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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  March 24, 2013 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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at tyco integrated security, we consider ourselves business optihow?rs. by building custom security solutions that integrate video, access control, fire and intrusion protection. all backed up with world-class monitoring centers, thousands of qualified technicians, and a personal passion to help protect your business. when your business is optimized like that, there's no stopping you. we are tyco integrated security. and we are sharper.
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♪ >> good morning, everyone, it's sunday, and what's happening, we have a fox news alert. ten years after saddam hussein wasm power, secretary of state john kerry makes a surprise visit to iraq. what's on the agenda? >> a family's home was raided over a facebook photo showing their ten-year-old son holding a rifle. and we'll have an update coming up. >> clayton: and cashing in.
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someone in new jersey got the really, really rich. and the other powerball winner is uncle sam. how the 320 million jackpot breaks down for uncle sam. "fox & friends" begins. ♪ >> well, we are all here so, obviously, not a powerball winner this morning. >> clayton: no. it was a scratch off. >> alisyn: jesse watters, great to have you back with us. >> clayton: i didn't win. >> jesse: i didn't win either and after the show show you said if we played, you wouldn't give me a slice. >> alisyn: that's a trick for the new guy. >> jesse: i'm getting hazed. >> alisyn: exactly, these 17, 29, 31, 52, 53, 31, i have something to announce which i had the winning powerball
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number. 31. >> clayton: and that doesn't count. >> jesse: that's not going to do it. >> alisyn: i'm not done, i had one more, if i have one of the numbers and the powerball do i get like five bucks? >> you get a pat on the back. >> jesse: that's about a coffee at starbucks. >> clayton: and it's interesting, these numbers probably haven't ever been played before. i'd be curious to go up against our lotto guy. if the numbers hadn't been played before was it a quick pick. and this is the lottery-- guy who won the lottery many times and he doesn't use quick pick. we doesn't know if it's a quick pick and the person has not come forward so it's a mystery associated with this. we don't know if it's an office pool. >> jesse: i wouldn't come forward, i don't think. >> alisyn: ever? >> ever, ever, i'd go pick it up with the armed security guard and people out of the
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woodwork and cousins asking for scholarships. >> alisyn: the relatives. >> jesse: these guys come out of nowhere. all of a sudden, i had a cousin in kansas. this is what happened to beyonce and shaquille o'neal. >> clayton: they'd notice at holidays, send out the nicer gifts. >> jesse: not the usual bunt cake. >> alisyn: they say to ward that off don't take the lump sum. they say if you get it over 30 years, sorry, i'm tapped this year. and i spent it all. >> jesse: only 30 million. >> clayton: and now talk about what the taxes look on all of this. can i play the opposite side. you win million, 25% of that lump tum gone to the federal government and 84 information gone to, 0 gone to the federal
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governme government. >> alisyn: and then new jersey has a high state tax as you can see, 10.8%, so 36 1/2 million will go to new jersey, i know you're thinking, can i move today to texas? and i know you shall the winner are listening and kudos for your ingenuity. yes, you might be able to move to a state with no state tax, but new jersey might still take it. >> jesse: and if chris christie has its way, going to get more of your dough because i think the 7.8 to 9.8, good luck. >> clayton: hallelujah. still taking home 216 million dollars. that's what he would get it end. >> jesse: what would you do with that kind of dough. >> alisyn: let's talk about that. >> clayton: i don't know. >> jesse: would you buy me a boat. >> clayton: i would buy you a boat first. i don't know helping starving children i would help jesse get a boat. >> jesse: a charity chase. >> clayton: help my parents out if they wanted to do like a bathroom repair they've been
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looking at. >> alisyn: the bathroom repair. >> clayton: and go, buy a couple of dvd's. >> jesse: you're thrifty, clayton. >> clayton: a couple of blu-rays on the amazon wish list. >> alisyn: that tells me you're content and you have it all. >> jesse: look at the set, do you see the number of phones and be tablets i see on a regular basis, i don't know. >> alisyn: you have everything that a geek could ever want of the let's talk about the first senate budget that's been passed. >> jesse: well done. >> alisyn: in four years, we finally know what's in it and it looks like, remember the house-- or the g.o.p. passed their budget and the democrats have passed their budget and not surprisingly they don't resemble each other. >> clayton: they're way far apart. >> alisyn: the new tokss few ta the g.o.p. none. the democrats, 1 trillion over
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ten years. >> clayton: it's a budget, but not balanced. on the democratic side it's not balanced which is what i thought you had to do. pass an actual balanced budget and the republicans the budget doesn't balance out until 2023. >> jesse: a lot of senate democrats have to face some tough ads in the mid term, this opponent voted for trillion dollars tax hikeses to not balance the budget. the republican budget 5 trillion less, 46 trillion on the democrats side and 41 on the other side. >> clayton: and no party, i say it repeatedly. no party has ever cut spending, shrunk the size of government since the 1950's. so, both parties pay lip service to wanting to shrink the government, they never do it. and it's interesting the red state democrats they are up for reelection and go home to
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the districts and say i'm not going to vote for the tuck budget that raises taxes. >> jesse: and they have a flexibility. if you're a democrat from arkansas we'll let you vote about it because we have a three seat margin in the senate and get away with that they'll vote democrat the rest of the time. >> alisyn: the president will be releasing his budget, overdue, but releasing it on april 8th and everybody is looking to see if the latest talks, charm offensive as if it's called in washington, has any effect. >> jesse: i think the last budget the president submitted went down 97-0, i think he could pick up a few more votes this time. >> alisyn: the bar is low. >> jesse: very low. >> clayton: a fox news alert. secretary of state john kerry making a surprise visit, and flew into baghdad a few hours ago. >> jesse: peter doocy is live with the details. >> reporter: jesse, it was actually a little more than two hours ago that secretary kerry touched down in baghdad
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for the surprise visit to iraq and at the top of the agenda today we're told by the senior state department officials sitting down with prime minister al-maliki and telling him to stop letting iran fly aircraft full of weapons over iraq and into syria and secretary kerry is reportedly going to tell them if the flights which apparently take off every single day are not going to stop altogether. then each at the least should be be inspected and in return, for halting these overt flights, iraq will get what is described by the state department, a theoretical seat at the table when leaders sit down and figure out what happens to syria after their president assad is gone. convincing iraq to stop that, the iraqi election to prime minister al-maliki recently
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and suddenly delayed for six months and secretary of state is to convince him and reverse course and not waiting for a vote. and a meeting got underway in the last half hour or so, at some points we expect to see kerry at a solo press conference in iraq and we hope to get an update then about how things have been going on this surprise trip. back to you in new york. >> alisyn: peter, thank you very much for the update. let's get to the rest of your headlines. another fox news for you right now. let's take a live look from vatican city. this is pope francis celebrating palm sunday mass in a packed st. peter's square and next to easter the most holy day in the catholic church. this is a day after pope francis met with pope emeritus benedict xvi, and the two spoke privately for about 45 minutes and then the two prayed side by side. a tragic skydiving accident in
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florida that left two people dead. an experienced instructor and student both from iceland and jumped with a group of about 22 people and something went wrong during the jump and when they didn't meet the group at the bottom a search began. after several hours their bodies were found in a wooded area and officials say their parachu parachutes were destroyed. a look at this. a third sinkhole, opening up between two homes and those have been evacuated. we're nervous because this is my house and worried not being able to be in the house. >> i said, oh, my god and scared and startled me. >> rescue crews never recovered the bodies of jeff bush and workers since demolished the home. and christina aguilera feeling the moment at the "kids choice awards."
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♪ oh, oh, come on ♪ ♪ i just want to feel this moment ♪ >> she can sing. aguilera and pit bull opening the awards show last night in los angeles. >> clayton: a huge pit bull fan. >> alisyn: yeah. if katy perry fan, if i know you. >> clayton: why are the nick load yeah signs up. >> alisyn: katy perry favorite singer, but it wasn't all about the awards, people. >> what happens when you twirl it that way? i don't know, i never-- let's see. >> abracadabra. >> oh!. >> alisyn: i think they knew that was coming. sandra bullock and neil patrick harris slimed on the stage.
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ooh. >> the green slime. you never did that on television, the nickelodeon show. what was the thing you can't say. i don't know, and pour down on you. >> alisyn: i think you dreamt that. >> rick: i have no idea. >> clayton: what are you guys, all old? >> yeah. >> rick: i didn't watch nickelodeon. how about 10 degrees when you work up. take a look out in denver, because we had major problems yesterday. denver itself getting about 11 inches of snow, but we had this tractor-trailer that derailed and concerned it was going to blow up. had to stop the traffic and look at the cars stuck in the drifts and this thing on fire. along i-25. and this was backed up for five hours. i-70 to the east of denver had to be closed down. major snowstorm there for this late in the seen. you get that snow and want to get up to the mountains and you can't get up there to ski. and insult to injury. today it will be very, very cold across the area.
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a tornado watch, i'll show you next hour that we've got in effect in 11 a.m. across the panhandle of florida. be very careful. this is the rainy side of the storm and that's the snowy side. across the west everything is looking fine and will continue to. and this coming week, that's good news. a big swath from st. louis to indianapolis and 5 to 10 inches of snow and then this moves off towards the areas of the east this evening and into tomorrow and take a look at that, new york's very close to the snow and i think we'll see a couple of inches tomorrow. baltimore, d.c., could be looking at maybe 3 to 5 inches of snow for your monday back to work. so it's all snow all the time, it appears, guys. >> alisyn: i want my money back. >> rick: on what. >> alisyn: spring. >> rick: spring? good idea, good luck. >> clayton: and should have played the powerball. >> alisyn: i won the powerball as i told you. >> jesse: your one powerball. >> clayton: coming up on the show, outrage after police raid a man's home and threaten to take his kid because of
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this photo posted on facebook. now there is growing support from one girl who had a gun since she was a. >> jesse: and a family forced the out of their home because after pig. >> alisyn: i smell bacon. ♪ wild thing, you make my heart sing ♪ conquer them with the exhilarating is 250. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the cmand performance sales event. th is the pursuit of perfection. earning loads of points. we'll leave that there. you got a weather balloon, with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just about anything.
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>> when police descend on a family home and threaten to takes the kids away, the reason, because of this facebook picture because after ten-year-old boy holding a hunting license holding a new hunting rifle. gun owners are up in arms over this home invasion. >> jesse: regis giles is the website of girls just want to have guns, a sending in pictures in a message of solidarity and support for the family. regis, let he me ask you this, do you think this is a case of
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good people being punished for the actions of bad people? there's sandy hook hysteria and a woman in new jersey saw this facebook photo unfamiliar with the gun culture and the family ends up being trained in firearms safety ends up having their home being raided? >> yeah, absolutely. this -- i mean, this child, i believe his name is josh, he was holding a firearm completely responsibly, not pointing the barrel the of the gun at anyone, at his little brother or in his safe, it was in a safe direction and the way he is holding it shows knowledge of how to handle a firearm. the fact that someone, some strange, anonymous person, i want to know who this person is, actually, called the s family's home is y services ridiculous. >> clayton: here was the reaction from the father,
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shawn moore to his son and this issue. >> i think it's totally legal because in new jersey you don't have to register your firearms. i didn't commit any crime and they admitted it was a false claim and had no reason to come without a search warrants. >> they check his safe, puts the lawyer out of the speaker phone and the lawyer tells him to get out unless they have a warrant. the fear is that, all right, maybe the kids are going to break into a gun safe or that the kids are untrained, is that the issue here? and what are you hearing from the people that are putting up photos on your website? >> which ever kid can break into a gun safe is a complete genius. you know, master mind safe breaker. you know, that was the climbed issue with the department of youth and family services, that the guns were in harm's way for the the kids.
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but the dad being an n.r.a. instructor, i'm sure he knows a lot about gun safety, and how to properly store firearms in a house. heck, a lot of parents know that. they doesn't want their child to accidentally round off a shot in the house. so i think the parents are more concerned about their child safety than the department of youth and family services. >> jesse: regis, keep us posted how this goes tomorrow and go to the website and check it out. >> thank you. >> clayton: the ratings for the bible mini series divine and what is the buzz about. executive producers, mark burnett and roma downey tell us next. >> jesse: and financial future, start teaching them young. what they need to know starting at age five. what's droid-smart ?
