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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  April 3, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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the 3rd, 2013. i'm shepard smith. thanks for having us in tonight. we're back tomorrow afternoon for "studio b" noon on the west coast, 3:00 on the east coast. bill o'reilly is waiting in the wings. see you tomorrow. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> you can give us an update on the sequester? >> feel free to convey to your readers and viewers that the sequester doesn't matter and then explain. >> i didn't say it didn't matter. >> bill: interesting shootout between white house correspondent ed henry and obama spokesman jay carney. we will have the inside story. >> if a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion. what would planned parenthood want to have happen to that child struggling for life. >> that decision should be between the patient and the healthcare provider. >> bill: we predicted it would happen. now some elements of planned parenthood want to legalize infanticide. killing babies outside the
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womb. we have update on that. >> one night, baby. >> bill: watch the laker game. >> also tonight dennis miller, will he he challenge president obama to a one-on-one basketball contest? >> bring house. >> bill: caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. keeping lunancy in check. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. in a strange, strange twist of history, seems like this program, the factor now in charge of stopping the madness. you will remember in december we had to threaten the mexican government in order to get marine corps patrol john hammer out of prison down there. he was thrown in jail for absolutely no reason. after we exposed the abuse, the mexican president finally relented and the corporal was released.
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that was a very serious situation. and we're happy that we could help. but there have been dozens of other things not quite at that level. for example, a professor at florida atlantic university recently punished a student for not stomping on the word jesus. as we reported the story the professor was suspended. the student reinstated by the university. in alabama, an elementary school principal said this: >> we have had a parent to question us about some of the things that we do here at school, so we are just trying to make sure that we respect and honor everybody's differences. we just try to make sure that we don't say the easter bunny so that we don't infringe on the rights of others. >> bill: now, after we brought you that, two days later the easter bunny was magically back on campus at that school. so you get the picture. when strange occurrences break out, no longer do you call the ghostbusters, you call the factor. [ laughter ] that puts some pressure on me and my producers because
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we can't right every wrong and we have to be very careful about the causes we take up. for every story like florida atlantic there are 10 that don't pan out the way they are initially reported. but it is true that the factor is now mandated to keep american lunancy in check. and, believe me, there is plenty of it. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. very interesting back and forth between white house correspondent ed hen ril and obama spokesman jay carney. it happened yesterday. >> you can give us an update on the sequester? because yesterday the customs and border protection agency customs and border patrol cuts. i thought in february when secretary napolitano came out here with you she told us it was dire these border patrol agents were going to be furloughed and we were going to be less safe because of that. >> it's a moving picture. and that can be on the plus side where furloughs may take place a little later or on the minus side where things may be more
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immediate. i mean, that's just a fact. that's true with every agency. but i -- look, feel free to convey to your readers and viewers that the sequester doesn't matter and. >> first of all i didn't say it didn't matter. i said the secretary came in here and said that we were going to be less safe, that people were going to be crossing the border because there was less border patrol agents and then they announced yesterday "actually we are not doing that." i'm not saying it's not important. did she mislead the public? >> absolutely not. i'm saying -- you are editorializing enormously in that? >> how so i will give you the quote. february 25th she said: if you have 5,000 fewer border patrol hours or agents you have 5,000 fewer border patrol agents. that has a real impact. those are her words. >> right. >> that's not politic siding. >> how is that the case? >> she announced yesterday they are not doing that. >> there are reductions. >> bill: he kicked his butt. henry kicked his butt. joining us now to react the
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always level-headed he told me to write that, bob beckel. so good for henry. i mean, you you know, enough is enough. spin stops here. spin should stop in the white house as well. correct? >> well, you know, i have to defend obama pretty much every day. and some days i feel like the only fire plug at the westminster dog show. >> bill: but you don't have to. you choose to defend the president. >> certain cases i do. in this case i will not simply because it's an attack on my network. carney wouldn't say that to anybody else you are politicizing this or editorializing. it was a legitimate bonafide question. >> bill: he backed it up with the facts. the reason carney did that, i'm sure you know, is because carney couldn't answer the question. when you can't answer the question, you attack the questioner. it happens to me. it happens to you. it happens to everybody. but, the overarch in what henry was trying to get at, i believe is that the obama administration behind the sequester, told people they were all disastrous things were going to happen and they haven't materialized. >> that's not correct. >> that's not correct?
