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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 28, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PST

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face. a soldier mom surprising her kids on stage at their cheerleading competition in wisconsin. can't beat the look of pure joy on her son's face. mom home now after being away for one year in afghanistan. up next, the bad. record-breaking rainfall destroying roads in tucson, arizona. the power of mother nature clear here. the az fault buckling under the power of raging water. finally the ugly. if you're going to run drugs, you should probably follow the rules of the road; right? this woman was stopped by cops for running a stop sign, not wearing her seat belt and talking on her cell phone. when cops reached the car they discovered almost 100 pounds of pot on the passenger's seat. not too smart. >> time for your brew on this question of the day responses. we told you about a milwaukee sherrif who released a radio ad urging
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residents to learn how to handle firearms to learn how to defend themselves. we want to know if you think the sherrif's comments were irresponsible? susan e-mailed the sherrif's comments are appropriate. >> phil pretty much the same thing. the sherrif is right. personal safety is your responsibility. we have a few more like that as well. be sure to tune in to "fox & friends." that sherrif will be on live. "fox & friends" starts now. >> good morning. january 28, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you for sharing your time with us today. two of the most power people in the world sit down for their first interview together. it was a no-miss situation. or was it? and why did they do it? >> there's no political tea leaves to be read here? >> we don't have any tea. we have water here, the
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best i can tell. >>gretchen: we'll tell you about the interview and then you can decide. >>steve: was lance armstrong's big confession just another lie? hear from the man who says yes, and he has the tests to prove it. >>brian: the president and republicans finally agree the media is biased. but president obama says fox news is the problem. really? really? "fox & friends" starts now. >> it's "fox & friends." >>steve: the president was busy this weekend, talking about football, skeet shooting. >>gretchen: you forgot he sat down for a "60 minutes interview" with hillary clinton. let's get to your headlines. the pretrial hearings of the self-proclaimed
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mastermind of the 9/11 attacks, khrao*ed -- khalid sheikh mohammed. the lawyers plan to ask the secret c.i.a. prisons they were taken to be preserved as evidence. a deadly nightclub fire in brazil that left over 200 people dead. there are reports the bouncers locked the club's only exit. it is believed the fire was sparked by the band's pyro tech nick show. 2,000 people were inside at the time that doubled the club's maximum capacity. many victims died from smoke inhalation. others were trampled in the rush to escape. >> a plane crashes into the hudson river in new york. the man and woman on board managed to climb out alive. they were in the freezing water for half an hour before crews could find them. >> we could hear them calling for help. we had a visual on them. we were trying to head them
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off. they were going southbound at a pretty good clip. >>gretchen: they are being treated for hyperthermia. four years ago captain sully's plane landed a plane on the hudson river on board and saved the lives on all aboard. the 49ers arrived in new orleans last night. quarterback colin kaepernick looking relaxed. the baltimore ravens will arrive in new orleans today. our own pwaoeupb -- brian kilmeade will be there later this week. he'll be live from new orleans starting this friday. >>brian: the big challenge about the super bowl now, the longer you do it is figure out the roman numerals. they used to be easy. >>steve: give me a single x and i got it.
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>>brian: this will be 47. >>gretchen: is that your age? >>brian: no. i'm a little bit older. >>steve: last night barack obama sat down with hillary rodham clinton whose official last day as secretary of state is this friday. why exactly did they sit down? the interview was awkward. they were giddy saying goodbye. and right at the top steve kroft said they only gave us 30 minutes which means there's not going to be real news, which there wasn't. >>brian: i think for some reason they didn't dig into anything at all. i would like to know did she pass out and hit her head? was she pushed? how did she hit her head and get a concussion? >>steve: several ways. she said -- quote -- "i still have lingering effects from falling on my head." >>brian: there was no follow-up. >>steve: you're right.
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>>gretchen: she was injured. she had a concussion. >>steve: that is one of the questions i have. how did you fall on your head? >>gretchen: she passed out i think is the story. to me, 30 minutes is plenty of time -- well, plenty of time to make news in 30 minutes. for me, this was more, the first thing that came to my mind when i saw the two of them together is barack obama is going to endorse hillary clinton for president in 2016. that is why they were doing this interview together, i think. >>steve: then joe biden -- here's what i think. i think this would have been a great interview for the month after they decide to get together. it's been four years. we already know they put everything aside. they got together. bush and reagan were at each other in the primaries. they ended up president and vice president. these two guys, tooth and nail, they ended up coming together. a great story. i wanted to know, number one, what exactly she did as opposed to what he did.
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were weren't they able to get a deal on north korea? why weren't they able to get an envoy for palestinian-israeli peace. we didn't get any of that. >>steve: all good questions. we did see a lot of love between best friends forever. here's 1 minute and 46 second of "60 minutes" last night. >> i want to have a chance to publicly say thank you because i think hillary clinton will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we've had. >> after i ended my campaign, i immediately did everything i could to help the president get elected because despite our hard-fought primary, we had such agreement on what needed to be done for our country. >> it made for tough debates. we could never figure out what we differed on. >> we worked at that pretty hard. >> i consider hillary a strong friend. >> very warm, close. i think there's a sense of understanding that sometimes doesn't even take
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words, because we have similar views. we have similar experiences that i think provide a bond that may seem unlikely to some but has been really at the core of our relationship over the last four years. >> i have to ask you, what's the date of expiration on this endorsement? >>gretchen: oh, steve. >>steve: i have to ask that question. you're sitting here together. everybody in town is talking about it already. and this is taking place. >> you know, steve, i've got to tell you, you guys in the press are incorrigible. i was literally inaugurated four days ago, and you're talking about elections four years from now. >> there could have been so many other tougher questions. this really was just, i think, a venue for president obama and
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secretary of state hillary clinton to come together and to find a friendly person to sit down with to say, hey, yes, we are best friend and, yes, this will be where we're moving for the next four years. and if you watched the first part of it before they went to commercial break, you were like, wait a minute, is that going to be all there's going to be here? i found myself thinking that. then they came back and they did talk about benghazi, albeit only about one question. >>steve: let's listen. >> do you feel guilty in any way at a personal level? >> steve, obviously i deeply regret what happened. as i said many times, i knew chris stevens. i sent him there originally. it was a great personal loss to lose him and three other brave americans. but i also have looked back and tried to figure out what we could do so that nobody insofar as possible would be in this position again. >> i think one of the things that humbles you as president -- i'm sure
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hillary feels the same way as secretary of state -- is that you realize that all you can do every single day is to figure out a direction, make sure that you are working as hard as you can to put people in place where they can succeed, ask the right questions, shape the right strategy. but it's going to be a team that both succeeds and fails. it's a process of constant improvement because this world is big and is chaotic. >>steve: everybody was expecting to hear about benghazi because a couple of days earlier she had been in the hot seat where she famously said what difference does it make? he did ask good questions but these are two political pros who are able if they don't want to say anything won't say anything and they didn't. >>brian: she stays out of the fray. that's the nature of the position. but michael handlinwho says
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he is an admirer few big problems were solved on her watch, few victories achieved. i think everyone should keep level headed about what exactly has taken place. >>gretchen: so many people were managed. they were big time -- >>steve: so she couldn't challenge him in mid term. >>brian: you're right, gretchen. >>gretchen: she's traveled a kazillion miles. i think she's done a good job and i think it was one of his smartest moves. >>steve: what do you think the motive was last night? do you think there was political payback because the clintons did hop on board. ten minutes after the hour. in a few hours the president and vice president will meet with police chiefs from aurora, colorado; newtown,
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connecticut to talk gun safety. but one top cop says the problem is not assault rifles. >>brian: kelly wright with more. >> good morning, hope you're doing well. you're right. while the president will be meeting with police chiefs of those cities affected by recent tragedies, meantime new york city's top cop is stepping into the gun control debate. new york police commissioner ray kelly said a national policy is needed to deal with guns. kelly says he supports conducting universal background checks for purchasing firearms. and during an interview on "face the nation," kelly explained that he is in favor of gun control legislation that calls for a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition. but he says there's more. >> only 2% of the people we've arrested for guns in the last two years have had assault weapons. we don't want them on the streets. make no mistake about it. but the problem is the
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handguns, 60% of the murders in new york city are caused by handguns, and we simply have too many of them. >> senator dianne feinstein is the coauthor of a measure in the senate that seeks to implement a ban on assault weapons and those high-capacity magazine rounds. >> i do not believe that military-style weapons belong on the streets of our cities. >> and new york police commissioner ray kelly also says the nypd right now, steve, brian, and gretchen, is planning to launch new technology that can actually detect legal guns. he described the device as being similar to body scanners that you see at airports currently, and it reads what's known as terror hertz, which is a form of radiation which everybody admits is blocked by something such as a weapon. they can then see the outline of that weapon. the device is not yet
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readily to roll out but they're getting close to it and preparing for it. back to you. >>steve: big brother is watching. thank you very much. >>gretchen: illinois' credit rating just became the worst in the nation. stu varney has his numbers and that's next. >>brian: was lance armstrong's big confession just another big lie? hear the man who says yes and has the tests to prove it. look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. >>steve: bad news. downgraded illinois has sunk to the bottom of the credit heap as the s&p
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gives illinois the worst rating of all 50 states in the united states of america. credit agencies have been yelling at the prairie state officials to get their act together to conform out-of-control pensions crippling the states. stuart varney is here. this can't surprise you, can it? >> no. pension costs out of control that don't have the money to pay their obligations, and everybody knows it. the rating agencies know it, so they downgrade them. that means that when illinois comes to borrow money -- and they're going to try to borrow money in the next couple of days, maybe $500 million. >>steve: from who? >> anybody who will lend it to them. the people who will lend it to them, floating bonds, will say, wait a minute, we're not sure you can pay us back so we want more interest. pay us more interest to accommodate the risk. it is possible when they borrow this $500 million over the life of those bonds, the taxpayers illinois will have to shell
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out an extra $95 million over the life of those bonds. and it gets worse from there. >>brian: they only have themselves to blame? >> yes because they cannot come to an agreement on how to deal with their massive pensions for their retired state workers. they can't come to grips with it. >>gretchen: when we first started talking about illinois being in so much debt, they were talking about this 67% tax increase on the people who live in that state. what ramifications will this now have on that tax rate? >> that tax increase was supposed to be temporary, start to run out, put it down again in 2015. odds are it will not be temporary. odds are it will be made permanent. >>brian: i love your last point of view. you said look for the businesses and wealthy people to pull a mickelson? >> yeah, sure. >>brian: which means? >>gretchen: nothing to do with their golf swing. >> mickelson threatens to leave california because of
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high taxes and declining state finances. why shouldn't wealthy people do the same in illinois? taxes are way up there. the state's finances are a mess. they know they're going to call on the rich to pay your fair share. they know it's coming. >>gretchen: some businesses have gone to wisconsin and indiana. >>brian: what you're talking about is if they're going to increase the taxes in the state itself, that's one thing. but -- and this is something you've been hedging for over a year -- there's always a possibility uncle sam's got a big checkbook. let's write a big check to illinois. >> it's happening already. in the city of chicago, they want to transfer health costs for retirees to the federal taxpayer. that is a backdoor bailout of illinois in chicago. >>brian: more on this at 9:too on -- 9:20 on the fox business network. >>gretchen: we're handing over f-16's to egypt and the muslim brotherhood. are we arming the enemy
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then? next. >>steve: the buzz from last night straoepb -- screen actor's gild award. not what she was wearing but what she wasn't wearing. (announcer) make mornings special, with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. mornings are delicious protein rich entrees with gden veggies and egg. fancy feast mornings. the best ingredient is love. i obsessed about my weight my whole life. and then, weight watchers. i amazed myself. get used to it. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program.
