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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  March 25, 2013 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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>> well he is coming back. ladies we're talking about britain's prince harry, returning to the u.s. in may but this time he is skipping vegas. i wonder why? st. james's palace says the prince will meet with wounded american soldiers, troops, and hurricane sandy victims when he visits the east coast and colorado. harry's visit to sin city last year you may remember, bill, didn't go so well. there was that whole nude photo scandal that rocked the royal palace.
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the queen was very upset. bill: made a memory, didn't he? >> not going to vegas. bill: terrific having you along for the ride. >> nice to be here. bill: you did the 5:00 a.m. show. >> what time did you get up? today? >> i got up 1:0 this morning. this was 30 minutes late. my alarm clock went off late. bill: "happening now." here is jon and jenna. catch you tomorrow. jon: we begin with brand new stories and breaking news. jenna: so much for march going out like a lamb. brand new snowstorm made a mess of the midwest and racing east. who is in the path? we'll tell you coming up. plus not case closed for amanda knox. her murder conviction was overturned in italy. there is push to put her back on trial. how likely is that? someone, someone is $338 million richer.
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who is it? new details emerging about the only ticket that can lay claim to the fourth largest jackpot in powerball history. it is all "happening now.". jenna: we're both at work today. so you probably can stop speculating. jon: i didn't even buy a ticket so. jenna: sounds exciting for whoever is the winner out there. we'll keep you posted as we hear more about that. meantime secretary of state john kerry making a surprise visit to afghanistan in an effort, they say to repair fractured ties with that country. glad to have you with us on this monday. i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. secretary kerry finishing his middle east trip after a surprise trip to iraq of the he had a special sit-down with afghan president hamid karzai. it was his sixth time in afghanistan since president obama took office. his first as secretary of state. it comes at a krur time as the u.s. brings troops home
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turning more and more responsibility for security to the afghan government. chief washington correspondent james rosen joins me live now. james, bring us up to date. >> reporter: good morning. every leader between u.s. leaders and hamid karzai seems to be fraught with tension and this one is no different. aides say secretary kerry's talks will not dwell on the karzai's allegations that the u.s. and taliban are conspiring to weaken the afghan nation. rather they will discuss security concerns as the u.s. and nato mission in afghanistan winds down over the next 29 months and the need for transparency and fairness in the upcoming elections. for the first time in 12 years hamid karzai will not appear on the ballot. over the weekend jon mentioned secretary kerry met with another leader that. iraqi's leader, nouriel malaki. he wants iran to stop using
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iraqi airspace to deliver foreign fighters to the fighters and the regime in damascus. >> may made it clear members of congress and people in america are increasingly watching what iraq is doing and wondering how it is that a partner in the efforts for democracy and a partner for whom americans feel they have tried so hard to be helpful, how that country can be in fact doing something that makes it more difficult to achieve our common goals? >> reporter: so far however the shiite-dominated malaki government has not closed its airspace to the shiite regime in tehran. follow me on twitter at at james rosen@fnc i will tell you who else from the iraqi government recently got the same message. jon and jenna. jon: james rosen, thank you. we'll have more on secretary kerry's surprise stop in afghanistan as well as the rest of his middle east trip.
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retired general jack keane joins us with his take coming up later this hour. jenna: meantime the widespread spring snowstorm pushing its way across the country making a mess of the monday morning commute as it moves into the mid-atlantic states. this is the same storm that pounded parts of the plains and midwest over the weekend. overnight it dumped more than 7 inches of fresh powder in indianapolis that is record for the city for snowfall in march. meteorologist, maria molina is live in the fox extreme weather center. spring will not come. >> old man winter is holding on. parts of illinois picked up 15 inches of snow. the system is forecast to up dump a foot of snow in the upper elevations and they could look at significant mountain snow. i want to take you to cleveland currently under a winter weather advisory. we could see four more inches of snow. several ins on the ground. this is issue for travel not
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just on the roadways but also in the sky. new york liberty international airport and philly international has been reporting delays of about an hour so far. so that's what we're looking at along parts of the i-95 corridor. that snow is moving in. that does affect travel across the airports. area of low pressure is messy and disorganized. we have snow across pennsylvania, maryland, virginia and as far as south as parts of tennessee and north carolina. we do have some winter storm warnings that do stretch that far south because we could see four to 6:00 inches of snow out hire. that is higher elevations. five to nine inches of snow possible across parts of ohio, indiana and three to five inches of snow across southern sections of the state of new jersey. that snow will continue as we head into the overnight hours tonight. but the storm system will be a relatively quick mover. by tomorrow most areas should actually be drying out. we're still going to be dealing with gus city winds for the day today. gusting to 30, 40 miles an hour especially along coastal areas.
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take a look at tuesday. by tomorrow morning many of you which have a much quiet commute as you head out to work and snow in the mountain of west virgina and further south into send see and north carolina. further testimony source. it is cold out. 29 in minneapolis and kansas city and only in the teens in denver. when you factor in the wind it feels colder. feels like two degrees in denver. 10 degrees in rapid city. jenna? jenna: i was out in san diego over the weekend. it was 70 and sunny. when does the rest of the country get san diego weather? or is it only in san diego? >> california is pretty much exception to the weather. we could look at temperatures in the 60s in new york city maybe in two weeks. we'll see. jenna: we'll take that. that will be an improvement. >> don't put the coats away. jenna: maria, thank you very much. >> got it. jon: we're awaiting remarks from president obama at the white house. the president expected to address immigration reform during a naturalization ceremony for active duty
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service members and civilians. it is set to start just minutes from now. immigration reform has long been a political hot potato. recently momentum has tick picked up to sketch out a sweeping deal. bipartisan gang of eight senators involved in negotiations is trying to reach a compromise but just hit a snag over worker visas. byron york is chief political correspondent for the washington examiner and has taken a look at this issue. it all hinges on the border security, byron and there are some problems there you found? >> there are some real problems. we just found out about it last week at a house hearing. all the immigration reform proposals depend on the border security, some way to verify the border is secure of the all of of the republicans who are behind immigration reform insist you have to have proof of border security. in the past the government used something called operational control of the border and they have used various indices to measure whether the government was
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in control of x-many miles along the border with mexico but the obama administration threw that standard out. janet napolitano, homeland security secretary said it was archaic of the they said would come up with a super-duper measure of boarder security called the border security index or bci. two years passed and three years passed and they haven't come up with it. in a hearing before the house border security subcommittee last week the chairman of the committee said, is it ready yet? we really need this for immigration reform? homeland security official said, no, it's not ready yet. and by the way, it won't measure border security. and both republicans and democrats on that subcommittee seemed absolutely stunned. wait a minute, immigration reform depends on this and you will not have a way of measuring. and they said, no? they're back to square one how to measure border security. jon: just an astounding concept. the immigration and border
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patrol service has no way of actually measuring or knowing whether our southern border is secure? >> well, as you know, janet napolitano has said the border is has secure as it ever been. >> right. >> they touted a number of border security measures and x number of border patrol agents and lot money spent on the border security. there is no doubt they're doing stuff. but as far as coming up with a measurement which will satisfy immigration reformers that is the border is secure and therefore they can go on with a path to citizenship for the 12 million immigrants in the country illegally now, no, they don't have a way to do that. jon: there are 12 million people, roughly estimated who are here illegally whether they walked across the southern border or trucked across or overstayed a visa illegally. they are here. the idea to give them citizenship but close the door behind them and make sure we don't have another 12 million in 10 or 15 years. what you're saying there is
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no way for the border patrol to verify that? currently that's the case. and also you mentioned people who overstay their visas and it is estimated about 40% of those here illegally came here legally with a visa and they just didn't leave. and the fact is, congress has tried on five separate occasions, since the late 1990s to try to deal with visa overstays. they passed law after law after law and it has never been done. on both those issues, actual border security and stopping people from coming over illegally, and stopping visa overstays the government is in a mess. jon: the visa overstay ought to be a easy part. this is somebody presents passport and documentation and comes into the country and then disappears. >> especially after september 11th. they passed the patriot act con contained a provision about visa overstays. before that was done in the late '90s done after the
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first world trade center bombings. people come in, thererecord fort the federal government is not able to track them and find out if their visa expires and haven't left, then where they are. that is something almost at, at the starting point now. they just haven't been able to do it. jon: well i know that the senate proposals on immigration reform from say senator marco rubio and also senator rand paul put heavy emphasis on the border security. so where do those proposals go if we have no way of measuring whether the border is actually secure or not? >> rube yos people -- rubio's people tell me, that immigration reform proposal he will have very strong requirements on border security. strong metrics. requirement of measurable border security. the problem is, the bigger problem is, that congress can pass an immigration reform law but it depends on the executive branch to actually enforce that law
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and "the new york times" reported a couple days ago after this hearing i was describing that president, that homeland officials did not come up with a measurement of border security because president obama did not want to create an impediment, an obstacle on path for citizenship of millions here illegally. there is basic conflict that congress wants to pass a law requiring certain actions on the border security and executive branch that doesn't agree with that. jon: the president will be talking about immigration and perhaps a bit of border security at a white house ceremony a little later on. we'll see if he bring this is up. i can't imagine he will. byron york from the "washington examiner", thank you. >> thank you, jon. thanks. jenna: volunteers are searching for a missing woman who is presumed dead. they make a discovery police hope will lead them to her body. we'll have the latest on the search and details surrounding that case next. plus, cyprus clinching a bailout deal to avoid bankruptcy, for now. at what cost though? we're live in cyprus.
