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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  March 29, 2013 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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bill: will you have an easter egg hunt for your kids. alisyn: indeed i will on sunday. bill: any special thing they hook for. alisyn: they try to amass the motor. have a wonderful holiday weekend. bill: thank you you're in tomorrow. alisyn: fox & friends. "happening now" starts right now. jenna: brand-new stories and breaking news. jon: president ronald reagan said freedom is nevermore than one generation from extinction. we will talk with one prominent republican that warns those words ring true today. a shocking video out of philadelphia, a guy falls onto the subway tracks moments before a train moves in. the complet quick moves by a complete stranger that saved his life. how the scent of extra virgin olive oil can improve your health. it's all "happening now." but first on this good friday, the most solemn day on the
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christian calendar, the u.s. eyes the next move after a threat of war halfway around the world. good morning to you i'm jon scott. jenna: hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. north korea today ramping up its rhetoric again and reportedly readying its military. the leader there kim jong un says his rockets are ready to quote settle accounts with the united states. this comes one day after a powerful military message from us to them the pentagon sending two nuclear-capable stealth bombers on a fly over right around the korean peninsula to make sure they saw it. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with more on this continuing to develop story. so, jennifer, what is north korea specifically planning to do? what are they saying? >> reporter: well it's difficult to say, jenna, but right now kim jong un is backing himself into a corner and the pentagon is very worried that he may put himself in a position that if he doesn't do something he will lose face. shortly after midnight local
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time last night north korean state television reported that kim jong un signed orders to put the nation's rockets on combat ready status. the direct threat to the u.s. in the wake of those b-2 bomber flights over the peninsula were cleared the animated north korean news reader said of kim, quote he finally signed the plan on technical preparations of strategic rockets of the kpa, the korean army ordering them to be on standby to fire so that they may strike at any time the u.s. mainland, its military bases in the operational base necessary the pacific including hawaii and guam and those in south korea. the u.s. has more than 28,000 troops on the korean peninsula, they have bases that are vulnerable to rocket attack and artillery attack, so simply because the koreans can't reach the u.s. with a rocket or a nuclear -- a rocket with a nuclear device on board it still has the pentagon very concerned
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about the status of u.s. forces in the area. jenna: how seriously are they taking these threats inside the pentagon? >> reporter: they have to take them seriously. they have seen the rhetoric, this kind of rhetoric in the past, but they can't afford not to take it seriously. in fact here is secretary of defense chuck hagel yesterday. >> and the north koreans seem to be headed in a different direction here. so, we will unequivocally defend, and we are unequivocally committed to that alliance with south korea. >> reporter: but remember the north koreans while having made progress in their ballistic missile program still have not mastered the technology of delivering a nuclear device via long-range missile but they are making progress and that is what is worrying the pentagon. the pentagon says it has not seen any unusual movement or pre positioning of those rockets. they are watching closely. but they also know that the
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north koreans in the past have timed their sort of surprises to american holidays, and to mol days in general, the july 4th holiday in particular and of course they are looking at easter weekend and the pentagon will be watching very closely the movements in the north. jenna: a good context for us considering all the threats we've heard in the past and what they've done as well. the story we'll continue to watch. jennifer thank you. jon: the commander-in-chief flies to florida today. president obama will talk about the economy and jobs. this comes as the obama administration announces sweeping new regulations on gasoline and automobile emissions with the goal of cutting air pollution. but there are growing worries that these tougher rules will hurt the economy by pushing gas prices even higher. wendell goler live at the white house with that. >> reporter: it would cut the amount of sulfur in gasoline and tough even pollution requirements for cars. the epa said the combination would have the pollution impact of taking 33 million cars off
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the roads. the obama administration says the cleaner gasoline would cost about a penny a gallon more, though the oil industry says it would be closer to a dime. officials say the car changes would add about $130 to the costs by 2025. the american petroleum institute was quickly critical calling the new regulations the latest in a tsunami of regulations that could raise gasoline production costs. and michigan republican congressman fred upton released a statement that read quote with 4 tkhr-rz a gallon gas the norm in many parts of the country we cannot afford policies that knowingly raise gasoline prices. the epa says a third of the country's refineries already meet the sulfur's standard and most others can do so with only modest modification. officials say the lower pollution would save 2400 lives a year and 23,000 cases of respiratory ailments in children. meanwhile the president is headed to the port of miami to push for investments he says would create jobs and help the u.s. better compete with other ports around the world to boost
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american exports and reduce the trade deficit. >> the port of miami is a major center of commerce the example of the critical infrastructure improvements that are being undertaken to remain competitive in the global marketplace using investment from the state government, local government and federal government and private investors that the president has called for -frplgts he's pushing for $50 million of infrastructure spending that would need congressional approval and has got even a cold reception from republicans. jenna: new advice to republicans not to change their platform, but to fight back. in a new "wall street journal" editorial liz cheney is referencing a warning from ronald reagan a 52 years ago this weekend. take a list stpwhrepb freedom is nevermore than one generation away from extinction. we didn't pass it onto our children in the bloodstream. the only way they can inherit the freedom we have known is if we fight for it, protect it,
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defend it and then hand it to them with the well taught lessons of how they in their lifetime must do the same. if you and i don't do this then you and i may spend our sunset years telling our children, and our childrens children what it once was like in america when men were free. general joining us is fox news political analyst liz cheney. you used that quote to start off your editorial. that was 20 years before ronald reagan was actually president of this country. why did you decide that that quote fits now? >> reporter: hi, jenna thanks nor having me. i think president reagan's message about how important it is for us to realize that freedom is not free and that each generation has an obligation to defend our freedom fits so well with the times we are living in now, and, you know, as you look at what is going on in the republican party, certainly we lost in 2012, a lot of republicans worked very hard and have been sort of depressed as a result of
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that loss. i and a lot of other people have grown increasingly concerned that while the republican party is so focused on sort of ringing our hands about 2012, the president is working very hard to put in place a series of very radical policies. and is past time in my view that the party need to sort of pick itself up and say, all right that's enough. we are going to stand against these dangerous policies and we're going to insure that we are able to hand to our kid the kind of freedoms that we know have made this nation great. jenna: you take on the president directly in this article. you say as you just mention they'd he's the most radical man ever to occupy the oval office, but you also say that it's time for republicans to get over their loss of 2012. a question for you, liz, how do you think republicans should move forward? how do you think they should change potentially their rhetoric, their mantra when it comes specifically to this administration?
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>> reporter: you know i think what we need to do is have the courage to stand up and defend our values with vigor. we need to be in a position where we are saying to the american people, this is why we are conservatives. we believe in limited government. we believe in low taxes. we believe in a strong national defense. we know that the private sector is the engine of growth for the economy. we also know that the free enterprise system is a system that is more likely to raise people out of poverty and provide opportunity for all than any other system devised by man. and we need to be clear why we believe in these things, we need to be clear for what we stand for and we also -- jenna: one of the reasons i bring up up the criticisms of the president is you specifically list off some of these criticisms of the administration as a way to further define what you think republicans should stand for, but these complaints we've heard before over the years, and still the president was reelected. so why keep going back to them if they haven't been effective for the republican party?