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>> bill: what terrible thing has happened? >> let me give you a good example of one. there is something called the brain project which is going to go after alzheimer's, autism, and a number of other diseases that should have been started and it was stopped because of scwetion. the republicans on capitol hill said why don't you get money from some place else to do it. these guys capitol hill the house republicans ought to get a -- >> bill: that's your big one. the brain project didn't get started? >> airports that have been closed. furloughs that have been -- overtime has been cut back. the idea that you people suggest is nothing about this is all hype, 8 a billion dollars in seven months out of the economy is going to cause problems. >> bill: well, you are a big one you used was the brain project. i want all brains to be well cared for. okay. you know this -- >> -- i'm not sure i do. >> bill: ward churchill you know this guy the guy 9/11 and the people who died in the world trade center deserved it because they were capitalist tools, you know him don't you
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churchill. you know of him? university of colorado. university of colorado effectively fired him. it was a charge that he plagiarized something. churchill tried to take it to the supreme court. this week it was like hey, ward, you are threw. you are out. that's it. he has no ware else to go. you say? >> i say the supreme court was right not to take it on. look, churchill used his professorship as a place to attack americans who died in 9/11 and there is a certain line that even under free speech you can't yell fire in a firehouse. >> particularly where you are supposed to be an educator. there is another one and people may not know this name. it's cathy baden was a member of the weather underground. she was convicted of murder for an armored car robbery where two police officers and one brinks guy were killed. all right? and she served 22 years in
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prison and paroled in 2003. cathy bow deb. all right. now, she has now achieved somehow a professorship at columbia university and a lot of people going why are you hiring a murderer up there and you say? >> good for her. >> she served her time. >> bill: she did? >> she served her time and in this country when you serve your time you pay back your debt to society and do whatever you want after that except you can't run for president of the united states. out outside of that. >> if you were the dean of columbia university which is a radical left school. would you have hired ms. bow boudin? they can't get the job because she does. would you have hired her? >> i don't know hot candidates were. but i think if she were the one to would have impressed me the most. absolutely wouldn't have given a second thought about it. >> you would exclude other law abiding people.
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>> i wouldn't exclude anyone. >> don't give me that. this is the o'reilly rat. okay you don't do this. this is the single question. if she was up there and she would have applied and she was a good candidate. i'm glad she got the job. it wasn't at the expense. >> bill: you know there were. >> at the expense of others? >> bill: very well qualified. non-murderers. >> i don't know that do you know that. >> yes. you do? >> it's a plumb position. it pays well. there are a lot of people who would like to have it in academia who didn't murder anyone. so if i'm dean, i probably would have selected one of those people over the person who murdered three. even though as you said validly she served her time. am i crazy? >> yes. >> bill: i am? i should hire the convicted killer? >> no. if the convicted killer is the person who is best for the job, absolutely. if they served their time. >> bill: best for the job? >> selectively picking out the constitution there. if she served her time and she did and she went there
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to apply i assumed she qualified. she got the job. what are you going to do? keep her locked up for the rest of her life? make her sweep streets. >> bill: i don't think double vengeance is what we need. i don't think i would have hired her for that position because i think other people would have deserved it more. interestingly enough, the family of the three murderers the whole family of all three of them are outraged. >> i'm sure they are. >> bill: because she hasn't made any kind of gesture to them financially or anything else of the -- you know to help them. the families who lost the bread winners. >> i'm not surprised. they have every right to be outraged. colombia has every right to hire her. >> bill: bob beckel. level-headed as always. lobbyists from planned parenthood says infanticide should be legalized in america. unbelievable. a poll that shows some americans are completely insane. we're coming right back. the humble back seat.