tv The Five FOX News March 1, 2013 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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safe. even though they weren't paid by the federal government so they can't be. his education secretary, the guy who had to take back the tens of thousands of teachers jobs lost? and his homeland security secretary the one who said the border security was on the line. over the line. over the top. it takes two to tango. would it kill the media to try to be fair. if you're going to call republicans because they only want spending cuts why is other side not since they want talk hikes? if you're going to say the republicans won't compromise, though they did on taxes would it kill you to say the same on democrats? leaving aside $85 million in cuts, and the $3.8 trillion budget, chicken feed. hearing a one-sided, lop-sided, blind-sided approach to fact.
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that's just chicken -- anyway. did any of you hear -- ♪ ♪ >> a bunch of kids and adults doing the harlem shake mid-flight is subject of an faa shakedown. faa wants to know what is going on here. if i'm the faa. i've got to focus on the dreamline they're keeps, you know, having this. i have the terror thing to look at because i don't want another. and they are looking in to this. tonight on fox business, we are going to look in to them looking in to this and whether it's productive use of their time. you a choice at that hour. you can watch my friend bill o'reilly or dvr him. he is on 50 times in the night. or watch me. one and done and you are having fun. see you tonight.
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♪ >> dana: hello, i'm dana perino with andrea tantaros, bob beckel, eric bolling, in a vast improvement to the cast of "the five." jasper in for greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> greg: this is why you took my water? >> dana: this is why we took your water. sequester came and went and nobody turned in pumpkin but we are going to have a pumpkin in a minute and greg will be happy. in a rare press conference, president obama blasted republican lawmakers on sequestration. here is how he sees things. >> what is important to understand not everyone will feel the pain of these cuts right away. consequence of this sequester. we could see growth cut by over one-half of 1%. as long as the sequester is in place, we know the economic news could have been better. if congress had not failed to act. it's happening because a choice that republicans in
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congress have made. they decided to protect special interest tax breaks for the well off and the well connected. that's not a square tactic. that's a fact. >> dana: it's pretty grim compared to the president but nothing compared to whattia leno, so tolling his audience. >> the white house is being accused of using scare tactics to gain public support on sequestration issue. they're trying too hard. have you seen the latest act? take a look. >> if sequestration isn't resolved the world as we know it will change forever. school children will be taught by driftersism instead of cookies, girl scouts will sell lent. old people will be sent to europe and likely end up in ikea meetballs. is this the world you want to live in? >> dana: you have been stressed out about this. >> dana: yesterday i told you there is a study that says
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bringing dogs to the work place lowers stress. there he is. look on the screen. there se. what did you think of today's dog and pony show at the white house? >> greg: this worst case scenario thing is not sequestration but four more years of epileptic amnesia that we pretend the argument and debates keep happening. >> dana: it's over. >> greg: that's it. eight times over two years we have had the fiscal cliff and the debt ceiling things. obama. >> you can't focus, can you? >> greg: i can't. he reminds me of the chain letter that you get from your aunt. you know, i don't want to bother you but you better send this on or you're turn in a frog. he should be captain chain letter. he talks like a living, breathing chain letter. >> dana: you have to pass it on. >> greg: you have to pass it on or your family would die.
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>> dana: i used to believe in those. i would write them all out by hand. before i went to bed. >> greg: i never set a chain letter to anyone. >> dana: let me ask serious question to eric. one thing different with the fiscal cliff debate. the banks and the markets reacted negatively. this week we saw the market reach record high. what is wall street thinking? >> look to wall street for what is smart money doing. if they thought this would be the end of the world or the end of the economy they would have been slamming the stock market. i went up because ben bernanke said nothing is going to change with the sequestration. we'll still continue to pump money in the system. that is why stocks go up. nothing to do with the economy. i find it interesting that president obama had his people out there enforce. arnie duncan and janet napolitano telling us how they will come up with a border and let the illegals out of the jails. arnie duncan, teachers will get laid off. head start premiums -- people won't get fed.
