tv Huckabee FOX News March 9, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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huckabee starpts in three seconds. have a greatt -- start in three seconds. have a great night. >> that is it cancel my future meetings with republicans, they are getting on my nerve. >> mr. president. >> they have nerve to say i have to pay for nigh golf tournament than pay for tours for the white house. i have to go to the men's room. it is past 5:00. >> i have to finish cleaning. >> the government can't pay over time. >> i still. i was only paking $6 and that is going to put a huge dent. >> no, no. the cuts are supposed to be painful. >> i can handle it. it is better than paying more taxes, right. >> now, wait a minute.
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say, do you golf? >> i used to when i had more time. >> well lookk, tell everyone that you know that the cuts are painful, i will make sure you get reall overtime. >> how's that? >> i can always use another caddy. >> tonight on huckabee while congressional and presidential leaders talk cuts. they are offering solutions that make sense. >> in the beginning, god created the hens and the earth. >> the producers of mini hit the bible. why americans are drawn to the stories told in the good book. >> and dumping your water in shampoo and store your knives in the overhead bins . why americans should thank senator rand paul on the mara thon filibuster.
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>> ladies and gentlemenn, governor mike huckabee. mause plause -- [applause] >> thank you. great lifely audience here tonight and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. pat on the back and tip of the hat to senator rand paul who used a soldem used rule call filibustering to see if protection means by our government or from our government. rand paul brought together principled conservatives and liberals to voice the alarm over the lack of transparency of u.s. policy of killing american citizens with drones that are suspected of terrorism. >> the senate being an
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institution, but this is more important than the institution, this is about following the constitution that makes it quite clear that being a citizen means that our government has to follow due process in accusing us of crimes, that includes to formally charge us and tell us what we are accused of . provide legal counsel and assume that we are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of our peers and insure that the evidence used against us is used lawfully. >> if we are found guilty, then we are punished with our crimes in accordance for the laww for that infraction. the government can't preempt and arrive at a conclusion of guilt and carry out a process. it is messy and aggravate sloww. when it appears that the criminal isore
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consideration than the victims. but it is also what elevates countryy's culture above those with what the government can impreson and execute people for saying what they don't like and believing something that the government finds annoying. i can attest to the impatience and frussitration of watching a criminal case winding slowly through the courts because i delt with it daily as a governor. the law keeps the government accountability to the standard of law. we are a nation of law and not feelings or passions and thoughts and i feel stronglyy about terrorist actions and people like major nadal hass an who murdered 14 people in fort hood . though we know by their own statements and witnesses their guilt, we don't put them in a field and fly a drone over
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head and kill them. our passions and feelings would let us do that, but the law will not. it is the objective standard that is designed to force us to deal with crime according to the blindd lady justice instead of reacting in anger and revenge. god help us if our own government believes that it is not subject to the very laws that restrict it. not forced to follow the strict guide lines of our constitution. the government that kills a citizen for what he or she might do is a government that will kill a citizen for what he or she is or believes. all of america should say thank you, senator rand paul. [applause] well, last week in my opening mon log in the president's inability to work with congress to avoid sequesterationn and budget cuts. i suggested a little solution.