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check out those lines at the atms. we'll have all the details for you coming up here on "happening now." the new guy is loaded with protein! i'll believe it when i--- [ both ] oooooh... [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important part of staying active and strong. ensure high protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure! nutrition in charge!
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jon: new information now on some crime stories we're following. volunteers handing over items in the search for kira trevino. no word on what minnesota police collected or what evidence they may provide. she is missing for weeks and presumed dead. her husband is charged with her murder. >> fbi joins the search for a brown university student missing for a week. investigators say the 22-year-old left his apartment without his wallet and cell phone. two georgia teens charged with murdering a toddler are due in court today. the boys stand accused of shooting the 1-month-old baby in his stroller last week after demanding money from his mother. jenna: awful story. jon: just appalling. jenna: cyprus is avoiding bankruptcy with a last minute deal some say may be a template for bailouts to
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come. european bankers and imf stepping in to save the nation's banking system with a 10 billion euro bailout that is roughly $13 billion in our currency. as part of the deal, this is the key. the local government raising taxes and puttings levies on some bank deposits. greg palkot is live outside parliament in the capitol of cyprus with more. greg? >> reporter: hey, jenna, the folks in cyprus right now are breathing a sigh of relief. they have avoided going under but at a cost. the deal struck with the european union was a tough one. probably why we saw protests here every day we've been here. one big bank will be shut down of the that will cost jobs. money from accounts of big uninsured depositers will be seized to the tune of 30% or more. small depositers will be spared but the little guys will suffer another way. the economy here is set to slow down. here is what we felt out on the streets of nicosia hire
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today. you might get some cash out of atm. in cyprus and there might be a bailout in place but in fact it is a holiday in this country. we talked to the folks here and their mood is definitelily not sunny. old money. you think that is better than the new money, the euros because of what happened? >> yes. because, before we believed europe is with us. now it is not with us. >> all of our money but this is also part of the deal, you know. >> it's too bad. >> it's bad. >> why? >> we're suffering. >> reporter: the president of cyprus is set to go on tv tonight. his government is being blamed for a lot, including his country into a bit of a tax haven for rich russians and banks are reportedly set to finally reopen again on tuesday but restrictions are in place. the big fear is, there will be a run on those banks. jenna, what is the u.s. takeaway from all this.
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well ally and strong trading partner europe is still in place. that is a good thing of the the markets seem to reflect that. but experts also say that the e.u. and its common currency, the euro, has taken a little bit of a hit from a credibility standpoint and maybe a dangerous precedent has been set. that is, tapping into private bank accounts to pay the government piper. back to you. jenna: lingering concerns there. and our markets turning negative as some of those concerns go into the market here. greg, thank you very much on the ground there in cyprus. jon: well, her murder trial made headlines around the world. american foreign exchange student amanda knox. she spent four years as you might remember in an italian prison and was tried for the murder of her roommate before the conviction was overturned. well now we are learning that her legal fight might not be over yet. plus, secretary of state john kerry sits down with afghan president hamid karzai. retired u.s. army general
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jack keane joins us next with his take on the secretary's surprise trip. what can he accomplish? avoid bad. don't go over 2000... 1200 calories a day. carbs are bad. carbs are good. the story keeps changing. so i'm not listening... to anyone but myself. i know better nutrition when i seet: great grains. great grains cereal stts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. you can't argue th nutrition you can see. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. to help support a healthy tabolism try new great grains protein blend in cinnamon hazelnut orhone.