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>>steve: quick headlines for you on this monday morning. this afternoon a group of u.s. senators from both sides of the aisle -- those guy right there -- will lay out their groundwork for immigration reform in the united states. the plan by the so-called
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gang of eight includes a pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers and strengthening border security. they were fired. then they weren't. it was announced last night that two deejays who pranked kate middleton's nurse have been fired. now the station issuing a retraction saying their show has been officially replaced, but the two looking forward to returning to work when the time is right. i'm confused. >>gretchen: egypt's president has spoken out against our president and even attempted a power grab, but that hasn't stopped the united states from handing over f-16 fighter jets to the new egyptian regime. so some people are asking why are we giving away some of our best technology. joining us is a u.s. army veteran, a c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america. good morning to you, pete. >> good morning. >>gretchen: i understand
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this deal was already in the works. these things don't happen overnight. is it your understanding we were going to give these four fighter jets to egypt before the muslim brotherhood came into power? >> that is my understanding. we have given a good deal of military and economic aid to israel. since they signed a peace deal with anwr sadat, we give $1.3 annually. the reason we have given it to them, a wikileaks cable came out in 2009 saying this is a down payment on peace with israel, and the egyptian regime, whether it was sadat, mubarak and now morsi, i think sees this as money that's necessary in order for them to keep the peace. does it make it right? and i don't agree with giving them this military hardware. but i think that's the reason why this money keeps flowing to the egyptian regime, which is now underred hands of the
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muslim -- under the hands of the muslim brotherhood. >>gretchen: arguably it is a different regime. you could argue mubarak a dictator but he did keep the peace with israel. do you argue this hardware should be going there now? >> no, i do not. this is a new regime. we should revisit the rules. all our aid has been contingent on progress from freedom of expression, freedom of religion. due process under the law. secretary clinton waived that so this could go to this new regime. this technology should not be going to this regime now. at the same time we need to find a way to ensure egypt doesn't give away the peace they have had with israel for a long time. that may be going any way because of the muslim brotherhood. dollars is how we have leverage. >>gretchen: do you think there's anything in the fine print that says you can only use these f-16's for specific purposes or not? >> how do we control it once they're in their hands?
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plus the relationship our military has had with their military for so long has eroded a little bit since the muslim brotherhood took over. once you hand these weapons over, i don't know that you have much control on how they're used. all the technology is not in them. they are not u.s. specs. their capabilities are below what ours are. still they can outfit them the way they want, use them as they fit. in the hands of the muslim brotherhood, this is not good. we have to find a way to have leverage with egypt without giving them military hardware they can use any which way. >>gretchen: thanks very much. coming up next, the president's comments, talking to a lot of people, he said if he had a son he's not sure he would let them play football. former running back here to weigh in. he told oprah he would come clean but the head of the antidoping agency says he's lying again and the evidence against lance armstrong is stunning. first happy birthday to
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>>steve: extreme weather across the country. that deep freeze getting worse and more dangerous as winter storms pound the midwest quite hard. eastern iowa, the ice coating roads sending cars sliding off. in wisconsin, thick snow making it hard for drivers to see what's ahead of them. the storm is still on the move so let's check in with maria molina in the weather center to look at how this monday is going to be. look at that big white blob behind you. >>maria: winter weather advisories stretching across the northeast. that messy weather that was in place across the midwest is going to be in place across the northeast. if you're doing flying today, boston, new york city, big airport hubs, expect to see delays. we're not just going to see snow in these areas but there is sleet and freezing rain. we have freezing rain advisories as far as south as south carolina lie in a. that is what is going to
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produce possible icing. be careful on the roadways throughout the day. we're seeing snow coming down across upstate new york, pennsylvania. drive slowly, especially during the morning hours today because it's going to be slippery out there. i want to point out behind the storm system we're going to be seeing a significant warmup across the northeast, places in the southeast and also in the midwest. chicago, one city in particular, by tuesday, a high temperature at 61 degrees. that is ridiculous for the month of january, but enjoy it while you have it because by friday into the teens, which is a lot of temperature fluctuations across the northeast and midwest. the bad news with that warm air is we're going to be seeing severe weather possible for tomorrow and eventually that severe weather heads east with tornadoes possible come tuesday and wednesday. >>steve: that is some extreme weather. maria, we thank you very much. >>bernie: i was focused on the 55 degrees in new york, even though it's
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raining, on wednesday. >>gretchen: i was excited. let's not think about what can happen after that. maybe somebody doesn't want to think about an interview that happened last night and that would be lance armstrong. the guy in charge of the u.s. antidoping agency, this was a compelling interview on "60 minutes" last night. i could not turn away from watching it. this gentleman here has kind of put his life on the line, so to speak, in investigating lance armstrong and says that interview he did with oprah last week, that he didn't necessarily completely tell the truth. >>steve: specifically, he was talking about when lance armstrong said i cheated but not the last three years i competed. i was thraoepb -- clean then. there's a reason why he said that and the reason why he concluded lance will not get back into sports or his sport while he's on guard, because he's still lying. listen. >> blood tests in 2009 and 2010, expert reports based on the variation of his blood values from those tests, one to a million
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chance that it was due to something other than doping. >> you have to wonder why if he admits to doping in the first seven tour de france races, why he would proclaim his innocence in 2009 and 2010. >> i think it stops the criminal conspiracy and protects him and the others that helped him pull off this scheme from potential criminal prosecution. if that was in fact true, there is a five-year statute on a fraud criminal charge. so the five years today would have been expired. however, if the last point of his doping as we allege was in 2010, then the statute has not yet expired and he potentially could be charged with a criminal violation for conspiracy to defraud. >>steve: that makes perfect sense then, the statute of limitations not up if he were doping those last two years. if lance armstrong, it does sound like he ran this
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whole cycling team and they were doping at the same time, the fellow from the u.s. antidoping agency made it very clear that because so many people were witnesses to the doping and so many different people were involved, the only to keep things quiet was the code of silence in the mafia. that through intimidation is pretty much how lance armstrong ran things and kept people quiet, by scaring them. we're going to start first with somebody previously on the team who was clearly intimidated. >> people were afraid of lance armstrong. people were afraid. >> what's to be afraid of? >> the lance machine. he's got a lot of connections. if you go against lance armstrong, your days in cycling are done. >> lance called christian to his apartment and lance verbally accosted christian for not fully being on the doping program to maximize christian's performance, because his performance was not very good at that point. lance made it crystal clear, as did the doctor who was sitting there, that
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you better fully get on the program or you're going to be off the team. it was tough. all these witnesses were scared of the repercussions of him simply telling -- of them simply telling the truth. >> what could lance armstrong do to them? >> incinerate them. >>gretchen: that was always the big question. people speculated about this for years and years. but the big question was why didn't anybody come forward? because it would have had to have been this huge organization, as we're finding out it was, of people who were involved and allegedly knew about it. the one compelling thing to me that came out of this interview last night was why the united states -- was it the department of justice looking into him two years ago -- they dropped the criminal case against lance armstrong in 2010. that to me remains mystifying because according to this gentleman you're hearing here, mr. tygra, there was plenty of evidence they provided.
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now he has -- can come back and remove everything. >>brian: the most infamous p.d.f. user was barry bonds because they tried to do better with their sport. they weren't intimidating other people on their teams or forcing them to do it or accusing those who accused him and tried to destroy their lives. that's the problem. >>steve: apparently lance wrote a check for $100,000 to the international cycling institute or whatever, the body that goes ahead and presides over the sport. he also tried to give $100,000 or more to the u.s. antidoping agency, and the guy, mr. tygart said are you kidding? absolutely not. >>gretchen: the rest of your headlines, a bombshell new report reveals a colorado grand jury voted to indict the parents of
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jonbenet ramsey following the little girl's murder but prosecutors refused to try the case. the shocking revelation comes more than 13 years after the d.a. said his office lacked enough evidence to file charges against anyone suspected in the six-year-old's death. her parents were not exonerated until 2008, two years after jonbenet's mother died of cancer. >>steve: an american pastor jailed in iran convicted for being christian, sentenced to eight years in one of iran's most brutal prisons. the attorney for the family was on fox report last night. >> usually when they go after anybody because they're a christian or convert, they don't say that. but the iranian state media today which was in that room, this other surprise trial where they announced his sentence -- conviction and sentence in less than a week, as you said, they put in their own article, they say his crime and what he was convicted of was intentional attempt to undermine the national
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security of the iranian government by being involved in house churches from 2001 to 2005. >>steve: our state department saying -- quote -- "we called in the iranian authorities to respect mr. abidini's human rights to release him." >>gretchen: media matters waging a war against fox news reportedly using now weapons to protect its founder, according to the daily caller, he gave his okay to buy guns using the group's money. at least one was given to brock's assistant who didn't have a concealed carrying permit but carried it any way. >>brian: president obama talks football and injuries saying -- quote -- "i'm a big football fan. but if i had a son, i'd have to think long and hard before i let him play football." does the president have a valid point about the toll the sport takes on players or is this a slap in the face to the game itself? joining us is a former star running back and a
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tremendous college football analyst. craig, what are your thoughts about the president weighing in on this? >> brian, good morning. first of all, i was glad to hear the president weigh in on it and shining that light on such a serious matter. we have to as parents and as players and as organizations really find a way to somehow throttle back the viciousness of this sport and leading with the head. we need to teach kids when they are young you don't lead with your head. we've got to get away from the mentality of i want to make the highlight show at 10:00. there is a lot being done to find a way to protect the brains of these players. >> your son played, you had head injuries and your son had head injuries. are you a bad parent? >> no, not at all. there is a risk as an athlete when you walk on the field. i think if the president really wants to do something in a positive manner, he needs to have a conversation with the ncaa and school presidents in college football. that is where he was focused. he was concerned about the college football player.
