tv Red Eye FOX News April 3, 2013 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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walters last night. and tonight kilmeade. >> welcome to "red eye." i am tom shillue filling in for greg gutfeld who is back tomorrow. my latest comedy cd "indefensive bullying" is now available. look for me wearing the super stylish sweater. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> nice to get the plug out at the top of the show. our top stories, georgia town passes an ordinance for all residents to own a gun. and what airline started charging passengers based on their weight? don't worry. it is not one you will ever use. and a middle school suspended for bringing a butter knife to school. the story so outrageous it has
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apparently been in the run down since i was on vacation since last week. tom? >> thank you, andy. >> you becha. >> we should have the banter, the fake anger you and greg do. >> there is nothing fake about it. >> really? >> ya. >> which is why it won't work with us. i like you. >> let's welcome our guests. i met her in 1984 after i was september back in time to protect her and her unborn son. i am here with fox business network reporter shibani joshi. and he was a student of mine working undercover as a kindergarten teacher, will rahn. his e book is called "the lizard king" and we met in 1988 to realize we were unlikely twins separated at birth, bill schulz. and i met him on a dangerous mission in south america. i barely made it out after he got out of the chopper. it is anthony cumia.
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he is the host of the opie and anthony show. >> how do i get out of this cage? >> should a trigger be day rigor? i did that well. a small georgia town approved an ordinance requiring all residents to own a gun. the measure mostly serves to make a point about gun rights as it has no penalties and exempts anyone who objects, convicted felons and those with physical and mental disabilities. they think it will make nelson, population 1300 safer. >> basically i really felt like this ordinance was a security sign for our city. it basically was a deter represent ordinance to tell potential criminals you might want to go on down the road a little bit before you come kicking down a door with a family in nelson.
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i put up a beware of dog sign. i believe we have tape of hannibal. >> patty cake, patty cake, baker's man. pat it and roll it. mark it with a b. >> vicious and intelligent. anthony, are you not against owning a gun. what do you make of the ordinance? >> i see what they are doing here. any push back against the anti-gun people and their kneejerk response and legislation. >> you didn't push back at all. >> the only push back there seems to be that gets any coverage is a loonetic gun owner and the crazy nra who oh wow they are loonetics. they want to arm people and train them and arm them. it is crazy. anytime the other side could come out and say something i am for it.
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i honestly think if you think an entire town is armed it is probably less apartment that a -- less apt a criminal would take that chance. i don't think they want to get shot as anybody else does. >> it is like the signs in the door that say beware of dog. you don't know if there is a dog in there, but there might be. >> and the fact that there is no consequence to the law, it is like the gun laws that are already on the books. did you see what i did? however, will this dilute the city's laws? they said this is not a law to be enforced. it is just an idea, a concept. how will you follow the law? what good is a stoplight? >> good p oi nt. there is something off about passing a law you have no intention of enforcing to say we are doing this to protect freedom or security or whatever it is. i don't like the subtext where they talk about we also want to discourage the federal government from coming in and taking our guns. it is like, we are going to arm ourselves just in case it all goes down and everything.
