tv Huckabee FOX News March 31, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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easter sunday. happy holiday to you, whether you celebrated easter this week or-- i'm harris falkner, in just a few seconds, the next show on fox news channel. have a great week. >> . >> mike: tonight on huckabee. >> a lot of folks call themselves christians don't quite understands what it means to follow jesus. >> he was the pastor after large church, living a comfortable life style. why he gave it all up. >> spend it on stuff that's not going to matter, rather than fwiflg giving it to people need it. >> what if i told you that jesus came to abolish religion. >> he's a christian who loves jesus what, about organized religion. >> for religion, i hate it recent it. >> youtube sensation jeff beck joins the governor tonight. >> plus, he was 11 years old when he asked her for money on the street.
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she didn't give him money, but something much more valuable that has lasted more than 25 years. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. ♪ >> thank you. thank you very much, everyone. and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york. people are observing the most important dates in christian and jewish life. easter this weekend and passover on monday. and i realize it's not fashionable to center one's life around faith, but the morals that set the standards by which we are to live, rather than moving the goal post so i can be claim to winning at life, but lowering the standard to make it appear that way, then i'll joyfully take the ridicule. now, i'm going to have all eternity to get over that ridicule.
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recent studies show a disturbing people in the united states claim no reconnection to any faith, church or synagogue. i don't blame the secularists, however, i blame those of us, including me, who must not have done a very good job of making faith seem attractive. maybe the great theologians, the righteous brothers when they had it right when they sang the great gospel classic, "you've got that loving feeling." . righteous brothers weren't that righteous and the loving feeling lost might not have been the love of god. what happened? i don't think that people who are devout of faith are too much. the people finding their home from the prodigal's journey want a relationship with god that's strong and certain. people aren't falling like lucifer because folks believe too much. because they believe too little. a methodist church is not
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going to perform a regular wedding ceremony because the state didn't recognize, but doing a cut and paste on marriage doesn't change the standard, just relevance of those selling the no calorie christian saccharine and calling it a sacrament. it's refreshing that pope francis made clear his version of being modern is not to retool the church doctrine to be more cool, but advancing person relationships rather than just by religious ritual. i returned to the place thought to be the tomb of jesus. another site thought was the real tomb, but both had one thing in common, they were empty. as a christian who celebrates easter, it's not important to be adored by the world, it's important to be known by the ones who conquered death and invites us to join with him. that's real hope. now for the jews passover reminds us that god never
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forgets us, never leaves us permanently enslaved and overcomes all obstacles to set us free. so, if having hope and confidence in the future regardless of any election or indicators, i'd rather be crazy and confident than just plain crazy. [applause] and a pastor of a church started with 30 people and quickly grew into a church that had a congregation of thousands. >> understand that jesus rising from the grave, gathering his followers together on that mountain, and giving this message and go into all the world and make the disciples of all the nation, do we understand, do we all agree that he was not talking about just you guys discipling one another, you've got to get this message to the whole world. somehow i want followers from every nation. you need to get out there, get
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in message, as you understand. you see the context of when jesus spoke that he was saying, reach the people who have not been reached. >> over the past few years, francis chan has left the cornerstone community church in california and authored four best selling books and now spends his time spreading his messages on the streets of san francisco. francis chan joins us now. it's really great to have you here. [applause] in your earlier, francis, you had a lot of trials and tribulations and your mother died in childbirth. your stepmother died in a car accident. you know, i think about all of these things, your dad died when you were just 12. this is enough to make most people hate god. it did not cause you to hate god. why not? >> you know, i had an understanding of the bible and what jesus taught, which is that you will have pain on this earth. he promised that. we live in a fallen world, there's going to be pain. so for me, i understood that look, he didn't promise me this easy life, he said it's
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going to be difficult because of the fall it's a world that we live in, but for me it actually caused me to cling more to god. because as a kid when your mom dies, your stepmom dies, your dad dies, you just realize, man, life is going to be over any second and it's not about this time on earth. i mean, my life could end now before the show is over. >> mike: i hope not. >> i hope not, yeah, but you start thinking that way and going, i've got to know what this is all about and it caused me to search even deeper. >> mike: that's a different gospel than we hear a lot of times on television. i'm not picking anybody up, and i love these guys to death, but i often hear preaching that says if you turn your life over to jesus, you're never going to get sick, you'll be wealthy, you'll never have a problem. that's not been my brand and you-- how do you convince them to follow jesus even though it doesn't guarantee escape from
