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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 28, 2013 6:00am-8:00am PST

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[ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biologic medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. i obsessed about my weight my whole life. i figured i was just born that way. i was always on some new, life-stopping diet. and then, weight watchers. it lets me be me. and i naturallyame a healthier me. i amazed myself. get used to it. because when a weight loss program is built for human nature you can expect amazing. introducing the new weight watchers 360 program. join for free and expect amazing. because it works. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? ♪ . . . . it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice,
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with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. >> brian: i told you -- steve told you they september a monkey in space, the iranians. what did it look like? what was more accurate? look at my picture and description. exactly like the monkey that went into space! >> steve: you're clairvoyant! >> brian: it's gift. >> gretchen: have a great day. reform we've seen in decades. there is a group of powerful lawmakers from both sides of the aisle now set to announce a framework that could bring sweeping changes in our immigration laws and this would be historic. we'll see if they get it done though. hope the weekend was fantastic. >> it was. how about yours? bill: decent. martha: happy monday, good morning, everybody. i'm martha maccallum. the details of this bill need to be worked out.
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the senators want to cover four main goals in this. it includes something you heard a lot about, a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants already living here. and the establishment of a employment verification program to prevent employers from hiring illegal immigrants. something like that already exists. they want to do changes to that. also an agricultural worker program in this country. bill: steve centanni, leads our coverage. he is live in washington. what happens exactly today, steve? good morning. >> reporter: well, good morning, bill. a bipartisan group of eight senators will unveil its new immigration proposal here on capitol hill. it is a plan as you said that lays out a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants and tighter border security and better employment verification. democrats on the panel are chuck schumer of new york, dick durbin of illinois and bob menendez of new colorado's l
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bennet. republicans are john mccain, south carolina's lindsey graham, marco rubio of florida and jeff flake of arizona. this comes as president obama flies to las vegas to outline his vision for immigration. senator durbin says immigration reform, a comprehensive plan is long overdue. >> we are committed to a comprehensive approach to finally in this country have an immigration law we can live with. we've virtually going for 25 years without a clear statement about immigration policy. that is unacceptable in this nation of immigrants. >> reporter: the plan also calls for easier entry for immigrants who have math, science and engineering skills. bill? bill: there is a lot of politics laced to this entire issue. how do the politics figure into this proposal, steve? >> reporter: first it comes during an important window of opportunity before the midterm elections of 2014 get underway, before all the campaigning gets underway. it comes just after president obama was reelected partly because of the strong support of
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latinos, the fastest growing minority group in the u.s. senator john mccain acknowledged that reality yesterday. >> give you a little straight talk. look at the last election. look at the last election. we are lose drag mat i canly the hispanic vote which we think should be ours for a variety of reasons and we've got to understand that. >> reporter: so, a senate bill on immigration reform could be debated this spring. we'll see how that goes, bill. bill: thank you, steve. steve centanni in washington. martha has a bit more. martha: lawmakers of course made the round on the sunday talk shows and they expressed their support for the deal. here is some of that. >> cautiously optimistic. someone who spent years between the house and the senate trying to comprehensive immigration reform i'm cauautiously optimistic. i see the right spirit. i see things that were once off the table for agreement and discussion being on the table. serious pathway forward. >> i think those rubio principles do a really good job of adhering to the
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founding principles, respecting the rule of law and respecting those who came here for a better life. martha: all right. so now all of this is really a framework for the proposal. it still has to make it through congress. on the house side it could be tricky. coming up next, our senior political analyst in the next hour, brit hume, is going to weigh in on all of that. bill: look forward to that. what does the current state of u.s. immigration look like today? right now 11 million immigrants in the u.s. illegally. that is down from the record of more than 12 million five years ago before the economy went down. the vast majority, a staggering, 80%, come from mexico and latin america. in 2012 last year more than half of all those facing deportation were convicted criminals. four minutes past. martha: this is awful story this weekend. this it horrific scene in brazil. a fire ripped through a crowded nightclub killing more than 230 people is the latest count on this.
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hundreds of people were hurt in addition to that. this is amateur video from inside the club. witnesses decribed a panicked rush for the exits. some of them confusing. one exit which turned out to be an bathroom for an exit to the building. it is awful, awful story sadly we've seen in this country before. steve harrigan joins us in our miami bureau with more on this good morning he have too. what do they think happened here? >> reporter: martha, a number of factors went wrong in this tragedy, some of the same factors we've seen in similar incidents over the past few years. this was a small brazilian nightclub build to hold 1,000 people but more than 2,000 people were jammed in there. the nightclub had lapsed health and safety permits. only one working exit. the exit for a time were blocked by bouncers who were trying to make sure people were not running out on the bar tab traditionally paid at end of the night in brazil. you had a ban using
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pyrotechnics firing flares into the ceiling. the ceiling was made of foam to insulate the sound. that burning foam killed 90% of the dead in this case. it produced a toxic smoke which not only suffocated people in minutes and disoriented those trying to escape. many running for the bathroom door. more than 50 bodies found in the bathroom. really a horrific scene described by bystanders. bodies stacked up by the exit. it took police hours to break through to remove the bodies by truck. the mog in morgue in this hometown overrun with bodies eventually taken to the gymnasium. >> i lost my son in this tragedy. full of life at 27 years old. >> translator: she has just been identified. we thought she was at the hospital. >> reporter: we saw a similar tragedy in rhode island in 2003 that killed 100 people. once again a band using
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pyrotechnics. after that event many states mandated sprinkler systems in the small clubs and outlawed the use of sparklers, pyrotechnics by bands, martha. martha: what is the reaction to all of this and kind of rules and situation that allowed this to happen in brazil? >> reporter: this was a university town and most of those killed were in their late teens, university students. they were out celebrating the last weekend of sumner brazil. a real sense of devastation in this town. the president has cut short a visit to return home to mourn with those families. and funerals are going on since 7:0 in the morning in all three cemeteries in this town. the country declared three days of mourning and an eto mark 500 days until the world cup will be canceled. there are new questions being raised about brazil's ability to manage the world cup and the olympics in 2016. martha: they have that in their future as well. steve, sad story. bill: tough to wake up on that on sunday morning.
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tragedy in brazil topping the list of horrific nightclub fires. the most recent, a club in bank cock -- bangkok, thailand, sparked by fireworks killed 66. the most recent tragedy happened 10 years ago in a club in rhode island during a great white performance. 100 people died there, sparked by pyrotechnics indoors. martha: to iran now. they're denying reports of a major explosion at one of their main nuclear facilities. according to news reports, the blast happened at this underground site and apparently caused significant damage. including as many as 200 were feared trapped inside. iran is slamming those reports, calling them western prop dwand today -- propaganda, intended to sway negotiations in upcoming nuclear talks. bill: now to your money. folks, it is okay to look at your 401(k). it is already.