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two days ago, yesterday afternoon or so, he started to walk it back. with the fear mongering we're doing isn't working. they are not buying it. mostly because we stayed on it saying it won't be different. he started to walk it back. today he walked it back completely. don't worry, it won't happen overnight. it may take time. all sequestration does is bring us backward two years in the budget. gregg you are still spending more. >> dana: the plans are deficit neutral. i want to ask you about the republicans. in the past chain mails we have had to deal with, it was perceived that the republicans caved. but not so this time. do you think it will cig call a turning point -- signal a turning point for the shattered pieces of the republican party and help it move on? >> andrea: it better. republicans were punished after they caved on the fiscal cliff.
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now we won't fold this time around. they are standing firm. i wish they would fight harder for more cuts and they have an opportunity, dana, especially because it was overhypeded. and so overblown, that when the world doesn't end, they can say president obama you don't just have egg on your face, you have an omelette. we'll keep fighting for more cuts. they have the leverage after this. i thought this meeting today was disingenuous. for him to invite them there, like when he demeaned paul ryan. he invites them there and uses the same talking points he has used about the class warfare. this is good for you. it looks like going forward he won't blame everything on president bush, from stubbing his toe to bad weather to upset stomach. he will blame on the sequester. >> dana: i wrote that down earlier, blaming bush so yesterday. >> andrea: it's so out. >> dana: a lot of people, bob, i want your opinion on this, feel like everybody in washington lost this week.
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american people are done with the whole drama thing. >> bob: if you look at the poll, sequestration is what it takes to cut spending. don't think washington will do it by a margin of two to one. you talk about this being make believe deal and what you have been saying here. there is $85 billion to otherwise bet on the economy for seven mont months that will not be there. >> greg: you don't feel that way about taxes, do you? >> bob: could i finish what i am saying? >> greg: i don't want to let you. >> bob: thank you. there are places with heavy defense spending. you see it there. in shipbuilding. you will see it in a lot of places. it's real and something that should not be minimized. the problem is that somebody ought to take these things and put these cuts in a coordinated way. while obama did not take the offer from republicans i don't know. >> andrea: thank you.
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>> greg: good point. >> bob: i was six minutes in before i said that. >> greg: why is it when you take money from taxpayers, that is not seen as taking money out of the system. when you take money out of the government that is seen hurting the system? that is a difference in ideology. that's where we are coming from. the ineptitude is jeopardizing the country. instead of cutting billions we know with can cut billions. we can cut it from consultants but instead you have firemen first consultant. he is going for first responders. it's like saying if you don't do what i say, i'll kill the dog. just don't kill the dog. >> eric: along the lines of what you said. i don't know why president obama didn't take it. why didn't senate pass their own solution, resolution to ease the burden of sequestration? because they're dysfunctional. d.c. is dysfunctional.
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there is $113 billion right now sitting, $45 billion in coffers in the government that is unused funds they don't want to give back. by the way, which would cover all of the outlay for 2013 and sequester. there is $68 billion that tom coburn outlined yesterday. >> andrea: can i jump in on the senate point? the senate tried to do something in the 11th hour. the issue was harry reid couldn't get his own caucus the agreen something. when they finally tied to passion something yesterday it would have added $7.2 billion to the deficit. only democrats would pass a bill to add to a deficit in the middle of the debate about downsizing government. this is not asking the government go on a diet, it's saying don't gain any more weight. it's weight maintenance. jenny craig for a big fat got. >> bob: take a billion there and billion there. and the consultants you want. this gets back to a
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fundamental issue. entitlement reform. the reason we spend a little more money this year after sequest tration last year is nothing to do with the the domestic programs or defense budget and everything to do with entitlement spending going up. >> eric: ready? >> bob: i'm ready. >> eric: counterparts on the hill don't agree with you. that would be great. >> dana: i think they do in the backroom but they are afraid to take the first step that would be the one that says okay, i'm going to cut your benefits. >> bob: republicans and democrats have to take the step together. >> dana: they tried with simpson-bowles. >> greg: the bigger issue is not the cuts but the hysteria. the hysteria suggests can you imagine what obama would be like if they were real cuts? the left wing media if there were cuts? you can't imagine. that you need stretcher and ambulance. ambulance. i have vil around the white house. have -- you'd have a vigil around the white house. >> bob: they are real cuts. >> eric: stop saying that.
