tv FOX and Friends FOX News March 29, 2013 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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>> mike e-mails the white castle retirement takes the cake. >> james wrote in the whale was incredible. >> the bedtime bandit is the overwhelming winner on our website poll with 92% of the vote. kids always love them. >> thank you for responding. "fox & friends" starts right now. >>gretchen: good morning. tgif. it is good friday today if you are observing easter this weekend. it is march 29. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. the president pushing a crackdown on your right to bear arms but says you shouldn't have a problem with it. >> none of these ideas should be controversial. why wouldn't we want to make it more difficult for a dangerous person to get his or her hand on a gun? >>gretchen: the laws already exist and new research shows it's democrats who are ignoring them? we'll explain.
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>>steve: blocking an auction from a guy trying to sell a jim carey auto graph he wants to use the money to buy a gun with. >>brian: a seven-year-old toting an ak-47 as big as he is smoking a cigarette. in syria. "fox & friends" starts now. >>steve: he's the iron man of the fox news channel. yesterday he did "the five." he did the hannity show. he's doing this show. he's doing his show tonight. the great eric bolling in today. >>gretchen: you got your friday? >>steve: pull out the coffee. maybe red bull. >>gretchen: i was wondering if you were going to bank around the coffee
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this morning. eric's bankrolling the coffee. welcome. we're going to play dodge ball outside to see how our skills are. >>steve: today is good friday, part of the holy tritium. manslaughter did i -- maundy thursday and sunday is holy easter. >>gretchen: let's start with headlines. north korea escalating its threat against america. scores of north koreans turning out for a mass rally after kim jung un ordered rocket preps. he said north korea is ready to settle accounts with the u.s., whatever that means. >> the big fear is miscalculation. this guy is young, chases
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women and is not getting good advice. the great fear is somebody is going to miscalculate and kim jung un is going to do something stupid and ratchet up this treadmill where we find ourselves doing something we don't want to do. >>gretchen: it is not believed north korea could launch a full-scale attack. the obama administration could make you pay more at the gas pump. the environmental protection agency wants to cut the amount of sulfur allowed in gasoline and tighten emission standards on cars beginning in 2017. the proposed rule could increase prices by 6 cents to 9 cents a gallon. it could make cars cost $20,000 more by 2025. thousands of pilgrims are taking part in a good friday procession in the old city. it retraces the footsteps
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of jesus to the stations of the cross. i had the opportunity to do that. amazing experience. pope francis will be taking part in celebrations in rome. it will be his first time as the head of the roman catholic church. could science reveal a religious breakthrough? new research says the famous shroud many believe to be jesus's dates back to between 280 b.c. and 220 a.d. the cloth appears to show the image of a man with wounds similar to jesus. those are your headlines. >>steve: they have got to make up their minds on that. it was very clear yesterday the president of the united states was there in the east room of the white house surrounded by mothers who had lost children at sandy hook less than 100 days ago, and he made it very clear congress has got to do something. they have got to pass more laws regarding gun control, and he wanted everybody not only in that room but
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across the country to call their member of congress and remind them about newtown. here's the president. >> none of these ideas should be controversial. why wouldn't we want to make it more difficult for a dangerous person to get his or her hand on a gun? why wouldn't we want to close the loophole that allows as many as 40% of all gun purchases to take place without a background check? why wouldn't we do that? >>gretchen: so some on the g.o.p. side are not going to be happy with this particular move, and they're actually saying they may filibuster. here's what it would take. it would be a 60-vote threshold in the senate to pass any kind of gun control measures. and it would be a tough hurdle to clear especially if republicans are going to filibuster. guess who is at the front of the line, the guy who recently did this. senator rand paul. >> president obama had the backdrop. he used the stage again.
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some would say props to push his political agenda. i just -- again and again and again he said it's not going to be controversial. well, yes it was. it's not going to infringe on the second amendment, your second amendment rights. yes, they would. i had the opportunity to speak is to rand paul last night on hannity and asked him about what he plans to do with this legislation. listen. >> i just want to get this straight. will you or will you not use the senate floor and filibuster this bill before it goes to a vote? >> we will filibuster the bill. we won't let them bring it forward because our fear is that once it comes forward, they'll come forward with something that sounds benign in the beginning but we already have the feinstein amendment that talks about banning certain types of gun. that is inconsistent with the second amendment. >> can he throw this in there? what they're worried about, rand paul specifically, there will be a bill that hits the senate floor and there will be all these
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amendments. they will keep loading them with amendments and they're concerned about some of the amendments actually passing. as of right now it doesn't look like any of them will. it is very interesting, though, to see who votes for these amendments because a lot of these senators, democratic senators, are highly rated with the n.r.a. and they're risking that rating and they don't want to risk it. >>gretchen: it is my understanding the base of the bill will could have universal background checks and give more money for school security. on its face the controversial element of the base part of the bill for republicans is covering the universal background checks. i think most people are not going to come out and be against more money for school security, at least right away. >>steve: there is a provision that has to do with straw buyers. there are a number of republicans, including charles grassley of iowa, who supports that. yesterday when the president was in the east room of the white house, he wasn't talking about assault weapon ban because he knows that harry reid doesn't like that. and in fact harry reid took
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that provision, which was instituted by dianne feinstein, out of the senate bill. so whatever goes forward doesn't have that in it. and mr. grassley himself says apparently he's going to go ahead and come up with his own version of gun control. and what the president essentially did was, he had like essentially a 13-minute guilt trip telling people don't forget the kids. shame on us he said repeatedly. what's interesting, shame on us for what? that a crazy person got a gun and killed people? we feel terrible about that. there are plenty of laws out there today that simply are not being enforced. >> that's the point of this. you're right, gretchen, the three points. most of them are there already. illegal gun trafficking, you're not supposed to do that. there is funding for certain types of of, for the schools and certain types they want to beef it up. okay. the universal background check, you want to do that, that's fine.
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the amendments are concerning. and the one they're most concerned about, the amendment they're most concerned about isn't the assault weapons or the magazine, multiple shot magazines. it's the national gun registry. people don't want a national gun registry. that means whoever owns a gun, you have to declare the gun and the government is going to know where every single handgun and shotgun is. >>gretchen: a lot has been made about the fact that there are already laws on the books. we've seen this with immigration as well. are they actually being enforced? is that the other side of the story here? if you look at some of the major cities where guns are an issue -- look at los angeles, new york, chicago, for example -- these cities prosecuted the fewest amount of crimes with relation to guns. and you would think even though they have a lot of crimes related to guns that they would be prosecuting them because there are the laws on the books. but in effect they're not, a study points out. you have to wonder if that should be a central part of this argument as well.
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what do we already have on the books? let's compare and start prosecuting those laws. >>steve: the ironic thing is the guy who is using 12 million of his own dollars -- mayor michael bloomberg of new york -- is one of the three cities, the federal district that has the fewest number of federal prosecutions for gun laws. keep in mind those three places also have some of the strictest gun rules and one of the top districts for enforcement? southern alaska, the state of kansas, and western tennessee. that's where they enforce the rules. >> this is an interesting story. you heard about this? he made the video taking a shot at charlton heston and the n.r.a. and used some language that was maybe a little unseemly. someone had a great idea. they were going to auction off an auto graphed picture of jim carrey and he was
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going to use the proceeds from that picture to buy a gun. jim wrote on it spank you very much. something like that would normally go for $8. by wednesday afternoon there were 103 bids and somebody was willing to pay $860. however late wednesday that caption disappeared and suddenly they put up simply this: i am selling the jim carrey auto graphed black and white photo for purposes i can't explain because it might be against ebay's terms and conditions. clearly mr. carrey called ebay said you can't have that up there. it is in violation. >>steve: violation of what? >>gretchen: they had the word "gun." >> you can't mention the word gun? they're selling a picture.
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>>gretchen: we'll have to see. that video we showed you with jim carrey, now there is an antiparody, a version of the video to go against his original version. here it is. ♪ and they choose ♪ ♪ to go a ♪ killin' ♪ cause they saw ♪ a batman villain ♪ killin' 12 ♪ ring a bell ♪ sometimes stars get ♪ armed guards ♪ when they make ♪ a million bucksters ♪ then call you heartless ♪ mother [bleep] ♪ too often say ♪ is it the fame >>gretchen: has anyone
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heard the phrase rise above the fray? where does this craziness end. let us know what you think about it. you like that video? you like the first one? you like none of them? twitter us, e-mail us and let us know. >> we go inside the cockpit of a helicopter. never before seen photos of jfk jr. >>steve: 40-something million americans are on food stamps. is it because people with high salaries can now apply? charles payne here to explain on this good explain on this good friday. look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings i'my body doesn't work the way it used to.
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past mprime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend. shoot. now with the share everything plan from verizon, connect your camera, along with your smartphone and tablet. all your devices connected by one simple plan on the powerful network. record video. connect more. so you can do more. the share everything plan from verizon. add additional devices like the samsung galaxy camera for $5 monthly access.
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handout. that's a 70% spike since president obama took office. >>eric: could it be because new rules are actually encouraging people with higher salaries to apply? fox business charles payne joins us. this is it? right? president obama hasn't raised the bar to get food stamps and entitlements? he lowered the bar, made it easier to qualify for the programs. >> absolutely. not only has the obama administration lowered the bar, but they have also done something really yew nuke with their ad -- really unique with their ad campaign, an aggressive ad campaign designed to remove any stigma you may have from taking food stamps. we know we're coming through the great recession, if you will. we're obviously an extraordinarily generous country. but one thing we have also seen throughout the years is this myriad of programs that are designed to help people at some point can also start to backfire.