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight. a very disturbing story out of florida. testifying before a florida house committee, a lobbyists for planned parenthood endorsed infantasized, the killing of babies outside the womb. >> if a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would planned parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life? >> we believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the family -- to the woman, her family, and the physician. >> you stated that a baby born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, that that decision should be left to the doctor and the family? is that what you are saying? >> that decision should be between the patient and the healthcare provider. >> i think that at that point the patient would be the child struggling on the table, wouldn't you agree? >> that's a very good question. i really don't know how to answer that. >> bill: she doesn't know how to answer that. planned parenthood has now
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issued a statement saying they would want the baby to have, quote: appropriate care, unquote. joining us now from washington to react kate obenshain and fox news analyst kirsten powers. i had predicted that extreme elements in planned parenthood and other proabortion groups would eventually come to infanticide because they don't see the fetus, the baby, whatever the situation is as a human being with any rights at all. and now this has proven to come true. has it not? >> well, look, i think -- you know, senator moynahan who was -- the late senator moynahan who was a democrat who was proabortion rights, he said about late term abortion, which is what this would be if a baby is surviving an abortion was infanticide. so, people find that to be sort of an uncomfortable thing to hear. but a baby that is that late in the term and being aborted, yeah, i think it
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is infanticide. if it survives, absolutely if you are going to let it die on the table it's outrageous. >> bill: let me ask you a personal question. >> yes. >> bill: this woman obviously was being honest. >> i think so. >> this is what i believe. i don't believe that baby should have any rights at all even if it is sitting on the table. >> right. >> bill: how you can continue to support planned parenthood when this is a person, planned parenthood has selected as their spokesperson pays? now planned parenthood is scared and they are backing away. we all know how extreme some elements in that organization is how you can, kirsten powers, continue to support it. >> i'm not a huge planned parenthood supporter, bill. i'm very critical of them. i do support family planning, you know. >> bill: that's a long way from planned parenthood and the abortion mills that they have set up. >> right. that's what i'm saying. they do do family planning. i support that aspect of it. i have been very critical of a lot of positions they have taken, particularly relating to late term
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abortion. i think they are extreme. >> bill: kate, you being a republican and fairly conservative woman i'm sure you don't have any use for planned parenthood at all, correct? >> well, i certainly think that this comes under their purview of family planning. actually, and, no, i have no use for that and no use for federal funds. my tax dollars going to something as abornt as not only. >> >> bill: a majority of factor viewers now watching you planned parenthood if it wants to operate abortion mills which is what their primary business is should do so on their own ticket. raise money, have all of your hollywood friends have big fundraisers for you and get off the taxpayer dime because most americans are opposed to abortion now. the majority of americans do not want the procedure and about 90% of obgyn's will not perform abortions. why not? because it goes against the hippocratic oath. these are all facts. all right? so stop taking money from me and from kirsten powers
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and everybody else to form form -- perform your abortions. do it on oyour own. infanticide is illegal in every country in the world. here is an interesting question. two countries that allow infanticide do either of you know what countries they are? >> north korea and somewhere else terrible. >> bill: do you know, kate? >> we do in certain states. you take illinois, for an example, and we talked about how fanatical the supporters of killing babies after they are born from a botched abortions but let's keep in mind our president voted to allow babies to be treated as medical wastes. >> bill: he has a terrible abortion record, president obama, the worse of any american president in history if people want to go back and look at it the two countries that allow infanticide are china and india. most exclusively female babies. now, it's against the law on the books in those countries but it isn't enforced. they basically if the baby comes out and it's a girl they throw it and nobody does anything.
