tv Hannity FOX News January 2, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PST
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please keep doing what you're doing. you are a force for good in america. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor website different from bill o' also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. we are here for you. o', if you wish to opine. the word of the day, no palavar, i'll have a palaver and a few crackers. and again, thank you for watching us tonight. and remember, the spin stops here in 2013 because we are definitely looking out for you.
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>> and welcome to hannity and happy new year to each and every one of you. now, 2013 started off with a bang in other nation's capital as lawmakers rammed through legislation designed to keep us from falling over the so-called fiscal cliff. the result is each and every american, that means you will immediately see your taxes go up. america is in a deep financial hole and this deal does nothing to solve our real problems. in a minute i'll layout the plan. the big picture, what to say about this deal, illustrates perhaps as much as any deal in a long time just how dysfunctional the federal government is. think about this, what hassed last night was a teenager deal the result of a manufactured crisis and did nothing to deal with the fiscal problems we now face as a nation. now, it's been clear for months what we face, yet the people's representatives, your
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elected leaders put off the key decisions until literally the last hour. the result was a deal that short-term was incoherent, it was frantically put together and the deal was, as one media report put it, the equivalent of putting a bandaid on a gun wound. the barack obama and his liberal allies want to broaden the scope and size of government and gives them more power, more control over your daily life. so, why does obama want this? what is his motive. he's the got to know this is bad for america, our government has now become singular, it's become cold and as never before, your government is greedy, selfish, irresponsible and they're acting in ways that are reckless and they're now robbing from future generations. now, let's take a look at this deal and how many americans it will hurt because thanks to the president and congressional leaders, households that make between 40 and $50,000, they're going to be hit with an average tax increase of more than $500. that's this year. now, if you're making between
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50 and $75,000, prepare to hand over nearly 900 additional dollars over to uncle sam and all of this because the payroll toks holiday wtoks-- tax holiday was allowed to expire. and penalties facing high income families and america's job creators are even more drastic. if you're an individual making more than 400,000 or a household that makes more than 450,000, or if you're a small business, you're going to see your income tax rate rise from 35 to nearly 40%. now, investment taxes, that's going up from 15 to 20% and also hit with a brand new 3.8% obamacare tax. now, to put it into context, what kind of epic failure this so-called deal really is, consider this: all told it rakes in only million dollar in revenue and add according to the cbo, 4 trillion dollars to the national debt over the next ten years.
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now, why? once again many of the men and women that we sent to washington to cut spending and rein in the size of government, well they have now once again kicked the can down the road thanks to this new deal. the automatic spending cuts set to take home yesterday they've been delayed for a period of two months, less than 60 days from now, another huge battle is waged on capitol hill how to reduce the deficit and our dedicated commander-in-chief has since returned to his wonderful vacation in hawaii and once again showing us he simply does not have your best interest and mine. it's important to note. this is very important, not all of these lawmakers got this plan. some of them stood up. some of them opposed the measure because that's what they were elected to do. balance the budget like you do your household. and voted no. shelby, rubio, grassley, lee, paul, and some bumped the
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party leadership and voted on households. and no, you saw jason chaffetz and goldberg. welcome back to hannity. >> always good to be with you, sean. >> my first question, how is it possible that we got to this point the final hour all the drama? how is it possible and no spending cuts, none, zero, cbo estimate 4 trillion dollar price tag? >> well, it's because the promise that was made by minority leader john boehner two and a half years ago that we would follow regular order if we were given the majority, that we would not bring a bill to the floor that had not gone through committee, been amended, been debated, gone to the floor and been amended and debated and gone to the senate, if it didn't match ours, go to conference.