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one of the things we're already beginning to see is the unemployment number in this country is coming down, the economy is getting better. the president himself says that all the time. yet, the food stamp rolls continue to increase. that's something that is somewhat alarming. you look at the data. under ronald reagan, the recipients of food stamps declined every single year. they exploded under the first term of bill clinton. bill clinton was the guy who put through welfare reform, let's save $50 billion, encourage people to go to work and have this great economy that maybe obama will run on and maybe hillary will as well. >>steve: the president says the economy is getting better slow but sure, look at the unemployment number going down, down, down. but with so many people on food stamps that says to me and anybody who follows this stuff, so many people are taking part-time jobs where they're under the threshold, so they do qualify simply because good jobs aren't there anymore. >> it's harder to make the
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kind of money people made in the past with certain education levels. by the same token, you get to this weird place, guys, where you almost say should i try to make the transition from having 60% of the poverty level into the so-called middle class? along the way i'm going to lose a lot of benefits, and there might be a point where i do the math and it's not as pwreurbl as i'm make -- beneficial as i'm making the transition. that transitional period i may make less money even though my base salary is higher. that is the honest part no one talks about. it is so hard to get people off of dependency programs i've seen it firsthand. i've lived it, seen it. it's devastating for the recipients at some point when you don't get a chance to go after the american dream and your kids don't necessarily get a chance to go after the american dream because you're stuck in a system that you think is fair, is promoted as being
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fair but it limits the opportunities you take advantage of. >>eric: see you on barney? >> the market is not open but we have so much to talk about. we hit an all-time high on the s&p so people should tune in. >>eric: we told you about this guy. he said cut costs by cutting military funerals for those who aren't heroes. is there such a thing any way? the director of the v.f.w. here next. >>steve: and this is the opposition in syria: a seven-year-old toting an ak-47 as big as he is. of course as you can see, he's smoking a cigarette. ♪
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>>steve: quick headlines for you on this good friday morning. a u.s. army veteran arrested for allegedly fighting alongside al qaeda against the syrian regime. harroun served with the army from 2000 to 2003. authorities say he bragged on-line about his connection to the terrorists. >> is this the opposition in syria? this tough guy, all seven years old of him, ahmed, the son of a fighter with the rebels, shown toting an ak-47 and taking a drag of a cigarette. he was guarding a barricade that shelters the rebels. gretch? >>gretchen: many americans agree the government needs to cut back on spending, but get this. a columnist for the "st. louis post-dispatch" thinks funerals for military veterans who didn't die in combat are a waste of
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money. he wrote an op-ed saying most veterans did nothing heroic and last night he appeared on the o'reilly factor. >> why don't we let the v.f.w., the marine corps league take care of this. and that was the point of the column. the way you cut a budget is you take -- you cut little programs that might be nice but you don't need and you trim bigger ones. and it's been taken as a despicable attack on veterans. i think it's almost amusing. >>gretchen: our next guest doesn't think anything mr. mcclellan says was amusing. he joins me this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >>gretchen: how would you respond to that direct statement from mr. mccle llan last night? >> it is offensive to veterans, especially veterans like me who served in iraq. he said in his column that most folks who serve in the military don't do anything
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heroic. that is immaterial to this argument. the reason we deliver these honors to our fallen veterans is because they put their -- at some point they put their lives on the line for the country. they sign a blank check for our country that include anything up to and including their life. this is a final honor we bestow on them. and it is actually relatively low cost for the federal government. >>gretchen: explain how the v.f.w. participates in these particular military funerals. >> absolutely. their core funeral honors that the military delivers where they provide two uniformed personnel to provide for the flag folding as well as the playing of taps. and then the v.f.w. augments this through ancillary benefits such as an honor guard or the salute, where they fire off shots to honor the sacrifices of the fallen veterans. >>gretchen: my understanding is you as a representative of the v.f.w., the only thing that you are reimbursed for as
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an organization is your travel expenses; correct? >> absolutely. our veterans do this free of charge, and they're authorized to be reimbursed travel expenses through something called the ap-3 program the department of defense runs. it is incredibly low kofplt it was a cost-saving measure and the v.f.w. is proud to do this. i think what the columnist is talking about is cutting the uniformed personnel who come out. again, this is relatively low cost. where i work in washington, d.c., we have to fight for veterans benefits all the time. last year we had identified ten specific benefits that we wanted to cut to really balance the budget on the backs of our veterans. and we contend that those who volunteer to serve in our military and many who didn't volunteer, were drafted to serve, did so incredibly selflessly. they already made tremendous sacrifices. >>gretchen: the argument he's making in this column, if you don't die on the battle field, you don't deserve to have a member of the military at your
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funeral three decades later; right? >> that's absurd. you made the sacrifice for your country. many times you volunteered to serve or were called to duty and you served honorably. honorably discharged veterans are the only ones eligible for these benefits. we think it's the last token of respect for a grateful nation. our country decided we make two promises to our veterans. we don't leave anyone behind on the battle field and we're going to honor your sacrifice when you die. and we really think this is just a critical honor to deliver to our service members. it's a lot like we're still searching for our prisoners of war and m.i.a. troops in korea, in vietnam, even in europe. and so, we put this very hand in hand with that kind of mission, is that this is how we honor the sacrifices that americans make in defense of our freedom. >>gretchen: i can't say it any better. ryan, thanks for your time this morning. have a good weekend. next on the rundown, they scored nearly 250 million bucks from the obama
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administration and then they went bankrupt. now china changing the company's name, and you're not going to believe what it is. plus it's a true cinderella story. the lowest seed to make the sweet 16 back in action tonight. but the florida gulf coast have ayn rand to thank. [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance a new ride comes along and changes everythi. the powerful gs. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the mmand performance sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. bikes and balloons, wholesome noodles on spoons. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's.
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>>eric: speaking of president obama, yesterday he told reporters his ncaa turn tphuplt -- tournament pwabgt is busted. obama said they were the worst picks he made. then he looked at his economic advisors and said maybe not. >>gretchen: i believe he picked indiana to win it all, as did my husband, and they're out thanks to syracuse. 61-50. >>steve: is jimmy fallon still going to get the job if he starts busting on president obama? there is some suggestion nbc is going for a younger guy but it sounds like he's going to get it. who saw this? who had florida gulf coast university in their bracket? nobody. first 15th seed to
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advance into sweet 16. they are going to play tonight. do they have ayn rand to thank for their success because her legendary novel "atlas shrug" is required reading for economics majors and finance majors. there is a column out this morning that caught our eye that talks about how perhaps they were inspired by and have followed her theory of rational self-interest. >>eric: object ivism, morality, reason. >>steve: capitalism. >>eric: free markettism. atlas shrug do the basis of ayn rand's theories. florida gulf coast coast put themselves on the map with that news. >>gretchen: the main thing was instead of, according to this article, instead of nobel laureates to your faculty, they decided to put themselves on the map with the tournament because they saw what it did to other universities.
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take butler, when they made it to the final four in the final game against duke, many people thought they were going to win it. what did it do for butler? recruits went up dramatically. funding went up dramatically, which was the key. we have to see what happens with them tonight. they want to keep their coach in a capitalistic way. they were trying to raise money to get him -- >>eric: 13 points, take the 13, take the florida gulf coast. that's what i'm going to do. >>steve: you're going to back them? >>eric: yeah. ayn rand. can't lose, can you? >>steve: we'll know by midnight. >>gretchen: time for headlines. about 7,000 patients of an oklahoma dentist are being told to get tested for h.i.v. the dentist closing his practice after unclean equipment found in his office. he was accused of not cleaning his equipment even though he knew some of his patients had infectious
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diseases. >> dr. harrington were at risk to infectious material that may have contained hepatitis b virus or h.i.v. >>gretchen: harrington will find out if he loses his license at a hearing next month. >>steve: what's in a name? we told you about the failed electric battery company that got millions of dollars from taxpayers. they are making changes. the company called a-123 systems is changing their name from a-123 to b-456 systems. that's right. a-123 scored a $249 million grant from the obama administration back in 2009 and already received $133 million of it when they had to file embarrassingly for bankruptcy. it was later bought by a chinese firm but now refer to it as b-456. >>eric: note to the government: don't give them any more money. how about a woman coming face-to-face with two would-be burglars in her own driveway? the woman said she arrived home and found the would-be
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burglar's car in her driveway. when she questioned who they were, they refused to leave. and then she got carjacked. watch. >> i had my phone in my hand, and he said what are you doing? i said i'm calling the police. as soon as i said that, he rushed towards me with a gun in his hand. >>eric: the car was found 15 minutes later. the suspects still on the loose. that was the lady talking. >>gretchen: new photos released of john f. kennedy jr. as a toddler. the pictures are from 1963 when he was two years old. the jfk library releasing images of him playing in a presidential helicopter. this is at camp david. the photographs are also heart breaking since jfk jr. died in a crash in 1999. >>steve: 23 minutes before the hour on this good friday. let's go to maria molina to see what's happening on
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this busy easter weekend. >> we're looking at chilly temperatures across the eastern half of the country but they are starting to moderate. by the time we head into this afternoon many of you across texas, parts of louisiana will be shy of 80 degrees. 79 is the forecast high temperature in dallas and also in the city of san antonio. 74 over in new orleans. take a look at minneapolis. not bad. 54 degrees. the midwest is also starting to feel some of the impacts from this milder air moving north washed. we expect colder air to return to the midwest by sunday for easter. it is going to get chillier yet again. today we have a risk for severe storms across parts of texas, oklahoma oklahoma. damaging wind gusts, large hail, tornadoes possible. by tomorrow we expect more storms across the center of the country. we could be seeing rain across the midwest on saturday. as we head into easter sunday rain forecast from the northeast all the way down into mississippi and louisiana. let's head indoors.
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>>steve: good job on that animation getting that bunny to jump, maria. another week, another series of laughs from the curvey couch. >>gretchen: if you missed a minute, you missed a lot. >>steve: here's the highlights from the week with "fox & friends." >>brian: anna kooiman is reaching new heights. hey, anna. you're on top of the world ♪ this is what happens when you have friends. >> dancing with the stars. >> twisting your hands. >>brian: can you guys be supportive for once? >> do i have to see that? >>brian: white, pasty legs. >> very white. >>brian: let's go for it.
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demonstrating one of the three medical tests everyone should have. >> who would have thought three days ago a little boy from birmingham would be talking to one of the great anchors on fox news. >>steve: you can come back any time, pastor. we love having you on the show. [laughing] >> super model kirkova is here. >>brian: you don't have a belly button. >>gretchen: it is a live show. you can't reel it back in. >> mr. belly button. >>brian: you know what? >> the belly button edition. >> anna, whaeuplt. >> this is so cool. here we go. >>steve: we're thrilled to have you cameron. >> i'm actually not leaving. >>steve: see you
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tomorrow. thanks for hanging out. it's been real. we invited him to spend the night here on the couch. >>gretchen: he was a good sport actually. some of those clips are from our after the show show. it's on our internet. you go to fox if you want to come in every morning at 4 a.m., you can make the highlight reel. >>steve: good to have you on this friday. coming up, free shotguns, one guy wants to fight crime by arming every resident. you'll meet him next. >>gretchen: one school district banning dodge ball, says it go leave negative experiences -- says it can leave negative experiences for kids. we're outside with a game we're outside with a game live. i'm a conservative investor.
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shoot. now with the share everything plan from verizon, connect your camera, along with your smartphone and tablet. all your devices connected by one simple plan on the powerful network. record video. connect more. so you can do more. the share everything plan from verizon. add additional devices like the samsung galaxy camera for $5 monthly access.
