tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 1, 2013 1:00am-2:00am PST
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p.m. eastern for "the five" and the owe riley factor. and a new "red eye" returns on saturday, saturday at 11:00 p.m. eastern and 8:00 p.m. pacific. you have to tune in. tucker carlson and the return of jesse joyce. that is saturday. i am repeating it. i am trying to sell this. >> there will be promos throughout friday. >> what am i saying? >> time to go baying to andy levy -- time to go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> it is saturday eastern. >> and on the west coast.
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>> 8:00 p.m. pacific time. >> but people forget central. >> central is the red headed step child. >> central is the jan brady of time zones. every now and then they have to create a fictitious time zone they are dating. >> the george glass affect. >> the george glass time zone. >> you remember that? >> george glass. >> where can people see you next? >> saturday 11:00 p.m. -- no, wait, i wasn't invited. they can't see me ever again after this. that's it. i'm done. >> tom, your new album in defense of bullying? >> really? >> yes, a concept i came up with on this show and i deliver it next month. >> i think you got bullied for that sweater a lot. >> for sure. >> that is going to be huge. it is going to be huge. >> bye, lori. the o'reilly fact
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for l.a. is on. tonight. >> it was said very clearly you will regret doing. this. >> did the obama administration threaten "the washington post" reporter bob woodward over a story on the budget chaos? and now others are coming forward saying they were threatened, too. >> that exact thing happened to me and i haven't spoken of this before. >> we will get to the bottom of a growing controversy. >> his papacy will be remembered for its scandal. >> pope benedict leaves the vatican today but is the american media reporting the story in a fair manner or are they bashing the catholic church? we'll present the evidence. >> what made you want to do the very first. >> it sounded like fun. i needed money. >> and a shocking scandal out of delaware. that state's miss teen u.s.a. made a porn movie. but why?
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>> also tonight, watters world running wild in los angeles. >> caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone from southern california. factor begins right now. >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. reporting tonight from los angeles, thanks for watching us. is the president of the united states threatening reporters? that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as you may know, there is budget chaos in washington that may result in some small automatic it particular spending cuts. the story has been going on for months. federal government under president obama simply cannot get a response cybil budget passed. since the president was elected in 2008, this has happened every year recently "the washington post" reporter bob woodward of watergate fame criticized the obama administration for spinning the budget issue.
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woodward is correct. this is crazy. no responsible administration would embrace a federal debt that could reach $20 trillion by 2016. we elect presidents to be responsible, efficient, and beholden to all people. what barack obama is doing is err responsible. is he spending the country in bankruptcy. no reason on earth why mr. obama cannot begin to cut the budget. yet he resists. he wants to raise taxes but refuses to reform the out-of-control entitlement situation. bob woodward knows this. every responsible journalist knows. this so woodward wrote it. and he says the obama administration didn't like what he wrote. >> well, they are not happy at all and some people kind of, you know, said look, we don't see eye to eye on this. they never really said though afterwards, they said this is factually wrong and it was said to me in an email by a top.
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>> what was said, yeah? >> it was said very clearly "you will regret doing this. >> who sent that email to you. >> well, i'm not going to say. >> was it a senior person at the white house? >> a very senior person. >> that person was gene sperling an economic advisor to the president. to be fair, i read the emails between sperling and woodward. there does not seem to be any threat as far as a reprisal is concerned. it looks like sperling is telling woodward he is wrong on the issue and will regret being wrong. but i could be wrong because tone does not appear in email. now, it is certainly true that the obama administration does not like to be criticized by the press. if you are perceived to be an enemy, they will cut off access. the press should complain loudly about that because we need honest reportage. we also need stop the ideological nonsense in this country and demand, demand that both parties start looking out for the folks. it's clear to me president obama wants to create an
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enormous nanny state for political reasons and also because he thinks america is not fair to the have notes. the president is entitled to his opinion, of course, but by creating fiscal chaos, he is not helping anybody. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. what exactly is going on behind the scenes in washington? joining us from capitol hill fox news chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel white house ed henry covers the president for us. david plouffe, former senior obama guy, also attacked woodward, correct? >> absolutely. here is the interesting thing. today is the briefly jay carney was pushing back the idea there was any threat to bob wood woodward. the email exchanges in the words of carney respectful. that's what the president expects when you deal with the media around here. i pressed carney on the fact that it didn't sound so respectful when david plouffe went on twitter last night and basically compared bob woodward to a
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washed up baseball player who is a has been, hack, basically. that's not very respectful. that's reflective of how folks around here are disrespectful to the media they do push back. frankly, i think in general, purexing back is part -- pushing back is part of their job. that part of this do they have the back of the hand to the media do they cut off access if you are not so friendly to them. sure, that happens around here. on the other hand, i think mr. woodward is a big boy and the idea that somehow they were being mean to him, jay carney is paid as is gene sperling to lay out the president's agenda and push back when they think somebody is saying something they don't like about the president. >> bill: do you get the feeling that president obama and his guys and gals understand that public opinion is turning against them here on this whole budget mess? largely because of woodward. woodward has a lot of credibility in this country. woodward is now opposed to the president. and we are starting to see a shift against mr. obama.