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he needs to have them with a voice. these players in college, they need to have the right to organize. they need to form a union so they can have protections, long-term care. because these college players, only 1% are going to play in the national football league. those are the kids we need to be concerned with, because they're going to have long-term impacts that are negative. >>brian: do you think a a -- former players are right to get together against the nfl? >> i'm not certain about that but i know this, over the years there have been a lot of players who have had head injuries and a lot of coaches and trainers and doctors that have a little ammonia smelling salts, take add sreul and get back in there. that was my era. that has to change. if those doctors, they have to prove they did something that was not to the best interest of that player, certainly they should be responsible for it. >>brian: emmitt smith told us on friday, test my brain. i'm curious, am i going to get dementia later on? he certainly doesn't have
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it now. he's on top of his game, as are you. craig james, thanks so much. straight ahead, the president and republicans agree the media is biased, but president obama says fox news is the problem. really? really? take a look at your screen. the buds from last night's sag awards. not what she was wearing but what she was not wearing. the crew, turn away. i don't want you corrupted. hi, i'm phil mickelson.
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>> and the actor goes to the cast of argo. >>gretchen: the screen actors guild giving another top honor to ben affleck. c.i.a. thriller movie argo comes at the golden globe. >> i came to work every single day where they had a
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line or look at somebody or two lines and they wanted to kill it. >>gretchen: also taking home awards, daniel day-lewis for his role in lincoln and jennifer lawrence making headlines for accepting her award with a wardrobe malfunction. her dress ripped as she walked up on stage? no. i guess it's she has high boots on maybe. what do you think? don't worry. it is made of two parts, connected by a sheer lining. it's hot. see. >>steve: i hope she can get her money back on that. looks defective. the president calling on fox news on an interview with the new republic. he said -- quote -- "one of the biggest factors is how the media shapes debate. if a republican member of congress is not punished by fox news or rush limbaugh for not working with a democratic, you will see more of them doing it." right now sed tor at large and author of bullies, how
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the culture of fear and intimidation silences americans. ben shapiro. what do you think of the president's quote there on fox news and rush limbaugh? >> he is a dictatorial president. he talks about how the incentive structure needs to be changed. he's talking about silencing members of the media he doesn't like. he's done that before. this idea that fox news is some sort of evil force in the media. he's gone after rush limbaugh, talked about starting boycotts. this is what he does. he's a bully. >>steve: he wants a media pass. fox news is challenging the president and his policies, and that is what the media is supposed to do. what he's saying is the media is not liberal enough. >> i think he wants people who don't like him to be quiet. the fact is fox news has never had a warm relationship, i would say, with the obama administration, at least not from the perspective of
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the obama administration. they have been trotting on spokes people for year saying fox news is an illegitimate news source. this goes back to the beginning. what he's attempting to do now when he says change the structure, that should be a threat to americans on a fundamental level. >>steve: the president sat down for an interview on 60 minutes, sat down to hillary clinton, secretary of state whose last day is friday. what did you think of this love fest? >> this wasn't 60 minutes. this was 60 shades of grey. this is what steve croft is. he is the water boy for the administration. in 1992, he was the guy the clintons went to after the gennifer flowers thing broke, so they could walk that thing back. obama, during the benghazi scandal, he went to steve kroft and steve made sure there was a little clip
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where obama said he wasn't sure there was an act of terror, that that was cut out. >>steve: he did ask one question about benghazi, but there was no follow up when they started to skate. >> even "politico," friendly to the administration, said steve kroft is the favorite guy when it comes to who is going to interview president obama because he can give expansive answers without having to worry about any repercussions. >>steve: ten minutes before the top of the hour. double check your receipts because paying by credit card got even more expensive. what you need to know before you swipe. put the pedal to the medal. top gear is back for a new season. south of the border this time. the host, the very funny
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with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. (announcer) make mornings special,
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mornings are delicious protein rich entrees with gden veggies and egg. fancy feast mornings. the best ingredient is love.
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>> here's my [laughing] >>brian: time to put the pedal to the medal as a tv show top gear tests the limits. >>steve: we're joined by one of the guys who gets behind the wheel. top gear cohost adam ferrara. what car did you have in college? >> i had that. that was a 77 fleet wood brome cadilac.
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>>steve: good on gas. >> you did? where did you get yours? >>steve: my dad. >> i had a 1980 car because my grandfather passed away. that was my high school car. my father wrecked it. kid, i'm sorry. i got sideswipe. threw me the keys to the caddy, like elvis. i was driving around in that brown cadillac. >>gretchen: this must be every guy's dream to be a host of this show driving these cars. tell us what you do. how do you soup them up? >> depends on what the episode is about. we try to come up with ideas of what we want to do. i remember the first time -- >>steve: got to be dangerous but got to be funny. >> remember the game atari? i said i want to put guns on cars. i want to play tank battle. the executive producer went brilliant. that's when i realized, there is no adult in the room. we can get away with
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anything. we actually went to mexico in these cars. we put pinatas on the backs of the cars. we're trying to actually break pinatas. we decide what the episode is going to be about. i get my own episode. i wanted to teach the guys to play football so i mounted an air cannon in a car to play football and put nets on the other guy's cars. we played football, running into each other. >>steve: are you surprised when the check clears? that sounds like so much fun. >> it's not only stupidity fun. we get to drive high-end super cars. i drove a ferrari under a freeway in california. >>steve: how fast? >> that wasn't the fastest. the fastest i've been was in a lamborghini. >>gretchen: kicks off tomorrow on the history
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channel, the third season "top gear." >>steve: coming up on this monday morning, parents banned from visiting kids at school. does that go too far? >>gretchen: paying by credit card got even more expensive. this is a huge story. it could be payback by the big banks. you could be paying 4% more on every charge depending on what state you live in. coming up. one. two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card.
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campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. of green giant vegetables it's easy to eat like a giant... ♪ and feel like a green giant. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's monday, january 28, 2013. i hope odd fantastic weekend. i'm gretchen carlson. let me tell you what's happening right now. two of the most powerful people in the world sit down for their first interview ever together. why did they decide to do that? >> what's the date of the ex expiration on this endorsement? >> gretchen: the answer and donald trump will have his reaction straight ahead. >> brian: you can read my caption. wisconsin sheriff taking a whole lot of heat for this psa.
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>> with officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. you can hide under the bed, or fight back. >> brian: wow. some say this is fear mongering. others say it's right on. what do you think? that sheriff here live this hour. >> steve: and parents banned from visiting their kids at school. does that go too far? two sides, two parents in a debate this hour. "fox & friends" hour two for a monday starts right now. >> we have similar experiences that i think provide a bond that may seem unlikely to some. >> gretchen: that was secretary of state hillary clinton last night in the infamous interview, sitting down on "60 minutes" with president obama and many were caught offguard by the friendly nature because they used to be enknees and then they worked together fort last four years. >> brian: they worked together
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for four years. i thought this would be a fascinating interview a month after. >> steve: it was a love -- we'll talk to donald trump about that. now a headline. guess what? guess who was just successfully launched a live monkey into space? what country? >> gretchen: i would guess russia. >> steve: that would make sense. no. >> brian: china? >> steve: iran has just launched a monkey into space, lauding it is an advance in missile and space program that alarmed the west and israel. there has been no independent confirmation and there has been no announcements by western powers. >> gretchen: how did they launch a monkey into space? >> steve: they've got rockets. >> brian: maybe a sling shot? we don't know. maybe an orangutan threw the monkey as high as he could? >> steve: anyway, iran launched a monkey in space. >> brian: steve, follow that story, would you? >> gretchen: i'm a little more
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kenned about nuclear war heads in that region. >> steve: apes of wrath. >> gretchen: let's get to your headlines. the trial of khalid sheikh mohammed and his willing aged co-conspirators begins today. a key issue in this trial, we should say it begins again, again because this was once upon a tiff five years ago. the key thing is whether the u.s. tortured their men. the attorney also ask that the prisons they were taken to be preserved. last night police shot and killed a guy in a bar. a man shot his ex-girlfriend multiple times and the bouncer once before he tried escaping. the bounce service in critical condition and the girlfriend's condition is unknown. no reports of any other injuries at this time. new details from the deadly nightclub fire in brazil over the weekend that left 233 people dead. there are reports now that the bouncers were blocking the
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club's only exit because they thought people were actually going to try to step out on their bar tabs. it's believed the fire was sparked by the band's pyrotechnics show. 2,000 people were inside. that's double the club's maximum capacity. many of the victims died from smoke inhalation. but others were trampled in the rush to try to get out. it's like a movie except it's real. the accomplishments of a war hero being recognized this weekend in georgia. he first set an olympic record for winning the olympics in 1936 and was a prisoner of war. he got through it all thanks to his faith. >> we're the hearty generation. hearty because they have problems every day and we had to overcome. >> gretchen: he shared his incredible story with his whole congregation during a celebration for his very young 96th birthday. those are your headlines this morning. >> steve: you asked what kind --
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how did they send him up? in a rocket, either an explorer rocket or a fish tam rocket. >> brian: we can't keep donald trump waiting any longer. he's the author of "time to get tough." he wakes up tough and now he's just writing about it. donald trump, welcome back. >> good morning. >> brian: what do you think of the sit down last night for 30 minutes on "60 minutes"? did you learn anything about the president and secretary of state? >> not too much, no. you're not going to learn too much. it seems to be the pr organization for the obama administration. i've never seen anything like it. mike wallis did me on "60 minutes" and it was a fair and tough interview, but it was great and he became a friend of mine after that actually. but this interview was, you know, all love. >> steve: it was all love. there are some who have said, you know, from the very beginning, it seemed like the clintons and mr. obama came to some sort of agreement. all right, you're going to sign on and help campaign.
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there is going to be a payoff down the line. do you think this could be part of that? >> well, i don't know exactly what's going on. i certainly don't know what's going on with "60 minutes" because i think nobody has been on" 60 minutes" more than obama. every time you turn it on, he's there. >> gretchen: 15 times with steve croft. >> it's got to be some sort of record. it has to be a record. i've never seen a tough question asked. nobody asks any tough questions. they talk about how well the world is doing. the world is a disaster. it's been a total catastrophe and nobody asks the tough questions. i never saw such laughing and smiling. >> brian: if you watch the sunday shows, you saw steve koppel, hardly right wing conservative, say this world is more dangerous than ever before and expects it odom nate the next four years. there is no secret dock train, there is no hillary clinton treaty, no reset with russia, no deal with china. why are we celebrating the four years? >> i won't blame hillary 'cause she's a friend of mine.