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problems. >> you go to the word and whatever you sacrifice on the earth, you're really going to be rewarded a hundred-fold in this life and life to come. and you get them thinking of exact words of scripture. look, we're supposed to be like jesus and jesus did spend his life suffering, but it was all for this future glory, all for this future joy. >> you did something that, i mean, it just doesn't happen. you had a very emergingly successful dynamic congregation that had grown exponentially, you had what most pastors pray for every time before god. big church, influential church and you walked away from it. what happened? what made you say, that's not what i want to be doing? >> well, first of all, that was really hard. i mean, i loved those people and i'd been with them for almost 17 years. this was my baby, this is, you know, we started that church out of our house and saw great things happen, but after a
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while i started thinking we've got a lot of great leadners this church and i think it'd be fine -- in fact, they might do better without me because sometimes we can rely too much on people and the at one point i thought i heard the word francis chan more than the holy spirit and if we keep going down that route, that's a bad road to go down and it was almost like too many attention on me and when i look in scripture, gosh, all the glory should go to god. >> mike: but you actually walked away not only from the church, but down-sized your living in your home and opened it up to total strangers. i just want to make sure our audience understands, it's a radical departure from a conventional life style. i mean, how difficult was that to go from essentially being a fairly comfortable upper middle class person to living as close to streets as you ended up living? >> it was so easy. i mean, it was hard to make the decision because it was so
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strange to people and we had so much resistance from church people. >> mike: really? church people, my goodness. >> and it's almost like the people who didn't believe in god understood our decision better than the church did. >> mike: not surprised. >> exactly, but my wife and i as we went down this journey, that's the rithing, if you lose your life, you're going to find it. once you make the difficult decision, and allow people in your house and giving to the poor, and you see the results of it. i mean, to be in africa and see the kids eating and now, with clothes and vitamins, and getting educated, it just brings so much life to you. wre i just never have been happier. so, it's not soch about t much e sacrifice, it's about the joy of giving and the desire to love these people. >> when you first went to your wife and said, hey, guess what? i'm going to sell our house and we'll live like paw percent and give most of our
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income away and moving in with homeless, drug addicts and i'm sure she hugged you, honey, that's what i've always dreamed of. >> i didn't do it that way. >> mike: probably better. >> you know, when i came back from africa, my heart was as broken. i'd look at all the stuff and go, honey, it's so hard. you've got to see these kids. they're so beautiful and they're so-- but they're digging through the trash. you've got to go with me and you've got to see it and she said, no, i'll go some day, but if you think we need to down size now, let's do it and she's an amazing woman. and that's-- that was hard for her to give up the house and everything, but once she did it and once she did go overseas with me, wow, i would live off even less. this is amazing. >> mike: i want you to stay with me, francis. i'm going to be asking one of francis' kids, his 12-year-old daughter mercy how she feels about the family's new living arrangements. you'll he want to stay for that.
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>> when my daughter comes to your room. she knows better. she's not going to come back a couple of hours later and say, dad, remember what you said to me. you said go clean your room. now, what am i going to say, good job? that's what i wanted? no, and she's not going to come to me and say, dad, i can go clean your room in greek. listen. that's not going to fly and what if she says, now what? my friends and i we're going to gather together every week and study and figure out what it would look like if i cleaned my room. no, none of that's going to fly. just go and clean it. she knows that. so why do we think that this type of speaking or this type of talk is going to work with jesus. i mean, jesus was as black and white as you get. he would look at people and he would say, why do you call me
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lord when you don't do what i say? >> well, we're going to ask francis' 12-year-old daughter mercy just what it was like. you know, mercy, my question to you is, you suddenly had a very different kind of household and people living in your house that, well, probably unusual house guests to say the least. and people who have been just out of prison, people on drugs, people from the street. how did you mannedle that when these folks were coming in? >> well, it was a little strange to begin with. but i think i've gotten to the point where like it's, like i just have seen the results of it and how amazing it is aen how god works through people in our house. it's gotten weird if people aren't living with us. >> mike: now, have you ever been afraid? >> not really. i mean-- >> i've been afraid of some of the people that lived in my house and they're my own kids. i'm just curious. these are people you've never
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met and dad brings them home, he's going to live with us for a while or she's going to live with us for a while. that didn't bother you? >> it took a while, but when you have someone living with you all the time you learn to love them even if they're not people that you're used to seeing or are a little bit different. >> and did you learn how to clean your room? >> no. (laughter) >> i just want to clear thaup.thau that up. i was worried they were perfect. do you feel like a lot of christians in america are missing what it means to follow jesus. >> i feel they're missing out on the blessings, if they would just let go of some of this, yeah, i do think that a lot of people call themselves christians don't quite understand what it means to follow jesus. and i mean, jesus says the kingdom of heaven is like a man who found a treasure in a field and it was so great that with great joy, he goes and sells everything he has.
