tv FOX and Friends Saturday FOX News March 16, 2013 3:00am-7:00am PDT
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>> good morning, everyone, on saturday, march 16. another benghazi bombshell: is the administration telling the survivors to keep quiet? >> the best evidence of what happened is not politicians in washington trying to cover their political behind but the people who lived through it. >> what senator graham found out from those survivors. >> lobsters for lunch? the president sits down for a lobster meal but he could not take a single bite. the taste tester was a no show. >> unbelievable. >> and he could not have blueberry pie. >> you may know what lol means
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but what about bzy? or fsf? we are putting you to the text test this morning. no cheating. don't google. "fox & friends" starts right now. we will have a friend at the end. >> welcome to "fox & friends" on saturday morning. blueberry pie sounds delicious. >> i didn't realize it was dangerous to be eating. >> but everyone else was eating, so isn't that the test you need? >> if a bunch of senators have not dropped dead you are say. >> but it came from the kitchen of susan collins, she had it prepared specially because it was a lobster special. >> she could be the least sinister of all senators, susan collins. if anyone would poison the president it would not be
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senator collins. >> now the headlines overnight. we have developed stories including south korea has nuclear drills with a $1 billion plan to benefit up 12s and will explore three new sites for interceptors. two are on the east coast. one is in alaska. >> they misdiagnosed the nature of what was happening in the area in terms of what the sanctioned country determined to acquire the capability would be able to do but it was driven by a broad are ideology that was opposed to missile defense. >>alisyn: the united states will send an additional radar system to japan. >> it is amazing anyone survived a test flight that went wrong leaving three dead and setting a dozen fires on fire after taking
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off from fort lauderdale executive airport. the pilot tried to return to the airport but hit a warehouse and crashed. >> he was in a dive to the ground. there was an boom and then an explosion. >> the plane just went behind the building and you just hear "boom." >>alisyn: the victims include a father, a son, and a test pilot. >> he is behind bars for working with al qaeda but the terror suspect has been hooked up, with the jail holding the terrorist will bring in an occupational therapist to teach him how to use his new hims and he get as laptop i cell to look over evidence. the lawyers are not finished and they are asking for him to have his sheets changed each day.
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>> talk about not biting, president obama passing on the lavish lobster lunch with senator republicans because the official taste tester was not there to try it. tell us about this. >> the maine senator, senator collins said the president looked ated food but he passed. everyone joked and said everyone was a tester and if it was poise opened they would have keeled over but he did not bite. who knew the president of the united states as a taster. it is good to be king. >>alisyn: does every president have a taster? >> i don't know. if a bunch of senators are sitting there and eating the same thing, you are safe, no? >> i guess you cannot track where the pie came from. we know from watching tv that poisoning can occur at the dinner table with dignitaries. >> if you regard yourself as so important you cannot eat the same food as a senator because
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it could be dangerous, what does it say? >>alisyn: it says this is where clayton gets all his knowledge -- from tv. >> a superstar of republicans taking center stage at the second day of a conference. now we have all of the highlights with our reporter. >> this is a very young crowd of conservatives. they are upbeat and a message reinforced by an all-star lineup of republicans. >> it is fashionable in some circles to be pessimistic about america, about conservative solutions and the republican party. i utterly reject pessimism. we may not have carried on november 7 but we have not lost the country we love and we have not lost our way. >> we are not hiding behind our beliefs. a budget is more than a list of
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numbers, it is an expression of our philosophy. in our budget, we draw a sharp contrast with the left. it says to the people in unmistakable terms, they are the party of shared hardship. we are the party of equal opportunity. >> our core principles, greater individual responsibility, more personal freedoms, smaller and more effective government, are the only principles that can office our children the full measure of their potential. i am here to tell you there is no "us" or "them." the face of the republican party needs to be the face of every american. we need to be the party of inclusion and acceptance. >> we are run by either very foolish or very stupid people. what is going on in this country is unbelievable. our country is a total mess. it is a total and complete mess.
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what we need is leadership. >> on deck today is a superstar lineup of conservatives including dr. carson, texas senator ted cruz and sarah palin. guys, i don't want to alarm the general population but this was a zombie outbreak at cpac. i snapped a few photos of what they call obama zombies. the motto is they come first if your brains and then they come from your balance. >>alisyn: terrifying. glad you survived. >> the best dressed zombies i have ever seen. very well dressed. >> one of the questions from cpac, are there young fresh faces like the zombies. could they revitalize the republican party as a result of putting forth the younger and fresh faces at the cpac conference? >> you will is all about opportunity. it is a young crowd.
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it has to do with the president, though. democrats control the white house and the senate and the question is, when they stumble, will republicans be there to take advantage of that and this is evidence that the president has overreached and the sequester tell actually in the end hurt him. he went too far. we had a conversation with charles last night who made that point. here is charles krauthammer. >> there is a loss of despair among the conservatives and republicans that the other party, the party of the future, the demographics are running against us. this is not true. they are a party on the wrong side of the country. they had a strong candidate. we had a relatively weak candidate. as long as they nurture the young leaders coming up and stick to their principles, we have a very good chance. >>alisyn: i wish charles named names. i am assuming he is referring to
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marco rubio and jindal and rand paul spoke, and people have contrasted how different that message could be from marco rubio. i assume that is who charles krauthammer is talking about. >> that is right and i add ted cruz and jindal but having just been there and i don't know if this is significant or real but rand paul was the star according to the young people i talked to. the" stand with rand" sticker was the most popular thing there. >> all reading said that that speech is the one that galvanized the most individuals. >> and the filibuster, the fact that he stood for 11 1/2 hours, or so, in the well of the senate to get answers on the drone program, that really resonated with a lot of people. >> are the republicans becoming more isolationist? >> i don't think they are but they have real concerns about
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the president's policies and their effect on the civil liberties of america, the non-crazy libertarian wing of the party, i think, they are growing stronger. >>alisyn: rick knows how to filibuster. rick: that is so true. but they only give me 20 seconds. i tweeted you last night because i know you love winter. we are stuck. we are stuck in winter. there is no change to this pattern. i know we would like to think it is spring and spring happens officially on wednesday but there is no real sign. sorry to say that. these temperatures that are remaining well we low average hold on for it looks like about the next week and a half to two weeks. in the south you have nice temperatures. it feels like spring. this weekend across areas of the
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deep south it is looking spectacular. to the north we have rain and snow on northern side of this and cutting across michigan that will dive through the northeast and we have rain this afternoon that could become severe across carolinas. across the west we have cloud cover but it is this storm here that is moving into the pacific northwest that becomes a monday and tuesday storm across the northern plains and across the east. that is going to include more snow. look what happens in the northeast, the snow moves across pennsylvania throughout the afternoon and by 4:00 today, there will be snow from new york city to around the philadelphia area. it is rain to the south of that. it will snow for a few hours but not cold enough to see accumulating snow. obviously this time of year especially on st. patrick's day with all of the parades you may like it to be spring but it will not happen. you can see it is cold across that area today. tomorrow remains cold but the south is a great weekend in store. guys? >> thank you, rick.
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>> another benghazi bombshell. did the obama administration tell survivors to keep quiet? that is what a senator is claiming and colonel west will weigh in on that. >> and disgraced new york congressman anthony weiner may not be done yet. [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of? bikes and balloons, wholesome noodles on spoons. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's.
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that's what happy kids are made of. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. [ ding dong ] 20% off teleflora... oh... save on roadside assistance from allstate! discounts from enterprise, avis and hertz! [ male announcer ] aarp has great deals at popcorn? [ male announcer ] find offers from regal cinemas, walgreens and kellogg's. they're great! [ male announcer ] and on exciting entertainment! [ taxi whistle ] c'mon guys, the millers just got their cards, too! [ male announcer ] check out the possibilities.
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>> i have had contact with some of the survivors. their story is chilling. they are afraid to tell it. it is possibility they come forward to tell their story. the best evidence of what happened in benghazi is not a bunch of politicians in washington trying to cover their political behind but those who lived through it.
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i will do everything i can to get them before the congress and the american people so we can learn what happened in benghazi. >> are the survivors back on the job? >> some are back working for the government. some are still injured. the bottom line is, they feel they cannot come forward. they have been told to be quiet. at the end of the day we can fought let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the american people and the congress, people would were there in real time to tell the story. >> that was senator graham of south carolina speaking out on the biggest of all benghazi bombshell. >>alisyn: why were survivors of the attack that left four americans dead in libya told to keep quiet by the administration if that is what happened. we are joined by colonel west. cornell, what do you make of what senator graham said? by the way, bret baier pressed him to say what did they tell
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you and senator graham did not answer that. what do you make of what he is saying? >> this cannot be the new normal, the fact we have an ambassador killed six months ago and, also, two former navy seals and another state department worker in benghazi. the most important thing we have to realize is our men and women that we send on foreign shores to never be left behind on any battlefield and further our wounded individuals can not be treated like lepers. frank wolf, from virginia, who was asking for a bipartisan commission to look at the issue sent a letter talking about the 50 survives that came from the incident and he had information about seven individuals who were walter reed medical center so that means if you are there you you are possibly an amputee. the american people should have known about there and for the
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president talking about transparency we are not seeing it. >> what do you make about what charles krauthammer say, that the white house hopes this will go away, we have a long enough time between when this happened and when hillary clinton gave her testimony and the press is not on this. no one else in the news is talking about benghazi attacks. do you agree if. >> that is an important aspect. we know the president has the behind closed door meetings with media outlets and this is could be the talking point he gave to stay away from the issue. they wanted to evade this issue prior to the election but it is terrible. we do not treat our men and women who are keeping us safe and that includes state department imblowees. >> if the allegations of senator graham are true and the white house or someone pushed the survivors to keep quiet, is that legal?
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doesn't that violate whistle blower statute? is that a criminal offense? >> i am sure it has to be a criminal offense but it is morale wrong. that is not how we treat people. if this is about political gain that is more unconscionable. as i said not going this cannot be the new normal we try to hide the truth from the american people going back to susan rice on said this was the result of a video. this was a terrorist attack. the individuals that survived the terrorist attack in benghazi we should celebrate them and thank them for their service. we should not forget what happened. >>alisyn: on a different topic can we talk what we should do about our brave men and women in the service struggling to pay their tuition with the sequester
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cuts? >> i cannot understand the leadership by fearmongerring and intimidation and scare tactics coming from the white house regarding sequestration. it is widely phone that you have $200 billion to $300 billion in redundant programs to cut. there are 1,700 recommendations to give up $67 billion of immediate savings. why do we look to the men and women who have been out there who earned the benefits and saying we are going to cut those backs in it is about the administration trying to increase the level of pain as a political point. we should never use our men and women as political pawns. >>clayton: if one person who will get up early on a saturday morning it is a colonel. nice to see you, colonel. >> happy st. patrick's day. >> america's most hated mother
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offered big bucks but this is not if her story but it is to keep her quiet. >>alisyn: on lessons we can learn from pope benedict. for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful. we asked total strangers to watch it for us. thank you so much. i appreciate it. i'll be right back. they didn't take a dime. how much in fees does your bank take to watch your money? if your bank takes more money than a stranger, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can bt. [♪...] [click click] [♪...] >> a government spy tactic being shot down. a california judge rules the file sent letters to company demanding members' personal information but it is unconstitutional. they contain gag orders and the court says that forts companies to keep the letters secret does violate the constitution. >> he resigned in disgrace after sending racy photos to women he met online but democratic congressman anthony weiner could be eyeing a comeback the he
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spent $130,000 on two polls to see what voters thought of another run for office. no word on the verdict. >>alisyn: pope benedict's announcement of the resignation surprised the world but there are thousands of professionals and they face a similar decision when you have a job for life, with no official retirement age, how do you know when it is time to go? we will scwa our business reporter. >> great to see you i believe we can take a look at the vatican. here is our new pope, who is meeting members of the press. this is live. >> if for pope benedict, though, for recognizing his own capacity and his own restraints and boundaries saying "enough is enough." for all of us, how do we figure
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that out on our own? the main thing is, and i hate to sound like a business reporter, the question is, do you have enough money? this is obviously a tough question. it is a great question, too, and the best part is people in general are living longer. if you go online there are all kinds of retirement calculators you can plug in your circumstance and figure out how much money you need a year in retirement. second, how much money do you need to save right now and at what rate of investment return ideally you need to earn to be able to live the best quality of life you can while retired. >>alisyn: you need to run the numbers and you need specific information how much money you need and what your costs are. most of us, unlike pope francis, do not take a vow of property. also, you say that you need to recognize it is not just money but your way of life and whether your job is fulfilling.
