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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  March 15, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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>> two minutes till the top of the hour. today is day two of cpac. jeb bush and paul ryan are among today's speakers. the u.s. will deploy additional ground base interceptor this coming with disagreement with north korea. a nevada lawmakers expected to introduce a bill today to make the possession of marijuana legal. nevada is now the sixth state to consider recreational use. two minutes till the top of the hour. time for the good, the bad, and the ugly. first the good. taco bell's dorito tacos are so popular they created additional jobs. >> next the bad: that is the correct spelling, but judges at a california spelling bee said it was wrong.
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the girl was eliminated but the next day the judges realized their mistake and moved her on in the spelling bee. >> the ugly: a seasoned sky diver spins out of control hitting the ground 30 miles per hour. luckily he does survive. he was attempting a new stunt but the parachute didn't cooperate. he did make it out alive with just a few bumps and bruises. time for your brew on this question of the day responses. earlier we told you about a recent report that found more companies turning to tracking devices to monitor employees' habits and find out how they're interacting with co-workers. we asked you is this fine or over the line. here are responses. betkaz letter tweeted so over the line employees should be judged on results, not how busy they are every second. albert said track the bosses and see if they are running or ruining their business. >> john from virginia tweeted: scrap the idea and take the money they were spending on the program and buy the employees a cup of coffee.
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thanks to everyone who responded. >> have a great day and a great weekend, folks. >> happy st. patrick's day. wear your green today or tomorrow or sunday. >> which is the actual day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> i'm going to wear it sunday. >>brian: so am i somewhere else. >>alisyn: good morning. it is friday, march 15. i'm alisyn camerota. meet the survivors. six months after the terror taebgz in -- terror taebgz in benghazi, we finally meet the survivors. >>steve: the republicans getting recharged. >> we don't need a new idea. the idea is called america and it still works. >>steve: marco rubio wasn't the only one who stole the show at the conservative conference. who else is grabbing headlines this morning? we'll tell you.
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a lot of stealing. >>brian: nancy pelosi says the republicans approach to governing is something our founding fathers weren't warned about. >> president washington cautioned against a party, a political party at war with its own government. >>steve: yeah, they were friends. >>brian: is reis that -- is that really what he meant? george washington is here to answer that. hi, george. "fox & friends" starts. >>steve: large from charleston, south carolina, one of the fantastic towns in all america. you can see anna kooiman standing by. >> we're in lovely
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charleston, south carolina, a few hours from where i grew up. i'm so happy to be able to tell you that charleston has been grated as the number-one city by a landslide. one of those reasons is for the amazing food. we've got shrimp and grits going for you and amazing history. civil war history and pirate history. we'll be talking about that coming up. >>steve: shrimp and grits, my most famous food in the whole wide world. >>brian: we'll find out will anna write off lunch? but she could go home for lunch and save the company money. >>steve: anna will be down in south carolina all morning long. we've got three hours to start right now with the news. >>alisyn: let's get to your headlines. first, it was triumph. then dream, now legend. that's right, a third carnival cruise ship is in trouble this morning. the legend was on the last leg of a seven-day cruise
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when it started having technical difficulties and it is heading back to tampa now. yesterday the carnival dream was stranded at port in st. martin after a generator malfunctioned. >> first happened -- i did notice some panic and some frustration and people vying to get off the ship because they didn't know what was going on. >>alisyn: carnival flying those 4,000 passengers back to florida. and will give them discounts. i hope actually refunds. last month an engine fire crippled triumph, stranding passengers for five days with no power and few working toilets. two men are in critical condition this morning after a jumbotron fell on them. the accident happened as the workers were hoisting up the giant screen as part of a stage for a music festival in miami. instead the jumbotron crashed down on them.
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>> it came down on two of them. one narrowly missed being caught by the debris. one guy who witnessed this whole thing was [inaudible] >>alisyn: officials say the festival will go on as child who was drowning in a river and now the two people who went in after the boy are missing. the four-year-old fell into the big sioux river in south dakota. witnesses say a man and a woman jumped into the river and got caught in the current themselves. several people tried to help, including this man. >> trying to pull them out, but couldn't. we had them, though. we had them. he had a kid. he had the kid with him, but just slipped. >>alisyn: the foam from the waterfall making it incredibly difficult to find them. fox news confirming the pentagon will deploy 14 additional ground-based interceptor amid rising tensions with north korea. this comes as north korea
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released photos of a live artillery drill. the interceptor were originally proposed by the bush administration but president obama stopped their deployment. former congressman alan west outraged that it means millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted. >> now we see ourselves trying to play catch-up to the tune of $240 million, $250 million to get those first response deterrent factors back up to alaska, back on the west coast. >> we don't have much money. >> we're going to have to borrow money from china, who is friends with north korea so we can defend ourselves against north korea. that is schizophrenic policy. >>alisyn: those are your headlines. >>brian: we've been wondering for six months about the survivors of the benghazi terror attack. who are they and where are they? we're finally learning some details. we're in washington with more on this.
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>> we're finally learning more about the three diplomatic security agents among the americans injured during the terrorist attacks on september 11 at the u.s. consolate in benghazi. a state department official speaking exclusively to fox says of the three who were hurt, two were injured including one seriously at the c.i.a. facility known as the annex. the annex is about a mile from the u.s. consolate and was reportedly under fire for more than four hours. the state department diplomatic security agent who was in the most serious condition, suffered a severe head injury during the second wave of the attack at the annex from mortar and rocket propelled grenades. the third suffered from smoke inhalation. one of the agents injured was visited at walter reed medical center by secretary of state john kerry. he sat down to discuss the condition of those survivors. >> i can't tell you the answer to that. i can tell you that i have visited with one of the
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survivors at bethesda hospital who is a remarkably courageous person, who is doing very, very well. and i've called his wife and talked to her. >> this while we're learning police are detaining a man suspected of being involved in the attacks. the detainee reportedly a former member of the libyan islamic fighting group that attempted to overthrow the qaddafi regime in the mid-1990's. it is unknown what if any role this detainee may have played in the attacks. it is also unknown if his detention will develop into any charges. back to you. >>alisyn: thanks so much. >>steve: yesterday the president of the united states went up to capitol hill for the final time as he wrapped up his charm offensive/charade. it's interesting >>alisyn: he is just lobbing the -- >>steve: i am not buying what he's doing. kind of funny. when he was concluding his meeting with the senators, the senate sergeant at arms walked him through right here until he got over to the sergeant at arms on the
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house side. and then the president said it's like moving between east and west germany here. did you hear him say that? >>brian: he hopped on the trolley. he did afterwards go to see a bunch of democrats on the other side. it was his fourth meeting in three days. so far by far they all agree the better spread republicans, special thanks to susan collins, used a maine lobster to make the lobster salad. the president just stared at the meal. did not eat. is there more to the story? absolutely. it turns out the president is steadfast in saying i'm listening but we've got to begin this talk by raising taxes. and then they got into some policy. >>alisyn: let's hear more about exactly what was said in these meetings. >> one of my favorite moments was when one of my colleagues said mr. president, it is not all that helpful to have you publicly questioning our motives, publicly accusing us of wanting to eviscerate medicaid, for example, simply because we want to
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call for reform or block grants. >> and his answer was? >> i don't speak nearly as badly about you as some of you do about me. >> who asked that? >> it was jon [inaudible] i thought he did a great job in answering the question. he was deferential in the way he did it. the point needed to be make. the president's response was unsatisfactory. it overlooked the fact that most of the time we criticize him but we generally don't question his motives. we don't question whether or not he generally cares about the american people. that is a problem. that is a difference. >>steve: you can tell the vicious attacks over the last couple of years really hurt. okay, he's up here now. how do we trust this guy? there is good news for ali and brian. while i think it's a tactic, apparently the president of the united states actually told house democrats, hey, you guys are going to have to move a little to the middle if we're going to get any sort of a deal. >>alisyn: not only that. they are going to have to move a lot because the republicans are saying they won't bring in any new revenue -- meaning new taxes -- unless there's
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also entitlement reform. so the president reportedly brought that message over to house democrats and side, you guys are going to have to budge. in particular, here's one suggestion that i have: we're going to have to adjust the cost of living adjustment for social security downward. it's called the craned c.p.i. -- it's called the chained c.p.i. the cost of living adjustment. we're going to have to make that more affordable. but house democrats, particularly the more liberal said no way. it sounds like the two sides are just as far apart. >>brian: i think the chained c.p.i. is a given. the problem is republicans have no reason to, nor should they raise taxes. if the republicans got entitlement reform and then the -- sat down with the president and they started saying we need more entitlement reform, that is a nonstarter. democrats just got a tax increase, close to $1
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trillion. now they're asking for more. that's a nonstarter. your guy in kansas, pat roberts said this: i think this was much more substantive than i anticipated adding he was pleasantly surprised that the discussion got down to the weeds of fiscal policy. ultimately it is going to fail. when it's time for the mid terms, he can say, look, i tried. >>alisyn: that is 18 months away. >>steve: he's got an eye on that prize. seapac kicked off -- cpac kicked off yesterday in the washington, d.c. area, where conserves meet to be more conservative. people who want to be president kind of test drive the crowd. >> there are jobs not being created in this country because we have a $16.5 trillion debt and it is scheduled to get bigger. that problem has to be solved. the only real approach that solves it is the combination of fiscal
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discipline and rapid economic growth. there is no tax increase in the world that will solve our long-term debt problem. as soon as i'm done speaking, i'll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. number one, he drank too much water. number two, that he didn't offer any new ideas. and there's the fallacy of it. we don't need a new idea. there is an idea. the idea is called america, and it still works. now, i was told i got ten measly minutes. but just in case, i bought 13 hours worth of information. the filibuster was about drones, but also about much more. do we have a bill of rights? do we have a constitution? and will we defend it? [applause] >> within a few days the president finds an extra $250 million to send to
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egypt. [boos] >> you know the country where mobs attacked our embassy, burned our flag and chanted "death to america," he found an extra $250 million to reward them. i say not one penny more to a country that is burning our flag. the g.o.p. of old has grown stale and moss-covered. [applause] >> i don't think we need to name any names, do we? our party is encumbered by an inconsistent approach to freedom. the new g.o.p. will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. >>brian: rand paul goes after john mccain. >>steve: liberals attacking mitch
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mcconnell's wife because she's asian? his wife, former labor secretary elaine chao here next to fight back. >>alisyn: advice from the best-looking women on the best-looking women on the planet.s, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete.
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so i guess my wife was right.
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an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side. like somebody had set it on fire. and the doctor said, cindie, you have shingles. he said, you had chickenpox when you were a little girl... i said, yes, i did. i don't think anybody ever thinks they're going to get shingles. but it happened to me. for more of the inside story, visit you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pk vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant [ green giant ] some people will do anything to help eliminatlitter box odor. ♪ discover tidy cats pure nature. clping litter with natural cedar, pine, and corn.