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i have h've got to do anything, me that feel. and that's how we have our relationship with god. i get to have a relationship with him, the one who's making this world spin and a creator and i know him. where do i sign up? what do i have to give up, but i think most people don't come at it that way. they go, well, jesus, is he worth it? i'm going, i don't think you get it. >> mike: because i think most people think that you're successful spiritually if you're successful materially. they make that connection and obviously that's not biblical, but do americans have an unbalanced view toward what they possess and what possesses them? >> oh, yeah. we love stuff way more than we realize. and you know, a lot of people make a big deal about giving away all of our royalties we did that because we understood that we're self-centered people. like i think about myself a
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lot. you know, way more than i should. may more than i think about others. and often times more than i think about god. and so, it's, well, let's get rid of this stuff now, otherwise, we know what we're going to do with it. we'll spend it on stuff that's not going to matter. rather than giving it it to people who need it and we'll be grateful for all of eternity. >> your book is called crazy love. what's crazy about love? >> well, crazy love was about god, it's crazy love for us. if you think about there's a being right now who gave me that breath, it's up to him. he gave me another one. he's in charge of everything. he made this world and the thought that he would have his only son die on a cross for me, that's unbelievable! like who does that? and no one's ever going to love me that much. that's crazy and the idea is that we should be emulating that and saying, you know what?
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that's where i should be towards others and that's the way i should be back towards god. >> mike: that's what this weekend is all about, that kind of crazy love. francis, what a pleasure to have you here. it's a true joy and i want to say thanks to mercy. thank you for being here and it's really nice to hear you, and i'm he glad that you don't-- (applaus (applause) >> well, a panhandler asking for money on the street. what do you do reach in your pocket or just keep walking? coming up the man who was that pan handler and the who made a choice that changed both of their lives forever. that's next. [applause]. [ male announcer ] when you're at the corner of "multivitamin" and "multiple choice," come to walgreens for help finding the one that's right for you... like centrum silver. now, buy one, get one half off with balance rewards card. at the corner of happy and healthy.
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passed a 11-year-old boy maurice, who said he was hungry. he asked for money for food. she kept walking, but then stopped, walked back and walked back to maurice, and she offered to take him to mcdonald's, and. she knew he needed more than a meal. for the next four years, laura and maurice met for lunch. and today after 20 years, they're like family. the book is now "the invisible thread." . thank you for being here, laura and maurice of. [applause] >> this is one of the most touching, and refreshing and inspiring stories i've read. the book is fantastic and i thought, if you made this up, i wouldn't have believed it, but it's a true story. you walked by this kid a few
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blocks from our studio here in new york and he said i'd like change, i'm hungry. and you walk by and you turned around. why? why did you turn around? >> i turned around because what resonated with me were the words, i'm hungry. i'd never seen a 11-year-old panhandler before and so i just couldn't believe he said those word. so i went back and i said to him, you know what? we'll go to mcdonald's, but it's interesting, i think that our lives take us in directions and sometimes there are no accidents. you know, when i was 25 years old, my mother died when she was 47 at a very young age. she was my rock and what comforted me throughout my entire adult life was the fact that she was this angle that overlooked me and watched over me and i absolutely believe that she knew that i needed something more in my life. and she knew that maurice needed someone to care for
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him. and she brought us together. . you know, it's an amazing thing because you're talking about it from the statement of what maurice did for you. even though most of us would, in reading the story say, wow, laura what you did for maurice, and had she just given you a couple of bucks and said, kid, go get something to eat, things would have been different, wouldn't they? >> definitely, if she'd given me a couple of bucks and said, here, get me something to eat, my life would have been different. i grew up with drubbig addicts and drug dealers. and i lived two blocks from here my life was chaos and that's all i knew. when i met laura my whole life changed and changed for the better. >> mike: did you have a hard time thinking this lady is actually going to take me to eat and she's going to walk in central park with me and take me to a place and buy me the first steak i've ever had in my life? i mean, what were you thinking as a 11-year-old boy in the