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jenna: back to the breaking news we told you about at the start of the hour. secretary of state john kerry wrapping up his middle east trip to unannounced visit to afghanistan with talks with president hamid karzai. karzai has been in the headlines for the wrong reason. for alleging that the united states is colluding with taliban and. both claims are unsubstantiated. secretary kerry's visit is happening on the same day we handed over control of bagram prison. an expected move we thought was going to happen but one that was questioned after
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the recent dust-up between our governments. joining me retired four-star general jack keane. former vice chief of staff of the army and a fox news military analyst. general keane, let's start with the news of the prison. the prison is being handed over to the afghans. roughly 3 to 4,000 prisoners are there. who are these prisoners and what does this move mean? >> well, this is something that has been negotiated now for almost a year. obviously we knew that we would eventually turn over all of our prisons to, to afghan control and it makes sense to do that but our concern was that the afghans have a tendency to release detainees prematurely. we find ourselves having to fight the same leaders and same fighters again. there is nothing more demoralizing to our troops obviously than that. this concern was expressed time and tile again because in the bagram prison, we have, we have many insurgent leaders we held for some time and they are key to the insurgency. we certainly do not want
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them released and we do not want them back on the ground fighting us or fighting the afghans. that is what really held up the negotiations and turn over of the prison. jenna: what do you think the risks of that happening, that actually happening right now a year before our full, quote, unquote, withdrawal date? >> well, i'm confident the afghans have given some assurances to the united states that they do not intend to do that but the fact is, jenna, they have done it in the past and we're going to have some concerns about it to be sure. jenna: sounds like your skeptical about this move at this time? >> i definitely am, yes. jenna: what about secretary kerry's visit on this day, the day the announcement is made? what do you make of the secretary of state being in afghanistan right now? what is he doing there? >> well he has a relationship with karzai because he has seen him many times over the last 11 years. i think this is the renewal of that relationship now that he is secretary of state, and listen, as you
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pointed out in the intro karzai is a her kurl figure for sure. as he propoaches his political transition in 2014 his anxiety is going off the charts because he doesn't know who will succeed him and whether that person will be chasing down he and his family for years to come. so i think that kerry's visit is about is also to strengthen the relationship and calm the waters so to speak as best he can. i think the other thing here is that the of afghans have to do better at, open and free election than what they did the last time. there will be world condemnation and lock of confidence in a new government if this election is filled with fraud. i suspect secretary kerry is urging karzai to put in place to put in mechanisms that can bring them as possible to an afghan open and free election. it won't be anything like we see in europe or the united states but it would be better than what we've seen in the past. >> a lot of people are
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looking to the election to see if it can indicate in some way the destiny of ban afghanistan as a country. that is something we'll be watching very closely. want to connect a couple other dots if we could, general keane. the prisoners in bagram prison are being released under the control of the afghan government. we're also getting word that the afghan government led by karzai is going to be making some sort of a visit to qatar where there could potentially be a office open for the taliban where negotiations might take place with the taliban and the future of the country. why? why is that happening and how big of a deal is that considering all that we've done in the country to fight the taliban? >> well, we tried to reconcile with the taliban ourselves. it was a name juror foreign policy objective of the obama administration when he came in. special envoy grossman who took mr. holbrooke's place when he passed away had a principle mission to do that
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but those negotiations broke down because one, the karzai government was not involved, pakistan was not involved and the various influential groups inside afghanistan were also not involved. the fact that karzai is beginning the initiative i don't see anything wrong with that. i think it's the beginning of a very long process which is also troubled by the opposition that the factions have and the strong views. i mean people in afghanistan do not want the taliban to take control of any of the population inside of afghanistan after a negotiated settlement to be sure. jenna: you mentioned the factions though. it was interesting doing a little research for this segment i realize the state department does not list the taliban as a terrorist organization. there are different taliban-related groups, for example, a taliban, i want to call it a sector, a taliban group in pakistan that is listed as a terrorist organization, but the taliban overall as this overarching group. i thought our viewers might
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be surprised in that, general keane because we fought the taliban for so many years in afghanistan. are there factions within the taliban we should feel comfortable negotiating with, that are not enemies of the united states? >> the taliban leadership, certainly there are factions you mentioned but the taliban leadership, the reality is they want to regain control of afghanistan. they want to have a relationship with the al qaeda like they have had in the past. these are known facts. and that's the harsh reality. whether, we, define them as a terrorist organization officially or not is quite bizarre. obviously they clearly are. we've been targeting them for years now. obviously we've been fighting them for years as well. i'm not optimistic about any chance of negotiated peace here because the taliban are convinced post 2014 when the united states largely departs from afghanistan that they will be able to begin a process to regain control of afghanistan,
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using violence to do it and i doubt seriously if these negotiations will make any progress. jenna: big question is, what does that look like, as far as a threat to ourselves and national security and question emerging from war in that country where war is still very much going on. general keane, always good to have you, sir, thank you. >> good to talk to you, jenna. jon: the debate over what the united states should do about syria heats up as the bloody civil war there rages on and rebels fighting a regime bent on killing its own people suffer two major setbacks both coming within hours of each other. a live report with latest details from our middle east bureau ahead. it is no mystery she killed her lover but jodi arias say it was self-defense. prosecutors say she planned the brutal murder all along. could the mystery in the death penalty trial really lie what she did with two gas cans. our legal pan fell -- panel takes a closer look coming
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jenna: well breaking now, dramatic new developments as syria's civil war rages on. a top rebel commander is the target of an attack. the former syrian air force colonel who defected and found the free syrian army was reportedly seriously wounded. this is just hours of a the leader of the syrian national coalition resigned. what do all the moves mean? conor powell is live in jerusalem with more. conor is it. >> reporter: jenna, despite
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a lot of international efforts the syrian opposition remains fractured and really disorganized and these recent events simply aren't going to improve the situation. the colonel assad is reportedly in stable condition in turkey after an assassination attempt. he was one of the original founders of the free syrian army but has been somewhat marge alized in recent months. colonel assad has never been able to unite the many different groups fighting the syrian regime of the the attack on his life happened while he was touring a rebel area. there is the possibility that there is internal rebel politics at play though syrian rebels blame syria and the assad government for the attack. in another blow to the opposition, the leading opposition figure, katabi offered his resignation yesterday but it was rejected by rebel leaders. on facebook he said he was resigning due to restrictions on his work. the overall inner workings of the syrian opposition is really, really complicated. as actual fighters fighting in syria simply don't report
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to the syrian leadership and jenna, this really does remain a fragmented syrian opposition and two years into the civil war, it hasn't really improve many in the international community would like to see particularly in comparison to the gains on the ground with assad forces. jenna, the council, overseas international council doesn't have a lot of work to do but they are hampered by a lot of issues including factions inside the opposition council. jenna: certainly a lot of dynamics at play. conor, thank you. jon: the amanda knox case is back in the news. italy's top criminal court is hearing arguments from prosecutors appealing her acquittal. she is the american college student convicted of murdering her roommate while on a foreign study program in 2007. she was acquitted on appeal. well, today, prosecutors are pushing for a new trial. let's bring in our legal panel of the faith jenkins, is former federal prosecutor. tom knif, also criminal
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defense attorney and a former prosecutor. interesting. we don't have this in our system. once you walk you walk. you can't be tried again but that is not italy. >> right. in america the prosecutor has no right to appeal a acquittal. double jeopardy clause we learn about in school and fifth amendment. you can't be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense. in italy, not so much. here we have amanda knox, not through one, but two trials and ultimately be acquitted. they're seeking to retry her for a third trial. would america actually extradite her to italy already twice put in jeopardy of conviction on the same offense. jon: if the italian legal system comes knocking to the u.s. justice department or authorities in washington state where i believe she is living now and hey, we want this woman back over in italy for a third trial, what is the reaction going to be? >> her attorney i would think would not advise her
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to go back voluntarily. it would be up to the u.s. extradite her. jon: can she fight going back over there? >> she has a choice. she doesn't have a voluntarily surrender and u.s. decides, i would doubt at this point, since she was found not guilty by an italian jury they would actually forcer had to go back. even today, if the ruling is that the italian prosecutors do get a new trial i'm not sure they would ever see amanda knox back in italy to take advantage of that opportunity. jon: reportedly there were a lot of investigative mistakes which led to the overturning of her conviction? how do they overcome that to have another trial in italy? >> that seems to be what the appeal is, the prosecution is basing the appeal on. a lot comes down to the dn and forensics. there were clearly issues during the first trial that undermined, the reliability of the dna, forensic testing of the the prosecutors are saying on appeal, rather than just simply throw it all out you should have
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given us a chance during the course of the second trial to represent it and show why aspects of it may have been reliable of the that's what they're hoping to hinge this appeal on and get this third trial. the question is do they get a defendant showing up on their soil. jon: will be fascinating to watch. we'll see what happens whether she goes over there to face another trial. doesn't sound like it is likely. but we'll see. meantime the jodi arias trial, the psychologist takes the stand for the sixth day in that sense agesal murder case in arizona. richard samuels is his name. he diagnosed arias with post-traumatic stress disorder and amnesia. he answered more than 100 questions from the jury last week, focusing on the defendant's credibility. so this trial drags on. i thought faith, that, the questions directed towards him seemed to suggest that the jury was pretty skeptical of his testimony. tom has another opinion on that which we'll get to in a minute but what do you think? >> i think some of the questions they appeared to be highly skeptical of his
