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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 3, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> greg: hello, america. i'm greg gutfeld with andrea tantaros, bob beckel, eric bolling, she buys all of her clothes at american girl. it's dana perino. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ a new poll says 23% of americans are happy with the direction of the country. most said our best years are past. this as righties moan that the era of reagan has been replaced by the rare of obama. boo-hoo. but no surprise. to me, president obama is the progressive answer to ronald reagan, for me sees the denial of entitlement as a sacrifice, which makes the unentitled, i.e., the successful, the virgin for the volcano to be sacrificed for those whose desires are divorced from the work needed. for some weird reason, obama believes the success of one person harms the other.
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the clarice to their hannibal. this wrong-madeed belief makes him the equalizeer so he continues down the vin dicktive path of class warfar warfare. if you and i are here to serve as atms for the ows, why bother? if i'm just a salary to be had, my work is done. why comply with the sacrifice? i'm not worried. look at history, from 1980-'92, you have republicans. '92 to 2000 you had dems. 2000 to 2008, republicans. 2008 to 2016, dems. this stuff cyclical. meaning we get sick and then we call. you can bet the dying economy will be the story at the mid-terms and 2016. the message you tried their way now try ours might bring reagan back to life. so, eric, the rare of reagan is over, what does it mean for america and hawaii?
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>> eric: i don't think the era of reagan is over. we're waiting for next reagan. but he never comes or materializes. president obama is going to take all the clinton up side going on. obama and reagan are nothing alike. obama is a big government guy. bigger government. >> greg: polar opposites. >> the democrats -- >> eric: the yankees are the same as -- i don't know. >> greg: i'm saying he is the progressive answer to ronald reagan. as powerful as ronald reagan as progressive, is what i meant. >> eric: agreed but that doesn't mean he take over for ronald reagan. >> andrea: i am taking up what you are putting down. >> greg: exactly. >> andrea: i know what you
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are stepping in. >> greg: you do? >> andrea: i am. i get what he is trying to say. >> eric: do you agree? >> andrea: i actually agree -- i see what you are trying to say. i agree. i don't think the era of reagan is over. it's rare of obama. eventually, as we said, run out of other people's money. we'll go bankrupt and we are all going back to the era of reagan, whether we like it or not. what is other is the era of grand compromise. if you look at what reagan did, he had a democratic congress. he had tip o'neale. they worked together. they lowered rates. they limited deductions and were able to do a lot together. that is over. >> eric: you know, one of the things -- >> bob: one thing about reagan, as a guy i met two times. wonderful human being. ronald reagan, you think he ought to be on mount rushmore. he signed in law the largest tax increase in history, but he had to do it because he and
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tip o'neale had to save social security. i understand that. the government didn't get smaller under reagan, it got bigger. >> eric: no. >> bob: yes, it did. there was not a single agency or department closed i remember in that period. reaganerra , i'm not sure i understand what it is about the nostalgia for the guy that is so big with conservatives. >> eric: ronald reagan cut individual tax rates. >> bob: the fica increase is largeest in history. he cut taxes, right. >> eric: cut individual tax rates and got growth. obama has recession. he got lower inflation and obama has higher prices. this is anti-reagan. obama is the opposite. get where you are going. but it doesn't mean the reagan rae is on hold. >> greg: it is time for republicans to formulate response to class warfare? >> dana: the era of reagan succeeded is the realization
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that tax cut and people having more money in their pocket grows an economy. the senate democrats all, they all voted for that premise that wud an ideological fight that was won. the difference is the republicans are looking for communicator. the reason i disagree with you, i don't think reagan and obama are on the same plane when it comes to communication and bringing the country together. give this as an example. we just had an election where president obama got less of the popular vote than he did the first time. when reagan ran for re-election, bob, you said one of the polls you took was the american people were likebe we don't really need an we're fine. i don't think the parallel works. republicans have nowhere to go but up. to the volatility point and the congress. 2008, the democrats -- 2006, the democrats take over. 2008, they're basically, we had people saying the republican party was dead. 2010, they came back with the historic victories. so 2012, not so good.