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same sweat pants that, you know, you wore all the time. because that's all you had? >> i thought that she as a godsend, i thought that someone was looking over me to send me an angel and that's what i believe. i believed the lord sent me an angel when he sent me laura. >> mike: no question. as i read this story and it's just so compelling. laura, did you expect this to turn into a 26 year relationship? and at one point did you realize this is not just me taking a kid out to lunch? >> you know, you never could imagine that when we met that day, that maurice would not only change my life, but i would change his life. and that ultimately, there would be such an incredible ripple effect to the point where, his children today will never know from drugs, and violence. never could have imagined it. >> mike: now, maurice you're now married and how many
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children? >> i have seven children. ranging from 6 to 21 years old. [applause] >> you have your own contracting business. >> yes, i own a small subcontracting business and i'm doing pretty well as far as life is concerned. i just believe that love and happiness is the most pleasure you can get out of life and that's what i have. i remember when laura took me to her sister's house and this was the point that my life had changed. you know, laura always asked me what was the greatest thing about her sister's house. well, her sister had a lawn and she had a back yard, a basement, everything was in it, all types of toys and things, we went bike riding, but the one thing that stood out to me was the table that her sister had. her sister had a long table and we sat down and we ate and they shared love across that table with their family. >> you had 'd never seen that. >> never seen that before.
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>> mike: have you ever had a meal with your own family, your parents. >> never at a table. >> never. from that point on that's the first time i'd dreamed of doing anything in life and today i have a small apartment in manhattan and i don't have a living room, i have a dining room with a long table. (laughter) >> and well, with seven kids, you need a long table, maurice. there's a great story out of the book that was very touching. and laura you asked if you could help him have lunch at school. because you know, that was something his only meal he really good. wanted to have a lunch in a brown bag. explain why that mattered to you that it came in a brown bag? >> well, the reason why i believe that it came in a brown bag and mattered to me. when i went to school i'd often go to school and see all the kids coming in with their lunch in their brown paper bag and for me, that-- i knew someone cared about them. and i knew someone loved them.
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they put that-- they put time in to give them their lunch in a brown paper bag. so laura asked me, one day, that she said i would give you money or i can make you lunch. and i told her, listen, i really don't want your money, but if you can put my lunch in a brown paper bag, it would make a world of difference for me because someone would know, the kids would know when i come to school that someone cared about me. >> mike: what did that say to you when he said that. >> it actually took my breath away. >> mike: does mine hearing about it. >> it took my breath away, but here i was and this 11-year-old kid was teaching me things. he taught me the definition of lunch in a brown paper bag. the bag is only brown paper, but what you put into it is something we all call love and he knew that he wanted lunch in a brown paper bag over money. >> mike: that's just-- >> it is one of the most touching stories in the book.
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>> mike: the book is called "an invisible thread." where did the title come from. >> you know, it's -- it's an incredible story. i love the story because about a month before my co-author and i, alex, who is here today as well. we couldn't come up with a name every name i came up with, he didn't like and every name i came up with he didn't. and i had to go to reed, and i was rushing. i liked to go to the local card store. i never bought a card in duane reed and looking at the card and said there's an old saying about an invisible thread that connects those destined to meet and opened up the card and said, i'm so happy you're in my life, and happy birthday and i thought, oh, my gosh, that is exactly the relationship that maurice and i have. it's an invisible thread and i called alex and i said oh, my god i've got the name, it's an
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invisible thread and what's interesting, i received so many e-mails from so many people saying i have this special relationship with this person, but i have never known the definition of it. and basically, what you've done with your book, is define my relationship. we were meant to be in our-- in each other's lives. and it wasn't an invisible thread that connected us. yeah, it's-- >> speaking of birthdays, at one of your birthdays. >> oh. >> mike: maurice was there to offer a toast. it is very special. we have a little tape on it, let's watch. >> and at that moment she saved my life, 'cause i was going down the road road, you know, my mother, bless her soul, my mother died, and my mother was on drugs at the time. and the lord sent me an angel. and my angel was laura and i'm so glad i met her.