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we didn't do that process and as a result we got a deal that ended up not cutting any money and we're still going to spend over a trillion dollars and when we spend a trillion dollars over what we're bringing in, then spending left for our children. i've got two days to see all three of my daughters this year. and i look in their faces and i just think, until we get this right, we're failing the future generations. this is abysmal. we should be making the cuts instead of engorging this generation with money we don't have. >> sean: you know, congressman, i look at this and i'm thinking to myself, for the president is really good at politics. he was able to really shift the narrative away from government, selfishly, recklessly spending too much and turned it into a debate on, well, the small amount of income and it's relatively small by raising tax rates and now he wants another bite of the apple so this doesn't
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stop. the question is, how do republicans, why won't republicans just stand up, look at the american people in the eye, and say, we're not going to rob from your kids anymore? we're the party of balanced budgets and fiscal responsibility. that seems like a strong argument to me. that you'll save america from bankruptcy. >> you would think it would be simple. physical discipline, limited governor, accountability, a strong national defense, what we should be fighting for and standing up for. what this president does are two different things. he says he wants a balanced approach, nothing balanced about this. he wanted deficit reduction and it didn't reduce the deficit at all. he keeps seeing these things and nobody holds him accountable. and i'm proud of my colleagues who voted no. and if you took every day, 3,000 years to get to one trillion. we're spending more than 10 billion dollars a day.
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we have to borrow 600 million a day just to pay for the interest on the national debt, we can't do t i don't want to hear about ten year projections, i want to hear about first year cut reductions. >> sean: if you want to look at the numbers, congressman chaffetz. moody's saying this will cost 600,000 american jobs. and the price tag over a decade. there are no spending cuts here, i guess the question is over the debt ceiling we're now going to have another big argument over spending, whether there will be entitlement cuts. it steams that there's got to be a shift in strategy, that we need a party that is going to stand on this platform to save america. do you think, congress, do you think that will happen, will happen and the messaging will change? >> i know it can happen. >> yeah. >> go ahead. >> i know it will happen. we took a pledge two years ago that if you will give us the majority, we will cut at least
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100 billion in the first year and we will return to pre-bailout, pre-stimulus levels which was the 2008 fiscal year. so we made that pledge, we ran on that. by the grace of god and the people of america, we got the majority in the house and we haven't done it for the last two years, but i'm hoping and praying that we will finally be true to our word. >> sean: congressman, there's been a lot of rumors about perhaps tomorrow when there will be a vote for speaker, is there any question in your mind as to whether or not john boehner remains the speaker of the house? >> no, there's no doubt in my mind, really, the choice is between john boehner and nancy pelosi. that's a nonstarter, an obvious question for me. >> sean: 17 votes to stop-- whoever becomes speaker needs a full majority and nancy pelosi has 200. there are 233 republicans so if 17 of them say no, again then you keep voting until that person gets a majority.
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you don't believe that will happen at all? >> no, look, our fight is against the democrats. i want to make sure that we understand and we stay focussed on the fact that since the fiscal year started for the federal government, we are already 300 billion dollars in the red, since october 1st. and so, i realize that there are some infighting and we have got to be focused on cutting spending and cutting first year spending. i was the primary sponsor of cut, cap and balance. we got to cut 100 billion dollars the first year, drive spending to less than 20% of gdp and then pass a balanced budget amendment. until we get a balanced budget amendment, out there, sean. >> sean: the president, interestingly, congressman goldman. president obama says look out, i'm not done raising taxes, i'm going after the loopholes for the rich and we're seeing the direction he's going in and not again dealing with spending. >> that's right, he's never done anything, but spend more money and want to raise
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people's taxes and, boy, people are going to find out now, because this deal has been done, there were some good things in it, but people are going to find out now when their taxes go up, wow, i didn't know that was in obamacare, i thought it was going to help me. there are things happening this year that are going to shock people because they're going to find out that president obama has not been truthful in his representation. they're getting to get hammered this year. >> sean: it's going to be interesting. and i will say, gentlemen, you two are not the problem. but it seems to me that america, when interest rates go up, when inflation kicks in, which i think is inevitable, there's got to be better messaging and i think the message is simple. we're the party that's not going to rob from your children and i think if it you hold to your message, that's a winning message. the american people, the latest rasmussen poll says they want to cut spending. be the party that cut spending and i think you'll be successful politically and it will be good for the country. >> sean, absolutely.
