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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  March 2, 2013 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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finally tonight it was one year ago thatan drew pass would away. he's a bign that the program has been on the air six years and one year ago red eye did a special tribute and we broke up the time he crashedanth thee weiner's press conference. >> you want to talk about the ways with which he received the photos, she attested that it came from congressman weiner. i have seen a lot of the congressman's body and he's a very good shape. >> the great thing he took over it is press conference . basically changed history. we miss him.
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>> judge jeanine: this is a fox news alert. the search for 37-year-old jeff bush swallowed by a florida sinkhole is called off. bush disappeared into the earth as slept in his own bed on thursday night. tonight the sinkhole continues to grow, making even recovery efforts too dangerous. grief stricken family and friends react this evening to the news that recovery efforts of jeff's presumed body ended due to conditions that are too dangerous for workers. the next step, demolition of his home. hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. officials say the sinkhole has gotten so big it has compromised other homes and it could be days before it is even decide whrd they can attempt to recover the body of jeff bush. first to washington where the sequester is now in effect. president obama going on national television to discuss the idea he came up with and he
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signed into law. yet he blames everyone other than himself for the sequester cuts. >> let's the be clear. none of this is necessary. it is happening because a choice that republicans in congress have made. they have allowed these cuts to happen because they refuse to budge on closing a single wasteful loophole to help reduce the deficit. >> judge jeanine: wait a minute. wasn't that done a few months back during the fiscal cliff negotiations? but it is not just the republicans he blames. he says it is now our job to resolve this mess. >> the issue is not m my per sy power.suv the question is can the american people help persuade their members of congress to do the right thing.
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>> judge jeanine: now, if you or i can't pay our bills we spend less. we budget. we don't go on a buying spree and we certainly don't raise our credit card limits. not president obama. he is perfectly content to grow the size of our federal government by leaps and bounds. now, i worked in government for 30 years. i ran a major office in a metropolitan area. there is a sense that people in government are entitled to annual salary increases, overtime, vacation time. sick time. holidays. and then pensions. but the fact is there is duplicity, redundancy and fraud at all levels of government. we just need to find it. but farbe it from this government to even look into that one. not only is government increased we also charged to our credit card those who
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violate our immigration laws to come here. we educate, med kate, feed, house, provide giveaways to them, the kind of giveaways not available to the very seniors who built our streets and fought our wars. and because of this overspending those seniors can only hope the social security trust fund will be there for them. three days ago, john kerry gave $60 million to the rebels in syria. some say the money went to the wrong rebels. why he do we give money to countries who house our enemies and refuse to protect us? egypt. pakistan. libya. and so many other countries we give hundreds of millions of dollars to that simply despise us. there is an old african proverb when elephants fight the grass
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suffers. and as the president and washington bigwigs fight we all suffer. with job losses. increased taxes. dashed retirement dreams. this nation was founded and run by real leaders who work to help the american people. even with members of the opposing political party. bill clinton brought economic prosperity by reducing the size of big government and reducing welfare entitlements by working even with his nemesis newt gingrich. it takes is a leader are to get us on the right path. someone who doesn't blame other people for his lack of leadership. harry truman understood this by accepting responsibility. "the buck stops here." i'm not is so sure obama is familiar with that one.
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>> i am not a dictator, i'm the president so ultimately if mitch mcconnell or john boehner said we need to go to catch a plane, i can't have secret service block the doorway. >> judge jeanine: joining me, democratic strategist ryan clayton interest d.c. and republican strategist and fox news contributor tony cyan. ryan i'm going to start with you. why is the president going on national television yesterday to blame the republicans? >> well, it kind of reminds me of the joke i heard today. it is how many republicans does it take to screw in a light bulb, zero he because they would rather sit in the dark and blame it on obama. this is a manufactured crisis from the republicans in the house that goes back to mid summer of 2011 and the reality is that they would just rather cut 1 million jobs out of the economy than work with the president of the states. >> judge jeanine: ryan, wait is
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minute. the president got on television and blamed the republicans. instead of saying we are in 11th hour negotiations he comes out and names them by name. i don't even want to go into the personal stuff. did the president with his then budget secretary jack lu come up with the sequester and if he didn't like it why did he sign it into law? >> the republicans at the time is celebrated the success of the getting the sequester in. >> judge jeanine: if it was so bad for america why did he sign it? >> they were rushing through crysupercommittee and debt where we lost our triple-a bond rating for the first time in history because of the republican intransigence and the house of representatives. obama said we are going to go forward with this. you can't get water out the of a rock and that is what the republicans in the house are acting like right now. just obstructing the president and obstructing all progress in the country.