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>> well i think you've got to look at 2012 and we have lessons that we node to hraoefrpblt certainly you can't say that our values are not effective. you could say that we didn't do a good enough job with explaining why we believe in these things, why we know these are the right values to take this country in the right direction for the future, but i think there is another important point here, jenna, and that is that the republicans are often criticized in the mainstream media as being obstructionists, as saying no to the president's policies, and my view and my point in this op ed was to say wait a second when you have a president who has embarked on such a dangerous path, whether you want to talk about domestic policy, ignoring the debt, trying to trample on our second amendment rights, our religious freedom. national security policy, weak evening the nation, across the border his policies are so damage ritz is not could be trucks to block them it is in fact patriotism. jenna: how do republicans express that in a new way in an
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effort to move forward? >> i think we've got great new faces coming up in the party. i think we have a great bench. i think it's really important that we not let ourselves be sidetracked. what is happening too often is sort of a lot of voices saying, well the solution is for the republican party to move to the left, and i'm very concerned about that. i think that is exactly the wrong thing for us to be doing right now. we certainly do not serve the country well if we become a watered down version of the democrats. we need to be able to say to the american people, these values, which frankly a majority of the american people hold, you know, what you talk about limited government, and a strong national defense, when you talk about being willing to stand up and say the united states is the most exceptional nation that's ever existed on the face of the earth, those are majority american values, and we as a party need to explain to people, we are the ones who will defend those values, we are the ones who will fight for your freedom, we will are the ones that will insure that we have a growing economy that is providing
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opportunity for all, and that the path this president is trying to take us down in fact is much more likely to lead to a situation like the one you're seeing in cyprus today, the kind of european social democratic systems that frankly have not been effective and will not serve the nation. jenna: the editorial certainly caught our attention, brought some new conversation to the topic we've been talking about so much. a very public debate about where the republican marty is. liz, it's great to have your thoughts, we encourage our viewers to check out the editorial as well and look forward to having you back. >> good to be with you, thanks. bill: new charges for a man in a deadly explosion. it devastated an entire community and killed two innocent people. what prosecutors say one man suspected of that explosion was plotting behind bars.
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>> an attorney in the jodi arias trial is under fire for what he's done outside the courtroom. more on that coming up.
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jenna: a man accused in a deadly indianapolis house explosion is now at the center of a murder-for-hire plot. you may remember this horrific scene back in november. it's hard to forget, really. the explosion at one house was so bad that two people who lived next door were killed, and 33 other homes were destroyed. three people are awaiting trial on murder and arson charges. they are also accused of causing that explosion to collect on the home's insurance policy. one of those three, mark leonard, is facing new charges, of plotting the death of a witness in the case. david lee miller is live in our new york city newsroom with more on this. so, david, what more do we know about this alleged plot? >> reporter: well, jenna, one of the more incredible things that we've learned is that authorities say mark leonard
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hashed his plot to kill a witness whao*eul he was behind bars awaiting trial for that deadly arson. leonard contacted a fellow inmate to try and hire a hitman, according to authorities. instead he was given the name of an undercover federal agent, according to the prosecutor leonard drew up and signed a contract for the murder-for-hire scheme. >> mr. leonard stated that he wished to arrange for the death of a witness in the explosion case identified as md. he believed he would be immediately released upon the death of md, that mr. leonard was willing to pay $15,000 for the killing of md. >> reporter: this alleged plan was so brazen that leonard offered the killer for hire a $5,000 bonus if the witness could be forced to call 911 to say that he lied about the case, and then made the murder look like a suicide, jenna. jenna: such an intricate plan, and all of this is done behind bars, right? he's being held in this other
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matter. how did he even do that? >> reporter: authorities say that leonard not once but twice telephoned the undercover agent who was posing as a hitman. apparently, though, leonard didn't pay attention to a sign in the jail informing inmates their calls are being recorded. prosecutors also said leonard drew a map to help "the hitman" find his target. in addition to facing life without parole for that deadly arson this murder-for-hire plot could get leonard another 20 to 50 years. jon: tough new gun laws enacted by democrats in colorado signed into law by that state's democratic governor. it could end up costing the state millions. what one group is doing to send a message about this new law. [ male announcer ] with free package pickup
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scene of a vacant casino that burned to the ground just off the vegas strip. harris faulkner has more from our newsroom. >> reporter: this thing was a beast to fight. now the key largo casino is gone completely, and what happened at the site of of the hotel remains a mystery. today the bureau of alcohol, tobacco firearms and explosives is work, the scene: we know the building had been vacant for a while and vagrants were repeatedly kicked out. the casino closed years ago in 2005 and a hirise condominium complex was supposed to replace it. that never happened. it was sitting empty. that piece of real estate was worth a lot of money according to city officials who are estimating the damages at
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$4.5 million today. 40 units and 120 firefighters showed up when the thing was fully engulfed in flames. two firemen were hurt. we've learned today they are expected to be okay their injuries minor. there is concern today, though, that the building contained asbestos and other toxic material that might have been inhaled during the fire by firefighters, and the public from the neighbors in the area. that's something that they are watching for. back to you. jenna: thank you. jon: president obama announced he will head to denver next week where he is expected to meet with lawmakers and push for tougher federal gun laws this. comes as hunters begin a boycott of colorado after that state passed some of the toughest gun control laws in the nation, including restrictions on magazine sizes and universal backed checks tha background checks that have to be paid for the applicants themselves. dan is an author, you and i traded places.
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i grew up in colorado and moved to new york. you grew up in new jersey and moved to colorado. what is it that hunters are saying about this boycott? >> the tragedy here is that these laws assume that gun owners are a problem, and instead of assuming that gun owners are the solution. because gun owners are the people who own the guns, they are the custodian of these 300 million firearms that we live among, and nothing good can happen to keep us safer from these guns without the cooperation of the gun guys, without the participants of the gun guys. so laws like this just drive the gun guys away, make them angry, drive them into their defensive crouch, and i've got to add i am a tax and spend democrat, a life-long gun guy and a tax and spend democrat and it breaks my heart. i think it puts the democratic control of colorado at risk. jon: to you think that is part of the reason that president obama is actually going there, because he feels some political vulnerability for democrats on this issue? >> i don't know. i can't say why president obama
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is doing what he's doing. i'm a big obama fan but i think he's in the wrong on this issue. i think he need to rethink this and say, you know, most gun guys in america are law abiding, responsible people. they are as horrified by gun violence as anybody. and it is they who need to be involved in solutions, and banning more guns in the future, or trying to adjust how many round can be in a magazine, it's silly, and gun guys find it deeply insulting. jon: so there are about 86,000 hunting licenses that are issued each year in kol colorado, to out of state hunters. 16% of the total as i understand it. if the boycott sticks and hurts the economy as boycott boycotts tend to do, the irony is that the people hurt first and perhaps the worst are gun supporters themselves, the outfitters, the guide services,
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the sporting goods stores. >> right and there is a prominent manufacturer of rifle magazines in colorado with about 200 employees that says it's going to leave colorado, take 200 jobs out of the state because of these laws. it's ill-considered, its kind of a disaster and it's really not going to make us safer. and gun guys are irritated by it. jon: do you see the legislature and the governor saying, woe, maybe we've made a mistake here, let's rethink this? >> you know this was -- governor had a good amount of time between the passage of the bill and when he signed it. several days went by and a lot of us thought well maybe he is rethinking it. there were big demonstrations at the state house. he made the calculation whether it was a political calculation or a policy calculation, he's a good guy, he's a smart guy, and this is part of what makes gun guys so suspicious, they say, look, governor hickenlooper is a smart man he can't possibly think that he's going to make us safer by adjusting the number of rounds in the magazines we can
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have in our rifles. he must have something else going on. and what gun guys perceive is, it's not the guns he's after it's us. he doesn't like us, an wants to dis-- he wants to express disapproval of us. and you can imagine how insulting that is. jon: because gun guys are thinking the criminals don't care how many round they have in their magazines. >> of course, of course. anybody who is bent on mass murder is not going to be dissuaded boy a law saying how many round you can have in a magazine, and there are so many of these magazines out there already that anyone who wants one can get one. so it's entirely jess taourl. it's a gesture. the gun guys say, what is he gesturing towards? he's gesturing towards disapproval of me personally and you can imagine how irritating and insulting that is. jon: it will be interesting to see what kind of a welcome the president gets there when he arrives on wednesday. >> you know i think he'll probably get a pretty good welcome from a lot of people in colorado, frankly, he's very popular here. jon: and it's a very polite
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state as i can attest. >> it is a polite state. jon: always good to talk to you. >> thank you for having me. jenna: all that fresh air and elevation kind of gets you when you walk out. jon: let me brag on my home state. you're in better shape than i am. jenna: it's hard to be unhappy in colorado, i'll give you that, jon. jon: that's right. jenna: we are getting brand-new details on really a remarkable story, a former u.s. soldier is now charged with aiding a terrorist group. what he's accused of planning and where and how we got all these pictures and video of him. it's a really interesting story. catherine herridge has it coming up. allegations of misconduct could side track the jodi arias murder trial. what the lead prosecutor is accused of doing and what it could mean for the entire case. >> was that inconsistent if that's what they are doing, staging a scene, wouldn't that
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be inconsistent -- . ...
