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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 26, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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family and the joy that simple gesture spread overwhelmed me. once again if you want to make this country and world a better place, send a senior citizen you know some flowers, a gift basket, doesn't have to be big, something like that, along with a really nice note. it will make their month. not their day. >> and the factor tip of the day. los angeles is the ultimate go along to get along town, because the show biz industry dominates and there are very few jobs in that arena. conservative actors and production people tell me that many liberal executives will not hire folks who are not left wing and you know what? i believe that. again, the entertainment business very small, a lot of nasty competition going on. to survive out here economically, many people go along to get along and that's
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why you have this liberal culture. it's understandable, but i continue to believe the mark of an honest person is courage. stand up for what you believe in a rational way. in the long run, it will pay off. factor tip of the day. that's it for us tonight, check out the fox news factor website, different from o'reil and we want you to spout off about the factor anywhere in the world. o', name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day do not be laconic when writing to us. i'm bill o'reilly reporting from los angeles. please remember the spin stops here in l.a. it's definitely
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and the second i get that bill, i will sign night law. i've got to get congress to pass it. >> none of us will get 100% of what we want. joining me now is congressman ellison. i guess that is staying on message. something the democratic party, i would argue is good at. >> you're good at it too. >> sean: thank you. >> you are the -- . >> sean: i didn't hear you.
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>> what you just displayed was yellow journalism. wasn't close to telling the american people what is going on. it's just shocking. >> sean: yellow journalism? to play obama in his words is jello journalism? >> well with, the background music, i was here. everything the president said is true. and for to you try to make the american people think that it isn't is deceptive on your part. it's a breech of everything -- any journalist ethic i've heard of is just violated by you. the president was truthful and honest and dead on accurate z for you to say the president is to blame here is ridiculous. i was there august, 2011 when the republican, your party which shamelessly -- i'm not a republican. >> you're nothing but a republican. >> sean: you're wrong. sir, sir. i'm a registered sir?
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i'm a -- i am not a registered republican i'm a registered conservative. >> you're for the republican party. >> sean: sir? sir? >> 100% of the time. >> sean: keep going. >> good. let me say this. what the president said is true. the president, people watching this show should ignore all of the comment teary you put in and all of the hyped music you put on and should pay attention to what the president actually said. what the president said was true. the president, you, by the way are inaccurate when you say that the president is to blame here. he's not. the republicans in august, 2011 said they're going to cause the american economy to default on debts we'd acquired unless they got deep cuts. we ended up with a down grade because of what republican dz and after that, we set up this thing called the super
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committee. when all republican members on that super committee had pledged they would not raise revenues, only do cuts, then, after it failed as dwising to... >> sean: let me ask you a question. >> you said i could rant. >> sean: plenty of time to rant, congressman. sir. here, again. you're so nice to give me a word on my program. >> i changed my mind. as a matter of fact. >> sean: you said the president was truthful. krab congressman, calm down. i gave you three minutes. calm down. i gave you three minutes relax. i've got a question for you. >> you're invited to answer questions. you said. >> no. i'm going to -- . >> sean: congressman. congressman. let me ask you a question. why are you so angry? so angry. >> why are you angry? >>. >> sean: i'm not angry. i'm laughing at you i'm laughing at you and its not the first time. >> sean: listen, i invited you
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on and gave you three minutes to rant. now, let me ask you a question. in the spirit of bipartisanship let's have a diea lag. i'm a registered conservative. you want to make a $10,000 bet? >> i don't bet. i don't bet. >> sean: i'm a registered conservative. i didn't write republican vikt rye do you have a question for me? >> yes. i do. max baccus said the president requested the sequester. my question is simple. barack obama, because you said what he said isn't true. here is my question. congressman? congressman? relax. rah, rah, i got it. i know you're a broken record. >> you're a broken record. >> sean: thank you. barack obama said in 2008 when running for office george bush
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was irresponsible and unpatriotic for when he became president we had $10 trillion to debt. we now have $16 trillion in debt, congressman. $16 trillion in debt. >> you want to talk about. >> sean: i want to ask you, here is the question. >> do you want to do about $16 trillion, let's do something. let's close loopholes for large corporations saying yachts and jets shouldn't be something you can write up. exxon mobile and chef kron ron should not get a tax rebate ask a subsidy. let's start there. >> sean: congressman you're ranting. can i ask you a question? is it -- is it, here is the question. is it immoral to. >> you're immoral. >> sean: what did i do that is
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immoral. >> you say things that aren't true. >> sean: give me one example, sir. >> to try to say it's the president's fault and he is to blame it's wrong and a lie. >> it's not his fault we have $16 trillion in debt? we didn't add $6 trillion in debt since he's been president? we have? >> let's talk about the other 10. >> sean: congressman you're a waste of time. i'm moving on because our audience deserves better. i tried to give you a fair shot. >> no. you didn't. >> and the first lady trying to cover up what they said about gun violence, we're gofg the story but when we come back we'll try to have a civil discussion with scott walker, having a talk, a discussion and he'll respond to the tactics spew bid obama. the
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governor will join me live straight ahead.