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do they recognize that in your opinion? >> >> yes and no. in the short-term think think public opinion is on their side. poll suggesting some of the gloom and doom the president has laid out there with cabinet the sky may be falling. chicken little stuff flights going to be delayed and janet napolitano saying the country is going to be less safe. that's gotten the country's attention somewhat. i have talked to senior people around here who in private are more realistic and say what they are very worried about is that the president may win the short-term battle here but three weeks from now after forced cuts go through it may not be so bad. people out there across the country and might say look we can cut more government spending they are worried that will impact the larger budget debate coming at the end of the month. what that will do is handcuff the president. >> bill: okay. well maybe they will let more criminals out of prison so they will overrun all the neighborhoods. is that being facetious, henry? don't even reply to me. don't even reply to my
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facetious stupidity, all right? >> wait, i have got to get to immanuel. now, boehner. now boehner is the other side of the coin here and i'm sure is he enjoying the woodward controversy. any power, any more to get anything done or is obama just overrun him? >> well, bill taking on bob woodward. they are losing. aids close to speaker boehner and boehner himself professionally. he and president obama have a boehner say himself that the president does not have the guts, does not have the courage to take on the left, to take on those close to him to do meaningful what long-term such as dealing with medicare. dealing with medicaid. and so they think that is he a lot more comfortable
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going out across the country, giving speeches. beating up on the republicans than he is rolling cut 2.4% of the budget. big deal. they think a lot of the american public had to cut more than that from their own personal budgets through the recession. they think they're winning on this issue now they think that next week they will take some steps to make sure that some of these cuts are done a little more strategically, bill. >> i have got a minute left, henry. this meeting tomorrow does the president have any expectations or is it as mike said just a dog and pony show? >> mike is right. people inside the building here at the white house thinks the sequester is going through. the real fear is about the
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end of the month. the entire government spending runs out. that's when you will see pain where national parks close down. the things we saw back in the gingrich, clinton days. that will really get the public's attention. what they're worried about here at the white house is if these forced cuts come into place and reduce government spending and become the new normal levels at the end of the month when they do the broader debate that will constrain the president in second term giving out things like he talked about free preschool for 4-year-olds. there is not going to be money for that kind of stuff if in fact the spending levels -- >> bill: if they begin to cut back then all the grandiose programs is going to be tough to fund. jerks thanks very much. we appreciate it former rundown lanny davis says the obama administration threatened him too. mr. davis will be here. then as the pope leaves the vatican. is the american press using that story to diminish the entire catholic church? we're coming right back from l.a.
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>> bill: continuing with lead story. obama administration responding to critical reporting of it lanny davis said while he was writing a column his editor was threatened by the obama administration. >> he received a phone call from a senior obama white house official who didn't like some of my columns, even though i'm a supporter of him, i couldn't imagine why this call was made. he did threaten and the word i was told was the word threaten by this editor that if he continued to run my columns, he would lose his his reporters would lose their white house credentials. >> bill: joining us from washington is mr. davis. first of all, what do you think teed off the obama administration? what did you write about them? i went back to read my
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columns 95% were supporting president obama. i guess i criticized at times their handling of the stories. crisis management sides of the communication shop. i think that might have gotten under the skin of the person who made the phone call. >> all right. now, who is the white house guy who threatened the editor? >> i can't tell that you because the editor when he called me said i have to ask you to honor the request of the person who called me because he said it was off the record. >> bill: let me get this straight. your editor agreed to be threatened and not to publicize who is doing the threat? that doesn't sound right. that doesn't sound right to me man. i have been a reporter for more than 35 years. i don't give anybody off the record credence if they are going to threaten me. do you know what i'm talking about? >> well, he asked me to keep it anonymous and i have got to honor that. >> bill: you are an honorable man. okay.
