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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  February 13, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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conservationalist. >> sean: a cadillac escalade hybrid. >> get good gas mileage. >> 22, 23. >> you can run it on alcohol fuel. >> sean: it's going to blow up. what do you want me to do run it on moonshine. >> moonshine can run in any fuel injected vehicle. >> sean: here is the thing i'm all for getting where you are. i'm wasting time. but in the meanwhile i don't want to be dependent on middle east oil and i think we have the resources here, we are the saudi arabia of natural gas. >> and the saudi arabia of sun. the saudi arabia of wind. sun, >> sean: we're going to run our cars on sun, solar panelled cars. >> cars about is not a huge portion of the energy that we use, but nevertheless, because we use a lot for heating and other purposes. but cars can run-- i mean, cars, the existing infrastructure that we have can run on like the car that
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you drive can run on waste, it can run on alcohol fuel that's made from remediating sewage. it can run, diesel engines can run on oil. >> sean: i'll put up my challenge if you can come on the program and convince my audience that solar panels are cheaper and biofuel is easy to produce and all of these things can happen and save money and won't alter people's life styles. if you can show that i'll have an open mic. is that fair? and i-- i like that. okay. that's fair. >> sean: i'll he mail you the hundred bucks to bail you out. >> all right. i need it. >> sean: daryl hannah. >> bring it on. thank you, good to see you as well. >> sean: that's all the time we have left. let not your heart be troubled. greta is on the record. see you tomorrow night. >> greta: this is a fox news alert. we are live in big bear, california where moments ago two property owners who surprised accused cop killer christopher dorner telling the story of their ordeal.
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they told us that dorner tied them up in the cabin behind me and tonight they're talking about this daring escape and we're turning around that video and you will see it in just minutes right here, but first, did they get him? or has he done the unthinkable? has he tricked the police, planting his likeness of someone else and someone else being the charred body police found inside the burned out cabin. at this hour that charred body is being examined by forensic experts, but so much mystery remains of christopher dorner, and now, he was on the run for a week, and crisscrossing california and ending up right here in the resort town of big bear. police believe he spent days holed up in the cabin behind me under the the police and the media, but late yesterday police say they tracked dorner to another cabin, leading to a standoff. the very latest, he we go to fox news correspondent adam housley who is live at the
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sheriff's department. adam? >> yeah, greta. you talk about that forensic investigation. it could be as easy and quickly as three days and as long as three weeks and when you talk to people here, alt the gas station across the street. there's uncertainty as life tries to get back to normal here until that forensic investigation comes in. meantime, we have some new aerial video that comes in today as you talked to a number of people now speaking at aerial video shows the cabin from above of course, where dorner ended up and left the location where you are. he stole a car and somehow drove through big bear lake city and no one spotted him, but those owners called cops, called 911 down the road. fish and game officers spotted him. he ditched that car. he carjacked a white truck and the owner of that white truck spoke today about interacting with the man who's known christopher dorner and suspected of killing four people. take a listen. >> i saw some movement in the trees and it was christopher
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dorner, and he came out on to the road, out of the snow and he pointed his big rifle at me in my truck, i stopped, but my truck in park, put my hands up, he said i don't want to hurt you, just get out and start walking up the road and take your dog with you. he was calm, i was calm, you know, i would say i was, i was in fear for my life, but there was no panic. he told me what to do and i did it. >> reporter: take place right near there, he crashed the truck and eventually the location was burned down and the body suspected to be dorner was found inside. now, we also heard from the sheriff of san bernardino county here today of course the fourth person killed was one of his officers in that gun battle and he spoke of what went down, of the fire fight. how it wasn't normal and how it was extremely dangerous for his men as they went after the suspect. take a listen. >> i will tell you that the
