tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News February 20, 2013 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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international airport as the family was headed to disney world headed for vacation. that's when agents of the troubled agency detained the crying girl and took away her stuff girl and prevented the parents from videotaping the patdown of their daughter. >> you're okay, baby. what. [crying] >> you touch my daughter and report it-- >> the problem is i don't allow anyone to touch my little daughter without it being able to be recorded. and it seems ominous for you guys to suggest that you have to do this in the. [crying] >> all right. give us-- and my colleague is-- >> i don't want to go to
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disney world. [crying] >> that's pretty unbelievable. as i mentioned the tsa since apologized for the handling of that situation and the agency spokesman told fox news' todd, accurate guidance was offered to the family during screening and offers its apology. and mistakes a three-year-old girl in this case, for what, a terrorist? by the way, i hope the family and especially that little girl lucy had fun at disney world. now, that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. greta is next to go on the record and we'll see you back here tomorrow night. >> greta: tonight, here is a tip if you're reckless enough to create a crisis for the nation, you had better know how to fix it. >> whose idea was in sequester
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and did you ever think that we'd actually get to this point? >> first, it was the white house. >> first of all, the sequester is not something that i proposed, it's something that congress has proposed and it will not happen. >> everyone should be clear that sequestration is a republican policy and it is a bad policy. >> all i can say is the commander-in-chief came up with the idea of sequestration. >> the president's part of the sequester and the white house recommended it, frankly. >> it was requested by the president, it was his idea signed into law by him. >> first of all, the sequester is not something that i proposed, it's something that congress has proposed. it will not happen. >> the sequester was the president's idea. >> and he said the sequester originated right here in the white house? >> the sequester was something that's discussed and as reported, it was an idea that the white house put forward. >> well, first of all, it was the president's idea with this sequester was proposed to be put into law a couple of years
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ago. >> first of all, the sequester is not something that i proposed, congress proposed. it will not happen. >> we were looking, a republican were looking for a trigger around the mechanism to get us out of default possibility and sequester was put forward, yes, by the president's team. >> and now the list. house majority leader eric cantor outlined what he called the republicans common sense alternatives to automatic cuts and website leader cantor pointed out wasteful government spending and here are a few of the expenses he says to put on the chopping block. >> and free cell phones, costing you taxpayers, 2.2 billion dollars this year alone. next, a tv studio at the irs. can you tell me why the irs needs a tv studio and how much is that silly studio costing you, try this, 4 million dollars a year. then, what's with the conferences, do we really need them? federal agencies paying for 183 conferences over the last
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few years and you know those aren't cheap. remember the conference in vegas, with the guy in the bathtub? that one cost about a million dollars and finally, pay to play video games. the national science foundation paying senior citizens 1.2 million dollars to play video games. whatever happened to shuffleboard? that's free. and byron york joins us, good evening, byron. >> good evening. >> and we are aapproaching this march 1st date and let me get something straight about sequestration. and when we hit march 1st, sequestration goes into effect and we're talking about not spending as much as we thought we would. >> and it's not a cut in government spending, not as if government spending is going down like that. it's going up. it's going up a little less quickly and a little less high than it would have without sequestration. >> why in the world are people talking about things like pink slips for employees? it seems if we're fnot cutting.
