tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News March 31, 2013 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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in have a happy easter. hope the bunny is good. >> bill: special good friday edition of the o'reilly factor tonight. tonight, it's a matter of faith. >> on easter morning, peter was off again, only now he was the easter bunny. >> a bunch of school districts across the country banning the word easter. that's right. easter. easter bunny. easter eggs, all not acceptable. but why? we'll have a special report and laura ingraham will weigh in. >> what's the deal with me, kid? you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. >> and what about the devil? on the heels of the satan bible mini series controversy. what are judeo-christian theelings now teaching about the prince of
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darkness. >> jesus and the bible. i love reading back through the stories. >> bill: what does it do for you? >> it play as big role in my life. >> olympic gold medalist gabby douglas believes her strong faith helped her have a positive and successful life. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the o'reilly factor special, a matter of faith begins right now. hi i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching this special good friday edition matter of faith. as rereiterated and separate easter we will look at what religion spirit and god means to all americans. also investigate the secular forces to opposition. right now some school districts across the country and communities, easter eggs are being
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called spring eggs. easter bunny, spring bunnies. the word easter being phased out. and that's just the beginning. i recently spoke with fox news contributor laura ingraham about the situation. tous from washington fox news am list laura ingraham. one of the reasons these crazy public school districts get away with the spring egg business is that traditional opposition is largely evaporating. or am i wrong, laura? >> i don't know if it's traditionally faithful, that could be traditional jews, traditional christians, i think they understand society has become more secular. a lot of them, i think, are fearful. i think there is a lot of demonization by the secular progressives of christians. i think they feel what ostracized. maybe bill they think there is a new era of persecution that we have never seen in this country before toward traditional faith.
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ever seen it before that we're beginning to see now. it's coming in different forms. >> bill: they should be outraged then. let me give you my point of view and then you can tell me how wrong i am. east meadow long island, that's where i grew up. that's part of lovitt town that nexus out there. >> sure, i know it well. >> bill: 50 years ago that could have never happened in east meadow. never in a million years. to this deist meadow remains a christian community with a jewish population as well but largely christian. all right? now, the east meadow school fault and here is why. >> they are afraid. traditional people are afraid. >> that's what i said. >> see people like me, like you, all right? other traditional commentators get attacked
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maybe, bill, is we were never promised a rose gard you got traditional muslims that you know, your holy book does not tell you that you are going to have an of it being a faithful n. all flawed. as christians we believe we are all sinners, we fall down every day and try to get ourselves back u person he society is becoming more secular. >> bill: there is no national leader in this country. billy graham is in his 90's. he is off the stage. all right? there is nobody who can really galvanize the traditional forces and say let's go down to -- >> -- jesus is the one who
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galvanize. >> tell these people to to knock off insulting easter. that's what it is, ladies and gentlemen. it's an insult to you. if you believe in easter. if you know that that holiday is designed to plootion please children in a secular. the east are bunny does not have any association to the resurrection of jesus. >> bill, i would say there is a real cautionary tale here. as we have seen christianity especially erode from europe. europe has become poorer and europe has become much less powerful. and it will happen over time. there will be ebbs and flows. but i think in this country as we become more secular and perhaps more progressive, but especially more secular. if the traditional people feel like it's always a war against them. if they are the evil doers. if he they're the haters, they are going to receive from public life, maybe from civic life, maybe they are not going to signed up to be in the military as much. maybe they are just going to -- we are going to take care of our families.