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wall street on a roll. on friday the market closed at its highest value in more than five years. going back to wednesday, october 31st, 2007. so far stocks enjoying their best start to a new year since 1987 but how long will that last? stuart varney, anchor of "varney & company", fox business network. if you knew that answer you would be walking all the way to the bank, wouldn't you pal? >> yes, pal, i would. doing my best to start the week with a smile on my face. we should have a smile on our faces because the dow jones industrial average is only 268 points away from its all-time record high. as you said, best january in 16, 17 years. the market is focusing on all the good stuff like profits, like housing recovery, like more energy production, like china picking up, like europe calming down a little. it is focusing on the good, ignoring the debt and the political wrangling. it is about 268 away from the all-time record high, bill. bill: that is remarkable. take you back a couple years
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now. seemed like we were starting every year on a good note and all that fizzled away. is it different now though? >> you're talking both the economy and the market. we seem to pick up in the very early part of the year and by the spring we start to fade and fade into the summer. that has been the pattern of the last three, four years now. i don't know whether that's going to be repeated this january but we're certainly off to a very good start. i would advise you, bill, watch out for numbers that are coming out on wednesday. they will be the big picture on how strong or otherwise our economy is growing and it is likely to be bad news. bill: but this run too, it's come in the midst of, well, one of our highest flyers, apple, it was creamed and we're still doing okay. >> apple has gone from $703 a share, to $440 a share in the space of a few months. apple is enormously important as the great stock of the decade and yet it is down so much, and yet the overall market is up so much.
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go figure. bill: yeah, well, pretty good chance in your 401(k) you own some apple in some of those funds thank you, stuart. see you in 10 minutes on 9:20 on fbn. martha: new details in the boeing dreamliner's battery problems. there have been at least two incidents involving overheated batteries in these planes including a fire at boston logan's jetport. they're looking from the battery to the manufacturer of the monitoring civil. the boeing 787 is the first to use lithium ion batteries found in laptops. they are prone to overheating and require additional temperature monitoring. they're watching the monitoring company of this now. all 50 dreamliners are grounded, bill. bill: they had a long weekend to figure that out and still do today. we have a jam-packed show coming up for you. we'll show you the dramatic video after helicopter rescue. are have you seen this? a toddler trapped by the rising floodwaters there.
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martha: trying to win the hearts and minds of new gun control laws. we'll tell you who the president is meeting with today in the push for this agenda. bill: controversial call to arms by a local sheriff that has even the local police union calling foul. >> they have the sheriff put out what i consider a public disservice announcement discouraging people from calling 911 is just wrong. [ male announcer ] red lobster is hitting the streets
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to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu! oh my goodness... oh my gosh, this looks amazing... [ male announcer ] 15 entrees under $15! it's o new maine stays! seafood, chicken, and more! h! the tilapia with roast vegables. i'actually looking at the od grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. that pork chop was great. no more fast food friday's. we're going to go to red lobster... [ male announcer ] come try our new menu and sea food different. d introducing 7 lunch choices for just $7.99! salad, sandwiches and more.
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martha: boy, serious situation unfolding in the mississippi river. an oil barge filled with 80,000 gallons of crude oil slammed into a railroad bridge. investigators say the barge was one of two being towed at the time. both were damaged in this crash. it is unclear how much oil actually spilled into the big muddy but investigators do say that they have managed to contain the source of that spill they believe. they have closed off all of the surrounding area for cleanup. big job ahead of them today. bill: certainly is. something to watch. the push for gun control taking center stage at
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white house a bit later this morning. you will see that here live. president obama, vice president joe biden getting ready to meet with police chiefs and sheriffs from major american cities as former house speaker newt gingrich describes the proposal to ban assault weapons as quote, propaganda. do the new gun controls laws have a chance of passing? with me republican congresswoman marsha blackburn out of tennessee. >> good morning. bill: shoot right down the middle here. will it happens the assault weapons ban. >> no, here is the reason why. it was not renewed in 2004. the fbi and law enforcement officers saying this did not work. what we know is that since the lifting of that ban you've seen crime go down. people, many times, bill, what ends up happening, you get the gun-free zones and you get guns in the hand of criminals and you're right,
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there's a lot of evil in this world but the assault weapons ban is not the way to fix it. bill: okay. on the assault, let me come back to fixing that in a moment. what about a background check? could that pass? >> well, background checks already are happening and, even, you know, some people will say, there's a gun show loophole but you know what? the most of the your vendors at the gun shows are licensed vendors. they are already doing those background checks there is a very small percentage, i think it is about four or 5% of the guns that are transferred into individual to individual without background checks. bill: so much has been proposed publicly. does any of that pass now in your view? >> i don't think you're going to see --. bill: goes nowhere then? with the budget deal and the debt deal and i will my graduation reform being pushed does that all crowd out any possibility of gun reform? >> no, i think what you're hearing from individuals is look, the assault weapons ban goes after a symptom. let's focus on root causes
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and at the root cause of this, what we're hearing from teachers and coaches and parents, mental illness, mental health. let's drill down on that. let's look at the impact of violence. what we want to do is make certain children are safe. that people in public places are safe. and you don't add to the safety component by just having assault weapons ban. bill: it may even be, from a political standpoint, easier to understand the following way. harry reid pretty much said last week he did not want to force his members of the senate, 20 of whom are up for re-election in 2014, into an uncomfortable vote. i'm paraphrasing again. i thought that was a clear signal that the possibility of seeing a vote on this in congress, was questionable? >> i think that you're right. i think what harry reid knows there are not the votes in the senate to bring this forward. he probably wouldn't get the 60 votes that are necessary for cloture. what we know from a public
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policy perspective is that an assault weapons ban doesn't work. it did not work in the '90s. it was lifted in 2004. we know that the root cause of this is centered more in violence, in mental health, and that is where our focus needs to be. bill: you were on some of the sunday talk shows. newt gingrich was as well. >> yeah. bill: what did he mean when he said that talk of assault weapons ban is just propaganda? >> i was on "face the nation" with him yesterday. what i think, and i don't know, what i would think is, that these are things, they're talking about things to try it scare people and talking about the number rounds and limitations on ammunition. there again, it doesn't get at the heart of the problem. most of the crimes that are committed are committed with handguns and, it is already illegal to buy a military weapon. if you want to collect or
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have a class 3 firearm you have to go through extensive background checks, the same as a dealer would have to go through. so there are already laws in place. let's support and enforce those deal with the felons that go in and try to buy a gun but nothing is ever done. bill: it was last week senator feinstein talked about banning more than 150 semiautomatic weapons. we'll see whether or not it gets legs. she said it was an uphill battle. we'll see whether she is right or you're right in time. good to see you. marsha blackburn here in new york. what is next, martha? martha: it was supposedo be a pretty typical left-hand turn. watch this. see the guy on the motorcycle? bill: oh my. martha: wait until you see what happens. >> a growing mystery after a young woman takes the trip of a lifetime but never makes it home. what happened? her family is demanding answers. >> you know you have so many thoughts going through your mind. you don't know what to think,
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you don't know what to believe. you don't know what to expect. you don't know what the is going to come out of this tt=eá75
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bill: we have some incredible video to show you of a death narrowly averted. just watch here. martha: wow. bill: see the guy on the motorcycle? he was waiting for the light to change at an intersection. had he been maybe a foot further, he reacts just in the nick of time to take a step back. happened in eastern china. incredible no one hurt or killed as a result. that is a big ol' mehou. martha: bizarre. he was okay. how about the extreme weather we have headed our way here? this is a powerful ice storm that battered parts of
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midwest over the weekend of the it is making its way east make a messy commute for some folks. >> you have to be careful. >> not in a hurry to get anywhere. watch the road. watch where you're going. martha: got to worry about the ice. the snow is okay. ice not so great. we're watching this and its pat. meteorologist maria molina is live in the fox news weather center. maria, what do we have coming our way here? >> martha, good to see you. good morning, everyone. we have the storm that impacted portions of the midwest t brought down tree branches with ice accumulation across places in the midwest. now the storm is impacting the northeast. we have number of winter weather advisories through portions of new england, upstate new york and d.c., baltimore area where we were looking at reports of freezing rain and snow across that region. not that region is used to this kind of weather. a messy morning commute and as we head through the
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afternoon hours, mild air south of the storm will head northbound and eventually transition most of this winter mess into rainfall. by the evening commute you would be looking a lot better across portions of the northeast. right now the snow is coming down across places in upstate new york. not expecting too much accumulation. six inches, or two to three inches for most of you as far as the snow goes. it is really the ice that is bigger concern. you have ice on top of the snow. that will be very slippery commute. the area shaded pink is where we have freezing rain through parts of central pennsylvania. behind the storm much milder. unfortunately the milder air will produce issues as we head into tomorrow with severe weather. he have widespread area from texas up through areas of western indiana, large hail, damaging wind gusts and isolated tornados possible. by wednesday the storm heads eastbound. more severe weather expected across the east coast and carolinas and state of west virgina coming up as we head into your wednesday. i martha, i want to show you
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mild air will produce warm temperatures in chicago. enjoy it while you have it, because by friday in the teens. big fluctuation here. martha: boy, maria, thank you. everybody get ready did. maria molina. bill: 61 degrees in chicago. martha: 6th avenue outside the window here. bill: it is the cold, flu, season. when it goes down comes back up again. the surprise joint interview. this was the news item of the night. president obama, hillary clinton sitting down for "60 minutes." what were the hard-hitting questions? some are still trying to figure that out. our panel will help us out were that in a moment. martha: a state of emergency in egypt. what a story this was over the weekend as the hopes of the arab spring turn into days of rage. why protesters want regime change now, again. [shouting] you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole.