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>> that is an important question, are you thinking, how will i get my next promotion or trying to figure out how to budget enough time for a vacation? what are you interested in? if there are hobbs or interests, traveling, that you have not done yet and you are interested in doing, and you have planned for it continually, by all means, that is a strong sign it is time to cut back the hours. >> also, of course, because we are not the pontiff, because we don't have an obvious higher calling you need to think about your higher calling. >> that is an important point, too, if you look at the bill gates example of microsoft, granted we do not have $1 billion to invest in trying to rid the world of malaria or set up an amazing charity but small steps are huge to get involved in a charity or if you have a dream job. my dad had a passion for the clarinet so he no longer
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practices as a doctor but plays in community orchestras and in bans and is happy playing in a band making little money. he knew bringing up a family he needing a more meaningful income so that has been exciting. >>alisyn: that is great, at 70 i will start a rock band. i will for the that led. >> the best thing to lead if your kids is no debt so plan accordingly financially. >>alisyn: than you, lori, for coming in early with tips for us. >> the country is $17 trillion in debt. should we promote food stamps in mexico? democrats seem to think so. we will explain that. they are going bald for a great cause, to help kids with cancer. this morning, they are doing it on our plaza. >> i celebrate st. patrick's day but why drink. irish people have hard enough
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>> here is your shot of the morning, st. patrick's day pets all dressed up, whether it is your dog, cat, rabbit. what do you find a hat that small? you can e-mail us your pet pictures or tweet us. send in your pet photos this morning. tucker and ali, the more ridiculous, the better, right? >> that is the only criteria. >>alisyn: they need to wear sunglasses. while we are celebrating st. patrick's day we are also celebrating a foundation named by combining st. patrick's and bald raising money for childhood cancer search while volunteers shake their heads for the cause. we are joined by the co-founder of the foundation and the winestein family. >>alisyn: explain to us the thinking and the motivation for
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st. bald day. >> it was not an einstein moment but we are on the deck in july of 1999 and two friends after having played a bad game of golf had big heads of hair and we said we will turn our party into something productive rather than st. patrick and we try to get 17 guys at the time, there were not so company females willing to shake and we raised $17,000 for childhood cancer research. fast forward, we raised $33.5 million last year and to date we are at $170 million. >>alisyn: my gosh! >> it all goes to childhood cancer research. we not into helping families, so to speak but we helped them by trying to change what happens in the research. >> it is hard to thing of a better cause than that. so when people shave they become walking advertisements for the cause. >> i am the foster child when you look at my big head of hair
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compared to yours. it is a really solidarity with the kids who are going through chemo. >>alisyn: christie, thank you for coming out. tell us about this? >> mikey is seven. he was diagnosed when he was just under three years old with unidentifiable brain tumor coat his brain and spine. we we have had three years of chemo since then and we just learned he has had a recurrence and there is growth again so we are exploring more treatment options. >>alisyn: so sorry to hear that. tell us what this means? >> this foundation...when mike was first diagnosed i was approached by a girl i used to babysit for who shaved her head each year. she asked if they could honor mike at a local event. we were more than thrilled to do it. we raised a good amount of
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money. three months later, we walked into mikey's appointment at sloan-kettering and his doctor came out and was so excited to tell us that he received a grant from the foundation so we were so excited to know that work we did with the foundation really went to work on such a personal level right away. it was amazing. because we saw it work like that, we have been such huge fans of st. baldridge. when we run the event each year and participate in the events i tell everyone, every single dollar donated to st. baldridge is another beacon hope for families like ours. there is no better way to make any donation than to possibly save the lives of kids. >>alisyn: we will try to help you today and see how many heads we can shake on the plaza. tucker, we will do that in a
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couple of hours. i will shave your head, tucker. now, inside to clayton. >>clayton: i want to see that on you, by the way. we have headlines: shocking details of the pilots of the air france plane that crashed nearly four years ago. the report reveals that the captain of that flight only had one hour of sleep and the co-pilots were also exhausted after a wild night in rio. the captain was on a rest break when the air bus flew straight into a tropical storm if june of 2009 and he responded to the co-pilot call for help they were too average stated to communicate what was wrong and the plane plunged into the atlantic ocean killing all passengers. air plans and air bus are under investigation for alleged manslaughter. >> our country is more than $16 trillion in debt but the senate
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democrats have stopped an effort to block funds for a food stamp promotion partnership with mexico. democrats on the senate budget committee rejected a proposal to stop funding for projects like this in a 12-10 part line vote and senator senator sessions is outraged saying contrary to sound policy the united states is spending money advertising food stamp benefits in foreign consulates. the agriculture department is defending the program. >> man wanted to make sure that casey anthony or anyone else doesn't make a dime off of her story. he wants to pay her $10,000 to keep quiet for life. he doesn't want to make a movie county put her on tv or write a book, he doesn't want anyone to profit from her story. the florida woman was accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter in 2008 but found not guilty. >> naps are not just for kids. a growing number of companies now offer nap time for employees
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ali has been doing it on her own for years. a new jersey business has a nap room for workers to take time out. health experts say it is a good idea because fatigue is weighing on workers' help and product it. we have a nap room in our green room! you need something furry. >> what was that? >> maybe a little sheep. >> maybe it was someone's coat? >> risk likes to catch a nap from time to time... >> sure, clayton you owe someone a dry cleaning bill. rick: you will need the coats, i wish i could say spring was here across the north but it is not. there is no sign of it. in the south it is over. on the weather maps, you can see
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the little bit of pink across north dakota and minnesota, that is the next batch of cold air which certainly is solidly if place across the northern tier. today's forecast will show snow showers across pennsylvania and upstate new york and new york city and the jersey shoreline we will see snow flurries with rain toward washington, dc, and down to the southeast, a spectacular day. it does not get any nicer than this, spring in the south is absolutely spectacular and you have it today and for were of tomorrow. back to you. >>alisyn: there has always been a language bearer between parents and teenagers but now it is worse than ever with a if you language that is the language of text. text talk. you probably -- you have teens. do they text? >> they document i love to text because i keep in touch with them and i do not allow them to
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use the contractions or slang. standard english. >> you are a fan of english language and grammar so it is frustrating to see these. we will play a quiz and see if you can figure out what this is. grab your note pad and cell phone. what is bzy? what does that mean? >> busy. >> something harder. >> that is only a savings of one letter. >> it adds a z rather than an "s." >> bcuz. >> because. that is a savings of a few. that is a huge time saver. >> parents are asking for a translation on the text message. >> f2f? >> face to face. >> this is the weirdest.
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pizza, peetsa. pizza? pizza? one letter longer than the actual word. what? what? >> time to reassess. >> this is an evolution of culture, language changes overtime, what do you think? do you agree? disagree? >> trd. that is tardy. >> let us know what you think, are we losing our language? do you have to try and decipher your kids' message? >> remember when napolitano said the media made up the story of illegals being released from jail? the head of i.c.e. says she lied and drunk drivers have been released. should they be allowed to walk? that debate is coming up. >> and bloom better was dissed
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twice in a week including an antibloomberg bill that was passed and legislation on the size of the drinks. ♪ why i'm leaving you lonely, lonely ♪ do we have a mower? no. a trimmer? no. we got nothing. we just bought our first house, we're on a budget. we're not ready for spring. well let's get you ready. very nice. you see these various colors. we got workshops every saturday.
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yes, maybe a little bit over here. this spring, take on more lawn for less. not bad for our first spring. more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. get three bags of rthgro mulch, a special buy at just $10. great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way. (music throughout)
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for current and former military members and their families. get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. >>clayton: it is called thants bloomberg bill referring to an attempt to ban extra large sugar drinks in the city. our guest came up with legislation that passed overwhelmingly in mississippi and could ban towns from banning food based on nutritional information. the mississippi state senator joins us now with more on this. nice to see you, tony. >> thank you for having me. >> why did you decide to pass this bill? >> this is more about the government interference in the
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industry. we feel like if we are going to create regulation that will be directed to a particular industry, the state should reserve that right and not allow individual municipalities from being able to do this. >> specifically, it would bar any mayor in mississippi from randomly deciding to ban something but bans it on a state level, rather than individually. >> absolutely. we felt you would have a hodgepodge of different regulations across the state. if you have multiple restaurants you would have different regulations depending on the city and it would be better if commerce in our state and be more business friendly having the legislature reserve the right to mandate any regulations. >> as the bill passed, you know, now, that the mayor bloomberg responded to this bill being called the antiblockberg bill on
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the radio. >> you have to love it, the state with the highest rate of oh boast they pass a law that says you cannot do anything. life expectancy in that part of the country is 20 years lower than in our country. >> does the mayor have a point in. >> i am not sure where that stat came from. i cannot debate that. the statistics show we are the most obese state in the nation but the first lady was here celebrating our school initiative that shows that the childhood obesity rate in mississippi has decreased 13 percent. something is being done right without the government. >> some argue also that the government has a right to protect our citizens and if mississippi is the fattest state in the country does the government have a right to the do something? >> i believe there is a place for government to help us, through policy. to go after one industry and the
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food service industry and say can you not get a bill gulp, i don't think that will make any impact. the flaw in the reasoning is i like to go to instant and only buy a 16-ounce drink but who says i cannot buy two or three the. >> it seems like a hodgepodge and random so it seems that is why it is stalled. >> thank you, tony smith, who put forward this antibloomberg bill. >> first they said it was hundreds but it was actually thousands of illegal immigrants released from jail. should the criminals have been allowed to walk? arthur has something to say about this. keep us out of your punch line, jay leno underfire for speaking the truth about nbc rating. look what mommy is having.