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>> i would ask anybody that believes in the power of prayer being praying, we have a fresh start tomorrow and i hope and pray that's what we'll have. >> sean: we'll get politicians to stop their addiction to spending money to accumulate late power and that's a big-- that's a big prayer. a balanced budget amendment. >> we've got to have a balanced budget amendment. >> sean: all right, guys, we are going to stay on the case because we owe it to it our kids not to bankrupt them. and when we come back, lane davis and the dpms of government waste jammed into the final hour fiscal cliff deal. and we've got those that run very, very well on this deal and a reason to smile, we'll tell you when we get back. west wing celebrities love to profit off ultra violent films, later we'll explain how one group is calling out the hollywood hipocrits and the
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or if you have any allergic reactions such as rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a 30-tablet free trial. >> and this is a fox news alert. earlier tonight secretary of state hillary clinton was discharged from a hospital. she was treated for a blood clot between her skull and brain. she was treated with blood thinners. according to the doctor she is expected to make a full recovery. and democrats got their
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christmas wish, and passed the fiscal cliff bill and taking money out of your wallet and you'll be surprised to learn who's getting some of the hard earned money and the cliff deal. the next ten years. rum producers in puerto rico and virgin islands, a tax break 222 million dollars. and algae growers, 59 million. hollywood another reason to love the liberal lawmakers, they have a quote, special expensing rule that's going to cost you 248 million, and nascar owe you big time, building a race track, they're getting a tax break, 78 million dollars, 7 million dollar has been allocated for electric motorcycle makers by expanding the green energy tax and the list goes on and on. the ironic part, house republicans delayed voting on
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a superstorm sandy relief bill because it contains too much pork. and specially former clinton, lanny davis, and you know, i've never seen it this dysfunctional. 4 trillion in new debt according to the cbo this bill gives us. you have pork in it, literally 15 four-page bill and the senate has three minutes to read it before they have to vote on it. there's something wrong and broken this is beyond my imagination, i want to get your reaction to it. >> sean, we're in a warld-- sean, we're in a world view war with people who don't believe in america's founding principles and don't believe in the constitution as written and who believe that man is perfectible all of our
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problems solved through the government and achieve some kind of utopia through a socialistic government and we have a president who is steadfastly addicted to spending who wants to complete the fundamental transformation of america and therefore, no intention of cutting spending and this deal was never about cutting spending and that's why i object to it and proud of certain g.o.p. congressmen and senators who opposed it. but we have a situation where the entire nation. the people who produce, the people who care, the people that still love america and founding principles are horrified. they're horrified and i talked to people every day and i literally do and they're at their wit's end. are we going to be able to provide our kids the kind of prosperity, are we going to provide them the kind of freedom tradition that we were bequeathed by our parents? i don't think so unless we reverse it. it's a cynical mess when you consider that we have 16.4 trillion dollars in debt. 100 trillion in unfunded
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liabilities, and barack obama controls this narrative to make it look like the rich weren't paying their fair share, it was all about taxes so he's going to raise taxes a minimal amount and nothing on spending. >> and let me follow-up and ask lanny that. it didn't cut a penny, adding 4 trillion dollars that we're going to rob from our kids to pay for this. and the question is, if add all of this pork to it. what happened to your friend bill clinton, the end of government, the end of welfare as we know, where are you as a liberal democrat, obama supporter for him to show no desire to stop this reckless spending and borrowing. where are you. >> i'm upset by the deal, i have a 14-year-old son joshua watching tonight and you're using, our generation is using collective credit cards and handing our kids and grandkids receipt to the credit carts
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that are immoral. so both parties share a morale issue-- >> where is obama. >> president obama gave speaker boehner a deal last summer. >> sean: oh, stop. >> that he could have said yes to, that could have been the beginning of reducing the debt. >> you're going to blame-- no, i blame both parties and this pork that you just mentioned is disgusting. i'd like to see the names of the congressmen responsible for that pork, publish their names and we should be ashamed of what's been going on with the national debt that our children are going to have to pay for. >> bob woodward said in his book, the price of power, he's clear, where they're going to look through the prism of history and say the john boehner era. they're going to say this is the obama air a the president is supposed to leave, the president, his narrative was singularly focused lanny,