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why would anyone lose a job and our readiness be at risk in terms of the military? we were right where we were. >> well, there shouldn't be a lot of federal employees who do lose a job. there's talk about furloughs, and for example, the defense department, civilian employees, being furloughed for 22 days in the next six months which basically means they wouldn't work on friday for the next six months. but in terms of people losing their jobs, you're talking about projection, that each federal agency makes and how much they're going to spend and what cost of living increases and giving their employees and all that and they're going to have to cut back on that. >> they didn't get a raise, and nobody get a furlough. and today you got shout out by the white house press secretary jay carney, let's listen to that. >> why would republicans support a measure that threatens national security and thousands of jobs? the effect i have boehner's argument to make president obama seem reasonable. after all, the president
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certainly agrees with boehner, the sequester cuts and different jobs, the difference is that obama wants to avoid them. couldn't have said it better, that was byron york. >> well? >> well, it's not an honor you get every day. what can i say? that was exactly what i wrote, but it wasn't all that i wrote. i mean, what i basically wrote was, why is john boehner subscribing to the same rehe torehe-- rhetorical talking points? boehner in the op-ed came out and said this sequester will do enormous damage to u.s. national security and to jobs. he said it was detrimental to both of those things which is president obama's position entirely, instead of saying that the sequester is a relatively small first step toward getting federal spending under control in a way that would ultimately help the economy. >> let we get back to my first, if sequestration isn't,
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maybe we'd get as many as we might have if we spent money and if we're at the status quo. >> they're talking as far as jobs are concerned and the larger economy. if the government spends less in the larger economy, then it would cost some jobs overall. as far as the-- >> meaning slow growth, rather than cost jobs. >> exactly. as far as the military is concerned, there's a lot of controversy about this. you have a lot of republicans who are against sequestration, solely on the grounds of cuts to the federal government, excuse me to the defense department and you've heard today, leon panetta talking about hundreds of thousands of workers who will be furloughed and talked about damage to combat readiness and say there's an omb report, management and budget which says that they believe that the secretary of defense, and the president, do have the discretion to move money around so that combat readiness would not be affected by these things. >> byron, thank you. >> thank you.
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>> so, what will the sequester really mean to our national defense? major general bob scales joins us, good evening, sir. >> hi, greta. >> so we're not going to have a cut. if we go to the sequestration that will have slowed growth. how does that impede our combat readiness? >> it's not so much the slowing of the growth, greta so much as where the money comes from. the easiest way to get money out of the military is with an operations and maintenance, retraining and readiness and people. and you can write a check to reduce those very quickly. the army is already in particular took 60-- 66% of the cuts in 2012 and they're taking their proportionate share in 2013. so what this means is that for those troops that are deployed to afghanistan, they're facing severe budget cuts in their ability it train, to prepare for the coming rotation so that leaves the army in a conundrum, do we enforce the forces in afghanistan, because
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the forces will be training late to arrive or send troops that are not fully trained to afghanistan. >> if we had a flat budget, in other words, if we had a flat budget, we had no growth at all. we would necessarily i am peeled our readiness? >> no, what i'm-- first of all, the military understands that after every war you reduce the military. it's not the fact that the dod budget's going down. it's the way it's going down. >> greta: now, is there a greater flexibility what to do with the budget itself and much of what byron is talking about a second ago, if the secretary of defense, for instance, was more able to move money around? >> exactly. >> and so if actually all he needs is the-- not all, but it would be helpful for the ability to move money and make decisions and that's probably a greater problem to our readiness than the slowed growth? >> absolutely. we'd reduce the budgets and we generally goofed it up every time and we had the broken army in 73. the hollow army in '79 and the peace dividend in the '90s.
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all of those were badly handled and nothing is as badly handled as sequestration because of the shackles on the service for moving money around in the services and putting money where it's needed most. particularly, when we're an army at war. because we have to be able to send trained and ready soldiers into the combat zone ap move them back to the united states before they-- before the stress of combat gets to be too much. >> so it's really sort of a structural problem more than a money problem and we're trying to solve it while fighting about money? >> absolutely. it's the fact that the military doesn't have the options that they should have in allocating the money where it needs to go, principally to fight a war and remain trained and ready. we're the best trained military in the world right now, but the thing that's quickest, training and readiness. soldiers lose their edge very, very quickly if they're not able continuously-- >> one sort of farther out question, this is n.a.t.o.