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>> the obama administration is coming clean, forced to come clean on the detained illegal immigrants released because of budget cuts. i.c.e. director says that more than 2,000 were let go. they were held for various offenses including drunk driving and theft. should they be allowed to walk? the two people we asked first, fox news legal analyst and defense attorney. letting out people being held
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for theft and d.w.i.? we cannot afford them what is the point of government? >> this is much ado about nothing. if we committed a d.w.i. which we will not do and we are here illegally we are not sitting in jail waiting if trial we sleep at home at night. the difference is when you are not here illegally i.c.e. keep as hold open you. if you are a low level offender and released from the federal prison but you mentored so we can first you to come back and answer the charges, what is the harm? >> but you are not supposed to be here in the first place. >> this is for budget reasons. how much reason do we spend each day at our borders? how much do we spend each day tracking down people who are here without the proper paperwork? millions and millions and wills. do you know what we are saving by releasing them? $164 a day per person. someone who is arrested, charged
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with a crime, and that person is here without paying taxes or doing what they are supposed to be doing. >> why not fire the president's food taster and dog walker and stylist? >> thank you. >> and hold back on playing golf with tiger woods. >> when people are here and are locked up for traffic offenses, and petty things... >> but the theory is when we find out they are here illegally, and we find them, are we supposed to do something? or, you are illegal, have a good day. >> the 2,000 people will still face their deportation hearing. that will not go away but they are just not waiting in a federal lock out. >> you don't think they will be
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able to sneak out. >> let them sneak out, problem solved. >> sneak out of the grasp of our justice department. we spend all this money to find them and we spend all this money to find them, all this money to keep them from coming into our country now we finally got them and we are going to let them go? it is counter...counterintuitive. >> you are here illegally and you run a red light, i don't need you locked up. >> thank you both. >> up next, a mom punishing her kid by forcing them to wear "shame "teachers to school that say i steal and i am disrespectful. the school says not so fast, is this tough love going too far or the bet thing that happened? >> nbc is not laughing, jay leno is now coming underfire from the
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the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful. >>alisyn: good morning, everyone, on march 16. a benghazi bombshell, are the survivors of the attack told to stay silent? >> i have had contact with survives and they feel they cannot come forward. they have been told to be quiet. >>alisyn: is that evidence a coverup? >> he speaks the truth about the appalling ratings at nbc but nbc is not laughing. jay leno now coming underfire from his own network for telling the truth. >>clayton: what it is like to be the daughter of a preacher. >> little girl, little girl,
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little girl. >> new reality show giving honey boo-boo a run for the money. >> "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. >>alisyn: good morning, everyone, great to be here with tucker and clayton. we have an interesting story to debate amount mother's controversial plan for discipline, shaming her eight and nine-year-olds by writing what they did wrong on a t-shirt sending them to school and the school says it is not allowed. >> controversial suggests people disagree? >> i like this idea. >>clayton: what do you think? you can weigh in on that on twitter. >>alisyn: now the headlines. a developing story, south korea test fired two short range
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missiles, likely a response to ongoing united states and south korea drills. the united states will explore three new sites for ground-based interceptors two on the east code and another in alaska. the obama administration rejected a plan to add more intercepters if alaska initially. >> they misdiagnosed, i think, the nature of what was happening in the region in terms of what the sanctioned country determined to acquire the capability would be able to do but it was driven by a broader ideology that was opposed to missile defense. >>alisyn: the united states will send an additional radar system to japan. amazing anyone survived this, a test flight goes wrong leaving three people dead and send setting a dozen cars on fire. it took off and immediately had trouble and crashed in a parking
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lot after hitting a warehouse. >> he want straight down to the ground and it was a "boom" and an explosion. >> the plane hit sideways and it went behind the building and you heard "boom." >>alisyn: the victims include a father, son, and a test pilot. >> behind bars for allegedly working with al qaeda, but the terror suspect has been hooked up with new set of prosthetics and he will be taught how to use the new limbs and he get a laptop in the cell to look over the evidence, and the lawyers are not finished. they are now asking for him to have the sheets changed on a daily basis. >> i know you care about this, clayton, jay leno. >>clayton: this is a long tradition, letterman bashing the bosses, and nbc executives are not laughing at jay leno's jokes
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about the ratings. listen. >> we are now in the middle of lent and the most common thing people are giving up this year, watching nbc. apparently. for the first time in history, nbc is 5th in the rating period. we are now behind the spanish language channel. we call it "sinking of the rating." >> the host went on the rant at the end of last in and a boss was not happy about that. there was a heated e-mail exchange as nbc is rumored to be replacing jay leno with jimmy fallen so there is back-and-forth. the late night wars condition. >>alisyn: he can say what he warrants if he is being replaced with jimmy fal lone. >> president obama in washington and green energy and on the other side is congressman paul ryan and our exploding debt.
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we have our reporter from washington, dc. >> rive paul ryan took to the stage on friday bringing a very serious focused tone dug the 15 minute speech saying and i quote, "a debt crisis would be more than an economic event but it would be a moral failure." he debuted the budget plan wants to cut $4.6 trillion the next decade and he wants to cut obamacare. he said the debt will weigh down the country. >> unemployment is 7.7 percent. 46 million people are living in poverty today in america. the president says we are in a recovery. i say we are in critical care. >> things will be worse. by the end of 2023, the economy will be at a crawl. we will have $8 trillion added
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to the debt. >> in a trip to a national laboratory outside of chicago, the president made a number of very light-hearted comments about the impact of the sequester. the speech went on to focus on the energy proposal. >> those who have chairs, lease feel free to sit down, everyone was standing and i thought...the laboratory, you know, an effect of the sequester, you had to...get rid of chairs. glad we got you chairs. >> as you mention two different tones, the speech coming on the heels of a rare three day visit to capitol hill where he reaped across party lines to encourage compromise. >> back to you. >> now, because another bombshell in the benghazi story this morning. perhaps the white house hoped the story had gone away but it turns out that we were wondering, why haven't we heard
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from any of the survives? why not hear from the press? we only hear from hillary clinton and high level officials, why have we not heard from the survivors who were there at the consulate when this unfolded? this only we could have an answer. >> we don't know how many survivors there are. be clear on that. there are reports the number is seven to 15 but now we learn through senator graham of south carolina, he says that he has spoken to a number of the survivors and some of them told him directly that they have been instructed, presumably by the white house, not to talk about what happened at benghazi. if this is true, this is legitimately a bombshell. i believe it is probably violating whistle blower statutes allowing federal employees to tell the truth if there is wrong doing and it could be a crime. this is a big deal. >>alisyn: on the flip side, follow is reporting there were 37 personnel in benghazi on the night of 9/11 and some of them,
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a large portion, were c.i.a. who as we know, the c.i.a. doesn't always come out and talk about what they are doing or admit they were there. >> i meant to say people would were wounded. we don't know how many were wounded at benghazi. >>alisyn: senator graham says he thinks this could be ground for more subpoenas. >> i will continue to make life difficult in the senate and i am begging my house of representatives colleagues, if they will not voluntarily release the names of the survivors to the congress for appropriate interviews to get to the bottom of what happened at benghazi, you subpoena them. we are not going to cover up a failed foreign policy episode and read in the "new york times" all of the successes of the obama administration. you cannot have a country where the commander in chief gets to celebrate the successes and hide failures. >> charles krauthammer broke it down into three sections on why he thinks the obama
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administration wants this to go away. he points out the obama administration has been dragging its feet, hoping that this will go away and because the mainstream media is not talking. listen to charles. >> the administration wants to make a speech on gun control, it brings in the parents of newtown, not that you will get new information but you get the drama and the pain of those who suffered. what they want in a way is to deny that and to is the people, to have them in the shadows an abstract story about an event that happened far away. the dead are dead they don't want people out there telling a story that would drama ties the importance and meaning of a new who appeared to be absent that night. >> the mainstream media is not cover the story and they waited months before we had secretary of state, hillary clinton give
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testimony. >> if you wind up with a benghazi survivor on television like we have on fox saying i was told by the white house not to talk about what happened there, that will be a scandal. there is no ignoring that. >>clayton: they do not want a face to this. if you have a survivor face, survivor of the benghazi attack on television, that put as face with a story and for the membership it -- american people it withs more real. >> jake carney has said under no sicks did the white house try to silence anyone. we will continue to explore that for the rest of the program. we will bring in rick to tell us about the weather around the country. rick: if you are in the south it is spectacular. it doesn't get better than mid-70's for highs across the south in the spring, a beautiful time. across the not, not is much. this patterns looks like we will be stuck. we have snow which is heavy at
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times across michigan, moving toward upstate new york and pennsylvania and we could see severe weather down across the areas of the south but not big horrible storms but a few strong storms in the virginia's and in the west, it is a storm moving in the pacific northwest that becomes our next weather maker. the snow plays out in radar with snow moving across pennsylvania and toward the new york city area, and across parts of jersey and jersey shoreline and this is throughout the afternoon and it will not accumulate on the roads. a look at the next storm, you can see the snow into monday, across parts of the none plains, rain across the south, where the 32-degree mark, so interior section of the northeast on tuesday, looking potentially at a major snowstorm in the interior section at this point, the cities are looking like rain. >> winter storms? >> how dare they.
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>> most people are celebrating st. patrick's day this week, spain is on fire. >> one of the most unique festivals in the world is in spain and our reporter is in spain to show us more from valencia. >> this celebration is to honor st. joseph the patron saint of camp periods but to welcome spring and here they do it in a colorful and loud way. the united states has fireworks. this city has a festival. there is rumble of gunfire each afternoon for 20 days in the city square to celebrate approaching spring. each year they search out the loudest "boom" makers. >> it is like a victim no one of explosion.
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that is how it is designed. >> steps away is the grand monuments to the identity of the people, about as high as a seven story building is not the larger creations. where there is a huge structure, there is angel beautiful smaller structure for the children. more than 300 of these are around the city and all but the two voted the best burn in a bonfire. the director calls the burning of this a metaphor for life. >> it is about what you lose and you love and live. >> people are gathering here for this afternoon and getting a start on losing their hearing early. back to you guys. >>alisyn: that is a good assignment, alicia. >> but the meals are small with
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tapas. >> a gun debate is explosive. >> i am not a 6th grader, senator, i have been here for 20 years. it is fine to lecture me on the constitution i appreciate but i have been here a long-term and passed a number of bills and i studied the constitution myself and i am reasonably well educated and i thank you for the lecture. >> the back and forth does not happen often in the senate, the fallout is next. >>alisyn: a mom trying to teach her kids a lesson by making them wear shirts that say "i steal" but the school put a stop to it. we report, you decide. let us know what you think. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego.
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gun rights. >> would you think the 4th amendment protection against searches and seizures could properly apply only to the following specified individuals and not to the individuals that congress has deemed outside the protection of the --. >> i am not a sixth grader, i have been on the committee for 20 years. it is find to lecture me on the constitution but i have been here a long time and study the constitution myself and i am reasonably well educated and i thank you for the lecture. >>clayton: that happened before a bill banning assault weapons passed. will it curve firearm fatalities? we have former nypd detective. harry, high to see you, will this pass? will it pass? does it solve the problem? >> first of all, it will not pass because they don't have the votes in the senate.
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senator feinstein snows she doesn't have the votes. why are they wasting time and money on this? we know that handguns, illegal handguns are the problem. i have statistics from the uniform crime report showing 232 homicides with rifles last year in 2011 and not half of those are what they call assault weapons. we have 6,220 homicides with handguns. why are they focusing on assault rifles when handguns is a problem and it is the illegals. >> because of newtown and we know this lanza goes to the show with the rifle and has all the 30 round magazines and does not pull out a handgun until the end when he shoots himself and he shoots everyone else with an assault rifle. that is why. waking up in fill this morning, foes are dealing with murder overnight and illegal handguns.