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>> 24 minutes after the hour, time for quick headlines, protesters marching in the streets of cyprus as the country draws nearer to a bank meltdown and the country's president headed to brussels to work out a deal with a european union if a bailout is not agreed on, cyprus will have the emergency funds cut off and banks are expected to collapse. and the french president francois hollande after weeks of speculation, abu zeid was
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killed. >> jesse: the number one show on cable television right now is about the bible. 13.1 million people watched mark burnett's new mini series, more than american idol. take a look. >> . >> clayton: this is my house, a house of prayer. >> is there something unusual about this. >> nothing unusual about wreaking havoc. there will be no passover. i will crush any rebellion. do i make myself absolutely clear? >> so what's the buzz about. executive producers, mark burnett and roma downey. and you were on the o'reilly
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factor and you said you wanted to make jesus cool. you're no allowed to say cool. >> we knew it was important that the series be created in a way that would be cool for that generation, when we left for morocco, they specifically asked us not to make the special effect. and make the series lame and-- >> don't be lame. >> jesus walks on water, healing lepers and these things are coming up in next wo week's episode. it's cool. >> jesse: i was watching, it had a game of thrones vibe to it or lord of the rings. >> we went to morocco and where the gladiator was filmed there and the old testament is epic and this sunday, the new testament, three hours of
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miracles, walking on water, healing the leper, it's epic and cool. >> jesse: the media keeps telling us that americans are becoming more of a secular nation. we don't go to church anymore, but then you have this huge appetite for a mini series about the bible. how do you reconcile that? >> i believe that over 160 million americans go to church and it's been my experience that people are very hungry for purpose in their life. they're hungry for god. and we know that the last three episodes that have aired in runs and reruns of the bible have been seen by over 70 million americans. >> and this kind of thing is that the media are surprised. and the rest of america is duh, of course it's number one. it's the bible. >> jesse: because you had a template for this, you had "the passion of the christ," 600 million dollars, and bill o'reilly's book "killing jesus, going to be number one.
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and you think that maybe they might want to follow that prescription. why don't you think they want to make films about "the bible". >> we're glad we're first, one about moses and-- >> and also the genesis on the project wasn't really about making money as much about glorifying god and that was the intention that we began with. we've gone out and partnered with all denominations around the country and people have come together in one voice and created a grand feast and everyone is invited to the table. >> jesse: it's an epic mini series. thank you so much. i think you're both getting into heaven at this point. well done. "the bible" airs sunday on the history channel, now through easter and the dvd with special features april 3rd. >> alisyn: thanks so much, jesse. well, it was a historic meeting between the current and former pope so what's the significance of this meeting?
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our religion correspondent lauren green is here next. it's a pig fight, a family forced out of their home over their pet. the controversy behind this coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've bought ragu for years. [ thinking ] wonder what other questionable choices i've made? i choose date number 2! whooo! [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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>> welcome back. time for your shot of the morni morning. [cat meowing] >> cats and dogs calling a truce. and the cat is herding the puppies. >> in a reversal of the natural order, it's a cat herding puppies. >> clayton: amazing, one wary dog, i don't know about this, is he leading me into a trap. this video of course -- this video has gone viral with more than a million hits. this is all it takes, if you want a million hits, this is all it takes. >> alisyn: let's talk about another possible household pet, a pig. if you live in new york city though you may not have a pig as a pet as it's against the law. one family didn't know that. and when the city told them, hey, you know, you've got to get rid of the pet pig or get out. they're getting out.
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>> clayton: i don't find them to be loud. >> jesse: i can't hear that, is that a pig? it sounds like when i wake up. >> clayton: they say because of the vaccine problem. that they are a rabies threat. they can be aggressive in the early stages of life, go after people like an attack pig. >> jesse: so bloomberg wants drones, but no pig in your apartment. >> clayton: a hypocrisy, at the mayor's house, his daughter brought him a pig. >> jesse: really? >> yes, brought home a big and-- >> she saved after superstorm sandy, shelter. >> clayton: he they brought it home to live and they realized this is illegal and had to get rid of it, and get it outside the mayor's house, okay it's okay for you to bring home a pig for your house and now they have to relocate to long
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island outside of new york city to care for the pig. >> jesse: where is the freedom? we came to the country. we wanted pigs in our apartments, this is what america is all about. >> alisyn: and i'm mostly mesmerized by the pig's hat, fantastic. >> jesse: what is that? >> i've heard of people having chicken in the city, coops on the roof. what's the problem with the pig. let us know what you think-- someone squealed? oh, let us know what you think about this, and should the the family be allowed to have a pig in the house. use hashtag ff weekend on twitter and let us know. >> alisyn: and tell us what else is happening, this story, the marines have identified the victim and gunman in that deadly shooting at the marine corps base in quantico. sergeant lopez was a tactics instructor at the school and tests marines to become officers and shot and killed fellow marines, lance corporal
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sarah, and jacobs ruly in the barracks and turned the gun on himself. and the officials have not given a motive for the shooting. and a sad turn of events for a new york man just set free from prison. two days after being exonerated of murder he had a heart attack and he's now in the hospital. he was convicted in the killing of a rehaby, and he was released from behind bars after 23 years. and the prosecutors found the case had fatal flaws. now the f.d.a. is taking aim the at cigars, now they're manufactured and marketed. and pushing for new rules on all types of cigars. the main concerns are cheaper flavored brands popular with young people and students. >> jesse: and now to rick
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reichmuth with the weather headed our way. a snowstorm? >> yeah, it's hard to believe it. the end of march, i guess it's not that ab by this time of year you don't want to see it. and we got it and severe weather, take a look at the weather maps, across the areas of the south. that tornado watch box, that's up until 11 a.m., so, could be seeing a few tornados and see the line of storms developing there, around the apalachicola area, up into albany, georgia where the worst storms seem to be. throughout the day we'll see more storms pull up to the east. today in the northeast, another cool day, kind of a repeat of yesterday, except for parts of virginia and west virginia and you see the snow that's going to move in later on this evening and areas from d.c. up to philadelphia, and likely up to around new york city tonight into tomorrow are going to be dealing with more snow. today for sure, we're getting it across parts of the ohio valley. down to the southeast, where we see the severe weather, cooler air moves in and yesterday we saw temps in the
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upper 80's and 90's across texas and much cooler today. dropped by 20, 25 degrees. in tulsa 40 degrees. and snow around the parts the of the ohio valley. illinois, indiana and missouri, and across the west, another nice day, that's why we should all go there and vacation as soon as the show is over. how does that sound? >> let's do it. >> all right, thank you very much. christians across the world celebrating palm sunday today to commemorate christ's entrance into jerusalem and mark the beginning of the holy week up to easter. >> here with more on the holy day is fox contributor lauren green. >> there is the pope there, pope francis. palm sunday, and a lot of people ask why jesus is so popular on palm sunday, he's crustfied six days later. it's a triumphant march and
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like wanting to be in new york city for new year's eve. coming into the city, he's challenging their authority over the people and they see how popular he is, and how he has amassed this sort of following. and he also challenges the temple authorities and goes into the temple. and any gospel you read, this is where he upsets the money lenders, and famous words, you know, it is written in my house be called a house of prayer, but you're making it a den of robbers, and they say, okay, and priest and they become indignant and sets up the political intrigue that brings us to the last supper, the rest at the garden and crucifix. >> clayton: we saw the pope yesterday pretty significant video, first time we've seen
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it, i'm not 600 years old so i would not have seen this last time. pope benedict and pope francis. >> to see them sitting there together that's significance and shows pope francis deference and reverence to pope benedict. he said in the conclave he was like second place, you who are voting for me, give your votes to cardinal ratzinger and that's why he became pope. >> jesse: there's no internal drama. >> not between these two. >> jesse: no factions that split at all? >> not between these two. if we're taking a lead from pope francis you're not going to see that at least for now. for the future, there are traditionalists, they like the pomp and circumstance of the vatican, but pope francis is making changes and if he makes dramatic changes too soon,
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that may then call into play some sort of political intrigue there. >> alisyn: lauren, always great to see you. thanks for giving us all of this information. >> absolutely. >> clayton: need help removing the clutter from us house? hire a wife. >> alisyn: that's what i need. >> clayton: well, meet the woman who turned it into a booming business where you can hire an occasional wife. >> jesse: then get your children to understand finances beginning at age five in nicole petallides is here with the abc's of money. ♪ abc, 123, baby you and me ♪ [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles
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for current and former military members and their families. get advice from the people who share your values. for our free usaa retirement guide, call 877-242-usaa. >> when it comes to teaching kids about money, experts say the sooner the better. nicole petallides from the fox business network joins us with
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what your child should know about money at age five, age ten and age 15. hi nicole. >> hi. >> alisyn: age five isn't too young. >> not too early. they'll have financial strength later and you've got to inform them. >> alisyn: let's show the viewers tips for when your child is age five what you should be doing. >> saving goal, bank check, trade off. what does it mean? >> okay, this one is pretty easy for the most part and typically you just want to know how much, what, what do you want to buy and when do you want to buy it and explain to children that the bank is the safe place you put your money and the check is the thing that-- the note that you write telling the bank basically to pay for whatever you just bought. >> alisyn: and funny you're here, i just two days ago brought my eight-year-old daughter to open her first bank account. >> it's exciting. >> alisyn: so exciting for her and because she went in with her dollars she saved and the bank made a big fuss over here. so i think they might have a
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life long customer. >> that's the absolutely right thing to do. a lack of education is terrible and doesn't bode well for a great financial future. >> alisyn: by the time they're ten years old. it's time to talk about interest, loan, time horizon and inflation, and taxes. what is that? >> now we're getting the bigger words here, alisyn. interest, the money that you paid for them. anybody lending you money, the loan when you borrow money for things like a car and teenagers may need a loan if they're getting close to those times and inflation, just that things get more costly over time and you have to, obviously, account for that in taxes and we're all familiar with those. >> alisyn: so you're explaining all this have to your ten-year-old, even if it's not applicable to their life yet. you're telling them what's on the horizon. >> exactly. >> alisyn: let's talk about 15 years old and this is where i think things get serious and you have the baby-sitting money and you have some stuff that you want to buy. so, you say investing, allocation asset. diversification, stock funds. >> i'm so happy we're doing all of this because obviously
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they get money and we give them money and they earn money and you don't want them to have the feeling that they should get it and spend it. and investing, allocation, and look at these and teach them asset allocations you can do stocks, you can do bonds, what if you want to do diversification, if you do stocks, don't do all technology, all energy. why don't you mix it up. teach them over the long-term horizon and bonds are the iou from the government you'll get these things back. assuming that everything is status quo in the states not like in europe in cyprus taking the money out of the banks, but honestly, in the end this is the way to do it. teach the kids young, it seems basic, but it's a reminder and we're so busy running around with their things and basketball and their friends and birthday parties and when do we sit down and say to them. the last point, is teach them that this is now. don't you want that other thing that was $200 and sure
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you want this thing now? why don't we save this for later and try to make them hundred that patients and waiting for something that they really want instead of now, now, know you, i want, i want. >> and the bank can the is a great lesson, you need to think about it, be intentional and get your money for your purchase. thank you. they're never too young and these kids are a lot smarter than we think. they're smarting than me sometimes. they get it. i think to give them the financial lessons early is key. >> alisyn: nicole petallides, thanks. they don't have enough money to keep the white house doors open. so why is the obama administration handing out to people in the middle east? we'll explore that debate ahead. not enough time to get the chores done? there's a modern day solution, hire a wife. they'll explain it next.
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♪ look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is.