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bill: the american pastor on trial in iran for opening a network of christian churches now learning his fate. saeed abedini, sentenced to eight years in iran's most brutal jail. after getting the news his wife, living in boise, idaho, says quote, with today's developments i'm devastated for my husband and my family. we must now pursue every effort, turn every rock and not stop until he is safely on american soil. amy kellogg on the story. is the u.s. state department getting involved, amy?
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>> reporter: the u.s. state department is, bill. they say they're actively engaged in this case and in close contact with the family. it is such a sensitive situation right now they are not going to divulge exactly what they are doing. all of this complicated by the fact that the u.s. and iran do not have diplomatic relations. what is very puzzling to christian groups following this case it is not clear were abedini was arrested over the summer and sentenced now? he had converted to islam back in 2000. he had apparently involved in the network of house churches but he had sort of agreement with the iranian authorities that if he didn't evangelize he would be able to travel back and forth. he now lives in boise, idaho, back and forth to iran to visit family and do work with an orphannage as long as he did not evan gellize. apparently did not been doing that but was picked up anyway. christian solidarity worldwide which is based here in london, bill, is concerned about the charge is a political one.
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national security and they're worried that the iranian authorities are rather than talking religion, talking about political issues. and that makes it all that much more serious. bill: what is the situation for christians in iran, for them, amy? >> reporter: well, you know, bill, there are 300,000 christians in iran. many are armenian and assyrian. but it is evangelicals the converts who are under the most scrutiny. they have this network what they call house churches. increasingly according to sources here those networks are being infiltrated. and those are the christians who really are in trouble these days. they are being cracked down on. it is estimated hundreds of them are in jail. you may remember, the case of youcef nard nard, who was in jail for several years recently released. the his situation is tenuous. several journalists were arrested over the weekend believed to be an act of
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intimidation before the national elections in the country. bill: thank you, amy. we'll speak with the pastor's wife. her first television interview since her husband was sentenced. we'll get an interview with the leading organization fighting to get pass star abedini out of iran. martha: questions behind the motivation behind a joint tv interview given by president obama and hillary clinton on the weekend on "60 minutes.". steve kroft asking the president why he would want to do a interview. very rare to see a sitting president sitting down for an interview like this. here is how he responded. >> i wanted to have a chance to publicly say thank you. i think hillary will go down as one of the finest secretary of states we've had. it has been a great collaboration over the last four years. i'm going to miss her. wish she was sticking around but she has logged in so
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many miles i can't begrudge her one, take it easy for a little bit. martha: hmmm. a lot of people speculating about the larger meaning behind this sit-down. kirsten powers, "daily beast" columnist and tucker carlson, editor at "the daily caller". both of course are fox news contributors. we welcome you both here this morning. welcome, guys. >> good morning. >> steve kroft, said i will spare you going down memory lane, reminding the way you were with each other on the campaign. we're not so generous. we'll play a clip from one of those debates. take a look. >> i will try to go on. [laughter] he is very likable. i agree with that. i don't think i'm that bad. >> you're likable enough, hillary. >> thank you. [laughter] >> i appreciate it. martha: look at her shaking her evidence. that moment was just, whole thing started with likeability rating for both of them in that question. once again, good morning,
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guys. tucker, what is the motivation. why did we watch this yesterday? >> well, i mean this interview presented the senator and the -- president and secretary of state, a as famous people you want to know about more. i think this is shows a warm relationship. i don't know if that is true or not. one of the reasons president did so many interviews on "60 minutes." did five in the '08 campaign. he keeps going back with the expectation he will be treated like he was in this interview. of course it is great for him. martha: kirsten, a lot of criticism about this interview. this was a real missed opportunity to have the president of the president, secretary of state, both guided the country in tough economic times and international situations and there was no real questions. >> it really wasn't. it was something you expect from the state-run media. that kind of level of propaganda as far as i'm concerned. first of all, "60 minutes" was transparently being used as a campaign advertisement,
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which, you know, if they're okay with that, then okay but, i --. martha: why would they do this? they don't have to do that? why? >> i understand agreeing to the interview, leting them have one softball question in the beginning and then move on to more important things. but the reality is, this was a joke. i mean it really was, you look at it, even just not challenging base being things, like the president claiming hillary has been a great secretary of state in part because they have dismantled al qaeda. i'm sorry, does anyone paying attention to what is going on in north africa? why is president not asked about algeria, mali? martha: so true. >> libya. these are front and center in the news right now. the next question after he says this is, i have to ask you, what's the date of expiration of this endorsement? that's his follow-up question to the president saying that al qaeda has been dismantled.