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is that, you know, we are n.a.t.o. and i'm sort of curious, i haven't heard anyone discuss this. whether or not any of this slowed growth is going to impact our ability to contribute and do what we do with n.a.t.o.? because that does have sort of broader implications. >> that's true. it it will. it won't have the fiscal effect that the reduction and the budget will have in afghanistan because an act before. but our n.a.t.o. allies are looking at us and saying, wait a minute. you've been pressuring us for years to increase our defense budget and suddenly show up at the 11th hour taking an ax to yours, what's this about. >> greta: hopefully the president will listen to this tonight and make the decision to make the general-- let the generals move the money around. >> don't cut operations and maintenance training and don't cut your personnel accounts. >> we'll let them move the money to it. >> you've got it. general, nice to see you. >> and republican senator ran paul says he ran to the senate
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to stop the reckless spending. now he's putting his money where his mouth is. the senator paul tweeting i announced ill will blill' be r money, more than 20% of the original office budget. so, how did senator paul manage his office so frugally? he says he saved money by watching every purchase from paper to computers. >> ask yourself. if senator rand paul can do that, why can't the rest of them? tonight, we're learning more about that grist night oscar pistorius' girlfriend was in the bathroom. and the olympian's bail hero and inside he was sobbing and sobbing as they described what the police found at the seen. and now the message from his uncle. >> extremely shocked and
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he's-- and i don't expect him to get over it even soon and so it's emotionally-- but being the character that he is he tried to control himself in court, but to listen to this-- what happened over and over aga again. it is-- it's a painful experience for me just to sit and listen to this and so oscar will survive. he will have a tough time going forward, but he's a survivor. >> greta: and the latest on the murder case, adam wakefield joins us from johannesburg, tell me what happened in court. what was the defense version
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of the events that night and how did the prosecution counter it? >> the defense version, pardon, yeah, the defense version has been pretty much in line with what the story was talked about on tuesday and in court. they stressed that when the investigating officer was brought on the stand by the prosecution, that the prosecution did actually not disprove the version of events. there was an argument as such over the angle of which the bullets were fired because pistorius' version has been stated that he was not wearing his prosthetic legs at the time of the incident while the prosecution insists he was. and the angle of the shot was fired, and good day for the defense and amount of credibility on the case, wearing protective shoes at the crime scene and also bullet from the incident was found by investigators.
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so it appears that chances have increased after court-- >> here is what i don't get. if the prosecutors said the neighbors heard yelling and screaming at two, three o'clock in the morning and the shots some time after and use the screaming to suggest there isn't a motive and the reason, is the prosecutor charges premeditat premeditated. and if people are arguing, we would typically say second degree. a serious crime, but not premeditated that gives them the ability to hold him without bail. >> and this was discussed in court oednesday in regards to intention versus premeditation and how far the premeditation goes beyond something happening in the moment, but that's one of the points that today, that says
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that the woman made a statement that said she heard screaming at 2, 3 a.m. 600 meters quite a considerable distance and 300, which maybe (inaudible) a very he important detail exactly how far away was this woman you heard screaming for an hour between 2 or 3 in the the morning. >> greta: when is the decision whether he gets bail or not? >> well, an interesting moment happened in court in that, he himself pushed the witness in regards to whether he was-- he believed he was, pistorius' family and friends in court and made... highly recognized figure and olympic participant, why would he run away and insist he's a flight risk. and asking these questions, he could be leading towards
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considering giving pistorius bail. >> greta: adam. thank you. >> my pleasure. >> greta: now to a very disturbing news tonight about the obamacare health exchanges. are they doomed to fail even before they start? and if they fail, then what? if the health exchanges are going to work they need insurance providers to participate and right now insurancers are not exactly lining up. that could add up to higher costs for not only exchange customers, but for all taxpayers. the attorney general ken cuccinelli the author of a book, "the last line of defense". >> what's with the insurance company? at least united health which happens to be one, is my insurance, has indicated that they aren't sure they're going to sign up. >> well, first of all, the federal government isn't meeting its own deadlines to inform the insurance companies and the states of various benchmarks, for instance, what is the 100% requirement for health insurance?
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the employers have to meet this at a 60% level to qualify. well, they don't know what marker they're trying to meet for 2014. by the same token, the insurers who are looking at fulfilling exchange requests, meaning individuals who go into the exchange who want insurance, they don't know what they have to provide yet and what they're seeing is signs that indicate higher and higher costs on something they would at best have a 3 to 5% margin in the first place. >> greta: if a bunch of insurance companies don't join in the exchange there's not going be to be competitive pricing in the exchanges. if there's not competitive pricing you can expect them to be on the higher side rather than the lower side. >> right. >> greta: so the whole idea was to get a lot of insurance companies involved. so, this is actually sort of a grim piece of information tonight. >> well, there are a lot of things where they had this notion of what would happen and that isn't what's unfolding.
