfall for everybody. even in new york city where right now you are looking at a current temperature at 32 degrees. as woe head westbound much cooler across portions of the midwest. 18 in minneapolis. meanwhile in florida on the warm side as usual. 70 degrees right now in the city of tampa. across portions of the southeast, a very same storm system is producing areas of rainfall oorch portions of the state of carolina. drier air moving on in. you will be pretty much dry for your entire afternoon across much of the southeast yum state new york we are seeing snow come down right this hour. see that snow coming down most areas through the most of the afternoon hours. snowfall accumulation not do pad for most people pennsylvania and philadelphia 1 to 2 inches of snowfall first alert forecast. you will see rain fall later
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on in the afternoon. new york city 2 to 3 inches first alert forecast for you guys you can be looking at coo accumulations higher 4 to 5 inches. rhode island, massachusetts that's where the bulls eye will be as far as snow fall accumulations 4 to 8-inch of snow if the storm does continue to intensify more than first alert forecast you could be looking up to a foot of snow especially boston and providence. what can we expect for new year's eve? believe it or not we actually have again another storm system that will be impacting portions of the midwest and across parts of the south. areas of rain across western tennessee and southern arkansas. eastern texas, so unfortunately you will be dealing with that rainfall during the midnight hour so we ever going to be looking at of course closely this first alert forecast be very
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important. missouri, illinois, indiana, ohio, yet again more snow places further off toward the north in minnesota and wisconsin expecting dry weather and out west it looks very quiet, you guys for midnight coming up monday night pretty much no precipitation for anybody out here. you guys? famous pickle drop might be affected there. >> dave: that's right. pennsylvania. i love the pickle drop. >> clayton: or groundhog drop. do they drop a groundhog? >> dave: groundhog drop? >> clayton: peta put an end to that one. >> dave: peach in atlanta. what else? >> juliet: let's do fox news alerting right now. passenger airliner on fire after running off the runway. outside of moscow. look at that russia media reporting that 12 crew members on board. extent it of their injuries not known at this time. the cops say no one was killed. witnesses say the plane skidded on to a highway. it is not known what caused the crash. but there are reports that it was snowing. so weather could potentially be a factor.
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first legal action is in motion. $100 million claim has been filed against the state of connecticut on behalf of the 6-year-old survivor. said the child suffered psychological damage from hearing screaming and shooting over the loud speakers. it provide to provide a safe school setting or emergency response plan. the plan must be approved by the state's claim office before a suit can be filed. pizza man fights off a group of attackers, his reward a demotion. >> he sucker punched me. my glasses flew off and i dropped the pizzas. i covered my face and swinging like this as hard as i could. five people against one is not a good situation to be in. i thought i was about to die. >> juliet: looks like he slices good. despite brave actions apparently pizza hut cut his
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hours and pay for violating no weapons policy. the magic wand weapon? >> yeah that's a magic wand. >> dave: is he supposed to take a beating? >> juliet: pizza hut has not commented on this. i have a feeling looking pretty bad right now. >> juliet: donkeys stole the spotlight after showing up outside our fox affiliate in indianapolis. satie the donkey escaped from other horn and was having a really good time apparently running around not wanting to get caught. >> this is the first time she has got loose. when she got loose she enjoy her freedom and she duntd want to be caught. >> juliet: i hear you, buddy. sadie was rounded up. her owner says she is too much of a handful. a local horse farm has taken her in. now sadie will have plenty of room to room. a donkey is on the loose. >> if you are running around in the back of a news station.
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you know. >> dave: you are getting on national television. >> clayton: that's why he he went to the national news station. he knew where to go. hillary clinton heading back to work this week after she fell from that concussion. does this mean we will finally get some answers on benghazi? >> dave: don't hold your breath. we knew the fbi waste watching marilyn monroe. brand new unclassified documents now revealing how close the movie star was being monitored and her hollywood friends, too. >> clayton: and your little friends.
