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tv   The Passion  FOX News  March 31, 2013 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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happy easter. i am bill o'reilly. please remember the spin, let me get it in my hand the right way, stops here because we're definitely looking out for you. if we had a video of the resurrecti resurrection, i think the light would have been so great, so fantastic. >> i think we would have seen the body disappear. >> we can only say that science can never prove who that man is. at this moment, newly
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elected pope francis celebrating his first easter as pontiff. pope francis will soon make a speech there after he finishes delivering mass. meanwhile the white house is saying it's taking the latest threats from north korea seriously. the white house is saying that the u.s. is ready to defend its allies but adding the communist north statement is nothing new and continues a long pattern of threats. >> rather than threaten to abrogate and threaten to move in a new direction, the world would be better served if he would make a direction to engage in legitimate dialogue and legitimate -- >> north carolina test fired a rocket in december and conducted and underground nuclear test
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♪ . the passion and the death of christ is the ultimate story. it where we find out what the heart of god is all about. >> he talked about carrying the cross, he talked about self-sacrifice. but in that story, he talked about giving to other. and he is the lamb of god that took away the sin of the world. >> halleluja it is the
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resurrection that makes chrissianity unique from any other religion in the world. but 6,000 years since jesus walked the earth, is it a complete and true history? is any of it myth? i'm lauren green and welcome to our special, the passion, facts, fiction and faith. >> if we had a video of the resurrection, i think the light would have been so great, to fantastic, we would have been blown away. >> he passed through them, he didn't do a hulk and tear them apart. he passed through them.
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>> think lout the bible and especially in stories about jesus, events like the appearance of angels, the virgin birth and the resurrection, require people to have faith. biblical scholars and religious leaders will tell you what jesus christ's passion is to them. and you'll walk with me through jerusalem's only city and the first accept try world of jesus christ. >> this is a house going back 2,000 years, this is where kaiapas lived. >> new testament sclar jerome
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murphy o'connell hooz appeared in three specials about jesus? when you look at the -- but of course, retelling of the story is a new performance. >> whenever we look at the bible, we have to keep in mind what we're reading, we're not reading a history book. >> father jonathan morris advised mel gibson in the making of "the passion of the christ." >> whether or not the death of a man named jesus of nazareth actually happened. another question is whether he was the son of god and whether he was divine and that cannot be proven. >> i try to poke holes at the things when i'm examining them and i could not poke any legitimate holes?
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forensic pathologist has hanged volunteers from crosses for his study of the crucifixion "if god's going to speak, he has to speak in a way that is supernatural. >> bible church's senior pastor tony nelson believes that every word in the bible is inspired by god and without error. >> man just has a problem with that there's somebody outside the frame work of nature and the idea that the liable can be a supernatural book, not just a book, that god can be a supernatural person. >> you take the gospel literally? >> yes. >> but aren't there parables, aren't some of those stories
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just parables to help the story along? >> the bean ball -- if i use something as a story, for instance there's an illustration, but if i present an hesk occurrence, if the bible uses an illustration, it will tell you that? >> christian faith or the way i understood early as christian faith does not depend on a literal body coming out of the tomb. >> john dominic lawson does not tyke the bible literally and he never separates the historical jesus but a -- >> you would not have seen anything. >> but if jesus did not resurrect, the body is not resurrected, then what would have happened.
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>> what i'm saying is there is no christianity without the resurrection, but what i'm saying if the resurrection demands the lilt central both coming out of the tomb. i would like to see pilot's face if he saw gee suts. and jesus actually seems to be anywhere he wants to be. i consider those to be metaphors and parables for the presence of jesus. >> rome, at the time of jesus, it was the center of the world. for the past 25 years, it has been the center of christianity. >> rome is incredibly beautiful, it like a postcard everywhere you look. >> we are on the cusp of st.
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peter's bridge also call if you along at these it has to do with the passion of christ, either the crowning of thorns of the scourge. >> we'll be back in rome a little bit later in the program. and we'll see a nail, a form and a picture of the cross. but first, we 2r56 to juice let me to find out about jesus' last week. of zimbabwe ? ... the first time you ask with the google voice search. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid recognition. droid powerful.