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>>steve: last month a liberal superpac in kentucky attacked the ethnicity of our former labor secretary who is also the wife the republican senator mitch mcconnell, elaine chao. despite the fact that she was born in taiwan, the group kentucky progress tweeted -- quote -- "this woman has the ear of mcconnell. she is his hash tag wife. may explain why your job moved to -- hash tag -- china." elaine chao and the senator are fighting back. >> -- are fighting my ethnicity and even
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attacking mitch's patriotism because he's married to phaoefplt that is how low some people will stoop. mitch works his heart out because mitch loves kentucky. we love kentucky. and personal attacks can never change that. >>steve: joining us now, the woman from that ad, elaine chao. she is a member of the parent company of fox news. good morning to you, secretary. >> good morning. >>steve: when i read that tweet and that could be the first time a lot of people have actually seen it, that's racist. >> this is the most recent example of this kind of behavior. we've seen it in the past over the years. and there's ao pattern to this kind of attack. basically mitch's opponents, his left-wing opponents can't compete him on policy issues and so they resort to racial slurs and championing his patriotism because he's married to me. we've seen, for example, the daughter of the sitting governor of kentucky -- the
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sitting democrat governor of kentucky, the same thing a few years back. and another time a former democrat governor of kentucky said the same thing. so once again, you know, mitch does a great job representing the people of kentucky, indeed, against some of the very bad ideas of washington. >>steve: madam secretary, i'm just astounded that there's no outrage. if this were a republican who made that sort of comment, it would be a great big story in "the new york times" and everything else. instead this outfit, progress kentucky, said -- quote -- "those tweets do not reflect our values and we're committed to making sure nothing like that happens again." is that enough? >> it's not just the work of one volunteer who may have left. again, this is a pattern of attacks, a pattern of behavior that we have seen in the past. as i've mentioned, the daughter of a sitting kentucky governor at the time said the same thing. and a former democrat governor of kentucky said
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the same thing. in fact, he said it's time to send a real all-american family to the united states senate. kentucky is a conservative state, and mitch, again, does a wonderful job representing his constituents. he's the most conservative senate leader in history. and the american conservative union gave him 100% score over his legislative record. there were only four other senators besides him who received 100%. stove rather than going after his record -- >>steve: rather than going after his record, they go after his wife. it's awful. >> they question his patriotism because he's married to me. i think that's pretty sad. >>steve: it is outrageous. thank you for joining us from d.c. what do you think about that? e-mail us right now. that is crazy. remember when janet napolitano said the media were making up stories about illegals being released from jail? now the head of i.c.e. said
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she lied. then nancy pelosi said george washington reminded us about the evil of republicans. really? george washington himself [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can bt. [♪...] [click click] [♪...] >>brian: quick headlines. violence getting way too close to the popular resort area of cancun. gunmen burst into a bar on the outskirts of the city killing seven people and injuring four others. police now saying a movie executive who disappeared a year ago murdered. they found gavin smith's mercedes last month and the condition of the car leads them to believe he was killed. a drug dealer is considered to be a person of interest
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not found. >>alisyn: house minority leader nancy pelosi using the words of our nation's first president to take a jab at republicans. >> the approach that republicans take is that they are there to shrink the role of government to a point where really it recalls to mind the statement of president washington, who cautioned against a party of -- a political party at war with its own government. >>steve: what a good setup for this. >>brian: is this really what president washington meant? let's ask him. >>steve: joining us now, our nation's first president, general george washington. kind of. general, good morning to you. >> good morning, sir. >>steve: last week we started founding fathers friday where we took a look
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at what the founding fathers stood for. today we've got a reminder of what president washington -- general washington stood for. when you heard nancy pelosi right there, would you agree with her? >> i think i need to clarify, sir. the fact is i spoke against the formation of political parties whatsoever. i felt they would be bad for the country, that they would cause division, and that ultimately it would turn into a competition between factions. you must understand i led the continental army in our war through liberty for many long years of fighting, where unity was necessary in order to achieve our goals. and you must recall that in my time the formation of this new republic, this dream -- united states of america -- as noble as it may be, is a very fragile thing. think of the galaxy of brilliant leaders i have around me: benjamin franklin, john adams,
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alexander hamilton, thomas jefferson. men of great intellect and great ideas who sometimes disagreed with one another, but it was necessary for our experiment in order to succeed, to harness their brilliance and their energies and get everyone moving in the same direction selflessly for this noble cause we call the united states of america. >>alisyn: now that you see the two parties that have developed fighting so vociferously, you must be disappointed? >> it is great -- greatly saddening. greatly saddening. again, i would urge all americans, regardless of party, to remember the spirit of selflessness that energized us at that time. >>brian: general, we talk about philosophy and foundation, that is your game. we're going to bring up something you're not familiar with and that's
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credit cards. spy agencies, we're considering giving them the ability to review our finances to look for a terrorist among us. how do you feel about that? >> sir, i would be very concerned about any government infringement into the private life of a citizen unless there was definitely just cause for looking into that person's life. >>steve: general, also take a look back in the day when you were president -- well, the other guy was president -- there wasn't this kind of debt. now the national debt per person is north of $52,000. >> sir, there are many things i could say about that. it is very concerning. but let me address just two points that come to my mind. the first would be that there needs, again, to be a spirit of selflessness in government. we did what we did for
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posterity's sake. that is for future generations to come. when my men marched with empty stomachs and bleeding feet through the snows of the revolutionary war to win you liberty, they did it not only for themselves but for the sake of future generations. and i would urge americans today, both elected officials and everyday, ordinary americans to adopt that same spirit of planning for posterity. it would seem, sir, from what i've learned of the present situation that we are robbing future generations. >>steve: general george washington, first president of the united states, thank you very much for joining us on founding fathers friday, just to remind people of how far we have drifted from where we came. >>brian: now it's back to the white house located in new york city. >> i was inaugurated in this very city. i know new york is a large
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city, but it has grown much larger since i was last here. >>steve: you want to leave town because tomorrow is the big st. patrick's day parade. traffic is a mess. >>alisyn: tuition assistance suspended for the military because of the sequester but one institution is fighting the feds offering free tuition. >>brian: one of the top cities. anna kooiman has a tour. >> we're working on some shrimp and grits on the u.s.s. york town part of the patriot's museum in the mystery city. it's charleston, south carolina. everyone wants to visit here. big happy birthday to 58-year-old dean snyder of twisted sister.
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prescribed by rheumatologists. >> washington in the middle of a budget crisis, the white house is facing criticism for spending $250,000 a year on calligraphy. you can tell you're spending way too much money on calligraphy when you spend any money on calligraphy. but you need the neat
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little note cards. >>alisyn: they have a little value. >>steve: a little. >>brian: do you realize it's friday? >>steve: it is and it's been another fun-filled week from the curvey watch on "fox & friends." >>alisyn: if you missed a minute this week, you missed a lot. >>brian: here's a look at the week that was as we remember. >> you like that? >> i do. >> donald trump tie. >>steve: are you wearing the same necktie right now that you are in that picture? >> it is okay for a guy to wear the same necktie on more than one occasion. but for the lady to wear a dress -- >>gretchen: excuse me. should i get off and take this dress off now then? >> i didn't realize i could get in such deep trouble on "fox & friends." >>gretchen: you should know, you're half italian. >>brian: i know. >>steve: she flies through the ear with the greatest of ease on the
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trapeze. >>gretchen: it is national pi day. we would like to hear you recite pi. >> 3-5-1-8-9-7-9. >> boston cream. blueberries peach. >> maybe this would be the time we have a new pope. >> in new york today, it's drink, drink, drink. >>steve: in your heart, brian, you believe there's been a change of heart with the president. i think that's cute. >>brian: my heart's been broken, so i'm very vulnerable. ainsley and ali go from anchors to fighters
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overnight. [music] >>alisyn: the harlem shake is great for everyone because it shows that everyone can dance. you move however you want to move. >>steve: is that right? >>steve: what a week? you miss a little, you miss a lot. >>alisyn: you miss a lot of dancing and singing. >>brian: we are the news glee. actually this next spot will be -- will we have to sing the whole next spot? >>alisyn: i think so. >>brian: sorry, we're out of time. when i hold out the words, cut down on our story count. remember when janet napolitano said the media was making up the story about illegal immigrants being released from jail? turns out the media wasn't making up the story. it turns out it is worse than we reported. the immigration and customs enforcement director says
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more than 2,000 were freed many with drunk driving arrests. the governor of texas outraged. >> when you have a federally sponsored jailbreak -- don't get confused. that's exactly what this is, a federally sponsored jailbreak -- you cross the line from politics to spin to politics as a craven form of cynicism. >>brian: turns out they let out way too many. they are trying to round some up. some of those freed convicted of assault and theft. >>steve: a man saw a woman being beaten on the sidewalk, he pulled out his legal-and gun. the 911 tape has been released. >> if he comes at me, i'm going to take him down. >>steve: charlie blackmoore held down the suspect at gunpoint until the cops arrest. he said the law made that
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arrest possible. >>alisyn: let's go to janice dean who is outside dancing to keep warm. >> exactly. this is my irish jig. let's look at the temperatures because it is still cold in parts of the country. upper midwest, great lakes region and the northeast where we're still in the deep freeze. across the southern plains and into the southwest, it is getting warm. satellite radar imagery not too much to show. we have a system moving across the northern plains and the upper midwest where we're seeing snow. i am out of shape doing this irish jig out here. a little bit of icy conditions unfortunately for the dakotas up towards montana. back inside, everyone is warm. >>alisyn: come on in and defrost. thank you. now it's time to go on the road and go down south to one of the top-rated cities in america. it is so beautiful, anna kooiman is live in charleston, south carolina this morning. tell us all about it, anna. >> it's absolutely lovely here in charleston, south carolina. good morning to you and good morning to everybody
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at home. we're here on the u.s.s. yorktown, a decommissioned naval aircraft carrier. one of the reasons folks love to come to charleston is for the history, this is where the civil war started. black beard seized the harbor we're in this morning joined by eric lavender and captain bob. good morning. why was charleston so vulnerable to pilots? >> several reasons. mainly because in our early years we were not protected by the british military. we looked out for each other. whenever pirates showed up here, we had to defend ourselves. we did havee had a man who had two ships who would go out and help defend the harbor. >> they were coming to get the booty because they weren't protected. thank you so much. we've got to move over here because we've got shrimp and grits. charleston, south carolina voted number one travel
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city in the entire world. does this smell good. what are we working on? >> charleston shrimp and grits, one of charleston's favorite dishes. we like to use a little scallops down here in the south. get them seared in the pan so they get a nice little carmelization. >> you don't want to do them too long? >> or they get rubbery. do a little carmelization on them. shrimp and scallops. we add a little tow may to to that. -- a little tomato to that. just a little butter. keep stirring those. that's the one thing with grits, keep stirring the grits. >> morning, noon and night you can eat shrimp and grits. we've got to wrap it up, chef. but can i try these grits? are they done enough?
