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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 31, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PST

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back of a police car. the woman was reportedly drunk. police picked her up after she attacked her mom. that's when she turned on them. she's now facing a long list of charges. don't do that, heather, when you're in the back of a police car. >> let's talk about the super bowl. with the game a few days away, we're getting ready with the previews. first up, doritos is back with its annual super bowl commercial contest and there are five finalists. two will be chosen to air during the super bowl. this one is our favorite. >> it's mine! >> here you go. last one. >> out goes the doggie.
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>> that's disturbing to me. >> it happens and they can survive. spoep everyone looks forward to the coke commercials. this one features three groups racing to a bottle of coke-cola in the desert. coke is letting you vote for who wins this one on your website. you'll have to tune in to see. if you miss them we'll be recapping them monday morning. everybody have a great day. thanks for waking up with us. "fox & friends" starts now. >> have a good one. >> goodbye. >>gretchen: the game will be ending when they have to start their show on monday morning. good morning everybody. it is thursday. it's the end of the month. it is january 31. i'm gretchen carlson. i hope you have a fantastic day. gridiron great dan marino dropping a presuper bowl bombshell. he has a love child. the multimillion-dollar shocker you have to hear. >>steve: meanwhile breaking news on the economy. it's the worst it's been in more than three years. but democrats aren't
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blaming the tax hikes they just pushed through. no. something else. >> our economy is facing a major headline which goes to your point, and that's republicans in congress. >>steve: darned republicans. democrats' plan? print more money. brian. >>brian: make way for the future site of the obama library. but first we need to get ronald reagan's childhood home out of the way. break out the bulldozer. "fox & friends" starts tphoufplt >>gretchen: good morning. usually when we come in in the morning, we all have our own ways of preparing for the show. unfortunately i have to spend a little bit more time in hair and makeup. and during that time is when i start looking at the news papers, the hard-core ones, not on my ipad. i have to say i was a little shocked at the front cover of the new york post this morning when it hit my
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lap. that one right there. dan marino, we all know over at cbs sports, hall of fame quarterback with the miami dolphins, probably the best quarterback to not win a super bowl. now revealed he has a seven-year-old love child that has been kept secret all this time. >>brian: here's what i think about this. dan marino has a child out of wedlock. he's not playing in the game today. he settled it with his wife of 30 years. he's got six other kids. the woman moved on, married somebody else. i'm amazed it is a front-page story. >>steve: probably because it will be awkward on sunday. he's actually going to be at the super bowl broadcasting for cbs. according to post he had this affair in 2005 with a production assistant, somebody who worked on the cbs team. then this child chloe was born. right up front he took responsibility. he has issued this
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statement to the new york post saying -- quote -- "this is a personal and private matter. i take full responsibility both personally and financially for my actions now as i did then. we mutually agreed to keep our arrangement private to protect all parties involved." not so private in "the new york post." they do detail how this woman had the child. then there was some sort of cash settlement and she moved to texas. she is now back to the new york city area. >>gretchen: who i feel sorry for is this child. now this child may have gone on to -- in fact the wife was trying to change the last name of the child to the name of her now-new husband. now everyone is going to know. i feel horrible for this seven-year-old little girl who is going to have to answer questions. >>brian: if he was starting for the ravens on sunday, i could see this being a big deal. he hasn't played in ten years. >>steve: the bright spot for the kid, this little chloe, her dad's dan marino
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and now the whole wide world knows it. think about the discount she gets -- >>gretchen: that was kind of like the arnold schwarzenegger son who found out in not such a fantastic way. >>brian: a lot of jokes on the late-night shows regarding this guy, dan marino, scoring touchdowns, passing. you watch. >>steve: you're just upset because he was about to go to the vikings. at the very last minute he decided to retire, gretchen. >>gretchen: that has nothing to do with it. i didn't even remember. >>brian: in an hour and 20 minutes, my childhood idol, fran tarkington. you practically grew up with him as a child. >>gretchen: he said my last autograph for the chubby little girl with the pigtails. i can prove i was chubby because i got his autograph. he's a fantastic guy.
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>>steve: tarkington having a better day than marie know. >>gretchen: a manhunt underway for this man who opened fire at an office building in phoenix, arizona, leaving mark hummel dead. it is believed harmon was in the building meeting with mr. hummel about his mortgage. >> the people in the front of the office started running to the back, and we all hid in an i.t. closet. >> we were told to get under the table there was a man with a gun. >>gretchen: a bold strike in the middle east. israel launching a strike from the air inside syria. israeli jets hit a convoy of trucks believed to be sheupgz weapons to hezbollah. the trucks allegedly filled with russian-made missiles.
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in a few hours president obama's job council could get the pink slip. it is set to expire today. it's only met four times since it was create twaod years ago. the white house defends the council. it says the president took action on 33 out of 35 council recommendations. >> patty andrews, the last survivor of the three singing andrews sisters, has died. ♪ >> boogie woogie bugle boy became an anthem. the siblings from minnesota broke up in 1963 when patty went solo. patty andrews was 94 years old. >>steve: a lot of good music. >> now i think we know why the president of the united states in his second inaugural didn't talk about the economic progress this
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country is making. because there isn't any. the fourth quarter g.d.p. gross domestic product number came out yesterday and it is the worst since the recession ended in 2009. the economy shrank for the first time. it fell at a .1% annual rate. that is not good. it's largely driven by big cuts in defense. >>gretchen: a lot of people were wondering if this president would actually be reelected based on the economic numbers that have been topsy-turvy over the last four years but argue arguably not good for the last four years. would people now look at his policies and this administration when these numbers came out? not if you're the president's spokesperson. here's who he says is to blame. >> our economy is facing a major headline which goes to your point, and that is republicans in congress. this is political brinksmanship of the kind that results in one primary victim, and that's american
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taxpayers, the american middle class. >>steve: they say part of the reason why the economy is going down or suffering is payroll taxes increased. that was part of the deal they cut. if republicans are to blame -- by the way, has the president ever taken blame for anything except for naming tom daschle as secretary and then not realizing he took limos when he shouldn't have. >>steve: i don't think blaming house republicans. >>brian: it is unbelievable. they cut a deal to stop release three months the debt ceiling being the problem. right now you have the fed printing money at a dizzying rate. here's what you should keep in mind. the stock market is out of its mind, going through the roof. and the president of the united states's approval rating is through the roof. it's at 60%. >>gretchen: so how do you put this all together? i think a lot of people still scratching their heads over the election when you look at these economic numbers. so how do you -- how do you piece it together in your mind that the economy can be doing so poorly and yet the president is more
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popular than ever. fun know the answer, e-mail us or tweet us. >>steve: there's so many low-information viewers and votes out there. >>brian: that's their choice. >>steve: absolutely. when the payroll tax hit at the first of this year, they are going to go where did that money go? it was a shock to them. senator john thune yesterday tweeted after jay carney blamed the house democrats. -- house republicans. he says white house secretary blames g.o.p. for economy while pushing higher taxes. what planet do these guys live on? former representative alan west was on greta van susteren last night. this is his observation on the mess. >> it is a circular firing squad. i think that's what you're talking about. in that case nobody wins, especially the american people don't win who are looking for leaders who can sit down and analyze the situation and come up with solutions. einstein said the definition of insanity is to continue to do the exact same thing and look for
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different results. what really concerns me is how the federal reserve is going to try to step in and stimulate the economy to the tune right now of about $85 billion that they're printing to try to buy up our own debt and our treasury bonds so they can stimulate the economy that way. >>brian: i have a personal story that could help clarify this. when i first got my car, i used to stare at engines and said i don't get it. i brought it to my mechanic on a regular basis and always had problems with it. my brother said why do you keep taking it to the same mechanic, you have problems. i said i like the guy. i was low information because i didn't know anything about engines. number two, i took him to the same mechanic because i liked the guy. by the way, i ended up selling the car. >>gretchen: do you still go to that mechanic? >>brian: no. he moved on. >>gretchen: now you don't like him? >>brian: everybody has to go to their dealer now.
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>>gretchen: i understand your analogy, though. it is a good one. >>brian: it was a box nova. >>gretchen: i think it is about the messaging. we talked about this before the election. some people don't like it when you bring it to the forefront. the bottom line is this administration during the campaign and now is better at messaging. they are. they figured out the way to make everything really simple -- you can call it dumbing it down. that's what they put out. if people don't do their own investigating, that's what they hear. >>brian: that jay carney clip is classic. not the global economy, not the energy glut. head wings in the house. >>steve: the hyde park neighborhood, 832 east 57th street. that is the house whereas a child ronald reagan survived a near fatal bout
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of pneumonia in 1915. you know what? that is in a neighborhood that the university of chicago wants to buy that house, tear it down, and put up a parking lot. a parking lot -- a parking lot perhaps -- how ironic is this -- for the barack obama presidential library. >>brian: i blame the city of chicago. they should have made this a landmark. >>gretchen: they claim it is not a landmark, although they have delayed this process now a couple of times. the ronald reagan childhood home has survived now since december. they got a stay, so to speak, in january. it's still not exactly clear what is going to happen here, although the bulldozers are sitting nearby ready to go. what do you think about this story? should that happen or should it become a landmark? >>brian: or should the president say, listen, if my library, if i have to steam roll ronald reagan's house to build a library, i shouldn't have a library. maybe the president should decide. >>steve: it's not even a done deal yet.
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he hasn't picked a selection site, and the university of chicago is simply lobbying for it. e-mail us at friends at fox news. >>gretchen: how is this for a good use of your money? the fed is paying us twice to do the same work. stuart varney has details. >>steve: look at this picture. that is a marilyn taking down a boat. is that for real or photo shopped? >> i thought this was interesting. zimbabwe's finance minister revealed yesterday during a press conference that his country that is only $217 left in the government treasury. oh man. and today president obama says stop bragging. says stop bragging. [laughter] [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat?