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you know, half the states aren't setting up exchanges. virginia being one of them. and that is going to create an enormous, both logistical challenge for, changes and a financial challenge because our legal position at this point is that if the state doesn't set up an exchange, virginia doesn't set up an exchange, they can't penalize virginia businesses 2 and $3,000 per employee per year. >> if virginia doesn't set it up, then the feds set it up for you. >> they do, but the statute reads, if you're an employer you'll be billed the 2 or 3,000 per year if your employee goes into the exchange only if it's a state exchange under one section of the code, the federal exchange is another section, that's not written in the law. and in the health care case last june 28th, the four dissenting justices even though it wasn't central to the case, said that's what the law says. four agreed you cannot penalize our businesses in this and the other five haven't stepped in and said anything on it.
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so all we need is one more justice and this prevails. so there's another reason it crashes and that's financial. >> greta: can an insurance company make a decision whether to get in the exchange or not? it's a business decision for the insurance company. they have to pay a participation fee and that's what, 3 1/2%. >> that's right. >> about 3 1/2% so that comes off their margin of profit. >> correct. >> greta: so that's the discouraging and i mean, that's a consideration for these insurance companies. >> absolutely. and-- >> and the government. >> and that's right. but it's only revenue if somebody shows up. just like income taxes, if nobody's working, they're not collecting income taxes and they're dissuading people from getting in and frankly don't think we should be surprised we have unintended consequence to unintended consequence and across the board and all the environments where they're forcing regulatory outcomes and really stepping over the line legally. this is another example, it's what we talked about in the book, the last line of
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defense, health care was the biggest example, but it's not the only one. there are all sorts of agencies with the same attitude and the same approach. >> well, the federal government wants insurance companies to participate they better step it up and start explaining these insurance companies so they want to participate. >> this year, 2013, you're going to see a lot of unfolding train wrecks as we get closer to january 1, 2014 and the supposed launch date of obamacare. >> greta: and nice to see you, sir. >> good to be with you. >> news tonight out of north korea, is north korea threatening the united states? a very strange video release. and former ambassador john bolton is here and jodi arias tells the jury the gun just went off and that's not all you'll hear her say. her gripping testimony coming up. and chris christie, an approval rate and someone else is scoring higher. who is outscoring governor christie? start guessing.
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>> certainly rather curious news involving north korea. did north korea just threaten the united states? well, the country's official news agency posting another bizarre propaganda video and the translation shows north korea bragging about the latest and third nuclear test, but there's more and it also
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shows american troops and president obama in flames. is this just a video or should the u.s. consider in a hint or a threat to north korea. former ambassador john bolton joins us and good evening, sir, what is your thought about what this video was intend today mean or do? >> well, it is a propaganda film. i don't think there's much question about that. whether it's primarily for domestic consumption, whether it's intended to intimidate south korea and the united states and whether it's just a little creative flare by the propaganda department, i don't think it's really worth trying to psycho analyze what they think they're doing. but it is a demonstration of how confident they are, that they're not worried about the u.s. or south korea really doing anything serious about their nuclear weapons program. >> how do you describe the obama administration foreign policy as relates to north korea? >> i think it's flat on its back. i think they have no clue what to do. north korea is already the most heavily sanctioned country on earth and i think that john kerry would have
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liked to have tried negotiation had they not exploded their third nuclear guys on the day of the president's state of the union message. i think the idea we're now going to prevent them from getting to a deliverable nuclear capability is remote and that's why i believe for quite some time the answer here is to end north korea by reunifying it with the south and i think there are major implications for iran here as well. what you see in north korea power right through u.s. opposition and three administrations get nuclear welcomes. >> when you say peacefully unify the korean peninsula, you've been there a number of times and the north, people in north korea love to peacefully unify it as north korea and dprk and out korea wants to completely unify it as the republic of south korea. china supplies 90% of the north korea's energy and food and humanitarian systems, convincing younger chinese who already see north korea as a pretty ugly piece of baggage that they could live with a