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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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>> welcome back. 51 minutes past the hour. don't mess with bill cosby and his famous sweaters. the comedian has filed a cease and desist order against a website named cosby and he says the name infringes on his trademarks and the owner says he named is in honor of his idol has changed the name to next impulse sports. and police in northern ireland defusing a massive car bomb, explosives were inside the car and police believe that an ira
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splinter group was targeting a police department. and miles from where a g8 summit will be held in june. >> jesse: if you're short on time, a modern day solution for you, hire a wife. >> alisyn: is that a modern day or an old school solution? i'm not sure. the founder of the company, the occasional wife, how it can simplify your life. >> hi, how are you doing? >> great. what does the wife do for us? >> well, we basically do anything anyone doesn't have time to do. so we sort of take your to-do list and give you the ability to hand it over and then we take care of whatever you need done. >> clayton: we have some before and after pictures of exactly what the occasional wife does. this is a business that you started. so, as we look at the photos here, how did you come up with this idea? >> i came up with the idea because i used to be -- i used to be a very busy person
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working in corporate america, married with two children and one morning, i was walking out the door going on a business trip to new york and my husband was getting ready to go out the door to meeting and he was like, where are you going? i'm going to work, where are you going. >> and where are you going. >> i'm going to work. >> and our children were looking at the kitchen island and big beautiful eyes and my husband blurted out, oh, my goodness, this family needs a wife. i do a pretty good job i'm on a plane at the time. you're right, we need an occasional wife and i said that's exactly what i need and that's where it came from. >> they're not just cleaning, correct? how much are they getting paid? >> well, we, you know, it's-- we do a lot, part of the process we have wives, workers and occasional husbands. >> jesse: occasional husbands and come over and watch football and chop wood? what does an occasional husband do? >> they're handy.
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>> jesse: handy, i bet they are. >> no, we kind of -- they help us organize, they help us build things, they're movers, because we help people move and unpack. and-- >> i like you're not setting up the stereo type of the lazy husband, i appreciate that. but i admit there are things that i just can't do. just don't do it and doing well, organizing for a trip or getting things together. so you're different than a maid service which would come in and clean. you're organizing things and do different things. >> we organize homes from their closets to their kitchens, attic, garage. we design and install closets make best use of their space. organize their lives, time management and go into businesses and organize entire companies where we help them get procedures in place for quality control, and for inventory control, and basically we really do anything anybody doesn't have time to do or kind of really
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doesn't want to do. >> alisyn: and kay, i see the price, the cost $40 an hour for an occasional wife, and then for an occasional husband it's $25-$40 an hour, really less value. >> really? >> what? >> kay. >> well, the occasional wife came up first and then as our company grew by you know our clients asks for the service of an occasional husband, it's according to the task they're doing. >> clayton: we're building a book shelf we're going to pay more. >> alisyn: maybe. >> right, exactly. >> alisyn: kay, a great idea and we can all use it and relate. thanks for coming in and explaining to us how to find the occasional wife. >> super, thanks for having me. >> clayton: would you hire an occasional wife or occasional husband. >> jesse: never, i would never. i don't need one, my wife is a super woman. >> clayton: those are brownie points.
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>> alisyn: a fox news alert. and secretary of state john kerry making a surprise stop in iraq, overseas mission. >> jesse: and a basketball bummer, how much americans will lose from their paycheck due to march madness. ♪ minutes. protect youramily... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. i really like your new jetta! and you want to buy one like mine because it's so safe, right? yeah... yeah... i know what you've heard -- iihs top safety pick for $159 a month --
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stay in the groove with align. >> good morning, everyone, it's sunday, march 24th, i'm alisyn camerota. this is extreme weather, a spring snowstorm wreaking havoc on the roads and traffic at a stand still for five hours when a tractor-trailer lost control and we'll have weather and traffic. >> jesse: and the white house can't find enough money to give tours to american kids. so why is the obama administration handing out millions to the mideast? >> call the p.c. police, you must lose the word easter and
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call it a spring hunt. the latest crack at christianity. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now. ♪ >> what's that? >> no egg-cuse for that? i like that. and i'm clayton morris and alisyn camerota and jesse watters sitting in for tucker. >> alisyn: and i just found my powerball and i did have one other number. you guys scoffed and we found out i did win $4. so, thank you everyone!. >> clayton: how much was the ticket? >> $4. >> jesse: oh. >> alisyn: because i bought two, each was $2. so one of them was $2 and i won 4, but i am out $4. >> clayton: there was a winner
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and we'll tell you later. >> alisyn: another winner. 338 million dollars, in addition to camerota, we'll talk about that. let's talk about other money issues, we've been talking about sequestration. we have been talking about military finance so that sons and daughters of those who serve, our military, will get the money for college they need and can't have tours in the hou the white house because that's closed up. but there's criticism for the amount of money poured into the middle east. >> alisyn: what do you think. >> jesse: 500 million to the palestinian authority, 200 million to jordan. this is the way our diplomacy work, hands out lots of cash and do things we want to do. billions of dollars to pakistan and they kind of do what we want to do, but i was actually riding into work and had a pakistani driver and complained the entire ride while i was trying to get work done how the money is corrupting all of these countries that we're giving them. but how else are we supposed
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to have them change their behavior, got do it with dough, right. >> alisyn: that's been the conventional wisdom. >> clayton: hasn't worked. >> alisyn: sometimes it works. obviously giving money to israel makes sense, i wish we had somebody from the state department or council of foreign relations to opine on what we get for our money in the middle east, but when it comes to pakistan or egypt where the people are-- there are some terrorist bases and people burning the american flag, it's hard to know what the investment is doing? >> and remember michele bachmann talking about this, should we not give any money to theees and pull back in pakistan. when you have the nuclear powers and you're worried it's going to fall into the wrong hands this is where we gave money last year in 2012. afghanistan 15 billion dollars. >> alisyn: i don't know if we need that much, but makes sense, obviously helping to rebuild and make afghans feel secure, everyone wants thachlt pakistan 2 billion, israel 3 billion. iraq 1.7 billion.
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egypt 1.6 billion, but when you look at pakistan and india, we gave no money to india, became one of the world's largest democracies of course and we had a choice back in the '70s or late '60s to give money to india or pakistan and we ended up giving money to pakistan, look what it's gotten us. look what india did, one of the biggest democracies. i don't know if the roi's on the investments. >> and a couple million for white house tours and we're shipping the money overseas. >> jesse: the pakistan situation, and we're giving millions of dollars and the doctor that helped us is in prison. >> alisyn: and with the dubious person living in the compound. >> jesse: we don't know if it's money well spent. it's a lot of money. >> alisyn: the sequester brought this into the fore because now we're so aware of
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exactly how much money everything costs. it's $74,000 a week according to the white house for the white house tours. to many people that seems well worth it because the kids should see inside the white house. to other people, if you have to choose between that and israel, maybe it's more important to give to israel. it's a tough one, but that's where we are today. >> clayton: now, handing out money to other countries that are in turmoil and have their own economic crisis. have you checked our country and see what happened in detroit last week? i mean, declared bankruptcy and have the state come in and take over for it. >> jesse: the 500 million you're giving to the palestinian people, i think that's like white house tours for the next three centuries or something like that. >> clayton: right. >> alisyn: and i'll check your math. >> jesse: check my math, please. >> alisyn: and speaking of tritt, a cash strapped states are considering, governors there are considering doing something which is adding a gas tax to help close their budget holes. so, as you know, many states
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are in trouble and gas tax hits everybody, basically, you have to get to work, you have to drive, and the national gas average right now, 3.67. could that be going up? >> i was actually just in hawaii, it was a tough assignment for o'reilly factor and i did happen to notice, i think the price per gallon is almost $5 there and we were just talking los angeles it's almost 4.89 in some places and it's absolutely astronomical and hits the people where it hurts the most because they need to get to work and commute and the politicians slap on the extra taxes and no one can do anything about it. it's totally out of control. >> clayton: you go to new jersey and if you live in philly people pay the toll to drive over the ben franklin bridge, go into new jersey, buy gas, and pay the toll to go back in many ways it's cheaper for them to go to the other state and now you'll have equalling of gas taxes across the countries. >> jesse: if the states can't do balance the their own
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budgets they do it on the backs of taxpayers and working americans. >> alisyn: they have to balance their budget and why being a governor in some way is harder than president as governor huckabee was saying, you have to balance your budget. all roads lead back to sequester, they won't be getting as much federal assistance as they used to and they have to figure out how they're going to plug those holes. >> clayton: thank you for that optimism on this sunday. speaking of roads, and having to navigate this morning. rick reichmuth was tracking that storm and you saw the video of the storms hitting and the cars piled up on the road. >> rick: across parts of colorado, johnstown, towards the fort collins area, take a look at the tanker, it derails and catches fire. and they were very afraid it was going to explode. they had to stop the traffic and try to fight that fire and cause ago nightmare. that's i-25 north of denver and i-70 east of denver and
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having problems, and that road having to be closed down at times. they saw about a foot of snow in denver, and you get a lot of snow this time of year, spring snow that can be pretty significant and that's certainly one of the big ones and any of that snow is not going to melt and the roads are very, very rough today. and that storm pulls off to the east and you can see across parts of kansas and missouri it will redevelop later on today and turn into very heavy snow across the areas from around missouri back to illinois, indiana, over towards the pittsburgh area and parts of west virginia, that's for today. tomorrow it moves off into parts of the northeast and we'll see more snow from d.c. to philadelphia and up towards new york city. down to the south there's a stormier side of this. a severe weather side and anywhere you see the yellow, slight risk for severe weather, one tornado watch across the panhandle of florida and south parts of georgia and this is the line of storms and some could be tornadic and certainly be very, very careful. temps behind the storm, cool
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for everybody, and winter for dallas today. only to 55 tomorrow, those temps continue to remain cool and the cool pattern is going to be with us for much of the coming week for pretty much everybody, there you go. >> and i asked rick the hometown of phoenix, perfect, 83. >> and all right. there is one very lucky winner of last night's 338 million dollar powerball jackpot. the winning ticket was sold in new jersey. lottery officials are expected to release more details tomorrow so you could still be a winner. near 2 1/2 million other players still won some money totalling almost 13 million dollars, including moi. i found out that morning i won part of the powerball. i will tell what you my winning numbers were coming up. here are the total 17, 29, 31, 52, 53, 31. and breakfast is on me this
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morning. and meanwhile, there's a tragic story, a skydiving accident in florida leaving two people dead. the experienced instructor and student were from iceland and jumped with other people and something went wrong with the jump. after they didn't meet with the group their bodies were found in a wooded area and officials say the parachutes were deployed. another massive sinkhole in florida about a mile and a half away from the one that swallowed a man sleeping in his bed back in february. this hole opening up between two homes and both have been evacuated. >> we're very nervous because this is my house and i'm worried not being able to be in the house. >> i'm thinking, oh, my god, it scared and startled me. >> alisyn: crews never recover the body of jeff bush. they demolished the home and
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filled in the sinkhole. >> clayton: those on the ncaa tournament saw the first number one seed knocked out of the dance and people are crying all over the country that their brackets are messed up. and beating top ranked gonzaga and hit five straight three-pointers late in the game and 12th seed oregon, 14 st. louis, pac-12 champion ducks took this one. 74-57. some games to watch today, ohio state and iowa state and kansas at north carolina square off. that will be a good one. and florida facing minnesota. you know, nate silver, the genius behind the election results and since he was the most accurate one to predict the election results, gonzaga in his final four. i guess he can predict elections, but-- >> take that nate silver. >> clayton: and insulting our heroes using a b-52 shot down
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during the vietnam war as a prop for one of the reality shows. a veteran who is demanding an apology. >> jesse: and taylor shift making a fan's dream come true. a look at the special moment. >> oh! >> ♪ ♪ keep your eyes open ♪ [ male announcer ] this is a reason to look twice. the stunning lexus es. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the command performance sales event. this is theursuit of perfection. by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. people around you...they say, you're much bigger than this. and you are. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chanti is right for you. >> and welcome back. cbs coming under fire for an episode of "the amazing race" where contestants go to a b-52 memorial in vietnam, take a look. >> teams must now make their way to the b-52 memorial site of the wreckage after b-52 bomber shot down during the the vietnam war where they'll find their next clue. >> here? wait, wait, wait, oh--
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>> this is a double u-turn. >> clayton: a double u-turn. veterans are outraged and our next guest has written a letter to the network demanding an apology. joining us now is a vietnam veteran and from the american legion, jim, nice to see you. >> thanks for having me on the show. >> clayton: when you heard about the episode of the amazing race. what did you do and say in the letter that you wrote. >> well, we kind of thought it was a slap in the face to the vietnam veterans. you know, over 50,000 killed in action. he we kind of thought it was a slap to those and the families of those who served in this war. >> clayton: you know, some of the criticism said, well, maybe it was some young producers who didn't know, didn't know their history, but it seems like you'd have to have someone at least high up before this would ever make national television. so, forgetting some young producer to have a sense of
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history here, do you buy that argument. >> i don't think they can blame it on a young producer. someone had to see what was going on in the episode before it got there. like i said, it was a slap in the face to the vietnamese veterans. >> clayton: do you think we've lost our sense of perspective on the vietnam war? >> well, i don't know that we've lost it, but you know, the vietnam veterans were not treated very good when they came home. they were slapped in the face, they were spit on and called baby killers and everything else, you know, so we thought maybe the time was coming where the vietnam veterans were going to get respect, but with what's going on as of last sunday, we're kind of wondering. >> clayton: now you've written this letter to cbs what. did they say back to you? >> we haven't heard nothing back from cbs. we the wrote it to the ceo, and haven't heard the first word back. so, maybe we'll hear something here because we know that there's going to be at least
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2.4 million members of the american league begun not watching the amazing race for sure. >> clayton: that's another part. a number of veterans groups fired up and angry, fired off letters to the members if you have been watching "the amazing race" stop watching it. >> yes, he that's true. i mean, we've got the word out to our 2.4 million members don't watch it. i think that cbs will get the word. it's not just the american legion, it's the american public that's going to really respects the veterans of this country. >> clayton: yeah, and i think most troubling to he me not only the lack of perspective on the vietnam war and the veterans who gave their lives for our country there and you look at that music being played under it, and that announcer's voice as if it's just sort fun back drop, that contestants run down. >> and the portrait of ho chi
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minh in the background and one thing that everybody is disturbed about, including the wreckage of the b-52 bomber there in the water. and i think that was kind of the things that really upset the veterans. >> clayton: yeah, and another scene where they're standing at a performance, a live performance, hearing about how great communism is, too, they had to go to that, that was troubling. and james, let us know what you hear from cbs, if you get a return phone call or a letter back. let us know. >> we will sure do that. >> clayton: thanks, jim. coming up on the show, it's a story that true love conquers all. meet the high school sweethearts finally saying "i do" 70 years later. then, think that cereal bar is good for you? or cereal in general? up next we'll break down the healthy foods that really aren't healthy at all for you. don't miss it. ♪ i'd like one of those desserts and some coffee.