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>> they could be talking about the government of the town or the state, right? >> they could be. you know that georgia government is oppressive. >> shibani, let's talk about business. could this improve the business of the town if everybody sees this as safe some. >> i have no intention of going to nelson, georgia ever in my life. i don't care if they pass this gun law or not. i will never set foot near this town. this is not good for business. people will be afraid of possibly going in and what happens? granny is upset you steal a loaf of bread and she will turn around and pack some heat and stick a gun out at you. listen, you don't want the reputation for a town of 1300 people because they are not grabbing a cup of coffee. they will drive on by. >> that's the reputation they are looking for. this law could set off the other laws. left wing towns will out right ban guns. >> that would not be
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acceptable. >> how about in your left wing neighborhood with communist coffee shops? >> don't knock it until you have had the espresso. i recommend a side of marx. it is comi for foam. this a trend. i like to call it the in your face ordinance. it is like when a town like nelson or a state like mississippi enacts an anti- anti-bloomburg law to protect them from anybody infringing on their big gull be drinking. -- big gulp drinking. it is a chance for them to get out there and chest up against the people and a way that is far away from them. the subtext is look at as you. we are nelson and we exist. we are talking about them. we know this is a town. >> isn't that what bumper stickers are for? laws are laws and lessons are lessons. my dog maybe and my wife
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sometimes. >> my dog is my wife? >> my dog maybe, my gun never and my wife sometimes. i don't know. >> i have never seen that. >> you guys have to get out on the heartland. >> and i am a little confused that the town would want to name itself after an early 90s band based on two girl looking twins with one hit called "i can't live without your lovin and satisfaction." >> they can harmonize. >> remember the video? they did it forward, but they were moving backward. it was ahead of its time. >> was that the real hair? >> i believe it was. it was before conditioner. >> the nra is allowing more officers in schools. it seems like they are backing off. a gun in every school. what do you think? >> i don't know why this gets people up in arms and arguing about this.
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i heard a lot of solutions preemptively. what should be done to try to stop anyone from going into a school and shooting it up and killing children? when that does happen though there needs to be something in place. i think a responsible, trained, armed citizen is the best answer to somebody with a gun shooting children. once that point has been reached and it is happening, you have to depend on who is there to stop it. the only thing that is really going to stop somebody doing that is somebody with like minded weaponry. >> will, your furrowed brow tells me you disagree. >> i saw a little furrow. >> one brow is raised. >> my theory is middle school is hard enough. if you are in some -- most of our schools are very, very safe in america. these horrible events happen
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-- >> that argument doesn't work either. you say the schools are safe. no, we have to take away all of these weapons that are apparently chewing up the school. >> can't you say, no, no, no. keep your weapons. middle school is terrifying. eighth grade sucks. do you need the guy with the gun to freak you out? >> i never thought of this, will, but some of these little skinny kids who are bullied, maybe they would feel safer walking in. when i lived downtown in the financial district i used to like those guys with the ak47's walking around the fed building. i felt safer. now when i walk in grand central station, what do you think, saw bonnie? -- shibani, do you feel safer? >> i why parents feel that. the issue is we have school budgets running out of money and states that are bankrupt. where will this come from? who will pay these people to get the gun and the training. that's my concern. you are around a bunch of
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students and a bunch of children and they need to be trained and who will pay for that? as parents it is your choice. this is what it comes down to. if you feel like you want your child to have an armed guard, you make the choice to send them to a school that has the safety requirements and the educational requirements. we just don't have the process in the system much less giving them money. >> the idea of having a teacher, someone on staff that can be trained. >> the teachers need to cheat. they are barely able to do that. in most states public schools in a lot of places. >> you are talking about people that are in construction are gun owners and lawyers lawyers are gun owners. it is a teacher that is a gun owner that will be there in case something happens. >> will you hire a teacher and say shoot them up here? >> no, someone that takes training. you don't have to be a lifeguard to throw a life preserver in if somebody is drowning regardless of your job. if someone needs help and you
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are an armed citizen, you can help the situation. i don't understand what the big -- the opposition to this is. >> let's continue by talking about schools. our next story is here in the prompter for me to read. >> look, from weapons to welfare. should age be tied to grades? tennessee legislators are going to pass a bill to cut benefits to parents with kids who aren't cutting it in school. the measure has passed the committees in the house and the senate after adding exceptions for children with disabilities or if parents take steps to help the children's progress. one state rep notes that the legislation now only applies to, quote, parents who do nothing. calling it a carrot and stick approach. i like the carrot and stick approach, but i like the carrot approach. it works best with my little ones.
