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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  March 26, 2013 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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remember steve irwin and the stingray, do not mess around with mother nature. that's it for us. check out the factor website which is different. and spout off anywhere in the world., name and town. if you wish to opine. when writing to us, no pala vchvpalaver that's a sat word. and i'm sorry for the frog must have having a good time. and the spin stops here and we're definitely lookikikikikiki
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>> good morning to you. i am heather nauert. >> i am heather childers. believe it or not it is march 26th. thank you for watching "fox & friends first". it is time now for your 5@5:00. the top five stories making news for you at this hour. fox news confirmed the u.s. is training syrian fighters. senior military sources say the training has been underway in jordan for the past year to help bolster forces battling
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president bish char assad. the intelligence agency is running the program and involves 100 u.s. trarns. >> we will know whether awe dma -- amanda knox will have her charges overturned. they were charged with murder but found not guilty in 2011. she spent four years in prison. a gunman has an accomplice. gang member and inmate evan eville a suspect but are searching for new evidence to determine whether his assassin helped. the weapon used on clemens was the same used in a deadly texas shoot-out he hit the jackpot.
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you can see him right there. pedro, he couldn't believe it when he walked in to check out the power ball number then told he won $338 million. evidences born in the dominican republ republic. he owns a convenience store. he buys a lottery ticket and two beers a day. he is a father of 5. he plans to use the money to help his family. >> good for him. there is this. punxsutawney phil wasn't wrong after all. his handler was. the man says he did see phil's shadow which means we would have six more weeks of winter. but he mistakingly announced an early spring. the ohio prosecutor who filed an indictment against the pennsylvania groundhog says he may consider a pardon. that is your 5@5:00.
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>> someone was definitely wrong because now we go through an extreme weather alert. millions seeing snow instead of sunshine. take a look at this brand new time lapsed video showing how much actually fell in missouri more than a foot in one day that this ruler in particular buried underneath all of it. >> you see a couple inches on top of that. folks also digging out 18 and a half inches of snow. that is considered a record there. kids got a snow day for the first time in two years and drivers were told to stay off the roads. listen to this. >> oh my gosh. >> that is in the state of pennsylvania. that school bus was caught on camera hitting a van that was parked right on the street. air travel obviously seeing the biggest impact on the east coast. more than 600 flights canceled
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and the hardest hit airport new jersey, new york and also washington, d.c. so where is this spring storm heading next? >> good morning, good to see you. i have good news the spring snowstorm is finally headed out to sea and leaving us with quieter conditions across the u.s. we are looking at quiet conditions as we head over the next several days in a gradual warming trend going to be seeing high temperatures into the 50s across parts of the northeast into the midwest and temperatures average even across the south. we have freeze warnings in effect early this morning as far south as texas and also in the state of georgia. we have lingering snow showers across portions of ohio, indiana, parts of tennessee and also north carolina and even spec of snow showers popping up on the radar across northern parts of alabama.