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sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. ♪ [ male announcer ] the sound of reddi-wip is the sound of joy.
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>> welcome back. time for your news by the numbers now. 2.99 how much gas was going for in one texas town thanks to the austin vineyard church and ease the pain at the pump paying 50 cents for every gallon they bought. and 70 years for them to tie the knot. and faith brought them together at the 60 high school reunion. >> 61% how many men think the first thing women notice about them is their cell phone and men are more ashamed of their phones than women. >> alisyn: i don't know what that means. >> clayton: alisyn asks to use my phone only to use it as a mirror.
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ali, jesse. >> alisyn: thanks so much, clayton. all right, there are so many options at the grocery store now for americans to try and eat healthfully. are we making the right choices? >> dietician and the author of "the new you" kerry glassman to help some of the foods. >> good morning, everyone. >> jesse: this is high fiber, it looks healthy and flaky, is it good for you? >> people see fiber on the box and oh, this cereal is definitely good for me. i need to be upping the fiber. most americans do, they don't turn the box over and look at nutrition and see triple the amount of sugar than there is fiber. if it does say high fiber, go the extra mile and read the box. make sure you're getting more fiber than sugar. and there's five grams of fiber and 16 grams of sugar, thumbs down.
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put it back on the shelf. >> clayton: the study was fascinated. in we used to eat read foods and used to eat meat and eggs and now the ads for cereal. >> they're loaded not only with sugar, but artificial ingredients. read the boxes carefully. >> alisyn: one thing i've been tricked by and thought were healthy choice are veggie chips. look at the color and supposed to have beets and must have carrots. >> and there's even green chips that have spinach and cale there. the problem, the chips, most have the same amount of calories, fat and sodium as regular chips, if you flip those chips over you'll see an ingredient, what's the first is potatoes, basically they're potato chips with a tiny bit of vegetables in there. we're not getting enough vegetables that it's worth it to have the chips. better to have the crudites on
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the side. and people go for these thinking i should have them when really they wouldn't have gone for them in the first place. >> jesse: we have refused fat pee tanut butter and go for the reduced fat. >> no, thumbs down. we've got to get you reading the labels better. >> jesse: i don't read, i just grab. >> the problem is here is peanut butter is fat. we should be getting fat from peanut butter, about 30% of our calories come from fat and peanut butter is healthy fat if we buy has on the iningredient list, peanuts. and reduced fat they add oil, but that's kind of like having for vitamin-free or vitamin-less vegetables. you want full fat peanut
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butter. >> alisyn: speaking of real food. >> gluten free cookies. >> alisyn: got to be better. >> i was looking at the ingredients and 30 things deep. cane sugar and cane juice. >> many people need to be gluten free if they have a problem like ciliac disease. if you're swapping out it needs to be an indulgence. and you can't say it's gluten-free and it's better for me. i can add cookies to the dinner and that's the problem. and it's not that it's an unhealthy gluten-free cookie, we have to remember that we can't be loading up with this because it is gluten free. >> are oreo's gluten-free or not. >> we have to go to the store. >> alisyn: take him under your wing. kerrie glassman always great to see you. >> thank you. >> clayton: pop quiz, why is
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the united states a target for terrorism? the question showing up on a fifth grade test and wait until you hear what they call the correct answer. >> jesse: and america's sweetheart taylor swift making a fan's dream come true. a closer look at the special moment. ♪ [ male announcer ] with free package pickup from the united states postal service a small jam maker can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪ we'll do the rest. they're coming.
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a literally shot of the morning. tiger woods may be leading in the arnold palmer invitational. this is the shot of the day. thomas rolls up pants and takes off his shoes and the shot. chipping it in. shot a 3 over 75 on the day. most people think, hey, that ball is in the water, i'm done. and i've got to get me a drop shot somewhere and take one. >> jesse: i would have made that shot, i think. >> clayton: really? >> i would have sank that. >> clayton: why aren't you on the pga tour. >> jesse: why am i here? i need to go out to the range. >> alisyn: and show us video evidence. >> jesse: don't want to do that. there's no video. >> clayton: let's head down to texas now, shall we? there is he' some outrage this morning, a texas mom was stunned when she saw, you know, most moms maybe look at the tests what grade they've got in the fifth grade, know how well your son or daughter is doing.
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this mom decided to look a bit more closely at some of the questions on a fifth grade test and here is the test question that was put forth to her son. why might the united states be a target for terrorism, multiple choice. >> alisyn: the choices a, other people just don't like americans. b, decisions made in the u.s. have had negative effects on people elsewhere. c, terrorists hate everyone. or d, all of the above. the answer there, which we're not showing you yet-- >> the answer was c-- >> or decisions we made in the united states that negativetively impact people elsewhere and that's the correct answer. and you see the bottom of the screen there, that's the correct answer. well, the mom was shocked that's what her son was being taught at school and she quickly posted it on her facebook and it took off like wildfire. >> jesse: and yesterday, we had a teacher having children
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stomp on a picture of jesus and now this, in texas teaching that the tea party was a terrorist act. something crazy is going on. i have no idea what this is. this teacher should be fired. we're going to talk to the mom coming up. >> clayton: we'll talk to the mom in a while on our show and karen, the mother of the fifth grade student, she's going to join us later in the show to tell us what her reaction was when she saw that on the it test. i'm curious what the school said, whether they apologized. >> alisyn: very good. >> jesse: now to a fox news alert, secretary of state john kerry making a trip to iraq this morning, flew into baghdad a few hours ago. >> clayton: peter doocy joins us live in d.c. this morning with the the details, peter, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, clayton. secretary kerry and al-maliki wrapped up a behind closed door meeting and two were in very good spirits he joking around with each other before they got down to business and we're told that secretary kerry's top priority is telling al-maliki to stop
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letting the iranians fly the plane loads of weapons over iraq and into syria. the weapons shipments are reportedly contributing to the sustained blood shed in syria. and if iraqis are not going to let them stop flying, they want to put in an agreement to get the flights inspected. if al-maliki is offering him a theoretical seat at the table when it's time for leaders to s decide what to do once assad is gone for good and the provincial elections in parts of iraq that prime minister delayed for six months. the secretary thinks that should be be reconsidered. kerry thinks by the end of this year, the american embassy in iraq needs to shed hf its staff. right now there are 10,500
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employees and he wants it down to 5,100 in the next few months and secretary kerry has been on the ground in iraq for three and a half hours and before he leaves the country this evening he we expect to get an update from him on how the meetings went today. >> and thanks so much, peter. let's get your headlines, a fox news alert for you right now. and pope francis celebrating palm sunday mass in st. peter's square. this leads up to easter, the most holy day of the roman catholic church. see, this is it. happening one day after pope francis met with his predecessor, pope emeritus benedict xvi. they spoke privately and then as you see, they prayed side by side. investigators have yet to pinpoint the culprit behind a synchronized cyber attack in south korea and the focus
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remains on north korea. they believe they've been training computer cyber warriors for battle and students there recruited to top science schools where they learn it become professional hackers. this story is hard to believe. a texas woman tries to kill a snake and ends up burning down the house. >> it burned and caught the house. >> caught the house? >> the house is on fire, could you hurry up, please. the woman spotted the snake and panicked and doused it in gasoline and her son threw a match on it. >> wow. >> alisyn: the only problem shall the snake slithered into brush which caught on fire and the flames spread to the house, destroying it. it also destroyed the home next door, well, damaged it. >> clayton: i love when she gave the back story first when she called 911. let me tell you what happened.
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not my house is on fire, get some help. >> alisyn: luckily, no one was hurt. and jesse, tell us about this great story. >> jesse: all right, taylor swift giving a very sick little girl the night of her life. at her concert in charlotte, swift pulled seven-year-old emma onto the stake at the end of the song. and emma has a rare blood disorder and had to undergo chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant and got to meet the singer back stage before the show. thanks to a local radio station and the little girl told her mom, quote, i felt so special tonight. >> alisyn: that is beautiful. i take back anything possibility unkind i've ever said about taylor swift. >> jesse: you've been hating on taylor. >> alisyn: no, just her love life. i sometimes make occasional jokes about it. >> jesse: does have a lot of boyfriends. >> clayton: and hometown reading pennsylvania girl.
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good for you. and let's check with rick reichmuth. are you a taylor swift fan. >> rick: it's probably a good thing we didn't know about your love life when you were 22. (laughter) >> we're not accepting any e-mails about that from any viewers. >> rick: maybe 10, 20, 30 people out there who could-- >> oh, wow. >> clayton: the inbox is exploding. >> rick: there you go. all right, take a look at the weather map, guys, severe weather going on across the south this morning and could see a few tornados and none of these cells have turned tornadic and we'll continue to watch that threat and heavy rain going on there. behind the storm, it's cold. take a look how cold it is across most of the country. there's a huge chunk of the country below where it would typically be this time of year. ohio and central planes and everybody else 10 degrees below. and the place above average is your areas of florida, about 5
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degrees above average. so this cold pattern certainly is continuing for us. take a look at your forecast today. across the northeast, here you go, we'll see more sunshine around the northeast and a cool day, tomorrow overnight, actually the clouds move in and we'll see some snow, but by later this evening, we'll see the snow already into west virginia and parts of the virginia. and down to the southeast, heavy rain moves throughout the day and eastern florida at least the eastern part of north florida i would say, as well as into the carolinas, and much cooler temperatures and we saw yesterday. into the northern plains we'll see the snow flying and the heaviest snow around missouri, illinois and indiana and some of the spots 5 to 10 inches of snow and across the west, it's pure sunshine and nice conditions, down across southwest yuma, 84. there you go. thank you. >> jesse: clayton wants to know when he can wear shorts, is that going to happen soon. >> rick: no. >> jesse: thank god. >> rick: we're spared that one. >> alisyn: thanks, rick.