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politics are volatile now. >> andrea: you are trying to say that the parties idolize reagan and look up to reagan. ikenography o on the the-shirts. >> bob: what? >> andrea: the pictures of barack obama looking like che guevara on t-shirt. they look at him like a hero. you are saying he is a figurehead of a generation. we have to ask what are the expectation of the future? prosperity the way reagan spoke of or just getting by. obama subsidy or check here to get by. what do we want in the end. depen den politics, not what reagan was about. >> bob: i think reagan is
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overstated. not on tax cut. i understand that. >> eric: what about growth? >> bob: it wasn't even close. >> eric: don't go there. please don't go there. >> bob: unemployment was 10.5%. >> eric: the eight years of reagan brought unemployment from 13% down to 5%. no one in the history has done anything near that. brought influence down from 11% to six or 7%. no one in history -- >> bob: you are saying growth under reagan -- >> eric: do growth. negative growth, turns in to 8% gdp. >> greg: let me google it on my phone. hold on. >> bob: one thing about reagan, reagan was said to be teflon president. bad stuff happened like, you know, the contras and the other stuff he seemed to get away with it. interval guy.
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obama redefined teflon. taken in the face of what otherwise should have been a dif cul -- difficult re-electio. obama has been able to get away a lot. it they as a democrat -- >> andrea: they mocked reagan in the beginning in a way they don't mock obama. >> bob: the right mocks obama -- >> andrea: not the way they did reagan. they thought reagan was dummy actor hollywood. and obama, he didn't get moc mocked. >> greg: teflon is made up of is the media. that is the teflon. not like obama is wearing a shield. the shield is there for him that keeps things like benghazi away from him or pushed the video. i had to work that in there. since we are talking about reagan and obama. take s.o.t. and put them together to show the difference between the two men.
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>> in the present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. government is the problem. >> i also believe that government has the capacity, the federal government has the capacity to help open up opportunity and create ladders of opportunity. create framework where the american people can succeed. >> greg: isn't that what it comes down to? big versus small. >> dana: two good thoughts. you can find other sound bites where president obama says the exact opposite. five years later we are going what does he stand for again? the statement of the night of the fiscal cliff sounds like a speech boehner could have given. you can't pin him down. >> andrea: he loves the steal language of reagan. but he is nothing like him. >> bob: these are two best communicators in political
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history, reagan and obama. reagan didn't do what he said he would do. leaving that aside, barack obama has in some ways, when greg opened this thing he talked about us versus you guys. this is the difference. this is the distinction. nibble government, the government can do a lot of good. you don't. i understand that. that is a decided difference. it was a 3% difference in election. that's where the american people are as well. but let's not dismiss this and say big government has no place. i believe it does a lot of people do, too. >> dana: got can do well when it's restrained. when it's the safety net or for the people who really need help. this is an entitlement crisis we're not dealing with. >> greg: like having a dog on a leash opposed to letting it roam free in a park. >> dana: allowed until 89:00 p.m. >> andrea: i wonder who we are talking about.
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>> bob: why are you quiet today >> eric: you are 100% right. they demonize the bush tax cut for 19 years and turned it in to hey, we need the tax cuts for 98% of americans. we are all going okay. >> andrea: ran with president clinton say leg did a good job. but by continuing with most of the bush tabs cuts they said the era of clinton tanks. >> bob: here is the difference. y'all did not come up with a messenger or message to count it. >> dana: messenger part is important. i understand that a lot of people like the sound of president obama's voice. he is easy on the ears. he won the emmy for reading his book. reagan, you hear that voice, oh, that was -- i think the republicans have a fairly good message. part of it is they need the better communicators. people to get people to follow them by speaking intelligen intelligently.