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>> the obama administration likes to say they're doing everything they can to keep spending down. right? >> we're consolidating programs that are duplicative. how can we eliminate additional waste? >> we also wanted to protect against any and all cases of waste, fraud and abuse. >>brian: a new study indicates that despite their intentions, big government is still wasting millions and possibly billions of dollars in duplicate funding for research. stuart varney is here. the economy is not growing. we expected something different because the jobs numbers look pretty good. >>steve: our economy at the moment is contracting, and that's -- look, a whole bunch of excuses as to why this is happening. years ago it was the tsunami. that's what's hurting. then it was the wicked europeans. then it was those wicked republicans. now of course it's president bush all over
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again. or sanding or lower defense spending. there's always an excuse. the fact is we've spent an enormous amount of money -- trillions of dollars -- building up our bureaucracy. we've got a bureaucratic mess on our hands and we don't have a vibrant economy. what you're talking about here is this duplicative funding for research. they ran all these research grants through the computer, subtracting software that comes up with duplication, and they found dozens of examples at a cost of $70 million since 2002, where we're spent twice for the same research. now, that's not a lot of money. understood. but it's typical of what you get in a highly bureaucratic system. that's president obama's system. all government, all the time, all bureaucracy all the time. that's what he wants. >>steve: the way it works at most households one person holds the checkbook and when the money goes out that person knows. when you've got a big bureaucracy like we do,
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you've got different divisions writing checks to the same people. >> you've got all kinds of departments of the executive branch funding research, sometimes funding the same research that is funded by somebody else. a bureaucracy khratic mess -- pwraourbgtic -- bureaucratic mess. >>brian: we're looking at sequester on march 1. >> we have spent nearly $1 trillion on stimulus and a couple trillion dollars extra spending on top of that. and what have we got? we've got a bureaucratic mess. we're deeply in debt and the economy is actually contracting. >>brian: it was 24 hours ago where a simulcast with varney and company, stuart varney let everybody know he did a better interview with emmitt smith than i did. >>steve: it is true. >>brian: we put it up to the people, we asked people to vote. after 24 hours we have results. if you'd read them to the people.
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kilmeade, 50.48. varney 47.91. you have lost. >> that's not true. >>brian: i am the winner. thank you very much. blame the republicans for stuart's loss. i would like to thank everybody that make that possible. but i should have given you five points because you started your interview kind of interesting saying "what kind of football do you play?" i realize i had an advantage built in. >> emmitt smith is the all-time rushing champion. i asked him what does a rusher do? grab the ball and run like the devil to the far end? and i was right. >>steve: you didn't say, so you're a russian? rematch. >>steve: stuart varney we'll be watching your show over in fox business today at 9:20. >>gretchen: next, one
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nation under allah? should muslim students be able to recite the pledge in arabic so everybody can be included. >>brian: at tawana pwrauly made al sharpton a household name. he ends up with a show on he ends up with a show on msnbc.n you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. (announcer) make mornings special, mornings are delicious protein rich entrees with gden veggies and egg. fancy feast mornings. the best ingredient is love. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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>>brian: the u.s. navy mine sweeper that ran aground off the cost of the philippines will be removed in pieces. it can't be freed any other way so the navy is dismantling it. time to pay up tawana brawley slapped with a court order. she has to pay more than
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$430,000 to one of the men she said raped her. she lied. and al sharpton helped her. remember that story? gretchen, something else? >>gretchen: alert everyone. the p.c. police are back, is our politically correct society caving to religious groups in our schools. this week a school in colorado allowed students to say the pledge of allegiance in arabic. joining me is todd starnes. >> our investigation discovered there is a disturbing trend in the country where muslim students are being given accommodations that christian students are not saoefrg. >>gretchen: this example in colorado, what was it? who did it? >> rocky mountain high school, fort collins, colorado, they had a cultural club in the school. they led the entire student
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body in the pledge of allegiance on monday said entirely in arabic. and that included a portion of the pledge where we normally say in english one nation under god. instead of god, they used the word "allah." they say they were doing this not to promote the muslim brotherhood but an effort to be culturally diverse. that's the buzzword they're using. >>gretchen: i would assume some people might have a little bit of a problem with that. a district in illinois dropping veterans day as a holiday. why are they doing that? >> so they can celebrate an islamic holiday. this is in skokie, illinois. boys and girls are going to get the day off but the teachers are not. the reason is they're only allowed a certain number of days off. they are getting rid of veterans day for teachers and replacing it as an islamic holiday. >>gretchen: a school in massachusetts took students
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to a mosque. >> they were taking middle school students to a mosque for an architectural observation and tour. instead when they got there, they separated the boys and girls. they took the boys to muslim prayers and the girls were set aside and had their own private discussions. the school later apologized and said oops, sorry. but we're hearing a lot of these apologies after the fact. as a matter of fact, we have something from a family. >> i think actually there is a strange sort of political correctness at work here where the politically correct view is that you have to protect minority religion because they're subject to discrimination. so you have to maximize the accommodation they get. but you actually have to suppress the majority religion of christianity in order to forestall the possibility of thee --
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theocracy of some sort. >>gretchen: a teacher in new jersey was fired for giving a student a bible. >> a teach, a member of the gideons, a child asked for a copy of the bible. the teacher gave him a copy. the teacher was fired a few weeks ago. what's interesting, in russia you can give kids bibles in schools. here in the united states, teachers can't do any more. >> a little girl wrote a veterans day poem in honor of her grandfather who served in the war. she had a passing reference to god. the school district ordered her to remove that word. >>gretchen: i know you pay special attention to these types of stories and we appreciate them when you bring them to us. thank you. next on the rundown, check out this picture. that's a marilyn taking down a boat full of people. is that a real photo or not? let us know what you think. how not to throw a lame super bowl party. we've got the recipe for you with all the great food.
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don't go on a diet on sunday. wait till monday. happy birthday to justin red lobster's 30 shrimp. wow, that's a lot of shrimp. [ male announcer ] it's red lobster's 30 shrimp! for $11.99 pair any two shrimp selections on one plate! like mango jalapeño shrimp and parmesan crunch shrimp. just $11.99. offer ends soon! i'm ryon stewart, and i sea food diffently. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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i have obligations. cute tobligations, but obligations.g. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. what i really need is sleep. introducing the ishares core, building blocks for the heart of your portfolio. find out why 9 out of 10 large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. >>gretchen: to a fox news alert to you. a hostage situation
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unfolding in alabama more than 30 hours after a gunman kidnapped a six-year-old boy. live in midland city with the very latest. this is still going on, craig? >> it certainly is, some 36 hours later, midland city, alabama, is a town focused on one thing only. that is the safe return of a five-year-old little boy who is being held hostage in a home made bunker underground. this all began on tuesday when police say a suspect, jimmy lee dikes, got on to a school bus, tried to grab children. the school bus tried to stop him. he opened fire, killed the school bus driver. 21 of the children got off. another child apparently fainted. the suspect picked him up. police have moved us away, very far from that bunker area. we're told because he has electricity in his bunker, which likely means he has a
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television because f.b.i. investigators are telling us be careful what we say, be careful what we show. they don't want to agitate this situation. this bunker, four by eight, like a tornado shelter dropped into the ground, they are able to talk to him by a p.v.c. pipe they inserted into the ground. this is an ongoing situation in dale county. >>gretchen: we understand he was trying to evade the law to some extent, and that's why he allegedly kidnapped this boy. >>steve: bo 20 minutes ago we told you the story, that story on-line from one of the u.k. papers about how they're thinking of tearing down ronald reagan's house in chicago. according to jay carney, he's tweeting this morning, he says report not true. shocking. i know. we'll trust him on that. we've got headlines for you. what should you do if there is a crazed gunman on the loose at your job? homeland security says grab a pair of scissors. >> if you are caught out in the open and cannot conceal yourself or take cover, you might consider trying to overpower the shooter with
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whatever are available. >>steve: apparently don't use the stapler. that's the advice in a department of homeland security video. on confronting mass murderers, the video suggests hiding under a desk or running away. >>brian: what about paper clips? >>steve: i don't know. the president of the independent firearms association says a legal firearm will do much more to save lives than a pair of scissors. >>brian: most people can wait to be swept off their feet, but that isn't probably how they would imagine it. you've got a student in canada who was trying to cross a street that was flooded following a water main break, but she lost her balance, fell down, carried away by the powerful water for several blocks. fortunately she was not hurt. >>gretchen: looks like my commute in this morning. take a look at this picture. is this for real or not? that's a marlin taking down a boat. a fisherman in panama
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claims he caught the huge fish but fell as he was struggling to pull it in. at that point he said his boat was in reverse and immediately started taking on water and sink. apparently everyone on board was rescued. >>brian: tornado slamming half a dozen states killing two people leaving behind a massive path of destruction. an amateur video showing a funnel cloud in georgia. the tornado is 125-mile per hour winds leveling homes and office buildings. for more on the wild weather, janice dean. >> all of that weather, unfortunately, is hitting the northeast. we have wind gusts in excess of 60 miles per hour. and twitter is aflurry with people who endured hurricane sandy saying oh, my gosh, it feels like hurricane sandy with these wind gusts and flooding rainfall. very tropical storm-esque. fortunately it will be out of the area by midday.
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behind it very cold air and in some cases we'll see a temperature drop of 30 degrees in less than 12 hours. look at the wind advisory from the southeast to the northeast with wind gusts in excess of 40 miles an hour. even though the system will be out of the way, throughout the day we'll be dealing with strong wind gusts. delays at the airport. talking about 24-hour temperature drops, look at that. close to 40 degrees in columbus, ohio, over the last 24 hours. 24 in louisville, 23 in nashville. part of the reason we saw those strong storms is because we had a different temperature drop between very warm moist air ahead of system and very cold air behind it. to give you an example, chicago -- i don't know that this has ever happened in a 48-hour span. 63 degrees on tuesday. 16 degrees today. it will be 3 on saturday. that shows you the extreme temperature difference we are dealing with. and wind chills, if you're not protected and headed outside, back to winter where it feels like minus
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49 in minot, minus 33 in fargo. we'll keep you up to date on all the delays. unfortunately the storm reports over 600 reports of storm damage over the last 48 hours. back to you. >>brian: thank you very much. we'll check in with you again. at 23 minutes before the top of the hour, the lombardi trophy officially arrived in new orleans for the super bowl. we know it's going to be to the ravens or 49ers who will break the glass and grab the trophy which means the harborrow family will have mixed emotions. even though one will win and one will lose, their parents say they are truly on top of the world. listen. >> who has it better than us? nobody! >>brian: i'll be live in new orleans in about six hours. he went on to say, both
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parents, they know where they're going after the game. losing locker room. the winner does not need any help. let's talk about your party at home. >>steve: that's right. if you're going to throw a super bowl party or want tasty treats to munch on during the game, we have mouth-watering snacks. we have the author of the book eat more of what you love and simple and delicious goodies to share, marlene, welcome back. >>steve: these snacks look familiar for super bowl parties but there are so few calories, you won't feel guilty about eating all of them. >> next to thanksgiving, super bowl is the highest chloric -- caloric day of the year. >>steve: everybody loves triscuit, so why not chicken fingers. >> the biggest thing for super bowl are chicken wings, but chicken wings
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have almost no protein in them, so they're not satisfying. you're looking at about 700 calories before you start dipping. i take these triscuits, smash them up and you're going to get this really, really nice-textured crumb. when you put that in a bowl -- and all you have to do is add garlic powder, onion powder, thyme and pepper, these have mustard on them so you get that great taste. you roll those into your crumbs. look at this. you've got fried chicken going on here, about 250 calories for two of them. four ounces of meet. so you've got that white meat protein going. >>brian: if you're going to someone's house bring your own floss. >>steve: looks like artichoke dip. >> i think that is the most favorite dip people eat. >>brian: it's got
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spinach. >>guest: got spinach and artichokes. instead of putting a cup of mayonnaise -- 1,114 calories. i use a combo, light mayonnaise, light sour cream and lite cream cheese. you know how many calories it saves? 1,000. if you made those new year's resolutions, you want to pig out but don't want to gut bust yourself to all heaven, you can have this. it's safe. down right dangerous. real quick, we've got the beefy, chewy, gooey nachos. instead of 1,600 calories in the normal portion, we're down to 160. we're making a miraculous cheese sauce by slipping it in there and lower-fat meat. it's amazing. you can have all the food
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you love. and these are carmel cheese squares. they are amazing. and somebody up for a bite? have a bite. the whole crowd can enjoy them. diabetes, you have people trying to watch what you eat. you can have everything you want. >>brian: get marlene's recipes. go to "fox & friends".com. it's all in the book. good luck on super bowl sunday. hope we're invited. 18 minutes before the top of the hour. >>steve: look at your screen. that's a plan to build a free-market utopia complete with its own currency and government. would you live there? some people might. we're going to tell you about it. >>brian: while you were asleep, nasa is embarking on a brand-new mission in space. the details next.