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>> clayton: rick calls it chicken legs. >> alisyn: he made the u ultimate sacrifice to save his fellow seals. and the story from the film maker coming up. the film almost didn't get made. >> clayton: and called the p.c. police, stop calling it easter, call it a spring hunt instead. the latest crack crack at christianity at this easter holiday. ♪ look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready.
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4:46 am popcorn, your favorite... [ male announcer ] find offers from regal cin, norwegian cruise line and walgreens. hotel savings at hilton, hyatt and best western. and everyday discounts from denny's and kellogg's. they're great! [ male announcer ] all chosen just for aarp members. papa john's! [ male announcer ] with new offers every week. find deals on electronics and technology. and save on tickets to exciting concerts and shows. [ taxi whistle ] c'mon, guys, the millers just got their cards, too! [ male announcer ] check out the possibilities. wherthe deals are. >> it's time to call in the p.c. police? and may be detaching the word easter from egg hunts as some refer to them as spring egg
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hunts. and joining us now to weigh in, a professor of law and political science at vanderbilt university. now, professor, this is actually happening in my back yard, long island. o'reilly who also living in long island was referring to it the other day and doesn't make sense. and trying to do it with christmas, calling it a holiday tree. what's the meantality, do you think, behind this? >> two factors, one the secular humanist would do anything to marginalize christianity and too many americans allowed themselves to be brow-beaten and swallowing hook, line and sinker the political correctness. we need to stand up against political correctness. >> jesse: now, a lot of people say it offends people when you use the word easter, a very small minority, but then by removing the word easter ends
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up offending much more people to begin with. don't they see they're causing more pain? >> i can tell you if we remove the name easter we might as well call them pagan egg hunts and it bothers me that the merchants, they benefit by easter and if they're going to benefit by selling eggs and chocolate bunnies and all of those things that we social with the easter tradition, then easter needs to stay attached to it or christians need to boycott the vendors and boycott the egg hunt, anything that doesn't respect their religion. >> jesse: you're saying before they want to purposely diminish religion. >> christianity. >> jesse: what's the point of doing that? why would they want to do that? >> i believe that the secular humanist have a vision of the world in which we're all integrate, no dominant
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religion, but right now because christianity is the dominant religion in america, t it's against christianity, not against the other religions of the world and there's a double standard and we see it all the time. and this is part of a larger effort across the country because we find on our college and university campuses that the christian organizations are under attack, there are 15 groups at vanderbilt university that are no longer recognized by the university. it means that they cannot use the e-mail service, they cannot co-sponsor events with other groups, they cannot advertise, they cannot get any kind of funding to bring in a speaker, yet, tear parents are paying student fees. >> jesse: right. and they're calling them the spring bunny? the spring bunny, not the easter bunny. what effect do you think it has on children growing up? are they going to grow up and think it's nonsense or stick with them and pass this stuff on to their kids? >> it depends on what the
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christians in america do. the last survey that i saw, 78% of americans professed to be christians. if they're christians they should not be participating in pagan pagan egg hunt. if easter is removed, it's a pagan holiday and they need to sit down and have a heart to heart with their children. we, the people, need to speak up and fight for our traditions and values and organize through social media and boycott. >> jesse: all right, thank you very much, professor. we will be following it, happy palm sunday. >> thank you, same to you. >> jesse: president obama arriving back in washington last night after his trip to the middle east. so did he accomplish what he set out to do? chris wallace weighs in the top of the hour. and cheers to springtime. a fine wine that won't break your budget. ♪
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enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel.
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>> we're talking wine this morning. it may not feel like spring outside, but we're toasting the season with some wines that won't break the bank. >> thanks for having me. >> alisyn: they're under $10. you're going to show you great wines. >> yeah, sometimes you don't realize there are great wines under $10. so horror we have the pinot-- here we have the ino gregio.
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>> it can taste vinegar-like if you don't get a good one. >> high in acidity. >> clayton: and $9 for this one. >> cabo pin o-and it's citrus notes in there and pear and user friendly because it's kind of middle of the road acid and fruit and all of that. >> clayton: and headed into spring, another white one you have here. >> and new zealand makes a incredib incredible savinon blanc. it's like fresh cut grass. >> clayton: if you watch "downton abbey" it's the cocktail before dinner. this red, i've had one before and rick was complaining when you go to a restaurant, charge you $15 a glass for this, but this is under $10 for the
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whole bottle. >> this is one of the most underrated red wines especially from france. this is a great one. for restaurants they charge 2 or 3 times the price on the shelf. >> alisyn: if you're looking for one more bold. tell us about this. >> st. francis splash, it's cab, merlot and zin and boldness to it, and richness to it. you probably like that one. >> clayton: a little bit earthy. >> alisyn: i like that, too. and always fun to have something sparkling. >> bubbling. >> alisyn: and if it's under $10 you run the risk of a mass headache. >> clayton: speaking of experience. >> if you drink a lot of it. this is made kavya from spain and under $10 wonderful for the spring. >> clayton: when you look the at things, people are starting to grill or having some fish or salad, things like that. when you pair them, a hard and
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fast rule? you have to have white wine with the fish and red wine with the meat. >> one of the things, pairing food and wine. matching weight with weight. if you have a heavy dish, and want a light wine, it's like a fashion model with a wrestler. with scallops, the blanc is going to work well. >> people tend to think, summer, spring, white wine. you can do heavier. t in terms of red wines, for grilled meats and things of that sort, with red. >> clayton: the book is called "the one minute wine master" what can you do in one minute. >> getting your colors done, but for wine. >> alisyn: i know exactly what you're saying. >> as soon as you take the quiz you get placed into a category, spring, summer, fall or winter according to your palate. if you like big bold red
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wines, a winter. delicate light spring-like wines probably more like a spring and cuts you in a category and ten wines per season you'll probably like. >> alisyn: jennifer, thanks for educating us. >> thank you. >> clayton: and you can leave the bottles. extreme weather across the country, a spring snowstorm wreaking havoc on the roads, forcing a tractor-trailer to lose control. look at this go up in flames. rick has the latest on the big can't stor winter storm. >> alisyn: one person could be character in. how much that $338 million dollar jackpot breaks down for in taxes. oh, by the way, i won! i'll show you my winning ticket when we come back. ♪ [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego.
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prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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>> good morning, everyone, it's sunday, march 24th. i'm alisyn camerota. did you just wake up a multi-millionaire? there's a big winner in the last night's powerball drawing. he has a new tax bill and we will crunch the numbers for you and let now how much it is. >> jesse: then, they're building up their military, hacking ours and holding most of america's debt. guess who could make american exceptionalism a thing of the past. >> clayton: and a saying, happy wife, happy life. >> alisyn: i love that motto. >> clayton: but is splitting the household chores the key to the happy marriage? the surprising results of a new study as "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. ♪
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welcome to "fox & friends" on this beautiful sunday morning, this palm sunday morning, we hope you're having a great day. we hope one of you is the lucky winner of the 338 million dollar power ball jackpot jackpot, somebody won in new jersey, somebody won the full monty, right. >> alisyn: yes 17, 29, 31, 52, 53 and the powerball number is 31. if you heard me last week, i predicted i was going to win and this morning, i can tell you, i do have a winning ticket here. let me show camera one, you want to take the close up? >> is your home address on there, i hope. >> alisyn: i want you all to see, where should i show it? okay. >> clayton: keep walking that random camera. >> alisyn: 31, powerball 31. >> clayton: you've got to hold it still. >> alisyn: i have two winning numbers. and now what that means today.
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>> jesse: what was it mean. >> alisyn: i won $4 in the powerball, everybody. >> clayton: we threw it out on twitter and she writes on twitter. clayton, ask alisyn if i can bum $4? >> today you can. >> jesse: hard up for $4. >> clayton: this is amazing and so many other people who won like 13 million dollars underneath that big winner of the 338 million, but look, the tax man is going to come for it because it breaks down this one. don't shed a tear because here is what you're going to win. this guy is it going to win, $338 million dollars broken down. 25% to taxes. uncle sam, 84 million. >> jesse: you basically want to play the lottery if texas, if you play in connecticut, newark, new jersey, connecticut not going to take home as much. >> alisyn: new jersey 10.8 state tax 36 million dollars and your take home is still,
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317 milli 217 million. >> clayton: and reminds us, the convenience store where the guy bought it get a cut as well. >> alisyn: could be from the lottery, i could be wrong, but some pointed out would have been better if you won last year, because you're now in the upper tax bracket that's gone up from 35 to 39.6 and 40%. we feel sorry for you, lottery winner. >> jesse: i really, really, do. and remember what happened, mc hammer, remember him, made tons of dough and wearing the silly pants. and went broke because he gave it away to his crew, and gave away lamborghinis, got to be smart. and hire eric bolling. >> clayton: don't give money out to the entourage, keep
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quiet about it. we don't know if there's more than one person. we know one ticket so far in new jersey, the person has not come forward and they usually take a few days with their lawyers before they come forward. >> alisyn: that's what i will do obviously after this. >> clayton: your $4. >> alisyn: if i make it home and haven't lost it, which is a distinct possibility. if it i haven't lost it i'll call the accountant. >> clayton: what are you going to do, invest it. >> clayton: let us know what you would do if you won, use the hashtag twitter. what would you do with the money. >> jesse: i'm thinking about it right now. >> alisyn: it's easy to get lost in that. >> jesse: bali for a month, maybe. >> clayton: if the money used by the powerball, that is if congress had access to those kind of funds, it would be gone in a new york minute. >> jesse: i think they just gave jordan 200 million and this guy won 323.
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>> clayton: and it would be gone in a blink of an eye. >> alisyn: the senate passed a budget the first in four years. >> jesse: good job guys, way to go. >> alisyn: now we have two competing budgets. we can see the democrat's version and vision and the republicans have suggested. let's take a look at what some of those different visions are. >> clayton: meanwhile shall the president hasn't put forth his budget and maybe there will be a bridging between the two plans. on the right, 1 trillion dollars in tax increases over ten years from the democrats. republicans voted for zero tax increases. >> jesse: and obviously, the democrats want to cut defense spending. republicans want to cut discretionary spending. now, the point is we're talking about 45, 41 trillion dollars, trillion dollars. the budgets aren't that far apart from each other, which is scary. >> clayton: and when you think about restricting the size of government, either party is putting that forward. if you look is one party better with the shrinking the size of government?