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why are they ignoring the elephant in the room? what can they to do go after these? >> i don't think they want to do something. if they did, they would go after the illegal guns. i don't hear one person talking about minimum mandatory sentencing for anyone using the gun. all they want to do is penalize the legal gun owners. the democrats want to focus on the legal gun owners. we need to go after the bad guys. there are three things to do to limit the gun violence. one, we need back ground checks. i am for that 100 percent. no one should be able to go in and buy a gun. second, effective law enforcement, stop and frisk. we reduced crime in new york city. third, minimum mandatory sentencing. that is what we need. >>clayton: harry, always great to see you. >> last weekend on vacation i met people from nashville that
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>>alisyn: and now how to get a new kid or husband by friday, and this wise guy is taking the readers on a spiritual path with "the way of the wise." >> we have a psychologist and best setting author. >> what is the "way of the wise." it comes from proverbs and i wrote in 5 days and the public liver said this must have been
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your heart and it really was, my mother was a believer. she was a christian. what i never wanted to be was a christian. i thought they were geeky. they talk christian language and i wanted nothing to do with it. i was thrown out of cub scouts, college, became a janitor in tucson at the age of 19 and worked a couple of years and met my wife to be, tucker, in the men's restaurant. she was a nurse's aide helping a guy take a leak. >> that is an we met story. >> i fell in love with her right off the bat. she pops the question, she says would you like to go to church and i thought, oh, crap, she is one of them. >>alisyn: you are a fan of going to clutch and when you went to church, you were not sure it was for you. >> i thought, no chick is worth this but long story short, this
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pastor talked about the guy would knew who god was in his head but he didn't know in his heart and that is what this book is all about, it says don't forget my teaching, okay? keep the commandments in your heart, okay? trust him with all your might and people are people of faith feel they like they don't measure up, they are not god enough, but i take refuge in this, i cannot find 12 people in all of god's word, more dumb than the disciples. they walked and talked with jesus and saw him perform miracles and he says, i am out of here, i will prepare a place and i love this story because good old...thomas, thomas is so stupid, he says, look, we don't know where you are going and
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philip who is dumber than thomas, says, show us the father and we will know and jesus says, after all this time you don't know who i am? if you came to faiths someone came to faith before you and my mother prayed for me every day of my life and if you ever see a turtle on a fence post, you know he didn't get there by himself. >> coming to that you say "trust in the lord with all your heart" because you ran away from this your whole life. >> my favorite calculate -- chapters is are the pot are i amount clay. the whole idea of faith and forking it over, i am yours all 96 percent, i want dominion over my 401(k) and my wife which is impossible, i might add, which is what i have learned in 45 years. but this is a book that will inspire people. one of my heroes is a cope who
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never said go do win but play basketball how it should be played and i will say play the game of life. >>alisyn: this is "way of the wise." thanks for sharing it. >> you used to be a wise guy, you say, but i think you still are. >> coming up, a mom punishing her kids by forcing them to wear shame shirts to school. the school says, not to fast. who has the power over the kids, the school or the parents? >> our next guest is an expert on all things irish. i irish food coming up. what's droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport,
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the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful. >> another carnival cruise ship has broken down with no war, no power, but even the somali pirates will not take them over, that is the good thing. >> how would you like to work in the p.r. department of carnival
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cruise? >> they have all fled. >>alisyn: thanks for sticking with us. we will have a delicious irish feast so stick around. >>clayton: you have been begging for food. your wish will come true. >>alisyn: i all right had breakfast. now to the headlines, speaking of carnival, it was supposed to a caribbean cruise for 2,500 passengers but they are returning to land. more trouble after a subsequent operator had an issue and 4,300 passengers returning home complaining the power was not the only issue. >> we get to orlando and no one knows what is going on. we have one person telling us to drop our luggage here and there are two people here helping and we don't know what is going on. >> last week, tugboats escorted
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a ship to new orleans because of a malfunction in the steering system. >> there was heart wrenching testimony from the wife of the american christian pastor who is locked up in iran, with his wife telling lawmaker she is shocked the state department has not done more to help and more crushing, her children cannot understand why their father is no longer there. >> does daddy not love us anymore? does daddy not want to be here with us? i have to tell them that he is in prison because he loves jesus. >> the lawyer is outraged that the state department failed to attend a hearing. her attorneys confirm on friday >> it doesn't get much lower, a man takes money from the hands
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of a nun: 85-year-old sister was on the way to by a picket to a dinner and her money was stolen and he robbed the nun of all $6. >> he must have need it more than i am. i feel sorry to him. i would have given him something if he said he needed something. >> very gracious, of course. she said she is over the incident and the robber has not been found. >> the world's most daring wooden roller coaster opened yesterday in branson, missouri. watch this. that looks scary. it has the world and only double barrel roll on a wooden coaster, the steepest drop on a wooden
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coaster and the only one two twist upside down. it reaps speeds of 68 miles per hour and lasts less than 90 seconds. >>clayton: they now have steel available, don't they know that? >>alisyn: does that make it better? >>tucker: much less exciting. you are not afraid. >>clayton: in pennsylvania they had the tallest at one point, and you get a spinal adjustment because you go so fast. it is fantastic. >> headed to colorado, they have the most by december news stories, a mom in decided that because of her kids were caught stealing decides rather than grounding them or taking away the car and other things like that around the house, she has
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t-shirts that shame them and they have to wear them to school. the not chevrolets say "i steal" and they are forced to wear them to steal. >> what do you think? >> when i first read it, and the school is against it, saying they cannot wear the shirts i was on the million's side and i do think parents ought to have autonomy but would you do this to your kids? no. too much. >>alisyn: the little girl who was caught stealing from her mom's purse and from a store is eight years old. while i actually like unconventional punishment that are given out by judges and we have seen this where you have to wear a sandwich board in front of the store you stole, usually you are 21 or older. the nine-year-old son is a bully, according to the mom and she has tried everything, she says, and cannot figure out how to punish them beyond what she has done so she made him wear a
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sign saying he is a bully but the school said we will not let you shame your kids here. what is the answer? tush turk i am for sure but will this make them nicer? probably not. >>clayton: that do you think? would you do this to your own kids? we will check with rick. >> rick: no one will mess with the kids. it is like saying i will take your stuff, stay away. look at the weather today. cold. cold. cold x number of days across the northeast and an the great lakes and snow moving through with another shot at snow on tuesday, at least across the interior section, so forget talking about spring, we are talking about winter in the north, across the south, though, this is amazing, too warm, we are going straight to summer and we don't want
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these temperatures but if you come to the north you will take the temperatures across the south. in the anyone plains, we have cold temperatures across the dakotas and today we are only getting to 11 in north dakota and across the west, pretty nice, and we will see snow in the central rockies and the pacific northwest the next storm moves in, and huma is at 94, and now a look at the few cities for forecast on st. patrick's day, big events in new york city and chicago and it is cool, it will be cool in chicago, and today it is 35 and tomorrow is only 32 and boston and new york are both remaining well below average, as well. there you go. last year, st. patrick's we had everyone in 70's but not this year. we will drink do that. we will send it to you inside for st. patrick's food. >> just in time to celebrate st. patrick's day we have festive food.
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our famed chef has brought some of her favorite recipes to share with us. rachel? >> good morning. >> what are you hague for breakfast? >> perfect sandwiches and a traditional irish potato dish with cabbage. >> most think they know what authentic irish food is. is this more authentic? >> well, bacon and cabbage, corned beef, as well, and that seems to be more serve here but it is traditional food. we have one of traditional dishes but this is just one and just a simple take on delicious sausage with minced pork and bread crumbs. when you say i will make sausage and they say how can you do that? this does not have a casing so it is simple, gorgeous, breakfast. we have egg. bread couples and herbs and
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maybe for breakfast, parsley is good and seasoning which is important. make sure there is fat in the pork. >> the bread crumbs keep it together. >> gluten free bread. >> i am surprised how few potatoes there are here. >> i expected potato chips or french fries. >> no, mashed potatoes. we have great floury potatoes and they will mash up well. >>alisyn: how do you prepare the cabbage? >> the can cook the cabbage by tossing it in butter for a couple of minutes but do not boil for hours as used to done. the potatoes are mashed, boiled and mashed and there is lots of
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cabbage. butter. lots of butter. irish butter. >> you are not kidding. >> new you are talking! >> a lot butter. a pinch of salt. a pinch of chopped parsley. we have hot milk. but it depends on the potato, enough to bring it together. mix it together and you want something that is quite sloppy, not too dry, something like this. >> quickly, what do we have for dessert? >> apple and raspberry crumble with whipped cream.
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>>alisyn: here is the finished product. look at this how delicious it looks. >> dive in, everyone. >> i will have what right now. >>alisyn: the book is "irish family food." happy st. patrick's day. >> president obama says iran is about a year away from developing a nuclear weapon so as he headed to israel next week, will he finally draw the line in the sand? renowned defense expert is here on that. >>alisyn: what is it like to be daughter of a preacher? >> deal with right and wrong and the right thing we want to do but the flesh starts to fight in you. >> this new reality show is giving honey boo-boo a run for your money.
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>> iran is speeding to the goal of achieving nuclear capability but this is still time to avert that. >> we think it would take over a year or so for iran to actually develop a nuclear weapon but obviously we don't want to cut it too close if we can resolve it with a more lasting solution, but if not, i continue to keep all options on the table. >> the israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu has been pushing the united states to establish exactly where to draw that line. will the president's trip to the jewish state bring that closer to reality? retired lt. colonel is a fox news legal analyst and a highly decorateed veteran and joins us from washington, dc.
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what is the point of the trip to israel? >> it is more symbolic than anything. i don't believe anyone on this side or that side thinks anything significant is going do come out of the trip. i believe clearly the iranians will watch everything that happens. the president had a television interview two days ago in israel referring to the prime minister as if they were close friends and that sets the stage for the relationship. at the end of the day i help they have closed door sessions with serious discussions about what happens if the red line is hit. i don't think the president will tell the public what he will do. tush turk the israelis are clean to get assurance from the obama administration if the iranians get to a point we will react militarily? >>guest: we know the military has been told to draw up plans and that is a good sign but tucker, there is a dynamic here which not only this president
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but if romney won, romney would be dealing with, the american public is tired war. i'm tired of war. my son is about to go back to the fourth tour overseas and i don't think this president or, again, if it were romney, wants the debate and discussion in front of the american public about the use of military force against iran we understand what the threats are, what the problems are, the israelis understand, the general american public doesn't understand, i don't believe, what the threats are that are posed by the iranians with the neck weapon and if we did a poll on how many americans support united states military action against iran if whatever reason i don't think the numbers are favorable. >>tucker: do you think the president understands the threat posed by a nucleared arm iran? >>guest: great question. he is getting there. it is taking a while to get it but i believe we are at the point where the president understands what we are dealing
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with and the threat all of us face and the israelis have to do something to protect and defend their country. we have to stand there with them if they do it. >>tucker: thank you, retired lt. colonel cowan. >> no lobster for you, mr. president. he could not take a bite of his lunch because his taster was a no show. the president of the united states has a taster. it is good to be king and what it is like to be the daughter of a preacher giving a run for the money to hone boo-boo.
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chances are, you're not made of money, so don't overpay for motorcycle insurance. geico, see how much you could save. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪
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>> when you are a preacher's daughter you feel like you cannot mess up. >> last summer i was driving on acid and i was driving and got in a car accident and was suspended and i got pregnant the. >> we watched television religiously and now a new reality show is making religion part of the plot. preacher's daughter is called -- about trying to get their daughters getting in line and ticking off people of faith. we have a pastor, a father, and the author of "raising righteous and rowdy girls." thank you for being here. this new reality show shows the preachers' daughters doing drug, drinking, driving under the influence, going to parties, getting pregnant, you are a pastor and the father of two daughters, is this true to life?
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>> not in my household. i have met some of the greatest christian families in 25 years of ministry and the majority, pastors' daughters and sons are stellar, the best people that grace the planet. this is reinforcing the stereotype of christians don't have their act together, they are hypocritical and homes are a mess. if you look at what the dads are being accused of, their great crime in the show is they have what i put in my book, this thing called "they care," they give a flip factor. the girls complain about their dad not letting them post nude pictures on facebook or let them date the dorm dope dealer. i have folk we minister in miami and the united states and the world come from broken homes that would die to have parents
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that, (a), are still together or (b) that give a crap about their kids' future. it is insane. i can't wait until they do the show "crazy clerics daughters." that will never happen. >>alisyn: this makes good tv to see a train wreck. your daughters, as teens, were not like this? >> my daughters, hannah wore trip are heels but it was to infiltrate acorn and suppose them for giving home loans whorehouses. >> we remember that, and your other daughter has a website www.girlsjustwanttohaveguns and she has her own agenda. pastor, we are rung out of time but thanks for sharing your thoughts on this new reality show. >> our top story, did the white house temperature the beach gaza
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survivors to keep quiet? the first person on our air said the government lied and we have governor huckabee on deck. he is not happy. what's droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful.
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the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful. >>alisyn: silenced by the white house? a senator says the survivors of benghazi have been told to keep quiet. >> their story is chilling. they are afraid to tell it. the best evidence of what happened in benghazi is not politicians in washington traying to cover their political...>>alisyn: we have more on the stunning interview ahead. >>clayton: mitt romney takes the stage at cpac. >> i urge us all to learn lessons that come from some of our greatest success stories. that is 30 republican governors across the country.
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[ applause ] >>clayton: two governors iraqi, former governor huckabee and former governor scott walker will weigh in on that. >> the president could not take a single bite of his lobster lunch because his taster didn't show. yes, the president has a taster and you are paying for it. it is good to be king. >> and the president has a juggler. and a wizard. someone to carry the train as he leaves the train. >>alisyn: i have not read that article. here are some real headlines. we will get to them right now but, first, a fox news alert.