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>> they have forced abortions. they force people to get abortions. >> bill: in china there are forced abortions. you know, some of these naral people and planned parenthood people, you know, this is a road we are going down here. and the tiller thing, the assassinated late term abortion doctor in kansas, that was a frightening series of events that happened there we don't condone, of course, anybody taking and the guy who killed tiller is in jail for life, but this is very disturbing thing in florida. all right, kate, i will give you the last word, go. >> look, we are down that road. we are already down that road. this is happening. babies are being born alive after abortions and actually being killed. and in illinois, these babies were placed in the soiled lenin closet and left alone to die. four born alive in one year. >> bill: a guy on trial in philadelphia right now for that. we hope he gets convicted because is he awful. >> bill: directly ahead, how responsible is president obama, with the very high unemployment rate
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among african-americans. we will take a look at that and then the white house hosting another big bash. this one featuring justin timberlake and queen latifah. those reports after these messages. hi i'm terry, and i have diabetic nerve pain. i worked a patrol unit for 17 years in the city of baltimore. when i first started experiencing the pain, it's hard to describe because you have a numbness but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse,
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>> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight. as may know, unemployment for black americans stands to close to 14%. it's half that for white americans. about 7%. recently the founder of the black entertainment television network said this: >> this country would never tolerate white unemployment at 14 and 15%. no one would ever stay in office at 14% or 15% unemployment in this nation. but we have had that double unemployment for over 50 years. >> bill: joining us now from washington is bob johnson. so, here is what i don't
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understand. 93% of african-americans voted for president obama last november. even though black employment is so high. why? >> well, i think first of all, african-americans have immense pride in president obama as a president. they see it as a major accomplishment in this country and embracing an african-american leader. and they are positive and hopeful, probably, more than anything else, that his leadership will make their lives better. >> bill: all right. but it didn't turn out that way. i mean he had four years to improve the black unemployment rate. and it's not improving. so, you are saying that african-american community en masse is voting on hope. they hope it's going to get better but it certainly hasn't gotten better. >> yeah. i would say, bill, that african-americans have been living under this unemployment problem, this gap for over 50 years if you look at the bureau of
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labor statistics. >> i have them here. >> african-american unemployment has been double that of white people for over 40 years. >> bill: let me give you the stats. 2000 when president bush was elected for the first temple. black unemployment was below 8%. it went up a little bit and then it went down a little bit again in 2007 to about 8%. under president obama, that has risen from when the president took office it was about 10% and it's written-risen now to 14% there has been as with everybody else a flow in black unemployment. let me ask you this. i believe that the primary problem in the african-american community is out-of-wedlock birth. 71%. and that drives poverty. it makes educating kids harder because they are not supervised if they don't have a dad in the home many
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times. >> am i wrong on that. >> i think you are wrong in saying it's the primary driver of african-american unemployment. i think it's one of the social factors that african-americans face. but, to me, the principle drivers are the failure of corporate america to hire enough african-americans who are qualified, failure of african-americans to get access to capital to start small businesses which are great engines for creating employment. also a legacy of long-term institutionalized racism that has placed blacks in a situation where for example, bill, the past 20 years the wealth gap has increased by $70,000 among african-americans and whites according to the pew research center. in addition, african-american median income is one tenth of that of white americans. and when you add all of the dislocations and the economy, not all of them caused in any way by the recession but a big part of them, global competition and other things in terms
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of u.s. manufacturing of business. african-americans are usually the last hired and the first fired. >> bill: do you really believe it's a skin color issue rather than a performance issue? >> bill, i have been convinced all my life -- i have been in business all of my life. i have been quite successful as you might know. but i will tell you this. there are thousands, millions of african-americans who have the talent, the work ethic, the integrity, the ingenuity to be successful in jobs or in business but you have to admit that any time you have a situation for 50 years, dating back to the civil rights movement, when african-americans were making huge gains and fair employment and housing and legislation was enacted we spent more money on education than any time in the african-american history, there is something here more than just the failure of the family or a failure of an individual african-american to pursue a job. it has to do with the fact
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that this question of race discrimination still lingers on. >> bill: skin color. i can't say yes or no. i can tell you. this you and i are kind of contemporaries. we started out in the media about the same time. every corporation that i have worked for in the past 37 years has actively recruited african-americans. they want them. all right? qualified african-americans. they are looking for them. now, i don't know whether -- i don't work in the other industries. i don't know whether there is institutional racism in the oil industry or the banking industry. i don't know. so, i really can't make any definitive statement about it. but it's interesting your point of view and that's why we wanted to have you on tonight and thanks for coming in, bob. we appreciate it? >> delighted, bill. thank you. >> bill: plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. dennis miller has some analysis of president obama's basketball skills and thoughts on very strange new poll. wait until you hear this. big white house concert that we are paying for.