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enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don't forget our amazing seafood. soome to the gulf, you'll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that's florida. say louisiana or there's no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who ca the gulf home. >> juliet: 8:43 east coast times. major blow to france's socialist president. panel has just thrown out and
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plan to tax the wealthy at 75% rate. ruled it as excessive and unconstitutional. if you like it, then you should put a super bowl rick on -- ring on it ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it >> juliet: i love that video. pepsi announces plans to allow fans to join bon is i on the football field. dave, i see that you are all over that. >> dave: i will be there. so who knows. new insight into the short yet fascinating life of hollywood starlet marilyn monroe. newly unclassified fbi documents reveal how closely she was being monitored for alleged ties to underground communist party. aneed that vogel has more. >> new information from the fbi shows just how interested the agency was in finding out whether actress marilyn monroe had ties to the communist
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party. the files show the fbi had been tracking her for years. who she was friends with and if they had ties to communist in this record from 1956, agents had documented anonymous phone call from the "new york daily news" about marilyn monroe's then play right husband arthur miller that said quote arthur miller had been and still was a member of the communist party and was their cultural front man and that his wife, marilyn monroe, had also drifted into the communistor bit. despite all of those efforts, the phish never came up with any proof that monroe was a member of the communist party, but they did bring to light some interesting friendships. including one with one couple in if i can particular, known comiewpist frederick vanderbilt field and his wife. monroe spent a lot of time with them in mexico. he later wrote a book detailing some of their conversations she apparently didn't talk much about
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politics shy talked about herself views of hatred notorious director conducting all of these investigations. at the end of the day no new information about what everyone would real living like to know. was it really a suicide? even the doctor who performed her autopsy said there would always be controversy surrounding of marilyn monroe until all of the fbi files are revealed. back to you, clayton, juliet, and dave. very interesting stuff. up next storm man norm minute being remembered this morning. look back at the american heros incredible career. final answers on the benghazi bungle. down to the wire on the fiscal cliff deal. is it mitch mcconnell to the rescue? [ male announcer ] the more you lose, the more you lose,
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because for every two pounds you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪
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jiewltd juliet welcome back, 8:50 east coast time. remembering the life and legacy of the decorated gulf
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war commander norman schwarzenegger cough. he commanded the commission that drove out of swathe last assignment as u.s. chief of the central demand. died from complications of pneumonia at the age of 78. joining us is lt. colonel ravel -- ralph peters. great to have you on board sir. >> using that navy terminology on me, juliet. let's talk about some of his greatest achievements. >> norman schwarzkopf was a american hero i never had the privilege of working for him myself. he was the right man in the right place at the right time for desert storm he was one of those increasingly rare generals who won his war. apart from the brilliant military operation desert storm. his real contribution.
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his unique contribution is that because he grew up in the middle east and spent time there he he understood the mentality and culture. he was able to per said the sad did is to allow half a million on the soil of saudi arabia without which the campaign wouldn't have worked. beyond that, he was an officer who really understood that sometimes you have to fight in vietnam he was courageous officer with three silver stars and other awards for battlefield heroism not just for pushing papers. schwarzkopf did anger people. >> juliet: storm minute norman. >> his thought was i don't have time for fools. if i can win this war and bring most of my soldiers home i don't care who likes me. as far as i'm concerned that's the attitude i want a fighting
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general to have. wasn't perfect. mistakes were made in the wake of desert storm. an the whole what an admirable man we lost. when he took off his uniform the saudis offered him a generous pension for life he wouldn't take it he didn't want to take money from a foreign power. he didn't go to work for defense industry sucking money from the american taxpayer. he dedicated his life to good causes. this is the kind of market research we all should unite in admiring. >> his father was important man he went to west point as did the general himself. i understand he shied away from storm man norman he he wanted to be called bear. he didn't want to be considered angry guy. kelly wright was telling us he he served under general schwarzkopf and he said he would occasionally see him in the hallways and would just shutter because is he a very
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imposing guy. >> yeah physically very much. >> juliet: second subject, senators are refusing to confirm john kerry until hillary clinton testifies on benghazi debacle, nightmare i guess you could call it. let's break this open. what are your thoughts on what's happened with secretary clinton. you know, a lot of folks, of course, rolling their eyes and skeptics are saying the benghazi flu they are calling it it was it really a concussion. come back with memory laps. i can't remember what happened so i can't testify about that what's your feeling here? >> my feeling is that secretary clinton was genuinely sick and generally fell and the concussion wasn't faked. i'm not going to jump to the conclusion that she was faking it just to get out of testifying. that said now that she is on the mend, she needs to testify, the republican senators who want her to testify are in their right. but secretary clinton doesn't
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want to testify pause she doesn't want to be under oath. she doesn't want to get caught in something that could hurt her in 2016. and she is focusing on 2016. the white house doesn't want her to testify about benghazi. they are afraid that under oath she will pars things somewhat differently. the white house attitude toward benghazi is is we dodged that bullet. the media covered itself in shame and filth by covering up. only fox went after this. it's a big scandal. americans died. international incident and we are suppose to beach it was nothing really at all. by the way people at the state department haven't been fired they are not gone. >> juliet: benghazi shuffle being moved into different areas. kind of like the shell game. what do you think will happen? you do think she will testify. will we find anything? will would he be ebb lightened at all and will her chances in
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2016 if does decide to run will they be affected? you have to see what she says under oath on the hill and she does have to testify. but so far the administration has gotten away with covering up a coverup absolutely disgraceful. frankly, juliet, unless there is a deep throat out there working with some enterprising young rortsz who are willing to take this on, the administration is gonna get away with covering up one of the biggest international sandals in recent diplomatic history. >> juliet: all right i colonel ralph peters, always good to see you here, sir. we appreciate you being here today talking about general schwarzkopf and this benghazi situation. happy new year to you as well. all righty, folks the supreme court just struck down a request from the christian business. there it is. hobby lobby. ruled in favor of a muslim inmate. is there any sort of double standard going on here? michelle imagine kim is going to be talking about. this apples and oranges.
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see what she has to say. you know the saying, no use crying over spilled moibleg. the price for a goalen of milk may you have in tears. coming up, it all may depend on whether a fiscal cliff deal with reached. that's not the only thing you are going to be paying more for. we will tell you coming up. stay with us. you are watching "fox & friends" weekend.