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jenna: some new information just in on a former american soldier accused of working with al qaeda in syria. the feds arresting 30-year-old u.s. army veteran, this 30-year-old army veteran in virginia, charging him with conspiring to use a weapon of mass destruction against syria's regime. chief intelligence correspondent correspondent chairman herridge is live in washington with more on this story. so many questions about this young man. how did even hook up with al qaeda in syria? how did even even go about
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that. >> reporter: good morning. according to the little complaint eric harroun went overseas in december 2010, traveling egypt, jordan, turkey and then to syria the allegation earlier this week he began working alongside the al qaeda affiliate in syria, and in series of fbi i interviews the group tau trained him to use a rpg that is where the charge of weapon of mass destruction came from. and he through social note working sites. the criminal complaint cites a interview and a short time ago his father is responding. >> treating eric like a hero over there and trying to save lives. he is not, you know any kind of a terrorist. i think it is funny. anybody that knows eric, knows that he he's 100% american. i don't understand the charges and what not. >> reporter: also according to the criminal complaint he was in the military from 2000 to 2003 and he got a
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medical discharge after a car accident. it does appear one of the ways he was supporting himself overseas, jenna was through disability claims from the military. jenna: that is interesting twist. we'll continue to watch that part of the story. there is bigger picture what is happening in syria and what is happening with al qaeda there. does this smaller story tell us anything about the big picture there? >> reporter: i think there are about three main bullet points if i was going to bottom line it for you. number one, we're seeing al qaeda affiliate or al qaeda linked group in syria really gained ground in the northern part of the country and almost becoming recognize the as its own affiliate. number two whenever you start to see western individuals coming into these conflict that is always a marker that the al qaeda group is really gaining steam and having a very strong footprint in the area. number three, you can't see what is happening there in a vacuum the we just had confirmation earlier this week from the canadian authorities two of their nationals were part of that
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hostage takeover at the algerian gas plant linked to al qaeda in north africa. so what you're seeing is western, north american individuals now inside these events in north africa and now in syria, jenna. jenna: those are three profound bullet points if there ever were some to think about. the catherine, thanks very much as always. >> reporter: you're welcome. jon: well, the lead prosecutor in the jodi arias trial, juan martinez, is going after her but now he is coming under some fire himself. now the arizona woman claims she killed her boyfriend in self-defense the prosecutor though in the spotlight for his behavior outside the courtroom. martinez is being accused of misconduct for signing autographs and posing for photos with court watchers. what could that mean for this case? joining us now, fred tecce, former federal prosecutor. arthur aidala with us, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor and fox news legal analyst.
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so they actually put a reporter from a television network on the stand, fred, because she saw the prosecutor out in front of the courthouse, basically on the courthouse steps, posing for photos and signing autographs? >> you know, what john? i have to tell you may find this difficult to believe i'm a little bit of a smart aleck. so one of the most difficult for me to do in trial and check that leave it in my office. i tell my witnesses and my parties from the minute you leave my office until you get back you conduct yourself with the same decorum you do when you're in the courtroom. the reason for that because one of the most critical aspects of the trial, solemnity, the seriousness of it. i will give you a perfect example. when martinez was crossing the ptsbd expert, i forget his name looks like skipper from "gilligan's island.". sir, this is serious conversation. you won't just throw the
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word speculation out there for no good reason. when martinez did this he undermines that. he undermines his credibility. only thing he has in the courtroom are control and credibility. i think this was a huge mistake for this guy. jon: does it threaten, does it threaten, arthur, the prospect of the prosecution's case in any way? >> no. i agree with everything that fred says. anybody who worked in a prosecutor's office like i was blessed to have a father who is a mentor, will tell you, you know, you maintain decorum the same way jon, you do, when you're covering the news. like, when you hear a story you like or don't like you don't either cheer or buy. that's not what you do. standing outside and signing auto kbrafs and taking pictures, he needs to politely say i'm sorry i can't do that at this time and just walk away. however do i think any one of these 12 jurors say i saw him signing autographs and saw him acting a celebrity outside therefore this woman who stabbed guy 27 times and
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cut his throat and shot him should go home? no, i don't think so. >> good point. jon: our viewers might not recognize it in new york, here in new york city you're something of a celebrity attorney. you're, your photo appears in the tabloids. >> he is. jon: with some celebrity clients from time to time. is it different though for a prosecutor. >> it is. i mean, definitely is. i know fred will agree with me. i am now, i work for an individual, i don't work for the government. you want a quick war story? i secured the first murder in the 1st degree conviction in the state of new york almost, 17 years ago. they interviewed me. all i said, jon, was, and it was a horrible crime, i said we are ecstatic at the verdict. the, the district attorney, joe heinz called me, said you ever say anything like that again you're fired!. this is after i won the biggest case he had. you're never ecstatic as a prosecutor. you did justice. you presented the evidence. the jury found him guilty
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and that's the end of it. jon: it clearly hurt your career, arthur. >> yeah. jon: fred, you have thoughts about that. >> he is suffering badly. he makes a great point, jon and you do too. sometimes when you're a defense lawyer and representing celebrities part of what you do is spin in the press. arthur picked up on the right thing, when you're a prosecutor you are supposed to be stoic and above it all. i'll tell youing something, the first case i tried in the as prosecutor i lost my temper in the courtroom. my boss took me out in one of the ante rooms, screamed at me. kicking chairs. you are the government. you are a bulldozer. you don't lose your temper. you want to use righteous indignation when its necessary that is one thing but don't you ever do that in a courtroom. i learned my lesson. that was the end. that. jon: there is no indication, arthur, that any of the jurors saw any of that. that was the testimony from this television reporter who bottom on the stand -- reporter who got on the stand. does that mean juan martinez
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will be in the clear here? >> i think the judge will give him a little slap on the wrist. say, probably not even him specifically. it has come to my attention that there are things going on outside of the courthouse. i would remind everyone we're all professionals and behave professionally, et cetera. jon, really this goes down to the men's room and ladies room. as lawyers a lot of time we share the bathrooms with the jurors. you really just need to be, you're not allowed to speak to the jurors at all. you're not supposed to impart any of your personality on the juries. it is about the evidence. that is way you behave. jon: especially with the trial going on so long. i'm sure there are some hallway encounters you're talking about. arthur, fred, thank you. >> thanks for having me. jenna: some interesting personal perspective there, right? always nice to have. more fallout from the affordable care act to tell you about. states are planning to cut employee hours to less than 30 per week to avoid cost from health care law. virginia officials say they