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>> judge jeanine: tony, let me ask you this. if this is all the republicans fault, first of all, you have is obama and he has the senate dems. they haven't passed a budget four years. >> 1400 days. longest in modern history. ryan hasn't one watching the reporting that comes out of bob woodward who is the gold standard of the mainstream media who called the president out on his total abdication of leadership on this issue. we know that the president never designed sequester to be a tax increase. now, we revisit this des moines register interview the president did that he then wanted to have embargoed in which he told them that the basically the sequester and the expiration of the bush tax cuts were the grand bargain he wanted. he wants it, he got it and he is still complaining it about it. he can'ting take yes for an answer. >> judge jeanine: when tony says this is something the
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president wanted all along. we know the president is not a fan of the department of defense. isn't this a convenient way for him to start the ball rolling and then blame the republicans? >> well, you know, i think the first rounds of cuts including the pentagon cuts is $83 billion and that just so happens to be the exact amount of the tax subsidies we give to the wall street banks. unstead of cutting why don't we get rid of the subsidies for the big banks that crashed the the economy? put firefighters and soldiers back to work instead of bonuses for bankers. how about putting teachers back in the the classrooms. >> judge jeanine: how can we continue to grow the federal government at the level it is go. if we keep going in 30 years it will consume our entire budget. tony? >> we have 105% debt to gdp ratio. the whole notion we can spend our way into prosperity and the president was given a chance by
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senate republicans to make the cuts in area he thought aren't as critical automatically. you know what he said? nada. summarily rejected that opportunity. >> judge jeanine: a real leader would say this is what we have to do to bring the american people to prosperity the way it was under ronald reagan and bill clinton. >> ronald reagan had two republican houses and bill clinton had two democratic houses. >> judge jeanine: thanks so much for being with us. >> thanks, judge. >> thanks for having us. >> judge jeanine: coming up the sequester forces unprecedented military cuts. are americans in jeopardy? >> later, a nascar fan who had a front seat in the horrific crash at daytona and he is is bringing a piece of the wreckage here to prove it. ♪
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devastating, uncertainty. equals effects on military readiness and we need to get beyond it. if you sense frustration from me and others in the pentagon you are sensing correctly. this is stupid. >> judge jeanine: by all accounts the military hardest hit by washington's political gamesmanship. congressman forbes from virginia beach and general tom mcinerney from washington, d.c. is the military in jeopardy with the forced cuts? >> i chaired the sea power sub committee and i can tell you this president has been dismantling the greatest mill tare arery the world has ever known. it is important to note that the president has already taken
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out of national defense 14 times the amount of cuts that will be taken out by sequestration this year. this administration issued gag orders on the pentagon literally from the first day they went into office where they haven't been able to talk about the implications of the cuts that have already been made. >> judge jeanine: when you you tie this all together and there was an article writ been the fact that this administration is like the nixon administration in terms of what they are doing to the press and then you tie it into what helen thomas said a few years become where the press conferences are actually orchestrated and you real idaho that other networks are being pulled out of the informational channel it is frightening. are we in jeopardy because this of. the congressman says 14 times what is in the sequester
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already cut out by the administration in terms of defense. >> he is reit. secretary gates took out $550 billion on his own. nobody talked about it. f 22s, next generation bombers. combat search and rescue you helicopters. ships. the combat army fcs. so that has been done and then we were just levied another $487 billion and we all know today that harry reid on monday could pass a bill if he wanted to just like he did for obama care but you harry reid is saying the military is not important enough for me to pass a bill. he hasn't done it for over 400 days. i'm apolit cal on this issue but i know when a bill hasn't been passed by the senate an appropriations bill on defense for over 400 days we have a problem. >> judge jeanine: and obviously
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the senate controlled by the democrats, the same party as the president. i mean is this -- is this an agenda to rob the united states military of the strength that it has to put us behind in terms of the world armies, military? congressman? >> judge, whether it is an agenda or not that is the effect it going to have. if you just look at the fact as the general pointed out, right now, this year the navy will only meet about 50% of our co-comrequirements. in 2007 we met 90% of them. when you look they were getting ready even before sequestration to cut out over 80,000 troops out of the army. air force right now is flying planes where many of the pilots are flying planes older than they are and when we look at the situation then just 8 years the chinese will outnumber us 32 insubmarines, 78 to 32 if the pacific and this is because of the cuts the administration has already taken out. this is even before we get to
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sequestration. we have is to turn this around if we will have a strong viable military for our children and our grandchildren. >> judge jeanine: general, as we go forward, iran, north korea. we are possibly in more jeopardy than we have ever been. the middle east was literally on fire with death to american. >> absolutely, judge. look, we are going to have to hollow military. we have not had that since the carter administration. we are well in our direction and few of our military leaders remember that because the ones on active duty today were probably lieutenants. maybe an early captain at best. i was a wing commander of the wing in the philippines at clark air base. i can tell you we never want to get there again and right now the game plan whether it is planned or programmed is to get us there. >> judge jeanine: you know, even as the president said it as dangerous world. we have got to prepare yourselves and it is scary what
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it happened. thank you, gentlemen, for being with us this evening. >> thank you, judge. >> thanks, judge. >> judge jeanine: later, should nascar fans injured in last week's daytona crash be able to sue? vote on the facebook poll. up next, killed by a sinkhole. could you be in danger? my mother made the best toffee in the world. it's delicious. so now we've turned her toffee into a business. my goal was to take an idea and make it happen. i'm janet long and i formed my toffee company through legalzoom. never really thought i would make money doing what i love. [ robert ] we created legalzoom to help people start their business and launch their dreams. go to today and make your business dream a reality. at we put the law on your side.