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>>steve: we've got quick friday morning headlines. there are zombies among us. zombie homes, that is. a new realty track survey found more than 300,000 homes under foreclosure are abandoned by the owners, sitting empty. a marine who served in iraq hit with a citation for flying the american flag in his own yard. gregory shaft says he was told he needs a permit for the flagpole after a neighbor complained. >>eric: as the federal government prepares to crack down on gun owners in order to reduce gun violence, our next guest says he has a better way to stop crime. by giving out shotguns. a privately funded group in tucson, arizona, says it
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wants to give out free shotguns and provide gun training to residents in high-crime areas. this way they can defend themselves. joining us is the man launching the program. tell us about the program. first of all, i think everyone wants to know who is funding this program. >> this is the armed citizens we are funding it through public donations. kyle cope land started the program in houston, texas, about 60 days program. i caught wind of the program, told kyle let's bring the program to tucson, arizona. we have a lot of similarities between houston and tucson. our city councils and our mayor do not want to fully fund public safety. this is a way to circumvent that. >> you're a resident in a high-crime area. you can walk in and say here's my information. you do a background check and this group will give them a gun? is that how it works? >> basically we're going into the high-crime neighborhood and flier the entire neighborhood. we're going to announce to not only the residents, but
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also to the criminals that we're going to be arming citizens in this neighborhood. we'd like to put yard signs out in front of the neighborhood that state that this neighborhood is protected by the armed citizen project. we'll flyer the entire neighborhood, have responses come into the if you hit the contact button fill it out completely. your information go the to the armed citizens project. about 45 days later we'll pick out who we'll issue shotguns through. those individuals will go through a background check, go through a training class and safety class. >> why shotguns? why not handguns? >> cost effectiveness. shotguns are a little less expensive. you can get one from $165 to $220 depending on the type we use. currently we're looking at three different models. if you use a handgun, a basic self-defense handgun, $400 to $500.
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for the cost, shotguns are a bigger bang for your buck, if you will. >> what's the police response to this? >> we inquired with twaou twaou -- tucson police association. they said they were not against this. if the city council fully funded it, we wouldn't have a need for a program like this. >>eric: thank you very much, sir. coming up, think your teens texts too much behind the wheel? you may want to take notice of your own habits. the surprising results of a new study ahead. then, no dodge ball ban here at "fox & friends." we head out to the plaza for a game. for a game. don't miss it. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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by the armful? by the barrelful? e carful? how the bowlful? campbell's soups give you nutrition, energy, and can help you keep a healthy weight. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head. that explains a lot. yo, buddy! i got this. gimme one, gimme one, gimme one! the power of the "name your price" tool only from progressive. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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>> if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball. >> what? >>steve: that is a clip from the funny movie "dodge ball." it is a game kids played during gym classes for generations. >>gretchen: back in the day we played with hardballs, not these cushy things. one school in new hampshire is banning kids from playing the game because they say it promotes violence and bullying.
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but is that the case? >>eric: we decided to set up a dodge ball game on the plaza and provided the c.e.o. of blood, and tears. >>gretchen: good morning. >> good morning. thank you for having us. >>steve: no dodge ball in new hampshire in that skaofplt >> it's a travesty. >>eric: are these all professional dodge ballers? >> some played dodge ball in professional leagues in europe. >>eric: which ones? >>gretchen: here's the thing -- here's the best story of the day. you met your wife because she took you out in dodge ball. and she's here today. alyssa, raise your hand. all right! she took you out? >> to be fair, there is a little bit of debate over whether or not i may have let her hit me. >>gretchen: oh sure! >>steve: one of the reasons they say they stopped dodge ball in new
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hampshire in the school district is because they said it is a human target game and they said people can get hurt, and there was a problem -- a number of parents were complaining about bullying. that sounds like bad supervision to me if there's bullying out there. >> it's a game. it's a sport for a lot of people, and there are going to be winners and losers in any sport, whether it's basketball, football or dodge ball. it's also a big part of life. i think it's a good lesson for kids to learn to be acclimated to this. with us, blood, sweat, and cheers, we're big about making fitness something that's fun and social. >>steve: and they play with nerf balls. >> this doesn't hurt either. >>steve: let's play. >> you want to do it? >>steve: you're starting with the balls in your hand? >>gretchen: why not? >>steve: all right.
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>>steve: there certainly is that human target element to it. eric! >>steve: nobody got hurt. go ahead, hit me. >>gretchen: who's out of breath? >>steve: i don't know if we actually followed the rules. >>gretchen: i don't think we did. >>steve: thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >>steve: questions about obamacare? no worries. call the obamacare hot line. but who's paying for it? we are. "fox & friends" rolls on in "fox & friends" rolls on in a minute. new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain.
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here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek. ♪ i don't want any trouble. i don't want any trouble either. ♪ [ engine turns over ] you know you forgot to take your mask off, right? [ siren wailing in distance ] ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing the all-new beetle convertible.
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. tgif, it's good friday, march 29, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. president obama using the tragedy now in newtown, connecticut to shame americans into backing his gun control plan? >> the entire country pledged we would do something about it and this time would be different. shame on us if we have forgotten. >> gretchen: this morning, senator rand paul is firing back, why he's calling foul on the president's plan. he'll be filibuster. >> eric: good friday and the new pope breaking the rules. why this is causing controversy. steve and are you outraged every time you see those darn kids texting and driving? guess what? it's not them. it's us. we'll explain. "fox & friends" hour two for good friday starts right now.
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>> steve: next time we do a dodge ball segment, let's not bring in a former professional athlete. >> gretchen: i need to get an oxygen tank for him. >> eric: that's a good workout! >> gretchen: and you're over 50. >> steve: you think? stop it! >> gretchen: i'm sorry. >> steve: so mean. >> gretchen: i'm sorry. i'll still be your friend. come o we were just having a little fun and games. even old people can have fun. >> steve: yeah. it's fun. >> eric: don't ban that sport. that's a blast. >> gretchen: do i get extra credit for the heels? [ laughter ] >> steve: luckily we had already gone to break when one of the members of the team used an expletive that normally is not societied with dodge ball.
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actually it is, might be on school grounds. >> gretchen: good thing that happened. >> eric: don't tell steve and gretchen, but the next time we play again, i'll do the old high low trick. >> steve: we'll forget by then. >> gretchen: so thank you for spending your time with us today. we have headlines. a big story that developed overnight dealing with north korea. they are escalating their threats against america. scores of north koreans turning out for a rally after kim jong-un order rockets prepped. he said they're ready to, quote, settle accounts with the u.s. after bomber drills with south korea. but many are troubled by the rising tensions now. >> the big fear is miscalculation. this guy is 28 years old. he chases women, he drinks a lot of crown royal and he's not getting good advice. so the great fear as it was in 1950, and 2013, is that somebody
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is going to miscalculate and kim jong-un is going to do something stupid and that's going to ratchet up this escalating treadmill to where we find ourselves doing something we really don't want to do. >> gretchen: it's not believed north korea could actually launch a full scale attack, but all eyes are watching today. the obama administration set to unveil a new proposal today that could make you pay more at the gas pump. the epa wants to cut the amount of sulfur and tighten emissions standards on cars. a study says a proposal could increase gas prices by 6 to 9 cents a gallon. the epa says it's more like a penny. but will make cars cost $130 more by 2025. a new york city doctor accused of running a $10 million drug ring, his assistant and four others accused of dealing over half million oxycodone pills in several states. an investigation was launched when his name was on a pill bottle involved in a deadly overdose.
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investigators say he sold the drugs between september 2011 and february 2013. he has pleaded not guilty. ready to retire? the 83-year-old going to call it quits next may after more than a half century in the business. actually may 2014. walters has been a trail blazer in the team of business for women and known for her high profile interviews. she has suffered health incidents recently. she says she's not going to be discussing it any time on "the view." >> steve: she's been a legend. >> eric: looks great for 83. >> steve: she does. she's got a great work ethic. the president of the united states is back to campaigning. yesterday in the east room of the white house, he brought in a number of mothers of victims of sandy hook that essentially used them for -- used them optically, with them behind him to appeal to the country to come on, call your congressmen, call your senator. we've got to get something done
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with gun control. we can't let another newtown happen. essentially he was trying to shame america into calling and shame congress into doing something. here is the president. >> 100 days ago that happened. the entire country was shocked. an entire country pledged we would do something about it and this time would be different. shame on us if we've forgotten. i haven't forgotten those kids. shame on us if we've forgotten. >> steve: we haven't forgotten. >> eric: who has forgotten? i mean, it's a tragedy. we're all heart broken. why would president obama say shame on us if we've forgotten? no one's forgotten newtown. we all remember it. what's his point? >> gretchen: well, quite frankly, it could be the polls. the polls that have shown that
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the urgency for more gun control measures, the number of people who believe that there is an urgency for that has gone down in those 100 days. >> eric: cheap shot, though. >> gretchen: i'm saying that's why -- >> eric: polls for additional gun control are one thing. forgotting about the 20 children and six adults that died -- >> gretchen: i'm saying poll numbers we want down. the numbers are down ten points 100 days later. so that -- if you're a proponent of wanting more laws on the books and you see the american public is not as interested in it now, then you call a press conference like that and you try and get the ball rolling on the issue again. >> steve: you know what? shame on us for the fact that a crazy person took some guns that were obtained legally. it wouldn't have changed anything. in fact, rand paul made that observation last night on the hannity program. >> eric: we talked about his response to the president's
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statement on shame on us. listen to what he had to say last night. >> my question to the president is, call me if any of your reforms would have saved those kids at sandy hook. if anything he's proposing would have changed the outcome, i'll listen to him. i haven't heard one proposal from him or harry reid that would have saved one life. and i'm all for saving lives and i think it's a real and horrible tragedy, but i think it's a mistake to play on these victims and the emotion of their tragedy when nothing he's proposing would change one iota of what happened. >> steve: he is one of four u.s. senators who will filibuster, it looks like, when harry reid brings up a gun control measure. >> eric: he said it point-blank -- i asked him. i had to ask him three or four times. he said, i will filibuster anything they bring to the floor for gun control. >> gretchen: he has experience with that, by the way. >> eric: yes. >> gretchen: he should bring
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more than one milky way next time. >> eric: he's and use the bathroom before he starts. but his point is this: what would have changed? what would have changed the outcome at newtown had president obama's proposals gone into effect? nothing. those guns, that ammunition was bought legally. there were background checks done on adam lanza's mother when she purchased those. >> steve: what we learned yesterday when documents were filed, she embraced the fact that her son had guns, the kid had a gun safe in his bedroom and she bought him guns for his birthday. extraordinarily, given the fact that he was unstable. that changes everything. eight minutes after the top of the hour. today is good friday for christians all around the world. in jerusalem, thousands are taking part in the traditional good friday festivities. conner powell is there this morning with more from the holy land. conner? >> good morning, guys.