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>> good morning, everybody, wake up, it's saturday, september 29th, i'm juliet huddy in for alisyn camerota. and the words, who is responsible for putting us at the edge of the fiscal cliff, michelle malkin joins us. >> dave: and vladimir putin putting politics before children's lives. >> clayton: a girl got a restraining order against her mom and father for being overbearing. could this happen to you? "fox & friends" hour four. >> dave: that starts right now. ♪
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>> welcome everybody. happy sat to you. >> clayton: happy sat to you. >> juliet: happy new year. >> clayton: getting ready for the new years bash and weather for you in a minute because a lot of people concerned about the second round of storm, maria with us in a few moments. >> juliet: a fox news alert. a russian passenger plane carrying 12 crew members burst into flames and into pieces after running off the end of a runway in moscow. look at that, two people were seriously injured, luckily, no one was killed. the plane skidded on to a highway. there are conflicting reports whether the plane was landing or taking off at the time of the accident. we know it was snowing. the cause is yet to be determined. cops in new york city releasing a sketch of the woman they say pushed a man to his death in front of an oncoming subway train. they believe the woman, they say she is he' mentally ill and witnesses say she was talking to herself and cops have released footage of her
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running away from the subway station and she's still at large. this is the second deadly subway pushing in less than a month in new york city. it's not going to do your wallet any good. we've been telling you how milk prices may hit $8 a gallon if we go over the fiscal cliff. earlier on "fox & friends," kelly graham from market watch warned you'll have to dig deeper for just a lot more than the milk cliff. >> certainly something a risk this year just because of the fiscal cliff. and could see milk prices more than double, but just because of the drought this year we're seeing prices for a lot of things go up. obviously, grains being a big one, but then you think of all the animals that eat grains and that makes meat prices go up, dairy and trickles down into all sorts of processed foods. >> not good. >> the agriculture department says food prices may rise up to 4 cents a year. >> you're going to be affected by this. >> i eat yogurt and cottage
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cheese i'm like the dairy lady. >> clayton: the dairy queen. >> dave: very nice. >> clayton: let's check with maria molina. this morning. maria has a check of the weather that could hurt our commute. not many have to commute on a sunday morning, what do we have in the northeast. >> rick: slippery roads across places in the northeast and in manhattan, an accumulation, maybe about two inches or so, but the suburbs off to the west, will be seeing more snow, four to five inches possible in northern new jersey and especially as you head into parts of connecticut. keep in mind if you're doing any commuting this morning. otherwise as we head into the southeast, temperatures out here, obviously, too warm to see snow and just seeing areas of rain and most of it off shore off north carolina, so we're' trying things out here and actually going to have a pretty nice saturday for you guys kicking off your weekend, and otherwise in the northeast, that snow across eastern portions of ohio, parts of pennsylvania and upstate new york and you'll
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see some accumulating snow in new york city and some of the bigger i-95 cities, and in philadelphia rain mixing with snow later on in the afternoon and so that's going to keep your snowfall accumulations pretty low, one to two inches, a coating out there. be careful on the roadways, but in rhode island and massachusetts, that's where we're expecting when we're going to see the heavier snowfall accumulations with four to eight inches possible and wouldn't be surprised if this system happens to intensify more than thought we could be looking at accumulations, closer to a foot. and we have rains in place and the wind is blowing snow around, and otherwise across the northeast, nothing too bad just parts of massachusetts and rhode island under a winter storm warning. current temperatures, if you think it's cold in new york city, this is going to make you feel better. rapid city, single digits, 8 degrees, 16 in minneapolis and of course in florida, 70 right now in tampa even though it's
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9:04 in the morning. >> clayton: it's a dry cold. >> dave: in denver, a dry cold, single digits and freezing, thank you, maria. >> juliet: thanks, maria. >> clayton: let's bring in michelle malkin, is she out in colorado i think 5 degrees. colorado springs dug out of snow. nice to see you this morning. >> good to see you all, too. >> clayton: all right we are a couple of days away from the the fiscal cliff. everyone's taxes as of right now set to go up january 1st. do we have the countdown clock up? we'll get that up later, but here is where congressional leaders and the president stand on the fiscal cliff, listen. >> but whatever we come up with is going to be imperfect, some people are going to like it, some people like it less, but that's where we are and i feel confident that we have an obligation to do the best we can. >> a good meeting down to the white house. we are engaged in discussions, the majority leader and myself, and the white house in
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the hopes that we can come forward as early as sunday and have a recommendation that i can make to my conference and the majority leader can make hess to his conference and we'll be working hard to see if we can get there in the next 24 hours and so i'm hopeful and optimistic. >> i'm modestly optimistic that an agreement can be achieved. nobody can get 100% of what they want. let's make sure that middle class families and the american economy and in fact the world economy aren't adversely impacted because people can't do their jobs. >> it's a shame in this nation, every developed country in the world our greatest threat is fiscal sovereignty, you have to added leverage points. you would think that people would sit down, solve the problem because we know it is our greatest threat. but that's not the case here. we have a president who has not laid out a plan. he's obviously a spend-a-holic. >> michelle, you heard a lot
