tv Hannity FOX News March 27, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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tonight. i am bill o'reilly and remember the spin stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. >> . >> and this is a fox news alert. tonight, the obama administration is finally coming clean about the true cost of obamacare after years of lies they're going on record and admitting that their brilliant plan will actually raise insurance premiums for countless american families. now, just yesterday, health and human services secretary kathleen sebelius total reporters, quote, these folks will be moving into a fully insured product for the first time so there may be a higher cost associated with getting into that market. now she tells us? maybe it took her this long to actually read the bill to find out what's in it. what's interesting about the revelation, it directly contradicts what the president has been telling you for
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years. watch this. >> we will start by reducing premiums by as much as $2500 per family. and we'll do it by taking the following five steps to lower costs throughout our health care system. that's why i met with representatives of insurance and drug companies, doctors and hospitals, and labor unions who are pledging to do their part to reduce health care costs. >> add it all up and the plan i'm proposing will cost around 900 billion dollars over ten years. >> our cost cutting measures mirror most of the proposals in the current senate bill which reduces most people he's premiums and brings down our deficit by up to 1 trillion dollars over the next decade because we're spending our health care dollars more wisely. >> when you hear about the affordable care act, obamacare, (applause), and i -- and i don't mind the name
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because i really do care. >> sean: well, it's your name, excuse me, mr. president. if you really did care why would you have repeatedly lied to the american people about the effects of this master plan? i'm not surprisingly when asked about sebelius' comments on the raise in the cost earlier today white house propagandaist. >> reported by your health and human services secretary saying there will be an increase in premiums for some americans as a result of obamacare, do you agree with that. >> i didn't see those comments. what i would point to, i would point to the results we're seeing in the affordable care act and the announcement from the cbo in the future we'll see rates that are lower for higher benefits. >> sean: pretty standard response from the administration, blame, blame, and cue the damage control. joining me now with reaction, former advisor to bush and cheney mary matalin is back with us and joe trippi.
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let's start with the actuaries, the average in rise in cost is 32%, when you put it on the screen, it's right there and running the different states. some states are going up as high as 80%. now, obama told us it was going to be a savings for $2500. that's not true. that's not true. >> that's -- that study is not looking at-- >> is not what? >> doesn't look at the entire plan. it doesn't look at employer plants, it it looks at single pay,buying in. >> sean: well, wait, but obama said the costs were going down, joe, that's what he said, he promised america. >> they are going down and they're right, we have saved 2.1 billion dollars and the cbo-- >> we have said, wait a minute, he said 900 billion. what's the latest cbo number of what the estimate? >> the cbo says that people will be paying lower premiums
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for better coverage. >> sean: excuse me. it's now estimated at 2.8 trillion. now. >> sean, sean. >> sean: let's look a the accountability office. how much is it going to add to the debt? let's put it up on the screen. 6.2 trillion dollars. government accountability office. did obama tell us that? >> the study does not show -- this doesn't look at any of the cost cutting stuff, any of the savings. >> sean: the government accountability office. >> 6.1 billion that's been saved by seniors who take the med. >> sean: when he stole out of medicare to pay-- rob peter to pay paul? >> sean, this study that you're quoting is not accurate. it doesn't-- it's not being accurately reported and yes, some people will be paying higher premiums, some people haven't paid any premiums in the past, so their premiums are going to be higher. >> sean: let me go to my friend mary, mary, good to see you. i know you have these