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keep our heads down and read our bible. read our holly books and that's going to work. >> bill: i think it's happened already. so outrageous what's gone on here. >> for america that's sad. america as a result will become poorer and weaker and less influential in the world. it happened in the former soviet union. >> you know what i would do if i were president, i would say i would name the districts we just named here and i would say knock it off. respect easter. easter is a good thing. you don't have to believe in jesus. the kids like it. it's not a spring egg. it's an east err egg. >> when you said a spring egg. i thought there literally was a spring on an egg. i didn't know what you was talking about. >> bill: item on chinese menu. >> we need good judges, bill. we need judges that don't make up stuff that's not in the constitution. >> bill: we need leaders in this country. leaders who respect the tradition of the count i also talked with laura
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about the new pope and how secular progressives are already attacking him. >> bill: so if criticism centers on former government in argentina that brutalize the proposition fascist government and on pope francis didn't do enough to stop that and you say? >> well, bill, look. i would have been stunned if the secular progressives had come out just lauding this man for his career of service and his humility and charity. that just wasn't going to happen, right? it's just not going to happen. he is not here to be loved by the secular progressives. so the fact that he is coming out, well, you didn't do enough to unseat the hunta or you didn't do enough to personally come up against, you know, this brutal dictatorship when, in fact, of course a court of law dismissed any charges that he had been an accomplice of some kidnapping of two priests or done enough to help them that was dismissed. and the 1980 nobel peace prize winner perez eskavel
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said he did not cooperate with the leadership. he stood up against the left left wing guerrillas and the dictatorship when it went wrong. that's the story. >> bill: the sps are down there it trying to dig up anything they can absolutely trying to get him. it's because of abortion and the other issues. gay marriage that the catholic church opposes is the sp worship. they worship these issues and that's what the tension is. >> here is a good thing about freedom. if we still have freedom in this world and this country. if you don't like the catholic church, you don't have to be part of it. >> bill: look, the "new york times" is the best example of an anti-catholic newspaper because it bleeds over into their sacred causes. and the church opposes it. so they are going to do whatever they can to marginalize the church. >> laura: pope francis and i don't think any of the 115 cardinals who were there at the conclave, they know that you are not going
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it look through the bible, bill and look and find any passage where christ tells christians this is going to be an easy ride. in fact, we are supposed to embrace the wood of the cross. in fact, christ loves us the most we are taught when we are suffering. understand this the is way it will be for us. time where we are martyred for goodness sake like christians were in the past. the world is the world and we believe in the truth and the way. >> bill: rather than turning the other cheek, you have to, if you want to save babies and if you want to make the world a better place in which to live, a freer place, you have got to confront it. and popes in the past have not. i'm hoping this pope can basically convince people that the church is is on the side of good. laura ingraham, everybody. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. big new mini series called the bible. >> they think you are the
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it was the biggest race of the year, and no matteoqat, i was gonna win. someti[js...things happen you just canoi explain. )a ♪ oh, i believe there e angels among us... ♪r> and some things ar more importanthan winning. #% ♪ sent iíwn to us #]from somewhere up(above ♪r2 #o♪hey come to you and me ♪ i don't remember who won the ra that day...r2 ♪ to show usfr how to live, ♪
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is this a straight play on the scriptures? >> bringing the bible to the screen came with a huge responsibility and one that we took very seriously. we had a great team of school lars and theologians helping us making sure that we told these stories accurately. and truthfully been a believer my whole life and that was very, very important to us. something else that we wanted to do was to make it really, really cool. you know, we have teenagers at home. and hard to get them to read anything. and one of the goals here was to get this generation interested and excited about scripture. and i think we have been able to achieve that. >> bill: when you say you are a believer, do you believe in the bible literally? do you believe that adam and eve were out there and the snake and the apple and all of that business? >> i do, indeed. i believe the truth of the bible. that's what i was taught. it's been a wonderful, wonderful faith for me my whole life. i grew up in ireland. earliest memory my father
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reading the bible to me sitting on his knee and this was something that i had wanted to do and it's been wonderful to be able to work together with my husband. the good news is we are still speaking to each other. [ laughter ] >> bill: yeah. and if i were you i would not talk to burnett because i know him and the guy is is trouble. i want to -- look, a lot of the bible, mr. burnett, is allegorical, and we know that in creationism and things like that. so, what you are doing here, i assume, is just telling the story the way that the prophets put forth without any commentary in it; is that correct? >> exactly correct. rite down the middle, the bible as written as fact. five hours old testament, bill. five hours new testament. >> bill: now, are you telling people that they should believe in adam and eve that they should believe in noah's ark, jonah and the whale. are you telling people this