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reunified korean peninsula isn't going to be easy, but that's going to be the way to proceed. >> and china says the reason they like the status quo, they're worried that the people from north korea, refugees come into china and is there anything to be said for that the world really would help china deal with the refugee crisis should it arrive? otherwise north korea is marching towards making a deliverable nuclear weapon. that seems abundantly clear. >> the chinese see two problems, i think that's fairly easily resolved. the united states, south korea, japan should say to the chinese we all have an interest if the north korean state collapses and keeping the north koreans in north korea. we ought to cooperate. what the chinese are worried about longer term a reunified korea will see the troops on the olive river and saw that movie in 1950 and they didn't like it then and don't like it better today, but our interests there converts, too,
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we don't want the troops on the river we want them on the southern peninsula. >> greta: and hope, too. >> we can deploy them elsewhere in asia and the chinese don't much like that. they can learn to live with a reunited korea and japan, taiwan, and others will get their own nuclear weapons as president obama moves the united states toward nuclear zero and north korea continues to add nuclear weapons. >> greta: and also people need to think about the fact that north korea will be almost a wal-mart of nuclear weapons. >> absolutely. >> greta: and we've got the idea we had aid from pakistan providing technology, north korea and everybody chumming around with each other. >> and north korea is desperately poor and they'll sell anything to anybody, hard devices, nuclear weapons, technology. i don't think we should underestimate the potential for cooperation between iran and north korea, something we ought to explore more. this problem is not just in northeast asia. north korea is a worldwide problem. >> how do you peacefully unify these two? >> we should have started with
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china ten years ago to convince them they are better off. if they say they don't want north korea with nuclear weapons because it means an unstable northeast asia, they need to act on that. chinese policy is schizophrenic to date and they haven't pressed north korea and they need to do that and comfortable with reunifying what was supposed to be a temporary division of the peninsula in 1945. >> thanks, sir. >> thank you. >> coming up jodi arias says her boyfriend was chasing her and he was angry. what happened next, how did travis alexander end up stabbed and throat slit in the shower. we'll hear the testimony next. and new jersey poll showing that governor chris christie is popular, but not as popular as somebody else. who is winning that contest? find out coming up. you ask a ford customer. when they tell you that you need your oil changed you got to bring it in. if your tires need to be rotated, you have to get that done as well. jackie, tell me why somebody should bring they're car here to the ford dealership for service instead of any one of those other places out there.
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>> well, this is it. on day eight on the witness stand, accused killer jodi arias finally testified about the murder of her ex-boyfriend in the shower and arias claims she killed travis alexander in self-defense and today arias telling a jury all about the couple's deadly confrontation. >> travis flipped out again and he stood up and he stepped out of the shower and he picked me up crouching, he lifted me up as he was
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screaming i was a stupid idiot and he body slammed me again on the tile. so he's freaking out. i'm freaking out. i rolled off to my left and began to run down the hallway and i could hear him following, i could hear his footsteps chasing me. >> were you scared when he was chasing you? >> yeah, i didn't want him to grab me again. >> what were you scared that he would do? >> who knows at that point. he had already almost killed me so i ran into the closet and the slammed the door and i intended to run through the opposite end of the door because it has another exit and as soon as i got in there i began to run, i remember, where he kept the gun. i grabbed the gun. i ran out of the closet. he was chasing me he. i turned around and in the middle of the bathroom and pointed it at him and my hand. i thought that would stop him
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if someone were pointing a gun at me i would stop. he just kept running, he got like a linebacker, he got kind of low and grabbed my waist, but before he did that, lung the gun went off. i didn't mean to shoot him or anything, i didn't even think i was pulling the trigger, i was just pointing it the at him and i didn't even know that i shot him. it just went off and he was -- he lunged at me and he fell. so, he's grabbing at my clothes and i got up and he's screaming, angry, and after i had broke away from him, he's -- he said (bleep). >> once you broke away from h him, what do you remember? >> almost nothing for a long time. there are some things that have come back over here, but nothing -- i don't know if those are things i'm thinking
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of from before or if it's that day. it's confusing because there's like a huge gap. like i don't know if i blacked out. >> let me ask you this: do you remember stabbing travis alexander? >> i have no memory of that. >> do you remember as we see he here in exhibit 162, do you remember dragging him across the floor? >> no, i just remember trying to get away from him. >> you told us your last