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can you image being in alabama? tennessee.ations in north west virginia some of the highest elevations are going to be looking at some of the more significant snowfall amounts 8-16 inches forecast out here. 3-5 inches forecast across parts of north carolina. most of the warnings are in effect through out the day. expect more snow showers to continue. today looks better across the area in parts of new england the northeast and mid atlantic. you can see the snow over parts of ohio, kentucky. temperature wise we are cold out here. at the freezing mark currently colder in atlanta than it is in new york city. 31 in chicago. in the 20s. in kansas city and minneapolis. denver you are seeing improvement in the teens early
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this morning. we will be rebounding nicely in denver 40 degrees in chicago, 48 in atlantic city. chilly this afternoon 51 going to see a shift in the weather pattern. i am going to show you quickly by friday and saturday we can be looking at high temperatures into the 50s. a warming trend for you in denver, colorado. >> moments ago we told you about the story a moment ago. top appeals court over turning amanda knox case. she served four years behind bars now this acquittal puts this into question ordering a brand new trial. she was found not guilty back in
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2011. we will have more details as we come. >> a big day in the capital. they pick up the issue of gay marriage. kelly wright is live for us in washingt washington>> no matter what the justices decide in these two cases history is going to be made. these are supreme court cases that are being watched closely by people through out the country. some even braved cold temperatures to get into the court to hear arguments on same-sex marriage. >> it could be one of the impassable decisions they ever make in my lifetime. it was a no brainer to come down here. >> for me it was very important. it's a foundation of our society. i just wanted to come and see what is going to happen and pray
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and hope they rule in favor of marriage. >> the next few days they will determine if same-sex marriage is constitutional. they will focus on proposition number 8. they will amend the marriage between money wan and one woman. >> i don't think the majority of the justices are going to want to launch another culture war and are going to respect the right of voters to decide their future to decide something as simple that it takes a man and woman to take a marriage. they will weigh in on the defense of marriage act. end of life care issues are only for traditional marriages. >> the obama administration stopped defending the law in court. >> there are fundamental issues. it is whether loving and
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committed same sex couples who serve their country who pay taxes some of whom are raising families whether they should be able to take part in the fundamentally freedom to mary. >> in the decision both cases were not expected until sometime in june that's when it will be announced. audio will be released. they will release audio trance sdripts and tapes following both cases today and tomorrow. >> now triem to look at who is talking. we are looking at the pastor who is jailed in iran. there have been several recent developments including secretary of state john kerry issuing a statement calling for the pastor's release. >> pastor sending a letter to his wife detailing the horrible conditions of his stay in the iranian condition telling her of the torture and abuse he has suffered. last night he weshe went on the
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record to describe the details of that letter to greta van susteren. >> gave me a glimpse of what he is going through in that prison. it was heart wrenching to hear him say he couldn't recognize himself and his mom's reaction. it shows us the urgency of getting him out as soon as possible. >> the reason he couldn't recognize himself is because he has been beaten. talking about bruises and things like that? >> yeah, that's what he's talking about, talking about his face is basically bruised and looks different and he's got a beard. his eyes being pretty beaten up and his face. >> the pastor's wife did say his parents who live in iran get to visit him every monday. >> head over to a lighter story now. here's what we would like you to brew on today. it's kind of like a cover charge like in a bar but it's for a
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supermarket. take a look at this notice on an australian grocery store front. it is now charging people 5 bucks just to go into the store and look. that's because they say too many people are coming to browse but they don't buy. if you do end up purchases something they will deduct the 5 bucks from your bill. that's what we would like for you to brew on today. is the $5 fee fine or over the line? you can tweet them to us at fox friend first. >> the time 11 after the top of the hour. somebody is watching you. why it should be filled with nearly 140,000 drones. >> maybe yahoo's ceo was right about this. working from your home could be bad for your finances. we will tell you more about that straight ahead. look what mommy is having.
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mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle.
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>> welcome back. it's 15 after the hour. a muslim radical who attacked a military complex will spend the next 18 years in prison. the 35-year-old was arrested last june after he and ner man discussed how they wanted to gun down people as revenge for the atrocities in afghanistan. the faa predicts 10,000 of these will hit the skies by 2020. congress is asking the organization to create regulations that could safely monitor such aircraft. if all goes according to planned
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the first drones should be ready to take flight in two years. >> more headlines for you. chicago public sdul dents taking their fight against school closings. 2 dozen protesting outside demanding a meeting with the mayor rahm emanuel. they announced it is closing more than 50 schools in the area. they are making up a billion dollar budget deficit. >> stockton, california now. the largest u.s. city to file for bankruptcy. lawyers for the central valley city of 300,000 people are filing chapter 9 to see how it will pay in the pension fund which is the top debt. >> we have stories you can bank on this morning. bad news for your wallet. while many of us are making less than we were four years ago, joining us now to explain why is lauren simonetti from the fox business network. >> what's the primary reason
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here? >> there is a few reasons mostly because it costs more money. i am going to show you some numbers. they are really startling. when it feels like we are not making money we always say that. when you look at the data we are not. median household income is over 51,000 dollars. take a look at that on a time line. 6 percent less than when the economic recovery began in summer of 2009 and less than when the recession started. obviously we are not making enough money. all of this data comes from research. they also say one of the key reasons speegsly now because - especially now. saw a $600 drop between february and june this year. >> that is translating into the president's popularity numbers in terms of handling the economy dropped 10 percentage points since december. people are equating it to that.