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before you begin an aspirin regimen. i didn't know this could happen so young. take control, talk to your doctor. >>steve: atlas 5 is in the air. there goes the rocket. >> 3, 2, 1, 0. and lift off of the atlas 5 rocket. >>steve: nasa with its first launch of 2013. it's the first of three new satellites. it will help nasa communicate with astronauts in space and at the international space station. it looked like a war zone. that's how one fire fighter described the aftermath of an explosion that rocked a hotel near sea world in the san diego area. police say a couple had been cooking up some sort of drug inside the hotel room. they were both burned as well as a guy in the room
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next to them. that's unfortunate. brian? >>brian: if you had the opportunity to live in a free-market society complete with its own currency, complete with its own government, would you do it? with the recent push for the cash strapped city to sell its vacate island belle island park, you might get the chance. next is the guest, the author the book belle isle, detroit's game changer. you wrote a novella talking about a society that could become its own island. why do you think that might become a reality? >> we have a big problem here. detroit has been in decline for years. this would be a game changer for detroit because it would attract 35,000 or more people from all over the world would be attracted by low regulation. it would be a cool walking
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community served by monorail which would take you around the island or across the detroit river to a transportation center. >>brian: you want your own currency, you want your own government but yet still live in the u.s. you think you need about $20 billion of public infrastructure. how much would it cost to live there, to buy in? >> well, our numbers indicate it would cost probably about $300,000 per household to come to live there. that money would be used to fund the public infrastructure, for the monorail, streets and so forth and the purchase of the property for $1 billion from detroit. >>brian: where are you going to get that $1 billion from? >> raise it from an investment fund once we get the approvals towards making this happen from the political types, we'll raise the money. i don't think it will be a big problem. >>brian: you believe this island could be an example for detroit which is having so many problems?
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you think that could change the way other cities do things if you guys are successful and this comes off? >> i think it would be a treufbl example -- a terrific example for other cities in the country, the country itself or other countries in the world if this were to happen and we could show what we could do through efficient government and low taxation and freedom. >>brian: where is this project right now? >> the book got launched about a week ago. you can go to the website, commonwealthofbelle we're pitching the idea and trying to get it under discussion and get excitement going for it. and then we'll move forward. >>brian: we'll see if you can live in your own world and see how it goes. thank you for joining us to let us know hoo it's going. >> thank you for having me. >>brian: straight ahead, a tense day on capitol hill. two big names squaring off
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on gun control. the head of the n.r.a. and gabby giffords. the judge is here with his reaction next. do you know the secret life [ male announcer ] everyday thousands of people are oosing advil®. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love. i don't need to go to the gym. my job is my workout. you're shoveling ice all day long. it's rough on the back. it's rough on the shoulders. i get muscle aches all over. advil® is great. pain and soreness is just out of the picture. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil®. and for sinus congestion, now you can get advil® combined with a proven decongestant.
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>>gretchen: dramatic showdown on capitol hill over gun control. former arizona congress woman gabby giffords and her husband mark kelly facing off against the leader of the n.r.a. >> law-abiding gun owners will not accept blame for the acts of violent or
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deranged criminals. nor do we believe government should dictate what we should lawfully own and use to protect our families. >> speaking is difficult, but i need to say something important. violence is a big problem. too many children are dying. too many children. we must do something. >>steve: mark kelly says he and his wife are gun owners who have no plans to give up their weapons. even though they did think about joining the n.r.a. so can there be a compromise? joining us is fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. that's the question. can you adjust the laws as they are without changing the constitution? >> the people who support the second amendment, of which i am one, believe that an adjustment here, a
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tweaking there will open up the door way to more adjustments in the future and ultimately the government will be able to choose who carries guns. and one of the things that has kept the country free is fear in the back of the mind of someone who might try to become a tyrant that way out there are a lot of people who have the fire power to prevent tyranny here. so that's one argument. the other argument underlying the second amendment is that the decision to use a weapon to protect your life, your liberty, your children, your property is an individual decision and not a government decision. because it's an aspect of self-defense. and that's an individual decision. and the government can't interfere with that decision, nor can it stop you from using the most technologically advanced way to protect your life, liberty, children and property. so i don't think there's going to be a compromise.
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i think the president's proposals, which are based on these emotional arguments that tug at everybody's heart strings. i chatted with congresswoman giffords. it's a very moving and unforgettable experience. the president's arguments i think will fail because he effectively wants to punish the law-abiding because of the horrific behavior of those who break the law. >>gretchen: do you think the conversation needs to be away from the second amendment and looking more at some of the other factors that may have contributed to some of these massacres that we've seen? >> yes, i do, gretchen. but the president and his people don't because they have an ideology called progress ivism started with woodrow wilson, theodore roosevelt 100 years ago. almost all president -- reagan was an exception, calvin cool hraopblg -- coolidge -- think they can
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tell us how to live. >>gretchen: you need a doctor right away but he's on strike. coming up, why obamacare could soon make that a reality. >>steve: doctor, can you come in off the picket line? i've got strep throat. what happens when mascots and cheerleaders collide? it ain't pretty. ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours.
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you have. >> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it is thursday, january 31, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time with us today. fox news alert. new information on the hostage situation growing more intense in alabama where a gunman is hold ago five-year-old, a kid's life is in the balance. we're at the scene live with the break developments. >> brian: he made it past da marie i don't scored.
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the love child. hush money involved. we'll have more. >> steve: did you know you may be harboring a killer at your house? the secret life of your cat. that's adorable. that's cute. "fox & friends" hour two for thursday starts right now. >> good morning, "fox & friends." "fox & friends," good morning. >> steve: good morning. the "new york post" has got a story that dan marino thought he could keep secret forever and that is he has a love child. it all happened back in 2005 when he was doing the cbs football show and apparently he and underling had an affair. she had a baby. but actually has a happy ending because -- >> brian: let's see. >> steve: he owned up to it. he made sure she was provided for and the child as well and they moved to texas and now they're in the new york city
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area. >> gretchen: unfortunately now it's on the front page of this newspaper and he will be down at the super bowl broadcasting. so this will be the top story, whether or not it should be. here with his statement about the affair and the child. this is a personal and private matter. i take responsibility for my actions now as i did then. we agreed to keep our arrangement private to protect all parties involved. so apparently the woman that he had this relationship with since moved on to texas and lives sometimes in new york. has remarried, has another child with a new husband, who i feel sorry in this is the child between the two of these people of the he's going to face this scrutiny. >> brian: dan marino has six kids of his own. one of his sons is autistic. evidently the family has made it through this. he is a guy that's not playing in the game. he's broadcasting the game. i am surprised it's a front page story. if he was a raven, i could see. >> steve: the story came out on
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the thursday before the big game. the woman's name that he had this affair with, donna savatair. the child khloe was born in 2005, according to the new york post. and ironically, the day that the "new york post" called him for comment was his 28th anniversary with his wife, claire. >> brian: they seem to have gotten through it. so everyone out there with a perfect marriage wants to weigh in and condemn him, go ahead. >> gretchen: let's go tote your headlines. fox news alert. hostage situation unfolding in midland city, alabama, more than 35 hours after a gunman kidnapped a six-year-old boy off of a school bus and then shot the bus driver. he died. we're waiting the police press. officials said they do not believe the boy has been harmed. but we will have the latest for you as soon as more information becomes available.
