tv FOX and Friends FOX News January 3, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PST
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location and the lawyer acts as a mediator so they leave with a settlement. finally, the ugly. this video capturing burglars breaking into a north carolina home. the family was away for christmas. after making sure no one was home, one eventually noticed the camera and disabled it. >> time for your brew on the question of the day responses. we told you about a new poll that found couples fight the most about what to watch on tv. we wanted to know what do you and your spouse fight about the most. here are some responses. >> 13 years of marriage this past december. where to eat is stpeul our most -- is still our most frequent argument. >> kelly says my wife and i fight the most about each other's bad habits. >> jeff says we argue the most over my temper and potty mouth. >> thanks to everyone who responded. we appreciate it.
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thanks for watching us. "fox and friends" starts now. >> good morning. today is thursday, january 3, 2012. i'm alison in for gretchen. the 113th congress sworn in today on capitol hill. their first order of business, a vote on john boehner's future as speaker of the house. will the g.o.p. faithful jump ship after the fiscal cliff debacle. >> for eight years he fought to keep america free and now one retired marine has a scathing message for senator dianne feinstein. don't take away our guns. >> al gore going global? he realized the inconvenient truth that his failing tv network can't survive on its own. who better to help than al jazeera. you mean al gora? >> he's going to be on the border and get a big
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payola. "fox and friends." it's like i'm italian. "fox and friends" starts right now. >> good morning, guys. good morning everyone. happy new year. >>brian: let's see how far into the three hours he can go where every word ends in a vowel. >> i'm done. >>brian: good job with the hair. i like the way the hair looks. >> thank you, brian. >>brian: we have an exciting show today. miss universe will be here hraoeufplt alison always says i'm fascinated by the fact you don't work out. you tell people you don't like to work out. you work out but hate it. >> tracy anderson, fitness
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guru to the stars, the reason gwen knitting -- gwen neglect paltrow looks so good. >>brian: later today, those are the trampolines, exhibit a and b. later today the 113th congress will be sworn in on capitol hill. the big question is will john boehner be reelected as speaker of the house? he's had some problems there with the fiscal cliff thing. there was his plan b and then there was the sandy thing yesterday. it's interesting, there is an anti-boehner conservative group called the american majority action, which is run by ned ryan, the son of former kansas congressman jim ryan, the fastest man in the world back in the day. and they want him out. they say they've got 20 members of congress who are
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willing to vote for somebody else. it only takes 17. but it has to start with somebody requesting secret blot. >> that has to happen today. first a secret ballot would have to happen because they think people would fear refriesals and retall -- reprisals and retaliation if they were on the record as not wanting to vote for john boehner. he needs 218 votes. there are 234 republicans in the congress. it is an uphill battle for anybody else who wants to run because there is no viable contender. >>steve: all he needs is 17. >> needs 17 to defect. >>brian: usually it doesn't happen overnight and john boehner is supposedly pretty popular although congressman king let a leak out in his rant about how new york is not getting money because no one voted on it yesterday because of the devastating hurricane or superstorm. he said boehner and cantor
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aren't even speaking to each other. then released a statement to the majority leader that i support the speaker. and we get along fine. >>steve: the whole thing is if john boehner were not going to be speaker, they would have to coalesce around somebody also. would it be eric cantor? last night darrell issa was on. he had this review. >> has he been the republican right-wing strong man? no. has he been speaker of the whole house? yes. is there someone going to challenge him? no, i don't expect it. does he have a dilemma which is ultimately it isn't work as well as we'd like to? we're not able to message. by the way, we're not united in the most important things republicans stand for, which is restraining the growth of government? yeah, that's a problem.
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and under his leadership, i hope with eric cantor and others we can fix it. >>brian: there are some conservatives in congress who are angry at the speaker for the plan b thing, for the fiscal cliff, for -- because nobody wanted to raise taxes on anybody. but ultimately at the end of the day they had to do that. >>steve: let's face it. john boehner played the hand he has been dealt. ever since the november election he's had a lousy hand. >> he has not had an easy time of it. who would want that job to try to rangel all of the competing opinions in your party together? it's been very challenging for him. >>brian: you get a huge office and you get a big balcony so that is one of the huge advantages as opposed to a normal congressman. it is going to get easier for speaker boehner because he will not having looming tax cuts.
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in with two months when they have to revisit the fiscal cliff and then they have the debt ceiling because the $24 billion will run out and sequester could kick in, there is going to be no bush tax cuts that could evaporate so the president can't say do you want tax cuts to go up on all americans? i think the hrefrpbl could go more steady -- i think the leverage could go more steady, right up the fulcrum, as the two people on the seesaw are the exact same weight. >>steve: did brian say fulcrum? >> i too was thrown off by that. >>steve: you've got that calendar with a different word of the day for 2013. >>brian: i did. i also got a disney calendar which shows the new fantasy land. >> it's a new year. we have headlines for you. tell you what's happening because it will be an historic day on capitol hill. in a few hours the 113th congress will begin. the new class has a record
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number of women,20 female senators. illinois republican senator mark kirk will return to the senate exactly one year after a tkhreub debilitating stroke. >> the greatest honor of my life was to serve the people as their senator and junior senator. there was no way i was going to quick. i thank the people of illinois for their patience with this patient. >> today marks the return of camelot. joseph kennedy iii will be among those sworn into congress. the clashes on capitol hill over aid for superstar sandy victims may be settled. super storm sandy victims across the northeast are still livid and say it's time for congress to stop talking and start helping. >> there's no assistance
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here for the residents and citizens that pay taxes. >> there is no help. the five boroughs are getting the help. where's the help for nassau county? >> we're trying to save this place if we can. there's people in new york, new jersey, rhode island, connecticut that are suffering while this is all going on. >> lawmakers objected to the relief bill passed by the senate saying it was filled with money for pet projects that had nothing to do with helping actual storm victims. overnight a u.s. drone taking out a leader in pakistan. he was responsible for organizing attacks on the u.s. troops in afghanistan. he was holding a meeting at the time with several senior leaders of his group. according to reports, they were also killed. a new day at a new school for students at sandy hook elementary. in a few hours they will return to class after three
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weeks after 20 of their classmates and 6 adults were killed. teachers and volunteers have been working to make the new school as comfortable as possible. >> at one point there were 80 people in the building cleaning up the building, doing the kinds of things, painting to make it really look cheerful and happy. >> the students' desks, backpacks and other belongings which were left behind after the shooting were taken to the new school to make them feel at home. grief counselors will be on hand and security will be extremely tight. those are your headlines. >>steve: in the wake of sandy hook, there's been a call, we've got to do something about guns. senator dianne feinstein of california said she's got a gun proposal, a gun control proposal, ban certain guns, ban certain magazines. >>brian: she's been an aggressive point of guns. she sees this as an
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opportunity to push this agenda forward. >>steve: and go further than the assault weapons ban back from 1994. there are a lot of people out there worried that washington is coming for our guns, and that prompted a retired marine, member of the u.s. marines, joshua boston who eight years proudly served, to write an open letter to her that was delivered via another network. >> here's the letter he wrote. it's gone viral. a portion of it says i am not your subject. i am the man who keeps you free. i am not your servant. i'm the person whom you serve. i am not your peasant. i am the flesh and blood of america. i am the man who fought for my country. i am the man who learned. i am an american. it goes on to say that basically he objects to her plan for her new legislation for gun control. he says you will not tell me that i must register my semiautomatic ar-15 because of the actions of some evil
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man. this is obviously -- we can debate all of this. i feel confuses the issue a little bit. no one is talking about talking semiautomatic rifles or so-called assault weapons out of the hands of the military. that's exactly who needs these sorts of weapons. >> he's retired now. >> right. again, what we need is a dispassionate discourse. he's written a very passionate letter about how strongly he feels about being able to retain his gun. but what we really need are people who have done reports and statistics to talk about how we move forward and how we solve this problem. >>steve: let's talk about cooler heads prevailing. the des moines register were levelheaded in their approach. donald call writes to clear the organization, i would raise the headquarters, clear the rubble, salt and earth. is that the levelheadedness? >> it's not. that is exhibit a of --
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>> the other side. >> he's calling for basically violence against the n.r.a. and against gun owners and against politicians who support the n.r.a. he's saying, he suggests strapping them to the back of pickup trucks and driving them around a parking lot until they see the error of their ways. >>steve: he shouts out mitch mcconnell. he says i would tie mitch mcconnell and john boehner to the back of a chevy pickup truck and drag them around. great. >> not helpful. of course people feel passionately about this, what happened in newtown. i hope people don't lose the passion for solving this problem. i hope that everybody still feels as strongly as they did the day after. but you need a little bit of a cooler -- >>steve: i love what they did in your state of new jersey. in marlboro township they said for the next three months i'm going to have an armed guard in these
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schools, the eight elementary schools. i think if you dress them like teachers and don't scare the kids -- >>brian: i think that's a great idea. a bad idea was out in suburban new york the journal newspapers, editors, there they are, what they did -- this is brilliant. they published maps with the -- that showed where all the gun owners, all the registered gun owners in two different counties live. there is a third county they wanted the records for but put new hampshire county new york -- putnan county new york wouldn't give them. the bad guys know where they are. >> straight ahead, the top reasons couples strike. >> the vice president said our best days are ahead but america does not agree with joe biden. stuart varney with evidence. evidence. ♪
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>>brian: welcome back. it wasn't too long ago that joe biden, our vice president, said this: >> so i say to you tonight, with absolute confidence, america's best days are ahead, and, yes, we are on our way. >>steve: that's great! unfortunately, america doesn't seem to agree with the vice president. despite returning the president to the oval office for another four years, a new gallup poll shows half the country feels our best days are behind us. even more believe this year will be a year of economic difficulty. stuart varney joins us live. economic difficulty? that doesn't sound so good especially given the fact that yesterday wall street had a gigantic day. >> pessimism rules. i think that is profoundly un-american. i think president obama failed to rally the country behind his vision of where america is going. i'm not surprised.