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[applause] >> is that the best toast ever? >> that's the best toast ever. and do you know, that when he came to the party, i said to him, oh, by the way, i said very few people are going to make toasts, but i'd love for you to make a toast and like an hour later he made at that toast. >> mike: it was absolutely fantastic. you ought to be the head of the toast masters, you are so good at itmaurice. thank you, god bless you for being here, what a wonderful and needed story for all of us to have here today in this new year. >> governor, thank you. >> mike: thank you, god bless you, thank you. nearly 80% of americans identify themselves as christians. coming up, you're going to meet a young man who says that christianity and religion are two very different things and he's got the internet buzzing with his videos. youtube sensation, jeff bethke is next. what's droid-smart ?
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headquarters, i'm mary anne rafferty. this holiday weekend we're hearing immigration reform deal. the final agreement on details of the guest worker portion of the plan are still up in the air. republican florida senator marco rubio urging colleagues not to be hasty. the gang of eight working on the agreement since december. and pope francis celebrating his first easter mass as pontiff. more than 250,000 people filling st. peter's square praying for peace in the middle east. and barack obama attending an episcopal church near the white house, and many past presidents have worshipped there. back to huckabee, are' watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> mike: he says he loves jesus, but he hates he religion.
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now, his youtube videos have received more than 40 million hits and it all started with a controversial message. >> i mean, if religion is so great, why has it started so many wars, why do they build huge churches and fail to feed the poor and a single mom doesn't love them if they had a divorce and-- >> jeff bethke stopped by recently to talk about authentic faith. good to have you here. >> thank you. >> mike: some people probably look at you and think of you as a modern day prophet like jeremiah calling out religious people for their own sins. how do you see yourself in your role? >> i see myself as someone who loves jesus and infatuated with his grace and we can add layers on top of him that completely mute and muffle how awesome and beautiful he is. i try to use my gift and what i like to do and hey, can we peel some of those scales back and see who he really is.
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>> and you're getting at the heart of what faith really is and sometimes people tend to even equate faith with things that are earthly and temporal. one of the shots you took was at people who make politics equal to jesus. let's watch this one. >> what if i told you voting republican wasn't his mission. and what i told you republicans doesn't automatically mean christian because you call people blind doesn't automatically give you vision. >> mike: so, what, jesus wasn't a republican, didn't ride the elephant down the streets of jerusalem? did i miss something there? >> i know, and caught some flak for that line, but more than anything, that was more idoltry statement than political statement. my point is that many things the bible says are good. money, sex, politics and et cetera, but when we make the good things ultimate i things they become bad things. what i was saying, hey, make sure we're not elevating politics as the ultimate.
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not getting our work from it, our satisfaction from it, our identity is put in jesus and what he's done for you gos. the truth is you can tell whether you've made an idol of something, whether or not you demonize the people of opposite view. you can disagree with people. the minute you idolize people you you demonize the other. let's dialog, chase, pursue truth. if we worship and elevate politics more than they should be, demonize the other side, and say-- >> and i want to tell you something, and i don't want the people at home or audience to listen to. i think you're right and a lot of people elevate politics way beyond it it should. a hundred years from now, i won't still be a republican, i will still be a believer and that's what i understand and i get it, i totally get what you're saying.
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and here is another message that you have getting a message that we want to see what you think about it. >> judging, i'm saying quite putting on facebook because the problem people only know that you're a christian by your facebook. >> that's a good one. don't put on a fake look because people don't want to just know you by your facebook. >> you're good. you can do it. >> you can host the show, but you're not going to get to. and talk about the fact that people do sometimes put on an outward appearance and everything is lovely, but they're not lovely inside? >> yeah, i think specifically the passage where jesus addresses in the gospels where he says, now, faracis, there will be a group of people who everyone thinks speaks for god and the outside of the cup is shiny and beautiful and inside is filthy. and in the old testament. he's not after an external behavior, they per sues and
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transforms him. >> you talk about a conflict between jesus and religion. by religion, how do you define that. should we not go to church? >> yeah, yeah, in my northwest context, seattle, portland, that kind of area, religion is on the street for, you know, more the legalistic self-righteous type of thing, in no way would i say church, i am in fact, a huge believer in church and i go to church and on top of that, the church is more an organism. more about the body of christ and i don't want to take it that way i never want to believe i talk bad about christ's wife because i don't think it's going well for me if i-- >> probably, are you shocked by the reaction, 22 million views, my gosh, man. there are rock stars that would like to have 22 million people know who they are for heaven's sake. and he says he didn't always know jesus or talk about it or make you feel bad about what he said. i'm going to ask him how he found jesus he when we come