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simply can't afford the $110 million it would take to insure some of these workers. chief national correspondent jim angle is live from washington following this side. story and how scary. joins us with more. hi, jim. >> reporter: hello, jenna. virginia and other states face a difficult predictment. obamacare would force them to provide insurance to anyone that works more than 30 hours per week but the state can't afford the cost. listen. >> obamacare which i was very much opposed to is now the law. we've got to find ways to implement it in the least expensive an intrusive ways. >> it would cost $110 million and that would be pretty expensive to me and it was not included in the budget and it is all about the money. >> reporter: now, as she says, virginia has a balanced budget amendment. if we can't afford it, she says we don't cover it. that is statement one never hears in washington of course. virginia can't run deficits it will do what many others including fastfood chains are doing. listen. >> so you will have a lot of
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companies and a lot of other employers, government and otherwise saying hey, why don't we keep everybody at 29 hours a week? they will save a lot of money doing so. >> in virginia that will affect part-timers in the department of motor vehicles, seasonal park rangers, those who work at state-run alcohol stores and as adjunct professors at community colleges. >> but the community colleges example is the perfect example. there are four other community colleges and in four other states, not just virginia who already made this decision. >> about 9,000 state employees waive health insurance probably because they get it through somebody else or a parent. if they don't need insurance they want the income which will now be smaller. >> it will have some people lose wages and that is very unfortunate. i know that people depend on it but in order to be compliant with the law, these are decisions that we have to make. >> these people were not getting insurance in the first place. what these people want, what
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every person who works wants is a job. >> reporter: now, jenna, that is one of the fears among obamacare critics whatever it does to health care it will reduce the number of jobs or number of hours that people can work. jenna. jenna: very interesting to see these adjustments because everybody has to be on board by january 1st, 2014, right, jim? so they're making changes now. >> reporter: that's right. most states have a balanced budget amendment. they can't go borrow it like the federal government does, right? jenna: what a novel idea. >> reporter: who would have thought. jenna: jim, very interesting look at the state of the virginia. appreciate it as always. jon:. jon: how about the mediterranean diet, you know all about it. jenna: i'm italian. i know about olive oil. jon: they have been telling you for years that olive oil is good for you. now new research says it goes far beyond cooking, just the smell, the smell of olive oil might make you healthier. jenna: and thinner by the way.
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don't forget that. jon: there you go. subway heroics caught on tape. a guy risks his life to save a total stranger after the man fell onto the tracks below. >> out of the corner of my eye i seen like a body, like flail on the tracks.
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jenna: city of brotherly love for nothing. a philadelphia man just trying to get home is now called a hero after saving the life of a compete stranger. watch this guy. right off the edge. fell down on the subway tracks and another stranger stepped in. rick leventhal has more on this remarkable story with a, okay, better outcome than it could have been right, rick? what happened here? >> reporter: there doesn't seem to be any logical explanation for why the man walked directly onto the tracks in the cecil moore station in philadelphia. he may have become disor i rented standing on platform. he is in the middle of
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screen. as if it board a train that isn't there and into thin air and tumbles down. and not far from the third rail who is charged with enough juice to electricfy somebody touching. this man jumps down and help even though train runs every seven minutes. he tells people to call separate at that which runs the subway and stop the southbound line. 15 minutes later firefighters show up, stablize the victim and lift him off the tracks and take him to a nearby hospital. >> there are bad scenarios that could have happened here and didn't happen because a person that was unknown to our victim jumped into that track and saved his life. >> reporter: that good samaritan says he can't imagine not helping someone in the situation. breaking news. this just in. the victim was released from the hospital. he is okay. jenna: that is amazing. that fall looks terrible. >> reporter: it does. jenna: really unexpected obviously. he was on the track for a while too. good samaritan talk about him. good on this holiday week to
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talk about something nice. what do we know about him? >> reporter: actually quite a story. 32-year-old chris knoplk is recovering heroin ad dishth. started with oxycontin in high school and moved on to heroin which he tried to kick unsuccessfully for 10 years. the birth of his daughter helped him find the strength to kick the habit, two years clean and yesterday his instincts kicked? >> i had a plan if the train came. roll him underneath. where you stand like underneath ledges. if i couldn't, i was going to ask somebody to jump down to hip me. >> reporter: chris says people helped him in the past and couldn't pay them back so he paid it forward. jenna: a little redemption. best of the day. thank you, rick, wow! researchers discover some very exciting new benefits from a drug already on the market. details on the diabetes drug
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experts say could help fight cancer and the aging process.
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jenna: well some new benefits from a very old drug. the drug is commonly used to treat diabetes among other things, mainly used for that. a new study says it can be used to fight cancer and turn back the hands of time. we have to learn more about that. dr. nina radcliffe is with they're saying this medicine stops a protein that advanced aging. is it really the fountain of youth? are we onto something here. >> is this quackerry or add it to the drinking water? people that have cancer understand the fear and
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anxiety with diagnose set in. researchers in 2005 noted a trend in diabetics who take metformin had lower instances of cancer and died from cancer they didn't sit there and immediately say we have a cure for cancer. what they did they stopped and started doing due diligence. what that means they started to determine if this was coincidence and why this would be happening. they wanted to see which groups or what types of cancers. jenna: our viewers might hear this, even if it is the possibility is out there i might want a prescription, if it stopped acceleration of aging. is it being used for just regular people being prescribed this drug or are we not there yet? >> have some background on metformin. it is a diabetes medication approved by the fda in 1995. millions of people are using it to treat their diabetes on a daily by basis the researchers of the study potential mechanism how it may stop tumor growth. what it does decreases of the production of cytokines
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they are a chemical messenger to the immune system. when they overproduced it can cross chronic inflammation. chronic inflammation, cause tissue damage. aging cap --. jenna: not at point we can ask for prescription to try it out? >> currently there is reasonable body of evidence if you're trying treatedded for cancer you could discuss it with your physician. jenna: viewers could do more research. about this other story we saw on olive oil. just the smell of oil live oil may reduce your hunger and potentially make you more thin. you don't have to actually eat it. just the smell of it. what you do make of this? >> you are not just what you eat but you are what you smell. this is very interesting study because the way we look at being full or satiety is always calories, carbohydrates and proteins and fats. what we do know about olive oil it has many anti-oxidents and olaic
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acid. this is a monosaturated fat and has good effects on the heart. we've seen a mediterranean study that shows good benefits. jenna: when you eat it and smell it -- >> that is the interesting part, when you smell it actually increases levels of serotonin which is a chemical in your body that can make you feel full faster. they show people consume less calories throughout the day when they consume olive oil. smell the aroma actually. jenna: small study, we should mention that. >> exactly. jenna: may be something to it. we'll keep looking. dr. radcliffe, thanks for being on. appreciate it as always. jon? jon: it is a story, jenna we've been talking about all week. a landslide forces dozens of people out of their homes. there are new concerns for the folks in washington state as they desperately wait for word that it's safe to go back home. i'm a conservative investor.