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>> greg: allen west. anyway. >> dana: tim scott. >> greg: al gore cashes out of the pointless tv network for tens of millions of dollars. sold it to al-jazeera, the broadcaster the brought us tapes of blood blood. there is something interesting about the timing of the sale. we'll tell you what it is when we come back. ♪ ♪ excuse me, sir i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand.
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oh no, it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy, get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: brace yourself, folks. al gore's failed current venture current tv defied gravity. sold to al-jazeera for reported $500 million. his take could be up to
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$100 million of that. the "new york times" is reporting that gore and his partner wanted the sale done before president obama increased taxes on the rich. ironically, a couple months ago, mr. gore said this. >> the single most popular proposal we had was to reduce taxes on working people and lift the higher rate. let's give an incentive to work. and let's ask the most fortunate in our society, including me and you, to do our fair share. we ought to do that again. >> dana: in a statement gore and cofounder says the network shares the same goal with al-jazeera and they are proud and pleased about the purchase. you can't expect them to say anything else. you would expect them to do what humans would do, try to get a deal done before the taxes went up. right? is there not anything hypocritical here? >> eric: i'm not sure if it's hypocritical.
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he has done well with the green energy companies and did well with this. current tv tried to get the sale done before the end of the year so they could be subject to lower capital gains tax, lower tax rates et cetera, et cetera. would it be hypocritical? maybe, maybe not. the real point, current tv sold for $500 million. >> dana: right. this is a network that time-warner cable, which provides the service was going to, was looking for a way to get out of providing current tv because they had low ratings. how is it that a vanity network current themselves for $500 million? >> greg: we did a story about coffee beans digested by the elephants.
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kilo of them were sold for $1000 a kilo. the current tv deal shatters the record as the most expensive piece of crap ever. >> bob: is that where you were going? >> dana: al gore will serve on the board now. they have access to possibly up to 40 million households that would be able to now see al-jazeera, which has been called anti-american and anti-israeli and proislamic in some cases. they get some praise for the foreign policy coverage. >> bob: they paid for the $40 million or $48 million whatever you believe the number to be. single household is worth a lot of money. it has value on the marketplace to have it in there. we talked about it on the break. it may be the cable operators. they may decide when the contract is up with current, which is owned by al-jazeera they will drop it.
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i assume they will put on a product. think about cable television, what this network alone is worth. >> eric: good point. if al-jazeera pays $500 million for current. think about this. in the neighborhood, if a house down the block, small house, sells for more money than anyone in the neighborhood thought it would sell for, it raises the value of all the house houses in the neighborhood. massive price tag on place like this. >> dana: but do you think people in america, are they longing for another network? they weren't watching current tv anyway. are they going to watch network, qatar, financed by oil money. >> andrea: that is the point i'm waiting to wait. a gore is lecturing us on green energy. that is how he made the money and became a multimillionaire. yet, the government of qatar
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owned al-jazeera. will it be success? will people go to it? hillary clinton lovers it. she said it's successful because it's "real news." she said you may not agree with it but you feel like you are getting real news and million commercials between argument and the talking head and what we do on our news. think she is talking about "the five"? >> greg: they should call it air-qatar. >> bob: there is a constituency for foreign policy. they are carrying foreign news. >> eric: how about the bbc. >> eric: do they want to tune in their coverage of
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foreign policy? >> greg: can i read the code word. they have diverse point of view, left wing to leftist. stories that no one sales telling. stories from the media matters press release. truth to lead to better understanding of the world around us. please, america, bow more. >> dana: al-jazeera is not the only government that is trying to get access to american market. the chinese has the biggest billboard in times square. and trying to make a move. america has done some of this. through the state department. they created al hur nash response to al-jazeera. they cannot get a foothold. it's because it doesn't feed in the biass against america. and against israel. >> bob: you remember "washington times" when it was still around. it still is around. but conservative paper in washington. owned by reverend son muhn,