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testimony of the you can understand why. it was brought out while he was on the witness stand he didn't realize he made such a tremendous error in his evaluation of jodi arias not realizing she lied to him. he based his vael wages on those lies. that came out during the cross-examination by juan martinez which was a huge blow. he is the expert. he has been doing this for thirds years. that should not have happened. jon: so the 100 questions that the jury gave him i thought suggested they don't believe his testimony but you, tom, think there is something else possibly afoot here? >> they certainly indicate members of the jury are skeptical of his testimony, skeptical of the defense in this case but what they also indicate that the defense has the jury thinking and it is also indicative of a prosecution that has lost control of the trial. this case on these tabts should have been over weeks ago. delay is a friend of the defense. if you get a couple of jurors having some doubt, it is not hard to make that reasonable doubt, resulting
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in at least a hung jury if not an acquittal. jon: what about the gas cans? she filled up a couple of gas cans apparently to take road trip after the murder. the prosecution says, that proves pre, that she had preplanned her escape? >> right. jon: where does it fit in? >> they will argue in closing arguments when they wrap the case up all together, this case has gone on for many, many weeks at this point so they want to hone in and focus on facts that support their case. they will argue, listen, this was all planned. she didn't want to purchase gas in the area to have any receipts to show she was in the area and she purchased the gas to travel with it. it was all part of a premeditated plan to kill travis alexander. jon: you say the gas cans in the southwest -- >> jon, i'm a tried and true new yorker. i'm used to go have a gas station on the corner. all i can say when i graduated law school my brother and i took a trip through grand canyon, we drovely utah, arizona,
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california you go through 80 miles without see aghast station. an arizona jury may not find that so preposterous. >> not just one fact but all the facts taken together. jon: my family taking a trip always ran out of gas, always. tom, faith, thank you both. jenna? jenna: we'll take you now to the white house, jon, where 28 people who became american citizens just a short time ago, including 13 servicemembers the president is now making statements to the group talking a little bit about each one of their personal stories. this is part of course the president's comments with his push for immigration reform. if you would like to see the president, listen to what he is saying it is at streaming live. meantime we're getting closer to learning who won a huge powerball jackpot. lottery firms are holding a news conference today on the $338 million prize. what they're revealing coming up in a live report for you. also this story. environmentalists are sticking to their guns,
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opposing natural gas drilling despite new favorable research. we'll take a look why they have such issues with this technology coming up. great first gig! let's go! party! awwwww... arigato! we are outta here! party...... finding you the perfect place, every step of the way.
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jenna: new next hour, some new reports that nbc is bringing in jimmy fallon to replace jay leno as host of "the tonight show" despite leno's top rating. can fallon continue the show's dominance? why are they making the move? potentially a new look at a late-night boom bell. scientists developing a tiny implant can tell when you're about to have a heart attack. we'll tell you how. a top nascar driver airlifted to a california hospital after a terrible crash. the latest on his condition coming up. jon: turning to a growing environmental debate. recent studies shows the united states leads the world in carbon dioxide
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reduction thanks largely to our use of natural gas. still some environmentalists insist natural gas is harmful to public health and the planet. william la jeunesse takes a look live from our los angeles bureau. what is it going on, william? >> reporter: well, jon, you would expect with the u.s. leading the world in cleaning the air environmentalists would celebrate but they're not. because the emission reductions not because of clean energies like biofuels and electric cars but natural gas which emits about half the carbons of coal. >> solar energy gets cheaper by the year. let's drive down costs even further. >> reporter: while the president talks of alternatives the unsung hero in america's clean energy revolution is natural gas. >> it is underreported because it is not wind and solar. it is natural gas and that is still a fossil fuel. >> reporter: carbon dioxide emissions in the u.s. are at their lowest level in 20 years thanks largely to natural gas. reductions far greater than europe which relied on billions in subsidies to
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wind and solar. >> it is the cleanest burning fossil fuel there is so we feel like it's a great alternative. >> reporter: yet environmentalists, the loudest voice in the global warming debate, refuse to concede a fossil fuel actually helped clean the air. >> when you compare gas to clean energy, it actually hinders our efforts to fight climate change. >> reporter: greens don't like natural gas because it's cheap, abundant and threatens to undermined alternative energy. >> we're saving consumers money through lower energy bills and prices on good and services through energy cost savings that are passed onto the consumer. >> reporter: the dramatic reductions came not because of a carbon tax or a u.n. mandate but market forces and private sector technologies greens oppose. >> the process of fracking natural gas is, creates a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions. >> reporter: greens also oppose fracking because it does mean more natural gas and lower prices. and that of course makes wind and solar more
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expensive, jon. you will continue to see the fight over fracking, about carbon taxes and subsidies for wind and solar. back to you. jon: william la jeunesse. good explanation there. thank you. jenna: your chances weren't that great of winning the fourth biggest jackpot in powerball history but somebody out there beat those 175 to 1 odds. how about that? now we're getting some word about where the winning ticket was sold. we'll have those breaking details for you up ahead. the new health care law turns three years old over the weekend. what do we know about its true costs and requirements for everyday americans? we'll take a closer look ahead. [ male announcer ] every famous curve
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has an equally thrilling, lesser-known counterpart. conquer them with the exhilarating is 250. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the cmand performance sales event. th is the pursuit of perfection.
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jon: just in, some brand new information on the winning
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ticket that made someone a millionaire hundreds of times over. we know exactly where that golden ticket was sold but who has it? julie banderas live in the newsroom with the latest, julie? >> that is the $338 million question of the hour, jon. the odds of winning, 175 million to 1. it all goes to one winner in new jersey. that single winning ticket was sold at a liquor store in passaic, new jersey, to be exact. so far the winner hasn't come forward. the lottery officials making the official announcement at a news conference a short time ago. the big headline from the news, the winning ticket was not sold in borden town, new jersey, originally reported this morning. before the drawing the jackpot had been estimated at $320 million. of the late ticket sales brought the value up to $338 million. that is the fourth largest powerball prize ever. winners, they have a couple options here. they can elect to be paid out over 29 years. or the lump sum option which in this case is 221 million
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bucks. people in 42 states, washington, d.c., u.s. virgin islands scrambled for powerball tickets at the very last minute. here are the winning numbers, they were 17, 29, 31, 52, 53 and the powerball, 31. you got it? the drawing took place saturday but like most big lottery jackpots in the past it usually take as few days for the winner to come forward because they doesn't realize they're holding the winning ticket and they're waiting for the hype to calm down before stepping forward because all eyes will be on this very rich person. jon: they could be lining up financial advice. >> that could be it too. they will get a lot of advice and they will need it. jon: julie banderas. thank you. >> two years ago this weekend the health care law came into effect and many americans and businesses are waiting to see the impact of this law and what are the cost of some of these changes. jim angle live in washington
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this morning with more. jim, just last week there was this big bipartisan majority that voted to repeal part of the law. why is the debate still raging on? we're almost to full implementation here? >> reporter: so things have already taken effect and one of them was the tax on medical devices. that was voted down in the senate by a vote of 79-20, with 3 democrats and one independent joining one republican to reject it -- 33. 1.3 trillion in other tax increases in over next 10 years remain in place. there are lots of opinions as you know by both sides whether or not obamacare will work as planned but both sides agree on one thing. it only works if healthy young people sign up for insurance. listen. >> the government's going to have to enroll those people to make sure they have coverage because that is what really will lower the costs for everybody. >> older people who have much higher health care costs are paying five to seven times what a
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20-year-old is paying for the same health insurance policy. >> reporter: but obamacare will change that only allowing a three to one difference which is sure to drive up rates for younger people, jenna. jenna: how much are we talking about when rates going up? >> reporter: estimates are all over the place up 40 to 50% to 100% or more. the problem is that young people, what some call young invincibles, you may be one of those, often don't buy insurance and when they do they buy minimal insurance such as catastrophic plans. under obamacare they will have to buy far more insurance because it require as specific set of benefits that will be more expensive than what most young people pay. supporters say taxpayer subsidies could reduce sticker shock but the young could pay a fine in 2014 is only $95 a year. then they could wait until they need insurance, then sign up which is perfectly legal because no one can be turned away for preexisting conditions. now keep in mind the entire rationale for obamacare is
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that young, healthy people are forced to buy insurance so there's enough money to pay for the cost of older sicker people. if they don't, obamacare's goal of covering everyone and lowering costs at the same time will be in real trouble, jenna. jenna: interesting part of the whole law there, jim. i'm going to introduce you by the way as the young and invincible jim angle every time you do the health care. to remind people who we're depending on the young and invincible. >> reporter: that would be slightly inaccurate but much appreciated. jenna: we'll get a t-shirt made. thanks, jim. >> reporter: thank you. jon: dangerous new developments to tell you about in the bloody civil war in syria. more on the vow from the assad regime to crush what he calls extremists trying to overthrow him. and the psychologist whose testimony is pivotal to the defense is back on the stand today in the jodi arias trial. an update coming up.