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taxing the rich, taxing the rich. he got it and he comes back after the deal and says we're going to come back for more. >> look, i gave barack obama a lot of credit for trying the grand bargain with boehner and boehner just said no and now it's up to barack obama-- >> i agree in his-- obama at the last minute raised the amount of money in taxes and that's revenues -- for them to walk away. >> instead of walking away he could have bargained and woodward agrees with that as well, look, his state of the union address is where i want him to endorse simpson-bowls and take a lead on reducing this moral issue of our time, the national debt. >> sean: we'll come back and give david and lanny a student and also tonight, hollywood celebrities are quick to support extreme gun control measures and all for receiving large paychecks for ultra violent movie. one group is calling them out.
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speaking of hipocracy, the newspaper who presented the names and addresses of owners in new york is fearing for the safety of its employees. you won't believe who they hired for protection, that and more, the crazy laws of 2013 coming up tonight on hannity. u a lift, sir. who are you again? daniels, sir. accounts. who's this? this is daniels. key player over in accounts. ♪ daniels. director of accounts. [ male announcer ] the all-new nissan sentra. [ daniels ] good luck in there! c'mon, daniels. you're vp of accounts aren't you? [ male announcer ] it makes a powerful first impression. it's our most innovative sentra ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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>> welcome back to hannity. we continue with lanny davis and this is the beginning and now we are going to have the debt ceiling and the quotes crisis. and we'll wait until the final hours. obama got his tax rate increases. shouldn't this entire debate be about reducing spending, the intoxicating spending in
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washington? can republicans pull that off? >> well, that's what the sanguine conservatives are saying. what the white house memos are saying, we have only begun to fight on revenue increases. they're going to go after the elimination of deductions, to phase out further deductionsen they've already done some phaseouts. obama is cocky, the most ungracious person i've seen, and grading the republicans immediately after the deal was done. if the debt ceiling is the not negotiatable he will not allow that to happen again. he's going after more taxes and if lanny wants to talk about this being a moral issue then lanny can't possibly support president obama anymore and have credibility. i think he's a great guy, but what i'm saying, lanny, obama wants to exact against america and he has no intention of
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solving this debt crisis, you can't do it with revenue. he wants to even the score of the so-called wealthy and you can't raise enough taxes to put a dent in this debt and he refused to reform entitlement. i'm incredulous that people in america are permitting this. it's never going to be reversible if we don't stop this and i can't believe he's not for simpson-bowles, he's he not for anything to do with-- >> lanny, as a liberal democrat, are you-- and this is a moral issue, are you going to demand that this president how that he's got a spending increase, is he going to have to deal with his deficit. are you going to call him and demand that he get serious about it. >> last summer and he-- >> last summer is gone, he's given us 6 trillion dollar in debt. >> you've got to let me say
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sean and-- >> oh, good grief, it's bush's fault. >> no, boehner walked away from the grand bargain, read the book. >> sean, if you interrupt me, you can't interrupt mr. -- >> fair enough. >> let me remind both of you that the simpson-bowles approach cuts corporate taxes, but raises revenues, put entitlement reform, social security and medicare on the table and i am in support of simpson-bowles and i think that president obama came very close last summer to making the same proposal to boehner who said no. so i give obama credit for that. >> sean: actually boehner supported simpson-bowles more than the president did. what they agreed to and then pushed boehner away is more accurate assessment. david. >> why are we talking last summer? why don't we talk about last
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night. obama will not agree to cut, he's for wealthy and-- >> a changed cpi on social security, which would have cut social security benefits, a lot of liberal democrats denounced him and what do the republicans do, they started to denounce him for touching social security, so the hipocracy, barack obama, is the relationshpublican leadersh the house and going to be defeated because of that hipocracy. obama has put entitlements on the table and supported substantial cuts and-- >> obama doesn't even know within 6 trillion dollars what the national debt is. when david letterman asked him, he didn't know if it was 10 trillion or 16.2 trillion. the guy is cynical. all he wants to do is snd money that we don't have. the idea that conservative pundits have, now we've got the tax rates permanently in place obama will have to