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>> uh-uh we're a little less bad on the republican side. what they're doing. >> alisyn: the president will release his budget on april 8th and republicans, obviously, are waiting to see if all of their meetings the past couple of weeks, the so-called charm offensive that the president engaged in will bear any fruit and whether there will be any of their ideas or suggestions in his. one of the of the things to look for is that cost of living adjustment, something they had lobbied him for and they may have won him over and they have suggested as much in terms of entitlement. and might be lower than expected. >> democrats might want to cut defense spending and paul ryan open to defense cuts in his budget as well and shrinking the size. anybody who thinks there couldn't be fat cut out is insane. >> jesse: remember,a cola. >> the lobbyists and people want defense contracts for
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things we don't use and don't need. as we look at our debt in this country, look at our economy, whether or not it's growing or whether or not it's shrinking ab how much we export to other parts of the world, a new report shows that china will overtake the united states as the world's number one economy by 2016. >> jesse: really? is that true? >> well, it's a report from the organization for economic cooperation and development. their forecast differs from other people's forecast which says basically because of china's demographics, they have a lot of people. >> jesse: a billion people, a lot of people to tax. >> alisyn: that's right. so the other prediction said it would be by the year 2020. this puts it four years earlier, by the time the president is leaving office. >> jesse: you could have on obama's watch, president obama, us being downgraded for the first time and lose the title of the number one economy in the world. that's staggering. >> clayton: to be fair to the president, this certainly
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didn't start under president obama, it started many years ago in china, but also, look, it's easier in china to have this kind of growth when you're doing it on the backs of the poor and you're doing it on the backs of all of the work make any money at all and you can have massive pollution. in beijing, on a saturday morning, about three weeks ago, they had the worst air quality index they've ever had and couldn't go outside, told to stay in for three days at a time. so when you have this amount of lack of regulation, stealing our copy right information in this country and doing it on the backs of american companies. maybe it's easy to have this kind of growth, china. >> jesse: i don't want to sign america's death certificate, china could implode any moment and communist state and fudging some numbers on gdp. i don't think that american exceptionalism new century is over. >> clayton: and sitting on a massive housing bubble in
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china we went through that four years ago and they're experiencing it now. >> alisyn: and it's hard to forecast four and eight years out as we've learned. let us know what you think about that, find us on twitter. meanwhile, let's get to the news headlines. secretary of state john kerry made a surprise visit to iraq and flew into baghdad a few hours ago. and secretary kerry and al-maliki are meeting behind closed doors. and to stop letting planes fly over iraq to syria. and these are reportedly contributing to the civil war in syria. a skydiving accident that left two people dead. the experienced instructor and students were in iceland. and nothing went wrong during the jump and when they didn't meet the rest of the group on the ground, a search began and
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after several hours, their bodies were found in a wooded area and officials say the parachutes were deployed. we'll try to find out more when we can. the clock was ticking for cyprus, as they inch closer to a bank melttown, the country's president headed to brussels to work out a deal with the european union. if a bailout agreement is not reached by tomorrow, emergency funds will cut off and banks there are expected to collapse. and singer christina aguilera feeling the moment at the kids' choice awards. ♪ come on, i just want to feel this moment ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ i just want to feel this moment ♪ >> aguilera an and pit bull opening up the awards show in a raucous way last night in los angeles. big winners, katie perry,
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favorite singer and selena gomez, favorite tv access. and everyone wants to know who got slimed. >> oh! oh! >> and that's los angeles laker dwight howard covered in green goo after making a slime dunk. >> wasn't last year michelle obama got slimed by accident and came down on her-- >> slimed? a national security situation. >> alisyn: let's look into that. >> clayton: i'll get on that. a check with rick reichmuth. >> rick: and i remember that happening, it was like slime slop-over. isn't it edible? >> i don't know, looks delicious. >> rick: okay. >> alisyn: what? >> you have about one minute.
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you do that in the audience, cold out across the west and denver 10 degrees and a lot of snow, up to about a foot of snow in denver and behind us, cold 39 in dallas right now and wind chill feels like 29. so a cold morning there. we're dealing with the storm, it's the snow that's moving into the parts of the mid mississippi river valley and today will stretch into the ohio river valley. a lot of hours will see 5 to 10 inches of snow. be careful on the roads. the southern side of this exact storm will bring us severe weather, a tornado watch in effect until 11 a.m. where you see an outlined in red and some of it's severe although we haven't had actual tornados, but later on in the information it's going to stretch toward the northern half of florida, could ocala an jacksonville and daytona beach. and south carolina, 3 to 5 inches, and cause localized
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flooding. around kansas city, stretched to indianapolis, tonight into tomorrow this moves toward the mid atlantic and northeast, i think a little bit of a southerly track, but we'll see pretty significant snow 4 to 5 inches across parts of new jersey and as well as across areas of virginia. back to you. >> clayton: we've got it, rick, the green slime made up of wheat, applesauce mixture, tastes like apples. >> alisyn: and vanilla pudding. >> jesse: clayton agreed to test it. >> rick: that was quick. >> alisyn: sounds kind of good. >> clayton: thanks, google for your help. success or failure? president obama back from his trip to the middle east and israel, so, what did he accomplish? chris wallace here next to tackle that. >> jesse: who says that cats and dogs can't be friends? this video is turning that theory on its head. ♪ ♪ you keep knocking, but you
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can't come in ♪ [ shapiro ] at legalzoom, you can take care of virtually all your imptant legal matters in just minutes. protect youramily... and launch your dreams. at we put the law on your side. the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful.
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>> welcome back. 16 minutes now past the hour. president obama is back home this morning after his first trip to israel as president. so did he accomplish what he set out to do? >> joining us now is the host of "fox news sunday" chris wallace. >> hey, guys. >> alisyn: what if anything did the president accomplish on the middle east trip? >> clayton said did he sdo what he set out to do? yes, because the white house bar was set low. he didn't make any progress on syria, didn't make progress on iran, but helped to broker a new reconciliation between israel and turkey on the outs for three years and that's significant and could
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conceivably help in dealing with syria since they both share a border with syria and certainly improved relations with the israelis. personally with benjamin netanyahu, in a bigger sense with the whole nation and he seemed to tilt away from the palestinians and toward the israelis, he's no longer going to insist that israel stop the creation, or the construction of settlements as a pre-condition to peace talks. so, you know, it may be a b, b-plus, no great accomplishment, but certainly an okay trip. >> clayton: to elaborate on that point, was this an overtly pro-israel trip? pressure on syria, pressure on iran standing with israel or did you see it differently? >> in terms of syria and iran shall the president has been opposed to those two regimes for a long time, but in terms of where he comes down on the issues separating the israelis and palestinians, he's tilted
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as opposed to the first term, towards the palestinians and israelis. in a personal sense, it was a charm offensive between himself and benjamin netanyahu. and the fact he was going to get him there to the prime minister and the aid on the ship that was trying to break the israeli blockade three years ago, that was a significant event. >> jesse: and chris, you have rand paul on fox news sunday today. he's now come out with an immigration proposal that's gotten a lot of of attention and did he this massive filibuster which also caught a lot of attention. is he kind of a rising star in the senate or is marco rubio more the center of power these days? >> i'm not sure it's one or the other. rand paul is a rising star and the new "it" boy in the republican party. and i've got to say whether you agree or not, the old-fashioned filibuster like
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jimmy stewart in "mr. smith goes to washington" and held the floor in a real filibuster captured the imagination i think of conservatives and liberals as well. and you know, since then, he won the cpac straw poll. made a big speech on immigration. he's going to headline a fund raising dinner for iowa, interesting state, iowa state republican party in may. so, we're delighted to have him as our exclusive guest at the top of the hour. >> clayton: fascinating. and electrified fences and now sort of electrified everybody with the big feature speech on immigration, and you can watch it here later on the fox news channel later this afternoon. >> thanks, guys. >> alisyn: the story of lieutenant michael murphy is on the big screen. the movie almost didn't get made and the unbelievable story from the film maker. >> jesse: first cigarettes and now cigars, how the f.d.a.
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plan to regulate your celebratory smoke. >> clayton: hands off my cigars. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings ♪ your finances can't manage themselves, but that doesn't mean they won't try. bring all your finances together with the help of the one person who can, a certified financial planner professional.
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cfp -- let's make a plan.
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>> he made the ultimate sacrifice to help the fellow navy seals, from afghanistan in 2005. lieutenant michael murphy died fighting for his country and the gripping story of this medal recipient is hitting the screen. >> at one point when he was younger, bullying and he wouldn't put up with it. some of the kids were bullying
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a child who was in-- who had learning disabilities so they were trying to stuff him in a locker, thinking it was funny and mike came along and told them let him go. >> a lot of people say things about people that pass away and they might rightfully be glorified, but anything that has ever been said about mike is spot on true. >> joining us now is scott mctavish, from the documentary, thanks for being here. we were talking what a challenge it was making this documentary tell us about it. >> we started about three years ago and i work outside of the hollywood orbit and it was tough raising money. we went for about 2 1/2 years and ran out of gas last october. we were on a time line. and we went to some friends at a company in atlanta and they put the rest of the funds together. they saw the rough cut and they were impressed by it, and they made it happen. >> describe the fire fight
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that he was involved in, and he won the medal of honor. so he exposed himself to enemy fire and exposed a gunshot wound and with the location of the rest of the team. >> he was behind cover and knew he had to get the word back to headquarters to get his men out and he broke cover, went out in the open. made the call and he was shot in the back and dropped the phone and picked it back up and said thank you. and he do ied fried from his wo. >> alisyn: he was a special guy. everyone talked about that. why did you want to feature him? >> we knew about his story and my company specializes in stories of heroism. and i was involved with the book "seal of honor" based on michael's life three years ago and i just knew his story very, very well and the more we unpacked it the more we realized this guy was an amazing human being. it was an easy story to tell. >> jesse: it wasn't just the fire fight that this movie is about, you're talking about
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when he was growing up, some amazing things he did. more the story of his whole life. what other things did he do that kind of made him the man he was? >> the movie is "murph the protector" throughout his life and told his relatives when he was a kid. a lifeguard, penn state, accepted to law school and chose to go to the navy seals instead and of course, protecting his men. he was killed. so, just time after time, there's an example of his honor, courage and commitment. >> alisyn: one of his motivations was giving tribute to the firefighters who died on 9/11 and here is a little piece of that. >> he e-mailed me one day, can i get did patch. >> no problem i'll get a patch. i need 30 patches and told he me basically he wanted the reason,s guys can think about while they're away, something
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from home to remind them what they were doing and teammates told me he wore it every day and mission and the guys he worked with, it was the bigger picture. >> alisyn: that patch gave him focus. >> it did. one thing we realized through the film. we interviewed roughly 22 people from long island where michael was from and realized that virtually everyone in his orbit had some sort of component of service to the community. either cops or firefighters, teachers, and we realized that he was surrounded by some pretty remarkable people. >> jesse: all right. "murph the protector" opened friday and see it in theaters across the country. >> thanks. >> alisyn: thanks for telling the story. >> thanks for having me in. >> jesse: the winter that won't end. a snowstorm across the country and a tractor-trailer up in flames. >> alisyn: this thing goes, as i tell my husband, happy wife, happy life.
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is splitting household chores the key to a happy marriage? the surprising results of a new study next. ♪ i was born free ♪ ♪ born free ♪ a little dessert can make any old day a special occasion. so she makes her new mini cream pies with real cream filling and milk chocolate on a cookie-crumb crust. marie callender's. it's time to savor. >> with hotwire's low prices, i can afford to visit chicago for my first big race and l.a. for my best friend's wedding. because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ i'm a conservative investor.
