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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX News  March 2, 2013 8:00am-8:30am PST

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>> stox to make your golden years trial. >> neal, you need for equitty. i like ibm. there is a 3 dollar dividend. >> what do you think? adam? >> it is it an uncharles-like pick i am shocked. it is a good company. it has had a good run. that is my only quibble. >> what are you doing to
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quibble against his pick. >> lucadia. merging with a fine investment bank and well run company and management is assured. >> ben, you know warren buffet. >> actually warren, loves that stock. it is a well run company. what my dear friend in northern california knows and the market doesn't know is a mystery to me, but god bless him. >> what are you giving your blessings to? >> sdy. high dividend member of the s&p. i don't claim to know a secret thing. i find general buying averages in a mix is better than individual stockings. >> in this kindive market look for a prince - principal as well >> thank you. you are watching fox news.
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>> at a time when the government looks to cut spending, the white house is acugesed of kicking off a 100 city spending tour. federal officialsing local leaders how to get their hand says on measure federal money. is it the worst use of tax dollars at a critical time. i am dave asbin. we'll have steve rich and elizabeth and john and joining us for the first time sabrina. steve, the white house is denying that it is it a spending tour, what do you say? >> if they deny it is a spending tour that is what it is. they are addicted to spending. they take the resources out of the economy . money does not come from manna from heaven or marrings. but from we the people and
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printing money with a taxation. >> rick, is this a spending tour or something we need? >> it is a wonderful pr campaign. what i like about it is the people who voted for they appropriations are labeling it a wild spending tour. government agencies are going in to the cities to help them more efficiently use the money so they are not wasting it why is this a bad idea? >> because of the fact, rick, it encourages local official to take more federal money? >> yeah, you are right about that. but what this really is, the campaign for the 2014 elections. that's why he's going to 100 congressional districtings. >> heria not going. >> obama wants to leave an fdr
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spinding in government programs. only wape to do that veto proof majority in the senate and recapture the was representatives. this is the opening volley . 2014 campaign. >> john, just at a time when some people in the beltway are trying to cut spending. bypass the way, the debt clock keeps on ticking. 16 trillion yesterday and now why are closer to 17 trillion than this is it nopt the time for a spending tour if that is it what you call it. >> it's not but this is it the obama administration playing politicings. they believe that government spending enhances our well being. it is the job of the republican party to point out that government spending is demore jobs than it crets. it is it time for republicans to back up the rhetoric and
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block it emac is it a spending tour? >> iment the debt taclock that democrats say embarrassing them. theyment it removed. i stay put in the front grill . bus on the sphinding tour. what is going on, is that essentially, by the way if any ceo told the company and said two percent in cuts was budget and we'll have to lay you off. thraceo will be showed the door and we have had 17 percent in growth and increases . talking about a two percent cut and it is it tiny. we are in the year . we have 1.4 percent anemic growth and three million less americans working. all of the spending ain't working. >> sabrina, it is it not a cut at all. so far, we have had two spending bills nocused on cutting the deficit and neither one of them. one proposed by the president
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and lacks tax increases and the other by democrats. neither one has spending increase and there is it a net increase in spending. >> right, the hysteria is much ado about it is it rich to watch the democrats pointing to the debt clock as if it is a distraction to the issue at hand. we are creeping to 17 trillion and borrowing 40 stents of year dollar. americans know that it is it ridiculous and expanding universal preschool as a selling tool for the democrats to get more power in 2014. >> rick, what about that. the president is talking about a balanced approach. the last tax increase that had zero spending cut or the current one have spending cuts. they're moving things around. >> that is not true. >> if is true, rick. hommed on. it is it true. rick, hold on.