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>> bob: they are real cuts. >> we are going to spend for in 2013 than in '12 -- >> bob: because of entitlements. >> eric: by the way, four or five years from now we'll spend over $4 trillion. we are spending $3.6 trillion right now. >> bob: you are just saying where the cuts are. we're not cutting anything. we're just moving money from here tosy and you have to cut back -- from here to here. and say you to cut back. >> dana: can i get a word in? cuts are one thing but you have to pro-growth policies to go with it. two things are happening now that are promising. the first bill of the session is hr-1. coveted title. hr-1 went to congressman dave camp this week for his ways and means committee for tax reform. the number one bill for the house republicans and hopefully the democrats this year. that would meet a huge boon to the economy. the second thing is today, or soon, the state department is going to release the first
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preliminary findings about the keystone pipeline. it might be a way for the administration to finally say okay. we can see the benefit of $127 billion a year. 552,000 jobs annually. then you see all the money coming in the treasury, that is real money. we have don't have to talk about whether or not $85 billion is real cuts or fake cuts. >> bob: the real income for americans fell 3.6% in january. one, the vacation from fica taxes, social security and medicare has come back on. the other thing, a lot of big wall street firms gave their bonusebonuses in '12 opposed to. with that, consumer spent more money the month before. housing starts rup. there is a growth -- >> dana: we are going to talk about this in the "c" block and have a debate about it. >> greg: did a reverse one more thing. >> eric: things are getting better. things are getting better in spite of president obama not because of him. quickly, think about this for one second.
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we are pumping $85 billion sequester number, we are pumping $85 billion in the banking system every month. $85 billion in the -- >> dana: the aig bail-out was $85 billion. >> andrea: this is a good day. defense spending i think is scary but this should be a good day. this isn't a scary day. we are actually keeping government at a minimum. i think the white house is cracking big-time. this blew up in their face. they are so used to winning when they scare and they lost today. they are on their heels. scrambling. >> bob: how did they lose today? >> andrea: they planned a message strategy that did not work that failed miserably. they have the media calling them on this entire thing, bob. it didn't work. >> bob: are you suggesting that the republicans' strategy worked? >> andrea: i do. >> greg: we have to go this again in three weeks. what america is, we're a clown in a dunk booth. and just when we get dunked
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and climbing out of the booth we get back up and obama throws another ball. we go back in. that is what the stupid debates, one after the other, after the other. >> andrea: we'll be clean. >> dana: excellent block of metaphors. >> greg: you polluted the water, bob. >> dana: all right. that was a wonderful debate. did you enjoy your visitor? >> greg: yeah but you took my mug. >> dana: sitcomming back right now. >> andrea: despite drinking out of it. >> dana: jodie arisa and oscar pistorius, murder mysteries getting media attention these days. what is it that makes people fascinated by violent crimes like these? we discuss and tell you about the develop in the both cases after the break. ♪ ♪ oh this is lame,
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body discovered with 25 stab wounds and gunshot to the head and claims it was self-defense. watch this. >> you were there so he wouldn't get the truth? >> i was there against my word. >> how do you not remember what you are saying? >> you're making my brain scramble. >> did you lie to the people of utah? >> yes, to everyone. >> there has been a conversion and you're not telling the truth, right? >> for lack of a better term, yes. >> were you crying while you were shooting him? >> i don't remember him. >> were you crying when you were stabbing >> i don't remember. >> you are the one that did this, right? >> yes. >> eric: why are so many people, why are we mesmerized by crime stories like this? anytime it's on anyone in room is focused in on the testimony. >> bob: i can't agree with
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more. why do we do this? we go back to the days of bank robbers and train robbers. back in the 1800s. we have been fascinated by this stuff. america is fascinated by it. look at o.j. simpson. mesmerized the country for months. we'll continue to do it. >> eric: do you watch it at all? this prosecutor, wow! >> andrea: i do. >> eric: he is just nailing her. >> andrea: you have an attractive couple and you read details of the case. she was assaulted allegedly after she dropped his new camera after she was taking nude photos after a day of sex. you read details and this is stuff you watch in open operas but it's real. we'll get to pistorius later and you have an attractive,