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is the way to go? >> we made this as a great drama. it's a beautiful, beautiful, expensive drama. and you feel the stories. people will believe what they want to believe the worst thing would be trying to preach to people and tell them how to feel about these stories. people will love these stories. and endorsements across all documentations of faith. -- dominations of faith. it's epic. we love it. >> bill: ms. downie, i'm writing a book called "killing jesus," about why jesus of nazareth was executed. it's a history book. obviously the gospels that discuss this are -- were involved with that there are some contradictions among matthew, mark, luke and john and then it's my job and martin dugard my co-author to cut through the and try to give a narrative of what happened to jesus because he was executed. when you were producing the bible. there are some things in the bible that are or
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obviously allegorical as i mentioned. did you take that into account? we tried to we worked from the position that the bible was a true story. we haven't taken the position on that except to bring the story to life meaningfully. we have found the passion of jesus. we have taken it right through resurrection, the conversion of paul and through to revelation and that episode will be on easter sunday evening. and the 10 hours were shot entirely on location in morocco. we were over there from february until june of last year. and it has been an extraordinary journey to bring these stories to the screen. >> bill: yeah. it really is. now, mr. burnett, you are going to get criticized you know that by the secular progressives this is propaganda why are you doing this? how do you answer that
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criticism. >> most important book in the history of the world. amazing biblical ill literacy i really believe the bible should be taught in public schools embarrassing for young americans go overseas in mid 20's after college doing business in rio de janeiro or berlin and paris and not know who david and goliath were? it's embarrassing? >> bill: it is. certainly the scriptures have both old and new testament have been played down in this country. all right. we will be looking for it the bible, mrs. downie, mr. burnett. thank you for coming on we appreciate it atheist richard dawkins and i duke it out over science vs.
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>> bill: factor follow up segment tonight terrible situation in iran is a heed be a dibiasio any american father of two, christian pastor, convicted of insurrection and sentenced to 8 years in a violent iranian president. the case is completely bogus, once again the u.s. state department and the president seem pourless. >> we condemn iran's continued violation of the universal right of freedom of religion and we call on the iranian authorities to release mr. abedino. as you know, the state department is in close contact with the abedino family is actively engaged on this case. >> bill: that's nice. i don't think iran is quaking in proverbial boots. with us now a member of the group human rights watch and iranian expert. they don't care what carney says, do they? >> well, i that i international pressure does actually wind up working in several instances and cases. we actually have a case of a pastor, christian pastor named yousef who was
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sentenced to i had hypotheses. because of international pressure and organized watch including christian organizations in the united states and in europe and elsewhere, his conviction actually was changed. he spent a little bit of time in prison and he has since been released. >> bill: all right. so you think you can bring some pressure to bear. >> yes. >> bill: this abedino he is an american. persian by dissent. lives in the u.s.a. goes back to persia, iran, and they grab him. for what? >> they grabbed him essentially in the summer of last year as he was trying to enter into iran from turkey. and the reason why they grabbed him because is he involved in the home church movement in iran. he decided to change to christianity. he changed his religion to
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christianity. >> bill: what's the home church thing. >> protestant church in iran. popular in more recent years. it's in some ways an underground movement because many christian converts and protestants are not allowed to build churches in iran. and, as a result, they hold their ceremonies. >> bill: that's all illegal. if you are an iranian. you have got to be a muslim, right? >> not true. there are actually jews in iran. there are christians in iran. there are christian converts in iran. what the iranian government has a specific problem with is these home church movements because they're very popular. there are a a lot of young people. >> bill: converting anybody. >> exactly. their big issue is evangelical christians. >> bill: if you are not a muslim you have got to shut up? >> well, i wouldn't necessarily put it that way. >> bill: you are a little soft on iran? >> little soft on them, man. there is no freedom of religion over there. come on. >> no, there isn't. >> bill: let's call it. an american in jail for eight years for doing nothing, right? >> i absolutely agree with
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you. >> bill: president obama cannot get him out. >> he should not be in prison organizations like ours will push on this issue. >> we are glad. the american government as strong as it is cannot get him out. >> authorities have to release him. >> bill: at the end of the day his butt is in jail. that's what's at the end of the day there is carney and everybody else. we got a statement from the new secretary of state, kerry. i'm concerned. concerned doesn't cut it, that's my frustration. little backwater. this fascist state. terrorize and we can't do anything about it? >> one quick i want to make real quick if i can. christians are not only groups targeted in iran. iranian government has a problem with any group whether it's secular or religious that challenges the orthodoxy of the state. christians are a part of that many other religious minorities in iran if i were an american i wouldn't be going to iran, period. thank you very much. >> thanks for having me. talk to theologians about the devil. also the bible mini series.