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jerusalem has been a beautiful day here. the city is really chalk full of jews celebrating passover and christians here marking good friday. thousands of christian pilgrims filled the cobble stone alleyways of the old city today celebrating good friday, which is the most solemn day in the christian calendar as they walk. they read aloud passages from the bible telling the story of jesus' crucifixion. security was fairly tight around the old city and there was a limited number of permits for christian palestinians. but the day has been packed full of lots of different groups from all over the world mark the crucifixion of jesus christ. now there are 14 stations along theway, which is the main route that christians believe jesus took. via delarosa, it's the traditional route that christians believe jesus took when he had his cross and crucified and buried at the end. now, marking easter and the
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passover and the religious holidays in his own special way, pope francis, the first in rome last night following the example of jesus at the last supper, where he washed the feet of the disciples, washed the feet of 12 young convict prisoners outside of rome. it was his own special way of marking easter and also saying that we need to be humble in serving the needs. >> steve: thank you very much. >> gretchen: let's talk a little bit about this topic 'cause i know y'all know about it. yep. texting and driving. come on, come on, admit it. have you ever done it? it turns out that as parents, if you have teen-agers at home, you might be very worried about the fact that they're doing it behind the wheel of the car. but are you actually worse? are you doing it more than your kids are? the answer is yes, according to a new survey. >> steve: at and t did the survey. 49% of adults do it. 49% of the teens do it. the good news, kids are
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listening to the parents. the bad news is, the parents are doing it more than the kids. here is the troubling part. out on the roads now, there are 10 million teenage drivers, but there are 180 million adult drivers and if half of them are texting and driving, that's a problem. did you realize if each day nine people are killed and 1,000 areo distracted driving, nine people dead, 1,000 injured every day. >> eric: i have to wonder, is it only 43%? i got to assume this is a voluntary survey, right? someone asks the teen if i text and drive? no, no, i don't do that. okay, maybe you don't. >> steve: great point. >> eric: it's so dangerous. i'm guilty of it. i do it. i shouldn't. >> steve: everybody's done it. we all know it's dumb. >> eric: sometimes the little noise when you go off the road wakes you up. listen, the question is, they're talking about putting shut --
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texting shut-offs inside cars. >> steve: great. >> eric: there are libertarians who salem handle my own issues. but look -- >> steve: it's like a breathalyzer before you can drive a car. >> eric: exactly. >> steve: it's dangerous. if you're driving 55 miles per hour in the 4.6 seconds it takes to look at a text, you'll have gone 100 yards. the length of a football field, blind, a lot can happen in that football field. >> gretchen: all right. coming up on our show, questions about obamacare? no worries, call the obamacare hot line. why not? taxpayers are apparently paying for it. >> eric: the breakthrough in the fight against cancer. it kills all forms of it. is it really a miracle drug? our doctor is here next look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ]
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shoot. now with the share everything plan from verizon, connect your camera, along with your smartphone and tablet. all your devices connected by one simple plan on the powerful network. record video. connect more. so you can do more. the share everything plan from verizon. add additional devices like the samsung galaxy camera for $5 monthly access.
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>> steve: we've got amazing new developments in the fight against cancer. researchers may have discovered a miracle drug. here to explain is a member of our fox medical a team. good morning to you n good morning. >> steve: we're talking about a protein that has been identified as cd 47. what is it? >> this cd 47 is a protein that normal cells secrete in our blood. our defense mechanism understand that these are normal cells. the cancer cells, they have gotten really smart over the past many years and they are coming up with their own cd 47. so our immune system can't recognize it. so how do we treat the cancer cells? we give theme chemotherapy, we do surgery. now studies from stanford is saying, wait a second. we have this new drug that can take some of that protein away and tell the immune system, whoa, whoa, these are cancer cells, to use our own immune system to attack the cancer cells. that's really fascinating.
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we're starting to think of cancer on a more literal level, as supposed to be these grows resections of surgery. big leap in cancer. >> steve: apparently a researcher in california was noticing that leukemia cell seemed to generate a lot of the cd 47. essentially it was a do not eat this part of the cancer. so he turned it completely around and that could change everything. >> absolutely. i'm glad -- that's a really in-depth information. they've done it in leukemia. guess what? they took ten mice with bladder cancer, nine out of ten, they were able to cure them from bladder cancer. if this really pans out in the human studies, we're going to see entire change of the way we treat cancer. we're using our own immune system to find the cancer cells and that's a very exciting and big news in this field. >> steve: all right. also speaking of cancer, let's talk about prostate cancer. there are new tests being developed that once again could change everything. >> look, psa has been around for
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almost 20 years and it has done its service. it has helped us to find and screen. you need to know how to interpret. it's not a prostate cancer specific. so things such as enlarged prostate can give false alarm. more biopsies and issues. now we have more test, genetic tests. other things. these are four proteins. instead of just one psa. so that can reduce the number of biopsies. we can use them and find out which one to operate on and which one to not touch based on genetic studies. amazing. if you do the surgery, you want to know who is going to recur and cancer come back and who is not. in the next few years, i think, you're going to see a lot of great studies besides psa and they'll compliment each other and we'll help reduce a lot of biopsies that are not necessary and surgeries on the right people. >> steve: and this is not theoretical to you. this is what you do every day. >> absolutely. we're excited about it in the field of prostate cancer.
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>> steve: all right. thank you very much for joining us today. >> nice to see you. >> steve: that's great news. 19 minutes after the top of the hour. next up, a group of cops refused service at buffalo wild wings, all because the police officers were carrying guns. and which movies will be worth your 9, 10, 11 bucks this weekend? and advice from the rock on how to fire a gun if you're in a movie. >> risk your life
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next, 150 grand. that's how many taxpayer dollars are going towards a call center in california that will answer questions on obamacare. and 3.5 million viewer, the "tonight show" with jay leno setting ratings high. it comes amid reports nbc wants to push him out. >> steve: going out on top. >> gretchen: it's friday. that means new movies are hitting the box office this weekend. are any of them worth your time or dough? >> steve: our buddy, kevin mccarthy, joins us live from d.c good morning to you. >> good morning, guys. on valentine's day, we had "live free, key hard." easter weekend, we have "g.i. joe retaliation." i'll be eat ago punch of pee fellows this weekend. "g.i. joe" is a new film. we're dealing with a g.i. joes that have a hit put on them. four survive.
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now they have to stop the world from world destruction. the biggest problem with this movie is the plot is insanely confusing. there is too many characters, unless you're a g.i. joe nerd, you'll be lost. i was more confused than at the ending of inception. bruce willis is fun to watch. but the were it was pushed back eight months. it was shot in 2 d. they're converting it to 3 d. also fake imax. save yourself money and see it in 2 d matinee. how do you look cool when you walk away from a slow motion explosion? if i ever have to do that in my real life what, are tips i can get? i asked the rock and he gave me some tips on how to give me tips walking away from an explosion. >> millions and millions and millions of people are going to watch you and if you blink, flinch, move, shake, shutter, anything like that, you're done.
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if i'm firing a weapon, i don't blink either. >> i fired guns at a range. i blink instantly as the gun fires. [ laughter ] i gave it 2 1/2 out of five. plot is terrible. i want to say i have an uncensored version on my web site. it's very, very funny. >> steve: uncensored. >> gretchen: wow. >> too hot for tv. >> gretchen: that's a tease. what about "the host"? what is this movie? >> coming from stephanie myer, the author of "twilight." this plot line is beyond me. the aliens take overt earth. the parasite's enter our body. one character tries to fight back and save her family. here is the issue, you have two female characters inside one female body in love with two different men. i was already lost at that moment. it's awkward, it's confusing. it's overlong. it feels 12 hours long.
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i was blown away by how bored i was in this film. it's worse than all the twilight films combined. here is the issue, william hurt is a great actor. he's fantastic, as is sirsh ronan. i found it to be overlong. 1 1/2 out of five. not too many good things to see this weekend. but if you really want to go to the theater, i would recommend "the croods" in 3 d, or" olympus." >> gretchen: i saw "the croodk" with my kids. >> it was fantastic. >> gretchen: they don't like 3 d. it's too real, i guess. so saved mom some bucks. but i thought it was a lull in the middle, but it was probably the best thing out there right now. >> eric: the dream sequence, within a dream sequence, thank you. >> steve: he just saved us some money. brought us a couple of duds. i think the good advice would be
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to watch "the bible." >> eric: great idea. >> steve: one of them coming up. next up, the white house closing its doors to tours for children. but spending $350 million to fund sex education starting with kindergarteners. you got to hear this one to believe it. >> gretchen: they may look cute, but before you buy a little bunny -- now we got bunnies on the plaza? >> eric: we're going to play dodge ball. you hit a bunny, you get two points. [ laughter ] >> gretchen: did you know there are big spiders? rabbit reality. long hair, short hair. >> steve: no funny, no funny [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes? just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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>> homeland security security secretary januaryity napolitano, the person in charge of our national security, said she doesn't e-mail, text or tweet. so remember, if you see something, say something, 'cause there is literally no other way she'll get the message. >> steve: yeah, you got to say it. funny stuff. all right. we got some headlines for you. was a u.s. army veteran working alongside al-qaeda? he was arrested after returning from turkey for allegedly fighting with the terrorists against the syrian regime. he served with the army from 2000 to 2003.
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this is up with of the videos authorities say he posted on-line to brag about his connection to al-qaeda in iraq and downing a helicopter. court documents state he says he hates al-qaeda and was only trying to overthrow president assad's regime. >> gretchen: philadelphia man being called a hero for risking his own life to save a stranger who fell on the subway tracks. here is the guy about to go down. caught on camera. 63-year-old stepped off the platform. christopher saw what happened. he was the only person, a dozen witnesses there, folks. the only person who sprung into action. >> i can't imagine not helping someone in that situation. like i can't imagine that. >> gretchen: he stayed with the victim until help arrived. it's not clear why the man fell off the platform. but he saved his life. >> steve: both lucky to be alive. >> eric: group of police officers refused service at a virginia buffalo wild wings because their guns were showing.