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>> absolutely. if you wouldn't mind just spooning a little bit. >> just do a little taste test right here. i feel like i'm right at home here in the south. um-um-um. oh my gosh, that is cheesy goodness. i'll try to send some back to new york for you guys. >>alisyn: that looks great. >>steve: anna, thank you very much. live in charleston. >>brian: she gets grits. we get three stale coffee rolls from yesterday. did you know that 90% of police officers in philadelphia get their jobs back? >>alisyn: what happens if bears show up in your backyard? it happens and it's time to it happens and it's time to call urban tarzan. look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. [ both laughing ] but our plants were starving. [ man ] we love to eat. we just didn't know that our plants did, too. then we started using miracle-gro liquafeed every two weeks. now our plants get the food they need while we water. dinner's ready. come and get it. no oe goes hungry in this house. so they're bigger, healthier, and more beautiful. guaranteed. with miracle-gro anyone can have a green thumb. and a second helping. [ both laughing ] when you feed your plants... everne grows with mirle-gro.
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>>brian: no other way to say it. a dangerous trend. police chiefs around the country battling bad apples in their own police department. they are firing troubled officers only to see them get their old jobs back because of the unions. in philadelphia, nine out of every ten fired policemen found their way back in the force with 75% of those regaining their full benefits on back pay. how does this happen? joining us right now is charles ramsey, the commissioner of the philadelphia police department. commissioner, how does that happen that nine out of ten you guys say are not worthy to wear the uniform get the uniform back? >> nine out of ten is a bit high. i know that's a figure that the union cited. we did a little analysis. it's still high. 2008, for example, 74% wound up getting back. that's still far too high a number considering many of the acts that the officers committed. it's the arbitration process, pure and simple.
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we're bound by it. these decisions coming out of that process are often very troubling. >>brian: most police officers do incredible work, stuff not even seen on camera nor is it reported. we see it every day, especially here that i see in new york city. how does this, the bad ones staying on board tarnish the good ones? >> it does a lot to harm morale and it does tarnish the good ones, because people tend to generalize and look at us as one single population when nothing could be further from the truth. the vast majority of our people do an excellent job, risk their lives on a regular basis and really serve the public. but we have a few bad apples. when we identify them and take disciplinary action, that action should stand. >>brian: there is another case, lieutenant jonathan josey caught on camera punching a woman in the face. he is on route getting his job back? >> it is a possibility.
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the case was dismissed in court which was another issue. it turns out that the judge in that case is married to a police officer and was also supported by the union during his election. but that's a different issue. now it goes to arbitration. and i don't know what will happen there. but i'm not confident that the dismissal will stand up. >>brian: you came up, you were telling me in the break, when you were an officer, there was no unions. that wasn't an issue. now you are police chief. how would things be better without unions in your mind? >> as it relates to the disciplinary process, i think we can have a lot of improvement. my biggest concern is the lack of operational flexibility that sometimes we have through collective bargaining. i'm not anti-union from the standpoint i think we should have no unions at all. they do a lot of good things protecting their members' benefits and so forth. but there are some areas where they have too much influence in terms of our ability to run the department on a day to day
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basis. >>brian: call this naive but i think the only way unions can be reined in when it comes to discipline is for the other members of the union to say this should not stand. >> i don't disagree with that. you hear that grumbling and officers will come to me and whisper that, but that doesn't do any good. you have to be able to speak up and let the union leadership know how you feel about it. we do have officers that do not deserve the honor of wearing the badge. unfortunately, they do get back on occasion. >>brian: it seems like those who are in charge and hand out the badge should be in charge of who gets to keep the badge. it seems logical. commissioner, thanks for everything you do and thanks for scrambling yourself to get up with us this morning. commissioner charles ramsey. good job. >> we reached out to the philadelphia police union for a statement. they did not respond. 11 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up straight ahead, want to sign up for obamacare? you may need a doctor after you see the paper work.
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we will explain. what happens when these guys show up in your backyard? call urban tarzan? or do what ali does. make up stories so urban tarzan comes over any way. i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee. sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. ♪ [ male announcer ] the sound of reddi-wip is the sound of joy. ♪ ♪ with tasty grilled flavor and goodness to savor ♪ ♪ friskies grillers blend. ♪ feed the senses. no they don't. hey son. have fun tonight. ♪
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♪ back against the wall ♪ ain't nothin to me ♪ ain't nothin to me [ crowd murmurs ] hey! ♪ [ howls ] ♪
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>> what do you get when you mix the concrete jungle of new york city with dangerous and exotic animals? a situation that our next guest understands. he's here with wild critters we wouldn't want to encounter on our own. extreme animal handler urban tarzan joins us. welcome. who do you have here? >> this is roly and poly, eight-week old black bears
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that were orphaned. they live in a sanctuary upstate new york. they came in today to say hi to you guys. >> is this roly or poly? >> that's roly. >>brian: is this a problem with animals running into the city scaring them who just want to get to work with their briefcases? >> we did have a tiger in harlem at one point if you guys remember. >>alisyn: you have more black bears in new jersey than ever before. why is that happening? >> they were always there. our homes are encroaching on their homes. >>brian: it is our problem. >>steve: it is my problem. i live in jersey, and they have come and knocked over our garbage. >> do you have secure bar badge cans? >>steve: we do now. let's bring in -- we've got a monkey? >> macac. >>brian: what do you do if a bear comes in your yard? >> you leave it. stay in your house and let it do what it does and it
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will wander away. this is a macac. this is sally. i have had a relationship with sally for 15 years. >>alisyn: where did you get sally? >> she was in a lab. they are used a lot tor testing, which i don't condone but sally was rescued. she is in a sanctuary for animals in upstate new york. i met sally 15 years ago when i was just a little baby tarzan. >>steve: urban tarzan, what i've noticed is some of the animals are pulling on your hair. does that bother you as an action figure? >> the animals can do it. if someone else touches my hair, that's a problem. >>steve: he patent always been -- legally he had -- he hasn't always been, he had his name changed to urban tarzan. >>brian: that makes sense to fabio who also changed his name.
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>>steve: what is that thing? >> an asian cat also known as an enteron. she is from southeast asia. >>alisyn: where did we get her? >> from the sanctuary. some people get exotic pets. she was very cute. she is still very cute but they grow into larger animals. >>brian: if we end up with an animal on our shoulders, what do we do? >> call me. >>alisyn: for somebody who grew up in the bronx, you know a lot about this. >>steve: can i pet him? urban tarzan premieres tuesday, march 19, 10:30 on spike tv. >>brian: do you have anybody else? >>steve: we've run out of
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time. brian suddenly thinks he's working at animal planet. he once hated the church now a wise guy has turned himself around. plus eric cantor, dennis plus eric cantor, dennis kucinic and cal ripken. the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on all purchases plus a 50% annual bonus. and everyone wants... ♪ 50% more doo wop ♪ 50% more buckarooooooooos ♪ 50% more yeeeaaahhhh!!!! ♪ 50% more yeah yeah
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[ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card gives you 1% cash back on every purchase, plus a 50% annual bonus on the cash you earn. it's the card for people who like more cash. ♪ 50% more boogie ♪ what's in your wallet? cashhhhh!!! ♪ what's in your wallet? i can't believe your mom let you take her car! this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop... go(mom) i rais my son to bester! careful... hi, sweetie. hi, mom. (mom) but just to be safe... i got a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru a subaru. ♪ start right. ♪ kellogg's simple grains cereals take you from seed... ♪ spoon. with jt a few ingredients.
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♪ kellogg's raisin bran, corn flakes and rice krispies. simple wholesome goodness. start simple. start right.
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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's friday, march 15. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen carlson. meet the survivors. six months after the terrorist attack in benghazi, we finally know what happened to these people, how many were there and where are they now? we have those answers for you ahead. >> steve: and want obamacare? you might need it after the headache after filling out this 15-page application. and what's worse? your premiums could actually go up 100%. >> brian: now i know why i'm going third. hey, want to date a really hot woman? then you better listen to the best looking women in the world. fox be "friends" starts right now.
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>> steve: you could get in trouble when you get home today. you know what today is. >> alisyn: the ides of march. >> steve: tomorrow is going to be the big st. patrick's day parade here in new york city. >> brian: they're definitely having it, right? >> steve: a lot of people will be looking for green beer and bagels. >> alisyn: and they will find it. i will be here to guide you through all of that. meanwhile, let's get to your headlines. there are two big developments in the search for answers in the benefiting terrorist attack. fox news confirms three survivors of the attack were diplomatic security agents. two were hurt in the c.i.a. annex in that second wave of the attack. the third suffered smoke inhalation at our consulate. republican lawmakers have been demanding information about these survivors and access to
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them. a libyan national has apparently been detained in libya. he's being questioned to see if he was a witness to the attack or had a more involved role. we'll keep you posted on all that. then two men in critical condition after a jumbo tron fell on them. this accident happened as the workers were hoisting up the giant screen as part of a stage for a music festival in miami. it crashed down on them. >> came down on two of them. one just narrowly missed being caught by the debris and one guy who witnessed the whole thing was traumatized. >> alisyn: officials say the festival will go on as scheduled. first it was the triumph, then dream, now the legend. that's right. a third carnival cruise ship is in trouble at this hour. the legend was on the last leg of a 7-day cruise when it started having technical difficulties. it's heading back to tampa. yesterday the carnival dream was stranded in st. maarten after a generator malfunctioned.
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>> when it first happened, like i said, i did notice some panic and some frustration and people wanting to get off the ship 'cause they didn't know what was going on. >> alisyn: carnival now flying those 4,000 people back to florida and reportedly give them back discounts. last month an engine fire crippled triumph with no water, little food and few working toilets. you want to date a hot girl? then you better take some advice from some of the hottest girls on the planet. >> i always think be a lady, you know. sort of let them come to you. play a little hard to get. >> when a girl flirts, you have to be like subtle. >> i don't think a girl should ever pay for dinner. i think that, yeah, that's the boy's job. >> alisyn: for anything. models recently shared those
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flirting tips, the dos and don'ts while showing off the 2013 swim suit collection. i'm pretty sure those girls can do anything and they're popular. >> brian: yeah. they started life on third base. >> alisyn: i think so. >> brian: i meant to say they're leading. >> alisyn: i know exactly. >> steve: why are you thinking third base? >> brian: 'cause i love baseball. and i will say this, they come on our couch a lot and when they come back, we are going to come with that line of questioning. >> steve: we'll have to follow up on this investigative report. >> alisyn: we'll find out if your charm offensive worked because today is the wrap-up. there is president obama, has made three trips to capitol hill to meet with lawmakers to do the outreach to republicans. so yesterday he had lunch with senate republicans, sort of. he didn't exactly eat. >> steve: they did. >> alisyn: and he met with house democrats. it would be very discontinuing to know what went on in the room and senator mike lee was on
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greta's show last night and told us some of the tense moments. >> one of my favorite moments was when one of my colleagues stood up and said, you know, mr. president, it's not all about helpful to have you publicly questioning our motives. publicly accusing us of wanting to eviscerate medicaid, for example, simply because we want to call for reform or block grants. >> and his answer was? >> i don't speak nearly as badly about you as some of you do about me. >> who asked that. >> john thune. i thought did he a great job in asking the question. he was did he ever residential. i thought it was a point that need to be made. but the response was unsatisfactory and overlooked the fact that most of the time, sure, we criticize him, but generally don't question his motives. we generally don't question whether or not he generally cares about the american people. that's a problem. that is a difference. >> steve: so what did he do when he was in the various caucuses? he told the house caucus, i
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really want a big deal. what that would involve is you'll have to reach across the aisle and get something done with the republicans, which means you are going to have to do something about entitlements. i know about half of you have written me a letter saying we're not going to budge on anything related to the entitlements, but you're going to have to because i want a big deal. so as he concludes his charm offensive, you know, the main stream media will write the president went up to capitol hill and told the democrats they'll have to move to the center. what he has not said is what i think will happen next, and that is when, you know, push comes to shove and they start to work on a deal, the democrats are going to say, we're not going to do that. the republicans are going to say, come on, we already gave you revenue. the president can say, look, i went up there, i tried to lead. >> brian: that's the fear, that republicans say they feel as though president obama will be forced to sell an unpopular
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entitlement reform to the public which could hurt the democrats politically because the republicans aren't going to budge when it comes to revenue. however, if do you it inside tax reform, they're already on the record saying they're in to get simplifying tax reforms, but with that comes a reduction in rates. it's up to the house and senate to get into conference, come up with something that the president says is somewhere in the ballpark. one thing about it, some veterans, who have been around the block a few times, like senator pat roberts, are pleasantly surprised by the substance and the give and take of these meetings. another senator said he was dispinted. but they went from the senate republicans to the house members, the problem is, the president has told his democratic house members that i will not give in on entitlements unless there is a tax increase. >> steve: a show of hands, who thinks the president's charm offensive, who thinks it worked and will result in a big deal?