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korean. everybody wants a piece of the market. >> greg: you know what you get for $100 million? mini fridge, camera and old page of older men's depends. >> dana: the other thing, look at the people that al gore assembled he is not a good manager. he didn't hire great people. >> bob: he can make money. >> observerman's depends -- olbermann's depends? >> greg: yes. >> dana: i was trying to elevate the dialogue. >> greg: you tried but you failed. >> dana: once again. >> bob: you brought it so low, tough to get it up. >> greg: right. >> andrea: oh, gosh. >> dana: chicago mayor rahm emanuel took office in 2011 he penalled to make the city streets safer. the numbers are in and the situation is grim. even the "new york times" is picking up the story. are the policies failing? we'll analyze them next. ♪
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>> eric: a great morning this morning. mark your calendar, january 3, 2013. this is the day that the "new york times" finally came around to a story we have been talking about for a long time. many months. on the cover above the fold, young black man in chicago holding a sign that says, "don't shoot." if you read the article, great article. great piece. i talks about the violence, the gun violence that is going on in the city of chicago. so we want to talk about it a little bit. chicago happens to be one of the most rigid strident gun control cities in the country. 506 murders last year. gun violence is up by 17%. the guns are brought in from states allowed to be sold. >> bob: but leaving that aside, keep in mind, tragic as this is, a vast percentage is
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a drug war in the south part of chicago. that is why it's happening. >> i'll dispute that. if you read the article, 80% of the murders, gun murders in chicago occurred in 23 districts in chicago. but isn't that the point? they are done, they are using illegal guns. you can't get permit and you can't track it. >> greg: weird thing i find is rahm emanuel expressing outrage over the school shooting. as a crisis it scores points for him. it says very little about the carnage in his backyard. some investigators matter more than other -- some victims matter machine than others. dismissing this violence as gangs because it's gang land violence isn't right. you people like beyonce who go in a video to do a video after the horrible school shooting. but this is a woman under destiny's child who sang about thug love. why doesn't she address the
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gang land violence that kills more people than the rare school shootings? that is too political. >> they are out there to shoot each other and get territory. it's relatively small part of chicago. they are shooting each other to get a territory and sell drugs. >> eric: it's a third of the city. >> bob: okay. two-third of the city. they don't have guns there, is that what you are trying to say? >> andrea: there are not enough cops on the street. rahm emanuel doesn't want to fix the problem. it's very clear. after the ball dropped the stroke of midnight, the first day of 2013 there is nine shootings already in chicago. this is what happens. you talk about taking the guns off the street. not going after the gun but going after the criminals. >> bob: it's a criminals. >> dana: it would be better to address the root cause. i don't know what the answer
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is in terms of a drug or a gang war. talk about the gun thing i don't think is, it's not working, it's not helping solve the problem. >> think about what you are saying. there are areas of the city that have high homicide rate. area of the same city that have low homicide rate. same city. same gun population. >> bob: but the north shore of chicago is not a placey they have big drug areas. >> eric: it has to be people in the district, not for people in these districts. >> bob: ask the los angeles police department who take on gangs. they finally made headway. they move the operation around the country. make money selling drugs. >> andrea: the same thing happened in new york city. strict gun control. crime running rampant. giuliani came in and put more cops on the street. allowed them to do the job. shoot to wound.
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they tackled crime. >> bob: are you suggesting that the chicago police department is not doing their job? rahm emanuel is not doing his job? >> andrea: i think the chicago police department are wonderful, wonderful public servants. they might not be able to do their job to the best of their ability. they might not have enough backup. i don't think rahm emanuel is doing his job. >> greg: he doesn't have the spine. no spike. spine to go after chick-fil-a. remember that? >> dana: he did take on the teachers union and then kayed. but a few days. >> i think he is scared. he is scared of per ceiveed as racist. >> if 70% of the homicide in chicago were victims were black, and 17% were hispanic, with more gun control, more gun violence occurs in the city, chicago. washington. how is more fun control, more gun laws not racist in itself? am i apples to oranges here?