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>> now, you wrote this book and this book, you know is marketed somewhat toward children, adolescence, correct? >> >> bill: you want them not only to believe in science which i think is a good thing but reject god and religion. >> no. this is a book about science. it doesn't talk about god. >> bill: it mocks god. i looked at it. >> it doesn't. which have you looked at. >> bill: i went through that book and you basically are saying that everything can be explained by science. correct? >> well, everything about the natural world -- where does it mock god. >> bill: basically says these things are myths not true. >> every chapter has myths at the beginning of the chapter. >> bill: ah-ha. >> egyptian. >> bill: don't play semantic games. you are trying to get to the kids and say you are an idiot if you believe in god. >> nothing to do with god. i'm talking about myths all over the world.
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judeo myth thrown in occasionally one of many myths. >> bill: judeo-christian philosophy isn't a myth. it's a reality. this country was based on it. >> that's not true. >> bill: yes it is. through the history some of the worst regimes ever atheistic stalin. >> nothing to do with atheistism. >> bill: religion is constrain on society. goodwill towards men. creating everybody as jesus taught. the same as you. how you would like to be treated. the 10 commandments. their are constraints against bad behavior. >> of which the 10 commandments duvall. >> thou shall not make a graven image. thou shall not sabbath. >> bill: thou shall not kill. stalin they didn't believe in god. >> nothing to do with whether you believe in god or not. >> bill: you don't see religion as being constraint on human
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behavior? >> not really evil, i don't want to get into a shoulding match about who is more evil than who. >> bill: are we shouting? >> what i do think is that there is a logical connection between believing in god and doing sometimes doing evil things. >> bill: so what do you say to a guy like dawkins? i had him on twice. and you have never talked to him face to face. >> yes, he ambushed me when i was in oxford. he used a subterfuge. channel 4 called me and said we want to do interview. i want to the interview. >> bill: it was him you kicked his butt. >> i did. for three hours i kicked his butt. he took three hours out of that and put it in a movie called enemies of reason. he ambushed some very other -- >> bill: i think he is a dishonest guy. >> he, by the way, uses scientific credentials to camouflage his bigotry. >> bill: but i don't know
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if it's bigotry. he really believes we are idiots, doctor, he does. he thinks he is a genius. he thinks you and me and the rest of the believers are idiots. now, he basically says that the united states isn't founded on judeo-christian philosophy. that's just absurd. i mean, our justice system is based on the 10 commandments. in fact, what hangs in the supreme court? the 10 commandments. they haven't gotten rid of them yet. they are there. >> the book lincoln you mentioned was a believer. >> bill: absolutely abraham lincoln read the bible every day. you will never get through to a guy like dawkins. >> very unscientific. >> bill: they get really upset. >> to attack somebody you don't believe in with such vigor and enthusiasm and anger. >> bill: i'm not angry that dawkins doesn't believe. i don't care what he says. he gets really teed off. what has convinced you that there is a deity? and do you believe in an act of god?