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surrounding homes. the 911 call just released today. >> deputy douglas duvall joins us on the phone. are you there, deputy? >> yes, judge. >> judge jeanine: thanks for being with us. you responded to the 911 call. can you tell us what you saw? >> when i arrived on the scene i saw the family members in the front yard and motioning towards the house. when i went inside the house i saw the typical layout, living room, hallway, nothing out of the ordinary. when i went to the bedroom i got to the door way and at the threshold i didn't see a bedroom, i saw just a large hole that completely took the
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bedroom. >> judge jeanine: and i underand it that jeff bush's brother jeremy was there. was he trying to save his brother? >> yes, ma'am. he jumped into the hole when went in to see what the crashing sound was. he jumped in the hole to try to rescue his brother. when i got to the scene and i actually got to that room when i was looking trying to take in what i was seeing i also saw jeremy bush on the side more or less the walls of the hole and he was attempting to get out. it was collapsing underneath him. >> all right. sheriff, one quick question he. had you ever seen anything like this before? >> no, ma'am. i have seen sinkholes and i would say pretty small-scale compared to what this was. i mean the ones that i have seen were in the middle of a field ma may have been the size of a basketball. >> judge jeanine: deputy, thanks for being with us.
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and now on to mike merrill, the hillsborough county administrator who also joins us on the phone. mike, are you there? >> yes, i am. >> judge jeanine: thanks for being with us this evening. you are overseeing this and you gone from rescue to recovery and now to demolition. why? >> it has been a very unusual event. this is not the typical sinkhole that we have seen and the experts that we have had under contract working with us who have seen a number, thousands of sinkholes have also said that this is very unusual. it is wide-ranging. it is very unstable and even the presence equipment that could other wise be used to could some rescue work we had fear that it would cause the sinkhole to expand even further. >> judge jeanine: just for one second, you said the engineers
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that you have under contract. by saying that, are you saying this is the kind of thing that you see so oust than you have to have -- so often that you have to have engineers on duty here? >> not necessarily just for is sinkholes but our fire rescue department has under contract engineering, structural engineering firms and others for various types of emergencies, not just for sinkholes. >> judge jeanine: and have is you made a decession to demolish this house and how will it impact the houses next door? >> there are two houses one on either side of the property and they are at risk. we have not condemned those properties at this point. the main objective tomorrow morning is to deal with this particular home. what we are are going to try to do first, using a machinery
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with a very long arm is to pull as much of the house to the street as we can and that way hopefully the bush family can recover some of their belongings. but there is a concern that once we start that pro is sessions it could cause the house to collapse into the hole. >> judge jeanine: wow. all right, mike, thanks for being with us. and now to laurel hall who is president of ground down engineering an engineer. thanks for are being with us, laurel. what is a sinkhole? >> the easiest way, most sinkholes in florida there is different types. the most predominant type is more of it can be i would analogize to an hourglass where the hole is the bottom of the hourglass and the sand that supports the structure is the sand in the top of the hourglass and as the sand ralphs down into the hole in
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the limestone you get a loosening of the soil with damage to the residence. the kind of sinkhole that occurred at the bush residence was what we call a cover collapse sinkhole. it occurs very quickly and there is really no warning. there is usually a clay layer, a thin layer of limestone above the whole in the limestone that gives way with a catastrophic hole that manifests at the surface. >> you say there is no warning and no notice, this kind of thing can happen? >> not for this kind of sinkhole. it is something that unless you had done an investigation and knew what the sub surface conditions were under the house you would have no indication that this was going to happen. when the material gives way under the limestone all the material instantaneously falls in. >> judge jeanine: does that mean that there are other potential sinkholes in the area? >> it is kind of interesting, the stepner area is not
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traditionally known as an area frought with sinkholes. there are other area of florida once known for sinkholes. >> judge jeanine: once there is one will there be others in the same area. in. >> not necessarily. >> judge jeanine: i understand this evening there is a concern there might be more. laurel, thanks so much for being with us this evening. >> thank you. >> judge jeanine: coming up, one lawmaker wants to force gun owners to buy a million dollars insurance policy. another wants to give them tax breaks. stick with us for the shootout. and nascar fans from last week's crash here to give their first hand account of th carnae in daytona. are
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live from america's news headquarters, relief for residents of california's rugged riverside county east of los angeles. a brush fire burninging since thursday snit now almost fully contained. firefighters battling dry conditions and hot temperatures to keep the flames at bay. so far no, homes lost but the fire downed power lines and led to evacuations. >> syrian and ire yawnin foreign minutis sisters are condemning the obama administration's decision to provide food, medical supplies and money to hasten resignation of president ashaad. syria's foreign minister says he will likely stay in power until at least 2014. collected