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2,000 years ago, jesus walked here. we're on the mt. of olive across from jerusalem. what was the city like in the time of jesus? and why did jesus come here at the beginning of what we now call holy week? >> jesus does not go up to jerusalem to get killed. he goes up to jerusalem because it is part of the integrity of his life to demonstrate- >> jesus went to jerusalem to lead the jews out from under the oppression of the roman empire. >> what wind of conquerer comes into a city on a female donkey except one who sends a message that the way of the world which
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is really violent is not the way of -- >> he always knew what was going to happen. they will kill me, they will scourge me and then i'll rise from the dead. so he goes up at pass over, because that is when the lamb dies and he is the lamb of god that lays away the sin of the worth. so he knows he's going to die. >> this is a religion of sacrifice. >> jesus was one of my that dale to juice let me --? just imagine what the city was like, struggling to get an,s into the temple, and coming out gentz them, with bloody carcasses over their shoulder. >> the model housed at the
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israel museum shows how the old city of jerusalem was built around -- >> to find a house in antiquity was built only in the upperer city of jerusalem. this is sofrlt the equivalent of the gold coast. >> they felt they were closer to god. >> we see a tremendous, tremendous discrepancy of the poor, in places like nazareth and here in juice let me. this is like up fold wealth. >> excavations in jerusalem are ongoing and archaeologists say that facts have emermed from beneath the site where jesus cured a blind man.
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a blind man is brought in font of jesus of nads rhett and takes up from the ground mud, sole his eyes and says now go and wash your eyes. >> stories of the miracle of the map born blind was just one of the rumors that gave the high priest reason to be worried about jesus, especialliry -- >> they were afraid after the raising of lazarus they were afraid because jesus was becoming so popular.
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so what they said was, this man has to die. >> so if jesus is accused of claiming the messiah, that is enough for pontiff to say at least -- >> the so-call # trial was not held in the public domain, but in hi house. kiapus was thereined by jesus because he was challenging the temperature's leadership of authority. murphy o'cop for believes there are kiblting accounts wean the gospels. the much changers in the temple is at the beginning of -- but the evangelists didn't see any good respect why the jews shouldn't be so opposed to gee
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justice. i think they traps forred it to the echtd of the bible in order to provide motivation for the high priest to have -- greatest world is for a hue map being who can stay nonviolent up against violence and dying as a marker, and who can say when you're dying, father forgive them. >> it was the father and son and it was of him bearing the sin of you and of me and as he said a world of lost sippers. >> no one know where is jesus celebrated his last supper. but tradition says it was in and upper room of jerusalem's upper
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od. helping the world keep promises. at this moment newly elected pope francis celebrating his first easter mass. pope francis will soon make a
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speech there after he finishes delivering mass and this caps off a busy week of easter smons throughout the vatican. the u.s. is saying they're taking the threats of north korea seriously. the communist north's statement is nothing new and continues a long pattern of un necessary threats. and in texas, a district attorney and his wife found dead just a couple of months after his assistant was shot and killed. investigators found the bodies of mike mcclel land at their home in kaufman county. mcclellan had been receiving extra protection after his -- >> all these people were patients of dr. wayne scott
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harrington an oral surgeon, he's accused of working in unsanitary conditions, that's why 11,000 theemt people who saw him were warned to get tests for hepatitis and aids. >> if you can't trust a doctor and the people who are supposed to the right for you, who can you trust? . now back to the passion by your latest headlines log on to fog . >> this grove of olive trees issan negligent, some say it may have been here as long as 2,000 years ago. this is the garden of gissemene,
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this is where he was betrayed by judas, abandoned by his disciples and arrested in darkness. >> lauren, it is here in the greek orthodox chapel that we come to the spot that marks the traditional site of the crucifixion of jesus. you can see here the exposed rock where once again the top of this pillar is nonas the calgary of al go that. >> you can actually the touch the spot where the cross had been mounted. >> tour guide lauren nelson told me how christians have prayed at
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this site for centuries. first at a chapel built by emperor constantine. >> we are now stopping in front of the edicule. ? coming from a protestant back grouped, i was amazed at how ornate the church buzz, i had a tough time -- when i saw that rock pilgrims were touching, i was moved to tears. earlier i had walked through jerusalem's old city with an anthropologist. he showed me that up certainty moves -- >> and they know that this is the path that he took?
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>> tradition says one thing and history yaps say another. >> they gyp at the antonio fort near the lion's gate. >> it a starting point as well. and it starts on the eastern side of the pacific, when it really should start up the best site. that's where parol mcht dame when he came pack to jerusalem and that's where he would have judged jesus "facts, fickions and faith, those words rang in my ears. what would this place have looked like 2,000 years ago. jesus would have been walk -- and here was a hill known as krrk algasa.
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another -- convinced british general charles gordon this hill top was the real site of jesus's death. we have a hill here that coiled perhaps be a skull, you see the eyes achtd what looks like it might be a nose. sflp one of the problems was that the protestants weren't allowed to pray in the other church. and in 1883, he came here and he believed that perhaps this was the natural calgary. >> their first accept try too manyings fi their side --? this is not jesus's tomb, but the importance of it is it is the tomb from the time of the the crucifixion.