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arguments at home occasionally. >> we don't bother arguing with these, and i love joe, too, but let's just -- the aca, kak, obamacare, is an abomination. nothing has been saved, it hasn't been implemented and it just defies common sense. it's an assault on economic liberty and religious liberty and free markets and the cost of everything is going up for families, for individuals, for employers, for providers. and the quality and quantity is going down. the cost of things going up just at the thought of obamacare and when it's fully implemented it will go up not just an average of 32%, but as much as 120%. it's unsustainable, but worse, it's going to diminish quality. it's going to ration not only the quantity of care, but the quality of care by disincentivizing doctors and by saying who can get coverage for what and when and for how much. government is going to dictate and diminish what used to be the best health care system in
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the world. and it's unthinkable. >> sean: mary, let me ask you this. the president sold this at under $900 billion made a big deal about that. the president said repeatedly the average family would save $2500. now we discover it's 2.8 trillion in that not 900 billion. 6.2 trillion over a long period added to the debt and americans are going to lose their jobs because of the mandates that will force governments, employers, to put people-- the penalties they will pay. so, they're not going to hire people full-time. >> yeah, but sean, don't be such a sourpuss, everybody gets free birth control. >> sean: for my age, i'm getting older, and look at the gray hair coming in like trippi. (laughter) >> sean, none of this looks at the cost -- at any of the things, any of the competition, we're all
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supposed to be republicans are supposed to be for competition, the insurers, the state insurance plans that will be in competition to lower costs. all of this stuff. what you're doing, sean, you're-- >> you're denying reality. go ahead, mary. >> there are people denying he reality and it's not me, sean. >> listen, now, what they're calling competition is the opposite of free market. when the government is dictating who gets covered, what gets covered, how much gets covered, that's not competition and that's not a free market. there are other release mechanism is to subsidize people who otherwise couldn't pay for these higher premiums. and that's a redistribution scheme. they're going to be taking money out of the private sector to put into this public-run health care. that's not competition and it's not growth. they're also stifling innovation by disincentivizing doctors and thank god it's nonbinding resolution to
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withdraw the medical device tax, but there's this plan is replete with innovation stifling which will also increase costs and decrease quality. and free birth control-- >> let me touch on, did the president sell this at under $900 billion? >> yeah, but we don't-- >> whoa, whoa, is that what it's going to cost? because that's not what the cbo said. >> the cbo says that people will be paying lower rates for better coverage. >> sean: wrong, wrong. >> that's what it says and by the way, you're not looking at-- >> the washington calculators, 2.8 trillion is what the cost is going to be, joe. it's adding 6.2 trillion to the debt. what calculator are you using? >> i'm not using a calculator, i'm talking about that you're not calculating any of the savings. that's a number if none of the
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savings happen and none of the-- >> let me put it back. so they say 6.2 trillion is added to our debt. are you saying that the government accountability office is lying to the american people? >> i don't believe that 6.8 trillion is going to be added to the debt. >> sean: the government accountability office is lying and what obama is telling is true. >> i'm just disagreeing with the numbers. >> sean: you're disagreeing with the number. >> you're the one that throws the word lying around, not me, i don't believe they're lying. >> sean: is every family going to see $2500 in savings next year, joe, is or is that a lie, too? >> no. >> sean: they're not. >> it's not a lie at that every one of them isn't going to see that, sean. the key was some. no, most people will. most people buy health care through their employer and that's how it will happen. >> sean: mary this, reminds me of a lock box that's supposed to have our retirement money in it. >> and the stimulus and have a blessed easter, my friends. >> happy easter. >> sean: i love you both, even joe just a little, sort of.