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martha: that is great point, kirsten. tucker, go ahead. >> this is consistent by the way. you remember on september 12th, the day of at tax in benghazi which four americans were murdered the president did an interview with steve kroft which he said, we don't know whether this was an act of terrorism or not. cbs sat on the sound bite, only news on the interview and did not release that to the public until way after it became a major issue in presidential they worked on behalf of the obama campaign. your question which is smart one, why are they doing this? i don't know. "60 minutes" is good show a lot of the time. martha: they will take heat for this for some time. >> he is like kryptonite for them. martha: "60 minutes" interview with the president, propaganda. >> melts with obama for some reason. >> also, martha, the other thing is probably the first half the interview is old news. we know how the secretary of state was chosen. we know about the back and forth. this already has been reported on. this is not new information like he was getting new
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insight how this came about and how they got over their relationship. it really was just a campaign endorsement. martha: yeah. huge questions about how good a secretary of state hillary clinton really was linker when you look at north africa, as you say, talk about the middle east, we could talk about that for quite some time. i want to talk about the political implications why they wanted to do this together. poor joe biden out there, every chance he gets slipping in, i might be interested for running for president. if there was ever a clearer, the president stand by her, tucker, i say that was it. >> it is awful if you think about it. the vice president served faithfully, done from what i can everything the president has asked him to do. historically that should give him rights to be the frontrunner in the next presidential election. here you have all but got endorsement from the president of hillary clinton. this has to do with domestic politics here and now. i don't think it has to do with coming presidential race. has to do with the narrative
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war on woman. democratic party is a party of self-aware women. but it does shaft biden for sure. martha: could talk about this all afternoon. the great having you kirsten and tucker. bill: might be the line of the day. state-run media. they all make great, terrific points too. won't be the end of this i don't believe. martha: we'll talk about that some more. bill: so the mystery deepens for a missing new york mother who vanished overseas. now her family is going to extraordinary leepts to find her and bring her home safely. martha: how about this. controversial message from a local sheriff. he says forget 911, folks. you need to get yourself a gun and train yourself. listen to this. >> once the wolf is at the door, once the intruder is in your home, once a guy sticks a gun in your face on the street and demand your wallet or wants to take your car, 911 isn't going to help you. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
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i just served my mother-in-law your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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spending the day with my niece. i don't use super poligrip for hold because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well-fitting dentures let in food particles. super poligrip is zinc free. with just a few dabs, it's clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat. so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. [ charlie ] try zinc free super poligrip.
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martha: a local sheriff drawing controversy in milwaukee, wisconsin, for telling people there he feels they do need to arm themselves. he released a radio ad saying with the budget cuts to the department simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer really your best option. >> you could beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed or you can fight back but are you prepared? consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. martha: wow! milwaukee county, sheriff, david clarke, jr., coming under sharp criticism and the from the mayor and local sheriff's union. they claim he is urging people to become vigilant tease. >> what is most troubling to me, if there is an emergency i want people to call 911 and to have the sheriff put out what he consider a public disservice announcement discouraging people from calling 911, it is just wrong. >> he got what he wanted. he wanted to get a lot of
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attention and publicity and he succeeded there. martha: interesting, right? earlier this morning on fox and friend sheriff clarke doubled down on those statements. here is what he said then. >> personal safety is individual responsibility anyway but people have to be prepared to do this thing. the police are not omnipresent. we can't be everywhere all the time. sometimes we can't be there as fast as we would like. martha: under wisconsin law it is legal to use deadly force against an intruder who comes into your home. as you can see, a very divided community over those statementsers fascinating developments too. 15 minutes before the hour. two years, two years since the arab uprising started in egypt. protesters once again calling for a regime change there after president mohammed morsi declared a state of emergency and a curfew in areas hit hardest by a wave of violent riots. so far 50 have died in the seats as a result. kt mcfarland, deputy secretary of defense for president reagan, fox news
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analyst today among other things. good morning to you. last night on "60 minutes" we were told what about the state of egypt and how they're doing today? >> the president claimed it is one of the great successes and credited hillary clinton with the great success of the arab spring. i think they will really regret saying those words a year or two from now because i'm not optimistic what happens next in egypt. bill: tell me why we care. this is a big country. tens of millions of people right there in the heart of northern africa and the middle east. >> we care for a couple of reasons but primarily it is because as go egypt so goes the region. egypt is the largest country, the biggest history, the country every other country in the region looks to set the pace. if egypt is being run by the muslim brotherhood, muslim brotherhood which talks about abrogating the peace treaty with israelings talks about still one of their leading people talks about christians and jews as being pigs and descended from apes, if that is where egypt goes, what happens to the rest of the region?
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then the second reason is an economic one. everybody talks about the straight of horl muse, if we have a crisis with iran they will bottle up the strait of hormuz and oil will not get out. nobody talks about the suez canal. bill: that's a great point. you say you're not optimistic about egypt? >> no. bill: why not? >> three reasons, bill, economic, political and demographic. economic. all the reasons the people went out to the streets two years ago remain. the economy is not in great shape. foreign investment has dried up. people who are rich in egypt, they're leaving the country. and egypt needs a billion and a half dollars a month to feed its people. the second is democratic. bill: from other countries. >> whoever want to ante up for the loan or whatever, they can't feed their own people. the second thing is demographics. 75% of the country is under the age of 30, 35. they don't have jobs. they're not about to get jobs anytime soon. the third reason is political. enabout if this is a muslim brother country, if they
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decide to break the peace treaty with israel, where does it go? bill: all great points. when mubarak was charge if he had issues the would send the army or the police into the streets and calm down. it is not happening now. why not? are they not listening to morsi. >> i think things are spinning pretty much out of control pretty fast. when mubarak was in power, he had to go. everybody knows he had to go. did you have to get of showed out in a week's time nothing to take his place creating a power vacuum? if you look back at mubarak not to say he was a great guy. egypt was growing 8% gnp now it flat-lined. bill: everybody thought it was good to push him out of power but we look back in the, in the mirror. there was a riot in a soccer stadium over a year ago. over the weekend death sentences were handed down for at least 21 of them. that resulted in violence over the weekend, more than 50 dead. the second sentencing phase for the trial doesn't happen
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untiller march. point being, morsi has to deal with this. at least until then. what does he do? >> i think what's happened, anything can set this off. for example, the international monetary fund is negotiating with egypt to give them a big loan and that big enloan is conditional upon egypt having economic reforms, tax rerecalls to. when morsi tried to put those in people went into the streets for that. they have gone into the streets over the soccer game. they have gone into the streets over morsi taking power over --. bill: they don't have enough to do. that means they don't have a job. that is the big issue. islamists muslim brotherhood, something we'll watch. >> absoluteliers kt mag far land in studio. to viewers at home, twitter @billhemmer, you can fire away now, because you asked, bya. martha. martha: another big story as we gear up for sweeping new immigration reform in this country. we've been virtually going 25 years without a clear
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statement about immigration policy. that is unacceptable in this nation of immigrants. martha: coming up we'll take a look exactly what these eight lawmakers are putting together that is being called a sea change in the immigration issue in this country. that is coming up. bill: also dramatic rescue here. a toddler trapped by raging floodwaters. we'll show you what happened next. >> here we go aside our rivalry. aside our rivalry. 'cause all our states are great. and now is when the gulf gets even bett. the beaches and waters couldn't be more beautil. take a boat ride or just lay in the sun. enjoy the wildlife and natural beauty. and don't forget our amazing seafood. soome to the gulf, you'll have a great time. especially in alabama. you mean mississippi. that's florida. say louisiana or there's no dessert. brought to you by bp and all of us who ca the gulf home.
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bill: some incredible rescue video out of australia. a toddler and two women airlifted into a helicopter after their truck is nearly submerged by floodwaters. luck killly all three are okay. this flooding in queensland forced many out of their homes. killed one person.