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but something is amiss. the world is absolutely a very, very -- a tinder box. every place is blowing up and every place that we support turns out to be against us. they take our money. they destroy our lives and the lives of our people and our soldiers and everybody and then we talk about our wonderful foreign policy. >> gretchen: she did talk about the fact that she did believe that the world was a more dangerous place now than ever before. but that was in the second part of the interview. the first part of the interview before the commercial break was talking about the relationship between president obama and mrs. clinton. i want now listen to this and then get your reaction. >> i just want to have a chance of to publicly say thank you 'cause i think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we have. >> after i ended my campaign, i immediately did everything i could to help the president get elected because despite our hard fought primary, we had such agreement on what needed to be
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done for our country. >> it made for tough debates. >> it did. >> we could never figure out what we differed on. >> yeah. we worked at that pretty hard. >> i consider hillary a strong friend. >> very warm, close. i think there is a sense of understanding that sometimes doesn't even take words because we have similar views. we have similar experiences that i think provide a bond that may seem unlikely to some, but has been really at the core of our relationship over the last four years. >> i have to ask you, what's the date of expiration on this endorsement? >> oh, steve. >> i have to ask that question. come on. you're sitting here together. everybody in town is talking about it already and it's taking place. >> you know, steve, i got to
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tell you, you guys in the press are incorrigible. i was literally maturitied four days ago and you're talking about elections four years from now. >> steve: he doesn't want to be marginalized, but people who look at politics are looking at four years down the pike. donald trump, what could be the motivation here? what is going on? >> look, they came together, i mean, this came a long way because if you remember, obama called them racist, bill and hillary, they were racists and the anger was unbelievable. in one way you could say it's the nice they're obviously together. i think the more interesting thing is what's going on with "60 minutes." they're an investigatory group. i've seen some great work done from them, but not done with respect to president obama. it's like the laughing and having fun, this is like a "60 minute" interview. what happened to mike wallace?
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mike call lace is spinning in his grave, i think. >> brian: the next story after that showed you why there is "60 minutes," because of the incredible story of lance armstrong. >> that's true. >> gretchen: could it be, if you look at this from a political point of view, they did not like each other when they were running against each other, obviously. >> beyond not like. >> gretchen: beyond not liking each other. then bill clinton sort of came back into the fray and helped president obama -- many people would argue that his speech at the democratic national convention was the turning point in the election where he said that nobody, even himself, could not have fixed the recession we found ourselves in. so he gave his support to barak obama. could this be some sort of a coming together then for now as an exchange that president obama would give his support before hillary leaves? >> i don't know. i think president obama is going to have a big problem because everyone is telling me that biden is going to be running and they have a very good relationship. there is no question about that. they truly are friends and they seem very close right from the
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beginning. but it's going to be a very interesting time. i will say this, i think nobody did more for the president than bill clinton. i think bill clinton really galvanized people and at that point and at the point he came in, obama was not in good shape. he was not doing well. the republicans thought they had a candidate that was going to value vannize and he didn't, it didn't work out. mitt romney is a fine man, but it never worked out. he never got the people. and bill clinton came in and really did galvanize. did he a tremendous job for president obama and as everyone knows, they did not like each other. i don't know. i assume they like each other now or to an extent. >> brian: why do you think it is that these two go at each other, smirk barak obama, as senators for seven months and at thend, they come together and win the election? republicans go at each other for four months and talk about how debilitating that primary process was. why did one work and the other not? >> i thought when bobby jindal used the word soup party, that
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was a disgusting word for him to use because now it played right into the democrats' hands. i have heard that word used now by democrats for the last three days, since he issued it. i thought it was a disgusting and horrible thing for him to say, to use that term. that term is going to be used by the democrats a lot. the republicans just don't seem to get it. the candidate was again, i think he tried hard, although his son said he didn't want to be president, which i can't believe because you have millions of people working so hard. i thought it was a term thing to say. but he catch on and he didn't. bill clinton helped him more than anybody. i don't know, they've come together but "60 minutes" is not doing its job as far as i'm concerned. >> steve: there is one other thing. is it a coincidence that hillary clinton's campaign debt went away this past week as well? and i saw the obama people were putting out, we'd like to send
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hillary something like a quarter of a million atta boys or atta girls? >> well, that's gone on in politics before. we can't say that's unique. but certainly obama owes the clintons a l. -- lot. when he won and when he took it, she was winning every primary. he really limped across the finish line. but she's in there, she's doing it. i will say this, the world is a mess. i don't think it's ever been like this before. we've got problems in the world that we've never had before and we have no respect. we have as rodney dangerfield would say, we have no respect. we are not respected like we were. >> gretchen: on that uplifting note, i hope you have a fantastic week, donald. thank you for joining us as you always do. we'll see you next monday. >> thank you. >> gretchen: coming up, a controversial story, sheriff urging people how to use a gun and not just rely on the police. is that a good idea?
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>> brian: did you notice you may have paid more to use your credit card this weekend? nicole petallides here live to tell us who we can blame [ male announcer ] there's a story behind the silver of philadelphia cream cheese. it always begins with fresh, local milk, blended with real wholesome cream. going fresh from the farm, to our fridge, in just six days. when it comes to fresh taste, philadelphia sets the standard.
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starting at just over $1 a day. and now our best offer yet has been extended due to popular demand. installation starting at just $49 -- a savings of $250. but hurry. i'm glad we had adt. [ male announcer ] adt. always there. >> gretchen: did you know this? stores can charge more for using your credit card, as much as 4% more? >> brian: is this just political pay back to show what happens when the overregulators overregulate? "fox business" network's nicole petallides with us here before she heads to the stock market. what a huge weekend this was and what a shock for many people who went shopping. >> that's right. and so this is basically goes all the way back to 2005. i want to start how we came upon
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this and then talk about how it will affect consumer when is she shop today. there was the case centered around allegations that the banks, along with some of the credit cards, actually conspired to unlawful efix the swipe fees. so the merchants were complaining they were paying too much. that's why this class action lawsuit went into place and it was over 7 million u.s. merchants, a huge payout, and one of the largest antitrust settlements of our time. >> gretchen: so now we fast forward. >> now fast forward. you started with the banks, the problems with the banks and the credit card companies with these swipe fees. now fast forward. so now the merchants will have to pay less in their swipe fees. so that's one thing good for the merchants and at the same time, in order to pay for however they're going to pay for this swipe fees, 'cause they rack up over $50 billion to do that, is that they now have the right to charge you and me! maybe not in new york, and we'll get to the states in a moment. but basically between 1.5 and
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4%, they can tack on that amount. >> gretchen: so don't have to pay the swipe fee. for some reasons, some states opted out. if you buy in those states, you won't face it. if you use american express or debit card, you're safe. >> right. that's why we are right now. in the meantime, it really is interesting because the merchants are at the center of this because they'll pay less. will they actually do this and charge you? if they do so and we have actually some boards to show this, but you have to know your rights, put this up. here you go. know your rights. they have to demonstrate right there, they have to have a sign and say, hey, i'm charging you 3% for this. you can request a discount, or shop elsewhere. not only is it supposed to be displayed on the corn, but also needs to be on your receipt as well. so this is what we're facing right now. but the regulators coming in, now looking at how this is all
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faring. it's not really done. there is more pretty lit gays underway. >> brian: -- litigation. this is always the reaction. we're always going to -- >> don't you feel like we pay so much already? now i'm going to have to pay this on top? you pay the credit card interest, you pay state tax, this tax, now i'm going to have to pay when i go in there. who even wants to shop? it will hit the small guy. >> gretchen: it is. and some small retailers will make decisions not to do it. >> wal-mart is on board with that. the mom and pops are the ones that may actually have to do this. >> gretchen: here is the statement from wal-mart. we're not interested in surcharging customers nor allowing credit credit card companies to charge unpaid fees. many ask if you charge on-line, which rule will you fall in? >> brian: we'll watch you on the "fox business" network. good job. thanks. >> gretchen: sheriff taking a whole lot of heat for this psa.
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>> with officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. you could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed or fight back. >> gretchen: some say this is fear morning. others say he's right on. >> brian: then parents banned from visiting their kids at school. one side says yes, the other no. we'll expand on it . i've been on the fence about it. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> gretchen: a milwaukee sheriff says calling 911 no longer your best option potentially. he's urging residents to learn how to handle a firearm in this psa. >> with officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. you can beg formers oh, hide under the bed or fight back. but are you prepared? consider taking a certified
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safety course and handle ago firearm to handle yourself until we get there. you have a duty to protect yourself and your family. we're partners now. can i count on you? >> brian: the voice of authority. >> steve: the man behind the ad is david clark, junior, and he joins us right now live. good morning to you, sheriff. >> good morning to you as well. >> steve: why did you record that particular public service announcement? >> there was a certain number of things going on in the milwaukee area. there has been a rise in burglaries and street robberies. it's been going on for quite some time. it's my job as the top law enforcement officer in milwaukee county to continually advise people to things they can do to protect themselves. it's safety message. i think it's pretty clear. i just tell people what's going on and give them the information and i feel that personal safety is an individual responsibility anyway. but people have to be prepared to do this thing. the police are not omni present.
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in those situations, and i talk about it, once the wolf is at the door, once the intruder is in your home, once the guy sticks a gun wants to take your car, 911 isn't going to help, but there are some things you can do in that situation to protect yourself and it's my obligation to advise people how. >> brian: the mayor comes out, releases this statement, criticizing the ad. quote, apparently sheriff david clark is auditioning for the next dirty harry movie. your reaction to that? >> well, personally i've never seen a dirty harry movie, but if that's all the mayor can come up with, that's pretty weak. i think what's going on in the city of milwaukee on his watch is kind of -- you know, it looks like he doesn't have much to say or much to offer. that's okay. my job is to protect the public, to give the public all the information that they need.
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to be honest with them and straightforward with them and let them make those decisions. >> gretchen: did this come about because of the shootings in recent history at the schools and that sort of thing, or were you going to do this no matter what? >> well, the burglaries and robberies that have been going on in the milwaukee area have been going on for quite some time. at some point, especially with the scaling back of public safety resources, last year i had to lay off 42 sheriffs deputies. the city of milwaukee police department furloughed for this year 1500 officers three days each. that's 4500 fewer officer days -- or days that officers will spend on the streets while the crime continuing it on and calls for service continue to come in. so there is a breaking point at some point and again, it's my obligation in light of that, i could sit back and whine about the fact that we don't have the resources or can't get there quickly or better prepare the public, give them some options.
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that's why i mentioned that the safety course because that's a critical element of this, are -- if you're going to use a firearm, you better know how. >> steve: is your advice just for the people in your county or would it be applicable to people all across the country? >> i'm the sheriff of milwaukee county. that's where my responsibility begins and ends. it's for other people, other sheriffs, other police chiefs and other areas to take a look what's going on. the landscape is different. although there are some parallels in urban area. milwaukee is an urban area. they have to make those determinations. >> gretchen: sheriff, milwaukee county in wisconsin, great to see think morning. thanks for your thoughts. >> my pleasure. >> brian: next up, parents banned from visiting their kids at school. does that go too far? at that two sides. >> steve: that's right. now, models are being offered discounted diets?
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really? >> brian: let them eat. really
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he [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head? can curlers! tomato basil, potato with bacon... we've got a lot of empty cans. [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup. to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu! oh my goodness... oh my gosh, this looks amazing... [ male announcer ] 15 entrees under $15! it's o new maine stays! seafood, chicken, and more! h! the tilapia with roast vegables. i'actually looking at the od grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. that pork chop was great. no more fast food friday's. we're going to go to red lobster... [ male announcer ] come try our new menu and sea food different. d introducing 7 lunch choices for just $7.99! salad, sandwiches and more. >> gretchen: ice is hitting the midwest hard, making for a dings winters storm. roads in the windy city of chicago coated with ice, making for a number of crashes.