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the officers even showed their badges to the server and were still denied. the restaurant manager is apologizing, saying the policy excludes police officers and they don't need no badges. >> steve: he's being hailed as a bridge builder for the new york police department. philip banks iii is named the topping ranking uniform position. he was previously the head of community affairs. he's also a guest patron and speaker for the ayles apprentice program, created by roger ayles to increase diversity in journalism. >> gretchen: here is a story you may scratch your head over because it's our daily edition of what sequester? feds are spending apparently $350 million for planned parenthood stale sex education programs in western states, including montana, idaho, oregon, alaska, for sex education programs start not
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guilty kindergarten. i remember doing stories about this on the local level, i believe it was in wyoming. some parents were saying they didn't want their local schools to be able to enforce this kind of education for kids so young. but now could it be that the federal government is funding these kinds of programs? >> steve: it's so shocking because we remember the sequester, it was all about it's going to end everything, we'll have to close the white house tours. we'll have to close some small airport towers and things like that. so they did that. and a whole other list of things. yet, they're able to find $350 million for this program that is comprehensive and graphic. and essentially what it does is it talks about how no sex is unsafe unless it causes pregnancy. $20 million of it goes to planned parenthood affiliates in oregon schools. of course, in certain instance, planned parenthood is actually paying the kids to be part of the program. $350 million. >> eric: so the day sequester hit, john kerry handed over a
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check to egypt for $250 million. now we find another $350 million is going to this program for kids as low as five years old. insane. $350 million, do you know how long that would keep the white house tours going? 100 years the white house could be open for as long as us and our grandchildren would be around. instead, they're going to learn -- i don't even want to know what they're teaching them. >> steve: well, no type of sex is wrong. the only unsafe behavior is getting pregnant. that's what it's all about. $350 million. >> eric: don't we already fund planned parenthood enough already? >> steve: yeah. >> gretchen: federal government does fund it. >> steve: largest provider of abortions in the united states of america. >> gretchen: there is no easy term to go out to weather. so i'm going to say hey maria. what's the weekend going to be like? >> good morning. today we're talking about yet again another chilly day out here across portions of the northeast and even across the
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midwest. we are slightly below average. it's at least warmer than it's been the last several days. in new york city, we're expecting to see a high temperature at 55 degrees and by the way, we have yet to reach 60 degrees in the city of new york for the month of march. so a little unusual out here. otherwise upper 70s across dallas and, san antonio. 54 for the high temperature in minneapolis in minnesota. showers and storms across parts of missouri heading into parts of ken condition. severe weather risk later this afternoon and this evening across parts of texas and oklahoma. tomorrow yet again looking on -- for another threats in parts of texas, kansas, damaging wind gusts, and even large hail. that storm system will be organizing across the center of the country today and also into tomorrow. then eventually that system heads east and we are going to be look at a chance for some rainfall. unfortunately for easter sunday. if you have outdoor plans, across parts of upstate new york, down into louisiana,
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mississippi, alabama, you could be look at rainfall if you're doing outdoor easter egg hunts. new york city, we're expecting that chance for rain later on in the afternoon, into the evening hours. so do your easter egg hunt early in the morning in new york city. west of that system, colder air moving into parts of the midwest. enjoy the 50s in chicago and also cities like minneapolis, because they will not be lasting. you're talking 40s or even 30s for some of you for your high temperatures as we head into early next week and new york city will be seeing the cooler temperatures as well by tuesday. now let's head over to gretchen. >> gretchen: right here in the bunny pen. it's that time of year. pet store windows are filled with adorable bunnies. maybe your kids are begging for one. but maybe you want to say not so fast. joining me to explain pet expert, ali mcclennan. good morning. >> good morning. happy easter. >> gretchen: happy easter to you. you're holding a cute bunny. who is this? >> this is trixie. actually the mother of a lot of these bunnies here. it's an example of a family that
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got a bunny, a couple bunnies, brought them home. she was allowed to have four litters before she was rescued and then when it became too much, the family dropped all of them off at an already overcrowded shelter. >> gretchen: wow. they all came at one time. this is sort of a sad reality of this time of year. easter time, little kids want bunnies and beg to get one. so what are the lessons we should learn? >> unfortunately, a bunny is a prey animal. everybody eats them and they don't eat anybody. so unfortunately, what does a child do when they love it? they squeeze it, all of these things scare bunnies and children are so disaimportanted when they can't throw it around like a rag doll. it's not a toy. it's an animal that should be treated with respect. >> gretchen: so it's different than maybe even a dog, right? >> absolutely. a rabbit is a rabbit in and of itself. they need a lot more care than people think. one of the biggest misconceptions is that they have a short life span. these bunnies will live between
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nine and 12 years. so when you take one home for easter, it's not a one year commitment. >> gretchen: that should be the headline if you're thinking about it. you may have it for a dozen years. >> another misconception is you can set it free when you're done having it as a pet. but that's like setting an infant free in "the hunger games." it's not going to go well. these type are bred with the intention that they come home and you take care of them for their entire lives. >> gretchen: the novelty, do you tend to see, especially with small kids, when some of the realities come to roost, that they -- the novelty wears off? >> you are the adult, bigger, smarter, you know better. when you take the pet home, that pet is your responsibility. and it's a big responsibility. financial commitment, care. and emotional commitment. if you want to adopt them, they're adoptable from house of rabbit society. they're great pets. i should say a pet is great for
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a child, but has to be handled responsibly by the parent. these are domestic lopsa eared bunnies. they're pets, delicate. they don't always like to be handled or picked up. there is a lot that goes into learning and educating yourself about these type of rabbits. they're not wild hares. >> gretchen: thanks so much. >> nice to see you. >> gretchen: happy easter. >> happy easter. >> gretchen: you want a bunny? back in to you. >> steve: listen, my parents gave me one when i was five. we had it for a week and then it disappeared. >> eric: i got a a story also. we gave my son a bunny when he was five. we named him bun, but he eight the molding -- ate the molding around the house. we had to put him back in the cage. >> steve: do you still have him? >> eric: he disappeared. >> steve: a lot of them disappear after easter.
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think twice. they're cute, but they can live to be ten years old. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up, chalk, books and a gun. one city close to giving all teachers a pistol. we'll tell you where. >> eric: and harvesting cash and adding to our debt. should we really be spending billions of tax dollars on subsidies for sugar? cut this, not that, coming up next. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills.
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♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. [ clang ] my house is where plants came to die. but, turns out all i was missing was miracle-gro potting mi it's got what a plant needs like miracle-gro plant food
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all your devices connected by one simple plan on the powerful network. record video. connect more. so you can do more. the share everything plan from verizon. add additional devices like the samsung galaxy camera for $5 monthly access. a new ride comes along and changes everythi. the powerful gs. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the mmand performance sales event. this is the pursuit of perfection. from the united states postal service a small jam maker can ship like a big business. just go online to pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. we'll do the rest. ♪ >> gretchen: quick look at some of head agencies headlines. florida is one step closer to allowing teachers to carry concealed weapons in the classroom. state house committee approving a bill that gives principals the
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option to designate one or several school employees to carry concealed weapons. it's a stimulus party for president obama. headlines a dnc fund-raiser at the home of mark heighten, a board member of scion tower, which received stimulus dough. >> eric: the program set up to help the farm industry, but could agricultural subsidies be placing a burden on our economy? according to the cbo, $16 billion were spent on farm subsidies last year alone. so could cutting those cost help bring down the deficit in let's ask the president of citizens against government waste. thank you for joining us. $16 billion, take us through some of the farm subsidies that we taxpayers are forking our money over to. >> sugar, peanuts, dairy, the big three in terms of subsidies that should be eliminated. they've been around for decades
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in most cases. sugar programs has an import quota and artificially raises prices to 30 to 50% higher than they are in the rest of the world. costs consumers 3 1/2 billion dollars a year. save $1.2 billion in the first year. $6 billion over five years from reforming the sugar program. >> eric: what about peanuts? >> you could save 55 million in one year. 275 million over five years. another opportunity where if you grow peanuts, you're always going to grow them, in fact, the owners of those properties don't have to be actively growing them. they still get the subsidy. >> eric: the dairy? >> dairy, also causes huge problems in the economy. hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs lost because of that program. $1.1 billion over one year and 5.5 billion over five years. there you're talking about $12 billion in savings over five years. plus you reduce the cost for the
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commodities. >> eric: let me play devil's advocate. the theory is, if you don't provide the subsidy, prices for these things, because we're so productive as a nation, agriculturally, we produce so much, prices for the products would go down and we'd drive the farmers out of business. would we risk sugar, peanuts, dairy, corn shortages if that were to happen in. >> no. unfortunately, it sounds like the argument we hear, which is the rest of the world subsidizes a lot of these commodities and therefore the united states should do to as well. it's hurting the economy because for every one job saved in sugar, there are three manufacturing jobs lost in terms of dairy, the prices of all these commodities are extremely high and you don't see, for example, regular sugar in products anymore because everyone is paying toothat spile other products as well. >> eric: very strong -- couple of seconds left. strong lobby, though, in dc, the farm lobry?
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>> disproportionate in terms of impact on the economy. it's causing more damage than doing in terms of saving jobs in those particular areas. >> eric: we're going to leave it there. thank you very much. >> thanks. >> eric: up next, she's executive producer and plays mary in the hit tv series "the bible." roma downey is here to talk about the show's massive success and what it's like to step into the shoes of the blessed mother. first this day in history, on this date in 1972, "a horse with no name" by america, number one song look what mommy is having. mommy's having a french fry. yes she is, yes she is. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. 100% vegetable juice, with three of your daily vegetable servings in every little bottle. with three of your daily vegetable servings backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth.
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this easter sunday at 8 p.m. >> jesus of nazareth has been found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to death! >> crucify him! >> you're going to regret this. >> you will be silent or you will be silenced. >> steve: the first crucifixion, that's what we're marking today with good friday. here to talk about her role as mary in the series is executive producer and actress and frequent visitor now to "fox & friends," roma downey. >> i am known like an old friend. >> steve: good to have you, talking about the finals e of the bible, your version, will run on easter evening. and what's interesting is you play jesus' mother, mary. originally you were not up for the job. it just happened that way.