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>> wow, they really can munch, can't they? >> will, the critics site the disabilities and the whole kids have to eat thing as a reason to nix this bill. is that point or a really bad point? >> i don't want to talk about the learning disabilities thing. i think it is one in 10. >> the last law is this law in nelson. >> 40% of 16-year-olds can't even tie their own shoe. this is true. we are a nation of idiots. i blame peanut allergies. >> hadn't heard that one. >> i can blame whatever i want. it is a fact. >> doesn't the buck stop with parents?
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shouldn't they be the ones deciding if their kids are excelling in school? >> i like it. it motivates parents and gets them invested in their child's education. and there is a meaningful and tangible goal at the end of the tunnel here. the problem is the poor children. what if they are having a hard time and they don't get math. they don't need the additional pressure of mom and dad aren't going to have food on the table unless i get an a? middle school is hard enough. if you will lose out and your family is starving you are like, well -- >> and if the kid is dumb you can't help that. >> you don't want to put pressure on these kids. they have enough to worry about. have you seen the backpacks on these children? they are tipping over. >> it is just too much pressure. to have to go home -- as a husband you have to go home and realize you have to provide for your family. now a student has to worry his math grades aren't good enough and they will not get money. and the exemption for a learning disability is you will see learning disabilities
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go through the roof. who wouldn't say little johnny has a problem? >> i would be sure if i was in school i would be diagnosed with adhd. i could not focus. i couldn't focus. >> that surprises the hell out of me. >> i had trouble in that way. but i had just had to buck it up and suck it up. that was my way. from welfare to air fare. should it cause more to fly if you have meaty thighs? samoa air has been the first to charge passengers based on their weight. the new pay by the pound policy is fair. the ceo noting, quote, people have always traveled on the basis of their seat, but as any airline operator knows airplanes don't run on seats. they run on weight. this guy is dripping with logic. flyers will be charged by the combined weight and baggage.
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and then the company got weighed at the airport. it costs between two and nine per pound and the biggest winners are of course, families. small children allegedly weigh less. we asked a small dog to comment. >> he can really fly. shibani, is this a bril yenned idea or a brilliant idea? >> and the children weighed less with bad grades because they don't get fed. >> call back. i like. it. >> it is kinding interesting. this is my worst nightmare come to life. what do you do put down your weight and stand on a scale in front of everyone? that's horrible. >> i din think of that. it is like naming your age. >> getting on a scale is much,
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much worse, particularly if you are a saw samoan. >> we already put our bags on the scale. everybody sees the junk we are carrying. so what is the difference? >> some people may not like this, but i won't success the s-word -- the f-word, but big people, large people, and i'm sorry, but i don't like the monster sitting next to me and oozing over the seat like rising dough. >> people who carry extra stuff, i will take a large person with a little big over some little tiny skinny woman with a big -- dragging the big -- i am not saying woman, but a tiny person with a big bag. >> big people with tiny bags, hilarious. you can start the flight with a great laugh. >> they are hilarious. will, last word on this, what do you think? >> i love this idea because, a, nobody is forcing you to take samoa air, and it encourages shame. not to get all irish catholic, but we suffer from a real lack of guilt and shame in our
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culture. it is killing us. whatever helps to destroy the cult of self-esteem i am in favor of. samoa airlines, i saw lute you. >> nobody could tell how heavy you if you get on with the bag. >> have i to say samoa air is unself-aware. not to rhyme, button joy. dut button joy. they are known for creating nfl line men. they are not a small culture. the buck stops there. >> and they make the great girl scout cookies. >> coming up, which member of the panel has generously agreed to pay for my reassign meant surgery. did the kid get life for a butter knife? it must be true.