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another fox news alert. this one is out of alaska. earlier this morning, a magnitude 6.0 earthquake waking up hundreds of people south of the capitol city of jew know. right now -- juneau. no reports of damage. strike in the middle east. israel launching a strike from the air inside of the country of syria. israeli jets hit a convoy of trucks believed to be shipping dangerous weapons to the islamist militant group, hezbollah. the trucks were allegedly filled with rush made missiles. cheerleaders and mascots, rookie, that's western illinois university's mascot strolling onto the basketball court mid back flip. he takes that cheerleader out, but she pops back up. both are just fine. this reminds me of yesterday, brian, when you had on the space suit and you couldn't see anything. colliding potentially with one of us or the monkey that was also on the set. >> brian: that wasn't me. >> steve: really? >> gretchen: that was neil
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armstrong. that was buzz. >> brian: it was buzz. it's one time i'm glad -- i feel for the cheerleader. >> steve: i'm surprised that head didn't go flying off. >> brian: tomorrow i'll be talking to the new orleans saints cheerleaders and maybe a mascot and find out what the dangers are between mascots and cheerleaders. this is just another example of a story that's been covered up over the years. >> steve: i'm sure it will be fixed because those heads, it's at all about the comfort. they've got fans inside. they're blowing on people. >> brian: people sleep in those. >> steve: they got communication devices, walkie-talkies. state of the art. >> brian: tv's. >> gretchen: somehow i feel like the conversation you're going to have with the cheerleaders won't be about that. >> brian: that will be my ice breaker. >> gretchen: maybe you'll talk about the economy. >> steve: why not? >> gretchen: that's what we want to talk about. >> brian: what cheerleader doesn't want to talk about that? >> gretchen: most women who vote more than men do want to talk about it and they actually control a lot of the purse strings in many households and
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make a lot of financial decisions. >> brian: they run our shows. both producers, women. >> gretchen: fantastic. and the economy, turns out bad news for everyone, men and women, it's worse almost since the end of the recession in 2009. gdp numbers came out yesterday. no growth. in fact, it was going down. >> steve: it shrank for the first time since the recession, although the recession technically ended. for a lot of americans it feels like we're in the midst of it. this is bad news. some people said it's unexpected. how could it be unexpected? all you got to do is look at what's about to happen. we're about to decimate the national security. there's a possibility 1.2 million security jobs could be lost in this country, plus all the regulations placed on businesses with the affordable care act. it's shocking that the number isn't worse. but jay carney doesn't blame george bush this time. that's good. he just blame the republicans in general in the congress. listen to this. >> our economy is facing a major
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head wind which goes to your point. that's republicans in congress. this is political brinksmanship of the kind that results in one primary victim and that's american taxpayers, the american middle class. >> brian: the feds projected what our economy would be like today. let's go back to 2010. he said, did ben bernanke, growth in 2012 will be 3.5%. and then it will go up to 4 pin 5%. ends up 2.2%. now we're going not wrong direction. unemployment 7.8%. we've gotten used to that high number, but hasn't budged. the stock market is going high and yet, consumer confidence is on the down side. but the president's approval rating is 60%. it's like he's impeeveious to number. >> steve: the approval is up. the stock market is up because the fed is pumping all this dough, billions and billions into the economy. and the unemployment number, it's just under 8% burks it would be much higher if you
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factored in all the people who simply said, i can't find a job. we give up. >> gretchen: i asked the question last hour, why do you think the president remains impervious to much of this bad news? some people had different thoughts on twitter and e-mail. some said that it's because a lot of people now are in situations where they're receiving government handouts and so they like to see a president in power who believes in continuing to do those types of programs. there were a lot of other thoughts. senator john thune tweeted this yesterday. white house press secretary blames gop for economy while pushing higher tax. what planet do these guys live on? >> steve: there is a reason so few people have focused on the economy and it's currently dismal right now when you look at the gdp and that is the main stream media will not talk about how bad it is. the same thing in the run up to the election. the number one story affecting the most american, the economy, but instead what, did we get? we got war on women, the
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binders, everything except what really matters and that is when you keep your eye on the prize with finances, it's the economy and just now we're catching up number wise. >> gretchen: i agree with that. however, i do believe that people have their own responsibility to look at their own pocketbook and figure out whether they're fuller or if you have less money in them. and that should affect -- >> steve: apparently they don't care. >> gretchen: i don't know. but -- they've always said that should affect the way you vote. this time around it's an anomaly. people will write books about this for years on end how the popularity of this president remains so high and yet the economy remains relatively dismal. >> brian: kneel cavuto sat down with president bush and he said, mr. president, the economy is going so good, but no one is paying attention to it because of the war. meanwhile, we asked you that question, why is the president's popularity so strong? >> steve: you want to hear from drew? >> brian: the economy is so bad,
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he says, the answer is, tell the people why long enough and they'll believe it. charlie says, you asked why obama's ratings are so high. ever heard the saying, don't shoot santa claus? never heard that phrase. if you do not work, you had an increase in payroll deductions. if you're illegal, you have the same rights as legal citizens and now everyone will be granted legal status. >> steve: scott says that's easy, it's because he hands out welfare like we hand out batteries to kids. why not like that person? >> brian: so where is the president's jobs council? are they working at changing these numbers around? they're nowhere because the council expires today. did it accomplish node? peter doocy live with the conclusion. peter? >> brian, the president's council on jobs and competitiveness has only met four times in two years and
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their last meeting was on january 17 of last year. 2012. this council is made up of business leaders like jeffrey immelt from ge and label leaders like richard trumka. they met twice at the white house, once in durham, north carolina, and once in pittsburgh. there have been 18 listening and action sessions. and the idea, according to the white house's web site, is for the council to provide the president with nonpartisan advice about how to strengthen the economy. two years ago today on january 31, 2011, president obama signed an executive order creating this jobs council and section 4 explicitly says, the council shall terminate two years after the date of the order, unless extended by the president. so by this time tomorrow, the jobs council will be a thing of the past unless the president takes some action before midnight. back to you in new york. >> steve: thank you very much. straight ahead, currently 711
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here in new york city. imagine calling your doctor and hearing this. >> i'm sorry, the doctor can't see you today. he's on strike. >> steve: man. >> brian: who did that voice? >> steve: somebody on our staff. >> gretchen: i'm not going to say i know whose voice it is. >> steve: coming up, why obamacare can make that the striking doctor's thing a reality. >> brian: one high school about to get mandatory drug tests to every single kid. they say it's for their own good. do you agree? it's going to cost a lot of money to do so (announcer) make mornings special, with fancy feast mornings gourmet cat food. mornings are delicious protein rich entrees
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>> steve: imagine calling your doctor's office and you get this
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message. >> hello. you've reached the doctor's office. am i'm sorry. the doctor can't see you today. he's on strike. >> steve: yeah. and once obamacare kicks in, that could soon be a reality. many in the medical community are finding it will be harder to continue offering a the same quality of care, so could doctors be driven to unionize? let's get reaction from senator barrasso, he's also on orthopedic surgeon. he's not on strike yet, though. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: okay. so with the affordable care act facing doctors to work in large part, they're not going off on their own so much. they're working for large doctor groups and other organizations, which means essentially their service personnel, which could lead to unionization. do you believe that could be a possibility? >> i think we're going to see more and more of that in some states more than others. i know they're looking that way in connecticut. what you're seeing is more and more doctors are actually having their practices bought up by
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hospitals. amazingly, the government decides to pay different prices whether the same thing is done in a doctor's office or hospital of the they pay a lot more in a hospital. so hospitals are asking doctors to come join them. but it's going to be almost like a bigger and bigger medicine and less and less of the individual patient centered care that people want. this health care law is driving up cost and i believe is driving down quality and also available care. >> steve: sure. so one day doctors could unionize. i want you to weigh in on a front page story on the "wall street journal" about how apparently a number of unions want out of obamacare. it wasn't supposed to happen that way. >> no. these are the unions that actually lobbied for and supported the president's health care law. as one union member said, he said i saw the president say if you like your plan, you can keep it. now i'm finding out that i can't. the president promised insurance people yes, ma'ams would drop by $2,500 a family in that -- by
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the end of his first term. that hasn't happened. prices skyrocket. ups are saying, we can't afford health insurance coverage for these employees, these members under the president's health care law because the law essentially made it worse. >> steve: oh, man. meanwhile, let's talk about a big story in washington. federal appeals court said that the obama administration broke the law when they tried to make some recess appointments to the national labor relations board during what wasn't a recess. they said you can't do that. now, you've come up with a bill that's going to undo some of the damage they've done, right? >> well, yes. this national labor relations board, these recess appointments, the illegal unconstitutional recess appointments have been made over a year ago. these guys have come out with over 200 rulings and they say they're going to keep coming out with more rulings until this gets appealed to the supreme court. i have legislation that actually
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stops any additional rulings by this group. they're right now operating under a cloud of uncertainty and for all the businesses and folks around the country that are being subjected to these rules and regulations, i think they're all going to get thrown out once the supreme court finally rules. >> steve: that could take years and that would just be a big fat mess, wouldn't it? >> well, it's a lot of the things coming out in this administration that go way beyond what the law allows and that's what we're seeing here with these illegal, unconstitutional recess appointments made by president obama. >> steve: all right. we're going to be keeping an eye on your legislation. we thank you very much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> steve: thank you. all right. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. her advice causing a lot of controversy. a teacher who says, let your child fail. parents, you're not going to want to miss this one. and should we be testing football players for performance enhancing drugs? nfl hall of fame quarterback fran tarkenton says absolutely.
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>> steve: quick thursday morning headlines. a manhunt is underway for this man. police say 70-year-old arthur harmon opened fire at an office building in phoenix, arizona, leaving one person dead and two others hurt. it's believed he was in the building meeting about his mortgage. and instead of reporting stories, the "new york times" is part of one. the newspaper reports chinese hackers repeatedly hacked into the "new york times" computer systems in the last four months. they stole a reporter passwords and looked for files about the family of china's premiere.
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ouch. brian? over to you. >> brian: with performance enhancing drug scandals, are we turning a blind eye when it comes to the game you love, the national football league. football at any level, joining us now, one of the best that ever played, frank tarkenton of the you wrote a column about this today. what does performance enhancing drugs have to do with a player's health on the field? >> the silence is deafening out there. when performance enhancing drugs that we read about lance armstrong and track and field players, it makes them bigger, stronger, faster. these drugs are in high school. they're in college. they're in pro football. and nobody is talk about them. you talk about the safety of football? when you have these drugs in your body, you're putting on 50, 60, 70 pounds. the collisions are more intense because of the size and the speed of the players. so therefore, you're going to
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have more injury, more concussions, more brain damage than we've ever seen before and lord knows we've seen enough of them. >> brian: right. so much has changed since you played. a lot of times guys had jobs in the offseason it make ends meet. up until 1982, there was not one 300-pounder in the super bowl. on sunday, there will be 24. has the human body evolved to that point or is something else going on? >> something else going on. and let me say this, players are competitive, right? football players at all levels are competitive. the money is unbelievable. so are we foolish to think that it's just performance enhancing drugs are just in cycling and swimming and baseball and other sports and not in football? it would help football more than anybody else. sure, it's there. but nobody is talking about it. no owners talking about it. no college presidents talking about it. no coaches, no trainers, nobody.
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>> brian: fran, i got to amend that. congress again gets so much criticism. congressman lewis called n i believe players union representatives and said for two years o'clock blood testing has been on the books. why are you not blood testing these players? they really are in a delay of game when it comes to this. there is controversy also at the super bowl over 37-year-old ray lewis and him possibly using an ingredient which is listed on the ban list. here is his response yesterday. >> i've never, ever, took what he says whatever i was supposed to do. the guy has no credibility. he's been sued four or five times over the same bs and just entertainment. i can't. i won't. i truly believe he doesn't have the privilege for me to speak about it ever again. >> brian: for him to recover quicker, the report is they rub deer antler extract on his body to get out there quicker. your reaction?
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>> they've been doing things like that for forever. in my day, they shot me with something for my shoulder because it was done and broken. so we did that back in my day. drugs are prevalent in sports today and we've ignored it in football, at the college level and pro level and it's time for somebody to be accountable. >> brian: fran, i was a giant fan but the giants forgot to win for ten years. so i adopted the vikings come playoff time. for three years you went to the super bowl and lost. are you over those losses? >> no. really, we didn't lose, brian. we just ran out of time. [ laughter ] gretchen knows. i hear her back there. my minnesota gal. >> brian: we can never keep gretchen quiet when it comes to the vikings. by the way, go ahead, fran has another great thing going now. if you want to start your own
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small business, a great partnership with office depot. fran, always great to talk you want to thanks so much. the same group that grades your toast service creating cancer. we're talking about "consumer reports" next. then, did you know you may be harboring a killer? there it is! the secret life of your cat revealed [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso. your soups are so awesomely delicious my husband and i can't stop eating 'em! what's...that... on your head?