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>> i know. i'm so honored that i was able to step into the role, though. it's the most beautiful episode on easter sunday. it will break your heart and it will heal your heart. it's the darkest of times and then it's the lightest of times because we see the death and the suffering of jesus on the cross, not even what they did to him, but what he did for us. then we see, of course, the risen lord, the miracle of the resurrection. we go through to pentecost, which isn't often seen on screen. the disciples are empowered by the holy spirit. it goes through to paul, paul on the road to damascus, the conversion of paul, and right through to revelation. it's the most beautiful evening of television. i just encourage your listeners to celebrate the miracle of easter this easter with their family. >> gretchen: what's so beautiful is that you and your husband did this together. mark burnett, "the survivor"
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series and other things. this was sort of a mission that the two of you had. it didn't come together immediately, did it? what do you make of the fact that it's been such a success? >> isn't it just phenomenal? i feel that god is moving. i think that these millions and millions and millions of people are hungry for spiritual programming and we've also made it exciting, it's cool and edgy. we've had more response from parents saying it's their teen-agers who are inviting them to the television set to watch it. but it's engaged the country in a conversation which is great. they're talking about faith. they're talking about god. they're talking about the bible. and here we are on good friday going right into easter weekend. it couldn't be better timing. >> eric: tell us about right before you were filming some of these scenes. what did you do to prepare for such an important role? >> well, the crucifixion, the
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few days it took to shoot us, was a challenging few days emotionally, spiritually, physically for everybody. we had the logistics of having to put a man on a cross. we had to make sure that he was safe. we had to make sure that cross didn't fall over. we had to bolt it to the ground. the winds came up. we had to create a platform so he could get on and off 'cause he could only stay up for a wee while before the weight of his own body was too painful. emotionally, for me to step into the role of the mother, i am a mother myself. i brought a mother's heart to it, to imagine for a moment what it might have been to see that happen. >> steve: and i was talking to a friend about this and they love it, the series. in certain scenes, jesus is depicted as being frightened or scared. that's not something you normally see. >> yeah. we chose to play that jesus in his -- in the elements of him that were human, was downloading on a need to know base what was going to happen to him.
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so while he would always end up knowing what was going on, sometimes he was just getting that information in the moment. he's just a beautiful performer. i think through his portrayal, people's lives are really being touched. >> steve: there is actual news today regarding the shroud of turin. they've done a survey, a study, it could trial be from that period. >> it's exciting. >> steve: yeah. using infrared technology and things like that. >> eric: i'm sorry. >> gretchen: talk about timing. >> eric: has hollywood embraced this? >> i think these kinds of numbers have to have gotten somebody's attention. we're just hopeful that this will be the beginning of this kind of programming. the country obviously needs it. >> gretchen: they said the same thing of "passion of the christ" and it was a huge blockbuster. >> we know not everybody gets cable. it's in spanish subtitles. >> steve: straight ahead.
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>> gretchen: good morning, everybody. it is good friday today. it's march 29, 2013. i'm gretchen carlson. thank you for sharing your time with us today. the president pushing a crackdown now on a right to bear arms. but says you shouldn't have a problem with it. here is what he said. >> none of these ideas should be controversial. why wouldn't we want to make it more difficult for a dangerous person to get his or her hand on a gun? >> gretchen: some people say those laws already exist. new research shows it's democrats ignoring them. >> steve: blocking an auction from a guy trying to sell that jim carey autograph for a gun purchase. use the money for gun purchase, getting a lot of publicity. suddenly it's changed.
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>> eric: plus, we told you about this guy. he says cut costs by cutting military funerals for those who aren't heros. is there such a thing anyway? he defends himself straight ahead and "fox & friends" starts now. ♪ we will, we will rock you ♪ we will ♪ . >> gretchen: we were out there on the 6:00 o'clock hour pelting each other with dodge ball. we are doing this because there is a controversy at a lot of schools, but particularly in new hampshire where they're not going to allow kids to play dodge ball in elementary school because they believe it's a human target game, even though since our days, it moved to these nerf balls. when we played, remember it was the red gym balls?
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it stung when it hit your skin. we played with these, it doesn't hurt. >> eric: it doesn't hurt. it was great exercise w. all got a nice workout. >> steve: anyway. homage to dodge ball on this good friday. thank you for joining us. brian is off and in his place, eric bolling has been busy. >> gretchen: he's on the phone for you right now. let's get right to your headlines. north korea escalating its threats against america. scores of north koreans turning out after kim jong-un ordered rocket prep. he said they're ready, quote, to settle accounts with the u.s. after bt bomber drills with south korea. many now troubled by these rising tensions.
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>> the big fear is miscalculation. look, this guy is 28 years old. he chases women, he drinks a lot of crown royal and he's not getting good advice. so the great fear, as it was in 1950, and 2013, is that somebody is going to miscalculate and kim jong-un is going to do something stupid and that's going to ratchet up this escalating treadmill to where we find ourselves doing something we really don't want to do. >> gretchen: it's not believed north korea could launch a full scale attack, but people are paying attention today. the obama administration set to unveil a new proposal that could make you pay more at the gas pump. the environmental protection agency wants to cut the amount of sulfur allowed in gas and tighten emission standards on cars. but an oil industry study says that proposal could increase gas prices by 6 to 9 cents a gallon. the epa says it's more like a penny. but will make cars cost about $130 more by 2025. hollywood mourning the loss of a star in the harry potter movie series.
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>> in my opinion, why is that deadly? >> 'cause there is no post on sunday. >> right you are, harry. no post on sunday. ha. >> gretchen: richard griffin, who played harry's unsympathetic uncle, vernon, dying of complications of heart surgery in england. harry potter himself, daniel radcliffe, saying he was, quote, proud to know griffith. he also won a toniy award for his real in "history boys." he was 65. for the second straight year, volkswagen just taking home the world car of the year award. this year the vw gulf beat out cars from porsche and mercedes. it's on sale in europe, but not available in the united states until sometime next year. those are your headlines today. >> steve: let's talk a little bit about what's going on in congress. it looks as if the u.s. senate, under the taught language of harry reid will come up with a
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bill they'll have everybody vote on. shortly after sandy hook, the president was talking about assault weapons ban, background checks, whole myriad of things. since then the president has backed away from an assault weapons ban and, in fact, harry reid took that provision that was installed there by diane fine stein out of it because the problem for democrats is a lot of democrats wouldn't vote on that and that would kill it. >> eric: in fact, there are somewhere around 11 or 12 democratic senators rated a minus or b plus and a lot of them campaigned on that in their district. it's interesting to see what bill hits the floor. we see the generic outline of a bill to hit the floor from the senate. what's in the bill, what amendments are attached to the bill and who is going to raise their hand and say, yeah, i vote for that, whether it's assault weapons ban or yeah, i vote for that, whether it's a limitation on the number of rounds in a magazine, those are the types of things i think the senate
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democrats are just not looking forward to. >> g bill will cover universal background checks, strengthen punishments for illegal trafficking, and put more money into school security, but as eric talks about, there could be other amendments to it. the president yesterday got together with a lot of people who have been involved with gun violence, newtown shooting victims, as well as some of the college campus shootings and they were the backdrop for him when he said this message to congress. >> none of these ideas should be controversial. why wouldn't we want to make it more difficult for a dangerous person to get his or her hand on a gun? why wouldn't we want to close the loophole that allows as many as 40% of all gun purchases to take place without a background check? why wouldn't we do that? >> steve: what he's trying to do is get people to the phones and the internet and twitter and pressure your congress person to vote on gun control. even though the president himself has backed away from a lot of the provisions he was
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pushing right after sandy hook. >> eric: last night rand paul was coming on hannity and i wanted to get him to tell us whether or not he was going to filibuster the way he did filibuster a couple weeks ago. remember the 13-hour filibuster. at first he wasn't willing to say. but i pressed him. are you, yes or no, going to filibuster any bill that hits the senate floor? listen to what he said. >> i just want to get is that straight, will you or will you not use the senate floor and filibuster this bill before it goes to a vote? >> we will filibuster the bill. we won't let them bring it forward because our fear is that once it comes forward, they'll come forward with something that sounds benign in the beginning, but we already have the feinstein amendment that talks about banning certain types of guns that. is inconsistent with the second amendment. >> eric: i'm sorry, gretchen. the other thing that senator -- a lot of people on the right, let's put it that way, are worried about a national gun registry, which if you own a
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gun, you have to put it on the national registry. that means the government knows, has an ability to track every single gun in america. a lot of people say it's an infringement. >> steve: a filibuster could work to the republicans' favor. remember the last filibuster, when rand paul went to the floor and said, is it legal for the u.s. government to kill an american citizen on american soil with weaponnized drone or whatever without due process? a lot of people hadn't thought about it and then heard about it and then were all on his side. the poll numbers on gun control have already cratered 10% since sandy hook. if they are able to successfully launch a filibuster of sorts, don't be surprised if those numbers don't go down even further because once you realize how many laws are already on the books, it's like, we got thousands of laws already. do we need more? >> gretchen: so this whole gun talk is going all the way to ebay. could it be that ebay is blocking the auctions of the jim carey photos? one guy wanted to auction off an
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autographed photo. here it is. what does it say in thank you very much. it's signed many years ago by jim carey. these usually go for maybe 8 bucks, ten bucks, something like that. but this one, because the guy had said that he wanted to auction off so he could go and buy a gun, of course, as backlash to jim carey's video that he put out against that, that went up to $860. but then mysteriously, the language was taken out of the ebay description with the word gun and now it just says something to the effect of, i'm selling this photo, but i can't tell you why i'm selling this for what i'm going to use the funds. ebay censored the words out. >> steve: we don't know if did he it or ebay did it. it sounds like some lawyers for jim carey got involved and suddenly it changes everything. >> eric: the good news is that picture is selling now more than the total box office receipts of
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jim carey's last film. >> gretchen: let's tell but this story because yesterday we brought it to your attention. there was a columnist in st. louis who had written that he believed one of the ways in which we could save money with all of the debt that this country has is to stop military funerals that the government pays for to honor veterans who have not been killed in combat. one of the quotes that really got people upset was that he said, most veterans have done nothing heroic. a lot of people were very upset with that, and the fact that you would cut military honors for people who have given their life and if they haven't died in service, they could have. bill mcclellan, the guy who wrote it, was on o'reilley last night. here is his defense. >> why don't we just let the vfw, american legion, marine corps league take care of this and that was the point of the column. the way you cut a budget is you take -- you cut little programs that might be nice, but you don't need and you trim bigger ones.