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realize he couldn't raise enough money, and that's all he cares about the debt and spending on the amount of revenues. >> got to do both. he's got to close those tax loopholes. >> he won't. >> and raise revenues. we're never going to do this without raising revenues. >> and pay higher taxes because-- >> he just raised them. >> and ewent through two wars using credit cards and this is the-- >> here we go, bush-- >> and we all have share this, and we have to do something about this debt, democrats and republicans. >> quit talking about revenues, they won't make an accident in it. >> substantial cuts as well, i agree it's got to be both. >> and entitlement reform, you guys aren't doing it. >> hang on one second. and about-- >> lanny you just got your revenue increase. >> no. >> sean: you just raised taxes
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yesterday. >> close those tax loopholes and now-- >> tax loophole. >> there are plenty of tax loopholes under simpson-bowles. >> come on, that's a dollar to a dollar. >> no, it's not. >> you know what, david, it's a drug to the liberals, it's like crack and heroin, they cannot control themselves, they get their power by taxing and spending and taxing and spending. >> a great guy, he's got to come to our side here, come on, lanny. >> saying nice things about me, but thank you, david. thank you. >> sean: all right, you guys, i think he we just solved the the problem. still ahead tonight, a local newspaper releases the names of lawful gun owners and then hires armed guards to protect its place of business. sounds pretty hypocritical, huh? speaking of hipocracy, we'll take a look at hollywood made billions off the violence of handguns in their movies and now calling for stricter condition control and the
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for lawmakers stopping mistransit shooting. this time not getting away with the hypocrisy as a gun rights group is mocking them. interspersing the you will at that violent movie screens in the video. and keep in mind some of the material is from r-rated films, quite graphic and for that reason only a small equip from this ad. >> columbine. newtown. >> newtown. >> newtown. >> how many more. >> how many more colleges. >> how many more classrooms. >> enough. >> demand a plan. >> right now. >> as a mom. >> as an american. >> for the children of sandy hook, demand a plan. >> enough.
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>> enough. >> and here was reaction, democratic strategist michael brown and from town katie, happy new year. >> happy new year, sean. >> sean: it's ironic to get lectures on gun use from armed guards from the action movies firing weapons all over the place. i think that ad is pretty effective. it actually makes me laugh. >> i could have sworn i heard you chuckling in the background. >> sean: i was, that was me. but you know what i didn't see in that video, sean. >> sean: yeah. >> i didn't see charlton heston standing up playing moses and talking about being the spokesperson for the n.r.a. so, i think the hypocrisy perhaps goes both ways. >> sean: what's hypocrisy, he doesn't want to take away gun rights. >> i think more importantly, i think, sean, i think the issue
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is of all the folks that watch these movies, very small percent whether it's to point something, it's too many, but the bottom line, most people go to the movies for entertainment. they don't go out and act the way that movie stars act. >> sean: if we're going to blame the guns, katie and hollywood is going to have all of these shoot-em-up films and we're going to analyze video games and blame the weapons as if they fire themselves, i think it's fair, if we're going to get lectured to look at what the message that they're make ago lot of money on, making millions on these films. >> right, right. these celebrities are saying enough, well, i say enough to these celebrities. look, they're hypocritical on two points here, the first being that we've heard a whole lot about the gun culture in america and i would say that there's multiple forms the gun culture takes and one that hollywood promotes is one of disrespect and violence and then the people in washington take that and lump in 60 million law abiding gun owners who go shooting for entertainment purposes not to
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hurt anyone on a very regular basis and they get punished for the actions of hollywood coming out and having the violent films and washington thinking that law abiding citizens are the ones causing the problems. on the second point, we mentioned it, sean, these are people who hire armed body guards in their homes and went public because of the money and getting the celebrities to do the psa, was new york city mayor michael bloomberg, in charge of mayors against illegal gunsen he also has armed security. >> sean: and so does the president and so do members of congress, which by the way, i think is appropriate, but. >> right, exactly. >> sean: it's interesting, we protect our money, michael, with armed guards. we protect our politicians and our actors and actresses with armed guards, but then they say they want to confiscate, in the case of new york, or register and fingerprint or print the names and locations of law abiding citizens. are you against the second amendment?