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>> why she works from home maybe yahoo had the right idea. >> the problem wiis we shop too much. cu coupon cabin says 60 percent shop on-line when working at home. 54 percent say they do that at home. tell commuters are commending more time shopping on-line at home. about a quarter say they spend at least an hour a week doing so. that's about double those who shop in the office. but i don't think an hour a week is too much shopping on-line. >> i don't know. based on your first story when you are making income. >> maybe they are finding good deals, heather. >> maybe. >> there is also something else you could point out is 63 percent of people say they feel less distracted when they are working at home and more productive because of it.
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there are pluses and minuses. >> appreciate it. good to see you. 19 after the top of the hour. if you are a homeowner you want to listen up. mortgage rates are expected to sky rocket. we have what you need to know. taxpayers picking up a $1 million tab in healthcare costs for hundreds of people who weren't even eligible. tell you all about that one.
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he is the second person indicted under the new federal law making it a federal crime to target aircraft with lasers. >> thank you so much. listen up to this one. mortgage rates expected to rise through out the year. should you rush to refinance your home right now? personal finances expert vera gibbons it's a question a lot of
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us are asking today. >> the race to refinance. you want to crunch the numbers get a col late tore you can go on-line and run the numbers to see what scenario is best for you. sometime it is makes sense sometimes it doesn't. maybe you want to go from a 30 year to 15 year or maybe you want to skip it. it boils down to your personal situation and making the numbers work your time frame a lot of the circumstances. >> consider your options and then decide to move. >> there are a lot of options out there. one thing a lot of people ask is how much is it going to cost to refinance? >> there are costs involved. normally about 2 percent of the loan. $200,000 loan that would be 4,000 dollars. you have to take into consideration your time frame your circumstances. it's a personal decision it boils down to. you have to get a lot of documents together. two years tax return a couple pay stubs. you have to find alender.
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>> get ready for the paperwork. >> it takes some time. once you decide who you are going to go with you apply and they pull your credit score and they have three business days to give awe good faith estimate which is going to show you all of the costs involved. this number should come as no surprise for you unless your credit score has taken a hit or home appraisal comes back less. you could need a small loan or it could payoff. >> there are so many choices the length of your mortgage you want a 5 year on a 30 year fixed do you want a floating rate? >> you have to sit down with your lender and talk about the best situation. go back to your original lender did you like them did you mesh with their style. you are going to spend a lot of time with them. you have to make sure everything works. you hurry up and wait. 60 or 90-days to close depending
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on the situation. your lender is going to go over all of your documentation. they may ask you for additional information we need your divorce papers even though you qualify for a loan without child support. in that 30 to 90-day period your rates locked in. >> you are committed either way you have to sign with the documents out with the old in with the new. expected to go up one point. >> it is 26 minutes after the hour. hot head kyle bush may be betting anger management lessons with charlie sheen. we will talk about what that's about coming up next. the video teaching our kids this. >> a lot of people blame the
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united states for problems around the world. >> really? a lot of people do? that video has been used in tens of thousands of schools. parents how do you feel about that one? what do you think of this day in history the soap opera young & the restless premiers. >> i want those out of circulation. with wholesome noodles and bite sized chicken, nothing brings you together like chicken noodle soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. to book this fabulous hotel. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deals well, you can see if the hotel is pet friendly before you book it. and i got a great deal without bidding. and where's your furry friend? oh, i don't have a cat. priceline savings without bidding. all right that's a fifth-floor probleok.. not in my house! ha ha ha!