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jon: brand-new stories and breaking news this hour. jenna: knife days into spring mother nature isn't playing along so much. a deadly storm sweeping the country with dangerous winds and heavy snow. live team fox coverage out in the elements from the extreme weather center as well. late night drama. he tops in the ratings but nbc may be saying so long to jay leno. there are some reports, some critics say because the long-time host is not towing the party line. our panel hashes it out. a crash, a last lap victory and a huge pwraurblgs the whole story and more wild video all "happening now." to politics as well conservatives launch a new strategy against liberal taking their battle against the left online. welcome to the second hour of "happening now," glad you're
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with us, i'm jenna lee? i'm jon scott. power players for the republican party are forming a superpac to keep track of democrats, how they vote, what they say looking for anything and everything to be used against them. leading the group called america rising mitt romney's former campaign manager matt rose. carl cameron is live for us in washington. this will be a superpac that will just do research? >> reporter: opposition research as it's called and rapid response. both sides do it. all political parties do it in one way or the other. usually the research of ones a poepb event and pumping it out to the public is done by the state or political parties or individuals themselves. they will be an independent superpac and focus ongoing after democrats to help the republicans on the right go against the liberals on the left this. all came together literally in the same week that the republican national commit lee last week announced its own season autopsy, and urged the
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formation of a quote, an allied group dedicated solely to research to establish a private archive and public website that does nothing but post inappropriate democratic utterances and information on democrats. in 2012 a couple of democratic superpacs did real damage to mitt romney's reputation and his campaign. republicans have had a couple of superpacs of their own doing similar stuff but never one exclusively dedicated to opposition research and rapid response. a big focus on using technology and the latest modern campaign techniques. they hope this organization will act as a lab so they can tell campaigns what will be working against the opposition. jon: we mentioned matt rhodes, holes is involved in this. >> when he became the campaign manager for the republican nominee for the white house in 2012 it was the first time ever that a former head of opposition research for the republican national committee rose to that level of the ranks of political
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operative. that was a big deal. he will partner up now with joe pounder who has worked as the direct he shall of opposition research as well as a very aggressive and rapid response at the rnc for folks like marco rubio and eric cantor. and the voice of this will be tim miller, he too a spokesman of the rnc and vet ral than jon huntsman campaign. what they will do is essentially offer up to candidates, campaigns, organizations on the right information on the left both either to response to democratic attacks or aggressively and offensively attack democrats for the things that they've made. it will take a small army. tim miller was here a short while ago. we'll have that interview later this afternoon. what he says is they'll sepbgs alley hire an army. there will be trackers with camera and video following democrat cad dates in the 2014 congressional election, house and senate then it will be turned into a 2016 exercise to
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follow those who are saoeblging the white house. the republicans seem very excited about it. you use an election and you go about reforming. this appears to be an answer to what the rnc asked for. jon: carl cameron more attack politics coming up. not sure everybody wants to hear that. jenna: extreme weather out there today. the calendar says it's spring but it looks like winter in many places across the country right now. we have a winter storm warning in effect from massachusetts to south carolina. nearly 500 flight cancellations so far. in florida thousands of still in the dark after a line of powerful storms ripped through the centef that state toppling trees auction see on your screen and many power lines. >> as i walk in the hallway i here a thump, thump. oh no, i operate front door and there is a tree. >> i watched her leave and the next thing you know our daughter
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brittany yells that the tree came down and put a hole through the roof right where she sits. it was right there. so it's pretty much devastated the house. >> it was a bad wind storm, worse than anything i've ever seen. >> more than 50 miles an hour. >> easily, he's leave. i don't want to guess, it was fast and loud. >> some areas they said had over 07. >> i believe it. this tree was huge and it didn't seem to be weak at all. it toppled down like nothing. >> to kansas, a storm heading to the east coast right now leaving as much as 8 inches of snow on the ground there causing very dangerous driving conditions. live team fox coverage. meteorologist janice dean is track the storm in the fox extreme weather sent term. first let's go to national correspondent steve centanni live in maryland with an up close and personal look at this storm, steve. >> very close and very personal. it's wet and cold out here with the snow coming down in higgerstown, maryland 60 miles
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west of washington d.c. take a look into the trees over here off my left shoulder. it's kind of a winter wonderland out there. a lot of heavy snow falling overnight into the morning, still coming down fairly heavily. very pretty but not exactly what you would like to see at this time of year. normally it's cherry blossoms in washington d.c., warm weather and tourists. now kind of a winter chill has tpaeupbl on everything. i've standing by i70. this storm has barreled along i70 through colorado, kansas, illinois, missouri, ohio and now the washington d.c. area and the eastern seaboard. it's the i70 storm. in spite of all the bad weather though the state police here say things haven't been all that bad. listen. >> we would normally have significantly more traffic on the roads on a monday morning than we have today. i think that is a result of the advanced notice that everybody had. they decided to take the day
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off, stay home and not risk the possibility of a crash. >> reporter: they had about 3 inches of snow overnight. it's still coming down. we could get five or six before it's all over. a lot of wet, heavy snow piling up on the side of the road, not on the pavement. on some of the side streets its much more trefp rurbgs it can be slippery and slushy. some of the schools are closed. the federal government is open, that is it from here in hagerstown. jenna: where is your other glove? i'm worried about you steve. >> i lost one of my gloves. i don't know what happened. i'll be okay. jenna: good, we've got the crew out there taking care of you. steve, thank you very much. good to hear as the officers say not a lot of tphoebgs on the road today. we are tracking the storm on the fox weather center. janice will be with us with brand-new information on who
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will be hit the hardest by the storm and when. jon: dangerous new developments in syria to tell you about, including a vow by the president there, bashar al-assad to, vote, wipe out muslim extremists who have sided with opposition forces. the growing turmoil now possibly drawing the u.s. closer to getting involved in the com conflict. why does syria matter. catherine herridge live in washington with more on that story. >> what makes the sear january conflict distinctive is the regime has links to all the regional none tphreubgts and key players in and outside of the middle east. the secretary of state john kerry emphasizing to the iraqi leadership that it must stem the flow of weapons from iran to syria. >> anything that supports president bashar al-assad is problematic, and i mailed it very clear to the prime minister that the over flights from iran
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are in fact helping to sustain president bashar al-assad and his regime. >> the most recent video out of syria which cannot be independently verified purports to shot interim prime minister of the coalition on a tour in aleppo and you see fighting there, this is one of the hardest hit areas. take a close look at the map and you can see the physical and geographic connections that i'm talking b israel, jordan and turkey, then there are the connections to groups such as hezbollah, hamas and the al-qaida affiliate in iraq. in recent testimony on capitol hill the nation's top intelligence officer explained how islamists groups are gaining grounds. >> the bad news is the presence of the al-qaida in iraq offshoot that has gained strength both numerically and otherwise in
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syria. >> reporter: what this recent video shows is the intense fighting, and the rocket-propelled grenades and missiles in and around various parts of the country including the capital of damascus. the heaved the house intelligence committee explained on sunday the stockpiles of chemical and pie lodge alweapons and conventional arsenal like what you see here are at risk. >> you have elements of hamas in syria now trying to get their hands on this stuff, and you also have conventional weapons that makes the flood of weapons from libya flying across the northern africa look like an antique gun shoefrpblgts what makes syria matter according to analysts are the connections not only to other regional conflicts such as iraq and the growth of al-qaida in that country, jon, but also to allies and some of our adversaries outside of the region.