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>> for 16 months the president has been travelling all over the country holding rallies instead of sitting down with leaders in order to it forge an agreement and move a bill. we have moved a bill in the house twice, we should not have to move a third bill before the senate gets off their ass and begins to do something. >> sean: that was house speaker john boehner slamming
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the senate to act to avoid the sequester. with only two days before the 85 billion dollar cuts go into effect. will we see the typical 11th hour or the president panic and-- kind of like keith ellison. and governor from the great state of wisconsin is scott walker. maybe you won't call me a yellow journalist and immoral and-- that will be a "hannity" classic. >> we'll have respect and answer your questions and have a conversation. >> sean: and the question i was trying to get out to keith ellison if he wanted to hear it the debt is now 16 trillion dollar we're talking about cutting 85 billion of 3.6 trillion. is it immoral to borrow that much money from our kids? >> well, it's kind of like almost every day in our household, we get those credit cards mailed to us, try this
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credit card, try this credit card. kind of like taking one of those credit cards and having a $100,000 spending spree and hand it to your kids and say, you get to pay the bill and the president proposed along with the congress, and we had to get serious about reduction and tackling the debt and theory was that time and coming true now that the cuts would be no bad, so arbitrary as the president called them yesterday that the president and the congress would work some way to find an alternative. well, this is the moment that leaders are made for. this is the moment where the president can stand up and say if he doesn't like the arbitrary nature of these cuts which a lot of people are concerned about, instead use his administration, offer a better, more viable, reasonable alternative, but instead of that, unfortunately, he's going around scaring people into thinking the only way to get past this is to raise taxes yet again.
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>> sean: the president kicked the press out prior to meeting with all the governors yesterday. how did the discussion with the president go? >> well, you know, there's the normal beginning set of cordial thing and i and bobby jindal and others asked pretty straight forward questions and request absolute earnessness asked the president if the words he used when the press was there these were arbitrary cuts and that would be a great concern and i think for governors, republican and democratic alike we're concerned about the arbitrary nature. most of us governors the last two years in every state in america have had to balance our budget, most of us, some used tax increases most of us at least the republicans were able to balance budgets without raising taxes by taking control, by getting in charge of things, and working with our administration and working with our cabinet and finding a way to get it it done. i suggested to the president maybe if he was concerned if he was concerned with the arbitrary cuts, to use his administration to offer up better cuts, alternative cuts,
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he's not interested. he's changed the scope instead of just being about deficit reduction through spending reductions instead he wants tax increases as a part of that and most americans believe there is he' too much waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government that needs to be cut before anybody starts talking about tax increases. >> all right, well, let's go to the president's been a demagogue, i'm listening to the congressman ellison, he's bought into the demagoguery himself, he's regurgitating it. as you pointed out this is what the president wanted he requested the sequester now they've kicked the can down the road as far as they can. so the president goes out there today and this is how insane this choice has become of him. and it's very representative of a president that's gotten away with saying anything at will, anytime he wants. now he's actually saying that this is a choice between disabled kids and poor kids being cut. watch this from earlier today. >> you know the problem is when you're cutting 85 billion dollars in seven months, which
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represents over a 10% cut in the defense budget in seven months, there's no smart way to do that. there's no smart way to do that. you don't want to have to choose between let's see, do i close funding for the disabled kids or the poor kids. do i close this navy ship yard or some other one? >> do i cut the disabled kids or the poor kids? what do you make of the president's rhetoric. i think it's a moving target and i think the american people just don't buy into it. they understand that, they believe in every level of government, the local level, the state level, but particularly in our nation's federal government they know and see it all the time that there's waste, fraud and abuse all over the place and they believe that a small portion of that is not a whole lot to ask theington. the president and the congress to get down, get to the table