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south korea announcing the north test fired two short range missiles, a likely response to ongoing united states and south korean drills announcing $1 billion plan to benefit up missile defenses and will smokes three new sites for the intercepters two on the east coast and the third is in alaska, and the obama administration initially rejected a plan to add more interceptors in alaska. >> they misdiagnosed the nature of what was happening in the region in terms of what the sanctioned country determined to acquire the capabilities would be able to do but it was driven by a broader ideology opposed to missile defense. >>alisyn: the united states will send an additional radar system to japan. it is amazing anyone survived a test flight gone wrong leaving three dead and setting a dozen cars on fire. a plane took off from fort lauderdale executive airport and it had trouble. the pilot tried to return to the airport but hit a warehouse and
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crashed in a parked car. >> he was in a wing up position and went straight to the ground. there was a "boom" and an explosion. >> the plane just went sideways and then we heard "victim." the victims include a father, a son and a test pilot. >> he is behind bars for working with al qaeda but the terror suspect is getting hooked up. the jail holding the terror suspect gives him a new set of prosthetics prosthetics and will bring in an on facial therapist and he will get a laptop in the cell to look over evidence, the lawyers are not finished asking for perks and are demanding the sheets be changed every other day. >>alisyn: president obama passing on a lavish lobster
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lunch because the official taste tester was not there to try it first. maine senator collins said he looked like he wanted to dive right in. >> he looked longingly at it. he honestly did. he looked longingly. i pointed out we were all tasters for him 89 i said if the food was poisoned, we have all keeled over. always punishment enough not to have a will be step lunch. >> the idea that the president will eat with the senators but not eat the food? >> do you have a hastier? >>governor huckabee: no but i am applying for a job. it would take several attempts to decide if the we steak was really good. >> can i try another sample? governor, we will talk about
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cpac because the governors are the focus in part of mitt romney's speech at cpac and he had the crowd excited and some said this was his true confession speech. we did not have the same kind of confession speech after the election and said we made mistakes and we will look forward. >> this has been a big week but when you read it you find the vatican is not the only play blowing smoke. it restores regular order. we trim the government to its proper size. we balance the budget. >> we have lost races before in the past. those set backs prepared us for larger victories. it is up to us to make sure we learn from our mistakes and my mistakes and we take advantage of that learning to make sure we take become the nation, take
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back the white house and get the senate and put in place conservative principles. >> in a concession speech perhaps you acknowledge mistakes, what mistakes is he talking about specifically that republican party needs to address? >> there has been so many post-mortems it because not so much how the republicans failed it is how affected the democrats were in getting out the vote with the most advanced scientific campaign of identifying their voters and the most incredible strategy of getting the voters to the poll and not letting anything keep them from voting. not to say there were not mistakes in the republican message, there were times mitt romney should have brought up benghazi and pressed hard but he stepped away from it. those are easy things for me to say. he had to make the decisions. he ran the campaign and he won the nomination. i don't think it is healthy to second-guess everything the mitt romney campaign did because i don't think they were a big failure so much as they were
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just outmanned by an amazing and extraordinary unprecedented machine. >> is it helpful to identify what went wrong when the military has an operation, even when it goes right there is always a post-mortem. >>governor huckabee: there is always analysis and one is the democrats are way ahead of the republican in terms of using social media or technology to do the things that cause voters to show up. can you have the greatest message in the world, the most wonderful television ads but today it is the kind of ability to take social media and use that from the high-tech to the high touch to borrow a phrase from a book, and to make that turn into votes. that is what you have to do. >>alisyn: senator graham is talking about or determined and spoken to survives of benghazi and he says they told him they have been told to be quiet. he didn't say who told them or did he tell them, or did he say
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what they can't say. what are they keeping secret? here is senator graham. >> their story is chilling. they feel afraid to tell it. it is important they come forward to tell their story. the best evidence of what happened in benghazi is not a bunch of politicians in washington trying to cover their political [blank] but they feel that they cannot come forward and they have been told to be quiet and at the end of the day we cannot let this administration or any other administration get away with hiding from the american people and the congress, people who were there in real time to tell the story. >>alisyn: was he talking about the c.i.a.? or the president? hung hung we -- >>governor huckabee: we don't know because senator graham was going through a change of voice. the benghazi story has been covered up from the beginning and here we are going into seven months later and still it is
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covered up. there will come a time the survivors will be brought to congress, they will testify under oath in an open hearing and it is not going to be any better what they say because the truth is going to be the truth what they speak today or in six months and it will not be a pleasant day for the white house >> we have a lot of statues on the book that protect or design to protect whistle blowers and they have a legal right to tell the public about a wrongdoing. if it turns out these guys were somehow pushed to keep information secret, would that be a violation of law? >>governor huckabee: it would seem clear, probably on the guarantee up to a huge lawsuit with damages to be paid to the people who were told to shut up. you cannot tell a federal employee to shut up because he says something that could be politically embarrassing. >> the main street media has not
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covered the benghazi attack and charles krauthammer argues because there is not a public face on this, ambassador stevens was killed and others, as well, but there is no public face on the tragedy, this are no survivors that came forward and when you put the face on it the administration would be scared of having a person on camera talking about that day. what do you say? >>governor huckabee: there is a point. but there has been the public face of the mother of one who was killed. you had the families talk originally. the only people who even get any air time is fox news. for the most part, this story was left covered up and left alone by the mainstream media. when hillary clinton went to testify, with all due respect, she said what difference does it make to say, well, it is too late, they are dead, that is lie saying there is a murder, the person is dead association why prosecute or investigate? that is the most ridiculous
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excuse i have her. >> we know john f. kennedy was shot in dallas but does it matter who or why in >>governor huckabee: why have the warren commission. we have senator graham, we have congressman, as well, and a couple women, one is the wife of house member duffy, a wonderful person, and we will talk about are republican losing younger women? the answer may surprise some people. >> governor, 8:00 p.m. on fox news channel, great to see you as always. >> we will get over to rick. why know what he is smoking right now. rick: bronchitis lasts forever. >> bronchitis? rick: we have snow. snow. snow. we started spring on wednesday but we are not feeling it across parts of the north with snow in michigan. snow, as well, toward
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pennsylvania and new york and across the west, it is calm but this storm here in the pacific northwest is the next storm we will be watching and this storm here by tonight and tomorrow will move to the northern plains so tomorrow we will see snow moving in across montana and north dakota and minnesota and 4" to 8" of snow and it buts across the plains and we will see snow in the northeast on monday into tuesday with severe weather on monday and you could have a few tornadoes. >> coming up on the show we shut down the white house tours and suspended tuition assistance for the military. why is our government spending a lot of taxpayer money to advertise food stamps in mexico? >> when you say "we" we are not implicated in that. >> your hamburger never looked better or more tasty because of indicateed by kate upton.
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[ male announcer ] when these come together, and these come together, one thing you can depend on is that these will come together. delicious and wholesome. some combinations were just meant to be. tomato soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪
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[ male announcer ] check out the possibilities. wherthe deals are. >>alisyn: today is march 16. this is the birthday our nation's 4th president, madison a believer in individual rights and is recognized as the father of the constitution. today, we celebrate not only his birthday but freedom of information day. here is the president of judicial watch and the author of "the corruption chronicles." hi, tom. what is freedom of information day? >>guest: we celebrate the ability of our citizens to gain
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access to the information about the operations of the government we pay for. james madison was a great proponent of knowledge governing our affairs and the people gaining access to information. he has a great quote and he said, a popular government without popular information or at least the means to acquire it is but a proceed -- prologue to our government. if no one knows how $4 trillion is year is spent and we do not know how it is spent as citizens, then we have a problem. a law was passed called the freedom of information act. it allows groups to ask for information from the federal government and if they do not get it they can sue in court.
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there are similar laws in states all over the country. anyone listening to me or watching me can figure out what is going on in their local community or their state or at the federal level just the way we can at judicial want. >>alisyn: that is a great point. the freedom of information act we know how investigative journalists have used it since 1967 but individual citizens can, as well, and that said, is it tough to use the freedom of information act? is it a bureaucratic problem or is it easy for individual citizens to navigate their way through? >> i thank the lord we have great lawyers on staff that allow us to navigate the waters of the freedom of information act. this administration particularly is hostile to transparency. the president has promised the most transparent administration in history but we have had to sue them over hundred times to get access to basic information. we have a crisis of transparency
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here in washington, dc. it is caused by the size of our government and by an administration and bureaucrats and political appointees who don't like having to be held to account to the american people. >>alisyn: so, to celebrate freedom of information today and james madison's birthday every citizen should initiate a freedom of information act today and we will see how quickly those are answered. the president of judicial watch, thank you for being on. next on the run down, america's most hated mother is being offered money to not tell her story. who is willing to pay casey anthony to keep kauai. -- keep quiet. stay tuned.
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let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive.
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living with moderate to semeans living with it could also mean living with joint damage. humira, adalimumab, can help treat more than just the pain. for many adults, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your abilitto fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection.
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>> someone shut down the white house tours. who was it? they success spined tuition assistance for the military. but democrats on the senate budget committee stopped an effort to block funds to advertise food stamps in mexico. a man wants to make sure casey anthony does not make a dime off her story and will pay her $10,000 to keep kauai not -- quiet for life. he doesn't want anyone to profit from her story.
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>> st. patrick's day is upon us with boozey beverages loaded with calories and sugar. >>tucker: if you want did party without packing on the pounds, we have some low-calorie options for you, bar tender and noted mixologist has some alternates to the classic cocktails that are served. it is true, cocktails are served on st. patrick's day? not is not just a rumors? >> yes, there are actually cocktails served on st. patrick's day. >> first thing in the morning, irish coffee is classic and it became well-known in san francisco, one of the great restaurants in the world. the cream that is on top has a lot of calorie content. >>alisyn: 300 calories so what should we have? >>guest: this is an amazing irish tea, make a morning test
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drink out of that with tea and splenda and 1.5 ounce of the whiskey and fresh let gallon and you get flavor. >>tucker: and your hands will stop shaking. so that could be our official drink on "fox & friends" for now. >>alisyn: there are some low-calorie alternates to beer. >> the lowest calorie content of beer is guiness and it has a lot of minerals, so if you look at an average battle it will be about 125 calories and if you do your average irish ale or stout it runs 171 to 150 calories so this is the way do go. >> compared to budweiser.
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>> more like a bud lite in calories. >> but more flavor. >> fewer calories than a bud. >> it will make you more irish. >> and it takes better. >>alisyn: it is beer that takes like a meal. >> bailey's on ice. >> i am a huge fan but you feel guilty. turk tush especially in the morning. >> 400 calories. if you can have it, or can't have it, you can make something like it, so use michael collins and am monday breeze which has sweetner. i look the liberty of making it, we are using ema sugar made from a fruit with zero calories and you can use it in cocktails and vanilla extract. >>alisyn: what should i make,
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an alcoholic drink? >>guest: we have something with peach and orange juice, but if you can use fresh speak and orange slice that will lower the calories. >> at this point it is like a health food. >>alisyn: this is looking good, the peach and the orange. >>guest: you can work in my bar any time so add 1.5 ounces of whiskey and that will only take you to 100 calories which is nice to know you are not adding too many more calories and from here on out we will shake. shake. shaker. >>guest: i the be out of a job
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if you keep this up. >>tucker: not on st. patrick's day. >>guest: you will top off the diet ale. you can get full flavor in a drink and use a diet version, instead, and top that off right there. there you go. >> top the morning to you. >> there is a nicer lower cali drink. >>alisyn: thank you so much, have a great st. patrick's day. >>clayton: thank you, pamela. tush turk the country is $16 billion in debt the kept worry. no big deal. >>alisyn: drink up. >> that is not endangering us a bit, not at all. tour -- tush turk we are about to talk to him about what you her. look but don't touch, this guy
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found out the hard way, the story behind the video. doesn't ruin the street performance. bam! what's droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-powerful. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years.