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you can't sape that. you are entitled to the opinion but not the facts. >> there are no spending cuttings. >> they center no budget cuts . the democrats last proposal has a net increase in spending. >> you are not saying no spinding cuts but when you add in the rev snew. >> there is it a net increase in federal spending. we'll spend more money in 2013 than we are this year. >> we probably will be spending more money. but that is it not how you do an anal stis of sphending cuttings. >> why not? yes, it is it. yes, it is it. >> my friend. i will go back to the topic or not. my friend rich is it of the opinion that barack but bum obama is it going on a hundred city tour. they are agencies of government going out to work with various cities to help
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them be efficient in how they use money. david, we have increased spending every year. that is it true. >> wait a minute, rick. >> hold on. let him finish the point. >> you will acknowledge that we have seen a decline in annual deficit every year, will you not. not the national debt. but the deficit in the budget. we have seen thrampt >> but the debt clock is increasing. >> pollings are showing taxpayers are tipered . sphinding increases in washington d.c.. taxpayers didn't pay our guys in washington d.c. who we hired to incrise sphending and taxings. this hundred city tour i don't care. there are road maps presented by cbo saying there are hundred of billion in redund asbestosies in the federal aches're agenciment we have 80 federal unthat are saying wait a second don't cut my
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spending. >> sabrina. be specific of is spent in the tour. they are going to beaverton, oregon and they're talking about how to get more federal money. 1.6 million went to beaverton, oregon for the centers for disease control to jump start partnerships is it what they are sphending money on. is this not where we is this be cutting rather than increasing? >> the president other thans how to be a politician . this is it his field office on steroid. when we gets down on the ground and talks to people he can change mind. if you ask people do we have a good education system they say no. but if you ask if they like their school they say yes. it impacts you in oregon and people will get on board with you . fortunately, the president is more savvy than we like to let
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on. >> steve, the fact is, we are going in the wrong direction. we are spending more money for all of the talk about cuts. >> and that's right. and the entitlement is kicked in. it gets worse. we would haved a half trillion off of the deficit in the growth alone. the pathetic cut in the deficit in this point of the recovery is pathetic. >> a cut is a cut is a cut. >> millioningsful americans work at home to avoid all of this. yahoo is it forcing employees back to the office place. is it that the best or worst thing for america's work force? that is come happening -- coming up next. for investors like you? tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 schwab bank was built with all e value and convenience tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 investors want. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 like no atm fees, worldwide. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 and no nuisance fees. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550 plus deposit ches with mobile deposit. tdd#: 1-800-345-2550
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>> from america's news headquarter, i am jamie colby.
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secretary of state john kerry is meeting about the palestinian peace process and ongoing violence in syria. he will meet with muhammad morsi on sunday. the state department releasing a new environmental review . proposed key stone pipe line and finding there would be no significant environmental impact and other options will be worse for climate change. passport president expected to make the final decision on the plan this summer. i will see you again at 1:00 p.m. eastern with kelly wright. we'll send you back to forbes on fox. go to fox, for your headline. >> pack up the pj's and put on the suit and tie and get ready to commute against.
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yahoo will not allow any of the 12,000, employees back home. supporters say tell boost cooperation and rich, is yahoo do the right thing? >> i think they are foolish. i would rather listen to the entrepreneur who said give people where they want and they'll excel. >> richard branson on the most recent cover of forbes magazine. he's right in silicon valley and they have to commute yahoo from san francisco you say it is two hours in the car productive time? >> i like richard's he runs an airline and you need people to be on the plane, but the thing is with yahoo, it has a bloated infrastructure, that's what the new ceo inherited and
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basically she has to save the company. i will give you a quote from a former worker in yoo hoo. i support the no working at home. there is a ton of abuse. there is it a lot of slackers who work at home and not doing the jobs they should have . she's got to fix it. >> but there is it an irony here, yahoo and google and facebook are thinking of denying working at home, their companyings -- companies are part yeah basod a model of work at home. >> i agree with that. and shockingly i agree with what rich had to say. it makes no sense. what i am hearing is that it is all about yoo hoo concerned that people are workog their own start-up projects on yahoo's dime. if she thinks that they are going to stop workog their own
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project by bringing them insideif they are doing the job it doesn't matter. if they are slacking fire them . bringing them to the company headquarters doesn't make a difference. >> google is not enforcing the no work at home the way yahoo. who is right on this. >> do i want be too hard onia it has outperformed ibm and the s&p 500 and the tech laden nasdaq. they are doing something right. it is it a healthy debate. what happen necessary a free society. like-minded employees go to work for like-minded employers. in thind, everybody will benefit. >> john, who is right, is it yahoo right for banning this? >> yes, they are making an economic decision . corporate culture matters and when the cat is away to elizabeth's point the mice plays and to bring them in is
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a good thing. quite unlike the federal government that rick likes and yahoo is doing it individually and if it fails it fails individually and not affect other companies it is it the correct decision. >> we sached the boss for last because we didn't want steve to intimidate the workers one way or the other. >> yahoo is in trouble and brought her in to straighten the situation out and june is right. one size does not fit all. how she did the decision a disaster in a memo and instead of saying we have to recreate the new culture and make drastic changes to stave it is company. we are in a highly competitive industry. it was the way it implemented. when steve jobs came back to apple he fired 3000 people. she should have conveyed that.