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and find a way to get it done and to me one of the rare moments where it calls for leaders to stand up and get it done and instead of demagoguing. think about it. the president the other day released talking points and white house released talking points state by state about the cuts put in place to the press, before they actually gave them to the governors, every governor in america was invited to be there yesterday. and we didn't see those, we had to learn about those first from the press before we saw them, and if you were serious about providing leadership to provide alternatives, you talk about that with the governor first this is about talking points and scary people and it was about providing the leadership to actually get things under control and trying to change the debate and put it on the backs of the american taxpayer and that hasn't worked before, it's not going to work now and we need leadership to step up and find a better, positive alternative. >> sean: governor, it's immoral to steal from our children, that's what we're doing. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, sean. >> sean: a shocking story in the new york times accuses former top obama campaign ads
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of selling now access to the white house. plus, as promised, details about another deceptive edit in the mainstream media this time covering up something inaccurate said by the first lady regarding gun violence. we'll check with dana and stuart on this edition of "hannity." >> he doesn't have a clue. he's never had a business. he's never had a real job. he doesn't understand how it all works. >> sean: and also the president of the national black chamber of commerce is here with some very strong words about the obama administration's economic policy. this an interview that will this an interview that will have a lototototot look, if you have copd like me, you know it can be hard to breathe, and how that feels. copd includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiriva helps control my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open for 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both.
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. . >> all right. so would you like a one-on-one meeting with president obama? if you do, you better be ready to reach deep into your pockets because access to the president is now for sale. here is the story. over the weekend the new york times reported that members of the president's reelection campaign have formed a spin-off, liberal advocacy group that's called organizing for action. now, group's main purpose is to basically raise money to spread the obama administration's radical agenda, or quote, giving or raising 500,000 or more puts
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nos on the national donors on a national advisory board for mr. obama's group, and the privilege of attending quarterly meetings with the president along with other meetings at the white house. and dana perino from the "the five" fox business network, stuart varney and-- do it. >> my name is bond, james bond. >> he's practiced for years. >> for 40 years americans have come up to me and said, say it, say it and you finally did. >> sean: i've got it on tape now. i thought it wasn't going to do it. maybe we should raise money and send you to every quarterly meeting. >> i'd be delighted. like pornography, you can't define it and you know it when you see it. i'm talking pay to play, it's influence peddling. could you call king barack the first. he says to his courtiers get
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out there and squeeze the rich and high councils and tell them what you want to hear and you've got to pay for it. it's like peddling influence. >> sean: is this any different than selling access to the lincoln bedroom, the clinton years? >> somebody could look at it, i thought it was interesting and my co-host "the five" bob beckel, come on what president said he's going to be different and not had money influencing politics and change his mind. but ins pretty bold and i remember when organizing for action was first created i thought, are they going to run into some problems and i would say that the press secretary, jay carney yesterday, he earned his money for the president yesterday because when he went out to talk about this, he kind of had to tap dance a little bit and i think if i were he, i would have said, you know, jim messina, you guys think you're so smart putting this together. you go and brief the press. >> sean: i was thinking this week when robert gibbs
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admitted he was applying for the press secretary job which is the job you held under president bush, that he was told never to refer to the drone program that we have going on. would you have taken the job. well, that was-- i don't know all of the details so i don't know how the whole conversation went. the question that was put to him was about transparency in the white house and about drones and as a press secretary there's one of two ways that it can work. you can either be kept in the dark about things and then not get yourself in trouble by lying because you simply don't know, i don't think theys a really good way to work. i think it's good for press secretaries to nochknow. i think it's a stretch to ask press secretaries to not acknowledge things they have knowledge about. even though you have to tell the press, i understand you're asking and i don't have anything for you on that, and then move on. excuse is that it's an independent group, go ask them the questions, well-- >> it's not. >> not entirely independent. >> certainly not. and the reason they didn't organize this before the
