tv Hannity FOX News February 19, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PST
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tip of the day for you. what happens, larry, when the tap water is purple? it often is. the hotel should give you free bottled water. all right? especially if you're paying more than $300 a night, they don't give you water, come on. let's go with it. and finally tonight the factor tip of the day. a university in new jersey did a survey what are americans eating when they he go to restaurant. 20% of us rate italian as a first choice. 17% american steak, fish, burgers, and 40% of us eat out weekly nonfast food restaurant. that's a big number. so, here is a tip. here in new york city, we have a small home-cooked italian place that i think is one of the best in the country and
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it's inexpensive, a real find. i've put the name of the restaurant on so you can check it out if you want. thank you if you do. back for the tip of the day. that's it for us tonight. check out the factor website different from fox news. and if you wish to opine, the word of the day, do not be querulous when writing. and again, thanks for waving us tonight. and remember, the spin stops right here. we're definitely looking out for you. >> . >> bill: tonight we're only ten shorts days away from what
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is known as the sequester and impact the department of defense. with the march 1st deadline approaching the president of the united states decided to step off the golf course earlier today and address this dire situation. >> these cuts are not smart. they are not fair. they will hurt our economy. they will add hundreds of thousands of americans to the unemployment rolls. this is not abstraction. >> sean: the cuts are not fair, they're going to hurt the economy, what the president didn't mention, the sequester, that was his idea in the first place. >> the man who literally wrote about the book about the budget battle. whose idea was the sequester and did you ever think we had he' get to this point? >> first, it was the white house. it was obama and neighbors went to the democratic leader and harry reid and said this is the solution. >> sean: there you have it the plan that the president is calling not smart, not fair,
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was actually his solution to quote, saving the economy. again, that's not what we heard today at the white house, what we heard was our commander campaigner in chief reverting back into election mode and blaming republicans and using pathetic scare tactics to smear the opposition. sound familiar? you've heard the fear mongering, what i'm about to play is only described as obama's mayen apocalypse, have you questioning whether or not the sun will rise next friday if in fact the sequester takes hold. here is more of the fear mongering and we hanitized this comment a little bit. >> now, congress allows this meat cleaver approach to take place, it will jeopardize our military readiness. >> what kind of training, son. >> training sir. >> it will eviscerate job training investments and training. >> i'm registered for this
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class. >> what class. >> this is u.s. history right there. >> emergency responders, their ability to help responders to prevent disasters will be degrad degraded. border patrol agents will see their hours reduced. fbi agents will be furloughed. >> you with the old bureau seven years and that bureau is now gone and so are you. >> federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go. >> oh, place is as bad as home. >> well, go home and sleep. >> air traffic contollers and airport security will see cutback the. >> can you fly this plane and land it? >> surely you must not be serious. >> i am serious and do not call me shirley. >> and parents have child care for their kids. >> hundreds of thousands of
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americans will lose access it primary care and preventive ca care. that's why democrats, republicans, business leaders and economists, they've already said that these cuts known here in washington as sequestration, are a bad idea. >> the end of the world as we know it. here to try and defend his old boss, former chair of the economic advisors, former chicago business, austan goolsbee and fox's tucker carlson. let's go back, this is obama's idea. let's listen to your old boss. >> already some in congress are trying to undo these automatic spending cuts. my message to them is simple. no. i will veto any effort to get rid of those automatic spending cuts, domestic and defense spending.
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there will be no easy off-ramps on this one. >> sean: whoops. so i guess he's the one that's not fair, not smart, and he's the one hurting the economy, it was his idea. >> no, now, first of all, sean you better hope all of those movies were 20th century fox movies or you're going to be in major violation of copy right laws. >> sean: that's all right, don't worry about it. >> i know you're looking out. >> and the quote that you played from 2011 was that republicans in congress were trying to revisit the sequester and make it only on the discretionary part and take out defense money. >> sean: it was his idea the sequester, it was his brilliant idea. he brought it to harry reid. if you remember, wait a minute, did he go to harry reid. >> sean: because he wanted it. >> anybody who was watching this show, knows i tried to vet you before the election that the loser would shave layer head and you wouldn't do it. >> sean: i'm not stupid.