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>> alisyn: i don't know if it worked. but i do believe they were trying to hammer out a deal. that is what we were arguing yesterday. >> brian: the sincerity of the effort as opposed to the sincerity of the tactic and strategy. so we can not predict the future. but we do know people that can and they are just around the block for $5, they'll read your palm. >> alisyn: there go. >> steve: for $10 -- never mind. >> brian: i know. >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk about obamacare. the president said it's going to be much more affordable. you're going to be able to keep your doctor if you want to. now a new report from the associated press actually contradicts the premises that we were sold obamacare on. for instance, there is a little talk about fee that employer also have to pay to the tune of $63 per person. nobody really knew about that. right now there is some pushback from a lot of big companies saying look, we can't afford that. and the uaw, they're saying, we shouldn't have to do that. and you know how washington
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works. they have probably will get away with that. >> alisyn: but look at the next graphic we have here. patient premiums to rise 20 to 100%. this comes from a report this week in the associated press. they crunched the numbers and their headline is this: some americans could see their insurance bills double next year as the health care overhaul expands to cover millions of people. you'll remember that it was sold as a health care cost were spiraling out of control and we need to do do something to make sure that we contained those costs and that if you liked your plan, nothing would change. this is really stunning news for lots of americans. >> steve: sure. and so now we're getting a look at if you want obamacare, you got to apply for it and naturally there is a short little 15-page form you have to fill out that according to the associated press, if you go really fast, it only takes 45 minutes. but nobody can do it in 45 minutes because they're going to ask you a bunch of really hard
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questions that you probably don't have the answers to at your fingertips. >> brian: here is an example, what's the name of the lowest cost health plan the employee listed above could enroll in at his or her current job. >> alisyn: i object to the grammar. >> brian: i know, his or her. >> steve: i think i need ted cruz to decipher that. do you know what that means? >> alisyn: it's not exactly making things easier. so it will be a complicated application. it's just going to be sadly more sort of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo in this application and the hoops you have to jump through. >> brian: here is an example of other things as compared to what we're dealing with now when it comes to the state and local government. waiting in line at the dmv is one hour in new york. >> steve: so in other words, waiting in line at the dmv, easier than filling out obamacare form. >> brian: you might have an easier time doing this. >> alisyn: sitting in your doctor's office, the average waiting time is 22 minutes that you wait for your appointment.
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but they say filling out this application will be twice that long until. >> brian: this is a little like the format, you might be a red neck. you might have an easier time doing this, on the phone with tech support. >> alisyn: impossible. >> brian: 14 minutes. >> alisyn: the application will be 45. >> steve: the point is we were sold that this was going to be cheaper and easier to do. as it turns out, it's much more ex opinionsive and much more complicated and it's just acoming. >> brian: and for the person, let alone the business. the small business is paying a fine or decide to go pay out health care. >> steve: all right. now it is exactly 7:11 in new york city on this, the ides of march. straight ahead, we're more than $16 trillion in debt. but the president says that's not a problem. >> we don't have an immediate crisis in terms of debt. in fact, for the next ten years, it's going to be in a sustainable place. >> steve: former democratic congressman dennis kucinich says the president is wrong and he's
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here to explain coming up next. >> alisyn: then she was trying to teach her kids a lesson with a t-shirt that read "i steal." but their school says she can't do this because it's against the dress code. should it be a parent's decision or the school's decision? we'll debate it [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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>> alisyn: the president said this week that our almost $17 trillion of debt is not a big problem. >> we don't have an immediate crisis in terms of debt. in fact, for the next ten years, it's going to be in a sustainable place. >> alisyn: that's very different from what he said in 2008 when he was running for president when the debt was then only $9 trillion. >> number 43 added $4 trillion
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by his lonesome so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man, woman and child. that's irresponsible. it's unpatriotic. >> alisyn: so that math didn't add up when he was a candidate. but now we want to do hear what form democratic congressman and fox news contributor dennis kucinich had to say about this. good morning. >> good morning. >> alisyn: do you think $16 trillion of debt is a crisis or not? >> first of all, i looked at the clip and the president was more right in 2008 than he is now. debt and spending are a problem, but we have to ask what are we spending money on? we went into debt to give tax cuts to the top 1%, which accelerated the wealth upwards and also we went into debt for war, which was based on lies. so debt and spending are a problem. you have to ask why we're in the
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condition we're in. >> alisyn: okay. so now that we're here, now that we're in this condition, is this something that should be the top of the president's priority list or as he said, it's immediate crisis? >> well, at the top of the list, i think the issue of private consumer debt should be there because while the $16 trillion in government debt is something that we should all be concerned about, do you know that right now we have about $26 trillion in private consumer-based debt, mortgages, credit card, student debt, and there is a direct cause and relationship between this kind of debt for individuals and recessions and depressions? we ought to be paying attention to this massive private debt, finding ways to help write down mortgages, forgive student debt, and help the economy get going again through creating jobs. that's where the focus ought to be. >> alisyn: wouldn't it also set a good tone if the government didn't have a spending problem? i understand you're saying average americans seem to have a spending problem.
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but wouldn't it help if our leaders could tackle this effectively and we all see any example of that? remember in 2008, candidate obama, as we just said, called the national problem, the federal spending unpatriotic. >> well, i think that we have to look at where we are today. the economy -- our economy is 70% based on consumer spending. american middle class, median family income is down, wages are flat. they're stagnant. people don't have money, they're not spending. we aren't creating jobs. high unemployment. we have to get the economy moving again. we got to get money into people's hands again and look at the massive private debt which is a direct threat to our economy and puts us on a precipice of another depression. this is where the focus ought to be. so whatever was said in 2008 in the campaign, i know about that. i was on the platform with the president, but the situation today is we have an emergency with respect to high unemployment, the american middle class being in a very
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dangerous position where they just don't have any money. >> alisyn: yes. you're framing it in crisis terms, in terms of the debt, be it federal or personal. what's the answer? >> the answer is to create jobs. that's number one. and then we also have to look at helping people write down their mortgages so we can keep them in their homes. this is something i was talking about back in 2008 when i voted against the bailout and said our focus ought to be keep millions of americans in their homes. now people are starting to wake up and say, maybe that's good idea. also student debt is massive. it's the second source of debt behind mortgages, maybe even about to eclipse the mortgage debt. we have to do something about that student debt and i think write downs are in order there, too. we have to get this yoke of debt off the backs of the middle class and create jobs. why in all this talk about spending and deficits, why isn't congress, why isn't the president talking about creating jobs? we should be getting america back to work, prime the pump of
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the economy. if the private sector is not creating the job, the public sector will have to do it. >> alisyn: dennis kucinich, thank you for joining us for your perspective. >> thank you. >> alisyn: he graduated fourth from the bottom of his class. he was turned down by 160 colleges. then when he did get accepted, he was thrown out. when our next guest found god, he said everything changed and his new book could change your life, too. then the government just found millions in unclaimed cash. it could belong to you. the clock is ticking. we'll tell you how to collect [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> steve: time for news by the numbers. on this friday, first, $917 million. that's how much the irs has in unclaimed refunds from 2009. taxpayers must file the returns by april 15 to claim the refunds. next, 15,000. that's how many jobs taco bell added last year thanks to the wildly popular doritos tacos. and 0. offering a free tuition to any active duty service member at any university. tuition assistance was suspended for the military because of that darn sequester. >> alisyn: how to get a new kid or husband by friday.
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now this self-described wise guy is taking his readers on a different path. it's a spiritual path with his latest book "the way of the wise." >> brian: joining us dr. kevin leeman. welcome back. >> good morning. >> brian: you said at 19 you were a janitor and realized you had to change your life around. what happened? >> well, actually, yeah. i graduated fourth from the bottom of my class, got a job as a janitor. put the barrel and said don't come in and this beautiful woman comes in and helps this old guy go piddle. i fell in love with her. >> steve: you met your wife in the men's room? >> i did. several months later, she asked me, popped the question. she said, would you like to go to church with me? i remember thinking, oh, no, i'm one of them. one thing i didn't want to be was a christian. age 21, i became one and i became an honor student, went to college, 13 years, was a dean of
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students. >> alisyn: but what turned you around, from 19, when you were injected 'til you fell in love. but what did you like about going to church? >> i didn't like anything about going to church. i remember sitting in church thinking no chick is worth this. then she wanted me to come back at night. but at night -- i had already been there in the day. the pastor guy was talk being who jesus was, in his head, but didn't know who he was in his heart. >> steve: exactly. your mother, i understand, would write proverbs in books for you. as a child, you didn't understand them and now you do and talk about proverbs in your book. for instance, this one you cite do not forget my teaching. proverbs 3 : 1. >> you got to be teachable. i wasn't teachable. if you see a turtle on a fence post, you know he didn't get there by himself. >> steve: that's right. >> somebody came before you. my mother, told me as an adult, she prayed to god to put one c
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on kevin's report card as a sign that there was something there. >> brian: keep my commands in your heart. >> point to yourself, brian, right now. okay. where do we point? >> alisyn: our heart. >> our heart. there is a difference. i love chuck swindoll's story. he goes to a sunday school says and says what's green and says a ribbon? one says, i think it's a frog, but i'll say jesus. there is a misconnect for a lot of us. you can actually talk to your maker. that's what this book is about. getting it in your heart and john wooden, god bless john wooden. he says this: you never have a perfect day until you've done something for somebody who can't repay you in any way. >> steve: that's nice. check it out. it's great, as awful his books are. it's called "the way of the wise, simple truths for living well." thank you very much.