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>> ♪ what are you doing for me ♪ ♪
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♪ making my dreams come true ♪ (applause) >> and that's beautiful. slightly corny, but very beautiful. >> clayton: that's your shot of the morning. that's maryland teen bobby, serenading sophia. and he wanted to ask her to the prom and sing in front of the classmates and luckily, she said yes. i'd have it be embarrassed and run the other way. >> alisyn: a little embarrassing, but the thought was there and i'm sure you did something similar. >> jesse: yes, mr. romantic around my house, you know me. >> clayton: you need to be. when kids hit the house according to a new study, men, according to a new survey this morning, double the amount of housework. that's great. and turns out that women increase the housework by five times that amount. that's the key to a happy marriage apparently. >> alisyn: and according to
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the university of missouri when men and women split the household chores, that creates the best chance for a successful marriage. and now the motto happy wife happy life. >> jesse: when you split. 50-50, or 75-25. does that count as a split? >> let's be honest, so here is what the study says that chores should be done together rather than split. so jointly, so maybe preparing dinner together. doing the dishes together. all of those things and then your wife will be happier. i can attest that this is absolutely true. the wife does not like when she is doing dishes and your he' sitting on the couch. >> alisyn: no. that's shocking. >> jesse: i've never heard that before. >> alisyn: and-- >> largely funded, yeah. >> jesse: i do the vacuuming. i do the dishes, i do the litter, and the trash. some things she won't let me
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do. she won't let me fold the laundry, or make the bed. but this is a segment fraught with danger and trying to pick up the slack, i'm going to get bet her, i promise. >> alisyn: sounds like your he' pretty good, but if you need help you'll remember that the woman we had a couple of hours ago who started a business called the occasional wife. every marriage needs an extra wife, or an occasional wife. >> jesse: i think my wife needs an occasional husband to help out or i need an occasional wife. >> clayton: here with kay morrison on earlier. she's the founder of the occasional wife, her own business. take a listen. >> basically do anything anyone doesn't have time to do so we sort of take your to-do list and give you the ability to hand it over. so of we have wives, worker bees and occasional husbands. and we organize people's homes from their closet to the kitchen, attic, garage, we
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design and install closets and we help people make best use of their space. we organize their lives and time management. >> alisyn: 40 bucks an hour. sounds worth it. >> jesse: what's a worker bee. i was going to be a worker bee before i went to fox and make a lot of money. >> alisyn: $25. >> clayton: but you have to answer to the queen. >> jesse: the queen bee. >> clayton: usually who runs the household. >> jesse: your wife. >> clayton: exactly, let's be honest. let's see if the viewers out there find one in kind. happy wife, happy life, do you agree? e-mail us at >> alisyn: i tell that motto to my husband all the time and he hasn't embraced it, not yet. and talk to rick to see how the weather is. >> rick: does this apply to house keepers. >> alisyn: huh. >> rick: apply to house keepers. >> jesse: i think it's putting house keepers out of business. >> alisyn: no, they could work occasionally. >> rick: if i help with my
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housekeeper, maybe i-- >> you live in a 400 square foot apartment. >> rick: don't judge me because i have a housekeeper for 400 square feet. >> jesse: wow. >> rick: let's take a look at the weather. severe weather across the south today. it could be looking at a threat for tornados and going to pull up eventually towards jacksonville, maybe ocala and daytona beach. and maybe watching severe weather in across the carolinas, and a lot of rain. and maybe see localized flooding. and temperatures behind the storm are cool. in fact, a big diving cold air across much of the high plains, stretching all the way down to the amarillo area and temps, 25 degrees below where you should be this time of year and almost everybody looking at temps well below the averages and looking more like winter. and take a look at the forecast map from the northeast today and you're going to see that snow encroaching toward the mid atlantic and overnight and that will spread toward the
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jersey area, philadelphia and parts of new york. down to the southeast, see some of that severe weather as well and very much heavy rain and cooler temps. take a look at this video out of denver. this exact same storm brought very significant snow in toward the denver area and this is a dramatic crash, this is i-25 around the johnstown area to the north of denver and the fort collins area and concerned that that would explode. they had to stop the traffic there for about five hours and imagine that kind of traffic there. that was i-25 and i-70 seeing the problems headed east towards kansas and unfortunately, we're going to continue to see rough conditions on the roads and i-70 across indiana, illinois, that's going to be the target area and tomorrow towards pennsylvania and new york. all right, guys, back to you inside. >> alisyn: thanks, rick. let's get to your headlines, more to tell, but this hour and the marines have now identified the victims and gunman in the deadly shooting at the marine corps base in quantico. and the sergeant, one of the
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tactics instructor and school that tests marines and officers and they say he shot and killed several marines, in the barracks thursday night. and he then turned the gun on himself. officials have not given a motive for that shooting. a sad turn of events for a new york man just set free from prison. two days after being exonerated, he had a heart attack. he was convicted in the killing of a rabbi, but released after 23 years behind bars and prosecutors recently concluded that the case had fatal flaws they've been tracking down cigarettes and n now cigars. they're pushing for new rules on cigars, but the main concerns are cheaper flavored brands popular with young people and high school students. all right, and absolutely,
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ali, it's in my wheel house. cats and dogs calling a truce for one video. looks like a cat opening the sliding glass door and letting the puppies in. hey come on in the house except for one wary dog, look at that one, i don't know, this could be a trap. i don't know if i'm going in there. and all right, i'm going in anyway, everyone else went inside. the video went viral with more than a million hits. smarty cat. how do you open a sliding glass door. >> alisyn: do it with your behind legs. >> clayton: or my prehensile tail. >> jesse: never do that again. >> clayton: a little shimmy just for you, jesse. and coming up on the show have holy days turned into a holidays, and regular americans staying home and father john, you saw a flash of him there. >> alisyn: he's racing into the studio. >> jesse: and the lovable bill cosby involved in a not so
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lovable legal battle. the story you don't want to miss. >> sees you coming with a hammer, it will get up and run away. i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin.
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bruising, bleeding, or paleness. if you've had enough, ask your dermatologist about enbrel. great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way. understanding you clearly... what is the capital of zimbabwe ?
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... the first time you ask with the google voice search. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid recognition. droid powerful. >> 43 after the hour. don't mess with bill cosby and his famous sweaters. the comedian filed a cease and dismiss order from a website, cosby and he says it infringes on his trademark and he says he named it in honor of the title and changed it to next impulse and french president hollande confirming a top al-qaeda chief's death after weeks of speculation. abou zeib. >> clayton: and earlier this morning, pope fran at st.
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peters square, the most holy day of the catholic church. >> jesse: and here is contributor father jonathan morris. >> palm sunday. we know is to commemorate jesus' triumphant-- >> i have some palms here, and christian churches around the world will be using these to remember that palm sunday is both joyful, that is people will waving these at jesus as he was coming in on a donkey, but also a story of unbelievable contrasts that jesus was entering as a king. and he didn't stop them from calling him king. but at the same time, he was going into become a king where his throne would be a wooden cross, that he would die. one thing that pope francis mentioned today was quoting his grandmother says and this, i think, explains that palm sunday well, he said my
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grandmother used to tell me that the shroud, a burial cloth over a funeral suit today has no pockets. that is we can't bring anything with us, and jesus, as he was walking in on this donkey, yes, i am a king, but i'm a king that's come to die for you and for your sins and that story of unbelievable contrast, so we wave these in wonderful praise and joy and happiness, but we know the end of the story. >> interesting statistics out on this holy week. and look at these easter statistics. it's hard to say. 73% of all americans call themselves christian. 41% plan to attend easter worship services and seems to be a disconnect where many americans are choosing to get together with family on easter sunday, but not necessarily go to a house of worship? bad thing or what do you think? >> 41% of christians is a lot of christians, going to easter services, i mean, that's a lot of millions of people who have
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chosen to give up their time and say, i am going to make this a priority, first of all. yes, it's true. a lot of people feel a disconnect from organized religion and sometimes we call it. and that's understandable. i think we need to do a better job, those of us who are involved or intricately in the organization of services and reaching out to people and really saying, this is not about coming here to be judged, but coming here to experience forgiveness, it's come to go experience the joy of the resurrection. >> alisyn: it seems like there's been a shift how people identify themselves in terms of religion according to the latest pew report. one in five americans now identify themselves as spiritual, but not religious. and it's sort of that very disconnect you're talking about. people think there's a higher power and feel a part of that, but don't necessarily want to align themselves with a traditional religion. >> it's true. i think sometimes it's a bit
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of an excuse. it's spiritual, i believe, but not going to do anything about it. not always, but sometimes saying i don't feel at home anywhere. right? and i think we have a great responsibility, those of us who do believe to say even though i'm not going to enter any perfect organization because there's no such thing as that with perfect people, i'm going to do something about my spirituality. if i know i'm going to have a soul that's made for eternity, i better do something about it and i look at that not only for people in the pews or who are not in the pews, but myself as well. what am i going to do about my god-given gift. >> jesse: could i keep one of the palm. >> sally in the green room taught her how to make a cross out of palms and i didn't know, but her mom will be happen she remembers. >> i'll give you one, not
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sally's, but-- >> up next on the rundown, the white house can't find enough to give tours to american kids. why is the obama administration handing out millions to the middle east. >> alisyn: and break out of hibernation with the spring tricks. we're going to show you more. ♪
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>> welcome back, 52 minutes past the hour. and as rick was talking about. hibernate and celebrate spring somewhere, take a trip across
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the country back with the prettyiest cities to visit this spring is the city editor of travelocity. courtney scott. all places are in the united states? >> yes, they are. >> go out there and see the beautiful united states as we escape the cold weather spots. >> you start in california at the poppy festival. >> it's a gorgeous festival just outside of l.a. in lancaster. so, air staying at the hotel angelino, $777 flight and hotel vacation package, the hotel has sweeping views of l.a. gorgeous kind of design hotels and it's a great base to get to lancaster. once you're there, the main event is this gorgeous sea of orange blooms, it's just an incredible site and of course, lots of great activities surrounding the events, too, vacation package, $777. >> clayton: from the 17th of april to the 22nd of april. for all of these deals go to and we will have them up there.
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and number two, i love this, i used to live in orlando, and go to the epcott international garden festival. an incredible job at epcott. >> one of the most beautiful times to go to epcott. and the disney port orleans, next to epcott and it's full of whimsical, wonderful details. topiaries of your favorite characters, lightning mcqueen and finas and ferb. >> ali and i call epcott the adult theme park, there's alcohol there. >> there are. >> clayton: and nature in full bloom in waynesville, north carolina. >> it's about 30 minutes outside of asheville kind after great bohemian city on the edge. blue ridge mountains. this is a $645-- i'm sorry, $582 vacation
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package and you're staying at the resort and golf spa. the epitome of a retreat. you've got rocking chairs lining the patio. 27 hole golf course and it's really beautiful. look out for azaleas, tulips, daffodils, a beautiful area. >> and the rose festival in portland, oregon. >> the official festival of portland and you're staying at the hotel deluxe, five nights, hotel and vacation package for $492. four parades and lots of events happening throughout and this is the chance for you to go and smell the roses literally. >> clayton: nice. finally we wind up in san antonio, texas, for more flowers, the wild flowers and fiesta. >> $872 for a five flight hotel and vacation package at hoe he tell havana on a quiet stretch of the river walk where all of the festivities are happening. and you've got a battle of the flowers parade.
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the mariachi festival and san antonio is the starting point for texas hill country. so if you want to go outside of the city it's beautiful rolling hills and check out the gorgeous country side. a great value there. >> clayton: wonderful, again, all of these deals on, take advantage and see them in the spring. thank you. >> thank you. >> clayton: coming up on the show cbs insulting our country's heroes using footage of this wreckage from a b-52 bomber shot down during the vietnam war as a prop in one of the reality show and complete with music and dancers, who knows what else. we're going to hear from a vietnam veteran who dehe mands an apology. and pop quiz, why is the u.s. a target for terrorism? the question showing up on a fifth grade test and one is the correct answer. and we'll hear from a mother who is outraged and we'll hear her story when we come back.
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rooms, they use hotwire so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ what's droid-smart ? with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is, and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful. theengineered with aeel-drive unique drive system and dual transmission. all-wheel traction. all-wheel power. all done. only from husqvarna. challenge the impossible.
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it could be a winner and 2 1/2 million other players had some money. including moi. and so check your tickets, the winning numbers are 17, 29, 31, 52, 53, and the powerball is 31. and meanwhile, that story, there's a tragic skydiving accident in florida leaving two people dead and the experienced instructor and student were both from iceland and they jumped out with a group of 22 other people and something went horribly wrong during the jump and when they didn't meet up with the group on the ground. a search party began and after several hours their bodies were found. and parachutes were deployed we'll give you more details when we have them. and the blue angels put on what may have been one of the last shows for a while. the famous fighter pilots were
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performing this weekend in key west, florida and the defense department blaming sequester cuts and it's now ending the show as well cutting other programs. >> have you ever seen them fly up close and personal? >> oh, incredible. they are incredible, all right, rick reichmuth, and do you get a chance to fly along at one point? >> i never have, i could do it because i do anything, but i would puke immediately. >> alisyn: oh, thank you, thanks for that color. >> rick: sorry, maybe i picked the wrong word. >> perhaps. >> rick: 8 degrees in denver this morning and that's after the snow you got yesterday. in fact, about a foot of snow in the denver area and problems on the roads out there and today, because of the cool temperatures, unfortunately, it's going to remain that way and how about tampa, 72 degrees, messages on twitter saying that it feels like the middle of summer across parts of south florida, up to 90 degrees and humid, so, florida, that's the only spot in the country and that's the only spot really experiencing warm temperatures. the central part of the country, we had snow and in fact, 5 to 8 inches of snow fall from areas from st. louis
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over towards indianapolis and tonight and tomorrow, it moves in across parts of the central appalachians and the mid atlantic and 3 to 5 inches for folks. and a rough start to your week. and we have winter storm warnings in effect around the wichita area and pittsburgh, a big stripe along i-70 where we have the storm warnings and to the south side of this. where you're having severe weather and yellow shall the threat for severe weather and that red until 11 a.m. is a tornado watch and the line of storms continues it pull through. behind us is cool. everybody is going to see cool temperatures and not any quick warm-up to this. everybody seeing temps well below average today and tomorrow and continues to be the case. so it's cool. there you go, guys. >> thanks, rick. all right, let's turn our attention to what happened last sunday on cbs' amazing race and the show is pretty popular, as you know, in the 45th season now. and one of the oldest shows on television.