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i knew it was going to be close, i predicted on this program it'd be close. and i said razor thin margin. >> okay, fine. say i had lost the bet and i shaved my head, that doesn't mean that the fact that i proposed the bet doesn't mean i want to shave my head. >> sean: all right. i've got it. >> this was supposed to motivate the-- >> this was the president's idea and bob woodward said it, too. and let me go to tucker carlson. i think we've got to throw in the towel. let me go to the president, the scare tactics, if you're conservative in this country you want to poison the air and water and don't care about children with down syndrome and autism and care about the elderly. we've got a fear mongering demagogue in the white house and things are evil. watch, for example. >> i wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. michelle wasn't. but somebody gave us a chance. it's like these folks up here are looking for a chance.
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this congressional republican budget is something different altogether. it is a trojan horse, a thinly veiled social darwinism. my plan says we're going to put teachers back in the classroom, construction workers back to work rebuilding america. and then you guys, their plan, which is let's have dirtier air, dirtier water. who are these 50 million americans? many of somebody's grandparents, some are middle class families who have children with autism or down syndrome. and these are the americans we'd be telling to fend for themselves. >> sean: obama, president demagogue, what else can you say, tucker? it's actually funny at this point. >> it's remarkable. covered him in the 2008 campaign and he said i'll never give you candy, and tell you the truth even though you don't like it and how far from
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there where he says republicans would like nothing than to hurt first responders for the sake of doing so in order to help their friends in the financial services business. he actually with a straight face said this is a clear choice between making the rich pay more or hurting the rest of us, as if you could balance the budget on the backs of the rich. that's a lie. it's a math question that's a lie and he knows it's a lie and he says it anyway. it's a change, he didn't used to talk this way, in his first campaign people voted for him thinking he was a uniter. it's a partisan and watch the tape. >> sean: austan, if i'm going to use the president's standard. play a word association. if he's going to say that conservatives want dirty air and water and throw granny over the cliff. >> he didn't say dirty air and water-- >> i'll play it again and then their plan, let's-- >> that's not what he said. >> sean: let me read it to you then you have your their plan which says let's have dirty air and dirty water.
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>> their plan gives you dirtier air and dirtier water, that's a budget matter and-- tucker, and the words he used. >> do the math on-- >> i've got a good idea. if he uses those standards that we want to throw granny over the cliff, don't get caught and-- >> and nothing about wanting to throw-- >> wait a minute, then i'm going to call the president using his same tactics, i think the president is a thief. i think he's stealing when we borrow 46 cents of every dollar, he's stealing from our kids. now, if i said that, would i be over the top? would that be a demagogue. >> you have said that, you've said that many times and you've said it to me. >> we're over the top and-- >> stealing from our children. breaking over their piggy banks and taking their pennies, because they're borrowing 46 cents of every dollar. >> look, if you're concerned about the deficit then let's come up with a reasonable plan that has some revenues, that
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have some entitlement cuts and discretionary cuts. >> they've passed two plans. >> he never proposed doing it only with high income revenue and absolutely did not on-- >> did you listen to what he said. it's just in the serious. yes. for example, if the sequestration goes through we'll have to cut head start. we've had head start for 48 years and it doesn't work. it produces no measurable change in the education levels of the kid. if you can't get cut head start you're the not serious about cutting anything. >> hold it there, we've got to take a break and we'll come back with a former obama economic advisor adding words to what obama says, austan goolsbee. >> i didn't. >> sean: you did so you added words tucker carlson debate whether the president is stealing money from children and then we'll come back. >> leaking this out sets things in the wrong direction. >> another deceptive edit from nbc news and targeting congressman paul ryan and how
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they attempted to distort his view on immigration reform and later a colorado democrat suggested that women should not have the right to bear arm even in matters of life and death and rape. death and rape. a heated debate on chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. a body at rest tends to stay at rest...
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he thinks it's dumb andra co and draconian. and the senate didn't pass a budget. and all this have will take us back to the amount of money we spent in 2011. if we can do that with 16 1/2 trillion dollars in debt and borrowing 46 cents of every dollar we spend, we're doomed, we're doomed. >> we wouldn't be here in the first place if the president was serious about cutting. i mean, look, you saw his posture today. this is not the behavior of someone who sincerely seeks a deal. he is pointing the finger at his opponent and basically called them names. and you can't believe the president is sincere about cutting government. he didn't make a single specific program in that. >> sean: austan, tell me what's so bad, again through the prism, we're stealing from our kids and i'll use words i think the president would use.