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i wouldn't want to have that car this morning. similar scene in iowa. cars sliding right off the roads with cops responding to dozens of calls for help. the storm still on the move. maria molina, brian. >> brian: yes. >> gretchen: talk to her. >> brian: hi. do you have the latest on the weather? >> good morning. good to sigh guys. good morning, everybody. yes, we have the latest. basically that storm system that produced that ice across places in wisconsin and the rest of the midwest has now headed east and it's going to be producing ice across places in the mid atlantic and even into the northeast. so we have a number of winter weather advisories and also some freezing rain advisories because you'll be looking at dangerous conditions on the roadways yet again. today further off toward the east. many of you across northeast will see the start in the form of snow. then you'll see a transition to sleet, then freezing rain and then eventually rain because there is milder air behind the storm system. many people have seen that transition to just plain rain across ohio, indiana, even the state of illinois. we'll warm up over the next few
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days. chicago will warm up significantly by tuesday. high temperature at 61 degrees. new york city, that mild air by wednesday, 55 degrees by your high temperature. then behind that, we'll see the colder air. so kind of a temperature roller coaster here across the midwest and also the northeast over the next couple of days. that mild air is going to mean trouble across places from texas, up in through illinois and indiana. very widespread here with large hail, damaging wind gusts and isolated tornadoes possible in some of these areas. little rock, dallas, shreveport and also in joplin. then by wednesday, the storm heads eastbound. mild air in place across the east means thunderstorms here with the possibility of severe weather, knoxville, raleigh, north carolina. widespread area of severe weather. >> brian: that will keep you busy. 26 minutes before the top of the hour. more head ryans. got a small plane crashing into the hudson river and the man and woman on board were both wearing life vests and managed to climb out. but they were in the freezing
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water for a half hour before crews found them. >> we could hear them calling for help. we had a visual on them and we were trying to head them off 'cause they were going southbound at a pretty good clip. >> brian: they're being treated for hypothermia. four years ago, it was captain sullen burg who crash landed and saved the lives of all 155 people on board. >> gretchen: at least eight bodies have been pulled from a well in mexico near the site where 20 people disappeared last week, including members of a colombian style band. ♪ . >> gretchen: 16 people in the banden went missing after playing in a a private show. reported hearing gun shots around 4:00 a.m. that morning followed by the sound of vehicles speeding away. >> brian: a beauty queen trades in her crown. she was facing a murder charge for the so-called revenge
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killing of a man in 2003. the 47-year-old was accused of plotting with her boyfriend to kill the husband of a friend of hers. she pleaded guilty to a lesser charge and faces up to four years in jail. >> gretchen: encouraging models to be even skinnier, that's what some are saying after reports that fashion designers are partnering partnering with the juice cleanse company in new york city to get model has discount during fashion week. the agreement let's them have the special food and juice for 50% off. the cleansing known as a juice fast is an extreme diet of juice and not much else for several days. fashion week starts next week. all right. let's head over to steve and a debate. >> steve: thanks, gretch. an elementary school in tennessee says it's taking new safety precautions, limiting lunchtime visits from parents, a voucher would be needed and visits limited to two times every nine weeks to have lunch with your kid. but should parents be cut off from their children? let's talk to psycho therapist
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and counselor, thomas kirsten and dr. jamie howard a clinical psychologist. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> steve: so right now apparently at the school, parents can go and have lunch with their kids any time they want to. now the school is going, we got to rein this in. maybe two times every nine weeks. >> i think the problem is they opened up a can of worms early on and if you have parents coming in to the school every day to visit their kids, i think it's more of a problem for the parent. not so much for the kid. there is a neediness factor there. we got to raise independent kids. at some point we got to cut the cord. >> steve: you think it's a dumb idea? >> i do. >> steve: let's talk to the doctor. >> i agree we want kids to be independent, absolutely. but we also want parents to be able to do their jobs to form secure attachments. that means really a healthy relationship. in order to do that, you have to be consistently responsive to kids' needs, which means sort of
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flexibly giving them more reassurance when they need it and backing off when they don't. that may mean you back off for a semester or year if the child is thriving. but you need abscess if your child needs more support inform if the kid. >> steve: i have three children. if the kid calls out and wants something and you give it to them, next day they're going to do it again and again and again. next thing you know, you're in the same problem they're having now. do you think the parents should have access to lunch with the kids every day? >> lunch is one thing. maybe lunch. but if not lunch, then maybe they can have some other type of check-in, just so parents have the perception they can access their children. after newtown, a lot of parents and school administrators really concerned about keeping kids safe. and wanting to be able to provide care as needed. >> steve: so you're saying it's about the kids, but thomas, you're saying it's about the parents. this obviously is the ultimate helicopter parent. if you want to have lunch with
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your kid every week at school -- >> the apache helicopter coming down. the reality is we're living in fear in our society now adays and i think as parents, if we're transferring that fear to our kids, i think that's part of the issue here, i really do. then we're basically setting up our kids to live the same existence we're living, which is femur so we want to make sure that we allow our kids to know that they're safe and not that we have to hover over them all the time. >> steve: dr. howard, what i have noticed in years going into schools, as soon as you go into school as a parent, your kids start acting a little weird because the parents are there. so ultimately isn't it better for them to socialize with their own kids and then their pals there and then see them at thend -- end of school? >> absolutely. we want them to learn to do thing things on their own. but sometimes when there is something going on at home, a
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stressor, it's nice for parents to know. i think it's the experience of lack of -- perception of lack of abscess that parents are troubled with, particularly with lack -- >> steve: i would hope if there was a stress situation in a family that the family would talk to the school and the school would say you can go ahead and see your kid more often than the rule. thomas, last thing, though, you have a good point and that is if the parent really needs to see the kid all the time, maybe they should think about home schooling. >> i mean, maybe. home schooling, some people are all about home schooling. but again, school isn't just about educating kids academically. it's about educating them to be social beings. being able to communicate with others and develop independently with their friends and peers. you want to have a good relationship with your kids. don't get me wrong, i love them. but the reality is we have to set them free at some point.
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>> steve: i have think you both agree on ha. >> absolutely. >> steve: all right. we thank you both for joining us live. what do you think about that? e-mail us. how is the economy doing? just ask borns and nobel. it's announcing a major shut down. then, would you hire these guys, male models, moonlighting as handymen? we're going to talk to them coming up. good morning, fellows music: "make someone happy" music: "make someone happy" ♪it's so important to make meone happy.♪.♪it's so e ♪make just one heart to heart you - you sing to♪ ♪one smile that cheers you ♪one face that lights when it nears you.♪ ♪and you will be happy too.
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i obsessed about my weight my whole life. i figured i was just born that way. i was always on some new, life-stopping diet. and then, weight watchers. it lets me be me. and i naturallyame a healthier me. i amazed myself. get used to it. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. for their annual football trip. that's double miles you can actually use. tragically, their ddy got sacked by blackouts. but it's our tradition! that's roughing the card holder. but with the capital one venture card you get double miles you can actually use. [ cheering ] any flight, anytime. the scoreboard doesn't lie.
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what's in your wallet? hut! i have me on my fantasy team. what's in your wallet? hut! new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. (announcer) make mornings special, mornings are delicious protein rich entrees with gden veggies and egg. fancy feast mornings. the best ingredient is love. >> brian: quick headlines. over the hot and handy guy, barns and nobel announcing plans to close as many as a third of its stores over the next decade. it shut an average of 15 store has year. and a daring rescue in australia. two women and a young child
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stranded as their truck became engulfed in rapidly rising waters. aerial rescue team load the toddler into a waterproof bag and hoisted him to safety. how scary. both women were rescued as well. open up the bag, he's okay. >> gretchen: lot of people will be envious of this next role that i get to do. these guys next to me are high fashion male models who moonlight as skilled handymen for the firm, hot and handy. they're also the stars of the new style network show "built" that follows them as they take on challenging home renovations. i'm joined by the cast. good morning. >> good morning. >> gretchen: this is the brain child from you and that's why you're wearing a suit jacket? >> yeah. i don't dot construction as much as i used to. i have sandy here as my foreman who kind of leads the crew and this is my top crew right here.
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>> gretchen: you came up with the idea because you actually went on a job and a woman said she'd pay you more if you took off your shirt? >> yeah. i was living in l.a. as a struggling actor and model and this client said, wow. if you take off your shirt, i'll pay you double. and i was like, all right. this could actually be a business. >> gretchen: wow. so you started a business. sandy, before you were checking bags at la guardia? >> yeah. i was checking bags 'cause i love airplanes. i love to be around them and that's what i went to school for. rocket scientist, you can call me. >> gretchen: now you're on reality tv. mike, they call you the brains and muscle of the grew. you're getting a law degree? >> yeah. >> gretchen: gauge, you have been a model for jose cuervo and coke and you're the artist? >> i'm the artist of the group. i also have a nonprofit organization, teach film making to kids. >> gretchen: donnie, the comic relief of the group. there is time for joke when is you're doing handiwork? >> there is always time for a good joke.
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>> gretchen: when you guys -- what is the key to being hot and handy at the same time? >> patience. >> tank top. >> you have to be hot and you also have to have the skills to back it up. >> gretchen: we'll pet you to the test this morning. you're going to put up a big screen television for us. do you always work together or is it always a one-guy job? >> no, we always work as a team. that is why -- everybody has a specialty and we're hand selected here. we'll put the tv up for you. >> gretchen: we're going to start the clock right now. want to see how you work together and if you're hot at the same time you're handy g. for it. >> let's do this. basically first we're going to start off by mounting the tv over -- super bowl is coming. so you got to get the tv up there. first thing you want to do, buy a tv stand in any hardware store. pick it up, check it out. this is center mounted, really easy. or what you want to do first is check for studs.
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a couple of studs lying around. we've already predrilled this and got it ready for you. basically you're going to have to put it up here, make sure they line up. we've predrilled the holes. once the bracket is up there, you start working on the tv set. and we put the other pieces of the bracket on. >> gretchen: guys, besides being hot and handy u got to be quick. you've got 60 seconds. come on! get it up! >> all right. while mike is ratcheting it, gauge and donny are going to wire the stuff right up for you. we've already put the brackets on here. in interest of time. that's going on. >> what we're use is a coaxial cable. you find them in most of your cable box. now adays you want to move up to hdmi, for the time being, we're going to stick with the coaxial. plug it in and good to go. >> gretchen: 30 seconds. >> come on, mike! mike with the muscle.