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korea. they will get their butt kicked, right? >> well, they can inflict a lot of damage. they don't have the missile technology to strap one of their nuclear weapons to a missile and hit our shores, but the bottom line to answer your question is u.s. officials take it very seriously. both, a, because they have nuclear weapons. they have an army of over a million men. we have 28,000 troops stationed in south korea and also this is a cash starved regime that has never met a missile or nuclear technology that it didn't want to or try to sell. proliferation is is a big concern. i have talked, bill, to the guys that have actually dealt face-to-face with the north koreans, we don't have diplomatic relations with the north koreans, but we do have something called the new york channel which operates through the auspices of the u.n. in new york. i have talked to the guys who have sat down with the north koreans. they say they are rational and professional and business-like. but when they have talking points they don't deviate from them. >> bill: they can't be rationale if they have this nutty leader, what's his name? >> kim jong un. but you are wrong, bill.
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even though we see the rhetoric escalating, that steady slight incremental escalation in the rhetoric is interpreted by u.s. policymakers and intelligence analyst and diplomats as itself a display of rationality. that commitment to incrementalism itself. this guy may have taken the rhetoric places his father never took it that doesn't mean that he is irrational. >> bill: what's rational about threatening the united states, rosen. >> in other words, it's one of the last things left that they think they can do. >> bill: what's rational about that? say they invaded south korea. you know we are going to blow the hell out of them. what's rational about that. >> you have asked two questions at once, bill. one you is asked me what's rational about threatening and then you have asked me what's rational about invading. >> bill: threatening is rational but invading wouldn't be. >> look, it's not conventional diplomacy i'm not here to defend that regime i grant you. >> bill: i don't know what they would get out of this other than my scorn. >> which is considerable. and formidable in its own right. i hope it doesn't get harnessed to a missile.
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>> bill: i don't either. i think it's saber rattling. not like there is a bunch of miniature golf courses. >> that's a tragedy, i agree. >> bill: cammeron, so the president goes on easter sunday to the pastor, the presbyterian church and he says right wing people are racist and then the president leaves and he goes on easter egg hunt or basketball shots. if i were the president i would have said look, he says what he says. i didn't know what he was going to say. i don't agree with it and then, boom. leave it on. but then ed henry comes out and goes i haven't talked to the president about it. that's because henry doesn't want to talk to the president. >> jay carney. >> ed henry is our guy. who kicked his butt up top. jay carney. see, carney doesn't want to talk to him about it, right? >> of course not. carney knew that these questions were going to come. is he a former reporter. and been in the national news. and he and fairly significant staff of deputies spend hours trying to figure out owhat the press is going to ask and manage the press. they knew this was coming. it looks more like carney
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had decided that he had no need to know and sort of hiding behind this argument. >> bill: he didn't want to know because there is really no explanation that's going to help the president. let's roll the clip on it and then you can sum it up. >> sure. >> were you surprised was he surprised that the reverend leon decided to get political and attack religious leaders in the religious right that they wanted blacks to be back in the back of the bus. seemed odd for easter. were you surprised by that? >> well, i wasn't there and i have not spoken with the president. i know that he enjoys going to easter services with his family. [ laughter ] >> bill: that's so ridiculous. >> that's lots of good tap dancing. he is trying to fall back on the idea that this is the pastor's believes, his sermon and not the president's. it's really risky business for white house spokesman to just clam up and say, look, i didn't talk to the president about it or i didn't know.