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all we're asking is that 2011 we -- the budget, we spent 3.6 trillion dollars, in this it's going to be just shy of 3.6. going back to the 2011 budget that we spent. is that really so draconian? really that bad? >> okay. now you're starting to sound reasonable to me, which is. >> sean: wow. >> when you say i'm for -- if you're getting up and saying i'm for the cuts in the sequester, i understand that argument. if you say i am for cutting entitlements more than would be-- had to be cut if you did some tax revenues, i understand that. >> paul ryan is trying-- >> conservatives have not been saying what you just said, sean. >> sean: paul ryan. >> wait a minute, paul ryan proposed a budget that would deal with entitlements and the president publicly like he did here, demagogued him, too. and the president demagogued. >> if you want to endorse the paul ryan budget then do so,
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the only thing is don't then start wimping out and saying the president is comparing his budget to paul ryan's budget and making paul ryan's budget sound bad. don't complain about it, defend it. >> sean: dirty air awater. >> he didn't say this. he said the budget would mean dirtier air and dirtier water, it would. >> sean: you cannot have a conversation with this president. he is hell bent on destroying republicans and advancing his socialist agenda and it doesn't matter to get there. >> tucker-- >> you like calling my mom-- no want to throw your granny over the cliff. >> wait a minute, is that a meaningful distinction whether the president pleasant to say you seek to despoil the environment or your budget would produce. >> it's a pointless-- >> whether he's accusing you personally of wanting dirty water. >> come on, now, i for one,
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demagoguery-- >> and let's just be adults for a second. you can't have a conversation in good faith if you assume the other side wants to wreck the air and water. like you can't have a real negotiation under those circumstances. >> he didn't say. >> period. >> sean: got to run. if you think that was a scare, you're probably walking out cowering from winnie the pooh. >> it wasn't a scare. >> sean: austan. >> you're saying let us tear the new budget. >> sean: i've got to leave and got to go. in the next segment i'm going to throw a grandmother over a cliff and put chemicals in the water that our children are going to drink, don't miss it. and the budget calls for, i'm sorry to hear it. >> sean: i've got to go, thank you both. coming up next, first, the associated press is forced to withdraw a bogus story depicting senator rand paul a radical on immigration and they've caught yet again, editing comments by paul ryan
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and a campaign designed to combat racism. is it sending the wrong message? message? we'll unveil m the patient, presented with a hairline fracture to the mandible and contusions to the metacarpus. what do you see? um, i see a duck. be more specific. i see the aflac duck. i see the aflac duck out of work and not making any money. i see him moving in with his parents and selling bootleg dvds out of the back of a van. dude, that's your life. remember, aflac will give him cash to help cover his rent, car paymen and keep everything as normal as possible. i see lunch. [ monitor beeping ] let's move on. [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you at
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agenda. and congressman paul ryan. pay attention to the clip of the left wing network, talking how the obama administration leaked the immigration plan over the weekend. watch closely. >> here, let's take a listen to some of the reaction we're getting from both representatives in congress and as well as different senators, take a listen. >> leaking this out does set things in the wrong direction, this particular move counterproductive. >> this is the president and plan, shows me that he's really not serious when they come out and adamantly say my way or the highway and if congress doesn't ask i'll put it on the desk and say pass it now, that's no way to get it done. >> sir, is this strictly because president obama's name is attached to it and it doesn't have the white house nudges so to speak, nudge things along because it comes strictly from the president, is that why people are recoiling from it? >> the answer is no, that's not why. but nbc's viewers wouldn't know that, the so-called news
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organization sliced out the video and the substantive response to the white house plan. here is the full video. >> i did think his words were measured and productive in the state of the union, but putting this, leaking this out does set things in the the wrong direction. look, the question we always have to ask ourselves, particularly with this white house, is the president looking for a partisan advantage or is he looking for a bipartisan law and by putting these details out without a guest worker program, without addressing future flow, by giving advantage to those who cut in front of line for immigrants who came here legally, not dealing with border security, adequately, that tells us that he's looking for a partisan appendage and not a bipartisan solution, there are groups in the house and senate working together to get in done and when he does things like this it makes that much more difficult to do that and that's why i think this particular move very counterproductive. >> sean: all right, unbelievable. joining me with reaction
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co-host of "the five" dana perino and fox business network, stuart varney. this is standard operating procedure. is george black, white or hispanic. >> and they tried from the beginning to paint paul ryan as a crazy right wing radical person and he's actually just like your neighbor, the guy you want as your friend. your son-in-law. he's like everybody's good guy and it's always-- and stop laughing at me, stuart. >> it's just so-- how did you see that, out of the corner of your eye. >> no, i hear him snickering, laughing over there. >> look, this is deliberate. this is not just cheerleading for the the obama team. it's quite deliberately misleading people and-- >> you're that smart to figure that out to try to smear paul ryan. >> put this piece of tape next to that piece of tape to make it sound like that. they're misleading america quite deliberately, not only cheerleading for the president