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if you look at -- the overriding problem is our debt. we all know deep down we can't go on spending and spending and borrowing and borrowing. we know we can't do that. but we can't get -- look at that. $16.42 trillion. >>steve: i want to come in here and look at that thing some days and i want to see the numbers go the other way. up and up and up. >> on september 4, 2012, we crossed $16 trillion. we're now january 3, we're now $16.4. we put $420 billion on that clock since september 4. we know deep down, the country knows deep down that you can't go on like this. but that problem is not being addressed. that's why people are pessimistic about the future. that's why half the people believe that our best days are behind us. that's profoundly un-american. that's not what america is all about. >>steve: when you look at the numbers, it kind of
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jibes with the so-called makers and the takers. there are a lot of people who, you know, what's in it for me? put it right there. then you've got the other people who have to go out every day and make this work. you look at what moody's rating service said yesterday, they said the fiscal cliff, they've temporarily solved it but there is a real good possibility that you are not addressing your issues and we might have to downgrade you. >> they said flatout you have not addressed the issue. the possibility of a downgrade sonata table. standard & poor's said the same thing. another downgrade is on the horizon. 65% of the people polled in that same poll said we're going to have real economic trouble this year. 2013. that's not a good start for the second term of president obama. it's a pessimistic start. not the way it ought to be. >>steve: i heard some of the folks on fox business talk about how wall street
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did go up in a big way yesterday. the closer people are able to look at this fiscal cliff deal, they're going to go that's not what we thought we were getting into. we have to pass the bill before we find out what's getting into. >> no taxes, spending cuts. >>steve: stuart varney, starting three hours from now. check him out. straight ahead, the video's shocking. a plane crash-land and bursts into flames. more stunning, how everybody made it out of that alive. what if you were told get a flu shot or get fired? up next, two nurses who refused to get the flu shot for religious reasons. and guess what? they lost their job. ♪
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>>brian: quick headlines. alisyn is going to be talking about something really important. the amount of people called in the civil war in syria greater than originally thought. 60,000 people died in the conflict. at last estimate the u.s. had a death toll of about 10,000. take a look at this plane. it skids off the runway and then goes into flames. the two people on board got out safely before the fire engulfed the cabin. >>alisyn: this year approximately one in five americans will be infected with the flu. many people avoid that with the flu shot, but what if you don't want to be vaccinated. eight nurses at indiana's goshen hospital were fired for refusing to get the flu shot. two of them join us live
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today. a hospice nurse and oncology nurse. ladies, thanks so much for being here. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you. >>alisyn: sue, why didn't you want to get the flu shot? >> i had not had a flu shot for 30 years. it is a personal conviction of mine. i feel god-led, we use natural alternatives in our home and have for 20-plus years. we feel that's the way healing happens. this wasn't just a whim. this is something i feel deep inside and very much that god supports all of that. >>alisyn: that's how you've lived your life and felt it was your prerogative not to get the flu shot. joyce, did you feel the same way? >> yes. i also have a very strong conviction that god wants us to keep our bodies healthy and put in what we choose to deem as healthy and i believe the flu shot has a lot of adverse reactions and so i choose
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to not put it into myself. >>alisyn: sue, you are a hospice nurse. joyce, you are an oncology nurse. do you understand why your superiors, your bosses would say if you happen to get the flu this year that it could have deadly consequences for the patients who you tend to? joyce, was that the rationale for your boss wanting you to get the shot? >> that was definitely the rationale they gave us. however, they did not produce with that rationale some really good medical backup to prove that the flu vaccine actually does prevent us from passing the flu along to our patients. i believe there are a lot of other really good alternative ways to avoid passing the flu along like good hand-washing. staying home when you're sick. those are good commonsense things we do all the time. unlike the flu vaccine, there is no good, solid
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medical research that i have discovered, nor have my former employers given us, that proves that the flu shot is actually an effective thing for employees to get in the health care field. >>alisyn: sue, did you realize that by not doing this you were going to lose your job? >> yes. yes, i did. i knew that a year ago when they were talking about possibly making it mandatory and i said then i won't be here. i knew that, and i did not change my mind. i, again, felt like the lord was telling me it's okay. i want you to do this. and it will be okay. again, it's not on a whim. i just, like joyce, am not convinced that getting this flu shot is what's going to keep us healthy. there are other ways to do that. >>alisyn: i want to get to something interesting about your case because some people at your hospital were exempt from having to get the flu shot. some medical professionals. here's what the hospital put out in a statement: each request for exemption was taken seriously and
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considered by a panel of experts. our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients. joyce, why weren't you exempt? >> well, they actually did not give me a very good answer to that. they just said that my exemption request was not not -- was personal preferences and not religious conviction. however, i choose to disagree with that. we actually hired a lawyer, sue and i and another couple of people and the lawyer gave a really good legal response under title 7 of the federal civil rights act of 1964, we are allowed as employees a religious exemption. it includes religious beliefs, but it alsot have to be a religious person to get a religious exemption. that is a very broad category in which my belief
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definitely falls. >>alisyn: ladies, keep us posted on what happens with your case. we really appreciate you sharing your story. joyce and sue. we would love to hear from our viewers. what do you think about their case? should they have been forced to get the flu vaccine or can they be skpeplt -- exempt for personal or religious reasons? ladies, thank you for being with us. she's a celebrity trainer to kim kardashian and jennifer lopez. tracy anderson revealing her secrets next. she is going to make me look like gwenyth paltrow, baby. [ ryon ] eating shrimp at red lobster
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is a fantastic experience. 30 shrimp for $11.99. i can't imagine anything better. you're getting a ton of shrimp, and it tastes really good! [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster's 30 shrimp for just $11.99! choose any two of five savory shrimp selections, like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. two delicious shrimp selections on one plate! all with salad and unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. 30 shrimp, just $11.99 for a limited time. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. i'm ryon stewart, i'm the ultimate shrimp lover, and i sea food differely.
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with"vanity fair" and asked what aspect of living together drives couples the craziest? the answers are surprising. 36%, the thing that bothers you most about your spouse or partner, what to watch on television. >>alisyn: i always heard it was money, but somehow at the top of their list is tv. fighting over the tv. then way down, household chores, sharing a bathroom, bedside reading. who's fighting over bedside reading? >>steve: turn off the light. i'm trying to go to sleep. >>alisyn: i thought it was selection. >>steve: how many shades of grey are there honey? i need rest. >>brian: there is a way to fight over television. there is a way to beat it thanks to sling box. they say there is an ipad. if you have your ipad, if you have your password, so let's say you're watching -- let's be stereotypical, a cooking
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show because you're a woman. i'm kidding. let's say you're watching housewives -- let's say you're watching a housewives show. i like to watch men wrestle. >>steve: yes, you do. >>brian: i go to my ipad and i could sit there at arm's length and i'll become more and more nearsighted but i get to watch this. >>alisyn: you're suggesting everybody in america get an ipad. >>brian: if they want to stay together. >>alisyn: i do fight with my husband about this. how much sports can a man watch? isn't it dull? >>brian: you've got to watch the pregame. then you watch the game. and then you watch the post game analysis to understand what you just saw. >>steve: you just skwrepbzed every -- generalized every sport.
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>>brian: i think they missed the boat. in that list it doesn't name the number-one thing my wife and i disagree on. it happens at least twice a week. >>steve: we get in the car, going out to eat. we're at the end of the driveway. where are we going to go? it's over where. if we go right, we're going that way. >>alisyn: that doesn't sound like a fight. that sounds like inertia. you should just decide before you leave. >>steve: but somebody's going to have to cave. >>brian: back to the deli. turkey sandwich and pickles again. >>steve: what drives you crazy? is it watching television? where's the friction, alisyn? >>brian: it's on the housewives shows. my wife loves the housewives shows. i have yet to be even entertained for 90 seconds. i don't get it at all. >>alisyn: nobody ever argues over "fox and
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friends." let's bring you headlines. we start with a very serious story. the families of those gunned down in the aurora movie theater massacre are calling an invitation to the reopening disgusting. the owners asking them to attend an evening of remembrance followed by a movie on january 17. >> i don't care how they refurbished it or redesigned it, it's still where our children were gunned down and murdered. it is a scene of carnage. >>alisyn: next week prosecutors will begin laying out their case against the accused shooter there. >>steve: putnam county new york rejecting a request to release names of residents with pistol permits. the putnam county officials will hold a press conference today to defend their decision not to release the names. critics of the newspaper
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say the whole thing is an invasion of privacy. the newspaper stands by their decision. >>brian: russia says french actor gera depardu can be a citizen there. the actor is mad about france's attempt to take his taxes by taking 75% of his income. no words if he plans to accept the offer. who is he? >>alisyn: brink. >>steve: he hasn't done anything big for a long time. >>brian: he's got some money. >>steve: he does. >>brian: you have a big weather cast? >>steve: i do. you want to see it. action. >> let's see where it's raining. along the gulf coast, parishes of louisiana through portions of mississippi and alabama,
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into south carolina, georgia and the panhandle of florida it is a soaker today. in our new york studios, the air temperature is 25. only # in -- only 9 in cleveland. portions of new england, temperatures below zero. 30's, currently 30 in the dallas-fort worth metro plex. eventually v.f.w. up to 50 degrees. raleigh durham temperatures in the mid to upper 40's. freezing in rapid city and in denver. >>alisyn: it's really cold so, what does brian kilmeade do? >>brian: i'm getting ready to work out with two very fit women. a sugar bowl stunner.
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it's like florida says if we can't win the championship game we might as well not show up for the post season. louisville stuns the gators 33-23. ray lewis retired. we'll have more later. everyone is writing thousands of e-mails, tweets and everything else. they want to know why it's been polled on fox news talk. paying the same amount of money, not getting the programming. since there is no satellite channel other than xm sirius, if you're a describeer, fox news -- if you're a subscriber, fox news no longer on. less content, they charge the same amount. if you want your voice to be heard, send your comments to or go
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to tell xm at fox radio fox fans tend to shout out, so take some action. >>alisyn: we're going to work out. with the new year comes new resolutions. if you made a promise to get yourself back in shape, we've got somebody you need to meet. she is the trainer to the stars, including gwenyth paltrow, kim kardashian, j.lo. celebrity fitness trainer tracy anderson is here. thank you. by the end of the session will i look like gwenyth paltrow or kim kardashian? >> you'll look like your most beautiful you because you're so gorgeous. >>alisyn: you have a new program and it's for teenagers? >> it's teens. it's so important. i spent my career giving moms and women the tools they need to look their best. if we can get the teens young, we're setting them up for such an amazing
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future to be so empowered. we teach our kids how to brush their teeth, take them to the hair salon. teaching kids physical fitness is important. >>alisyn: what do you do differently for teenagers? >> i developed this resistance band. as their bodies are growing, they shouldn't be lifting weights too soon. they're doing muscular structure work as i have my adult clients doing because you have to stay connected to your muscles. through teens are learning discipline. they also do cardio. for this particular project we did dance cardio for the teens, and we brought in a dance troupe in l.a. to perform that part with me. there's 30 days of muscular structure work, mat work and the fun dance section. i have i had -- i just gave
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birth to my baby eight weeks before. >>brian: you have tram trampolines which you believe is a great instrument forfeitness. >> i have a d.v.d. a lot of people, getting good at cardio endurance is very challenging. this, you can put in your apartment. it's joint friendly. >>alisyn: just jump up and down like this? >> no. you'll see in the d.v.d. you're still working coordination, doing the peaks and valleys of your endurance training with me. >>brian: can you talk phone calls on this with a blue tooth? >> you should never work out while you multitask. put everything away. be focused. this is your time to connect to your body. that will make the rest of your day so much more productive. >>alisyn: show me a move that's easy in a skirt.
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>> she can twist in that skirt; i know it. back and forth. >>alisyn: i like it. i suddenly like it. >> it can be bulking so you have to make sure you follow the d.v.d. and switch the moves a lot. >>alisyn: i don't want to bulk up. >> she's doing great. it's good for your cells. >>brian: women on trampolines, the last time i saw, jimmy kimmel were hosting. >> you can go to tracyan and also go to target. >>brian: get in shape. meanwhile, straight ahead. it was just the medicine president bush needed.
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♪ >>brian: the oak ridge boys singing on the phone to george herbert walker bush. we'll have the very latest on why they did it. >>steve: al gore can't keep his tv network afloat so he sold out to a jazeera. tucker carlson is here with the impact. look at that. ♪ ♪ aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u.s. postal service. we'll even drop off boxes if you need them. visit
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>>steve: theversial news channel al jazeera is getting help from al gore. he sold his flailing tv network to the qatar based broadcaster who has been critical of america in the past for spreading terrorist propaganda. the network gore founded in 2005 will be rebranded al jazeera america, will move their offices to new york city. tucker carlson is here to weigh in. does this scenario surprise you? >> it's a perfect fit. both channels have this in common. they blame america for everything. i think gore should stay on al jazeera. i would say one of the undercover facets of this story is the hypocrisy involved. gore apparently, according to "the new york times" this morning, pushed to have this deal done before december 31 so he wouldn't be taxed as much on the proceeds from it, if you
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can even imagine. >>brian: he gets a seat on the board and gets a huge payout like a lot of this green technology to make our economy green, he cashed in big time. a lot of people are going to do the same thing. >> there are only like 11 people watching current tv in the first place. i wouldn't have any confidence -- if you were a cable provider, you wouldn't have any confidence this was going to rate at all. but the idea that someone like gore who pushed for higher taxes, lectured the rest of us about doing our share, paying our fair share, doing our part, being patriotic, trying to avoid a higher tax bill by settling it last year rather than this one is unbelievable. >>brian: in this deal which i know you think is terrible for the country, there are other things. hollywood gets a huge tax credit. the wind energy tax credit is back in play even though it was widely unprofitable.