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jenna: right now nuclear north korea firing off fresh warnings about attacking america, this after the united states sends a
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not so subtle reminder about our military might. we'll tell you about that coming up. a chunk of earth gone, homes threatened. live on the scene with what we just learned about this massive landslide. a new study find apple's iphone has more than 200 quote unquote vulnerabilities, and hackers might just be looking to expose them. what you need to know before sending that next text message. it's all "happening now." the president switching focus from guns to the economy
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. i'm going to give it everything i've got. and yet when the opportunity presents itself to lean on some democrats in the senate he doesn't do that. jenna: he. >> he hasn't done it. when you think about the 1994 bush for gun control, the feinstein assault weapons ban all of that was done because president bill clinton at the time decided to invest his political capital in that cause. he went to capitol hill, he twisted arms, cajoled, gave things away to get it through. this president is saying all of the right things that the left wants to hear about gun control but he's not willing to invest the time or political capital in getting it done. >> here is what he said back on
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the 16th of january of this year. >> i will put everything i've got into this and so will joe, but i tell you, the only way we can change is if the american people demand it. jon: here is what chris stirewalt said about this in his column yesterday. he said that the obstacle, the primary obstacle to the sweeping gun control legislation he demanded in the wake of the horrific december-school shooting in connecticut is currently a dozen or so democratic senators who have balked at the president's plan. is that the case in do you see it the same way? >> there is so much attention on marco rubio, rand paul, mike lee, ted cruz who may filibuster any bill that comes to the floor of the senate. they are not the real obstacle. the real obstacle are themocratd to this gun control.
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you have five democrats up for election next year largely in red states with big gun cultures and opposition -gs to any kind of big gun control. they are srul that rabl here. harry reid would like to protect them, so would the president. jon: why doesn't harry reid lean on them to pass the legislation that the president purports to want? >> what he did was takeout the assault weapons ban, he's making that a stand alone bill so people can vote against that if they want to and vote for the broader bill which will probably include background checks. you'll get a diluted version of the background checks not what the president originally wanted on that. then it has to go to the house where even if it survives it will probably get more watered down than that. i think you'll look at very limited gun control if anything this year. jon: is this a situation where republicans by threatening to filibuster are perhaps playing into the president's hand because in that way they make themselves look like they are the obstacle?
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>> certainly that's how the press is playing this. the democrats have been trying to lay low, work a deal with harry reid, give us something that we can actually vote for that will not damage our electoral chances back home. it's been a fine line. this is what they faced back in 1984. at that time clinton got involved and made it happen. this president won't do that new said of this president he doesn't like to get into the nitty-gritty of legislation and the horse trading of that has to go on. he basically likes to give speeches, go to twitter, get the public on his side, is he able to do that on an issue like this? >> if he really cares about an issue and is willing to invest his political capital in doing this he has been known to do it. we saw it with obama care. he was willing to lose control of the house over that and the blue dog democrats over it. on this issue he doesn't seem willing to do it. jon: he got almost nothing else
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accomplished in his first year after going to the mat for obama care. >> that was the crown jewel for him. he got involved in doing healthcare right away as soon as he became president. it was healthcare reform, boom because that was his primary agenda item. gun control is further down his list. you can tell a president's priorities by what they are willing to do and how far they are willing to go to achieve it. gun control is not at the top of his list. by the way, public support for gun control is now really slipping. many mishere after newtown. jon: the president head to colorado next week to talk about it. monica crowley thank you. >> pleasure thank you. jenna: we are three years away from the next presidential election, vice president joe biden is already raising his visibility visiting key primary states around the country. mr. biden is seen as the main contender for the democratic nomination in 2016 so he could potentially be laying the groundwork to run for president.
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carl cameron has seen a lot of this in the past, chief political correspondent for us. carl, what are the thoughts out there, is the vice president actually campaigning? >> well, look, he hinted himself about running in 2016 has year when he was on the campaign trail for mr. obama's re-election. biden would serve 74 three weeks after the next presidential election. yeah he's already making very real moves. during the inaugural celebrations earlier this year he invited activists from iowa and new hampshire the two key early states to the vice president's mansion for a little courtship. he's accepted big fundraising invitations to two states. in april he'll be headlining the michigan jennifer jackson dinner n. may he's going to keynote the jefferson jackson dinner in south carolina which holds the first people airy in the south in 2016. he has run himself for president twice before and he knows full well in order to be successful a third won needs to be underway right now. jenna. jenna: carl, what about hillary? that's the question a lot of our
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viewers might be thinking. >> everybody asks that. she is taking a year off to rest and to write. but while she's not in the spotlight she has conspicuously not discouraged supporters to do the early organizing for her. while she is sort of lying low biden is working the grassroots pretty hard. polls show clinton is very much favored by democrat right now. there aren't a government early polls for 2016. the ones there are show that hilly has a big advantage. back in 2008 she was called the presumptive nominee, the unbeatable frontrunner and lost the nomination to mr. obama. if clinton runs other candidates may get out including potentially even biden. she by the way will be turning 69 just a couple weeks before the 2016 election. age for both of them is a question and neither one of them seen to have shown much signs of slowing down and they are both doing things or not stopping things all necessary to run for president. jenna. jenna: all the subtleties out there. all right, carl, thank you. jon: have you checked the prices in your neighborhood lately?
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the housing market seems to be bouncing back in a big way. but two government-owned mortgage giants, fanny mae and freddie mac are not exactly following suit. five years after a controversial bailout taxpayers are still on the hook for more than $130 billion, and washington doesn't seem to show much interest in cutting its lows. as part of our ongoing series what to cut doug mcelway is live in washington. doug. >> reporter: jon it's been five years now since the housing bubble burst. the new mortgage giants who had such a huge part in that crisis remain in deep financial trouble. the taxpayer liability for fanny mae and freddie mac had reached $148 billion and could go up to $317 billion. >> we may recover some of that money but we'll probably get closer to 200 billion before we get back to 80 or 90 billion of what it's actually going to cost
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the taxpayer, all in the name of doing good, no oversight, no management and a misdirected compassion for something that you couldn't actually accomplish. >> the biggest problem with fanny mae and freddie mac is that they are financial institutions with a social mission, lower income homes have a tougher time paying mortgages, and when the housing market started to go under that was the first to go. >> reporter: fannie and freddie had traditional here been restricted to prime loans or high quality loans, from the 1990s on congress has eroded the standard allowing them to make more and more are risky loans exsecretary of the trerb tee john snow said they were trading on shakey financial ground as early as 2003. few headed the warnings. there are concerns that fanny and freddie may be making the same mistakes of the past. they have tight end lending
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standards somewhat. the federal government distorts the mortgage process through the 12 federal home loan banks. the ga, the va. this has led to a growing course to privatize fannie and freddie so taxpayers can be kept away from these. jenna: new concerns after a massive landslide near seattle forced many residents out of their homes. they are worried about what is going to happen while they are away. plus a epidemic hurting our produce industry. there is an explanation on why there have been so many mysterious deaths of so many bees, and how that is affecting things, we'll have that coming up. known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us.