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they're leading almost a lie to the american people, that's what they're doing. >> sean: if we go back to the last segment, isn't the president lying when he talks about sequestration and doom and gloom and panic and republicans want dirty air and water. >> i don't want to use that word. i don't want to do that. >> sean: do you think he really wants dirty air and water or knows better. >> it's misleading to say the rich can pay for it all. it's misleading to-- >> what's the difference between misleading and not telling the truth. >> why are you picking on me, i didn't want to use the word. >> sean: and remember we had the father he lost a chulled at sandy hook, remember, this is how it was deceptively edited and then we'll play, remember they he accused the pro gun supporters of interrupting him and that wasn't true. let's go to nbc again. >> why anybody in this room needs to have one of these assault style weapons or military weapons or high
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capacity clips, not one person can answer that question. (inaudible). all right. please, please, no comments while mr. heslin is speaking, we'll clear the room. >> i asked is there anybody in this room that could give me one reason or challenge this question, why anybody in this room needs to have a, one of these assault style weapons or military weapons or high capacity clips? not one person can answer that question he or-- (inaudible) >> please, please, no comments while mr. heslin is
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speaking or we'll clear the room. mr. heslin please continue. >> anybody, anyway we're all entitled to our opinion and i respect their opinions and their thoughts, but i wish they'd respect mine and give it a little bit of thought and realize that it could have been their child that was in that school that day. >> sean: very different, obviously. now they're doing it not only in the political realm, george zimmerman case, this case, it's not even just sloppy journalism, it's purposefully deceitful. >> i think that one is deliberate the thing is it comes back it it hurt them and people are looking the at the full transcript and saying wait, that's not actually what happened. or people in the room say that's not what happened and i think i think for journalism, that's bad, but for that twek network, when it becomes a
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pattern. >> sean: between that and george zimmerman when the operator said, is he black, white or hispanic and they edited it out as if he brought up race on his own, that was pretty awful. >> that's not just misleading, that's taking out facts that are germane to the story. >> sean: very germane. >> make the story what the story really is. you take out those facts and you completely pervert the story and when you're dealing with a case like that, that's really outrageous and i keep waiting for people to realize what's going on here and i see no sign that have realization at the moment. >> sean: did the president lie when he says things like republicans want dirty air and water and predicts doom and gloom, he doesn't like that word. >> it's hard for me to tell if he really believes that, i don't think so, but it it makes me wonder about how many people they have on the other side of the aisle at that they are talking to. how many do they hang out with? i worked on capitol hill and washington d.c. and i had friends of all stripes from all different office s and we all got along and bosses had
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disagreements, but we got along. >> sean: and this thrives in this environment. but i've got to go. thank you, both. coming up next-- >> that's why we have call boxes. that's why we have safe zones. that's why we have the whistles. because you just don't know who your a going to be shooting at. >> sean: a colorado democrat suggests that women should not be allowed to use guns to defend themselves against rapists and a heated hannity debate on that. debate on that. log on to your our special all stations come over to mission a for a final go.
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women should not be armed with guns on college campuses even if they feel they could be raped. here are his outrageous comments. >> there is some gender inequity on college campuses that's true. and universities have been faced with this and that's why we have call boxes, that's why we have safe zones. that's why we have the whistles because you just don't know who you're going to be shooting at. and you don't know if you feel like you're going to be raped or if you feel like someone's been following you around or if you feel like you're in trouble and when you may actually not be, that you pop out that gun and you pop, pop around at somebody. >> sean: pretty unbelievable. now of course state democratic lawmakers sort of, kind of, give it one of those if i offended anybody apologies, but he's not the only one on left who wants to disarm americans.
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we learned that the n.r.a. got its hand on a memo and talks about mandatory gun buy backs, that sounds a lot like mandatory confiscation of firearms. >> president obama gives a good speech and when you listen to him talk about new gun laws you may think he sounds reasonable, but what happens when you look at the details behind the president's policies? how would they actually work? let's look at what obama's own experts have to say. this internal justice department memo says, quote, an assault weapons ban is unlikely to have an impact on gun violence. unlikely, that is, unless it comes with something else, obama's experts say that a gun ban, like the one being debated right now in congress, will not work without mandatory gun buybacks. mandatory gun buybacks, that's confiscation of legal firearms. >> sean: that's pretty scary. and joining me now is katie
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and leslie marshal, fox news contributors. and now you see leslie, you've got joe todd akin salazar in the democratic party. and let's remind everybody, selective moral outrage of todd akin. let's just remind everybody. >> the republican party has a major grass roots problem, which is that a good part of its grass roots now celebrate ignore randalls. it ignorance. it's more than abortion rights. it's more than about akin, this is a -- an agenda, this is an ideal, this is a theocracy embedded in the g.o.p. if he doesn't the romney-ryan ticket is going to be tarred with this feather for the entire campaign. >> as far as the g.o.p., this is going to be devastating because they have two big issues, the hispanic vote and female vote and gives them the ultimate poster boy.