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>> of course. that's why they're receiving a tax credit. if renewable energy companies could make it on their own, they wouldn't be lobbying for special handouts. you don't see successful companies begging washington for subsidies because they don't need them. if you're wondering why so many c.e.o.'s flocked to d.c. over the past three months pushing do think get something done -- pushing do think get something done, it's because there were goodies in the deal to them. hollywood, i mean, they make out in this deal. keep in mind they are one of the biggest donors to the obama campaign. here's the payoff. >>brian: there's going to be a big battle again in two months. a lot of people think republicans have additional leverage because there is no such thing as a bush sunset tax cut taking place. do you believe they'll have additional leverage in two months? >> they need it, that and the debt ceiling. this deal pa that have had two days ago is all tax
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hikes, no spending cuts. this is not a balanced deal. republicans have to get some concessions on spending and i think they're going to push for it hard in the next few months. >>brian: tucker, thanks. straight ahead, the right prescription for president bush's recovery. ♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound >>brian: one of the oak ridge boys here live with an update on bush 41. talk about dirty politics, that guy you see slashing tires, he's running for congress. and the car belongs to his rival. really? really? really? because helps you keep doing what you love. no wonder it's america's #1 selling pain reliever. you took action, you took advil®. and we thank you.
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>>brian: imagine you're a famous singer and one day your phone rings and on the other end of the line a former president of the united states lying in a hospital bed, and he wants to hear a song by you and your pals. >>alisyn: that's what happened to the oak ridge boys when they were asked to sing to president george h.w. bush. ♪ i once was lost ♪ but now i'm found ♪ was blind ♪ but now ♪ i see >>brian: joe of the oak ridge boys joins us live from nashville. good morning. >> great to be with you. >>brian: we've all been following the health of the former president of the united states. he was in intensive care
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down in houston for awhile. and so i understand there were a lot of friends and family members who were getting regular updates from george herbert walker's staff and also his wife. how did you hear that they wanted to hear from you? >> i was driving errands around town from hendersonville. i got a call from our lead singer. he said did you see that latest e-mail from barbara bush? i said no. i saw one a few minutes ago but not that one. he said she wants us to sing a few songs for the president. are you in town? i said i'm here. he said let me see if i can find golden and richard and let's meet at the office and call our president? we call him "our president." within 40 minutes or so, we scrambled. the next thing you know, we're at the office. we had the phone set up. we had his -- he had his cell phone. he had a room full of family. barbara was there.
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we called him up and we first said how are you, sir? he said i'm doing good. we said what do you want to hear? he said how about some elvira. we sang some elvira for him. elvira ♪ >>alisyn: if that doesn't pick up his spirits, i don't know what would. what did he say after that personal rendition? >> that was the really cool part. we said could you hear us, sir? he said quite clearly in that bush humor voice of his. it was very encouraging to hear him supbgd -- sounding so happy because we've been worried about him, praying for him. just like the nation and the world. we love this man. we've known him since 1982. george and barbara are good friends of ours. to be able to call him on the phone, cheer him up a little bit and then to hear later that day they moved him out of intensive care
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and the news outlets were saying it's because of the oak ridge boys. i don't know if that is traoufplt >> his office said words cannot express how much the performance meant to the president. what happened yesterday gave the president a real shot in the arm as he thankfully continues to improve. >> you know, because of george bush, we have been a part of history many, many times. i think the other day we were a little part of history, and we thank him for that. >>brian: speaking of history, this is the year you guys celebrate 40 years in show business. congratulations. >> seems like yesterday. i'm sitting here in nashville, tennessee. the oak ridge boys are the old guys on the block now but we're feeling good, ready to celebrate 40 years of singing together. just amazing. >>alisyn: thanks, joe. great to see you.
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>> you know the oak ridge boys love you guys. thank you. >>alisyn: you probably heard the report where president bush said put away the harp. they did an a capella version. >>steve: taxes going up for 77% of you. what can you do right now to max out your retirement? we have the answer. >>alisyn: it's a story we told you about yesterday. a pilot saw a man robbing his home from mid air. that pilot here to tell his story. it is plain crazy. >> you remember this one. ♪ amazing grace ♪ how sweet the sound ♪ that saved ♪ a wretch ♪ a wretch ♪ like me
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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. today is thursday, january 30, 2013. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen today. a new congress sworn in today on capitol hill. their first order of business, a vote on john boehner's future. will he keep his job as speaker? >> steve: meanwhile, retired u.s. marine has this message for senator diane feinstein on gun control. i am the man who keeps you safe and free. i am not your servant. his letter going viral. we'll read you parts. it's directed at her. >> brian: back to fitness for my read. yoga for kids becoming popular. what's happening to competitive sports? honey, i have to win my yoga race? isn't yoga just stretch not guilty tight outfits? have i ticked off a lot of people already? >> alisyn: you're ad libbing here. >> brian: we report. you decide. we start now. >> hi, we're the oak ridge boys.
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>> you are watching "fox & friends". >> steve: live from studio e, we're going to talk about how -- people are saying yoga is a sport. is it a sport? it is kind of stretchy. i've done it. not my bag. sweeping parts of the nation which need sweeping. >> brian: if the world would be forced to do yoga, it would be a much more limber world. >> alisyn: very nice. >> brian: i don't know what i'm getting at. we'd be much more flexible. >> alisyn: and flexibility is what we need on capitol hill. i'm making a segueway because today is the day -- >> brian: i don't think it's sport. it's great for you. i just don't think it's sport. >> alisyn: we'll debate that later. shear what's happening on capitol hill. that is speaker boehner's leadership is not up for grabs, but there is a question as to whether or not it will be challenged. the house will vote on whether or not he will remain as their leader and as you know, he faced a lot of con sternation among his ranks in the past few weeks.
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first with the plan b, the fiscal cliff. people said he couldn't wrangle his own sort of messy coalition together and so some people have suggested that maybe a way to unseat him would be through a secret ballot so that members didn't fear some sort of reprisals for voting against him. at the mom there is no serious contender against him. >> brian: there is no republican on the planet that wants nancy pelosi. you have to assume to not get the majority would be to lose 17 votes, they say. so that's all it would take for there to be another vote for another candidate. but there is usually marshalling of resources and a sense of the house of whether somebody else could actual will he be a legitimate contender. i don't hear any of that and i don't hear from eric cantor, the majority leader, and he is somebody who clashed with john boehner in the past. >> steve: and very famously now, john boehner voted for the fiscal cliff deal and eric cantor voted against it.
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so people are going wait a minute, there is trouble there. you can see eric cantor literally behind and figuratively behind the speaker because cantor's office said the majority leader supports the speaker as you would expect. will there come up a vote later today? there is a conservative group called the american majority action and say they've talked to 20 congressmen on the republican side and they say they're ready to make a jump. is that going to happen? stand by for that. we do know there are a number of republicans who have looked at the speaker's tenure and have this assessment as darrell issa did last night on the greta program. >> has he been the republican right wing strong man? no. has he been the speaker of the whole house? sometimes, in fact, recognizing that the art of the possible is not in his party alone? yes. is there someone going to challenge him? no, i don't expect it. does he have a dilemma which is ultimately it isn't working as well as we'd like to, we're not able to message and oh, by the way, we're not united in the
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most important things republicans stand for, which is restraining the growth of government? yeah. that's a problem and under his leadership, i hope with eric cantor and others we can fix it. >> brian: darrell issa proving does he not need any questions. himself.k a question and answer greta should have called in sick. >> alisyn: we don't like that actually. let's tell what you else is happening. a historic day on capitol hill today. in a few hours, the 113th congress will convene. the new class has a record number of women, 20 female senators and 81 members in the house. and republican senator from illinois, mark kirk, returns to the senate nearly one year after having a stroke. he will mark his comeback by walking up the capitol steps. >> greatest honor of my life was to serve the people of illinois as their senator, as their junior senator. there was no way i was going to quit. i would thank the people of
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illinois for their patience with this patient. >> alisyn: today also marks the return of camelot. joseph kennedy iii will be sworn it, he's the grandson of robert f. kennedy. overnight a u.s. drone apparently taking out a top taliban leader in pakistan. he was allegedly responsible for organizing attacks on u.s. troops in afghanistan. according to pakinstani officials, he was holding a meeting at the time of the strike with several senior leaders of the group and they were also killed. sandy hook elementary school students returning to class at new school. 20 of their classmates and six faculty members were killed nearly three weeks ago in one of the worst mass shootings in u.s. history. >> it won't be heavy curriculum, but they need to do the kind of things that are important for kids and to have a normal routine. >> alisyn: the students' desks, backpacks and other belongings that were left behind after the shooting were moved to the new school to make the students feel
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as comfortable as possible and grief counselors will be on hand and security will be extra tight today. talk about dirty politics. former congressional candidate busted on camera slashing the tires of his rival. look at that. gary smith was arrested in new mexico. he was let out of jail last week and told to stay away from his rival, but it looks like he did not learn that lesson. he was arrested again yesterday for stalking after being caught outside of her home. >> steve: why would he tape? >> alisyn: i don't think he taped it. >> steve: the earlier video, it looked like he knew somebody was standing right there taping it. crazy. ali a moment ago touched on the sandy hook story. after the tragedy in connecticut, a number of people on the political left said we need much bigger, much tighter gun control. and that's one of the reasons why there was a record set last month, according to the f.b.i., the number of people who went in
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for background checks because they would like to get a gun because they feel that there are some out there who want to take away all of our guns. 2.78 million background checks, that's up almost 50% from that same period a year earlier. people want to exercise their right to own a gun before it's too late, they feel. >> brian: a lot of people see this crazy guy in newtown, connecticut, and see a movement in this country to take away guns away from people who feel they have the constitutional right and rightly so, to have a gun and are no danger to society and in case of joshua boston, a marine who used his gun to keep us safe, he wrote this letter and it's gone viral to diane feinstein, the senator from san francisco, from california. quote, i am not your subject. i am the man who keeps you free. i am not your servant. i am the person whom you serve. i am not your peasant. i am the flesh and blood of america. i am the man who fought for my
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country. i am the man who learned i am an american. he has god an ar 15 of his on. does he not want it taken away. >> alisyn: he went on it say in the letter was you will not tell me that i must register my semiautomatic ar 15 because of the action of some evil man. we've been talking about this and it is time for cooler heads to prevail. obviously people feel very passionately. this is probably the issue that people feel most passionately about and really gets people fired up. what i think would be more helpful for corporal boston to talk about is what the suggestions are. he's obviously a conscientious responsible gun owner. so as someone who appreciates using his semiautomatic weapon, what does he think would be most helpful to keep it out of the hands of a deranged 20-year-old or the teenage boys who go into schools and shoot them up in it would be nice to hear the solution. >> steve: look, we've got a ton of laws on the books right now. >> alisyn: how do we enforce those? >> steve: the problem is, they are unevenly enforced across the