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>> and it might be right for some and wrong for others? >> ibm has 40 percent of the work force working remotely . my good friend who is it an, steamed commockist said it is it a economic decision. if you cut your real estate cost by 40 percent that is it a good savings. >> ibm has computer sales men and constultants, and the issue is, forgive me, if the new ceo can't fix the company, we know jobs for the employees to come to . no one will be on working atia >> what about the labratory requires people work face to face. bell labs is an example much that. sometimes person to person collaberation helps people. >> i think that is fair. i think it depends on the business you are in.
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it is it kind of ironic that a company like yahoo is it taking the direction when the whole purpose for being is the opposite. i think it is funny that you are worried about steve. we have to leave it at that with that commint. >> coming up. union members helping maker of twinkies and now they are taking our tax dollars as well do they deserve the sweet deal? the cashin' in gang is on that. but first right here. forget about casinos. ream jackpot for cash strapped states . the latest government to do it and? at forbes say the money raising plan is a bad bet. the flip side coming up next. mine was earned in djibouti, africa, 2004.
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>> new jersey governor christy rolling the dice on gambling. is this a good bet or risky gamble? and forget
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>> we have called it a tax gamble. new jersey governor chris christy. and they save casino jobs and raise money . flip side they never pay off. long term they don't, david. we don't have a monopoly long . it does nothing to enhance the economic growth of the state. what new jersey should do.
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the democrats go along with governor christy's proposal of the real estate tax. when new jersey didn't center nose bleed, we loved the nation in terms of economic one shot dials are a gimmick and they do more harm that good. and it is no harm to try it. >> why not try it. new jersey is it slam would by hurricane sandy and i understand what the honey pot is turning in a tar pit . they use it as their own slush pot for whatever they want . the real issue is great for her if they do it right. that would bring a lot of rive new and until you get the right fiscal pime in there to do the right thing, you will not see much improvement . you might as well tax it.
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>> that is it a fundamental moral issue. you can make a stand like i am with a victorian nag. gambling negative consequences . it hurts the poor and the worst. this is it a group of people that are stuffering the most in the economy. we need lower taxes to create businesses like steve. >> that is it a hit growth of beard like we had. beyond tharks the fact is it that lotteries are done by every state in the union has a lottery and they are already into this, right. >> and i am pleased that rich is worried about the poor and i wished he would be as worried about it in the federal level instead of cutting. what wry have seen from the lotteries. that is it a big concern . they were worried about that . you haven't had the negative
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impact. i am all for it you have to regulate it properly. >> has it had a positive impact. >> they start with all of the mon i going to education and we know that hasn't happened, right. >> bigger problem is it atlantic city in the late 70s with the castinies and legalized gambling down there. legislators and spenders look at politics and look at that and say revenue will be xyz . they put out spending plans and consume revenue that never show up. that is it why you have to starve the beast . he was against tax increases no matter what they were and eventually they will lead to more government spending. >> they have the word income tax and property tax rileaf and high taxes on income and property. >> forget about the college basketball times ready for
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