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election because you cannot under our election law coordinate between a campaign and the presidency and that's what it would have looked like and they waited until afterwards and they'll say we're doing what everybody else did, but it really is different and i don't-- it might be legal, but it certainly smacks of hypocrisy. >> sean: let me ask you both a media question. i argue for democracy to function, we need a vibrant, strong, media. one that asks the tough questions. we've not had that in the obama years. tell me if this is a big deal. this is michelle obama, she's on good morning america. pay very close attention to what is not in there, the term automatic weapons. watch this. >> in january, mrs. obama attended the funeral of one young victim in chicago, gunned down just a week after performing at the inauguration. >> the hideya was an honor student. one thing she said at the funeral i did everything i was suppose today do she was absolutely right she did everything she was supposed to
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do. she was standing out in a park with her friends in a neighborhood blocks away from where my kids grew up, where our house is and she was caught in the line of fire. i just don't want to keep disappointing our kids in this country. i want them to know that we put them first. >> sean: now, abc had an article and there were a few words taken output it up on the screen because they did print it. she was standing up in the park with her friends blocks away from the park where my kids, some kids had some automatic weapon they didn't need and i just didn't want to keep disappointing kids in this country. i want them to know that we put them first. >> they rescued the first lady. because some kids had some automatic weapons they didn't need, they rescued the first lady because she-- they didn't want her to be part of this chicago black on black gun violence and they
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didn't want her to be-- >> that's how bad the media is now, they're actually in doing savior work. >> is there another explanation? you take that key expression out, you're editing out something that the first lady said and you are rescuing her. >> sean: abc said it was for time, do you buy that they he needed to edit it for time. >> well, i think a he key distinction is the automatic weapon versus a handgun because that's the legislation they're out trying to push. i don't think it necessarily helps -- if let's say abc thought they were helping or rescuing the first lady it actually doesn't work that way in the age of transcripts and everybody being able to see everything because it comes-- it boomerangs and makes the media look bad. >>, but it happens time after time after time and they're not really called on it and most people don't realize what the general media is doing. >> if you had substituted karl rove or an energy staffer for
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this ofa story, organizing for action, if bush had done that, the media in particular would have gone crazy. you just think of the energy task force that vice-president cheney put together, that went all the way to the supreme court. >> if george bush was using drones, they would have gone ballistic. >> he did use drones, but not to the extent-- >> when you think of their position of enhanced interrogation and how vicious they went after bush, if he had that hypocrisy they would have gone after him, i should clarify. the elites will always let you down. >> sean: thank you, stuart bond, welcome. log on to your special companion site at and itty live and you can follow the live show, we want you to share your thoughts on the pending sequestration, to go show go to >> he's not adam smith and--
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he is very social and getting borderline --. >> sean: the president of the national black chamber of commerce joins me to excomplain why he's accusing the administration's policies the administration's policies of [ rosa ] i'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week... i'm like...yeah, ok... little did i know that one week later i wasn't smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of depression or other mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serus allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these stop taking chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems,
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>> ab and welcome back to "hannity," he was once a supporter of president obama be, but not amenymore. weeks after a press conference on gun control our friends over at the daily caller caught up with harry alfred president and ceo of the national black chamber of commerce and asked what he thought about president obama's policies. >> he doesn't have a clue. he's never had a business. he's never had a real job. he doesn't understand how it all works.