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appoint six former governors, three democrats and 3republicans and guys no longer in office in the state or federal level. give them two hours at lunch and they would have it figured out before the fried pies at dissert. they have had two trim more than two and half percent from a budget before. i invited three of them that worked with budgets and leader. keating of oklahoma and wise from virge virge and levitt of utah. greatt to have all of you here. it is like old times. [applause] >> let me begin, i will start frank with you. you worked with the legislative body. we just saw for the first time this week, the president actually sitting down with the republicans to start talking about specificings- specifics. were you surprised that it took him this longg to find
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you have to talk for a solution? >> i was. oklahoma, when i was governor of both houses of the legislature were democrat and yet i met monday morning for breakfast with the democratic and republican leadership and outlined what we are do will. pass right to work and get rid of welfare and build out infrastructure and that required a dialogue and a debate and resolution. so to wait until the barrel went over the fall is waiting too longg. it surprised me that the president hasn't months ago shut the door and sat down at the table and debate discussed and resolved. very surprizing. >> bob wise, you worked with republicans as in our state of virginia as a democratic governor. you had to sit down and have tediouss and frustrating
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meetings with the republicans of your state but you still did that in order to get things done, talk about the process and how it is not going out and making speeches, but it is about building those relationships with people that you may not even like? >> mike levitt gave me best advice in the new governor school he hosted. even if the legislature is the same party. you have to work with them as a entity. whoo i learned in the last recession and all four of us served in the last recession, what i learnn when the office is in the ditch everyone jumps in to get it out. people were willing to stretch and do things that otherwise, perhaps philosophically and idealogicallyy they were not able to do before. a lot got accomplished and my first act, the day i was worn in i had to issue a three percent executive cut and i
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might add that three percent was actually six percent because it was six month budget year. you have to bring people together. i think sequestration and since both republicans and democrats and president and congress said it is not going to happen. it did happen and everyone recognizes it is time to work together. >> michael levitt. you worked in the governor as utah and epa administrator and health and human services as its secretary. could you find 2.4 percent budget cuts in agencies like epa and health and human services without having to close the white house for tours and other things such as that? >> there is no question, mike, that could be done. there are really two problems here. they are approaching the problem as politics as opposed to a collabrative problem solving. i think actually the president was offered by the republicans the flexibility to be able to
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move budgets within or line items in the budget and move the money around and he apparently didn't want that. that is a major tool that the was offer apparently didn't want. >> all of you guys works withs and balanced the budget because the laww said you had to. you did it. you worked with different legislaturings. when we come back, i want to talk to you about the impact of obama care and what you would do if you were still governor in implementing the obama care medicaid in your state. we'll askask these former governors, stay with us. i would like to hear from you. go to my website and sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. you can find the l l l l l the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone but her likes 50% more cash, but i have an idea.
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do you want a princess dress? yes. cupcakes? yes. do you want an etch-a-sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no. you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. what's in your wallet? i usually say that.
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and mike levitt. governor, dealt with a medicaid program and one is obama care and expansion of medicaid. what is the good points and what would be the concerns you would have if you were faced with expanding medicaid today under obama care. >> i am dating myself, mike. back in the dark ages when i was in the house and senate and there were very few republicans, the federal government man dated 55 miles per hour speed limit. you didn't do it you lost money. everybody would like a free lunch. but the problem is there were 16 million new people put on medicaid and that will last three years and maybe the federal government picks up the tab. but if the federal government can't keep the white house open for tours how will they pick up the tab?
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i think federalism ought to work. i was on a panel and what they did among other things consider block granting medicaid funds to the states and let the states decide how much or little they will use the fund and what they should do in terms of the low income and poor. we don't intend to have granny paying in the state level that. is our grandmother. federalism ought to let us hantedle it themselves. governors think it is free mon yethen worry about it in thee years that. is not good long term planning. >> what about block granting so the states make the implementation and apply it to the uniqueness . state. west virginia is different than california or michigan or wyoming. would that be a better way to approach the idea of getting people health coverage. >> it may be. if i had the option i would
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probably take the same position governor scott and all of the republican governors are signing up for it. i tried to implement medicare and chip in to a higher level than poverty . i wasn't able to and didn't not have the resources to do it. but i think it is off set by the ducing the cost of uncompensated care . permitting small business to offer health care to folks they otherwise couldn't have. to franks point. give me the choice and i will take it and perhaps someone else won't. >> i will say to our viewers, block granting is a term we are familiar with but the viewers would not be. the federal government would give a lump sum of money and the states determine how it is used as opposed to having specific pipe lines that that money is used for.
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michael levitt, you not only dealt with it but administered the medicaid practical as health and human services . what are the dangers of not implementing it? >> frank properly indicated 16 more people go on the rolls of medicaid. the states are concerned on two counts. the first is, that also suggested they are worried that the federal government will not be able to pay their share. in order to incent vise the states they agreed to pay almost 100 percent. but they are making eligible for medicaid people who are on private insurance, a lot of them, because they are going to make eligible families up to 400% of the poverty line . medicaid, a safety net program to care for people in need
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into a social insurance and they are putting a lot of people on who by any definition may not be among those in our society who are in the greatest needs. >> all of you helped tod implement welfare reform and by anyone's imagination and expectation a huge success. it got them off of the government dole and put them on pay rolls and helped them to get on their own feet. why aren't we doing more things like that @ state level governors are begin the flexibility to determine how these programs are implemented. bob, i will start with you and i want to get an worry from you. >> i think you will see more of that . i see that in education with the waiver program. 34 states and the district of columbia are granted waivers from the federal department of the education from the provisions of no child left behind. in some areas you are seeing.