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give it to mikey. >> he's going to get it on there. here is what happened, you get e it's not tight all the way. now we start leveling. this is critical. you want to level it and you want to make sure you got that stud 'cause if you don't, that tv will fall and that's the last thing you want. >> gretchen: 10 seconds, guys. >> all right. come on! tight. >> gretchen: let's see the muscle. >> you got the tv. a little embarrassing, boys. >> gretchen: they did it. check them out tonight. it premiers at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the style network. "built". >> gretchen: fantastic. great to meet you. >> thank you. >> gretchen: coming up on "fox & friends," stick around because our next guest says the left is winning the gun control debate for one reason. she's lying. she's busting the gun control myth, coming up.
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first on this date in 1979, "too much heaven" by the bye bee gees was number one. and most of these hot guys were probably born and i remember them and they were g the bee gee s. ♪ nobody else too much love any more ♪ ♪ it's as wide as the river and harder to climb ♪ ♪ look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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>> brian: she's a columnist by day, gun owner by night. she wants to set the record straight about assault weapons before the white house has a big meeting on gun violence later today. here she is, washington times columnist emily miller. how do you feel, first off, about the big push to get assault weapons, so-called
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assault weapons off the streets, like which passed in 1994? >> well, it's obviously a big push by president obama and now diane feinstein has introduced her legislation in the senate last week. really it's just an end run to get all guns. we had the so-called assault weapons ban in effect from 1994 to 2004 and as you know, crime did not decrease at all. so it was not effective. it didn't do anything and since then, actually, crime ownership has gone up and violent crime has gone down 17%. so it had the opposite effect. >> brian: i want you to hear for those who didn't see, senator feinstein last week. listen. >> do you realize we have 150,000-plus gang members in this nation? when they go up against the police, it's generally an ak 47? do you realize that police have had to break into gun stores to get weapons that would be stronger than the adversary they
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had? you realize that one out of every five law enforcement officers that's killed is killed with an assault weapon. do you need assault weapons? these are weapons that are made to kill large numbers of people in close combat. >> brian: emily, your answer? >> i'll say the world according to diane feinstein is very different than reality. it's absolutely not true that people are walking down the streets carrying ak 47s. if someone saw one, i shot one last week at sharp shooters range in virginia. it's wooden rifle. i think so many gang members are walking down with a rifle like that, people would run in the opposite direction. semiautomatic sounds scary and that's why she deliberately use that phrase. it's absolutely not true that most one fifth of law enforcement are killed by these so-called assault weapons. diane feinstein said herself last week that by her numbers,
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which are always exaggerated, there are 38 people killed a year with the so-called assault weapons, which by the way, are semiautomatic rifles with certain cosmetic appearance. so 38 a year is not a massive public health scare. >> brian: the other thing is, i thought it was significant, she said gang members are using these. so if they're illegal, i'm sure gang members will give them up. i thought it was fascinating to seat chief of police here in new york city say yeah, if you want to take assault weapons, that's one thing. but our problem is hand guns. >> that's true. if you're going to be truthful about it, the bigger issue is hand guns and i'm just talking about street guns because you can hide them easily. what they're doing is going after these big black guns because of the public looks at them and think they're what the military use. it's an easy way to build public support. but the reality is the hand guns are more dangerous.
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>> brian: emily miller takes action, she shoots and finds out for her as much. thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. it's been a long year. >> brian: yeah. coming up, was lance armstrong's big confession just another big lie? hear from the man who says yes and has the test to prove it. then take a look at this man, johnny heisman. johnny football sink ago nearly impossible shot after shot after shot [ male announcer ] everyday thousands of people are oosing advil®. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love.
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i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. breathe easier with advil® congestion relief. now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant. (announcer) at scottrade, our cexactly how they want.t with scottrade's online banking, i get one view of my bank and brokerage accounts with one login... to easily move my money when i need to. plus, when i call my local scottrade office, i can talk to someone who knows how i trade. because i don't trade like everi'm with scottrade. me. (announcer) scottrade. awarded five-stars from smartmoney magazine.
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♪ if loving you is wrong ♪ i don't wanna be right
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[ record scratch ] what?! it's not bad for you. it just tastes that way. [ female announcer ] honey nut cheerios cereal -- heart-healthy, whole grain oats. you can't go wrong loving it. bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean, >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it's monday, january 28, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you so much for sharing your time with us today. let me tell you what's happening. there is a wisconsin sheriff, he's taking a whole lot of heat for this particular warning. >> with officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is in longer your best option. you can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back. >> gretchen: so that sheriff now firing back right here on "fox & friends." >> steve: two of the most powerful people in the world sit
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down for their first interview together. why? >> there is now political tea leaves? >> we don't have any tea. we have water here action best i can tell. >> steve: those crazy kids. but we're hearing something different. we'll tell you and you can decide what was going on. what the hill? >> brian: then, was lance's big confession just another lie? hear from the man who says yes and has the tests to prove it. "fox & friends" starts. ♪ ♪ >> brian: the cold war is back. we're bringing it live to you, the cold winter of new york city. >> steve: we've got 40 russian soldiers on the plaza. they're doing military march
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performance. they're going to be in times square later today. couple of shows, 12:30 and 4:30 and they're here to promote a brand-new show and it's a great idea where there are these two kgb agents who try to pose as typical suburbanites and their children don't know who they really are. next thing you know, an f.b.i. guy moves in next door. sounds like a great show. called "the americans." >> gretchen: kerry russell stars in that. >> brian: it sounds like something we unearth add few years ago. >> steve: this is not a big joke, iran says they have successfully sent a monkey into space. they say that they need satellites and monkeys into space to monitor natural disasters in the earthquake prone nation, improve telecommunications and expand military presence. >> brian: so you have iranian contact. i wanted to find out more on this story when you were interviewing the male models.
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so i was able to do that. i reassembled and they've described to me what the monkey was like on takeoff. i sketched it out as they were talking to me. this is a look at the monkey. he is inside the space capsule and this is the iranian space capsule built to scale. this is the speed. you're seeing the speed coming out. that's the monkey saying, i can't believe, in monkey language, i cannot believe i'm going into space. >> gretchen: suddenly i want to be back interviewing the male model who is getting his mba and lawyer degree. >> steve: fantastic. brian, speaking of the male models who hung the plasma screen over there, didn't somebody in your life actually call you during that segment? >> brian: dominic who is work at my house because it's all -- >> steve: because of hurricane sandy. >> brian: retirement -- right. he's wondering how many husbands will be mad if he hired these guys to work with him.
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and i told him he's not doing a good job because he's discriminating against male models. >> gretchen: i'm glad to know you were watching the segment. >> brian: soso were they. >> gretchen: thank you souch. at least i was paying attention and it was quite easy to do, if i do say so myself. let's do some headlines. three minutes after the top of the hour. california family desperate for help finding three relatives they say are missing in mexico. robert munoz, his wife, cecilia and grandson were traveling in mexico to visit their relatives. they were supposed to be back january 7. no one heard from them. their cell phones are turned off and border records show they never crossed back into the united states. the family says they contacted police and f.b.i., but have not gotten any answers. new details now from the deadly nightclub fire in brazil that left 233 people dead. there are reports bouncers were blobbing the club's only exit because they thought people were going to try to skip out on their bar tab. it's believed the fire was sparked by the band's
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pyrotechnics show. 2,000 people were inside at the time. unfortunately, that is double the club's maximum capacity. many of the victims died from smoke inhalation, but others were trampled as they tried to rush out to escape. prewhile marrying fort mastermind, khalid sheikh mohammed and his ailed co-conspirators. key issue in the trial is whether u.s. agents tortured the men to get their confessions. their lawyers plan to ask today that the secret c.i.a. prisons they were taken to be preserved as evidence. the screen actors guild giving another top honor to ben affleck's c.i.a. thriller movie, "argo." >> the actor goes to the cast of "argo". >> they came to work every single day whether they had a line or a look to somebody or two lines or ten lines or if i couldn't understand farsi and they wanted to kill it. >> gretchen: "argo" was snubbed during the oscar nominations, which some say was a political
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move and also daniel day-lewis, got his aword for "lincoln." all eyes were on jennifer lawrence who had a wardrobe malfunction. it was shown in two parts, connected by shear lining. lawrence wanted to hide the lining so people couldn't -- >> brian: where is the lining? up past the knee? >> steve: "silver linings playbook" was the name of her movie. >> gretchen: i kind of like the dress pulled up to show the boots. is that the dress? >> brian: that's intentional. am i right? does anyone here play the bagpipes who wears a skirt? >> gretchen: i thought that was high boots, which i actually thought looked pretty good. >> steve: rolled it back and forth and back and forth like the zapruder film. congratulations to all the big winners. in about two hours, the president and vice president will meet with police chiefs from newtown, connecticut, aurora, colorado and oak creek,
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wisconsin, to talk about gun safety. one top cop says the assault rifle is not the problem. >> gretchen: doug mckelway is live at the white house with all the details. good morning to you. >> good morning. the screening gets underway at 11:15. featuring representativ major cs association and sheriffs association. we've also heard that the chiefs of police of aurora, colorado and also newtown, connecticut, will be there and feature eric holder and dhs secretary janet napolitano. this occurring as senator diane feinstein introduced legislation to ban over 100 varieties of assault weapons and several kinds of magazine clips. she spoke on the subject yesterday. here she is. >> sandy hook, i think, really destroys all of the kind of tales that the nra is trying to weave about young people and
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guns, guns are positive things, in the climate of america. >> she admits her bill will be a tremendous uphill climb. there is tremendous assistance not only from republicans, but red state democrats, many of whom are facing reelection two years from now. adding to the confusion, are these comments from police chief ray kelly who said over the past two years, only 2% of the people arrested in new york city for gun-related violence had assault weapons. here is kelly. >> we don't want them on the streets. make no mistake about it, but the problem is the hand gun, 60% of the murders in new york city are caused by hand guns and we have too many of them. >> it gets underway at 11:15. we'll keep you apprised. back to you. >> gretchen: thanks very much for that update from the white house. >> steve: about a half hour ago we talked to the sheriff of
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milwaukee county, david clark, junior. he had started running a 30-second psa where essentially he says, i need you in the game, people out there in milwaukee. it talks about how with officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting for the cops to show up is no longer your best option. he says you can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under your bed or you can fight back and so what he is suggesting is that people take safety courses in handling a firearm so that if need be, they can protect themselves. >> gretchen: he's gotten a lot of low back from that, including the mayor of his own town, mr. barrett, i believe is his name, who once upon a time ran for governor against scott walker. but he said he did not believe this was the right way in which the sheriff should be advocating people to use weapons. the sheriff responded. >> the police are not omnipresent. sometimes we can't be there as fast as we like. so in those situations, and i talk about it, once a wolf is at
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the door, once the intruder is in your home, once a guy sticks a gun in your face on the street and demands your wallet or wants to take your car, 911 isn't going to help you, but there are some things duke in that situation to protect yourself. >> brian: i thought the key in this conversation was when he said he had to lay off 40 something deputies, so he says there is less law enforcement on the streets, so crime is going up. what is he supposed to do if he cares about his constituents? in this climate now in light of newtown and the gun control, by the way, there is like five senate democrats who don't like the president's proposal and won't vote for it. so 40 deputies are out there. so he's saying for people in milwaukee, you want to protect yourself? i'm all for you. i support it. >> steve: essentially what he's doing is he's deputizing people to help them and become his partners in law enforcement. go out there and get a gun training course, learn how it shoot gun, buy one if you need it 'cause you can't count on the