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country and that's part of the outrage that's got to go forward. for some on the political left to be saying we got to gather up all the guns. >> alisyn: that's not realistic inform it's not realistic and that's crazy. meanwhile, there was a columnist for the des moines register who was off for a while and is back and essentially what they're calling for is in the wake of sandy hook, calling for violence against the nra and also against dead levi less than against republican leaders in the house and the senate as well. >> brian: listen to this quote. >> alisyn: here is another cool headed suggestion. this is from donald call, that editorial writer. declare the nra a terrorist organization and make membership illegal. i would raise their headquarters, clear the rebel and salt the earth of the in other words, he would set fire to the headquarters and also said anybody who didn't give up their guns, he's okay with the prying them from their cold, dead hands. again, these may get some attention. these are not the discussions
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that are helpful right now. talking about perpetrating violence against, he even said lawmakers on capitol hill and doing them around the parking lot. >> brian: john boehner specifically. >> steve: right. that's crazy. grab them, tie them up and drag them behind a truck. >> alisyn: not helpful. >> steve: he works for the des moines register. the journal news in suburban new york what they did, the geniuses up there, they published -- they're the editors there, janet hassan and karen mcbride. what they did was in the wake of sandy hook, they decided, people need to know who has guns out there. so they published a map for two different counties and a third county wouldn't comply with it. they said you're not getting it. they showed people exactly where all the registered guns are in two counties. the problem is, now all the bad guys out there know where all the guns are. so all that at 1313 motorcycling bird lane don't have one. >> brian: also maybe you're not going to register your gun if
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you have one because you might have your name pop up in the newspaper. the house is promising a vote on super storm sandy relief bill by january 15. many victims of the storm outraged over the delay in passing the bill. long beach, new york, one of the hardest hit areas is starting to clear the boardwalk away today. that's where wnyw report theresa is live for us right now. the sun is coming up. a lot of people there are kind of angry. >> kind of? they are outraged. totally and completely outraged by what's going on in washington, d.c good morning to you. it's been 67 days since super storm sandy totally devastated places here like long beach. this is what's left of the boardwalk that. will come down this weekend. still no federal relief. many here say this is simply adding insult to injury. as many of us know, there was a comprehensive sandy relief bill that was due to be voted on earlier this week by the house, but that died in the house and
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now we are hearing that due to mounting political pressure from republicans within their own party, speaker john boehner will allow portions of that bill that initially was killed to come to a vote tomorrow. $9 billion will go before the house and the senate tomorrow. that's going to help replenish the federal flood insurance program which will do a lot of good for homeowners and businesses, especially here in long beach. take a listen to congressman peter king. he's going to explain to you how this is going to work. >> $9 billion on flood insurance this friday will be voted on and then on january 15, the first full legislative day, additional $15 billion will be voted on. that will come to a total of 60, which was what the total was with the bill that was supposed to be voted on this week. >> just a quick point of reference for you, we're 67 days out. no federal money yet. in the wake of hurricane katrina, it took congress ten days to approve the money that those individuals needed to help rebuild their lives. that is the latest in long beach
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this morning, i'll send it back to you. >> alisyn: that's a great point. it is helpful to look how quickly the federal funds happened after katrina and other hurricanes. >> brian: i don't know anybody that got paid on their flood insurance yet. that's been over 2 1/2 months and that's a federal program. >> steve: so the showers going to take it up tomorrow on the first trench of money. it's a story we first told you about yesterday. a pilot flying around spots a guy robbing his house when he's up in the air. that pilot here live. his story just plain crazy. >> alisyn: are you recycling my old jokes? >> steve: i'm just recycling the banner. >> brian: then a cat fight at the hemmingway home in key west. cracking down on the felines. now the government is regulating cats. that's next. okay. obey the law, you
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>> steve: welcome back. visitors touring ernest hemmingway's home in key west know that one of the main attractions are the descendants of the legendary cat, snowball. snowball has six toes. and more than 40 of snowball's descendants call hemmingway's museum down in florida their home. but as famous as these cats have become, they have not been able to escape the long arm of uncle sam. there is the long arm of the cat. in a ruling earlier this month, the u.s. court of appeals ruled that the department of agriculture has the power to regulate the brood under the animal welfare act. why would the federal government waste taxpayer funding and time to pursue six toed cats? we posed that question to that man, editor at large fort national review on-line and fox news contributor. jonah, the federal government now worried about six-toed cats
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at one house in florida. please! >> yeah, look, i'm a big believer in federalism. i want to push as much down to the local level possible. whenever i propose that, liberals get age spree say what about civil rights? what about gay marriage and abortion and all these things? okay. we can have those arguments later. what about six-toed cats? can't that just be a florida issue? can't that just be a key west issue? yet, the federal government has been waging a ten-year battle to treat these cats as if they're elephants or tigers in a circus exhibit. >> steve: sure. and this all got started by a neighbor lady who was upset that one of the cats, i believe his name was ivan, getting a little randy in the neighborhood or a little too tough cat wise there and called in the authorities. the next thing you know, this is stretched on for ten years. now ultimately, what have they decided, the federal government has, that the hemmingway people have got to do with the cats?
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>> it's true. first of all, you got to keep in mind, key west is crawling with wild five-toed cats. they're wandering around like -- there are more cats wandering around than refugees from a jimmy buffet concert. but they want to pick on the six-toed cats because they actual israeli a home. and one of them got out and bothered some cat lady who was eating the street cat. and this, of course, required the g men to come in and had a court battle and a couple weeks ago, the court of appeals ruled the commerce clause allows the federal government to set cat policy for key west, florida. and this poor hemmingway museum, which uses these cats as an attraction to people who don't really care about literature too much but do want to see a bunch of six-toed cats, has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars. the usda has sent agents at
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night to stakeout place to see how the cats are doing. oddly, officials, high ranking officials from usda found it necessary to take fact finding tours to key west. >> steve: of course. when it was snowing in new york city and washington, d.c of course, you got to go down and see the six-toed cats. >> brian: they are never going to bismarck to check out what six-toed cats are doing there in february. >> steve: just another example of federal government overreach. yao, always a flesh, thank you very much. we'll be reading you later today >> thanks. >> steve: what do you think about the six-toed cats? how long has he been waiting to use that jimmy buffet line? i'd say first time all year. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. yoga for kids becoming popular. what is happening to competitive sports? and isn't yoga just stretching? is it a fort? we're going to report and you're going to listen to us. then taxes are going up for 77% of you.
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so what can you do right now maximize your retirement? nicole petallides here. happy new year, nicole. you're next [ male announcer ] coughequence™ #8. waking the baby. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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>> steve: time for news bit numbers on this nurse. 2.8 million. that's the record number of background checks the f.b.i. ran in december for gun buyers. that's up from the previous record of 2 million set in november. next, $5 million. that's how much it will cost you to rest your head where former president ronald reagan and his wife once lived. their california home now up for
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sale. i bet that's pacific palisades. finally, 228. that's how many orders at a tim horton's in canada were paid for by people trying to pay it forward. one generous customer started the chain to spread a little holiday cheer. that's nice. speaking of dough. >> brian: tired of those feel good stories, aren't you? >> alisyn: let's talk about this that will scare people. >> brian: good. will you have enough money for retirement? only 42% of us have even tried to do the math. but don't worry, there is still time. >> alisyn: the deadline to open and contribute to a roth ira saving account for 2012 is april 15 of this year. so "fox business" network's nicole petallides joins us with more on what we all need to know for retirement. hi, nicole. >> good morning. >> alisyn: great to see you. how too we calculate what we'll need for retirement? >> the first way is just an easy blanket statement would be to say take one year salary and times it by 20. so you'll get social security, you'll have some return on
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investments. but for the 30 years of your retirement roughly, give or take, you will need about 20 times your current salary. start with one time your current salary because the truth is, a lot of americans are not saving at all. the statistic is 30% of americans have less than $1,000 saved, excluding their home. less than $1,000 saved? what if something happens? >> brian: what do you think about a roth ira? is that a good place to go? >> that's a great place to go. the key about that is you can lock in this year's tax rates even now. so as you noted there in that introduction, you can put in your money now through april 15. so that's something you should do right away. >> alisyn: how much can you contribute? >> we talk about the amounts. we talk about 5,000 for 2012. it's going up to 6,000, but -- 5500. but it in will right now. if you're over 50, it's 6,000. >> brian: if you want to pay something forward, forget the coffee. pay a roth ira for somebody.
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>> absolutely. maxed out at work? those contributions for your 401(k), often there is matching. another thing that you can do is collaborate and get all your retirement investments together and in some cases, when you do that, you might even be able to lock in some of those tax rates now. the thing about the roth ira that we should note is that you will have to pay your taxes now. however, you are locking in today's tax rates for 2012 rather than potentially going forward where they could be higher. >> brian: also a lot of people are saying social security is going to be there. that's going to be my retirement. but that's not reality. >> no, you can not depend on that. if we had a day like yesterday's stock market where we were up 300 points on the dow, i would say put it all in stocks and get that every single day over 2% on your money. but that's very unrealistic. so you have to assess your wallet. particularly with an administration we've seen that has been taxing more, spending more, borrowing more. so you should be saving more in order for your retirement. this is tough stuff. really as we noted, those
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statistics, 30% have $1,000 saved. there was another one, 60% have less than $25,000 saved. last thing i wanted to note is your teeth. my husband is a dentist and he said when everybody plans for retirement, they unfortunate plan for their teeth. that's an expensive cost, too! >> brian: get a cup to keep them in. that might be something to look forward to. also hard core pawn. that show. don't forget. >> that's right. >> alisyn: great suggestions. thanks so much for the reminder. we will all start brushing and flossing better. thank you. the unbelievable story that we first told you about yesterday. there was a pilot who spots a man robbing his home while in midair. that pilot is here live to tell us what he did next. >> brian: that's plain crazy. then what's the key to escaping big government? john stossel says he's found out. he biked here and he says you can find it in the most unexpected place.