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good to see you. tonight, frank luntz is here and brand new dials from the latest bipartisan focus group. first, day 19 of the white house lockout of little children and while student groups and families remain unable to tour the people's house, the president is refusing to rule out more lavish vacations for his family and later tonight, robert redford and susansarando the terrorist underground. and that's not the only black eye for hollywood. and sean penn's attack against an african-american photographer like father like son. are a bit under sized then this will be a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v
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>> welcome back to "hannity." today marked the 19th straight day that the people's house remains closed to the public and we can thank president obama. while the white house is still unable to justify why the american people should pay for his lavish life style, the life style of rich and famous first family, fair share. he loves to use the word balance, fair share and cut back on costly family vacations. town hall contributor, katie, and penny lee, how many vacations do you take a year? >> one or two, three or four. >> sean: one, two, three or four. what is it, one, two, three or four? give me an answer. and what's a good vacation
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year for penny lee, a democratic strategist? what is that? >> probably about two, maybe three. >> sean: maybe three. so-- >> depends when the holidays. >> sean: hawaii, aspen, florida, tiger golf, and now, spring break, four family vacations. do you think, especially that we're paying for it, 50 million americans on food stamps, one in six in poverty, 14 million americans on disability, do you think maybe the optics aren't maybe too good and cut back and do their fair share? >> as now, every president has taken vacation. >> sean: i didn't ask about that. >> george w. bush, george w. bush spent 35% of his presidency on vacation. >> sean: that's not true. >> absolutely you look at-- >> that's not true. i looked at the log. >> sean: and camp david, stop, that's not true. you're looking at false numbers, you sound like-- and i'm asking, four vacations, 50 million americans on food stamps, you
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don't have any roam with it. you don't think there's any extravagance, and the optics. >> i think every president is entitled to take a few days off. >> play with tiger. >> every president has and every president will. >> sean: and president "let them eat cake" is how i view this white house. >> let's take a look, yes, every president is entitled to vacation. now, is every president entitled to three vacations in a three-month time frame. >> sean: four, don't forget spring break, you forgot spring break. >> four. at a time when the white house is closed, the people's house, for middle class families in washington d.c. to see the white house on their spring break, which they took a long of time and money to save and pay for, i think the optics look very bad. they should open the white house, the vacations cost a ton of money and we can have the white house open for a lot of months when you compare the amount of money we're spending
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on laugh vick vish vacations. >> sean: 118 rounds of golf and basketball, and concerts, adele and beyonce are coming to the white house and the great shooting session by president mark smith, president smith & wesson there. >> and now-- >> for free. >> and what i'm missing are the pictures of george w. bush cutting down trees in the middle of two wars, where those. >> cutting down trees. >> sean: he gave up golf during the war because he didn't want families of brave men and women seeing him playing golf while they're fighting a war. >> he had no problem going to the ranch in crawford. he had no business clearing brush, he had no problem. >> sean: excuse me. >> the vacations which he did. >> sean: excuse me, he wasn't playing golf. yeah, cleaning brush and riding a bicycle. that's what he did for vacation. but a lot of this time katie, what they're trying to do, here you have the lavish parties and vacations and making some moral
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equivalencesy. >> yeah, and i think that there's a huge difference between playing golf, going to hawaii taking separate flights. let's not forget that michelle obama took a separate flight for the hawaiian vacation with the two girls, she didn't want to wait around for president obama to finish business in the capital and remember that, and a separate trip to colorado. >> sean: martha's vineyard. >> separate flights all the time. in an age we need to be thrifty and everyday americans are being thrifty, it would good if the obamas would look like they're trying and paying lip service. >> sean: and the poor children which obama claims to care about, they're suffering. they can't go to the white house yet maybe if they come back on a vacation and do their fair share, penny and perhaps have a little skin in the game and do their patriot duty because they're not doing their fair share. we could use that money for the children. >> let us be clear,
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republicans afforded the sequestration and-- >> that was obama's idea. >> furloughing agents or cutting back-- >> it was the white house's-- >> or cutting back the white house. >> i think it's an easy choice, instead of furloughing agents and cut back on tours. >> sean: let them eat cake, eat cake and enjoy it. no he children get to go to the white house. obama's got to fly $180,000 an hour trip, hawaii, separate. >> when obama is on vacation with his daughters, the little kids will be standing in the cold unable to go on spring break inside the white house. >> sean: crying that their trip is canceled, upset. and that's what democrats. >> oh, my. >> sean: they don't care about the children. you know, a reality. >> oh, sean. >> sean: they don't. they're choosing their vacations over the little children. >> oh, please. >> maybe president obama should make an offer like you do, offer to pay out of his own pocket to keep the white house-- >> like i did. >> a choice between furloughing agents or keeping the tours. >> sean: i would say no vacation, if it was me i'd give up my summer vacation and
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put the money into opening the white house again, the people's house. >> how about walking the dog on your own, instead after dog sitter. >> sean: i open the door for my dogs all the time. go out and do your business. >> walk the dog by yourself. >> sean: frank luntz is in the studio and brand new dials out of washington and later you'll see the trailer of the outrageous new movie that honors terrorist, bill ayers. it's a hollywood tribute to the weather underground. and the son of hugo chavez's friend sean penn is screaming epithets at a photographer, we have it on tape. (bleep) this is awesome! whoooo! you're crazy. go faster! go faster! go faster! go faster! no! stop...stop...