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in the area i am close to now, you are seeing where states are taking the lead and we learn from them and that is an effort by governors initially. >> frank keating? >> well, obviously if you want more subsidize and less of something tax it. we learned from president clinton we implement people had to go to work unless they are physically incapable of doing so. they had an obligation to work. you could not be dependent and put your feet up and relax. you had to get a yob and get training for a job. that is a very good policy outcome . whatever the issue might be. to let federalism work and encourage state to experiment and misdemeanor out of california if you will and go to mike levitts in nevada or
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my oklahoma or bob wise west virginia, that is federalism. the more you experiment and let the states decide the issues themselves. better outcomes and i will. >> michael levitt, you not only helped to implement it but design it and it worked, why? >> mike, i remember when you were governor of arnsas and i was secretary of health, you came to me and said i have an idea. i would like to take some of the money from medicaid and design a state program and i could get thousands of people in arkansas insurance who are not get today with the same money. that's the kind of innovation that needs to be empowered. i did the same thing as governor. if you turn it to the states they could design programs that are consistent with what they are doing in their state and use the money better. >> well, all of you did that
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and i want to say thanks for giving us the modelful how good it can be done . i hope the federal government will turn to the state governors and bob wise, and frank ceet michael lovit thank you for being here today. get together with you soon. the creator of survivor and celebrity apprentice mark burnet usually produces tv scripts thraare unscripted. they have a new hit that was partially written in stone on mount sinai. producers of the mini series,
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that there is a massive untapped viewers of america that are hungry for wholesome and family-friendly and faith-friendly entertainment. last weekend offered proof. more than 14 million people watched the debut of the mini series the "the bible". here's a clip of abraham offering his son isaac to god. >> ♪ bring the wood. >> father, what are you doing?
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you will hurt me father. >> we must trust in god. >> wow. >> joining me now the executive producers of the show mark burnet and his wife star of the show touched by an angel roma downy. it is so good to have both of you guys with us today. mark and roma. you have to be estatic the ratingsiy exceeded what the critics and network people could have expected. how did you feel when you saw what kind of viewership you had with the bible. >> we were humble and would exhilarated. 14 million people for the first even over the course of the week it ran and reran on history and lifetime. we believe as many as twen million people may have watched the bible this week and trended number one on
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twitter. so everybody's lilogging about it and that's the exciting thing. >> mark, you are used to having hit shows, you have had a bunch of them. but it seems like this one gave you a special level of pleasure. >> oh, yes, governor, we don't consider it to be a show. it a labor of love. roma and i came together for a time such as this. throughout the entire 10 hours, which we consider to be one story. genesis through revelation is about trusting in god and god's love for all of us. abraham trusted in god, and this week, more people are discussing god's chosen people and the stories of moses and abraham it is great. >>a it is a lot of people haven't read the bible. it is it a book that people honor and not enough to behave like the bible said. a lot of people are talking
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about the message of the bible. what do you hope when it is all finished and sunday after sunday people watch the seris and you hope that the impact will be from the series, the bible. >> it is our hope that on one hand the faithful will find it and it is a beautiful retelling of the stories of our faith and god's love for all of us. clearly in 10 hours, we couldn't tell the whole bible. i wish we had a thousand hours. it is an introduction to the stories, i have hope that people who read the stories time and again will get to reconsider them and reexperience them and taking the visuals back to them . a whole group of people who don't know the stories at all it is an opportunity in a nonpreachy way for them to be inform learn the great stories. >> a lot of the people noticed
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that the quality was extraordinarily high level. this not a cheap, what i call the church gets stuff out of the base does a pabbling're pageant on the steps of the church it was high quality and special affects. mark how important was it to you to produce this and make it watchable even by the most critical eye. >> you know, governor, god called us and gave us experience and skills to make sure it would be top level production. in fact something our children. we have three children. 15, 16 and 19. their advice as we had guys, please don't make the special affects lame. >> i don't think you did. you achieve today and it passed the teenage test. one of the amazing things you had great viewership among the
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younger viewers. this is remarkable and people were truly stunned that younger people were hungry for the bible. bringing a question should public schools be teaching the bible. i will ask roma and mark what they think about the idea. they have already told us, but we'll let them tell you. we'll be right back . >> john, baptize me.