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a god that actually interconvenience in human life? >> well, you know, i also have scientific background. and the more we understand the nature of the universe through science the more we also understand there is more unknown and there is the unknowable. the unknowable because scientific discoveries showed physics themselves preclude us from intellectually in touch with the source. the heart reason doesn't know. you have to in a sense understand the great -- the great prophet, jesus whoever, they transcended to a level where he were in touch. they used the language of the time. i'm the father of one. >> bill: that's a matter of faith though. do you believe that there is an active deity that
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interconvenience in human nature? interconvenience in the world? >> i think there is an active source, an intelligence source that is omnipresent. omnipotent. omniscient and that we have a connection to that. >> bill: do you believe in miracles? >> we have free will, too. the fact that we live that we exist is a miracle. why do we have to even go beyond that? >> bill: well because the meteorite hit the world and that's -- the meteorite did this and evolution. you know. the fact comes down to. >> evolution doesn't contradict the fact. >> bill: that's what i say. intelligent design does not contradict science. science has not been able to manufacture one human cell have they? >> most primitive form of intelligence has not been created and whatever has been created comes from intelligence that is connected to the source. >> bill: all right, doctor. book is war of the world views. >> plenty more ahead as the
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senior pastor of the first church there robert jeffers. let's begin at the beginning. adam and eve. did they literally live in the garden of eden and you super the evolutionary process? >> absolutely they lived. they were actually human beings and jesus affirmed that bill. in matthew 19. i think jesus knew what he was talking about and by the way. >> affirmation in matthew 19. jesus said -- >> jesus said that god created man and female in the garden and he brought them together in marriage. and so jesus was affirming the fact that there was one man and one woman. >> bill: he didn't name adam and eve. he just said -- and jesus said d. say that god created the universe. now. >> absolutely. >> if you believe in adam and eve there are a number of other things that you have to believe. incest is one of them because the race had to procreate off the children that adam and eve had. then -- >> -- well, sure.
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>> bill: you have to reject the science of evolution and carbon dating and all of those things. it's kind of incompatible with science or am i wrong? >> no. i think you are wrong on this one, bill. you are usually absolutely right. i think you ever wrongs on this one. the bible does not contradict true science it macon that district the passing fadz of science theory. it used to be thought that the does mows always existed but then we had sir frederick coil who named the big bang theory that said guess what the universe had a beginning 13.7 million years ago. a mathematician said the chances of -- >> bill: do you believe that that the universe started 13.7 billion years ago? >> i think it very well could have been. fundamentalist christians mess up on is they try to say the earth is 6,000 years old. the bible never makes that claim anywhere. >> bill: you are a smart guy and i want to take it out of the theological realm. you know the evolutionary
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theory. my belief system is there is a higher power and the evolution ways the way he created the world. i was taught in my catholic school that a lot of the stories in the bible are allegorical. for example, there are -- in the old testament where you stone people. you have slaves. and obviously jesus didn't want to stone anyone or have slaves. so all -- and jonah got swallowed by the whale for three days he built a condo in the whale's tummy, i mean, come on, there are stories that just like jesus spoke in parables because i'm researching my book killing jesus now. and he spoke in parables. all right? that lessons were put forth by these stories and that a lot of believers, such as myself, don't take them literally. >> here's the problem with that bill. if you start labeling these stories as fictitious or fable, where do you stop? it's like peeling the layers of an onion you end up with nothing. >> bill: you stop human reason a whale swallowing
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jonah for three days. that doesn't happen. >> let's go to the new testament. the virgin birth seems to defy reason. >> bill: difference between the new and the old. there is a difference between the new and the old. a lot of people -- >> -- why do you stop at the old testament? but why would you as a believer and you are a believer. >> bill: i believe it? >> why would you just say the old testament. these stories are too fantastic to believe but i'm going to believe in a virgin birth and resurrection. >> bill: it's certainly possible that the lord, the god who created the universe could have had jonah in the belly of the whale. it's possible if you are a believer at that level. but, more pragmatically, it isn't possible that jesus embraced the stoning of people and the enslavement of people. and so. >> no. therefore, when you start to look at the totality of all of the stories by the prophets. you see that you don't have to take them literally to get the theological message. >> but here's the problem
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with that, bill, jesus treated them as actual stories. he, for example, linked his resurrection to the story of joanna. he said as jonah was in the fish for three days so the son of man shall in the ground three days. second coming. >> bill: i think he is doing that to illustrate his point. doesn't have to be literal. >> let me give you one illustration. he linked the story of noah to a second coming. he said as it was in the days of noah, so shall it be with the coming of the second coming to the son of man. now, think about this. if jesus believed the story of noah was if i can fictitious, why would he link it to a future probability? >> because of its allegorical power. be.vividly show what it's >> that would be like saying -- that would be like saying as it was in the days of the easter bunny so shall it be when i come again. you don't link a certainty with a past --