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cops to get there. >> brian: can't be everywhere. >> gretchen: coming up next, secretary of state hillary clinton expressing regret for what happened in benghazi, libya. >> it was a great personal loss to lose him and three other brave americans. but i also have looked back and tried to figure out what we could do so that nobody would be in this position again. >> gretchen: was it just an apology, senator cornyn joins us live coming up. >> brian: then you can't get any closer than this, all caught on camera [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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brave americans. but i also have looked back and tried to figure out what we could do so that nobody in so far as possible would be in this position again. >> ask the right questions, shape the right strategy. but it's going to be a team that both succeeds and fails. >> steve: president obama and secretary of state hillary clinton showing remorse and regret last night fort biggest foreign policy debauchle on their watch. >> gretchen: we're talking about the terrorist attack that killed four americans in libya. but for the victims of that attack, did that interview really offer the real answers for them or was it politics? john cornyn of texas joins us now live on the curvy couch. good to see you. >> good morning. >> gretchen: i'm sure you saw the interview. the fist half talked just about their friendship. i was like, i hope they ask about libya. after the commercial break, they did talk about benghazi. were the answers sufficient for you? >> it seems like this is more of
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a pr initiative than an effort to get to the bottom of things. i know i watched the hearings some months after the incident and secretary clinton said, what's the big deal here? or words to that effect. the big deal is four americans lost their lives. we ought to be about trying to figure out how do preprevent that from happening again and how do we hold the people who were responsible accountable? >> steve: sure. do you think we're ever going to get to the bottom of this? >> i hope our friends in the house of representatives will not let this go and will get to the bottom of it. it's important to our national security. it's important to protect our diplomats and those abroad who are representing the united states. this is not about politics. this is not about personalities. this is really about keeping our commitments to those people who represent the united states abroad and dangerous places and making sure they're protected. >> gretchen: one of the other controversial things that will be happening on the hill now is the confirmation or maybe not, of chuck hagel. how do you feel about the former
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senator becoming -- basically in charge of world affairs? >> i like chuck hagel. i served with him in the united states senate, but he's the wrong man for this job. >> gretchen: why? >> well, his positions on everhing from a nuclear iran to direct negotiations with state department designated terrorist organizations like hamas, his embrace of these naive ideas like a nuclear free world, which, you know, is fine to say i hope and i wish and i pray that it would be that way burks it's not realistic and it's naive, particularly among the person who is supposed to represent american national security and keep the peace. and i worry that president obama has picked senator hagel because really the defense department is the only part of the government that he seems to be willing to cut. he's not really interested in reining in spending in almost any other area except national security. he said the sequester, which is
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the $1.2 trillion in cuts that are scheduled to go in effect, which disproportion athlete affect defense spending, the president said during the campaign, ain't going to happen of the well, it's going to happen. it's going to happen here in about six weeks. >> steve: before you go, something that looks like will happen is it looks like it's bipartisan plan to reform immigration. what do you think? >> i hope so. we'll hear from the president this week, but it really requires presidential leadership, like so many of these issues, because it's easy for people to sort of get off in their corner and argue their particular agenda. but it's hard to come together on big complex -- >> steve: so it's up to the president? >> it's up to all of us, but the president's got to play his role as commander in chief and leader. >> gretchen: we should mention that eight republicans have come together to talk about immigration reform as well and they're going to come up with their own plan. some people are saying this will be amazing if this actually happens. but we'll have to wait and see. >> got to pass both houses of congress. we've got a lot of work to do. >> steve: senator cornyn, thank you for joining us live here in
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new york. >> good to see you. >> gretchen: coming up, a 13-year-old secret in the jon benet ramsey murder. the bombshell new information about her parents. >> steve: take a look at this. heisman winner johnny manziel sinking a nearly impossible shot. turns out he may have had some help from god. the guy behind this video joins us next. wow. (announcer) make mornings special, with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. mornings are delicious protein rich entrees with gden veggies and egg. fancy feast mornings. the best ingredient is love. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time.
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i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. sven gets great rewards for his small business! how does this thing work? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% cash back on every purche, everday! woo-hoo!!! so that's ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great sinesses deserve great rewards! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice.
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>> gretchen: 22 minutes after the top of the hour. american pastor jailed in iran, convicted for being christian. the 34-year-old sentenced to eight years in one of their most
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brutal prisons. he has been locked up since september. the state department calling for his release. chris brown being investigated for a brawl last night. brown and ocean arguing outside an l.a. recording studio over a parking spot. at some point, brown allegedly threw a punch. >> steve: meanwhile, remember these guys? right here. >> this is the laser shot. >> waiting all night. >> steve: the talented trick basketball shooters who call themselves dude perfect became an internet sensation on the internet. and now, brian. >> brian: that's the best way to be. they've come out with a new video featuring johnny manziel and a football. listen. watch. >> this is even longer ball. busted.
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>> brian: our guest this morning, cory, how did you get him to do it? >> it was so much fun. we had a blast hanging out with johnny. it was not hard to get him to try. he's the mott competitive guy we've met. >> steve: you did it on twitter, right? >> we connected on him with twitter and he said he'd seen some of our videos and wanted to connect with us. he got a little famous halfway through the season and we got a chance to connect and film a weekend and a half ago. it was awesome. >> gretchen: so tell us about that, what we're showing. i don't know if you can see our screen, where he's standing up on top and then throwing the perfect pass. now come on, tell us really how that went down. so earlier in the video you saw he shot one from lower in the stadium and that one took about five, six minutes and then we had a couple basketballs left and he looked at us and said, i really think i can make one from the t. we said, we've been doing
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this for four years. there is no way. so he walked up to the top and five throws later, absolutely swishes it. we're as surprised as anybody. we were pumped. >> steve: no kidding. >> brian: it took seven hours, you said. how many different events? >> so in seven hours, we filmed everything you saw in the video. we had about 32 minutes of what we call internet gold after it was all said and done. so we had to wit that will down to six minutes. so much fun. >> brian: why do you do tehind s great entertainment and meet ago lot of famous, talented people? >> sure. at the end of the day for us, we feel like we've gotten an opportunity to do something we love and we feel like we have an opportunity to make creative, engaging content for people. we feel like there is not a lot of clean, fun entertainment out there. for us, we although tried to bring glory to god and create content that makes him proud and makes people smile. >> steve: that's really nice. there are so many ways that you can manipulate video to make it
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look like they really did it. but you guys just keep doing it until do you it, right? >> yeah. there is definitely no video editing. none of us are good enough with that. pixar pays better. >> brian: what's your next feat? >> we got a lot of good stuff coming up. i can't tell you everything. but i know that we're going to tms, texas motor speedway here pretty soon. we've always wanted to do 100 miles an hour shot. >> steve: come to new york city and let's drop some things off of our sky scraper. >> we'd love t. you guys have gotta tall buildings. >> steve: with a single bound. cory cotton, the co-founder of dude perfect, that was awesome. thank you. >> i appreciate it. thanks for having me. >> gretchen: lance armstrong's big confession another big lie? hear from the man who says yes. and has the tests, he says, to prove it. >> brian: and a little too close for comfort. look at this video. a biker nearly crushed by a huge truck.
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whoa. >> steve: then there is a huge group of russian soldiers on our plaza. you will find out why as they invade this monday "fox & friends" [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> steve: you keep sending pictures of your furry fans, so we're going to keep showing them. this is dexter catching the show from iowa. watch, brian, he's got a beat on you right there. she's not a dog, but the viewer says her kitten loves watching "fox & friends," and clearly likes kitten a close up look. close up to you, gretch. >> gretchen: aw. that's perfect with me. very cute. keep sending your pictures to us or you can twitter us. >> brian: goes to show you there is a lot of pets with nothing to do. just watching a lot of television. they node chores. give your pet a chore. >> gretchen: it's better than chewing something up. i'll say that much, having a one-year-old puppy in my house. if i could just teach her to watch tv, everything would be just fine. >> steve: all right. meanwhile, did you see hillary clinton, whose last day as secretary of state is friday,
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she sat down with steve croft and the president of the united states, her boss, for a 30-minute interview last night on "60 minutes." we're going to tell what you we think the dynamic was going into the interview and afterwards. but first, if you missed t here they are. >> i just want to have a chance to publicly say thank you 'cause i think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we've had. >> after i ended my campaign, i immediately did everything i could to help the president get elected because despite our hard-fought primary, we had such agreement on what needed to be done for our country. >> made for tough debate, by the way. >> it did. >> we could never figure out what we differed on. >> we worked at that pretty hard. >> i considered hillary a strong friend. >> i mean, very warm, close. i think there is a sense of understanding. sometimes doesn't even take
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words because we have similar views. we have similar experiences that i think provide a bond that may seem unlikely to some, but has been really at the core of our relationship over the last four years. >> i have to ask you, what's the date of expiration on this endorsement? >> oh, steve. >> i have to ask that question. come on. you're sitting here together. everybody in town is talk about it already and this is taking place. >> you know, steve, i got to tell you, you guys in the press are incorrigible. literally -- i was literally inaugurated four years ago and you're talk being four years from now. >> gretchen: the interesting thing is the president asked for this interview. he asked that "60 minutes" dot interview with hillary clinton. i found it interesting because it did seem like it was sort of
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a coming together of maybe president obama will now endorse hillary clinton when she decides to run for president if she does in 2016. and i beg to differ with what the two of them said to one another about how they didn't have any differences in the debates. don't you remember those debates? >> steve: they were at each other's throats. >> gretchen: they had a loft differences. i think a lot of people believe, including paul ryan, he believes that secretary of state hillary clinton would have been a better president than president obama fiscally speaking. so i think that there were a lot of differences between the two, but the politics in this interview may be an upcoming endorsement. >> brian: here is the problem. this should have been three months after she was elected as secretary of state. this was their whole problem with the primaries, or if you're going to talk about that, roll in some clips of the primaries and make them comment about when they within after it and comment is and say, you indicated, your
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staff indicated your husband was a racist after the south carolina victory. then you would have had something going on. a typical "60 minutes" interview and we could debate the secretary of state's legacy. it wasn't probing. there was one that was probing, it came up right after that with scott pelley. >> steve: yeah. it included travis tieguard, director of the united states anti-doping agency who says lance armstrong, despite what he said on the oprah show the other day, he is still lying about what he did. and one of the things that they points out is the fact that lance said, the first seven runs at the tour defrance, i was doping. but then in 2009 -- >> brian: stop. >> steve: clean as a whistle (now that i'm 38, i don't need to do it anymore. >> steve: that's when you would think you would need to did it. but there seems to be a criminal thing involved with the statute of limitations. listen to this. >> blood tests in 2009 and 2010,
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expert reports based on the variation of his blood values from those tests, one to a million chance that it was due to something other than doping. >> you have to wonder why, if he admits to doping in the first seven tour defrance races, why he would proclaim his innocence in 2009 and 2010. >> i think it stops the criminal conspiracy and forgets him and -- protects him and the others that helped him pull off this scheme from potential criminal prosecution if that was, in fact, true. there is a five-year statute on a fraud criminal charge. so the five years today would have been expired. however, if the last point of his doping, as we alleged and proved in our recent decision was in 2010, then the statute has not yet expired and he potentially could be charged with a criminal violation for a conspiracy to defraud. >> gretchen: there was so much in this interview. it kept one revelation after the
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next. it was eye opening. you could not turn away from watching it. i think one of the interesting things that came out was people forever have said and whispered that possibly lance armstrong was doping, but nobody would ever come forward really and people would say, there is so many people involved in this team, how could not one person ever say anything? what they got out of this interview last night was that they alluded to the fact that it was run similar to mafia and people were literally scared to death of going up against lance armstrong. >> brian: by the way, in the end, the thing that got him to come clean, when they got 11 of his teammates mates to flip and tell the truth. the other thing is if lance arp strong feels that interview was not right, he's got to sit down and say, that guy was lying because he is back to square one now and i don't know why it's his goal to get back into sports. is he 41? he wants to run a marathon and win $100 or a thioate thrown or win $100? i don't know the point.