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that rescue attempt was successful. you see the boom come down. you see the waters rising around the suv there is only one way out. you have to go up. if you go into the water you will quickly go downstream. oh my gosh. look at this. let's watch for a second. as they pull the baby up. what a hero that guy is. wow! wonder how the child will feel about swimming after that. thank goodness they're all together and everybody is okay. what a cutie. oh, my gosh. martha: this story caught our attention as well. the search is on for an american woman who is missing in the middle east. she is a mother of two from new york city. took a long, planned trip to visit turkey and government officials in the u.s. and abroad are now getting involved in her disappearance the family is not waiting about this. they're going overseas to look for her. david lee miller is live in the new york city newsroom with the latest. what do we know about this. >> reporter: she was supposed to return to the
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united states exactly one year ago today from a vacation in turkey. as you just heard she never arrived. relatives say the staten island, new york, woman was planning to take the trip with a friend who canceled. she was going to take the trip alone and her husband went to turkey to try to find her. before leaving he described the anguish of the last few days. >> don't have appetite. you can't sleep. you wake up crying. your mind is all over the place. even still though, despite all that you, you have a hope, you know and you hold onto that hope. >> reporter: two sons, ages nine and 11 about been told, mommy missed her flight and daddy has gone to get her. her family says it is very unusual for her to disappear without saying a single word. >> oh, my gosh, what a tough story. any clues to her disappearance, david lee? >> reporter: there is a little information.
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shortly before sierra disappeared she posted pictures of istanbul on the internet. remember she is an amateur photographer. police are examining security videos and they found her passport and personal items in the apartment she was staying. her phone and ipad were missing. she reportedly sent a message to her sister saying i will be home tomorrow. the consulate in istanbul would only say they're working with turkish authorities to determine her whereabouts. her brother says they are hopeful that this is going to have a happy ending. martha: we hope so too. david lee, thank you. for athere is a nationwide smooth criminal that walked out of prison not once, but twice and he did it the same way. we'll tell you how that happened in a moment. martha: and the wife of an american pastor who has just been sentenced to eight years of hard time in a prison in iran joins us for her first television
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. martha: new developments this morning on a hot button issue sthaeus sur that is sure some set off an emotional debate. senators will announce 2:30 eastern that they have developed a new framework of a broad revamp of our immigration laws. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. bill: welcome to you, i'm bill hemmer. this involves a path of citizenship but not in the sense that you go to the front of the line. in fact you go to the back of the line. it has the support of republican senator marco rubio, without that support this likely goes no where. here is john mccain from yesterday. >> it's not that much different from what we tried to do in 2007. martha, what's changed is honestly is that there is a new, i think appreciation on both sides of the aisle, including
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maybe more importantly on the republican side of the aisle that we have to enact a comprehensive immigration reform bill. martha: we've been hearing about that for a longtime, right? is now the time? joined by brit hume fox news senior political analyst, good morning, good to see you. >> reporter: good morning, martha. martha: we got a new fox poll showing there is support for this in the country, 66% said there should be a path with regard to immigrants, a pathway to citizenship. why do you think we are in a new place on this if we are. >> reporter: we are in a new place on this because of the way hispanics voted in the rehrebg re-election, with mitt romney doing worse among hispanic voters which are obviously a growing growing block than any of his recent presented today sepredecessors.
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there is alarm that this important vote is slipping away from the republican party and you have the softening of the positions which have been pretty hard gains the very kind of measure that senator mccain is walking about. martha: we have those numbers as well. we can pull those up from the 2012 election, 71% of hispanics voted for president obama, 27% voted for mitt romney, because it was a drubing, truly in that part of the electorate. obviously john mccain has talked about this since seven. george w. bush was very involved in this. jeb bush is speaking very strongly in favor of this type of citizenship. the trouble they are likely to run into is in the house of representatives, right. >> reporter: one would think so. the problem with this bill for the critics in the house is that it is, call it what you will, whatever name you use it's an amnesty bill in the sense that people who came here illegally
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and who are here now will be able to attain a provisional legal status. that won't make them citizens, that will be a much more come ph*ebg complex, they get to come out of the shadows and be here legally and work here legal leave. a lot of people will say that is amnesty. amnesty is a word that fires up people who were really reoccupied and concerned about this issue. this is one of these issues where intensity matters. you look at that big number, 66% in favor of a path for citizenship for these people. how many people are really passionate about it? it's hard to know. a great many of those who will oppose it are passionate about it. martha: politically if republicans and democrats can get together and pass a quote, comprehensive immigration bill does this begin to sort of neutralize that issue for going forward in terms of the electric torthe electorate.
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>> reporter: let me answer the question another way, if they do resist it and success in defeat it it seems to me that solidifies the position that hispanics have that republicans are against them. it won't be fair and not fair to all republicans. obviously it would be on some level helpful. it all depend on how this looks to them. does it look like republicans are leading the way or does it look like republicans are being dragged kicking and screaming into supporting this? the atmosphere and the appearance of how it happens will affect the political result as well. martha: so true. we will see. thank you so much. >> reporter: you bet. bill: there are economic considerations here too. if this goes forward it could drive up the cost of president obama's new healthcare law. steven moore is a senior economic writer for the "wall street journal" to explain that. steven, good morning to you. >> hi, bill, good morning. bill: how would this work. >> the big issue with respect to legalizing these 8, 10,
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12 million people who are here illegally is will they become eligible for all these government benefits this. is a big concern. i'm as proimmigration as anyone, i think immigration is one of our great sassett as a country. i have a concern offering food stamps, health benefits, welfare benefits to immigrants who come here we. want immigrants who want to come here and work and be productive citizens. we don't want our welfare system to become a nag net. this will be a big issue in that bill that you were just discussing with brit hume. bill: i'm reading from the assuming a final deal paves the way for undocumented immigrants to receive papers, assuming, do we know that to be the case? >> well the bill is still being written. we don't know exactly what kind of benefits these immigrants will be eligible for. these are people who are already in the country. most of them, because of their illegal status, bill, as you know they are not eligible for most of these programs, although many do collect food stamps.
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i mean this will be one of the major sticking points, in terms of getting this bill done. you know, we've had a policy in this country for a hundred years, bill, that says, immigrants can come to this country, but they have to -- upon entry they have to prove to the satisfaction of the immigration officials that they will not become what is called a public charge, that is to say they won't become welfare recipients, that they will be productive citizens and it will be interesting whether we extend that kind of qualification to the people who get legalized under this program. bill: that is a fascinating point. a public charge would include a lot of things, right, food stamps, healthcare, welfare. >> that's right. our policy has always been, immigrants for the first seven and eight years in the country are now eligible for those programs you just mentioned, bill. bill: steven moore thank you. watch the word and the action of marco rubio on this, because even before the election republicans were saying, you will not see immigration reform
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happen unless our fingerprints are all over that law. watch that later today. thank you, steven. >> the republicans have to be a proimmigration party. i think this is great what marco rubio is doing and i think it will revive the republican party among hispanics, i really do. bill: thank. >> take care. martha: a little more context on the issue of illegal immigration. the number of undocumented immigrants in the u.s. was estimated at more than 11 million people in 2011, the number of unauthorized immigrants speaked in seven at 12 million and u.s. immigrations and customs enforcement known as ohio removed 400,000 illegal immigrants from the country this year. in a was the most active deportation for that agency, so that is a big number. bill: we get this now, a top u.s. diplomat calling for north korea to stand down on plans for a controversial nuclear test in that country and honor its international obligations.