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of points there. >> michelle joins us after the talking. that's a lot of political spin. cut through for us. >> it is, and i have to say that one of the reasons most average ordinary americans outside of the beltway bubble aren't paying close attention to all of the machinations, it's not a spoiler alert how this is all going to end. and unfortunately, i think a lot of us see what's going to happen the republicans are going to cave somehow or another and give up in and yet, they're going to be blamed and this is sort of long been the running narrative of how these negotiations have gone, and it certainly helps that obama and the white house have narrative setters in the liberal media who are just raring to blame republicans for not giving in enough. and when you hear these code words and weasel phrases like, modestly optimistic, not everybody's going to get what they want, what they really
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mean is house republican conservatives who are tolding the line aren't going to get what they want and americans who believe in fiscal discipline are not going to get what they want. >> clayton: do you buy the charles krauthammer argument, the president was aware after the election he wanted to create a civil war in the republican party and to charles point he did that? >> yes, i think this obviously was to drive a wedge between the house conservative republicans and house capitulationist republicans and of course between the senate republicans and the house republicans. when the ball is in harry reid's court this is not a good thing for conservatives and what's going to happen now between today and tomorrow is, if you've got mitch mcconnell and harry reid sitting down, never a good thing and apparently, trying to come up with income tax thresholds,
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and if they don't come up with something, again, that wedge gets driven further and obama can sit in the cat bird's seat and blame, blame, blame republicans for their obstructionism. >> dave: quickly, you think a deal gets done, a threshold say around a half million dollars, unemployment gets extended and very little cuts, is that basically what you think happens here? >> i think that's right. i think that's the basic outline and then what the house republican take away, well, we'll deal with the tough issues later, always been there. >> dave: kick the can down the road. >> move on. >> juliet: let's go to the story that we've been covering here shall the hobby lobby story, this is a faith-based business and they decided they're going to risk paying potential fines up to 1.3 million dollars a day because they're refusing to provide the morning after pill to employees, it does not go with their beliefs. what do you make of that story? >> and by the way my christmas
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tree came from hobby lobby and i think it's incumbent upon every conservative who believes in freedom of religion and freedom of conscience to support nos businesses that are standing up and taking the slings and arrows of this discriminatory administration. and they will accept the consequences of it and i think that, you know, the way to counter that is to give them the business that they deserve for standing up for their principles. and you know, laura ingraham made a good point about selective double standards when it comes to religious liberty. because sonya soto-mayor who denied before scotus had ruled in a lower court decision that she protected the first amendment, religious liberties of a muslim inmate who wanted his ramadan meals covered. so, you know, religious
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liberty for some and not for others. >> clayton: so there is a double standard, you think, in her ruling against the christian business, but having previously ruled in favor of this muslim-born american? >> yes, and now what? it should be pointed out with regard to this obamacare provision, forcing companies that practice their faith to violate their consciences, that there are many other court cases going on right now fighting that and people need to be made aware of those institutions, those businesses and those, i think, some of them are catholic or christian universities. >> right. >> and hospitals and health care providers that are also fighting those battles as well. >> clayton: and we're going to go to break here in a second. just real quick, do you think it sets up a precedent with her having thrown this out and not hearing this, no more in front of the supreme court for any of the other conservative companies? >>. >> i think if you look at some of the cases they're fought on different grounds and i mean,
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they're in different jurisdictions, so i think pun intended, these businesses and these individuals fighting these battles have to keep the faith and we have to keep the faith with them. >> juliet: on that note, michelle malkin, happy new year. >> happy new year. >> juliet: we shall see you. this is a story firing a lot of folks up including all of us, russia's president vladimir putin putting politics before children's lives, trying to settle score mere. >> clayton: and dave's bet chicken, no, this hero bird rescued an entire family and we'll tell, but this guy's chicken and what clucky cluck did. ♪
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[ buzzing ] bye dad. drive safe. k. love you. [ chirping, buzzing continues ] [ horn honks ] [ buzzing continues ]
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[ male announcer ] the sprint drive first app. blocks and replies to texts while you drive. we can live without the &. visit >> welcome bark,-- welcome back, russia's president facing criticism, halting adoptions underway, dealing an emotional blow to many families here. >> they were already our family. we already had their name. we were already decorating their room. >> are you crying?