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>> steve: it is interesting because you've got those 11 teammates all under oath swore that they were telling the truth. have seen lance armstrong under oath yet? will we? we'll find out whether or not the federal government decides to press him on corruption. >> brian: now the rest of your headlines. a bombshell new report revealing colorado grand jury voted to indict the parents of jon benet ramsey following her murder. prosecutors refused to try the case. the shocking revelation comes more than 13 years after the d.a. said his office lacked enough evidence to file charges against anyone suspected in the six-year-old's death. her parents weren't exonerated until 2008, two years after jon benet's mom died of cancer. >> gretchen: small plane crashes into the hudson river in new york and the man and woman on board both wearing life vests managed to climb out. but they were in the freezing water for a half hour before crews found them. >> we could hear them calling for help. we had a visual on them and we were trying to head them off
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'cause they were going southbound in a pretty good clip. >> gretchen: they're now being treated for high though thermia. four years ago, captain sully sullen burger crash labbed his plane on the hudson river, saving the lives of all 155 people on board. media matters, the group waging its own war against fox news reportedly used illegal weapons to protect its founder action david brock. brock gave his okay to use several groups using the -- use several guns using the group's money. >> gretchen: motorcyclist misses being crushed by a truck in china. he's waiting at stop light. that truck rolls over right in front of him. luckily he jumps back just in time. here it is again for you. whoa. >> brian: you know the weather by you could be really cold and really challenging. maria molina knows all about it. she's out in our elements to describe what's happening not only here, where you are. >> good morning. good to see you. that's right.
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right here in new york city, we're expecting snow. it has not started yet, which is good news. but later this morning, we're expecting snow and there is some milder air behind the storm system. so that snow will transition to sleet, then freezing rain, and eventually just plain old rain. those winter weather advisories do stretch from portion of new england, down into parts of pennsylvania, even mid atlantic. freezing rain advisories as far south as north carolina where we could see ice accumulating. be careful if you're headed out there this morning heading to work. otherwise that storm right now producing already some travel delays in some airports. philly international reporting delays of about 80 minutes. you can see that rain stretching across areas of ohio, and even as far south as parts of the state of west virginia and also virginia. otherwise as we head into the next couple of days, we'll be seeing a big swing in those temperatures. chicago is one city in particular that by tuesday could be seeing highs into the 60s. and enjoy it while you have it because by friday, big cool down, into the teens.
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that will be the story not just for chicago, but the rest of the midwest and also the northeast. that mild air is going to be a concern as far as severe weather goes from texas, through parts of illinois and indiana, tornadoes possible, large hail and damaging wind gusts. >> steve: should i have brought gloves out here? >> yes, you should have. i'll loan you one. >> steve: let me try it. i love the fur. nope, it's not going to work. speaking of cold, you did a great job there doing the weather cast. even though right here we've got 40 russian soldiers. did you see this over here? n yes. i would think they're used to the cold. >> steve: you would think so. good morning, comrade. how are you? >> great, how are you, sir? >> steve: good. so which is colder, new york or moscow? >> moscow. of course. >> steve: when was of the last time in your opinion moscow? >> a couple months ago. >> steve: very good. this fellow here, i understand you're doing something later today in times square, right?
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>> niet? >> steve: you're going to be knitting in times square? >> niet. >> steve: a lot of knitting. you're going to be in times square later today? >> yes, sir. >> steve: you work in squares, from red square to times square? >> all the squares, sir. >> steve: you guys are actually here because there is a new show on fx called "the americans," which you're not, i don't think. >> russian. >> steve: you're russian. at least here today. tell us about the show. >> very exciting show. starts this wednesday at 9:00 o'clock, as you can see right here. it's going to be very, very exciting. everyone should tune in. >> it's about a married couple, two kgb five living if dc and their interesting relationship and they're spyies living in america. >> steve: i think they want o do some marching. here they are invading times square.
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♪ . >> brian: those are solemn russians. >> gretchen: niet. somebody asked me a question today. >> brian: okay. we'll follow them. i did not know they spun. >> gretchen: they need to smile more. big question, is it okay for your boss to ask about your baby plans? do you want to have kids, like in the interview process? the head of one of the country's biggest companies has just said yes. two work moms are going to debate this coming up. >> brian: then the president and
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the republicans agreed the media is biased. but the president says fox news is the problem. peter johnson, jr. here next so, we all set? i've got two tickets to paradise! pack your bags, we'll leave tonight. uhh, it's next month, actually... eddie continues singing: to tickets to... paradiiiiiise! no four. remember? whoooa whooaa whooo!
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five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story. >> gretchen: quick head leans now. the two dj's who pranked kate middleton's nurse being put back on the job. the station says their show has been replaced, but the djs will return to work when the time is right. 27 years ago today, the challenger lifted off from florida, 73 seconds later, millions watched on live tv as it explodessed in a plume of smoke and fire. brian? >> brian: all right. speaking to the new republic about the debate america will face, the president said this, quote, one of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. if a republican member of congress is not punished on fox news or by rush limbaugh for working with the democrat on a bill of common interest, then you'll see more of them doing
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it. here to comment on the comment is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> the media should be -- more like a carol burnett with lying wagner and vicky lawrence and maybe you get ann marie and morrie amsterdam to talk about the news show. president is doing it again. let's show what you he's done over the last three years on that same topic. >> just in case some of your friends or neighbors, you know, uncle jim who is a little stubborn and been watching fox news and if you are on the right, then you're only reading the "wall street journal" editorial page and watching fox news. i've got one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration. i mean, that's a pretty -- >> i assume you're talking about fox. >> that's a pretty big mega
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phone. >> brian: then it was quiet for a while. he kicks off the next four years -- >> it's kind of silly and laughable in a lot of respects. the president gave a civil libertarian inauguration. now he's talk being retire restraint in and out he says the reason we have problems with debate in this country is because the people on the left like msnbc, they really want to encourage compromise and debate. but the people at fox news, they really are out of control. they're really crazy. they don't want to have debate and they're going to punish the republican congressional leaders if there is a debate. the other thing he said, and it's really bizarre, especially if you love the first amendment, which he professes to do, is say, there are, quote, institutional barriers, brian. institutional barriers to the people getting what they want in this country. you know what that is? that's a debate on television between people who disagree and who sometimes call names at each other. that's what is standing in the way. so the civil libertarian president is now morphed into media commentator, media matters
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hack co- light, and blogger. he's saying, this is the most per knishes influence in the country. not unemployment, debt, deficit or terror, but fox news, rush limbaugh, conservative immediate y centrist media. watch out for them because they're stifling the debate. the republicans and fox news, they are coming at you in a big, big way. >> brian: peter johnson, jr., we'll see if the montage ends there. next, a debate has a lot of people fired up. is it okay for your boss to ask you about your baby plans? let's first check in with martha mccallum. keep it professional. thank you. >> thank you. good morning. so it's big day. we got a big announcement coming. is there a seat change for illegal immigrants in this country? and hillary and the president, what the interview was really all about? is hilahilary a great secretary of state? that question. what about the future? tucker carlton and brit hume
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chime in on that. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour (announcer) make mornings special, with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. mornings are delicious protein rich entrees with gden veggies and egg. fancy feast mornings. the best ingredient is love.
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>> gretchen: here is a debate that has moms buzzing. the coo of facebook suggesting that employers should be allowed to ask women about plans for children, even though every hr department tells you not to do that. we need to have a much more open conversation. so what do you think? joining me for a fair and balanced debate, executive director of the independent women's forum and work mom of three and director of women in international security and the mother of a three-year-old. good morning to both of you ladies. >> good morning. >> gretchen: so sheryl sand berg said a lot in this speech. mainly she's in favor of women being successful in the work force. when she did say, is sabrina, tt employers should be able to ask women whether or not they're going to have a family, what was
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your thought about that? >> i actually applaud her for coming out and suggesting we have a more honest conversation about all of this because the reality is that when women take off time for maternity leave and when they have children and families, like all of us, it takes time away from the workplace. it has a real economic cost to business that we need to consider. not just in terms of resources, but in terms of businesses having to shift employees around and having to share contacts and group cohesion. there is all sorts of real issue that a business faces. so to try to ignore that all together -- we can tackle it head on and work around it. >> gretchen: jill, i think what she was getting at, was she not, she feels you should be up front with employers to try and get rid of the perception in the secrecy of not talking about it, that somebody may already have a perceived notion about women when they interview them like oh, maybe i won't give them the job 'cause they're just going to have a family? >> right. well, definitely the strategy of asking women up front in either
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a job interview or throughout the career trajectory for promotions and so forth what their family plans are misguided and i don't think that's the right strategy at all. however, i do agree that miss sandberg is trying to elevate the conversation that we need to have and to create a more open dialogue. i think that we need to be very careful about how we do that. we fought a lot of these battles in the '70 examines '80s to prevent gender equality and we don't want to walk back. we want to think of innovative ways and face spaces to have the conversations we had need to have between employees and employers about these issues. it needs to come bottom up. >> gretchen: right. here is the interesting thing, at one point she asked men in the session to raise their hands if they ever had been asked if they had been asked if they would have children in a interview. thanks so much today.
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>> thank you very much. >> gretchen: more "fox & friends" just two minutes away ♪ using robotics and mobile technology, verizon innovators have made it possible for teachers to teach, and for a kid... nathan. tadpole. ... to feel like a kid again. because the world's biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful answers. verizon. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just to stay alive... but feel alive. the new c class is no exception. it's a mercedes-benz through and through. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer
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