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now, you are in -- clinton white house. they did the thing bill and hillary don't like people criticizing them, did they? >> look, there is nothing wrong with pushing back as ed henry said. and i don't think gene sperling, i accept your imreption intended it to be a threat. he should have been on the white house lawn yesterday i used the word you are going to regret it i respect bob board ward, is he a great reporter. we had a disagreement. i apologize if there is is a misrepresentation. i wouldn't be on tonight if they had done it yesterday. but waiting is another example of crisis mismanagement. it's more than that plouffe goes and twitters that woodward is a has been. come on. >> david plouffe is a pro. why in god's name would he take on an icon. one of the great reporters of our age and still doing. >> bill: he did it it i don't know why did he it. you dodged my question very neatly, lanny. you know you can't slip it by me. the bill and hillary clinton if they criticize them they do did the same
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thing. >> so bill and hillary clinton as far as i know never threatened a reporter. they were unhappy with critical reporting. every white house is. reagan, carter, clinton, bush, there isn't a single white house that loves the white house reporters. i never was aware of anybody being threatened. and i accept gene sperling's explanation he didn't intend that i don't believe he intended anything like that. >> bill: do you believe based on your personal experience that the poo obama administration is more sensitive than the other people and overreacts to media criticism? do you believe that? >> no. they are no different than any other white house which is sensitive to criticism and sometimes has individuals acting stupidly. this one individual who called my editor made some very serious threats against me professionally. i called several people at the white house and 48 hours later i was told it's over it will never happen again. >> but you are still protecting this weasel. >> i have to under the
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obligation. >> bill: you have to protect the weasel? all right. >> well. >> bill: why don't you tell us somebody else and have them call me. >> okay. >> bill: all right. lanny. >> thank you. >> bill: alany's new book "crisis tales." going to be out next week. check it out. directly ahead is the american media trying to damage the catholic church while reporting on the pope leaving the vatican? laura ingraham will weigh in on that. shocking scandal as miss delaware teen miss u.s.a. has it to quit because she made a porn video. those reports after these messages.
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from the ingraham angle segment. pope benedict resigned because of his age. worldwide story as you know as a new pope will have to be chosen. amidst the controversy about the catholic church. now, as a catholic myself, i will understand the church has brought a lot of the criticism upon itself. years ago, the factor hammered cardinal law in boston and cardinal mahony here in los angeles for failing, failing to protect children. so we are not apologists for the catholic church. however, there is a huge difference between catholic theology and the people who run the institution. there is no question that the antireligious media which is substantial is using the pope story to marginalize the church. >> his papacy will be remembered for its scan d l del scandals. the sexual abuse coverups that cost more than $3 billion to settle. >> pope benedict is quitting. he has a chronic neck problem and apparently the
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chronic neck problem is for looking the other way so many times. >> he may have been the first pope to tweet but as the leader he tried to hold back the forces of -- refusing to expand the role of women. >> pope-out. [ laughter ] naturally, i was shocked. the pope came out of the closet? i mean, it makes sense, the guy hasn't had a girlfriend in like forever. >> bill: joining us now from new york city laura ingraham who is a convert to the catholic church. and i guess the essential question here is is the american media using the pope's departure to just batter the whole thing? >> i think you stated it right. the catholic church is still paying for grievous sins committed sometimes 20, 30 years ago against
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victims. and diocese have paid. schools have been shut down because of payments long after statute of limitations had run that were paid out to victims of this abuse and it's horrific. i'm the mother of three children. it's reprehensible and it's heart-breaking. at the same time, the tee hes and giggle giggles and the obsession and the unitary coverage of that issue when the pope's legacy has been as one of the stall wart people in the catholic church more so than perhaps anyone else who insisted that the -- when he discovered them, these abuses, be examined, be prosecuted, remember what he did with the legionaries of christ he went after father who had been shielded, who had a long history of abusive conduct.