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>>alisyn: raising money for cancer research and people are getting their head shaved for this research. it is starting on our plaza right now. he is a brave little boy right there. >> i think he minds. based on that facial expression. we will be outside also shaving people's heads later so stay tuned for that and if you want to get in on fun come down to this part of manhattan. >>tucker: you are look for a free hair cut it is 6th avenue and 49th. >>clayton: be gentle when you
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are shaving. lost an eyebrow. and an ear. rick, we think you are a candidate to be shaved. rick: i am in, i have done it before. it is not pretty. i like what they did to start off you like that? let me tell you, it is chilly out here. we have hair for a reason and it is to keep us warm. got to be careful. look at the weather maps: the cool time across the north and proof that spring is happening. i have this picture from kip, the flowers are looking nice, so somewhere there is spring happening. at 52, and up to 80 with sunshine. send your pictures on twitter or facebook. back to the wintery part of the map and across the north we have cold and snow moving across
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pennsylvania to jersey and throughout the day and richmond, virginia, at 63 on the southern side of the jet stream and much improved. to the southeast, a spectacular day with temperatures warm. look at laredo, texas, 92 degrees. that sundays good right now. back to you. >> thanks so much. now what else is happening at this hour with new video to "fox & friends" of pope francis meeting the world media in vatican city. he revealed the inspiration for francis was st. francis, a man of the poor. the mission of the roman catholic church should be to serve the poor. he will visit his predecessor on saturday, and they will meet at the gandolfo retreat near rome. >> a man messing with a treat performer goes too far and gets more than he bargained for.
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this peopler shocking the annoying onlooker by punching him right in the face. the cowboy was angry the performance was interrupted. he goes right back to being a statue after hitting the performer like it never happened. >> can heidi top the kate upton commercial. you decide. this is an ad. she is tempting a younger man with the view jim beam burger wearing nothing more than a nighty and she says she eats burgers all the time. i have lost tucker. tucker? tucker? tucker?
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>>tucker: thank you. during a cpac speech, mitt romney urged the panel to look at republican governors for guyance going forward. >> i would urge us all to learn lessons that come from the greatest success stories, 30 republican governors across the country. these are people we have to listen to and make sure their message is heard loud and clear across the country. >>tucker: we have one of the republican success stories he referred to, wisconsin governor scott walker, governor walker, thanks positive -- for joining us. do you grow with governor romney, the future is in republican governors in the state? >> it is. president reagan said it is important to remember the federal government did not create the states, the states created the federal government and that is where the reforms
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come, thankfully in american the majority of states are led by republican governors and that is where the reform comes. >>tucker: you had a well publicized and amazing in the end successful battle against organized labor if your state. will we see that copied again in other states by other republican governors? will they take on the same fight you did? >> two years ago chris christie took on pension reform in new jersey and got the democratic legislature to go along. and education reform in tennessee. taking on reform in pennsylvania. and martinez doing education reform. the state leaders, the governors who are willing to take the risk. we are optimistic and relevant and we are the ones being courageous. that is how we turn america
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around. >> we hear about the death of the debt and the trillions we owe, mostly to china and fear on right about the debt but not so on the left. listen to congressman john conyers of detroit who says it is not endangering us. >> the debt is not endangering us a bit. not at all. our economists say we are in debt but it is not endangering anyone. there are economists that say some debt is not a bad idea at all. >>tucker: who are the economists? mail order economists? russian economy economists? >> it is not just the party contest but where people in washington are out of check. nearly two years ago almost every state in america had deficits and most of us, like wisconsin, took a $3.6 billion deficit and turned it to-a
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billion surplus. why? not just because we need to balance the budget but it helped to improve our economy. we went from losing 133,000 jobs to gaining jobs, states that have fiscal track on order are states that have seen the economic crisis turn around. >> 49 states require balanced budgets, vermont does it anyway, should the federal government be held to the same standard? >> absolutely. it is one where it is not just balancing the budget but we need to balance the budget at the federal level to promote both and opportunity not just about taking more revenues but in a way that puts more people to work. that is what we are doing in the states and what we did in wisconsin and what blendty of other great states are doing. it is time the people in washington woke up and realized that is what happened. paul ryan is trying to make that happen but we need more voices like that in our nation's capitol. >> i know you are being mobbed
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at the convention. >> coming up, americans held hostage in iran if years have been denied compensation for decades. now, iran sues hollywood because "argo" put it in a bad light? we will hear from a hostage who said the film did not go far enough. the clean mama is in the house showing you how to get lean and keep a clean home all at the same time. an amazing work out regiment that is coming up. i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone --
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and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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the sleeping pill enhances the ability to consolidate memory. >> forget cooking with it just smelling olive oil can help you lose weight. it increases hormones which make us feel full. >>clayton: the academy award winning film "argo" is about 52 members held hostage and officials in iran want to sue hollywood saying it is unrealistic portrayal of what happened and now they are saying the director should be hanged for treason. we have the man who was held hostage in iran during this crisis of the don, high to see you. >> good morning. >>clayton: first, when you heard this of my by the iranian government to try and sue hollywood, what was your
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reaction having been hell hostage by the government? >>guest: if it were not so dramatic what going on in iran and what went on it who are laughable. in two respects the movie actually doesn't portray how cruel it was, in one respect it only had brief mentions of my experience and the expense of my fellow captives. the movie was not about us. also, too, it has a brief description of just the cruelness of the revolution in iran and the way that the new revolutionary leaders reacted against the iranian people. >> and the torture that was unreported we saw some of it in the movie where budget were put over the heads thought to be shot and mental torture by all accounts so, should the iranian government, perhaps, be the ones who are giving up the
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compensation for the way you were treated? >> one thing that happened as a result of our release was the u.s. government signed an agreement saying that we would not be able to sue iran or the iranian government. that was part of the accord. the courts have ruled that the u.s. government can abrogate the agreement any time but the state department and the justice department have said they wanted to maintain the agreements so a number our friends have been looking for ways to compensate us without charging it to the taxpayers. the latestest by some in 9 legislature has been to attack those companies and individuals we who are dealing illegally with iran and to double the sanctions in terms of of money that is collected, the fines and set up a fund to compensate the americans who were held hostage. >>clayton: you were given
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$22,000 each in compensation, five years after you were released. this would raise that compensation to about $4 million per hostage for everything you went through for those many, many months. your response, though, we didn't get your response to the idea that the director should be hanged as a result of putting forth this movie and bringing attention to a story that many americans didn't know until this year. >>guest: that obviously is a misguided reaction on the part of the iranians. certainly, the director is not an iranian so he is not committed treason but he just exposing, really, what happened both in terms of the revolution, treatment of us, but, especially the ordeal, really, that my since friends went through as they were hiding from iranian government officials and iranian revolutionary guards and how the canadians and mendez were able
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to slip them out of the country. >>clayton: lebanese keep us in touch with what is going on on this situation. >> coming up on the show you may know what "lol" means but what about "bzy" we are putting you to the text test. do you know what your kids are say increasing have you ever heard of the rag drag, tucker is doing it with a clean mama, showing you how to get your body, and your home, in shame. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco.
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>>clayton: i clean so much around the house i need to do this, talking about getting lean while you clean. don't believe it can happen? well, you have not talked to the author of "the clean mama work out" and joins us to show us how to get fit and get the house clean. >> it works. i promise. >> you will show us special tasks. >> you can marry tasks and exercise. the first exercise is my signature move, the rag drag. this is what you do. an amazing cardio workout. it will work your inner thighs, outer thighs and the cusl and core. keep your hips square. your abs are engaged. you spray your cleaner on the ground, have two saturated rags, and two damp rags and heels are
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the way to go. >> i do it in high wheels all the time. this is a mopping technique but it also can transfer in your bathroom while you give the kids a bath and you are standing there for a long tie, get a work out in. you will bring your right foot in and out five to seven times. key is pushing down, the pressure, you push down. push down harder. five to seven times and then on this side. it will not be hoky pokey. >> and five times, four times, throw times, and two times and now we are not move like this keep your hips square. >> care lip, this is more work out she does in a year.
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>> i need to get in there with the swiffer. >> we were tight were your core. this is, okay, two things. grab your swiffer, because i know you use it all the time, and you will bring it in, as you bring it in, you are in a squat position engaging the core and you will use your side stomach muscles, all about pressing down and resisting. >> i feel that. when you are done with this, take it like this, this is amazing, a very tight core work out. do not hurt me. i will come behind you, do not wiggle your hips, deeper, deeper, deeper, back-and-forth, small movements. smaller. smaller. deep muscles inside.
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>> sort of like the heimlich maneuver. >> nothing will come out of his mouth and push, push, push, push, push, push, push. tucker? >>tucker: we only have 25 seconds but what about the dustpan busting butt burner. >> that is next. five more seconds. get down. get down. rather than begging over and strapping your back and say my god, get down lower, keep your spine in line with your core and move your butt higher. >> hope no one is just now turning on the tv. >> okay, use your butt to clean up. >> thank you.