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he's just -- as you know, i don't really support him too well and he knows it. and that's the badge honor. he's bad and i supported him, i voted for him first time around i had hoped because he is black, shame on me, he is not adam smith, he does not believe in capitalism the way america our founding fathers did it. he is very social and it's getting borderline communist. >> sean: joining me now and welcome back. >> thanks, sean, nice to be back. >> sean: we had discussion and fireworks in the beginning of the program. let me ask you, you said something that caught my attention, before we get to obama, i voted for him the first time around i had hoped because he was black, shame on me. what did you mean by that,
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sir? >> it -- we were in such hopes that finally, that black leader came around and that he was tall and handsome and could speak so eloquently and he was going to lead us and take us to a new level. we were kind of blinded by that, we being the african-american community basically and many of us, hispanics and others, it didn't turn out that way. you know? it's like the old roberta flack song "killing me softly" wins me over and sweet talks to to my death if we don't watch it. >> sean: i like the song, but i don't like the way this has turned out. the president has been scaring people demagoguing about the economy. here is my fear we've got 50 million americans on food stamps, one in six in poverty, 6 trillion in new obama debt and now the economy is contracting. what has he done wrong? 'cause he said he would fix all this. >> he hasn't done anything to
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fix it, he's been ignoring it. he's spending, spending, spending. that's the problem, spending. he wants a tax, tax, tax. yet the irony of it is, you know, he dogs successful people, he says they're bad. rich is evil, but yet, he's courting on his knees to rich to come and give him some money so that he can use it for whatever reason, i don't know. he's turned-- i don't know what he's planning for us. >> sean: when you look at demographics and probably we spend too much time breaking things down demographically, we're all americans. you look at the african-american community voted for him 95 plus percent, huge numbers. when you look at breakdown demographics, it's the young people in this country that voted for him in a majority of numbers. african-americans minorities that seemed to be hurt the most by his policies. >> absolutely. >> sean: why then would they vote for him? >> and they even know it,
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naacp admitted it on meet the press. we know this misery and something like we've got a bad guy in the family, but protect him because he's family. we've got to wake up, slap ourselves and wake up. this is america and everybody's involved in in and if our children are hurting, it's our responsibility to find someone who understands that pain, feels it like bill clinton would say. this guy doesn't feel it. he said he --. >> sean: go ahead. finish your thoughts. >> in fact he issues a lot of that pain with a smile. >> sean: and you said he's not adam smith doesn't believe in capitalism the way our founders did and he's very social and becoming borderline communist. >> i said it and to my advisors and including my wife, i should never say that, but-- >> why? why do you believe it? >> well, it's so anti-capitalistic, this distribution of wealth, that to me, that says it all. he wants to redistribute
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wealth, take money that was honestly earned and taxed by people who struggled and suffered and did and paid the price to win that money? or at least keep it. he wants to take it from them, give it to people who don't have to do a thing. it's the will of the state to oversee everyone and for the unions to control the employees and for the ceo's just to sit and be quiet while he we take all we can and then tax the rest. >> sean: to each, according to his knees, and to each according to his ability. and the people working in new york and california paying over 60 cents of every dollar to the government. state, local federal government et cetera. you also said he doesn't have a clue he's never had a business, he's never had a real job. why don't you think that the media in this country paid attention to the fact? i still don't know what a community organizer is, maybe you can help me out.
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i don't know what an acorn guy is, we see acorn and what they're involved in the elections. why do you think that the media ignores it and gives him a pass? >> i think they're in on it for some reason, i can't figure out the media. i used to have the faith in the media and print the news and the truth and it looks like we're having in a couple of entities, it resembles old union, doesn't it? >> i will say this, there is a state run media and democracy i would argue, sir, cannot function without a diligent media that does its job and we don't have that in the country right now and we really don't. media, mainstream media. and president obama, let me get your thoughts. why does he get away with this fear mongering, cutting 85 million out of 6.3 budget and we're trying to save the country from accumulating more debt. why does he go through this