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>> anybody catch president obama on "meet the press" the other day? david gregory asked him if the fiscal cliff was his lincoln moment? he said no, he never compares himself to lincoln. >> is this your lincoln moment? >> no, look. a, i never compare myself to lincoln. and b -- [ laughter ] >> alisyn: that's the funniest jay leno i've seen in a long time. >> steve: optical illusion. i don't think he was in the chair. >> alisyn: really? >> steve: yeah. >> alisyn: okay. let's get to your headlines to tell you what else is happening at this hour because putnam county, new york will not be helping a newspaper with its map of gun owners' home addresses. the journal news has already published the information of residents in two other counties. to make the map, the newspaper used a freedom of information act request which putnam county is rejecting. officials will hold a press conference to defend their decision. critics of the paper say the whole thing is an invasion of privacy. the editors of the newspaper
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stand by their decision. >> steve: meanwhile, citizenship granted. russia says french actor gatherrard depar do you can leave france and be a citizen in russia. he wanted out of france because of that country's attempt to raise taxes on the rich by 75%. sound familiar? that tax plan was eventually struck down a couple of days ago. no word yet if he still plans to accept russia's offering to to russia with love. >> brian: they elect these socialists and then wonder why taxes are going up. >> steve: you're talking about france. >> brian: you're right. she's the girl with no name. 15-year-old blair. the only problem is her name is not on a list of names approved by icend la's government. so she's referred to as girl. heart gladys? her mother said her mother learned it was not on the list after blair was baptized. her mom is suing to get the name
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allowed. we'll follow this story because we have a lot of free time. >> alisyn: no fighting like cats and dogs here. a blind dog in england has a seeing eye cat. you heard me right. >> brian: come on. >> alisyn: the eight-year-old lab, blind from cataracts, kept bumping into things until his owner took in a stray cat. the two bonded instantly. now the cat leads the dog around and they are inseparable. even sleeping next to each other. cats and dogs living together, it can happen. >> steve: true odd couple. meanwhile, let's look at the weather, find out what kind of day we've got in store and if you're along the gulf coast, you know it's raining at your house. if you live in southern portions of mississippi, alabama, panhandle of florida, portions of georgia or south carolina, a little action in coast al north carolina as well. the balance of the country is dry, but cold. only 12 right now in cleveland, ohio. we got double that here in new
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york city with about 25 degrees. 7 below is the air temperature, not the wind chill up in caribou, maine. it is a chilly start to this first thursday of 2013. a lot of teens, as you can see, out west. later today, denver, rapid city, they'll all be at freezing, if they're lucky. 31 in kansas city. 46 in memphis and raleigh. the spot to be is tampa, florida. their high today will be in the 70s. >> alisyn: let's go there. >> steve: okay. >> alisyn: no, let's go to brian kilmeade. >> steve: i'd rather go to florida. >> brian: you don't have a choice. we have a tease coming up. try to change into a different outfit. straight ahead, sugar bowl stunner. i can't believe this. louisville, number 22 in the country, yum setting number 4, florida. talk about strong starting. first play of the game, returning an interception for a touchdown. 33-23 the score. one of the greatest defensive
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players of all time calling it quits. ravens line baker ray lewis says i've been hurt all year. i watched my sons, i like it. so i'm going to retire. he went to 12 pro bowls, named first team all pro seven times. defensive player of the year twice. sunday's playoff game against the colts will be the first time he plays since tearing his triceps two months ago. they got to line up to get him in broadcasting. and talk about multi tasking, check out this amazing kick from a sacker game in oman. has nothing to do with the player. cameraman casually flicking the ball behind his back and it comes over his head, right back into play. that is incredible! look at this. hits it right back with the side of his foot. very nice. only in oman. how many times have we said that? ali? >> alisyn: stick around for this crazy story. a pilot spots a thief robbing his home from midair.
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so what does the pilot do? he follows the thief and eventually he helps bust the guy. the pilot joinses from miami with his remarkable story. good morning, david. >> good morning. >> alisyn: this is a crazy story because as i understand it, you routinely fly between your homes in florida and north carolina. so when you fly, i should mention, you often do a flyover, kind of a drive by of your home before you land at the airport. on sunday when you were doing this flyover of your home what, did you see? >> well, yeah. as you mentioned, we always do a flyover of our home. sometimes in flying over, we actually joke about one day we're going to catch somebody trying to steal something. on sunday afternoon, about 2:30 when we were flying over, we were about 800 feet and my wife looked out the window and said, honey, somebody is in our driveway. so we literally dropped the
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plane down to very close proximity and did a real tight circle in and around the house and surely enough, there was a person in our driveway with a truck backed up to the house. >> alisyn: what did you see? beyond the truck backed up, could you see him doing something? >> oh, yes, oh, yes. we were at approximately 300 feet above the ground, like i said, in a pretty tight circle. and you can see everything at that altitude. we could actually see him walking around the house and looking into windows and actually seeing if front door was open. we observed him the whole time. our house is very visible from the air. but that's not the funny part of the story is the fact that the gentleman was looking up at us, obviously seeing usew>fuñ circlm and i guess he just didn't make the correlation that he was being watched.
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>> alisyn: that it was your house. so of course, you realize that you can only monitor him. you can't stop what he's doing from the air. so you try to contact the airport where you'll be landing, but you can't get ahold of anybody. what did you do next? >> well, i tried to call the airport because it is a class of airport that doesn't have a manned radio. so i didn't luck out on that. normally i would have a cell phone in my plane that i can hear over the intercom of my plane. didn't have that. so my only option was to follow the guy until he was on a road that was long enough i knew that we could track him in on. i knew i had to land and quickly call 911, which i did. the amazing part of the story is, the last time that i saw him, he was turning right on to highway 80 in front of the
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police station and that's kind of frustrating when you're circling above a guy with your stolen trailer thinking that the police are right there. if i could just get ahold of them right now, they could walk out the door and stop him. >> alisyn: they're unaware that a robber is at a stoplight right from front of their police station. the guy we're looking at is gary robert haynes. 59 years older from stafford, virginia. he was arrested thanks to your 911 call upon your landing. he was charged with grand theft. congratulations on spotting this and helping arrest this guy. what's the lesson of the story here? >> well, if you're stealing something from somebody's house, if there is a plane circling you, might be a good idea to just drop it and leave. had he just dropped everything and left, he wouldn't northbound jail today. >> alisyn: that's a great point, david. i think all robbers should just look up. that should be what they plan to
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do. david, i'm glad all ended well and thanks so much for sharing your story with us. >> thank you. >> alisyn: pleasure. let's go to brian and steve, see if they can top that. >> brian: we don't have a chance. first off, is it a sport or not? yoga for kids is becoming more and more popular. little timmy is going for the hamstring stretch. but what about competitive sports, or is it just a way to get limber? is this country getting weak? we report, you decide. >> steve: that's right. are we just becoming woosies. then, what's the key to escaping big government? john stossel joins us live in the control room. where are you going? >> brian: we can't have a three shot. >> steve: okay. what are you going to talk --ut? >> i'm going to solve the future of government where we're all free. >> brian: john stossel is coming up, can i go back in? >> steve: sure. >> brian: back in a moment
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>> alisyn: 43 minutes past the hour. a bold burglary caught on camera in texas. take a look at this. a group of crooks slammed their way into a food store, then stole the atm. this happened in a matter of seconds. they got away with about $4,000 in cash. fortunately, the store was closed at the time. do you need a less stressful job? then be prepared to crack open the books. according to career, this year's least stressful career is a full-time university professor. is there someone near me? coming in second, steve, this will appeal to you, a seamstress. let's go over to brian. >> brian: 17 minutes before the top of the hour. as we enter 2013, in fact, we're in it, it feels like the government's reach has grown. but one thing that seems to be immune, the internet. this week john stossel explains why the world wide web is the key to freedom 2.0. the host of stossel, john
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stossel, seen earlier playing himself in the tease, joins us right now. john, how is the internet saving us? >> it hasn't yet, but as government passes 1,000 new laws every week, at least the internet shows that without government regulation, we can protect each other. look at ebay. would you have predicted that there could be a business model where total strangers send money to each other? how can you trust what they're going to sell you? will they rate each other. how about wick pedia. we have the founder on tonight. how can you have an incyclo pedia without controls? the users control it. that worked better. now encyclopedia cost so much. >> brian: i think you also love the entrepreneurship that's happening because it's the wild, wild west today. people are using their initiative and their intuition to find success. >> it's less wild west that all
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this wealth was created far from washington, d.c. when silicon valley had no lobbyists. now learned they better lobby up 'cause the politicians started to come after them. when it's free, we are freer and better off. >> brian: how do you feel -- is a tough question for you because you grew up in traditional media. how do you feel about bloggers often leading news stories? >> i love it because i grew up in the traditional media that i didn't like, abc suffocated me. only this is the correct news. now you have the monica lewinsky story and all these other stories being broken by the alternative, the big three are less powerful and that's great. >> brian: how will you explain this on your show tonight? >> the most exciting part more she think about computing power. it doubles every year. so what's going to happen with row botts? they won on jeopardy. are they going to merge with us and make us smarter? >> brian: do you think roger
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ales would go to robots over john stossel? does he come cheaper. >> a robot doesn't drink coffee. >> brian: the mush tash doesn't look real. freedom is still here thanks to the internet, as long as we can log on, we can be free. we are going to watch you tonight on the "fox business" network. >> thanks. >> brian: 14 minutes before the top of the hour. next on the rundown, yoga a sport. it's becoming more popular with kids. are we out of baseball helmets? and being used as a replacement for competitive sports. isn't it just stretching? isn't it just sitting around sweating? larry winget live next. first on this day in 1967, "i'm a believer" by the monke, s was the number one song [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ]
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[ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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>> steve: apparently we have a lot of time on our hands right now. more than 20 million people in the united states do the practice of yoga. >> brian: now the zen trend is being done more and more by children, leading some to ask, what's happened to team building and competition? softball and dodge ball? >> alisyn: joining us is the author of "your kids are your own fault." larry. >> good morning. >> alisyn: do you object to yoga? >> no, not at all. i think yoga is amazing. i think it's wonderful. i'm going to say that because i don't want those yoga nazis coming after me on this thing.
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i think it's a great supplement to a real sport. but it's certainly not a sport. >> brian: what do you mean? there is no competition with he's flexible, give him the gold? >> i don't think downward facing dog is ever going to replace you're out, or touchdown or any of those things. >> steve: it's interesting, i was reading in abc news report that said yoga is set to be the fastest growing sport in america. it's not a sport. it's stretching. it's meditation, it's discipline, but it's not a sport. >> listen, if nobody is keeping score, it ain't a sport. that's how you can tell. you got to keep score. and the problem is, it's all by yourself. it's singular. it's not interactive. sports are interactive. they teach you to socialize with others, to work as a team. they teach to you get knocked down and then get back up.
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you don't get that unless you slip on your mat in yoga. that's not going to teach you anything. >> alisyn: larry, on the flip side, i'm sure you've heard the stories of parents going ballistic on the side lines of soccer fields or the hockey rink. don't people need a little more zen in their lives? >> you know, that's just stupid parents. that has nothing to do with the fact that the kids need to be out there learning all these valuable life lessons. sports teach us life lessons. we've got to get those early in life. they do teach us how to win with humility and lose with dignity. especially losing and sports teaches winning and losing and life is about winning and losing. it's competitive. we need to teach those things at a very young age with a real sport. a sport usually involves a ball of some type. >> brian: all right. fine. i'm going to give you push back.
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liz, that one, the ceo of. >> alisyn: on-line yoga community quotes this. >> brian: the thing that benefit an adult will also benefit a child. stress reduction, mind-body connection, physical strength. these are the things that benefit kids as well as adults. take that, larry. >> i don't have a problem with any of that. i just don't think it replaces a sport. i think it's a supplemental exercise program. but it does not replace a real sport. >> brian: let's talk about the overarching question. you believe this is a trend in america. it's not just about yoga. you see a trend that's disturbing. >> i do. i think it's a trend that is the wasification of america. luckily i've got a new book coming out called "grow a pair" that deals with that thing. that we need to stand up for ourselves and learn to be a lot tougher than yoga is going to teach to us do all by ourselves. >> steve: are you saying this? yoga is okay for stress
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reduction, whether you're small or large, it's good for stress reduction. but when it comes to sports, if you want to have a sport, i've heard you say this twice, you need to have a ball? >> i think it helps to have a ball. i think you have to keep score. i think you have to play with others to interact with others. that's sport. otherwise this is just an exercise. it's good exercise and it's wonderful for you. but it doesn't replace a sport. if you cheat your kids from being involved in a sport, you're going to cheat them from learning valuable life lessons. >> brian: even if they get cut, they're not the stars, they're not the starters? >> that's the best lesson of all. how many times did you not get the job or get cut or lose to something? that's where you learn the most. give your child that opportunity. >> steve: how about this? how about full contact yoga? [ laughter ] >> i'm all for it. you put it on and i'll thereby
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thereby -- be there to watch. >> alisyn: larry winget, the book is "your kids are your own fault." thank you for your perspective. >> thanks. >> brian: starts 2013 on a upnote. >> steve: the ironic thing is brian's favorite store? lulu lemon. >> brian: later we'll find out what it is and endorse it. >> steve: yoga store. >> alisyn: coming up, can you foreclose on a bank? real estate guru bob massi says yes. he's here to explain how and how frustrated homeowners are now fighting back. >> steve: talk about an inconvenient truth. al gore can't keep his tv network afloat, so he's selling it to al-jazeera. michelle malkin finds the irony delicious. she joins us
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there is no mass-produced human. every human being is unique. and there is one store that recognizes it. the sleep number store. the only place in the world you'll find the extraordinarily comfortable sleep number experience. an exclusive collection of innovations that totally individualizes your sleep.