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the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful. >> good morning, everyone, it's saturday, march 16th, i'm alisyn camerota. there's another benghazi bombshell. apparently silence by the white house. did the administration somehow tell the survivors to keep quiet about it? >> the best evidence of what happened in benghazi is not a bunch of politicians in washington trying to cover their political (bleep) it's the people in the debacle. >> alisyn: what senator graham says he found out from the survivors moments away. >> tucker: he speaks the truth about the appalling ratings at nbc, but nbc is not laughing. and jay leno is coming underfire for what is
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indisputebly true. >> clayton: you think you're cool because you know what amg means what about bzy and parents who doesn't have any idea what their kids are saying anymore on text messages. "fox & friends" starts right now, hour four, lol. ♪ ♪ >> st. balldric's day on behalf of the children's network. >> alisyn: and they came in for the interview and look what happened. it's a wonderful cause and
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they have raised millions of dollars for children's cancer research and it's a great fundraiser today. come down to midtown manhattan. >> they're trying to give him advice what his life will be like without hair. >> alisyn: doesn't look happen, but should be proud. >> clayton: a pep talk. >> alisyn: it's a wonderful cause and we'll go outside and shave other's heads. >> clayton: and whose hair do you want to shave. and my vote is tucker. >> tucker: and mine isn't there anyway, and. >> clayton: give it a little food tucker has twice the amount of hair as a normal human. >> tucker: people hit you up for money the good causes out there, this really is the best possible. children's cancer research, that's a great cause for real. >> clayton: much more on that
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coming up. plus your headlines now. >> alisyn: overnietovernight so korea announced that the north fired two short range missiles, likely response to ongoing u.s. and south korean drills. u.s. announced a 1 billion dollar plan, and ground base sites, two on the west coast and one in alaska, and obama administration initially rejected plans. >> they misdiagnosed in terms of the region, what a country determined to acquire the capabilities will do and driven by a broader ideology that was opposed to missile defense. >> alisyn: and the u.s. plans to send additional radar system to japan. it's amazing, anyone on the ground survived this. it was a test flight that goes horribly wrong, three people
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dead and setting about a dozen cars on fire as you can see. the small plane had taken off from fort lauderdale executive airport and started having trouble and the pilot tried to return to the airport, hit a warehouse and crashed into a parking lot. >> he was in a wing up bank and went straight down into the ground and it was a boom and an explosion and the plane hit side ways and then it just goes behind the building and then you just hear the crash. >> alisyn: the three victims include a father, a son, and a test pilot. behind bars, allegedly working with al-qaeda. but the terrorist suspect, the new york jail holding al mazry and apparently getting prosthetic and taught how to use them and a laptop, and lawyers are demanding his
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sheets be changed every day. and those are your headlines. >> tucker: and room service, too. >> clayton: lovely, a state of the art laptop. >> tucker: cocktail. >> clayton: well, it's day three of cpac officially underway and this year's lineup of speakers giving conservatives big hope about the future of the republican party. todd is live at cpac with more of the highlights, good morning, todd. >> reporter: this is the first gathering since the election. no doom and gloom, this crowd is young and ready to get back in the game. >> we've lost races before in the past, but those setback prepared us for larger victories. it's up to us to learn from our mistakes, my mistakes and take advantage of that learning to make sure that we take back the nation, take back the white house and get the senate and put in place conservative principles. >> our budget offers an end to
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the brinksmanship. it restorer. we trim the government back to its proper size, we balance the budget. we give our communities the space that they need to thrive, and we do it all out in the open, just as our founders envisioned. [applause] >> the other side can join us in this common sense goal. >> i'm deeply concerned with what's happening around the world. and if america fails to lead, we will create a vacuum that will empower extremists and make america less safe. >> now, they have a pretty big lineup for today. just listen to this, ted cruz, sarah palin, dr. ben carson and they'll be announcing the results of the straw poll and one final thing, guys, we've
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heard a lot about the g.o.p. wanting to be more diverse. well, apparently that includes zombies. that's right, the walking dead hit the dance floor last night, a little after hours fun for the undead crowd, guys. >> clayton: they're magnificently dressed for zombies. >> alisyn: i'm sure they're great dancers. >> clayton: do like the thriller days. >> tucker: is live with zombies an oxymoron? >> i think so. >> tucker: they are anyway. >> clayton: a lot of coffee. thanks, todd. i think we'll have the results of the straw poll tomorrow. and meanwhile, the benghazi story that's getting more and more interesting and perhaps more and more troubling by the day because now we're learning this morning, and according to senator lindsey graham, who has said he has spoken to some of the survivors of that attack. do you recall we have not yet heard from any of the survivors of this attack. we've heard from secretary clinton of course, from susan rice and we've wondered why
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haven't we heard from the people who were there on the ground, who were wounded. senator graham says he's spoken to them and he has troubling news, listen. >> the best evidence of what happened in benghazi is not a bunch of politicians in washington trying to cover their political (bleep), it's the people who lived through the debacle. the story of an administration deaf and blind to the reality of what people were living with every day in libya. don't blame the soldier when he's going outside the wire to do his job. blame the commander who creates the bad environment for the soldier. the person i blame is not chris stevens, i blame the president of the united states. >> clayton: now, if this turns out to be true, that survivors of benghazi were pushed by someone in the the executive branch not to talk, that would not only constitute a coverup and a scandal, it might be a violation of whistleblower law. we asked former congressman and lt. colonel allen west
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about this earlier this morning and here is what he said. >> i'm sure that it has to be a criminal offense when you talk about whistleblower stat status, but it's morally wrong. and if it's for political gain, it's unconscionable. as i said in the beginning, this cannot be new normal, we try to hide this from the american back going back to susan rice going on the morning showers and tried to make this an incident, some obscure video. >> alisyn: jay carney was asked about this at one of the press hearings and he said that he doesn't know anything about this and that he does not believe that anybody in the white house would ever have told them to keep the story quiet. we now know there were 37 personnel in benghazi on the day of the attack. they were mostly cia and it's possible they don't talk about, didn't want to reveal that they were there or
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confirm they were there or talk about what they were doing. but we need to get answer if in fact some of the people say they were forbidden from talking. and lindsey graham will be huckabee's guest. >> tucker: this ball is rolling and once a senator alleges some of this. i think some of them will be subpoenas, and wind up on television and hopefully some on this network. and there's no stopping. >> clayton: he says he'll be a pain in the senate's side. >> tucker: wouldn't want him after you. >> clayton: and here is rick with the forecast. >> rick: a really cold morning, and these temps today are around 25 degrees below your typicals for this time of year. it's very warm across the south. a spectacular day across parts of the southeast, temps in the 70's, hey, nick, there we go. it's moving now. and just had to say your name,
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magic, nick, a good word. the big rain moving across parts of virginia this morning and we might see a few more storms move in later on that could be severe, maybe some strong winds with and strong across pennsylvania and new york and across the west, everything is pretty fine except the pacific northwest and that's where the next storm is going to move in and that's the next pretty good weather maker and storm watches in effect. tomorrow afternoon and evening, we'll start to see the snow, maybe four to eight inches of snow and as that moves across parts of the southeast, get ready on monday, a chance for severe weather that could include tornados parts of the south for your monday. >> back over to you guys. >> alisyn: thanks so much. visitors turned away from the white house, but the easter egg roll the at the white house is a go. we'll explain that. >> i have to say this was not a decision that went up to the white house, but what the secret service explained to us was that they're going to have to furlough some folks.
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>> alisyn: all right. that's the president blaming the secret service for the decision to close the white house so a former secret service agent is here to discuss his thoughts on this next. >> clayton: and anthony weiner may not be roasted just yet. wait until you hear how the former congressman is attempting a comeback. ♪ [ male announcer ] when you take shortcuts,
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it shows. we don't run like that. we build john deere equipment the way we always have: the right way. times change. our principles don't. you don't just have our word on it. you've got our name on it. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer.
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unmistakable terms, they are the party of shared hardship. we are the party of equal opportuni opportuni opportunity. >> clayton: that was wisconsin congressman and former vice-presidential candidate paul ryan speaking at day two of cpac conference. proving again to be a powerful voice for the conservatives. what is the future of the outlook for the g.o.p. our next guest is a former u.s. senate candidate and former secret service agent and joins us this morning. dan, nice to see you. >> hey, clayton, how are you. >> clayton: i'm doing great. obviously, there was some airing of the grievances like festivous. we need to learn about our past mistakes and need to educate the american people and teach them the ideas at that we hold true and that's what a lot of messaging was. do we need to hear more ideas or more the same for you as a
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republican. >> you know, clayton, what i did hear and happy to hear, we don't have a messaging problem, we have a marketing problem. now why we lost this election, we lost on one simple message, the rich guy screwed you, that was it, clayton. exit polling proved it. now what we fought back, we fought back and people don't understand this, we have to make the ideas bleed, have to make them real for people. why school choice matters and why controlling your own health care matters and why you should spend your money, not the government. we have to make it bleed, we have to make it real and we failed to do that. >> clayton: and mitt romney, one of the mistakes pointed it alluded to, the immigration issue of course and saying you're going to self-deport yourself. was that a marketing failure or a messaging failure? >> that was a marketing failure because again, we failed to separate illegal from immigration. they're not the same thing. my wife is a first generation immigrant from colombia, in a high-tech business, she's a small business owner. why is the republican party
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not selling the success stories of legal immigration? illegal immigration is simply a matter of law breaking, nothing to do with immigration and everything to do with illegality. we shouldn't let the democrats put nuss that spot and we have to take the gloves off. >> clayton: and jeb bush, a pretty interesting speech, referring to the viewers out there. i know you were there. as a former secret service agent, much jobs made and lobbed, and paul ryan making jokes about the white house tours closed and much has been made about the easter egg roll is going it to continue on for congressional families at the white house. here is president obama talking about this, listen. >> i have to say that this was not a decision that went up to the white house, but what the secret service explained to us was that they're going to have to furlough some folks. >> clayton: so, jay carney the other day in a white house press briefing saying it was the secret service and the
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president once again saying it was the secret service that came to us. what do you say to that as a former secret service agent yourself. >> you know, clayton, you know who occupies the white house, we have the thurston howell class of folk, the greatest joke perpetrated on the american public you've seen. how much political dishonesty from this white house do they accept. they knock the evil 1% and take $500,000 donations to get a meeting, with the president. it's your house, the president doesn't get a mortgage bill, your tax dollars and you're locked out and blame it on the people, lay down their lives, given up birthday and christmas holidays with their children and blames are them, a fact a total political cowardess, it was fraudulent, as disgrace and i don't care what your party affiliation should be accord of this
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action. >> clayton: and we appreciate you joining us with your views on this. >> thanks, clayton. >> clayton: coming up on the show, it's so unbelievable, it's hard to believe. it's true the man gets rabies, not from an animal, but from an organ transplant. how does this happen? dr. mark psyc siegel is next. and he makes jokes about the peacock network and they're not laughing. their feathers are ruffled. and this story you have to hear. ♪ ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it... in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. it's amazing what soup can do.
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23 minutes now past the hour. disgraced former congressman anthony weiner may not be roasted just yet. there are reports that weiner may be eyeing a comeback, this time as new york state mayor. and recor he spent $106,000 on two polls to see what voters thought about another run for office. a high profile hollywood couple is calling is quits, that ryan seacrest and juliann hough have split. sources say their busy work schedules played a part in the the breakup. do you think, ali, tucker, that would be my guess. >> it's so unbelievable, but it is, a man got rabies not from an animal, but from an organ transplant. how the heck did that happen? >> we're asking the fox medical a-team, hi, dr.
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siegel. >> good to see you guys. >> alisyn: the story is that a man got a kidney transplant 16 months ago and ended up dying as a result from rabies. how does that happen? >> it's happened one time before in 2004, and the way it can happen is that we mistake what looks like a stroke in somebody, it's actually an infection of the brain and people don't realize that rabies is not people going around biting each other, rabies is a terrible brain infection that makes you confused, disoriented and somebody might have thought it wasn't rabies, it was something else. because it's incredibly rare. one to three die in america, that's incredibly rare. what's their diagnosis going in. we screen for hepatitis, screen them for hiv and there's really, really unlikely you're going to get a problem with that. less than 1% of organ donation
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leads to infection, it's not zero, but-- >> it's not zero as the story illustrates. what other diseases are spread rare those those cases may be by organ transplant. >> the most common thing, somehow a bacteria would get in there. you can see viruses, you can see hepatitis. rarely you could see hiv. again though, you know, you're talking about a situation, tucker, somebody needs an emergency organ, so, you really can't stop to screen the organ. >> tucker: by rarely, context, what does it mean, how often. >> someone's in a car accident, you get an organ harvested want to bring a heart, kidney or liver, better screen that liver before i give it to them, you have up to 12 hours maximum and a lot of things won't show up that early. rabies you wouldn't have been able to screen by screening the organ this way, but they've got to do a vig lent test of hepatitis and hiv and that's what we do and do with the blood supply, too, a one in a million chance and millions are donating blood. one in a million chance of
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getting hiv or hepatitis from blood. rabies incredibly rare that way. but with blood transfusion there's a risk of bacteria. >> alisyn: scary stuff because it's out of your control. you go into the hospital and praying for a good outcome with a blood transfusion or organ donation and sounds like there's nothing we can do about it because time is of the essence. >> and unpack the statistics and don't want the viewers to be afraid of in. a huge majority of time you get the organ you need or a tissue from a cadaver and great screening goes on. this is a message to hype up the screening more. it does not mean that this is happening very frequently. >> alisyn: good to know. dr. marc siegel. >> great to see you. >> alisyn: we've all had this done to us before, a co-worker begs you to buy their daughter's girl scout cookies like brian kilmeade does to us. one mom has just been fired for doing this.