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i am sure you recognize that scene david and goliath. airing on the history channel each sunday t 8:00 p.m. eastern. we are back with mark and roama. we ought to be teaching the bible in school. mark, what would be the value of teaching the bible in school and how do you get away from the question of some saying that is bringing religion in school? >> the original intent of separation of church and state to protect the church, not the state. but the real reason we wrote that, governor, we discovered on the journey for four years
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there is enormous biblical illiteracy. we are -- it is embarrassing being a young american who haven't learned the stories and you go to overseas and someone mentioned david and goliath and samp samp and you have no idea what is talked about. it is ridiculous as not knowing shakespeare. as literature it is literary malpractice. we are not suggesting, governor, that it should be taught in school as religion. we understand completely why that doesn't happen in public schoolings. but we do feel that it should be taught as literature. these stories are a fownation of western civilization, certainly this country . our money said in god we trust. our president had his hand on the bible. this time two biblings.
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these stories should be told. >> roma, you and mark are both believers and it is a challenging venture to take a spiritual message and put it in a very secular market place was network television. talk about how as a believer you had to approach the project and did you find that the reaction in even hollywood more positive or critical than you expected it to be? >> no, i think much more positive. we found nothing but encouragement and support. we have many friend and believers and nonbelievers throughout the hollywood connection and the e-mails and the phone calls came in all week across the board with people thrilled that the stories are connected emotionally and people are responding and people are touched and we believe that by the time the serious end and
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finale on eastern sunday, that these stories would have reached out and inspired our country . it is really just a thrilling week. we are up against a show about walking dead on sunday nights and the "the bible" beat it and there was a great headline midweek that said "god beats zombies." that was my favorite of the week. >> that is a lot to celebrate. they are talking walking dead and you are talking about becoming live. all of us believers and love the bible. mike and roma, thank you. you have begin us a timeless treasure and something to just get excited about and our hearts say thank you for what you have done in this project. it is a delight to have you here today. [applause] >> the tsa said it is okay to
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details at [applause] since the days of thomas jefferson, the white house has been open to tours for the public. the white house tour was one of the first programs cut boy the federal government. the doors closed on friday . so the students of st. paul's lutheran church who were scheduled to visit next week had to miss out. they took to facebook to let the white house know what they thought about it. the white house is our house. please let us visit. >> perfect. excellent. >> i can see the president messing with me and telling me i can't come. but i can't imagine him telling the kids that the white house is closed with them. one weekend of golf with tiger woods would let the white house be open 20 weeks or so. maybe it would be an idea to
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put around the south lawn and let the kids come. just a thought if you need my advice. >> if an effort to speed up the long lines in the airport checkpoints the tsa said they would allow passengers to carry small knives on the plane since first time since 9/11. >> today's announcement to permit knives back in the aircraft cabin is a poor and short sighted decision as the tsa. as the last line of defense in the cabin, we believe that the proposed changes will further endanger the lives of all flightants and passengers that we work so hard to keep safe and secure. we do need to know what kind of knives we are talking about. >> what for. he's got a knife. >> a knife?