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>> if you assume that, i don't know what gang member are minority in chicago, it's high. very few white gang members. it's not racist. reality about gangs. emanuel is doing his job the best he could. but taking on the gangs, these are armed armies on the street. >> andrea: then he should resign. >> bob: does it mean someone else could fix this? i don't think it's true. >> andrea: how was it done in new york city? giuliani did it. rahm is no rudy. >> eric: you say address the gangs, right? >> bob: absolutely. >> eric: address the gangs but putting more gun control on law-abiding citizens? >> bob: apples and oranges. >> eric: that's what the segment is. on the cover of "new york times," city of chicago has a gun problem, homicide problem. they are finally talking about it. if you read it, there is actually in correlation between gun owners -- >> bob: my position never going to happen to stop selling any handguns. confiscate those who are.
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>> dana: but does it deal with the drug problem? again, that is root cause of the problem. we're wasting our time. talking about gun laws that are not fine. >> greg: finally, you agree drugs should be legalized. >> dana: i'm not on your side there, but i'm getting there. every story we do about this, that is the real problem. the drug thing. so dealing with the guns is a symptom, not streeting disease. >> breakdown of the american family. can talk about. where are the dads in situations. >> andrea: a lot of gals and guy don't have jobs. if is there is to incentive to make a living. a lot do turn to life of crime. >> bob: most of the drug wars are over crack and heroin.
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i'm opposed to legalizing marijuana as you know. i used to be in favor of it. come around because it's gotten too strong. but i am in favor of having clinics to dispense cocaine, methadone, heroin, to users. if you do that, you dry up the entire group. they are going to get their drugs. however they get it, they will steal, or -- if you had a place they knew they could go to. >> eric: do the opposite for drugs than you should do with guns? because they'll get their guns, too. >> bob: they are. but they won't have as much need for guns if they're not selling. >> andrea: who will pay for woke then? >> eric: we have to go and lead to another discussion. down the rabbit hole. coming up, the largest and old e civil right group believe in advancement of all people of color? the president of the naacp trashing the only african-american senator in senate. at the same time he is being sworn in. we show you his unsulting comments.
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coming up. ♪ ♪ aig? we said we were going to turn it around, and we did.
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woman: we're helping joplin, missouri, come back from a devastating tornado. man: and now we're helping the t recover from hurricane sandy. we're a leading global insurance company, based right here in america. we've repaid every dollar america lent us. everything, plus a profit of more than $22 billion. for the american people. thank you, america. helping people recover and rebuild -- that's what we do. now let's bring on tomorrow.
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i'm bret baier in washington. the big story here the fight over government spending takes place out of the gate of the new congress. tonight on "special report," minority leader mitch mcconnell is getting ready for the battle. the president doesn't seem willing to have over the debt ceiling. moody's warns congress it must take measures now to reduce budget deficits or ris about downgrade. brit hume has analysis. 113th congress is sworn in. despite some defections, house speaker boehner gets to keep his gavel for two more years. president obama has kept drone strikes, warrantless wiretapping and other holdovers from the bush administration's prosecution of the war on terror. plus, tonight, breaking news on that front. we'll look at the obama administration and rendition.