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it was cardinal ross singer and then pope benedict who decided to bring down the hammer of the legionaries of christ. that shook up the catholic church. for all the people who want to take pope benedict and use him as the whipping post right now because they don't like the catholic doctrine. they don't like its views on sexuality or embryonic stem cellee search or euthanasia. i understand you don't like the catholic church's doctrine that's fine. you have the trite disagree with it you don't have to be catholic. you don't have to be part of the catholic church. we want you to be catholic but you don't have to be. disagree with the catholic church, that's fine. condemn the sandals, that's fine. but also, enormous good is done by the catholic church and catholic volunteers across the globe. and i would suggest some of my friends who are heaping on the criticism, you know it, would be nice if on occasion what's been done in places like bass ba swan
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in a aids compassionate care. >> bill: catholic charities biggest organized charity in the world they could but they don't. i think this is all abortion-driven. i think that's why in america, by the way, maybe not in other countries, but the american media in general worshipped at the altar of reproductive rights. >> well, yeah. >> bill: primary driver against abortion is the catholic church. >> right. >> bill: that's what this is all about. >> that issue and a lot of other issues. >> bill: that's the primary issue. >> he represents the church. represented the church. and so, yes, the sandals were horrific and horrible. the catholic church paid dearly and victims were victimized. it was horrific thing. at the same time, i think if all of that had never happened, of the same people criticizing the catholic church today would be criticizing the catholic church. >> bill: they wouldn't have the high moral ground.
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>> right. >> bill: that's the same of all of this. >> the problem, bill, is we are all fallen people. >> bill: okay. let me make a statement and then i will give you 45 seconds. the real tragedy of this, outside of the damage done to the children, which was enormous, all right? is that the catholic church has lost moral authority throughout the world. there isn't anything to take its place. all right? so it's broken down. and that is what the secular press has seized upon. last word. >> it is seizing upon it for a reason because it it disagrees with the doctrine of the catholic church. i understand that. enormous good is done by the catholic church around the world. i would say the catholic church went away tomorrow there would be a lot of children a lot of elderly people, a lot of indigent, a lot of people needing hospital care, compassionate care who would have no one to look out for them and have no one to protect them. be careful what you wish for. >> bill: all right. laura ingraham, everybody. plenty more ahead as the
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factor continues from los angeles this evening. big scandal in delaware. a teenage beauty queen has to give up her crown because she made a porn video. why are some young people getting involved with this kind of stuff in the first place? take a look. later. watters world, the l.a. edition. pretty wild. >> you don't look like a big corporate guy. >> i'm definitely the farthest thing from the corporate guy you will ever come across. i haven't worked a regular job in years. >> we hope you stay tuned to those reports.
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>> bill: are we crazy situation tonight disturbing situation out of delaware. melissa king chosen to be miss delaware teen u.s.a. forced to give up the title because she made a porn film last summer. >> how long ago anything. >> about three months ago, march. >> what made you want to do your very first adult video? >> i thought it would be fun and sounded like i needed the money so i decided to do it. >> bill: with us now in los angeles, doctors bonny farce and wendy walsh. see what the larger question first, this seems to be a uptick of teenagers doing sexual things in front of cameras. >> of course. well because we have a highly sexualized culture that uses sex to sell these
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girls absolutely anything. their role models make sex tapes and become famous that way. they are basically told that being a sexual being is the only way to be a great woman. and that is sad. >> bill: you are telling me that this 18-year-old girl and she looks even younger than that i authorities in delaware should investigate what happened here. is the popular culture made her do this? >> absolutely. >> bill: she is not responsible. she is not responsible? >> no. >> bill: she was overwhelmed by popular culture. >> she is he a little girl from our foster care system who sexualized media entire life. trained to be sexual being, beauty context, et cetera. now you are 18 you can't make money off of it? you and i agree that's wrong to do porn, but would we do that to indicated? >> i'm not making value judgments about porn because that's not what i do here. i'm telling you you are insane if you think that this woman is not responsible for what she did. and you say?
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>> i think she is responsible, bill. but i do think that we have projected a value in our society that the thing to be is rich and famous. okay? >> bill: that's been going on since clark gable. >> i appreciate that now. >> bill: it's worse now, me kinds true. of trend in the united states that teenagers, who even in the 60's and 70s, even in the disco era, which no holds barred they wouldn't do this. it was very unusual that somebody would do this. now it's almost accepted. >> well, because there is no consequence, bill. what's the consequence if you put out the sex tape. >> bill: she lost her. >> money. kardashian did. >> offer for a quarter of a million dollars to do another porn tape. unfortunately donald trump who owns that teen pageant should have taken her under his wing and saved her, helped her come clean. instead the porn industry owns her now because we kicked off her off the beauty pageant.