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press secretaries often get barred from meetings because others are worried that they're going to leak. sometimes press secretaries pretty much banish themselves so they have plausible didn't. not a good position for a spokesman to be. >> bill: embarrassing thing that happens. carney says i didn't talk to him about it that's not serving the american people. last word, cammeron. >> it can blow up in their faces. plenty of white house spokesman didn't know what was going on. >> bill: when we come right back, it will be miller time. are you, you crazy? we have five poll questions that if you answer in a certain way. you might find out you are insane. miller is next. did you know that if you wear a partial, you are almost twice as likely to lose the supporting teeth? even subtle movement of your partial can put stress on supporting teeth.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. let's get to the sage of southern california in new york city tonight. look how dapper he is. >> soho and i stay in chelsey this time i'm over at the renovated red light district place. new neighborhood called nomoho. >> you have to dress like that? you look almost clerical here. >> thank you, billy, i'm trying to look like one of the sisters who raised you so well. [ laughter ] bill bull you have got to wear something over your head, miller which would be an improvement. public policy polling ppp and i'm going to read the question and put it on the screen and miller is going to comment. unbelievable. first question, this is to
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the american public. do you believe that a secretive powerful ebleet a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through authoritarian world government or new world order or not. 28% do believe that. and all of them know glenn beck. 46% do not believe it. but i love. this 25% are not sure. >> that's because their brains have been scrubbed by their masters. listen, everybody thought it was going to be the build aberg group turns out it's the bloomberg group. too involved in our life. can i believe this? of course i do k. believe it i have biden in the on deck circle. can i believe anything for god's sake. at this point i would take flat lent death robots from space to rule me. >> but why. this is my question. why are you and i not in the secretive elite rulers? we should be there. if there. >> we are the 1%. got to be in the 99%.
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we are outside. >> this is unbelievable. more people believe there may be a secretive power elite governing the world than do not believe that second question. lee harvey oswald did he act alone or some larger conspiracy. acted alone 25. larger conspiracy 51. not sure 24%. so, again, it's almost 50%, 50%. of course i wrote "killing kennedy" oswald i know all about him. couple of things i couldn't answer. i would put myself in the not sure here because there are a couple of things after years i can't answer about that assassination. >> i read a lot on it too, billy. i think oswald had accomplice and his name is mark -- >> that's my co-author. >> bill: you can't do that not only do i think oswald shot kennedy, i think he shot lincoln and garfield and mckinley. i think he -- he would be too old. he couldn't do that. >> i think he gave zachery taylor gas astro. acute amoney i can't.
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gave cerebral hemorrhage and caused warren harding's heart attack and shot j.r. ewing and knocked up january jones. >> put you in the not sure. do you believe, this is a legitimate poll. do you believe immediate government adds secret mine controlling technology to television broadcast signals? do you believe that? 15% say yes. there are the secret -- things coming to your living room. 70% say. no no. they don't and not sure 15%. now, i think when you take into account msnbc, that it might be something to this question. >> i definitely believe they exist. they are called commercials. >> like tic-tacs i don't even want them. >> secret mind control. >> of course. they put that thing when they make the desert and coke sign. remember that years ago? >> sure. >> what does that do? you want to move to the desert. >> made me want to go see lawrence of arabia. >> that's a good movie.