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this is me, too. act being like church kid and addicted to pornography. sunday going to church and saturday acted if i was >> and simply created to have sex and get faded. built this facade of weakness and now i have jesus, i'm boasting my weakness. >> mike: and that's a pretty unusual statement for most people who never read the
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bible and posted your weekness. and the point about americans, i'm strong and tough and beat everybody up. you're boasting your weakness. >> and says in the letter to the corinthians when you have jesus at your standing and jesus is representing you when you're a christian and he's the one kind of representing you on your behalf to the father and you can boast in your weakness and free to fail because you're not the one representing yourself so there should be christians to some tree should be the most transparent and vulnerable people on earth. we're the only ones who don't represent ourselves. >> mike: did you come to awareness of your own personal faith and relationship to christ late in life. >> yeah. >> mike: or something you had as a kid? >> i kind of grew up and had the cultural idea of christianity as many do in america and god got a hold of my heart in college. poetry is not my full-time job bee launched a ministry in the tacoma area, and god kind of
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got a hold of me then and i want to go to the campuses and he's awesome and better things that call to you in college. >> mike: and i can see how it would touch college and younger people. has it been provocative to the point of people criticizing you because of what you've said. >> totally. there's been staunch criticism. >> mike: where does it come from, religious people. >> it comes from everywhere and the hard time i have to take the criticism, what am i getting criticism for because i'm a christian and jesus said the same thing? and what am i getting criticism for because i'm an idiot and saying something stupid. and that's tough to sit in prayer and say, hey, jesus, is this because i'm mt representing are or can i get better, learn and grow here? >> what's your long-term goal? 22 million hits puts you in the stratosphere, it does. >> i'm up there with rebecca
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black and-- >> your message is much better than rebecca black's song was ever going to be. obviously, you struck a nerve with people. and tell me what you hope to achieve long-term? >> yeah, long-term goal i have a huge heart for discipleship, and we can get people to raise their hands for jesus, but mine is to look at the demographics and disciples across the nation. >> mike: i commend you, it's so unique and fresh and original to hear someone taking on the institutions, including that of organized religion, but not being against it, but being for it to be authentic. >> yeah. >> mike: i think all of us want that. jeff, a real delight to have you. >> thank you. >> mike: thank you, very very much. [applause] our landing time got moved back another hour.
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♪ >> and three brothers from new jersey with a world of talent and wowed the crowd at the grand ole opry and you've loved them on our show. welcome back for the fourth time. 11-year-old johnnie, 14-year-old robe and 15-year-old tommy, the sleepy man banjo boys. great to have you back. >> thank you. [applause] >> all right. i'm just amazed. you've been to the grand ole opry, including the ryman theater, used to be the venue and played with ricky scaggs. is there a highlight yet of what you guys have done? >> i'd say everything so far, we've done so far has been amazing for us. got opened so many doors in our life we've been happy to go through. this is one of them right here. >> mike: that was smart to say that. you may have -- yeah, there may be a fifth time on the
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show if you keep that up. robie it will me how you guys took the name, the sleepy man banjo boy. >> since johnnie learning the banjo, he was maybe-- heavy and being funny, but would lie on his back with his eyes closed and play like that. and when we started our band. >> and you don't mind being the sleepy man of the banjo boys. >> no. people never held a banjo, they have no idea. it's pretty heavy. >> very. >> does the banjo or you weigh more? >> probably the banjo. >> mike: when you started i bet the banjo did weigh as much as you. >> probably. >> mike: and what's the latest in your recording? you've put out some cd's. >> that's right. we, we're thinking about start ago third album pretty soon, maybe this summer, something
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like that. we have two cd's out and first one was america's music and no, two years ago, sorry, last year we did one, which is fun. >> all of you are phenomenal musicians in your own right and together, the three of you are absolutely amazing. >> thank you. >> and i'm excited about getting to play with you. >> we're excited to play with you. >> mike: let's just say be open-minded old geezer who is a rock basser playing with you. you're going to do a song rockwood-- >> rockwood deer chase. >> mike: rockwood deer chase, sounds like fun. let's do it. ♪ ♪
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hope you have a wonderful, wonderful rest of your easter weekend. until next week, this is mike huckabee from new york. good night and god bless. [applause] ♪ what's droid-endurance ? the longest 4g lte battery in a razr thin profile. with 32 hours of battery life that turns an all-nighter, into a two-nighter. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-endurance. droid-powerful.
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