tv Housecall FOX News March 10, 2013 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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>> jamie: everyboderic scared e. >> eric: here's what we know about the new super bug. 42 states are reporting that they have at least one patient who surface from the super bug. it's most common in the northeast. they say it's increased from 1 to 4% over the last ten years and kills up to half the patients who get it in their blood stream. so dr. samadi, what is the super bug, how many are there, and what do we do to protect ourselves from becoming a victim? >> the last segment, sentence that you mentioned, the hal fact that people die from it and we have zero antibiotic treatment to treat this, that's what the cdc calls it a super bug or nightmare bug. what it really is, they call it a cre, and the name of it is car carbopeneum. just so you know, compared to the rest of the antibiotics, is a martin luther king lar bomb. it's a -- it's a nuclear bomb.
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it should wipe out everything. now we have resistance. you've heard of mrsa, methicillin lyn ris resistant se aureus. the bugs are around and they become more and more resistant because doctors write more antibiotics and the bugs get smarter. that's what happens. when they are in the gi system, in our gut, it's no big deal. once they get into our blood system, they get into soft tissue, now we have a huge problem because antibiotics won't work. 42 states, half of the people can actually die, but let me explain to you that we don't want to scary people. this is not something that you would see in the community, so this is only mostly in the icu, the critical units, ccus. patients that are very old have had ventilation or catheters for
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a long time. that's one of the reasons why we're worried about this. >> so basically you're not going to get it if you're at home. basically it's in the hospital, and if you're in the hospital for a while is what you're saying. >> yes. absolutely. now, this bacteria, it actually worries me because it can spread resistance to another bacteria. that's another thing it does. it has a survival advantage meaning that it's the resistant bacteria that are going to live if they're faced with the antibiotics that they're trying to overcome. if we overuse antibiotics in the hospital, we create this problem. if we don't disinfect the hospitals sufficiently, we create this problem. if the drug companies don't come up with new antibiotics which they don't have a financial incentive for doing any more, doesn't make them enough money, we create this problem. that's the thing we face. there are actually some treatments, by the way. >> jamie: before we get to that, joint commission which is the organization that goes from hospital to hospital to make sure that it is clean, that they aren't overusing antibiotics, why isn't -- why is this even
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arising? are they not doing their job? >> well, i think they're doing their job, but of course, a lot of this goes unreported, jamie. a lot of hospitals don't report sufficiently. in many states they don't have to. we're actually underreporting it today. it's much worse than it is. >> eric: how can we protect ourselves? what do we do to protect ourselves in the hospital? >> let me make a comment. i think your point is well taken. they're looking at the hospitals very carefully. the infections cause red flags and all the hospitals and professionals are working well together. for example, earl as a result of this, the infection rate went down to zero in one hospital. the cdc came up with what's called preng protect and preven. if a patient transfers to a hospital, you have to put them on contact isolation. you gotta wear a mask and gowns. if you visit your family member, don't touch a lot. hand hygiene is the way to go.
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when it comes to doctors, i think ma marc will tell you, getting the patient off ventilators, getting the catheters out, not writing out too much antibiotics. we use to give seven days for urinary tract infections. three days is enough. >> i want to make several points about the hospital. number one, the reason this is happening, it's on a case by case basis. it's up to every doctor to wear gloves when they go to every patient. it's up to infection disease surveillance to get the patients isolated. you've got to start creeng screg people. you've got to screen people to see if they're contaminated with this bacteria. we've got to isolate them. that's why it's spreading. it's not in community yet, but mrsa did get out into the gyms in the community. that's where this is going next. so we really -- it's in nursing homes. we have to clamp down on this now. some of the points david made on how to do that, we have to do it on an individual basis and which have to do it on a systemic basis. >> we've got to be careful, wash your hands and all that.
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>that. >> jamie: you can treat it. those people don't have to die. >> absolutely. gentamicin treats it, several things treat it. >> jamie: don't ask me to pronounce any of those. >> wash your hands. >> ask your doctor. it sounds awkward, but now because of this, everybody should be aware of washing their hands because you can carry it from one patient to the other. >> jamie: don't be afraid to ask. let's move on. march is kidney awareness month. 26 million americans have some foform of kidney disease. many never know it until it's progressed to later stage and it's so difficult to treat, but there's a new study on kidney cancer that finds treatment might actually be worse than the actual disease. dr. siegel again, what to do? >> well, you know, there's 100,000 people waiting for a kidney every year. that's the end of the spectrum. people that have gotten to the point where they have end stage kidney failure. for me as an internist, what i
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do is i screen the urine. people come to the office. i want them to get a your urina. by the time kidney function has directodeteriorated to the poinu see it on a blood test, it's already affected. if there's blood cells in the urine that aren't supposed to be there, i might say send the patient to dr. samadi, a urologist. maybe there's a kidney stone or another problem like kidney cancer. why do they have blood in the urine. if there's protein in the urine, that's a sign there's a problem. i treat a lot of diabetics and people with hypertension. those make up the bulk of people with kidney problems. if you're a diabetic or you have high blood pressure, you've got to be thinking about your kidney. what can you do to prevent kidney disease from developing? controlling bloop is number one. controlling diabetes is number two. diet can play a roasm there's some controversy on that, but a diet that's low in salt. david talked about salt yesterday. diets that are low in salt can help, low in protein may help. >> jamie: let me ask you this, drsdr. sam dee. there was a drug
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that's off the market, viokk. many people suffered from taking vioxx. if it's undetective mandetectab, what do you ask your doctor to make sure your medications won't cause a kidney problem. >> besides diabetes and high blood pressure, medication is a risk factor. we talked about gentamicin, van co my 7. wvancomycin, and they're never o nephrotoxic. national kidney month doesn't get enough attention. they play a very vital role. they regulate our blood pressure. they are involved in vitamin d and bone health.