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$50 million over the years in kidnapping ransoms. now, back to "justice." >> judge jeanine: now, to guns. some states are moving to protect the second amendment while others are look chip away at it. jeff leech joins us from dallas and felix ortiz from new york joins me in the studio. representative leach you introduced a bill to give texans a tax break on the purchase of firearms. why? >> it is great to be with you. i filed texas house bill 1533 the texas gun ownership reenforcement act in response to the federal government overreach and intrusion on second amendment rights. it will make texas independence day which we celebrate every march 2 a tack free holiday for the purchase of guns and ammunition in the state of texas and this is in response to the overreach of the federal government. we believe that texas should be survivors you porting lawful and responsible gun ownership
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and taking the lead on the issues nationwide. >> judge jeanine: assemblyman ortiz you are saying that people who own guns should have to buy liability insurance. why? >> it is important as the representatives say i would put it in another direction. i think it is important to protect the gun owner hes that they not only would have the liability insurance but also protecting the individual victims that may suffer from someone who neglected to have taken the gun away from the owners and kill somebody. >> judge jeanine: so in i'm a legal gun owner and somebody steals my gun and kills somebody else if i hav insurane what that means is the person shot by somebody who stole my gun can then recover from me? >> the individual will have to go through the process. but at the same token we will have to investigate whether or not the gun owners was response or neglected depending on where
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the gun was. >> judge jeanine: how many people do you think that are are injured by guns stolen from legal gun owners. >> we have some figures that came out from the federal government of $175 billion spended as a result of gun violence. and i think it is very critical for what is happening in our country to move -- the move that is going on. >> judge jeanine: what about the illegal gun owner who kills someone? the legal guys have to buy insurance. i have many guns as i'm sure you know. at the same time the guys on the south side of chicago are shooting people left and right. they don't have is insurance. have the ability to recover. >> they still have to pay the price. the question here is how they got that gun. as a result of the gun owner wasn't responsible to secure that that gun be in the proper -- >> judge jeanine: let me go to representative leach. what do you think of what assemblyman ortiz is saying that gun owners should have to have a million dollars insurance policy? >> with all due respect to my friend from new york, i don't
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see any where in the united states constitution where this is required. the second amendment requires us to freedom, the right to bear arms. black and white. the constitution is not a guidebook or suggestion book. it is the rule book. we should as publicly elected officials in reverence to the constitution stand up for our constitutional rights. it is in the constitution. >> judge jeanine: did you think that the second amendment requires us to have the liability insurance? >> i think this a public safety issue and quality of life insurance and i think it is important that we can have legislature to challenge the second amendment and this is to protect our people and our families. >> judge jeanine: representatie leach do you believe that there are issues regarding guns where there are problems for innocent victims who need to have the ability to recover? >> well, look, my bill is solely in tended to encourage
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and support lawful and responsible gun ownership. gun owners need to know nationwide and especially in texas that we support lawful gun ownership and constitutional rights and what we have seen in states such as wisconsin and oklahoma and texas is legislators take more of a defensive sense to position to proverb and protect our constitutional rights. the bill infielded goes a step further to encourage lawful gun ownership and that is what we need to be about is protecting and preserving the constitution. >> judge jeanine: you admitd that you are basically chipping away at the second amendment. do you think it needs to be cut back? >> i don't have a problem with the second amendment. i have a problem with individuals who are irresponsible on guns and they don't put it deposit in the safe deposit place where the guns are getting in the hands of the wrong individuals. >> judge jeanine: i would be curious to know the percentage of injuries that are caused by
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guns not in a safe place as opposed to the number of injuries caused by illegal gun owners. representative leach and senator ortiz thank you for being with us this evening. >> thank you. >> thank you, judge. >> judge jeanine: you won't believe what our creep of the week did and it is all on tape. vote in our intta-poll. should spectators injured at a sporting event be able to recover money? that's up next. ♪ all you see is hillbilly deluxe, big pickup trucks, tearing it up right about is target is in sight. yes, dad, i see him. now pour some chloroform into a white rag and.... no. hi. i understand you're looking for a hotel with a pool. with priceline express deals, you can save big and get exactly what you need. do i have to bid? use the stun gun. he's giving you lip. no! he's just asking a question.