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deputy shaveeriffs that respondd to this active shooting scene yesterday were true heroes. there were rounds being fired as you saw on some of the news coverage that was incredible, it was like a war zone and our deputies continued to go in to that area and try to neutralize, stop the threat. >> reporter: we also learned the name of the deputy killed yesterday, jeremiah mckay, a young deputy been here for a long time, but still in his 30's, he had two young children and leaves behind a wife as well. that happens, that name comes to us as the funeral, riverside officers took place today and there were literally thousands of people there. police agencies from all over the western united states for that matter from all over the country came to pay respects. four died according to the authorities at the hands of dorner, including two police officers and daughter and fiance of another before his reign is apparently over. the forensic investigation is
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going forward we know from covering these things and other stories, it could be something quick, could be long. they did find a driver's license with the name. as you mentioned people here are uncertain, a bit uneasy because everyone thought dorner had left, as of mid day yesterday and of course, we saw what happened after that. so, until that is, until that's nailed down until they know for sure that forensically, that is christopher dorner, people here are kind of looking over their shoulder to see if somebody might show up at some point, greta. >> greta: adam, thank you. and from those tied up home owners you're going to hear from in a few minutes, the most chilling story you can imagine to the carjacking to the shootout dangerous chaos is breaking out on a normally quiet mountain. and griff jenkins gives us a minute by minute look how it goes down. >> the day begins mere, it's mid morning tuesday at the mountain vista resort compound when the two arrived to do what they believe a routine
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cleaning at the vacant apartment, number 203 and instead finds dorner hiding out. he ties them up and flees the scene in what we now know is a purple nissan. little is known how dorner spent his days in the cabin, a few doors down lived for over ten years believes that dorner came through this mountain pass and found that cabin vacant. >> very unnerving that, to find out he was right on top of us here. i did feel he was still in the area, but i did think he was back in the wilderness locked down someplace maybe found a cave or something to dive into. >> 12:20 p.m. one of the maid frees herself, dials 911. the bolo, be on the lookout for dorner in a purple nissan. what began so remarkable the close proximity where the law enforcement set up a command post in the parking lot behind me and throngs of media located in the parking lot below them and dorner's
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hideout literally across the street where anytime day or night he could look out the window and keep tabs on them. 12:45 p.m. dorner is spotted by a california fish and wild life patrol driving here along highway 38. realizing he'd been spotted he turns off on glass road where he crashes his nissan. he flees on foot and car jacks a gentleman at gun point. >> he said i don't want to hurt you, just get out, and start walking and take your dog. and i said, okay. can i get her leash? and he said no, just start walking and that's what i did. >> within minutes, the owner of the pickup truck and with the radio hot among fish and wild life patrol he's spotted again and leaves the truck, and gun firing, too. >> officer down, officer down. >> copy, officer down. >> sometime after 1 p.m., dorner gets in a gun battle with law enforcement and then
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leaves a san bernardino sheriff's deputy dead and another wounded and barricades himself in an empty cabin. 4:20 p.m. the cabin is on fire and tv footage begins to emerge with smoke pouring from where dorner has barricaded himself. 20 minutes later approximately 4:40 p.m., sheriff's teams outside the cabin hear a single gunshot. by 9 p.m. sheriff's say the house is too hot to enter. >> law enforcement on seen have not been able to enter the cabin. it's too hot. it is still smoldering. at 11:30 p.m. last night we finally received confirmation that charred human remains were found within the cabin. as cloe as we can get to the crime scene as we wait for a positive i.d. on the body as well as any further information about those final hours. >> greta: in just a few
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minutes you'll hear from the couple tied up in the cabin and towels shoveled in their mouths and hear the harrowing story and so much information and when the loud bangs and flames engulfing the cabin and four hour siege that finally came to an end not before several gun battles, and saunders was in the middle of the danger zone. nice to see you, doug. >> you, too. >> greta: what happened you were right in this spot when this shootout went down? >> i was right there. i was on my way home from my shift. i saw all the law enforcement and they had their guns out and i decided to check it out. so, i stood by and they all raced to their cars. headed back towards big bear, so-- >> how far away were you from the cabin that eventually went up in flames. >> i was about, about a quarter a mile away. >> so you saw the cops running up.