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are you against a gun ownership with individuals? >> no, you and i have had this conversation before. i haven't heard anyone who wants to trample on second amendment rights. when i say trample, i am h'm talking about repealing it and. what folks are talking about, putting restrictions on that amendment. please give me a rational explanation why anyone needs a multi-bullet clip. no one needs that, not even hunters need that and we have to look at he restrictions relative to ammunition. there's no argument that someone needs some kind of unbelievable army assault rifle in their home that can kill many people. >> know what-- >> there's no rational argument. no one is suggesting that you can't have a .9 millimeter to protect you and your family, why do you need an assault rifle. >> sean: here is the problem, katie, doesn't murder or those that want to commit, that's a
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hard issue. you want to commit violence you're going to find a fertilizer, a knife, and listen to this radio show, revealing where the left is thinking. >> if any civilized society, s continue to happen from tucson, to aurora, to columbine, to virginia tech, to where we are now in newtown. to chicago, and you see the same laws clearly they're not working. >> what happens when the criminal is denied? >> you deal with that. >> oh, i see. how about-- >> and the same thing you do, if you have a head cold and the cold is gone and you have a headache. the job of society is to deal with whatever problem, confront it. >> sean: we're going to have
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knife control and everyone is going to have to cut their steak and chicken with a plastic knife? >> al sharpton made my point for me. he said the laws aren't working and named places, chicago, aurora, colorado, newtown that wasn't a gun-free zone was tucson. so the laws aren't working, there's too much gun control and people can't defend themselves. so, when we say the last-- >> you're arguing putting more guns on the streets. >> and people get more permits and gun violence goes down. >> and that will be in the neighborhoods. >> like in chicago, yeah, like in chicago where there's gun control and criminals are fighting each other on the streets. >> a great idea, let's not put more guns on the streets, we need less guns on the streets. >> it's a fantastic idea. >> no, it's not a good idea. it's not working. >> the fbi stats. >> sean: and wouldn't you feel safer with a gun in chicago? >> what i feel safer? no, no guns on the street, how
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about that. >> sean: so you make the point-- >> no, no, people can have them, responsible people can can have them, that doesn't mean you should. >> there are many people who have guns that didn't kill anybody, in chicago, without the training, without respect, shooting each other in the street-- >> no one wants to hurt their rights, but let's not put more guns on the streets. >> sean: no guns on the streets means nobody has one. and coming up the gun control debate continues. a newspaper published the names and addresses of legal gun owners, and why kansas and illinois added laws about pet cats and popping wheelies and strip clubs. how your government is getting bigger with new laws in 2013 straight ahead. announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! >> welcome back to hannity. when it comes to the gun control debate hypocrisy does not stop this hollywood. the new york newspaper, the journal news, with the help of publisher and rockland editor, they recently published the names and locations of local law-abiding gun owners putting their homes and families at risk and now the paper reportedly hired armed guards to protect its offices in the face of the public backlash surrounding the attempt to shame gun owners as outrage grows over the blatant lack of
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privacy, lack of responsibility and complete hypocrisy, one cannot help, but question do the outed gun owners have any legal recourse from the paper? and joining us is a civil rights attorney, and a radio talk show host, leo, we have the names and addresses of police officers. people who they arrested know where the cops live that arrested them and now the bad guys know which homes have guns and don't have guns and know which homes they might be able to rob and which ones they might be able to steal guns from. don't you find this irresponsible? >> mr. hannity, i don't think so, this is part of the freedom of information act. i believe this will alert law abiding citizens of individuals who might have a gun who shouldn't have a gun. if they have information, mr. hannity, of these individuals who have a mental issue, this will provide notice to the police