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>> st. paul called himself wretch head. if he is wretched, what the heck is brian kilmeade? >> brian: that's a great point. >> steve: is that on the book? >> it is. >> alisyn: thanks. great to see you. >> steve: straight ahead, this sky diver's parachute didn't open right. and somehow he lived to tell about it. you're going to hear from him coming up next. >> brian: and one of major league's baseball's greatest, if not the greatest. now he's taking on a new role. cal ripken, junior joins us live, in fact, he's almost in the room. >> last year, taco bell sold over 1 million dorits' locos tacos a day. other companies now have taken notice and the new blackberry is coming out in a tasty dorits shell what's droid-smart ?
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with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful. great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. with three of your daily vegetable servings here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free.
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i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service®, no business too small. the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful. (we're going to get over to cal ripken in just a minute. first we got some headlines. remember when janet napolitano said the media were making up stories about illegal immigrants being released from jail? well, this morning ice says that made up story is real. >> brian: and worse than we thought. >> steve: the ice director says more than 2,000 illegals were freed. many of them with multiple drunk driving arrests. the governor of texas outraged.
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>> we have a federally sponsored jail break. don't get confused. that's exactly what this is. a federally-sponsored jail break. you crossed the line from politics to spin to politics as a craven form of cynicism. >> steve: some of the other offenses by those freed? assault and theft. by the way, apparently they picked up four of them for level one offenders and looking for six others. >> brian: yeah. i'm sure no one in the government knew about it. seasoned sky diver's life flashed before his eyes. he spins out of control heading straight to the ground at 30 miles per hour, i should add. 8,000 feet above. craig stapleton and his partner were attempt ago new stunt when his parachute failed and he plummeted to earth. miraculously, he survived. >> i knew it was bad when i was living it and when i saw the video, i was like, wow, that's a lot worse than i thought. how did i walk away?
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>> brian: stapleton has bumps and bruises and landed on freshly plowed dirt in a row of grapes. >> steve: man, is he lucky. >> alisyn: don't mess with this mom or she might try this. one woman in colorado sent her kids to elementary school wearing shirts labeled, "i steal and i am disrespectful" because she says nothing else worked on them. the school made them cover up, saying this punishment breaks the dress code. >> so it's okay for the school to do it because they're professionals. they have a degree. but it's not okay for a parent to draw attention to her child to make her child answer for what he or she has done. >> alisyn: she claims the school is interfering with her right to discipline her own children. no comment from the school yet. >> brian: all right. it is certainly cold up here. but warm in florida and arizona, right where spring training is. i don't know how that ends up that way. here now baseball hall of famer cal ripken, junior who recently retired.
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it wasn't so long ago when you were out there playing and every spring belong to do baseball. >> recent would be 2001, yes. >> brian: it seems like yesterday! n it does. >> brian: first off, let me ask you about world baseball classic. the world is coming together. the u.s. lost to the dominican republic. do you think had is a good thing for baseball? >> i love it. if i was playing, i would say yes every time. but if you do commit, you hto gn form before you actually start aspirin training. i don't know how that's really done. it seems like the injury factor can go way up when you're not in april, may and june form. >> brian: one player had a rib injury. he hasn't played a day for the mets yet. >> he's got a lot of hits yet. >> brian: that's true. >> he's very confident. >> steve: you mentioned spring training. bill o'reilly has this feature where he sends jesse watters out. here is jesse going to spring training talking to people about if they understand what's going on with the state of our union. >> we're starting a new baseball
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season. how is this country doing right now? >> it's very divided. >> we're doing all right. >> we're definitely still reaping the fruit of what our forefathers have sewn into us. >> i think we're starting to slip away from that. >> come on, jesse. seriously? >> what about the president? he's doing all right? >> he's doing good. he's all right. >> doing great. >> he's doing great? >> keep doing what he's doing. >> how would you grade him right now? doing a good or bad job? >> b plus. >> d minus. >> how about a c plus. >> f. >> f. >> you guys are all over him! >> what are you concerned about? >> at the moment, i'm feeling good. >> you see them gas prices? >> out of control. >> out of control. we got to catch the bus to come here. >> you feel like your taxes are going to go up? >> anything to help out? >> that's not my call. >> you open up the wallet? >> exactly. >> you think the president cares about the massive amount of debt we're in? >> there is so much stuff we're paying for and not seeing what's going on today. >> i don't think he cares about
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anything but golf. >> you have a game tomorrow? >> oh, yeah, every day. seven days a week. unlike you. >> you ever see baseball? >> i think so. >> got good angle, tall guy. >> what about the president? you ever see him throw out first pitch? >> just a bit outside. >> seen president bush do it. isn't that how they do that? >> in '86 they did. >> alisyn: what did you think about o'reilley's pitch? >> he has good form. throws the ball well. ball comes out of his hand quick. >> brian: do the players know what's going on in the world for the news? >> i think we're the most sheltered bunch of people. if you're in baseball, you have to be laser focused. so you know nothing about what's going on. >> steve: i remember back, i had some friends in major league
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baseball in the '80s '80s and wn when they weren't playing, they were watching soap operas. >> that was in my day. they only had three stations when i first started. >> steve: what was your open opera you watched? >> "young and the restless." and "bold and the beautiful." >> brian: would you well up? >> now i do. >> steve: what's interesting about you is when you were walking down the hall, i was thinking, that's not cal ripken 'cause that guy is wearing glasses? what's the deal? >> it's hell to get old, i suppose. i was in the broadcast booth last year and i couldn't read some of the things that they were putting in front of me. so i went to the doctor and the doctor recommended i take these transition lenses. this lens is a vantage lens. i partnered with them to help encourage kids to go get regular eye exams because one out of every four kids have some sort of undiagnosed learning or vision issue that would affect their learning. >> alisyn: that's a great point.
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they're a little embarrassed to get glasses. >> i was embarrassed, too. >> brian: you were embarrassed? >> i wanted to see the stats they were throw not guilty front of me. >> steve: i had to get glasses because i couldn't read the menu. then my wife got me these glasses that were magnifyiers and had flashlights. >> alisyn: let's see how bad your eyes were. take off your glasses. can you see -- >> steve: let's do a vision test. >> alisyn: let's do it. we have a vision test here for you. >> steve: stop right here, right across the studio we've got a test word, distance vision. >> i can see the e. >> alisyn: that's all? >> no. let me see. pezolcpd is the bottom line. >> alisyn: wait, wait. >> is that enough? >> alisyn: do it again. >> p, c, n, d, p, c, f, d.
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>> brian: you don't need glasses. >> steve: here is another test we're going to do. cal, come here to the dry erase board. keep your glasses off. take the marker. get a little closer. we're actually going to have you do something. what we'd like to you do is look in this monitor. do you have enough acutity to write that on the dry erase board? n this is an art class. >> brian: we're not really sure. >> what do i see? >> brian: yeah. show us what you see. most eye doctors will learn something from this. >> steve: he's got the eyes down. let's make it a little more complicated. >> brian: that's very good. >> steve: now what we're going to do, we're going to put something else up that is a little more challenging. go ahead and draw this. [ laughter ] >> brian: what is wrong with you people? [ laughter ] what are you seeing there, cal?
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how are your eyes? >> steve: his eyes are great! >> brian: my hair is not like that. >> alisyn: i like that. >> brian: this is really going well. >> alisyn: spitting image. look at this. >> brian: i look like bert from sesame street. i appreciate it. i look like the president. >> steve: would you sign that? brian would like to put that in his office. >> alisyn: cal, your eyes are perfect, it looks like. >> alisyn: there you go. >> brian: fantastic. i have never been so insulted in all my life. >> steve: cal, would you like to put on your glasses now? [ laughter ] >> brian: much better. >> steve: speaking of the bold and the beautiful. >> brian: get transition lenses if what you're saying. if you're a kid, don't worry about being mocked. >> the parents should treat eye
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exams like they treat medical exams and we don't. >> brian: here is the other thing. i didn't catch a fly ball 'til i was in college. i passed every eye test. i had no depth perception until i got glasses. so i had no friends because i could not judge high flies. >> you wouldn't be my friend either. [ laughter ] >> alisyn: cal i that so much. great to see you. >> thank you. >> steve: calm down, kilmeade. he's kidding. you got an original cal ripken junior there. >> brian: yeah. 'til alisyn erases it. >> steve: would you like to read this? >> what am i reading here? women? >> steve: no. you know what? >> alisyn: i'll handle it. >> steve: thank you very much. >> my pleasure. >> alisyn: thanks so much. next up, women who report domestic violence could be arrested. that story sounds crazy, but apparently it's true. we'll tell you about it. >> steve: the republican party getting recharged at cpac.
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house majority leader eric cantor speaks today, but first joins us with a preview. what do you see? um, i see a duck. be more specific. i see the aflac duck. i see the aflac duck out of work and not making any money. i see him moving in with his parents and selling bootleg dvds out of the back of a van. dude, that's your life. remember, aflac will give him cash to help cover his rent, car paymen and keep everything as normal as possible. i see lunch. [ monitor beeping ] let's move on. [ male announcer ] find out what a hospital stay could really cost you at very logical thinker. (laughs) i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i'm reallylad that girl stayed at home. vo: expedia helps 30 million travelers a month find what they're looking for.
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so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. >> brian: the stars of the republican party, conservative movement showing off their stuff at cpac. for example -- >> i'll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. number one, he drank too much water. [ laughter ] number two, that he didn't offer any new ideas. and there is the fallacy of this. we don't need a new idea. there is an idea. the idea is called america. and it still works. do we have a constitution and will we defend it? the new gop will need to embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. >> brian: the conference continues today and through the weekend and speak later on will be our next guest. virginia congressman, one of the real leaders on the republican side is majority leader himself, eric cantor. welcome back, congressman. >> brian, good morning. >> brian: congressman, can you
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preview your remarks? >> we're excited to be going to cpac because we're going to be talk being a message of opportunity. the republican party, the conservative movement has always been about individual empowerment, about saying that it really does come to freedom and it comes to a limited government and empowering the individuals to reach for the future. i'll be talking about education reform. just visited new orleans last week and saw what governor bobby jindal is doing there. a tremendous thing for so many young people, so many kids, so many working moms and dads who all they want is a safe place for their kids to learn and they want to see a future for their families. so we're going to be talking about those kinds of things and really the challenges ahead as we focus on working families in this country and just helping them make their life work again. >> brian: you really are pushing this skills act. in what respect? >> well, we've got a vote on the floor today, a skills act. what it is is frankly good government, but it's saying, hey, we've got 50 different federal government programs aimed at work force training.