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jon: catherine herridge reporting live in washington, that. >> you're welcome. jenna: in less than one hour the murder trial riveting the count tries set to resume. jodi arias fighting to avoid a possible death penalty. we'll tell you who is testifying for the defense. one tiny device that works with with your smartphone and might save your life. the details on an amazing medical breakthrough that sits right there underneath your skin, jon. jon: what will they think of next? >> we'll tell you about it coming up. ♪ constipated? yeah. mm. some laxatives like dulcolax can cause cramps. but phillips' caplets don't. they have magnesium. for effective relief of occasional constipation. thanks. [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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jenna: "happening now," day 35 of the sensational murder trial of jodi arias. it's set to begin in less than one hour from now. she is accused of willing her lover travis alexander back in 2008 and she faces the death sentence if she's convict. expected to return to the stand today a defense expert who diagnosed jodi arias with dpsd and am niece gentleman an am a
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amnesia. >> this trial going into its 36th day and no end in site. dr. samuels had received over a hundred questions from the jury. that ended last week on thursday. that's when the recross examination began with the prosecutor. that will continue again this morning at about 10:00am local time when court is set to begin. once that is completed the defense team will have a chance to try to replug the holes of this doctor, and he's doing what he can to try to once again establish the fact that he believes that jodi arias was even though lying to him, telling the truth about some difficult relationships she had with her ex-boyfriend, take a listen. >> it is possible that the first story was a form of depersonallyization, in other words a psychological reaction in an attempt not to have to
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deal with the horrors of what actually transpired on that day. in a sense she created an alternative rea. you could look at that at a lie or you could look at that as a psychological defense mechanism. >> in other words, he's trying to once again patch the homes. the questions from the jury, again more than one hundred just for him were very skeptical of his story, of his evaluations and also mentioned a number of times the fact that jodi arias lied to him, how could he come to these conclusions knowing that she lied and still come to the same types of conclusions? once again the prosecutor will have a chance, it was very contentious at end of the day on thursday, it's expected to continue this morning when the prosecutor has his chance. the defense team once again will try to plug some of the holeses best they can do. there is one more expert witness nor the defense. with no court on friday, half day on thursday, no court next monday, most people believe in arizona that this won't get in the jury's hands until the middle of april. we have a number of more days to
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talk about jodi arias and the crazy stories coming out of this try. it seems like there is something new each afternoon day. jenna: it certainly does. that is for sure. adam, thank you. jon: there were some ominous developments in syria as new concerns about the bloody civil war in syria overt weekend. america's closest ally in the middle east gets dragged into the spiraling conflict. what the war in syria means nor u.s. interest as well as stability in that part of the world. plus, a star nascar driver airlifted to the hospital after this horrific crash. breaking details in a live report next. "i don't really like taking my vitamins." nature made said, "here's new vitamelts."
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nascar driver recovering at a california hospital now after a
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scary late-race crash at the autoclub 400 over the weekend. band banjulie banderas tracking the story for us. >> a wild day for nascar. one driver is hospitalized after drag racing in the final lap. two other drivers tkaoeubgt out in a knock down drag out fight. it all started when denny hamlin got into a hard single car crash at inside wall. watch it. on the final lap of sunday's autoclub 400 and airlifted to a local hospital. after an overnight stay doctors say he'll be okay. the guy he was neck-and-neck with before the crash, joey logano then had his own drama unfold before fan's eyes. joey logano and denny hamlin who had traited barbs battled side-by-side, bumping and passing in the laps, that's when denny hamlin crashed. another driver, tony stewart
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jumps n he's furious about the crash, he runs over to confront joey logano. the two start fighting before crews separated them. joey logano phagd a cheap shot, though he throws a water bottle at stewart, you can hear the crowd cheering or pwaoeupbg, i'm not sure what, they are pretty excited to watch all of thupb fold in one day. stewart described the action of a little girl he quoted, added that it's time he learned a lesson, he's talking about joey logano here. he runs his mouth long enough. he's nothing but a little rich kid who never had to work a day in his life. joey logano said he was racing hard and his move to block stewart was justified. and authors the days of our lives. jenna: the real housewives of nascar, i love that. jon: a hockey game breaks out at a nascar event. julie banderas. >> reporter: the fans got an eye full, a crash, a fight, it's better than a boxing match. jenna: you made a fan out of julie.orter: i'm going to watch nascar if that haefrps time.