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whole fear mongering over just a small cut after dramatic increases? why do you think he's doing that? >> it's part of that divide and conquer. he's trying to bait and switch. the deal is we want a 3% reduction, 3%. >> sean: 2.4. >> that's peanuts. you can do that. that's so simple. when i was in corporate america, the boss said we're going to have to decrease the budget 2.4% we'd all start dancing. (laughter) >> good to see you, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> sean: coming up, america's nanny mayor, michael bloomberg is now suggesting he'd like to take the soda ban state wide and nationwide. could the rest of the country be next? bernard mcguirk and tamara holder square off on that issue, plus tonight-- >> in america you have a right to be stupid. >> sean: find out what our new secretary of state, i voted for the 87 billion before i voted against it was talking voted against it was talking about on his first
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. >> all right. america's nanny is at it again as new york city mayor michael bloomberg wants to expand the sugary soda ban to the five boroughs and the state of new york. first a city and then a state. what's next, the entire country? and let's remember this is not the first intrusive policy
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that bloomberg is back and bans on smoking and public places in your own house, to bans on trans fats and calorie counts on menus, a reduction of salt and ask for salt in new york. has no problems intruding on your liberties. and imus in the morning producer, mer nard mcguirk. >> and bring it on now, happy new one. >> sean: tamara holder, you're not going to support this. >> and donuts. >> sean: i like the vanilla frosted. >> this is illegal. >> this is for you and-- >> where did you buy the donut. >> i bought this before the show, that's disgusting. >> sean: what's disgusting. >> i was embarrassed to go into the walgreen's or whatever store it was and buy this and those big disgusting fattening donuts. >> sean: i love the donuts, i'm on a diet, but doing it just for the show. >> you know why? because all republicans or
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most republicans are fat asses and get stuck eating these things and-- >> you're calling me a fat ass? >> look at you. >> i've been called a yello journalist, immoral, a liar and now a fat ass, what a night is this? >> and light it up-- >> isn't it funny that the republicans, the most conservative republicans are from the south? >> well. >> and they're the fattest-- >> bernie, let me have one of those. thanks. (laughter) >> and take that, and mayor bloomberg, you don't smoke do you? >> i smoke occasionally with a cocktail, but the whole idea. >> sean: yeah. but this is where it started with the banning of the smoking. >> sean: i don't smoke. >> and i've never smoked a cigarette in my whole life. >> fire it up. >> give the guy-- they're screaming in my ear, the smoke detectors are going technology flying off in the building and all right. put it out in the donut. >> wait, don't inhale. >> and do we really need the government managing-- i can make my own decisions
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tamara. >> yes. >> sean: we can make our own choices here. >> i agree the government shouldn't regulate and we're in control of ourselves, but what happens is the republican overeat and they overindulge in everything. >> sean: and democrats don't overeat? >> and wait, why do we have obamacare? because the fat republicans who drive through wal-mart in-- >> what about the fat democrats? there are plenty of fat democrats. naming names. >> sure. >> sean: there are a lot of them. >> not this democrat. >> sean: oh, good grief. >> wow, tough guy, huh. look, this is indefensible and figure the only one to defend, for a living defends murderers, rapists and thugs a chicago lawyer like this. >> this is a personal attack? why everybody is entitled to defense. >> sean: don't you defend people. >> successfully. >> sean: and get the murderers off the hook. go ahead. >> this guy an impaervious little sneak and he bought the
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third team, corrupt. and the world trade center is still not built after ten years, he was for terror trials in manhattan before he was against them. he accord to go one of hits park avenue pals, and that was a disaster. >> sean: the government already bankrupted social security, medicare, obamacare, excuse me. >> one third of new yorkers-- >> i don't need you to tell me what to eat and put in my body. >> you're a burden on me, i don't want to pay. >> sean: i don't want obamacare, we're even, a clean sweep. >> then go to the hospital and the e.r. and you have to remove a limb because you're too fat, and sugar is high and-- >> i'm he not that fat for crying out loud. a little churning, fairly fit and work out. >> the majority of your supporters are fat or obese. >> sean: that's such an insane statement. >> it's absolutely true. >> sean: that's ridiculous. >> two-thirds of americans are overweight. >> this is easy pickings for
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mayor bloomberg and michelle obama going after kids who eat donut. how about go after the music that with the gun culture and the mothers-- >> careful you're he going to get fat after-- >> that's an illegal act. >> portion control, you can have a little one. a little donut. >> sean: no, you can't buy a little one. by the way i like a big donut. >> i want to see you eat that right now on tv, the whole thing. >> sean: i've got to read. i've got-- we've got to go to break. >> that's disgusting. >> sean: it's not. tastes great. i love you. all right, up next, the heart warming story that would make our greatest generation proud, a young man's commitment finding a job pays off big time. stay tuned. >> and coming out, he says i can't afford the bus until i get a job. >> and that's why the young man was walking in the first place, a job interview at 10th and sherman and the restaurant
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