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we don't need that many programs. what we need to do is focus on helping people who are out of work, getting them trained so they can get back into the work force. so what this does is just get rid of the bureaucracy, cuts the red tape, and says to working people, we want to help you and it is a suggestion from the general accounting office here in washington to get rid of the waste and to go right toward the mission of the program. >> brian: you're splitting the screen with the maze, the average worker has to go through to get to the right job for them. and to find out about the openings and now we see if you get your way, how we can streamline that process and make it easier to get the job you deserve. >> it says it right there. it's like cutting the red tape. again, this is the kind of thing we've got to do to reform washington, to get our country moving again. >> brian: so this has been an exciting time for people who are tired of gridlock. the president had four separate sessions, three different trips, meetings with leadership and the republican establishment in washington. in your mind, do you know the
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president better? has the charm offensive worked? >> brian, i certainly hope that he is sincere in wanting to reach out and work with us because there are some things that we really do share in common and i think most people would expect when you have differences, you learn to set them aside and reach for where you have common interest -- >> brian: but do you believe that he is sincere? your gut right now, when the cameras are off and people say what happened in that meeting, do you believe the president is sincere? >> i hope so. i really do. i don't know what is inside his head and what he's thinking. i hope so, brian, because there are a lot of things we need to do. the house has acted twice to put a measure across the floor to try and begin to solve the situation of the sequester, to go towards a balanced budget. many of the things we're talking about are in the president's own plan and his proposals. so if we know we disagree on raising taxes because the president said that needs to
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happen first and he wants to hold all other things hostage, we don't think that's a smart thing to do. so let's at least go to where we can work together and have some agreement. >> brian: right. so let's see if there is. we'll find out soon. you guys get into conference with the senate, maybe we'll hammer something out by easter. who knows? good luck today. we'll carry the highlights on "fox & friends" tomorrow. i know ali, she's on the show. so i'll put in a good word for you. >> okay. thank you. >> brian: thanks. coming up straight ahead, halle barry back on the big screen of the is she worth your money? are weekend previews next. first, on this day in 1994, "the sign" by ace of base was the number one song. can you tell it was the first time i said that group od castin, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good.
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it's amazing what soup can do. uh, charles couldn't make it. his single miles card blacked him out here and here. he should have used... the capital one venture card. he's coming to us from home. hey fellas... hey baby, you want mama to iron your undies? nice tightie whities. i didn't know mrs. barkley made quilts. really? looks like a circus tent. is that the best you got? now if you put this, with this, you have a sailboat. what's in your wallet?
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>> alisyn: a telephone thriller and manic magicians coming to a neater near you this weekend. >> steve: joining us, movie critic and fox news contributor, kevin mccar hee. >> it's great to be on. i'm here to talk about "the call" and it's this new film with halle barry. a girl calls hally halle barry. i wonder who the actress is talking to on the movie. check this out. >> we did something very necessary. she showed up on the days when i did my on camera and i showed up for her days when she was in the trunk so that we could actually have each other on the other end of the phone. >> yeah. hally was in a different room and she was talking to her microphone and i had an ear wig. >> they digitally take the ear
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thing. >> put the phone up, you could see the ear wig. >> the crazy thing about that is that abigail had to put a phone up to her ear. i don't think she expected this to happen. check this out. >> except one time i accidentally called a girl on the phone. >> who did you call? >> i didn't even realize -- i don't know. there is like a sim card still on the phone. i called her up and she's like hello. as i'm screaming and crying. and she freaked out and i said, we have to call this girl out. >> whose phone are you using? n one of the fake phones. but it wasn't a fake phone. >> could you imagine being on the other end of that phone call. what's in the movie is very intense for 95% of the time. but there is a five minute scene that completely ruins it and cheapens it. i gave them a 2 1/2 out of 5. now i'm giving it 2 1/2 out of 5. wait for the rental. it's not that great. >> brian: now let's talk about the most overpromoted movie ever.
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"the incredible bert wonder stone" with steve carell. >> i love a good consistent comedy. steve carell, great in the movie. it really does work. it has a good balance of heart. the laughs are great. alan arkin steals the entire movie. i love, love the ending. all i will say is that the ending will make you laugh so hard, you'll be in tears. i recommend it. i gave it a 3 1/2 out of 5. check it out this weekend. not a classic, but definitely funny. >> steve: all right. >> alisyn: good to moment kevin, i love seeing a movie where i'm in tears. that's great. thanks. >> thanks, guys. >> brian: sometimes the seat uncomfortable. >> steve: straight ahead, liberals attacking senator mitch mcconnell because his wife is asian? really? his wife, former labor secretary aleen chiou fights back. >> alisyn: geraldo is not happy. he wants to know why it took six months to find out what happened to the survivors of the benghazi terrorist attack. we're going to talk to him in a second. come on in [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes?
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that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or to see the new signature series and 1 family tractors. >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's friday, march 15. the ides of march. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen today. what a nightmare. first the triumph, then dream. now the legend. a third carnival cruise ship is in trouble. what are your rights as a passenger? geraldo rivera is on the case. >> steve: meet the survivors. six months after the terrorist attack in benghazi in our consulate, we finally know what happened to them. at least somebody does. how many were there and how many are there and where are they now? we have a couple answers straight ahead. >> brian: and we're about to take you on a wild ride. >> oh, crap!
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>> brian: this roller coaster is making history. why it's unlike any other in the entire world. then there is a roller coaster geraldo puts us on as we try to move through topics. it will be excitingment "fox & friends" for the third hour of the week starts now. ♪ . >> steve: the reason you should kiss them, they're irish. they are irish dogs. >> brian: the biggest dog in the world. >> steve: it is. the irish setter and a blue terrier in celebration of san antonio patty's day. >> brian: i think they used to hunt wolves. i'm pretty sure. >> steve: that is the biggest dog i've ever seen in person. >> brian: it's bigger than a great dane. >> steve: you'll see how big they are on this friday telecast
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of "fox & friends" live from new york city where tomorrow we'll have the biggest st. patrick's day parade in the world. it's bigger here than it is in dublin. >> brian: you wonder why all those dogs get along is because they're all irish. because if they weren't irish, they would not be getting along. >> steve: i had no idea. >> brian: especially this time of year. >> steve: i didn't know guiness made a dog food. that's why they're calm. >> alisyn: let me get to your headlines and tell you what's hang. two men are in critical condition after a jumbotron fell on them. this happened as they were hoisting up the giant screen. this is part of a stage production for a music festival in miami. instead the jumbotron crashed down on them. >> came down on two of them. one just narrowly missed being caught by the debris and then one guy who witnessed the whole thing was pretty traumatized. >> steve: officials say the festival will go on as scheduled. fox news confirming the pentagon will deploy 14 additional troop -- ground based interceptors amid rising
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tensions with north korea. this comes as north korea released photos of a live artillery drill. the interceptors were originally proposed by the bush administration, but president obama stopped their deployment. allen west outraged that the reversal means millions of taxpayer dollars will be wasted. >> right now we see ourselves trying to play catch-up to the tune of some, i believe, about 240, $250 million to get those first response deterrent factors back up to the west coast. >> at a time we have to borrow that money from china who are friends with north korea so we can defend ourselves against north korea. that's schizophrenic. >> alisyn: the white house defends this as logical timing. they saved a child drowning in a river. now the two people, the heros who went in after that little boy are missing. the six-year-old fell into the river inned south dakota. witnesses say a man and woman
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jumped in and got caught. several people tried to help, including this man. >> tried to pull them. we had them. there was three of us that had them. he had a kid. he had the kid with him. he just slipped. >> alisyn: the foam from the waterfall apparently making it incredibly difficult to find them. we're told the missing woman is a relative of the rescued child, but not his mother. liberal super pac attacked the ethnicity of wife of senate minority leader mitch mcconnell, elaine chiou, despite the fact that she was born in taiwan, the group kentucky progress, tweeted this. this woman has the ear of mcconnell. she's his wife. may explain why your job moved to china. they are fighting back now. the former labor secretary was on "fox & friends" earlier. >> there is a pattern to this kind of attack. basically mitch's opponents, his left wing opponents can't defeat
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him on policy issues and so they resort to racial slurs and questioning his patriotism because he's married to me. >> alisyn: she's on the news corps board, which is the parent company of fox news. >> steve: we talked about that story last week. >> it's awful. it's racist. >> steve: it is. >> it's clear what they're attempt to go do here. they're attempting to get this anti-china sentiment directed against miss mcconnell and his race against ashley judd in kentucky. >> brian: ashley judd has no shot, right? >> she's a much better singer. >> brian: which is true. >> what's interesting is how rand paul has gone after ashley judd. rand paul, who is the maverick tea party junior senator from ken condition has really made common cause with mitch mcconnell who stands for kind of the old guard. so they're united. should be an interesting race. she's very colorful. you know, she has an excellent reputation as a good citizen. rand paul says she's really from tennessee, though. she's a nashville person.
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>> steve: and has been living in scotland. >> doesn't make her a bad person. >> steve: absolutely not. we're finally talking about the attack on our consulate in benghazi, september 11. four americans died. now we're discovering there were three survivors. three survivors of the security team, one is in particularly bad shape. >> we know now that we had 37 people in benghazi. the eastern city in libya at the time of the attack. most of them work for the c.i.a. at the so-called annex. their job there was to try to control and reacquire the surface to air portable missiles that we had given to the gadhafi forces. obviously if a missile like that, a hand held missile surface to air got in the hands of the wrong people, it could really wreak havoc at airports, not only military, but civilian across the world. that's why they had a crucial secret mission there.
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now it turns out of the 37 we obviously lost two of the heros at the consulate itself in the initial attack. that was where the first of the wounded survivors was found, like ambassador stevens and his colleague, the person who survived, state department person, was also succumbed to smoke inhalation, but did not die in serious condition. the other two survivors were at the annex. >> alisyn: why is it important for us to know this information now? >> i think what really is the important mission here is to find out what happened. i think as we understand where the survivors are and were at the time, it will give us a clearer picture of what unfolded during the seven-hour attack. >> brian: the fact that we haven't seen them until now or get their names until now and their families have been said to keep quiet. does that bother you? >> i think it's part of the administration's attempting two things. i think number one, they are trying to assess themselves what
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the facts and circumstances really were. but i think also, and i think this is the implication of your question, the administration would like this story to go i way. -- away. they would like us to move on from benghazi. >> brian: there was an arrest finally. >> i think it will ultimately get the culprits, whether judicially. they were a political issue would like this very much to fade into the background. that's my opinion. >> steve: put on your captain hat. geraldo has a great yacht. >> well. an old sailboat. >> steve: the voyager, legendary. so we want to talk to you about this. carnival cruise lines has another incident on their hands. this time, i believe it is the dream, stopped working out in st. maarten and apparently people are flying home. what are your rights when it comes to -- >> the legend is the most recent one. that's limping into tampa after they lost power. so they have -- i mean, the splendor, the dream, the legend.