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>> bill: whoever owns her is her decision because she is over 18. i believe kids know what's right and what's wrong from maybe 12, 13 onward. i firmly believe that even if you are a disadvantaged child. terrible parents. you know what's right and wrong. they choose to do wrong. they are choosing to do it. >> bill, i think you are right. i think they do know what's right from wrong. the problem is they don't understand the cons scwebs. the difference is you and i as adults we understand few x it's going to lead to y. when you are 18 it's much harder to look at the consequences. >> bill: i was 18. you were 18. >> did i stupid things. did you do stupid things? >> i was just stupid in general if that's the question. i was a dope in general. i knew that i wasn't going to take harrow -- heroin and i wasn't going to said marijuana and i wasn't going to get into an industry like pornography. as stupid as i was, i knew that was suicide psychologically. >> you had people around -- >> -- i had parents.
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i had structure in my home. that is correct. but i still believe even the dimmest and even the worse kids know what's right and wrong. go ahead. >> i think you were probably not offered a quarter of a million dollars to do a porn film. >> i wouldn't have taken it. let me tell you something i was offered very young in my career a lot of money to do the marlboro thing. be the marlboro man, all right? i said no. i didn't have jack because i wasn't going to promote a stupid cigarette. so don't give me that. >> because had you good parents. you had good parents who taught you morals. >> my parents smoked. all right? >> that's what you learned. >> there. >> also told you that the value was to be a good person, to think about the consequences. >> i'm going back, personal responsibility is not wiped away because your circumstance is bad. this young lady in delaware, she better wise up fast. she is going to wind up on the street. ladies, thanks very much. when we come right back, megyn kelly on the big new york city soft drink ban taking effect and
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>> thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the kelly file segment tonight. interesting story out of massachusetts where crazy things seem to happen every day. 9-year-old kid louie rivera making rap videos. some of those videos are are absolutely inappropriate. now the commonwealth is investigating. ♪ all the rappers tell them get your ♪ blowing money faster ♪ westbrook slower ♪ coca cola ♪ coca cola. >> coke ain't a word ♪ it's only soda. >> bill: joining us now from new york, attorney and fox news anchor megyn kelly. you think massachusetts has a right to investigate the family of this kid? >> i don't have any objection to them looking into it. i don't think it's going to
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go anywhere. first, i should say a concerned citizen called the cops. the cops looked into it to see if anything criminal had happened. they determined the answer is no. i agree with that they referred it to division of child and family services and they are looking into it i think they probably don't have anything either. but it's not a crystal clear case case. it's disgusting, this kid is 9. he goes by the nickname lil poopy, which is something we normally encourage our 3-year-old to do on the potty. and not something you want to call your child professionally. this is his professional rap name. clearly his parents have made some questionable choices in lil poopy's life. so they put him out here willingly, bill. now the lawyer because dcf is investigating saying it's a racist thing. the lawyer, i see his point that the kid has a free speech right and the parents have a free speech right and we can't second guess a decision to put him in the rap video, but i mean the smacking of the woman's behind. do you think -- well, what
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would we be saying if this were a little 9-year-old girl smacking, you know, the hinds of men? would we feel differently? >> isn't it more than that, kelly? isn't this the parents or the father of this kid was caught with heroin and cocaine, a judge suppressed that i think there is a lot more here and that the masses social services should be very aggressive in doing this because. >> that's not enough though. that's not enough. a lot of -- a lot of people were drug problems in america and they don't lose their kids because of it. if you can show that he is actively using taking care of kid. >> if you are a parent and you are caught with heroin and cocaine, grade a felony drugs, okay? that's okay? >> you don't automatically lose your child. no, you don't automatically lose your child. there are standards for conviction, first of all a. just because you are caught with it. second of all drug addiction is a disease and you don't automatically
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lose your child because you suffer from it they have to investigate. a lot of good people. >> listen, bill, a lot of good people have drug problems. and people who want to be good parents are suffering with drug problems. i'm not excusing it. they don't necessarily deserve to lose their child forever more because they suffer with it they will look into the particular circumstance to see if there is abuse or neglect. that hasn't been shown yet in the case. >> bill: the investigation into this because a lot of different things has to be aggressive. and we have our pal wendy murphy as a child advocate in massachusetts follow the case. >> my suspicion is this video is probably the least of this child's problems. >> bill: i agree with that i think there is a lot more here. all right, new york city mayor bloomberg doesn't want anybody to be chubby. so, he doesn't want you to buy the big gulp, the big soda and now i guess next week this goes into effect if you buy more than a 16-ounce sewed, i -- soda. sell more.