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so what could you hear? >> a lot of what i heard was radio traffic and i heard them deploy the gas. and as soon as i heard that order, there was the fire, the cabin lit on fire. >> greta: were you the only journalist in the area, that immediate area, i was the only journalist in that area. there was another journalist on the opposite side. >> greta: did you hear that one shot. >> i did hear that one shot. >> greta: explain, tell me. >> i heard a lot of like the firecrackers. what we now know is the fire set ammunition ablaze. the ammunition exploded like firecrackers and then one shot rang out. >> greta: what did you think that one shot was. obviously it's still an investigation and nobody knows for sure if that's dorner's body inside. what did you surmise from that. >> i was under the impression it was an s.w.a.t. team that one of their snipers took him out. we later learned that the shot came from inside the cabin.
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>> greta: what were the police saying to you? >> you know, they took me in like one of their own. there was a lot of emotion there. you know, they had just lost one of their own. so, they really didn't pay any attention to me. >> greta: and in terms of the traffic that you were listening to, what was the audio traffic you were listening to. >> just everything that was going on down in the ravine. >> greta: and what were they saying? >> well, they were talking about tactics, they were talking about deploying the gas and that's pretty much about that time, they kind of pushed me back a little bit. >> what were they saying about their level of certainty, dorner inside and whether or not he was inside alone or had hostages? >> they were unsure. >> greta: and so what were they saying, did that enter into the tactical decision? >> i believe they did. i'm not a member of the sheriff's department. i'm not at liberty to a lot of what they do, but a lot of people out there i knew and a lot of them the thought it was him. >> greta: and you talk about losing the deputy up here. that really is--
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it's tough on any police force, but this is a small police force or sheriffs. >> the sheriff's department you know, the largest county in the united states, but they have stations everywhere. this is a very tight community. everybody knows everybody. everybody goes to church with this deputy. they're all friends. ne all have each other's phone numbers. they have dinners with each other. >> greta: you know, we all pretty much assume that it's dorner whose body was found inside. i mean, but it just hasn't been proven yet. we don't know how twisted this guy is, whether he's clever enough or smart enough to put any sort of put some other body and kill somebody else and put a driver's license. was there any sort of escape route from that cabin that you know of. could he have gotten out. >> he could not have gotten out. he was completely surrounded. completely surrounded. there was over 200 police officers over there. they had him surrounded.
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>> greta: what was the level of relief when it finally ended by the sheriff's department? >> this guy will not hurt anybody ever again and i think that was the level. you know, nobody wants to see anybody die, but nobody wants to see anybody die at this man's hands. >> greta: was there any discussion about trying to take him alive. >> they talked about it, but again, they didn't talk about that in front of me. i'm a reporter. >> doug, thank you. and police are launching a major and dangerous tactical operation to end the standoff. the s.w.a.t. team risking their life to break the cabin windows and knock down the walls and police threw flammable tear gas, cannisters into the cabin. and mark fuhrman joins us with more on the tactic. and i guess they couldn't go better assuming that charred body is that of christopher dorner, right? >> absolutely. that's christopher dorner.
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they probably already know that, but they're actually doing some forensics to corroborate it. the department of defense has dental records and they can get a copy of that. the forensic dentist can look at it in a matter of moments and x-rays and compare fillings and it's done. but let's just move on with the tactic. it couldn't have gone better for the s.w.a.t. team as they had a lot of pressure to get this done before dark, darkness would have given the suspect an advantage and it would have been a disadvantage for so many police officers involved in the tactical operation, and it just makes things a little bit more confusing. everything went very well and it was a happy ending. >> mark, we're going to play for the viewers in a moment, the comments, the discussion about from the couple who were tied up and bound by christopher dorner. they actually had towels shoved in their mouths and hands tied and an incredibly
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chilling story and it was interesting, he said he wouldn't hurt them and pointed out he hadn't hurt the guy in the boat. this man clearly just wanted to take out the police. the sheriff, and anybody he thought who had wronged him in the police department. and it's interesting that he had an opportunity to kill others, but he did not. >> it's interesting what he did with all the different peoples, the eyewitnesses, the two women and the condo, the man that he carjacked and the man down in san diego. it's interesting that he left live witnesses that he could call and report to the police and actually locate him at a location and that was his undoing and it's kind of interesting, considering the cold blooded nature that he's killing other people, and there's something there that i don't completely understand. >> what do you make of the fact that he burned out his car? that he just left it. i assume usually you do that to get rid of clues that would tie you to it, but he must have assumed that everybody