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>> and there's rage by republican higher ups and worth pointing out the official party platform that's being voted on today in tampa, ready, sitting down? it backs the position of mr. akin, somewhat. parts of it, anyway. >> sean: no, it did not, but where is the outrage here, lesl leslie. >> i wasn't in any of the video clips and the reason is, i don't feel that left or right that's a political issue quite frankly, sean. i think it's a very male against female issue. they're too emotional. you can't get pregnant if you're raped. i think that akin and salazar said a lot of men left and right who feel that women have emotional instability whether it comes to a gun, hand-to-hand combat in our military and the list goes on. it's a sexism issue. >> you have call boxes, safe zones, whistles. is he serious here?
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>> first of all, right. first of all, i want to point out that leslie marshal actually wrote an op-ed that was titled todd akin is the reason why, and there's proof that there's a war on women. so for her to say she hasn't politicized that. >> exactly true. >> that backs up. >> okay, so, well you said it wasn't political. anyway back to the comments made by the man in colorado, mr. salazar, about the call boxes, and the whistles, it's such a liberal argument to make. don't worry, the call box is there, so someone else can take care of your responsibility to try and defend yourself first, right? but this isn't just a comment that was made by one democratic senator in colorado. we have the universities now across the country giving out these tips for young women on college campus us to maybe urinate or vomit on your attacker and maybe he'll back off. scream, try and run away and other gross and disgusting things, rather than the fact that when-- in colorado, the universities in colorado passed conceal
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carry, the crime rate dropped significantly and it wouldn't be any different anywhere else. >> sean: katie, what about the justice department memo, mandatory buyback, that's confiscation, no other way to put it. >> well, this justice department memo proves exactly the record we've seen from attorney general eric holder and president obama, people forget how radical president obama really is on gun control. let's not forget that when he was in illinois, he voted against home owners being able to defend themselves inside their home with a firearm against violent attackers. when he was in illinois, he supported the ban, the ban on handguns and the manufacture and transfer of handguns. the attorney general in the 1990's said we need to brain wash kids in our schools against guns. >> sean: leslie, you get last word. >> thank you. quite frankly, i'd like you to name which states that don't
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allow conceal and carry permits, where they have higher rape rates than other states that do. i also would like to know if like me at 19, you were the victim of a-- >> what does it have to do with-- >> if you were the victim of an attempted rape where i didn't have a gun and i did fight him off and you can use self-defense tactics if you do not have a gun. >> and pink pen-- >> there's another democratic representative from colorado who said we should be using ballpoint pens to fight off gunman in the middle of an attack. >> sean: unbelievable. >> carry a gun. >> sean: and your tax dollars hard at work. the obama administration is wasting your money on so-called sensitivity training. we have obtained the video and wait until you see what else federal employees are being taught on your dime. ♪ [ slap! ] [ slap! slap! slap! slap! ] ow! ow! [ male announcer ] your favorite foods fighting you?