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>> adam, is executive director of the evan b donaldson adoption institute, here from boston this morning with his reaction, good it see you, adam. >> good morning. not such a great morning, actually, right? >> it's an awful decision. trying to be fair and balanced, this doesn't make any sense. essentially we passed legislation to punish russian human rights violators and the russian reaction is to essentially punish russian children, a thousand were adopted by americans last year alone. so, who pays for this decision? >> well, a lot of people pay. this is a bad thing for adoption. this is a bad thing for american families that want to -- that want to adopt children and the most horrific part of it, it leaves all of those children in institutions instead of allowing them to move into families. so, what putin and his government has done really was aimed at the u.s. and the dagger hit the hearts of the
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children in his own country. >> dave: many of them are disabled. there's between 700,000 and some say as high as 1.2 million kids eligible for adoption in russia. what does it mean to those american families like the the ones we just heard from who already have adoptions in motion. i know i have spoken to some already had plane tickets returning them from russia here, what does it mean for the american families? >> it's chilling. but think about it, for those families, it's devastating, heart breaking, they need to get counseling, they really, really do. it's going to be about grief and loss the adoptive equivalent of miscarriage, but the real victim, yet again, are the kids in russia. they're not babies, most of these children are older. they're conscious, they know what's going on. some of them call these parents mommy and daddy already. they're going to be told you're not going to your family, you're staying here in
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an institution, it's devastating for them. >> dave: the united states adopts more russian children than any country in the world. it hurts its own children and here is the asinine statement from the russian president, quote, there are probably many places in the world where living standards are better than ours. so what shall we send all children there or move there ourselves? i'm trying to understand the motivations of the russian president. can you make any good out of what he's decided? >> i can't make good out of it, but i can make some sense out of it. what he's saying is that you shouldn't move children simply because conditions are better in one country than another. that's a fair argument. if he says tomorrow morning we're moving kids out of institutions into warm, loving, permanent families where they're safe ab getting the care they need, okay. it breaks our hearts, but he's doing the right thing for the the children. we don't see that happening. he couldn't do it on the best day because there are hundreds of thousands of these children. so, what they've done is take
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one escape route out of the orphanage away from them. >> dave: we can hope in the couple of days left before january 1st when this takes effect. maybe some of those russian kids can get to their families here in the united states. the evan b donaldson institute, thank you for being here. >> you bet. >> dave: congress must made history, not in a good way. we'll explain. and pushy parents, listen up, this girl just got a restraining order against her mother and father for being overbearing. could this happen to you, helicopter parents? listen up. ♪ heartache to heartache we stand ♪ ♪ no promises no demands ♪ ♪ love is a battlefield ♪ rance ? yes.
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>> welcome back. well, talk about a warning for pushy parents out there. this college student just got a restraining order against mom and dad because they wouldn't leave her alone at school, but is that even legal? we'll have the experts here to
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debate. fox news legal analyst lis wiehl and jonathan. good morning, lis. the story, it's not just that they're helicopter parents, they were constantly showing up at school. >> they were going to her school events, going to her activities. >> clayton: there's a problem with this? >> a little bit overbearing, yes, but they were trying to take care of their kid and be there and be supportive of her and making sure she's not getting into trouble. overbearing, yes, but not to a point where the judge should have ordered a restraining order against the parents. >> clayton: and do you think that this is overbearing, show up at the school unannounced, drive 600 miles from kansas to ohio accuse her of illegal drug use, promiscuity and mental illness and key loggers on the computer to keep track of the key strokes.
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>> and put skype on all night, to make sure she would sleep. >> it's not a matter for the courts, it's a matter for the family. >> there's no parental exemption to harassment stalking-- if there were a boyfriend. this is mom and dad. >> it's mom and dad. >> it's the same behavior. >> it mom and dad. >> the real reason she was upset i don't want any contact with you, cut off all contact and not just over zealousness, they cut off tuition. and that's why it's in court. >> clayton: it's embarrassing and upsetting and my parents come to my university and basically slander my name and follow me around. sland slander my name. i don't get, she's over 18. >> 21. >> clayton: doesn't she have a right to say hey, back off here? >> absolutely, not to mention she was on the dean's list. this isn't a kid going down the wrong path and the parents had to intervene.
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>> a keen kid can be on the dean's list and emotional issues nothing to do with the dean's list and the parents would know that. >> it should have been counseling between the parents and child, young woman, not have gone to the court. every time the parents are helicopter parents they'll be dragged into a court. >> there's a difference between loving your kid and accusing her of being a drug addict and you know, showing up on campus, being disruptive, there's a difference. that's what she's saying and alleges after the tuition bills stopped being paid, no proof of that. >> clayton: how would this hold up in court, she said versus they said. >> i don't think that was right way over the line and the restraining order. i come from perspective of having a teenage kid and a 20-year-old in college. >> you're a mom. >> i'm a mom and moms and dads do whatever they can to help the child. if they think their child is having mental issues they're going to go and drive the 600 miles, as a former prosecutor
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i saw the other specker, when people get into sentencing look to common excuse, my parents didn't parent me, i didn't have a parent. >> clayton: the other side of the argument, the parents weren't there enough and end up in issues. to your point, she's on the dean's list. >> and the school's reaction, we'll pay your tuition. she was able to convince a judge and university that the parents were overreacting. >> you know the university stepped in to pay, by one year, her senior year, pay that bill because they were worried about being sued. >> clayton: and answer this legal question. i installed a baby monitor in my seven month old daughter's room. >> way over the top. >> way over the top! (laughter) >> she's flopping around in there and i don't know what she's up to. you've got to let her live. >> and she can go out on the town. thanks, guys, have a happy new year. >> happy new year. >> clayton: let us know what you think about it, and find me on twitter @clayton morris.