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even though it is the more likely the place of jesus's death, this was the way i imagined. -. >> this is the tomb that became modified. >> i asked people come here to the garden tomb. >> there' a feeling of spirituality. itgarden, there's something beautiful about this. >> people won to believe where jesus is burr rid. >> you the vuk chur of holy spots -- based upon faet and not on reason. >> facts and fictions and faith still remane at christian city's most sacred sites.
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up next, puzzles of the passion. many christians mean that there is one special crew to the greatest mystery of all time. plus the revealing conclusions into a crime scene investigation into jesus's death. nice try. says right here you can get one for $199 a month. you can't believe the lame-stream media, gary. they're all gone. maybe i'll get one. [ male announcer ] now everyone's going to want one. you can't have the same car as me, gary! i'm gettin' one. nope! [ male announcer ] volkswagen springtoberfest is here and there's no better time to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease one of four volkswagen models for under $200 a month. visit today. male anner ] were you more interesting in your twenties, or now? when you we starting out? or after a few dedes working in some well-worn character? experience makes you wiser for the wear. and now come the richer possibilities.
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resurrection and ascension. some believe jesus left us a clue and it is one of the most stunning and analyzed objects in the world. >> i first looked at it and i said i obviously must be a painting of some sort, or it was burned a certain way. dr. fred zuger by has been
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studying the shroud of tur rip for six decades. he's also author of the book, the death of joe sus. >> i wochded if the shroud could -- did not have firm scene tiffic proof ch i view the shroud as a crime scene because i sue the crucifixion as a crime scene. >> based up experiments, he has theorized how he decided. high poe flim mea -- there's a loss of now winds, both plod and sweating. >> i arrived in turin expecting
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to find a patienting. to find brush brokes and go home "it was part of the skype tiffic team that had bun fettered access to the kroid for five days and nights. >> all the blood scenes are visible. the water marks tshs burns t scorches, we took all the tests that would normally approximate allied to a work of art and it failed all those tests. >> while the earliest history of the shroud is unclear, it's unlikely that jesus's disciples could have uncovered it. >> fire nearly destroyed the
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cloth and the relic was badly danieled by a fire in 1542. for years the sh proud's -- >> before the carbonating tests were done, it was freed there wod be samples taking from dep parts. >> sachls were only allowed to take savms one one quarter. >> the voud was affected there was holy spirit that went arm the world in 1988 and it put a cramp in the style of all the scientists that were working up the shroud. >> and along came -- was an area
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of the shroud at the seam spot which was a piece added up in the middle aims. >> a reseven piece of that sample was found by a member of our team. lynen in-that proves that sample used for car been dating in 1988 did not represent the maybe body of cloth of the shroud of tur rip. >> we can of say the cloth is -- skips request never proof who that map is. d zugerby believes that
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religious evidence proves that that is the true burial shroud of jesus. >> it was about 12 lash marks of the crowd. the lash markets before inflikted by the row map sold twrer it there is a this little dumbbell pictures were made of metal or bone. when anybody gets struck across the chest, over a period of a few hours, now wed started to -- after he was speared on the cro cross. from a forensic point of view,
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how would you get blood and water up the shroud. ? after 2 thourgs years t shroud still reveals important forensic clues. >> so we have blood scene up the head. the thorns very, very sharp. it's the type of pane when irritated comes across the face. an the paeps are terrible splchlt we have blood stains at the feet where the crucifixion nails were neail. it's extremely difficult to nail both feet one on of the of the other. >> based up the only direct evidence ever found of a crucifixion rjt buzz a one man going through a single heel
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bone? what discovered this, this is the heel boep. ? to party elplus strait the woupds, father jonathan morris showed us a piece of art in role that has rarely been seen. >> we are in rome it tally and we're looking at a sculpture made by an artist. it a full scale model of jesus christ crucified according to the marks up the should of turin. the church knows it's very important for the faithful. ? over the years, photograph has -- high contrast plaque anding whee imma'ams and full color and the latest news has been in the area of 3-d images.
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>> we already knew that that interested in the shroud. which makes it different from any photograph or artifact ever found. it took me about 18 years literally of studying that i came to the cop collusion that this was like will the shroud of turin in my own mind. for those who have deep faith, they don't need the shroud, and for people who have no faith, they just don't care. so mean the shroud is there for people who are just not sure. >> shroud of tur rip -- many churches in rome and world wide
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have preserved other precious relics of jesus's life. and that's straight ahead. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents, for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaoma, or can not empty your bladd, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness and decreased sweating. do not drive,perate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you ow how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. talk to your doctor about toviaz.