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ha ha ha! no no no! not today! ha ha ha! ha ha ha! jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dikembe mutumbo blocking a shot. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. ♪ i don't want any trouble. i don't want any trouble either. ♪ [ engine turns over ] you know you forgot to take your mask off, right? [ siren wailing in distance ] ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing the all-new beetle convertible. now every day is a top-down day. that's the power of german engineering.
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>> good morning. you are watching "fox & friends first". i am heather childers. >> i am heather nauert. we begin with a fox news alert. moments ago we learned that italy's top appeals court overturned amanda knox's acquittal in her roommate's murder case. that court now ordering a brand new driel all together. fox news reporter live on the phone with more>> good morning heather. as you mentioned they just ruled awe dma amanda knox and her former boyfriend will have to stand trial again. a crime was committed. there is no second appellate fort in fallujah. the lawyers for amanda's boyfriend is right outside of the courtroom. she pointed out this is not a guilty verdict. it says that the case must be retried. they are not exactly sure which part of the sentence must be
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retried. there are still a lot television details to be figured out here. we knew something was up because yesterday after 6 hours of testimony and 3 hours of closed door deliberations they decided to postpone the decision. usually they are taken the day of the testimony. but they decide to do put it off so this morning they said they need more time to relax and rest and be luis sid. the jury heard testimony yesterday. they argued knocks '201 acquittal was full of errors and a lot of scientific errors and her defense is after four years in prison she has suffered enough. it will be an interesting couple of weeks here as we find out more details. >> she served four years behind bars for that now we have to wait and see what happens. >> more changes on the way. >> it was a historic day ahead
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at the supreme court as arguments begin for two same-sex marriage cases. thousands are expected to rally outside of the court both for and against the issue. >> two different cases in the next few days but both center around gay marriage. it's an issue where the american public has undergone almost a seismic shift. if you look outside of the court you see the people have been waiting there for nearly a week through rain through snow through cold hoping to score what has become the hottest ticket in washington. today the court is going to weigh in on california's proposition 8 the proposition to ban same-sex marriage. opponents held a large rally in san francisco but it could effect 39 other states as well. they will argue this is in part a state issue.
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>> will rights of millions and millions of americans deserve to have the votes respected. >> but there has also been a public shift on gay marriage in recent years. most polls show supporters out number opponents. they consider a federal ban on gay marriage recognition the defense of marriage act. there are a lot of bread and butter rights and privileges that come with marriage which is why there are so many advantages to being married which is why same sex couples are looking for it. >> even though the defense of marriage act they have refused to defend it in court we respect the court's decision on these cases to come down in june. heather? >> doug luzader live for us in washington. thank you. now to other headlines for you this morning. fox news confirmed the u.s. is in fact training syrian
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fighters. military forces say the training has been going on in jordan for the past year to help bolster forces battling assyrian president bish char al-assad. they are not members of the army that have being trained. they are run ago program that involves 100 u.s. trainers. it is a million dollar mistake happening for years. officials doesnn't know why. taxpayers picking up the insurance tab for hundreds of people who aren't even eligible. ex-husband and wives of county employees and children aged out of the system still getting county health insurance benefits. it wasn't caught until last year. the county says it has a new computer system to make sure insurance mistakes don't happen like this again. a california man out for a walk with his dog ends up saving another man trapped under big rocks. the victim was trapped in a spot
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you couldn't see. he told police he was stuck for as long as 6 days without any food or water. he was hiking yesterday when his dog started pulling him over to some rocks. listen to this. >> she bite my pants and pulled me down and says (whining sound). it was dark and dusty because he was in the dirt. i see the big eyes on his face i thought it was a bear. >> llamas gave him water and talked to him while rescuers pulled him out. he is recovering in the hospital and is expected to be fine. >> here's a good story. a soldier's wife gets a special surprise for her 20th wedding anniversary. her husband returned from afghanistan on a short leave and wanted to surprise her with 20 roses. he enlisted the help of fellow damages one by one they each handed over a rose to his wife waiting outside of the gates. then finally her husband