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vendors 200 bucks. >> cut off your hand, too. >> bill: in pakistan they would do that i don't know if that's aloud here. >> first they had the smoking ban in all public parks. i'm not a smoker. i have never been a smoker. i understand the smokers are like first you kicked us outside and now we can't even smoke in any outdoor public place. now we have the ban on transfats, right? so you can't have the transfats anymore even if you want to eat the bad stuff you can't. now it's the big gulp soda 16 ounces or more. if you go to chuck e cheese and want to throw your kid a birthday party and you bring this container and you want to serve it, no, you violated the law. you will get slapped with a $200 fine. next he wants to ban styrofoam. i'm just thinking, bill, when he is done, what are we going to be left with? not going to have any new york city pizza joints. five guy hamburger joints. forget mcdonald's because the fries and there and everything is bad. how far can we take this? >> bloomberg is on a jihad
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on the health business. the people who call up for pizza now and you get three or four pizzas got people over and they want a big soda to go along with it got to buy ten little sodas which cost a lot more money. unintended consequences. 30 little sodas, more solution. >> guess what else you can do. walk down to the supermarket and buy the big gulp pepsi. buy it yourself. you can't have a restaurant or pizza delivery guy serve it to you. >> do you know why you can buy it in the supermarket? >> tell me. >> bill: ah.-h. a. the supermarkets are supervised by the state not the city. >> little things that make you feel good. >> bill: bloomberg can't get his little ten nickels in tentacles in there. watters world on deck. why won't governor gerri
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>> back of the book segment tonight. watters world. if you a long time factor viewer you know we juiced to have jerry brown on the program. he was the manager of california and spoke about the financial chaos out here. >> this is a 100 year financial storm and it is a real wakeup call at every level of american society. it's not about partisanship, it's about saving the country. and reestablishing that fiscal rectitude that got us where we were in our greatness. >> bill: right on. but now mr. brown is the governor of california, once again. and the state is almost
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bankrupt under his watch. we asked the governor to appear this week. we asked him to appear last year and the year before, but he won't. so we sent jesse watters to find out why. >> ♪ california. >> how is jerry brown doing. >> who is jerry brown? >> is he your governor. >> i thought it was schwarzenegger. >> who is your daddy and what does he do? >> still acting, right? >> i think he is he is not the acting governor. >> okay. >> what is up with jerry brown? >> is he not really doing that good. >> is he raising taxes again. he won't go on the o'reilly show i have heard. >> why do you think that is? >> probably you guys done something in the past. >> so it's our fault. >> it might be. >> it's not your fault. >> it looks bad. >> it looks bad his not coming on? >> yeah. >> state of mind i think is distorted. >> he should come on the factor. bill will treat him back. >> is he just a big lib and
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bill would grill him. >> stay stunned. >> he needs time off. that's what he needs. >> they don't get it. >> he doesn't want to come on and get blitzed, i don't want to get blitzed myself. >> how would you define the state? >> california is very diverse. there is also political and governmental things that need to happen. >> it could be worse. they are broke. >> california is doing well compared to greece? >> yeah. >> taxes are so high here. people moving to texas. [cheers] >> ♪ deep in the heart of texas. >> you need to go buy a prius. >> no. >> what the hell is this? >> a prius. >> do you know what the deficit is right now here. >> what is it. >> 15 billion. >> did you yell america? >> do you know what the jobless rate is right now? [crickets chirping] >> buzzer. >> 15. >> 9%. >> 9.8%. >> we have a lot of veterans right now that is sleeping in santa monica. >> i united states army. >> thank you for your
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service. >> yeah. >> let me ask you a few questions right here. >> ear muffs. >> i got this [bleep], [bleep]. >> what's your long-term vision for california? >> i would like toe see environment more friendly towards business that understands that government is not the solution. >> education system can use some help, too. >> we ain't got no money. there is 100 year financial storm. >> one minute they are going one way. and then the next minute they are going the other way. >> the one is going east and the other one is going west. so what? >> whatever. >> this guy is saying what do you want from me. >> do you think that may be a reason why the governor won't come on the factor? >> exactly. ♪ >> do you know bill o'reilly? >> outspoken. >> i don't like to watch things. i like to do things. >> do you know who bill o'reilly is. >> quite fond of bill. i seen him a couple months ago. >> had you a blunt for breakfast, didn't you? >> yeah. >> yeah ha ha. >> you are in watters world right now. >> well, it's a lovely day. >> it is. ♪ dream weaver.