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>> and welcome back to "hannity." now, the majority of americans agree, washington, they need to get their fiscal house in in order. and just yesterday president obama signed yet another continuing resolution instead of a long-term budget. but as we've seen over and over and over again the democrats, they'd rather spend their time painting the republicans as mean, heartless budget cutters instead of
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coming up with real solutions. what do americans think? he's here, frank luntz, how are you. >> i brought three clips for the american people to understand this is the language of the republicans and democrats. i want to start with nancy pelosi. >> sean: let me pick, i want to start with nancy pelosi. >> i never thought i'd here you say this. this is the lowest testing moment if the the five years i've worked for fox news. she comes out against the idea of pay for play, balancing the budget or putting out a budget or you don't get paid as a member of congress. watch how badly this scores. >> they call this bill, no budget, no pays. who pays under the republican budget? seniors pay ending the american guarantee. seniors and children with disabilities way cutting medicaid. children pay because it will cut investments in their education and their future and their self-fulfillment and the
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competitiveness of our country. and the global economy. veterans pay because of the gutting of our domestic spending priorities. i don't think that we should ever link what we do here as if whether people get paid. we have a lot of work to do here. this linkage is a gimmick, it's a joke. >> sean: and she almost said-- >> i don't think we should ever link what we do here to our pay. do you understand why congress has a 11% job approval rating. gaddafi it a 14% job approval rating and that's among the people who killed him. >> sean: 87% of americans are now disgusted with congress. >> i'm he shocked it's not higher because nancy pelosi in that clip-- this tells you there's
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something wrong with the republican party viewers have not seen the clip. >> sean: and we hear pelosi and reid, we don't have rah a spending problem. >> and she says we should not link pay to our performance. and the reason that harry reid, this is the best clip that we've at theed for harry reid. this is smart for the democrats to try to create a universal appeal on the budget. let's take a look. >> our power for an agreement will take a balanced approach to reduce spending. i urge the republicans to join us to do the difficult, but necessary work at hand. if there is a message to take away from this year's election, it is this, americans are tired of politics and position, they're tired of obstruction, and distraction. the american people, democrats and republicans, want cooperation, reconciliation. i urge any of my republican colleagues who are considering the same strategy of obstruction to turn away from the divisions of the past and
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join cooperation, compromise and consensus. >> sean: all right, the problem is, he doesn't mean it, that sounded like obama, obama doesn't mean it either. they say that and then the president goes out and say that republicans want to stab, punch, kick, and hang and throw granny over the cliff. >> except there's a reason why the democrats have the advantage on so many issues, at least on attributes of understanding where americans are right now. >> it doesn't matter that it's total bs, everything we just heard? >> the first step if republicans actually want to win. >> sean: say that. >> first understand the language that's killing them and that larry reid is killing them. >> sean: even though that's phony, you agree with me? that's not harry reid, harry reid is one of the most divisive guys in d.c. >> it's up to the republicans to demonstrate it's not them that's being divisive, polarizing and extreme. >> sean: you've got to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a
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dove. i read that somewhere. >> that's deep. >> sean: i studied theology in high school, i went to a seminar. >> a clip from marco is one of the best and talks about the importance of economic growth, basically about jobs, and what people priority advertise, this clip works. >> both parties agree what we need is growth in america, it's the single biggest way, best way to solve our debt problems, our unemployment problems. and now the debate somehow we generate growth. the reason i oppose tax increases, i think they hurt growth and destructive to growth, but flattening the tax code, getting rid of certain exemptions today and you can do that in a revenue neutral way in the first year, but that would generate growth and growth would generate revenue. and then you have to have the fiscal discipline to use that revenue to pay down the debt. so i think that growth would be the way to solve this problem and i think tax increases would hurt growth. >> sean: off the charts. >> democrats, too, because he's talking about the economy and the overall picture and
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saying now is the time to get it done. marco rubio has become one of the great communicators of our era, because he-- >> he adopt add little bit of this harry reid, except maybe it's genuine for him, along with that, meaning the american people wants us to get it done. balanced approaches, and people tired of political division, that would help, too. >> they want a message that's individualized to them, personalized to the american people and humanized. >> sean: i don't like that the democrats have focus groups, they frank luntz their words, but they don't mean them. i don't like to be lied to. that's what bothers me about harry reid. >> the key is will the republican come up with the right words and. >> sean: frank luntz? >> i plan to use it on the back of my next book. just give me the endorsement. >> sean: done. you got it. and they plan to feature bill ayers in a few film.