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jenna: we'll move onto other news today that is really can during the world's attention. there are growing concerns about the civil war in syria spreading now. israel confirming it fired a missile into syria and destroyed a machine gun positioned in the golan heights, after its shoulders it says came under a hail of gunfire along the border separateth two countries. the golan heights as a strategic plateau was captured by israel in the six-day war. while this is not the first time israel has been forced they say to return fire, the fear is that the fighting this time could escalate, being where we are two years into this conflict. peter berkowitz is senior fellow at the hoover institution at stanford university. he's our guest now. thank you so much for the time. >> good to be with you thank you. jenna: before the president's trip you raised this question in your wraoeurbgs you said one of the lingering tensions and con tphreupbgting assessments about our administration right now in this country is whether or not we want to increase our role in
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the middle east or pull back in our role in the middle east. now that you've seen the president's list and some of the latest news headlines, what are your thoughts on that? >> well, i think the president would prefer to pull back on our involvement but events in the middle east are not cooperating. i think he recognizes, and i hope his team recognizes just how significant syria is to regional stability, not only because of the humanitarian crisis in syria, something on the order of 70,000 syrian civilians have died during the syrian civil war, but also because of the weapons in syria, both conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction, and because syria has become a crucial battleground for iran, for iran's desire to exert itself over the region. jenna: one of the things you say we should do is look to jordan. why do you think the country of jordan is so imperative at this time to help us figure out how to make sure that the chaos in
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syria doesn't spread more? >> jordan is a crucial ally for the united states. it's a prow*erpb sunni monarchy. it's made peace with israel in the mid 1990s, it's always been supportive of us. during the syrian civil war the jordanians have absorbed 400,000 refugees from syria who flooded the country, and the country was already facing problems because they have a 70% palestinian population and they are witnessing the rice of the muslim brotherhood there. jordan shares borders with israel, with syria, with iraq, with saudi arabia, so with this central country we very much -- it's very much in our interest to maintain its stability and maintain king abdullah in pow jeer what would that look like specifically, peter as far as supporting jordan to make sure again that syria did not spin further out of control f that is
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possible? >> well in the first place it involves increasing financial support for the king so that he can absorb these 400,000 or so refugees. it might also mean weapons for the jordanians, and over the long term what it means is helping with the education of jordanian citizens. it means even my own view is a lot could be done in the intermediate term by american programs that would educate jordanian children so they learned english and so they could operate computers, so that they could use the internet. jenna: to engage on different levels throughout the generations of that country. "the washington post" has come out with an article today that questions whether or not the obama administration has a contingency plan two years into this conflict. the administration has been vague about what they want to do if a red line is crossed with chemical weapons or what the plan is moving forward. do you think that is because they don't want to release the
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plan to the public because it's classified or do you think they maybe don't have a plan? >> i hope it's because they don't want to release it to the public. i worry that they haven't formulated one. we always have to understand in the middle east, and i think it's taken the obama administration, it's taken the president and his team a longtime to realize that typically in the middle east we're not confronted with a good option and a bad option we are confronted by crummy options and awful options. and that's the situation in regard to syria, which on the one hand you have the iranian back bashar al-assad regime we. don't want to see iran increase its power in the region, on the other hand the rebels are a very mixed bad. you have among the rebels al-qaida forces, you have muslim brotherhood forces that want to impose a sharia regime in syria, so figuring out just where to throw support, just how to prevent the humanitarian crisis and how to secure the chemical
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weapons and the unconventional weapons is a very big challenge. it should involve classified operations. jenna: and if the challenge is to choose between crummy and awful it's important probably to have the right expectations as well between those two options. peter, thank you for the time today, i appreciate it very much. >> thank you. jon: back in this country you've seen a lot of states legalizing marijuana possession, and even use, but that doesn't mean it's good for you. the new study you need to know about, how smoking pot can lead to something else that's legal, but can be deadly. also, a powerful winter storm pushing in from the midwest shrapl slamming the mid atlanta states. mid-atlantic states. a live report from the weather center coming up. d some coffee. sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. ♪
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shredder, a $29 value, free! call or go online now. [♪...] jon: a fox extreme weather alert now and a powerful spring snowstorm hitting the east coast right now already canceling hundreds of flights and snarling traffic. this after burying the midwest under a blanket of heavy lush and snow. janice dean live in the fox extreme weather center. will it ever end? >> here is my prediction. you waiting for it. jon: yep. >> i think after the storm by the end of this week much of the country is going to feel like spring, including new york, including d.c., temperatures around average. so just in time for easter we
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can put on our easter bonnet. let's take a look at the satellite radar, yes it feels like groundhog day for many weeks, storm after storm after storm, this is the latest one bringing over a foot of snow in a lot of states from colorado through maryland. we have the severe weather side that brought reported tornadoes to orlando. let's look at the snowfall totals, colorado close to 20 inches. look at goodwin kansas 3 inches. the satellite radar the primary low across the ohio river valley and the coastal low that is bringing the snow across portions of d.c. all the way up to philadelphia, parts of new jersey as well and new york you're just starting to see some of that rain and snow and the slush here mess. winter weather advisory still posted for all of the states here, including philadelphia. i think by the rush-hour this is going to start to dwindle down and we will continue to watch
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the storm move offshore. there is a quick look at your travel forecast as we head into the evening rush-hour a few snow showers, but the bulk of the storm will be offshore and boston you're in the clear. that's the good news, jon, jenna, back to you. jon: boston has had their problems. >> they have, they deserve a break. jon: janice dean, thank you. >> reporter: you bet. jenna: "happening now," news of a new medical device that could turn your smartphone into a life saver. julie has more on this tiny implant that can monitor your blood and send a warning if you're going to have a heart attack, tell bus that. >> imagine if you were able to pick up your phone and it was actually able to save your life. a team of scientist tph-s switzerland have developed the world's smallest blood monitoring implant and the results could be right at your fingertips. using blue tooth this device can transmit the data to your phone and even warn you if you're about to have an heart attack. ofoften the hours before a art
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attack, fatigued or oxygen lacking muscles start to break down. and a chemical is dumbed into the blood. if can be detected before disrufpgs the heart reus um or a heart attack lifesaving treatment can be initiated sooner. the device can track levels of glue corks lacta terbgs and atp providing data for physiological monitoring activity. in the possibility of diseases like diabetes you'd be alerted as well. outside the body a battery patch provides the 100 million low water that the device requires which is conducted through the skin. it does have to go through battles for patient rights. hopefully that will be one sooner rather than later. the next choice will be for you to get the proper ring tone so when you get that call you don't think it's mom or dad calling
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you on the phone. set an alarm -- it's pretty fascinating. jenna: very fascinating. it kind of makes you feel, what do you think, skwraourblgs an implant in your skin, do you want one of those? >> if you can prevent a heart attack from happening i say preventative medicine is the best way to go. jenna: dr. van observing eris standing by to talk more about this. what do you think about this. effective or maybe more questions than answers right now? >> well, i think it's early. there are -- first of all for this implant it is gathering this chemical. but the chemical kurbgs it sort of first begins four ours after a heart attack it peaks at 16 hours and sometimes that is very late and it means that the muscle is already damaged and that's why it's releasing the chemical. so there are other devices that are implantable on the market that look at a heart rhythm that picks it up.
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they are doing a study here in the u.s. that picks it up right when the clot forms so you get to the hospital within an hour and have the clot -- you know a stent put or the clot bypass. >> is it linked to your phone in the same way. >> at this point it's not, and that's the problem. if it's linked to your phone what happens if you're in an area where there isn't good cell service? i mean it's not that reliable right now, you know. is it 4g, is it 3g your phone? that's one of the critical areas. this other device that they are doing a study on it's not linked to a form, it's linked to a beeper. have you to call 911 or someone around you calls 911 if you collapse. jenna: that's interesting. i wouldn't even think about the reception. quick on the implant part. we're showing a picture of it on the screen. how does that not irritate your body to have that inside you have. >> you sort of wall off anything we implant but it's put in an area where it can uptake blood.
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i see it being useful for a lot of things like monitoring your diabetes, the hemoglobin, c1a, and also maybe monitoring cancer drugs, and the levels that they have, so, you know, i can see it for useful things, but sometimes when time is critical, as in a heart attack, you know, you do have those issues. are you going to have service in that area? and things like that. jenna: some opportunity may be there theoretically. we have another health story we want to ask you about. we've seen more and more states are legalizing marijuana and there is a new study that raises questions about whether or not the drug is quote unquote safe. we have a map showing where marijuana is legal for medical use. there are 19 states that permit it. there are two states where it's legal to smoke pot recreationally, the state of colorado and washington. seven states are considering
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making recreational marijuana legal in the not so distant future. a new study shows that marijuana may increase addiction to nick taoefpblt it could be a gateway drug to tobacco. they used rats, and used a chemical in the marijuana and the national institute on drug abuse did it. dr. vanocur, that's one of the questions, the arguments i should say is that marijuana is safer than tkhol and smoking, that's why it should be legal and it doesn't lead to that many other bad activities. this study suggests that maybe it could lead to more smoking. what do you think about that? >> this was an interesting study. again it was done in mice, you don't know how applicable it is to humans. it did seem to trigger these areas, the researchers hypothesize that it triggers these areas in the brain that are also triggered by nicotine, they did find that the mice when exposed to thc the active
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ingredient in marijuana actually tried to get nicotine whenever possible. and, you know, the issue, there is medical marijuana, but smoking anything can cause lung cancer. so that is one issue. so tobacco contributes to lounge cancer and heart disease, but smoking marijuana and pot can also cause lung cancer. so i think you have to think about that. but what was interesting is this is a gateway to cigarettes, it's always been told people believed it was a gateway to heroin or cocaine and in fact prior studies with this research group found that in fact the mice -- it wasn't a gateway, the mice weren't interested in cocaine or heroin, but it's interesting that they were interested in cigarettes. we know cigarettes are harmful too so you have to think about that. jenna: some things to consider about that study in the news. doctor, thank you as always we appreciate it. >> reporter: my pleasure. jon: have you heard about the reported late-night comedy shakeup coming to nbc.