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this is my favorite question of the poll. do you believe that paul mccartney died in a car crash in 1966 and secretly replaced by a lookalike so the beatles could continue? 5% do believe he was killed. not sure 14%. so that means 19%. >> yeah. >> do not believe 80%. because mccartney. is this an alien pod person. >> no. there is nobody else that could be in the beatles except those four. that's what made them the beatles. i think jerry and the pacemakers were put here to inhabit dick cheney's heart. that's my conspiracy. planted way back in the 1960's. jerry backed out. the pacemakers. >> i disagree. i think it was freddie and the dreamers. today was the group. final question. do you believe -- do you believe that shape shifting reptilian people control our world by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate our societies or not? >> i love that or not. so, 4% do believe there are
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shape shifting reptilian people and 7% aren't sure. that's 11% of the american population think maybe there is some reptiles that are influencing our lives. [ laughter ] >> bill: are you surprised there are this many crazy people in the world? >> billy, come on there are days i watch the news i don't leave my house. this is just the skim on the surface, baby. it is nutsville out there. you know that. just take me in your bunker. i know you built one out there in lovitt town. >> bill: i don't have one. my pal beck has 16 all over the place. >> beck has a cat that comb. >> he has reptilian i don't know person with a line through it we are going to care mary over for another 30 seconds because i want to roll this clip and miller will react. go. >> what do we got? >> bill: how many are you going to spot me on a one-on-one game. >> game to 11? >> bill: yeah. >> i would spot you 10. >> bill: you spot me 10.
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that's pretty cocky. >> here you go. >> oh. oh. oh. >> bill: all right. there you go. he still hasn't played me. that was like, what, three, four years ago? come on. i'm ready to go. >> he is better at shooting than he is picking winners in the green job category? really bad with green investments. >> three for 22. >> we will start shots. all be flushed. whole thing right there. what you didn't see was at the easter egg hunt biden is off the camera playing pin the tail on himself. >> bill: i'm ready mr. president to go on that game. spots me 10. dennis miller, everybody. we would like to thank everybody in denver, d.c., portland oregon, all the bolder fresher shows in those cities sold out. spokane and washington sold out in record time. we added a matinee. if we can get miller up
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saturday, july 20th at the inb performing arts center check everything out on bill o' another big bash at the white house. we are paying for it but we can't go. that report moments away. i you're suffering from constipation, miralax or metamucil may take days to work. for faster relief, try dulcolac laxative tablets. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight unlike miralax and metamucil that can take up to 3 days. dulcolac provides gentle relief overnight new griddle-melts to youre usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich. we can afford to take an extra trip this year.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. did you see that? we begin with the white house hosting a big blast on april 9th, next week. it will star alabama's shake queen latifah, allen green and justin timberlake ♪ go on and show them who you call daddy ♪ i guess there is a ♪ they had it ♪ oh my killer ♪ my thriller ♪ you are all mine ♪ tonight. >> bill: i think is he lip synching. juliet huddy has more on this.
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>> don't you ditch my justin timberlake. >> bill: do you like this guy. >> we all do. al green. it's a big concert. yes, the taxpayers essentially are paying for it because most of this is being funded by the corporation for public broadcasting. >> bill: so, pbs, they shoot it, and they put it on pbs. right? >> they do it at the white house. this has been going on since 1978. >> bill: they don't have any money huddy. we are $17 trillion in debt. it's a different world now. we have to pay to have all these people go to the white house, justin and queen latifah, all these people. pbs shoots it and puts it on pbs, right. >> also big corporate sponsors like pepsi for instance and foundations like the anninberg foundation. >> bill: how much did this cost to put it all together. >> nobody would answer us. we emailed pepsi they didn't respond to us. pbs said they were looking into it. >> bill: cost last year? >> they probably couldn't get any information on it. >> bill: they wouldn't tell
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you? >> i'm going to go with they just were busy today and they were trying -- they will get back to us tomorrow after the story already airs. >> bill: call them every day and find out how much this is costing. look, were you invited to this? >> as a matter of fact i was. >> bill: no you weren't. >> know wasn't. what would you do if i wasn't? >> bill: i understand why i'm not invited but huddy certainly should be. >> i'm trying to get an invite here that's why i'm being so kind. >> bill: i don't want my money going to this concert. i'm not being a fogy unless i know what good it's going to do the country. >> this is cultural. this is a cultural thing. they are trying -- the theme this year or this concert is "memphis" they do this quite a few times. >> bill: the apollo theater on private dime. why does the public have to get involved in this. >> at the white house 1978 done this through every sort of administration. all sorts of genres to country to pop to christian music. >> bill: i'm not getting this at all. >> you you are a music hatedder. doesn't make you feel.