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athlete, model. but again, you can't believe someone would stab somebody 27 times. someone would shoot somebody else on valentine's day's day. hollywood can't make this stuff up. that's why people watch it. >> i'm shocked that she took the stand in her own defense. she is getting fileted. >> greg: of course she is innocent. she is wearing glasses. you see that. somebody is a killer and says you know what? we'll have you put on glasses. you will get, look as drab and librarian as possible. grizzly -- these days, grisly crimes are less depressing than the world around usism would rather watch a killer with no legs than hear about a councilmember with no future. that is what people use as an escape. in an ideal world there is a tv show you take the criminals and don't give food and they'd och other. it's called survivo survivor fo. this is why i'm not going to elected to office. >> eric:er invited on the
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island. are we just voyeuristic in the tv coverage and what we are watching? >> dana: i suppose. i personally don't get into it. o.j. simpson trial might be the first one i remember following day-to-day. i was waiting table at governor's tavern in denver when the verdict was read. nobody left the bar and i made so much money in tips that night. everybody was glued to it. >> greg: made a profit off murder. good for you. >> eric: oscar pistoriusk this guy is on the cover of time magazine. man, superman and gunman. another, another interesting crime story. bob? >> bob: this one has a lot of legs to it. i shouldn't say that. sorry. man, was that a bad thing to say. >> andrea: we don't have a drum set. >> bob: boom. >> dana: walk it back. >> greg: it wasn't as bad -- >> bob: it wasn't as bad as what greg said.
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everybody built this guy up. olympic hero. in south africa, a great hero. then it comes down to the brutal murder of an attractive woman. i'm not surprised that the world grabbed attention for it. >> eric: any sympathy for this guy? >> andrea: none. it should not be on a jury. i'm the worst juror in the world. i prejudge this. i think he did it. the steroids, his temper and previous accounts of domestic violence points to angry guy. but i'm dieing to know what really happened? what really happened? sometimes we'll never know. >> eric: should we be putting our murders, high profile murders on the cover of our magazines? >> greg: i don't know. i guess if it's news. my idea is i think should create a service where you can set up pistorius with jodi arias and keep the rest of us safe. let murders date. >> dana: putting this on the front page of the magazine,
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time magazine guaranteed the next time there is a murder they can do the self-introspection whether or not the media glamourizes kill tier much and spend two weeks ago newsing about that. >> andrea: there are women that will actually date these guys. don't you think that's really weird, if am with wants to marry them afterwards? isn't it bizarre to you? >> eric: how many men were coming out of the woodwork for casey anthony? >> true. >> you? >> eric: not me. heads up to parents of college age kids. do you think your are moving out of the house after graduation? think again. surprising stats after the break. ♪ ♪
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in 2011, 47% of recent grads living with mom and dad, 45% higher than ten years ago. the report by a pee with researcher who probably lives with his mother finds if you expand the age range it's worse. 650% more. 18 to 34-year-olds holed up with their families than ten years prior. i guess the scientists were right. 30 is the new 12. they feel media jobs beneath them. better to drink keystone than work on one. slacking beats fracking says the president. not everyone can find plac
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placement. stigma working at home with early 30s is a cigma worse, not voting for obama in the early 20s. what did the vote get you? the same twin bed. health insurance you don't need. no job. no future and a world of dead? how it will is college education worth if it can't getout of the nest? just what we need, million graduates majoring in sandra fluke studies. at least they have hbo. you can watch ten episodes of "girls" in a row. needs work. you shocked, shocked. perhaps even outraged to learn how many people are living at home. it had no idea. >> andrea: i still can't believe it, greg. it's amazing. this is sad. i can't believe a lot of them voted for president obama. it's not a wake-up call.