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you have to remember also, this is the same cruise line that owns the costa concordia. >> alisyn: what's going on? >> i think they have to hire a new chief engineer. what are their rights is an interesting question because as it is when you fly in a commercial airliner, your ticket is really a contract. in the contract is designed, because it's their lawyers who draw it up. you don't have a negotiating position when you buy a ticket on a cruise line, it is page after page after page, limiting their liability. so unless they are guilty of gross negligence, extremely difficult to prove in this or really almost any circumstance, they're limited in most cases to the price of the ticket that you paid. they refund for services not delivered, the ports that were missed, that kind of thing. but you get very little in terms of punitive damages absent the finding of gross negligence. i don't think you have it. it just happened. i sailed around the world. i lost generators and engines and sails and all the rest of
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it. it happens. people have to understand it's not a hotel with moveable scenery. it's a vehicle in a hostile environment. >> brian: it seems the odds of something like this happening are growing. >> it's not that, brian. it's why this particular cruise line, why isn't it that we hear about these incidents on all the cruise lines? how come you never hear about the disney one? i think they really have to maybe spend a lot more money on the maintenance of these vessels that are really so very susceptible to the elements. >> brian: if the engine light goes on, you should pay attention. >> definitely. change the oil. >> steve: pull over. >> alisyn: let's talk about what happened this week. the new pope was elected. >> it really is a stunning development for the church. latin america is the home, really, of modern day roman catholicism. 40% of all catholics are spanish speaking. so the selection of pope francis
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really is a major, major event. now, it comes at a time when the church is really in crisis in the new world. the catholic church, as it is throughout the world. but there is a shrinking market share here specifically. my dad, one of 17 children, was a deacon in the catholic church and when i lived in puerto rico, the summer i turned 16 years old, 100% of his family, some of whom alisyn met when she visited puerto rico, 100% were catholic. but over the decades, for various reasons that i'd be happy to explain, there has been an erosion of people who are catholic. they're still very devout christian. >> steve: they just don't go. >> they're pentecostal evangelical, like my favorite cousin,he bronks. she's a well-known pentecostal minister up there. they have embraced evangelical, born again kind of christianity over catholicism.
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>> brian: find out geraldo's top ten cousins. >> i have over 100 first cousins. >> brian: when you own your own island, you'll get more cousins. what do you think about the way this pope is turning out? going back and paying his bill at the hostel he stayed at? >> his humility, his modesty is in gross contrast to what the church has done in latin america over the last five centuries, where we have embraced military regimes. they have sided with the oppressive governments, undemocratic governments over the flock, over the people. that's one of the things that accelerated this move from catholicism to other forms of protestant christianity. now the church is now set out to embrace evangelical catholicism. much more hands on, charismatic, much more serving the poor. this is the perfect man to symbolize that transition back to the good old days when the church embraced the poor rather
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than embracing the decadent oppressive government. >> steve: he'll be installed on tuesday. you'll see it here. >> live in spanish. >> alisyn: coming up, the president really turned on the dramatics. you'll remember over the sequester. our next guest says republicans should be taking notes. >> brian: plus, we are going to take you on a ride unlike any other roller coaster in the world. it's making history today. we'll bring that you history, i hope. look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete.
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>> steve: well, the president's sequester message was dramatic, to say the least. >> federal prosecutors will have to close cases and let criminals go. air traffic controllers and airport security will see cutbacks, which means more delays at airports across the country. tens of thousands of parents will have to scramble to find child care for their kids. >> steve: that was during the sky is falling phase. the president has since changed his tune. but our next guest says that in order for republicans to win the battle of the budget, they need to amp up their message by adding a little stage craft. syndicated column is a fox news contributor and joins us live here at the big plastic desk. what you say is the republicans really need to bring their a game and start doing what? >> the first thing they need to do is remember they do control the house of representatives and they can filibuster sometimes in the senate. i think a lot of republicans on the hill are just terrified and
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say, we lost the election and nancy pelosi is in control. no. they control the house. they should act that way. so for example, when president obama says, well, i'm not really interested in a bill that gives me the flexibility to spend money on things like air traffic control, but instead, spend them on other things that says he's locked into, pass the bill and say, mr. president, we want to give think flexibility. you may not want it, we're going to vote on it in the house, pass it and give you the flexibility so he can't turn on the republicans. >> steve: once they pass something, this is the stage craft part and it's brilliant on your part, you say john boehner and company, takes the bill in hand, walks through the capitol to where? >> to the other side of the capitol building where the u.s. senate is. you have all the cameras rolling there. you've got bainer and cantor and the entire gop conference walking it physically across. they probably should do this with the budget when they pass it as well. and have mitch mcconnell receive it and say thank you. we'll receive this bill. do everything we can to get it on the senate floor and let the entire world see the republican party legislating and doing everything they can to have a
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fiscally, sane responsible government. >> steve: because right now so many people think, it's total gridlock in washington, d.c nothing has happened. that is not true. the republican congress on the house side actually passed many, many bills and a number of job bills, but they just send it electronically or courier, nothing. >> nothing. it's been four years since the u.s. senate under the democrats passed a budget. the house has done it every year they've supposed to do so. so when they passed the budget, they should carry it over. have all the cameras see them carry it over to the senate, have mitch mcconnell and republicans receive it and say we've republicans have done according to law what we're supposed to and it's up to the democrats and obama can't point fingers and talk about a do nothing republican congress. >> steve: many people think that's his end game where he's gone to capitol hill with this charade. >> charm offensive. >> steve: and people aren't buying it. they know eventually he's going to say look, i tried my best! >> the charm will wear off. >> steve: ultimately, though,
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this is a contest, the republicans and the house can't can win. >> they can. they need to stop crying and moaning about we lost the election. they have won the house. john boehner should eat his wheaties and be tough about this. >> steve: you got to read his syndicated column on the topic. he's has fox news contributor and he joins us on this friday. thank you. >> thank you. >> steve: meanwhile, did you know that 90% of fired police officers in philadelphia get their jobs back? the city's top cop says you can thank unions for that! hear from him coming up. then a new study says a popular antibiotic can kill you. is that fact or fiction? dr. siegle up next
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>> brian: quick headlines now. if you report domestic violence, you could wind up in jail yourself? the nypd reportedly ordering cops to run criminal checks on anyone who reports domestic violence. that means if the victim has so much of an unpaid parking ticket, they could get locked up. critics say this will deter victims from calling for help and will empower the abusers. you think so? and note to yourself, don't hire the town sheriff to kill yourself. texas inmate denny johnson was behind bars for assaulting his estranged wife when he tried to hire a hit man to kill her and her boyfriend. turns out the hitman was really the town sheriff. for an unrelated story, here is
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the girl. >> alisyn: listen to this medical news. there are new reports that suggest that one of the most popular antibiotics on the market could kill you. it's just one of today's medical myths that dr. mark siegle is here to debunk. hi, doc. >> good to see you. >> alisyn: this isn't a myth. z penn pak has been found to actually kill some people. isn't that disturbing? >> first of all t hasn't been proven that it kills people. but the study did show that came out last year showed that 45 people out of a million courses had an increased risk of dying from this because of a heart arrhythmia. here is the point, 45 out of a million doesn't mean that if you took it tomorrow or i took it tomorrow, it would happen to you or me. it's extremely rare. so i'm calling it a myth. all antibiotics have side effects. all have a potential risk. and if people out there say i can't take the z penn pak, they're going to take another antibiotic that also has a risk. we overuse our antibiotics.
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this could be a wake-up call to not overuse antibiotics. but i'm afraid the message will be run away from it. that's the wrong answer. >> alisyn: the z-pak is troubling for people who have a heart arrhythmia. >> people who have a very slow heart rate, people who may be potassium or magnesium depleted. those people should watch out for it. the vast majority of us can take it safely. >> alisyn: i had always heard when you have a cold, treat it with chicken soup. but if it turns into a sinus infection, then it's time to get an antibiotic. myth or not? >> perfect next myth after the first one. that's the other point. we overuse our antibiotics. 95% of our upper respiratory infections are viral. a study last year showed that over 90% of our sinus infections are viral. i can tell the difference. patients can't always tell the difference. if you have a high fever, if you have green mucus coming out. if your sinuses are tender, if your teeth hurt, those are reasons it could be a bacteria.
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but usually it's a virus. people go for that z penn pak. they don't need to. >> alisyn: last, something troubling. there are lots of staph infections in hospitals. they seem to be on the rise. are hospitals loaded with deadly bacteria? >> that is a fact. that's another overuse of antibiotics we're talking about. people in hospitals get treated so quickly with antibiotics that resistant bacterias survive. they have what's called a survival advantage. we're seeing a lot of mrsa. one out of 50 people arized and the hospital, we have a new super bug called cre that we're very concerned b. it's problematic. it doesn't mean if you're in the hospital you're going to get this. but we can still treat most of these and still isolate people. you got to wash your hands and use those hand sanitizers and we physicians have to isolate you if you're sick and not overuse those antibiotics. we also need to do a better job of disinfecting our hospitals. >> alisyn: absolutely. thank you so much. the republican party getting
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recharged. marco rubio and rand paul stealing the show. highlights from cpac for you next. not zpak. and it's one of the top cities to live in and our anna kooiman has a tour. hey, anna. >> hey, good morning to you. one of the top cities to travel to as well. voting charleston, south carolina, the number one place in the world to travel to. one of the biggest reasons? the amazing food and rich history. the new pirate movie. greatest [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. i
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discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. >> as you know, we have a new pope. he is pope francis from argentina. here is what we though about him. he's a 76-year-old man with only one lung. you know, this could be just the burst of youth and vitality the catholic church needs. >> brian: but he's got a lot of energy and i predict he will be traveling. he had that one lung for a while. >> steve: i bet he goes o latin america and the americas in no time. >> brian: as we gear up to celebrate st. patrick's day this weekend, in spain, another saint is being celebrated, st. joseph. this isn't your typical fiesta. >> alisyn: now more from valencia. hi, alicia. >> hi. this one is loud and colorful
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and flavorful, st. joseph, the patron saint of carpenters, is honored through the display of what are known as fiat. more than 300 all over valencia. we want to give you some perspective. this fyer a is six, seven stories high. if you look down here at the people taking pictures and admiring it, these are made from artists that come from all over spain. they're built with wood and paper machet and they're all over the city. people come here and they vote on them. they pick which one they like best and to win is a huge honor. to win means a portion of the fya goes into the museum, along with a piece of the children's fyas, like this one here. just as intricate and beautiful, only smaller. but their lives are brief because between march 19 and 20, the people of valencia light
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them on fire to represent a new start because it's spring. back to you. >> steve: that's new. we got beautiful decorations. let's torch them! [ laughter ] >> alisyn: that's beautiful. thanks. your setting looks wonderful. that's a good assignment you got there. that's great. thanks so much. >> brian: the other big story is cpac. conservatives gather in the same place, same, just about every year and say, hey, let's find out the state of the union, the state of the movement and it's note who had is there, who is not there. senator mccain not there. governor christie not there. the two up and coming stars maybe ho differ and possibly running for president, marco rubio and rand paul are creating the most buzz. >> alisyn: in fact, they both used humor to great effect and they both used props. let's watch them now. >> the only real approach that solves it is the combination of fiscal discipline and rapid economic growth. there is no tax increase in the world that will solve our long-term debt problems.