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knew it was his to begin with and drew attention to it by lighting it on fire. >> i'm not sure it was intentional. i've talked to quite a few former cops and kicked it around and wondering if he did break an axle on that mountain road and he was trying to either fix something or he was moving his gear around and he accidentally started a fire or perhaps it was at nate time and no way of illuminating anything and he tried to use some kind of lighting that was perhaps a flare, perhaps a coleman lantern and he accidentally caught his car on fire, i don't think we'll ever know at this point. >> greta: well, he certainly, certainly seemed well planned out in the beginning because he was lying in wait for that unsuspecting couple, but then he didn't seem very well planned first trying to get away with the boat and trying to come up here to bear mountain where it's now gone up in flames before killing so
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many people. mark, thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: okay, viewers, listen to this one. if this is so disturbing, the ex-cop, dorner, accused of murder, has now become a cult hero to some facebook and twitter lighting up from comments with some people saying that dorner was standing up to a corrupt, racist system of law enforcement. one pro dorner facebook page reads i'm a man of i go at the time grit and honor help me expose the lapd and that page had more than 5,000 likes. what do you think, go to greta wire and tell us. and straight ahead the terrified moments that police first confronted christopher dorner, you're going to hear the frantic responses yourself and how could the accused killer hide out under the nose of the police and media. that's all next and it's right where we are. and up at the community of big bear gripped for days.
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and hear neighbors tell you what it's like and we have so much more live coverage from big bear coming up. you'll hear from the property owners and ones that had owners and ones that had dorner in the [ female announcer ] your smile. like other precious things that start off white, it yellows over time. when it comes to your smile, if you're not whitening, you're yellowing. crest whitestrips whiten as well as $500 professional treatments. guaranteed. crest 3d white whitestrips. i'm here to pick up some cacti.
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>> live at california where
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it is believed an accused cop killer spent his final days. and police scanners capturing the frantic moments as police officer con fronted christopher dorner. >> and there's a silent sniper rifle sitting in the back seat. >> continuing multiple smoke grenades and cs canisters. >> 445, shot out and they returned fire. >> copy, fish and game were shot out and they returned fire. 4, 5. >> game warden fired on the suspect, appeared to be a handgun, nobody was injured. >> 445, shots fired. seven oaks cabin. >> and so in a gun fight with them. 7-0 cabin, shots fired. >> copy, i'm monitoring. >> and we have an officer down, officer down. >> copy, officer down. >> officer down.
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>> the officer down. >> medic ship is in the air. >> medics ship is in the air. >> officer is down. >> copy, another officer down. >> 4435, suspect-- fire, automatic fire coming inbound. >> copy, automatic fire inbound. >> minimum traffic on this channel, we have the suspect holed up in a cabin and trading shots with him for the last 20 minutes. >> greta: now, that's how the dramatic final hours of the manhunt played out. but where has dorner been for the past several days and how did he stay hidden with police and media across the street? john joins us and what we know from the last time on weapons, attempt today hijack the boat and thursday, the following day is when his truck was found here at bear mountain. >> that's right. >> greta: what do we know about where he was since thursday? >> well, that's what the
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authorities and the media are still trying to figure out today because they said they searched the cabins nearby where the command center was established, but at the time they don't believe dorner was in one of those cabins, but jump ahead this week and he was in one of those cabins directly across the street from where police and media were stationed. so, it's possible he could have been hiding in that cabin for up through the weekend. >> greta: you know, it's almost like what are the odds that he would be so close to where the command post is and we're going to hear the second from the two people he tied up, but extraordinary he could stay hidden that long. doesn't appear there was food inside the apartment or inside the cabin that he could eat so it's curious as to where he was and apparently at least i haven't heard of any sightings, have you, other than from the time he tied them up and the other cabin was burned down. >> no, and there were sightings everywhere from san
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diego, to the high desert of southern california, but through the period from thursday to this week, it sounds like he was in the big bear area. >> why do you think he came to the big bear area? just random? >> they haven't exactly said. his mother had a property in the area, but it didn't have any buildings on the structure-- on the property and after he had killed the riverside police officer, they started canvassing the area and thursday morning, hours after the officer had been killed they found his truck destroyed in the mountain area. and that started a five or six-day manhunt through the mountains. what is so bizarre he had so many opportunities to kill people other than police officers and he didn't. for instance, even yesterday when he hijacked the truck,