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it's not all bad. it wrote a column in new york daily news two years ago when young people were beginning to get hit by the recession. i think this is actually a decent thing. everybody gets a trophy generation now has to go out and get jobs at quiznos, they are humbled and make sandwiches and work at movie theaters. teaching them responsibility. a lot of them come out of college feeling entitled, brainwashed like the history of garbage. that is a real course. they have to work. they are humbled. >> greg: i graduated and i worked for is years and came back and lived at home. i really like living at home. is there something harmwarming about it? >> bob: i couldn't go back home. i thought you still did live at home? >> greg: i do. in a home. >> bob: the idea of blaming obama for this is outrageous. >> greg: it's fun. >> bob: you want to do it,
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go ahead and do it. when we took office we -- >> andrea: the unemployment rate is higher than when he took office. >> bob: there are not a lot of good jobs out there. you can't live working at quiznos. >> andrea: i had to waitress and i worked hard to find a job. >> bob: well good for you. >> andrea: they have to do it, too. it stinks be it's life. >> bob: take jobs like that and live at home. they can't get apartments or do all of this. >> it stinks. >> bob: rough economy for people coming out of college. that is the end as a result of it. i don't think it's bad all the way around. you don't have an empty nest syndrome. >> greg: families that stay together are a good thing in other countries. italy has 16 generations in one house. >> eric: look, i don't think there is anything wrong with it. you should live at home. i love my son if he needs to live at home, stay at home. >> greg: he is only 14.
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>> eric: right, but bob, you point something out in the "a" block. personal incomes are down. 3.6%. largely due to the payroll tax increase. taxes go up. living at home has nothing to do with president obama. he instituted or took the payroll tax holiday out. and raised taxes. how is this not his fault? >> bob: this is going on for a month ago. you can't say it just happene happened. the trend is up but isn't it heavy in three years? >> eric: they have to live at home. >> bob: your free market starts to create jobs. >> greg: the real problem is the solution so far doesn't spread the wealth around. tax, tax, ta. building creating more taxpayers or building wealth.
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>> dana: the young people don't have jobs so look at how the government could help them more. another way to look at it, how is the government holding them back? the growth in this country is is .1%. that is barely keeping up with inflation. the administration can't have it both ways. if the recession ended as soon as president obama came to office or four months later, if the recession ended then, at what point does he take responsibility for lagging economy or unemployment? you can't blame bush for both things for that much longer. hopefully the tax reform and keystone pipeline is pushed forward so the kids -- kids -- >> bob: he took responsibility for it. after four years --
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>> andrea: wait. he didn't. he blamed bush. going forward he will blame the sequester. >> bob: you are telling me in 2012, the president of the united states did not suffer at the polls because of the economy? >> andrea: play the tape. >> bob: the shallow, hollow party at yours. >> andrea: you don't need to throw insults. this is what you do when you're on your heels. you celebrated that president obama -- you said every day. he whooped it. we won. get over it, guys. you have can't have it both ways. >> bob: not trying to have it both ways. the economy was clearly there and people knew it and they still re-elected the president of the united states. >> eric: here is the reality, which has nothing to do with president obama, bob. recessions last between 18 to 24 months on average. this one lasted technically about 30 months. and if you add in to the negative growth you can make an argument for four-year recession. >> bob: okay. >> dana: they will never say they have responsibility and they don't do anything about