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memory in travis' bathroom was sitting on the bathroom floor screaming. >> i was-- i don't know if i'm sitting or what, i remember dropping it. >> okay, dropping the knife? >> yes. >> i remember what was going through my head and i don't remember anything else after that. >> what was going through your head? >> that i couldn't -- i just couldn't believe what had happened that i couldn't take anything back. >> greta: and fox phoenix anchor troy hayden joins us. i want to know what it was actually like to be in the courtroom, it's so different in the courtroom and watching it. i'm curious she says she has no memory of stabbing him. he was stabbed 27 times and i'm just sort of curious whether that's hung in the
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courtroom and was everyone scandalized when she is said she didn't remember. >> i think that everybody was curious about that. because for eight days, jodi arias had unbelievable memory. and she literally ordered the frappaccino at the starbucks, but today, the most important day of her life her memory failed her and 27 stabbings and slitting travis' float and almost cutting his head off. whether she remembers or not you heard a lot of it and taking pictures of travis in the shower, dropped his camera, he got mad. body slammed her, ran in a closet a super high shelf out of here reach she was able to get a gun travis had, and pointed it at him and shot him in the head and doesn't remember anything else except driving away. and the prosecutor showed the terrible pictures do you remember stabbing him the first time. >> no, i don't remember. >> and how about the second, third. at this point she doesn't
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remember doing that. >> and the other thing, too, though, shortly after the stabbing that she doesn't remember, she had the wherewithal to make a fake voice message. leave a fake voice message for travis. you know, so she had her wits about her and to get rid of the gun and to drive off to see another boyfriend. i mean, her memory, unfortunately her memory picks up too well. >> right, and people asked her, you know, the defense asking her what was going on and why did you tell the lies. she said point blank, i didn't want people to know i did this. when i left that voice mail, i was trying to throw people off my tracks, saying to get away with this. >> greta: is it the prosecution theory that she did this in a jealous rage? >> yes, she found out he was taking somebody else to mexico with him and damaging evident that the 25 caliber gun was missing from her grandparents' house before the killing. and she's claiming it was
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travis' gun. prosecute constitution, no, you stole it, you should get the death penalty. >> greta: any thought of about how the jury was listening to the testimony. and this is the voodoo, the guesswork, but i'm curious what you observed. >> they were really interested and she was on the stand for eight days and some of the stuff got mundane for a while and people zoning out and their heads on their-- their chin in their hands and not that day. when she was talking about that, everybody was up on their seats and pretty brief testimony and she walked about the killing, but they were into it, the jury was. >> when does the cross start. the cross examination? >> it should start tomorrow morning, but you know, i don't want to make any predictions, the trial has had some weird things, and tomorrow morning, it could be explosive. it really could. >> greta: thank you, troy. and fast food, what has them worried and should you be
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worried, too? that's next, and forget clowns and pony rides and wait until you see what one mother planned for her child's birthday party and why it got her arrested. that's just minutes away. i'm grant weber and... i sell subarus to dogs. from hunting dogs... you see this will tell you your mileage and how far you've gone if you're on a trip. to lap dogs. let's talk financing. i'll get you a great deal. i think i can make you a happy dog. once you sit in a subaru, you'll stay.
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and its antibacterial cleaner kills bacteria mops can spread around. swiffer gives cleaning a whole new meaning. ♪ lovely lady >> strippers at a party. now, that's not the strangest thing we've ever heard, but it's stranger when you hear the party was for a 16-year-old's birthday and it was the teen's own mother who hired the strippers. that's right, a new york mother is now facing charges for hiring strippers to entertain at her son's birthday party. some were younger than her son. the mother admits she hired two entertainers to dance at the party and they were not strippers, they were there to deliver a bikini-gram and sing happy birthday. she's facing charges of endangering child. and they're saying that several kids got lap dances
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and some are saying that they see more at the beach. and go to greta wire and tell us, we're back in two. great, everybody made it. we all work remotely so this is a big deal, our first full team gathering! i wanted to call on a few people. ashley, ashley marshall... here. since we're often all on the move, ashley suggested we use fedex office to hold packages for us. great job. [ applause ] thank you. and on a protocol note, i'd like to talk to tim hill about his tendency to use all caps in emails.