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>> judge jeanine: unbelievable. >> unbelievable are you all right? >> holy -- oh, my god. >> what? >> judge jeanine: that the very moment last week people were reeling from the horrific crash at nascar's daytona international speedway. 28 spectators injured. some of them seriously. several have announced they may file lawsuits. whitney turner was one of those injured. she joins me on the phone. her attorney rafael know nobo
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is in orlando. whitney, you are a life long nascar fan. attending the daytona race for the first time in a front row seat. tell us what you you saw? >> well, for is sheer excitement it was exciting to be in the front row. the cars are coming around turn four last lap. what better can it get, i'm in the first row and then the crowd behind me, of course, sees the crash happen before me. and they are all yelling crash, crash and it's final lap and they are getting ready to come across the finish line and i stand up out of my seat to look downturn four and i start seeing the smoke and then all of a sudden i sew a car flying through the air and once i seen that car i knew something bad was going to happen and the car everything just from that point on was a who are movie. the best way that i can explain it.
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there were pieces of debris on fire. there were people screaming for help. people seriously injured as well as my isself and i just -- it is something that i would rather never relive in my whole entire life. >> judge jeanine: you were injured, whitney. what happened to you? >> yes. while i was running away from turned backwards from the wreck a piece of debris hit the back of my leg and shattered tibula and caught the back of my ankle and sliced through my achilles tendon. they had to repair my achilles tendon as well as put me in a cast for my leg. a mobilizer until i got back to southern, indiana, to get to my orthopedic doctor. >> judge jeanine: having seen what you saw and suffered the injury that you suffered, will you go back to a nascar race?
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>> yes. >> judge jeanine: wow, you are real fan. let me go to rafael. you believe and whitney is i believe hiring you and you are considering suing based upon this. do you think that you have any chance of recovery given the fact that most people believe that there is an assumption of risk in these cases? >> absolutely, judge. i meaney time a fan goes to a sporting event or any event for that matter there is a reasonable expectation on their part that whoever is putting on the event is taking all of the necessary steps to prevent any type of specific foreseeable risk from occurring and there is a reason there is this wall around the track. i mean this safe itty fence, the catch fence is there to prevent car parts from flying into the stands and unfortunately that didn't happen. >> judge jeanine: and rafael, i'm not clearly clear on this but there is some discussion that the car actually came through the fence and others -- other published reports say it came through an opening in the
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fence. do you know? >> well, you know i'm not exactly a hundred percent certain. we are still in the early stages of our investigation. what i do know and that is from reading an early report today is there was a gate or some sort of opening near the area or actually a gate and it was around this area where the car hit. and when the impact occurred car parts tore through the fence including an engine. obviously we all know that is not supposed to happen. the fans are led to believe when they are sitting behind this sense it is going to stop the car parts if there is a crash and unfortunately for everyone around there that didn't happen and a lot of people were hurt. >> judge jeanine: whitley any and rafael thanks for being with with us. whitney, get better. >> thank you. >> we have mike pereira and ken benson who had front row seats at the that particular daytona race joined also by arthur aidala. before i get to the legal end of this, guys.