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it. not our fault. >> eric: just because you -- >> bob: just because you say that doesn't mean voters don't perceive it. >> greg: directly has been in the celebrity tumbleweed, and dennis rodman holds court in north korea. you won't believe what he said about his new b.f.f. kim jung un. more after the break. ♪ ♪ mine was earned in djibouti, africa, 2004. the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto-insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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i'm bret baier in washington. the big story here today no, deal to avoid sequester cuts. on the on "special report," reduction the growth of federal spending are due to take effect by the end of the day. the president held a meeting with congressional leaders this morning. afterwards he blasted rapes for a lack of willingness to compromise on taxes. g.o.p. leaders say the
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president received the tax increase. the fight over the sequester is a preview of what could be a long hot sprint of budget battles. blue print is due if april and the debt ceiling could be reached in mid-may. the state department released updated study on the environmental impact of the proposed keystone xl pipeline project. but does not make recommendation on the approval or disapproval. we have that story. "special report" starts at 6:00 eastern and send it back to colleagues with "the five." ♪ ♪ >> andrea: well, if you watch the nightly news on thursday night, you would haven't heard a word about the bob woodward controversy. but this story about dennis rodman getting together with north korean dictator did make the cut on abc, nbc and cbs.
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>> the image ofty da from overseas, rodman and kim jung un. >> who became the first american to meet with the new leader of north korea? wild child of basketball, dennis rodman. >> you would be hard pressed to find an odder couple than this. >> after he had dinner and drinks with the dictator he had kind words as well. >> so honest. his grandfather and his father were great leaders. the country loves him. i love him. the guy is awesome. >> andrea: eric, at first i looked at this and i was thinking why is this news? then i thought about it, he is
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the first one that dennis rodman to sit down with kim jung un. do we make him a diplomat or charge him with treason? >> eric: i have no idea. one of the best basketball rebounders. not kim jung un. rodman. 2 million people died because of famine. 700,000 are in prison camps. threaten south korea and the west with missiles. no, not good people. they are dictators. leftist dictating thugs. i don't know why we would even let rodman go to that place. >> andrea: the way the media cover i it. diane sawyer, it was like watching entertainment tonight. gliddy with glee. this is a bad man. >> dana: i have a feeling they didn't read the script before it's in the prompter. you want energy. this is a great thing. then as you're reading it, that is not the right tone for that story. maybe they are thinking twice today. i am all for sports diplomacy,
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it works well with in things, especially basketball. but rodman went to north korea and prove to the north koreans that everything they think about is true. we have no clue. >> andrea: is this like ping-pong diplomacy used with chinese? i don't think we'll tap shaq and other basketball players to go over. >> greg: this is worse. there is an explanation. he thought that rodman was president obama and rodman thought kim was kardashian because they're idiots. if you look at sean penn with hugo chavez and jane fonda with the north vietnam, these are dictator talks. celebrity apologists, because it builds up the ego to be seen with them. >> andrea: dictator tot with a nose ring. >> dana: official state department designation. >> greg: our has-been, let them go there. they will be appreciated.