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>> it is the one-two punch, rising taxes and soaring gas prices and who is feeling the brunt of the impact? well, you guessed it, the americans who can least afford it according to executives from fast food chains and discount retailers and they say that the spending power at the lower end of the economy is affecting business everywhere. and dennis neal co-anchor, fox business, i've been grumbling that we hear the polltations talking about the wealthy and middle class and no one seems
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to talk about the lower middle class and the poor who are taking a beating in this, too. >> the poor and less educated always take the worst hit during any long economic slump and of course, we've had the one of the longest in modern history and it started in january, and it's a tiny, tiny increase in retail sales from december and that's kind of worry to people. and february, a memo leaked from wal-mart, senior executives there, february he says is off to the slowest worst start in my seven years in this company and wal-mart is where a lot of lower income america shops and you've got the higher tax, 2% of income and that kind of went back up and 30 cents a gallon higher for gasoline, that's hurting and you've also got delay in paying tax refunds they're running late. but here is the thing that bothers me most about this greta, is that our economy is so feeble and so weak that we can't manage to shake this off? a person earns $500 a week and
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now has to pay a higher social security tax and that's ten bucks, that's not a crisis and yet, this is hurting our economy. and the reason our economy is having the worst comeback from a terrible recession ever is pretty much because of our government's policies. our government's attitude and its rules on business are hurting this recovery. >> it's not just policy. one thing that you said, unglues me when you talk about the delay in tax refunds. for the life of me, i don't understand why the government can be so cruel. a lot of americans pay their taxes all year long, have it take be out and expect at the end of the year when they go into the next year and file for a refund, they expect to get it because it is their money, it's not the government's money, but the government sits on it and know people are going to be asking for it and the fact they delayed it most incredible incompetence and in many stance frankly, it's cruel to the hard working americans that expect it. it's their money. >> it's their money, but the bottom half of earners in the u.s. economy don't really pay any income tax. by the time they get their
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refund. i mean, they're not paying. >> and, but they-- anyone entitled to a refund for the government to be so incompetent not to get that done. that's my complaint and you're talking about a whole different thing. if someone's got a refund coming and lawfully applied for it. he or she should get it and not have an incompetent government drag that out. >> you would think that are they are so good at spending money they'd pay it back. but overall government is killing business here and coming in on knocking on the door to tell business what it's doing wrong and if our economy comes back, it's not going to be on the backs of the poor and not because the poor starts spending, it's because business starts investing again and capitalism is optimism. and monetarize, we keep thinking of bad things that are going to happen. >> greta: thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: and governor chris
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christie taking on former secretary of state hillary clinton. is there a problem between them? that's next. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see. it's the all-new lincoln mkz. by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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honored to host the white house correspondent's dinner and get ready for two minutes of jokes and 40 minutes on public employee pension reform. fox's ed henry president's correspondent's is he now rethinking making conan the host? and the response to conan's tweet. wait. and you may not believe this one, but it's true the huffington post tweets, ever admire your mailman's impeccable fashion. great news,that's right. the u.s. postal service plans to launch a new clothing line, signing an agreement with a fashion company to produce the clothes and get this, the line is called rain, heat and snow and promises to be functional and fashionable and the radio host tweeting if you wear the clothing line from the the postal service, are dogs more likely to chase you? the postal fashions hit stores next year. >> and the new york post tweeting chris christie scores
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74% approval rating highest of any governor and the new jersey's governor is very popular, hold on governor christie, politico tweeting that chris christie is still popular, but not the more popular than hillary clinton. the poll showing the matchup and hillary clinton in that head to head competition, 49% of new jersey voters would pick secretary clinton and only 45% would vote for governor christie. and everyone raise your water bottle. and cbs news posting this headline. rubio, netanyahu poke fun at water bottle incident. yes shall the so-called water-gate is following senator marco rubio all the way to israel. and with netanyahu a light-hearted moment. raising their water bottles when rubio took a swig of water during his response to
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the state of the union. >> just hashtag for your tweets and posts and follow me on twitter@greta wire. and move over tiger woods and president obama, you're about to see talent on the golf course like you've never seen before. stay tuned, that's next. ♪ [ male announcer ] every car we build must make adrenaline pump and pulses quicken. ♪ to help you not just to stay alive... but feel alive. the new c-class is no exception. it's a mercedes-benz through and through. see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. both of us actually. our pharmacist recommended it. and that makes me feel pretty good about it. and then i heard about a study looking at multivitamins and the long term health benefits. and what do you know? they used centrum silver in the study.
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