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>> we came out to the region hoping to, you know, start a new round of let's call it, let's make a deal, but instead we find a north korea that seems bent on playing a game of risk. this is very dangerous. we'd like them to step away, step back from this kind of a provocative stance and enable us to get back to a diplomatic process, but i have to be honest with you as a diplomat i don't see any prospect. bill: north korea leader upbg r-kim u.n. g ordering his officials to go ahead, and fuels speculation that yank wer yeongpyeong is going ahead with the test. martha: investigators are reportedly looking into whether low key -- low level i should say workers at that gas plant in algeria may this helped the militants by providing basic
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information. survivors say the terrorists seemed to know the location of certain offices when they went storming into the building and the arrival time for work of the top managers and how to kill the plant's electricity. the deadly four-day siege left 30 workers dead, among them were three americans. bill: i think in the end it may not surprise us if it's an inside job. some of the early reporting suggested that. you didn't hear about that last night did you? martha: no, correct, this is true. stpho: an american pastor accused of spreading christianity sentenced to eight years in one of iran's most dangerous priso prisons. we'll thubg t talk to his wife since the verdict. martha: the pentagon is inching closer and closer to the date when they will see devastating budget cuts in our military. why one lawmaker says he thinks this is going to happen. bill: and this little guy becomes iran's latest hero.
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shot into space they say, we'll take about his journey into the great unknown or at least what iran says. martha: i wonder what he'll report back? ♪ some people call me the space cowboy, some wall me the gangster of love. ♪ some people call me maurice, because i speak of the poppatis of love. ♪ ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern.
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bill: there are two people recovering from hypothermia after their small plane crashed and s*eupbd in th sank in the hudson river. the man and woman on board the plane were wearing life jackets, saved their lives, and endured the hudson's icy waters for 30 minutes before the rescue. >> we could hear them calling for help. we had a visual on them and we
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were trying to head them off. they were going southbound at a pretty good clip. bill: and it was one cold night here in new york last night. we are told they are in stable condition at a hospital. that crash is under investigation. but they are going to make it. martha: lucky. the american pastor who was on trial for opening a network of churches in iran has now been sentenced to serve eight years in the country's most dangerous prison, this comes right after last week we heard that he might be released. then they couldn't find him for a couple of days. this has been torture for his family. his wife is here and this is her first tv interest view. and sekulow is director of law for american justice. i can only imagine what went through your mind. what was your reaction.
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>> it was devastating. there was a glimmer of hope that was falls lee give falsely given to us that he might be released. to learn that nor eight years, my kids will be teenagers there is no chance going back to see him during a prison visit. the phone calls are cut off now. the kids won't be able to hear their dad's voice, it's very devastating that not until they are teenagers, they are toddlers right now, will they ever hear their dad's voice or see him. martha: jordan, what is the explanation ther explanation from iran if any. >> they say he taeuplted to undermine the national security of the iranian government by working from house churches from 2001 to 2005. i have two pieces of breaking news, martha, his attorney has confirmed to afp which is great the appeal will move forward, it's in the revolutionary court. the second piece of information,
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the statements yesterday and i have to thank fox news for tracking those down from the nsc and state department about the conviction, we emailed them last night so we could get them directly from the attorneys we needed, not necessarily a written statement professionally but to confirm a written piece. we got this response back. this underscores why it has been so difficult to work with the state department and the nsc. they will say one thing to the press, what do they say to the people representing the family. here is the one from bernadette. to clarify the nsc has not released any straeuplts regarding this case. both the comment you sent and the comment you provided today were not written statements but rather responses to inquiries from members. press. the headlines in newspapers around the world today is the state department condems, the u.s. department condems in a statement. again this shows me why am i so nervous about having a foreign government meet with me and call the white house and say what did you say and they are going to say, we didn't say anything?
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martha: what do you think? your husband is an american citizen. i want to continue to stress this. this is an american citizen being held in iran on charges of having christian churches, and as jordan pointed out the threat to the security of iran, he has family there. he said we will no longer do the house churches if that is breaking the law in anyway we will not do that any more. he was setting up an orphanage in iran as part of his activities there. what would you say to the state department now? i doubt if you had time to watch the 60 minutes interview last night, perhaps you did in the middled of all this. but no yes, sir to hillary clinton about your husband last night. >> that is unfortunate. he was there, as you mentioned for the orphanage, an didn't break any laws. he's there because of iran's violation of human rights for his belief as a christian, and iran is the one that is violating and keeping him illegally for five months and
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torturing him and being in such a horrific prison eight years is a death sentence, anything can happen every day. it's unfortunate that we are not seeing more aggressive action from our government, and i hope that -- to me more of that and not just from our government but all over the world, because this is a violation of his human rights, and iran is violating that right. and iran need to be accountable to that. martha: you were told that he is inward 350 now section 3, hall one of evan prison which is a notoriously brutal prison and you will not have any contact with him any more. your children haas point out, six years old, four years old, and he has hundred eight-year sentence. what do you tell them? what are you saying to them about this. >> they don't know my daughter heard me say eight years to someone. she said, mom, what is years. i couldn't explain to them that a year is 365 days. she doesn't get it. they don't upped it at all. they are still hoping every day
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that he's going to come home. i haven't taken that hope from them. every night they pray and they wake up hoping that he's going to be home soon, so i can't even break that news to them. they don't under the concept of years. martha: they are so little and i don't blame them. thank you. we appreciate you spending time with us and we very much want to keep this story in the forefront and to continue to put pressure on as you say governments here and all around the world for this human rights violation. jordan, thank you. keep in touch and we'll continue to tell your story. we wish you all well. >> thank you, i appreciate that. bill: she has been super strong since the beginning. martha: amazing. bill: our best to her. martha: yeah. bill: a nationwide manhunt underway nor an inmate who escaped not once but twice from new high security prisons. how far he did it will make you shake your head. what police are saying about this dangerous criminal today. martha: plus, take a look at this one, this is bizarre, one beach town cleaning up after
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being smothered in foam. it's like the blob, but it's the foam, folks. we'll be black. ♪ tiny bubbles. in the wine. ♪ make me happy. ♪ make me happy h. ♪ make me feel fine. >> make me feel fine. tiny bubbles. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes?
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well, dad, i spent my childhood living with monks learning the art of dealmaking. you've mastered monkey-style kung fu? no. priceline is different now. you don't even have to bid. master hahn taught you all that? oh, and he says to say (translated from cantonese) "you still owe him five bucks." your accent needs a little work.
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martha: well the cost of mailing a letter just went up. the u.s. postal service hiking the price of a first class stamp from 45 to 46-cents. good thing i bought the forever stamps. a postcard increase towed 33 sents. international destinations rose to $11.10s.