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and a can i had thrown out for an action belt.: and we've learned that fiscal cliff talks are back underway on the senate side. we'll have a live report coming up. ♪ wish me lover, wishing well, kiss and tell ♪ ♪ the wishing well ♪ ♪ wishing loving wish me well, kiss and tell ♪
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends" on this saturday morning. you know what we're looking at now. that's capitol hill live in washington d.c., a little gloomy, a little overcast right now, how appropriate, right, as we're awaiting. >> dave: gloomy. >> clayton: gloomy, yeah, whether or not the storm is a-brewing on the fiscal cliff talks. right now staff discussions underway on the senate side trying to steer the country away from this fiscal cliff. >> dave: peter doocy is going to join us live from washington with the latest. peter from what we understand the house is initially left out of the discussion. so, something theoretically emerges from the senate and it's all on john boehner to find republican votes, is that where we are? >> reporter: where we are, we were told a few minutes ago discussions a way around the fiscal cliff at the staff level in the senate has begun for the day, only on the senate side. there's not much going on right now with the house of representatives. we heard yesterday though from
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some officials in the obama administration that senator mitch mcconnell, the senator minority leader has been working hard behind the scene, figuring how to get a deal done before monday at midnight and hearing talk in the senate that they want to tweak the obama plan and raise the threshold who the president says is wealthy, the president wants 250,000 a household, but the white house may consider 400 or 500,000 so that's the kind of thing they're talking about right now at the staff level and we really are not going to have to wait very long to see how things shake out in these negotiations because president obama did give the senate just a two-day deadline. if they cannot figure out a deal by then, he's going to ask senate majority leader highered to hold a vote.
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and the president says it's enough to for the senademocrati controlled senate and the house. and they're working hard with senator reid behind the scenes, telling us that it's unclear if whatever deal the two could make could get enough support in the house to pass and then sent on down to the president for his signature. >> clayton: i mean, this is the issue, peter, it's the republican house so you have the conservative members who held speaker boehner's feet to the fire and did not allow the house to vote. if the same tea party crew, 40, 50 house members might get less out of the deal because they held speaker boehner's feet to the fire, right? >> it sounds like they are, the senators working on the deal right now with their staffs are moving some numbers around. they are trying to come up with something that thecould pa
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representatives, but the president said all the numbers we've been hearing for the last week since he basically laid it out last friday, he thinks that the numbers that he has put out are strong enough, could get enough support with republicans in the house, and the democrats in the senate to pass and at this point, the clock is ticking and now, there's obviously, an element of some congressmen and some senators who were feeling the heat and there's a lot of pressure on them to just figure out some way that they can, at the very least, just get this stop gap through. >> all right. >> and you're going to hear some people say, he well, if boehner cuts a deal could his speakership be challenged? there's just no one to step in and bring the house together better than boehner, i can't imagine if someone to his right, that caucus shrinks
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more. >> clayton: and some-- >> you've heard paul ryan and eric cantor. >> clayton: he was speaking and saying no, those won't be the individuals up. >> dave: i don't think we'll see that. >> clayton: fascinating. >> juliet: we'll see some severe weather, wild weather into the northeast right now. and people are still having last week's snow. as you can see, the plows are sitting by, getting ready to get out there, and throwing the salt on the ground and we're going to go to maria molina right now for an update on what's happening, maria? >> hey, good morning. good to see you. good morning, everyone, we have another snowstorm coming into the northeast just after on thursday 20 inches of snow across places of parts of upstate new york and new england and hit with that storm and another round. the good news for the system it's not forecasted to be anywhereas strong as last one was. it will be in later this morning and out by later this evening and through tonight. across portions of the southeast we have been dealing with some areas of heavy rain
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and now that rain moving off shore north carolina, and where it's holding up to see snow that's in eastern ohio, northern parts of the state of west virginia and also across parts of pennsylvania and into northern new jersey and starting to see the flurries coming down and as far as how much snow we're going to get. if you live in new york city, two to three inches and some of the suburbs further west of the city, picking up to four or even five inches of snow. if you live outside the city you could be seeing more snow. otherwise in philadelphia you're going to have the rain mixing in and not going to see a whole lot just about one to two inches of snow accumulating. over in rhode island though and massachusetts that's where we expect the storm to intensify and dump additional snowfall, about four to eight inches of it. with our last storm on thursday you guys didn't actually see really any snow, you got rain and now you're finally going to get that round of snowfall and i'm sure many of you have been looking forward, used to the areas
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with snowfalls and winter storm warnings in massachusetts, rhode island and eastern portions of connecticut otherwise can't weather advisories in new england, upstate new york and pennsylvania, haven't been upgraded to a warning because we're not expecting that much snowfall. 8 degrees in rapid city, 16 in minneapolis, denver, colorado 5 degrees, very cold out there. texas even feeling the chill 28 in dallas. florida on the warm side as usual, tampa 70 and new york city 33 degrees and should be be cold enough in new york we'll be seeing that snow. >> juliet: all right. maria, come up for the after the show show we'll talk to you. >> thanks. >> juliet: other headlines and a fox news alert, new details on a developing story out of russia, a passenger plane ran off a runway in moscow. we now learned that two people have died. the plane was carrying 12 crew members when it ran off the runway and burst into flames.