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we're going to remind robert redford and susan sarandon about his past. and shocking video of sean penn's son engaged in a vile racist expletive-filled rant. watch this. don't do that, (bleep). don't do that-- >>. >> don't forget, log on to our special companion site, hannity live. you share your thoughts on this and much more. hanni sean hannity. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints. and knowing there's always more in the world to see.
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see your authorized mercedes-benz dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. through mercedes-benz but that doesn't mean i don't want to make money.stor. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what's your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. >> hollywood's tribute to the weather underground is set for limited release in the u.s. next friday. left wing actors like robert redford and susan sarandon, the company you keep. this is a film that
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effectiveeffective ly romanticizes the group. and founded by president obama's old pal bill ayers. >> former weather underground leaders. >> one of the fugitives on the fbi's most wanted list, arrested after the bank of michigan robbery that resulted in the death of a guard. >> you look weird. >> i'm fine, honey. >> i look at the man's history, in 1979. >> nicholas long had been-- living as a lawyer named james grant. >> did he have any family? >> a daughter, 11. >> see you soon. where are you going? >> i don't think he's running away, i think's he trying to clear his name. >> and neve been together, any of us over all of these years. >> you've got a full green light. >> and remember, the horrific history of the weather underground in 1970, the group planted a pipe bomb at the san
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francisco police department, one person was killed and also that year the nypd was targeted with dynamite and seven injured that case and three weather men were killed after trying to assembly ied's, the u.s. capitol were hit and 1981, two police officers and a brinks guard killed by an armed robbery orchestrated by the members. sadly this is what they're choosing? i expect nothing else from redford and sarandon. they're supposed to be the heroes who stand for their beliefs, is that how this plays out according to deadline hollywood? >> you know what something that induces nausea and vomiting? well, this trailer is a hollywood manufactured emettic. and robert redford and susan sarandon who glorify those who
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have blood on their hands? this is blood boiling particularly because the plot of the movie which involves a bank robbery and has rose-colored glasses about these sympathetic weather underground type members, i think, defiles the memory of all of the innocent victims and particularly the three who died in the real life bank robbery in the last incident that you mentioned in 1981. there were two police officers and a security guard, peter page, waverly brown, and edward o'grady and those names of course mean nothing. they're mud to the likes of these hollywood directors and actors who of course will then get accolades and probably win oscar awards for their performances. but i think what needs to happen is that the victims of all domestic terrorism and particularly weather underground and black liberation army which were involved in that particular
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bank robbery, need to show up at all of these events, on the red carpet and make these people confront the real life violence that they are glorifying. >> sean: and then of course later he'll become an esteemed professor at a liberal university like university of chicago, and then of course, you can start the political career of barack obama in your house and give speeches with obama and sit on boards with obama. i know, it's all-- we still haven't gotten an answer and it still irritates me. let me show you the video, maybe like father like son. we've got sean penn known for going off paparazzi and photographers. he walks in and interestingly, he didn't do anything, but then his son, 19 years old, follows up and watch this video.