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>> what's going on here is? >> is there anything you want to say to boiler right now. >> you can say hi to my grandma? that would would make her ecstatic. >> bill: hi to her grandma. that's right. i'm good. here is the interesting thing about jerry brown. i have known him for a long time. himself, he is a very frugal guy. >> you think? >> he doesn't live large at all. >> moon beam. >> bill: you disparage him like that but i wouldn't. when he was the mayor of oakland, you know, he lived in the city. id his best. but now i think he can't answer the questions because they are going to raise the gasoline. do you know how much the gasoline. >> 4.40 to fill up for regular. >> do you know how much the tax for gasoline right now? >> 68 cents a gal lo loan. >> that's crazy. >> highest in the nation right now. >> 68 cents a gallon. >> do the math. put $20 still $13 billion
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that -- i mean, they can't pay it off. >> look at the rest of the top in the nation for california. more illegal immigrants than any other state in the nation. more food stamp benefits. more welfare. it's unbelievable, but no one cares because the severe weather so great. that's the thing. >> there are a lot of people who have moved from california from other states and now they are moving back home because it's hard to make a living out here. you aren't invested in the state government in sacramento. >> no one cares about the state government because arnold is not the governor. jerry brown is not a celebrity. so no one pays attention. >> arnold governor arnold screwed it up big time, too. >> watters tip of the day on the bible. the tip 60 seconds away.
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>> factor tip of the day in a moment about the bible. first good news last night. killing kennedy and killing lincoln remain close to the top. and year and a half, and kennedy six months on the list and number one, we thank you all very much. if you buy any of my books on bill o'reilly right come, we'll send you companies and the declaration of independence, free, they're suitable for framing. and now the mail. i'm sorry, bill, i know i get more political savvy from an american idol contestant than bob beckel. you may not agree with him, but he's not an air head. and washington, president obama wants to keep the drone program secret, fine, but exposes the kill bin laden operation to hollywood compromises the identity of the pakistani doctor. the president is only transparent if it serves him.
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mr. o'reilly, you and mr. miller should be ashamed, mocking the suffering of fish, an insensitivity that's truly sickening. >> miller is tired of the obamas. turn on the tv i had he' rather watch them than him. and my mom and i got tickets to see you at the nokia theater. what do you do for fun out here. >> go to the laker game tonight. went to the "vanity fair" oscar party, very swell and i get to write the factor script every day sitting by the pool. can't do that in new york. there are no pools, they're out in the suburbs not the city. and diana, scottsdale, arizona, my husband and i caught the show in phoenix, and you and mr. miller had husband laughing hard. i'm glad. if you can't see the show in person we have a dvd available
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on bill o' check it out. from brownsville, texas, stories of food stamp abuse in texas sad, but true. saw people buying valentine's day baskets with food stamps and it was allowed because there was fruit in them. and frank, from brazil, hey, bill, watching the factor while floating on the amazon river. it's hot down here. don't jump in the water in the river to cool off, frank. it's a little pirahanas, you know what i'm talking about this? you're going to have to just absorb the heat. if you go in the water and the giant anaconda movie. did you see that? jennifer lopez, that snake chasing her around in the amazon luckily jennifer got away. factor tip of the day. last night a new mini series the bible which will begin sunday night on the history channel. afterwards i found this e-mail from tim, from calgary
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alberta, canada. and i take part that certain parts of the bible are allegorical. what do you base your assertion on. and cheryl from winnipeg, shame on you o'reilly, you call yourself a christian. the bible is not allegorical. you're entitled to that opinion. but you're not to impune, the word of the day, impugn. i can assure you there are christians that do not take part of the bible literally. if you want to believe that jonah was swallowed by the whale, fine. don't demand that i believe it, too. the tip of the day, a strong belief system is a very good thing, if your faith helps you and others. but if you're judgmental and he demand people believe the way that you do, that's a very bad thing. as we see, with the j
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