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[ male announcer ] with no blackout dates, you can use your citi thankyou points to travel whenever you want. visit to apply. [ construction sounds ] ♪ [ watch ticking ] [ engine revs ] come in. ♪ s we're outta here. ♪
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[ engine revs ] ♪ >> steve: fox news alert. new developments from alabama where a little boy has been held hostage by an accused killer for more than 35 hours. police just held a press conference. now the latest. >> good morning to you. i just spoke to the sheriff. just trying to get an update on what's going on of the wouldn't really give us much information. they're being very careful with this ongoing hostage situation. we're in midland city where everyone here has one thing on their mind. they want the safe return of this little five-year-old boy who is being held hostage basically in the home made underground bunker. this all began tuesday when police say the suspect, jimmy lee dikes, went to this bus, was looking for children. the bus driver tried to stop
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him. they say he opened fire on the bus driver, killing the bus driver and scooped thumb five-year-old boy. took him back and keeping him hostage under ground in this four by 8 bunker, a tornado shelterment f.b.i. says they're far from the scene and asked us to be careful what we say and what we show in terms of video because the suspect has apparently electricity in this bunker. he has a television. he's watching the news coverage. so they're trying not to agitate this situation any further. trying not to make him upset, trying to keep this boy unharmed. at this point, they do confirm that the boy appears to be unharmed at this point and that is the key thing as they go forward in these negotiations. >> brian: we got a million questions. but i don't want to say anything or ask you anything that might tip this guy off. i guess we'll have to wait. >> gretchen: thank you. the other stories making headlines for thursday. "consumer reports" grades your toaster? now the group is grading cancer? for the first time ever, people can get ratings of cancer
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screening tests. "consumer reports" breaking down 11 screenings, so which ones are worth your time? apparently tests for cervical and colon cancer, as well as breast cancer screening for women between ages of 50 and 74 not recommended. bladder, lung and ovarian cancer screening. >> brian: this year students at rockhurst high school in missouri will get free hair cuts but not for the latest looks. for drug testing. until the catholic's school new policy, they will be forced to submit 60 strands of hair for mandatory drug testing. each test cost 50 bucks, funded by the parents. >> steve: you watch, people will start swapping hair now. >> brian: wow. i never thought about that. >> steve: you need the criminal mind, brian. >> brian: i guess so. >> steve: meanwhile, here is what not to do if you find yourself in the back of a police car heading to the big house.
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(bleep) all that glass shattering on the officer, the woman who was in the back seat reportedly drunk, kept on kicking. cops in ohio picked her up after she apparently attacked her mother. >> gretchen: they might be the cutest serial killers you'll ever see. new study revealing cats are actually four times more vicious than once thought. we all know cats eat birds. but what stunned the scientist, every year they killed 12.3 billion mammal, like chip monks. so many birds that one rare breed is actually in danger now. i guess if that's if you have a house cat or our neighbor has an outside cat that frequently brings them home little prizes like that. >> brian: if any birds are watching, i got a word of advice, you can fly. so fly. the chipmunk, you're out of luck. >> steve: tell us about the
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ravens. >> brian: transition. i want to let it sit there for a sick. lombardi trophy arrived in new orleans. the ravens won't touch it. they say it's bad luck. it's going to go to the 49ers, which means the harbaugh family is sure to have mixed emotions. even though one will win and one will lose, the parents say they're truly on top of the world. >> how we feel on this historic event, jackie? who has it better than us? nobody! [ laughter ] >> brian: we'll be live in new orleans starting tomorrow. that will be fun. got a great line - up. the yankees alex rodriguez could be facing a 50-game ban. it should be 100. he took performance enhancing drugs. if they can prove it over the last four years. the team looking at ways to try voiding his contract. he's still owed $114 million and could be out for the year with his hip surgery recovery. has it been money well spent? he scored $30 million last season.
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that works out to $238,000 per game. each time he got a hit was about $234,000. each time he had a homerun it works out to $1.6 million. wow. and lying lance can't keep his lies straight now. he's seeking a pity party. he says he's become a scapegoat. cycling news asked him to do -- do you feel like you're the fall guy for the sport and system? armstrong said actually, yes, i do. but i understand why. we all make the beds we sleep in. he recently confessed he lied for years while he denied doping. he was stripped of all seven tour defrance titles because he was using banned drugs and bad stuff. >> steve: come on over here. speak of cycles. grab -- >> gretchen: i should offer a disclaimer before we start this segment. never be on a bouncy exercise ball in a dress. >> brian: good. i won't be. i promise. >> gretchen: but i am. this could go outube real quick if i do crunches, so i'm not going to.
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>> steve: you want to face the other way? >> gretchen: no, 'cause i could do a back flip. >> brian: we've seen some of that. scary. >> steve: the reason we're on these stability balls is apparently, you've gone into places, health clubs, the guy behind the desk is sitting on one. a lot of offices, people try to sit -- not a desk chair, but within of these. they also have the treadmill desks. the treadmill desks and the balls are a problem because a lot of people who are working are doing a lot of misspelling. they don't smell so good if they've gone a long way and on a ball like this, aside from the youtube embarrassment, people are falling off of them. >> gretchen: here was video, a.j., one of our producers who was running on the treadmill. >> brian: we didn't fire him yet? >> gretchen: no. i was on the treadmill doing the segment. these were great -- there is arthur, one of our lawyers here. we taught these were great inventions to keep people from sitting because we've heard so much about car pal tunnel.
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>> brian: and we're becoming a fat country. >> gretchen: one guy spent 80% of his time on the treadmill at work and what happened was his e-mails had all these misspellings and it increased his appetite so much that they gained six pounds 'cause he actually ate more. >> steve: lucky. >> brian: are we saying to add stability to your life, sit on a ball? are we saying work out on your own. are we saying don't work unless you can shower at your facility? >> steve: i think what we're saying is at this point if you're running on a treadmill at your desk position, you are might have misspelled words. these would be great at home. you can always sit on these at home or have a desk. the guy with the fit desk who was on the show a couple months ago issues that would be perfect if you were sitting in front of your television. just beware out there. >> gretchen: my husband and i destroyed our backs for life on these -- not saying these particular balls, but my daughter was so colicky when she
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was born that the only thing that would calm her dawn was to bounce her on one of these balls. >> brian: really? >> gretchen: the end result was that our backs had a huge problem because when you bounce like this for hours on end, sometimes -- >> brian: i had a hipity hop as a child. >> steve: gretch, what a lot of people do for colicky kids is put the kids on the washer or the dryer. >> brian: really? >> gretchen: that was hard in a manhattan apartment when the washer was in the basement. it was not advisable to leave your newborn down there. >> steve: the kid grows up fast. >> brian: as a child, we washed our clothes in the stream. >> steve: let's try synchronize these. >> brian: you wanna? >> steve: it's like whack a mole. >> brian: her advice? creating a lot of controversy. a teacher who says let your kids fail. she's here to defend herself. then. >> steve: they're all adorable. but which pooch is the most popular? the top dog revealed coming up.
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>> gretchen: the aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1970, this actress is best known for playing matt damon's girlfriend in "good will hunting." who is she. you remember. e-mail us with the correct answer and we will send you one of these balls. >> brian: why are we doing this again? >> a new study found leafy greens are the leading cause of food poisoning. yeah. in other words, americans have nothing to worry about. [ laughter ] i gave birth to my daughter on may 18th, five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story.
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hours, leveling everything in site. at least to people are dead. mark is in georgia and in an area that has seen some widespread damage. tell us where you're at and what happened. >> we are 60 miles northwest of atlanta. look behind us. you can see what is left of the adairsville supermarket. there were a couple people inside this particular building, including the owner when this ripped through. luckily no major injuries there. if you look behind us, you can see damaged vehicles, as well as another building that has been ravaged. across the street that, is a hotel, or at least what's left of a hotel. the roof is buckled down. it has peeled part of the walls off of that particular building. they have a number of police barricades that have been set up here. off in the distance you can see power crews who are work hard trying to restore power to this area. one person in this community did die.
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a 51 yearly man, when a tree fell on to his mobile home and crushed him while he was in bed. almost a dozen or so other people who were injured in this community. another community just up the road, another about eight or nine people also hurt. you can imagine, it's going to be a long, painful day for the people in northwest georgia. fox news. >> steve: thank you very much. gretch, over to you. >> gretchen: thanks very much. as a parent, you only want the best for your child. right? but what if i told you you'd be better off letting them fail? well, that is what one parent and teach service arguing and joins me to explain why. she's a mother of two and teacher at crossroads academy in new hampshire. good morning to you, jessica. >> good morning. >> gretchen: so we're kind of in this culture now where we've lived with this sort of terminology of overparenting. we think we're doing the right thing for our children, exposing them to everything, getting them involved in everything, helping them with their homework.
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and what have we created? >> we're exposing them to everything except for allowing the kids to deal with the consequences of maybe the mistakes they make in school, maybe putting stuff on-line they shouldn't, cheating on a quiz. some parents step in too quickly and don't let the kids actually deal with the consequences or own up to their mistakes. >> gretchen: so, for example, you write in your article about a parent who was getting very good at doing the child's homework. what happened? >> she wasn't very good at it. she got caught. i talked to a mother about the fact that her daughter had plagiarized a paper and the mother got really upset with me and i couldn't understand why and she said, i couldn't punish her daughter and i asked why and she said, well, 'cause i'm the one who did it. i plainlierized her paper. actually she just admitted to i guess ae paper. form of plagiarizing. >> there are so many problems there.
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>> gretchen: you have some tips for parents. learn now not later. what do you mean? >> i teach middle school, which is a great place to make mistakes. i've taught middle school and high school. you figure middle school is a time for kids to really come of age, to go through all kinds of stuff that -- where the stakes are low. if they cheat on a test in middle school and get caught, let them deal with it. some day it could be cheating on their taxes and ending up in federal prison. let them deal with the little stuff while the stakes are still really low. >> gretchen: also trust the teacher. explain that one. >> i'm going to add a caveat. i have two boys. i'm not saying to have a complete belief in any educational system. what i'm saying is you need to trust in the process a little bit more before you jump in and assume that the institution or the teacher or the administration is handling it incorrectly. at least give them a shot to help your kid learn. i mean, teachers become teachers
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because they want to help with that. >> gretchen: exactly. let your child take the rains. i think -- reins. last night i heard a successful author, he believes like you do, that kids should fail earlier on in life to build character. so what do you mean by your last tip? >> well, think of going to school as a bit of a hero's journey and your kid is the hero of the story and that kid comes up against a dragon he's got to fight. if the mom comes into school and lobs a hand grenade tagraggen, the kid won't learn anything about how to deal with the issues. when they hit high school and college and they have a disappointment, they won't know how to land on their own two feet. it will be really difficult for them to deal with disappointment if don't deal with it while young. >> gretchen: it's so important. you talk to people in our age category and say when they interview young people now, that a lot of them have never experienced failure. it's big mistake down the road. it can be.