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with better mpg. say hi to the all-new 47 combined mpg c-max hybrid. >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's thursday, january 3, i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen carlson. the 113th congress is sworn in on capitol hill. the first order of business, a vote on john boehner's future as speaker of the house. will he keep the gavel? >> steve: meanwhile, from gavel to gore, al gore finally realizing this inconvenient truth. his tv network, current, just couldn't cut it. so it's al-jazeera to the rescue oh, boy. >> brian: the president promised to help the victims of sandy. why is the gop taking thefor the others loaded it with pork?
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>> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> steve: we're fighting for truth and justice? >> brian: and the american way. >> steve: okay. >> brian: i will say, this is what i can tell but sandy, i have talked to everybody, all different areas. nobody involved in sandy who had flood insurance, which is a federal program that you paid for, not fema where you just get, has gotten paid. so you're talking three months, 3 1/2 months. does anyone not get paid, does not do anything on their house? most likely you're doing something. those people want to get paid. >> alisyn: of course. >> brian: electricians, plumbers, construction people. why do we need more money? just pay the money that's already been allocated to the people that have been paying the premiums? >> steve: welcome to washington. and the thing is the president has made a bunch of promises and people are cold right now and where is he? he's in hawaii.
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yet, people are blaming john boehner. we're going to talk with michelle malkin about this in a couple of minutes because it's got a lot of people's blood boiling. >> alisyn: in the meantime, in a few short hours, the 113th congress will get to work. it will vote on whether house speaker john boehner will remain in charge of the republicans. this comes hours after president obama made the fiscal cliff deal official, signing it while on vacation in hawaii. ed henry is live at the white house with more. it's big day there, ed. >> good morning. you're right. you mentioned john boehner facing this vote as speaker today as the new congress convenes. one of the reasons why he's facing any possible trouble at all is concern on the conservative side about the fact that this deal that was negotiated laterally by the president and senator mcconnell, but john boehner was involved in the early stages of this, ended up having $620 billion in tax increases and only $15 billion in spending cuts. one way john boehner is pushing back on all of this is by noting
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that with the fight over lifting the nation's debt ceiling coming up in the weeks ahead, he is going to demand more spending cuts from the president, basically straight exchange of if he wants to extend the debt ceiling by a trillion dollars, then you need a trillion dollars in spending cuts. the president signaled a couple of nights ago, as this deal moved forward, that he is not going to debate the debility ceiling at all. take a listen. >> i'll negotiate over many things. i will not have another debate with this congress over whether or not they should pay the bills that they've already racked up through the laws that they passed. >> white house officials say the reason why the president will not debate this out with republicans is that he believes a year and a half ago when they had that last debate about lifting the nation's debt ceiling it was detrimental to the economy. republicans like senator mitch mcconnell, pushed back by saying, this is one of the only levers republicans on the hill have to force the president to enact more spending cuts.
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senator mcconnell has an op ed today on yahoo news that says, quote, the president may not want to have a fight about government spending over the next few months, but it's the fight he is going to have because it's a debate the country needs. bottom line is the white house believes this is something that was voted on routinely by previous congresses, whether it was run by democrats or republicans. republicans on the hill now saying look, what's different now is that we're $16 trillion in debt and this should not be a routine bit of business. >> steve: all right. and ed, each got a question for you, so now the because the president is on vacation again, he flew back to hawaii, it's being signed by auto pen. is an auto pen like a row about thetic arm or is it like a printer or a big stamp that somebody uses? what is that thing? >> it's some sort of auto pen back here that we're told the white house council's office blessed this. this is the first president given permission to sign these things digitally. we're told that the president in
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hawaii read a copy of the bill of the legislation, then authorized the auto pen to be used back here. maybe that's something you guys might want to get for all the autographed photos you sign. >> alisyn: thank you, ed. finally problem solved. >> brian: how much were you saying -- were you hoping you would go back to hawaii with the president? >> i was hoping i was going to wear a bathing suit on "fox & friends," but i probably spared a lot of people. >> steve: maybe sometime in the new year. >> alisyn: yeah. >> steve: the nude year. what's the matter would you? >> alisyn: thanks, ed. sorry. we'll let you go back to your job. in the meantime, let's get to the rest of your headlines, tell us what else is happening. we continue with more on the 113th congress that you just heard is being sworn in today. the new class has a record number of women. 20 female senators and 81 members in the house and republican senator from illinois, mark kirk, is going to return to the senate nearly one year after having a debilitating
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stroke. he will mark his comeback by walking up the capitol steps. >> the greatest honor of my life was to serve the people of illinois as their senator, as their junior senator. there was no way i was going to quit. i would thank the people of illinois for their patience with this patient. >> alisyn: today also marks another chapter of camelot. another kennedy will be sworn in to congress. joseph kennedy iii, the grandson of robert f. kennedy. sandy hook elementary school students returned to class in about a half hour. they're going to a new school. 20 of their classmates and six faculty members were killed nearly thee weeks ago in one of the worst mass shootings in u.s. history. teachers and volunteers have been working to make the new school as comfortable as possible. >> at would you know point there were 80 people in the building cleaning up the building, doing the kinds of things, painting, to make it really look cheerful
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and happy. >> alisyn: the students' desks, backpacks and other belongings were taken to the new school to make the children feel at home. overnight, u.s. drone taking out a top taliban leader in pakistan. >> brian: all right. >> alisyn: he was allegedly responsible for organizing attacks on u.s. and nato troops in afghanistan. according to pakinstani officials, he was holding a meeting at the time of the strike with several senior leaders of his group. according to reports, they were also killed. it was the right prescription for president bush's recovery. ♪ elvira ♪ elvira ♪ my heart's on fire for elvira elvira ♪ ♪ . >> alisyn: the oak ridge boys were asked by the bush family to sing to president george h.w. bush while he was in the hospital. of course they said yes. we spoke to one of the oaks
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earlier on "fox & friends" about this performance. >> we said, could you hear us, sir? and he said, oh, quite clearly, in that bush humor voice of his. and it was very encouraging to hear him sounding so happy because, you know, we've all been worried about him. we've all been praying for him, just like the nation and the world, man. we care about this man. >> alisyn: well, the next day the president's health improved. he was taken out of the icu. music is the best medicine. >> steve: that's great. >> brian: you know you're powerful when you can get your favorite group on the phone. we're going to call sting later. >> steve: that's his favorite. not ours. michelle malkin, who is your favorite group? go ahead. >> brian: do you have one group that you love? >> imagine dragons. >> steve: there you go. >> alisyn: really? >> go look them up. if you have kids, you know who they are. but i love the oak ridge boys, too. i follow them on twitter. i'd love them to come serenade me with "elvira." >> brian: there is a group of
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wiggles who are very upset. >> steve: they're still here from the yoga thing. let's talk about this. we just heard from ed henry, the president of the united states is back on vacation in hawaii. meanwhile, miles from where we're sitting, there are tens of thousands of people whose houses were destroyed by sandy. it's interesting, you go back 60 days, the president of the united states was out with chris christie saying i'm going to eliminate the red tape and make sure fema follows through and now 60 days later, nothing. just for people who have missed that from about 60 days ago, here is our president talking about how he's going to get rid of the red tape regarding sandy. >> my instructions to the federal agency has been i want you to cut through red tape. i want you to cut through bureaucracy. there is no excuse for inaction. i instructed my team not to let red tape and bureaucracy get in the way of solving problems. we're not going to tolerate red tape or bureaucracy. and i've instituted a 15-minute
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rule essentially on my team, you return everybody's phone calls in 15 minutes. >> brian: what do you think about that? >> steve: but then people on capitol hill are trying to blame beaner when he was looking at the senate bill loaded up with pork. >> yeah. golf clap for a thank oscar winning performance reel from obama, paying lip service to the emergency and urgency of helping out sandy victims. aloha and mahalo, right? there is a lot of drama and ka bookie and theatrics going on on capitol hill right now. i think it's ridiculous to fully blame boehner for the gridlock that's happening over this bill. and the context for the spat i think doesn't bode well for the republican leadership because although there are die hard committed fiscal conservatives who are sincerely opposing this
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bill because of the pork, the context for this battle was apparently a snit fit between bainer and cantor over how the fiscal cliff vote went down. we reported on this on twitchy, my curation and ago gays site, over the weekend, that there were tweets and messages coming out of capitol hill late on sunday that the bill was pulled because of the resentment between those two boiling over. so there is a lot of intrigue going on there. in the meantime, the usual pork-stuffed emergency relief bill is finally being torn apart. not so much by republicans on capitol hill as conservative watchdogs and activists who have been blowing the whistle on all of the piggy porky stuff that's put into this bill that is supposed to be for sandy victims, but ends up benefitting
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guantanamo bay, fisheries in alaska, head start. >> steve: the smithsonian. >> brian: let's talk about gun ownership for a second. perhaps the top issue still after newtown. now we're finding out that hollywood is outraged. they're cutting 30 second spots saying we have to stop this right now. but a viewer pointed out before, the irony of hollywood getting upset while hiring armed security guards to protect them and their children in all aspects of their life. don't take those guns away. >> yes, yes. we've talked about it on this show and on "fox & friends" weekend. there is a plug for "fox & friends" weekend, that these smug elitists have such selective disdain for armed security. concealed carry for me, but not for thee and everyone from michael moore to my twitter pal russell simmons who is denying that he had bodyguards, but has had them over a long time.
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ex-wife and daughters benefit from it and any number of these big moguls in hollywood who benefit from that and are now spreading this antigun propaganda so that the rest of innocent law abiding gun owners are not only marginalized, but demonized for exercising those same rights to protect themselves and their families. >> alisyn: and we showed a picture there of two of the editors or owners of -- this is the journal news there in new york, they also -- that's the newspaper who decided to publish a map, an interactive map of the gun owners in their neighborhood, two counties. and now we've heard from politico that they're going to have armed guards at their offices. so they begrudge people personally from want to go protect their homes, yet they can have armed guards at their offices because of the e-mails they've gotten. >> yes, that's right. and let me be clear, that i oppose any kind of death threats
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or violent threats of any kind. but it is very difficult to muster up any kind of sympathy for these witch hunt journalists who in the wake of the newtown massacre exploited it to try and go after the very people who make this country safer. this interactive map was completely represencible. there are several other newspapers and i've written about them over the years -- that have done the same kind of thing, that end up endangering the lives of people who have been victims of crime. i mean, did this paper go out and interview any of these people who were in the database to find out why they are armed now? it's because they are trying to exercise their right to protect their homes. they may have been victims of home invasion robberies, domestic violence. they may be widows who are living alone. and instead of doing that kind of journalism, no. they capitalize and sensationalized on a tragedy. shame on them. >> steve: good for putnam county, new york, because they're saying no, journal news,
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we're not going to give you the list who have has legal guns in our county. michelle, it's great kicking off the new year with you. thank you very much for joining us today from colorado springs. we'll see you. >> alisyn: see think weekend. >> brian: >> steve: i'm a little twitchy today. >> alisyn: can you be foreclosed on bay homeowner's association? real estate guru bob massi is going to explain how you can foreclose on a bank next. >> brian: then. >> steve: she brought the miss universe title back to america for the first time since 1997. queue the tape. >> and miss universe 2012 is usa! >> steve: that woman, olivia culpo, is looking for love. she joins us live from our make-up room. >> brian: that's why the crew is twitchy. >> alisyn: so excited [ male announcer ] coughequence™ #8. waking the baby.