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that is a knife? >> that is a knife . by the way, that is not the kind of knife you will bring. that is a two inch blade and tiny little knife and put up on the tsa indications what you can and can'tbling-- can't bring. i understand the apprehension. i appreciate more than you know the flight attendants for the professional yimp the fact they don't just serve food can drinks. the flight attendands are the safety officers in the plane and the ones that will get us out in some type of emergency. here is a fact. when they bring the cart down the aisle . have wine bottles, they are bringing to our seats a weapon far more lethal than a knife. they can break it off and they
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have a serious weapon. ball point pen is a serious weapon. forks that they hand us to eat our food is a serious weapon. i still say the israelis have it right. that profile everybody and understand that the common denominator of terrorism on an airport is not shoes or underwear or a knife. it is a person with an intent to do evil . that's what we need to protect ourselves against even more than the instruments that some evil person might use. >> according to a new report the number of homeless people in new york city rose rapidly over the past year and that caused mayor mike bloomburg to worry about the overpopulation of homeless shelters. >> there is a law passed by the state and interperted by the judge that said we have to provide shelter to anybody. you can arrive in your private
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jet in kennedy airport and private limousine and go to the shelter and walk in the door and we have to give you shelter. >> mr. mayor,ip am sure a lot of people are getting off the gulf streams in kennedy and getting in a limo and going to the shelter where they will spend the night. i stayed in a shelter in new york when i come in? three hots and a cot. not a bad place to be . all of the time i am sitting there and i see guys in italian suits and telling me what kind of jets they flew on and i am impressed as i can be that they stay in the homeless shelter to save money for their employees and familiesment and the thing i hear most in the homeless shelter, one of them turning to the other. pardon me, do you have any gray poupon. seriously mr. mayor, it is
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enough that you want to ban transfat and salt and baby formula and 16 ounce soft drinks, but now are you banning private jet owners for staying in nice homeless shelters that we all appreciate and enjoy. mr. mayor, you are just a kill joy . why i say when people ask me if i live in to new york, i say not until bloomburg will let me duck hunt in central park. >> i want to say thank you to reggie for his impersonation of president obama. for more information go to i am reggie brown opinion com. >> and little rocker takes us for awe bumpy ride that you for awe bumpy ride that you are not going to want to miss. the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases, plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone likes 50% more... [ midwestern/chicago accent ] cheddar! yeah! 50 percent more [yodeling] yodel-ay-ee-oo.
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>> when the show begain i wanted muc to be a part. from that idea we created the little rockers. ♪ ♪ here i go again on my own. ♪ oh, you know what they used to be. ♪ mercy me. ♪ i feel lucky to today. >> little rockers are a staple of the show and creating renditions of the classics and performing along side biggest name in music. when they aren't playing music they do all sorts of jobs around fox news. some of the faces you may recognize in front of the camera. like anchor kelley wright and
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dianne . fox news religion correspondant lauren green . many take care of the work behind the scenes. little rockers are everything from show producers and technical manager and auio technician . key boardist who works in the fox acquisition . drummer josh pat when he is not behind the drum set is a camera operator for the show . radio producer who is an animated member of the show. no matter what they have as a job here in fox news, they all share the same love for music. joy is the producer of my daily radio show and has his own band called the bleaker street cowboy. they have a brand new cd new songs for the old soul and they stopped by recently. ♪ ♪ yeah.
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♪ hey we downtown. ♪ hey. hey. it is a bumpy riding. ♪ hey, it is on fire. ♪ what a bumpy riding. ♪ hay, long to go. ♪ hey. ♪ cause everyone is it is a bumpy riding. ♪ it is a bumpy high highway. ♪ ♪ oh. ♪ hey, i am burning mokey the wear. ♪ and hey, i just don't care. ♪ i rolled down the widow. ♪ hey it is bumpy riding. ♪ ♪
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♪ hey i have drove on the shoulder. ♪ hey, that is a papa john just ahead. ♪ it is bumpy riding. ♪ when i am on the highway and i am cruise driving down the road ... ♪ hey, i am driving down the hill. i changed my brakes to seif they will. i slide around on the hill. ♪ it is bumpy riding. ♪ ♪ hey it is go. ♪ i am driving my truck. hey it is bumpy riding. ♪ when i am on the highway and i am cruising and i am driving down the road ....
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♪ hey, there is a back for a while. ♪ pet hey it is bumpy rider. ♪ hey it is a bumpy rider. ♪ it is downtown. southbound . i can't stop driving because i love that sound. ♪ hey it is bumpy riding. [applause] >> the breeker street cowboy. you will love every cut on the album. thanks for joining us. we hope to see you next week. from new york, this is mike huckabee saying good night and god bless. ♪ ♪
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