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i got to wrap it up. >> it's an interesting discussion. >> gretchen: we will continue to have it on this show and you have written about it. jessica, thanks for your thoughts. >> thank you so much. >> gretchen: next up, the hidden dangers inside your kitchen cabinets exposed. the things allowed inside our food that are banned in other countries? first on this day in history in 1972, "american pie" was the number one song and it was a good one. ♪ sing this will be the day that i die ♪ ♪ this will be the day that i die ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? the carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> steve: mini driver is the answer to the aflac trivia question of the day. before you pack lunch, listen to this. oh, yeah, lot of things to pick out there at the grocery store.
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some ingredients in foods we love are banned in other countries. let's ask the authors of "rich food, poor food" and certified nutritionist. good morning. >> good morning. >> steve: this is an eye other than. let's start with counterfeit colors. >> you can tell counterfeit colors 'cause they're usually bright. five different ones illegal in other countries. they're known to be carcinogenic and to make human gene dna mutate. that's why we don't want them. they're all over kids' products. >> steve: how can you tell? >> if it's not a natural color, then it's probable lea got it. read the ingredient list. >> steve: let's talk about the chips. >> it took a quarter of a century and half a billion dollars to create this. it didn't take very long for canada and the u.k. to ban it completely. >> steve: why? >> because it depletes the body's ability to absorb
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minerals. it causes stomach upset. if you eat too many, you'll get embarrassing bathroom fright because it goes right through you. >> steve: i've noticed that. stories i read. now, this right here when i see this, i think of vegetable oil. >> as a parent, you have the vegetable oil. it causes abrominated thyroid. >> steve: what does brominated mean? >> it's what it's made out of. it causes the thyroid to not be able to absorb iodine. when that happens, it leads to things like thyroid cancer. we don't want that. it's been banned in over 100 other countries. the u.s. says it's safe on an interim basis, which lasted 42 years. >> steve: let's continue with the burrough made. this is potassium bromade. >> manufacturers put it into strengthen the dough of bread, which drives cost down. the problem is that it causes kidney and nervous system
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disorders. stomach problems and considered a carcinogen. f.d.a. urges manufacturers to leave it out, but a lot of them aren't doing it. >> steve: finally, this bread and this has something that you've got to pronounce. >> okay. this is the same ingredient you'll find in your sneaker soles. >> steve: it's in bread? >> exactly! the whole thing is if you wouldn't eat your sneaker, i would highly recommend checking the label to make sure you don't have this in it. >> steve: why aren't they banned here? >> our food manufacturers aren't pressured to take them out. but consumers can leave these foods on the shelf and will send a clear message to the store and the manufacturers of what they really want to buy. >> steve: i think you'll sell a lot of those books "rich food, poor food." thank you very much. interesting stuff. meanwhile coming up, divorce is hard enough. but what if you're going through that and you owe money on your house as well? what do you do? bob massi has some advice coming up next.
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then think media bias doesn't exist? well, we might have hit a new low. video edited to make it look like second amendment activists heckled a sandy hook father. michelle malkin all fired up on this one as we roll on live from new york and colorado here on "fox & friends" [ male announcer ] coughequence™ #8. waking the baby. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™. and the active ingredient relieves your cough. wepa rated 40 miles per gallon highway or better? an
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it is thursday, and it's january 31 and it's 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time with us today. he's famous for his downs, but his latest pass is shock. dan marino's secret private life has been revealed on the front page of a new york newspaper. we'll tell but it. >> steve: it's one of the worst cases of media bias we've seen. msnbc edits a story, piece of video to make it look like gun rights activists heckled a sandy
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hook father and the main stream media ran with it until michelle malkin exposed the whole thing. she joins us live from colorado, coming up in two minutes. >> brian: imagine calling your doctor and hearing this. >> hello. you've reached the doctor's office. i'm sorry. the doctor can't see you today. he's on strike. [ laughter ] can you imagine if your nurse did that. why obamacare could soon make that a reality. "fox & friends" starts now. >> i'm joe theisman and you're watching "fox & friends." i wake up with them in the morning. not with brian, who would want to wake up with him. >> brian: he will join us on super bowl day, which is sunday. >> steve: this is going to be an interesting final hour because halfway through the hour, in ma a marathon, sometimes one person passes the baton to the other person. about half past this hour, brian is going to pass the baton to another member of the fox news team, who will sit in his spot.
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stay tuned to find out. >> brian: the media will write brian stormed off the set in a huff and it will be a different story. >> gretchen: continue -- it will be a penalty for sitting next to the monkey. >> brian: that wasn't me. it was a spaceman. >> gretchen: that's your alias. and hopefully we'll get o this story about the worst super bowl guest, too. >> brian: really? >> gretchen: i thought this was funny. did you see this? >> brian: no. >> gretchen: 41% say the remote dominate is the person they don't like the most. i'm just giving a tease. we'll get to it. the remott dominator. >> steve: it's only on one channel. >> brian: why would anybody be messing with the remote? >> gretchen: i don't know. >> brian: hd, no hd. >> gretchen: so let's do some headlines before we get to all of that. fox news alert now, brand-new video just in of a car trapped in flood waters in montgomery county, maryland, just outside of washington, d.c fire and rescue crews have pulled at least four people from their vehicles this morning. big storm last night dumped
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heavy rains in the area, flooding several roads. these are live pictures now of another car stranded nearby. no one is in that car and no injuries were reported. the latest on that hostage drama in alabama. a five-year-old boy snatched from a school bus, held by a gunman in an underground bunker. nearly 40 hours have passed. the school bus driver heroically tried to prehave not that kidnapping, but was shot to death. now all fears are focused on the little boy's safety. police say he has autism as well. but has been allowed to have some medication and watch tv. dan marino dropping a presuper bowl bombshell that he has a love child. the "new york post" reporting he paid the woman millions in hush money after the baby girl was born in 2005. the hall of famer has responded to the article saying, quote, this is a personal and private matter. i take full responsibility both personally and financially for my actions. now as i did then. we mutually agreed to keep our
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arrangement private to protect all parties involved. strong for 22 years, the american kennel club announcing the labrador retriever holding on to the top dog again. it beat out all others for family friendliness. taking the number two spot, german shepherd and gaining ground, finally reaching the top five, the bulldog? >> brian: yeah. they're hot now. >> steve: they are. >> gretchen: why? >> brian: stocky dogs that snore. >> steve: very popular. >> gretchen: remember when they used to say puppies were a pick up line for guys or gals. >> brian: what do you mean? if you want to meet a woman? >> gretchen: yeah. in a park. say i love your puppy. i guess bulldogs might be the new puppy you should get. >> steve: your dog is drooling on my dog. [ laughter ] >> gretchen: you never know what that leads to. >> brian: right. more on this. new jobless numbers about to be reloosed if 25 minutes. the president's jobs council is set to expire today.
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so does president obama have another plan, another council in the wings? molly henneberg live at the white house with more. hey, molly. >> good morning. likely thereby a post mortem. the president's job council may become a thing of the past after today. it was set up two years ago as a group of business and labor leaders who were going to recommend nonpartisan ideas to the president for creating jobs and stimulating the economy. the web page is still up on white, but the 26 members have only met four times in two years. and the last time they empty officially was over a year ago. the original order setting thumb group said the president would have to extend it by january 31, 2013, that's today -- or it would end. it appears that it will. administration officials say the president has met with dozens of ceo's since the election, separate from the jobs council, and does not feel compelled to work only through the jobs council. but republicans say the president is putting the
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economy, quote, on the back burner. in a statement the national republican congressional committee says, quote, instead of taking real action, like renewing his council, or approving the keystone pipeline, president obama has moved on to his second term liberal agenda. but with 12 million americans unemployed and a national debt over 16 trillion, shouldn't president obama keep his eye on the ball and work to find real solutions to create jobs and tackle our out of control spending? that white house web site on the jobs council says that in the first year ofity existence, the president took action on 33 of 35 of the council's recommendations. but again, that was over a year ago. back to you in new york. >> steve: all right. thank you very much. let's dial in michelle malkin. she joins us every thursday. she's in colorado springs. good morning to you. >> howdy. >> steve: hats off to you because you did catch an amazing jaw dropping bit of media bias. we're going to play for folks what they ran on msnbc and then what they left out.
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the fellow who is speaking is a father of a sandy hook victim and just to listen to this. it sounds like some gun rights people are heckling him. listen. >> why anybody in this room needs to have one of these assault style weapons or military weapons or high capacity clips. not one person can answer that question. all right. >> please, please, no comments while he is speaking. >> steve: so that's what they ran on msnbc: but they selectively edited. here is the reason those people responded, because he asked them a question. here is the extended clip they should have run. >> i wish i ask, is there anybody in this room that can give me one reason or challenge
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this question, why anybody in this room needs to have one of these assault style weapons or military weapons or high capacity clips? not one person can answer that question. >> steve: michelle, when you see the whole clip, you realize he was asking people in the room for an answer and they gave it to him, but msnbc, deceptive editing there. >> they smeared second amendment activists and this was a monstrous example of media malpractice. on tuesday the reason why my team at was able to pick up on this story when everyone else was running the false, bogus account of this so-called heckling is that we were paying attention to people who were actually at the hearing, who were tweeting messages that all of that
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information was false, that there was no heckling and shouting and basically the kind of raucous that msnbc played it up to be. and we were able to obtain the full video and the full context. it's a 17-minute long video. it doesn't take a lot of time to sit there and see that what you saw was a very civil, respectful display. when this man solicited answers, not once, but twice, they answered the question. somehow that was turned into the most horrible example of incivility to fit the gun grabbing media's narrative that those people who defend second amendment rights and who are law abiding gun owners are somehow the worst enemies of this country. >> steve: have they apologized? >> of course not. in fact, it took a lot of pressure and repetition on the part of our twitchy editors and many citizen journalists and
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watchdogs for other outlets to finally acknowledge the truth. the likes of all these left wing blogs and the huffington post and other outlets. to this day, you know what they say, it takes a lie travels halfway around the world before the truth puts its shoes on. because of things like twitter and alternative media, we can chase down that lie and tackle it at the speed of tweet. >> steve: well done. >> gretchen: one of the things that people are talking about a lot because it's on the front page of the "wall street journal" is obamacare and how unions would feel about it. people are stunned to see this article that unions may now not want to actually have obamacare. could it be in an interesting way also the discussion is could it be your doctor would eventually be part of a union, maybe you would get this when you call your doctor's office. listen to this, michelle. >> hello. you've reached the doctor's
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office. i'm sorry. the doctor can't see you today. he's on strike. >> gretchen: okay. so on the one hand, is that a reality? doctors would be joining unions? >> well, it certainly could be. anybody who has watched the movement of the service employees international union, purple power over the last ten, 15 years, sees this trend of big labor public employee union encroachment in health care. they've tried to dargoon home health care workers. they'll get them any way they can. what's happening with the obamacare trend, of course, is that the small practitioner, the small family practices are getting crushed and it's an intended consequence of government health care takeover to absorb all of these individual medical entrepreneurs into large hospitals and government entities. >> steve: sure. >> brian: what about this, i was shocked to see -- steve, you talked to senator barrasso.