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we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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jon: we are learning new
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information about what sound like a small thing but a frightening problem affecting a vital component of america's multibillion-dollar produce industry. for years honeybees have been dying off in this country in very large numbers. now an epa investigation could should new light on the possible source of the problem. harris faulkner has it for us. >> reporter: i'm literally on bee alert today. people may not realize how serious this is. the epa and commercial bee keepers are pointing a finger at super powerful pesticides to keep away unwanted insects. they are thinking the bees are getting sick and dying from the chemicals not meant to harm them. so far the pesticide industry disputes that but now company reps are saying they are open to further studies to clarify waving is happening. meanwhile bees are dying, a lot of them. one bee owner saying quote, they looked so healthy last spring, we were so proud of them. then they fell on their face and
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started to die as case re. we are seeing the deaths of 40 to 50% of bee hives needed to pollinate many of the country's fruits and vegetables. fewer bees equals smaller harvests which equals higher food prices that hits all of us. the environmental protection agency sena team of experts to a key bee growing area, san joaquin, california. we'll see waving comes from their discussions about the pesticides. there are other theories, viruses and drought conditions in dryer states, more studies, more scientific looking at this. in the meanwhile this will affect all of us if they don't solve it. jon: colony collapse disorder they call it, right? let the bees live don't step on them. >> reporter: we need as much honey as possible in the world. jenna: we certainly do. it's a
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fact. some new concerns after a massive land lied in washington state. dozens turn out to hear what local officials are tkaog to stabilize this area. more than 30 homes evacuated, at least one destroyed. now homeowners are really worried about looting because no one is left in the neighborhood. dan springer has the latest in washington. are they any closer to figuring out what happened here? >> reporter: well, jenna there are some people who believe that this event began back in 2002 but it's really hard to nail down because in reality this part of the island this coastline has been moving for 11,000 years. of course we haven't seen a slide like this. so one this big is unusual, but 5.3 million square feet, enough dirt to fill 40,000 dump trucks, yesterday we got our first look at the house that was pushed off its foundation 200 feet into the puget sound, really on top of
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it. it's been red-tagged. four other homes have been yellow tagged, residents can only go in to retrieve belongings and get out. more and dozen homeowners lost part of their yard. officials say they have always lived with this threat. >> what happens is is you've got this heavier denser dry layer on top of a layer that gets wet with a clay layer and that is -- that clay gets lubricated is what let's the blocks slide. >> reporter: there will be more testing by geologists today to gauge the stability of the hillside, jenna. jenna: we see the road closed sign behind you, are residents get anything access to their homes? >> reporter: well, because the land is still moving the access is very limited. we know that at least the weather has been improving. we had dry weather yesterday and that has probably slowed down the movement to some degree. the next round of rain of course is just around the corner here in the pacific northwest. another immediate issue is access to about 15 homes below
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the bluff. the road in was destroyed and won't be rebuilt, so the only access is a five to ten-minute walk down a steep muddy hill. when will it get better? officials can't really say. >> i feel the residents' pain in wanting to have an answer right now, but sometimes the best answer we can give that is we don't know yet. >> reporter: there is talk of making that little narrow pat-down that muddy hillside a one-lane gravel road. of course that is down the road. meantime you have some residents who have cars down there who can't get them out and of course belongings that are very difficult to haul up that hill. a lot of questions here, still some instability but at least the weather is cooperating and will so for the next several days. jenna: last week at this time they all had their homes and this week unbelievable how quickly things can change. dan we'll be thinking about those families. thank you. jon: scary stuff. north korea's leader with a new
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threat for the u.s. have you heard about this? also threatening north korea's neighbor to the south. what it means for americans here at home and the nearly 30,000 men and women serving in our military forces on the korean peninsula plus iran showing no signs of letting up in its relentless pursuit of nuclear weapons. are economic sanctions working? and what is the best way to contain the growing threat? we'll take a look just ahead. if there was a pill to help protect your eye health as you age... would you take it? well, there is. [ male announcer ] it's called ocuvite. a vitamin totally dedicated to your eyes, from the eye care experts at bausch + lomb. as you age, eyes can lose vital nutrients. ocuvite helps replenish key eye nutrients. ocuvite has a unique formula not found in your multivitamin to help protect your eye health. now that's a pill worth taking.
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jon: right now mounting tensions on the korean peninsula, tens of thousands pushing out in the main square in pyongyang calling forearms against south korea and the u.s. this follows north korean dictator's kim jong un's threats
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to strike washington, los angeles, hawaii and austin, texas. he says he is prepared to settle accounts with the u.s. after the u.s. deployed b-2 stealth bombers on a 13,000-mile round trip flight to south korea. defense secretary chuck hagel says the move was part of normal military training operations. make no mistake the u.s. will defend itself. >> and the north koreans seem to be headed in a different direction here. so, we will unequivocally defend, and we are unequivocally committed to that alliance with south korea. jon: the b-2 is capable of delivering both conventional as well as nuclear weapons. north korea says it considers the drills as preparations for an invasion. though the pentagon is worried about the nearly 30,000 u.s. troops stationed along the border between the two countries. most analysts say north korea is
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years away from being able to attack the united states. case in point this satellite image of the korean peninsula at night. you can see south korea brightly lit while the north is the complete opposite, just 26% of north korea's population has access to electricity. but pyongyang does possess nuclear weapons. the bush administration tried to proceed convenient the north from going nuclear with round of crippling sanctions. but despite that they tested their first nuke in 2006 and followed that with two more tests in 2009 and again last month. jenna: that lead to what is happening now in iran. we are also using sanctions to try to prevent iran from eye inquiring nuclear weapons. some have questioned whether they will be effective with the islamic republic. our next guest is one of the experts on the iranian sanctions and a co-author of an op ed in the "wall street journal" explaining why there is a potentially faulty debate as to
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whether iran has crossed the so-called red line. we are all waiting, will iran get the nuclear weapon in the argument you make this week is that might actually not matter about when they cross that red line, it's what they are doing up until that point, why? >> jenna, the problem is is that iran is dashing to an undetectable break out. we estimate by july 2014 the u.n. weapons inch strebgters are going to show up, do their regular inspection, wave goodbye to the iranians and within seven days the iranians can dash to a nuclear bomb. jenna: they'll have all the pieces of the puzzle. >> they'll have all the pieces of the puzzle. they'll have the centrifuges spinning, the uranium and break out to a nuclear weapon without the western intelligence services the cia, or u.n. weapons inch strebgters being able to detect that break out. >> a fairly obvious question, what is the risk 4 in that versus waking up one day like we did when we yow north korea
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shoot off the first nuclear weapon, do the first test, what is the difference there, the reus stph-bg. >> the risk is that we are negotiating with the iranians right now, we are trying to come up with a compromise solution. we are trying to limit their uranium, as the negotiatings continue the iranians are getting closer and closer to that july 2014 date when they will be able to break out in an undetectable way. we will wake up one day iran will have a nuclear weapon and have tested it. jenna: they could say we haven't even decided we are going to have one, they will have all the pieces to it, strategic lee they have a little bit of an edge. >> iran end up with all of the strategic advantage of the nuclear power without even crossing the red line and running the risk of u.s. military. they plaque mail us, extend their influence regionally and globally and we are another game that we are in with north korea. jenna: it's so remarkable to see the maps of north korea. the whole north is dark, very
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few people have access to electricity. but here they have this nuclear weapon so people are paying attention. the united states sent the b-2 stealth bomber just to send a little message. there are war games happening in south korea that's why we can do these things. we don't have war games happening in the persian gulf. what do you think about that same sort of message with iran. will something like that work? >> that's the problem. the message that we sent to north korea over the years and to iran over the years is that we are reasonable people, we are willing to compromise, we are rational, we understand the give-and-take of negotiations. and their response to that is great, we are going to take all of the concessions we'll continue to blackmail you, we'll continue you to push you to the wall because we know you're going to cry uncle long before we cry uncle. jenna: was that surprising to you to see the pentagon make that move with north korea? do you think maybe there is a switch or something that is changing now regardless of whether it's with north korea or iran that maybe it's not just going to be sanctions this time around that we're going to send a more direct message.