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and he took it from a man who had a dog, he let the man go and he said can i take my dog he let him take the dog and didn't harm the couple that he tied up we'll hear from in a moment. he had so many chances to harm other people, but he was just one dimensional he wanted to kill the police or sheriff's department. i find that strange about this whole investigation. >> yeah and you know, given his background with the lapd he knew how police officers operated. we talked to some fish and game officials today who said that when they came upon him, he faced eye to eye with them and then fired five to six shots toward the fish and game officers, missing one of their heads by close to ten inches. >> greta: any idea why? the distance apparently between the two cabins one where he tied up the couple and the other, a ten or 15
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miles, any idea why he picked that second cabin or appeared random. >> it appeared random and closest opportunity. he was coming down highway 38 and just missed a spike strip when he hid behind two school busses and tailgating them and he passed the school busses and turned on to glass road and the cabin is nearby and police lost track of them and once the shootout with fish and game officials occurred police believe that he ran into the for rest and came across this cabin that was vacated where he holed up in his final moments. >> greta: john, thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: next, imagine coming face-to-face with that accused killer. that a california couple now talking about their encounter with christopher dorner, that was some encounter. he tied them up and stuffed towels in their mouths. and next, a charred body was
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in that burned body. could that body be somebody other than christopher dorner, police believe it to be christopher dorner, but dr. michael baden is coming up. our c c c c c c c all right that's a fifth-floor problem... ok.
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>> this is a fox news alert. we are live in big bear, where late tonight two people who came face-to-face with christopher dorner are talking
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about their harrowing ordeal. they were first thought to be mouse keepers, but they're property owners. dorner tied them up in the cabin behind me and now they're telling all about the terrifying experience. >> laying on the ground. >> yes, i did. and trying it calm down and get nuss here and he's going to do it. and he, once he got us bound then he went out to the bathroom real quick, and stuffed washcloths in each one of our mouths and-- >> back in the middle of the room again. >> and he came in like with a cord and tired it. >> extension cords. >> and put those over our heads. >> and through the mouth around the back and tied it tight. >> and why are you talking now and what's the motivation? >> well.
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>> yeah, there is-- >> there's information out there. >> a lot of misconstruction. we, we have people, you know, we have guests who think that our place was burned down because the cabin that he died in, well, we think it's him, but has, you know, has burned down. all of the things that our house has been burned-- really, they were here and working, but they were not involved at all with him. >> greta: how do you think he got in and did it appear that he'd been there several days? >> i have no idea how he got in. there are no signs of it being broken into, but another thing he had talked to us about was that he said we are very hard workers, we're good people. he talked about how he could see him working on the snow
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every day. >> on the shovelling the snow and-- so --. >> and i don't know, we never saw any indication that he was in there at all. >> could you have look (inaudible) you mentioned a means to an end. did at any time he talk to you about why he was doing what he was doing. >> he said want to clear my name, he yes, yes. >> i don't have a problem with you, i just want to clear my name. seems like he chose you from watching? >> i don't think so. >> no, i mean, we haven't been watching and-- >> the next day-- >> i don't know that, i haven't heard any reason why. he had been watching-- >> i'm sure he was watching everything going on around here. >> i mean, it's up high and you know, we where the unit
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is, we work into every one of our units it's kind of like a-- >> and what kind of car did he take. >> it was a 2011, nissan. >> and wrecked it. >> well, we don't really. we haven't really been told what happened to it yet. >> and all day yesterday. >> how did you extricate yourselves? you were able to get-- >> we didn't really, what we did, we kind of scooted down and i went up and grabbed the pillow case and-- >> i worked it off of his head and she got her gag off and we both worked, trying to stand up. >> he scooted over towards the bedroom door that he had closed, but he couldn't get up and couldn't reach, we were really bound. >> couldn't get it open. >> and she-- >> with the doorknob. i was able to roll on to my