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surprises her with the final rose. the couple's daughter were also there to catch it all on coamer. >> how nice. >> now to an extreme weather alert millions from the midwest seeing snow instead of sunshine. this brand new time lapsed video showing exactly how much fell. this is in missouri. more than a foot in one day. you can see the ruler there buried under all of it. >> folks in springfield illinois also digging out this morning from more than 18 and a half inches of snow. that's considered a record there. air travel saw the biggest impact on the east coast. more than 600 flights canceled at the hardest hit airports new jersey, new york and also washington, d.c. >> where is the spring storm headed next? maria molina with the story and details. >> good morning everyone. good news the storm system is out to sea. we are looking at lighter conditions across the lower 48. the bad news is we still have
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cold temperatures in place across parts of the midwest, parts of the south and even into the northeast. temperatures as much as 15 degrees below average for some of you as much as 20 degrees below average. that is a great chunk of the country. basically everyone east of the rockies looking at cold temperatures. one spot looking at temperatures a little above average. big surprise southwest, california. parts of nevada and arizona. as far as the current windchill temperatures fridge i had even parts of atlanta 25 degrees out there. single tig gets is what it feels like right now in denver and rapid city. heather and heather we have more snow coming down across the appalachians. some of you could see significant accumulations especially across the state of west virginia. >> thank you very much maria. eventually getting warmer. >> it has to be. it has to be. >> all eyes are on jim carrey.
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>> he is coming under fire making a spoof video including against charlton heston. look at the speech made to the nra back in 2000. >> movie ♪ >> nice, huh? it was one of many who was firing back at jim carrey. harsh words for the actor on the program yesterday. listen to what greg had to say.
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>> he is probably the most pathetic tool on the face of the earth and i hope his career is dead and i hope he ends up sleeping in a car the way his life began. this video only made me want to go out and buy a gun. this is fighting satire going after rural america and a dead man. let's talk about charlton heston. he was one of the first actors to be behind the civil rights movement in march what does this (bleep) jim carrey do? he was behind the anti vaccine panic. there were 100 people who died from measles. he killed more people than all of the rifles combined. he's a dirty stinking coward. he's a moral coward. he did a video attacking rural america. he wouldn't do a video about gangs which kills way more people with hand guns. he wouldn't do that because he's too worried about his career.
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he's a sad pathetic freak a jiberring mess. he's a modern big got. he's a modern bigot. >> a whole lot of critics saying this is another example of hollywood hypocrisy. >> 40 minutes after the hour. we have a individual dwreeching our kids the decisions that were made by the u.s. listen to this. caused 9-11. >> a lot of people blame the united states for problems around the world. >> i don't get this. >> the video finally coming out. that video has been used in tens of thousands of schools in america. >> then they protect and secure our nation's borders. so why are their uniforms made in mexico? [ male announcer ] wow. a brave choice. okay, think courage. think shaun white.
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think how perfect they'll be for everyday stuff. yeah. an me. stride on, pale-legged, hort-shorts guy. ♪ [ engine revs ] [ fele announcer ] small... [ engine revs ] wicked... ♪ and now... ♪ topless. ♪ the fiat 500 abarth cabrio. ♪
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>> it's now 44 minutes after the hour. what stories are making headlines overseas. we begin in italy and get to a fox news alert right away. italy's top appeals court over turning amanda knox's acquittal in the roommate's murder case and ordering a brand new trial. she was found not guilty in 2011 and spent four years in italian jails. >> next in north korea. overnight the country claiming it ordered all long range rockettes to be combat ready. among the targets u.s. military bases on qualm, hawaii and mainland america. this released -- also releasing this disturbing propaganda video. it depicts an invasion of south korea in which troops are taken hostage and then defeated. >> let's go to guatemala. powerful 6.2 earthquake struck near the capital city on monday.