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>> andrea: speaking of the alumnist next to me, that do you make of this as the state department? >> bob: this is a far better story to lead with than bob woodward. [ laughter ] compared to something else, serious. >> dana: inside baseball. >> bob: who cares what woodward or radman thinks but it was good. he is an intimidating guy. this is not somebody to will join the mensa society. >> dana: did north koreans take him seriously? >> eric: we didn't take him seriously. >> andrea: they had a party at kim jung un's house and a big love fiesta bowl. it is terrible. north korea is actually not a
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joke. ahead on "the five," dr. ben carson has advice for conservatives answer republicans on how to grow the party. you will hear from him that's ahead on "the five." all right r problem... ok. not in my house! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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2:51 pm
ladies and gentlemen, my name is sally o'malley, i'm 50 years old and not a gal who is afraid to hide her age, unlike other gals. and i like to kick, and kick! i'm 50. >> bob: that is a big day for my younger brother eric bolling who isn't so young anymore. the down sides are numerous for men that happens at 50. physical lines like expanding waistline, less muscle tone, receding hairline and can't sleep through the night. women open doors for you instead of the other way around. well-meaning people want to carry packages for you. today i would like to welcome eric bolling to the club. in his honor, i have a few gifts. first of all, the one i have
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here, here it is. eric, today you qualify for the american association of retired people. aarp. here is your card. that will get you denny's at the early bird special and get you in the motel 6 early. and this is something you will see. umbrella to take care of yourself when you rain, because you'll forget. pardon me? >> umbrella? >> eric: this is the worst part of the whole deal. the aarp card that comes in the mail a week before you turn 50. >> bob: don't get upset about this. this is a flashlight. for when you have to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, which will be frequent. a couple of newspapers here from aarp. ten healthy revolutions to make your love like work. >> dana: it's a good magazine, actually. >> greg: you have to be kidding. it's terrible.
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>> bob: some of the things that you did, used to do, a lot of times in the course of a night, you can only do once or twice. >> andrea: with medicine. >> bob: right. here is your own aarp t-shirt. have that. >> andrea: so kind. >> eric: thank you. >> bob: there is also -- i'm talking about, eric, let me ask you a question. how do you feel at 50? >> eric: can i ask you a question? you have been a member for 25 years, what is it like? >> bob: piece of cake. i got thrown out of aarp. here is a puzzle to put together. one of the big advantages of getting older, you bring in wisdom with you, as long as you remember. >> eric: i am not happy with it. i don't want to be 50. >> greg: you share a birthday with justin bieber. he also 47. >> eric: cute.
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>> andrea: can i say you do not look 50. i would have never guessed you were 50. >> eric: thank you. >> andrea: i did get for your present. i am going to get you a walk-in tub for you house we advertise. you can just step in to your stub. gold. snuggy and a clapper. >> bob: that thing that goes up the stairway. >> greg: i thought you'd say up something else. [ laughter ] >> bob: what you can do, six times when you were 30, you can do once now barely. help yourself along with that. how old is your wife? >> eric: how old is my wife? much younger than me. much hotter than me. >> andrea: 72 is the new 30. that means 50 is the new eight years old. >> bob: greg, when are you turning 50? >> eric: you are awesome. fantastic way to spend my 50th birthday. >> dana: the aarp puzzle you are having a hard time.
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there are seven pieces. >> greg: how ironic -- >> bob: i already turned 70. >> eric: i'm thrilled to share it with you. i love you all. love the show. love everything about it. hopefully 51 is as much fun. >> bob: it's a piece of cake. not going to have any problem with it. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ i you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. for faster relief, try dulcolac laxative tablets. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. [ male announcer ] that's why there's ocuvite to help replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. ocuvite. help protect your eye health.
2:57 pm
overmany discounts to thine customs! [old english accent] safe driver, multi-car, paid in full -- a most fulsome bounty indeed, lord jamie. thou cometh and we thy saveth! what are you doing? we doth offer so many discounts, we have some to spare. oh, you have any of those homeowners discounts? here we go. thank you. he took my shield, my lady. these are troubling times in the kingdom. moreiscounts than we knoweth what to do with. now that's progressive.
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buenos aires >> dana: time for one more thing. eric and bob are still working on the aarp because that has seven pieces that dun of us can figure out. president bush 41 is a terrific letter writer. a book released several years ago called all the best. collection of his letter. it's being updated with new ledders and some original writing by him. and you can get it on amazon. one of the things that quote from the new book. it's been a busy and sometimes tumultuous 13 years. the family continued to grow and thrived as grandchildren married and started to have children. through it all barbara and i grew old happily and peaceful together. i have been blessed. he signs his letters all the best. george bush. i have one. they got the puzzle done. we can move on the andrea. >> andrea: okay. earlier in
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