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>> i sat down to an article and as big drillers move in safety goes up. so it is all about when big oil takes over shale drilling from smaller companies and environmentalists admit the multi nationals have a better safety record. it is the growing role of the largest p cs in shale gas extraction increases the likelihood of excellent drilling says the secretary of environmental protection from 2008 to 2011. well, i thought, that come ports with the theory i formed in my experience on the road. big companies do everything better. the u.s. is derived as a waste land of logos. you know what is behind the logos? quality and service. you want good, hot food in the
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middle of no where? mcdonalds. you want black coffee served con sis assistantly across the -- consistently across the united states? starbucks. you want to throw away your old socks and underwear and buy new ones? wal-mart. everybody talks about the mom and pop stores pushed out by big companies, but they don't mention mom and pop stink at business. mom and pop don't have what i want and they move too slow and they close too early. bigger is better. >> panel, am i wrong? aren't mom and pop companies are being put out of business because they can't adjust to the needs? >> absolutely not. >> this is the best show. you totally have a point.
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great price. fantastic service all over the country. too often attacked by snobby people. at the same time the snobby people have a point and the big chain stores are ugly and it is everywhere. it is depressing when you drive through the country as they did the one time and all of the towns look alike. >> it sounds like the snobby people are yourself. driving through the flyover country -- >> i am driven. >> but what happens when you want a nice hamburger at 1:00 in the morning. you go to a big, national chain. >> have you your chauffeur make it in the kitchen that is part of the car. >> are you talking about a flyover country that doesn't even appreciate it? >> i am offended. >> you are shaking with anger right now. >> i am livid. >> i have never seen you like this.
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>> i recent people who call us the flyover state. i don't like people wearing the same stuff. when you go to wal-mart, the wal-mart selection is the same everywhere whether you live in oklahoma or new york or kansas. what happened to original national tee and uniqueness? that's what the big companies are stomping out. why do we have to have the same thing everywhere we go? >> same clothes, different tattoo. >> then have you the big tattoo chains come in. >> don't get me started. >> but they will do it better and they won't hurt. who do you think? is will a snob? >> i don't think so. people think back to the mom and pop shops and it takes them to the simpler time, the little store on the corner. anytime i have gone into the small stores years ago to get the right size bolts, they never had it. you go to home depot and you leave with an ulcer, but you
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leave with the bulb. >> the hardware stores filled with things is ridiculous. >> you have to wait 20 minutes until they are grinding the key out. >> bill, last word to you. have you gone out to the heartland and seen how regular people live? >> i was born in the heartland of america. up top. a little place called illinois. i think you know it as the land of lincoln. we have a lot of these things. i have mixed feelings. i like ma and pop shops because i don't like being forced to buy in bulk. i would rather go and play a little too much for a light bulb and loaf with what i president withed. wanted. i want to buy one light bulb rather than a crate full of soy sauce. the same crate that i will have for years. and i don't like greeters. don't say hello. don't get paid to say hi to me. >> you have problem steve freedom anytime you walk through a wal-mart.
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do you have a comments on the show? i know you do. e-mail us. and do you have a video of your animal doing something? go to fox eye and click on a video and we might use it. still to come, the half time report with andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by the undead. the people or other beings who are not alive, but exist, move and interact in a living form. thanks, undead.
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we're back. welet's see if we have gotten anything wrong so far. >> hi, tom jie. hi, andy. hope it is going well so far. >> the graphic scared the hell out of me though. first time i have seen it. >> that's how i meditate. >> have we used that before? >> yes. >> i guess i wasn't here. >> requiring residents to own a gun. you are all for any guns. i mean to get your name out there it does sound silly, but anything that raises the issue from the other side and the aware fess, fine with it. >> i like to call them anti-gun nuts.