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thanks for he abouting with us. you have brought a ticket with you and on o the back of the ticket there is a discussion that anybody who buys a ticket pretty much waives their right to sue. >> correct. >> and you guys have been to how many races? >> this is my third daytona. >> 7th. >> 7th? >> 7th. >> judge jeanine: daytona so you are nascar fans. >> oh, yeah. >> you go to these things all the time. if you could is sit in the front row would you sit in the front row? >> we do every time. >> judge jeanine: whitney talked about there is a space between where you sit and the fence. is that a danger zone. >> they don't let you walk there. you can't stop and look through the fence. if you stop the ushers or security move you away from the fence and say to keep moving. >> judge jeanine: are you fearful that you could get hurt? >> it is the risk of going to the race. that is the way we look at that time. >> judge jeanine: you brought something with you. what is this? >> the tease o piece of the 34t
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skip ised off the see the behind us and hit one of our buddies. >> it hit your buddy. >> in the back of the leg. >> judge jeanine: is he going to get a lawyer. you may need this. >> no reason to get a lawyer. >> judge jeanine: this is evidence. chain of custody. you think this is -- >> we go to see crashes. >> judge jeanine: you go to see a crash. >> if there was and the crash you wouldn't be going. >> judge jeanine: arthur aidala, hit it. >> you bad for what happened to whit. >> i do reid back. >> what it says on the back of here. it says "the holder of this ticket expressly assumes all risk and incident to the events." so in legal terms as you know, your honor if there is a defense to negligence which is assumed the risk so if you are going to sit then they are telling you a car are could come through here are and could cause an injury. and you are allowing -- you are
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saying there. and let's just face it. if this case -- if they won and nascar gets sued for millions of dollars which i don't think is going to happen, who is going to suffer? these guys. you know where they will is sit. 100-yards, 200-yards away from the race where it is absolutely there is no chance in heck that they can get hurt. >> judge jeanine: do you agree that there are some people who sit close to the fence because they think the fence is going to protect them or think everybody goes to a hockey game and baseball game and assume the risk of a puck, a bat, a balance? >> in baseball in yankee stadium there is announcement if you feel uncomfortable with your seat because of safety reason tell an you sure and we will move you. people do think they are safe when sitting behind the dugout and there is the big mesh. >> the tire flew up to the second level. how much further are you going to get. it flew up to the second level. >> unless you have bullet proof glass around the home track. >> judge jeanine: then stay home and watch it.
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>> if people don't want to go to nascar, go fishing. >> judge jeanine: your adrenaline gets cooking. >> i sky dive and bungee jump. this is risk involved. >> judge jeanine: mike and ken and arthur aidala thanks for being with us this evening. >> thank you. >> judge jeanine: up next our creep of the week. this guy takes the concept of sportsmanship to a new low. should spectators injured at sporting events be able to recover money? now, it is our turn to hear from you and we will tell you the results of our insta-poll. vo: always one step ahead
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♪ the best game you can name is the good 'ole hockey name ♪ >> back by popular demand our creep of the week. you know you wish that grownup yous would act like grownups especially when kids are involved. but that didn't happen after a youth hockey game. check out this video. the opposing team during a post game handshake no less. isn't that when you are is supposed to be teaching kids good sportsmanship. not only did this guy trip the kids after his team won but one of the kids he tripped broke his wrist. but martin tremblay is going to get time to think about his bad behavior after he plead guilty to assault a judge se sentenced him to 15 days in jail.
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he gets to think about his actions in the real world penalty box. i just hope he doesn't trip in the shower. congrats, martin, you might not win coach of the year but at least you earned top honors as our creep of the week. now, for the insta-poll question. do you think spectators injured at a sporting event like last week's nascar race should be able to recover money? surprising results. 27% say, yes. , people should be able to recover. 73% say no. here is what some of you had to say. sherry says yes, they had an expectation that they would be safe from harm are while seeing this event. but then there is terry. there is an assumed risk when attending a race. the closer you get to the action the higher the risk. select your seats accordingly. pauline says any real nascar fan wouldn't consider suing. and brian says hold them liable
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for every potential mishap and you will shut down the sport. caroline says you could build a 30-foot high cement wall around the track with large tvs for are everyone to watch safely. and sheila, when does this sue everyone and any one stop? and finally, susan says sit in the cheap seats, it's safer. that's it for us tonight. thanks for joining us. remember to join -- to friend me on facebook and follow me on twitter @ judge jeanine. we'll see you next week. same time. same place. and if you know any one from that benghazi massacre who has survived, let us know. e-mail us. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. [ male announcer ] raise your hand if you've got savings whiplash.
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