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department of people who have a problem and get people's-- >> so that's-- >> mr. hannity, let me say right now, this information is freedom of information and. >> sean: sure. >> i could have gotten the information and publish it on the internet. >> sean: what if i put your name out there and said, leo terrell leaves here, you're a public figure, an outspoken civil rights attorney and radio friend and talk shows, would you want your name published like that? >> every time i'm on your program, you should listen to my phone calls, i'm a very angry black guy, i took acting glasses. >> sean: leo-- i've never-- >> we disagree, but we've gotten along for years, i don't want anybody threatening you. i've gotten threats and jay, you've gotten threats over the years, we all have if we're in the public eye, this to me is putting innocent lives at risk here. >> yeah, there's an interesting parallel here, in 1950's and '60s, those members of the naacp who did not want
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their names disclosed publicly, although free speech rights they didn't want it circulated one before the the supreme court of the united states as they should have to keep anonymity because it was involving a fundamental constitutional right. sean, you hit the situation exactly correct. you've got a situation where rockland officials are very upset because 40% of the individuals in rockland county that possess weapons legally are either current police officers of the n.y.p.d. or previously served in that position serving their communities as police officers. then you've got another certainly 10 or 12% that were subject to domestic violence that now-- had weapons to protect themselves and these women now have their names published as well. >> have you ever heard of the freedom of information act. >> there are known criminals and-- >> and you published the-- >> why do you-- this is the freedom of information act. >> sean: all right, leo, i've
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got a question for you. >> we think it was published, and constitutional rights. having them disposed publicly is something else. >> you're wrong and the naacp 50 years ago, it has no relationship on this. why are you bringing this up? it's totally irrelevant. >> they're valid cases. >> would you acknowledge there's a freedom of information act. would you please acknowledge that, that's fundamental. >> leo, i have a question. >> sure. >> sean: because cops homes are being revealed here, police officers. they have families, leo, those people that have weapons and people wanted to steal them, they've been disclosed and people without guns are probably sitting ducks and people want to know where to rob. do you believe, do you believe in the right of privacy? the liberals often lecture us about privacy. >> mr. hannity, have you
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forgotten sandy hook where a lunatic shot 20 kids? let me get my point across, please, mr. hannity. my point is that this will alert the neighborhood of people who are mentally ill and this information, it's disclosed under the freedom of information act. >> sean: and people moving on their neighbors, and i think that person is mentally ill, better take his gun and people don't like their opinions. >> could have saved 26 lives, could have saved 26 lives and an elementary school. >> jay. >> the tragedy part of what happened in sandy hook-- >> there are certainly people in this country, mr. hannity, that do not need a gun. they can register for a gun, they can acquire the gun, but they're mentally disturbed. >> background checks are required by law in all 50 states. what you're doing here is putting individual citizens who are legally in possession of arms that are protected by the second amendment to the
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united states constitution. you're putting them in-- the police officers up to retaliation to identify where they live. you've got domestic violence victims, you don't want to acknowledge that and the minute you have-- >> and that mother was legally allowed to have guns, her son was mentally disturbed. why don't you ask what the state would recognize the freedom of information act. >> that doesn't solve the problem. >> sean: all right, we've got to run. >> and you were friends with o.j. simpson, did you know that he was going to be liable. >> here we go with o.j. simpson. >> sean: what? hello? leo? (laughter) >> all right, we've got to go. thank you both for being with us. all right. >> thanks, sean. >> sean: leo, good to see you. 2013 is bringing with it a much bigger government with hundreds of brand new laws, wait until you hear about some of these, we'll run through some of the most insane ridiculous laws including one that's aimed at strip club patrons, yes, a trip to the gentleman's club and tell you how it's going to cost more, that's in illinois and a bunch