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no i don't want the taking taxpayer money and wasting it, huddy. this is a cause of mine. >> it's a celebration of music and it's -- this goes to pbs. >> bill: i'm not celebrating. >> people -- i'm not celebrating of course you are not. people watching pbs that can't afford to go, you know, get hbo and look -- >> bill: do you know why they can't afford it. >> oh, boy, why? >> bill: because they are paying too many taxes. >> okay. >> bill: they put the show on o. do you see the cause? >> you are stretching. >> bill: no, i'm not. we were going to do a leno fallon thing. we don't have time. jay leno said today that he's out in a year and two months or something? >> and fallon is in. >> bill: you get fired and then there for 14 months. what is that all about? >> he is going out on top. his ratings are number one. >> bill: that's true. >> congratulations jimmy fallon. >> bill: i don't know fallon at all. but i like leno. and if he is happy, i'm happy. >> he has a lot of money that makes him happy i'm sure.
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>> bill: leno was good for that network so they should treat him well. >> you always think back to conan o'brien. >> bill: we have a spot for you jay. you can be a commentator here. we like jay. yes. we will take him. not to replace you. >> certainly not. >> bill: juliet huddy everybody, factor tip of the day. new book about fox news. the tip 60 seconds away. ♪ using supercomputing and mobile technology over our secure network, verizon innovators are building a world of
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medical treatment data in the cloud. so doctors can make a more informed diagnosis from anywhere, in seconds rather than months. because the world's biggest challenges deserve even bigger solutions. powerful answers. verizon. >> factor tip of the day. a new book fnc in a moment. you know the charities we support every year is the foundation helps the families who are victims of violent crime. i'll be doing a benefit in houston for the alexa foundation. a big time question and answer session with everybody there, in a very small venue. details final on and much about the i think
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graham-o'reilly shootout. lied about on many websites, no one blue up, we had a robust debate. and bill russell, brighton, michigan. as laura tried to explain, our belief system is our policy. we believe there are only two sexes and that marriage is between a man and a woman. we see other life styles as sin. let me break this to you gently as i can, bill. this is the crux of the matter. your belief system is constitutionally protected and i respect it. but if you think you will influence any u.s. policy with a sin analysis, you are misguide in the extreme. want to stop your country from going down the drain, fight smart. >> o'reilly charles krauthammer made a rational case, but your tone thumping
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the bible. i don't know how often you watch no one defends the judeo-christian tradition than i do. so if you were offended by my accurate remarks, i'm confused. context is everything. and tus loocaloostuscaloosa, yo of line and you shouted her down. certainly not true. laura had two uninterrupted minutes to make her point which she did. i stopped her because she misrepresented what i said about bible thumping and i had to clarify. i wasn't rude in any way, i was direct. i'm always direct. connie of-- ooh, hawaii. bill, laura was right. bible thumping is insulting just like tea bagger and bitter, and didn't say
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thumber, i said thumping i-n-g. that's the truth. those who dispute what i said should be ashamed. >> lake george, michigan, laura needs to get over the bible thumping, and she live her life and god bless american freedom. the factor tip of the day. fox news is attacked by many people on a daily basis, most don't watch fnc, but they're ideological loons. for those of you who do watch, check out a book, roger ailes off camera. this book chronicles it in a different way. and we'd like you to spout off about the factor,, name and town if you wish to opine.


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