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>> alisyn: ever wish you could foreclose on a bank? it turns out you can. while banks are usually the ones foreclosing on homes, they often fail to pay their own homeowners fees and now vigilante homeowner associations are fighting back against them. here to explain is fox news legal analyst, bob massi. hi, bob. >> good morning. happy new year. >> alisyn: happy new year to you. so banks can be foreclosed upon? >> well, let's first look at it. let's look at it first from the homeowners itself. if live in an association and you, the homeowner, doesn't pay dues, then the homeowners association has the right to put a lien on your property. and ultimately take your home. the same thing happens here. if a lender forecloses on a piece of property that's subject to a homeowner association, guess what? they're now the homeowner.
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they own title to that property. and they have the responsibility to pay the same dues as a homeowner does. what's happening is they're refusi it. so the associations are saying, fine. if you're not going to honor our bylaws, if you're not going to maintain the property under our association rules, we're going to foreclose on you. and that's exactly what's happening. >> alisyn: but it's weird to hear that homeowners associations have more power or leverage than banks in some cases. >> whenever we're part of an association, essentially we're bound by their guidelines. what we call their bylaws and the ccnrs. what's happened is a lot of these lenders have come into communities. they let the lawns burn out. they don't maintain the property appropriately. so these associations have become very pro-active. they said, wait a second, we have other homeowners here who are paying dues. we have other homeowners that are maintaining the property.
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you just can't be the big guy on the block and come in and think because you're a big lender, you're going to push us around. and to their credit, they are foreclosing. here is the interesting part, do you know that let's say there is a $5,000 assessment against that property for nonpayment. do you know that third parties, yourself or myself, could go in at the foreclosure sale, bid that $5,000, pay those back dues that are owed, and own that property? that's exactly what's happening. it's happening in las vegas. it's happening in florida. all over the country, these associations have had it and say, we are behind in payments. we got to protect our other people that are paying and they're becoming very pro-active. i wanted to bring it to our viewers' attention that this is happening both in their communities all over the country. 'cause it means i guess the silver lining is that people who have saved a little bit of money can capitalize on the
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irresponsibility. >> very much so. >> alisyn: how do you find out about them? >> it's a normal foreclosure. it's a matter of public record. there are people every day, investors in particular, that look for these hoa sales on homeowners hyped on payments and lenders aren't paying and they're going in and buying all over the place. in las vegas, people are buying homes, 6, 7, $8,000 for past dues and get a trustee's deed title to that property. they now are the homeowner. they own that home. so it's something that our viewers should be aware of, if you don't pay the dues, that association has the right to take that property back by way of law in almost every state in this country. >> alisyn: all right. thanks so much for all that information. good to know. bob massi, happy new year. >> happy new year to you. >> alisyn: so what if you were told get a flu shot or get fired? up next, two nurses who refused for religious reasons and they lost their jobs. then she brought the miss universe title back to the u.s.
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for the first time since 1997. now she has a new challenge. olivia culpo is looking for love [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of people like you, are choosing advil® because helps you keep doing what you love. no wonder it's america's #1 selling pain reliever. you took action, you took advil®. and we thank you.
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>> brian: quick headlines. a plane skids off the runway at north las vegas airport and burst into flames. the two people on board got out safely. and newcombe word. is that true? did i actually say that? >> that's what happens when a big truck backs up. rumors are swirling about katie homes and jake gyllenhaal? >> oh, my goodness. italian tabloid, that one,
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reporting that former mrs. cruz has been going to the actor's apartment for dinner. they both denied the rumors. so it can't be true. >> steve: meanwhile, she is the first american in more than a decade to win the title of miss universe. cue the exciting tape! watch! >> and miss universe 2012 is usa! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: if that wasn't enough, she's also a college student from boston university. she's the cellist. her next big challenge, looking for love. joining us right now, the newly crowned miss universe, olivia culpo. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: there is a headline in the daily news of new york, out of this world, miss universe, olivia culpo, is looking for a dinner date. >> it's not true! >> steve: okay, never mind. >> alisyn: let's clarify.
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you do not have a boyfriend. >> no. >> alisyn: but you're not actively looking for one? >> no. this job is enough. >> brian: exactly. >> right? i don't think i have enough time. >> alisyn: i'm sorry, floor crew. you can all take two steps back. >> but don't make me look ugly. >> brian: absolutely not. so you're miss usa and thinking, i have reached the zenith of my life. what could top this? the answer is miss universe. when did you think that was possible? >> never. 15 months ago was my first pageant ever. rhode island, the smallest state in the union, just off a whim, i had never done packagents, never followed them. so to be here now really just goes to show you can do anything you want to do. >> steve: i love the story that your parents, who are both classically trained musicians, they weren't crazy about you joining a pageant scene. in fact, tell us about what they wore to the miss rhode island pageant. >> my mom was in a sweat pants
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suit. [ laughter ] it was -- she did not look like she was prepared to go anywhere. >> steve: was she making a statement or thought this was a whim and no big deal? >> i think she might have been making a statement. she was pretty bitter. but she's so o supportive now. >> steve: i bet! you got the hardware! >> right. >> alisyn: that's beautiful. >> brian: you grew up with something like steve. you pattern your life after audi hepburn. >> really? >> brian: you did say that? >> yes, i admire her a lot. >> alisyn: for all of her philanthropic work, as well as talent. >> as well as talent. i think she's somebody that any girl could look up to and want to emulate. >> alisyn: also, it's interesting, now that you have this international stage, people want to know your opinion on things. you have got an bit of the spotlight for coming out against the legalization of marijuana. >> i have, yes. that was actually a question at
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miss usa a couple of years ago. so i think that for medical purposes it is okay. but i don't think that it's good for recreational purposes. there are too many bad habits that go with the drug. >> steve: when people get all potted up. >> brian: right. >> steve: what are you gog do this year during your reign as miss universe? >> traveling internationally. a spokesperson for hava aids awareness. hopefully getting to know different languages. but i haven't really begun. this is my second day on the job. >> brian: wow. >> i'm happy to be spending it with all of you. >> brian: when you left us, you wanted to get into our industry. you were thinking about anchoring. what happened? you have now thought about other things? >> so much has happened. i'm going to take a step back and see what else comes for me. but i do really admire your jobs and i know you can always be a beauty queen and i could be an anchor.
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>> brian: that's very good. >> reality tv show maybe. >> steve: it weigh has ton n it is heavy. >> alisyn: wow, it is heavy. >> steve: it's dress up day on "fox & friends." >> alisyn: it's cold out, i do need a hat today. >> brian: it's good to see controlling the whole milky way has not gone to your head. thanks for representing america in that way. >> steve: our best to your boss, donnel donald, who joins us every monday here. >> thank you very much. great to see you. >> alisyn: it's the number one reason why couples fight, brian. >> brian: i think i know what it is. >> alisyn: no, it's not what you think. >> brian: it's not? >> alisyn: no. >> steve: it's not over money. you'll find out it has to do with what you're watching right now. >> brian: you've all written us and told us already through twitter and e-mail what what really is ruining your life. >> steve: then, miss universe, you want to do the next part? >> then, why weather are the jobs? we turn to the labor department for that answer. that's next. >> alisyn: look at him.
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you. the labor department just releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. 372,000 first-time unemployment claims were filed last week. that is higher than the week before. of course, it was a holiday week. what's it all mean? eric bolling joins us live. >> pretty good number. last week was a great number, 350. below 350, that's good. the lower the initial jobless claims, the better the economy seems to be doing. you have to look at it over a four-week moving average and this will probably bring the number into the 365 to 375 range over four weeks in the right direction. typically means good things for the economy. tomorrow we're going to get the real number, the monthly number, the unemployment number and again, all eyes on that. my hunch is it's going to be pretty good. >> alisyn: yesterday was a great day on wall street. >> yeah. >> alisyn: the dow spiked i guess upon hearing that some sort of agreement had been cobbled together at the 11th hour about the fiscal cliff, up 300 points. >> far left of that chart right there, that's where the dow
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started. 13,100. ended 13,400. here is what happened. going into the end of last year, all the big people who had the funds and the people who were anticipating higher tax rates going into 2013 had sold into the end of the year. they wanted -- >> steve: just in case. >> they wanted to take their profit last year because if they took their profit the beginning of this year action rates were a lot higher. they're worried about substantially higher rates on stocks action bonds, dividends, on income. so they sold. when the fiscal deal came down late the night before, oh, oh , the difference is only going to be 3 1/2% for the highest earners and 5% difference on capital gains and dividends. so it wasn't a huge thing. so a lot of people had to jump back into the market. a lot of hedge funds have to be in the market, so they were buying yesterday. >> brian: what about the u.s. economy, the fact that we didn't touch any spending, that the deficit continues to grow, does
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that bother investors in the short-term? >> it bothers me: we really haven't done anything to change the tradition inject reef spending. still have a 4 1/2 trillion dollars added to the deficit. but the stock market typically like picks. they like temporary fixes. the debt ceiling issue end of february, beginning of march, that will be the real test fort economy. not the fiscal cliff. fiscal cliff stuff, there is wiggle room. but the debt ceiling, whether or not we'll be able to pay our bills, whether or not we get downgraded by moodies and fitches, those could be detrimental to some of our instruments. the reason why that matters, if we get downgraded, if we get a lower credit rating, that means we'll have to pay more interest to the people we borrow money from. so higher interest rates means it will cost the economy more money. >> steve: sure. yesterday on this program we were talking a little bit about the outrage. senate bill that the house is supposed to take up, they didn't before the session ran out.
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john boehner had been painted as the boogie man. he wasn't crazy about the bill because it was larded up with pork. they are apparently going to vote on it tomorrow, $10 billion for relief for sandy victims. >> it's important to note, this is emergency relief. fema didn't have enough funds, so they had to go to the senate and to congress and say, help us out here. there is up to $60 billion available if they got a vote the other night when john boehner at the end of the night said i'm done, which created a lot of outrage with peter king, with chris christy and some of the other lawmakers in this neck of the woods. there are $60 billion they were looking to get. now it looks like they're going to do it in bunches. could be 10, could be another 30. the problem is, the republicans didn't vote on it because it was loaded up with a bunch of earmark, with a bunch of pork. 150 million bucks for fisheries in alaska. there was $20,000 for a car for the department of justice inspector general. it's ridiculous what they do. they try and throw things in
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here that they think they're going to get their christmas present on top of people who really, really need some help. >> alisyn: in other words, this is not the that the president who, can the stroke of a pen, can send the funds. >> he overpromised, but he could have pushed it through. he could have been a lot more vocal in getting this to the floor. certainly getting it to at least the senate side. look, we had -- >> steve: at that photo op, you have property down there, he made it seem like he was going to -- >> he was on it. he was going to bypass all the red tape, all the bureaucracy, all the paperwork and get that done. here we are 60 something days later and it's still not done. he really could have pushed it through. don't forget, this fiscal cliff deal, started in the senate. that had to start in the house. it's a tax, checkbook bill that was actually started in the house months ago that kind of went to the senate. they gutted that bill, turned it into a senate bill and sent it
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back to the house. they could have done the exact same thing with sandy relief. >> steve: just remember, the sequester was invented by the white house and we kicked that down two months. make sure you check out "the five" at 5. >> alisyn: that's cheap advertising. >> steve: it is. >> brian: but a great show. i sense miss universe is going to be your one more thing. >> i'm against legalizing pot, too. >> brian: there you go. that's all you have in common, you two. now your headlines. putnam county, new york, won't be helping a newspaper with its map of gun owners' home addresses. the journal news published the information of residents in two other counties. to make the map, they used a freedom of information act which putnam county is rejecting. officials will hold a press conference later to defend their decision. critics of the paper say the whole thing is an invasion of privacy. i'm not done with this story. the newspaper editors, pictured there, stand by their decision.