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what critics are saying about the possible changing of the guard. is jay leno's humor to blame? is he too conservative? our news watch panel weighs in, tarzan, or pga super? that is the question after this unbelievable shot over the weekend. the amazing details just ahead. when you have diabetes...
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your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes.
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jon: our big changes coming to nbc's late night line up? despite wide appeal among middle americans and his dominance in the ratings network executives are getting ready to replace tonight show host jay leno. with emerging star jimmy fallon. many critics say jimmy fallon will be less likely to give politicians from both sides of the aisle a fair shake. warner todd houston from wrorbgs he leno has been more willing than any
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of his counterparts to mark democrats and president obama. he got in trouble for poking fun at is masters at nbc. even as the old slap obama and democrat leno is no conservative he's been criticize eud for being too friendly to obama as well as buying into the war on women end quote. let's bring in alan colmes is a syndicated radio host of the alan colmes show and automatic thur of thank the liberals for saving america. and jim pinker tops, a fox news contributor. jay leno is number one in late night come me. why push him out? >> i think that the point is that the critics have always despised him. everybody says he's a nice guy, and so on. however, he has no edge, he has no irony in the view of sort of the bay bi coastal critical
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leads. they've had it in for him for a longtime. they tried to do this almost ten years ago with conan o'brien. and it brew up in nbc's face. this will also blow up in nbc's face but it will make the critics happy at least. jon: is he a guy that appeals to mid america and that is wrong for the west coast and the east coast powers that be the masters? >> there is nothing wrong with that, there is nothing wrong to appealing for mid america. jon: he's been number one for 20 years. >> yes and it's not about, oh we want to go after a guy that appeals to to conservatives. not everything in life is a left-right issue. this has everything to do with jimmy kimmell at 11:30, and nbc attempting to get a younger demographic. this is not some kind of conspiracy. in your opening you talked about how he was both offending obama lovers and haters. obviously he's doing his job. this is about demographics, that's all it's about. jon: jimmy fallon or his part has made controversial
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movesment back in november of 11 when he introduced tea party favorite michelle bachmann the congresswoman from minnesota and his band deliberately played called lying, and the next two words describe a donkey and a female dog, neither one of which is very flattering in their own right and when you get to the slang that they imply even worse. fallon had to apologize as a result of that. if that's the view alan of conservatives on that shoeut does say something doesn't it? >> i don't think the band choosing an intro song was wrong to do. there was an apology. i don't know that fallon had anything to do with that. that one example does not portend that jimmy fallon is a far left wing liberal and this is a conspiracy to get rid of a guy who appeals to liberals and not conservatives or vice averse a. this is not anything to do with liberals and conservatives. it's about nbc deciding writ needs to go for the future in terms of attracting the
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demographic it wants. that's what it's about. >> i actually agree with alan. it's not really a liberal, conservative things. fallon staked out a little bit of left wing territory there with the attack on mrs. bachmann. which i doubt is an accident. i think people control their shows more closely. fallon is 25 years younger and that makes a difference. i noticed the "wall street journal" on friday had a piece that says tpal lana youtube video dancing with mrs. obama. they had 3 million views on youtube which is five times the audience of the leno show. this is a reminder that this new media stuff, left or right is a huge tkaoerblgs and i think it helped drive the audience and helped convince nbc that fallon is a better choice, even though i think that just as it's going to happen with matt lauer on the today show the business of kicking out ann curry, when the network looks mean it hurts the
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viewership. jon: you and alan just agreed and i have to wrap my head around that and bring you guys back on the other side of the break because there is the matt lauer thing to talk about. back with more on that in a moment. jenna: a golfer in the arnold palmer invitation algoes out on a limb to make a shot. sergio garcia gets a bad break when his ball lands in a tree. how does doe that? that's part of the question we have in the story. he doesn't just leave it in the tree and take the one stroke penalty, he climbs up into the tree and takes the shot. back hands the ball onto the freeway. some considered it a great play. that didn't help his game. later he ended up dropping out. that was one for the record books somewhere. jon: that shot will live on forever. we'll have our news watch panel back with us in just a bit. also, cyprus reaches a last-minute bailout deal to save its financial system from total collapse, but look out the aftershocks to the global
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economies might be just beginning. victor! i got your campbell's chunky soup. mom? who's mom? i'm the giants mascot. eat up! new jammin jerk chicken soup has tasty pieces of chicken with rice and beans. you know the giants don't have a mascot right mom? [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. i'm up next, but now i'm sging the heartburn blues. hold on, prilosec isn't for fast relief. cue up alka-seltzer. it stops heartburn fast. ♪ oh what a relief it is!
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jon: back now with our news watch panel. new york magazine is out with a long and seemingly well researched story about nbc today show host matt lauer. not a good morning is the title of the piece, suggesting that the departure of ann curry from the today show was in part lauer's doing, although many other nbc executives were involved. it's something you were eluding to at the end ever the previous segment by the way nbc often badly handles the depart taoufr its high profile people. >> right, back in 04 with jay leno several people lost that you are jobs in the executive hierarchy of nbc.
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and jeff stkubger was badly discredited on this issue. now those people are now gone, comcast is in charge of nbc and it seems to be having the same problems. and the story in new york magazine which is quite juicy doesn't so much break the news that there was an effort by matt lauer and others to push ann curry out, but confirm it. they had more document taeurbgs i think it's a real headache and i think it's what cost the today show its historic lead over "good morning america" in that morning broadcast network niche. jon: there is also a story in there that i hadn't heard before that suggests that abc tried to hire l aurbgs er away from the today show and thought they had the deal done, he was going to work with katie couric on the talk show and apparently he backed out of the deal. >> this is all great gossip. i don't know how much is real or gossip and speculation.
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none of us were flies on the wall. apparently with the departure of ann curry and lauer staying with the today show and apparently they gave him the right to have those conversations to keep him happy, and maybe now everything will settle down and they'll get down to the business of getting ratings in the morning on nbc. >> of course all the confirmation you need as to the relationship between lauer and curry is the attempt matt lauer made to kiss her on the hair. the body language was quite striking. tkhepchemistry between hosts on television is necessary and if you don't have that you have nothing. jon: they have fallen to number 2 since curry left. alan colmes and jim pinkerton thank you both. jenna: an undate on an important story we've been telling you about a witness coming forward after an ohio prosecutor calls
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for the death penalty for punxsutawney phil over his faulty spring forecast. poor little guy. he just made a simple choice, jon. jon: he just got it wrong. jenna: the details next.
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