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and broke in half. there are conflicting reports whether it was landing or taking off at the time of the incident. it was snowing though, but it's unknown whether it was actually a factor in the crash. congress about to make history for the wrong reason shall the 112 congress is days away from coming the least productive congress on record. and passed just 1,538 pieces of legislation, the 104th congress joins the record passed 1,834th measure. a special phone call for 41. ♪ amazing grace how sweet the sound ♪ >> you them as the oak ridge boys, but they call them the oaks. they lifted the spirits of former president george h.w. bush and sang him amazing grace and other songs and told that the president has also been singing with doctors and
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nurses and is improving in the intensive care unit and he was moved to the icu because of a fever, bronchitis related cough. >> clayton: those are brutal, bronchitis, should it. >> juliet: i had it, lasted like a year. >> clayton: i think you keep it permanently when you have bronchitis, i'm not doctor, i know i look like one. this story, you are fired up and e-mailing this story. a student had been expelled from his college for a number of violations. >> juliet: pittsburgh state university, he was expelled for alleged possession of marijuana knives and fireworks on campus. >> clayton: here this kid then decides a few weeks later to go on campus wearing a fake ammunition belt. >> juliet: he was trespassing, he didn't tell the security guys he was coming on there. >> so he wears this ammunition belt a few short days after what happened at newtown elementary school and i mean, the thought process that must
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go through your head and go on campus and not alert security about it, but wearing a full ammunition belt, his mom shall it was for fun, they were fake, it wasn't for real. >> dave: ha, ha, real funny. >> clayton: how does anyone know that. >> juliet: the friends say the belt is a fashion statement. he constantly wears it, it's a punk thing. >> dave: that's cool. >> juliet: a stylish thing. and we had a counselor on and a psychotherapist. >> you could get away with that 20, 30 years ago, but particularly the sensitive nation of everything going on in our nation after the connecticut shooting three days after that, you've got to have a better common sense, a belt bullets, no justification, i look at this as a parental thing. as a society we've somehow kept 18 to 24-year-old men and women, like a perennial type warp of adolescence and time for us as parents to start
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holding our kids accountable at a young age into adolescence and young adult hood so they make more responsibility decisions in their life. >> dave: it's up to us to hold those parents accountable. this kid has clearly got a screw loose. i'm sure dr. keith ablow would like-- he's talked a lot about the mental health problem in this country, not diagnosing things soon enough. this kid clearly has issues. >> clayton: in some of the cuts i asked the doctor who we just heard from there, some of the guidance counselor cuts to the schools and ins an issue. when you look at a kid like adam lanza in newtown, himself as a guidance counselor and' as counselor who had jobs cut would tell you adam lanza, that guy needs watching and identified well ahead of that shooting and this is another individual just by looking at him and-- >> and wearing that belt and-- let us know how you feel about
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the story, @ff weekend. and a look back at the culture wars of 2012. >> juliet: first, let's check in with brenda buttner, what's coming up on the business block. >> deal or no deal, the tax hike coming up on tuesday, no one is talking about it, we should be, we're on it. and americans in fear of losing their job, is there great news for the economy or burnout and the new year about to bring higher prices on the grocery store. and the government with an eye on every mile you drive. the cost freedom the top of the hour, we'll see you again. '. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needingo go frequently or urgently.
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so don't wait. call your doctor right away. tamiflu is prescription medicine for treating the flu in adults and children one year and older whose flu symptoms started within the last two days. before taking tamiflu tell your doctor if you're pregnant, nursing. have serious health conditions, or take other medicines. if you develop an allergic reaction, a severe rash, or signs of unusual behavior, stop taking tamiflu and call your doctor immediately. children and adolescents in particular may be at an increased risk of seizures, confusion or abnormal behavior. the most common side effects are mild to moderate nausea and vomiting. the flu comes on fast, so ask your doctor about tamiflu. prescription for flu. >> welcome back. 6:43 west coast time. the looming fiscal cliff is not great news across the board, but what will the impending tax increases really do to our country's businesses
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come january 1st. let's ask the ceo of the independent insurance agents and brokers of america. great to have you here. you represent over 300,000 small business people. i can imagine that this is going to have a severe impact on small businesses. what are the folks saying to you about their biggest concerns? >> well, juliet. they think it's a bad reality show that won't end in washington. they're frankly mystified at why the president of the united states and congress can't come up with a deal both on taxes and spending. you know, we have the fiscal cliff looming, as everybody has been talking about for months and months now, and they can't understand why you can't take marketplace reality and marry it with cogent tax policy. and john boehner talked about a million dollar threshold on income. the president talking 250. there's a compromise there. they were close already.