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he found out guess who wants out of obamacare? unions. listen. >> these are the unions that actually lobbied for and supported the president's health care law. as one union member said, he said i saw the president say if you like your plan, you can keep it. now i'm finding out that i can't. the president promised insurance premiums would drop by $2,500 a family in that first -- by the end of miss first term. that hasn't happened. prices have skyrocketed and now unions are saying, hey, we can't afford health insurance coverage for these employees, these members, under the president's health care law because the president's health care law essentially made it worse. >> steve: okay. so that's a big story on the front page of the "wall street journal" today. michelle, it wasn't supposed to work out that way. >> yeah, yeah. hold on, let me pull out my famous shock face. shock that these big labor unions that lobbied the most aggressively for this are now the first to want to bail ship. of course, i've been blowing the
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whistle on that ever since the negotiations 'cause you'll remember it was those back door negotiations that we didn't get to see on c-span like obama promised and it was big labor negotiating all sorts of exemptions and waivers from obamacare. so now what's happening is you've got your rank and file members discovering that oh, well, my health care plan is disappearing. or it's deteriorating. the benefits are much less than they were and i've got to pay more. how did that happen? >> steve: whoops. that's not what we were told. michelle, thank you very much. >> you bet. take care. >> gretchen: see you next week. divorce is hard enough. but wait until you hear what happens to people going through one with a house that's under water. bob hasy has some advice coming up next. >> brian: what should do you if a shooter barges into your office building? the government's advice? hide under the desk [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes?
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>> i am the one who found this house! i bought everything in it with my money! >> it's a lot easier to spend than make it! >> you might not have made it if not for me! >> brian: the premise of "the war of the roses," divorce attention couple battling over their home is based on some truth. the family home has been a contested issue in divorce. but in a housing market where 7 million homes are under water, that no longer the case. what do you do? bob massi is a real estate expert. have you dealt with this before? how do you handle it? >> used to be as you said, there was equity in homes and that was a bargaining tool for many people in divorce actions. but that's changed dramatically because of the fact that the
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house is under water. >> brian: what do you do? you divide the debt? >> well, a lot of times what happens is that actually becomes a bargaining tool in this way. let's say mom, wife and children remain in the home. and they ultimately basically stay there until there is a foreclosure. sometimes in divorce actions in talking with family lawyers, because there is no payments being made during that period of time, it's a negotiation tool to say look, stay in there until it gets foreclosed on. you're not paying rent or mortgage. let's say the man has to move out, get his own apartment or house, epaying. so believe it or not, even though it could be under water, it's still a negotiation, but nobody is taking money out of it anymore. >> brian: ironically that could be one of the reasons you're getting a divorce. another question is, what if after a divorce one of the spouses file bankruptcy and includes the underwater house? >> brian, this is a major problem. a lot of people believe that let's assume that the husband
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has deeded the house to the wife. many times they believe that since they deeded the house, they're not responsible for the mortgage. and let's assume one of them filed bankruptcy. that debt is gone. so if there is a foreclosure, the other person that still remains on that mortgage who didn't file bankruptcy, if there is a foreclosure, can, in fact, still be exposed, that the lender would pursue a deficiency. that happens quite a bit after divorce action. >> brian: what if the house, as a result of the divorce, is quitclaimed or transferred to the spouse living in the house? does that erase the debt to the spouse no longer living there? you following that? >> yeah, for sure. in other words, i give the title to that person, my wife, who i got divorced from. she now has title. i'm sitting out there thinking wife is good. no more responsibility. it's true i have no responsibility for maybe hoa dues and things like that. but as again, brian, to that
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mortgage i'm still stuck. if there is a foreclosure, i'm still responsible. i could still be held liable. your credit is still affected. >> brian: you know what i gain from, this marriage therapist. let's work it out. let's talk about your seminar coming up. it's coming up, right? >> yes. next thursday, fort myers, florida. doing a seminar broadcast live on "fox & friends," from 6:00 a.m. eastern time to 9 a.m it's free at the yacht club in fort myers. go to the web site, register. it's free. look forward to seeing everybody, answer a lot of questions and talk about what's going on in the real estate market. >> brian: should be fun. thanks so much. talk to you next week. straight ahead, the lies made al sharpton a household name. now an update. then what would happen if the government tried to regulate sports? john stossel has a pretty good idea and you're not going to like it. there is a picture of him behind him. >> baltimore ravens linebacker ray lewis has been accused of juicing by sports illustrated.
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yeah. they say he's using a substance derived from deer antlers, which is illegal. yeah. lewis is, of course, denying the charges. take a look. >> i've said it before and a million timesful the reason why i'm smiling is because it's so comical -- [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness? by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> steve: quick headlines for you. bold strike in the middle east, israeli planes launching a strike from the air inside syria. israeli jets strike a convoy of trucks believed to be shipping dangerous weapons to the islamist militant group hezbollah. the trucks allegedly filled with russian made missiles. they didn't get where they were
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going. talk about being swept off her feet, a student in canada was trying to cross the street and flooded following a water main break. but her balance, she was off balance and fell down and carried away by the powerful water for a couple of blocks. we're happy to report she wasn't hurt, but she is now soggy in a viral video. >> brian: we had three cameras. we watched the government take over the banking industry and the health care industry. so you got to wonder, what's next? >> gretchen: what would happen if the government took over the sports industry? >> some people want to ban mixed martial arts. how is that ban on performance enhancing drugs working out? with so much money in sports, should college stars be paid? >> no. >> no. >> let's ask a team owner. what if government ran sports? >> no team would be able to
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compete. >> steve: joining us is the author of "no they can't" and host ofs to am, john stossel. good morning to you n good morning. >> steve: i would imagine this is kind of easy 'cause you don't like the idea of regulating anything. >> so we're supposed to hold limited government. they hold 11 hearings into baseball. they just want to -- politicians want to get their faces on tv. but sports can regulate itself. and the bans they have now don't work. >> gretchen: you would be in favor of allowing steroids and all different kinds of performance enhancing drugs because you say people do them anyway and it moves to the underground? >> well put. i don't have to answer. >> gretchen: i'm asking you the question. >> underground, there is more of a black market, more trouble. everybody wants to enhance their performance, tiger woods had lasik eye surgery. should that be banned? and apparently in some sports, all the athletes are taking these drugs. >> brian: don't understand that sports excels within the rules?
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if you don't have rules -- >> fine, let major league baseball have its own rules and football, body building, they have a natural circuit and a not so natural circuit. >> brian: you just don't do it at the governmental level? >> right. government can barely do what it's supposed to do and it would do that better and keep the peace and protect us from terrorists better if it didn't try to police all of life. >> steve: just imagine if uncle sam ran the super bowl. >> right. uncle sam doesn't run the economy. the economy does well with uncle sam, but enforces rule law and butts out. >> gretchen: did you see the gdp number today? it's not doing so well. >> that's right. >> brian: here is the anomaly. they helped clean up baseball by hauling these guys in and using jose canseco's book. >> how do you know it's cleaned up? maybe they cheat more effectively. >> steve: aha! >> brian: it's cleaner. the one thing is for sure, i am not using performance enhancing
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drug, anyone who has seen this show. >> steve: we'll watch you tonight. brian, we were talk being the super bowl. >> where does the time go? >> brian: i will see you monday. see you later. by, john. and who is taking over for me? >> steve: you'll find out in a second. >> gretchen: some guy over there. >> steve: don't miss your flight. >> brian: by the way, you have to wear the space suit in the final half hour. >> steve: eric bolling. >> gretchen: good morning. >> steve: good to have you the last half hour. straight ahead, they bring cheap beer and not the worst spenders. up next, the person nobody wants at their sunday super bowl party. >> gretchen: our economy is the worst it's been since 2009 and democrats are blaming republicans. we're going to talk to eric bolling about that right when we come back with the weekly jobless numbers as well. thanks, john ♪ alright, let's go.
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♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ shimmy, shimmy chocolate. ♪ we, we chocolate cross over. ♪ yeah, we chocolate cross over. ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing fiber one 80 calorie chocolate cereal. ♪ chocolate.
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new honey bunches of oats greek yohere we go.ole grain. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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>> steve: bad news from the labor department. brand new weekly numbers show 368,000 first time unemployment claims were filed last week. that's more than the week before and nearly 20,000 more than expected. eric bolling in brian's spot on the curvy couch, what do you think? >> 350,000 was expected. last week there is a good number. it was right around 330,000, in
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the right direction. 368, the wrong direction. tomorrow morning we're going to get the monthly jobless number, the big one. they're expecting 160,000 jobs to be created for the month. keeping the unemployment rate at 7.8%. it just feels to me like things are getting better, but they're not getting better in the job market. for some reason, companies are making money. >> steve: stock market up. >> stock market is 13,900, plus or minus. >> gretchen: housing up. >> housing up. everything seems to be going along nicely. gdp number wasn't so good yesterday. but the job numbers aren't. they're 26 million people out of work. it's alarming. >> gretchen: it seems to be this ebb and flow. then when you look at the gdp number from yesterday, that means that the economy is the worst it's been since the end of the recession in 2009. >> yeah. it's 3 1/2 years we haven't had a contracting economy.