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perhaps we need a little restructuring in that department. bill: billion with a b. we are tracking a nation-wide manhunt for this man, 34-year-old rocky marquez. turns out he broke out of jail in nina easton back in may by swiping i.d. wrist bands with another man set for release. he made his way to detroit, michigan. marshals buffed him earlier in the month with an ak-47. now he's on the run again after walking out of the front door of the wayne county jail using the exact same tactic from arizona. the staff there did not notice for five days? rod wheeler former homicide detective and a contributor. rod, good morning to you. this guy is crafty. my gosh. >> good morning, bill. bill: how in the world do you do something like this, how do you pull this off? >> you know it can be done and the thing is, here is the way the process worked, bill, you have a lot of prisoners coming and going and typically you only have so many correctional officers that is kind of
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overseeing these prisoners. what this guy has done, he's taken his wrist band, here is a wrist band that most prisoners wear now and he switched it with somebody else that was due to be released within that week. and so he walked out actually under the auspices if you will of the other guy, and the other guy, we are not sure yet if the police will charge him with anything, but really when you think about it he hasn't committed a crime unless the police know for sure that he gave this guy his wrist band. bill: you have to figure out whether or not he was in on it. so what would be, if that is the case, what is the motivation of another prisoner, another inmate to give somebody their i.d.? >> you're right. there is really no motivation, other than help th-g guy out. yo helping this tpaoeu guy out. in law inc enforcement usually with correctional officers they will not only look at wrist band but another physical characteristics. what the prisoners try to do is
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they'll try to find another prisoner in a looks like them that resembles them a little bit so that way it will be make th it easier for them to walk out. bill: i know you've gonna long way to try to explain this to us. how does the jail go five days without realizing the guy is missing. if i'm an inmate i look down at my wrist and it's in the me. >> you would think they would notice that right away. there are different procedures in place, i can tell you, bill, all across the country ever police department has procedures in place, but from time to time that will happen and it happens more often than not. the only reason is because they are busy shuffling prisoners in and out. bill: one more question here because police say this guy is dangerous. i guess if you're caught with an ak-47 and you're a criminal and you escape from jail it probably fits, right? >> that's right. this guy is very dangerous. you know, he did pick up an ak-47 the last time he escaped. the u.s. marshal service is all over this. they are looking everywhere, they are even hooking back in detroit. i think they are going to find
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this guy some time soon, bill. bill: the question is whether he's in michigan or arizona or one of the other 48 states. rod, chang you. rod wheeler, wins ton salem, north carolina today. martha: a police department banned from a local firing range. we'll tell you why and how it would affect public safety. stpho: it's been almost four years since the senate passed a budget, more than a thousand days. so if there is no budget how do lawmakers know how much money they need to spend in the first place? bya, because you asked. twins. i didn't see them coming. i have obligations. cute obligations, but obligations. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully
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bill: now a stark warning from house budget committee chairman paul ryan e. says that deep budget cuts, known as sequestration are likely unavoidable if the u.s. hopes to prevent a debt crisis. >> we think these sequesters will happen because the democrats have opposed our efforts to replace those cuts with others and offered no alternatives. bill: jeff sessions republican senator out of alabama ranking member of the budget committee, how are you doing, senator and good morning to you. >> thank you, bill. bill: what do you think about what congressman ryan is saying there. >> it was a very serious statement that he made. i believe it's accurate. i do not believe that the house will eviscerate the sequester. 18 months ago we agreed to cut spending 2.1 trillion out of a $47 trillion budget, not nearly enough but it did -- made some changes in the right direction,
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and that can't be given up. the house has passed legislation that would prevent the disproportionate damage to the defense department and spread those cuts through other agencies and departments, some of which, most of which had none, and i think that is what we've got to do and got to work towards. bill: just so we under this. what paul ryan is suggesting is that the bill that comes out of the senate -- by the way there are deadlines for this. by the way, on the screen april 15th, tax day, that is the deadline for the budget. the senate hasn't produced one in almost years. on may 19th is what the debt ceiling has been extended to. what paul ryan is saying is that whatever bill comes out of the senate will call for more taxes and republicans in the house will not accept that. and if that then is the case then you get the cuts to the defense department and medicare. do i have that right? >> that is fundamentally correct. what we are looking at and what we'll see is whether or not the democrats in the senate insist that they sequester would be
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altered only by raising taxes and that is not going to happen. we j a $650 billion tax increase we are not going to do another one. these were cuts in law and they need to be altered. the president in his debate with governor romney said the sequester will not happen, and he's got to step up and help us work our way through that, because it does cut too much, in my opinion, the defense department. they've already had a big cut. this will be another big cut. and i think it's dangerous for the defense department and will do damage in a way that we should not do. bill: i mentioned the senate hasn't passed a bulge net four years. bya because you asked, rich writes, how can you determine how much you will need to increase the debt ceiling without a budget? how do we understand that riddle? >> that is exactly correct. a budget process engages the entire senate, and the united states people in a national discussion of how much taxes,
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how much spending, how much debt we're going to be able to have and get by and do. and so that is really, really critical, and that process has been gone for four years. we are stumbling from crisis to crisis, secret meeting after secret meeting and secret group after secret group, it has not worked. we ned a public discussion. then we layout how much we're going to spend and how much we are going to tax. bill: doesn't the law say that you have to have a budget? >> bill, it explicitly in the united states code passed in 1974 the senate and the house should pass a budget by april 15th. it should be in the committee marked up by april 1st. those have not been done. and it's just been a direct violation of law. and i've been as you know a big critic of that. it's unthinkable. bill: from new york i've heard you loud and clear. one more think quickly, jack lew treasury secretary.
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you have said strong words against him. why is he unfit for that job. >> first he went before the public as 2011 as budget director and said the budget would only have us spending money that we have, would not add more to the debt and nothing would be a greater falsehood than that. the president's budget that he drafted and he was talking about had the lowest single annual deficit of $600 billion. the deficits were increasing as the years go on. as secretary geithner later said it was an unsustainable path. bill: will he be approved despite your opposition in. >> i don't know we has a congress need to assist that top government officials be candid with us when they come before our committee, and he was not. bill: senator, thank you. it's good to have you back on with us live from capitol hill to our viewers at home, the email is hemmer@fofox
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it's a good reuld riddle having to get a budget with the debt seal, and blah, blah, blah. martha: there is record rain in tucson, arizona doing a number on the roadways there. parts of one busy road in an area of flooding now just a strip of asphalt. look at these roads. little or mow ground beneath them. it is now closed for repair. that is a good thing. >> it's a little bit like grand canyon and it shows the power of water, huge power. >> would you want to drive over that? >> no, thank you. martha: no thank you. can you blame her? we are told that this roadway has long been a big trouble spot especially in monsoon rains. they are working on it using bridges. bill: another nfl proboat. i i know you were up late skwraoeu wa. martha: i was so excited to watch this. bill: the nfc blasting the afc and nfc, final score of 2-45.
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hope you enjoyed it because it could be the last probowl. the commish roger goodell said the game would not be played again. what do you think you be the judge, 62 points. meanwhile we were treated to a fancy on side kick, phil dawson using an on side kick. clever but it did not work. we hone the big bowl on sunday is better than that. martha: real football games yes. live to watch football. no interest whatsoever in the probowl, that would be my vote. bill: baltimore or san francisco by the way. martha: i'm going with san francisco. bill: i'm on that same horse. martha: i know, too bad. bill: we can figure out a wager can't we? martha: we'll figure out something. there is no fallout when federal judges say president obama broke the law when he made some recess appointments. this is getting a lot of attention. we'll tell you why you should care about this story, folks,
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reaction from a key senator. bill: we've known iran to do funny things but wait until we show you some real monkey business. martha: that does not look comfortable. [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking.