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but the number one thing that small business main street america, uncertainty. they don't know how to plan for their businesses, should they buy a new computer, hire new people, the fiscal cliff is damaging the economy today. >> juliet: what are they doing? they don't know what to do. you have to act the at a certain point. are they laying people or, are they not moving? >> it's minimalist, do the least amount you can do at this point in time until you know what your tax liability is going to be. until you know what the economic outlook's going be to be. are we going to have another recession. >> juliet: how is that affecting them by doing the least, the least type of movement, i guess you could say? >> many of my members are not giving out bonuses, they're freezing pay, not hiring. that's what's happening on the main street america. and the fiscal cliff impacted already and main street small businesses are feeling that impact. if we go over the cliff, of
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course, it will be exacerbated and even worse, starting on january 1, the payroll taxes start going up and the rest of us. i think most small businesses people are convinced nobody in washington has a clue how to run a business, how to balance the books, how to make payments and how to make payroll. >> juliet: we had one of our anchors, heather on yesterday, and she actually did a report about a business and i'm forgetting where it exactly was. basically it's a smaller business and the gentleman says that he's obviously-- the workers at the business know what's going on and they're actually, he gave them the option do you want a christmas bonus or just want to take the time off? and you know they said we'll take the time off and we understand. we're trying to work with you. are you finding that a lot of these workers are understanding of the small business owner and are trying to help them through or is everybody just tight fiscally and finding some sort of lashing out toward the small business owner? >> no, you know, that's a good
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question. i think most people that read the newspaper and watch tv news know what's going on and know that there's a lot of uncertainty for the owner of that business and whether they can expand and give people raises and those sorts of things, so, i think people are watching and understanding what their boss, that small business has to go through and watching in washington for answers and they're not getting answers or action. so, i think that you know, the repercussions of what happens in the the next few hours, the next couple of days are enormous on main street america. >> everybody has their sort of ideas and opinions and you mentioned the 700,000 mark because we're talking 250 versus a million from both sides of the he equation there. what are you hearing from your people overall? what would you say the average reaction is? what would they be okay with? >> well, you know, first of all, most of my members think we have a spending problem,
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not a tax problem, and i don't think anybody in small business america can name one domestic spending cut that's under discussion right now because there is no discussion of that. it's all on the tax side and what the income threshold should be. two-thirds of my small business members pay the individual tax rates, so it is an important issue, whether it's going to be 250. 400,000 or 700,000, i think most reasonable business owners think you take the boehner number shall the million dollars the president's number of 250 and submit the baby, come up with 600 some-odd thousand dollars and run with it for a year and then you negotiate the spending side and all that. but, juliet, there are other issues. estate taxes. >> juliet: yeah. >> there are payroll tax issues. there's a whole host of alternative minimum tax that are important to small business owners. i have a lot of family business owners where the estate tax is very important to them. >> juliet: all right. bob russell, we appreciate you joining us today. it's obviously something that we all will be watching intently here at fox news
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channel. happy new year. all righty, coming up from the ice ages, punishment f, and banning bibles, the culture wars making news in 2012. we'll be right back. ♪ bye-bye miss american pie ♪ ♪ drove my chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry ♪ ♪ you lose through diet and exercise, alli can help you lose one more by blocking some of the fat you eat. let's fight fat with alli. ♪
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>> and welcome back. as 2012 comes to a close, let's take a look at part two of some of the most important culture stories, clicked on the most on >> dave: and fox radio correspondent here with a recap. todd, we remember the ice ages, essentially punished for doing his job. >> this is a fox exclusive. an ice agent reaching out and telling a story about an agent unidentified in delaware, arrested an illegal immigrant on a traffic violation and the this guy ended up having ten previous violations, because he wasn't on a protected list
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of the official list of the federal government. he was ordered by superior officers to release this individual. and the ice agent balked, he said no way this guy is a criminal and he needs to be put in jail. and he was threatened with suspension as a result of refusing the orders to release this particular illegal. well, the illegal was eventually released and at this very moment, somewhere in the country, this illegal immigrant is still driving our highways without a driver's license. >> juliet: right. all right. second story that was really popular. walter reed bans bibles. >> this is unbelievable, guys, this war on religious liberty is just unbelievable. this happened at walter reed medical center, an order went out banning all bibles from the hospital. people were so outraged that one congressman, steve king from iowa, actually went on the floor of the house and denounced this move. well, as a result of all the coverage, the order was rescinded, but again, it's
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just-- >> who gave the order? >> this came from his superiors in the army. so, the challenge here is there have been so many attacks on religion, especially the christian religion in the military, just a couple of weeks ago we did a story about a base in afghanistan where they were ordered to take down a nativity scene because it might offend people. >> dave: and the attacks even having on the football field and the attacks-- >> you have to wonder what's going on here. a group of high school cheerleaders in texas of all places, well within the bible belt, put up a banner that had a christian slogan, a christian bible verse. an organization out of which is wisconsin they got wind of it and they threatened to sue unless they took down the bible verses, you state of text it is got involved. and you don't want to mess with god or guns in texas, but they keep the bible verses, to
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show you how violent the attacks on the christian faith, in new jersey, a student asked a teacher about the bible verse and the teacher showed where the bible verse was, happened to be a member of the gideons and give students bibles in schools. this teacher is now facing suspension of 90 days and to show you how extreme it is, guys, in russia, the gideons are allowed to go into the classrooms to give girls and boys bibles and here in the united states not allowed anywhere inside the schools e it's a sad day when we're taking cues by what russia does, especially everything we heard about putin and the adoption problem. >> focusing on 2013, what do you see as perhaps a wave going forward here into this next year? >> moving forward i think we are going to see these attacks on religious liberty, especially when it comes to the obamacare mandate, you know, with the situation with hobby lobby, as michelle malkin talked about earlier in
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the program. we're also going to see, i think, attacks on traditional family. what does it mean to be a family. what is the definition of a family in the united states. and of course, in the next few days we have some states that are beginning to implement the legalization of gay marriage and we've got a story that we're working on that's about some companies that are choosing to go out of business rather than provide services to gays that are getting married. >> dave: oh. todd starns, good to see you. >> good to see you guys. >> dave: more "fox & friends" in two minutes. ♪ ♪ are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them.
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