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>> one hopes so. i think that these dictators in north korea and iran believe that we are bluffing. we can fly our fancy airplanes, we can talk at the passenger but the reality is when push comes to shove we are going to give in and give concessions and these dictators know that. jenna: how do we change that? >> i think with respect to iran which doesn't have a nuclear weapon yet we have to prevent iran from ever obtaining a nuclear weapon and we have to not only send a clear message that we are willing to use military force but we may have to use military force before iran achieves undetectable break out. there is a difference between iran and north korea. north korea is a terrible regime but it has no influence and has a bankrupt ideology. the iranians are looking for global expansion and ambition. jenna: that is a key point. we were looking a little bit to compare the two and hopefully as you say iran never goes there, never gets the nuclear weapon like north korea. mark, great to have you on set. what a treat, always nice to see you. jon: a bit of good news for
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you. cities hit hard by the recession are bouncing back now. where they are and why they are coming back straight ahead. plus, what the media had to say about the two same-sex marriage cases now before the supreme court. our news watch panel covering the coverage. so... [ gasps ] these are sandra's "homemade" yummy, scrumptious bars. hmm? i just wanted you to eat more fiber. chewy, oatie, gooeyness... and fraudulence. i'm in deep, babe. you certainly are.
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[ male announcer ] fiber one. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real.
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jon: after getting hammered with some of the highest foreclosure and unemployment rates in the country during the recession several major cities out west are finally rebounding. a wave of hiring is spurring
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home construction and some places are even seeing double digit rise in home prices. william la jeunesse live in los angeles with more on this. >> reporter: jon, tphapblg a one year, 36% return on your money. that is what some investors saw in paoepbz wher phoenix where they now own 200,000 homes. they are not flipping them but renting them out. it's happening around the west not just in arizona. that is the sound of an economic rebound. >> we definitely turned the corner in october of 2011 we definitely will be going up. >> reporter: areas of the western u.s. hit hardest by the housing bust are now booming with home prices up more than 23% in phoenix, 15% in las vegas, 12% in los angeles. >> the west has rebounded quicker than the east. the foreclosures went through much, much more quickly where as they are still fighting foreclosures on the east side of
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the country. >> the deeper the hole in some sense the faster the trajectory of coming out. >> reporter: unemployment is also falling. nevada down 3% since last year, followed by hawaii, arizona and california. the rebound is not just construction, more than 400,000 job option in 13 western states are fueled by the technology and software sector. gps insight in scottsdale helps 1200 customers track commercial and government fleets. >> we've had some crazy growth. 40% growth last year and we doubled our sales year over year. >> reporter: success in one sector translates to more jobs in others. >> you get the great jobs in, you export products out, money comes into the region, that money swirls around, and you take care of all those other pursuits that people find employment in. >> reporter: so confidence, rising incomes, tech jobs and
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demographics are helping drive this recovery. in washington, utah, colorado all have seen gains, texas and california are expected to add a million jobs each in the next five years. jon: william la jeunesse reporting from los angeles. thanks. jenna: christians today marking the solemn holiday of good friday around the world and pope francis is presiding over his first good friday service tkae services today in rome commemorating the crust fix of jesus christ and leading the cross ceremony. we find conor powell joining us live from our jerusalem bureau. tell us about what happened today. >> reporter: jenna, the holy land is plagued by violence and conflict. it was a different scene in gerald where thousands of christians sunk hyms and walked in the footsteps of jesus. christian pilgrims filled the
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cobblestone alleyways of jerrell's old city celebrating good friday the most solemn day in the christian calendar. as they read they read allowed passages from the pwaeubl telling the story of jesus' crust fix. >> i see where jesus has been and everything, it's beautiful. >> reporter: security was tight around. they believed this is where he walked on the day of his death. there are 14 stations, along the way of sorrow. it begins with each receiving his cross and ends with his death and resurrection. easter takes on special meaning for the one billion roman catholics who recently elected a new pope, francis the i. the former argentinian cardinal has pledged humility and service to the less fortunate. >> he's really involved with poor people and just like charity work and everything. that will be really important for the future of the catholic church. >> reporter: following the example of jesus at the last
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supper pope francis traveled to a prison outside rome thursday night watching the feet of young inmates as he stretches the importance of reaching out to those in need. general at vatican announced this week that pope francis will join bartholomew the first in a trip to the who he leland later this year maybe in the next year or so. the vatican describing that trip as a sign of christian unity, a very big deal here. jenna: conor powell live in jerusalem today, connor thank you. jon: well, one of the big stories of the week the supreme court hearing arguments in two key cases involving gay marriage, so how did the news media cover the story? our news watch panel joins with us that. judith miller is a pulitzer prize winning investigative reporter and author. kristen powers is a khrol um necessary fokhrol um tph*eus for the daily beast. both fox news contributors. the supreme court may be divided on gay marriage but the media is
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not. i wanted to read that to you. >> correct. i think it's very clear that the media have decided if there is a consensus it's surely on this issue that this is not a mythical issue on which intelligent people can agree or disagree, this is a constitutional rights issue and therefore we all have to get behind the same-sex marriage campaign. jon: so the media are of appease on that one issue. >> i think that's true. the divide is an age divide. a lot of people in the media are actually falling into the younger age divide. younger people tend to support gay marriage. it isn't an issue that is up for debate really. as journalists i do think they have a responsibility, as long as half of the country is opposing gay marriage to have honest debates upon it. i'm on the record saying i do think this is a civil rights issue, there is a difference between holy matrimony and civil
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marriage and i don't think the media is doing a good job of explaining that. what we're talking about here is civil marriage. i don't have a real problem with them having a perspective, as long as they account for that by as and allow real debate and give airing time to the other side. jon: rush limbaugh has said that the argument has been lost because in his view marriage bea woman only, but when you start talking about gay marriage you've already lost the battle. >> well, that's pretty much what chief justice roberts said. i mean he said, marriage has been defined traditionally as, you know, a union between a man and a woman since time and mor memorandum more yum. you have some questioning that this is a civil right challenging that. here i'm going to take a little bit of issue with kirsten. i really think once you decide you're going to change your avatar on facebook or on twitter
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to be pro gay marriage it's very hard to say at the same time that you're covering this issue objectively, and yet many journalists are making that kind of astonishing claims. >> i don't disagree with that. no, no i don't -- look you asked a question whether someone should be an advocate or something or whether they have that position. people who claim they don't have positions on things are just being dishonest. i'm just saying that i think they need to have an honest debate between other people and let people present their views and have a debate about it. jon: there is a column called mediaite which us in the media read a lot not necessarily the folks at home. a guy named joe contra wrote in a column that he believes that the coverage is just disproportionate, that this is an issue that faces, what, you know, maybe 3 or 4% of the population is actually gay, and that the coverage is disproportionate to the impact
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of the issue. what do you think? >> how many black americans were there when the united states decided that segregation was unconstitutional? i mean i think that if you believe, as i do, and i think as kirsten does, though i won't speak for her, that this is a constitutional issue, a basic human rights issue then there almost can't be enough coverage of it. i think the coverage has by and large been tilted in favor of those who favor same-sex marriage, but i think that is where the country is. on the other hand there is no excuse for not having opposing views on and we haven't heard a lot of those opposing views. jon: in a week when north korea is threatening to nuke the united states, you've got more people dead in syria, potentially by chemical weapons. you've got iran still working on nuclear-arms, does it deserve the kind of attention that it's got then? >> look the media doesn't do a great job covering interest nation until affairs generally,
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that is one issue. the other issue is it's before the supreme court, it is sort of the news of the week, i think it is proportionate. i take joe contra's point but i agree with judy's in the sense that, hook, jews are 2% of the population, if people are discriminating again jews it matters. i don't think the percentage is really that important. jon: if this thing gets kicked back down to the lower courts by the supreme court, which a lot of people seem to think might happen it will be interesting to see what the media reaction is going to be. there is going to be all kind of flailing and -- >> yes, since we saw at least once last year when the court decided in another way, i find that predicting the way this court is going to go a very, very risky business. jon: but you'll find that the media don't like the court to disagree with them, right can we agree on that. >> absolutely, no, no. >> kristen powers, judy miller, thank you both. jenna: wall street this week hitting brand-new record once again while main street is still
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struggling with high unemployment. so wrist the disconnect? economist ben stein is going to give us his take, it's always worth sticking around to hear that. police on the look out for a clumsy, would be robber. the amusing details next. "i don't really like taking my vitamins." nature made said, "here's new vitamelts." in flavors like juicy orange... ...or creamy vanilla. tasty, smooth-melting vitamin supplements. new nature made vitamelts. made to higher standards. yours. get a coupon on our facebook page.