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the other thing i swear it was unconstitutional, but since the supreme court says it is okay for them to buy something, i guess maybe it is not. will, you said there is something a little bit off about passing a law you had no intention ofen rs toking. i agree. it -- i agree. it seems like a waste of time. i actually think that is preferable to an action that enforces them. >> i lived out in dc and fairfax county and northern virginia which is really efficient and well run, but they are rs marxists who know how to do things and they are completely incompetent and lawless. it is great. >> exempting people from laws they object to, kind of a cool concept. >> that is pretty nice. i think they do that in alaska. >> it is libertarian. >> you said it is bad for business. why? if you are not going with the
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intention of breaking the law, does it really matter? >> you know, i think people who don't like the concepts of people who are walking around with every single citizen in a town walking around with guns may be freaked out. don't they go off? >> hopefully with bad people in front of them. it makes the rebel in me not get one. in the same way they try to ban gun sales go up. >> sbt that the name of your biography, the rebel in me? >> deep, deep inside covered in costumes. >> by the way, there hasn't been a homicide in over 12 years. they have one full time police officer. >> why do they need guns? >> and one resident tells the associated press most everybody has guns around here anyway. >> and even mayberry had two. >> thank you. there is no deputy.
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no don knotses. you said it is an excellent idea, but will you asked, isn't middle school scary enough? nobody talks about the middle ground here. how about security with nonlethal weapons like a beanbag shotgun or tasers? why not just do that? >> there is logic there. >> when the person comes in and he starts -- when the perp comes in and he uses the nonlethal weapons you have an idea. >> you candice patch a guy pretty quickly with a beanbag gun. >> i would rather be on equal footing with somebody armed with a lethal weapon than have to pull james bond trickery on him. i would rather just shoot. >> beanbags are standard law enforcement tools these days. >> shaken and not stirred, my friend. >> by the way, the comest -- the dumbest way to drink a martini is shaken. >> you drink it out of the bottle. >> tom, i hope when you live
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downtown in the financial district the armed people were not carrying ak47's since that is the preferred weapon of our enemies. >> what are they carry ?g they fit in the crook of your arm and they hold on -- they are big machine guns. >> you were watching "robo cop" weren't you? you thought you were downtown. >> i don't think they are machine guns either. >> they look like big guns. >> it was called new detroit. >> are you saying just the enemy has ak47? >> our law enforcement doesn't p . >> we had military guys. >> i am not up to speed. >> potato, potato. >> tennessee ties family welfare benefits to performances in schools. will, a stat you brought up, it is estimated that 5% and 10% of kids between ages of 6 and 17 have learning
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disabilities. they also say one in five students identified with a learning disability ends up giving up on their education which is sad. >> that is sad. i am not sure this bill will help with that. >> probably not. >> did anybody bring up the fact, and maybe somebody did, but i zoned out for a little while, the number of parents who have children with learning disabilities? >> i did, i did, andy. >> i was thinking it. >> did you really? >> i d i said the stats would sky rocket for those who said i need the exemption. my kid is a dummy. give me money. >> a lot of people with back problems in oregon. >> samoa air charging by the pound. the ceo says they don't run on seats. they run on weight. i thought they ran on aviation fuel. thank you, thank you very much. shibani you said people have to get on a scale at the airport and said, i am
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paraphrasing, getting on a scale is bad. especially if you are a saw mow can. bill, you said samoans are not known for being small people. time manage says 93.5% of american samoans are overweight and obese. >> we were right. >> up top again. don't discount the flyover states. we have things to say. >> are you from chicago, dude. >> we had a wal-mart. >> and according to a brown university study at 15 months of age, 23.3% of american saw mow can boys and 16.7% of samoan girls are obese at 15 months of age. >> this is like american airlines saying no americans. with their hand doing this. >> tom, do you want to add something or did they put you on screen to make things look cool? >> i guess because i was reacting to those statistics,
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they are alarming. >> although americans are shooting up the obesity list. >> yes, but america samoa ranks higher than we do. lets talk about the company is better thing. you said mom and pop stink at business. first of all, shame on you. did you also hate apple pie and baseball? >> you know what, andy? i like mcdonalds. that's my apple pie. you know they always say mom and pop i am getting a good meal. go to the mom and pop diners. their french fries are soaked in lard. mcdonalds is healthier than them now. >> what you said wreakss in flag burning communism. i for one am against that. but if you are not, that's cool. whatever. >> i have absolutely nothing against wal-mart and target.