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3 1/2 years. so we spent 5-point # trillion dollars in that period. and then -- >> steve: that's what we get. >> eric: but as you point out, stocks are performing well because there is a lot of free money floating around. stock market does well when there is a lot of free money. >> steve: the government has no intention of stopping printing, so who knows where it will wind up? it's interesting, all we need is another quarter of contraction and we've officially got a recession. jay carney, they've had the ball for four years. is it their economy? no. is it george bush's paul? no. that's good to hear. but he does blame republicans in congress. here is mr. carney. >> our economy is facing a major head wind, which goes to your point. that's republicans in congress. this is political brinksmanship of the kind that results in one primary victim and that's american taxpayers, the american middle class. >> steve: what about the democrats in the senate? the senate has not passed a budget in three years. the problem with this administration is there is no
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plan! >> eric: one of the things that the democrats are now blaming on the weak gdp report is that republicans are holding things up in the house. well, don't forget where some of the reason the gdp was down was there was defense spending pulled back from the government. first of all, that's alarming because if the economy is only growing when the government fuels the fire, then you'll eventually run out of money to fuel the fire. so it's not a real healthy economy. but the democrats are saying it's the republicans' fault. meanwhile, the defense pull back came from what's being the sequestration. the sequestration starts in the white house. that started in the white house. they invented it. so you can't say here is an idea that we came up with, but then we're going to blame someone else for implementing the idea we came up with. >> gretchen: but they do say and ironically, he talked about the taxpayer and what i was paying attention to was the fact that when they did come up with this idea of before the end of the year to not go off the fiscal cliff, thenned up raising taxes for everybody because the social security payroll holiday is no
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longer. so everyone's taxes went up. >> eric: people didn't realize that until two or three weeks into january. shear the way it works. you have spending and you have tax revenue. if you're spending is exceeding tax revenue, the only way to fix that, the ohm way to fix that is either cut spending, increase revenue, or the other one, growth. if the economy starts to grow, then tax revenues will grow and if you hold spending straight, then the tax revenue will eventually catch you want to spending. the problem is, when the government is the only reason the economy is growing, it can't sustain itself. eventually that has to slow down of the they can't keep printing money or adding $16 trillion to the debt. it has to stop. so when it stops, the bottom falls out. we need true economic growth and that happens when you let people keep more of their own money. >> steve: absolutely. >> eric: you have to let people invest their own money by keeping more of their own money. >> steve: people need jobs and the big monthly number comes out tomorrow. eric, thank you very much. good analysis. >> gretchen: let's get to
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headlines. that terrible story in alabama still going on of the the hostage drama. five-year-old boy snatched from the school bus held by a gunman in an underground bunker. nearly 40 hours now have passed since the school bus driver tried to prehave not the kidnapping. he ended up being shot dead. now all fears are focused on the little boy's safety. police say he has autism as well. but has been allowed to have some medication and watch some tv. eric? >> eric: now it your other headlines. it's time to pay up. a woman slapped with a court order with a defamation case against her chevrolet has to pay more than $130,000 to one of the men she said raped her. she lied and al sharpton helped her. >> steve: i have a feeling you're not going to see that story on the other news channel. meanwhile, what should do you if there is a crazed gunman on the loose at your job? the department of homeland security says grab a pair of scissors. >> if you are caught out in the open and you can not conceal yourself or take cover, you might consider trying to
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overpower the shooter with whatever means are available. >> steve: yeah, that's going to do it. anyway is the official advice in a department of homeland security video on confronting mass murderers at work. the video also suggests hiding under a desk or running away. the president of the independent firearms association says a legal firearm will do much more to save lives than that pair of scissors. >> gretchen: we've all dealt with this kind of person sometime in our life, the know it all. it turns out they may not just annoy you, but it could ruin your super bowl party. a recent survey finds 52% of adults feel the know it all is the worst super bowl guest. close runner up, the remote dominator. the social butterfly, and the super fan. for more analysis on that, you told me, eric, that you are most annoyed by the social butterfly, someone that doesn't watch the game and just talks. >> eric: i hate that.
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>> gretchen: what about you, steve? >> steve: this is the person i hate and it's not on that list that was compiled by somebody. i hate the person who brings the cheap beer to the party and then drinks the ex opinionsive beer. >> eric: that's -- expensive beer. >> gretchen: that's a good one. i find it alarm 41:00% say the remote dominator because you would think if you actually go to a super bowl party that you went to watch the super bowl. >> eric: right. >> steve: it's only on one channel. >> eric: which one are you? do you talk during the game? do you watch? >> gretchen: i love to watch. football is my favorite sport. sorry, honey. but i love to watch. but you know, when you're with people, it's hard not to have a little bit of conversation. so then that ends up happening during the commercials and then i'm supposed to be logging in to the show and tell what commercials i love and then i miss them. >> eric: i think steve is up by the chips and the dip. and you have your eye on the game. >> steve: my wife and i with our two person super bowl party. she makes chile and the last two years she made chris wallace's
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wife's buffalo chicken chili and it's delicious. who do you hate coming to your heart? e-mail us. we've got breaking news. tornadoes tearing across six states, leaving two people dead this morning. brand-new video from adairsville, georgia. the twister leaving behind a massive, heart breaking path of destruction. take a look at this amateur video showing a funnel cloud passing through the area last night. that tornado packing 125 mile-per-hour winds. it destroyed houses, even flipped over that 18 wheeler. cars were tossed around like toys. janis dean is in the weather center. the sun is coming up and we're look at the devastation. it's substantial. >> absolutely. a dozen states really affected by this storm system. it stretched 1,000 miles and 600 storm reports, including almost two dozen reports of tornadoes and now the storm system is in the northeast. lock at these wind gusts.
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close to continue across the great lakes. we could see upwards of two feet. wind gusts right now, close to 40 miles per hour at jfk. look at philadelphia. 52 miles per hour. nantucket, 45 miles per hour. so even though this storm is exiting, we're still going to seat wind gusts gusts in excessf 40 miles an hour. 48 in new york. look, it's warmer in new york than it is in san antonio and dallas, texas. that cold front is going to push through. that's going to drop the temperatures by 30 degrees in some cases across the northeast. back to you. >> steve: weirdly warm yesterday and now here comes the cold.
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i've got a feeling with those wind gusts, brian kilmeade's plane at 10:00 o'clock at la guardia might not be taking off. >> gretchen: i told him. >> i told him it's 4:00 a.m. that he probably wouldn't make it. sorry brian. >> gretchen: i hope he gets there by tomorrow morning for "fox & friends." thanks very much. >> you bet. >> gretchen: coming up, the president calling out fox news again. what does that say? we're going to open the history book and see how past presidents handled the media and what we found might fascinate you. >> eric: a symbol of american freedom found shot, burned and unable to fly. now this bald eaa new lease on life. meet the person responsible for saving phoenix [ male announcer ] everyday thousands of people are oosing advil®. my name is taho and i'm a fish guy. it's a labor of love. it's a lot of labor and it's a lot of love.
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>> three, two, one, zero. ♪ grounds control to ♪ . >> gretchen: nasa with its first launch of 2013, the first of three new satellites. it's going to help nasa communicate with astronauts in space and at the international space station. also take a look at this picture. that's a marlin taking down a boat. a man claims he caught the fish, but fell trying to reel it in. it sank. everyone on board was rescued. eric? >> eric: thank you. does the president have a hard time listening to his critics? one reporter at the new republic asked why washington can't get anything done? the president blamed fox news for the gridlock. watch what he said, quote, one of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes
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debates. if a republican member of congress is not punished by fox news for working with a democrat on a bill of common interest, then you'll see more of them doing it. what does that say about our president? just because he does not like the opposing view, he doesn't have to listen to it. is that something his predecessors who have done? presidential historian is here. thank you for joining us. you have a list of a couple of good presidential listeners. let's go through them. you say george washington. one of the best listeners around. >> george washington was the greatest. washington, of course, had two very hostile guys, they didn't like each other. thomas jefferson and alexander hamilton. yet he took advice from each of them on different times. listened to both of them and at one point, he made them get together and compromise on something that he wanted. so he was terrific. >> eric: now there is -- this next gentleman is someone president obama thinks he models
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himself after. abraham lincoln. but wasn't he a good listener? >> abraham lincoln was an excellent listener. he had to have a cabinet full of people that doris concerns goodwin called a team of rivals. they were actual lea his enemies. most of them didn't like lincoln. they were kind of disgusted that he was elevated above them. but he nevertheless listened to them, took their advice and when necessary, put them in line. >> eric: how about jfk? you say he was a good listener as well. >> jfk was excellent. he had, of course, the cabinet of the best and the brightest. these were all very bright guys. they divided bitterly over the cuba episode. he ended up taking the advice of his brother, bobby. and the only drawback to jfk was he often wouldn't listen to the military. he didn't trust the military very much and the joint chiefs of staff. >> eric: now we switch gears. bad listeners. number one, the worst of all time, woodrow wilson.
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why? >> woodrow wilson. emnot listen to anyone in his cabinet, let alone any of the republicans. it's so frustrated his secretary of state that he quit. the only person wilson would listen to was his kind of confidante, colonel edward house, who wasn't really a colonel. avenues kentucky colonel, that kind of reminds you of president obama with valerie jarrett, kind of the only person he really takes advice from. >> eric: you say fdr was a bad listener, too. surprising, no? >> fdr is kind of on the fence. fdr would listen to people, but tended to be the last person in the room whose advice he took. lewis douglas, the budget director would say, we got to balance the budget and roosevelt would say, that's great. let's raise tax. and then someone would say we got to put more people to work and roosevelt would say, that's great. let's raise taxes. >> eric: thank you very much,
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sir. coming up on the rundown, symbol of american freedom found shocked, burned and unable to fly. but now that bald eagle right there has a new lease on life. meet the person responsible for saving phoenix. first, let's check in with hemmer for what's at the top of the hour. >> cute little guy. >> eric: 49ers or baltimore? >> i'm taking the 9ers. >> eric: good job. >> what about you? >> eric: the 9ers. >> baltimore has to play a good game to stay in this. >> eric: high scoring game. >> the ravens fans are hating us right now. see you at 5:00, eric. just about all of us east of the mississippi felt that crazy weather in the past 24 hours and some of it has been deadly. the host stimulus package situation with the five-year-old boy still going on. why some unions are raising serious flags about obamacare. we'll tell you about that. there is breaking news from the middle east. syria and lebanon demanding
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retaliation against israel. we'll tell you what that's about when martha if i see -- and i see you in ten minutes . what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a cough suppressant. great. [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus severe cold and flu fights your worst flu symptoms, plus that cough with a fast acting cough suppressant. [ sighs ] thanks!... [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. progress-oh! -oh! -oh! oh! oh! ♪ wh do you know? oh! ♪ bacon? -oh! -oh! oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your story for a chance to win a progress-oh! makeover in hollywood.
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>> she was found shot, burned and unable to fly. phoenixes bald eagle accidental low landed on a power line in florida and she caught on fire and was nearly electrocuted. >> eric: thanks to some good samaritans, phoenix has risen from the ashes and is on a road to recovery. we're joined we dr. jenkins a vet at the peace river wildlife center in florida. how close to death was phoenix? >> well, she was injured pretty severely by the electrocution itself. lot of burning of her feathers
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and the worst part was when she came in, we nearly euthanized her because normally when birds are electrocuted like that, they don't survive and we put them out of their misery because they die a low and tortured death. >> steve: how is it -- i see birds on power lines all the time. how would a bird get electrocuted? >> well, there is a problem with the transformer, the power line, the pole itself where something is exposed that shouldn't be. if something like this happens, we report it. >> gretchen: so you're assuming that she's about three years old. you're also assuming she's a female based on her figure? what do you mean by that? >> her weight. females are larger than the males. >> gretchen: okay. >> steve: i know somebody saw phoenix there and brought her in to you. what's the prognosis?
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>> her prognosis at this point is really good. she's been with us for about 2 1/2 weeks and no further damage. she's got some burning of her face and her one foot. that skin is healing and the feathers just need to molt and regrow. we're hoping within a year action possibly up to three years she'll be releasable. >> gretchen: i know the wildlife center there almost had to close because you didn't have enough funding, so people can visit or donate to the peace river wildlife center to make sure they're funded to stay open for doing the good works like saving phoenix. >> eric: thanks for doing that. >> gretchen: great to see you. >> thank you. >> steve: love the fact that they named her phoenix. we'll be back in two minutes [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes? just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo.
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