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knees and scoot over to the bed and actually get on to my feet. and like kind of shuffled to where he was, and the door open. >> and then you had a cell phone with you you were able to accumulate. >> we had taken cell phones, we had cell phones with us when we went in. we always have our cell phones when we are working out on the property. well, and, but i actually thought my cell phone was still in my pocket when he had taken ut to the bedroom and when i was laying there i realized it wasn't in my pocket you know, like i could feel that it wasn't there. and so i thought like while he we were on the sofa he had gotten it out of my coat pocket. so, i-- we have an in-house phone, but i i couldn't get that to work and i was just working from behind my back and jim scooted out into the hallway and told
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me he had actually hidden his cell phone. >> down the stairs, i sat it on the seat cushion of the house and hopefully get to it later. >>, but actually i really couldn't figure out how i could get at the cushion and get the cell phone and work with it, but i was trying to figure out how to do that i actually looked on the coffee table and he left my cell phone right on the coffee table. right there. and i sat down and was able to scoot around and work with it and call 911. >> the moment you realized. the moment you realized that this was christopher dorner, what went through your mind? >> we're dead, pretty scary. >> yeah, i really thought that he would be on-- i never even knew my reaction would be to run, but it was. and i actually saw quicker than him somehow and-- >> i was walking behind her,
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so she was blocking my view and until she turned and ran i didn't see his face and saw him and passing the building couldn't get out. we saw (inaudible) talk to me i knew you saw me on the news and you know who i am and (inaudible). >> and did he talk about the officer he shot. >> no, no and he never spoke anything again, you know, the not like saying i'm after them, but he just had said we know-- >> his demeanor? >> he was always very, very calm. >> calm. >> and he really, he you really could tell that he was professionally trained. of course we knew that, too, but really the way he had us do each thing was really-- the best word i could think of was very methodical, do exactly this.
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he was able to wrap our cans and legs pretty easily with those-- >> and methodical, he was trained as we know, but did he appear in your opinion that he was carrying out a larger plan or more that you had stumbled into his. >> it appeared that we stumbled into him. >> or that-- >> didn't seem to have a plan as much as-- >> yeah. >> and straight ahead. what are the chances of the charred body in that cabin is not christopher dorner? now, that's part of a twist, that would be a twisted plot. could it happen by a deranged former police police officer and what will the things stand out, it will come down to the out, it will come down to the forensics. [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of?
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>> even now, after that cabin went up in flames more than a
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dozen lapd and their families are under protection, for good reason. that charred body is not yet identified. it could be a setup, maybe, even christopher dorner's driver's license was found on the charred body could be planted as part of a twisted plot. how is an identification made and how certain is it? the forensic pathologist dr. michael baden joins us, i think almost all of us believe that to be the body of christopher dorner, however, we still don't know and so, what will it take to prove it? >> well, i think they have he' already proven it. i think it's zero chance it isn't dorner, because they've got some very excellent forensic dentists out there in california and it would be forensic malpractice in one of them didn't come up to the mountain and look at the charred body. remember, it's only charred on the outside and not on the inside and the teeth don't get charred, the teeth stay in good shape and within minutes
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make a comparison of the death in that body and prior dental records from the military, if no other place, that i'm sure the sheriff's department has already collected days ago. >> greta: all right in the event that it wasn't collected or that the military hasn't yet for whatever reason gotten dental records to the sheriff's department, what's their plan b in terms of identifying this body? i assume what you're saying is going to happen, but what if it doesn't. >> well, i think because of all the concerns and fears, and the weight that people put on dna, they're also doing dna analysis, they have dna cards from the military on him. they have his mother nearby who has dna and they could do a dna test further confirming that it's dorner within couple of days, you remember, osama bin laden within a few hours, so the ability to do rapid dna
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is with us. >> greta: i don't know if it matters or any significance, but i know that they will be investigating this, i'm curious, will they be able to determine cause of death whether it's a self-inflicted bullet wound, whether he died from smoke inhalation or burned to death? would that be something they could determine? >> yes, one of the ways to do this, to find out if there's any carbon monoxide in his bloodstream. he still has blood inside his body and analyze that and determine 1% which is normal or 20, 30, 40% which would indicate he breathes in carbon monoxide from a fire. if he has 1% carbon monoxide he was shot before the fire started and simply by removing the bullet and comparing it to his weapon, and the weapons of all the other police firing at him they can determine if it's self-inflicted or inflicted by one of the police officers.