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they provide great service at a great price. don't you think it is mom and pop are in a different business model? you pay a little more and don't have as many choices, but you get personal service. >> if you are will ron and you are from the upper west side of manhattan and your wallet is full, you can go and pay extra money for things. if you are a middle or lower class family, you can buy your lawn furniture at wal-mart. you know what they used to have as lawn furniture, poor people? logs. >> sometimes cars. >> exactly. now they can have the nice picnic tables. jay but why isn't there room for both? you are portraying it as an either/or proposition. >> i think there is room for both and in some of the smaller towns and cities you can see the mom and pop. they won't drop a wal-mart in if it doesn't pay for the population of the town. you have to go over the
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flyover states. >> passion monologues don't normally include the phrase room for bo. people are going to change the channel, buddy. >> good point. >> and lastly tom asked you what you want to do when you want a hamburger. you say you have the chauffeur make it in the kitchen. did you have to let the chef go? >> times are tough for us in the 1%. >> i work for tucker carlson. >> back to you, tom shillue. >> thank you, andy ?ie. coming up, where do the bees go when it rains? anthony cumia talks about his book. i am glad you are letting people see this side of you. and is the tanning ban a law whose time has come or a time whose law has gone?
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will they try to marry, ala chuck and mary? straight people might enter into fraudulent gay marriage to gain benefits they say. that sounds a lot like a plot to a certain adam sandler movie, maybe "mr. deeds." says sue ever heart, you may be as straight as an arrow and you may have a friend that is straight as an arrow. say you had a great job with the government where you had a wonderful health plan. what would prib you from saying you are gay and y'all get married and still live as separate, but you get all of the benefits. just see so much abuse in this? it is unreal. in the past, everhart is turning into bad boy professional golfers. let's discuss in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnnddd. lightning round. >> shibani, i feel like the right is losing this arangement.
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they -- this argument. they keep coming up with crazy arguments. is it an argument against marriage in general? >> have you seen that movie "chuck and larry get married"? >> i haven't seen it. >> it is the worst movie of all time. >> how dare you insult the adam sand leer cannon woman? >> adam sandler is very successful with his comedies. >> it is the worst movie of all time and to suggest anybody would mimic that movie is insulting to regular people. >> what is preventing straight couples from pretending they are married. >> nothing. it is a ridiculous argument. nothing is preventing straight people from doing this. it will certainly not prevent gay people from doing this. it is not a reason to let this go through. >> i will see your chuck and larry and raise uh delightful green card. >> andy mcdowell. >> yes, yes. >> and they pretended to be married, but you know what? in the process they found true love. spoiler alert.
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>> will, what do you think? the question here isn't is this going to -- are people going to be having fraudulent gay marriages. i think we are a month away from couples, roommates, petitioning they should get benefits because they are roommates. look, we are roommates. you remember the roommates on the waltons? the two sisters who made moonshine whisk ski? why shouldn't they get benefits? they have a family of their own. is this the issue? we will continue to expand marriage to roommates? what do you think? >> as a 20 gerald i am con us food. -- as a 20-year-old i am confused. >> cultural touch tone. it is possible that there could be like some fraudulent chuck and larry-time marriages, but straight people do this too. there have been cases of people marying each other for insurance. you brought up the green card thing.