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does the punishment fit the crime? could brian be next? >> for thin mints, never. could flash cards help you do your hair? and we've got the must and must-not gadgets for women on the go. ali. >> alisyn: and women on the go. ♪ what's droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful. some brokerage firms are. but way too many aren't. why? because selling their funds makes them more money. which makes you wonder -- isn't that a conflict? search "proprietary mutual funds." yikes! then go to e-trade. we've got over 8,000 mutual funds, and not one of them has our name on it. we're in the business of finding the right investments for you. e-trade. less for us. more for you. the fund's prospectus contains its investment objectives,
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>> oh, welcome back, the shot of the morning, if you send your pet photos, dress up in st. patrick's day garb, sandra's dog got dressed up for a st. patrick's day party at doggy day care this week. >> this guy's cedar. >> clayton: and rocky from south philly and this one has shamrocks on its ears. send your pictures to us or tweet us at ff weekend with your animal photos and we'll run them tomorrow on the show and i always say the more ridiculous, the better, please. >> alisyn: i want to borrow that head piece. >> you want to have the dog quotient. >> alisyn: this hour a reigning and retired pope will be side by side next saturday. pope francis and emeritus will
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meet near rome and how humble pope francis is, returned to the guest house where he was staying to get his belongings and insisted on paying his own bill in person. he didn't have to anymore once he was pope, probably. pope francis chose to ride the bus with other cardinals instead of taking the pope mobile. well, it doesn't get much lower than that, a man snatches money right out of the hands of a nun. 85-year-old sister alice was on her way to buy a ticket to a dinner when she was robbed. what's worse, the man robbed the nun of all of her $6. >> he must need it more than i am, and i feel sorry for him. i would have given him something if he said he needed something. >> alisyn: what a gracious response of course. the sister says she's over the incident and the robber has not been found. tell us about your favorite story, about what's on nbc. >> clayton: a long tradition, letterman attacking nbc in the
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day for low ratings and this time executives aren't laughing about leno's jokes about the cracks about lousy ratings. >> and we're in the middle of lent, and apparently giving up nbc, for the first time in history fifth in the ratings period now behind the spanish language channel univision, or call it in los angeles cinco d ratings. >> clayton: the tonight show host went on a rant and one of the bosses not happy and two reportedly got into heated e-mail exchange and reportedly replaces leno with jimmy fallon. i can't name an nbc prime time show, i can't think. >> alisyn: that's mean to ask. we don't need a pop quiz right now. >> clayton: i'm sorry. >> alisyn: you may know that
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lol stands for laughing out loud. can you detect some of the other messages. if someone sent you f to f. >> tucker: i would call the sec or the police. >> alisyn: we think face-to-face. if your kid is in the mood for pizza peetsa, i'm guessing that pizza, even though it has an extra letter. i thought to save time. >> tucker: an abbreviation of the word. >> clayton: ee is easier. and figure this out, prt. party. snooki would have gotten that one. parents are having to ask their kids to translate and can't figure out what the kids are typing. >> tucker: they should demand
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standard english. i've got three kids, text me in english. >> alisyn: i've got a friend who instead of laughing, says lol. she just says it. >> clayton: rick, tell us. >> rick: all right. and wait a minute, you guys, lots of st. patty's events going on across the country this weekend. and a huge event, 79 degrees, 78 tomorrow and spectacular and go toward north, scranton and pennsylvania not so nice, a lot of snow throughout the day and kansas city, missouri, chilly 47 degrees. and in savannah, azaleas are blooming. such a nice shot. and 55 degrees as you're waking up. again to 79 today. keep sending your pictures. rick reichmuth on twitter. across the north this is where
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wo we'll have snow, new jersey and pennsylvania and to the south a spectacular day and enjoy the nice spring one. send it to you inside, ali. >> alisyn: thanks so much, rick. in today's high stress, fast paced world many are creating products that are designed to make life easier especially for the women on the go. which products are real, which are must and which are must-notes, here with us now is life style expert megan. you have a website megan's must-haves and you recommend the items, fashion or home decor and you test a lot of items. >> exactly. sort of like life style inspirations for the modern woman. i'm looking for stuff that makes life easier and looks better. eat healthier. >> perfect, the items you've tested this week. the first one is about hard boiling an egg faster? >> that's right. i don't know about you, but i cannot cook a hard boiled egg to save my life.
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it says put vinegar in, shock them with ice cubes, cover with a lot of water. don't cover with a lot of water and never works for me. and i love this, healthy, high protein snack, guess what, egg dash has saved my life. >> alisyn: what does it do. >> 24.95 shall the home shopping network and megan's and comes with a measuring cup, sells if you want a hard egg or a soft egg, fill the water up to exactly the point where the slash says hard, and you pour it into the machine. you plug it in, and right on the end of this, is a little hole poker, poke a hole in the torch the end. put the top on and hit-- >> it does the soft egg, also, that's hard to time. >> and you can do other things. >> alisyn: that's a must. tell us about this. >> perfecto. these are flash cards, a new york city stylist, nunzio came
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up, you can practice the hair dos, five easy steps on the back and do your own french twist. >> alisyn: you've tried it. >> i tried it with a friend. >> alisyn: and what did you find. >> did the glamup pony tail, a great idea, bonding experience, to do with your two girls and french twist and french braid. practice and if you have a buddy, you're not going to get it it the first time, but you're going to save a lot of money at the salon and portable and a sucks cup that sticks to the mirror. >> alisyn: the loop? >> the loop might want to use it for your rags drag exercise. >> alisyn: that segment later. >> this is supposed to empower your towel and wet this and had a stain on the counter, look, the towel is here and sort of have two things in your hands at the same time. you're running to the sink, however, i'm not loving it, this is a must not.
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it's sort of like is this saving me time, can't i just do this? >> and good try, but not a must for me. and next, a purse light, this seems like it would be great, because you lose things in the purse. >> i'm personally digging for my keys and this is my purse, we all have huge bags, but you know what, it's cute and gets point for style, pink, zebra, pact much 9.95, i'm not finding things quicker and it's going to be another item that falls into the bottom of my overloaded bag. i'm into editing not adding things into my life. >> alisyn: quickly. >> this is st. pat's and before you go to bed. it gets rid of that toxin that alcohol creates. it works for me, antioxidants, minerals, all sorts of vitamins, good for you and tastes to me like orangeina. i'm not offended by the place. try it, mix it in your drink, but don't take it in the
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morning. >> alisyn: mercy is a must. megan meany thanks so much. >> personally tested it. >> tucker: i'm not offended by the taste, quite an endorsement. >> clayton: and tuition suspended thanks to the sequester. one university fighting the feds and offering free tuition. how you can help next. >> tucker: we've been showing you all morning, and now it's time to shave. it's happening on the plaza. >> clayton: look at that. >> tucker: first let's check with neil cavuto what's coming up at the top of the hour and the cost of freedom business block, neil? >> hey, guys, good morning. and of course, we're all over cpac, but don't forget we'll be coming back a little later today. we kick things off at 11 a.m. eastern time and up first, that 16 1/2 trillion debt. something to focus on too much, it's boosting spending over the next ten years. so, if air beginning to feel a disconnect you're the not alone and now gas prices are
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driving up inflation. time for the white house to get pumping on that pipeline? all that and how you can literally fall asleep on the job like some companies are giving workers nap rooms saying it keeps them fresh. someone here saying wake up! we're always wide awake for you. the special cost of freedom. 11 a.m. eastern time. [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. [i had[ designer ]eeling enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪
6:45 am
[ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have symptoms such as persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. they're coming.
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yeah. british. later. sorry. ok...four words... scarecrow in the wind... a baboon... monkey? hot stew saturday!? ronny: hey jimmy, how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? jimmy: happier than paul revere with a cell phone. ronny: why not? anncr: get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more.
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. >> clayton: i >> 45 minutes past the hour. the headlines. and the white house shut down the tour and assistance for military members. senate introduced a member to stop, and food stamps. a virginia mother says she got fired for selling girl scout cookies at work and the woman was selling them from behind the counter at my alma mater,
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and university said she was soliciting and operating a personal business. tucker. >> tucker: i like girl scout cookies. thanks, ali. tuition assistance suspended thanks to the sequester, now one university is fighting the feds and offering free tuition to those who served. and park city, missouri is offering scholarships for those who may no longer be eligible for the federal funds. with us from kansas city, missouri, this is just such a remarkable thing you're doing. what spurred you. >> sir, park university has students online, face-to-face or 40 campus center locations across the united states. those are service members counting on tuition assistance to be able to help them through their education plans and park university wants to be the school that helps them in this time of need. >> tucker: good for you.
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and just to put this into some context, park university isn't the richest school or biggest endowment, harvard has a bigger endowment than the gdp of many countries. and they're not doing this. what is it going to cost you? >> it's going to be monumental, but park university has been serving the military over a hundred years and we'll continue to serve the military and park's commitment to serve those with a globally relevant education for life, it's going to put us above the rest and it's going to really step out and park university, we think about this as a hand-- not a handout we want to help the service members to continue with education because at park university we know that a more educated force really relates to better policy making, better decisions on the front line and ultimately a better society for which we all live. >> tucker: well, help with education has been part of the fundamental deal that service members make with the u.s. government for 60 years. do you feel let down by the white house that this--
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that they've broken their end of this bargain essentially? >> well, i think it is sad that one of the first things to go was our military members education. you'd think these are the most deserving people that put their hand up in the air and we're going to fight for your freedoms. and to have the education benefit cut is a blow to service members. >> tucker: what kind of response from the military? >> we've had amazing response. so many students, active duty service members and national guards and reservists have been calling and e-mailing us, overnight i found my tuition assistance was cut and i wouldn't be able to go to school tomorrow, can you help, what can you do. we wanted to be that institution to step up in this time of need and a lot of institutions are happy to take tuition assistance dollars and a lot are happy to take g.i. bill dollars for revenue and park university wants to help out, even when it's not convenient and when the service members are struggling and having a hard time. we want to be the school that's there to help them. >> good for you.
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my prediction, this will turn out great in the end. when you do the right thing, you ultimately, you're rewarded. thanks for joining us. now, find out if you qualify or if you want to make a donation to this worthy program go to fox and or well, ready, set, shave. clayton is buzzing for bucks and shaving our guests all in honor of st. patrick's day and look at that, that's happening actual happening. >> clayton: a mohawk, i'm going to leave that one pass there, okay? >> no. >> clayton: bald is beautiful, ask arthur. i'm going to leave you with a little cow lick in the back, like i have. ♪ yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8.
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♪ >> all right. it's the time you've all been waiting for. it's shave your head time! >> woo! >> these brave people sitting here are going to be bald a few minutes from now to support a great cause, the st. baldrick's foundation for research and cancer. and first i want to get here, young man, tell me your name. >> andrew. >> alisyn: andrew, you're 11 years old. how beautiful about having your head shaved? >> good 'cause i'm doing it for a good cause. >> alisyn: that's right, you are. now, clayton, you missed a patch. >> clayton: i left a soul patch. do you mind that? i think you need to keep that. >> i mind. >> alisyn: he minds it, he minds. get rid of that. >> clayton: get rid of that soul patch, too, there we go.
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>> tucker: and rick, enjoying it. >> rick: my dad was a barber and i had lots of years of watching. >> alisyn: what's your name? and how old are you. >> i'm 11. >> alisyn: what are the kids at school going to say now that you're bald. >> why did you shave your head. >> alisyn: what are you going to tell them. >> it was for a good cause. >> alisyn: yeah. >> and arthur aidala. >> exactly. can you explain to us how shaving all of these kids is having for childhood cancer research? >> what we basically do is shave heads to be in solidarity with kids going through chemo. when we started in 2000, the goal to raise 17,000, we've raised close to 170 million. >> alisyn: 170 million to help with child cancer and look the brave kids. >> they're awesome. the reason we keep doing this, to get people and all the money goes to research. >> alisyn: now, andrew, i he see you trying to catch a
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glimpse of yourself in the camera. what do you think of your new noggin? >> (laughter) >> i didn't accidentally get an eyebrow, did i. we're good. >> we have a hair tragedy. >> alisyn: rick? >> not even half done. >> clayton: is that on? >> and have a mohawk, it's not a legitimate mohawk. >> you're right. there's been an outcry for you to shave your head, tucker. >> tucker, tucker!. >> alisyn: rick reichmuth is going. >> clayton: my dad is a barber, i know what i'm doing. >> alisyn: we're going to help you. >> clayton: remind me never to go to your dad. >> alisyn: look at the hair. somebody get the clippers out of rick's hands. >> tucker: he's a menace. >> alisyn: how much do you hope to raise. >> we raise 33 1/2 million last year and we just went over 17 million so far this year and really in the midst of the fund raising season.
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>> what a great idea. st. baldrick's day. look at all of these guys getting their heads shaved. let's take a look at everybody here brave enough to do it. how are you feeling? >> good. >> alisyn: how old are you. >> 15. >> alisyn: are you going to be okay with a bald head. >> i think i'm going to be all right. i want to say high to people back at home? never missing an opportunity. you're so brave. it's all a wonderful cause. >> clayton: i'm leaving a rat tail, is that a bad thing. >> ought to be illegal, clayton. >> alisyn: thanks so much for coming out for st. baldrick's. [applause] >> very, very brave. >> and more "fox & friends" in two minutes. >> more "fox & friends." ♪ it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful.
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