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>> all right. our big and broken government got bigger and broken in 2013 with the addition of absurd laws. california alone, added 876 new laws to its books. now, let's take a look at some of the strainingest ones. illinois made you feel good about going to a strip club, a $3 skin tax, by the way the proceeds go to rape crisis centers and kentucky made it illegal to release wild pigs into the wild. i did say wild pigs into the wild. and in north carolina stealing unused cooking oil worth more than $1,000 now a felony. in california a human must always be in the passenger
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seat of all computer-driven cars. from california it's illegal to let the car drive itself. in the town of wellington, kansas, each household limited to no more than four cats. sorry to you crazy cat people out there. in concorde, massachusetts put down your water bottles as the plastic containers are now against the law, illegal. and with no more pop wheelies not allowed on a motorcycle anymore in illinois, that's now illegal and one of the more ridiculous laws out of illinois, the stand banned the sale and trade of shark fins. are there any sharks in lake michigan? i tend to doubt it. joining me now with reaction, executive director of young democrats, america emily tish-sussman is with us and from the daily caller, tucker carlson, i'm looking at out of control, california, 800-some odd laws. they need to go away and get out of your lives. wouldn't you like to see fewer
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laws, do we need the government managing every aspect of our life? >> i think it's important to see that we're talking about municipalities, and for the most part many of the laws that you just mentioned are really a town. we talk about a 50-state solution we don't have all national federal laws we like places to be able to regulate laws appropriate for their towns. it does seem like quite a few laws, but if we talk about government bloating, there are different levels of government. >> sean: i guess it's really, really important that you cannot release wild pigs into the wild, tucker, that would be illegal, wild pigs, you can't release them into the wild. help me out. >> nothing has done more harm, sean, than the impulse to do good and force others to do good. once i give up the right to choose your own light bulbs or your own shower heads or toilets, once you let the government tell you you have to buy health insurance,
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there's only time before there's public frothing, how big your water bottle can be or your big gulp can be, or right to smoke outside. we've given up the right to make basic choices about our own lives and none of this should surprise us, it's accelerating and next year you'll do the exact show and it will be a parody. it will be worse. >> and i do think it's important that government is not just this large monolithic it's made up of people. if you don't like the laws passed in your town, maybe consider getting involved, and run for office, yeah. >> sean: you know what the big problem is, people are busy. they're -- they have to work extra hard to pay the extra taxes so when they monitor how much our salt we intake or whether we can buy a big gulp or what kind of light bulbs we can put in or how much water we can put in our toilet bowl, you know, people aren't paying
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attention because they're too busy working to survive. don't you as a democrat want government it back out of your life? i want them away from me, go away. i'll decide how much coke i want to drink. >> you look at it, you know, where do these come from? a lot of these laws are coming from lobbying groups, whether it's local, national, but they all are lobbying for the right for their organization. so what should be-- and shouldn't we really be looking at overall campaign finance reform? if we don't want these groups to be able to come in very strongly with their interests, then that should be exactly what we're looking at. >> sean: i'm happy, feel safer the next time i go to an in and out burger in california, i have the knowledge, tucker, knowing there's no cars on the roads driving themselves, they have to have a driver in the car, really important. >> as long as you don't have shark fins in your vehicle i think you'll be okay. >> sean: what's wrong with shark fins. >> wild turkeys on the road. >> sean: i like them, i like a shark fin and a marlboro red. where are you going
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