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in the grapevine, al gore's current tv sold to al-jazeera for ide log call reasons and a lot of cash. we'll explain. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. now back to new york and my colleagues with fiv "the five." ♪ ♪ >> andrea: history was made in washington today as the only black senator sworn in 113th congress. tim scott of south carolina is the first black republican from the south since reconstruction. quite an accomplishment. you think the largest civil rights group would be thrilled. apparently not. here is their president. >> we have republicans who believe in civil rights. unfortunately, he is not one of them. the party went after the
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so-called rhino as they call them, the republicans that believe in civil rights again and again. >> andrea: he doesn't believe in civil rights. in case the naacp isn't aware, senator scott is an american success story. someone every american could admire. >> i had a mentor, christian and solid conservative that started to think to me you could think your way out of poverty. amazing lesson for 15-year-old. over time, 25 years later as a small business owner i realized john was 100% right. >> andrea: does it stand for announcement of minorities or just the liberal ones? they said tim scott opposes many of the major initiatives that are backed by the liberal congressional black caucus. so bob, isn't that the reason
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this has nothing to do with skin color, just the voter i.d. card? >> this has to do with a philosophy. >> bob: i called this before. i probably shouldn't call him a token appointment. the guy is good and eloquent. but he stands for philosophy, a con seventive philosophy. we have don't agree. he doesn't believe in the government program we believe in. that is the distinction. we believe government can help people up. republicans believe it's done by the free market. i don't believe it. >> andrea: he is not for that. saying against civil rights. >> dana: you are saying that they would to away with the welfare program. that's what the implication is. you have don't have to be specific. somebody says you are not for what i'm for.
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the naacp is to all minorities as the national organization all women. they would not support me. they would not support sarah palin. they did not support the congresswoman from maryland who is channeled by van hollen. it's -- challenged by van hollen. it's political. i don't believe anyone said governor aberiomby from hawaii made cynical appointment of the lieutenant governor when he made the decision in the break as they said about nikki haley, the governor of south carolina. when she put tim scott's name. >> bob: let me disagree you. i can't let you say this. national organization of women, you are right. politically they are different than you. are but they help pass more legislation that help women -- >> but they wouldn't support me as a woman. >> position. >> andrea: liberal women. you to be a certain kind of woman and certain
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african-american -- >> eric: necessarily -- >> bob: it is true of any organization. >> eric: right. but the national -- >> bob: organization of women have done more for equal opportunity for women and -- >> dana: nobody is questioning that. we're saying that the naacp stand for all minorities, like the first african-american senator from south carolina and the only one serving currently in the united states senate. or do they just support ones that support the liberal policys? if that is the case, be clear about that. >> andrea: maybe ben jealous, the head of the naacp is jealous. >> greg: nicely done. >> andrea: he has been jealous. >> greg: now should change the name to then. don't you think? what drives me nuts, not talking about bob. very nice statement about the new senator. but the black conservatives are the only people that the white leftist comedians can be racist about. it's raceist to be black
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conservative because the only blacks that whites can be racist for. naacp should cringe every time they turn on the tv to see clarence thomas or any black leader because they can. secret racists. they get off on getting off on the black conservatives. >> bob: this guy would not be in the senate or congress, or west if it wasn't for the naacp -- >> disagree. >> andrea: this is about civil rights. pull up names of the zil right obstructionist. bill connor. commissioner of public safety in alabama. democrat. >> bob: we accept that. >> andrea: democrat and -- [ overtalk ] >> bob: i know the history of this. this naacp. did the court cases to -- >> greg: then they should be nicer. >> eric: the naacp is not for the advance of the
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minority issue. advancement for minority issues who are liberal. now is not for advancement of women. it's advancement of women issues who are liberal. aarp is not advance. of retired person. it's liberal retired people. >> bob: i was going to say one thing but you told me to stop. >> greg: isn't it fair for a black conservative to say about the naacp they further programs that don't help the black people? is okay? >> bob: it's. no you can say it about unions or -- we have to go. >> dana: what in tim scott's background says he is not for civil rights? that's what the naacp person said beyond awe agreed with him. >> bob: i did not. trying to say all this but the producer says we have to get off the air. >> andrea: they are really yelling at me. when we come back, a mom tricks her 8-year-old son thinking he accidently bought a $50,000 car on ebay. mothers would you do this to your little kids?
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the i go got upset, had a ltdown and started crying. posted it on youtube. it's gone viral. we'll show you the tape when we come back. ♪ ♪ mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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♪ ♪ boston christmastime in south dakota. home of paula and her son on ebay, he was playing around she pulled a prank on him. >> why did you buy a $5040 car on ebay?