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now, as soon as i'm done speaking, i'll tell you what the criticism on the left is going to be. number one, he drank too much water. [ laughter ] number two, that he didn't offer any new ideas and there is the fallacy of this. we don't need a new idea. there is an idea. the idea is called america and it still works! [ applause ] >> i was told i got ten measly minutes. [ laughter ] but just in case i bought 13 hours worth of information. [ cheering ] the filibuster was about drones, but also about much more. do we have a bill of rights? do we have a constitution? and will we defend it? [ applause ] >> within a few days, the president signs an extra $250 million to send to egypt. (booing) you know the country where mobs attacked our embassy, burned our
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flag and chanted death to america, he found an extra $250 million to reward them. i say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flags! [ applause ] >> steve: okay. that was cpac yesterday. it continues this weekend. you'll see highlights right here on fox. >> alisyn: by the way, i promised props. but marco rubio had a tray of water in the podium that he showed them that he was going to need a lot of water. >> steve: wonder why we didn't see that. >> alisyn: only i know that. >> brian: next time when he talks to deroy murdoch, you cut the video you want. >> steve: get down in the basement. >> alisyn: fair enough. let's get to your headlines. just a few hours from now, the wife of the american pastor jailed in iran will fight for his release on capitol hill. but she's now been snubbed by the state department. a human rights group behind the case reached out last week, but got word late yesterday that no one from the state department would be able to make today's hearing. he's been locked up since
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september, sentenced to eight years in prison on charges of evangelizing and threatening national security. >> steve: meanwhile, police chiefs from around the country battling bad apples in their own department. they're firing troubled officers, only to see them get their old jobs back. for instance, in philadelphia, nine out of ten fired policemen found their way back on the force with 75% of those regaining their full benefits and back pay. back pay. how does that happen? earlier on "fox & friends," brian talked to charles ramsey. he is the commissioner of police in philly. >> the arbitration process, pure and simple, we're bound by it and these decisions coming out of that process are often very troubling. the vast majority of our people do an excellent job, risk their lives on a regular basis and really serve the public. but we do have a few bad apples. when we identify them and we're able to take some kind of disciplinary action, that action should stand.
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>> steve: it probably should. we did reach out to philadelphia's police union for a statement. they have not responded to us. >> brian: all right. the record breaking roller coaster opens today in missouri. we've been previewing it and here is more on that sneak peek. >> brian: i need dramamine. this is outlaw run at silver dollar city in branson, missouri. the first wooden roller coaster to ever take riders upside down. outlaw run is also the world's steepest wooden coaster with a 162-foot drop. >> steve: speak of coasters, janis dean is coasting through another telecast. >> it's a big day tomorrow in new york city! it's saint patty's day. actually sunday. but it's a big parade here. i'm going to talk like this
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throughout the whole forecast. i'm going to do a jig as well. let's take a look at your forecast, shall we? for new york city, temperatures around 39 degrees. boston, 40. chicago, 32. and let's see. for boston, they're having their parade actually officially on saint patty's day on sunday. satellite radar imagery, there you go. across the northern plains and upper midwest where we're seeing some snow. a little bit of freezing rain, and then we're going to talk about the potential for a big storm across the midwest. and the northeast into monday and tuesday. so we're going to continue to watch that. we're going to continue to do our irish jig, for all of those celebrating saint patty's day this weekend! woohoo! >> alisyn: wow. you are putting us to shame. that is the most aerobics she's done, i'm guessing n a while. >> that's the most exercise i'm
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going to have all day. >> brian: she needs cpr. >> steve: well done. >> thank you! >> alisyn: wow. she may be starting the st. patrick's day festival. >> steve: we need a breathalyzer on the show. >> brian: charleston, south carolina is a city consistently ranked as the best in america. we sent anna kooiman to find out why. she was born and raised there against impossible odds. >> pretty close, brian. i was born in charlotte, north carolina, about four hours from here. it's always been a gem for us southerners. but it was rated charleston, south carolina number one place in the world to travel, which is just an amazing distinction to have since it's so well respected. one of the biggest reasons is because of the food. we have michelle weaver, the chef from charleston grill here cook up some -- you got shrimp going and crab cakes. it's also well-known for the history. we have got eric lavender from the parrot and the pirate tours.
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good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you brought along captain bob. >> he's a blue and gold macaw. >> there is so much history here. the civil war got started here. but blackbeard is really -- he seized the harbor we're in now. >> yes, he did. >> in 1718? >> it was june 1718. they showed up here. he had his flagship. it was a 40 gun sloop he had stolen off of barbados. he had stopped here for a purpose. he and his crew had been to sea for quite a long time and they had gotten rather sick. in fact, they had shall we call it a nasty socially transmitted disease. >> oh, yuck. >> yeah. and they actually came here. they seized five ships and kidnapped all the people and held them hostage until the city coughed up a case of medicine for them. >> wow. and one of the biggest reasons that charleston was vulnerable is because it was not protected by who, by anyone? >> the british. because we were a privately held
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colony for 50 years. we were owned by eight people. >> pirate and parrot tours, check them out. they have great carriage rides and boat tours and all kinds of things. okay. let's talk about what you're making here and how people can make it at home. >> absolutely. we're doing one of our famous charleston grill crab cakes filled with jumbo lump crab meat. >> look at this stuff. it's beautiful. >> truly there is nothing really holding it together except a little prayer and a little love. then we've got -- >> perfect. >> a beautiful sauce. we're going to mix the crab with citrus, a little tomato, a little fresh herbs. >> i love all the colors on the plate. of course, justin wails used to be here. let me just have a bite of this and we'll hand it back to the folks at the studio. i thought she was going to feed me. >> taste a little country right there. >> that lemon, i love it.
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mmm. >> steve: boy, that looks good. >> back to you on the curvy couch. >> alisyn: you're having a good morning, anna. >> steve: very nice. >> alisyn: thanks so much. >> steve: thank you. straight ahead, sounds too good to be true, but this is a real deal. a condo with this view, nice lake front view, for $20,000. there are thousands just like it. you'll find out. >> brian: then -- >> alisyn: the tallest dog you've ever seen. >> brian: irish wolf hound. >> alisyn: there is something else special about him, brian. you're going to have to stick around to find out. >> brian: it's saint patty's day. that's why the shamrock is dancing carfirmation. only hertz gives you a carfirmation.
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[ boy ] i used to hate eating healthy stuff. but badger likes it, so i do too. i used to have bad dreams, but not anymore. [ barks ] i used to be scared of the basement. but when badger's with me, it's not so bad.
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[ barking ] [ announcer ] we know how important your dog is to your whole family. so help keep him strong and healthy with purina dog chow. because you're not just a family. you're a dog family. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. >> alisyn: time for quick headlines. big victory for domino's pizza founder against obamacare. a judge temporarily blocking the government from forcing him to provide contraception to employees at his property management company called
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domino's farm corporation. he says the mandate goes against his religious beliefs. and park university offering a free tuition to any active duty service member at any university who is no longer eligible for tuition assistance. because of the sequester cuts. >> it was very sad to me because in my mind, the first thing to go shouldn't be educating our military members, especially after all they do. >> alisyn: park university also waiving the application fee. let's go over to brian. >> brian: you might be too young to retire, but you're never too young to grab a great deal. yep. baby boomers are relocating to retirement communities in florida because the prices are flat out sensational. joining us now to explain real estate expert and the author of "find it, fix it and flip," mike corbett. can you profile these condos for us? >> absolutely. this is true. what's happening is these retirement communities are not for your grandparents anymore.
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late baby boomers are moving in because right now there is a perfect storm. the deals are fantastic. prices are going up in south florida, according to trullia, they've been up 12 1/2% over last year. people are jumping in now to grab these amazing deals and condos with actually great amachinities in some of these retirement communities. >> brian: let's take, for example, you found this home of the dell ray beach, the price $28,500. >> that's right. it's a one bedroom, two bathroom condo. it's about 726 square feet. newly renovated. it's got amenity wise also a clubhouse, golf, tennis, six swimming pools. it's got exercise classes and even transportation to shopping. on this one, your mortgage would be about $124 a month. h.o.a. fees about 350. >> brian: you also found another place in west palm beach. the price is $23,000. let's take a look at this one.
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>> another one. this is in a complex called century village. it's one bedroom, two baths, about 738 square feet. it's a second floor unit with a corner with views, beautiful, sunny, bright. again, great amenities. clubhouse. it's got a feeder. this one even has medical services on the facility. it's a fantastic deal. >> brian: i never heard of sunrise, florida. but you found this one there for $14,800. >> an unbelievable deal. again, in one of the complexes, this one has got waterfront views. it's got an enclosed porch, overlooks a beautiful lake. 55-plus community. again, with great amenity, tennis court. the nice thing is you have the gym all to yourself most of the time. your mortgage on this, $66 a month. >> brian: the only down side, you are got to eat at 5 and be in bed by 8. i'm wondering, isn't there a minimum age? i always thought there was they
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were subsidized by the community and you had to be a certain age. >> you do. it's 55 plus community. also, keep in mind not all of them are this inexpensive. there are some far more expensive, more athennities. those sometimes also have what's called an equity buy-in. these that i just showed you, they don't. so for a very little amount of money, many people are jumping in to these right now. >> brian: michael corbett thanks so much. his book is out, go out and get it. thank you. >> thank you. >> brian: next up, celebrating saint patty's day this weekend with irish dogs. and unrelated, 9 to 11 you can count on "america's news room" and a girl and a guy. mccallum, you're irish, right? >> well, yes. irish and scottish. those dogs are amazing. stick around for that. thanks, brian. coming up here, president obama signals a ramp up in our defense in alaska and california in response to north korea. he's going back to what president bush had recommended
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there. it's a big story and that's coming up. and why those injured in benghazi have not been able to tell their story about that night. jason chaffetz says subpoenas are on the way. we'll see you at the top of the hour hey! did you know that honey nut cheerios has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. so i guess my wife was right. until i had the shingles. i have never encountered such a burning sensation... it was like a red rash.
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>> steve: it is not a dog. it's a pony. because st. patrick's day is this weekend, we've got three irish-themed dogs. >> alisyn: i see you. hello, horse. okay. all righty. >> steve: lisa peterson. >> alisyn: you're holding the dog i'm supposed to be holding. >> he's happy to be here. he's excited to be here. >> alisyn: is that excitement right there? >> yes. >> alisyn: tell me more about this dog. >> this is mickey, a blue
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tearier from ireland. all purpose farm dog, a herder, wonderful family companion, certainly got a lovely coat, as you can see. >> brian: irish setter is barking at the bill o'reilly picture. [ laughter ] >> alisyn: tell me about the horse that steve is holding. >> this is willow the irish wolf hound, the tallest of our breeds. 170 pounds. they used to hunt wolfs in ireland and the nobility loved this dog. >> alisyn: brian's dog is walking him. tell us about brian's dog. >> this is an irish setter. this is the most popular dog voted on the american kennel club facebook page. he is a high energy dog and a love lima hoglymahogany coat. >> alisyn: they've been out here a while. are they happy to be in the city? >> they seem to be not enjoying the traffic and all the noise
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out here. >> they're certainly happy to be here and celebrate st. patrick's day and the luck of the irish. and all that good stuff. >> alisyn: this show is going to the dogs. >> brian: let's meet the irish wolf hound. >> steve: how much does an irish wolf hound that weighs 170 pounds, eat in a day? >> a lot. >> steve: okay, thank you. >> alisyn: he's eyeing this -- >> steve: brian! come on. we're going to take a quick time out and tranquilize brian. >> brian: i'm fine! >> steve: no, you're not! what's droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful.
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