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>> so that won't be a problem. >> but you're not-- you and i have done so many stories together, it's so tragic it think of the people that were murdered in this case, and it's just so senseless, isn't it? >> it is. and one of the concerns in a situation like this is copy cat people that, you know, if you don't get your way, you're going to go out and strike out at strangers to make your point and that's another thing that our intercommunicated systems can give rise to, unfortunately. >> dr. baden, as always, thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: and viewers, we want to know what you think. how certain are you that dorner is dead? do you think there is a chance in the world that it wasn't his body in the char remains of the cabin? could this be a setup by a twisted killer? go to and tell us and straight ahead, neighbors who spent days living in fear wondering if
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christopher dorner would bust christopher dorner would bust through their doors and shoot the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo. 50% more flash. [ southern accent ] 50 percent more taters. that's where tots come from. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. 50% more spy stuff. what's in your wallet? this car is too small. i have to know the weather patterns. i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. [ manager 2 ] it's like working in a giant sandbox.
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>> neighbors absolutely stunned by the deadly violence in their usually peaceful resort community. we're live at big bear.
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bruce lived a few doors down from the cabin where christopher dorner was hiding out. our griff jenkins spoke with him. you live here how long have you been here. >> ten years. >> ten years and yet you were in the midst of this murder. how do you feel about that? you had the police across the street, and media, it was all right here. >> yeah, it was very unnerving that, to find out he was right on top of us here. i did feel he was still in the area, but i think he was back in the wilderness area and maybe found a cave or something to dive into because the snow came thursday night and we got snow for about 24 hours constant and probably helped him, but i do believe that he got out of there. ditched his truck and maybe backtracked and came down the hill and drove into the little condo that was open after a tenant had left for the weekend or somebody rented it for the weekend and happened to be unlocked and able to get
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in there before they had the s.w.a.t. team and the sheriffs coming the area and i believe they checked every door, but the door was locked and everything looked secure and moved on to the next building. and i think he got in there before the snow because there was no footprints. >> and it's a small area and people who live here like yourself probably see what's coming and going, surprising that no one saw him. >> no one saw him and i must have missed him monday morning by a half hour because i think he left here at 8:30 and i went at 9 and interesting had i been a half hour different there may have run into him here in the parking lot. it's fortunate it went here, and a shootout locally, i live here, the manners live he manag here and it was unfortunately, the police officer and heart goes out to family, but former, a minimum number of
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casualties. >> greta: christopher dorner quickly became the most hunted man in the nation, accused of the two cold blooded murder of two police officers. and from college, that's not the chris dorner he remembers. as listening to everything the past few days, what are your thoughts. >> i'm just absolutely shocked. perplexed. and speechless, obviously. as you indicated the person i knew was a good, upstanding, honest man and you know, i've got a lot of questions like everybody else does in terms of what could possibly be the catalyst for this irrational and horrific behavior. >> greta: well, he obviously felt very wronged by the lapd and law enforcement and almost intensified by the fact that he had only his wrath and his desire to kill them. he led a lot of other people, tied them up and triced them and didn't hurt other people,
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but he certainly set out to kill the police and when you were in college with him, did he have-- did he ever say anything about law enforcement or was this a new-found hatred. >> it might have been a new-found hatred. i never anything out of that from chris or any violent overtones from him that he was a person who held grudges or was out for revenge or anything like that. so, you know, again, this is completely uncharacteristic of the chris i knew. bear in mind, chris and i had not spoken over the last decade save one occasion, again, i have real questions going on in this man's life going on ten years that would bring him to this ending. >> greta: james, thank you, as you noted we're still learning more about what happened in that fiery standoff and with ou hi. hi.
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