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>> are you kidding me? don't ever do that, dude. (bleep). >> wow, reaction? >> yeah, the hollywood anger management candidate apple doesn't fall far from the tree. of course, dad, sean penn, the senior of course, was involved in violent altercations with paparazzi and here now with the son hopper penn, who was pretty hopped up in that video hurling racist slurs at a photographer on the day that, you know, one of these gay marriage cases is before the supreme court. sean penn himself, a big
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champion of gay rights, remember a couple of years ago he was honored by hollywood for his depiction of gay mayor, san francisco mayor and waxed forth so sanctimoniously about the need for tolerance. maybe he should have been delivering that speech to his son? >> i watch this and i'm thinking, you know, there's such hypocrisy by, you know, they should be thanking the paparazzi. and gets some pictures in the paper and some publicity. alec baldwin is another lunatic out there freaks out a photographer taking a picture. somebody wants to take a pictures, hi, smile, what's the big deal? >> look, i don't have -- i have sympathy for a lot of people who are famous and have to deal with that, especially if they have children, but look, that photographer wasn't doing anything. he was doing his job and he was attacked in this very bigoted way by liberal celebrities who are accusing--
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>> imagine if it was said at a tea party rally which it wasn't. >> or by a republican's child. >> sean: appreciate it. and coming up next, the star of the massive tv hit mini series "the bible" roma downey joins me in the studio to talk about her role as the virgin mary and she brought along an exclusive sneak peek for the finale on sunday night coming up here on "hannity." ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control [ male announcer ] with the new one-touch wand. ♪ yeha a new ride comes along and changes everythi. the powerful gs. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the mmand performance sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> now the wildly popular mini series, "the bible" has drawn more than 15 million viewers per week and retells stories from the scriptures and viewers are taken away by powerful performances and visual effects. and catch the finale on the history channel and for those who missed the entire season, let not your heart be troubled, watch it on blu-ray and dvd on april 2nd. joining me now is one of the stars of the series, she plays mother mary, roma downney, how are you? >> you're married to mark burnett. survivors and all of those. "th. >> sean: "shark tank". >> he's awesome and also an awesome husband, one of the
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good guys. >> sean: i'm glad to hear it. i only missed one episode and i'm going to catch it. you estimate about 80 million people. >> yes. >> sean: have seen this. for cable those numbers are beyond astronomical. >> i know, it's extraordinary. it's the number one series on cable. it has been trending number one on twitter every sunday night that it's on and people's lives are being touched. people are excited. people are in conversation everywhere about the bible, around the water cooler and more importantly, around the kitchen table. >> sean: first of all, it's extraordinarily well done he so i give you a lot of credit by that. and you know what's interesting to me? a little bit of the passion of the christ, mel gibson's movie. your old show "touched by an angel" i use today watch it regularly, all of these shows, it seems like tv is moving towards the worst common denominator, but every time something like this comes on people gravitate towards it,
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but the idiots in hollywood don't get it. neve an appetite. >> i think that people are hungry for hope, for purpose, for god and "touched by an angel" certainly for almost a decade spoke to that. the message that there is a god and god loves you and wants to be part of your life. clearly the central message in the bible is a story of love, and hope, and redemption and we're bringing that home for easter sunday. the most spectacular easter episode that we're hoping that people-- >> i'm excited. >> and families will join together ab experience the miracle of easter. >> sean: i was so mad i missed the first episode. so, all right, i'm reading about the series and some of the circumstances during filming. >> yes. >> sean: and you believe there were miracles taking place on the set while filming this mini series? >> yes , you know, we started this mini series with a prayer and prayerfully made the move