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they're very important in treating your bloop and controlling diabetes are absolutely very important. we talked about kidney cancer just briefly. there's a study that came out and we're operating a lot on these kidney cancers. a lot of them are small masses in the kidney that we can watch. a 70-year-old comes in with a small mass. i rather watch that patient and not operate. if they're younger, we may go into what we call a partial removal of the kidney and save as much of the kidney for them. >> jamie: great. there's hope for kidney patients. >> no salt for you, eric. >> eric: can you remove a kidney robotly? >> that's a very good point. nobody should remove the kidney as much as you can and save as much to prevent dialysis and transplant. >> jamie: very interesting. didn't know that. >> eric: coming up, we'll talk more about the doctors -- with the doctors about more medical issues. the catholic cardinals are celebrating sunday mass in rome just two days ahead of the papal
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conclave. father jonathan will fill us in on the latest from vatican city. a little more sunday house call. >> jamie: researchers find a link between sleeping pills and injuries. who is at risk and what can be done to keep you safe? the american dream is of a better future, a confident retirement. those dreams have taken a beating lately. but no way we're going to let them die. ♪ ameriprise advisors can help keep your dreams alive like they helped millions of others. by listening. planning. working one on one. that's what ameriprise financial does. and that's what they can do with you. that's how ameriprise puts more within reach. ♪
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and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. >> eric: botox is not just for cosmetics any more. there's a growing number of cases where they say they can actually use botox in medical procedures. dr. samadi, what can they do? how can it help besides dealing with the wrinkles and what botox does? >> they started put it go around the eyes for tick or twitching. now we have anti-aging botox and everyone is using it.
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the important thing is it's a nice, quick fix. you don't have to go for major surgery. it only lasts about six months so you can always get it, but i think, you know, when you think about botox, there's a good botox, there's bad, and there's ugly. that's the message out there. the good botox is done by experienced surgeons. we talked about this. have you to look for doctors who know the anatomy, who just give you enough that it doesn't freeze your face and it doesn't interfere with all the nerves and the muscles. the bad one is somebody who gets too much of it. you can't even smile any more. you can't see emotions. that's called a frozen face. the ugly 1 is somebody that takes a course over the weekend, bruise $up. gotta be very careful. >> how do you know if the person you're going to get botox from is properly trained? >> ask questions. don't go to just any spas that offer everything. how many years have you been doing this, what kind of results. talk to your doctor.
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>> 75% of celebrities are having botox. six million americans out there that are using botox. the indications are increasing, but of course, what is botox? it's a toxin, eric, that actually prevents nerve transmission, and a billionth of a gram of botox can kill 50% of humans, so it's a very dangerous thing. of course, we're using it in very, very, very micro scopic amounts. i want people to know that in those small amounts, it is very safe provided that the person giving it is experienced. now, there's expanding indications for botox which i'm very excited about. we all know about the wrinkles. did you know it's successful for migraine users and stroke victims that have spa spasticit? it's good at releasing muscles that are bound up. overactive bladder is the newest indication. >> jamie: sweating. >> botox is really a really a g, great treatment.
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>> you don't want to overdo it. find yourself the best doctor. >> jamie: go ahead, eric, smile. show us it works. >> in rare cases you can lose that smile. >> eric: i'm not getting it. i'm not doing needles or the -- or acupuncture. i know people love acupuncture. maybe i'll do that. >> jamie: we're also going to have more on botox, the medical uses. overactive bladder. we'll hear more about that as well. stay with us. more on botox. for over 125 years we've been bringing people together. today we'd like people to come together on something that concerns all of us...obesity. and as the nations leading beverage company we can play an important role. that includes continually providing more options. giving people easy ways to help make informed choices. and offering portion controlled versions
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>> jamie: welcome back to sunday housecall, everybody. are you considering getting botox? you want to know how to get it safely? first, i want each of you to weigh in. dr. siegel, you have some dosages. >> be prepared. when you go to the doctor's office, make sure it's sterile conditions. secondly, you can expect it to work within four or five days. thirdly, it will last you a few months. don't think it will last forever. the dosages that jamie's talking about. for a wrinkle, it's about 50 yiewntsdz. for a migraine, its about 200 units. for spasticity like i was talking about, it's about 300
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units. because overdosing botox is what tends to lead to the problems. you get a droopy eyelid that you weren't expecting. you've got to make sure the doctor is giving you the right dose. >> jamie: is there an expiration date on botox. could you ask a doctor without insulting them whether or not it's fresh? there have been some reported cases of doctors buying it cheaper. >> you can certainly ask them. you can ask them to wash their hands, the next thing you know, the doctor will ask you to leave the office. hopefully it's a good point. hopefully they're doing this day in and day out and they're experts. that's how you'll get good botox. as marc mentioned, botox is a toxin that pair lieses the muscle. urologists are using it for overactive bladder. it calms down the bladder and if you have overactive bladder, talk to a urologist. there are some experts that are doing this. know that again this is a toxin.
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if it's used well, it can cause a beautiful face. if it's done too much, you're going to have disfigure, etc. let me just say also, jamie, not every wrinkle requires botox. you may need some fillers. you may need some around your lip. there are ultrasounds you can do and on and on. talk to your doctor and make sure you get the best treatment. >> or you may need to like yourself the way you are. >> jamie: i like that. >> eric: we're learning in this program how to talk back to your doctor and ask the doctor questions which i guess could be a good thing. >> jamie: absolutely. >> eric: coming up in second, you'll hear about water and how much water you've got to drink. do you really need eight glasses of water a day? in a moment, we'll be talking about the water that we do need. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day
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