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it's been taken as hey, despicable, attack on veterans and i think it's almost amusing. >> steve: almost amusing. you know what, bill, nobody is laughing. interestingly enough, in the st. louis post dispatch this morning, he doubles down. he defends and says i wouldn't change a single word he wrote. keep in mind, he was all about trying to save money with the budget. he writes this morning, sadly, it's the response i've gotten is any indication there is not much hope of any kind of a deal to reduce spending. nobody wants to give anything up. i was hoping veterans could lead the way with their funerals. it would be a heroic thing to do. >> eric: the number they've estimated that it costs american taxpayers for these funeral, around 45 million bucks. meanwhile, we read a story this morning about $350 million going towards sex ed for kids as low as five years old. there are so many areas to cut the budget, it shouldn't be on the back of the military. by the way, even if you don't see action or on the front lines of action, you could be a support staff for all those people who do. this is the most -- i think the
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guy honestly -- >> steve: just by serving you're heroic! >> eric: i'm if favor of free speech and the right to your opinion, but i also would like to say i have my opinion. i think this guy should be fired. >> gretchen: the vfw representative responded in this way. >> especially veterans like me who served in iraq, now he said in his column that most folks who serve in the military don't do anything heroic. that's really immaterial to this argument because the reason we deliver these kind of honors to our fallen veterans is because they put -- at some point put their lives on the line for the country. they signed a blank check to our country that included anything up to and including their life. so this is a final honor that we bestow on them. it's actually relatively low cost for the federal government. >> steve: if the federal government can spend $321,000 for limousine rentals for joe biden in paris and joe biden doesn't actually ride in any of the cars, we can certainly, this
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country, afford military funerals honors. don't you think? e-mail us on this good friday. >> gretchen: this is a face of the opposition in syria. check it out. it's a 7-year-old toting an ak 47 as big as he is, smoking a cigarette. >> steve: i wonder if his mom will ground him. probably not. >> eric: the hottest duo. thompson square will be here to perform live and they're awesome ♪ [ male announcer ] what are happy kids made of? bikes and balloons, wholesome noodles on spoons. a kite, a breeze, a dunk of grilled cheese. catches and throws, and spaghettio's. that's what happy kids are made of. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. sure. cake or pie? pie. apple or cherry? cherry. oil or cream? oil or cream? cream. ♪ [ male announcer ] the sound of reddi-wip is the sound of joy. >> gretchen: from his best selling book "the shack" to his new book" cross roads," paul young touched millions world wide with stories of a great loving god triumphing over life's toughest challenges. >> eric: on this good friday, it's a lesson christians around
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the world are reflecting upon and celebrating. >> gretchen: author paul young joins us now. good to see you. >> it's a good friday to be with you. >> gretchen: yes, it is. the message you bring to us. we were talking about surprise at "the shack" becoming an instant people. you thought only 15 people in your life would care about it. >> i only made 15 copies. >> gretchen: was it about the human pain that you so vividly characterize in the book or was it the questions about faith? >> i think both. i think "the shack" gave people a language to have a conversation about god that wasn't a religious conversation. i think sadly, we've taken the conversation about god, we've placed it in a religious category. i don't think jesus came to establish a religious conversation. i think he came to show us what it means to be human, what it means to be fully alive, which involves relationship with god. and i think jesus, who is god in the flesh, has come to reveal that to us and meet news our greatest darkness, which today represents. >> eric: in "cross roads," tony
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is the main character. who is tony? >> he is sort of a despicable, you know -- mckenzie in "the shack" was auto buy graphcal. tony has issues pertaining to me. he comes from a foster care system and, you know, you look at the news and you look at what's happening. every human being was once a child. right? every one of them. something happened. so the question is, how does change or transformation or grace, how does that penetrate into the life of a despicable person? i'm just exploring a different set of questions. >> gretchen: so he's a driven businessman, fall noose a coma, which allows him to revisit choices he's made in relationships that he's become entangled in in his life? >> right. choices is what makes us human. part of the reason that we have this incredible validity to perpetrate evil on each other comes from the fact we have an ability to choose. and as much as sometimes we would like god to step in and
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make choices for us and fix those people or whatever it is, i think a lot of times we don't recognize how respectful god is toward the very fact that he's given us an ability to choose. the cross itself today, good friday, that's not god's idea. i mean, that is about the worst torture machine that a human being could ever perpetrate on another human being. designed to keep you alive as long as possible and as much pain as possible. that's exactly where jesus goes is on to that human constructed torture machine and that's where he meets us. then he turns it into some kind of an icon of grace. around the world, people treasure the symbol of this great torture machine that god has transformed into something beautiful. >> gretchen: that's beautifully put, the transformation there. that's exactly what this weekend is about, from death to resurrection. >> it's the belief that life is bigger than death. we live in a world where everybody is scared and
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everybody believes death is bigger than life. we're saying no, no. >> gretchen: life is a mystery because you never knew that you were going to become this famous author. >> relationship is a mystery. i'm a married man. >> gretchen: and sell 18 million books with "the shack" and now you have" the cross roads." great to see you. >> great to be here. thank you. such an honor. happy easter. >> gretchen: coming up next, we go inside the cockpit of the presidential helicopter, never before seen photos. this is a young jfk, junior, just released. >> eric: then are you always starving after a huge meal? our next guest says that's because scientists aren't using ingredients that make you hungrier. -- they are using hungry -- ingredients that make you hungrier. what you should be checking the label for. that's next i'm over the hill.
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my body doesn't work the way it used to. past mprime? i'm a victim of a slowing metabolism? i don't think so. new great grains protein blend. protein from natural ingredients like seeds and nuts. it helps support a healthy metabolism. new great grains protein blend. shoot. now with the share everything plan from verizon, connect your camera, along with your smartphone and tablet. all your devices connected by one simple plan on the powerful network. record video. connect more. so you can do more. the share everything plan from verizon. add additional devices like the samsung galaxy camera for $5 monthly access.
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>> gretchen: 23 minutes after the top of the hour. is this the face of the opposition in syria? this tough guy, all of seven years old. the son of a fighter with the rebels shown tot an ak 47 and taking a drag on a cigarette. he was guard ago barricade that shelters the rebels. new photos released of jfk, junior, as a toddler. the pictures are from 1963 when he was just two years old. the jfk library releasing images of him playing in a presidential helicopter at camp david. steve? >> steve: are you still hungry sometimes even after you just had a big meal? there is a reason why. our next guests are saying that food scientists are manipulating the ingredients to make the food you eat make you crave even more. explaining that with us right now are the authors of "rich food, poor food," dr. jason
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calculaten and certified nutritionist, mirra calculaten. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: naturally i'm doing the food segment on the day i'm trying to fast. so what are they doing -- it's good for their business. the more you eat, this the more they make. >> right. we all heard of corporations buying from market share. did you know there is a war going on with food manufacturers for something they call your stomach share? the amount of food their companies have in your stomach. so they get this team of food scientists together and create food that's so addictive, you can't put it down. >> steve: the first one is high fructose corn syrup. >> there you go. it is in 63 pounds of this do people eat a year. it's one ingredient. they're loading it on purpose. when you eat foods that contain high fructose corn syrup, your body doesn't secrete a hormone that tells you you're full. you never get the message you're full, you're going to keep
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eating more of their product. >> steve: i'm sorry. i'm still going to eat oreos. how many times have you called the -- when you're getting chinese takeout, you say, no msg. >> they don't tell you something. they don't put it in the food. do you when you put the soy sauce on it. the problem with msg is in studies when they gave it to rats, they ate 40% more food than those they didn't give it to. experts say it's the same for humans. >> steve: were they feeding them chinese food? >> i don't know. >> steve: let's talk about sugar. >> sugar is in just about everything these days. but not for the reason we might assume. it blocks the calcium and magnesium from getting into your body. guess what happens when you don't have it in your body? you crave sugar. it's like a dog chasing its own tail. you keep putting it in, you want more. lower and lower, until you can't stop eating. >> steve: this is weight watchers. >> number one ingredient in this is sugar. >> steve: oh, man. also, artificial flavors are
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addictive. >> right. we'll talk about the artificial taste stimulators here. there is really no flavor in them. what they do is play with your taste buds. scientists dial into what they call the point where you eat to the point you can't put it down. they block the negative flavors and enhance the good ones, making it so we can't stop eating these foods. >> steve: read about it in "rich food, poor food." thank you very much. >> thanks for having us again. >> steve: have a nice easter. >> you, too. >> steve: straight ahead, it's a true cinderella story. does florida gulf coast university have iran to thank? we'll talk about that. plus, one school district banning dodge ball because it leaves negative experiences for kids. but we're not. we're going to play dodge ball out on the plaza as "fox & friends" rolls on live from new york city i was cooking dinner for my family.
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that work the way you wish they would. like a front-end loader you can detach from your seat? or a mower deck you just drive over and cut through knee-deep grass no problem? yep. we thought the same thing you did. that's why we build them this way. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or to see the new signature series and 1 family tractors. >> americans buy an estimated 120 million pounds of candy for easter every year. i hope jesus comes back as a dentist. >> gretchen: all right. maybe you caught some of those funnies. if not, that's why we play them for you. today is good friday and thousands are in jerusalem to retrace jesus' final steps. conner powell is there live. good morning, conner.
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>> gretchen, it's been a beautiful day here in jerusalem. the city is packed full of not only jews celebrating passover, but also christians marking good friday. christian pilgrims filled the cobblestone alleyways of the old city, celebrating good friday, the most solemn day in the christian calendar. as they walked, they read aloud passages from the bible telling the story of jesus' crucifixion. >> it's amazing to see why jesus has been and everything. >> security was tight around the via del rosa. there are 14 stations, which means in latin, the way of sorrow. it begins with jesus receiving his cross and ends with his death and resurrection. this easter takes on special meaning for the more than 1 billion roman catholics who recently elect add new pope francis i. he has stressed humility and service to the less fortunate.
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>> what's different about the pope this time is that he's really involved with poor people and just like charity work and everything. so that will be really important to the future of the catholic church. >> following the example of jesus at the last supper, pope francis traveled to a prison outside rome thursday night, washing the feet of young inmates as he stresses the importance of reaching out to those in need. the vatican announced this week that pope francis will make a trip to the holy land joining bartholomew i, head of the orthodox religion. calling the trip between the two men a sign of christian unity. >> gretchen: conner powell live for us in israel today. thanks. >> steve: beautiful observations. of course, good friday, a day of fasting for millions of christians around the world. we've got other headlines for you. scary story about 7,000 patients of dentists in oklahoma. they are being told to go get tested for hiv. dr. scott harrington closing his
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practice after unclean dental equipment was found in his office, pictured there. he is accused of not cleaning the tools even though he knew some of his patients had infectious diseases. >> dr. harrington patients were at risk of exposure to infectious material that may have contained hepatitis b virus, hepatitis c or hiv. >> steve: sounds like a lot of lawsuits are coming. harrington will find out if he loses his license at a hearing next month. do you think? >> eric: i would say so. a big win for syracuse in the ncaa tournament. the orange men topping number one seed indiana, 61-50. after their huge win over san diego state, florida gulf coast is back in action tonight. the cinderella school may have russian writer to thank for their success. her book is required reading at fgcu. it suggests thinking outside the
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box to transform yourself, much as the eagles did by focusing on their program to create a buzz for the school. >> steve: you're actually taking florida gulf coast. >> eric: i'm taking the 13 points in fgtu. >> gretchen: that's a good clarification. file this one under how not to rob a store. check out this would be crook. first he scopes out the store in some interesting pants, without covering his face. seconds later, he returns with a stock over his head and throws a rock at the door. >> steve: i wond who are that is. >> gretchen: the alarm scared him so bad, he ran away and tripped. >> steve: crooks are stupid. get ready, the grace world are taking another -- griswolds are taking another vacation. >> first one is here. >> but we're so far away, clark. >> right, right. and at the end of the day when the lots all full and everybody is fighting to get out, we'll be the first ones out, too, right? why? because we're the griswolds!