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as you said, this is an argument against anybody getting married, against government being involved with marriage at all. >> anthony, what do you think? >> it is exactly like the plot of "caddie shack 2". but it is not actually i just wanted to bring up a crappier movie. >> of course you can marry a woman and do the same thing. but it is easier to get one of your dumb ass buddies to go along with this and become roommates and share in benefits. exactly. >> it sounds like a great idea. >> it doesn't make any sense. and i think it is only a matter of time before a couple of roommates say why can't we get the benefits? those guys in another movie, three men and a baby, why would you not give a spousal benefit to those guys ? they are raising a kid. >> three men married? now you have gone too far. >> the new jersey governor has signed a bill banning children
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under 17 from using the commercial tanning beds. the law stems from a woman accused of taking her five-year-old daughter into a tanning booth. we all remember her. shibani, is this a good move or will this hurt the very important tanning booth industry. >> i thought your graphic was shocking, but that woman's video was shocking. >> don't you remember her? >> i will never forget her again. >> i don't know what to say. it feels like banning big gulp sodas to me. five-year-old children should not be in tanning booths. >> but they making it 17. shouldn't a 17-year-old -- he wants to look hot for his date on why on the yes, jersey shore. he should be able to put on a bronze coat. >> getting it in the tanning booth. sure you should be able to. just stay out of our business, could you please? you can educate people on the
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dangers of it. i think they have done that, especially a lot of people using sunscreen at the beach these days unlike the old days when i was a kid they shoved you out there with baby oil. >> if i tried to put on sunscreen my friends would use get a burn. >> educate people. but as far as legislation, yuck. there is is too much of that garbage. leave us alone. >> will, too much legislation, or what do you think? >> i am just tired of these kids whining about how they are being forced to tan. some of us, maybe with the irish heritage, we can't tan at all, and we are a little jealous that anybody can do it. >> i am fine with my milky white complex. bill, you often have a very bronze look in the summertime. how do you do it? do you achieve it through chemicals or do you use tanning beds? >> i go to the central park and freak everyone out. especially toward august. that's when i am looking zombie like. as one who has three daughters under the age of 16, shout out
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last topic, a massachusetts middle schooler has been suspended for bringing a butter knife to school. morgan la plume seen here cutting a pair like the little monster she is says she brought it for lunchtime because she has braces and can't take bites out of whole fruit. oh grow up. the school maintains that they were following rules set forth in a student handbook that parents sign at the start of the schooler year. >> so angry. >> this girl brought a butter knife to school. she broke the rules, but does she have to be suspended? can't you just say don't do it again? she willisen. >> -- she will listen. >> a zero tolerance policy in
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schools. i don't think it does anything to make anybody any safer. i don't think it is making it a safer environment. everything should be taken on a case by case basis. if she is bringing it in to cut her pair, what is the harm? i don't think anybody got jacked with a butter knife in school because it was in someone's lunch box. >> how about you, will? you were called american knife in high school, was that the rules? >> in those days we were all outlaws. >> this goes to show -- you know what i am going to say? i am glad there was no armed guard there to 86 the kid. >> this goes to show we have so many marvelous, wonderful, smart teachers and principals in this country, but my god some of them are dumb. >> that's what is happening. >> i don't know. that didn't look like a butter knife to me. >> oh so you thought that was -- >> that looks dangerous to me. >> it was an assault butter knife.
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>> it is cientd -- it is a combination steak butter knife. >> i don't know about suspension, but it looks a little sharp. >> you said die pigs in blood in the background. where did that come from? >> i don't think you use these kinds of things, do you? >> i don't use these types of utensils, i guess you can call them, but i feel bad for this girl. from thousand on and for all high school time, her thick name will be butter knife. >> here comes butter knife. it is not sexy. you are not taking butter knife to prom. >> i would. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from tv's andy levy. and to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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norton. >> jimmy. >> yes, back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> yes, it is. >> shibani, when can our viewers see you next? >> fox business every day. if you don't have. it demand it. >> all day, market hours all day long. i never leave. they won't let me. >> will, you have a new video at the daily caller some. >> my website has a new video up exploring our founding. it is the daily caller, america's only major news website founded on a dare. >> so you mean the founding of the daily caller and not america? >> no, they are one in the same in a way. >> they really are. >> america is more of an experiment. >> anthony -- i was known as america. how is the radio show going? >> opie and anthony, sirius satellite radio. another week of slipping in
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