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costs you, the taxpayers, $200,000 was by no surprise kept a secret. thanks to the freedom of information act we can now show some of the most outrageous clips. >> i want you to say the pilgrims never gave their passports to the indians. say the pilgrims never gave their passports to the indians. by the way i don't like the word minority, how about emerging majorities. >> sean: and the g.o.p. chair women, kate, what country did the pilgrims enter illegally. >> what was the name of the country. >> the united states, it wasn't called that because the native americans were here. >> sean: it wasn't a country then, it didn't exist. >> what he's trying to say, put it in historical context and people don't realize that
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christopher columbus didn't necessarily discover america, i hate to break it to you, hey, i'm native american and-- >> let me focus on one thing at a time. there was no country, there were no laws and we're paying for them to lie. >> you know, he had them chanting pilgrims were illegal aliens, no, no, no he, they were chanting this. my question is, my question is, what in the world does this have to do with serving the american people and furthermore, sean, we have laws on the books. if you were going to discriminate, if that was the point of this, the usda is going to discriminate, you will be prosecuted. you have broke and law and you'll pay for it and you do not need sensitivity training. this is a fad, it's happening on our college campuses it's called indoctrination. why are we indoctrinating employees of the united states government. >> i i am here to say the chant is appropriate, it's a little cheesy, but we need diversity training. >> sean: we need diversity training? >> no, no, we all--
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>> no, i do not. don't tell me what i need. >> we all need to understand people's perspectives. >> sean: i understand, i'm a christian and we're all made in god's image and we're all god's children. what else do i need to learn. >> i can tell you about my own upbringing and you would understand where i'm coming-- >> and how about the perspective women in diversity training and on college campuses, mocked, belittled and derided and i don't want to. i want to talk about things that are important. i want the united states government to serve the taxpayers, not to try to change people's perspectives. >> yopg thi don't think he's tr to change people. >> sean: he's trying to indoctrinate. >> no he's not. >> sean: yes, he is. >> he's saying something the 2010 census as fact. emerging majorities, we're all going to need to understand diversity. >> i don't see what's the point of $200,000 and now it's just $200,000 for this
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particular company, it's happening all over the united states government and frankly, sean, it's tearing us apart. and turning people into victims. they mocked and belittled white men and they had a session where he made fun of them. where they felt like they were villains of some sort, but you know what our president is doing this. >> sean: what about we've got a university in wisconsin and seen the different videos here and it's unfair that they were-- look it, they're putting this all over their face, with the university's permission and it's unfair that they would-- born a particular race. i just believe as a christian that every human being is equal and we're all made in the image of god and i don't know what's fair or unfair. that's god's will, whatever people-- >> i'm also christian and i agree-- >> you agree with me. >> everyone is created equal, but not everybody is treated equally. >> sean: what's the idea of putting it's unfair that they are a particular race? >> because a lot of time people are like i don't see race and that's only when you're coming at it from the perspective of the default,
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white male, patriarchal structure. >> people can say what they want on those places, but can't on college campuses, listen to me, uh-uh. and they have-- >> excuse me, they have free speech zones on college campus, if you stand inside that you may say what you want and you step outside you're bound by-- >> we've got to take a break. good to see you both. when we come back, you'll love the stunning video when an ied hits a u.s. air staff sergeant and working military dog is lobsterfest is the king of all promotions.
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explosive devices. cameras were rolling when staff sergeant len anderson and his dog were targeted by an insurgent attack with an ied. look at this. i don't feel good, man. >> and i remember seeing the sergeant's dog right next to me. and i grabbed a hold of the dog and i looked back and i saw quite a few people, including the medics back there working on sergeant anderson. i need at least two more guys to help carry! >> all right. and make sure that his back is
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picked up. >> and actually picked the man up and-- went down through the creek and took eight guys to take him through this and get him up this hill. and got him up. >> sean: now, staff sergeant anderson has been recuperating from his injuries and the dog miraculously did not get hurt. and the adoption is official. hi, hello. a cute dog. i was asking you while we were playing that. do you remember this device going off? and you said you do remember the explosion? >> i actually don't remember anything from the the day, but the actual explosion itself.
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the loud ping and the suspense in the air and the camera man, we kind of knew each other from the get-go and tried to calm me down with his words and i remember that, and that's it. >> how hard is that to watch that video? >> well, i'm here today, so, you know, it's a reality that i knew i was getting myself into once i went over there. you know, what i signed up to do like i said on the show and you know, i'm still here, so it's not-- you were supposed to stay on base, but why-- and then you made the decision to go out. why? >> well, basically i was replacing a kennel master, which means, you know, your administrate toughly responsible for the guys there and and what not. he had about another month you know, left in country, so, i decided to utilize that time the best i could, go out and see the lay of the land and
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that way when i got the new guys in, that were asking questions about the, you know, the lay of the land and what's going on in the area, rather than them trying to piece together a blank puzzle, i could give them on the ground feedback. >> sean: tell us about the extent of your injuries. obviously, you've lost fingers and what else. >> i have a suffered deep tissue damage to my legs and swelling got so bad they had to cut through my muscles and i had a vein replaced in my leg. and suffered an abdomen wound, broken eye socket, broken lft arm and six finger amputation. >> sean: wow. >> and then my left hand was pretty much useless so i decided to do an elect tiff amputation to the left hand. you made that decision. >> yes, sir. >> sean: tell us about azza and the story, how long with azza your partner. >> we've been together about a
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