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>> i didn't. >> you did. >> oh, i did? can we cancel it? >> it won't cancel it. you hit buy. [ crying ] >> is that true? did i? >> i'm afraid so. >> we have to sell everything. i'm horrible. >> you're not horrible, baby. you made a mistake. >> i was just looking at it. i exited out. i didn't mean to. oh, no, oh no. i turned it off. >> hey, bud. you have didn't buy it. >> bob: is that a practical joke? i'm not sure it is. it seems cruel to carry it on that far. >> eric: we love practical jokes. we do it a lot at home. but she kept that going a long time. it could haven't held that it long. the poor kid there. must be some psychological damage there.
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>> bob: absolutely. >> dana: i would have been scarred for life. i told you about the detention notice that my parents, i thought i got away with but i got it framed as christmas present. i still am scarred by that. the parents know how much the kids can handle. he starts laughing at the end. i guess parents can do whatever they want. is this amazing that you can have your life on youtube and social media from time you are little now. different way to grow up. >> bob: they did not frame the first arrest record. >> greg: when i was a kid. my parents locked me a basement and set the house on fire and drove away. you let that -- >> bob: tempered your growth spurt. that's what happened. >> greg: they found out it was a joke and all the boogers in his face came out. >> bob: funny but the
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producers cut that. too gross. >> greg: if we could turn mucus to green fuel, we wouldn't rely on the middle east. >> bob: didn't you think it was tough? >> andrea: i did. i don't like practical jokes and i don't like them on little kids. >> dana: what was the show, practical joke show? freddie the world's best practical jokes? >> dana: you remember the show. i would feel bad for people. tell them it's a joke. >> andrea: one redeeming thing he was sorry. >> dana: devastated. >> bob: remember america's funniest home video? now you get everything on youtube. >> eric: that was the best show on tv. i loved that. >> greg: afterwards it's like that was terrible. even goes my gosh, that is
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terrible. >> bob: unless they get arrested. which i'm about to if i don't get out of here. one more thing is next. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: we're backm time for one more thing. >> andrea: a lot of miles per hours are angry at the republicans who voted for the fiscal cliff plan. a lot of members, too, signed the no tax pledge that many of you know grover norquist pushed around and used as a threat. you better sign the no tax pledge. my radio show launched yesterday and i had grover on because he said it was a win for republicans. though it was a tax increase it wasn't violation of the pledge. listen. >> la of the of these guys signed your penal. how did you lose the guys? they broke your pledge? >> that is what the president is trying to get them to say to vote for tax increase in
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future. >> it's crystal clear now that republicans can't all be trusted not to raise taxes. i don't see how you tell a guy that his taxes around higher. >> you can't. go to andrea tantaros at twitter. >> bob: fox news alert. november unemployment figure, revised 215. obama recovery is working. one more thing, congratulate speaker john boehner because i think he did show courage in this. republicans are jumping on the guy. tough job to be a speaker. i showed him to be a leader. i give him credit. that will probably hurt him. >> eric: that was two one more things. we usually don't do this. we love you guys. don't send us stuff but this we had to talk about. it's special. roy jay jones senior watches
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"the five," he watches "the five." he crocheted for one of all seven of us. retired firefighter in philly. thank you, sir. thank you so much. so patriotic. >> andrea: so cool. >> eric: we get a lot of stuff here. thank you. please don't send us stuff. >> bob: go ahead, it's okay. >> andrea: wrap yourself in it? >> greg: i'm going to make it to a shorty robe to wear lounging. >> andrea: you told me speedo. >> greg: that is unnecessary. why do i talk to you? >> dana: i'm your co-host and i'm next. >> i love to check the weather. it went on to see the top sunsets across the country to give us permission when we contacted them to put them on there. if you go on, you can see all the 50 of them. shows how great america is. i said when i do my one more


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