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jenna: the markets are closed for good friday but the dow and s&p both closed at record highs this week. the s&p represents a broader raining of stocks that most americans have in their 401ks. some are calling it a bull market, long term unemployment is still a very, very big deal and some are asking where is the disconnect. we have a crazy market but we have a strong labor market. ben stein is an economist and author of "how to really ruin your financial life and portfolio" which is something we don't want to do which is why we
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talk to ben. what do you think about the stock market? what do you think about this? >> the stobgt market always recovers before the rest of the economy generally, that is because it's based on profits not on unemployment. there can be the 99% unemployment and the stock market would still do well. skilled jobs will recover way, way, way before unskilled jobs recover. that is standard. the unskilled labor will recover but we have an awful lot of people in the labor force who are so unskilled there is virtually nothing they can do and we have a lot who are unwilling to work, and there is a problem with them too. they are going to be unemployed for a good, longtime. jenna: let me pick up on one point that you made which is that the stock market is the leader in the recovery. does that mean that we will see a dramatic improvement in the job market over the next year or so? because we've seen one in the stock market? or to your latter point is there part of the economy that is not
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not going to recover this time around. >> predicting the future is very, very hard, it's easy to predict the past. the stock market strong recovery tells us usually that there is going to be an overall recovery, but as they say the stock market has predicted 12 out of the last six recoveries, so there are many morey cover reese in the stock pharpbgt there are real recoveries. we are seeing a real recovery. we've added a lot of jobs, considering the fact that the government is shedding jobs we are doing extremely well at adding jobs. the unskilled american worker has to compete with the worker from china manufacturing things in china. he or she has to compete with the worker coming acrosshe border illegally from points south of the united states border. he or she is in a very bad situation. going into the labor market with virtually no skills is virtually a death sentence, hence the incredible interest in online schools and universities where a person with virtually no skills can in a short period of time and fairly -- fairly
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inexpensively raise his skill level to a level where he or she is going to get hired. jenna: the president will be talking about the economy a little later on today. picking up off the point about the unskilled workers, that we want to get back into the labor force because it's better for everybody when there are more people employed, how do we help them? is this a place where the government plays a role or is this a place where it's up to the private sector, or an individual to get back in the market and get those skills? >> there is overwhelming data that government retraining programs do not work very well. sometimes they work, but the data is overwhelming that it's usually money down the drain. when people are motivated to do it themselves, and they actually put out their own money or borrow money no for themselves to actually acquire skills for themselves at online universities, i emphasize i don't work for an online university, this is what i've observed, they are much more likely to raise their skill levels and do something that
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will get them a job. i think it's partly up to the individual, a little tiny bit up to the government. as i say the data is just cruelly overwhelming that huge government retraining programs don't work very well. jenna: ben, a quick final personal question. >> i wish they did. >> yes. jenna: you're viewers might not know you carry a back scratcher with you. >> yes i do always at all times. jenna: why, that is my final question, why do you do that? >> well, let's see, jenna, it's called a back scratcher so -- jenna: i mean -- >> i use it for picking my nose, no i use it for scratching my back. jenna: just in case. >> it's a back scratcher. [laughter] >> imagine some guy probably invented that and he's now manufacturing them in taiwan or china and he's become a millionaire from just having a good back scratcher. jenna: that is a good point. the conversation comes full circle always which is why we always enjoy having you one. thanks nor fielding that very invasive question. >> thank you so much.
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jenna: ben, great to see you. see you soon. jon: but can he carry it on a plane? all right we're going to talk about resisting viruses, does your device measure up? coming up. [ male announcer ] this is betsy. her long day of pick ups and drop offs begins with arthritis pain... and a choice. take up to 6 tylenol in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. all aboard. ♪ all aboard. but that doesn't mean i don't want to make money.stor. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what's your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs.
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jon: one reason a lot of people buy apple products is because of the reputation of the company for making things that are resistant to virus. apple's devices are more a target and android or blackberry a new study finds. we are live with more on that. >> hi, there, jon. we know that hack attacks are on the rise and while we may not know who the hackers are and where they are coming from we know where their targets are set, he they are on the platforms and the devices that have the most number of users. now a new study from a company
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called source spy breaks down the number of vulnerabilities, aka software flaws on smart phones over the last 25 years and what may be to us and a surprise to many is that the iphone tops the list with 81% of the flaws over the last 25 years. google's android follows with 9% and windows and blackberry actually as far as trends go since 2007 both blackberry and windows phone have seen a decline in the number of flaws. but apple is raising the stakes to defend its phones. the study goes onto say that, quote, apple initially didn't focus very much on security when they first released the iphone, they have since made significant improvements and can be considered the current market leader. hang onto your iphones, but it's not just your smart phones that are under attack, our behavior on desk tops and tablets and pc's also under scrutiny. source fire found that some of the most severe flaws in many of the browsers and even the
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operating systems that sit on our computer you may be using them every single day. for example, the study showed that microsoft windows xp and windows 2000, they had top vulnerabilities, also the browsers of fire fox, chrome and internet explorer saw severe security issues. this morning, jon i was able to speak to the author of the study, who went onto give us more detail into what this means. he says that vulnerabilities don't necessarily mean successful attacks. operating systems do a lot to mitigate these issues and reduce damage. he said that if you have the latest software you should be in pretty good shape. pretty good, well it's not just going to cut it these days. you always have to be alert when it comes to your security on your phone, tablet, pc, everywhere you go. jon: got to use them somehow. thank you. we'll be right back with more "happening now." also offers ereturn-- our fastest way to return your car.
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