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>> bill: why be a christian if i believe that the bible in some cases is allegorical? can i be? >> you can certainly be a christian and go to heaven. all you have to do is is believe in christ as your savior. >> bill: that's what i thought i feel better now. >> faith is built on fact. >> i want to make you feel better. >> bill: okay. pastor. always great talking to you. check out the pastor's new book how can i know answers to life's seven most important questions. off the satan bible mini series question about the real devil, do theologians think he actually exists in the world? right back with that
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obama. producers of the program deny that but the likeness is undeniable. we wanted to update the status of lucifer the prince of darkness. what is the current wisdom regarding him? joining us now from philadelphia rabbi author of the book push back. and from washington dr. christopher who teaches. the rabbi writes about. this the bible is fairly clear that godwr and the devil set up the classic good vs. evil free will decisions that people have to make on earth. that's why we have both god and the devil god representing good. the devil representing evil. do you believe, doctor, first of all on the god front that there is an active god who does exist and actually influences what happens here on earth? >> definitely. that there is an active god and also an active evil principle that we might call the devil. an angel that was created
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good but fell through his own free will and is now a sort of presence of evil in the world. >> bill: these are spirits that actively have effects on human beings? belief, doctor? >> yes, definitely. >> bill: how about you, rabbi, do you see it the same way. >> we don't believe in an actual devil. what we doou believe during of creation, god allowed, at least a force of evil. and even within people there is the constant struggle between our good inclinations and some of our unsavory inclinations and it is not an actual being but there are forces outside of us and there are sentiments within us. >> bill: i don't understand the word force though. is that ad spirit? is that a -- is that a instinct within people? what is a force? >> within man, it's an instinct there are instincts towards good and. there are instincts towards evil. arebill: okay, so these inherent in every human being who is born on earth
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there are instincts to go either way and there is a pull and a push between god, and i know you believe in god rabbi and what you call the other force. but you say you don't believe in the devil? >> don't believe in the devil per se. now, in the bible, there is mention of in job of satan coming which is more of an allegorical character, a figure to represent satan meaning representing the evil that is found in the world. but, within us, there is no independent force within us. it's part of our dual inclinations. >> bill: you see it a little differently, doctor. you believe there is an active evil spirit if you will or something that injects himself for a better, you know, pronoun. >> certainly. there is certainly a sense that we can be tempted by this evil presence, this evil power. but, yet, we are free as human beings to resist that or to reject it it's not a case of god and satan being
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equal partners. >> bill: that's interesting. so the professor of theology ates catholic u sees some force as you said rabbi, a spirit that is actively, all right,y, pulling people to do wrong. you don't see it that way. you see it as everybody's born with both the inclination to do good and evil and then the person has to decide which way they want to go. then rabbi how do you explain the people who choose evil? how do you explain those people and what happens to them after they die? ie adolf hitler? people like that? >> i do believe that people that have a life where they choose tremendous evil and harm people disproportionately, they do end up in ad hell. do i believe there is a heaven and a hell and there is a judgment, nond a question. people sometimes choose evil because they are lazy. they haven't worked on themselves and sometimes it's simply because they have ambitions, lusts and they don't bow to the authority of the almighty to great authorities. they allow the evil to
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overtake them. they almost lose their capacity for freedom of will. >> bill: it's always a free decision unless you are mentally ill a and incapacitated? >> always. >> bill: do you see it that way as well, doctor? do you have see it that you are going to be judged u die? yo there is going to be a reward or punishment? >> definitely there is accountability that we will be judge on what we have done or or. not. in that sense we are free to resist evil, to succumb to it and in that sense we are responsible. >> ise agree. >> bill: i wonder why so many people succumb to evil though because i believe that they know it. when you do something bad, there is is something inside you. whether you are born with it. you know, this isn't right. you know, the people who are slaughtering other people and maiming other people and betraying other people and stealing and all, they know what they are doing is wrong. yet, they choose to do it anyway, rabbi and, you know? >> bill, because they succumb to the immediate gratification of what they want. o >> bill: don't they think there is going to be a pay
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down do you know the road for that. >> they should if they hade the right type of teaching and religion. ultimately we are going to be accountable in the name of fairness god has the world. >> bill: just god awful lot of secularnt atheists who say once you are dead you are dead. >> bill: i will give you the last word, doctor, i believe more people are choosing to do evil today than ever before in the history of the planet. >> constant human temptation. sometimes seek what is outright evil. think what is good for us but actually evil in the end. >> bill: you really think that? someseeing every day terrible things done to terrible people around this world it's just staggering. that's my job i have to deal with it every day. that was a fascinating discussion, you guys. i appreciate you coming on. olympic gold medalist gabby douglas strong faith in god helped her stay on a positive track.