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>> we believe this story to be true as we watch possible new developments with iran's space program. state tv there says that scientists have successfully sent a monkey into orbit. the chimp was apparently sent 72 miles up and returned safely to earth. no other details on the timing or location of that launch. it's a major concern for the u.s. and allies, because the technology could be used at some point to develop long-range missiles potentially armed with nuclear warheads. martha: all right. republicans now praising a ruling by a federal appeals
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court that says that president obama violated the constitution when he made three invalid appointments to the national labor relations board. senator bob korbger says tha corker says the president is over stepping his authority with this move. the courts agreed, watch. >> my gosh, i mean these people had just never had a hearing. so they came forth, they never had a hearing, and he confirmed them. i mean it was just -- or he appointed them. so it was one of the most abusive cases ever. obviously this ruling is very far reaching, and actually knocks down decades of action by presidents, as far as common practice goes. martha: so what does this all mean? matt mccall is the president of penn financial group llc. good morning, good to have you here. we always hear in every administration a recess appointment is made and the other side is unhappy about it. why is it so important and important for business necessary america. >> it's extremely important from a constitutional standpoint the
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ruling, but that is not my forte. as far as businesses are concerned, the nlrb made 300 different decisions. martha: the national labor relations board and the appointments made controversial decisions. >> exactly, very prounion. the three appointments that president obama made last january were three people that had a lot of ties to union in their past. so when it comes down to decisions the workers, prounion workers versus the businesses a lot of time these have p-pb in favor obeen in favor of the union. it's extremely important. as a small business and big business you're not only fightingth union you're fighting the government because of these appointments. martha: it was a small business owner, the decision went against him he felt and in favor of the union e felt that would be onerous for his business so he fought it. he said it shouldn't apply to me because the person who made this law was appointed during a recess appointment and he was in the d.c. court of appeals. what is going to happen now. >> 299 or 300 other decisions
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have been made last year, every one that went again a business, they are going fighting the same. it's a precedent the businesses will be able to go back and win. going forward from now on they are saying because these three appointments really shouldn't be there how does the board really go forward from here? they will be at a standstill. to me this is something that's been going on for years. big unions versus business big, even small business as you mention and it has been in favor of the unions due to the current administration. this could shift things dramatically if they actually do the hearings and follow the rules. martha: we know the president has been very prounion, they've already supported this president. the union is having a very tough time, their membership is tough down. this gives them a vehicle to have influence to the nslb, right? >> it has. you look at the numbers of union participation, it's slowly getting lower and lower. this is pushing the unions out to me. watching sag awards the little thing they did about the unions, they are holding on to the last
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thing they have. if this goes away it would really hurt the union. martha: let's talk about the financial protection bureau, richard cordray was the appointment there. they say he's a goodbye, they don't like the whole idea of this bureau. they wanted to go up against this appointment, also another recess appointment. >> the fact that these three appointments didn't stand up it will be tough for codray to stand up as well. that hasn't been settled yet. that could push that back as well. the whole thing is just a mess, i mean really, a lot of it is antibusiness, so if anything coul comes out of this businesses should be happy because it will make the government go through the proper stages of actually appointing somebody. martha: matt mccall thank you so much. always good to have you here. have a good day. bill: "happening now" rolls our way in satisfactory minutes. in the meantime there are major developments in the national gun debate as a gun range bars the local police from the range.
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now was that smart? we've got details in a live report on that. martha: plus, don't adjust your tv folks, one beach time entirely covered in foam. bill: come on. good morning. martha: she's smiling but i don't think i'd go out for a walk in that. hello. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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campbell's. new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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martha: we know you stuck around for the foam story, right? this is not a laundromat that has gone wrong it's a beach town smothered in seafoam, some of the wacky severe weather that is battling australia. this is like a where is this happening, that's writ is. foamy bubbles form when powerful
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waves put air into the water. floods have forced thousands of people from their homes in much more difficult situations. in some cases they have had deaths down there due to the weather but that lady was smiling with the foam surrounding her entire home there. weird. bill: walk key stories coming out of aussie. what was the wrong we were singing earlier. martha: tiny bubbles, done hoe. i got rid of it but now it's back. thank you bill. bill: ten minutes pw-fp the hour. cleanup that mess. wear watching a new front line in the gun debate this, time in vermont. a firing range has told the local police department that its officers are not welcome there. molly lion is live in boston with this story. what is going on there, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. the chair of the fish and game club in vermont says it goes become to a constitutional issue stemming from the second amendment. having to to with state law. he believes the city of burlington is trying to
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supersede state law as they work towards a ban on certain weapons within city limits. let's hear from the city council, norman blay. >> in the absence of legislation or state law we feel it is incumbent upon us as a city to take the measures we feel are necessary to protect our >> reporter: the chair of the gun range says the decision to no longer allow the burlington police to train at the club won't stop the police from getting their training. they can go somewhere else to get it. it is meant to send a message to the city that the rights of the members should not be trampled on in. >> we have members of our club that will be passing through burlington, and we thought it would directly fact he them. a prejudicial vote like that would be nonshoeport i have of our club and being nonsupporti nonsupport none supportive would make it difficult to support our city. >> they said it's unfortunate that this much needed community
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dialogue regarding gun control in the city of burglary long ton and across the nation has resulted in this action. bill: how county city of our lincoln enact a ban like that? how is that possible. >> the burlington city proposal of this ban is far from being implemented. there are a lot of steps that have to happen. the city voters would get a say in 2014 men the these you are would require approval through the vermont legislature. even if the law passes as you mentioned it's pretty likely to nice a constitutional challenge from gun rights advocates. there are a lot of steps that would have to be taken for this to become legal if it even could. bill. bill: molly, thanks, molly lion in boston reporting on that story out of burlington, vermont. martha: 20 minutes from now president obama meeting with local sheriffs to talk about gun control. obviously this has been a hugely controversial issue in this country. we heard from the new york city -- former -- current i
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sawed say, ray kelly that he believes handguns are really what the problem is out there. the the president will take this on a little later today. joe biden the head of this task force as they try to find middle ground for universal checks and the like and banning certain weapons. that has outraged a lot of gun owners in this country. all that coming up straight ahead on "america's newsroom."
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bill: there is new hope for those of you skiers who love the rush but are too lazy to get off the some of fat. it's called skalching. this all got started when friends in salt lake city came up with a new sport. you strap a couple of skis on the bottom of your couch and off you go. you can see more of the scouching on facebook, or right
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here. martha: did you see rosebud named after a character in citizen kane. if you have an old couch it's a good thing. bill: let's go scouching. everybody is doing this. martha: back to the pros and this scary crash with a snowmobile. watch this. this is during the best trick. it took right off, people at the bottom out into the spectators down there. jackson strong from australia was trying to do a backflip over the sled and it got away from him obviously. it went crashing down there, down towards the fans. look at that one person was hurt. the other fans were able to get out of the way. he walked away from the crash. thank goodness that didn't come down on top of him or hit him after he got up. he was very lucky. that is the kind of stuff that happens at the x games, though, one of my favorite sporting events of the year i might add. bill: how do you learn how to do that?
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how many times do you have to wipe out without dying before you can get to that point where your snowmobile is leaving the ground. martha: they start on dirt bikes and other kinds of stuff. they get used to doing those flips then they try to do it with a snowmobile. bill: wicked crashes. we tried to show enthusiasm a moment ago. here it is, probowl. phil dawson is a kicker for the cleveland browns and he's got a little something up his sleeve, martha, maybe it's a little something up his cleet. see this onside kick, bam. martha: backwards? bill: haven't seen that before. it didn't even work. it's got to go ten yards and it didn't even make it ten yards. there you go. martha: you think there should still be a probowl? bill: yes, i do. martha: because? bill: because i think it's tradition. am i ever going to vote against football? no chance, never. the nfc scored 62 points. martha: bill do you like to watch football? yes i would i don't care what it is, right. bill: i guess if i said no it would be a


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