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>> steve: so sad, they're right there in the parking lot of wally world and they can't go in. anyway, chevy chase will reportedly reprize his famous role as clark griswold, but this time we're told his son rusty will be behind the wheel of station wag. christina applegate signed on to play the wife. we hear the movie could feature a return to said infamous wally world. which looked like a lot of fun. meanwhile, let's go outside to maria world and take a look at the weather. >> good morning. it's a chilly morning here in new york city. we should be seeing a high temperature, not too bad. 55 degrees for your high today and it should remain pretty chilly across most of the northeast throughout the day today and even into the midwest. minneapolis, chicago, in the 50s. parts of texas, a beautiful day, 79 degrees for your high temperature. 74 in new orleans. and in tampa, 74 as well for
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your high temperature. otherwise there will be showers and storms across parts of missouri, parts of arkansas, already dealing with that right now. there is a slight chance that extreme northern parts of texas and parts of oklahoma could be dealing with severe weather today and even as we head into tomorrow. isolated tornadoes will be possible, damaging wind gusts in excess of 60 miles per hour and also some large size hail. again that's today and also into tomorrow. storm system will be organizing throughout saturday across the center of the country, then heads east. by easter sunday, rain is possible across portions of the northeast, all the way down into parts of the south. we could be looking at a soggy easter. now let's head over to gretchen and eric. >> gretchen: thanks much. we're talking about dogs. today -- dodge ball. we're playing a game because there was a school in new hampshire that banned it because they said it was a human target game and that it could lead to bullying. we wanted to see the good part of dodge ball, so we're bringing in jonathan, who has a company
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called blood, sweat and cheers. one of the things you encourage is good kinds of exercise and fun for kids, right? and for adults? >> for adults really. it's about doing things that are fun, active and social. fitness doesn't have to be flexing in front of the mirror. it can be going out and having fun. at our company, we recommend one activity, work out or product that you need to know about today to do something fun and active. >> eric: could we play? we played earlier and this is a great workout. >> i'm keeping my eye on you 'cause you're sneaky. >> gretchen: he should have to put on my shoes this time around. >> eric: are you playing? >> gretchen: i'm playing. we're cheating 'cause we already have the balls. sorry! i went above the belt! sorry about that! guys, watch out!
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allall right. where is eric? >> eric: this all works. watch. gretch! >> steve: homage to dodge ball live on the plaza where they're having a lot of fun. they'll be coming in shortly. very nicely done. look at him. you see how eric threw the ball up and then got her? he's something. meanwhile, 21 minutes before the top of the hour. they are country music's hottest married duo. ♪ are you gonna kiss me or not ♪ are we gonna do this or what ♪ >> steve: that cute couple, thompson square, performing for
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us live coming up next. good morning to you. and this house is on the market for less than $200,000 and we're showing you four more just like it. houses you could all afford if you got the money, coming up straight live from new york city, dodge ball capitol. ♪ [ male announcer ] every famous curve has an equally thrilling, lesser-known counterpart. conquer them with the exhilarating is 250. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the cmand performance sales event. th is the pursuit of perfection. during the cmand performance sales event. some people will do anything to help eliminatlitter box odor. ♪ discover tidy cats pure nature. clping litter with natural cedar, pine, and corn.
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let's see what you got. rv -- covered. why would you pay for a hotel? i never do. motorcycles -- check. atv. i ride those. do you? no. boat. house. hello, dear. hello. hello. oh! check it -- [ loud r&b on car radio ] i'm going on break! the more you bundle, the more you save. now, that's progressive.
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vo: to the elegant trim es in each and every piece, bold will make your reality a dream. >> gretchen: welcome back. it is the start of spring and it's the perfect time to hit the housing market and browse through the open houses in your area. here with details is real estate expert and the author of "find it, fix it, flip it," michael corbett. good to see you in person. >> me, too. >> gretchen: we're going to travel all across the united states this morning. we're going to first land in fort worth, texas. what can you show us?
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>> fort worth, there is a house right now on the market that's going to have an open house tomorrow, four bedrooms, two baths. about 2200 square feet. open floor plan, large room. it's also got a private pool and spa. big master bath, double shower, central air, great location in fort worth. it's open tomorrow. >> gretchen: i used to live there, so i can attest to the fact that is a beautiful part of the country. let's go over to little river, south carolina. what's for sale there? >> we got a three bedroom, 2 1/2 bath property that is about 2,000 square feet. it's a custom home, three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths. a little north of myrtle beach. updated kitchen with all kinds of great countertops, really nicely upgraded home. this one has a screened porch that backs up to woods. lot of bells and whistles on this. it's open tomorrow. >> gretchen: looks very nice. now down to florida. st. petersburg. >> absolutely. beautiful town, love saint pete. really good deal. this one is on the market at
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114.999. three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, 1200 square feet. great deal. it's actually underpriced for what it is. classic design, secluded patio and a really nice backyard. go check it out if you're in saint pete tomorrow. >> gretchen: a lot of people heard the buzz word, underpriced. number four, charlotte, north carolina. we were there this past fall for one of the conventions. $85,000? >> crazy. this is sort of my deal of the week. this one actually is on a third of an acre, three bedrooms, two baths, completely updated. move-in ready. this is one that's not going to be on the market very long. so call ahead and make sure it's still there. it's a great house. just outside of uptown and south end. according to trullia, you know what the mortgage would be on this? $381 a month. >> gretchen: wow. >> great deal. really good house. >> gretchen: beautiful floors as well. to find all of these property listings all in one place, you can visit our web site and we'll link it to your information.
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>> absolutely. it will be all there for you. >> gretchen: thanks for helping folks out. country music's hottest married duo thompson square here live next to perform. [ male announcer ] how do you make america's favorite recipes? just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. it's not what you think. plus a valuable coupon. it's a phoenix with 4 wheels. it's a hawk with night vision goggles. it's marching to the beat of a different drum. and where beauty meets brains. it's big ideas with smaller footprints.
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>> i'm bill hemmer. north korea beating a war drum again. how will the u.s. respond? also, a month into sequester, why republicans are arguing we told you so. and on this good friday, a visit from the man who plays peter in the epic series "the bible." we'll see you all in about ten minutes here on a friday morning. back to my three friends there. happy easter. ♪ are we gonna do this or not. ♪ >> gretchen: happy easter to you. they are country music's reigning vocal duo of the year made popular by this number one hit "are you gonna kiss me or
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not." >> steve: thompson square are back with us. good morning to keifer and shanna. you have been married 13 years. what's it like sharing bus space not only with your husband, but these other five guys, every you go, they're there? >> we're quite lucky this year. we have our own bus. so i'm just dealing with keifer at this point. the only bad thing is i can't get mad at him and slam a door 'cause we don't have a door to slam. it's air doors. >> she screams at me and goes... . >> gretchen: it's high-tech. >> eric: the good news is you can be like, okay, fine. i'm going to the bus with the band. >> yeah. i go over there and play x box or something. let her cool off a little bit. >> gretchen: what i think is great about the latest album is you had all the success the first time around, so you had a
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lot to write about, right? >> we learned a lot the past couple years. the whole album is kind of like the sound track of our life. kind of how we got started and there is a song on there about her dad passing. it kind of thanked the fans on here a few times. it's a really important record for us to make. we made the record and we wanted to -- we always wanted to make. >> steve: we're so happy for you are because this is your fourth appearance on "fox & friends." >> yeah. we feel like family now. >> steve: you are like family for us. when you first started, you were just a -- a lot of people hadn't heard about you at this point. right now you're out touring with luke, right? >> out with luke brian until october. it's a really long tour and i think we're about 11 weeks in and we're having a blast. >> it's such a fun tour to be on of the he's blowing up right now and he's east a really good guy, man. >> gretchen: how do y'all get along with the guys behind you? >> not very well. [ laughter ] >> gretchen: can i let the guys answer that? >> that's why we put them on
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another bus. >> gretchen: oh! >> eric: who writes the songs? >> we write as much as we can together. i think we wrote -- there are 16 songs on the album on one version at wal-mart. but i think there are eight on that one that we wrote. it was kind of weird, the songs kind of fell into place, the ones that we didn't write, it just really made sense in the continuity with everything. so yeah, kind of all fell together. >> gretchen: what is this song about? just feels good that you're about to sing? >> "just feels good" -- >> eric: don't answer that. >> gretchen: oh, oh i think we know. >> it's that early and we're already going there. >> gretchen: why not? >> steve: you're going to sing "if i didn't have -- >> gretchen: i saw that and -- [ laughter ] >> steve: we're getting out of the way. ladies and gentlemen, thompson square!
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♪ sometimes it feels like i'm gonna pray ♪ ♪ sometimes this world gives more than i can take ♪ ♪ sometimes, sometimes it's in the rain ♪ ♪ it keeps pouring down ♪ it just keeps coming down ♪ this life will kill me if i didn't have you ♪ ♪ couldn't live without you baby ♪ ♪ wouldn't want to ♪ if you didn't love me so much ♪ ♪ i'd never make it through
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♪ 'cause this life would kill me if i didn't have you ♪ ♪ you are my heart, every breath i take ♪ ♪ you rescue me ♪ i'm weak, you're strong ♪ if you were gone ♪ i don't know where i'd be ♪ you were made for me ♪ this life would kill me if i didn't have you ♪ ♪ i couldn't live without you baby ♪ ♪ i wouldn't want to ♪ if you didn't love me so
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much ♪ ♪ i'd never make it through ♪ this life would kill me ♪ this life would kill me if i didn't have you ♪ ♪ if you didn't love me so much much ♪ ♪ this life would kill me if i didn't have you ♪ ♪ this life would kill me ♪ i couldn't live without you baby ♪ ♪ i wouldn't want to ♪ if you didn't love me so much ♪ ♪ i'd never make it through ♪ 'cause this life would kill me ♪ ♪ this life would kill me if i
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