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and filmed it in morocco, there were a number of instances where the extraordinary things happened. we had a man on the set whose job it was to clear snakes and scorpions. >> sean: what a great gig that is. >> he became known as the snake man and maybe he cleared one or two snakes a day from behind it, we were filming the crucifixion sequence and we needed everybody to pray that it would have go off smoothly. that day he cleared 48 snakes from the foot of the cross. that was extraordinary thing. we had instances where the wind blew through the set. >> sean: at certain times. >> at certain times, in exact lines when the actor who played jesus. >> sean: a great job. >> beautiful inside and out, but where he speaks of the spirit blowing like the wind and suddenly the wind just blew through the village as if on cue. as if we had just turned the fans on. and it was an extraordinary,
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but the real miracle has just been how people are, you know, responding to it. we've had so many e-mails and feedback from families who are just happy to have an entry point into a conversation about faith and a conversation about god. >> sean: it's important in my life. a very big part and i don't think-- a seems like we're kind of as a society, you know, everything that we need about, we're getting away from some of those values. you know, america, we're endowed by our creator, we had a college class in the last week where the professor is asking students to stomp on the name jesus. it seems the one area where you can discriminate is conservative christians. >> i do know there's a lot of good guys out there and the bad news gets all the news and i figure we need to make more noise for the good guys. >> sean: i have to ask you
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this question. so the controversy over the devil, now, i will be honest, i was sitting next to my wife and we were watching, and as soon as that picture came up we looked at each other and said, that looks like obama and a lot of other people thought that. and some people thought, well, maybe that was done on purpose and you said absolutely not. >> absolutely not. we thought it must have been a very slow news day. (laughter) we had-- >> well, we have a few of those, we've got to fill in the gaps. >> we had screened the episodes for months in pre-screening. >> sean: never dawned on you. >> and no one had mentioned it before. >> sean: and he had played jesus apparently in other places-- i'm sorry, played the devil in other places. >> he's a really great actor. anyway. >> sean: can you see it now? >> i was hoping that morning that we would have-- the night before jesus had made his first appearance on screen and i was hopeful that that monday everybody would be talking about jesus. my heart sank to wake up that
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morning. >> sean: that bothered you. >> and everybody was talking about satan. that bothered me. but-- >> if you look at him now could you see where people see that. >> i can't really. i think that we, you know, we sprayed him a silvery white to make him look like death and looks nothing like him. >> sean: now the great part the, you're going to give awes sneak peek, a clip of the finale nobody has seen before. >> that's right. >> sean: i feel honored. thanks to roma. we have that exclusive sneak peek at the series finale, it's sunday night, eight o'clock on the history channel. powerful and emotional scene that you'll only see right here on "hannity" and it's only moments away. ♪ [ male announcer ] how do you engineer a true automotive breakthrough? ♪ you give it bold styling, unsurpassed luxury and nearly 1,000 improvements. the redesigned 2013 glk.
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>> sean: those who said you have to water it down and this came up during "the passion of the christ", you're going going to get the impact of the sacrifice if you don't. the most creative things you did, jesus had flashes of what's going to happen to him. and in the garden, take the cross away. no, thy will will be done and he knew, and that makes it more profound in terms of the sacrifice. >> extraordinary and we filmed the sequence over three days on a lonely hill side, and you know, there were such logistical challenges, physical challenges, to have to sustain the time put up on that cross and we tried to harness him up there and to support the weight and so on. but the emotional and spiritual demands of the day was really-- >> did you feel playing the
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mother of jesus, did you find you got into that role maybe deeper than you thought you would? >> well, i have loved the blessed mother my whole life. >> sean: catholic-- >> loved jesus my whole life. and i felt so privileged and humbled to be able to step into the role. i am a mother myself. so i brought a mother's heart to try to imagine what that might be like to feel that with a mother's heart, to see it through a mother's eyes, but remembering that jesus of had seven things from the cross and i reminded that watching the scene and in one of those things he took time to love and care for his mother. >> sean: well done. really well done. i'm looking forward to seeing the finale on sunday night and then if people, you haven't caught up, you can watch during day. >> yeah, the history are doing a whole marathon and hope that people gather around to see
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