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>> steve: fired for refusing a flu shot. that's what happened to eight employees at goshen hospital in indiana. earlier, two nurses said they had no choice because they would not go against their religious beliefs and get a flu shot. >> i feel very god led in that we use natural alternatives in our home and have for 20-plus years. we feel like that's the way healing should happen. god wants us to keep our bodies healthy and put in what we choose to deem as healthy and i believe that the flu shot has a lot of adverse reactions and choose to not put it into myself. >> steve: the hospital defends the firing and says its request for exemption was taken seriously and considered by a panel of experts. our top priority is the health and well-being of our patients. >> alisyn: citizenship granted, russia says french actor gerard depardieu can leave france and become a citizen there.
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congratulations. the actor wanted out of france because of the country's attempt to raise taxes on the rich by 75%. that tax plan was struck down just days ago. so no word if the actor plans to accept russia's offer. >> brian: yeah. they just jail their multi-millionaires. south dakota mom pulls an epic prank on her eight-year-old son. watch. >> why did you buy that $50,000 car on ebay? >> i didn't. >> you did. >> it's not true. did i? >> i'm afraid so. >> we have to sell everything. i'm horrible. >> you're not horrible, baby. you make mistakes. >> brian: they got to sell everything. paula caught her son looking up a mustang on her ipad and decided to make him think he accidentally hit a buy button. after a minute of torture, mom let him in on the joke and he laughed it off. >> alisyn: after years of
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therapy. >> brian: we have to sell everything! >> steve: we know ha a lot of you watching now are married, or you are in a relationship with somebody. >> brian: maybe you're ready to pop the question. >> steve: maybe you're on the verge of that. here is the result of a vanity fair 60 minutes poll. they asked, what aspect of living together drives you the craziest? 36%, the craziest thing that drives you nuts is what to watch on television. >> alisyn: everyone watching us right now has complete harmony in their household. this does not apply to our viewers. >> brian: at home and somebody is call being a poll. 36% of you say that you fight over what shows to watch. >> steve: it's the clicker bicker. we asked you what you fight about. meanwhile, david e-mailed us and said 13 years of marriage this past december and where to eat is still our most frequent argument. i'm with you! we have the same thing. >> alisyn: i think your wife is calling herself david. this is from ray in massachusetts.
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honest couples will say they fight, argue, haggle over money. we've always heard money is the number one thing that couples fight over. but this says it's tv. >> steve: sure. >> brian: e-mail from lesley goes like this. we fight over his driving. he never watches the road. then he gets mad at me for telling him he's a bad driver. >> steve: i got an e-mail 'cause i said earlier the number one thing that we do disagree on is where to eat. we go to the end of the driveway and decide left or right. somebody e-mailed, chris bass e-mailed, steve, put all your choices for dinner on a folded piece of paper in a basket and let your wife choose up with piece out of the basket. no matter what, agree ahead of time to go where the choice is drawn. >> alisyn: time consuming, but brilliant. i have a suggestion, olive garden. just go there every time. >> steve: they got the unlimited bread sticks, plus the great salad bowl. soup. >> brian: can i suggest this? you have a kitchen for a reason. will you start making stuff at home, please. >> steve: we just talked about
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going out once a week. >> brian: that's fine. straight ahead, before the whole control room erupts. a new year means new taxes and if you have a flexible spending account, you're about to take a hit. peter johnson, jr. is not flexible on this. he explains next. >> steve: then al gore finally realizing this inconvenient truth. his tv network couldn't cut it, so he's selling it to al gore jazeera >> announcer: meet jill. she thought she'd feel better after seeing her doctor. and she might have, if not for kari, the identity thief who stole jill's social security number to open credit cards, destroying jill's credit
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and her dream of retirement. now meet amanda. with a swipe of her debit card, she bought some gas... and an all-expense-paid trip to hawaii for ben. ben is the identity thief who used a device called a skimmer to steal her information from her card to open a fraudulent account. every year millions of americans ju like you learn that a little personal information in the wrong hands could wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft, and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. ordinary credit monitoring services tell you after your identity has been stolen; they may take 30 days to alert you! too late for amanda. with lifelock's /7 proactive protection, jill would have been alerted as soon as they noticed an attack in their network, before it was too late. and lifelock's bank account takeover alerts would have notified amanda in time to help protect her money. lifelock guards your social
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security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one protects you better than lifelock. and lifelock stands behind that, with the power of their $1 million service guarantee. you have so much to protect, and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and try 60 days of identity theft protection risk-free. 60 days risk-free! use promo code: onguard. order now, and get this document shredder, a $29 value, free! call or go online now. [♪...] >> alisyn: time for quick headlines. former congressional candidates busted on camera slashing the tires of his rival. gary smith was arrested in new
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mexico. he was led out of jail and told to stay away from his rival, but arrested again for stalking after being caught outside of her home. and so long, current tv. hello, al-jazeera. they bought the low rated network, co-founded by al gore. they plan to air its own programming. let's go up to ryan. >> brian: thank you very much. new year means new obamacare taxes. if you're one of the 30 million americans contribute to go a flexible spending account, your wallet is about to be hit again. here to explain is peter johnson, jr. flexible spending used a loft times to eat your deductible, correct? >> this is a mean, vicious side, the mean vicious underbelly of obamacare. this is the obama administration saying the middle class america, you can't have those pretax dollars anymore to use for special needs kids, to use for maintenance medicines indications, for organ transplant patients, to use for
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people, dental expenses, to buy a new bridge. i was talking to someone who put away $4,000 to put away a new dental bridge which you need to exist. can't do that anymore. government says $2,500 is the maximum. used to be some companies allow you 6, 7, $8,000 you could tuck away in pretax dollars. not pay tax on those, but use those dollars to pay for necessary medical expenses for you and your family. if you didn't use them, you'd lose them. but you would have it to use. >> brian: it's amazing because this is all to insure the uninsured. so to do that, they're attack dividends with 3.8%. health care devices. we talk about those devices, medical devices. and now we find it in the flexible spending accounts. it's sneaky. >> it's immoral. you were talking this morning on the show, i was listening, about people have $1,000 maybe in savings. so if you're talking about taking away $2,500 in pretax
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dollars for people to use for themselves and their family, on medical expenses, that is a horrendous punishing expense that we're imposing on the american people, at the same time as you point out that we're item ming this new era of free health care for people. so people are saying, well, how am i going to pay for this? how am i going to be paying for the ambulance? you get an ambulance, brian, very often it's not covered. $600. $800. people get that bill in the mail, they say, how am i going to pay this? am i going to pay this over time? i put $4,000 away. now you can't put $4,000 away. you can only put $2,500 away. so no one is telling the american people that this is a new tax hit. this is a new tax expense on america. >> brian: there is no coincidence with the timing. all this happened after the last
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election. >> it's hypocritical, nonsensical and punishing and hurtful and congress really needs to step in on a lot of pieces. but this is something that can help the american people today. >> brian: peter johnson, jr., thanks so much. >> good to see you. >> brian: 12 minutes before the top of the hour. as we are in the final lap here on "fox & friends." for over 100 years, the motto has been god, home and country. so why are the daughters of the american revolution giving the boot to christianity? the exclusive details are coming your way. first, let's check if with a guy who has great boots of his own. bill hemmer. he's pro boot. >> most days i am. >> brian: you are. >> i'm feeling pro boot today. >> brian: yesterday on the radio you taught me about a sling box. >> yes. high recommendation. >> brian: you really like it. >> are you moving forward with this? >> brian: i'm not slinging right now. >> we'll take this off the air. good morning. >> brian: good morning. >> there is breaking news on the economy. it is still job one. we'll tell you about that. brian was just talking about
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this. how american companies are adjusting to obamacare. could these changes cost awe job? big day for john boehner. will he be the speaker this time tomorrow? what is the strongest hand for republicans on the next big battle? senator bob corker on that. we'll see you in ten short minutes on "america's newsroom." brian is back after this oh! progress-oh! -oh! -oh! oh! oh! ♪ wh do you know? oh! ♪ bacon? -oh! -oh! oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your story for a chance to win a progress-oh! makeover in hollywood. go to to enter.
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>> steve: it is known as the largest women's patriotic organization in the world. the daughters of the american revolution. their motto? god, home and country. that's their motto. so why is the dar taking out references to god? and christianity from its official historic books and patriotic songs? fox news radio's todd starnes joins us with exclusive details. todd, i don't get it.
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their motto is god, home and country and they're taking god out of their home and their country. >> they certainly are. and a lot of the members are very upset over this. several of them reached out to me over the weekend and said hey, we want to let you guys know what's happening here because it's just not right. they believe this is an attempt to erase the christian heritage of this organization, but one of the pieces of information we received was from the state chaplain who wrote in a newsletter informing members there were no longer allowed to pray in the name of jesus christ. they had to use a generic but there were also other things that concern these folks and i want to bring these up on the screen. first, the name jesus christ was removed from the newly revised ritual and missal books. these are the official books that they use in their organization. chaplains were told to stop using the name jesus in their prayers. and all prayers and poems that were written in the documents that referenced christian
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symbols like white crosses for soldiers who were killed in battle, those were deleted or altered. and also patriotic hymns that mentioned god, like "america the beautiful" were taken out of the official documents as well. >> steve: okay. whose idea was this? >> we understand this came from headquarters in washington, d.c the president general. we reached tout to her office and she did not return multiple phone calls that we made, hoping to get a comment. but the members are speaking out anonymously and here is what one member told me yesterday. >> it's horrible! how dare they! they're supposed to be doing it out of ininclusion and to me, it is exclusion. they are saying it's because of religious freedom and tolerance, then my question is if someone is so incensed over the name of
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jesus and words like white crosses that reference soldiers who died for america, is it not they who are intolerant? >> steve: todd, we should point out that the daughters of the american revolution, these are direct descendants of the people involved in our revolution, in our quest for independence. >> that's right. >> steve: they were the ones who put "in god we trust" on the walls and on the money. >> that's right. and look, they see this as being reflective of what's happening across the country, steve. this idea that we have to remove christianity from the marketplace of ideas. they're very concerned about this, very upset. they hope this is changed and if not, many members started to evaluate whether they're going to be a part of the group or not. >> steve: is that right? >> yeah. >> steve: so going forward, we just heard from one member of the dar anonymously. has been anybody gone on the record to question the president general's decision on doing this? n they brought their concerns to
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the president general's office and the ladies are very concerned that if in fact they are made -- if their identities were made public, they'll be kicked out of the organization. so right now, they're asking to be anonymous. we've talked to several other ladies as well who are very concerned about this. we'll have to see how this plays out in the coming days. >> steve: at this point, they may take jesus out of printed material, but their motto is still god, home and country, right? >> that's right. the country is, and like these ladies said, if you're not praying to the god who is jesus christ, who are you praying to? that's their big hangup. >> steve: exclusive report. todd starnes, thank you very much for bringing that to our attention. what do you think about that? e-mail us. we're going to roll on live from new york city, two minutes. stick around. right back ♪
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