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behind me is the arch of constantine. it was dedicated in 315 a.d. that celebrated the victory that immediate constantine the emperor. he said he owed that victory to jesus christ. so he sent his mother return -- >> could these thorns have come from the crown of christ's head? did this nail hold him to the
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cross? is this piece of parch mrvet real lethe one claiming him the young of the jew? if they are real and were in fact brought here to holy land, they're among some of the most precious rel leks in the board "help pent to find that cross. so people would remember that god became human, died hue map death up this terrible especially opportunity of torture. >> it a good way to keep us from seeing constituent as abtrablgt and remembering it as real. ? these are trsht rerelate relics.
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some relics can be traced for authenticity. and many of the objects used by padre, one of the most recent saints can be found in sourp italy. burr when it comes to objects that are 2,000 dlarz a kprooer, what about the row map atmosphere. is that laftd or a piece of it tell arp? there eat quite a bet of mystery voechd thal one. at least four dech versions exist. >> relics incited quite of enthusiasm especially at the time of the crusade.
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>> jrp journalist says that there's another set of relics not made of the human happened. he hoed us a photograph that he took of the fine cloth which is sometimesly traps parent. ? kbroublg see the smaller cheeks. >> most choechs in rome own rel lebs orel licks of the saints, sometimes a skeleton or a type any poot of dhoets. >> it the connect smupism with -- >> often times the churches that we grow up in the united states there was a relic of a martyr placed in the stone of the altar. there are few highly prized
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relics from the dominican cop vent p. the nones in the convent skrlly frd the -- they also protect an imma'am of mary some people --. >> it and imimagine at that time of mary, she was tell allow. >> some of the relics aren't 'on display. madre anjelica -- >> we have to base our space on a relic, no way, we shouldn't base our faelt up a relic, but we can --? in the end liz lev puts -- knew
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yooef or superstitious to think this a bit of bone or a bit of cloth has magical powers. you do not have to believe that this is the wood of the cloth or you're not a catholic anymore. >> what about the finger of st. thomas i think best expresses that doubt that we -- >> why do people come to rome in many of them are in soef of a rel tamala edwards, paying their respect tot one of dres's fest fols st. peter. fols st. peter. with the google voice search.
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the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid recognition. droid powerful. has an equally thrilling, lesser-known counterpart. conquer them with the exhilarating is 250. get great values on your favorite lexus models during the cmand performance sales event. th is the pursuit of perfection. the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful.
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it's been said if the resurrection never took place that the christian faith is based on a lie. but those who believe in the eater story, it's enough to sustain their faith. >> i would love to have a sure faith, so many times i have- >> every day when i wake up, i this is christ with meal in wheel fat and fictions may be part of the christian story, outs fair they faith that will -- for-the reds rez lek r
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ebbation. >> the apostle paul was the first to write by jesus death. >> you have written a lot of books boot st. partly. >> paul knew a lot of about the -- i can't imagine that they talk about mother-in-laws or about fishing for a respect that jesus was the messiah. he schoez crucifixion? our fooit is worthless. >> pat for nelson's faet is in a gees is who toid for the accepts of moop? of christ did not rise from the
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death, then he dead notity in-if you happen to be as dpod as god. >> if i would pr row from small. fact, effection, naet after the arrest of these is? ch a kimg come of god up earth. >> as a christian, i believe that jesus was executed by the legal imperial power of the date. to say he was raised by god, means for me that god revoked, reversed the judgment of that lower court. the process was and how it was gp back to god in the sons that had taken it over. 6. >> we base our faith in it that
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jesus christ actually became man. whether it is a literal belief or historical interpretation. >> do you get offended when people question the life and resurrection of jesus christ? >> they probably experienced something in that life that has made it very deft. they ebbs importance dpod in a perm way, then they ask actual moeb? and for some people rjt fod worms in mitt tier use ways. it tall yach ablg tresz played the role of very rop can in mel begin sop's passion of the krooes. when i lock up here. it is bigger than p fwhi other pain that i have felt. >> when i pulled lamb and my feelings are very, very --
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>> go owe van any -- being moved deeply at the time and even today when he explains the directions mel gave him. >> i wonder if you cowl look at mary and say, i'm sorry, i want you the say, excuse me and i say, that's very strong. it was very strong to many. eat been four years mike windy mers it was a very strong experience. >> for francisco devito, in the role of apostle peter. 69. >> i became more aware of the
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laws that you as you map beings can give to each other. >> when something in your heart or your mind opens after an experience. >> when the finish of this film for me. i again believe in gee saw christ, it's just incredible. maybe the most simple thing you can reach in your loif to be at peace be each other and give rots to. >> wishing you a joyous easter and thanks for watching. from jerusalem, i'm lauren green.
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