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>> bill: last summer, 16-year-old gabby douglas from virginia won two olympic gold medals in gymnastics. we are all very happy. her personality is warm and made her a star. ms. douglas has had a very very difficult home situation to overcome. she writes about it in a new book called grace, gold and glory my leap of faith. i talked with her about it last night. >> reading this book i felt sorry for you. i really did. 14-year-old girl, no dad around. mom trying to raise you and three siblings. >> yes. >> bill: all of a sudden you have to go to iowa to compete. that's really tough. did you see it that way when it was happening? >> i knew i had to accomplish a dream if i wanted to accomplish it then i had to sacrifice a lot more. >> bill: were you crying at night and stuff? >> i definitely was. when mom left, she stayed with me for a week in iowa. when she left, i about bawled for a few months,
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actually. and i had -- it was my decision. so i had to come to a conclusion saying it was my decision. >> you had enough discipline. it was unhappy. get in the groove. you go over to london. and got all the best in the world there i was confident in my performances. i thought about how great. i was very nervous. how did you cope with that? >> well, i was trained to deal with that under the pressure and coach chow, one of my coaches, he has me do personal sets which means there is a lot of action going in the gym. they try to distract me when i go to competition can i just fly on through and cruise right on. >> bill: when you won the two golds, right? you win? >> yes. >> bill: now you are world famous. everybody knows you. how did your world change? >> it was kind of like an
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overnight celebrity. gabrielle douglas on top. i mean, it's been a whirlwind. everything has just been a blast. >> bill: final question is, you write a lot about your faith. how did you get involved with a belief in god at such a young age? >> i have always been exposed to jesus and the bible and my mom always exposed me and the rest of my siblings to that. and i love reading the bible. i love reading about different stories. >> bill: what does it do for you? >> it plays a big role in my life. it does me so good. i mean, god has blessed me over the past years and he has kept me safe. now the glory is all up to him. he has given me this amazing god given talent. two parents and why do i have to leave home and why is is t. so hard? did you get mad of him? >> perspective. i don't have two parents but i have two gold medals under my name. you always have to sit upside down. right side up. you always have to look at the positive things i are
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going to try to improve on yourself again? >> yes. >> bill: that will take you four years of training and what you did. what are you going to do differently in your life now that you are kind of independent. you can be independent by that. >> well, i want to get my driver's license so that's one thing. i'm going to start heading back in the gym and just train and i want to gain more. i want to go to more international assignments and more world championships and i think it will be very cool if i attended two olympic games. >> bill: all right, education? >> yes. >> bill: what do you want to do there. >> i haven't -- i do want to go to college. i haven't figured out what i want to do yet. it's still i'm taking it one step at a time and one day at a time. >> bill: all right. gabriel thanks for coming. in the book is grace, gold and glory. >> bill: thanks for watching this special edition of the factor a matter of faith.
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