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no reports of damage or injuries. it happened so deep in the earth most people barely felt that tremor. an update to a story you saw first last week on fox and friends first. americans every where were outraged over a test given to 5th graders in texas. it pretty much teaches them that the united states was responsible for the tragic 9-11 terror attack. the question why did the united states be a target terrorism. they have had negative effects on people elsewhere. we are getting a look at the video shown to the test. >> a lot of people blame the united states for problems around the world. >> i don't get it. >> america is such a big and powerful country. the decisions made here effect a lot of people around the world. a lot of people think we don't
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use our power the right way. sometime what is we do here can have a negative effect on other countries and a lot of people disagree with the decisions and policies that the united states has. >> the controversial video and accompanying quiz put together by digital education company after a firestorm over the quiz question safari pulled it from the program. the company has no plans to pull the actual video. >> one of the options was c, terrorists hate everyone. c is the more accurate answer than they gave. >> coming up a really rude awakening for one driver in the state of florida who nodded off at the wheel. >> then thousand shalt not steal. a church robbed for the second time this year it's all caught on camera. first let's check in with steve dos see to see what's coming up on fox and friends. >> we are caught on camera right now. coming up we are going to talk about your lead story how amanda
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knox the american -- italian court overturned her acquittal an ordered a new trial for amanda knox. the very latest on that. also we told you about how joe biden spent half a million dollars on a hotel for one day in paris. he also spent 300,000 dollars on cars that joe biden didn't even ride in. how would you like to pay for an ire line ticket based not on your seat but on how much you weigh? pay booty the pound. plus the doctor is in the house and he's going to look at my cholesterol. great. f "fox & friends" kicks off right here. scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are. [ male announcer ] fiber one.
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[ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. ♪ [ male announcer ] it was designed to escape the ordinary. it feels like it can escape gravity. ♪ the 2013 c-class coupe. ♪ starting at $37,800. ♪
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>> italy's top appeals court over turning amanda knox murder acquittal. she was found not guilty in 2011. >> after serving four years behind bars. >> what happens next in the case? can italy force her to go there to stand trial begin? >> good morning to you. in a word, no. the united states and italy have an extradition treaty. the united states has a history of not honoring all of the requests for extradition from italy. the mrooents of these involves cia agents who were convicted an ob sten shaw of kidnapping the streets of mal lan and bringing him to a country. they have repeatedly demanded the extradition of these federal agent and the united states said
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no. were she to go to an e uconn tree, not just italy but any country in the european union she could be arrested on the spot and delivered to italian prosecutors and confined until this case comes to pass again. she is still living on thin ice. i don't think she is in danger in the united states. >> she was originally sentenced to 26 years. 24r6z allott there was a lot of ternnal pressure on the judge. he showed a will from the very start to acquit some say. do you think that had anything to do with this? >> no. if you recall all of that, we all i guess about a year and a half ago picked through the evidence in this case with tremendous, tremendous detail obviously we don't know if she committed the murder but by american standards there clearly is enough doubt here that she
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woulding found not guilty in an american court. the european justice system is not as differential to the defendant as the american system of justice is. but the public pressure of which you spoke on the trial judge was even greater on the appeals court judge after they acquitted her. because she was perceived in the italian media as a monster. it was clear will of the italian public that she should be convicted not something that determines guilt or innocence but something that can effect the ultimate outcome in a highly politicized environment as we have in italy. >> quickly the u.s. has double jeopardy laws that protect its citizens but obviously not in italy. what's the deal with that? >> when your conviction is overturned there is a second acquittal that is not considered double jeopardy. as bizarre as it sounds it's considered a continuation of the same case.
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>> judge napolitano thank you so much. we will be hearing more from you in fact on "fox & friends"" including your brew on this responses. by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. : very logical thinker. (laughs) i'm telling you right now, the girl back at home would absolutely not have taken a zip line in the jungle. (screams) i'm reallylad that girl stayed at home.
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