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and this thing has been going on for a while and when this scene unfolded on the show, they are in vietnam and as a back drop and as a portion of the show, they had to go to a b-52 memorial site where the music playing and they have to use this as a set drop, set piece for the racers to race through a b-52 memorial site where americans were killed. >> of course, that was the wreckage of american bombers, yes, plus, as you're pointing out. they had to sing along with a communist propaganda song which you're hearing there. >> singing about underneath the ho chi minh how great communism is and obviously, you can imagine any veterans upset that the vietnam veterans were, felt like there was a slap in the face for them being used that way. >> cbs kind of had a track record this this kind of thing, and cancelled the reagan mini series because of the outrageous portrayal of nancy and ron, and you know, dan rather, 60 minutes you know what he tried to do with the bush national guard
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record. so this might be a trend at cbs, seems to have been expected and we haven't heard a definitive answer for the network. and we're waiting to hear this, beckel on "the five" is livid and looks like he's going to blow his top and never seen him more angry. >> alisyn: he started a bit of a groundswell and people are calling for ounce and petition and a commander and vietnam war veteran himself says that lots of people are on board and let's listen, he is on our show. >> and kind of thought it was a slap in the face of the vietnam veterans, you know, over 50,000 killed in action and we kind of thought it was a slap to those and the families of those who served in this war and we thought maybe the time was coming where the vietnam veterans were going to get respect, but with what's going on, like i said, last sunday, and we're kind of wondering. >> some of the critics,
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thought it was young producers who didn't know the context of history with the vietnam war. which is baloney, it's baloney, you don't get on one of the top shows of television and producers slap something together and gets on national television. this had to be approved by someone as a backdrop. they're planning this whole show for months and months and months ahead of time. and knew they would be there and on the stage singing part of pa communist propaganda song and smiling and chuckling in the audience. >> jesse: it looks like they're going to vote with their eyeballs here and no one that served in vietnam is going to watch "the amazing race", if you're not into the bias, if you'rele les moonves, it's a money with ratings. >> alisyn: sometimes controversy breeds more viewers, but vote with your remote control if you feel
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strongly about this. love to hear from you. say so long to easter, more schools across the country are turning easter egg hunts are turning into spring egg hunts. the latest crack at christianity. >> clayton: and the latest crazy video, how did this car get on the house? you know what i love about this? he decided to put his four-way blinkers on, too, and anybody else attempt to drive by. ♪ [ male announcer ] ah... retirement. sit back, relax,
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>> welcome back, 17 minutes now past the hour and president obama arriving in washington last night coming home from his trip to israel. the first trip there since becoming president and the president's goal on that trip was to repair a somewhat rocky relationship with the israeli prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. >> jesse: was this trip enough to mend relations with our key ally. a former national security advisor under president bush,
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author of "tested by zion". all right, so, president obama's position on the israeli-palestinian conflict has kind of change and almost a 180 and gone back to the original bush position. is that true. i think it is true. good morning. you might say the clinton and bush position of being close to israel. in the first term he wanted to create distance. he was kind of appealing to the arab countries and that's over. he's not saying-- he's kind of changed his position and the question, does he really mean it or is it just talk? >> we asked at the beginning what did president obama accomplish his goal? here is what the president said about what he intended to do in israel. listen. >> put yourself in their shoes. look at the world through their eyes. it's not fair that a palestinian child cannot grow he up
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he-- up in a state of their own. >> clayton: and the president said he wanted the opportunity to speak directly to the israeli people at a time when they're obviously dealing with some major, major problems as it relates to the palestinian people and syria, iran and others, did he accomplish his goal? >> i think he accomplished a the lot of it. he made himself seem friendlier to israel and kind of put the palestinian issue to the side. and because iran and syria are so much more important. he told the palestinians just go to the negotiating table. no more pre-conditions and thinking about settlements, just talk. so, i think he got, you know, poll data suggested he got mo more-- >> iran is nuking up big time. is the president going to stop or let the next administration handle it? predict how you see things playing out in the region? >> the first question is exactly if syria as you said,
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when does assad go? and what about the 5,000 al-qaeda linked jihadies, what do they do next? >> we in the united states, president obama has been pretty passionate about that, and said my policy is, i'm going to stop them. israelis have to decide whether they can truly trust that or have to take this into their own hands. i think he went a few steps forward on this trip, but would you bet the security and future of your country on this? or would you ask yourself? that question still faces israelis and a couple of features aren't going to change that. >> clayton: and will the united states back a preemptive attack by israelis? great to see you on the show. an act of kindness from one of our heroes to his girlfriend. and we'll hear about the simple note that has since gone viral. and then, what's the big
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stink? a family forced out of their home by their pet pig. us wha and ♪ [ male announcer ] in blind taste tests, even ragu users chose prego. prego?! but i've been buying ragu for years. [ thinking ] i wonderhat other questionable choices i've made? [ club scene music ] [ sigh of relief ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. we can afford to take an extra trip this year. first boston... then san francisco. hotwire checks the competitions' rates every day so they can guarantee their low prices. so our hotels were half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e... ♪ even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up.
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>> wait until you hear our next story how one bumper sticker affected the lives of 1.7 million people. joining us to tell the story is samantha ford, her boyfriend army specialist alfred desimone is serving in afghanistan and with her is
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debra desimone. >> good morning. >> alisyn: your boyfriend has been deployed since september and since then you put a bumper sticker on your car that reads "half of my heart is in afghanistan" and last sunday you were at dunkin' donuts and you came out and what did you find on your car? >> i found an envelope stuck underneath the windshield that had a note on it and they left $40 with it as well. >> alisyn: let me read what was written on the note it said "i noticed the sticker on the back of your car. take your hero to dinner when he comes home. himfore serving and you for waiting. god bless. what did you think when you read that note? >> it was overwhelming to think that someone stopped and responded in that way was amazing. >> alisyn: debra, as we said, you are the mom of specialist
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albert desimone, what did you think when you heard samantha told about what happened. >> i read it on facebook and she posted it and i got chills and touched by that person's generosity and for that person just to step forward and have that time just to read the back of her car, and notice that there was somebody serving their country, and the efforts. >> alisyn: and i'm glad you brought up facebook, it's now received and gone viral. it has received 1.7 million likes. and it's been shared more than 2 226,000 times so obviously, samantha struck a cord. what did your boyfriend think when you told him about it. >> he was very touched by it. he was as overwhelmed as i was. and he was happy that someone noticed and for him, it felt like somebody was there for me
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while he couldn't be. >> alisyn: it's very sweet. debra, tell us about your son albert and what he's doing? >> well, he's just made us very proud as serving for the united states army. and can't say that enough. but, you know, he's doing what he wants to do and he feels it's bettered him and it's just made us like i said, all so proud of him for serving his country. >> alisyn: well, debra and samantha, please thank him for his service from us, and thank you so much for coming in and sharing this touching story, it's really sweet to hear. >> thanks for having us. >> thank you. >> alisyn: all right, we'd love to hear what you think about it at home as well. find us on twitter. pop quiz, what is the united states-- why i should say, is the united states a target for terrorism? a fifth grade test putting the blame on america. one mom calling out a school for the answer, we'll meet her
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coming up. and a crazy video we see all day, how did this car end up on this roof? that story is next. ♪ what's droid-endurance ? the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful.
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bus the climate challenge which is an inconvenient truth for kids. it was through the school. they had to pay $2. you are paying for this propaganda.
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p gas is bad. there's also a big attack on natural gas and oil in texas. if you can believe that. >> and there was another question apparently on a worksheet from your kids that talked about the bill of rights and it named food and medicine as a fundamental right. >> right. well, it talked about the lesson. the teacher talked about food, medicine. i said why did you get this wrong? if he had put basic rights in as my responsibility instead of my rights, and then he got that wrong because it should have been according to the lesson my rights. i asked him, well, how did they teach you? what did they say, and he said, well, food and medicine and shelter. that also is see scope, and they have since changed that. >> changed that curriculum. >> right. >> so there's a school board meeting coming up. what do you expect to happen? what do you want to see happen?
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you think there's going to be a lot of fireworks at this school board meeting? >> i hope not. i don't want people coming out with pitchforks. we're not going and trying to burn everyone at the stake here. we just want to take back our school, and parents, we have to stand up. we want see scope out. we want safari montage, and another thing is i went to speak to the administrator about the video, and she told me -- she said i don't see what's wrong with it because it's right. >> well, she's wrong. >> she believes -- she is wrong, and i agree with you, and she says that she could not justify pulling the video because one parent wanted it, so that's one of the reasons i posted it because i thought, okay, i'm one parent. let's get more parents. >> and you're accomplishing that. let us know what happens at the school board meeting. thanks so much. >> i will. i will. thanks. up next, are you one of the millions of americans that have been foreclosed upon? well, it's time to get payback
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from the bank. why they may owe you money and how can you collect big-time. i had enough of feeling embarrassed about my skin. [ designer ] enough of just covering up my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i decided enough is enough. ♪ [ spa lady ] i started enbrel. it's clinically proven to provide clearer skin. [ rv guy ] enbrel may not work for everyone -- and may not clear you completely, but for many, it gets skin clearer fast, within 2 months, and keeps it clearer through 6 months. [ male announcer ] enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events, including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders, and allergic reactions have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. you should not start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections,
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welcome back. good news for the housing market this week. existing home sales hit a three-year high. prices continue to rise nationally, but the real estate market can be trick where i. what do you need to know? our next guest is going to answer the three most common questions from homeowners. sherry is a real estate attorney and the author of the book "financial fresh start." she joins us now. all right. sherry, let's start with question number one. >> good morning, clayton. >> if i believe i was wrongly
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denied a loan modification or foreclosed on, is there anything i can do moving forward? >> absolutely. you know what, clayton, i mean, it feels really bad to feel that you have been wronged, but part of the problem here is you need to separate our emotion from what financially makes sense, and that's what i tell everybody, to focus on the lowest lying fruit. in this case that is these recent settlements. we've had two huge $35 billion together settlements. one of them is the occ settlement. now, that stands for the office of comptroller of currency, which is a federal agency in washington. the other is what we have called before the robo signer settlement. that's where the documents were falsified. between the two of those settlements there's $35 in money and other restitution available to people who were wronged. what you need to do is go to independent foreclosure and also national mortgage and see if you fall into one of the buckets of homeowners that are going to be helped. it that to have been your
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primary residence, wuch your banks or servicers has to be participating in this, and you need to have been wronged if during a certain number of years. you can check it out there. >> question number two, sherry, i sold my home in a short sale and i would like to buy again. what did i do in the meantime? i had a friend that went through this and had to wait about two years. is it the case or is it different for of state and person? >> great question. we know really the millions of people in this situation. generally it's not about how long you need to wait for -- it's about how long you need to wait to qualify for a decent mortgage again. in most cases that's going to be two or three years. you don't have to just stand around in the meantime. you can be working on getting your credit score up so you can go to annual credit, get your credit report free. you can use tools to get the credit score up. you can be saving for a down payment, and we've got tips and financial fresh start to help folks do that, and last you may want to consider a brand new option that's been growing, which is called a rent to own.
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in that case part of your rent actually goes towards your down maimt payment. you can find a lot of web sites that offer properties like that. >> sherry, with about 30 seconds left see if you can answer this tough one. i'm renting or thinking about buying. do you think it's safe to buy a home now? >> love that question. absolutely yes. if you are in an area where there's lots of foreclosures, just be careful. the rules of thumb, rent to own. if you can buy a home for less than you can rent, good news where are you want to pay less than one-third for your rental costs. it's a long-term investment. i love homeownership because it's basically a forced saving. >> sherry, great answers to all of this. you can find out more from sherry, read her book "financial fresh start." have a great weekend. thanks so much here. more fox and friends coming up here in two minutes.
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